The -… · The ~Zyu,...

The llterature falls broadly uruier two headings vFz - The Vsdw and classical literature, The Vedas erpoae the anclent civilization wUle they corny rituals also, The - - classical literature comtitutes the Rmayana, the Mcoh&bhgrata, the pure& and the Itlh~siis. The vedic Literature Ls a pro- mimnt lamimark in the history of I adian civllieation. The next landmark is 1tihkb plus the collection of literature from the purg-. Veda8 utood the test of t h e -to preserve the civilisation. Later poets took an active role as the le8dm-s of the moveaent. The Itihbiis ani the PUF&~S repre- sent the literary record of a national movem8nt when the civilizations began to decline again, Thus, according to the historians, these movements had their beginning around 400 B . ' , It is indeed difficult to say exactly when the came into exlateace as they are considered t o be next only t o the vedas in antiquity, p u r v s form a vost brurh of l i t e r a t u r e claimlag superiority, 'They are classified a8 Major and Minor vorb depending upon their age and importance, Such of those purbh as have commanded highest respect from the people were zmmd a8 ~ahBpurhb and the other purws which were l e s s i n importance got the prefix upa. . The ~ah'a~~~w can thus be c1arslfl.d into several

Transcript of The -… · The ~Zyu,...

The l l te ra ture falls broadly uruier two headings vFz - The Vsdw and classical l i terature , The Vedas erpoae the

anclent civil ization wUle they co rny r i tuals also, The - - class ical l i t e ra ture comti tutes the Rmayana, the Mcoh&bhgrata,

the pure& and the I t lh~s i i s . The vedic Literature Ls a pro-

mimnt lamimark i n the history of I adian civllieation. The

next landmark i s 1tihkb plus the collection of l i terature

from the purg-. Veda8 utood the t e s t of t h e -to preserve

the civil isat ion. Later poets took an active role as the

le8dm-s of the moveaent. The Itihbiis ani the P U F & ~ S repre-

sent the l i te rary record of a national movem8nt when the

civilizations began t o decline again, Thus, according to the

historians, these movements had their beginning around 400 B.',

It is indeed d i f f icu l t t o say exactly when the came

in to exlateace as they are considered t o be next only t o the

vedas i n antiquity, p u r v s form a vost b r u r h of l i t e ra ture

claimlag superiority, 'They are classified a8 Major and Minor

vorb depending upon the i r age and importance, Such of those

p u r b h as have commanded highest respect from the people were

zmmd a8 ~ a h B p u r h b and the other purws which were l e s s i n

importance got the prefix upa. . The ~ah'a~~~w can thus be c1arslfl.d into several

1. Bncfclopsedic l i k e Matrya, VGu and ci.nrda

2. Thme dealing vith t-hm l i k e Pad*, Skanda & Bhavlaya.

3. sec tar ian such aa VSyu and ~ r ~ a r d h .

The ~ Z y u , ~rahihd8, natsya arri V i s a are the oldest amongst 8 .

the extant P U . ~ . Host of the ~ahs~ur~ti irs were coaposed i n

the perlod from 5th Century A 0. or 6th Century A.D. t o 9th cen-

tury A,D. The upapurUf+s began t o be compiled from about the

7th or 8th Century A 0 . and t h e i r number aul t ip l ied till 13th

century A.D. or even l a t e r . This much is ce r t a in tha t the

~ u r i i $ i a influenced the Hindu society before Chris t and t h e i r

influence continued i n full force till the 17th or 18th century

AJ) . Wilson opinea that the are works of d i f ferent

ages compiled under d i f f e ren t circumstances. Perhaps this could

be one of the reasons 90 separate Upapwk+ from ~&S~urcafl-is.

Visnu . . Dharmottara is the only upapuri;na; not having the

prefix Upa attached t o it. Its nature decides i t s date.

The author discusses all the points and hence i t is encyclo-

paedic i n nature. Astrology, Astronomy, Cosmology, Cosmogony

etC a re a l l given importance. Hence it can be of l a t e r date.

According t o ~riyab-a-kshah, it i s defini te ly ea r l i e r than

Alberuni and ~Gradi~; pur"@q . Karadrya purEina i s a Vaipnava

work consisting of two par ts , of which the f i r s t i n ~ o r p o r a t e s

the en t i r e ~ r h a n n i i r d y a which was composed by the V a i ~ p v a S

around the nriddle of 9th century A.D. The renainirlg chapters

of t h e f i rs t p a r t are comparatively l a t e additions and sane

of them contain detailed information about the contents of

eight-n p r inc ipU The second pa r t i s U s o attached

t o the f i r s t pa r t , ye t it maintaim i t s or ig ina l i ty anS. it 1s

believed t~ b c-d i n t h e ginning oi 10th century A.D.

But there IS a difference of opinion. Kale placer

N s r a y 8 P u r C ~ between 500 - 600 A.D. Durgmhankm h t r Y

i n his i )u r&p~ivecuu contradicts t h i s view and arr ives at

a s t i l l l a t e r date 1.e. the 12th century A.D. I f thls date

i s accepted, Vianudhamottara ~ u r @ a cannot be Msigned an I

e a d i e r date,

Adhuta sigara a l so refers t o Visnuiharmottrra e e ~ur&a,

According t o P.V,Kane the dates of 'Adbhuta Sagarat and

ICaturvarga C i n t a m a t a re 1168 A,D, and 1260 A.D . respec-

t ive ly . Therefore, Visndharmottara t I ~ u r h should b e e a r l i e r

t o 1168 A,D, as a reference t o it i s made,

3.C Jazra places Alberuni during 1030 A,D , Visnudhrrmo- , . t t a r a ~ w h a i s e a r l i e r thah 1030 A.D.

