The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914 · Worcester Polytechnic Institute...

Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Tech News All Issues WPI Student Publications 12-8-1914 e Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914 e Students of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Follow this and additional works at: hp:// is Article is brought to you for free and open access by the WPI Student Publications at DigitalCommons@WPI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tech News All Issues by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WPI. Recommended Citation e Students of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "e Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914" (1914). Tech News All Issues. Book 967. hp://

Transcript of The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914 · Worcester Polytechnic Institute...

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The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 81914The Students of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

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Recommended CitationThe Students of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914" (1914). Tech News All Issues.Book 967.

Page 2: The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914 · Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Tech News All Issues WPI Student Publications 12-8-1914 The Tech News Volume

NEWS PHONE Cdftor·fn·ChM, Park -1736-W Huslnu1 i\hnq;er, llark 1050 Subscription Mnnaccr, Park IOSO -NI:WS l'ltONE 1

• VOl. 6 \\ ORCEST~. MASS., OI:C(.\\Bt:R 8, 1914

Two-Man Team Match oLR FL'TtRr coAcHiso roue'

S«ond Round Rtsuh$ In to" Scor"s A Oiscussion of "JiKxer" JoMs as T«h Athletic Coach

Tm t('4lllll bavt• .Jwt thf' l'('ffilld round of lbo two-lWUl II'IWI mat~h Srewnn "lll<·loeal pnpen~ h:~•~ ~Uy rontarnMI

oon,.itlt'rablt• diku:;.-ion 11bout C:<'Orgl' \\ . anti l~"i" m~re&Qxl thc.r lead hy ll<'''"" Junp~ M futllrt' t'OBI"h "' Te<·h, CAUllt'd by pointl! 0\1('1" tbeir D~UC!<l OOIUIK'litOrh, Lltn· tho di....cttSSion of I he rHhld 1~ dirt'l"l<in< l!i;,t sing n.nd lAimbm. The t~liJl\ total of the \\tot•k on lh~> S8Jile Fubjl)("t. BricOy, thr

two matr hes for the fonner ie 3·19, whil~ faet• nrP tll~: Cooch Jnut'>< haL< bl'l:'n toOught 11.!< basebtill <OO!l.l"b for next ~pril11(,

Ute Iutter ll.'am h"" aao. In gcrwrul antl hM Ill~ ..... ....," m!mtiunt'fl ""lll'Xl fnll'• I!COtl.'!l or the ~ntl round were lower than foot hull eo<~~ h. ill' h"" <aiTcn'tl to N>urh in the lln.t round . 'Mu~ l't'Oro £ollow11:- lhc haocbnll trru:u in llw Sllfing pro\·id<od

Cl.- f;lllntlmg l'rnne Total he 1s giv~11 tbe rontr:1ct for coerbin(t foot-

Team total RJ('C .Lo!\·ent hal

Twn tot.a1 Dean "ill4nl

T('AJU total L)·on R. B. D:svidliOil

Team total Jrwvnn Pierre

Team !()tal Crithmdcn Ful~y

Trem totrll Miri.-1~ llumphrt>y

Ttnm total Anthony n~llun

Tt'aUI total Darlul8 lop&

TNU!l total

' IK :IS •Ill 1'7 1 bllll. b11<!i>bllll, 1111d trork durin!( tht' yo•lll' '18 -11 H 85 IOLS..Hll{) So fM a.• his ('tot~ehin(t ability

_ j(O('tl, lh<'n> i, no <tu!"!tion, !Uld W\•1\' it not

'16 ' 17

'1i 'IS

' 11 'li

'17 ' 17

' l'i' '16

115 'Ill

' li 'Ji

'16 '18

' 11 'li

70 3 1 10

14 41 :u

i 43 37

80 :II 311

73 :II l!8

li!l 3!l :.1!1

72 33 :r~

~ 4~


70 .cs :u



91 ~5


1>4 43 39

ll2 46 36

S2 47 IS

05 61 40

Sl 40 !17

83 :.17 !19

it 30 a;


172 for two otb\'r rom-idCr~~tions the rontn>cl.M

77 would doubti.N! he ~1gnt'd n!rend) 1'18 Thl' fin;t of Lheose i• u qu<Nion nt.i8l.'d by

thf' d&reetOl'!l whether any man can •ue-166 I'("<S{ully ('()Olcll balle:,Alllllld trad; Ill th~

