The Theoretical Partition Curve of the Hydrocyclone

 The theoretical partition curve of the hydrocyclone  Johann Dueck a,b,, Mohamed Farghaly c , Thomas Neesse a a Friedrich-Alexand er-Universität, Erlangen-Nur emberg, Germany b L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan c Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Qena, Egypt a r t i c l e i n f o  Article history: Available online 26 October 2013 Keywords: Hydrocyclone Partition curve Classication Fish-hook Fine particle separation a b s t r a c t In many cases, the hydrocyclone partition curve exhibits a non-monotonic course in the ne particle range. The so-called sh-hook effect indicates an increased separation of the ne fraction, which is of pra ctica l inte rest and has a posi tive effe ct on solid /liqu id sepa ratio n. Howeve r, for class ica tion purp oses , the separation is less distinct. In this contribution an equation of a partition curve containing a sh-hook is derived considering the laws of disturbed settling in dense, polydisperse suspensions. The following effects are considered: the entrainment of ne particles in the boundary layer of the coarse settling par- tic les , the hinde re d set tli ng due to the inc rea sed ef fec tive de nsi ty and vis cosity of the ui d, and the cou n- ter owof the di spl ace d ui d cau sed by the set tli ng pa rti cle s. The cal cul ati ons ind ica te tha t the sh -ho ok effect is primarily caused by ne particle entrainment, which is inuenced by the feed solid content and the feed part icle size distr ibution. An app roxim ated analyti cal solut ion for the part ition curve is pre- sented for aRosin–Rammler –Sperling–B ennet (RRSB)-distributed feed. Experiments using 25-mm hydro- cyclone conrm the calculations.  2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The fundam enta l sche me for the hyd rocy clon e is show n in Fig. 1a. The par titio n curv e (Fig. 1b) used to characterize the separation efciency of the hydrocyclones involves the mass fraction  T (d) for each particle size  d, whi ch is disc har ged in the coarse produ ct (underow).  Schubert and Neesse (1980)  demonstrated that the typi cal S-shape d par titio n curv e deri ves from the superpositio n of the settling ow and a turbulent diffusion ow in the rotating uid. The so- called tapp ing mo del (Neesse et al. (199 1), Schuber t (2010)), wh ich neg lec ts the dis tri butio n of the hy dr odynamic cha r- acteristics in the processing zone of the apparatus, describes the inuence of various factors on the separation characteristics. The theoretical partition curve calculated using the free settling veloc- ity acc or di ng to the Sto kes for mula, inc re ases mo notonica lly wi th d (see the dashed curve in Fig. 1b). However, in many cases in the ne particle range, an increased par ticle remo val can be obse rved (see the continuo us curv e in Fig. 1b). This so-called sh-hook effect is subject of many investi- gations and discussions. The phenomenon of inc rease d ne pa rti cle removal thr ough the und ero w lead s to prac tical cons eque nces. For exam ple , increasi ng the removal of ne particles is benecial for water purication by removing mechanical impurities. However, the sh-hook effect is detr ime ntal to ne par ticle classic atio n beca use it red uces the separatio n sharpness. Alth ough the non-mo noto nic sepa ratio n funct ion was desc ribe d in the scientic literature (Finch (1983), many years ago, no con- se nsus has de ve lo pe d regarding the ph ys ical ba sis of this phenomenon. Some researchers remain skeptical (Flintoff et al. (1987), Nage- swarar ao (2000) ) of this effect , believ ing that it has no phy sical ba - sis and tha t the exp erimenta l ob ser vat ions are the re sul t of agglomeration phenomena, measurement errors, or the variations in the particles size fractions relative to their shape and density. These doubts have been analyzed and refuted by  Dueck et al. (2007). After analyzing the statistical properties of the measurements, Bourgeo is and Majumder (2013) came to the same conclusion that ‘‘the shhook effect is a real physical phenomenon’’. In seve ral publ icati ons by  Finc h (198 3), Del Vill ar and Finch (1992), and Kr aip ech et al. (20 02) , emp iric al corr elat ions have bee n developed to describe the sh-hook effect. Schubert (2003, 2004) provided a qualitative explanation of the sh- hoo k effe ct usin g the buoyan cy actin g on the part icle s in a non -uniform rotational ow. The random mo tion of par ticle s of 0892-6875/$ - see front matter  2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Corresp ondin g author at: Friedrich-Alexander-Univer sität, Erlang en-Nu rem- berg, Germany. Tel.: +49 9131 85 23 200. E-mail address:  [email protected] (J. Dueck). Minerals Engineering 62 (2014) 25–30 Contents lists available at  ScienceDirect Minera ls Engine ering journal homepage: Downloaded from



