2 TO RAISE INDEMNITY Commission's Detailed Report to the Ministers at Peking. ALTERNATIVES ARE PRESENTED Source* From Which China May Raiae the »eea»ary Revenue. A'cw York Sun Soactaf Stwvfc*. London, May 3.—The ' Peking corre- \u25a0 spondent of the Times sends a precise statement of the indemnity commission's report. Considering the improbability of China paying from her own resources the £05,000,000. needed, four alternatives, the report says, present themselves. First, a Chinese loan not guaranteed by the powers. Such a loan would be almost ruin- ous to China. ' Second, a loan guaranteed by all the powers. Such a loan would be easily obtain- able. It would hasten the payment of the indemnities and the restoration of normal conditions. It would be advantageous to trade, but would involve heavy responsibili- ties for the government and might lead to difficulties in the event of differences among the guaranteers, who might requite control of the revenues hypothecated. Third, to issue Chinese bonds to each power for the amount of Its indemnity, payable at fixed terms. Boiida bearing interest could serve as security for a national loan. fourth, annual payments, which would be inconvenient as involving an undue prolonga- tion of the time of i-ayment. The committee decided to leave the de- cision as to which alternative shall be adopted to the home governments. The committee unanimously agreed upon the following sources of revenue to be utilized for payment of the in- demnities: First, the maritime customs, which are already under foreign control. Their total n-vtnue is J22.000.C00 or $29,000,000, of which {24,000.000 is absoibed in prying interest ou tcreign loans. :ii. an Increase In th" customs tariff . ye Z per cent ad valorem. This TiiirJ. inc. native customs, If placed under the maritime customs, would yield from iJ.CCO.OOO to $10,CC0,tXi0. would give, opium being excepted, from I ities - Is such aa a»ur, .s>\ foreign clothing, shins, etc., v, bii-h aii no i free. nznittee considers that the above Ecurcc* would yield a minimum revenue - and a maximum revenue laels. T k p recommends, but no: Following: A.i i:;crcr.Eß in the customs tariff to 10 per cent, v.hich, it is estimated, would yield from 10,5'N\COO to IS,COO,OCG tacls. It is estimated that the salt tax would yield from 4,000,000 to 20,000,000 taels, the Peking octroi produc- ing 500,004 taels. The commutation of the rice tribute,' it 13 estimated, would bring I.CCO.OCO to 8,000,000 taels. Mancbu pensions and iitary ixpensts are repom- iiieud .presses the opiu- ion that uei'.her the land tax nor the likin can be touched. The ibcrame in the maritime customs apply to imports oniy. All the ministers, with the exception of the British, American and Japanese, favor an immediaie increase to 10 per cent. The commit lee concludes that without the guarantee of the powers. China, to pay £65,000,000 sterling would require to raise $85,000,000 at 3 per cent, but with a guar'anu?e she would not require to raise more than £70,000,000 at 4 or 4i 2 per cent if the creditor conseiu to a post- ponement ot the redemption until the rev- enue is increased. China meantime need pay the interest only. FRAME FAVORS IJlTlliS It Ik Arjjuod That This Will (.uar- antet- the Open Door. Paris, May 3. —The French foreign office corrects the figures of the indemnity to be demanded from China as cabled to the foreign office by M. Pichon, the French minister at Peking. Instead of 1,363,000,- --000 francs, the foreign office says the amount should have been 1,635.000,000 francs. However, this amount, yet may be reduced. These figures provide for ex- penses up to July 1. The foreign' office is anxious that the United States support Germany's proposal to increase the Chinese customs duties, insisting that it will be the best guaran- tee cf the "open doer." As no satisfactory alternative is suggested to produce the necessary sum, a disagreement of the po.vers may result in the occupation of portions c! Chinese territory by individual powers as a guarantee for their claims. Regarding the issue of a Chinese loan, France aad Russia favor the collective guaiantee of the rowers. SOP FOR JAPAX Port Arthur in Hrturii for Xo Opitu- wit ion to lluKsiu. Nagasaki, May 3. —Russian military of- ficials of high rank state that Port Ar- thur will be offered to Japan as compen- sation for its abstention from active op- position to the Russian occupation of .Muuchuria. Xexc Xork Sun Special Scr»ici< The statement is received here with considerable reserve, but it is regarded as significant that all building opera- tions at Port Arthur have been suspended by order of the government. SETTLE WITH MISSIONARIES Chinese OllUiuls Are Taking (he In- Peking. May 3.—The principal treasurer of Chau-fu, who was appointed special commissioner to settle fnission claims. has arranged most of the claims outside of Peking and the province of Chili, aud is now negotiating with the Catholic and Protestant missionaries and converts here for a settlement of their claims. He pro- poses to pay one-third of the claims with- V*w York Shu Special Serrie* ONE IN THREE. Every Third Person Poisoned by Coffee. It is difficult to make people believe that coffee is an absolute poison to at least one person out of every three, but people are slowly finding it out. although thousands of them 6uffer terribly before they dis- cover the fact. A New York hotel man says, "Each time after drinking coffee I became rest- less, nervous and excited, so that I was unable to sit five .minutes in one place, was also inclined to vomit and suffered from loss of sleep, which got worse and worse. A lady said that perhaps coffee was the cause of my trouble, and suggested that I try Postum Food Coffee. I laughed at the thought that coffee hurt me. but she in- sisted so hard that I finally had some Postum made. I have been using it in place of coffee ever since, for I noticed chat all my former nervousness and irri- tation disappeared. I began to sleep per- fectly, and the Postum tasted as good or better than the old coffee, so what was the use at sticking to a beverage that was ruining me? One day on an excursion up the country I remarked to a young lady friend on her greatly improved appearance. She ex- plained that some time before she had quit using coffee and taken Postum. She had gained a number of pounds and her former palpitation of the heart, hum- ming in the ears, trembling of the hands and legs and other disagreeable feelings had disappeared. She recommended me to Quit coffee and take Postum and was very much surprised to find that I had already made the change. She said her brother had also received great benefits from leaving -off coffee and taking on Postum Food Coffee." Henry A. Mader, 221 W 33d st. Xew York. in two weeks, and to give government bonds for the remainder, payable at a fu- ture date. It is understood that the proposition is viewed favorably by the missionaries. It at least shows the breadth of the Chinese officials, who are taking the initiative In settling these claims. Reduced to (anulball*m. Dcs Moines, lowa, May 3.—Minister Edwin H. Conger sent $100 in a letter to the Chris- tian Herald as a contribution toward a relief fund for 10,000,000 starving Chinese in one of the northern provinces. His aid was solic- ited by Rev. Mr. Talmadge and the Herald. He said: "There are fully10,000,000 of these sufferers. Before leaving Peking one of the imperial princes told me that the people were literally eating one another. They had no crops for two years. They have had no rain. They have eaten the grass from the ground and the bark from the trees. They are becoming cannibals. It is a worthy cause. Supplies cannot fee shipped from this country, but must be sent from Shanghai. It will take hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps millions." A PASSENGER WAR The Chicago Pout Says One la Threatened. Chicago, May 2.—The Evening Post to- day says: -An eastbound passenger rate war seems imminent. The Wabash to- day gave notice that it would put into effect such reductions as would yeserve its differential rate from Kansas City. The Burlington and the Missouri Pacific have declared their intention of meeting any reductions affecting Kansas <Mty, Atchison, Leaven worth and St. Joseph. Others undoubtedly will follow this lead." MINE FOR A CHURCH Rev. Dr. Gunsaulus Returns From Cripple Creek. SOME LIES TOLD ABOUT IT Xo Solomon's Temple to Be Built, but a Home for Evangelis- tic' Work. Chicago, May 3.