The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo...

The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º ESO de la Sección Mixta del I.E.S. Mariano Baquero Goyanes.

Transcript of The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo...

Page 1: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

TThhee TThhoommaass HHaarrddyyee SScchhooooll

IIEESS MMaarriiaannoo BBaaqquueerroo GGooyyaanneess

IInntteerrccaammbbiioo EEssccoollaarr

FFeebbrreerroo –– MMaarrzzoo 22001133

Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar

con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º ESO de la

Sección Mixta del I.E.S. Mariano Baquero Goyanes.

Page 2: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

Febrero 2013, IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes

Marzo 2013, The Thomas Hardye School

Page 3: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

Los alumnos de 3º ESO de la Sección Mixta culminaron el

Intercambio Escolar devolviendo la visita a sus “partners” de Thomas

Hardye School en la ciudad inglesa de Dorchester.

Durante su estancia, pudieron participar de la “British way of

life” así como poner en práctica todos sus conocimientos del idioma.

Visitaron, además, otras ciudades de interés: la monumental y elegante

Bath, Salisbury con su impresionante catedral, el magnífico

monumento megalítico de Stonehenge y la turística y costera


Cuando llegó el momento de despedirnos de nuestros

anfitriones, después de interminables abrazos y promesas de

escribirnos, todos experimentamos el mismo deseo: volver el próximo

año para tener ocasión de completar el viaje con todo lo que queda por

ver y experimentar.

See you soon, England!

María Teresa Nicolás Gómez y Lourdes Rabadán Romera,

Profesoras encargadas del Intercambio

Para ver más fotografías y saber qué dicen los alumnos,

pincha aquí

Page 4: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

Our students say……

My English family

I love English family, it’s nice, amazing funny… I know Chantelle from the exchange

in Spain, I like her very much she’s amazing funny, intelligent and we enjoy the

same things. Her sister Chloe is so nice too. She speaks very fast but I can

understand what she wants to say. She’s funny. Her mum, Sarah is lovely, she tries

to speak Spanish and it’s so nice. Finally the last member of the family, Leo, the

cat!!! He’s cute. I love this family, I think it’s the best English family!!!

Marina Martinez Huerta 3AX

My English house

My house is quite rural. It is just 15 or 20 minutes from the school. The house is a

little small but I really like it. I have a room just for me (Libby's room). It has a TV

and lots of photos of Libby and her friends. Inside the house is always hot and I

have to put my coat out.

María José Cánovas Muñoz 3BX


For breakfast I always eat milk with cereals, they have a lot of types of cereals. For

lunch I always have a sandwich of ham with cheese and all types of snacks. One day

I had for dinner spaghetti with tomato and onion, and another day I ate chicken

with carrots, bread and other vegetables.

Belén López Egea 3BX

The Weather

The first two days it was sunny and cold. The two following days it was raining and

colder. The 4th day it snowed, it was amazing. The two following days it was cold

but it didn’t rain. And the last day in Dorchester it was foggy in the morning but

then it was sunny.

Angela Iniesta Pérez 3BX

Day 1:Departure & London Panorama

This day has been really nice. I'm really afraid about planes but I love them at the

same time. When we arrived in London it was really cold. I loved London. I haven't

been to London before so it was my first time. It was full of people. When we came

to Dorchester I was really nervous about metting my new family but then it was

really nice.

María José Cánovas Muñoz 3BX

Day 2: Dorchester. At The Thomas Hardye School

Page 5: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

We have had classes at the High School. I have had P.E, maths, and costumes. Then

we have gone to Dorchester, that is a small city. There are a lot of shops and one of

them has everything at 1 pound !!

Ana María Martí Balsalobre 3º AX

Dorchester is a small city in the south of England. I go shopping with my friends.

The High School is very big. It’s called `Thomas Hardye School´. My school, Mariano

Baquero Goyanes ,is much smaller. I spent 3 hours in the school and attended some

lessons there.

Miriam Sánchez 3º AX

Day 3: Bath

In Bath we saw the Roman Baths, it was very interesting. I think that the principal

place was the swimming pool. It’s very similar to “El Patio de los Leones” in

Granada. Then we went shopping in the center of the city, and Yolanda and I

bought a pair of earrings to do a false dilatation. In the afternoon we stayed in the

house because we were very tired and at night we went to a Pub to have dinner.

María Patiño García 3ºAX

Day 4: Day out with my family

On Saturday we went to London by train in the morning. The train broke and we

had to get another. When we arrived we went out in front of The London Eye. We

took a ferry that carried us down the river Thames. Then, we got on a bus up to

The National Art Gallery. We visited China Town and had lunch there. After, we

went to Buckingham Palace. Finally, we came home by train.

Esther Nicolás López 3BX

Day 5: Day out with my family

Today it's snowing! This morning we went to the forest to walk and to see Tomas

Hardye's house. It was a wonderful experience. In the afternoon we saw a film and

then we went to Sophie's house to have dinner with their parents and exchangers.

Pilar Fernández Aguado 3BX

Day 6: Stonehenge & Salisbury

I liked Stonehenge, it was very nice. The place was beautiful, but I preferred

Salisbury. Salisbury Cathedral was amazing. It was very tall and the visit was very


Paula Sánchez Morlesín 3º AX

Day 7: Weymouth

Page 6: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

I loved Weymouth because I found a bar called Antonio’s Cafe !! I bought a lot of

souvenirs for my family and friends there. In the afternoon, back in Dorchester, we

went to a restaurant and we met our English partners and say goodbye to all of


Antonio León Belando 3º AX

Day 8: Return

I woke up early to finish packing the suitcase. I felt so sad because we were going

to leave UK. We went to the school at 9 and most people cried. It has been a really

wonderful time and we didn't want to finish it but well, we had lots of fun! We

went to the airport at 11 o'clock and we flew back to Alicante. Then we went to the

bus and all of our families and friends were waiting for us in the school!

Pilar Fernández Aguado 3BX

Page 7: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

El grupo de alumnos de The Thomas Hardye

School paseando por Murcia

Page 8: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

El grupo inglés en el Santuario de la Vera Cruz en


Page 9: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

Así de bonita nos recibió Londres el día de

nuestra llegada

Page 10: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

El grupo del IES Mariano Baquero en Bath (¡a mal

tiempo buena cara!)

Page 11: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

Conjurando a los malos espíritus en Stonehenge

Page 12: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

Salisbury Cathedral, la más alta del Reino Unido

Page 13: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

El Faro de Portland

Page 14: The Thomas Hardye School IES Mariano Baquero Goyanes ... · Intercambio Escolar Febrero – Marzo 2013 Realizado con éxito el Intercambio Escolar con Inglaterra de alumnos de 3º

El grupo español paseando por la ciudad costera

de Weymouth

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La despedida