1 There i s a c o m e n t u y on Vianu e a Sahasra N h ~ v h i c h mentions

the Visnudharmottara I . P W ~ and which is a t t r ibuted t o the f i r s t

dankariichiisya who l ived i n 820 A 9, t l i s n u ~ e r m o t t a % a PWW CM I

b8 placed before him. But the authorship of ~ a n l r a r k h k ~ a l o

doubtful as there are-references about h i s belonging t o 12th . - #

century A.D. It i s believed that i t was t h i s ~ankarbhbya of

12th century vho propounied the Advalta Philosophy.

I n V i r ~ o t t a r a ~ur'ip. there i r a separate chapter I I

on 'Pait-ihaha ~ i d d h ~ r r * wbich i s believed t o be an extract 1

from 'Brahlassputa ~iddlfianta' m i t t e n by Brahmagupta who exlsted

during 628 A.D. Hence the compilation of the Visnudharmo- . . t t a r a puriina m u s t be l a t e r than 6th century A.D.

Dr . Buhler supports t h i s viev. But S r i Dixi t i n h i s

Marathi book lBhiratciya ~ ~ o t i $ i S i s t r a ~ dogs not conf im t o this

opinion. According t o him, the Brahmaaputa Sidda6tha i s en-

t i r e l y different from the ~ i d d h h t a discussed i n the Visnu-

dharmottara pure- elther i n aetrorornical content or mathe-

matical content. If this view i s accepted, the Vi~nudhar~o- - , . t t a r a ~urZna cannot be placed between 6th century A.D. and

10th century A.D.

Kane quotes a sloka which he says i s an extract from I

' ~ a r k s a r a S m r t i ~ belonging t o 500 A.D . He therefore f ixes the

date of t h e Visnudharmottara . . P W * ~ a l i t t l e before 500 AD.

But this cannot be t o t a l l y accepted as correct . The date of

a par t icu la r book cannot be fixed on the arguments based on

unproved borrowings. *They can never be f ina l . Further i t can

be argued t h a t Parda*sq t i and the Visnudharmottara I ~ u r h ~

mfght have borrowed from the conrmon source. -

1. Sudhikar Dvivedi i n h i s commentary on 'Brahmasphuta ~iddhranta s t a t e s -

The Vismxharmottara ~ u r - v deals i n detai l wi th ~ a t ~ a ,

~ i t a and Karla, l ike other works on rhetorics. A comparison

reveals that there i s considerable s i a i l a r l t y between vhat

has been aaid i n other works urf relevant contents of the

Vi?mdhareottara ~ u r @ a .

The ~ef1nition.s are almost the same. The only differ-

ence l i e s i n the number of AlamkS~G. I f ~h&aha recognisea

39, Dandin gives 35 ard the Visnudharmottara ~ur-qa recognlses I .

only 18 Alamkaras. The t rad i t ion amongst the Alamk&r0is i s

to increase the number of Alamkaras or t o decrease the number

of prahellkaa . If this i s accepted, then Visnudhannottarr Purana i s

definitely ear l ie r than 6th century P.D. i .e. before Bhhaha

or Dandin. Kane places Bhaaaha ard Dandin between 600 A.D.

- 7sOA.D. ( shamaha 10oA.D. - 75OA.D. Dandin 660 - 680 A.D .)

Therefore the Visnudharmottara ~ u r k n a i s ear l ier than

600 A.D. but not l a t e r than 750 A 9 . But S,K.De places ~ h ~ a h a

between the last quarter of the 7th century A.D. and the w. Quarter of the 8 t h century A.D. and Da&n i n the f i r s t half

of b e 8th century A.D. It i s m t possible t o accept the

point tha t Vismrdharmottpa . . Pur-pa is ea r l l e r than Bhhaha or

Dandin as ce r t a in definit ions are practically the same i n the

Vi?+amottara pursna since the Visnudharmottara . . p u r g e i s a

mere eoslpllation, i t must, have borroved the ideas from Bhamaha

or Dandln the stalwarts of AlamkGa l i terature . Just t o show

originali ty and to impove upon Bharata who recognised only

four, number of Alaakaraa wrst have been reduced. Visnudhar~lo-

ttara p w b a as can be wen i s l a t e r than ~ h b i h a or Dandin.

The lover l i m i t of t h e k t can be decided by f ix ing up the

da te of Natya ~ 6 t r a wliich accordin(; t o 8.K.De i s pushed

wyond 4th century A.D. 1

We have seen already t h a t from the 4th century A.D.

onwards t h e Hindus began t o f e e l the need f o r not only popu-

l a r i s i n g the study of d i f f e r e n t branches of Sanskr i t learning

as aga ins t the h e r e t i c r e l i g i o u s l i k e Buddhism and Jainislp

but a l s o t o increase t h e importance of t h e p u r x ~ s as reposi-

t o r i e s of knowledge s o that these might f ind favour with highly

educated people also.