Transcript of The Theoretical Partition Curve of the Hydrocyclone

  • ro


    effects are considered: the entrainment of ne particles in the boundary layer of the coarse settling par-

    effect is primarily caused by ne particle entrainment, which is inuenced by the feed solid content and

    e hyd

    to chalves th

    ity according to the Stokes formula, increases monotonically with d(see the dashed curve in Fig. 1b).

    However, in many cases in the ne particle range, an increasedparticle removal can be observed (see the continuous curve inFig. 1b). This so-called sh-hook effect is subject of many investi-gations and discussions.

    , or the varpe and ded by Duec

    (2007).After analyzing the statistical properties of the measure

    Bourgeois and Majumder (2013) came to the same conclusion thatthe shhook effect is a real physical phenomenon.

    In several publications by Finch (1983), Del Villar and Finch(1992), and Kraipech et al. (2002), empirical correlations have beendeveloped to describe the sh-hook effect.

    Schubert (2003, 2004) provided a qualitative explanation of thesh-hook effect using the buoyancy acting on the particles in anon-uniform rotational ow. The random motion of particles of

    Corresponding author at: Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt, Erlangen-Nurem-berg, Germany. Tel.: +49 9131 85 23 200.

    Minerals Engineering 62 (2014) 2530

    Contents lists availab


    elsE-mail address: [email protected] (J. Dueck).acteristics in the processing zone of the apparatus, describes theinuence of various factors on the separation characteristics. Thetheoretical partition curve calculated using the free settling veloc-

    agglomeration phenomena, measurement errorsin the particles size fractions relative to their sha

    These doubts have been analyzed and refute0892-6875/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Downloaded from http://www.elearnica.iriationsnsity.k et al.

    ments,each particle size d, which is discharged in the coarse product(underow). Schubert and Neesse (1980) demonstrated that thetypical S-shaped partition curve derives from the superpositionof the settling ow and a turbulent diffusion ow in the rotatinguid.

    The so-called tapping model (Neesse et al. (1991), Schubert(2010)), which neglects the distribution of the hydrodynamic char-

    Although the non-monotonic separation function was describedin the scientic literature (Finch (1983), many years ago, no con-sensus has developed regarding the physical basis of thisphenomenon.

    Some researchers remain skeptical (Flintoff et al. (1987), Nage-swararao (2000)) of this effect, believing that it has no physical ba-sis and that the experimental observations are the result of1. Introduction

    The fundamental scheme for thFig. 1a.

    The partition curve (Fig. 1b) usedefciency of the hydrocyclones invothe feed particle size distribution. An approximated analytical solution for the partition curve is pre-sented for aRosinRammlerSperlingBennet (RRSB)-distributed feed. Experiments using 25-mm hydro-cyclone conrm the calculations.