110 8IUilt' tim<'. 11>e pract or thl' two ll'aOJII

i:l '"'uld ooaO~rt, 11.1> .. ·oultllll..., the Lnfl'< £tor thf' twu t.,._, and it .. ould IJo, impo.Nb1e

162 for the ("()fttll tO &«<mpany both teSIW! Ml lnodrntally, the track ml'n ..-oultl not ltkr

76 1.0 «"~! Cb.vlif' O'Connor ou.,-tt'd from h•• 110.-ition ll." lnlt'k c:oach, for Lr hAS lllTllo>d

162 out ""~~ul team, for srvernl Yl'M'I-1\0 Thl' ~d Nm~dert•tion 11M to do wrth

75 the Op<'Ding of IM «YD'· If thi.. tJ\k~ plaro Jan. l, 1916, lUI it ~ hoped for at

1~ p!'("'('nt, tben tht'l'l' ..-ould be a physital

78 dir!'t'tor '1\'ho w<.uld probahly eooch on!' iG oi tho• t'JIMIIJI 'van,ity I'JlOrl"- On lhU. ,. .....

I'Ount the dirreton> doubt their Jl(l'l\t•r to l'O!(II(t~ II <'OIIt'.h for iji)Ch lllJ ltli\"IIDre.'l d!ote.

163 7!J 119


,\s the malt.t'r rests at pr~nt, Profcl!tiOr Du\~i, iM 10 obtain ruo:n• d(\firule mronfln.­llon b<·aring on tltc l!ttbjl'Ct, wbcn tl.tlDtho·r diMtu...Uon will C)('Mlr, tmd prot..u.hly I!OUH'

deJini te a('ljon will he t.llkt>n.


i!l Owing to tht' poor wt'11lhcr during thr 67 wetk ju.•l provinus to the Th'Ulhgi,,ng

Jle<'('N., Manager Putnam vru unnbl" to )46 g•·t the !Joartl llllck laid . Xow, however, 76 tb!' lrack i.• down, t..-eryUtin« ill in n>adi­ll n""' fM th• Opo'ning of lhf' re.llly -.a,

COftrh C'Lart.e O'Conner will bP on d...-1.. H3 ~...-ery afternooo (rom oow oo and WIIJlta

to l.a' <'a b1g ,.quad out. SENIOR CHJ: \\ISTS I'ISPCCT 1111'> relay!' ..-ill probably be

run off 1M w('('k foUowia,: tilt- Chri>un... llc1liday11 110 now ~ U... timt• to t'lc-ct t'l.!l..., t~ eariAln> IU'Id ~~ IOODlt' trai.nin~ l<tarr­•~1 Anyon.r who ..-an"' a place on th,. Rday t.eam tiU. winter want..; to N.ow up wclJ 1D I hro;e I"'U'(>l.

'fbmu,W the COUrt("')" of the ~INTimAe Cbrm1rul Comptmy, tbr i'<onior Chtmi.-u, re<'< ntly, undo·r Dr. Calluonr, ~nt 11 Dlf»"t

int(')"('•iJOit &nd J>ro6tllhlr aflm\OOD vj,.it­in~t tht• Company"• plAnt 111~ ""or!.!< are loottro ut l'outb \\ rlmrn~tltln, about l.fn nu~ north or &>'<ton. Bot.h rhllll'lJxor and eootal'l ~-ulphuri<' acid i• DJI'IdC' hrn•; at.... nitnc, bydrocblvrie, fonni<', and act'tic &tidto, Claub<·r's .alt, 11lum, aluminium clllonde, ~Jwn biwlpbate, tu><1 M.rbon dioJOde. 11le la..t is oimpl) a by-product of tloc bimlplutc proct'. and is 110ld to 80da water mauulaetu"'"'·

Jlt>rl', 1000 is c.hllt~re for tb!' frr,..hmt•ll In g~t ftOinlt a.nd MOW IIOJDt' clMll apirit. Corne onl, Plcbrtl. aooiht'r cha.nrt' 10 show your meri~

The University or Michignn'8 Engi­neering Depnrtmet>t has • 20% ino~ in cruollrnwt over ltust yeu:r.