A reading of the purslaas ind ica te s t h a t most oL' them

have similarities, Matspa f o r example i s a mixture of var ious

chapters taken a t d i f f e r e n t times from various sources e spec ia l ly

vzyu an3. Visnudharmottara ~ ~ 5 9 . A comparison between VSyu

and Matsya from which the l a t t e r took important chapters l i k e

~ a m d a , Manvantara and vad i inuca r i t a , shows that the borrowin&s

must have been made i n the las t quar te rs of the 3rd century A.D.

or the 1st qua r t e r of the 4 th century A.L. T h i s is t h e period

of t h e f i r s t composition. I t i s only a f t e r this we f i n d t h e

chapters being incorporated a t var ious intervals. This throws

much l i g h t on t h e d a t e of Viqnudhammottara ~ur-ap. A t l e a s t

ha l f a century is needed f o r t h e compilation. Then i n t h a t c u e

the lower l i m i t of Visnudharmottara P U . ~ can be f ixed t o be

Prof. Batu l lana th Sharma and Baladeva Upadhyaya place Bhamha between Q0 - 600 A.D. taking i n t o account a l l these Visnudharmottara purana can be placed before 650 A .D. shows t h e upper limit. This lower l i m i t can be decided

' by t h e Natya S a s t r a of Bharata. S.K.De f i x e s t h e d a t e as bth or 5th century A . D . Keith places him before 3rd century A.D. But Kane places him l a t e r than 3rd century A.D. Vigpudharmottara purLrp cannot be placed e a r l i e r than 3rd century A.D.just by t h e s i m i l a r i t y of t h e sub jec t matter It i s not poss ib le t o decide the age of a t e x t ,

4th century taking Into conrideratlon tha t the borrowings

must b e been lnads a8 early 8a 1-t qumtor of the 3rd century

A D . or I m t quarter of the bth cont~ry A,D,

There are various point8 t o prove that Visnudhannottara . .. Pur* i s of a l a t e r origin,

1. Visnudharmottara ~ur~aps elaborates how to understand ' *

the princples of ' c i t r a l from 'Ci tra Siitra'. The only C i t r c l ,

S'itra found i n the Vispudharmottara Pur-ii i s studied by ~ % l a t I

the courtesan as Damodara Gupta haa It. I T h i s evidently shows

t h a t Vig+dharmottara PUT-BM i s l a t e r than 8th century A.D . Further ~zmodara Gupta the C h i s f Ulniater of King ~ u k t s ~ x d a

~ a l i t & l i t ~ a of Kashdr of the Krrkota dynaaty was h i g h l y l e a r n d .

He had prtronlaed several l i t e r a k u n s like ~wmlavardha- who

<longed t o 9th century A D .

This C i t r a Siitra of Vlqnudharaottara Pur-Zi must be of I

~ b o d a r a Gupta. The technical terms u8ed i n the Vis*udharmo-

ttara i n the C i t r a Siitra i8 found t o belong t o a poem of

early age wri t ten i n a regional language in a very casual way,

This I n course of t i m e became pa r t and parcel of cul tura l life

and existence.

The Visnudharmottara purPurapg aa can be seen has drawn from

various sources. It ha; been influenced t o a very great extent

by Bharatats s t y a k s t r a ( ~Jbha~2ibhiskik& of Vararuci confirms 1-

rases as eight fo ld and shows its proximity t o ~ a t ~ a S a s t r a ) .

1 Bharata v i b ~ k h i l a Dattlla vrkahzyurveda c i t r a siitregu

(There is no t e x t other than ~utti&rniita -12 I C i t r a Sutra ' e a r l i e r to 8th century A,D,, - Therefore t h i a

portion i s def in i t e ly added la*-*

~riyary~usena on the other hard confirms i n herself the basic

r e ~ u i s i t - @ a Uke beauty of f o m , the b l o a of the daM of

youth etc Uong with her acco~plishments i n the art of dancing,

Her watery over fourfold tAbhinaya@ t h ~ r t y two varie&ties

of hand -ants etcO1 i s qulte interesting. Here the

'RW.drqt i@ and @ . ~ t h g y l drstyl are t w e n to be eighteen but 1 .

they are of least help i n finding out the i r relative position

and age.

Manmohan Ghosh ascribes 100 B .C , as the date of tN8[tya

d t t r a l which i s confirmed by t h e dance s c ~ p t u r e t s of ~ h l v h u t

and AmrZvati.

2. Vianudharmottara d ~uriina says @jvcalbki'akulur( which is

quite sigrdficant and throws light on the l a t e r sculpture where in ,

i t is only a banner tha t distinguishes,

3. siirya wearing t ~ d ~ c ~ a v e s a l the mention of ~ ~ o w t a c h e s

i s significant, It i s anearly vedic description and points t o

the ear ly hshana type that has the moustaches. The attendants

Dada and Pingala are a l s o shown i n tud;icya vegat as given I n

V i q t@Wmot ta ra puriina. This i s reiterated i n the Brhats-ita

of v u h ~ i r a an early Gupta t ex t , on the reverse of a copper

coin of Huvishka is shown riding an elephaat ard on the obrerse

there is represented ~ 3 y a Whom t he legend i n greek s tyles a8

Hioro cormspondlng t o Sanskrit Mlhira. This i s the central

Asian ul~cyarrr?a fo r 6iirya, the dress of the kwhana. Thls form

i s known t o the author of Visnudharmottara , . P d q a .