    2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    rocyclone is shown in

    racterize the separatione mass fraction T(d) for

    The phenomenon of increased ne particle removal through theunderow leads to practical consequences. For example, increasingthe removal of ne particles is benecial for water purication byremoving mechanical impurities. However, the sh-hook effect isdetrimental to ne particle classication because it reduces theseparation sharpness.ClassicationFish-hookFine particle separation

    ticles, the hindered settling due to the increased effective density and viscosity of the uid, and the coun-ter ow of the displaced uid caused by the settling particles. The calculations indicate that the sh-hookThe theoretical partition curve of the hyd

    Johann Dueck a,b,, Mohamed Farghaly c, Thomas Nea Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germanyb L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstanc Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Qena, Egypt

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Available online 26 October 2013

    Keywords:HydrocyclonePartition curve

    a b s t r a c t

    In many cases, the hydrocrange. The so-called sh-hpractical interest and has athe separation is less distinis derived considering the

    Minerals E

    journal homepage: www.cyclone

    e a

    ne partition curve exhibits a non-monotonic course in the ne particleeffect indicates an increased separation of the ne fraction, which is ofitive effect on solid/liquid separation. However, for classication purposes,In this contribution an equation of a partition curve containing a sh-hooks of disturbed settling in dense, polydisperse suspensions. The following

    le at ScienceDirect


    evier .com/locate /mineng

  • Nomenclature

    a centrifugal acceleration () entrainment constant ()cV total volume solid concentration ()d particle size (lm)dm characteristic particle size (lm)Dc diameter of the cylindrical portion of the hydrocyclone

    (mm)Do overow diameter (mm)Din diameter of the inlet (mm)Dt coefcient of turbulent diffusion (m/s2)D(d) deceleration function for the disturbed settling ()E(d) acceleration function ()fe(d) entrainment function ()g(cV) function of solids content ()q(d) density of the particle size distribution (lm1)H depth of the sh-hook ()

    n parameter of the distribution function (uin velocity of the suspension ow in the inlet (m/s)Dp inlet pressure (bar)s internal variable of integration (lm)S volume split ()T(d) partition functionVh(d) hindered settling velocity (m/s)VS(d) settling velocity (m/s)VSt,j Stokes velocity (m/s)wtan maximum tangential velocity (m/s)_Wo suspension throughput at overow (m3/s)_Wu suspension throughput at underow (m3/s)qf uid density (kg/m3)qp solid density (kg/m3)lf uid viscosity (kg/ms)C Gamma function ()

    26 J. Dueck et al. /Minerals Engineering 62 (2014) 2530varying sizes in a turbulent environment was considered by Wangand Yu (2010). Majumder et al. (2003, 2007) attempted to explainthe origin of the sh-hook effect using a sudden decrease in thesettling velocity of the coarser particles due to the Reynoldsnumber restriction. Roldan-Villasana et al. (1993) introduced theconcept that a turbulent dispersion could inuence the motion ofne particles.

    These concepts have not yet been applied in a systematiccalculation to determine which parametersthe hydrocyclone,the particulate material and/or the operating conditionscontrolthe characteristics of the sh-hook effect.

    Kraipech et al. (2002) pointed to the mechanism of ne particleentrainment by larger particles, but did not offer an appropriatemathematical model. This was provided by Dueck et al. (2004),who explained the non-monotonic separation curves through theentrainment of ne particles caught in the boundary layer of thecoarse, rapidly settled particles. This model is based on experi-ments of Gerhart et al. (1999) and Kumar et al. (2000) and hasalready been implemented in the computations of Minkov andDueck (2012).

    By varying several parameters, the computer simulationsrequire considerable effort.Inlet



    Vortex finder



















    , -


    Fig. 1. (a) Principal scheme for the hydrocycloneTherefore, this work focuses on the approximated analyticalcalculation of the separation and should be presented in a conve-nient form for analytical estimations that consider the collectiveeffects of disturbed settling in a dense polydisperse suspension.

    2. Partition function

    According to the tapping model of Schubert and Neesse (1980),the partition function T(d) as a function of the particle size d can beexpressed as follows:

    Td 11 Sexp Dc2Dt Vsd

    h i : 1In this equation, the volume split is represented by

    S _Wo_Wu in which _Wo and _Wu are the suspensions ows of the over-ow and underow, respectively. The value of S can be determinedusing empirical formulas (Bradley (1965)).