—Dr. Frank W. Gun- saulus has returned to Chicago from his trip of Inspection to the gold mines at Cripple Creek. Col., which have been do- nated by Andrew Whartbn, an old miner, , in order that a permanent home for evan- gelistic work may be established in Chi- cago. : \u25a0 "From the proceeds of the mine no Solo- mon's temple will be built, neither will there be. halls of shimmering gold," said Dr. Qunsaulus at his residence, "but I do feel sure that" through the gold obtained at Cripple Creek a home will be built' in the central part of Chicago that will be open night and day and which will be dedi- cated entirely to saving and benefiting sinners and unfortunates." There are many rich mines in and about Cripple Creek and the one which has been given by Wharton has been pronounced by the experts who have examined it to be as | good as any there. The mine proper has already been sunk to a depth of 160 feet, and the ore obtained pays over $10 to the Leopold as a Trolley Magnate ftmr York Sun SamoJat Sarvlcm. Brussels, May 3.—Le Petit Blue says that King Leopold intends to create a net- work of electric railways, requiring a capital of about $100,000,000 to be constructed in the following order: Brussels to Antwerp, Brussels to Ostend and Brussels to Paris. According to the same authority the consent of the French government has been secured. This will be the largest continuous trolley line in the world. From Brussels to Antwerp is thirty miles, from Brussels to Ostend seventy-five miles, and from Brus- sels to Paris 170 miles, making a road from Antwerp to Paris, 200 miles long. In a direct line, but probably nearer 300 miles by the actual route. HE STOLE A RIDE New York Doctor Sent to the Mines in Alabama. WAS SOUTH FOR HIS HEALTH A Hitch Class Convict With a Van- dyke Beard—Attempts to Get Him Oat. Birmingham. Ala.. May 3. Drt J. Elmer Adams, the New York physician who was sentenced here to three months at hard labor in the penitentiary for stealing a ride on a Louisville & Nash- ville freight train, got his first taste of convict labor in the prison mines last week. Dr. Adams is writing out the facts of his arrest and being sent to the mines, and he denounces officials of the county from which he was sentenced in the loud- est terms. He wears his Vandyke beard and also glasses, presenting a unique ap- pearance with the srtiped suit. He was asked if he would give the address of his family, but declined to bring them into publicity. He admits that it is a hard proposition to be made to work ninety) days in the mines. B. B. Smith, an archi- tect of Montgomery, left here this after- noon for Montgomery after a long con- sultation with attorneys for Dr. Adams and the other men sent up from Butler county, Alabama, on the charge of un- lawfully riding on trains. He will go be- fore Governor Sanford to-morrow morn- ing and present the case of Adams in full, expecting to get a pardon. If that does not have any effect Smith proposes to make an effort in the way of habeas cor- pus porceedings. He say? that he will exert every effort to get Dr. Adams out without paying the fine of $27. The pris- oner works out the cost at the rate of 30 cents a day. Warden Gibson, in the penitentiary, says that ao favors can be ton. Just now, however, the proceeds are all used in developing the mine, for it i 3 thought beyond a doubt that deep down in the earth and several hundred feet back of the place which is now being worked there is a plentiful supply of ore. Fulfill** Ambition of Gunsaulus. "That has been one of my ambitions," said Dr. Gunsaulus, "and now I feel that the thing which I have longed for may j be done. However, many things have been printed and said about the mine which are not true. When lam out of Chicago | there are persons who take advantage of the fact and quote me as making the most j preposterous statements imaginable. For \u25a0 instance, I read this morning that I prayed at the mine yesterday and dedicat- | ed it 10 God. I was also quoted as aay- ing that the temple which would be. built would outrival Solomon's and make the magnificent edifice of that character of biblical history look like thirty cents. "Well, as a matter of fact, I did not j pray and neither did I use the slang at- j tributed to me. Here are the absolute | facts about this mining property: About i eighteen months ago while Rev. James S. Bitler, an evangelist, was holding a series of meetings at' Sedalia. Mo. ; Andrew Whar- torf, the owner of the mines, went to him and said he would like to give what he could to further the cause of Christianitj. Rev. Mr. Hitler Gets Offer. ' I c ' "He offered Rev. Mr. Bitler ten claims i near Cripple Creek, which embracecf 103 acres. Part of this had been worked and j part of it was far from being d&w»loped, j but it was known to be rich. Rev. Mr. \ Bitler came to me a few days ago when he learned that the property was really of great value and asked my advice. He con- j ferred with several friends in this city ' and the result was that I went to the ; mines and looked at them. "R. A. Trevarthen, superintendent of the ' Portland mine and an expert in mining, gave as his opinion that the claims would some day be rich, perhaps richer than we anticipate. He advised that the work be pushed along and that the mine be devel- oped to its fullest capacity as soon as possible. This will be done and just as soon as it is fully developed the work on the home for evangelistic work here will be commenced. "To Rev. Mr. Bitler belongs all the credit Child Dies of Hunger and Thirst Prosser, Wash., May 3.—With her hands and mouth stained with green from the grass and flowers she had eaten in her desperate hunger, and with her features drawn in the dying agony of thirst, the body of the 5-year-old daughter of W. B. Mathews, former county commissioner, who lost her way on the dreary wastes of Horse Heaven plains nearly a week ago, has been found by searchers. The child in her agony had crawled into a badger hole, where she was found. From the ap- pearance of the body she had been dead about thirty-six hours, so for five days and nights she had been without food and water. shown the prisoner because of his social standing or appearance. Adams says he was on his way south in search of health, and being short of funds he was making part of the journey on foot. Dr. Adams says he is a graduate of the New York Medical school, and had served as an interne in the postgraduate hospi- tal. ONE THAT WILL LAST. Philadelphia Press. Aseum—Going to the inauguration ball? New pop—The inauguration bawl that interests me most occurred last night. A lusty-lunged boy arrived at our house. WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN. Yonkers Statesman. She—l think the doctor Is just as mean as he can be! He— What's he done? "Vaccinated me on the right arm, and I can't use it at all." "It might be worse." "I can't see how." 'He might have vaccinated you on the tongue." KALAMAZOO COINCIDENCES. Chicago Journal. Yesterday, in Kalamazco, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kas- tead, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Kastead. Both babies weighting exactly twelve pounds, and both were born in the same house at exactly the same hour. The fathers are twins, as are also the mothers, and the couples were married a year ago last November. IN LUZON. Puck. First Insurgent—And was the last battle a triumph for the Filipino arms? Second Insurgent—No; it was a triumph for the Filipino legs! "And what do you think of the Cau- casian race now?" we asked. PERHAPS SARCASTIC. "It seems to be a race for loot," sadly answered the intelligent, though heathen Chinese. For real bargains in real estate, watch for Tie Journal's real estate page, Saturday. of having obtained the property, and -my position in the matter is simply that of an adviser. There is no money-making scheme afoot on the part of Mr. Wharton or anybody else, for he has given over by deed every foot of the property. Gifts have been received from time to time from men interested in the undertaking, but this money has been used to push the aiine further into the soil ao that its out- put might be greater. "To reach the mine from Cripple Creek one is compeled to ride a long distance by wagon, and this I did. The scene was a new one to me and I am afraid that if those miners read about my praying while there they will have a good laugh among themselves." ANTI-SEMITIC PLAY Paris Censor Forbids Production of a Stirring Drama. OFFENSIVE TO THE RICH JEWS It la "Decadence" by Albert Guinon —Mine. Rejane Had Lead- ins Part. Paris, May 3.