4. Visrnrdhaxmottara ~ur-ka draws a line of demarcation

i n depicting Skanda by mentioning faur ?ariat ies such as ~um&rr,

Skanda, ~ i s h a a and Guha. These vcrrlaties of Kumara were knmn

since the days of PatanJall who w n t i o m iadividually Skanda and

Vish%ka as separate dei t ies .

The VisnudharrPottara Pur'aaa considera s i x faced (6), single

faced form of the deity occurring on early coins ( Kartlkeya).

5 . In a vi l lage called Konimotu of Guntur D i s t r i c t

the Vaist?avaite t r ad i t ion of representing Sankarshqa V t u d e v a

e t c is found i n t h e early P a l l a v a scripture8 i n p r s k r t characters.

~t i s c a w i n the l a t e s t $a,*- a ty ie bveioped d ~ i n g the

time of IkahCLv~hs and contlmed by tbe Pallava8 whose te r r i tory

extenfed upto t h i s , Text of Vi?p\adh.slPottars Pure* gives the

a t t i ibutes caps Bgna dharah kbyah. The lack of knowledge of

Narasiaha i n early pure 200 morphic form i n the Vianudharaottara

~ u r s n a and tha t however knows vararaha i n both t h e r i a k thromorphic

and zoomorphic forms suggests a s l ight ly l a t e r date.

6. The Visnudharmottara P W ~ F describes Brahma as benign b .

i n his four faces seated i n the porture of ~admkana on lotus

four a n e d , on a f l e e t of swans, carrying water pot and rosary.

B G ~ also describes BrahBa i n h i s ~ a r b a c a r i t a . This f o m of

Brahma does not appear i n a l a t e r sculpture. It i s an e u l y

concept and perhaps i t was fresh i n the mind of the author.

7. Visnudharmottara . . p u r h describes Indra vith an eye

placed horizontaJly on the forehead, This is Kushana feature

which was i n vogue fo r a very long time i n Nepal. But t h i s

vanished after ear ly 3 - 4 century of t h e Chr l s t i aa Era.

43 7- 4

This c laar ly show t h a t the reference t o t r i p l e eyed nature

8. The descr ipt ion of AirZvata w i t h G t w k a representing 5 some connotation is quite s ignif icant i n as much as it repre-

sea t s the 4 royal provess.

m l d a s a expresses t he same i n ~ a g h w d a when he says ( 10.86) /

Ismagaja iva dan ta ih t . The s to ry of Nara Narayana i s a lso found

i n V i ? F a r m o t t a r a ~ur:?a. 6

9. One of the e a r l i e s t forms of Visnu i n Vaikuntha can

be seen i n a museum Furvolkes Kende i n Ber l in dated b-5 century

AD. The crown i s on the model of ea r ly Indian turban Hauli Mad.

This i n fact giws a l o t of impetus t o l a t e r representations of

similar ~ ~ a t u v y h a s 1 var ie ty of Visnu wlth Narasimha Var'eha

faces on e i ther side and the Kapila a a p c t a t t h e back as i n

the famous Vaikuntha sculpture from Kashmir.

There i s a tex tua l reference of Narasimha i n the Vipnu-

dharoottara pur51p .7

This brings t o t h e mind the metal images of Chtsllwa School

of 8th century representing the e a r l i e r Cupta t rad i t ions blend-

ing with t he Kashmiri, ~zilndharan and ~ r a t ~ i i r a elements.

This Mtrl of 'blend$ng i s obvious i n medieval sculpture.

Vlsnudharmottara . ( purana on the other hand helps t o understand

( 3.82.8) the early forms of d e i t i e s including the k i v a t s a symbol

i s a ra re feature.

as - Description of vssUa mentions both the Zoaaorghic aab the

theriaathro powrphic form 3.79.10 . The two 0Xmples belong

t o a very early gupta period*

These are c l a e t o the metal image of t h e authors of Visnu- * ,

&armottara Pru;B3a inspir ing the sculpture (o r perhaps inspinad

by the images).

10. I n these there are two demons shaking the s t a l k of the

lo t - on which Buddha is seated. This Is the l a t e k t a v h a n a

and Viikztaka t r ad i t ion . This brahmanlcal motif i s borrowed by

the Buddhists l i k e Kabandha from the Rhiyapa introduced i n the

hosts of mara at ta&king Buddha which are found i n several

Buddhist monuments of Ajantha, g l l o r a etc.

I n the same manner Hadhu and Kaitabha shaking the s t a l k s ' of

the lo tus topped by Brahma does not occur i n any of the early

sheshaskfi panels. Vismdharmottara p u r e mentions both the * I

demons tugging with s t a l k of Brahma's lo tus (3.81.7).

I n Bhitargaon these are represented where i n most of the

panels are e i the r mutilated mend recognition or l o s t completely*

11. I n Visnudharmottara p u r z y we f ind a description of I

Garuda ? , This belongs t o an ear ly date. During the Gupta

regime 1.e. at the time of Chandragupta the 11. This i s t h e *

form of Garuda i n Gupta s e a l s ard i n the copper coins of

During Kushana period Garuda i s reprorented completely as

a bird except f o r t h e hman ears w i t h 'kundala' decoration. T h i s

r r b d a special fea ture of the first two centuries of Christim Bra.