    Furthermore, Dc is the diameter of the cylindrical portion of thehydrocyclone, and Din is the diameter of the inlet.

    This model assumes that the turbulent diffusion coefcient Dt ofthe particle is independent of its size. Thus, the shape of the5 10 15 20

    Particle size d, m

    Partition function

    Partition function(after Stokes)



    and (b) partition curve of the hydrocyclone.

  • ity of a particle depends not only on its size, the medium proper-

    D(d) are negligibly small, and the actual settling velocity VS (d) is

    nginIf the particles size distribution is presented as a continuousfunction, q(d), such that

    R10 qsds 1, then the settling rate

    equation of a particle can be written as follows:


    2gcV febdd2cVZ 10s2gcV febsqsds 2

    in which, according to Dueck et al. (2004) and Minkov and Dueck

    (2005) fed R1bd s

    6qsds1=3; gcV 94 c2=3V exp5cV , Vh VSt1 cV 4:5, VSt;j ad

    2j qpqf 18lf

    , and b 15(1 + 10, 5cV).The rst term on the right side of Eq. (2) corresponds to the hin-

    dered sedimentation velocity of a particle (the Stokes velocity ac-counts for the impact of solid content). The second term, theacceleration function E d2gcV febd, reects the increase inthe particle velocity due to its entrainment by larger particles.The third term, the deceleration function D d2cV


    s2 gcV febsqsds, determines how the ow of the liquid dis-placed by the settling solid phase inuences the particle settlingvelocity.

    In Eq. (2) the following designations are used: a centrifugalacceleration, entrainment constant, cV total solid volume con-centration, g(cV) function of the intensity of the entrainment onthe solid concentration, fe(d) entrainment function, q(d) densitypartition function is determined primarily by the settling velocity,Vs. According to Eq. (1), T(d) is a monotonous function of d if Vs(d) isalso a monotonous function of d. The Stokes formula for Vs yieldsthe monotonous S-shaped line of the partition function (Fig. 1b).The separation curve T(d) increases monotonically from T(0) < 1at d? 0 to T = 1 at d?1.

    The partition function is typically characterized using the fol-lowing parameters:

    (a) d50 the cut size with a 50% fractional recovery in theunderow (Eq. (1) indicates that, for d50, Vsd50 2Dt=Dc ln S).

    (b) T0 the value of T(0).(c) Tmin the minimum value of the function. When the Stokes

    formula is applied to obtain Vs, T0 = Tmin.

    In many cases, the experimental determination of the partitioncurve demonstrates that the curve has a minimum value for parti-cle sizes below 10 lm (Fig. 1b). Such separation curve behavior iscalled the shhook effect. This phenomenon can result from dis-turbed particle settling due to particle interactions as described byseveral researchers (Roldan-Villasana et al. (1993), Kraipech et al.(2002), Dueck et al. (2004)).

    3. Disturbed particle settling in a polydisperse suspension

    Some experimental and theoretical results have been obtainedregarding the settling of dense suspensions (Gerhart et al. (1999),Gerhart (2001), Kumar et al. (2000), Dueck et al. (2004), Minkovand Dueck (2005)). These studies focused on the settling behaviorof polydisperse suspensions. The settling of polydispersesuspensions involves the following interparticle effects:

    1. Hindered settling due to an increased effective density andviscosity of the uid.

    2. Counter ow of the displaced uid caused by particle settling.3. Entrainment of ne particles in the surrounding coarse settling


    J. Dueck et al. /Minerals Eof the particle size distribution, VSt(d) Stokes settling velocity,Vh(d) hindered settling velocity, qf uid density, qp soliddensity, lf uid viscosity in kg/ms.slightly lower than that of Stokes because the suspension has ahigher density and viscosity than water.

    5. Experiments and calculationsties, and the solid-phase concentration in the suspension but alsoon the particle size distribution.

