ESTABUSWED MAY, 1895 U. No. 3 "ASSAS'^fafc.T-i ±t ADVANCE T H E TO THINK f9 1 iVe county agent has 8«cured I tfee Sollovinz quoUtloas for «ar- AR/tflT TARninSIQ ^ ««rket: $3.50 per 100 for miUIJ 1 UillU/EdlltJ piBt cmaa and M-W per 100 for ! qaari cans, or $35 per 1,00© tor Most Increase Feed Prodoctioa pint cana and>i5 per 1,000 fos --^Wtrst* «f-«oda Aitwii t^uart can6. Thb doea not in- ^iMvto rvnofTK I omue lite ireignt., . AMESICANS GO ON WAR BRBA9 SAHONS = ALUMNI GIVES '}w>ai pn» ^raqXiq »<{; jo p|Jok a^ JO fWR^m 01^ {{V'O) Xmion "OVER THE T O r Radoetioasl ta Crwt* iATccr to bgr Haover: Exports I SERVICE FLAG s s . - f f i i ' ^ Z - S S S I l AT CORN SHOW {Km tmumv. Gflbtf^t^Hu^ HMniflUTOTHER EEff^CRQSS^ —-d»^inr1iHrtine tl^rtJH'xnr*io*T T. DemoiutHrtion AgtBt) ' ^ BRANCH ORGANIZED t i e question of producing a| 1— Bofflcient iuiioi»t'tff food to gup- ^j#!«n»*" Mtmhmn NasM Mr. Tpiy oar.own needs and leave af 'B&Donald Chafarwaii "Com- surplus for tiwae dependent upon j . ty SlwiberBhip firowa. ns is of gravest importane*. It , -.. ,—"^—•'. la a problem that > v ^ JnHivM: „ ^ ° ^ ^ " . ^ ^ f " ^ ^ i ^ l l ^ ^ y . Ml of the nation ihod^ oonsid« eJ^P^"^ oi me AibWlOui 3M at this time. Tbo production of: 2 2 2 i f c f r ! ^ ! ! ! ° ! * S , a food suwrfy large enough to !?*'** .Z'*""***^ wxty wem- meet the situation can only \m *>«»• The officer, elected by brd^S^t about throu|^ the - Tha Igtpartant part-whkd^ food ^ is to play in winning tiie war ia Presentad ta School by Liwt. Maay~PeraMW XGJaw^ regulations evetx (by. Victory bread is the name selected by the Food Administratitn tor the ^Mlr bread diet which began Monday as system prescribed Saturday night by President Wibon and Co? One of the moat inteiiesting and impressive AasemUy pro- ^grams given at the Bigb School thia year was hdd last Wednes- ^»_. periu^M the_most fittinir Higli motto for her service flags would Priaee WilUam Boya T»km UM'B Reqad— jbe "HieFatherhood of God and Shur* of Awards Tfie "Brotherhood of Man." eencjusiom h*^ 8aid_tg__thE; he In zMtaz dents that he had felt that he had lived throagh great times himself, but that to them would come the privilege of Uving bitasvilic at Char- ExUbH. Jhe three Klhie laothers who £ook all the blue. ribUms at the MsnaaasB corn show made tiie same record in the state contest a part of the war rationing ***^ coming; the ftrst part of j through, and perhaps sharing in Saturday when the tenth annu«I t^^ «w-««>wwi «„f . .,^ *^e program befaig devoted to the 1 BtiU greater ones. \ f show of the Virginia Com Grow- -4lve-Bi^port «i ^ iho-HPeople. Those in a know have w;amed ua'tfaat the sjhortage in 1^ nalAiets thi^ year i^dU b^ serious. It is a duty for aU who can <ditaiiii fauid io .pwbdoee at kiat VB many^ wnwtiiMar as are Qeeded -for th« .I|cmae table, ^ whfther fn t)\e city, town^-Ji^ I^MTiK'cmmtry. l^is^wiU tower tlw cost of Hying and eommoreially grown-'mgetables to ipipi%^ those who caaaot ^XK ~ <&^e' liiem. TJB^B iry' to in- I per cent over laist year. bers. The officers elected 44he Catharpin Bnuldi are Mr. Ch«dM B^^McDon^d, chairman; Mrs. C. F. Broirer, vice chair- man; Mrs. J. W. Caton, treas- arf^.ii^ Mrs. I^ K. Lyiin. secre- tary. The yromen of the Ixvadi hsyc ifpmted a woztooom in the, ha& 9ffered by the" Sttmewall ' tne FMK! Adminisirction tailmcnt of con»umpti|Hi will be accompHidied largt^l^^by voluiv tary effort, but force wiH he enl- •pK^ed wherever peraBfCfed"uii- der the food contrd act. subject of coal eon8ervati(m, aind I The graduate members now in ers' Association the latter pail Ui the prweBta^ j the army and repreannted bj UIB ChAriattagvlll^. was held at Thamt Priuw Ave per cent «ubstitutioiiefotit.J"P^r*^'»«°* Stearnes letter er ceresta for wheat OBM twenty > . • ? * ? * •"**™*«°'**^ Council, Order PrsterMl Ameri-Ler cent aabrfitutiobtf^rwi^ requesting that aU cans. <pd have been l^jisiiy knh- Fehrtiagv 2A yhoola hold a ^oal conservation, o^,«™.^ '^^ - ^ - _ i l ^ —^ ^gram. Thi* was followed by P^WiUBg «« «MiDIRB8 ipai^m Tsstpnai-gfr^ tlon of the service flag givMi by I stars on the flag are: Lieut! William com ^lub boys won all the Alamai Association to the] Percy Haydon, Lieut. Boswell'exie^ seecMid {riaeeia ^esusto- Hi^ School. J Btmnd, Sergeant Hunton CoXrleM^class; whidi was taken by a ; TlM program .iq)ened -wth^jMieatley Johnson, Benjamin boy frwn Albemarle. The piwtt- « « « « -«^ prayer, followed by a BiMe read- Johnson, Eari Merrill, Paul Weir, iums offered amounted to 180. of. The chief featui^s of the food ^ ^^ ^ ^^^ Kite, a n d > r t « - tJ««n, George AdamsoSTwhich thelOine brothers won ^ the dngmg of "America the Carroll Rice, Clyde Simmons, S25. l«>aviTiff y; ^'/>»^ riM th^ i>thirr BeaotifHi" by the school, Miiw|BurrTSifton «pd Maurice Har^ counties r^resented " Brafly Round ihm read State refl; th^ three associate members.) Mr. J. M. KKne, father of the conservation progrim are; A" b«k^8 bnttd^of «i^;^ flours beginning Monday liltii SUe by retkflers to lil^asehohK a series of readings and talks <m f w m ^ i ^ p » l i a s maSe atitut%,flo«ar for every pound of anotheir sUpuent of knitted tor ^Satri- wheat 1^ eoal m^the hoim, snd-Cont^ order, bv Dwjgfat Hop- r^rei^ted are Marahail Hay- don, i(rim WiBeoxoD and Frank Brower. ^4wiil,.f!nmMittwi boys, won third place in the te&- «ar cBuM. EQs emu attracted modi atteatioB at th^ show. Mr. KUne was appelated A directer eg ibe aasodattao. - ^SMfleage Booir Drive J. M. KBne, bMt whlti Jr., exhiMted tfe« or and wbo|ewiers to- only sevsBty pe^ cent Rice Greeia, Beverly Walk- ', and Miss UBiaBLarkiB. Af- A local campaign is'bemg con- dutied fui the sala of the "Smile-' aor of com m tm jtortie, tDchKHnr hotti bo9«' mi Ayriloweacaa-- hlbltad by Mir. BMsBsg, ol Tlie age ^^ Books" originated by fbeJ^***^: Pwwpuer epimty, ^ The time f « planting wfll soeo ™y* - ' Z*:' |«nJy aeviHty pe*- cent < ^iSl~'— ^r''Zr"Z'tl' ~lMiBtary Entertainment Coaiidl Nacedwer this white earmjOft J,4e«^4a* W t r S ^ The chapter »» t^eiv^idx^^jq^s^ i^ibnr^.s^^^^ by the Secaetaiy of - • • ^ • t ^ "^l"^ « J ~ » « » - . logout for seeds is ^<e«dy here. ? ? ^ ^ * ^ " ^ Y^^^^^F'^'^-'~^^^^^^~^''^^^ TheiooiB,-whk}x m\^ 1^'^^^,'^^,^^^ Xet us n«K» sanely: Sid, plant S* «^SA<>riP«i«tiw: ll«.| Two wbeatJ^daya a . , | « k - - 5 ^ ?^^J*^^'^'i^ and |5. Me made «J»» ^ " S ^ ^ b ^ e « tl» bejjroperly caMdior. /SfcM!®I2*^^^****^^'^**' w^wheafless-mealaday:" , T W r t ^ thr^r^**^^- '^^'^Mgh win Aitittei^hoiderr^^^ b e l i i W " ^ oiv.TWne^ PTOdncefjg more than a mnchT^gy ^ , g ^ ^ ^ ; 7 y ; J g ^ 5 j Ctae. meittesavday a j y i ^ ^ i^rger aeiAeetad tibrdi|9. hasjqwide itJKWftfcftir _ 'earta^ gardmers^ to ettain li^ f^~^ tMe of soda for 1?^ per tap,|°*** ^|S.0s*,yuHi^o«,.ii«rti55«* S ^ S ^ i J v S T h ^ S ^ . * • ^^^ Performances-to day." i-.^^ ^ ^ ' v ? ' y * ^ ' ^ ^ »*?*-' giveii'in the Liberty iheat be ^kj«ia:day8 n ^«ar. He conjtrasted 5ii^ are, B^^manypiiMafcidi %rbwt a taomasy. fMace Wffiaw Sr^Sz?WSryV^^^*^«^^^^^%^^^^^^^^^-^^ to bnthten the Sw ^ ^ T ^ w h ? ^ + / j r «°d A-.L. Hotafaiger. BeDehavenSroyslde ChOi WB Meet rt «f«^ «rgeM need rf savfaig wefjr u^ae SamV fighting men urged tiiat aU who wish io use i^^^^:. -»» • nitAte tA wdajnake al^rfieation ?**"*%' T** f^'^^'^T. Ifrff.' Hrt^rfi-v N*^ Thiirrfay. shiwlfnl Mtd ihw4t mww the '<'& i<mfft <wjy befo^Jionai^/Feb- i ^""^^ liomiuri. Miss ABec-ge- g ^ ^ . "jlr. Sl^ie haspany fighting men by. ** ^ i*"*™* ^ his "splendid sue^ prmcintiDit • finiflfsp hmit tii **** ** * "*^ »««»<«•- —d ttia^ fart that the great? IfasannC tJM> H„„^ f^j^^p ^j,^ ^^^^ ^ ^„.,, ww»iBg •iwwM he.pwHid nf-4h^ , . . , . j^,^fe*JwgM^J^ iLeominanahg offl^ fur a atddiCT "*'""^. he and his aons hmm - Lynn. Mta» Rebecca Jaaney, •««*»<» <3abitffl hold a meettpg^ trriniiig fat hafaits e l t t e i f t a B ^ ,,j^ hMnt a friend tcf tKntTrf"""l^" Jfr- ll«i»»»eiy said . _ _ -_ „^—- -* «.«» -.-i.^t ^-* -m^-^-j- -i-.^ -. inrtead : «rf the, old junj^^^ . ;fnrth». 'TVe tmst, hmmftr. •.'•"• •S:?.- - ...w.^. ^ J wca-u.j«»i^«»»«»»,-wi^ w. TheSunnyaids Home Demda*. war for ^rLSLwil^^r^'S. Lynn. Mtas Rebecca jam»y, irt«tlon GhA wffl hold a meetiiMr t^^ ^^^^J^^J^^<'^^'^»^y'iBBBW^Se- t 2:80 o'clb^ next ThUrsdaaT, ec«K»«y ^Sr^ !!??•!? 1 - ^ w i ? r l e ^ . ICss M«ne Sdecman. H. afternoon at the home of Mr, w^rteful ^»^^5^^^^^*^«^J^^ aubject for discu«sion is_crtrfu% give good resolts OB mediumt ^^^r^J^^^^^^' ^^^^"^ JoorsoiL It may be applied in gy*» . ? f ^ ' } ^ ^ " doiLg the i ^ ;and working M^t^^JT^^jJT. way* of the past; aadi j^ meeting of thetoealcommit. '•»»* "*°y "^ * ^ fiumera here • • i l l I I WWttiITi~iiri71lH • m i - ^ — —— ^ m 1 III fc I I ... ^ . ^ , ^"«J<Huu ' tee wasfaddS a l u ^ to diacoss "^" l^-I^Mt •Hie subject tor duKuasun is_e^tfu% ban tids, woirid tite jj,„g j^, ^j^ ,j,,j^ irtiich is in «*» this year, and qot aUopr one Hiner. ^ ^ ^ w o r f ^ - E v e r y member k w i r l ^ | progress this week, the mem-"^ <»^ ^"^^^ *<> <»^ • ^ •» Leehe E. ^tfP^ tP.b^ present and prepaaid—ifi thf finirnp trf liiri iniinikn (njn piesml waiii IKPFT Hi Q. *****•"'**•'^"*"''^** "™ff**r «•** " expressed Ml Burr, Mr. C. A, Mrtirf^«m«nr atate^iMww^ T. E. to give views or saggaatiaiis on better, perfiay for ftmee ITO- MsDonald fbached burning will lewdt podnd id ItX) feet of row is yle for each yp^Kci^on. Kichara GoUms. Mrs." CoHiDS, WJdter Downs, LBtt«er:«»«^ *»8 attend. Mrs. T. E. HaiaCT; Larldtt, Mn. W. L^ ciaQoD ssda eaft he gotten ' f i ^ the-si-; Jaju-Rcas=t moa^W. HI &:<«BiaB. F, H. Ssai-^ Groveton lijEan V. Gabert. tlfofis «f their'rememtmBce of home dereoiuteatimi^jdQrinffWilbiesai^^ laabeOe ai^fTiilao his pieasare hi ike fact W. Sanders^ MOBtgomny, Bmy Oumjhm. . Tt^iB a^gianlMJl aB who wirir to porehase tin eaaa for flie sea- sim mt 191& Mttepd te | K T g once. T%eeoun^ agent eaqiects ^ to sold m order aboat the n^ i'f^J.' ders, Charles R. McDonald, Mxa. Caiaries R. McDonald, Mrs. W. fi. jand Hicloar Grom Good Housekeepers' CMba have IntlieepaB^' selHff gtadaales sad were nert rTwerr -• r. - » - ' - " . , taken up home demoastiataon BtldUJ—fld ta thdr woric H?» OAMRUNG ABK RAI9SD, IfiasTTusis Jrftiss. AW^WriLuader the anspiiya^jflM^ _ju the condnsion trf-hia-ad- belt Jeffries, Jett FMtie, ife^Jt^al* extension service. Hick- dzeas the tags sent by the State. Jct^ Pattia Wl'llfll yf"^"^.'*^ ^*'** smt hi itsfirst^re^ortD^pgfatqat were dtstrfetttod t » Mrs. T, J. Caton, C. T. Gat«i, ' « * * ' • nsaeoaw heid on Jsnaazy am stadats by the Boar recently u t e t c<Bcers <rf4kr hwr r^ded t h e ^ ^ " a ve*sel en Arscalarmaeth«oftteTe«ni tta Alexandria, in y,^m*t*Y «f r««« ynii will Waiitt wa jSiis seaacm and sixes and if yoa —jm 4^ act by the time named-Oari -^^ Hoose Can Company w 9 see that we are sundied. Tea art ad- viaedr blT afl tMana, if yon waarr cans not to pat tMs off—for as yoa know, there la such a woo- derfBI coDgesticm ia traBe that W. Caton, Waykad CUf-i " •*•*•»• jl»o«« o* i^- ^o*^ * * • i»llfc the reqoeat tiHt th«y tag B«B W. T. ^ewimeat, R. M.!*" ^"S Witaheth TTwanss is tfMir'feai she^rfs at hease, the '^'^— . jiresidegtaf^etah. ,>ij»rf A.,^ K.^^ . a ^ ^,y>.i ing coaacameB A1iaBMr»tobe«i«aB«tthe bdbic the distr^Btion hy two ll«ia"»I>- I ml iif thf umifcithii ihili whkh MBIH TISIHII tJu«M and lf«.I lehnsttn, 0 . tadMCathatpin Branch. I w ^0' bMpic the distr^ntioB fay two feartethedifcwhiehTBiitarBtfplt^«a|t aatMttr beat report pwniUy DiADGURAlS DAW TODAY tMRIea. "V"^ «y> ppaent: R. T. 1 '. ^i ^ringtan^ll^Tt. C.;eoartof Fairfax eoaafty and 0. B. Newjnaa, J^iert of iXVt and eoste were m Spesden and H. D. Wenridi. The optm' twenty-one of the Edm«r Heath. ' Bsiautea of tbe Tax Deputy CdOactor Bon. Westmordaad Dam T. E. Hndaon win be at Manaasaa, inaognrated goverwn- of Vir- at the Prince William Hbtd oajginlaat IliSOo'ckwk this mora- wemust have <»4en HI so that the 7th and » h days ^ February I ing in the state «apitaL Owing cans mty be ^Bopped thaAoftfl|>-|1918, i^ wWdt thne he wiB takelto the sweie sasiw storm and the portuni^, in Mder~&iSl«e may i pieasore in giving any assistant |sinan~8pM«avuIabieat tte 6. Raymond RMfidCeMxt . . , ...„ .__. . address deaeribins the **"* """^ **'*''*'^ ^ ^ ^ ^**'^''*^ of the war Hiv^s aad!^*"*^^"*'''^'*'^ ^'^'''^^'*'* hddin fBOObeadferUsi t l ^ stampa, >-« -.^^ « n, »ade by S.q«r»Bt«Jen» Roe«- '^^'^^'f^l^^'f^J^Tt- gent ^anneal to the students to ^**'** otK^^n- w^*r * ^^rwK^a m .^lafift ^ns^ sn^. • -T . . ^^^ •t.^.s^ ^ # ^ ^ nan Arrincten of the Cemetery ployed on tiie ark were ratpuisd, mvon m ine stanna, aa lar aa ... . _ • • , . . , . t h ^ TSffnM. aadto get their Coamuttee and Com^Mn to fprmst i m p e n d aach ftr frtada ^ invest, j B t t o S ^ * * " * * "^ tlwr PahHc PHWaaiUii j44^hu*ttM-at ^ ^it Ihwii "iu tliusc -u takhig ililffiilf eat tima as long frdght through and on account of erabargoea it nay tidce eonaid- from tiMoe conditions. heaiLfltrntara to tJita«am<UBn^ can' mmpaniss write, are - tl»'pe^j^i matt be in facta that when spring opens op thaCofleetor a t R o a a c ^ e r lata- conditions are sure to be of ^ depatiea, by March 1. WM, worse around the manufacturing j^ otder to avoid penalties. ttaMlK taaiwal ^ _ tax retortis; mow AM 4r sUi \Arinarrieaperiions as uaual to get Jncome of 12.00© and aB singlfe ________ penMsa (iadudjag widows ladjaai^ir^all takaa pfiee ii^ widiArery) having net income ofiauiunea^s berequired tp ttiake a thsji' wnnW Bflt <n|y for'the warbat wonldfomthe'.^ . ^ . habit of aaving as ! ^ V ^ "^ of PabiicSaf- a written-report, <firsrtMtg attiiitinn to aed next week. The gambling paraph^nalia —il—Aa i.«Kif «T>/««>—«IA. f>». MiwiwB ••••m«i w i » iwT WfMfd Iff the pflleiala was takes aod in- ^TLT^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . at Raflberaehoelbaflfe>g. which to Fairfax Courthwiae und«_ •!_ sH bnsinne siieinsss . I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . r T ^ . ^ T ^ ! * . . . r*^M#'S--yw>.j»>«B».,, we , - -' ep«B BMlds Jnatead of antside gaard at deputy aheniis. It COD- Laat canie_the presoitabon of , ^ j , sa-iJaed aaaafa: TW slated of keao, rafflaand tooiatte ^p^f——IB-. Oarence W. Wagener, scSooTby liwit. Geo^^^Smmd, centers. Yofu have nothings to lose and ail t^ jirain by ^aciz^! yiw.order ar'v for cans, and have them ahippea in to you just as aoon as the :'acton«» can ship them. ofjferaMriy of Miwssssi, was re- theoeremo^bek« cntly promoted to the positioi) followed by the singinc of The of ftrst assistant to the advertis- Star-^jangled Bannor" and "God lag manager of tbe Allen Motor Save Our Men" by the school HAST, Collector.! Company, Foetoria, Ohio, wifiere Mr. Round spoke with deep feel- he bad been employed since WW. ing of the aigniftoaiiwp and awsn —The Manassas High School; Mr. Wagener is the SOB of Mayor ing of the flag, and also of the Da.<*«cetbaa team w » ptay the; and Mrs. W. C. Wagener, of Ma- glorious part that America, led >--•;.;nera railway team hefe to-.naasas. and a ^former editor of by Provideice, was called upon -,r-r w The Journal to play in the Great War. ^She JQHNM. —Mias Hden Berry, (rf Rich-, —"lieaotved. That th« United^ mond, a former teacher in Vbe States Navy is a greater source M^nawpa' graded school, has the of defense foj our crtunt r' diatinciieBof being the first wo^tba Army," ia ih»>u««'^»4 .•>"ri-*- man to delivo' the ~(&accDor's ed for debate at a me, -f f thf Message to the General Ass^n-'Ader. ?<-&..1 Tivi I t-a^uf Fn> hly. Miss Berry ia aasistaat rchn.uar;i :i. The speaker^ th« GcvenK>r'8 secretary. n>i''. not inctxi.