12. A p ~ a w e of diva i n dancing form c u e d ~ a r t e i r l r a

i s S O W dtwing Gupta period during 4 - 5th century &..Dm

This i a fourd i n Viaydharmottara ~ur-ka (j.jl+. 22-23).

This proves t h a t v i s ~ d h a r m o t t a r a Pur- had it8 f i r s t beginning

during b - 5th century A.D.

I 1). he t r ad i t i on of vi?? as t~.tdiryit watching 6 i va

dancing is quite old and is connected with NatarZija c u l t i n

South India and is founl i n HurUs of Kerala.

1 This term Nrttesvara perhaps has i t s or igin i n Visnudhar- . t

mottars ~urBr+ It bdlngs together recumbent Visnu and dancing . I I Siva, the one aa the creator of the Angadharas and the others

of rhythmic q t t a w i t h an emphasis on laya and m a .

14. The s a d d i v a aspect of Lord diira can be found i n t he

V1s';ruBhamottara ~ u r h a . This indicate s the monofiithic three

faced 6iva i n the cen t r a l c e l l at Blephanta and i n o m of the

~GkStaka Caws a t Bllora. The calm, quie t , t ranquil and serene

face is cal led the sadyo35ta the face t o t h e r i gh t i s t e r r i b l e ,

visage Aghora, to the l e f t there i s sweet, charming ~ b d e v a

and a t the back there is Tatpurusha. These represent respectively

iivit , Bha i~ava , umz and ~asdi . he f i f t h , too sacred t o allow

cognisable of Wte 'nature of e ther i s inv is ib le . - It i s i n t h l s way the lCaturmukhalingat has i t s significance

as a a d d i v a , B a a mentions i t as tcaturmukhao car& cara gurum

bhGaventall1 Tryambalsam' i n the context of ~ a h a s w e t a ~ s worship I

of Siva. Viqnudharmottua p W G a mentiom the a t t r i bu t e s of each

hand, bow sad arrow f o r the cen t ra l one, fruit and club f o r Aghora

Mirror and l i l l y f o r v0&nadeva. This can be found i n the monu-

mental f igure of a cen t r a l c e l l of the elephants caws.

15. Manu considers 'Dharmal @vrso1hI i3hagavh dharmah 9 . udayanr a l s o describes i t aa '~-%vam catusP-Zdam* .

Viqnudharmottara Pw=a conridera t h i s as i n anthro-

morphic form four-faced, four-armed and with four legs,

Here 1Jriha' i s replaced by 'Satyal making up Yajn8,

Satya, Tapas ard Dxna - the four faces of Dhama,

the four f e e t fo l lo r ing ~ a n u . ~

A r a r e representat ion of Dhama can be found i n a museum

a t Lucknow dated 9-10th centur ies A,D. Undoubtedly, the

significance of the four legs and Dhar- and t h e anthropo-

morphic iconography given i n t h e t e x t must have inspired the

sculpture ani we can i n f e r t h a t there i s an e a r l i e r Cupta

t rad i t ion .

Dr.Bloch discovered at Basarab a t e r r aco ta s e a l with legend

i n Bra&. 'Dharrno rakgat i raks i tah l a l i n e from the MatiibhHrata

chosen by a high digni tary as h i s i d e a l i n the Cupta Period. This

concept and the t e x t belonged t o an ear ly date.

16. There 1s a sculpture depict ing dankara and V&udeva

flanking Bksnamsa belonging t o a very ear ly period. This i s a t

period of t r a n s i t i o n from Kushana t o Gupta. Visnudharmottara . Purgqa has an e laborate-descr ipt ion of t he group. A descr ip t ion

of i t i s found i n Brhat Sanhi ta alsolo

10 Astau vz tatra kartavya grahah k e t u v i r a r ~ i t ~ /

. s a y a h d ~ a h Kujah ~&uhu - 3.85 52.53

o a y , K e t u i s omittad, From the Gupta period upto the 7th or

8th century Ketu was out of sight.

18. Virndharmottara Purana h.s imludad c r r t a ln pwtionr

of 'Citra S i t r a t i n the 'Citra Laksanat of the Buddhisttext a i c h * .

as an a r t text was obscure. Om can mark a striking resemblance here,

From the internal eviderrce of Visnudharmottara PurTna an early date . * i s clearly established, The f ac t that 'Citra Laksanat ia wn- tioned by Bhatt0tpaJ.a the commentator of Brhat SaaJita, establishes

the lower l imi ts of the date for t h i s t ex t tha t has been dovetailed

i n the Buddhist text. 3 . , % ,

4 ' "C As it it4 a non-Buddhist t a t incorporated in-vlth

the @in text of the Buddhist t ex t and as it draws i ts m8tter from

the ' c i t r a siitral of t h e Visnudharmottara s t pur'ii, th i s text must

have been V t e a popular old text on painting so as t o give r i se

t o another text , This becomes clear from a close survey of the

t ex t of 'Citra laksana '. 1 9

Bhattotpalals date i s 966 A.D, and theref ore the t ex t Visnu- 4 I

dharmottka ~ u r h a is slightly ea r l i e r t o 1 t .