Tech Men Receive West Point Appointments ll.-.n '17, Selected: flint '17 Is

Second Altem3tc

A re .. ""''"~" lll(ll C'Ol!II>Cttl!\'1' examinn­liOlll! for ~andidatl'J! for a vatl\n<'\' nt \\ ""t l'mnl ~hhlnry A••udcmy wcore h~ld by the C<m~t~nuu1 fl'om thl' \\ ""'<''h·r district, lion ~euuurl K \\ m•low ~,·,..ul Trrh nwn 1 O<>k tllr t'nmmalioruo, ";u1 thco n•~<uiL that the ll!lll\011 of two of them UJ111('U.f 11!1 1 he honor li~>l. J J>uuiUe1111 '171~, rt'rl'iwM tlec IIPIMtinlnwnL rmd ~lax· ton llult' •lint ' 17, '" wooncl lllt.t'flll1tl'. At ll!\'"tllt, it 1• not known \\hC'Ihl'r D!·an will rwc~pt llll' 11JlJ1(lintm(·nt or not.

SOC IAL SCR\IC!l SlPI'rR \\ c'<lnr .. JIIy t•\'t'llllllt of ltuct "'""'" wa;o lh<'

()C('..,.Itlll Of tilt- fllllluaJ "Jt<'l lllg<'lhu" •upper of u,., Htudc·nl ' M. G. A., ¥OM.U "'tvlel' workc.,• t•f thl' c-ity AhuuL f<>rty • IUdt·nto !of CL;rJ. 11nd T t'C'h ~~ lO«clhn 111 l'utnam lllld ThUJ'Ioton'a lllld, after doing juouro to the 100<1 """"'•" h•t~>noo to o.umt• '""f) ant('J"~lllllf: ~ by men wt·U \'t'l'lt-d on thl' unmrgrant l'ducrttioo rub­jC<'t.

Mr. $ht'tld wno~ lht' Gn.t trJW!'r mt~ durffi b) .Minn and "PPL .. on "TI•r Man m tl1<> lmmofU1U1l " Mr. Gold, or lli'O("kt.on, wa" th~> m·.tl '1)('4)." atod be dc:oalt with LIH' hum11n olt·mrJJI in U1c Jmliii!Q'tl!lt 11-ith IIJII'Cilll n{C'n·nN' to tiH• J<''"'' h ~>lcnwnt 111 c>Ur 1-ountry Mr. Muon•, of tht' <'IIY Y M (' A., mado• 11 fc\\•N'tnall<• on the edut:1tion or rordp;n<'f'll in I(C'Rl'1":1l II<> wa~ follow<'ll by Mr. Burt! irk, of th•• l\lndc•rn Lnngun~~;r dl·pnrt­mo·r~t, wh11 "'l'~oinl'll 10 ll•n nrw workr!'ll, mrU101h IL"Ni In ll"'"ioua )'Cttra. llo• '""o gnvr rnurh rnttrr.llnp; dntn on tlot• Jli'C>­portinn or ruro'IRn·IX>rn l!l'•>t>h· m thl' ril>.

It had li('Cn <'XIll't'trd thnt Mr. Tupper would •IK'Itk but hf' WAll unnhl<' to bC' pre.,_ 1•nL owmg to illm-.o.

RtrlJ: ClUII CCRTifiCATt: OF M£:M­flERSHII' PlACJ;O IN LlflltARY ·n.,·ro hu '"""' plolt·l'(l """<'nlly m th!'

H.hool library tilt' rillr c·luh'M rcrtilil'tltl' of mt·m!Jl'r.ll;p rn tht' Natiolllll run.-A~ <'iation t>f Am.-riM. It i• an nrtU.tir pil'<.'f' c•r \\ork, and maJu.,. a "..J,·um,. alldili<>n to tbt' wall d.· .. orati"n of thl' libr11ry. It mi!P1t Ill' me nl!!>n<'ll in 1' .... 1n11. tu ""'i.l &JlY mil'llnd,.,.tanding, U1at the 11 o,(

T .... b u a fourt1l t'L...,. dub rt:fc-- tn rl· fvt t.hat Tl't'b i~ in tJ,~ .., , .,.,.(' <'tu... u ... lim tlu'N' t'W...... N•o•r tong of tC'flimtntal, miliiAI')', and rivilian dub• 111('1'1' i~

~tin a lifth rl:uur, in whirh ..,. the IJjdJ llc.hool and UlOdrmy !'luhe.