Page 1: THE TO THINK ALUMNI GIVES OVEn R THE · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABUSWED MAY, 1895 U. No. 3 "ASSAS'^fafc.T-i ±t ADVANCE THE

ESTABUSWED MAY, 1 8 9 5 U. No. 3 "ASSAS' fafc.T-i




1 iVe county agent has 8«cured I tfee Sollovinz quoUtloas for «ar-

AR/tflT TARninSIQ ^ ««rket: $3.50 per 100 for m i U I J 1 UillU/EdlltJ piBt cmaa and M-W per 100 for

! qaari cans, or $35 per 1,00© tor Most Increase Feed Prodoctioa pint cana and>i5 per 1,000 fos --^Wtrst* «f-«oda Aitwii t uart can6. Thb doea not in-

^iMvto rvnofTK I omue lite ireignt., . •



ALUMNI GIVES '}w>ai pn» raqXiq »<{; jo p|Jok a^ JO fWR m 01^ {{V'O) Xmion "OVER THE T O r

Radoetioasl ta Crwt* iATccr


bgr Haover: Exports I SERVICE FLAG s s . - f f i i ' ^ Z - S S S I l AT CORN SHOW

{Km tmumv. Gflbtf t Hu^ HMniflUTOTHER EEff CRQSS —-d»^inr1iHrtine tl rtJH'xnr*io*T T. DemoiutHrtion AgtBt) ' ^ BRANCH ORGANIZED t i e question of producing a| 1—

Bofflcient iuiioi»t'tff food to gup- ^j#!«n»*" Mtmhmn NasM Mr. Tpiy oar.own needs and leave af 'B&Donald Chafarwaii "Com-surplus for tiwae dependent upon j . ty SlwiberBhip firowa. ns is of gravest importane*. It , -.. ,—"^—•'. la a problem that > v ^ JnHivM: „^°^^". ^ ^ f " ^ ^ i ^ l l ^ ^ y . Ml of the nation ihod^ oonsid« eJ^P^"^ oi me AibWlOui 3M

at this time. Tbo production of: 2 2 2 i f c f r ! ^ ! ! ! ° ! * S , a food suwrfy large enough to !?*'** .Z'*""***^ wxty wem-meet the situation can only \m *>«»• The officer, elected by brd^S t about throu|^ the

- Tha Igtpartant part-whkd food ^ is to play in winning tiie war ia

Presentad ta School by Liwt.

Maay~PeraMW XGJaw^

regulations evetx (by. Victory bread is the name selected by the Food Administratitn tor the Mlr bread diet which began Monday as system prescribed Saturday night by President Wibon and


One of the moat inteiiesting and impressive AasemUy pro-

^grams given at the Bigb School thia year was hdd last Wednes-

^»_. periu^M the_most fittinir Higli motto for her service flags would Priaee WilUam Boya T»km U M ' B

Reqad— jbe "HieFatherhood of God and Shur* of Awards Tfie "Brotherhood of Man." eencjusiom h* 8aid_tg__thE;


In zMtaz

dents that he had felt that he had lived throagh great times himself, but that to them would come the privilege of Uving

bitasvilic at Char-


Jhe three Klhie laothers who £ook all the blue. ribUms at the MsnaaasB corn show made tiie same record in the state contest

a part of the war rationing *** coming; the ftrst part of j through, and perhaps sharing in Saturday when the tenth annu«I t^^ «w-««>wwi «„f . . , ^ *^e program befaig devoted to the 1 BtiU greater ones. \ f show of the Virginia Com Grow-

-4lve-Bi^port «i ^ iho-HPeople. Those in a know have w;amed ua'tfaat the sjhortage in 1 ^ nalAiets thi^ year ii dU b^ serious. It is a duty for aU who can <ditaiiii fauid io .pwbdoee at kiat VB many wnwtiiMar as are Qeeded -for th« .I|cmae table,

^ whfther fn t)\e city, town^-Ji^ I MTiK'cmmtry. l is wiU tower tlw cost of Hying and eommoreially grown-'mgetables to ipipi%^ those who caaaot XK

~ <& e' liiem. TJB^B iry' to in-

I per cent over laist year.

bers. The officers elected 44he Catharpin Bnuldi are Mr.

Ch«dM B^^McDon^d, chairman; Mrs. C. F. Broirer, vice chair­man; Mrs. J. W. Caton, treas-arf^.ii^ Mrs. I^ K. Lyiin. secre­tary. The yromen of the Ixvadi hsyc ifpmted a woztooom in the, ha& 9ffered by the" Sttmewall

' tne FMK! Adminisirction tailmcnt of con»umpti|Hi will be accompHidied largt l ^by voluiv tary effort, but force wiH he enl-

•pK^ed wherever peraBfCfed"uii-der the food contrd act.

subject of coal eon8ervati(m, aind I The graduate members now in ers' Association the latter pail Ui the prweBta^ j the army and repreannted bj UIB ChAriattagvlll .

was held at Thamt Priuw

Ave per cent «ubstitutioiiefotit.J"P^r*^'»«°* Stearnes letter er ceresta for wheat OBM twenty > . • ? * ? * •"**™*«°'**^

Council, Order PrsterMl Ameri-Ler cent aabrfitutiobtf^rwi^ requesting that aU cans. <pd have been l jisiiy knh- Fehrtiagv 2A yhoola hold a oal conservation, o^,«™.^

'^^ - • ^ - _ i l ^ — ^ ^gram. Thi* was followed by P^WiUBg « « «MiDIRB8 ipai^m Tsstpnai-gfr^

tlon of the service flag givMi by I stars on the flag are: Lieut! William com lub boys won all the Alamai Association to the] Percy Haydon, Lieut. Boswell'exie^ seecMid {riaeeia ^esusto-H i ^ School. J Btmnd, Sergeant Hunton CoXrleM^class; whidi was taken by a ; TlM program .iq)ened -wth^jMieatley Johnson, Benjamin boy frwn Albemarle. The piwtt-

« « « « - « ^ prayer, followed by a BiMe read- Johnson, Eari Merrill, Paul Weir, iums offered amounted to 180. of. The chief featui^s of the food ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Kite, a n d > r t « - tJ««n, George AdamsoSTwhich thelOine brothers won ^

the dngmg of "America the Carroll Rice, Clyde Simmons, S25. l«>aviTiff y; '/>» riM th^ i>thirr BeaotifHi" by the school, Miiw|BurrTSifton «pd Maurice Har counties r^resented " Brafly Round ihm read State refl; th^ three associate members.) Mr. J. M. KKne, father of the

conservation progrim are; A" b«k^8 bnttd^of «i^;^

flours beginning Monday liltii

SUe by retkflers to lil asehohK a series of readings and talks <m

f w m ^ i ^ p » l i a s maSe atitut%,flo«ar for every pound of anotheir sUpuent of knitted

tor ^Satri-wheat 1 ^ eoal m^the hoim, snd-Cont^

order, bv Dwjgfat Hop-

r^rei^ted are Marahail Hay­don, i(rim WiBeoxoD and Frank Brower.


boys, won third place in the te&-«ar cBuM. EQs emu attracted modi atteatioB at th^ show. Mr. KUne was appelated A directer eg ibe aasodattao. -

^SMfleage Booir Drive

J. M. KBne, bMt whlti

Jr., exhiMted tfe« or

and wbo|ewiers to-only sevsBty pe cent

Rice Greeia, Beverly Walk-', and Miss UBiaBLarkiB. Af-

A local campaign is'bemg con-dutied fui the sala of the "Smile-'

— aor of com m tm jtortie, tDchKHnr hotti bo9«' mi

Ayriloweacaa--hlbltad by Mir. BMsBsg, ol Tlie



Books" originated by fbeJ^***^: Pwwpuer epimty, ^ The time f « planting wfll soeo ™y* - ' Z*:' |«nJy aeviHty pe*- cent < ^ i S l ~ ' — ^ r ' ' Z r " Z ' t l ' ~lMiBtary Entertainment Coaiidl Nacedwer this white earmjOft J , 4 e « ^ 4 a * W t r S ^ The chapter » » t^eiv^idx^^jq^s^ i^ibnr^.s^^^^ by the Secaetaiy of - • • ^ • t ^ "^l"^ « J ~ » « » - . logout for seeds is ^<e«dy here. ? ? ^ ^ * ^ " ^ Y^^^^^F'^'^-'~^^^^^^~^''^^^ TheiooiB,-whk}x m\^ 1 ^ ' ^ ^ ^ , ' ^ ^ , ^ ^ ^ Xet us n«K» sanely: Sid, plant S * «^SA<>riP«i«tiw: l l « . | Two wbeatJ^daya a . , | « k - - 5 ^ ? ^ ^ J * ^ ^ ' ^ ' i ^ and |5. Me made «J»» ^ " S ^ ^ b ^ e « tl»

bejjroperly caMdior. / S f c M ! ® I 2 * ^ ^ ^ * * * * ^ ^ ' ^ * * ' w^wheafless-mealaday:" , T W r t ^ thr^r^**^^- '^^'^Mgh win Aitittei^hoiderr^^^ bel i iW"^ oiv.TWne^ PTOdncefjg more than a mnchT^gy ^ , g ^ ^ ^ ; 7 y ; J g ^ 5 j Ctae. meittesavday a j y i ^ ^ i^rger aeiAeetad tibrdi|9.

hasjqwide itJKWftfcftir _ 'earta^ gardmers to ettain li^ f^~^ tMe of soda for 1?^ per tap,|°***

^|S.0s*,yuHi^o«,.ii«rti55«* S ^ S ^ i J v S T h ^ S ^ . * • ^^^ Performances-to day." i-.^^ ^ ^ ' v ? ' y * ^ ' ^ ^ »*?*-' giveii'in the Liberty iheat


^kj«ia:day8 n ^«ar. He conjtrasted 5ii^ are,


%rbwt a taomasy. fMace Wffiaw

S r ^ S z ? W S r y V ^ ^ ^ * ^ « ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ % ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ to bnthten the Sw ^ ^ T ^ w h ? ^ + / j r «°d A-.L. Hotafaiger. BeDehavenSroyslde ChOi WB Meet rt «f« «rgeM need rf savfaig wefjr u^ae SamV fighting men urged tiiat aU who wish io use i^^^^:. -»» • nitAte tA wdajnake al rfieation ?**"*%' T** f ' ' T. Ifrff.' Hrt rfi-v N*^ Thiirrfay. shiwlfnl Mtd ihw4t mww the


i<mfft <wjy befo^Jionai^/Feb- i ^""^^ liomiuri. Miss ABec-ge-

g ^ ^ . "jlr. Sl^ie haspany fighting men by. ** ^ i*"*™* ^ his "splendid sue

prmcintiDit • finiflfsp hmit tii **** ** * "*^ »««»<«•- —d ttia^ fart that the great? IfasannC tJM> H„„^ f^j^^p ^j,^ ^^^^ ^ ^„.,, ww»iBg •iwwM he.pwHid nf-4h^

, . „ . „ , . j^,^fe*JwgM^J^ iLeominanahg offl^ fur a atddiCT "*'"" . he and his aons hmm -Lynn. Mta» Rebecca Jaaney, •««*»<» <3abitffl hold a meettpg trriniiig fat hafaits eltteiftaB^ , , j ^ hMnt a friend tcf tKntTrf"""l^" Jfr- ll«i»»»eiy said

. _ _ -_ „^—- -* «.«» -.-i.^t ^ - * -m^-^-j- -i-. -. inrtead : «rf the, old junj^^^ . ;fnrth». 'TVe tmst, hmmftr.

• . ' • " •


- ...w. . ^ J wca-u.j«»i^«»»«»»,-wi^ w. TheSunnyaids Home Demda*. war for ^ r L S L w i l ^ ^ r ^ ' S . Lynn. Mtas Rebecca jam»y, irt«tlon GhA wffl hold a meetiiMr t ^ ^ ^^^^J^^J^^<'^^'^»^y'iBBBW^Se- t 2:80 o'clb^ next ThUrsdaaT, ec«K»«y ^Sr^ !!??•!? 1 - ^ w i ? r l e ^ . ICss M«ne Sdecman. H. afternoon at the home of Mr, w^rteful

^ » ^ ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ « ^ J ^ ^ aubject for discu«sion is_crtrfu% give good resolts OB mediumt ^^^r^J^^^^^^' ^^^^"^

JoorsoiL It may be applied in gy*» . ? f ^ ' } ^ ^ "

doiLg the i ^ ;and working M^t^^JT^^jJT.

way* of the past; aadi j^ meeting of the toeal commit. '•»»* "*°y " *^ fiumera here • • i l l I I WWttiITi~iiri71lH • m i - ^ — —— ^ m 1 III fc I I . . . ^ . ^ , "«J<Huu ' tee was fadd S a l u ^ to diacoss " " l -I Mt

•Hie subject tor duKuasun is_e^tfu% ban tids, woirid tite jj,„g j ^ , ^j^ ,j,,j^ irtiich is in «*» this year, and qot aUopr one Hiner. ^^^worf^-Every member k w i r l ^ | progress this week, the mem-"^ <» ^"^^^ *<> < » ^ • ^ •»

Leehe E. ^tfP^ tP.b^ present and prepaaid—ifi thf finirnp trf liiri iniinikn (njn piesml waiii IKPFT Hi Q. *****•"'**•' "*"'' ** "™ff**r «•** " expressed Ml Burr, Mr. C. A, Mrtirf «m«nr atate iMww^

T. E. to give views or saggaatiaiis on better, perfiay for ftmee ITO-


fbached burning will lewdt podnd id ItX) feet of row is yle for each yp^Kci on.

Kichara GoUms. Mrs." CoHiDS, WJdter Downs, LBtt«er:«»«^ *»8 attend.