When we come t o the Alamkgra portion we f i nd the author

greatly iaiebted t o ~ h g ~ a h a , Dandilu and inrnda Vardhana. while

defining a ~ah'ikBvya the author follows the formertin other

aspwts of ~ 2 ~ a such as fChandovirahitmt the r u a a s p c t e tc

find him a c l m e follower of irrsndrvmbana.

The rost s i ~ n i f i c a n t point t o be noted ham i s tha t

i-a Vudaana for t h e f i r s t time recogased not o a y nim

rUU but a l s o gave ;kt. the s t a t u s of rma. He c lear ly said

that 6%- l a the predominant ren t i rn t i n the Manabhirat..

m his attltrvfe i s c a p l e t e l j accepted by the author of Vi9p.1- C

dhamottara purzy~. lrnandavardhana i n the history of Alamkara-

i ~ s t r a i s not only an exponent of Dhv-i theory but a l so an

ilankarilkwho discussed the s t a tus of rasa t o santa vhich

had been t o t a l l y ignored by most of t h e Alankarikas incluiing

Bharatha the f a the r of *lank&a d ~ s ~ 8 a .

This i t s e l f i s enough t o prove that the t e x t i s of a

l a t e r o r i g i . ~ . But the vice versa can also be t rue. I f Ananla-

vardhana has borrowed the ideas f rcm the t ex t of Vig~udha~no-

t tma he can not be the f i r s t person t o recognise h n t a

as a rasa besides increasing the number t o nine, More over

the author of Visnudhamottara Purgna v has discussed 'Citra-

kivyal i n d e t a i l . He has a l s o distinguished c l t r a from c i t r a -

su t ra which feature makes one t o ho13 as a c lea r indication

t o i t s l a t e r origion%.

Anandavardhana i s the f i r s t rhe tor ic ian t o discuss

ci trek&rya at length: When the author of ViswdharmottWa

words of handavardhana . " This is supposed by cltralaksona

of Vismdharmottara . . p u r h a and answers exactly the Mahgpurka

Laks ana . .


. . . . . nore than t h i s we

f i a d the pra ise of art of painting a8 given i n t h e V isav3harro- . . ttara ~ u r - ~ repeated i n the Citralaksana,

12 Viqpudharmottara pur--a s a y s t h a t just aa mount sumru

is predoainant- among mountains, G a n r d a acaongst the birds,

ruler among men and s o painting among arts. '3

T h i s Is repeated verbatim i n cltralaksana.

A 1 1 these c lear ly indicatek t h a t V i ~ n u d h a r m o t t ~ a ~ u r h n a . . i s a l a t e r or igiq I. The very nature of t h e tex t ~ c e - r t a i n a

this . Hardly there i s any branch which i s omitted from

being covered i n the t ex t ,

Parg i te r t r i e s t o construct his tory from the e a r l i e s t

times t o t he ahgrata War which he holds t o have taken place

about 950 8.C. H e holds tha t there were tvo t rad i t ions - (1) T h e Kshatriya and the other ( 2 ) Brahmans. H e points out

the u t t e r lack of h i s t o r i c a l sense among the Brahmaraas. Be

i s of the opini3n t h a t Purznas represent Kshatriya t r ad i t ion

and he even recog,nlses three races - ( 1) Manavaa ; ( 2 ) Ailao

and ( 3 ) Saudyumnas which represent respectively the Dravidian, 8

the Aryan and the H d a . Re i s of the opinion tha t ~ u r s p a s

are nothing but s m i i . t i s a t i o n s of works i n Pra ic r t , of dynasties

of Kaliage. NOW, coming t o t h e age of the ah*ata war he

ar r ives at 950 B .C.

Most of the ~ a h < ~ u r 8 n a s r e re composed i n t h e period from

5th or 6th century Aa, t o t h e 9th century A.D. T h i s he says, . represents the 4th stage i n the evolution of purzna Litera-

ture. The upapIir-m t . began t o be compiled from about the 7th

12. Tiaauihamottara Purana 3.43.39 13, Cltralaksana P-73

*- or 8th century A S . their amber lnem8aed. Thoro i r ample

proof t o rhov the I n f ' l w e of' Pur-* on t he H i D d w befon

and after Chris t till 17th or 18th century A.D . ~ t d r the 9th century A.D. no mah"spur-&pa came in to

oxirtence but al l the additional r a t t e r8 -re inaerted i n

several pur-, the worrt example of which i s Bhavisyat wherein

we can f ind the s to r i e s of lid- and Bve, of Pri thviraj , Joichandra,

T a l r u r , Akbar and s o on.

Colebroke relying on t he t raditiona t hat Bopadeva, the

grammarian was the author of the BhGavatha puriiina and -signs

it t o about 13th century AD.

Vam Kennedy gives an equally rodern date t o a l l t h e PUT--.