—A drama of Albert Guinon, the brilliant young playwright, has been interdicted by order of the min- ister of public instruction. The name of the play, '-Decadence," sounds inno- cent enough. It suggests a laying bare of the favorite transgressions of modern society—a theme which has been pouplar with dramatic authors from time imme- morial. "Decadence,'" however, contains the most dariug attack on the JeW3 that has ever been launched on the stage and the leading role was to be played by Mme. Rejane, the rival of Mme. Sarah Bern- hardt, and perhaps the only actress in France who has dared to give vent to her anti-Semitic sentiin&nts. M. Guinon is still what might be called a young author, but the originality he has displayed in the few works he has produced has popularized him with the- atrical managers in Paris. When he sub- mitted his new drama to M. Porel, the husband of Mme. Rejane, who is also her manager, the latter was enthusiastic over the plot. Spend* 95.000 to Mount Play. Without fear of failure. M. Posel spent some 25,000 francs to mount the play, and engaged a number of artists to play the various roles. Then came the final re- hearsal. Many theatrical critics were int vited and the censor came also. Now, it happens that one-half of the newspaper critics of Paris, like in London, New York and Berlin, are Israelites. They were shocked at the brazen affront which the plot offered to their race. The cen- sor was convinced by them of the impro- priety of allowing the production of a play which contained racial and religious satire during the present political feuds in France, and the interdiction followed. Now, the censor does not like the word "interdict" as used by the press, so he has written a letter in the Figaro, in which he corrects it and says that pro- duction of the play has only been post- poned and that it will be heard as soon as the objectionable features are oblit- erated. Plot of Suppressed Drama. The plot of "Decadence" is daring and the scenes vivid. The Duke de Barfleur. the hero of the play, is a member of the old aristocracy without a penny to up- hold his rank, obliged to live from day to day as he can, borrowing here and, there. He has a daughter. Jeannine (Mme. Rejane's character), whom Nathan Stroman, the son of a rich Jew banker, loves. Stroman pere made his fortune trafficking in white 6laves in Constan- tinople. Knowing his son's love for Jeannine, old Stroman sets about systematically to get possession of the Duke de Barfleur's notes which he has signed to obtain money. When he has the nobleman corri- pletely in his power he demands the hand of Jeannine for his son. The duke ex- changes his daughter for his notes and a large sum of money. Jeannine, forced into a distasteful mar- riage, is not long in running oft with her lover, a member of her own aristocratic circle, M. De Cherance, who, by the way, is as poor as he is noble. Nathan Stro- man pursues his wife and endeavors to THE MODERN WAY. Smart Set. In days long agone the fond lover would Eternal affection, and sing The praise of his love neath her window —but now We've grown out of that sort of thing. The old-fashioned pledge by the bright stars above Is rather played out and effete; We live in more practical times, dearest love— Let's go and have something to eat! SAVAGERY. Detroit Journal. "And do these Indian girls never evince a tendency to relapse Into their former savagery?" Tears sprang to the eyeg of the mis- sion worker. "Ah, yes!" sighed she. "Only last evening they set the table without putting doilies under the finger bowls:" But it was plain that she was by no means disheartened, for presently a brave smile chased the shadows from her fine, sensitive face. PERFECTLY HOXEST. Brooklyn Life. "They say that the girl you broke your engagement with was engaged to several other men." "I guess she was. When I requested her to return the ring she .asked me to call and identify it." Smallpox Kills 4 of a Family of 6 Pierre, S. D., May 3.—A report received to-day is to the effect that in a half-breed family of six.' living on Cheyenne river, in which smallpox secured a hold, four are dead—the wife, her mother, and two children, leaving the father and one child. Special The Journal. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOUENAL. bring her home, proving to her that she cannot be happy with her lover, who is unable to assure her any means of sup- port. There is a marvelous scene between them, and the husband persuades his wife to return. There are some lashing tirades against the aristocracy of France and some burning truths thrust at the Jews, who, having obtained an inkling of the piece, appealed to the government to stop It. SHIPPING NEWS OF THE LAKES. (The Journal's special marine service cov- ers vessel movements from noon yesterday to noon to-day.) Cleveland—Vesselmen have figured up the results of the, engineers' strike and the ice jam in the St. Clair river, and estimated that the delay to navigation this spring has so far cut into the season carrying capacity of the lake fleet that the surplus tonnage which confronted, them during the winter has been entirely overcome. Every day that is lost now on account of the ice reduces the season capacity of the lake fleet 100,000 tons in the ore trade. The prospects for keeping freight rates up to the figures already established are correspondingly bright, and marine men are getting to feel very hopeful over the out- look for the season's business. St. Clair, Mich.—The running ice caught the barge Uranus a3 she lay at the dock at Marine City yesterday and parted the lines and drove the vessel against the steamer H. S. Plckands, lying ou the bottom a short distance below. All the upper works on the Pickands' bow were torn away and a hole was punched in the stern of the Uranus. The ice has stopped running. The Plankin- ton lies just below the Uranus and the Pickands, and is In a dangerous position when the ice starts again. The Ice is crowd- ing the steamer Nyanza on to the head of Fawn islann and she in likely to go aground. There is less than IUU feet of navigable wa- ter between the boat and the shoal. The steamer Edwin Hall, lumber laden, is fast in the ice opposite Sehlinkert's coal dock. The water is still high In the river. Detour, Mich.—Up: Advance, 1 p. m. ('leivlaud—Cleared: Coal—Orion, Jackfiah. Conueaut, Ohio—Cleared: Light—Joliet, Griffin, La Salle, Carrington, Bryu Mawr, Duluth. Loruin, Ohio—Cleared: Light—Victory, Maricopa, Constitution, Marsala, Two Har- bors. Benton Harbor. Mich.—The H. W. Williams Transportation company has bought an At- lantic ocean liner for the Chicago and South Haven route. The steamer will be brought to South Haven at onoe via the St. Law- rence river and Wetland river. Port Huron—The northwestern edge of the ice field almost reaches the lighthouse, and is of considerable extent. The Canadian side of the river is full of slowly drifting ice. ON THE WAR PATH. Chicago Tribune. Hustling Stranger (with bulging over- coat pockets and valise—ls this Mr. Pummy? Mr. Pummy (leading grocer of String- town) —Yes, sir. Hustling Stranger (shaking hands) Glai to see you, Mr. Pummy. How do you do? Mr. Pummy—Toler'ble, like. Hustling Stranger—My name is Bryan. You've heard of me, I guess. I publish the Commoner, at Lincoln, Neb. In re- sponse to many requests, Mr. Pummy, I have concluded to admit advertisements —a limited number, you understand —into my paper. In pursuance of that design, Mr. Pummy, I am caljlng upon the repre- sentative merchants of your thriving little city- Mr. Pummy—What d'you say your name was? Hustling Stranger—Bryan—Bryan, of the Lincoln Commoner. Mr. Pummy (turning to wait on a cus- tomer)—Don't think I ever heern on ye. an' I'm blamed certain I don't want to do no advertisin' in no Nebraska paper. Be keerful about steppin' on the dawg as \ you go out. What was you wantin'. , ma'am? t/Bw York Sun Spoclsl Svrvfco FEIDAY EVENING, MAY 3, 1901. S£RGE SUIT SALE ;.. /^-_^__ AT 1 I iflflL /^'^^i^WL^' _™_^*_-—^~* Cor' Nlcollet Ay. and Third St. '' Jmt^S IS I lJi^"'^7^l I m » WWShave a word to say about the *?* nf 1 r luWli^V"' ' | nt ';•'.: "W Spring Serge Suits. There is i l^\\\vlWJ ( nothing neater and more generally satisfac- r^^i'ii iiliwMj^f /^ tory to the plain business men as well ;as to the _IPn/ olM\\\Y^/# - tasty dressers than a nice serge—most .people t!L Jl 1' V i\\\\l^^ prefer blue serge; we also have them in other colors. /\^fl fill ' ue cr S8 Business Suits "Oswego" - and "Clover" Serge Suits if ? \ ' \it 1 f T^vlft These are in close woven and wide diagonal There isn't any line of serges more favorably T^flLVY'ill i M\li ' weave positively all known than these—the C \ 1.::-; \u25a0;'. - <•/_: T'u; Vto^^^- ft /till m Kplrll wool and guaranteed fast _^ _^n g" _% best for wear—and the way ji^ _\u25a0 40^ _f% _?% x^i^t (I -Jl wjni colors; we have them iv j9 El these Buits are put -Up C I liiE^i^r mil- MB 1 : You can hardly find their ™M ! high-priced tailor's suits. pWJ * ; \u25a0 I/ll I l !i equal at $10. Our price Sil|il|^^ggi| j fa Jfc/mi I i l!'