Mrs. T. E. HaiaCT; Larldtt, Mn. W. L

ciaQoD ssda eaft he gotten ' f i ^ the-si-;

Jaju-Rcas=t moa^W. HI &:<«BiaB. F, H. Ssai- Groveton

lijEan V. Gabert. tlfofis «f their'rememtmBce of home dereoiuteatimi^jdQrinffWilbiesai^^ laabeOe

ai fTiilao his pieasare hi ike fact W. Sanders


Bmy Oumjhm. . Tt iB a^gianlMJl aB who wirir to porehase tin eaaa for flie sea-sim mt 191& Mttepd te | K T g once. T%eeoun^ agent eaqiects ^ to sold m order aboat the n^i'f^J.'

ders, Charles R. McDonald, Mxa. Caiaries R. McDonald, Mrs. W. fi.

jand Hicloar Grom Good Housekeepers' CMba have

IntlieepaB^' selHff gtadaales sad were nert

rTwerr -• r. —

- — » - • ' - • • " • . , •

taken up home demoastiataon BtldUJ—fld ta thdr woric • H ? »

OAMRUNG ABK RAI9SD, IfiasTTusis Jrftiss. AW^WriLuader the anspiiya^jflM^ _ju the condnsion trf-hia-ad-belt Jeffries, Jett FMtie, ife^Jt^al* extension service. Hick- dzeas the tags sent by the State. Jct Pattia Wl'llfll yf"^"^.'*^ ^*'** smt hi its first^re^ort D^pgfatqat were dtstrfetttod t» Mrs. T, J. Caton, C. T. Gat«i, ' «** ' • nsaeoaw heid on Jsnaazy am stadats by the Boar

recently utet c<Bcers <rf4kr hwr r^ded t h e ^ ^ " a ve*sel en

Arscalarmaeth«oftteTe«ni tta Alexandria, in

y,^m*t*Y «f r««« ynii will Waiitt


jSiis seaacm and sixes and if yoa —jm 4^ act by the time named-Oari -^^ Hoose Can Company w 9 see that we are sundied. Tea art ad-viaedr blT afl tMana, if yon waarr cans not to pat tMs off—for as yoa know, there la such a woo-derfBI coDgesticm ia traBe that

W. Caton, Waykad CUf-i " •*•*•»• jl»o«« o* i^- ^o*^ **• i»llfc the reqoeat tiHt th«y tag B«B W. T. ^ewimeat, R. M.!*" ^"S Witaheth TTwanss is tfMir'feai she^rfs at hease, the ' ' — .

jiresidegtaf^etah. ,>ij»rf A . , ^ K.^^ . a ^ ^,y>.i ing coaacameB A1iaBMr»tobe«i«aB«tthe bdbic the distr^Btion hy two ll«ia"»I>-

I ml iif thf umi fci thii ihili whkh MBIH TISIHII tJu«M and lf«.I lehnsttn, 0 . tadMCathatpin Branch. I w ^0' bMpic the distr^ntioB fay two feartethedifcwhiehTBiitarBtfplt^«a|t aatMttr beat report pwniUy



"V"^ «y> ppaent: R. T. 1 '. i ^ringtan^ll^Tt. C.;eoartof Fairfax eoaafty and 0. B. Newjnaa, J^iert of iXVt and eoste were m

Spesden and H. D. Wenridi. The optm' twenty-one of the Edm«r Heath. ' Bsiautea of tbe

Tax Deputy CdOactor Bon. Westmordaad Dam T. E. Hndaon win be at Manaasaa, inaognrated goverwn- of Vir-at the Prince William Hbtd oajginlaat IliSOo'ckwk this mora-

wemust have <»4en HI so that the 7th and »h days ^ February I ing in the state «apitaL Owing cans mty be Bopped thaAoft fl|>-| 1918, i^ wWdt thne he wiB takelto the sweie sasiw storm and the portuni^, in Mder~&iSl«e may i pieasore in giving any assistant |sinan~8pM«avuIabieat tte

6. Raymond RMfidCeMxt . . , . . .„ .__. . address deaeribins the **"* """ **'*''*'^ ^ ^ ^**'^''*^

of the war Hiv^s aad!^*"*^^"*'''^'*'^ ^'^'''^^'*'* hddin fBOObeadferUsi t l ^ stampa, >-« - .^^ « n, »ade by S.q«r»Bt«Jen» Roe«- '^^'^^'f^l^^'f^J^Tt-gent anneal to the students to **'** otK^^n- w^*r * ^^rwK^a m . lafift ^ns^ sn^. • -T . . ^ ^ •t.^.s^ ^ # ^ ^ nan Arrincten of the Cemetery ployed on tiie ark were ratpuisd, mvon m ine stanna, aa lar aa „ ... . _ • • , . . , . th^ TSffnM. aadto get their Coamuttee and Com^Mn to fprmst i m p e n d aach ftr frtada ^ invest, j B t t o S ^ * * " * * " tlwr PahHc PHWaaiUii j44^hu*ttM-at


^it Ihwii "iu tliusc -u takhig

ililffiilf eat

tima as long frdght through and on account of erabargoea it nay tidce eonaid-

from tiMoe conditions. heaiLfltrntara to tJita«am<UBn^ can' mmpaniss write, are - tl»'pe^j^i matt be in facta that when spring opens op thaCofleetor a tRoaac^er lata- conditions are sure to be of ^ depatiea, by March 1. WM, worse around the manufacturing j ^ otder to avoid penalties.

ttaMlK taaiwal ^ _ tax retortis; mow AM 4r sUi \Arinarrieaperiions as uaual to get Jncome of 12.00© and aB singlfe _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

penMsa (iadudjag widows ladjaai^ir^all takaa pfiee ii widiArery) having net income ofiauiunea^s

berequired tp ttiake a

thsji' wnnW Bflt <n|y for'the warbat wonldfomthe'.^ . ^ .

habit of aaving as ! ^ V ^ " ^

of PabiicSaf-a written-report,

<firsrtMtg attiiitinn to

aed next week. The gambling paraph^nalia

—il—Aa i.«Kif «T>/««>—«IA. f>». MiwiwB ••••m«i w i » iwT WfMfd Iff the pflleiala was takes aod in- ^ T L T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . at Raflberaehoelbaflfe>g. which to Fairfax Courthwiae und«_ •!_ sH bnsinne siieinsss . I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . r T ^ . ^ T ^ ! * . . . r*^M#'S--yw>.j»>«B».,,

w e , - -' ep«B BMlds Jnatead of antside gaard at deputy aheniis. It COD-Laat canie_the presoitabon of , ^ j , sa- iJaed aaaafa: TW slated of keao, rafflaand tooiatte

^p^f——IB-. Oarence W. Wagener, scSooTby liwit. Geo^^^Smmd,

centers. Yofu have nothings to lose and ail t jirain by ^aciz^! yiw.order ar'v for cans, and have them ahippea in to you just as aoon as the :'acton«» can ship them.

ofjferaMriy of Miwssssi, was re- theoeremo^bek« cntly promoted to the positioi) followed by the singinc of The of ftrst assistant to the advertis- Star-^jangled Bannor" and "God lag manager of tbe Allen Motor Save Our Men" by the school

HAST, Collector.! Company, Foetoria, Ohio, wifiere Mr. Round spoke with deep feel-he bad been employed since WW. ing of the aigniftoaiiwp and awsn

—The Manassas High School; Mr. Wagener is the SOB of Mayor ing of the flag, and also of the Da.<*«cetbaa team w » ptay the; and Mrs. W. C. Wagener, of Ma- glorious part that America, led >--•;.;nera railway team hefe to-.naasas. and a former editor of by Provideice, was called upon -,r-r w The Journal to play in the Great War. ^She


—Mias Hden Berry, (rf Rich-, —"lieaotved. That th« United^ mond, a former teacher in Vbe States Navy is a greater source M nawpa' graded school, has the of defense foj our crtunt r' diatinciieBof being the first wo^tba Army," ia ih»>u««' »4 .•>"ri-*-man to delivo' the ~(&accDor's ed for debate at a me, -f f thf Message to the General Ass^n-'Ader. ?<-&..1 Tivi I t-a uf Fn> hly. Miss Berry ia aasistaat rchn.uar;i :i. The speaker^ th« GcvenK>r'8 secretary. n>i''. not inctxi.

Page 2: THE TO THINK ALUMNI GIVES OVEn R THE · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABUSWED MAY, 1895 U. No. 3 "ASSAS'^fafc.T-i ±t ADVANCE THE

'AGEn TWO '"Twr-' T*^



Writer Criticises SUtement

War Sermoa.

Editor Journal:—ft was Avitb profound regret and sheer aatonr ishment tliat we read the article in The Journal's issue of January 18, by Rev. Alford Kelley, pastor of tiie Manassas Presbyterian Church, which, as was stated at-| the time, waii piwidusly deBv^ H*'- iuined littie-country. ered iii~ from the

-of of the pulpit of the above

cEurcE from the text, "The War Was of God," I Chronicles &:22. It becomes all the more depiora* Ue and astounding, when we realize that such an—article

other cla^ of the national citi- could not be. found in the whole annwhip Thfiff \p ^t._ih« F&- ^l ig% a« of eottne was known mot^t particle of gronnd Jtor the^ by the German officer in the be-

mpuon of&ny luch an idea glhBmj T"who (ffiwted the imm^ as that the PoQie and the Kaiser diate execution of the order< are inteague together, or are In "Hie priest gentry approached

^^H^HP^I^Iiflh the^^r^::;:9JM|Mi|||i if he w? ' e same thing. Does anybody not accept those boys who iiad

think that the Pope would sane- no one depending on them rather MOIL the Invasion of Belgium—« than ^ the older men who had. large percentage of whose ii aUl)- so many depending on theom, U9 i.t&nts are Catholics—and the scornful and sarcastic reply was shameful destruction of proper- "there are only nineteen," where-ty as well as the outragieouB apon tEe priest threw himseH&^ atrocities committed on the fe-,front Qf the firing squad and male members of the homes of cried, "Here! I'H make the twen-

should come from the pen of oaa miUal, eapiffinlly aiirh a. m our

learned gentleman as the Rev. Mr. Keliey.^ ^ _:__

The pastor opens his sermon with a fine array-iif words, de­picting in glowing and glorious terms the just cause of the en-triUiee «i- the-tt»ted States in the World War, all of which is in perfect accord with the true American spirit of today. These opening paragraiihs are exedloit food for thought and are reas" suring and convincing to anyone wtfO migl tical, as they arebased on a com-

To substantiate his point of view fipvwal -qHotHtion» jLrg jwk- en f m m a'litftp tvwklftf, anH«a<»,

"How the War Came to Ameri­ca," which was gotten oat by the Committee on Public Inferma-tion composed of. p:ji^ of State, Secretary of War, Sec-retary of Navy and Bfr, Qeorge^ Creel, a small pamphlet that has

anction the invasion nf Tt*ly,hy|- -While Kmpnrer. William and, the Giierman allies which at one the Hohenzollera family are time - «ctaally threatened tbe memb«i» «{ tite ^mtiheran destruction of the Vatican? church, there are several proml-Surely n6 reasonable person nent characters in the "War would presume that ^te Ptupe Party of^Serlin who-are devout was inviting suicide to the very members of the Presbyterian


threshold of his palace. church, and who ure as Nearly-everv countrv arraved mental m thftr nr" '""

as jna of pro

against Germany has a' great many Catholics in it, any num­ber of whom are actively engag^ ed in the suppression of Prus-siahism. In the United States the Catholic, church is anaong the largest gcligioufl large . proportion

sional militarism as the Kaiser himself, although we do sot as­sert for a moment that there is any connec^on whatever be­tween this fiendish clan of mani-

. ae« vad ^ e churches referred to sects—and—BTdwve—we mere^ inentio i the of her male I fact to show how seemingly ri-

members, who are of military age, are in various cantonments, on the high seas, in the treiiehes in France and at various 0ovem-mental war-posts ^ectuidly biy^ «rf ^^t^ nrfTtiiniiifTaHAn in thti

successful prosecuti(Hi of thifl war in TfBftfmHFnfiiiHTie. . .

the press, voiced absolute ap-\ rpval of'Mr. Wilsan's aims and purposes aiid praised the stand hejiag taken in laudable terms. -No"reference has.,&een' made to! this fact but undue emphuus has'

]of the

diculous it would "be' to underti|il(e to imply that tiiere were in any sense or" form an alliance be­tween Rome and Berlin—nor do we lay such a charge at the door of uLy other chujph of our landr

The origin of dfflnnfirafy .over .a

[ Jeflfersonian ,jeentiiry agi L..

His Eminence Cardinal Gib­bons has on nume^us occasions m nu6lK~Br*>' '« and-through I United Statea nffdie'it pryfriH^y~

and the embodimdit of its prhh-ciules in the c<»stitution of the

for all reHgious sects and creeds to enjc^ the peacefnl axid uiuno-lested exercise of tiimr reipec-tive forms of worship and it is f ^ t ^ defense and Bn>iecjtionr«^ tfaeiHrindiilee of that qobfe d(M

$ah1cer, Lawyer or Doctor, since youir financial exMl eace may depend on thU and the best costo no more than A e pooreet. » « y a II « r



Home people adjust your fires—na New York flhorperc* It will pay you i o talk it over and get our rates


Fkition, JsStaSkB j ^ Books of GeitMi^~' biteres^^Auy-' -

Many books have been added since JeBu«y4-to the shelves of the lUiflteer-esmegie Public Li-bnry; whiuii 1B' uiten -itmey Thursday vRemoon. T|[e litat-


I.ITTHKIHN-Sd-B«th«l Lotbinui Otcaxh, Bvr,

gar Z.^«nee, pMtw.

8:15 p. m. StbaS^mHaMSj^m.

PBBSBTTraUAN MiTiiiiiiitii PtMbytwiaa Qninb, Bar.

Alford JUOter, pastor. Smuiay—Smiday qebool at 10 a. m.

Bntjaet. "Jaros, jaW 61 tho Sabbath.*^ Prwachtng ai 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. n .

^ S e - i 5 a t we-iu^ wmdhir<M5^*^f^™TiT^ probably r«ched eVery hoose-'G^"™>P Cl'ltPOgllo^ ^ ! j ° l ^^° M' jP" alMfo d at prejwit. hold, as this is Mie of the ways Hertling beeauae he Is s QrthQBc.7 THwpe fta sevwanniffic ways adopted 1>y the federal gov- but who is no more a spokesman: i born and refucud in th«s United the ft^o'^^igadlitkns:

R. C. Johnacm is chairman, has Bntimrfasedb

emment as a meams bf^preading 1 ^ ^ Catholic church 13litn he [States under the i«otectkm fi the correct and truthful infonna- is SimpeQor of Germany. >"01d Gloiy"a^ although taeigk^ tion as to how weSmMfcvcad NocrecBthasbeengii^BJ tothe-benr of vwiau^. chorehos; tlpey into the war. jCnthftlii* prifMitfT in Belgium who [ "PP"** *** ** fiiHy tho p m i ^ it*,««p

JllTMika." -;-Clown, tke Cbcoa Dec, A. Vimar. Tbe Qoost ot t^GMm VaQqF (a

htty i* Akaka- Ac hoyn).

Had the serm<m stopped lh«Hi hUVfi Oiuie such sUlteeme saeri- tkm afforded by that NafaonatpLlul* Mr. maMefla^ and Mia and been brought to a brief fices and suffered untold brntal©nbkm as did any o^ concluflion or eveqi prop^y di- treatment at the "hands of Ger- ers of -tte Dcdarstign at Inde- H , , J , ' * " ^

^ We recall of. hav-pg'^daaee. Tliey haveregjujtrfed ' " rected into mwc j^cd^seme man stddfers. The Prtaeea^aadrfiia^Gohtia. Goorga fhnnnalii; if wrtiiMTittvfc «>y inypid jng Teftd ywip Hmo ugh in a mag-; y d are ri^tt no«r, subject to ^ ib^amMr^ ___^^^^^^,__^ its greatest good;and have re- aziqe an account of some^i^Swr^S^oSSfy'scaHariirit u w mained a lafltmg credit to titis h a n ^ p s to which the Bdg^nunttpdy, indeed, for anyone ^^ distinguishedj fpe^^e^ wore subjected M ate utter any miJignaiit wofite bos-;

Qnn niifth tilgjo tbe'T rtrnnnnl fnith nr hr

Kaodonaid. [ The Story , Henry Faborvr i- flboiiaafiMtejEB

BoA nf Brimitt, Jalea

— •• - M °Hiii III! ir lliiil nffTTTry I'ariT ifarn nf thfl TTITI description of oitr national oUa- account vas-relating to a Bd>li«f> which at best can only sttire^iaeCreii^ton. gations was, ingraiousty placed gian prieiE~'who had giyeA his to srouae antagoniwn and eogen^' Boo t ot in thtt fftrafmnt fl^ fi.rMBQjttflagC OWn Bfe to "aye t^^t hf »nniher. d o : ill f<»«>linfr amnng th«Mw for the real bomb that was in The village wtm jUttfieS underimight pesaiUy <U«npt thoU^

inK "Fovgive"; eveuUic,

PiifOegc. <9irbt<


n. miyaiw .jOm^

9.m. Ud bj)Pto^B. St.lattiu \


TMaity ^fibo>|ii

Soaday sdiool at 9:45 a. m.

BockbaUr'Seeond and tearOl & • • days, J p. m.