    4. Approximation for the RRSB size distribution

    In the present work, specic equations are derived for a typicalcase when the two-parameter RRSB (RosenRammlerBennetSperling) function for the particle size distribution is used:

    qd ndm


    n1exp d


    n 3

    in which dm is the characteristic particle size and n characterizes thesteepness of the distribution function.

    For this case, the integrals in Eq. (2) can be estimated (Duecket al., 2010), which leads to the following expression for the sedi-mentation velocity of particles in a polydisperse suspension:

    VSdVhd 1


    2gcV 6=n 1C

    26=n 1bddm

    6nn 6=n 1C6=n 1






    2n 1


    Eq. (4) contains an integral representation of the gamma func-tion: Cz 1 R10 tzezdt. For simple engineering calculations, ra-tional functions are convenient. Taking into account that theparameter n varies over a narrow range of 11.5, the followingapproximation can be applied:

    Cz 1 2:6 103z6:8:Similarly, we can write g(cV) = 0.9c0.46.Thus, Eq. (4) can be presented as follows:

    VSdVhd 1 E D 5

    in which the entrainment function E and the deceleration functionD are

    E dmd


    6:76 1066=n 1 6=n13:6

    bddm6nn 2:6 1036=n 16=n6:8





    D dmd

    22:6 103cV 2n

    6:8( )7

    Fig. 2 illustrates the values calculated using Eqs. (5)(7) andindicates that for small particles the acceleration mechanism dom-inates, but for larger particles the deceleration effect is moreimportant.

    The comparison with Vh (the Stokes velocity, corrected relativeto the solid content) demonstrates that small particles can settle atvelocities several orders of magnitude higher than that determinedusing the Stokes law. For large particles, both functions E(d) andAs demonstrated by Eq. (2), the predicted sedimentation veloc-

    eering 62 (2014) 2530 27The experiments conducted by Gerhart (2001), taken for a com-parison with the calculations, are listed in Table 1.

  • 1.0E+01




    n fu




    28 J. Dueck et al. /Minerals EnginThe particle size distribution for the dispersed materials used inthe experiments can be approximated using Eq. (3) with theparameters dm = 6 lm and n = 1.23 provided in Table 1.

    In Eq. (1), the volume split value (S) is derived from the exper-imental results with a value of S = 7.5.

    The centrifugal acceleration (a) was determined using the for-mulas of Schubert et al. (1990) and Heiskanen (1993) as follows:

    a w2tan=Dc 8

    in which the maximum tangential velocity is

    wtan 3:7DinDc uin 9

    and the velocity of the suspension ow in the inlet is

    Dof Dp !0:5




    0.01 0.1Relative




    Fig. 2. Disturbed settling functions (Eqs. (5)(7)) dening the interaction of particles(data used for calculation: n = 1.2, dm = 6 lm, cv = 0.04).uin 0:52Din qf: 10

    For the diffusion coefcient Dt the following equation can beused (Schubert et al. (1990)):

    Dt 16 104wtanDc: 11Applying these formulas to the parameters listed in Table 1, the

    following values can be obtained:

    uin 5:33 m=s; wtan 7:9 m=s; a 2490 m=s2;Dt 3:2 104 m2=s:Using these values, Eqs. (5)(7) can be applied to calculate the

    settling velocities of particles of varying sizes.

    Table 1Parameters of hydrocyclone experiments.

    Hydrocyclone diameter Dc = 25 103 mInlet diameter Din = 10.5 103 mOverow diameter Dof = 1 102 mFeed pressure Dp = 105 PaParticle density qp = 2.6 g/cm3

    Particle size distribution of ne material (Mf) dm = 6 lm, n = 1.2Particle size distribution of coarse material (Mc) dm = 11 lm, n = 1.36. Comparison of the calculated and measured partition curves

    Using the values of S, Dc, Vs and Dt, the partition function in Eq.(1) can be determined. Fig. 3 presents the calculation of the settlingvelocities and the partition curves for two different conditions:rst, for the settling according to Stokes, and second, consideringthe disturbed settling in dense suspensions.

