The technologies used


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Transcript of The technologies used

Page 1: The technologies used

The technologies used

Page 2: The technologies used

The importance of the following technologies when making the magazine:Camera:

Before making the pictures I have found out that the camera should have a good pixel quality as later on the pictures will be stretched and I will have to work on them so they have to be in a good quality.I have used a tripod to ensure steady shot. I had to make sure that the pictures will be not blurred. Tripod is also very helpful as I have not a big experience in making pictures and it takes a bit of time to get to the habit of making steady, good pictures. Tripod is also very easy and convenient to use. It really helps when you have to make sure that people you are taking pictures of are in the right pose and their clothes looks good.

Lighting is one of the most important factors while you are making the pictures. I have attempted making the pictures quiet few times as on my first try because there was visible shadow behind the person.On the picture on next page we can clearly see that there is a shadow behind the person. It is because there was too much of natural light plus I have used flash. So it has created the shadow. By the next attempt I should prepare a place where there is not going to be too much light or I should not use the flash.

Page 3: The technologies used
Page 4: The technologies used

The same case appeal to pictures which were overexposed or really dark. The

person on the picture has really light, almost white skin that merges with the

background. To avoid that I should turn off the flash next time doing the pictures.

All the pictures I have made and the work I have produced had to be stored on my

computer and backed up onto my USB in case of losing my work. It is very helpful

because if we mess up our work or we just loose it we can get it from other source-

USB and keep working on it.

Storing the work is very easy, however we should organize the folder so we do not

get the files messed. We should also give appropriate labels to all of our files so they

are easy to find.

Photoshop was the technology that I have spent most of my time on. As I could not

find people that would have exactly the same characteristic to the famous people I

had to change their hair and eye color to make them look more like the stars. I also

didn’t want to have any background behind my pictures so I have used a sort of

different tools to cut out the picture.

In process of researching how to take pictures etc. I have used internet. Nowadays

internet is one of the most important and biggest sources of information. All the

research can be done on the internet. I have used it also to present my work online.

Page 5: The technologies used

All the technologies I have used