OVM PlANS PROORJ:SSINO J>!Juw for lhl' new IO'mDUlum are com­

ing alonp; lilnwly bur Altl'1y. Pro(­Buttulield is now aeeurin11 ~tiroatee. It 111 cxtx·~tro tlaa~ Jlltlulll'y will bring the lillJl! ratilll'11tion of the plrul.l by tho Tru• tee~~.

"0. ll

1\£\\ FltAT. \1 l' Bclow it< the ~ or the (l(•tr rmtt-ruity

Wt'D, trbo haw llt't'n imuat.,.J tln• yt'&l". Wrtb tbf' WIIDI':< are tJ.(' rt.')>eetil"< cl­and homt> to"Wruo.

Phi Gamma OeiiJI A. 1.. .Milll'r, 1916, \\ Of(.'C;oiN, ~~ft~ U. i\1. Tooml.»;, llliU, &•llCncuWt, :S. \ C. C \\hi tin,:, 11117, ChiN~~to. HI. C'. IX. Huggins, 1018, l'ortluud, Onl.'l'l». F . 11. i\1Agoun, 1918, Ballo, .\l!' fl . C. fl.•rg••nt, IUlll, Mnlde.n, l\111"• W. \\'. IWI, Jr., llllll, !lluldrn, Mru<K. II. U. Taylo.r, 1918, \\or<"mcr, M-. J. C. Orillit.h, 11118, Hartford, Coon. F. D. Butler, IIH8, Walthnm, i\

Sigma Alpha (p$f1Un J . A. M~Don&ld, 1918, Uo1yc•l.e, P.'l~~r<~ E,·c·rf'l Kmp;, 1017, \\on'U<t<·r, Ma....._ J D. StOJ"rt', 1111b, Nt"'·l-1. \ t J E. Fiumaunre, 1111!!, Provi<lrn~. R I , C. \\. A I'd~. 1015, N"' BntA n, Ct.

Al11ha Tau Om~ \\". F. Kmot'dy, 1111)\ }"nil Rn·tT, MIUIL R. 1 •. Tombll'n, 1916, Moot.agrr .. , M-. 1'. S. U&..<elton, lOlli, ~»hua, ~ . II. X. C firth, 1918, \\ OI"I'Wter, M-.

Theta Chi £. L. Br811don, 1910, \\ ~tbn•>k, M ... 1.. E. Jaot>br, 191;, Pro\-lc!MI .... , n. 1. J. W Bolland, 191'<, }"itl'lobur,;, \laa. r . \\ lluJ:obani, 1\JIQ, ~.n&Jt· .. ·o>tKI, !\. J , M. \\ .Rkruu.t.on, llllt\.l,enanm•tu, i\1,... K \\ . Whitlock. 1911;. Nauotu•·"· C'non. J. \\ . Rt>avy, 1911!, Nt"'JX•rt, Jl. I. R. l\cwoomh, ltllR, 0uffhe.1n, ~11\a

Delta Tau C. If. Abercrombi~. 1!116, MtltYw.,., MMl. C A. J>erk.ins, 1017, Hutland, \' t , W. D. Duolittlt>, 11117, l'rinrl'lon, M!U"'

Kappa XI Alpha C. K. Bt"rry, HilS, :'liorthluid~r. Mw ... H. rt . Shnw, 1018, Rutlu11tl, Vt. F. C. llnrb<:'r, 1018, Cruuoll'·. PunAma. Frt'<irrick Pcxlon, I!JJS, Uutltcud, \'t.

l ambda Chi Alphn C. IJ. Curmon, llll6, l.o'lldl, i\1••· ll C. Tlitk()('i<, 1!110, ~~~. Ad!llr,., \IIUIII. E. T . :IJj(c·hrll, 1017, RtiUllfurrl, t 'onn. 0 . M. (:...,kill, 19111, BIAek"'o~r, Mas. fl. f', JA,.wn, 1018, Xc·wport, It J. G. W. Eru<'l"'n, 191!!, J•·wMr l'jty, (""rut. Ha) Po11'rr, J!IIQ, Oran~M, MA~W, E. 1 •. Manh, 191ft, Wot'f'ftoto"l', ~1 .... . A. E. FIU'tUigtun, 101'-, n...,tton, M .. .