!' lrM»«| Sefge Suifs SiiiX^^T^fe-'s irt ca /Ml wM It I cil-line stripes, and also with the chalk-line stripes shown in the cut; also in solid t* || Mi zll H WB 111 /$>- *&? colors—blue, black, brown and dark gray—if you get one of them you will have a m Mr s^J/vM? Wf Vl 3 suit as good as it can be made to measure right in cut and finish for half its value. MI \u25a0 fjjFju.flmsmam H MANY BOYS'SUIT BARGAINS : ' '/ Also Boys' and Children's Furnishings and Hats at Lowest Prices, ' i Boys' $6.50, $7.50 and $8 Long Pant Suits Special Lot Knee Pant Sults-for Boys— 3 to Boys' 3-Piece Suits-Ages Bto 1Crears— tl l.i •-«. \u0084,„. •'' "V- 4. c- >*. --n -To boys from 13 to years-ln fine all 16 years-made of good wool cheviots and (coat, pants and vest j-ln light and dark The Nobby Military Cut Suits—For wool blue serges, blue and black cheviots, casslmeres, In plain and fancy mixtures, just all wool worsteds and casslmeres-iust what young men 14 to 20 years— in all the ra» SC.OO SBSSSfe $1.50 E&|ss, $i%: 7 5 ffissSSSSiA-OO styles, well made and m U it;, cut double-breasted, I —— $6.00. Extra _^ tures, also plain I exceptionally good fit- \ff worth $3.00. Special I special U colors- the $13.00 111 ting. Special Saturday.. w -Saturday \u25a0 Saturday . kind for Saturday.... \u25a0 r Hundreds of Boys' Knee Pant Suits—Ages.. Boys' Finest Knee Pant Suits—Ages 3to 16 Boys' Long Pant Suits—Aces 11 to °0 SNAP FOR THATBOY—Bovs'Shirt Waists 3to 1G years-pure all wool fabrics-light or . years-in swell coat, pants and vest suits; vea>s-in Clay Worsteds : blue and : and Blouses-AtreTi .u-thls seaS a?e Ve^tef Snl^for c^ t!Z sma» s^ s iif^^tto'n ¥%&$ Bloli^ S" 22? th« black Sergeflnd a^l th" new 'an^nobby hSndfomeTpa^ns 3 m°ad"of cam- are \ esree ana bailor kP^/Sft^ EC" an little isutton Coat \ es- (P33 ffVkiTtk stripes aud checks *iN»sew ip— brie; and nprp-iipi;- laryp ra-»i i?l^3 Sft.sO {«| Suits - elegantly $5.00 cut ,or double- S^aS® Hgi \u25a0 9C r L.p«ionT«lii P^ 8 l\ m?» i7 f ?'? k f SSsk _____ breasted; usually sold *** M a«_?^jr i ar and smaller sizes made 1^ _^ sneda?for &L nove ?A m^,, fp? jl at 310.00 and $12.00. •® . with ruffle collar, -cuffs .J?ZW P* tltmiiZ .; SpeclalftatuK Uff::. W Sa^rdtyl^!? 6. ;-'-";"..-. aS^V..^.^:::..;..'"P."'* Negligee Shirts SUMMER HAT SALE: \u25a0 MSI.OQtSi.SO Hoinrioh's $3.00 HaH dF^^Zk Our prices are about half those A common price but not a common quality; something just a little better. I^^lS^^ asked by exclusive haberdashers \\ c hope to win your custom on this hat by the value we give-looks ami mi 1 fflffll 1' THni tilii -the value is the same. wears exactly like the one you are accustomed to pay §4.00 andl $5.00 for. The 40 ffmfrr>S^l'Vil^Tllv% "\u25a0\u25a0 SaVSPiSISSVSiSS So llf I'heScv-hat;' 11'1 Duke"and every CODCeptloa * Derbles W^^^SOl blood 3 Snk lUatd^an°-%ulsUe Tourist and Golf Hats. in the newes and nobbiest shape. and colors. Try S 'comblnauo^s-you will be one for an experiment and you will always wear one. V pS^B^ <^« SUMMER Heinrioh's $2.00 Hats >. fe. y IINfIFRWI* AR This includes copies of the Knox. Dunlap and Youiuan Derbies and Soft Hats. ©** .If ill ft* D_IB B_ nil They look like the originals and will give you more wear for two dollars than * V. 4^ A. Men's two-thread Balbrie-ie ' you ever got out of a hat at that price before. We also show the standard " ?l!r^ J@Z&ks^ gain a good $1 garment at. IOC I)erbles ' I'edorasand Golf Hats, popular with the more conservative man. .rtgifffl 4&r%£&i^ H^^S HeinHch'9 $1.00 Hats > e t^l vtt'dn and nl t2?' we make this a strong line, not for profit but for the advertisement, that sell- f"T " . .... , . „. gray-a Saturday . QC^ Ing the best One Dollar hat in town gives us. Derbies. Fedoras and staple Our assortment of the celebrated- special. . .... .... •WWW Hats In the same varieties as to color and shape shown in the better grades.. John B. Stetson and Gordon I)er- Broken sizes in Shirts and Draw- The handsomest line of Crush Hats at this price in the city. Light all-fur -We* and Soft: Hats is perfect. ,e^i 50 "'i 1? 6114 colors, OR* goods, elegantly finished in blacks, blues, otters, cedars, seals, pearls, stones Prices the Lowest. '\u25a0; up to 50c values, at £9« and slate colors. ______________________ Honeymoon in the Coach House Binghampton, N. V., May 3. —Miss Louise Johnson, prominent in society as the adopted daughter of L. M. Bowers, the manager of the Rockefeller interests on the Great Lakes, has caused a sensation by marrying George Thayer, Mr. Bowers' coach- man. She renounced wealth, society and family to marry Thayer. The wedding was performed by Rev. E. D. Hammond of the First Christian church. The bridegroom took his bride to his quarters in Mr. Bowers' coach house, where they now live. Mr. Bowers refuses to recognize her as his daughter, saying she is simply his house maid,.who married his coachman. Minister Champions the Saloon Baltimore, May 3.—"1 left my reverend title and my church coat hanging together on the back of a chair at home," declared Rev. A. F. Sturger of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church as he stepped on the lecture platform to speak on "Temperance," to the Retail Liquor Dealers Benefit association. He continued: "I've only brought with me the sympathetic heart of a man for his friends. I do not like to see you trodden down. J have spent many hours with saloon people listening to their troubles, and I know that their lives are hard. "When I go into a saloon and stay there for an hour and maybe take.a glass of beer or wine, I come out as good a man as when I went in. I will not accede to tem- perance, for I take a glass of beer or wine myself and I take it when I choose. "I would, if I could, go to the people who are against your business and tell them to go and see it before they condemn it. It is as good and honorable as any other business, and the day will yet come when people will respect it." Greater Shoe Bargains Never before have we been in a position to offer you desira- ble, well made and stylish Shoes at such extremely low prices as several frotunate trade circumstances in our direction have made it possible at this time— Men's Shoes A" Almos£Z m"nb" y.; It isn't often that you get an opportunity to buy a complete assortment of regular $2.50 Shoes at $1.69, but that is just what we will tell you about here, "jThere are seven different styles— in tan Russia calf, two of tan vici kid, one of velvet calf, one of .patent ./fl» \u25a0] YTf% leather and two of ; black F. vici kid. We can" give you JS /#O ;/ any size in the above $2.50 Shoes at, per pair:......... .; / ariifc* Nlce- fine, soft )\u25a0 fZrtxsc* Qh/>pc~Ala^e assortment . L,acies onocs Tlci ki(3 in lace \u0084 tsoys onoes ot f^ysl better patent leather tips, stylish toes; as nice - grade sample shoes, worth 11.50 to $2.00. \u25a0 a $2.03 shoe as you hare ever seen any ,' I in lot are sizes lto 654, one glance will ' place, all sizes, widths C /ft jf JO ,' ; convince you of the super- A* .^*% E? ' to E, at less than the ma- A/:4n «' lor value of these shoes mh I. »J ' ker'sreg. wholesale prices V7*»rr F ,[ -' at :-yr M:*! *f- , ) Two styles of ladles'tan lace shoes with i! ¥ SHI* fl&n+c* These ' vesting tops, all sizes, regular /•) O i *-««* UeillS JIiOGS are value 51.78. .-\u25a0;\u25a0?>"' \rCIC V" samples of rejtvuar $1.35 and $1.48 shoes; , Choice...... -. -^*-'* «,. among them are patent leath- no , =•.•\u25a0•'•• - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ', \u25a0 era,Tici kid ana kangaroo calf, *JcSC i / adic** Oxford<i~° » tnou " !• ; sizes xo to i ................. \u25a0"-'*' , L+iiuies ujLiurus sand pairs of «. ,-. ...... . \u25a0 ' manufacturer's samples, almost any -V- fttflc* Several tables filled < style you can think . or, displayed on two S Vino . •Jituca - samples \u25a0> of i tables with prices about £» * >Of ' good quality girl's shoes, worth regular i one-third less than regu- J)£.4cf ' from $1.25 to $1.48, in lot are f\ Q _ < 1ar................iWcan(i;Vf.'* #.:T*-' , all sizes. VOC' Choice -'<-'**' , Children*s y~~s~~~Z . Tennis ' ' ; Shoes- sT \u25a0i-JS@jS?*®^itok :i Oxfords-^;, ; \u25a0\u25a0• sample shoes, sizes 5 > wKT- ~t - s «^*fc. I 1 and youths, O(\^t i tog. red, black or tan, S WHomC TfadsW% ( all sizes , "<• ' values to 90c. Choice $ *^ AiP" 1C i I*lWC^^ !' brown, b.ack*^^.*^ « •inf. Shoe Store \ Babies? Shoes i \u25a0: '^"^'#^ '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 «; i1-|I®LV 319'223NMt0b w 1B9<! All our babies' 48c and ' #Tl W M/~*f 'i Iv \u25a0 'V i!*S? (i 50c shoes, In \u25a0 OjrL aSi'SJ9c: 4 \u25a0- 5 morrow, pr. *^ i