Adan—Second and fourth Saa aya*. &'p. m. '. " -• •

IGdlsad—Fbat sul tiiM Snadajni. 11 a. BL

aoooQooooooQDo000000000000 0 0 0 0 00 O eOOODOOOOOOOjOOOttOOO' ssss^ssssssss^sssss^sss

THX mAx-Asm^tms^ ixacai

ConpinnilaB. S!^

HSt ftane '44rfil^Be«.J.

process of formation just bc^dnd nuurtial hm^HSO te speidc and m-rO^ty ot patpoattr^^ -, - -—;'•• • -' the firing line-and Intended t< diSrge <tiE-a G4nnan officer whoj We do not like to i^qiear in arouse intere^, and thffr^by tW'MiAHi M fhi* inhabitants of print butJelt that a few remarks command the whoil attenti<m of th^ village cme morning that a {Were necessary not so much in hia hcaram nr wMidrtnw aw thi» wwiHaiiit amount of food be appro-1 defense of CutholH

Gcaeral Ivtweat. Orar the T«p, Artfaor Gay Emftf,

Tnil, ZanetSi^ ^Tlw Laag SS^Miry'Ji

Aoiteaf. HneUeberry ^bm, Mark' The WhistUnr Mettier,


case may be. The object to be priated and deposited on the pab-|«4a^ dtf^^ise of donocraey as Uteled Fl<^.(: attained and whidt\was preceded lie square by o^a6aitt:tBe~ift^7Wril; We have^cted^be Irink 'Bmaj van Diter by the foregoing, being a ffirect onoon and notifiti tiiem tint if yet courteous and havc-end^n^ shot at the CatHntic church, an the demffids._ware soiLJQet bvlored to confine



ardent desire to casta sordid re-, tiiat iMur. the heads <tf t w e n ^ ^ f ^ statemmt of facts as near flection thereon aad to CMvey fanuBai wouki be plaeed nndwrj** P***^. *'^_ ^ ^ ^ s incer^ the impression that the PsjMgy arr^rt and pnbBdy diot on tt^ tmstthatbwisaotnmgtaeKia-

bi<«raplir sad Uatocy of tba MUdk

Dnab-bd of BibekfleUt dosa), Jdha


was A

y a i i^t r.' s w ^ 8 in league wiA the JfaiSer. sim^ s«a|uiroB wUA the food

more absurd statement couM was to have been damped. The controversy. not have been propiamiirfty tl Kaiser hims^. of. SBfh ai

It is to be regretted that sueh m BBJ Ma

in that shafl kad to a newpaper, ^ ^ S ^ ^ " * * *'*'*"• * ^ ' F h U and yioUtt. it

The Craacuit Moca (1 the seriousnessj—w«» thmir Mr irriWwr>ii ^ '••'- ' ^Tfliiii)'n^ ifnniiiliii _

Older immedUttely i lent gentleman and vahuUe dtir; Sootk iTfcTli<,rniik O. fttOBk

af) uncalled for TrttglftCe ef gethw every single speech should take place at this ayaflable^JBut atber ux mNHuer f« - « « . .»»>>».. ..^.w^u. •»!««, .^^ j ^ , ^ pri.ea, time, when the whole power and of the day he could readily sesitask of trying to preserve bar- Bnmett. e ler?} of the nation r^giooaly,' ti^ tlie required aa io f t coaAd mony and l»inging aboat a mcve t ' n a Mmtey Master, GiOert Parker. !«ocially, namally and_QaWMr- not beioond sad the ofT| universal ooncorrenee ^ seati-|' Tte feilowiaff books ksre baea plae-iiill] 111 lit! illwiil U> s [Ml niii hi Lhsiu tad sskul If lliiii miwit tn thr tmiT that irn ms] lir •i >» **»'^7 abelf." Theae books


centrated sad fhe one greitt

ssiidit be granted an of **win--4f thwe in

ning the war." tiiereqaest,hewaa4oli*'aor and ter Sw* pteaeeaof^ speeeh a s %he be ^tm mOeet^ Heeutj bufs^Mwtf morally to

above i»omulgated bnwdeast from a nearby edocatioiml insti- M&f opit against the common

thwyugfaly wuted in thouj^t, .rf<u» vptthlwoidaadaetionandtherebybet- «f a M w ^ u ^

menfaUy, pnysiCI^ nro eeaiCa Bay be

I payment tiMporiod


through the Udid ddi do aotUng more than mt'Jt;e

ToQoB wdofir agree lb do. so. ooold they not sabstitate f sTSe

confusion, and wiffstefaD create heads of the twenty fsmffiea who the wrong ceoe^ition «f eondi- were so Imdty needed to be^ tions sad facta as-they actna^rj feed Ib ir 1 •nuiiijm women and

informed. ^ i and sncceeded In indudhg lifiio-There is not a creed or denom­

ination, in America whose mem­bers are more loyally and unani­mously behind the President

teen youngsters to midre this vi­tal sacrifice and thereby save the doomed men's families from in­evitable soffeiing and certain

and—on _ taksn altogether. Is <»e of the; HeneM, most patrietfe^ and invortaat ^'^^• asrvicfs a dwrdi or can paform-<M at thia ti»w, *r,A «f whioii

than the Gatholies. They are death from stai-vatioM in the end. .iust as much interested fat the; At 4 o'clock the priest and the a<x-urity of "life. liberty and the boys were on the ^wt, the enor-ptirsGtt of happiness" as any j nous unount of food requiied

ing in the first pu4 of Ms s ^ My fomt mon. - W. Gerard.

We beg to offer our most The booka om this list and on eee grateful appreciation to The pablish«d a short time ^go i*«re Ror-Joumal for the courtesy hereby, cbased from the ftnd appropriated by extended as, recognizing it aa a ilia SMIMI Board sad the Town Coon newqsaper fair and impartial te «fl- Otbar sdditiaBs wffl be its rsattfiri and supporters. | from time to time as new books are

Respectfully, pablished or ones e standard merit M. D L"^TSTH. caHerffor

.Scrvids Sonday at S p. Bk. , BAPiasT

Maaaaaaa= i>. D;,Clark. past(».

San^j^-^Sonday School 9.4B a. m.; memJBg; atevke, 11 o%Ieek;'B. T. P. U..jBuUi;.awuua aeiilca at TJftr

vadBMdty—FMyv f- vi—• ——-

9mr. 0Vvrmnnmv Woodbine, first and


flati^ Memorisl, l l a . iB^iad TdW p. >

OakPaie. tidrd Soaday 11 a. M^ AAota.tided Soaday 7:Wp. m."

^ . . . . —» . • .

t M p . m


Tw snmmi spry aa ha can be;

f ^ w<M«i»ii«»fc j» t y

He diga Ms holsa and tot" f*'^, t*^ works industrfawsly, wbea. tke winter wfnda e«aa •.m*-

"^^ and iMling tke ice and sainia. He earia up In a IitQr&aII,1uirairi»^

Becsnaa ha is a spinelsss beaat, all ftd} vi deai>t and fisar,

Hadoasnt try to make ^ figfat—and ke-• losas batf a y««f. — :—^

Some inerdiants aia Uka Woodekikks». maul ^JaLJi-m < , , _ J j d \ • 1 1 '

- MUf»-9t«Bltt,^iaait, Idler, samad k» "ovarbead." '

The' JanntTy snows and wind aeon to freete their brain;

is i t


tin wpttngOoM comas agaia, • ^^^M7 oonrx apuiv BOT ana ua*SB v gnctaa Tpias"

and taatla aad Mag in

rot is ^ tima to out wo^


CATHOUC AB Sakta' Oattiotie OmS^

FatiMT WOUam GO,

ttatwiOBaa; Tte<st yewr-meiiey oet of goeds^tt^

[nil tl tiilii •iiiiWliliii nut Win fiMSf'SfmiL

tba fsBa a n soia to know; ~ t kavB goHa Uta aad aa* fa 1 ' -

8dHdlatt:dKa.ab wil^a. m, mi VM

boy thsir goods o< I ^- 'fta^Whtas'waUbepao. If yav ara a Wooddraek mateteat, wki;

go to sleep sad snera, itroeg and ttH 4t yai$.

.T.L... days, 8 p. m.

Worfhar—rirst Soaday

InOTSD Bev. L. C.

fotfann Ptatand t)iiz4j^iKiaya,

:S0 p. au days, II a.


Page 3: THE TO THINK ALUMNI GIVES OVEn R THE · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABUSWED MAY, 1895 U. No. 3 "ASSAS'^fafc.T-i ±t ADVANCE THE


T h e Manassas Journal

Ik lHaBuiiniirrifaliH€K.JM

their seeretariea and stenogra-1 BREEZY OFFICIAL REPORTS !*««*.— — I A comidaiat of loof •rjnfHBTt|[

It would be (4 uaeatinuble • agMOat tSe officJjJr^gprta of the premacy which makes livJigy


Fir« j»rfnj At the Boat Offi<^tt MBn«tt«t. Virginif, ar Second Claos Mw) Matter

$l.iW A t w B Aiinee

t 4 M f r

derogate the influ^ice of the Red Cmtut have raarhed Prinpii Wil


liam, along with every other sec­tion of this great country which is tryjng t T"? gh ^h" n edium to lessen the suffering caused by the war. Some of the •are absurd and easily contra--^cted by the reasoning power of the hearer> others are so insidi-

-— - ^<Mi8ly ^vented as lo raise great jif;. doubts.^ the minds of those who

- T e adt in a. poeition to obtkin tc» refiite the state-real facts

« ^ audited annually by the War thjftartai&A, ai^iiuri^pprta a ^ xojuN to Congress i m ^ S e Presi-

-nf^fff of_g^ United States is its .lii^i^ It IB a publie orgapiaa-iion and way Wiamfeerof the pufe-

^TSf is a| Ub rtjc tP Been !^,^pite4sf this cq>ea|M^ «^TUujon fl^readi and trill oo/^-1JPB»4q^>Pfead-imtil fau^^o^Ktod

tunity topca^orma wmaine ser-vicfl to «he nation by investigate

vilote if every patriotic citiaeo should arm himself with these figures and be prepared to deny

ious you have heard."

STORY ABOU^ArMOTHER She is a young widow, less

than 40 years of age. C ^ her ^ v . Smitii. She is pieittylbvcP less, save for her boy. She has had a hard time working for food, room renV clothes and schooUng, for lier boy. She's been too bus^ ^ acquire many

- ity that thriUs. To 4i98e into heart gay-aa* the-«p*rit yoonfc * * pfr wnrlrii>< witt you, mai mr ""i^'Sl^***" " *^ *^»^y »**•-

friends, save her boy. She has not'had nuich of high purpose, and endeavor in life, save for her boy. Her heart, her work, her life have been centered upon her boy. The anxiety of her. daily «XUtenc«, the trudging 16 work-through snow, rain and scorch-

A PATRIOTIC DUTY ing gun, the pinehiiig» the mak-"Wanir afrtini^g /*o]r»ii1ftfA/I ^rk *»*<«> *jk l u ^ l i - ^nHa t w a n f K A U A a i l «att^w«7~ • • ^ ' • • ^ ^ * ^w* «mm w ^ « w ^^tXWg-^ Jfx WW C U U V XUCW^ XIBTC Wll

In a letter to a high~official, who faces us who are not fighting to was also an intimate friendJdark make and keep ourselves worth suggested the introduction of a fighting for. few diagrams and woodcuts to Eveiy time a man exhibits his liven *up the plot, which seemed strength by straightening his to him to drag at times. ' But it shoulders under a burden which was of no, avail Tha hoat tKot -f-nr «f ttia fo11»T»,o ftro aj-wng

been for her boy. And he 'wiui worth it.—He enlisted in the Sixth Engineer Corps, U. S. army, to fight and to die, if needs be, for mothers with boys too young to fight; your boy's moh-

stories ^XMY j^o^s mother. A mo^th ago,

got this i c "We are aboutjb leave. (SisEQ-

ed) Herbert,"

reproductions of purpte grapes his neighbor, however strong or and such a^^Ies as never grew in weak. This unalterable law es-

Widcnr^oithlthe^'gardi^of the Besperidi^'pfablishes'the bbimWdf haniifr coming after, failed to cheer the responsibility by rendering Bmit-

To'leave for where? .A ar motharsvrcmottold; Off to rim tile gaimtlet^ of the sne irsiijr TT hmf' rrff tir fir nwiiri"'

fhe accounts of the Red Cress m^staiirbrtteseresming-i^u&tir to be blinded forever by the vi­cious gM of ^ Huh; aS, ^-hape, for a fcvm amcmg the un-lau>im> GOTO! That's ail, ttoA Mofch^ Snaith kneete by her popr bod, in. her Jonefa'-rekHn.-cnefl af'tf^ca^fl may be i*i«i«>d little, 89d[tal«es a 1|tfte stnaiger

of Uod tjbe Father, whone com-tottii all ajndewed BM>ttify"has

ing even theae stories whiifh are as fa<?t instead J)i-m'

marl' • ••;•• '' • - ' • '

salaries paid to Red Owes

t^otifyfirfft^fi^eQdof Herbert Smiti^ Sixth dorps, h ' i in boss pital. (Sigped)^^aMJ>'8 ch^gt"

Wh«^7 Arm gone? Leg^ gone? Shot tiirou^ the hmgs? BHnd-lSernee: ed? SJUwiBo. Hope for him? Py ing? Siknee.

. jwh^-ei^ae to the attention of | -All the buttdiery of theifighfe^ the kaisei, in 1908, kiUcd M Ttov. H Q, Rnrr. naator of Grace nil <!h« BBffi»ringft in the ambu-

•c* ICethodist Church, who directed lances, the amputatitHts, tkk ago-.^te Christinas memberahip drive n i^ of the hospitals about which

= <yf tht Rtd Croaa lit Lhlii niaBl^ Tht, story, which had gained 'wide c^^ulatiott,. had qaturally jained erodcnOe as wplL—Bevr lb. Bunr, rieoognizjqg the oppor> tontty to be of service apd real-

the Widow SpiiLh haa rwiu pa^ if before h ^ eyes as ^ oat a fihn reel of a movie. She sees her boy's bkw^y Iwmdages, aud-tiov^ ers her ^res with her trembling Smdft. qpr boj^s. groans thtttt-.

jpiW^^that the suoce^ul retutarl^gg upra her eanfarums, tatd Ae tten ol such nunoia Is necessary t b the best interest of the work

woidd stBl them b^ burying her , head in her pillow. ^ was hers

^tp^^ftii»Hflu>wdUliiJj -to guekk at hig ImHurt; Iwis Ui jaddressed ar-letler to the Red, teach to walk, to sa id to school, /Dross'national headquartert at ^ to work f or» to hdp live elean^ to Waahington. This letter was sacrifice and worry and pray for,

^ fay Mr. JOO- Ky^l«T . . . .IKy ..tyi.t, tlii.H»yit-Hty tfih R. Hamlen, assistant to tbe'y, «ethig chidrman,a8foll<ms; '

"Yoor latter of January 17th 3a at hand. laiBTMj^gladtp.bc

-<ible-te reidy to your iafoiry ia

ahe is alone,

icgatd tu statements whith ha»t

himl Yesterday, tbare eame t U s : "H. aniUi in SL Mary's^oi

pmrU V99 Y m l Cllji. OiMfc--Iseen made that the Red.Croes is [tkjn f«- appencOdtis satisfaer fiyliigAlllH-salBriw Ui lU uffl-jteiy. Hoae « moftth's leave. ^ ^ %T^*i.i-|y \A \^ *"-*^'^'Ml nil m (nignnil) Oflhiisl"— from the truth. Such 8tata*[. Sayr fcOowa. h«a^?eB forbid a e n t s as yoo have heard lead.OS tjiat ever again the widowed

government faa« been that they worth while, strict attention to have sedulously avoided the Natiire's laws wUl gave y wealth methods adepted by such writeift of medicine s^d heartache. Man"

Mil '^"nmimjtf -Tf*-*:7ri':Hi ' 'r iiijaii thntt erts, Morris, Vance and Oppen- laws are so administered that heim. While containing a vast throttgbthem he may findan ap-amount of useful information. It proach tb the fountain of eternal has been charged that there. i/» a youth—the one which keeps the conspicuous lUisence of the qttal- mind sound, the body clean, the

(FrMi the Wftm^ at BOMC)

modem parlance, ihey lack till the time for the Great Jour pep." j ney, which is the crowning expe-

Among those who, in an ear- ri«Be« of his life. And today lier day, called attention to this when every ounce of strength outstanding characteristic, or and wisdom has risen in value tO" lack thereof, was Mark Twain, its utmost, the compelling duty

0{ men of otir e^nntry, -we five you ''three

Mine i» Pip«r; drj-gooia eeleeiiuui;

—^~- 1 Met, Hke thie,

•ml iwf'j<ipii'rj::i7j nnteen. ' .

And w« want you to Juow Jji«t we're with you each day

In .tlw thick of the ficht^ia. tha. nudit of the fray.

ISy, you've 8«f 4 melting eye! Tell me, iweataeai, do yon think You.conld ever liice a. gink - _

Bwdetrt^" -

chfi(per smiled aSSht, Private Piper, Company B, 'Steentfa Dlconsin Infan^ree, Biovely went iato eclipae With a infle upon Ma ! ^ .

work will not cease, Till the victory is oun and the w«rld

is at peace. We «re with you in hieart, we are with

you in souf, -Well be'wHh'yoQ ih mind at the jlori-

ous goal.

O! O!


Here'i to the Blue of the windswept Notth,- . „ 1

When we nkeet oa the fields of Trmnoe,

May the spirit of Grant I>e with yon aU

As the SoOs of the North advance.

i'A brothers and sweetheartf.

fathers and sons, There's a pry in ourfhearts and it's!

"Down with the Huna." I » j u . ' 1 . 0 - . «. 'Tis the song that we sing as we sew * ^ "•"^ ** " * Qnj^M J^9- 9sm-.

and we knit, And it rings in our ears while: we're

doings uui iiit. could be obtained, say in the an- enough to bear, a new determina-1 riual report of the Department of tion is bom in the heart of the ,*n<i ^P *^ yo» he brave, ^ u g h our Agriculture, was-an- Hnimpresr.struggl6r and he4s another-stepiT,.- ' '"'^ "^"^ >r«?lf•. _ _ —

. . . . . X ^ i.1. ' ^ ii. I. • i.i » J There are tears from our eyes on the Sive portrait of some forgotten nearer the heights. And every

the fields «f

prftflficftiwnr, whose riftr-fiaae was time a wfak man makes rnnfea-a ^rineqtitsite even to this scant honor. Under the gloOm thus superinduced, veracious colored

slon by stambUng in the road, the shadow of his hopelessness throws itself across the path of

casual reader's spirits. All the more praiseworthy, in

less the obligation-of one man to another in the great brtther

bandage we make; But well banish eur tears and put'

sorrow to flight, For there'k work done in this

wonderful fight. May qnr Fsther in hasveii reach out

his kind hand And protect yon "brave men" of our ~" "'pe««»3«i5^1ahaT" ~

kissed Sooth, When w« meet' on

—• Franee. : '— May the spirit of Lee be with yoa aH

Afld 'here's to the Blue and the Gray-as one,

When we meet ea the fldda «f Prancei" ~'^ ~^

May theapirit of .God be with na «U . As the sons of the Flag advance.. Ill George Mofrow^ Mayft-in-JKaatdna^

ton Timea. .


consequence, becomes ^ e radical hood, of whidi each is a keeper ^ a h g e which has been observed j Normal living promotes phys- j

r^KHts of latei For ical harmony, steadying the] — aam« ^irift thflfWeel^ ycws Let- [nerves md freeing fee mind j Pri?y t Finer. Company B. tor of tJie Agricultural Depjuft-lfroifa tha evil impulses which r^atemthnkxmstn Inftntrwi.

— '*Wh«i- you- tttrft-hdWooBeH»~ May he watch you each day from his earth you are apt to feel the

» » " •tboTBT"—: • • Ifire,". SSys tfie'-'WasIungfaA And return you at leAgth to the peo- Timnn "By irny nf rnmfnrtfnr

{the Kaiser" the T ima <rffers hint pie yon love.