Cl\l( DAft Tl J.:$0-\ \ - 5.00 P \1 . Mrcwoa: Ta:Ml

''""" Staff, '\t:•ll Buolrhn& :..oo P l\1 l\laudo1inPrarU... Jo. r~Bltlp;.

WI:O'IE:SOA\ SOOP. M. Pl•)"lliOICoJ.. 1oqUJum. ::;..JJ,bury l.ah

FRIDA \'-b.OO P. i\1. l\l!'l tiro, c.( tb11 W. P. J. Branrh, A l. F .. E. io K l~ Bld~t- Suhjcorl, "BUitl.D nl I{Jop nt-errog," by '(•1

6 00 P. l\t. Mandolin Club prRCtia m E. F:. Uldt~.

SUNOA\-4.00to6.001'.M. Dr.lloW. t"n tcrllli1111.

h\ONOAY-7.15 P. :11. l\ltttJ.n& o( B1bl~ Study grouJlll.

Page 3: The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914 · Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Tech News All Issues WPI Student Publications 12-8-1914 The Tech News Volume


TECH NEWS l'ublidbed nery Tueaday o( ~be School

Year hl' The Tach New1 Association of WOftester Poly1echnk Institute

TERMS ~ubec:nptaoo Jl6 year Sin&)e Copies


11.76 .07

A. R. CAD& ' 16 Editor•io.Obie:f R. H. RVII&£LL ' 16 Aaaociat.e Ediw r C. 8 . O.t.IILl~O ' 17 Editor C. T. Bvu.un ' 16 Maoaginp; Editor E. L. Buano' ' 16 ~ml.:l Editor R. S. Ct:rsmuN ' 17 Alumni Editor 0 . M. PoXJ:liOT ' l7 Alhle:lits F..ditor H. B. EI.WI ' 17 Exclmnp Editor

B USINESS DEPARTMENT J. E. Au.&N ' 16 Business Manager V. B. loUT ' 18 Ad~& M.n.cer P. P. MOllDICJt ' 18 Subecription Manaccr All oommunicatlona 8bould be ad~

toTeob N ..... W-ter Poly­t.edmie lnatitute.

AU ebeeb lbould be made payable to &1M Buain• Manapr.

Tbe Tech Newe welcom• oommuni­..UOU but doe1 DOL bold it.e:JI relp008ib .. fOI' ..... opiniona t.berein ~.

All aWeriaJ 8bould be in before Tbu,. cia)' - a~ the lateR in Older LO UYe iL appear in the week'• !.ue.

EDt.erecl u eacond clue mat l6r, Sep­a-ber 21, 1910, at tbe poetollice at W_._, M-., UDder Act ol ....... 3d. 18711.



Editorials RCO CROSS AID

Tile appeal of t he Amcric:u Red Cross to t:olle,.e mu for the relief of suffe:rlna caiiHCI b) the European War will, the NEWS hopes, meet with as gen« ous a response from each of our fellows as hl.s llldh lchal t:il'c.uftlllllnces will permit. The ne:e:d is &Teat ; cbe lllUirlty alld etll­

TEC H NEWS OECI!MBER 8, 101-' ,..,...,==--


o"n pockers, or chip~ In •here there Is .:11 v oup from the same Hi~th &ehool. :>nd ba•lnJt a copy or the 1\EWS sent to the secondllty &ehool from "hlch they came. By dolnJt this a double bcnclll Is I ~ained-Tech Is ad•ertlsed in one of the best •a)s and the students. •ho are an­lidpalinJt entering schools or hither learn­Inc upon their vaduatlon, are Jthen o fine opportunity co see just •bat Tah Ill and


wh3t she Is dolnt;. I In order to hutp Ibis ~ood CAUSe along

the NEWS Is perleclly wiiUng to olfcr a nry liberal reduced rate for a ~ub~rip­tion sene co a Hlah school-<h.:afl:ln~t mere• ly enout;h to ht'lp co• er lbc e~pensc-nd

we •ill be ~tlad to send coplu ror the re­moinder of this year (20 more Issues} I for the e.u:eedlnt~IY low rnle or SO.iS. T his Is not a business proposition for t he NEWS. for "e actually lose on I he deal ; but • llllnJt 10 do so, in order co further pr~te this' 1:1y r;ood proposition. Any stadenc deslrlnJ IO Lake ad•antaac of chis cxceedinii:IY liberal offer, plcue drop .:11

note In lhe Tech NEWS bo' In Boynton Han.