Page 1: THE TO RAISE INDEMNITY MINE FOR A CHURCH S£RGE… · 2 TO RAISE INDEMNITY Commission's Detailed Report to the


TO RAISE INDEMNITYCommission's Detailed Report to the

Ministers at Peking.


Source* From Which China May

Raiae the »eea»aryRevenue.

A'cw YorkSun Soactaf Stwvfc*.London, May 3.—The ' Peking corre-

\u25a0 spondent of the Times sends a precisestatement of the indemnity commission'sreport. Considering the improbability ofChina paying from her own resources the£05,000,000. needed, four alternatives, thereport says, present themselves.

First, a Chinese loan not guaranteed by thepowers. Such a loan would be almost ruin-ous to China. '

Second, a loan guaranteed by all thepowers. Such a loan would be easily obtain-able. It would hasten the payment of theindemnities and the restoration of normalconditions. It would be advantageous totrade, but would involve heavy responsibili-ties for the government and might lead todifficulties in the event of differences amongthe guaranteers, who might requite controlof the revenues hypothecated.

Third, to issue Chinese bonds to each powerfor the amount of Its indemnity, payable atfixed terms. Boiida bearing interest couldserve as security for a national loan.

fourth, annual payments, which would beinconvenient as involving an undue prolonga-tion of the time of i-ayment.

The committee decided to leave the de-cision as to which alternative shall beadopted to the home governments.

The committee unanimously agreedupon the following sources of revenueto be utilized for payment of the in-demnities:

First, the maritime customs, which arealready under foreign control. Their totaln-vtnue is J22.000.C00 or $29,000,000, of which{24,000.000 is absoibed in prying interest outcreign loans.

:ii. an Increase In th" customs tariff. ye Z per cent ad valorem. This

TiiirJ. inc. native customs, If placed underthe maritime customs, would yield fromiJ.CCO.OOO to $10,CC0,tXi0.

would give, opium being excepted, fromI

ities - Is such aa a»ur,• .s>\ foreign clothing, shins, etc.,

v, bii-h aii no i free.nznittee considers that the above

Ecurcc* would yield a minimum revenue- and a maximum revenue

laels.Tk p recommends, but no:


A.i i:;crcr.Eß in the customs tariff to 10 percent, v.hich, it is estimated, would yield from10,5'N\COO to IS,COO,OCG tacls. It is estimatedthat the salt tax would yield from 4,000,000to 20,000,000 taels, the Peking octroi produc-ing 500,004 taels. The commutation of therice tribute,' it 13 estimated, would bringI.CCO.OCO to 8,000,000 taels.

Mancbu pensions andiitary ixpensts are repom-

iiieud .presses the opiu-ion that uei'.her the land tax nor the likincan be touched. The ibcrame in the maritimecustoms apply to imports oniy.

All the ministers, with the exceptionof the British, American and Japanese,favor an immediaie increase to 10 percent.

The commit lee concludes that withoutthe guarantee of the powers. China, topay £65,000,000 sterling would require toraise $85,000,000 at 3 per cent, but witha guar'anu?e she would not require to

raise more than £70,000,000 at 4 or 4i 2per cent if the creditor conseiu to a post-ponement ot the redemption until the rev-enue is increased. China meantime needpay the interest only.


It Ik Arjjuod That This Will (.uar-

antet- the Open Door.Paris, May 3.—The French foreign office

corrects the figures of the indemnity tobe demanded from China as cabled to theforeign office by M. Pichon, the Frenchminister at Peking. Instead of 1,363,000,---000 francs, the foreign office says theamount should have been 1,635.000,000francs. However, this amount, yet maybe reduced. These figures provide for ex-penses up to July 1.

The foreign' office is anxious that theUnited States support Germany's proposalto increase the Chinese customs duties,insisting that it will be the best guaran-tee cf the "open doer." As no satisfactoryalternative is suggested to produce thenecessary sum, a disagreement of thepo.vers may result in the occupation ofportions c! Chinese territory by individualpowers as a guarantee for their claims.Regarding the issue of a Chinese loan,France aad Russia favor the collectiveguaiantee of the rowers.


Port Arthur in Hrturii for Xo Opitu-

wit ion to lluKsiu.

Nagasaki, May 3.—Russian military of-ficials of high rank state that Port Ar-thur will be offered to Japan as compen-sation for its abstention from active op-position to the Russian occupation of.Muuchuria.

Xexc Xork Sun Special Scr»ici<

The statement is received here withconsiderable reserve, but it is regarded

as significant that all building opera-tions at Port Arthur have been suspendedby order of the government.


Chinese OllUiuls Are Taking (he In-

Peking. May 3.—The principal treasurerof Chau-fu, who was appointed specialcommissioner to settle fnission claims.has arranged most of the claims outsideof Peking and the province of Chili, aud isnow negotiating with the Catholic andProtestant missionaries and converts herefor a settlement of their claims. He pro-poses to pay one-third of the claims with-

V*w York Shu Special Serrie*

ONE IN THREE.Every Third Person Poisoned by Coffee.

It is difficult to make people believe thatcoffee is an absolute poison to at least oneperson out of every three, but people areslowly finding it out. although thousandsof them 6uffer terribly before they dis-cover the fact.

A New York hotel man says, "Eachtime after drinking coffee I became rest-less, nervous and excited, so that I wasunable to sit five .minutes in one place,was also inclined to vomit and sufferedfrom loss of sleep, which got worse andworse.

A lady said that perhaps coffee was thecause of my trouble, and suggested that Itry Postum Food Coffee. I laughed at thethought that coffee hurt me. but she in-sisted so hard that I finally had somePostum made. I have been using it inplace of coffee ever since, for I noticedchat all my former nervousness and irri-tation disappeared. I began to sleep per-fectly, and the Postum tasted as good orbetter than the old coffee, so what was theuse at sticking to a beverage that wasruining me?

One day on an excursion up the countryI remarked to a young lady friend on hergreatly improved appearance. She ex-plained that some time before she hadquit using coffee and taken Postum. Shehad gained a number of pounds and herformer palpitation of the heart, hum-ming in the ears, trembling of the handsand legs and other disagreeable feelingshad disappeared. She recommended meto Quit coffee and take Postum and wasvery much surprised to find that I hadalready made the change.

She said her brother had also receivedgreat benefits from leaving -off coffee andtaking on Postum Food Coffee." HenryA. Mader, 221 W 33d st. Xew York.

in two weeks, and to give governmentbonds for the remainder, payable at a fu-ture date.

It is understood that the proposition isviewed favorably by the missionaries. Itat least shows the breadth of the Chineseofficials, who are taking the initiative Insettling these claims.

Reduced to (anulball*m.

Dcs Moines, lowa, May 3.—Minister EdwinH. Conger sent $100 in a letter to the Chris-tian Herald as a contribution toward a relieffund for 10,000,000 starving Chinese in oneof the northern provinces. His aid was solic-ited by Rev. Mr. Talmadge and the Herald.He said:

"There are fully10,000,000 of these sufferers.Before leaving Peking one of the imperialprinces told me that the people were literallyeating one another. They had no crops fortwo years. They have had no rain. Theyhave eaten the grass from the ground andthe bark from the trees. They are becomingcannibals. It is a worthy cause. Suppliescannot fee shipped from this country, butmust be sent from Shanghai. It will takehundreds of thousands of dollars, perhapsmillions."

A PASSENGER WARThe Chicago Pout Says One la

Threatened.Chicago, May 2.—The Evening Post to-

day says: -An eastbound passenger ratewar seems imminent. The Wabash to-day gave notice that it would put intoeffect such reductions as would yeserveits differential rate from Kansas City.The Burlington and the Missouri Pacifichave declared their intention of meetingany reductions affecting Kansas <Mty,Atchison, Leaven worth and St. Joseph.Others undoubtedly will follow this lead."

MINE FOR A CHURCHRev. Dr. Gunsaulus Returns From

Cripple Creek.


Xo Solomon's Temple to Be Built,

but a Home for Evangelis-

tic' Work.

Chicago, May 3.—Dr. Frank W. Gun-

saulus has returned to Chicago from histrip of Inspection to the gold mines atCripple Creek. Col., which have been do-nated by Andrew Whartbn, an old miner, ,in order that a permanent home for evan-gelistic work may be established in Chi-cago. : \u25a0

"From the proceeds of the mine no Solo-mon's temple will be built, neither willthere be. halls of shimmering gold," saidDr. Qunsaulus at his residence, "but I dofeel sure that" through the gold obtainedat Cripple Creek a home will be built' inthe central part of Chicago that will beopen night and day and which will be dedi-cated entirely to saving and benefiting

sinners and unfortunates."There are many rich mines in and about

Cripple Creek and the one which has beengiven by Wharton has been pronounced bythe experts who have examined it to be as |good as any there. • The mine proper hasalready been sunk to a depth of 160 feet,and the ore obtained pays over $10 to the

Leopold as a Trolley Magnateftmr York Sun SamoJat Sarvlcm.