    The settling velocity as a function of particle size is a non-monotonous function. As previously mentioned, the shape of thepartition curve under given operational conditions depends onlyon the settling velocity. Therefore, the partition curve may have ashape similar to that of the settling velocity curve versus the par-ticle size. Non-monotonous course of the sedimentation velocitycould be the reason for the so-called sh-hook effect, which, inpractice, often manifests itself as the measured curve. This resultis in agreement with the investigations of Gerhart (2001) and Due-ck et al. (2007).

    1 10rticle size, (d/dm)

    Entrainment function E(d)

    Counter Current function D(d)

    Total effect 1+E(d)+D(d)

    ng settling in an RRSB-distributed suspension, depending on the relative particle size

    eering 62 (2014) 2530A comparison between the calculated values and the experi-mental results under the conditions listed in Table 1 is presentedin Fig. 4.

    The separation model indicates that there is sufcient con-dence in the explanation of the sh-hook effect. No further accor-dance can be expected for the deviation between the experimentaland calculated values given the extensive simplications in theow model.

    Experimental partition functions demonstrate the sh-hook ef-fect, which can be characterized by the depth H (the difference be-tween the value of partition function at d = 0 and the minimumvalue of the separation curve) as indicated in Fig. 1b. The calculatedand measured values of H, depending on the solid content (cv) forthe materials provided in Table 1, are plotted in Fig. 5.

    The sh-hook depth (H) presents a non-monotonic curve versusthe solid content cv as predicted by the disturbed settling. Fig. 5also indicates that the values of T(0) vary with cV in a manner sim-ilar to that of H.

    Using this fact, the dependence of T0 on the suspension param-eters can be analyzed as follows:

    In Eq. (5), D can completely neglected relatively to E if d tendstoward zero as demonstrated in Fig. 2. Considering the denomina-tor of Eq. (6), in the function E, the term containing d can beneglected.

    After the transformations, the settling velocity of the smallestparticles, Vs(0) (d tends toward zero), can be obtained:

  • ngin1.0E+08

    J. Dueck et al. /Minerals EVS0 7:07VStdmc0:46V 1 cV 4:5n2:26 12

    in which VSt(dm) is the Stokes sedimentation velocity for a particleof size dm.





    0.1 1

    Relative partic





    , m


    Fig. 3. Calculated partition curves and settling velocities for a 25-mm hydrocyclone usinTable 1.







    0.1 1 10 100

    Relative particle size, m






    Mf (calc) Mc (calc)

    Mf (exp) Mc (exp)

    Fig. 4. Calculated and measured partition functions for a 25-mm Hydrocycloneusing a solid content cV = 0.04, a ne particle suspension Mf and a coarse particlesuspension Mc (parameter are listed in Table 1).






    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

    Solid volume concentration cV,-



    k de








    , -

    Mc (exp)

    Mc (calc)

    Mf (exp)

    Mf (calc)

    T(0) for Mc

    T(0) for Mf

    Fig. 5. Comparison of calculated and measured sh-hook depths as a function ofthe solid concentration.10 100

    le size d/dm, -











    Stokes velocity

    Settling velocity

    Partition function(Stokes velocity)

    Partition function(disturbed settling)

    g a ne particle suspension and solid content cV = 0.04. The parameters are listed in





    n, - dm=6 m

    dm=7 m

    eering 62 (2014) 2530 29The maximum value of VS(0) in Fig. 5 occurs at the concentra-tion cV = 0.09, which is higher than the experimental value ofapproximately 0.04.

    In addition, VS(0) explicitly depends on the parameters dm and nfrom the size distribution in Eq. (12): VS0 / d2m and VS(0) / n2.26.

    Given VS(0), T0 can be easily estimated based on Eq. (1).The calculated and experimental curves of H are qualitatively

    similar, but quantitative differences can arise for various rea-sonsthe simplications included in Eq. (5), for example. Speci-cally, these variations may be caused by the difference betweenthe inlet solid concentration used for the calculations and the ac-tual cV values inside the hydrocyclone.