Wil8on is of the opinion t ha t thoy rrre work8 of different age8

compiled under d i f ferent circumstances. He taker in to conai-

deration the religious matter i n the PUT-? amacldng of the

present popular forms of H i r d u i s m which in h i s opinion took rhrpe

not ea r l i e r than 8 th or 9th century A.D. Thus, he assigns a

very nodern date. According t o him the Vieflu P W * ~ may Is

assigned to about 1045 A .D. B U ~ this i s an extr- view and

cannot be accepted as Alberunl writing i n 1030 A.D. g i r e s a

l i s t of eighteen pur-w. ' -

Buhler co l l ec t s many ear ly quotations from and references

t o the pursnas and points out tha t the account of the future

kings i n the V g y u , Visnu, Matsya and Br8hmanda, Seam8 t o stop

vith 1mperl.l Guptas and the i r contemporaries. T h w the PW-VS

a t l eas t , the important ones among them may have been fi~MLlised

during the Gupta period. Thus, we have ~~n tha t PC- have

been popularislng the s t u l y of s a ~ k r % t leunlng from 4th centwy

B u r 8 assigns b - 5 century A.D. 8s the date of Vianu- 0 I

dharmottara ~ur$a on t he growd that the text i n non-tantric

and Buddha is consi&rod 8a an Avatar. The frequent w e

of the word 'pr"adurbhiiva8 aad not '8vatICra1 .aka8 hi8 &cirion

fim. Whether the w o r d lAr . ta r ' l a wed or 'prdurbhava' is

used, i t i s 1 ~ a t e r i . l as for u the tex t Is concermd, Hence

h i s contention may not be accepted. Furhhsr, there are cer ta in

passages f ~ ~ r d both In Hatsya and Vianudhannottara PUP*. It * t

is believed that these p u s q e s are borrowed by Hatsya. I t i s

indeed s t r a e t ha t the Hatsya does not even mention Vi~nuhha~mo-

ttara pur'ba as an upapur-. Alberwi mentions it and there-

fore the e a r l i e s t date could be 900 - 1000 A.D.

There are twelve verrer which ape* of Phenomena and which

are not considered t o be utpatm and which are corapon both t o

Matsya and Vigmzdharmottara ~ur-ka and the B p t Samhita. 14

Mbhutasarga u occurring i n a11 these t h n e

and In ~Ghaspa tya ,

The occurrence of these twelve verses both i n Brhat Samhita

and Visnudharmottara I , purEna ra ises the important question of the

chrono'logica~ re la t ion of the two works. ~ a r a r a i h i r a 8n autho-

r i t y on Astrology expl ic i t ly says tha t he took twelve verses from

This is w r y evident tha t he did not borrov i t f r a ~ the

Vlsnudhanaottara Puriina.

ijgiputra *rt.ih i l o k a i h r ~ i d ~ & de t a u Sanaa oktalh vaj j as ad- m e h i kappa raodbya nirghata nlhavaMb parlvesarajodhiba e t c

kcord ing t o h i m Vi8ntdharrottara P U F ~ borroua t h e verses

from B r b a t 8amhita. If t h i s i r accepted Y l 8 n u d h u h o t t ~ a Purana . i s de f in i t e ly later than 6th century

It is a l r o possible t o argue t h a t the p d y c w d have taken

them from Wipu t ra . . but nowhere does the ~ur'.p. mention about it.

I n k ~ p i n g with the s a l i e n t fea tures of the pup- cornposed by

the semi-dfvine being ParZsara I n the beginning or' KaUyuga,

the p u r x w do not l i k e t o borrow any thing from a human author.

I t i s noted here t h a t Viafnrdharmottara pure* has only three / slokas quoted from ~ o g a y g t r a of ~ a r & a by Adbhutasiigara.

But according t o v v a a theae three Llokaa are the s-aries

of t h e slokas of Rsiputra. Hence, i t i s not possible t o say

t h a t they are borrowed by Var&a e i the r from Matrya or Viqnu-

dhanaottara Pur3a . ~ u t , both the pure- are s i l e n t about it.

It can eas i ly be s a i d t h a t these two p u r - w have borrrved the

verses from Brhat Samhita. T h i s is supported by Adbhuta Sii&ara(s

quoting of seven klokas from ~ r h a d y a t r a of v a r h a . These verses

Utpala ~ u o t e a on Brhat samhital7, these a re V&'€iha'~ a n and

are m t borrowed from any other sources.

Vlisnudhannottara . . PurUCana i s an encyclopaedic work and ~ a r i i h a

was an astrologer and an astrorrarrer of top rank. He could ra ther

turn t o h i s pmdecess&s f o r borrowing ideas and not t o an upa-

puriinag. It might be possible tha t this t e x t might not have

existed or it might not have been recognlsed as an authority when

Vargha wrote t h i s during t h e f i r s t half of 6th century A.D. besides

upapur-has are knovn f o r borrowing and hence w e do not have instances

where i n other works have borrowed the i d e u from PW-+ or up*

pur&as. , Heme we con say t h a t Vi?nudharrnottara purka has borrowed

the ideas ftom aJ1 the works which are quoted s o far.

17. 'Brhat Samhita. 4722

The V.i?rpra c u l t and daiva c u l t are both dea l t inQZ d r t u l

and r i ~ t a n a o u a l y , It is indeed sufpriaing t o f i n d the portion I

wherein 88nkara is described as the ro lo authority, Even though

be is pictured 811 a dei ty known for purioa ard other thing8 yet

the does not IU t o see the o m i r c i e m e or the iord.