_i the for^egoing verses writtea bar ja young KentuddaOr-^ioKaMi^ jrwident in Washington^ no#^jt jBfttttf'g Mftta IB the Unltad-

' *

wrong living is sure to bring. N[ature's health-giving combina-

iMnt has been jriving crls]) ac-j counts of Hon kultur, cateuliUed: to increase the piride-of the' AibdriCiA farmer 'in his' own j now, when the balance <>f normal fonn of •government. The tcNogoe i vigor and steady nerve will be a

^CttlL_aiaaL-be t*i««*H againatipnwflrfnl fttftftr in dwtariTiifliwff tins fdrm ot mental ItlfaBwa^teftf^UILjfiteB:!^^

orld Btrug||l(e with victory.

trom were never so netted as w i m fiinmSiings cangki ISagEBiee

gosao^H tor:f^l:i iral proletariat, bat we veatore to say it isartrokedeft-rWe most be. wdl preparfid tOLBge ^ oTtyiitWl nnH t\f thft right apirt. haiyily and sanely in the hew

That the good work is jtiU in | era of peaee which the worid is pmgr*^ may hi> g ^ e r e d froBi J|giitiB« fcHT, and ci4>able of the p4xg^^4it$r|ers.x 4fl.c a ^ vm^*^ aMpacadjaatpMnts t> mate^life the follewmg is submittedtjtal^r "- ' ' « " " • • • •• . i l l . i l l -XI from the "Notes" ot the Forest

•—Awording to one of the G^tnan forestry jnnrnitls.

worth liviiur iot ttoae with nerves saati«r(d its shell Bhocsk

Lay expiring where he fell. Victim tb a German sh*iH On a. bloody field fa France,

i States Navy. Baldornuui, qf \ t^e Louisville Times, says tiwse

«(«>-ti»emasterpiece of 1 ^ -

Of a uufae expwt but lueuy, Wlx» knelt down invader pity. To receiv* his ^uttiagynrL.

I , F^oia tamest report* Uie vnaaS" eantmimait tb-be rrtnWwhiH t t

"Send^.caid to Utile AlCe^ DowBirdaar^MdlataHtDril—; TMl hw I contiwwd trua, A« I i^omia^ i woold do. S(Hid a line w two to TbefaaiM- -Sha'a SIKimiiighaae » Sehna '

GepM have kiadwed M trom atacrtage.

! l » t v ^ . Um oljHIffaegiiiia [of 800 acns that adjouis Umart

llwui'ii a Utlili] Uuuile lu Bfcsyi and bodies torn bv the missiles g g ^ f * ^ » ****• D«<»«J»«^ of war, a s we retorh ansea&ed.

' And wanM VHM TT f"^*-*^ *^

was supposed. FuQy 900 jpaio] boildingB are to be lected, aaid tbe whtfc ontiur will be in tke neigMbariioed^ tKJ)OMQec is said that connaets fitt buikliiigr ^ ilie Sovermnelit.

• The dealh in Franpa of Major

i ,995 piwaHFt nf wild gane, ihcludihg 70 stamps, elk and roebuck. At that ti&e he-

U)tal ol' iiad aiaugiitewMi a 61,?30 pieces of game, more than 4,000 of which

-and was the leading extsrmmator of wild life in

^ e was. bom in Caroline county, , thie son of Hepry R. and Emma

^^ '.Carter; joined the Amelia cav-""— airy at theage'of seventgen and

-the wcnrld. As a dauja^ teiir of p«H womm and ehlldnp since iai4, hSw-ever, he has been .Oie JOTES-

~5xt«nHaiat^ "^ m$a life in aU historyr, It is submitted that the fore-

[ j^lsg aaswen every critical r ^

mg. and.lfai«.wfllnot U^ h^hM^^J^^^^t^Z^^' *»* The •ymwh" Is therp

There snay be a bit of that adver­tising

snavo t h g i w B s t w i d d y a d -

i > a « ^ « « H fiyrirp tti t h g BfHMMtt

to brieve that they are a part of mother of a solder boy CMDC mto' an«vfl propaganda cakulatfd to,oaz fliuetnm to shofr her happi-•Btbarraaathe Bid^OUK Many U C M ever her onQr son! Yoo |Mrtriot3e but n e v e r t h e l e s s gimpfy cannot swing yoor hat, ttionibtiess perssmh*^ vujui hufiiSh fbr mothsra, and writ«1 *«^r "«*iie_IOTBa>», innoeent of itiy^ri^ editorials at one and the fact that by doing so thayJMane tlnMi:and it wortt jr« reaBy aiding oor encmiea. j th^mper^dpi j

-Die truth in.regard to Badjto j^xcjc^ona bnt t^rfnl evi-Cross salaries Is contained hi t^ ^goee that you w«re once the .rtport of the activities <rf thejady boy of a moUier, juiuidf.— Amarxan Red Crow from tha w—i»i«igfa*i gs*«M-


^ttOreak of the war to Novem-Ibtr 1,1917, and for your infonn^ i^ti T arrt MBding you d^dey feft ic arate cover one of these reportsl, eight and one son in the army. Of the iSS paid empkyees at | has returned to the government that time, only 18 get over $3,000 {his son's aDotment of salary and and

- •>

only three over $5,000 a "year. There aire now at head-qtiarters nearly 80 people donat-teg their 8er%-ices and paying Aeir own expense*, some e\-en to the extent of the expenses of

insurance. And in another sec­tion of the country Uncle Sam * doing his best to get divorces for some of his soldier uepbsws whose wives married them for their salaries.

worid wotdd Hie to have. He is' ^ wsteamo to any bsuMOU—Uiil'^" n ay accme. A lat more of the same, beaitog tlM cAdal brand, wiH do no harm hirer Tt>tobe hipped that gontk pacifist* ^ erywhere will be listed to receive

tt: Ja-andsntaod to be Qie oBfcial pidky to fJnse them irhoc thay Wift do the moat good.—Wadn

Tha coaf supply of a borg home ve-eot just the marriage of Miss Bessie WiV-

Arthnr, a society £iTOTite« and Mr. Samuel J. Pritchard, a

^[yowM Patersburg * "' — T ^ parior was decorated with_brqa- i

, ]i:»l plantrt aadtiM eareasony pgo-H ceeded with the bride dad in a big far coat and the bridegroom warm in a big Overcoat, both col­lars turned up around their ne^ks. The rest of the ftarty were similariy dad and aS went well except that the minister's

Say tafaithfU GhwlyB May. fintng onl in Tuuiuwiari, — HiQ Carter, seventy-ime years

old, one (if Unj mwL yrumluBiil j ]?f^ !"^ '^P'T" ^"""f^ attoraeys in the state, died Rgfitly a t his home in

Fitshui^ Lee 5impe<m, of New Lc idoiL Comu> is announced. Major Eampeen, who was instme-

• ta f fn a marfiiim-yim school for ^ ThinloBg of his promiMid faridfc

" " S a y to-!—" AshlMidLl__l_ •

wis wbiuiited at Spotsylvania C. H. He is survived by his wifei *^ W9K> was Miss Emi^ Redd; of Haao^er county, and- s ix sons, S^Baaury ^"Sanreel. Clarence; Charies H.. anrtev and jEtm Car-

American soldiers- abrread, died of ultural caiises. He was the uuii iif Col W. A. aiinjwiijii) sdjii

Here tire victim faltei«di_ And hi* "Vfaolc demcanoE altend As he gaaed upon the featoiea Of-flM-;

^twt at Governor's Island. N.Y.J tuid a grandneidiewaf.Cien. Rob^ ert E. Lee..

Who waa kneding, swvet^ taaiAd, ^girfalj

Tlien, with otfMaee waxteg <lBot»he: _ 1 _ _

•flay, mi, yenSe a wmiierT Bat rUiW that yoo afat gaaM

"We have reached the time in Utur national-lif&when-no loyal ' dtizen in tiie colmliyisua- aS^sd to spend a d(^ar for wastefal; hiKurioBi gudi an Miipaa<li>H>a resolves itsdf into a didiqnd

Cantinsi Gibbona -

G E O l l G E W A ^ H I N G T O N iS KNOWfr: A S T H E FATHER ^ H I S C O U i r m Y B E C A U S E H E ^ V A S

Firrtm VfaPy


-Rrtt m Strength,

teeth were said to be chattering a»he imiao^tfed ^era man a&a wife.

W«»i» utrbrst for-ibe Iiitere^» ol lis

The Nationai^ant of Manassas Bank Whan A l T e w Neighhna


Page 4: THE TO THINK ALUMNI GIVES OVEn R THE · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABUSWED MAY, 1895 U. No. 3 "ASSAS'^fafc.T-i ±t ADVANCE THE

^^••tirfi M A J f A t e ^ j O t f f f i ^ l 3=

BRffiF LOCAL NEWS —The Committee on Privi­leges and Electi(HiB ofjth* Vir-

IH^rr^Mz^ JBL-S.-Xny h>a -b««^ sisift H o u s e d DdesstCBriwfsre ^wte M «t ^ ^PJMoei f W^K^yffSESb tK^^"Stocll&^eetze^<»i-

test is pending, has decided, «s —Mr. LeMMtrd E. Hixaon ooor

honw^ on Fair-was announced in last week's is

DrC.T action,

content UJHljrftt. TUm is go Hon, of Potb: - " ^ e rearular meeting of the intimation what th^ action of the^Ci«irk, pa^or of the Idanassas

Manassas Red Cross chapter Mill committee will be or what are Baptist Church, officiated in th^

—The home of Mr. and Mrs. [ —Miss Lilla Aahby, who has William Bettis cm Maple street' been on the sick list for the-past "Warthe scesii of a quiet weddinjfttwo^weelta^ is able to be but

°afC§i%oon a r o'clock when their niece. Miss Annie Florence_ Cprbip,,became

ride of ifc-^^-^aiiik L.

—The United States CivU Ser­vice Comituasion has announced

xr i an examinatloalor the county of — _ M i i i m _ __«^

be hd!^^ the Town HdrHonSa^^ I£e views "Sf any member on the evening at 7:30 o'clock. inatti^ 6f the i^ntest. "

—^'jfias— Geprgie—, Harrell, * — TT»e circuit comt of Princfe younger * daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Harrell, continues ill at fcer home near town.

1i<*pn«P wait ia-

sued in Washington recently to Miss Inez Ashby and Charles R. Eey«i^ both of Quantico.

—^Thejiigh school botes in last week's issue were credited to Miss Elizabeth Larkin instead of Miss Elizabeth Buck, to whom uur apului^ies aie due.——

William county will convene here Monday morning. Judge J. B. T. Thornton presiding. Judge L. C. Barley, of the corporation coart <jr^xsHdi1i;^wffl preside

[ring the middle of the week, when Judge "niomton returps to Fairfax for'a continuation of the "ark" cases. Judge Thornton has been holding court in Alex­andria yesterday and today.

—Dennis CNeil, jr., of Dau-hlii iKlvid, Ala., wiyB he eiijuys

—Everetta O'Neil, of Camp camp 1 ^ and has every comfort. Greene, N. C-i^^hP iuis been in He has leathered a cpllection of the hospital with measles, is out sea shells which he is planning again and feeling well, according to send to his mother in Manas-

here. I like s p r ^ ra Virginia and gar-

ety and entertainm«||tf^ ei&st-l ed men in aU branches ^ Onrfel —Th«* 0 ^ « « P^ l c school Sam'a service when themen viait !»*» juuie a report on Junior Red

• • . It^e communities adjacent to | Q-"? . ^ " ^ ^ ^ ' ^ P ^ *^} e^^^ The weather, ^e »ay»._ls ^^,^^ ^^^^^^^^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ afcitlons J^P" ^ ^^ «*«>i " » member

— A myriagff license K M sued in Washington Wednesday to Mr. Bart B. Frimcis, of Waah-ington, and Mrs^ Maggie B. Cro-sen, of Biiclriand,' "niemimater named was Rev. Johq E.^rig8S,

dening will begin next weel(. TbkB aukliu'B ~are planning Ur; raise/ a k>t of vegetables this year to aid cwir fight •Jainiitijw Kaiaer.'

—^The Manassas FcedrSupp^ and Imijwnait Cwnpany has dis-

—Mrs. Blucher Hansboroogfa carded gaacdine poiwter and con died a fewdayg a«a-«t the home iMibted it» m i ^ n e r y with a i e j ' ' | ° ^ _ ^ ^ ^ * , ^ « ^ of her daughtorj .Mi^. Qatter- , munkiftal -electric idant. This buck, ar~]^randy Station, CuJ-' company is now the largest sin-peper county, att the, «<tvaTijr9!itr p&-a>niwinipr orMcelrle ennwrt; age of l<n years. jin tln~le>WB.'nie change is ex-

—Mrs, A. IC B ^ h a s retunih ed to WarrentaB and wffl be at Carter HaB for dboat three weeks, a f t » v ldeh die w 9 leave

-to- toke a" poeitian' • • *»«»fp ^Tr. trcm a T Qoaivlieo^—-Wamntv^

pected to be ^ great conyenience and to reduce expeoaes, enablmg tile firm to ineiwaejfaLgoiaiae-af BocittesaM the & a r imd feed de-partmatfa. •'••"" . ;,

'A few

Tines. killed a iMai briowging to Mr. L. ^ 10. Meddox, ef I^fftiows, s ^ ^ t ^

-Mni. Anne Ixanax GIBBL Kt«ieriek^urg i^sse Lantt. The —Judge Jbfan Bartao Payae,

ti Chicago, a native of Fanqpiar died reeeii^^ifr-faer home in night afterwazda Mr. Maddox Warrenton at the age of ninety- j set a trap and the n i x t iwnnriug .»«„»™.

died witliBi tiie last three^reirar

: —Ml'. Raymond H F t o f i m c e , who has beoi^enqdbyed fmr Boaje time at the Katioinal Bank ofMih-n«ii,s»H, has reaigaed that peai-tion to a c c ^ the pocution <^ note tetl<v. IB tlie

the~ trap had , camlit «a owl, f ool 4f t t e Md tn^M. Can StsffMrd beat tiiis?


*"' "mt ftf M^tuT ""_ tJohaTBuaEi Washio<&»r^. _. „ , — -^ ^^ ^^ ^ Mr. Florence enteied Upoiv liia Sanders, just deaded by the Sn duties in WashiogtoB todiur. .preme Coort at RKbm^cL Tlie

suit was crigJaaHy tried l>y the

pre&ence of a small company .of relatives and .friends, including the, bride's father, who livea near

nassas at 10 a. m. on February 28 to mi the position of rural car­rier at Haymarket and other va.-cancies that may later occur on rural routes from other post of-fices in the county.—The examt'f

I nation wiU be open only to>ma]e ^-The date of the closing of ^ citizens w ^ are actually domi-

Virginia's $200,000 campaign in died Jn the territory of_a post the interest of the War Camp'ofi&% in the county and who meet Commawtty •aervtee'Qmimlsglca tthe othsr i«4uir«neiit8laef TorCh hasheeii extended from January I in Form, No. 1977.'' TUs form 31 to February 15. The cam-: and ai^lieation Manks may be p a i f n ^ Prinee William is being' obtained from the offices men-conducted b^ Mr. TTuunas H.; tioned above or from the United Xion, who was appointed county ^Stat^ Civil Service Commission chairman by the governor. The' at Washingtoii, D. C. Appliea-War Camp Community Service' ttons should be forwarded to the Commisdoo is the organization [ commission at. Washington at that looks after the c(Hniort, sax-^tne earlieft pracUd&ble date:

Hf D^liND^ •;3r:JB'"

__. -_

on leavea of absence. 1 of the RidncSross. The Junior I Red Croas plan enaUes every

— i * e - - t/O-^oramaie— Ooliogo j child in school to become a m o n -League of Virginia is making anfber, making the schoor a Red « t i w campaitB in the intereat^cKjg^ geBodl, up«i the ooQection oi eataMi^tng a co-oniinatex^- |ofa_«im tff jnoney equal to 25 lege s t CtlHttiatteggilte. ^ttmJbegtjjggtta for e a ^ puj^. tiie f ^ d s to of the central committee of the be expended for materials for organi«atioR in Loudoan eocmty htague from the Eaghlh Cuune» 1 jtiakavg ^ojAlBg fm Uie ie|M«eee j dridi wiU stand ignarely behind

* D M **- '«£ Fta&w and Bdctoai^ simide nie EL Barrett, Looisa; IGss Nita Grimsley and Miss Addla Yow-


l i ^ t i a t a l a a a shall be jndgad by U s iOc^icy . b7

whs^ he acconplishea, and not hf what be dainis

Nat aiwMSM. bnL naiiribi^Mg aMlitj j g

i jndgril by the y r e he waotJm^&m-

serving bis bufNfte. U s aeeumidatloa. TUs bank

cordially wdeonMS accoiints of earaestt men, men

wbe reaUie tbqr ceold aeeompUsb mere If tbey

only had a start. :

' s

I k Peoples NatioDal Bank OfP MANASSAS, VA.

Our ^ogaxi: "It is a pleasure to serve you.'

tlprments wU4;ii can be made 1^

n e i and Miss Jeuue IfoererFair-fa:^; Mrs. Geoiise ^lackelford. Orange; Miss Anne GuUy, Laes^ bncg; Mrs. ^ Henry Lockwood, C^aBcodoa, a^d M i s s E . H. Os-bporn jMd J(Bw L i d a - i t t ^ M*-

the gevenuoait in its praseeu-tioB ef war against Gennany and Aosa ia and tofaetpH-evear ^f*J

which haa 907 students, has paid M 195.81, l & S ^ above tiw iSmoont reqoiredt "Obt Msnasr saa Graded Sdbo^ ia iniElEbw « • a sinular pbtn. Some of OM la-, dies-of tbe-towa luHratitfevBd io

T^M.€ . A. F C t o GOOmS

Eeporta Made by OOur Rv l i ofOeaptj':

The sum collected m Prinee • WUUam

^or^-ieekae' pairi«^'eeanty^ fef^te^Y. M. C> A,, wir-It as pnribable that a di-

reet(Hrate of tw)»ty-4$ve men fttHu tdTover the ooonty will be formed, l l iese men will be known as minute men nd will pHdge' tJiewiwhree to jo auy-

fimd, according to the statement « f the treasurer, Mr. E . Thera-ton Davks. TtMoy ided^es paqr-aUe between now and May I ' w S makea^ material inccease in the Iptifl aiuouhUfcAeeribed. ~r~:

fett. WaitfBadfosd. are fnan.tile Sixth distpet

—A meetfaig ndn be bdd ia the r } Goorthoose of Leeribnrg «»

Thoisday, Febanary

(jMiaamK^r^ ieal-conniiel to the .direetef-<if: frMtip^iH^firm h^ M r W I » A A M >

director genaml of the xa i lroa^ Psyna-Uaurrtirftii f t^n

Payne, Starawn A Shaw to accept the iriace t^Tcfeaif

Mr. F. H. Sapdera, of C a t - } ^ ' y ^ ' " ™ ° * ° * r«ltoad admfa-

at Prtuitytown, FSmqaicT county.

—Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Korman, circuit'court of ttis comtty, i f c . {^**^Ty»jy!* ^ . "^ j ? ^ " g ^ who^^iacently retorned from t b d r ' J. tL Catmi, of :^UexnhcMa, hold- ^ - - -honeymoon l a Florida, and who ingcoortin thejdaceof Judge J. are now at the home of Mrs. Lou B .T . Thomtoi!,by eonseartof the Dillon Janney, were given i mns- pnrtiai and tJie judge. The deci^

on Thursday nli^t.—PUiufl»ille otaMe to ME eorrespond^ice to Times. "^ _

'wtjtijiijl til n i l I I I I — I in t W M

years lator he was deeied jodge

cotrat^, BL He resigned ftfm. tlw4jeiMihinA«98: -'"' „-

—In the case g ~ j . y Lea^^ fVwmnandwf Jnhn

_ the- ^^Qrginia|.= Board .af fMterte* iUhd y man, treasurer of

county, vs. viaers, in regari to a centeet as mitted ioidde in his offiei at to the validity <rf f^rtmt fi%imm NMfoIk Sandigr, in fie building against the ' • . • • - - -t>v a wr«i of error bas been * » « • # *>» Vii'^nia waters pa-grsntiHl hy ths stati 'aiipieuisitml j frt nf tiifr TTnitHt Court of Appeafi. set at 11.000. ~

ffis bend wnsT^lAvy


B e fir



treated for in tht naval

NorfoOt.^ He la

—Col. Robert F.Leedy.rfLo-1 ,j^,^Q„, timdiJee ray, may be reinstated to t b e : | , o ^ t | j at command of Us regiment of • J r - i f a ^ ^ old and ginia national gnaidsaien, w h i t j r | y j ^ ^ y y , ^^ ^^ have b e n mastered into t » » e ^ ' .owkone ot whom m a mbWiip^ ular a r m y . ^ " ^ - * * ' < ^ [ m a n in the tWted States Rnval mgat Annnton. Abu,for servicel AcAdemv

France.-CoLXeed^JMS :i^=^=»^Z; tested against

manded a bearing before a of military oQcers. ^

weather of Jannary, K r d friends I everjSrrhere are a^pealittg to the I public to tluvw out cmnriie of

—Mr. and Mrs. JameTMasoa food totceep than alive onBI the gjBchakie. of Upperville, haws' wsatbei pennilB Qtem^ announced the engagement of: themsdves. Fahore to^Mreserve their'daughter, Orra Vtwm, to,hifJ ltf»> <!urhig TK^^rwi^;7:t^jfer [aaoa, Mr. Read Hynson. of Philadel-phi&. The wedding wiU take pi&te in the early spring. Mr. H>^*oB is related to Mr. R. S. H>Ti >n. nf Manassas, and Miss Ki-r.c r.e.oc i.s Mrs. Hynson's niece. Bo;r-, are ;>>•;, nat guests at the,farmers to H»-nsor h rne here. ' quail aa yet

agreed, will not only deprive the country oi its songsters but of the valuaMe service which they render by eating insects which destroy. plant life. A Virginia game warden has appealed to the

feed suck covejrs of may be alive.

Jafioary 26, X855, and waa eda-eated ki the private scfaocds q9 (Mean. He was admitted to tbfi.




TBE KASISSTWAT* • i F l f t e n

{wherein tJM| eosmty at aity time and a n d « any eoskUinur to | M ^ wintlMwar. R if budioHfa su-

7, for the purpase nf. gatfaeriag tO0i^berjB of .ibi^ leadfBg ^triot ic me^ in

ivemc effort to otraity to the eoipAlian «f aslhqracti i i l ly exist. iLsnfcia


Tbe egBetiHoBS reedved ns&s

coiorBa. m^ as foBows: (wbtte. 911S.98:

m; WefcenfUle, im;Oeeeqaiir

m. W».17.



Tr^lt-^wwilw^tffiore T

Com Kinf Manure Spreaders Hoosier GNrnplaQten, Hoooer Drills and Lioie Sow<an, Wdber Wagons,

i and Titair Enanes Tlfo WlXXU.) iiMuJ PivoT


' T B I LADT o r THB PBOIO--GRAPff*; r y


FRIDAT Lfflian Wafter'


Nam^ssas Feed, Supply and Implement Co. EVERYtHING FOR THE FARM

Page 5: THE TO THINK ALUMNI GIVES OVEn R THE · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABUSWED MAY, 1895 U. No. 3 "ASSAS'^fafc.T-i ±t ADVANCE THE


^.gqgjn * « r - « | g i i | T u t t 4r-l>*S-^*BJ- THE £ L . r •T.IMi yOURNAL .-fcawr- -^s«l»?W}E n v E


iug the wintermHoiida.

Sergeant Lawrence Gregpjy,

Sergeant G O . Lynch, Com­pany E , SlSth Tnfantiy, has turned to Camp Lee after a vudt to his parents, Mr. and tin. P.

^ . Lynch. ' '

^ M . and Mrs. Alfred E. Bruch. 'ci Ben Lfimond, recentlj^ return­

ed ^rom Clevtfaad. Ohio, wiiere thay ygTB ths guests of Mr.

ocfieot lias 'been closed for two weeks wa acoount<rf mumps.

A dance was given last Thurs-

and Mra. Clyde Fritter. %rtdweft-

ington, is visiting friends here. Mr. George Crump has b e ^

attending the Billy Sunday meet­ings in Washington. ^

Bmeh's parents, fr. <nd^ tfys. F. W..Bruch.

Mrs. Emily Sale Wood, who lias been the guest of Rev. and .Mzv;'J. R^Borts, has returned to J>foank, Conn. Her little daugh--ter, Biiss Maud Wood, wiU re-.main here for tiie pres^it to at-i t eadsehe^ —c- ^ •

Mr. Van Hemdon, of Warroi-ton, fteited his home here last week.

Mr. Eugene Forsyth ;>ent Sunday at the home of Mr. Witt Hemdon.

Mr. Lloyd Crump, of Washing­ton, is visiting friends here.

Mrs. English, of Caroline, i>e-cently visited her parents,.Mr. and Mrs. M. C. SuthanL

Mr. James Crump has been sick. \

Miss Ethel Tolson, of Siti^ord, was a recent guest at the htane of Mis. Amiic Homdaa.

Messrs. James R. Dorrell and Ernest tJtterback have returned from a numtti's stky at Hot

^ftli^lugs. Ark: ———

Mr«. Ben Graeff and her son, I f r . HKitm Graeff, of Baltimore, :iMif^Sdsit<si at hoo&ejodCJfr. "W. II AsU>y last week.

Miss.Iillian Garrison, 'dependent Hffl


of In-a ManasHas

^visitor last wedc. • Eeeent'guests at UieTioure'x'f

Jb'. W. J. Ashby were his sisters, awofl, of Woriand,

Wy., aoetHnpanied by .her two »fmm, Bnweai mjftA Bflggr, and Mrs. <}. A. Lynn, of Alexandria ae-ecmipaided iyr to danghter, Mn. JSvdyn Calhoan.

Ibr. Frink Tonter, «< New

xwit* to his home nMur Dale. Uadiaon "MJasLanra^'ftiWiiii'i'

ifel-iP»«*:irf her

i [ iw Sadie Sitfer bss returned

Mlpi JMte V. Dwrna. uf WariK ^bigfin^lo^ng the ifradc jtoert ef Mrs-It. J> Adamaoa.

AOOBMtcnwr-\ Tbp ninth paiagraXi of Mr.

FAYMAN OLD TIME !™™» H?»|BUSINBS-40CA^ FckraaiT^ Finds Whiter V«0

to remind Virginians in .this sec-of tine .nJBKtvi'"iSdWtlKa,

no "present inhabitant of Manas­sas can recall anything^ like i t Snow has been on the ground since November 27 and the month of February is just begun. One of the oldest inhabitants of Culpeper county has suggested thai such a "siege of weather"

De-foccurred in 1857, but he is not fully satisfied that i t was the equal of the_ c^d-tiine;^ winUx

Tfcree 0«rtB



Schoolu apuB^sesstOA, With the furnace doing fairly weU. Mr. Lewis Robey has succeeded in deaning and putting it in a fair id^rree of uiiiefulne«r ~ '

Miss. Holmes, pitedpal of the school, made a ' tytfuT t>^ to Bealetm Friday.

The Makdys are having a se-rtmiii frmtT w i t h pnwifnnnia . Cinti

little boy died last jSajtorday and was hnrifd aondaj^.-IligJi^g is very sick and two etho' chil-drgn who have been iP are im-Ii^vving.

Mrs. Hai;Te7 Wopdyag* i» quit* ifl lA h e r ' ^ n e ' h i fbe idP

The younger part of the emn-


Tictlqw hffaaald ha had meases. TIMT lateat vietfa, of

lAnla nported ontta akic The Aid Socie^ of th* Pcea.

hyttriMi^>agdit«<*eiMiariWe-1 ^ at Oie home of Vt& 111*%.

For Rent — 160-aye daiiy

ing; one-half mile of R. R. sta­tion; im mediate. posseiwion; ref­erences required. • A. C. Ritchie, Burke. Va. 37-1

which has returned in force this year.

Six inches of snow fell on Mon­day and nearly as much on Wed­nesday, the flskes rnming down steadily all day. The streets of Manassas were almost closed to travel Wednesday evening until Mr D J Arrington Wft his biisir

ffarroy t h e - k t t e r ^ A^ „^ ly in May. CT W. Boyl«8,~R. 2, Manassas, Va. 37

ness for a few hoars and cleared

greater.part of the town, hltch-ing his horse to a device wMdf he B^ade for use on his farm n o v town.

Wanted—Man with small fam­ily to work on my farm near Bristersburg; prefer num with son old e n o u ^ to do farm work: J. L. Harrell, Manassas, Va. 37-2

For Sale.—^Two thoroughbred Purog Jersey brood Bowa; dug to.

Store for Rent—^Two rooms with modem inqinovements; Center street, 6pp08ito PHnce William 'Hotel. Good opening for harness business. FoiT par­ticulars, see or write E.-nVood Weir, Bdx 283, Manassas,Va.S7-3

i: n 7? , .

. _ ^ ^ j H * ' ^ * * ^ * i W ^ iQ? j^'ii

S> f] a »

Wl^ You Should UseXoBoreie Winter is the daHl aeaaoa for the farmer and aside from atteiriioa to his stock there is very little work to be dooe. It is ah cxodknt^time to do all the Utde coocrete jobs that are neOeaiary arouiid the m m and moat of tfata work can be dooe witboitf employing extra help. Coacrtt* walk^ flooa% tnai^icBoa poat^M^^ctcmaon MBHwy-pKacBt a att^aMtar •HIUMMCII Md caa b« mada vary aaa^ la ooU waallMr.

Bcgimiiag Fel»inuy 1 and nn-lil farther Botiee~i~wi& give oat Twenty-five C^t^ Thrift Staap with evwT $5 cash nnrchaae.



.8«l« fey lt)RNWKl.L, SUPPLY CO..

.M»aaaiuu, Va.

»ws«r«w! s •.iS^'g.^r-=iiSJ^

W. C. Wagenw. S7-tf

tllean, rich, Jersey milk; every morning, early. A poet card t o tk; Lawflon, Mansisss, will bring i t 36-tf

Lost—Flaia gold ring, some, '-wliat ymm, tm Gentur streci^

near Petqries Bank, Friday. Please leave at Prince UnBiam Pharmacy. * 86-1*

For Sale—Park's ^00-egg rtram Barred Hynaotrth Ryfdc eoekerels; bqwtifal birds; di m> at i§ in any man's breeding pea; leAwed price, $8; come qoiejci dnly five left W. L St«ae» Ma.-nasaaStVa. . S M

ttl^nui a$iD»i. K-1

Steta, Nefaaville, Va. j i T "



% We hid in stock the first of this year twenty-five hundred bushels of orchard grass seed. This seed

Tvnmrt^aied within a J a d i i g ^ three miles of Tha Ptauiar-Va.f-aBd on tjie better and cleanest Jif-the f Arms in this sectioi^


T W e COuM today s ^ this whde k>t of orchard grass at three doHkrs per buriiel to wholesria

in Dsltimnie, Matyhuid, ur Lnulaville, KagT . tueky, far SPOT CASH emqitfor tha fact tha* , ahjpmwtto of-ifr^as seed to fte above pomto ara

embargoed by the Baihsay Company. 1 ntmr^ajgyrm mxq a^w ageafrt l^^MIC»AH!l>-GRASS-tf f U n . hi any y n t t t y , at TWO D(»<* LAR& ~ AND—agvaNTY'FTVB CKNTM : P t t t -BUl^HHLrrnhJe^ lo-dwagc.^^|rieLwttkcrt^

-^*' • ' «P«r ^ A ^ ONLY. M

ASKFORSAMPLB.^ t ^ yioa nead Ordugd Gmaa now ia yoor

cocBRAN» linu PLAINS; TA^

& La^cii'a letter on 4dwald-read asiolfows



Nearly every coimtr^arrayed,^ Adih^^hem the g^iU anst Gemany has a spre^^^

jnany CathoBcs |n it, any PW»^iiff,g^^rM. P^na for aewnd -<tf wh<an are aritJYeiy ggigsg,", wedaT' Hw soi HessiEm < Prasaianiwn. & the Umted States the Catho-

asBWC 1 ^ iargert

: ^

who are of mBita^ *«V«« - pteidafor the winter. - oacanfamma^on-tlyhtfhj jg^y.W.L.Naflwffl«

in flie trenches in I ^ ! ^ . p p o i „ t m 2 t a f a \ i » _ _

war-iwiUi, erectaa:B» (tttdwalF"^

denomhiatioa in ^ iiiere is no uewnuB»*-«» — — ^j^^ W i d that «B|irwirt«8.gM»e tvi-Ty HM> fni>i»««a»t»i wdndriea «< ^ democracy an^ccortaintjr none In ,riBh to donata fhfii rmantrr **"* **" "*** '*' la . t ^ • • • u aJm eoantiy T«n oTthe Q^ sfid proaeeatieB ef tttt



Mra Rlitahftft jfcfflone, for-VMriy of Harpers Feny, W. Va, ^ied Wiedneaday morning at the "raaidenee Af hCT <laiisMer,-itofe Ttenaa S. Meraditk. m Gaiito-Tffle. She was the widow rf Edward McCSone tif tiie flteaswafl JaekMC BriWafc. UOt ia aonrivwl by her daogfatar and

Caone, Thomas ]P. GecMTge A. McGkae

JlcGkme. and L


! 5-

—The Bethlehem Good House­keepers' Club was entertained Satord&y. January 19. by Mrs. F. E. Ranadell. The following offi­cers were eieci*>d: Mrs. W. G. "Covtiijrtor,, pr-^ident; Mrs. Laey A Snnw, vcVT'; .ary, and Mrs. M. L: Hrowr.. ireASurea".

place near Weffii«tan[ AH p a w n s liiiliMad to the e ^ R. Coverstoa. of Shfii-ltato of the hi*fB. I* Heenbaker,

Y soid'liis ^ _ t o J f e . I

andoah. who wiH take Maid i l . Mr. ^ t t i g h a f moved to Fkuquier county, near Bock-

wi& please eome fiorMcdaBd serti-t l ewi ththe

land, and his son, llr. B o y J ^ l»^^in« citinm aaainat the estate tig, is hving oc the farm.

The Joainal f l JO a andworth i t

win present Urn same, duly an-thenticated. - + tlZZm X. HORNBAKER. -«AYMARKBT

S4^ Bxeeutrix. PHARMACY

Page 6: THE TO THINK ALUMNI GIVES OVEn R THE · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABUSWED MAY, 1895 U. No. 3 "ASSAS'^fafc.T-i ±t ADVANCE THE

;r.A' PACT SIX Tiir. rtiffflfrASSAS JOu fti> FRIDA irfWStJARTr 1,

ANNffiff' RBPftRT

of the meeting held in Richmond boxes J wb«Q Coventor Stutft deiiyered

before the representatives of the

; • the production and conservation A Year of Pi^rreai WiUi B*th- o< 'o«i- He alaa spoke at the

to the two soldiers con-

of the dub- It wfA rfffftnitiTrlntMi m flao mUtfrtM an|un^ninnluil\ripppovwI Oil ^HJJr

Ckmn^ton sttggested thait



(Chloe K! L*y Hodg*, Secretary) Marcus Aureiius said, "Be not

uneasy, discouraged or out of hn-mor because practice falls short of i»«eept." We might say* "be cause practice falls short of in­tention."

Idfe should be progressive, thet«. should be a <;reec«ndo moveunBiil, lliat which had small Mginning should increase in pow^lttd beauty until those who atre looking for development would be filled with enthusiasm and satisfaction. The musician delights in crescendo when it also displays the coloring of rich har­mony. Our club has united in the progression of interests and hs8j;ert«ii)ly displayed the b^a-tiful harmony bom of true friendship. No organization of any kind hflJi t.nif valacaqleJB these two elements exist—i>rog-ress and harmony.

As the months have conie and gone we find the subjects which occupiedT our attention centered around the interests of the farm, bees, chickens, jeggs and grain and their compar^^veTalne,-as well as the different meUiods-of food conservation «nd healtii

Al|red Presoott was returning, __j j i i ipwtT i" iiiniijiii JA^'^zntvf-'''*'^^^ jp>^*t"'niiiiitfii ~" gether in cohftrende, so forming '^*'- -*---!-• ^- _..L i- -.^

a county council. At this Club meeting-it "was alsosuggestdd that the constitution be amend­ed. This was laid on the table.