    The physically reasonable model appears to adequately de-scribe some of the effects observed in the experiments. A paramet-ric study using the particle size distribution Eq. (3) was performedto clarify the effect of the constants in the equation on the value ofthe sh-hook.

    In Fig. 6, each curve is drawn by changing one variable only (dm)with all other parameters held constant. The increase in dm causesa marked increase in T0 and smooth increases in the Tmin values,leading to an increased depth of the sh-hook effect (H), whichcan be interpreted as follows: the coarser the particles, the greaterthe chance for small particles to enter the boundary layer of a largeparticle and be captured by it.

    This phenomenon is conrmed by the experiments of Gerhart(2001) in which small and coarse materials were mixed in variousproportions. In these experiments, the value of H increased steadilywith the proportion of the coarse material.




    0.1 1 10 100

    Relative particle size, m




    dm=8 m

    dm=9 m

    T(d) afterStokes

    Fig. 6. Partition curves for different dm values at n = 0.23 (all other parameters areprovided in Table 1).

  • Bradley, D., 1965. The Hydrocyclone. Pergamon Press, London.Del Villar, R., Finch, J.A., 1992. Modelling the cyclone performance with a size

    dependent entrainment factor. Minerals Engineering 5 (6), 661669.Dueck, J., Neesse, T., Minkov, L., Kilimnik, D., Hararah, M., 2004. Theoretical and

    experimental investigation of disturbed settling in a polydisperse suspension.In: Matsumoto, Y., Hishida, K., Tomiyama, A., Mishima, K., Hosokawa, S. (Eds.),Proc. of ICMF-2004. Fifth Int. Conf. on Multiphase Flow, 30 May4 June 2004,Yokohama (Japan). Paper No. 106, pp. 18.

    Dueck, J., Minkov, L., Pikutchak, E., 2007. Modeling of the sh-hook-effect in a0.4











    30 J. Dueck et al. /Minerals Engineering 62 (2014) 2530Fig. 7 illustrates that the growth of parameter n leads to a weak-ening of the sh-hook effect.

    Thus, the theory predicts that the effect should be particularlysignicant for a suspension with at distribution functions andmore coarse fractions.

    7. Conclusions

    The presented separation model rst enables the rst approxi-mated calculation of the non-monotonous course of the hydrocy-clone partition curve. The model indicates the importance of thedisturbed settling of the particles. Even given the excessive simpli-cations of the complicated three-dimensional turbulent ow in-side the cyclone, the separation can be satisfactorily simulated byconsidering the particle interactions.

    The entrainment of the ne particles by the settling of thecoarse particles is primarily responsible for the sh-hook effect.Consequently, the parameters of the feed size distribution andthe feed solid content were introduced into the equation for thepartition curve, providing a new element in the separation model.Although the experimental database remains relatively small, theexperiments with a 25-mm cyclone largely conrm the calcula-tions. One can conclude that the hydrocyclone separation in thene particle range is primarily limited by the sh-hook effect,which can be explained physically. The approximated partitionfunction also indicates the factors inuencing the sh-hook effect.



    0.1 1 10 100

    Relative particle size, m


    it n=1.4

    T(d) afterStokes

    Fig. 7. Partition curves for different n values using dm = 8 lm (all other parametersare provided in Table 1).These factors can be controlled using known methods: dilution ofthe feed and/or changing the feed size distribution using a multi-stage separation. The opposite is true for thickening and success-fully removing the nest fractions in which high sh-hookfractions would be advantageous, and the addition of coarseparticles for that purpose is less practicable.


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    The theoretical partition curve of the hydrocyclone1 Introduction2 Partition function3 Disturbed particle settling in a polydisperse suspension4 Approximation for the RRSB size distribution5 Experiments and calculations6 Comparison of the calculated and measured partition curves7 ConclusionsReferences