This p r t l s a n treatment i s a suff ic ient proof t o decide that tho

t ex t i s only a compilation.

Some of the scholars are of the opinion that,Visnudarmottara * . ~ u r i ? i s the work of ~ h h a ,

Jayantha of 12th century A.D. i n h i s prithvzrzja c a r i t a (1-3)

says I ~ h G a s y a ~ i v y l u a Khalu visnudhardk . . : . SO' pyLanarht bh=at-v'6mumaCa 1

This pushes the date o f Vianudhafi~ottara as far back

as 5th century B.C. Jonan$a while co l l en t iq on ~ r i t h i d r I j a

c a r i t a of Jayiintha or Jayanaka of 12th century P.D.says - So'gnlrapi ~h6aamunch kzvyaa viqpadharmZn wkh-m tyattav nadahadityarthah

Since the date of ~ h b a is not cer ta in 1 t is not possible

t o f'lx the d a t e of Visnudharmottara ~ur&a. ~ I b a ' s date i s

subjected t o a l o t of controversy. His date fluctuates b e t ~ e n

5th century B.C. d 1 s t century A.D. A cursory reading of the

p u r ' a ~ indicates tha t there are ce r t a in points which map be! sa id - with no hes i ta t ion t o be tha t o f ~ h % a ~ s . Bhaa was a atanuch

advocate of vaisnava - . philosophy. H i 8 conception of society,

God etc., was very much different . be had a l o t of respect f o r

the Brahaaim. I n all h i s dramas he throws much light on tU8 j 8

asppct. I n Vismdharmottara ~uri fr U S O U ~ 0 &T P'kYL'''

Visnu Dharmottard Pur%a i s e voluninou~ book dealing vi th #

varied topics . There i s ,a l o t of scope . to r discussion. Each of

the chapters can be assigned t o a p a r t i c u l a r da te - I n the IInd

volume there are many por t ions which echo the ideas of KsutilayIa

Artha k b t r a o 1 9 One v o l u e of Vi??u Dharaottara PurZ9a i s comp-

l e t e l y devoted t o the descr ip t ion of the marriage of Siva w i t h /

P G r v ~ t h i , t he b i r t h of ~ m a r a e t c . bere we f i n d Siva being dercribed /

a s the most superior de i ty of a l l . The concept of Eankara Samhita

appears t o have been accepted by t h e author of Visnu Dharmottara ) #

~ u r s n ~ , qui te contrary t o t h e theme and aim. This portion i s sure

t o have been wr i t ten by an author who by a11 means was a staunch t /

devotee of Lord Siva. I n another volume of the same t e x t Lord Siva

i s described a s lower t o Visnu and i s pictured a s a de i ty known f o r f

h i s passion. Here t h e au thor ' s concept of Civa i s e n t i r e l y d i f f e ren t .

One can r e a l l y v i s u a l i s e the pa r t i s an view of t h e author who must

have been a staunch advocate of Vaisnava, philosophy. As both the * .

views a r e made t o pppear contradictory outwardly by these Par t i san

authors, w can d e f i n i t e l y say t h a t Vig?u Dharmottara P u r h a i s a

work of compilation. We have seen already how d i f f e ren t port ions

of Vtsnu Dharaottara PurLna belong t o d i f f e ren t periods of time. ' #

Accepting the authorship of Bhasa we can assign the date 5th century

3.C. t o the ea r ly ~ a f ~ n a t s a philosophy advocated i n the t e x t . This r .

forms the lower l i~i t . The upper l i m i t car1 be f i x e d by taking i n t o

view t h e theory of nava r a sas and various other Alankgra port ions. ----------------------------------------*--------------*----------

19.' & i u t l l y a l a A r t h a k s t r a : 70-72 One must not fo rge t t h a t t h e author while mentioning the kings mentions about ahojsr5ja . Who could t h i s moja be? I f , according t o t h e author he i s the i?hoj a of Dhara then t h e d ~ t e of the t e x t g e t s pushed forward.

It ha8 been aowptd by the UIzrkrriku that Amah

vardhsm an exponent of Dhruii theory, gave t he r t a t u r of I€-r

t o $-&a and treated tt u the nlnth Rua. Even though them

e r i a t e d the mraraaa thoory,yet, d h t a v u not given the atatu*

of R a m . It i s perhaps f o r the first time i n t h e Hirtory of

Q Rasa Alankara Ctra, Ananda Vardhana t r e a t s Santa as ninth rufru

and aayr vehemently that i n t h e ~ab'bhErata i s the pre-

dominent sentiment. This concept i s a l s o found i n the Vianu-

dhamot tara ~ u r i i ~ , Hence it is not wrong if vs ray t h a t the

e n t i r e Alankara port ion belong8 t o 9th century A,D, conrider-

ing the f a c t t h a t the author ha8 t &en i n t o account the l a t a r t

trerds of t h e then e x l r t i n g period.

I t i s not possible t o a r s i g n a pa r t i cu la r period t o

Vipzydhannottara ~ u r b aa it i a a compilationtwe can 889 t h a t

the work began qu i t e e a r l y and the authors kept on adding a8

and when changes took place i n the society.

Therefore t h e da te of Vipnudharmottara ~ur-?a f luctuate8

between 5th cenhury B,C. snd t h e 9 th century A,D. 4