Brussels, May 3.—Le Petit Blue says that King Leopold intends to create a net-work of electric railways, requiring a capital of about $100,000,000 to be constructedin the following order: Brussels to Antwerp, Brussels to Ostend and Brussels toParis. According to the same authority the consent of the French government hasbeen secured.

This will be the largest continuous trolley line in the world. From Brussels toAntwerp is thirty miles, from Brussels to Ostend seventy-five miles, and from Brus-sels to Paris 170 miles, making a road from Antwerp to Paris, 200 miles long. In adirect line, but probably nearer 300 miles by the actual route.

HE STOLE A RIDENew York Doctor Sent to the Mines

in Alabama.


A Hitch Class Convict With a Van-dyke Beard—Attempts to

Get Him Oat.

Birmingham. Ala.. May 3.—Drt J.Elmer Adams, the New York physicianwho was sentenced here to three monthsat hard labor in the penitentiary forstealing a ride on a Louisville & Nash-ville freight train, got his first taste ofconvict labor in the prison mines lastweek.

Dr. Adams is writing out the facts ofhis arrest and being sent to the mines,and he denounces officials of the countyfrom which he was sentenced in the loud-est terms. He wears his Vandyke beardand also glasses, presenting a unique ap-pearance with the srtiped suit. He wasasked if he would give the address of hisfamily, but declined to bring them intopublicity. He admits that it is a hardproposition to be made to work ninety)days in the mines. B. B. Smith, an archi-tect of Montgomery, left here this after-noon for Montgomery after a long con-sultation with attorneys for Dr. Adamsand the other men sent up from Butlercounty, Alabama, on the charge of un-lawfully riding on trains. He will go be-fore Governor Sanford to-morrow morn-ing and present the case of Adams in full,expecting to get a pardon. If that doesnot have any effect Smith proposes tomake an effort in the way of habeas cor-pus porceedings. He say? that he willexert every effort to get Dr. Adams outwithout paying the fine of $27. The pris-oner works out the cost at the rate of30 cents a day. Warden Gibson, in thepenitentiary, says that ao favors can be

ton. Just now, however, the proceeds areall used in developing the mine, for it i3thought beyond a doubt that deep down inthe earth and several hundred feet backof the place which is now being workedthere is a plentiful supply of ore.

Fulfill** Ambition of Gunsaulus.

"That has been one of my ambitions,"said Dr. Gunsaulus, "and now I feel thatthe thing which I have longed for may jbe done. However, many things have beenprinted and said about the mine which arenot true. When lam out of Chicago |there are persons who take advantage ofthe fact and quote me as making the most jpreposterous statements imaginable. For \u25a0

instance, I read this morning that Iprayed at the mine yesterday and dedicat- |ed it 10 God. I was also quoted as aay-ing that the temple which would be. builtwould outrival Solomon's and make themagnificent edifice of that character ofbiblical history look like thirty cents.

"Well, as a matter of fact, I did not jpray and neither did I use the slang at- jtributed to me. Here are the absolute |facts about this mining property: About ieighteen months ago while Rev. James S.Bitler, an evangelist, was holding a seriesof meetings at' Sedalia. Mo. ; Andrew Whar-torf, the owner of the mines, went to himand said he would like to give what hecould to further the cause of Christianitj.

Rev. Mr. Hitler Gets Offer. ' Ic '"He offered Rev. Mr. Bitler ten claims inear Cripple Creek, which embracecf 103acres. Part of this had been worked and jpart of it was far from being d&w»loped, jbut it was known to be rich. Rev. Mr. \Bitler came to me a few days ago when helearned that the property was really ofgreat value and asked my advice. He con- jferred with several friends in this city 'and the result was that I went to the ;

mines and looked at them."R. A. Trevarthen, superintendent of the 'Portland mine and an expert in mining,

gave as his opinion that the claims wouldsome day be rich, perhaps richer than weanticipate. He advised that the work bepushed along and that the mine be devel-oped to its fullest capacity as soon aspossible. This will be done and just assoon as it is fully developed the work onthe home for evangelistic work here willbe commenced.

"To Rev. Mr. Bitler belongs all the credit

Child Dies of Hunger and ThirstProsser, Wash., May 3.—With her hands and mouth stained with green from the

grass and flowers she had eaten in her desperate hunger, and with her featuresdrawn in the dying agony of thirst, the body of the 5-year-old daughter of W. B.Mathews, former county commissioner, who lost her way on the dreary wastes ofHorse Heaven plains nearly a week ago, has been found by searchers. The child inher agony had crawled into a badger hole, where she was found. From the ap-pearance of the body she had been dead about thirty-six hours, so for five days andnights she had been without food and water.

shown the prisoner because of his socialstanding or appearance.

Adams says he was on his way south insearch of health, and being short of fundshe was making part of the journey onfoot.

Dr. Adams says he is a graduate of theNew York Medical school, and had servedas an interne in the postgraduate hospi-tal.

ONE THAT WILL LAST.Philadelphia Press.

Aseum—Going to the inauguration ball?New pop—The inauguration bawl that

interests me most occurred last night. Alusty-lunged boy arrived at our house.

WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN.Yonkers Statesman.

She—l think the doctor Is just as meanas he can be!

He— What's he done?"Vaccinated me on the right arm, and I

can't use it at all.""It might be worse.""I can't see how."'He might have vaccinated you on the



Yesterday, in Kalamazco, a daughterwas born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kas-tead, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. FrederickKastead. Both babies weighting exactlytwelve pounds, and both were born in thesame house at exactly the same hour. Thefathers are twins, as are also the mothers,and the couples were married a year agolast November.


First Insurgent—And was the last battlea triumph for the Filipino arms?

Second Insurgent—No; it was a triumphfor the Filipino legs!

"And what do you think of the Cau-casian race now?" we asked.


"It seems to be a race for loot," sadlyanswered the intelligent, though heathenChinese.

For real bargains in real estate, watchfor Tie Journal's real estate page,Saturday.

of having obtained the property, and -myposition in the matter is simply that of anadviser. There is no money-makingscheme afoot on the part of Mr. Whartonor anybody else, for he has given over bydeed every foot of the property. Giftshave been received from time to timefrom men interested in the undertaking,but this money has been used to push theaiine further into the soil ao that its out-put might be greater.

"To reach the mine from Cripple Creekone is compeled to ride a long distance bywagon, and this I did. The scene was anew one to me and I am afraid that ifthose miners read about my praying whilethere they will have a good laugh amongthemselves."

ANTI-SEMITIC PLAYParis Censor Forbids Production of

a Stirring Drama.


It la "Decadence" by Albert Guinon

—Mine. Rejane Had Lead-ins Part.

Paris, May 3.—A drama of AlbertGuinon, the brilliant young playwright,has been interdicted by order of the min-

ister of public instruction. The nameof the play, '-Decadence," sounds inno-

cent enough. It suggests a laying bare

of the favorite transgressions of modernsociety—a theme which has been pouplar

with dramatic authors from time imme-

morial. "Decadence,'" however, containsthe most dariug attack on the JeW3 thathas ever been launched on the stage andthe leading role was to be played by Mme.Rejane, the rival of Mme. Sarah Bern-hardt, and perhaps the only actress inFrance who has dared to give vent to

her anti-Semitic sentiin&nts.M. Guinon is still what might be called

a young author, but the originality hehas displayed in the few works he hasproduced has popularized him with the-

atrical managers in Paris. When he sub-mitted his new drama to M. Porel, thehusband of Mme. Rejane, who is also hermanager, the latter was enthusiastic overthe plot.

Spend* 95.000 to Mount Play.

Without fear of failure. M. Posel spent

some 25,000 francs to mount the play, andengaged a number of artists to play thevarious roles. Then came the final re-hearsal. Many theatrical critics were intvited and the censor came also. Now, ithappens that one-half of the newspapercritics of Paris, like in London, NewYork and Berlin, are Israelites. They

were shocked at the brazen affront which

the plot offered to their race. The cen-sor was convinced by them of the impro-priety of allowing the production of aplay which contained racial and religious

satire during the present political feudsin France, and the interdiction followed.

Now, the censor does not like the word"interdict" as used by the press, so hehas written a letter in the Figaro, inwhich he corrects it and says that pro-duction of the play has only been post-poned and that it will be heard as soonas the objectionable features are oblit-erated.

Plot of Suppressed Drama.

The plot of "Decadence" is daring andthe scenes vivid. The Duke de Barfleur.the hero of the play, is a member of theold aristocracy without a penny to up-hold his rank, obliged to live from dayto day as he can, borrowing here and,there. He has a daughter. Jeannine(Mme. Rejane's character), whom NathanStroman, the son of a rich Jew banker,loves. Stroman pere made his fortunetrafficking in white 6laves in Constan-tinople.