This Tuesday evenin g, D e cem b e r 8th ,

I shall open a new plan to tea c b t he modc::rn d ances, and s baU be very pleased to aee you . This part ic ula r evening the greater pa r t of the Ieason

will be devoted to teaching the popu­lar Fox Trot. This is a very desirable opportunity and much work will be accomplished. Subscriptions 5 0 cents.

When did you say the nc:J<t Chll meet· Ill( l.s to be beld, Mr. Pruldenl?

Ha•e you aenc In any s~~~&estlonJ 10 t he Council u to Ideas Cor our Tech recop;ni· tlon pin or ho ve you ncp;lccled 10 con$ider the maner properly? The Council IJJ dolq this for you, 10 please do your s hore a lid help c hem oat.

How about thai "Tech NIJ ht"?

Alter tomorrow ' '1 he last lap" • Ill bt' started. II hardly seems possi ble that three-quarters of the ce:rm Is OH'r. ne•er· theless It Is a feet. l ee's e'er)'body aet ric• do- and make a Jnlnd finis h.

Who will be l heauthorollhe Tech S ho"' for 1915? Will It be you? Announce­ment or the successful man .. 111 bt' made public very soon In the ews. Walch oat for it.

Leeeooa 8 :30 in T erpsichorean Hall. RUBY H. DAY.

Thr Tl'<'h, Massat'btL<tetlJI l n.•htuu• of T echnoio«Y.

Thr Nrw ll arol"'hitt', Xt'w llwn~f'

Coli"««' 1'tu,• lkf1ron. llhodc l,;lllntl :itUii.! ( 't>lkg<'. Thl' Wllliatrut l{eo:,gnJ, \\'tllilln~ C'<>l~. Thl' Tripod, Tri1111y Coll<'ltr Tbc M NNrhl.ll'<•IIJI ColJf'Cian. :\liU!l!achU-

I!t'UB Ap;r;cultunol Colll'lt" The Colby t;.obo, C<>lby C'oi~I'-The l.attn'ntmn, ~~. J.a,.-,nt'(' l ' ni,UJ<ity. The I~ T('('hnu:, llOI<t' Polytechnic ln-

atitut<'. Thl' Johllll ll<•pkiM Nt·,.'ti-Lellt'r, J ohns

HopkinJt {lnivl'n'ity Polytf'cltnic lleJ)OI'Ia", 8rookb D ron"«"

of Enpnt'enor;. Teodlorque, Georgia Rrbool or T tl('hnology i ndex, \\'orl't'»L<'r :iouth lli11h HC'hool Th<' Ylgoruia, Wor<'jjj!lrr Acndemy. The> Dynamo, Newton Uigh ~hoot.

Ha.rold L. Gulick


COAL 17 Maio Street

Prepared for domestic use.

The Davis Press lNCORPORA TEO

cle:ecy ol the orpalution makiiiC lhe They say "Te.h's Pride Wouldn't let appeal CA11110C be questioned; lhe obllta· the Freshlt14n-Sophomore Oame be l ion restiiiC upon the atudents of Amerk:a l Played." ·( lnddentally 11 .,..,s up 10 the -pecul iarly blessed as they are, almoAt Assl. Mkf".) aJone a molll the collt«e youth of the __ world, Ia the opportunity to continue, 0 FR ESH-SOPH OAME T HIS \EAR

:0.:!1111. TI1is list rompr~ only thOR pub!iet.UoM whkh havt' ~n l'fte'ived, not !hoe~- on our uwlin~ list on probation.

A COMMlJN ICATIOI'o Why DOl ~tnrl ll rhf•"" IOUnlltnl('DL

during Uti' ..,;ntcr? Th<' ('04!t would b4' nothinjt, unli'!!S " m•all Nll!f't!l!lll('ttl wu 1~,;('(1 on 1'1\th entry to 0('('111'\' pri~C".

