The tentacles of urban sprawl

The tentacles of urban sprawl @AnupamSaraph

Transcript of The tentacles of urban sprawl

Page 1: The tentacles of urban sprawl

The tentacles of urban sprawl


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The cellular information system ensures changes that result in normal development

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Sao Paulo1905

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Sao Paulo1929

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Sao Paulo1949

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Sao Paulo1974

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Sao Paulo2015

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Cities grow without a cellular information system and lack a developed nervous system


Dhaka2015 Anupam Saraph

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Cities grow without a cellular information system and lack a developed nervous system

Buffalo, NY, USA

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Cities grow without a cellular information system and lack a developed nervous system

Sanas city/Yemen

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Source: Cesare Marchetti, IIASA

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We Live in an Growth Era

Source: Alan Atkisson and Junko Edahiro, Life Beyond Growth, ISIS Academy 2012

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Deterioration in renewable resources - surface and ground water, forests, fisheries, agricultural land.

Rising levels of pollution. Growing demands for capital, resources, and labor by military

and industry to secure, process, and defend resources. Investment in human resources (education, shelter, health care)

postponed in order to provide immediate consumption and security demands.

Rising debt; eroding goals for health and environment. Growing instability in natural ecosystems. Growing gap between rich and poor - between the powerful and

the weak.

Meadows, et. al. pp 176-177.

Some Indicators of Overshoot

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The first system to develop is the nervous system2015 Anupam Saraph

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The nervous system detects changes in the internal and external environment and triggers mechanisms to respond

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The sympathetic nervous system ensures life by maintaining homeostasis

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Emergent behavior from cellular, tissue, organ and organism’s information systems together ensure life by maintaining homeostasis





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Does your city have a nervous system?2015 Anupam Saraph

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Cities without nervous systems are not able to have a coordinated response to changes to their internal and external environment sometimes they cannot even detect changes

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Behavior of cities without a designed nervous system

fragmented: multiple independent interaction points; no unity of direction; no shared practices

schizophrenic: different response at different times; no integral principle or purpose; no clarity of purpose

non-collaborative: attention deficient, indifferent, exclusive

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Experiences in cities without a designed nervous system

information disarray: inability to identify citizens or business; inability to track missions and projects; self destruction through environmental decay and unsustainable practices

lack of trust: failure to trust citizens and businesses; failure to be trusted by citizens and businesseslong delays: projects off schedule and cost; planning out of phase with realityinability to commit:government and ngos can give little guarantee on outcomes, performances and results

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City with good-governance has information systems that are:integrated, simplified, mission focused, open, inclusive, persistent

IT plays the key role in designing the nervous system and managing a city

Individual, social, economic and administrative information systems together bring life to cities

city admincity admin

social and economic communitiessocial and economic communities



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The nervous system shapes the character of the city and decides its happiness index

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common bond that connects us

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Dr. Anupam Saraph works with today's most imaginative, entrepreneurial leaders to mentor organizations in leadership, innovation and strategy in order to accomplish missions and achieve business goals. Together they pioneer breakthrough practices to address complex problems, design innovative strategies and create enduring value.

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