Knowing his son's love for Jeannine,old Stroman sets about systematically toget possession of the Duke de Barfleur'snotes which he has signed to obtainmoney. When he has the nobleman corri-pletely in his power he demands the handof Jeannine for his son. The duke ex-changes his daughter for his notes and alarge sum of money.

Jeannine, forced into a distasteful mar-riage, is not long in running oft with herlover, a member of her own aristocraticcircle, M. De Cherance, who, by the way,is as poor as he is noble. Nathan Stro-man pursues his wife and endeavors to


In days long agone the fond lover would

Eternal affection, and singThe praise of his love neath her window

—but nowWe've grown out of that sort of thing.

The old-fashioned pledge by the brightstars above

Is rather played out and effete;We live in more practical times, dearest

love—Let's go and have something to eat!

SAVAGERY.Detroit Journal.

"And do these Indian girls never evincea tendency to relapse Into their formersavagery?"

Tears sprang to the eyeg of the mis-sion worker.

"Ah, yes!" sighed she. "Only lastevening they set the table without puttingdoilies under the finger bowls:"

But it was plain that she was by nomeans disheartened, for presently a bravesmile chased the shadows from her fine,sensitive face.


"They say that the girl you broke yourengagement with was engaged to severalother men.""I guess she was. When I requested

her to return the ring she .asked me tocall and identify it."

Smallpox Kills 4 of a Family of 6

Pierre, S. D., May 3.—A report received to-day is to the effect that in a half-breedfamily of six.' living on Cheyenne river, in which smallpox secured a hold, four aredead—the wife, her mother, and two children, leaving the father and one child.

Special t« The Journal.


bring her home, proving to her that shecannot be happy with her lover, who isunable to assure her any means of sup-port.

There is a marvelous scene betweenthem, and the husband persuades his wifeto return. There are some lashing tiradesagainst the aristocracy of France andsome burning truths thrust at the Jews,who, having obtained an inkling of thepiece, appealed to the government tostop It.


(The Journal's special marine service cov-ers vessel movements from noon yesterday tonoon to-day.)

Cleveland—Vesselmen have figured up theresults of the, engineers' strike and the icejam in the St. Clair river, and estimated thatthe delay to navigation this spring has sofar cut into the season carrying capacity ofthe lake fleet that the surplus tonnage whichconfronted, them during the winter has beenentirely overcome. Every day that is lostnow on account of the ice reduces the seasoncapacity of the lake fleet 100,000 tons in theore trade. The prospects for keeping freightrates up to the figures already establishedare correspondingly bright, and marine menare getting to feel very hopeful over the out-look for the season's business.

St. Clair, Mich.—The running ice caughtthe barge Uranus a3 she lay at the dock atMarine City yesterday and parted the linesand drove the vessel against the steamer H.S. Plckands, lying ou the bottom a shortdistance below. All the upper works on thePickands' bow were torn away and a hole waspunched in the stern of the Uranus. The icehas stopped running. The Plankin-ton lies just below the Uranus and thePickands, and is In a dangerous positionwhen the ice starts again. The Ice is crowd-ing the steamer Nyanza on to the head ofFawn islann and she in likely to go aground.There is less than IUU feet of navigable wa-ter between the boat and the shoal. Thesteamer Edwin Hall, lumber laden, is fastin the ice opposite Sehlinkert's coal dock.The water is still high In the river.

Detour, Mich.—Up: Advance, 1 p. m.('leivlaud—Cleared: Coal—Orion, Jackfiah.Conueaut, Ohio—Cleared: Light—Joliet,

Griffin, La Salle, Carrington, Bryu Mawr,Duluth.

Loruin, Ohio—Cleared: Light—Victory,Maricopa, Constitution, Marsala, Two Har-bors.

Benton Harbor. Mich.—The H. W. WilliamsTransportation company has bought an At-lantic ocean liner for the Chicago and SouthHaven route. The steamer will be broughtto South Haven at onoe via the St. Law-rence river and Wetland river.

Port Huron—The northwestern edge of theice field almost reaches the lighthouse, andis of considerable extent. The Canadian sideof the river is full of slowly drifting ice.

ON THE WAR PATH.Chicago Tribune.

Hustling Stranger (with bulging over-coat pockets and valise—ls this Mr.Pummy?

Mr. Pummy (leading grocer of String-town)—Yes, sir.

Hustling Stranger (shaking hands) —Glai to see you, Mr. Pummy. How doyou do?

Mr. Pummy—Toler'ble, like.Hustling Stranger—My name is Bryan.

You've heard of me, I guess. I publish

the Commoner, at Lincoln, Neb. In re-sponse to many requests, Mr. Pummy, Ihave concluded to admit advertisements—a limited number, you understand —intomy paper. In pursuance of that design,

Mr. Pummy, I am caljlng upon the repre-sentative merchants of your thriving littlecity-

Mr. Pummy—What d'you say your namewas?

Hustling Stranger—Bryan—Bryan, of theLincoln Commoner.

Mr. Pummy (turning to wait on a cus-tomer)—Don't think I ever heern on' I'm blamed certain I don't want todo no advertisin' in no Nebraska paper.Be keerful about steppin' on the dawg as \you go out. What was you wantin'. ,ma'am?

t/Bw YorkSun Spoclsl Svrvfco


S£RGE SUIT SALE;.. /^-_^__ AT

1 I iflflL /^'^^i^WL^' _™_^*_-—^~* Cor' Nlcollet Ay. and Third St.

'' Jmt^S IS I lJi^"'^7^l I m » WWShave a word to say about the*?* nf 1 r luWli^V"' '

| nt ';•'.: "W Spring Serge Suits. There is

i l^\\\vlWJ ( nothing neater and more generally satisfac-

r^^i'ii iiliwMj^f /^ tory to the plain business men as well;as to the_IPn/ olM\\\Y^/# - • tasty dressers than a nice serge—most .people

t!LJl 1'V i\\\\l^^ prefer blue serge; we also have them in other colors.

/\^fl fill' ue cr S8 Business Suits "Oswego" - and "Clover" Serge Suitsif ? \ ' \it 1 f T^vlft These are in close woven and wide diagonal There isn't any line of serges more favorably

T^flLVY'ill i M\li 'weave positively all known than these—the C \ 1.::-; \u25a0;'. - <•/_: T'u;

Vto^^^- ft /till m Kplrll wool and guaranteed fast _^ _^n g" _% best for wear—and the way ji^ _\u25a0 40^ _f% _?%x^i^t (I -Jl wjni colors; we have them iv j9 El these Buits are put -Up C I

liiE^i^r mil- MB 1 : You can hardly find their ™M ! high-priced tailor's suits. pWJ *; \u25a0I/llI l!i

equal at $10. Our price

Sil|il|^^ggi| j faJfc/mi I i l!'!'lrM»«| Sefge Suifs SiiiX^^T^fe-'s irt ca/Ml wM It I cil-line stripes, and also with the chalk-line stripes shown in the cut; also in solid t* || Mi zllH

WB 111 /$>- *&? colors—blue, black, brown and dark gray—if you get one of them you will have a m Mr s^J/vM?Wf Vl

3 suit as good as it can be made to measure right in cut and finish for half its value. MI \u25a0 fjjFju.flmsmam

H MANYBOYS'SUIT BARGAINS: ' '/ Also Boys' and Children's Furnishings and Hats at Lowest Prices, ' i