May 29 was the date of the next meeting which iras held at the home of Mrs. Snow. The luncheon was served soon aftel* our arrival. Interoi>cr»ed with , x- -x 1 Coarse yoa know fre always had te cheery converMtion it was much ^ • <-.• • «

. mmiv.f, Kuuoncu! On, war mm bat « J « y « « - — 4 w w « a » U H » r s ^ « ^ w ^ ^^^ to try to keep it quiet, <

wad read and aj^roved. The

taws inspired by tnerexigencies of war. ^ I

A t the January meet ing 1'

erts , our dear member, -vho was ttife gftert rf our i iost&s. Miss

1917, there was ail interesting (Bseua-sion on be^Sr' and several mem-bers gave important facts from personal expeiienc<? Thia meiet-ing was held ^ the home of Mrs. Westwoofd HutchiaoiL electlCT W .ftlBewrs to«« pMce,"fF sui t ing in ti» r&«rtatilMimefat of those who had already atfvWit two years, Hta . R d U g l HuteM^ son, president; Bf ix:

amendment of t h e , constitution was then returned to. R was suggested th|it the number of members should be left to the discretion of the club. No deci­sion was reached. H i e needs of the rest room were spoken of by Mrs. Sanders. Miss Gilbert Vail­ed the a t t r i t i on of the club to Miss Rdberts' proposition to form a council of safety. She also ,spoke of a club of young girls she had lately organized and i ts promising beginning. -

The month of June, f<Hr various reasons, passed id thout a regu­lar meeting of tbe chib. -

July 14, Mrs. Hobert Hutchi­son oitertainefl the club on the spacious verimda' « f "WilloW' Side." We-were made h i^py by the prestiic^ of Misls Annie Rob-

Weir, should be substituted, motion was carried.. A t the roUj am the'foBomng appropriate lection was given:

"THE FOOD PLEDGE CAW)." Wliat'* t))e card up in my window?

GooSIiMU trraciooi, sakea alival T^t'i to tell the world

I'm ttyinc td eeonomice.

No» it' i«tyK»h^tobe.

Here came a charming sur-imse. an invitation to cel^rate Hallowe'en at the home of B{rs. Snow.' Like sweet Virginia ham between two slices of home made brea«l and butter, came this unique surprise. ,Time will sot peraoit us to do full justice to the hearty hospitality extended to as by hostess an^ her daughter. Aausted by theJMHsses Hotchi-sbn, little iSufl*ii Ish and her c<main,-Miaa Snow gave a vaHed and characteristic entertain-m«it. Ghosts, hobgobblins and witches exhibited.theinseSvM in i Hirc^riate figures and delighted the Qptlookera exceeding. The banquet table weiuld have heen the envy of any ene who could h a y peq»d in. - We d i J f i f f l j ^ tice to the delicioas viands. At a late hOttt m& deligfatfu! mam-OTM._aBi_tta^k3L3Sfiu fah and Miss W^»ter were also

giffiSts at this m«t!nflr. TlfBToe^fadieus ananjajte a igieedy dfe-«»CT^ WM one of unusual inter- putuirelest t£e gdbi&^ii i f^ est, nearijr all of the* members were presmt, and no businaa'a ia terrupted the pleasure of tiie aft-

Ai it thelemoMm. A fAort pa&totic ^ro-gaiB ga»te * %Ughlftd vwjel^ 'I'he delkMiA iee cream u d cake

etoedafly eaikyahfa that

Hodge, secretary, and llni.-T.:i *toe a too rapid flight Broaddus. treftBurer..

ed the club on the aftenioon of February 17. Mrs. J L, Harrefl, Mrs. R. S. Jbrnvm *"4 ^^

siuniaef day, and thehaBy esE > of reni ipitif o tice > gavcthe

Jufy S8, th^^ub had the jgooa Mrs. W. L : Sandier* entotaJB-^^or^QQir'to be cntatained at

_ _ •_ ^ . • _ ' < J W I ^W*»l —AW S m -^m Clover HOI,'' t h e home <^ Mrs. Joseph Johnson. A ver/ 'eari i^

Charles Lewis The importance I old

tservatiffli of AB v^ftiMm and ^VaoMTEir beoi sMmiea^afite •ql^fruita ocenpied the enCite liuai-

cateh us. Nov«!Uib«r 21. 'I'he unavoidft-

ble absence of the Becretary was madegeeid by Mrs/M. D. Brown i»teJdtogr:igBri^|gaB>.-|P!B. Westwopd Hutchison, witt }fer uBuat IqndncM And hogiNttfityr entertai^pd t^ cig}) injt}ie pl||kpe of_ 1(088;* Annie Rc£ie^^ witose absence front Msnasmis is rOr «cattedb|ralL O^oHitojaqKi' unportant features or this m o ^ ing was ,the^ " ^Mrt. thai ihi^ Christinas booes'sent to .£aal


UTTLETOTS - GROWING GIRLS - MISSES —It is the s k i i n g wear that stands the teat of ckMW iBspeetioa, r - ^ « 3 ^ UNPIN a ganMBt, yep wffl |^ dellghtMl with the maay real cbatfort feeinrca

—B^igiitoB Carbbad Sle^lngwcar b nade of bcatcmUty flannelette^ the woikmanali^ * '-^, tkcrefbre the garatoits dve Io«t and nttlHictbry service: *

EVER HEAR OF A "PAJUNION?*' —It is nade onb'Iqr Brighten CaiUad GovqpaiiTipid wffi gite yon an idea ef tke perfcefte of tliese gantenfs. . •—

.5»^,?AJyNroN <»AT, beiiw to tlM tnwsMr fiadjwfer "^am^ «p''aii<rwaasaroBBaar»&aiiiiga4fiiflrJbacK. • " ~^ ^ ^^. The FAJfUNlON has no DBAWSTRIN6 to auny people cannot stand; eHperifHy

the Btrietore at tiMi waiM Bne wUeli so

\ Hie PAJCNION has botfmi and'loop sUadUiriM« at aidtba wfeidi prwanta Wa fta« aUn-Biw an jRHljsiHHtag diseeBiflBM. - ........ :'^\._-.

Pajaaiook for'aiSfltan are | l i & to M-M^irit

- EVEIIV ofHEHH BBlOHTOr e s m . ^ ^ ^ CtAftiilfer^ t ^ S i t S • ___- _ L^_„„ SPECIAL COJiW-ORTfl P O I f l ^ " r- ± - ^

flJntalW —MlMiMiHxirtgownr^ ffvttflty stsiped flaaneleCte wlflt^nt|'lriiiipfa«^ |L25 iiflSlir

vmm9tm t^ifSu'ritlU^Mit-.ftm-Mif riEiiPifiife

•m m I! ', l,.f| I, A>ff «t

niir fnyfji wn« the ntilijhnf nf nnw

and I^VaiiMr^ir beoa shippea^ afito bring eareftiflly i»ek«id i y liUa

« meeting, tegeth^.igafaeUe HntchiaQn^ 3!hia nsM a nest dLscua^sioa and tha removal er With the d i a c u l t y o t obtaining j^lnvpty »:h«iig|,f i wH £r gy p l ^ g -of cans and other disfiguring ob-'cans because of the high inaccjare to aO^-It^^as deemwt brat jects was placedra thehMktooTft^^s »o»ed and seconded and topoetpmiethedtok^^ the Boy Scouts, who- were re- ,carri«l that the Junior. Red tainment i» club families and quested to see that it was done Cross Auxiliary be aslred to trg^ at »m:e—iile dispuiaalof obnox- " uispUHe o l . t nnproer ot t ^ ious insects caihe nexi, and tiie 'i <><>) 1''*<> Bi>i3<'oto<iluue>n.the use of formaldehyde and tolphmr proceedSii* Tlte c|ul>-cwatnbyted caadki. <vamucoiuuueu<ted M bO- ^M^t Ihe *ei ing effective. TTie dub list^ied roomr -

interes^g address from^ AHgust -25. i t m


wm--Pjipwipf and satisfactory 1 «ace^ Hcnrse fnnindied fmr any reasbnabla diatance. Beei^ Lamb, VeaI cikd fwk

qtoke a t Pfeasi^t iKHlHi uf Mia. CurmgUwr

j question, ''How are yoa m i g m y r ' hmogfct not ^ nrnnhar

to an Dr. FlannaganT aoiiie lem^lli ou veatflaUoBf^jW^ t l ^ a t l h e . d u b imit uu tlite wttBF-age and water saifiy^ and tlie ^ ^ O D - W e were much refreshed importance ef • i t n i s e ifl'HieiWb- oa arrival with witermefon lie schools, as wdl as in private eaateloupe. A t th i s meeting if homes. • __ T waa iiw ''*'?t~tP Tdaec a

March 17 found the:dnhaa-:^^^>DtcaUnigattenti(» sembled at pleasant home 0 Mrs. Bobert Hutchiann The response to the roll call ' "• fTtiiiB' "* *rr-ver>- _ SeHghtful qnotatiana

of varied interest and oeeopied f(*ad much of the hoar.—TJje "what wild, flower or ^nib do'betk Coviuflton and her friend, you most enjoy", waa a pleasant "ary MOOR, sCTvad cooliacaher-query and led to the itinnMJm i ****' ""^ <akc widdi ^"i**, modi of beautifying the giwuids anr-'eajoyed by rounding our homes and soBMf of j feasting on the our public bnildiBgs. Oar wtA •fpeead'bef<»« oa room interest found a {dace iaT ^ the subjeeta of the afternoon, meetinr, as it As this waa ^ P t o f c y s ady

a i^ l sbtfW la the honoia

of a'ifailfntt prarti^l aHfya-^TSan:—Fluwu BLWIS fbi the adnmment-og-

of that of the day. A St Patrick was given. Tht retary read the .aii^il report Every member was pnaentod

for the hoataaa d t S U n o ^ to iBteftala4hedid>.

October il found the dob the fortonate lasato of Mxv. M. D. Brown. Miss Gilbat told of a delightfd meeting of the GroTe-|

qrith m. ftrmtty Md nwiqn* f«vy,jtend^bwiihtheir»«"«W.Y»«gaj approf»iate to the Sawraid Ideifriemb as gneata. This n ^ j Jfy and S t Patrick. ! tested a similar oeeaaioa for oer

Mrs. G. C. Bound was the club. It met with approval and' hostess of the dob <» the after-ja sort vt Harrsat noon of April IS. At this meet- spoken of and left to be decided ing we had the pleasure of hsten- • later. A suggestion originating ir? to interesting addresses by with lOas Isabel!* Hutchison was Miiie Lillian Gilbert and Miss told of by our president. She Erfith Roberta, each of whom" said she thoo^t ft would be a jrav-e s vn^ry enthusiastic report loveiy act to send Christmas

line embraces Sta|^< aod Fancy Groceriee

Qawmwrar^ Tin s o d ~

cw£ n An K OHnrflfap


Jl V -TaimNAL fifty-two


Page 7: THE TO THINK ALUMNI GIVES OVEn R THE · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABUSWED MAY, 1895 U. No. 3 "ASSAS'^fafc.T-i ±t ADVANCE THE

FRI»AY,-''5«W*l^RY 1, IC:—-» -^<.a«» Tifb ..Z^^I:;^^!^^ "JOURNAL ' PAGE SEVEN

Clean TiMllli ^ WHBK PBUM







PrinceWilfiaBinianBaey MuMMMi; Vk fUk

OiDversity oi Skgpia H«Mi W PidAe SehMl ^yataii «(


dne, Eaglaetring bOAN FUNBS AFAILABLB

te da—iviug itndante. (iftjOO eovan ^ PWta t»_^»rci8fa flMfBtp IB tht

X>(ptrtnMiil*. .SMd ior

aol^ in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twenty-five jreara, and out produced them tSl, and the reason for it is because it con­tains Bfagnesium and. Oxide of Iron in right propairti<» to Cal­cium Carbonate, and the UnH StataB Aicticaltural DapartouDt in YMX Book 1901. page 161. states that Magnesium-is abso­lutely necessary to plant growth and nothing else will tadce its place. Send orders to Comwell Snp^y Co., Manassas, Va.; A. S. kBobertsoB, Wellington, Va.; M.. Rollins, Bristow, Va., or direct to us and same will have prompt at­tention.

= IicesbggLmeCo.,hc B. V. WHITE. Manager


IMS tti t e PMI 9 ^

!« ifpniHl I f .&e Inr i if


^iULESFQRSAfcE JMways fRMn 100 to 300 head of horses and moles of att deseriptions for s^e at my HaMrt Ih io^k, PI. 1 4 4 y

Tiw patriotic cioty of iarn»era and r-jj_riA£* A.i'T,t^r.l->Tl.T->^.-J ntotta pnwocaoa; usea-

ItY* CanBing aii4 gTrlrtting, and vM niicral Ota of feftfliaefa, tocc^&ef

]Fum MMA Gardea See«b AB4 Mta lMot^e beat eroft to

waa te ( W r t y t - f

T. W. WOOD A j 8 0 y &

(Continuwl from PajK^Six}

The way to make two blades'!:? '-'e-question-irpbmmofifj^ of gnuM grow where one doesj-C*^™^™" *««• ^^ brought a

ymessage from the Manassas club asking for our co-operation. A

now: Buy the celebrated Mag nesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Co., the Umei:iratinriimr ^mmittee was appointed to l° ' thap^community pamphlets

meeting was as usual held at the! *"* service is the distribution of hom«. of MpL gadg* - On v>h^if, copies of the Presidents Elag of the committee Mrs. Sanders | ^'^ address, which is regarded reported the tentative plans in " *® ^°^ comprehensive state-regard to the Christmas tree. "®"*^*^"®'* ^ ^^^ government We-were urged ^ enter into it I"* regard to the fundamental is-heartily. The various commit- •"^"oft^e war. te«8 were appointed and soon] " ^ Bpy Scouts of Manassas, plans were formulated. Here •' "8 . unde*" the instructions of we may say that [the plans were Scoutmaster Bibb, will deliver carried out with some modifica- j f"* *> printed matter as may be tion and were a very attractive i """^ *ron» time to time by the


Maibfe, Crate mJS


UmTBD Sranps, isB oramBM M^^lineetiiiga represent

___ , Moe,ees —uiaMCTOiu*—

a. u. »ootan, " • *• M. HAIU.OW. g. •Ejijj'jii-s ' . a. Bins,

fsxnu* •a- lsaU I


Hayingdfteiiiiinai] todavote^g ndiole time to tiie Real Estate and InsnraBee bosineM, we here-hy snHrft. all •prapta-fj *«- —1«

meet a committee from the Ma­nassas club.

December 15, the Christmas i

(etins on ^ e War to Bfany . _ HftMfiff i a A|f ^ ^ f|n

request of President Wilson have become government despatch beferers in carrying to the homes

b F * ^

on the war, prepared by the Committee of Public Informs^ tion. Their first despatch-bear-

addition to the Christmas festiV' ities.

And now as we look back over th^ mcniths ssone froih'm, we ask, "what are the salient points

CcHOmittee on I>ublic Informa­tion. Each Boy Scout js pro­vided with an identification card

"bearing his namer^roop number, city and state, and declaring his

of the year's work?" First, food PP**"'*™^ * «* *" **<*« to the preservation and food fionaftTva- Committee on Public Informa-tion have had a prominent place. Second, the interest in our rest room, has^not. abated. .'Hiird, the.discussion of sanitary e^tdi-tipns in home an^ school was very important. Fourth, the cook book was not forgotten. Fifth , tfie fiomwumity Hhw^itmaa g M ^ " * y ^^ Aai led to hmi

tree was approved by the dub and in company with others id^ tercetcd wag oorricd out sucecss-

!oiri» serve as a despatch bear­er for the government under the direction of the Natino^ Coun cilj Bpy Scouts of America.-'

Each ScooL-despatch bearer win have access to &ank^ pos-tal cards by means of which any

laH^." Tlieift 'warm thft maifi points'of oar progrewOT'creiF cendo. Ilbis w(»tl is derived <MB the Italian word crescere,

to grow, and what more can any one ask of a dub, l^an that it

U ^ of the various-wor pamph-fets which the Conunitt»e on Riihlir Inform«fi«i^l |^ t^,b1'?Vr4 doling .the wai'. ~

uld yow in-ttscf ulncss tod ' TImftltetS aiii in iliat nmtori u»-

The Aluvni of the^XTniversity of'Virginia batted one thousand per cent ait the siecond training camp .of the Officers' Reserve Corps recent^ oomidetod atJPbrt

tenist which. ginia man ,i »pointed. teceived-y •_ TMiniiniHsipp.

and the cummmaity al huge.' — ^ ^ li«7ins: ^ m secDnd Bfeutensatf 1%oii^ thoe mi^ *» "«>o^««- to^antaa* '^&»8,let OS not dwdl OB these,Jr *^ ~ ^ but yu the real things tbp«p

So ^ , per­chance, .'shadows havie falloi apmsB thtf pictiire Mdlnlonie poalHMis the colors «re somewhat

times in which we liTe,:whiie-wj!ft- listen with bated Iweath to the


awful sound cif war across u e sea, and sinnrow fmr loved ones in peril, may we not; lee the sun-Bhiny part where the lights aj^- Nutgiibqin

Dor new stocl^ has iur> rhred.Westilikavai of iMtjaM^ai

iliidisoU. 7

Ceoa Da Balier Undertaker

l aa ATX., « X O OocnaMSK, M > » f « , Tt. .Pw|K iMMtian gi»m ail orrfcr* Ptimm

• • tnrMaeofiOTmoeaadaBMriaiwti l jm-tSr. MXTAUC CASKETS CA&EIKD Dt erfocK.

If you really want the NEWS § of the coonty The Journal win

give it to you ev^y wedi for a year for eoe dollar, in advaaee.


LaeAa.Wlaa, U a Wlaa,

Seod for catalogoe and partie-alan. Metal Gnrien «« laat tar years—00 bredcacei Na

fisuNtiAimira). l a s P St. and m4-18 6 St..

\ WASHINQTON, D. C . ^ ^

Manassas Transfer COH W. k. JLSBST,

higher, and hope that all ml^ hapiHly d w ^ in mesnoty became of oar Fathers i^iiaqving snrfle.

The fcOvwinr is ttte raD «i hmmc im NakasviE/Mlfe SdMd *K JSg^


NCTW Until Thte


HeSappBcd' It To©.

' ^ stemaeb got insndi-terri-Ue shmie I wasn't hndfy^ able to g^.aboqt.'' wtflaea M. A. tsaat, of iltf Alhani, W, Va., B. F. D,

Mciia Fliekzngcr,

D a ^ S h i d ^ ,

Christina Had-

WriiA*. <3nia GaWa~Da««

MMrad aadridg.