Boys' $6.50, $7.50 and $8 Long Pant Suits Special LotKnee Pant Sults-for Boys— 3 to Boys' 3-Piece Suits-Ages Bto 1Crears— tl l.i •-«. \u0084,„. •'' "V- 4. c- >*. --n-To boys from 13 to years-ln fine all 16 years-made of good wool cheviots and (coat, pants and vest j-ln light and dark The Nobby MilitaryCut Suits—Forwool blue serges, blue and black cheviots, casslmeres, Inplain and fancy mixtures, just all wool worsteds and casslmeres-iust what young men 14 to 20 years— in all the

ra» SC.OO SBSSSfe $1.50 E&|ss, $i%:75 ffissSSSSiA-OOstyles, well made and mU it;, cut double-breasted, I —— $6.00. Extra _^ tures, also plain Iexceptionally good fit- \ff worth $3.00. Special I special U colors- the $13.00 111ting. Special Saturday.. w -Saturday \u25a0 Saturday . kind for Saturday.... \u25a0 rHundreds ofBoys' Knee Pant Suits—Ages.. Boys' Finest Knee Pant Suits—Ages 3to 16 Boys' Long Pant Suits—Aces 11 to °0 SNAP FOR THATBOY—Bovs'Shirt Waists3to 1G years-pure all wool fabrics-light or . years-in swell coat, pants and vest suits; vea>s-in Clay Worsteds : blue and : and Blouses-AtreTi .u-thls seaSa?e Ve^tefSnl^for c^ t!Zsma» s^ s iif^^tto'n ¥%&$ Bloli^ S" 22? th« black Sergeflnd a^l th" new 'an^nobby hSndfomeTpa^ns 3 m°ad"of cam-are \ esree ana bailor kP^/Sft^ EC" an little isutton Coat \ es- (P33 ffVkiTtk stripes aud checks *iN»sew ip— brie; and nprp-iipi;- laryp ra-»ii?l^3 Sft.sO {«| Suits -elegantly $5.00 cut ,or double- S^aS® Hgi\u25a0 9CrL.p«ionT«lii P^ 8 l\ m?» i7f?'? k r°f SSsk _____ breasted; usually sold *** M a«_?^jr

iar and smaller sizes made J» 1^_^sneda?for &L nove ?A m^,, fp? jl at 310.00 and $12.00. •® . with ruffle collar, -cuffs .J?ZW P*tltmiiZ .; SpeclalftatuK Uff::. W Sa^rdtyl^!? 6. ;-'-";"..-. aS^V..^.^:::..;..'"P."'*

Negligee Shirts SUMMER HAT SALE:

\u25a0MSI.OQtSi.SO Hoinrioh's $3.00 HaH dF^^ZkOur prices are about half those A common price but not a common quality; something just a little better. I^^lS^^asked by exclusive haberdashers \\ c hope to win your custom on this hat by the value we give-looks ami mi 1 fflffll1' THni tilii-the value is the same. wears exactly like the one you are accustomed to pay §4.00 andl $5.00 for. The 40 ffmfrr>S^l'Vil^Tllv% "\u25a0\u25a0

SaVSPiSISSVSiSS So llfI'heScv-hat;' 11'1 Duke"and every ™ CODCeptloa * Derbles W^^^SOlblood

3 Snk lUatd^an°-%ulsUe Tourist and Golf Hats. in the newes and nobbiest shape. and colors. TryS 'comblnauo^s-you will be one foran experiment and you will always wear one.V pS^B^ <^«

SUMMER Heinrioh's $2.00 Hats >. fe. yIINfIFRWI*AR This includes copies of the Knox. Dunlap and Youiuan Derbies and Soft Hats. ©**.Ifillft*D_IB B_ nil They look like the originals and will give you more wear for two dollars than * V. 4^ A.

Men's two-thread Balbrie-ie 'you ever got out of a hat at that price before. We also show the standard " ?l!r^ J@Z&ks^

gain a good $1 garment at. IOC I)erbles

' I'edorasand Golf Hats, popular with the more conservative man. .rtgifffl 4&r%£&i^

H^^S HeinHch'9 $1.00 Hats>

e t^lvtt'dn and nlt2?' we make this a strong line, not for profit but for the advertisement, that sell- f"T " . .... , . „.gray-a Saturday . QC^ Ingthe best One Dollar hat in town gives us. Derbies. Fedoras and staple Our assortment of the celebrated-special. . .... .... •WWW Hats In the same varieties as to color and shape shown in the better grades.. John B. Stetson and Gordon I)er-Broken sizes in Shirts and Draw- The handsomest line of Crush Hats at this price in the city. Light all-fur -We* and Soft: Hats is perfect.,e^i 50 "'i1? 6114 colors, OR* goods, elegantly finished in blacks, blues, otters, cedars, seals, pearls, stones Prices the Lowest. '\u25a0;up to 50c values, at £9« and slate colors.


Honeymoon in the Coach House

Binghampton, N. V., May 3. —Miss Louise Johnson, prominent in society as theadopted daughter of L. M. Bowers, the manager of the Rockefeller interests on theGreat Lakes, has caused a sensation by marrying George Thayer, Mr. Bowers' coach-man. She renounced wealth, society and family to marry Thayer. The wedding wasperformed by Rev. E. D. Hammond of the First Christian church.

The bridegroom took his bride to his quarters in Mr. Bowers' coach house, wherethey now live. Mr. Bowers refuses to recognize her as his daughter, saying she issimply his house maid,.who married his coachman.

Minister Champions the SaloonBaltimore, May 3.—"1 left my reverend title and my church coat hanging together

on the back of a chair at home," declared Rev. A. F. Sturger of Trinity Evangelical

Lutheran church as he stepped on the lecture platform to speak on "Temperance,"to the Retail Liquor Dealers Benefit association. He continued:

"I've only brought with me the sympathetic heart of a man for his friends. Ido not like to see you trodden down. J have spent many hours with saloon peoplelistening to their troubles, and Iknow that their lives are hard.

"When I go into a saloon and stay there for an hour and maybe take.a glass ofbeer or wine, I come out as good a man as when I went in. I will not accede to tem-perance, for I take a glass of beer or wine myself and I take it when I choose.

"I would, if I could, go to the people who are against your business and tellthem to go and see it before they condemn it. It is as good and honorable as anyother business, and the day will yet come when people will respect it."

GreaterShoe Bargains

Never before have we been in a position to offer you desira-ble, well made and stylish Shoes at such extremely low pricesas several frotunate trade circumstances in our direction havemade it possible at this time—

Men's Shoes A" Almos£Zm"nb" y.;It isn't often that you get an opportunity to buy a complete assortmentof regular $2.50 Shoes at $1.69, but that is just what we will tell youabout here, "jThere are seven different styles— in tan Russia calf,two of tan vicikid, one of velvet calf, one of .patent ./fl» \u25a0] YTf%leather and two of; black F. vici kid. We can" give you JS /#O ;/any size in the above $2.50 Shoes at, per pair:......... .;

/ ariifc* Nlce- fine, soft )\u25a0 fZrtxsc* Qh/>pc~Ala^e assortment .L,acies onocs Tlci ki(3 in lace \u0084 tsoys onoes ot f^ysl betterpatent leather tips, stylish toes; as nice • - grade sample shoes, worth 11.50 to $2.00. \u25a0

a $2.03 shoe as you hare ever seen any ,' I in lot are sizes lto 654, one glance will 'place, all sizes, widths C /ft jf JO ,' ; convince you of the super- A*.^*% E? 'to E, at less than the ma- A/:4n «'

lor value of these shoes mh I. »J 'ker'sreg. wholesale prices V7*»rr F ,[ -' at :-yrM:*! *f- ,) Two styles of ladles'tan lace shoes with i! ¥ SHI* fl&n+c* These 'vesting tops, all sizes, regular /•) O i *-««* UeillS JIiOGS are •

value 51.78. .-\u25a0;\u25a0?>"' \rCIC V" samples ofrejtvuar $1.35 and $1.48 shoes; ,Choice...... -. -^*-'* «,. among them are patent leath- no ,

=•.•\u25a0•'•• - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ', \u25a0 era,Tici kid ana kangaroo calf, *JcSC i/ adic** Oxford<i~° » tnou " !• ; sizes xo to i3«................. \u25a0"-'*' ,L+iiuies ujLiurus sand pairs of «. ,-. ...... .

\u25a0 ' manufacturer's samples, almost any -V- fttflc* Several tables filled <style you can think. or, displayed on two S Vino . •Jituca - samples \u25a0> of i

tables with prices about £» * >Of ' good quality girl's shoes, worth regular i

one-third less than regu- J)£.4cf ' from $1.25 to $1.48, in lot are f\ Q_

<1ar................iWcan(i;Vf.'* #.:T*-' , all sizes. VOC'

Choice -'<-'**' ,Children*s y~~s~~~Z . Tennis

'' ;

Shoes- sT \u25a0i-JS@jS?*®^itok :i Oxfords-^;, ;\u25a0\u25a0• sample shoes, sizes 5 > wKT- ~t - s «^*fc. I1 and youths, O(\^t i

tog. red, black or tan, S WHomC TfadsW% ( all sizes , "<• 'values to 90c. Choice $ *^AiP"1C iI*lWC^^ !' brown, b.ack*^^.*^ «

•inf. Shoe Store \ Babies? Shoes i\u25a0: '^"^'# '̂\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 «; i1-|I®LV• 319'223NMt0b w 1B9<! Allour babies' 48c and '#Tl W M/~*f 'iIv\u25a0 • 'V i!*S? (i 50c shoes, In \u25a0

OjrL aSi'SJ9c:4 \u25a0- 5 morrow, pr. *^ i