H o ^ _ I had used^several different

lrin4s of medicines-bat none «f Q w i did ma any 0oed, uatS one daylgothoMof abirttUirfAsid Iron Iftiegal and it helped me so modTT another bdtOa. Tbe drofgista Bcbii% have any mace so 1 sent awiy for some, an< that way jean ago.* it ilHWiJ me and-.nc3i^hb6rs. aO

. ^ I an»aiBid kcfft after me so modi to Ktfcal Surfer, Kite Britt«, Vi»-i»«* *»•«« •ow* too that for eight

nnt Fnmr. ^nA Whata.!. CanaD.ygM* I sold for the makers I ytmym^ YlWmm Omm, Ora KeUfa, Maiy Kbodaa. WQIteai Bvan, lUOm Han. Hanttd Swaite, Nawtaa Wright,


4aB*t know bow many botties, atod the wh(^-towtt got to using Add Iron HineraL Folki wwy so enthosiastie about it they Bsed h on tbe eattk amd horses

FARBIS FOR SALE 7 acMa, i-toom


chard, $3,500/ **vft( ii Tiir* QWviittjf, iMxn, orchard,

«*. "«SjMe.


acrw. »-room tMM. t^ btariaff • h.nj, gO acr«a in sod. $7,600. orohard. $flqp. f 2oo», daiij farm. 7 rpom hs\m. lata

U « « a , *-nwiH house, orchaxd, $600.T barS, j)rrhar<l, IClOa te sod, $8,000. 10 acras, &-ro<« hoosa, oicliaid^ $750.-:-

37a, 6-rooin booaa, orehard, |ttO. 6te, hay bam, $l,SOar 50a, S-rooBi houae, bam, oatbaildiaga,

orchard, rivcr-bottonj^ h_ eqif g/ti Sheifars, $S,7M.

163a, small house, minaral raservad, $1,200.

100a, &-ro(» house, orrhsid, tood bottom laBd, $140(r.* : "^

104a, 8-room *hoase, outbnildincs, tl.TM.

204a, S-room house, ouUmikliBS*, $2,500.

200a, 7-room bouse, targa bam, or-

f Have yea ever hak opr prices on JOB WORK ? In these days it is wen to kaaw In advance both the qaaUty and the cost. Ask THE JOjmSAL,-^ — —

Cornwell Supply Go MANASSAS

SeOi the Qia ipion Cream Saver

ALMOST any separator will do fairly good work when it is' brand new, perfectly adjusted and skimming warm milk' from f resheasd cosa.^

Sut separator can't always be new, cows cant always ba fresh, nor can yoo always separate yonr miUc while it is at 85 or 90 decrees. iB' ather worasi year yeparatiac is dene uiidsr practical coaditiojn, aad the aansiUs tfain( ta do is to fat a ym*.

„»5iJ.,,»ew«»t«., ',.,_-_- ,..._• __-.,„.. .^._.,:.;-.. . , _ . , . . _ ,

The NEW De Laval i s th^ most practical a^^arator you can buy

bersrisf it is the eaiv sniarator thikt jFOa <an dean under any aod all eenditaaMs of milk

upon- to I teniperatura, aad

B r«a wul~i« owa s'Mpainiranurwin: da " iti work better tSiCa u y thai, aa4 4* U

" «t c»B»Uat tiakwiaa sad »4JIHIM»U. Ue NSW D* LsTsTls a * itadda* ts

teqqr __. (ifaiiieat l i i f -slw^ «( D* La«al aaeUacs, tt b I n * ena greater daoM ttaa «T«r'' ar tbs i 0 i y «9MMMiiats Hi LSTaL

The Bcw aelf'

•• teday ta a i W4nkaaaaa-^ ^S* new sa

V aeir-caatactef iMwl wUA ^ras OS sraatei capscilr aad aUauans «A-tka Da Lanl b«n apead-tadkatatk

alosa woald ka wMtk-jaaay doVara a to a eaw ««a>r. tka liinwefcfl aato>

•atle allias sriteBt and tb* aaay otSer ! • -•r*««ni*ate (aaod ia a* etlMr -auke at

jaafcajSe l^W^Da Uital by. lto<>}


tiililB(«»i!llAWi»J •ii iJJJtuiiniiiwi • ! • ! I

1 I



I Highf price paid for scgj p— mm^ boneS) rags, to^-

r, metal

I f i ^ aiid Fws a )^>edahy





jUBdiS^fiMBJKttDBfandjLdiatiaoBatad-iti IkMi M f Mm^iSlI Mi'.ivt l i l .^r . . l * « u l fcaat ^am^m other towns in Rorkingham wodid atop blood and bail cnta

eoanty who tod beef. vmL andiandl wonkhrt be WMMW^a bot-porir too high ptieed can make tiefathehooseferaloL I^ad-b0«k eiida nwet better « 0 v byjly in iiwiwiil it M the beit aB

bear meat, hoife-qnant^ aroA&d ttetfidBC • B ^ ' C K W ever tksof iriiieh have been piaesd on {hair OB the plaeei'* writca Ifr. the BMrkat at motv prices thsn those lemaaded far ehtrfee steaks awi ehepa. The mountains at the county are r»-

Aeid Iron KiiMral is the-prod-net^of a natural medicinal iron-depadt and is so higbly ooocen-

ported to be infested by bears, trated it is a cheapo*, stronger, andin thelastfewdvsaaum-jand better iraa meifiene for ber of the animals have been begged by honters, some of Che bean weighing over 300 pounds.

Vlrgiiiia alamni now in military Bam^c*. y^altiif aad aS Uadsj service is estimated at between

ef maithimUas or othv eemsadtttas 12,000 and 2,600, accM^bng to I President Alderman.

itonfiach, kidneya, and J^pod. Get a bottle today Peoi^ all over the state praiae

it Hie number of Univaraity ^^imii Sold in Manataai by W. Vnd

Dowdl aod hy good druggists everywhere. Air,'

= ^

^oodfr Whoi yoa think of parchasing a watch, a ring, a scarf ^ or broodi pin, or ether jewel iy , remember w e can — wapfij yoor wants. Most anytiun^ i i fbm '

s p c t t B g goods line wili^ be foimd a t ain attractive price.

WmHifWfJ fiBm m^9mt^



Hemy K. Field & Co. Ijabef, S n ^ laAs, Doors, Ssfc

BBn^and Building Materia!


OF ALL K I N D S . E S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D .

No. 115 M. Union StreM. ~'' fhcfeofy: Na U l N. Laa Sfcmsi. ALEXANDRIA . VA.

Page 8: THE TO THINK ALUMNI GIVES OVEn R THE · 2014. 3. 21. · ESTABUSWED MAY, 1895 U. No. 3 "ASSAS'^fafc.T-i ±t ADVANCE THE

:- . 'fSlGk EIGHT 'flfk MANASJfAolTJffSS'At ^TflfiifDAY, FEEh^.T?9^. ins


- News has been received here

visitors at the home of Mrs. E. Dupn. Mrs. King has been very jill^hntia better.

Mr^ Robert Calvert, of Rich-i Mr. Fush Abel is suffering *f tlietteath «Iffi-. SuaS Jt Dete-f ittontf, wAs a Mitnri«ville Viaitor {fiomaCiiruu tHefcfe

Davis on Saturday at the {Tuesday and. the guest of Mrs. { A number of persons plan to ware honie^ol' hS sister,

wastiSS'^rafigMt son (^ Mrs. Dehiware D«Y»,-of "Wood.-

helTu inT^ET

spent Suiidi^ with Mrs. Rus­sell's sister, Mrs. W. S. Smith.

Messrs. T. M, Russell, W. H. COniWHg

4\ Aiexajnaer. to vitM:

very-ifl. '"' Private John T

lawn," who are among our oldest-pected-home from Camp Lee residents. Of late years Mr. Davift lias spent much of his time at hb old home, managing the farm and caring for his parents.

He was here about a week be* fore his death, apparently in

-good hsalth, though h« remarited to a friend that he was not feel­ing at all welL_ .No particulars.

imu H. u iubbfl jUAde| a "flyiag" trip to Manassas Tuea-

IKr. Crirert ^ attwid the entertainment at I day. ^^^ i? ~f!iHfe^^^'^ Ritf"-^"ji mpnjnj i.

f Mtflsrs. R. Wt Clarke is ex- ' Dunn have acc^ted employment

with Mr. George A. Fuller. shortly.


oi th« funeral have bisen receiv­ed, but it is understood that his remains were carried to Wil-DoingtoiuDeL. and pUuied in the family vault there;

Besides his parents he is sur­vived by his sister,at wKose home he died; a brother, Mr. Warner Davis', of California; his •wtte,yfho was Miss Sadie Canell, of Philadelphia,and three young childran, Warner, Sadie and Nellie. ..ilisa Virginia Boxley, who has

be«i visiting'~Ber "stsferr Mrs. Wade C. Payne^ returned to Richmond on Fri^y.

- By order of the fuel adminis-tration the stores ip Haymarket with the exception of the" drug store lure ckwed-kalf of the day on Mondays.



Mr. and Mrs. Omar Kibier and CnoMiyJr., and Arthur Wil-aona

son, were week-end guests of Mr. i^ibler's parents at Marshall.

Bfr.'W. M. Foley and family, who for the past two years have been living in Savage, Md., have recently returned to this neigh­borhood.

Miss Marie White, whp has been visiting at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. J. C. McDon-and, has returned to her home in Washington. • v

Miss Florence ^ s s o m N ^ n t Saturday and Sunday at her home, "Mt. Atlas."

A coasting party which was

Mr. Will Brower visited his friend, Major J. L. Sanford at Clifton last week. Maj. San-ford ia noy statioped at Ghiokar.

Mr. and. Mrs. Tnuiz Peters 2 of^ecdtlaSe-idayed,

have h u i of t£e s^e arrival in France of their son, Mr. Heine-Vnn PnB»TO: Mr. Ouatav PctMft-has retOmed from Texas, yrheXe he has been engaged in survey work.

Mr. and Mrs. W>-M.X» Dodge have a happy addition to their famil in the i entwi of a little son who arnved on Wedai

Mr. and Mrs, s<m, of ington,

Haymadi are abo

Hugh T. Clark-

receiviug tiie congratulations of their friends on the IHTI^ ctf •- son at iiieir home in Washington on Sunday.

— T t e

much enjoyed by all present was held on Thursday evening of last week on the hills near the school. .AfeQHJt. JfiQrO'sdefik,. hot chocolate' with dqughnuts and small cakes were served in "the sdicol build­ing and i bm«. intot^tiog games

Misatp EHen Utterback: Rector spent Mary iiouise

week-end at their homes in Hay-the"^^

market. "Kteg Wlntfer" gm mgM th

this part, of the county. Snow f^ steadily all day Wediiesday, measiiring aboot twelve inches.


I TheCivicLeagM» will hold its,

mauga Park. Misses Alice Metz and l^ai^

Trainham were Manassas visi­tors last week-end.

Mrs. BL E. WiUdns isf the guest of "her daughter, Mrs. L. K. Lynn-

Mrs. Berry, of Oakton, was a week-end guest at the hom^ of her cousin,.Dr. C. F- Brower .

Mr. Johg T. Patterson and his son, Roy, were CharlohesviHe visitors last week.

lir. Cl&reiice Mcfiitosh,. of Middleburg, visited his broiler, Mr. James N. Mdatosh, <» Sat­urday. '~^ " "

Mrs. J. C. Posey js suffering from a fall on theic^e.

Services wlU be held st Wood­bine Church Sunday aftomoon at 3 o'clock.

Mrs. Joseph Wheaton and her niece. Miss Elsie, spent last Weak : with Mrs, W. W. Wheaton. ,



nlinits. Miss Gilbert urfired theU^ immediate purchase of omtain-orsior cjinning purposes.

Mr. Gebi'ge W: Retzer recent­ly fdi rti^the ice, fracturing his hip^id otherwise mjuring him-self. Mr. Retaer's extreme aee.

^pj I eighty-fouT-years, he!^ .make "Es e6h^ti(¥n very critical. -He Is ajreteran of the <7ivil War, and a member of the G. A, ft.,s^<^ has many friends In fhia vlctoSy

Mr. G. Perry Betg^, of Alex­andria,, rraeniiyspait-'several days at ^dependent Hill, visit­ing his father, who is v ^ iB.

Mrs. B. F. Gh efif, of'Balti-moreHs-visitiQg I^r flistavitlrs.

Miss Rose LintonT^HtoTuig

work of tbp Haymarket Jpjpgff mity yykjH^ ^^^ h]tii)i TTff V i r g i ^ Branch of the Ai^erican here, was takra to Em«K«»ey T odfTroM for thf month of Jsn jpmn>ilil, hi WMKingtoii;-«ftatr uary^ is reported as follows TwdVe pair* soCks; eteven sweat-

lets, sixty-seven bedshirts, 962 aunnc^' diesaiuua. 'ni« wu k has been shipped to division headquartos with-the exertion of the sorgicri dresai&i^ A Supply^^"w6or' and is expected daily. M. ; ^

monthly meeting at the adhoc^ house) .Tliursday eveifflML_Al good ptpgnasi will be roid^^d.

Mrs. W. E. Rhodes, who has

—The regular meeting.of the-Woman'sAuxiliary to the Farm­ers' Institute took place Friday. January 18, at the high, school, twenty membera being present. The subject for consideration was health. The most import­ant number on the program was an address by Mus Osbeum, who gave a detailed account of her stay at Battle Creek Sani­tarium, where the medicines ad­ministered are fresh air, exer­cise, proper diet and rest, and the~curos woudeijFui.' Mm. M.' D. Brown, who had personal ex­perience in this hetdth res(Mi;J 1 / V ^ conflrmed Mitw Owboum'a state.] M.\f*W-

For U. S. Government, Ordnance Depot G)n8truction Work

HIGHEST WAGES PAID ^ Time and One-Half Paid for Overtime after S Houca.

... . F-»«^UiitfiouiLftadSleeping AccoaunodAtijUUL..


Come to BALTIMORE, MD. — •—APPLY T O — — — —

Smith, Hausor and MacTsaac, Inc; CttjrEmployment Office

Or Curtis Bay, Md

nesday for treatinent. Mrs. A. H. ]^g is

tmeTwdr-wifet with au in arecthandJ-Miy

Jmwiih Sa^e Hedrick


and Mrs. Tftgnr

[li^^^^nnday mfHiiiga ui Wada

January has bem the nxmth of mow. \

ElderA 1 Caifiand m fTStvr{-ed to fill his p^aBnM>fM«tment Saturday aai Sundaj at- the Greenwood Primitive Bttptigt ChurcET ^

The-€Svfe1^«gW6 school hou8e^|atardi^ evening. The regular form of bosineas wna transacted and Mr. Baymad Curtis waa ffkytfd trf^snrer in. Ihe idaca der, whose by tha leagne. ing will be hdd Febmaiy 28.

Mr. and Mn. f. L. Hinton spent Sunday witii Mn, Hintfln's sister, Mrs.- Raah Hereford, «f Agnewville.

daufl^tor, Misa Loeafo Cli fce,

ness Tuesday. Mr. Shean, of Clevriand. Ohio,

passed throni^ MbmievSe last week, accon^panied bgTMr. Ranoe, of Manassas.

Mr. an^ Mrs. P. E. Chrka, Miss Ocie Greene, Dr. C L. StarfcWMthffl. WiiMrg-^w««.y

Washingt(» ^nsitors. • ib. Harry Si|nd«?s, of Manas-

week^end anagt at the | home of Vx. S. H. Hinegardiief.

AJhamber of iJte young people of !J<Aesvile expert to attend the

ington. Satur^iy and 3 a n ^ . ' Mrs. B. F. Hedriek iesa been (m

the sick list. Mw. gora L. Buriflc, o l

been ill far-»l<Hig time, haaJbem cxmfinecT to her bed tot aevenl w e d ^ HeruanysfriefHlsiarJttr neighborhood are hoping f oi* spoody recovery, wttl turn of warmer —Ifrr mother, of Bidtimore, Md., visiting the latterV^ajrentsVltr. and jba: geBntw^T- ^ ^ ^ ^

- MTI B . Cdiinton sas^gmie' tm

through ^ est ^^r^nia. pects to be away for we^a;-':";- -•. :


-Tht Fwest nig Clvlc ieagQa will give <u euten selKMd house Saturday. evmmK, Felnmary 9, beginning at 8 o'clock. A very, interesting pn>>

more, vt tpea^ag a fgw here. _ — — —Mrs. Sanme Hedriek reeently lost a valuable horse. Tlie ani

; jtlftlppf a fence, brealmig itaist^ and had tobe^ML

A daughter was iwni Snnday to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Florv.

JEenture of THuch i ra te^ bate, r BeMdved, That ti» bofs who lib to the fcoBt-ah idd iwfe get wigagwd to a girt before thagF

y » V P PlwwU, !.«, K«— ^ ^

The afltomative q>eaken wifl be ^ . Reuben Botnnsmi and IGss M rtie MerxiD and Measo.

Crew and B. T. Liminr

MHW. F. Bide, who has been -io-h

iwtii -griftHe-improving. EHMYLOU.

ef^tfae day: -

Mr.WlBam EL Kinf, of Waab-hgton, QMot Sonday at ^ home of Mrs, Chariea Dnnn.'ra-toming to WaaUagteei Soutay evening.

Mr. and Mrs. 7. T, Synebx. etf Dumfrifn, viafted at the

a defaata in eoatame by the." Teaaom Run D^ating Society" and a i ^ fat one afct, "Two A«it» « i d - ^ Photo." "Hie cast oJF characteM-InrJadiw Mify Ktta.Tapacott, 4s

and P. guests of

Carter, Qaod Emus Alexander were the Mr anOrrrXr day^

Esau Fisher, a respected col­ored mac, died on Sunday imd. was buried on Wednesday.

Messrs. Ra>'mond Curtis, W. A. Dij.t. Clarence Bailey, Henry I iirter and Wesley Bailey were

Mr. Push Abel Toiaday. Pii<i^m FraidL Dnvfc

Wallaee lUndall, sf-gan|r

Jessie; Ifias Beatrice Abd, End-ly, and-Manaa AxsoSili Dnnn and Myrtie Merril. two old maid, Muta^ •- ' ^ '

A box soi wr and candy sale win be hdd-after the progrun, together with a flshfaii^paeid aa|d

giri lie ia invited to aSand.


itwrCTfrBesidvimtad at OM Mn. Gharies Donn Son-day.

Mrs. J. T. Anderson has been

day! Mr. W. A. Bottom, of Ken­

tucky, visited in tUa nat^bof-bood Sunday.

on the sick ItBt. ~ Mrs. William E. King.

Washington, spent the week-end Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Charles

^ Miss Pearl RUBB^ was a gueit of of her oonsio, Mtt. J. C. Pose^,

i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Russ-dl

- \

f TW GevcmnMnt baa "taken ercr"

f New is yenr eppertwdty te i "We Save mfy ;


W. L McCpY^Agen^ Manassas, Va

a ic DI zfl