~'urb a ronlt'•l, tf ,;~,L~I) mmed out, 'll'ouJd lui\"(' lhC d.ouhiP ftd\'ADl&gt' of brinr;rnK togNhtr thE- cxponrots of thl' gnmr, and of n.mkin_g q111!~ n fi'W mono fello\\'tl n<"quaint.-d "itb th~ Y M. C. A. g:lUD<' tnble~~. Althoul(h I "m only an !Ulll\tt'Ur al " Tile Kin« or GamC!O'' I -·oukl be- willin& to !Akt a "J>>rr•nt~ cbanre along with the n"'l, and L bc-liNI' many or hl'r.< would do thl' Mme. Will nol toofiX' upp1:1 e'-rnrn "' Ml t Itt- ball rollin~•

Good Printing for Tech Men

Crophat: Aru Bulldong. 2.5 Fosur Suttt Won:cstcr. Mass.

t llro .. houc chis crlld~ their quiet prepara­t ion for pw-sulcs of pace-need not be a...-cf. Whether our mQJIS be small .,.. vcac. usuredly "'e outthl, as Presld~nc Hollis says In brlrtelna to our au enllon thl• call for ald. " en do what we ca n In the WIIJ' ol money s ub&erlpUons to promote tile J ood "ork of t be Re:d Cross." With the ,.,.ce of t he Old World rudel) ski· tered, ,..e of the Ne"' o~~~rht tbe more earnestly 10 strhe co sa•e trhal can s till be sa'e:d of the biiJhled Cbrislmas spirit, by 11howi11J our " l ood • Ill to,..rd men" 10 t he utmosl measure or our ability. E•ery penay r;hta now .,.;u do Its part to rescue lh es thai must be sacrillc.ed If help Is ioaJ delayed. Promptness Is no less lmperathe tkn aeaerosity. Money de­potlle:d with Mr. Parsoos ..;u be for­warded to Miss Boardman for t he use or the Red Cross In Europe


Se:•eral stadentl here al Tech are man­lteiiJnc a loyally to tbelr Alma Mater and to their Hlr;h School al lbe same limo, by either personally dlqiDJ down Into t heir

IL bu ~·n d!'C:ided llua1 thm· ..-;n ool be a football !QUill' bc-t~n Ult' f'""hman &nd the Hophom<>ru- tW.. yr;u- Th~ in cb~P of thl' oonditton of the nrw field rt•ll U111l thl' pnlrOIU\gl' whirh thl• ~me would bring out would llOl Jwwn lU pay I 01' the cirunJI«r dol\4' to Uu• 1 urC.


This year tht' ~&.,1! bas made a I!Jli!CUU cJTorl. to grl'lllly increase il.:l f'~rhAnge lllSt, wilh the: I'I'IIUII that il hilS doub((-.;1 lhnl of any 111"\'ViOUII yt'!\1'. We at•knuwk..Jge at pre;Jenl nearly a !!COrl' of toll!'~ lllllll'l'S, (rom WUlUIIOtuJ of l~ing all 0\'l!f" the couotry,and nt«<trationa for ~··mtJ other!' are on tbf' way \\ r find thl' exchanges very valuabl<', not only for lhe exchl\llgt' news but tU!lO for ide&~~ or rollegc 1\ctivi­lios, doinp, f't~ .• t<h!t'wb~.

The prtWnt lutt foUo"'!l:

use of Ettha~~&es

Tile Dartmooth, Dartmooth Coli~. Thf' Maint'> Campus, Univf'l'l!ily of Maine. The TartAn, Cuorgie Institute of Tt"Ch-


Cornmt'ffaal Fn-nrb bauo bt•Na added to the t'WTlrulum of C{)lby C{)lltge this Call.

Two hundrt'd a.nd t oro rnen .....,.., a­..-arded athleuc m.'<igrua al Columbia Uowenmy for the yee.r 1013-14.

For U1c liNt time ~ince tennis has boon an orp.nizcd I'J)Orl nt Dartmouth, a fTe$1unan "' tennis chAmpion ol th .. ~-

At thto Uoo'E'I'Sity ol Wi...-oosio tbf' studenl.:l hawe tbe privi~e o( "marking" their profeo!I!Ofl! even 1\1! their profess<m~ have long "marked" them in their COW\!(l;).

TH[ ~ fiRAND FRA~KLIN SQ. T~l. Park 1870


POLl PLA YER.S ...ln ...


A Play Wit h A Real Punch

•• .., tbe F'- Time In Stodr ud 1M 11m timr ot Populat ...,_

PRICES: MAT.I0,20,1000seatsfor ladles 10 EVE. 10, 20, JO, 50

S..tJ ate eo• ae.Uiac. Pttoae, Park 1171

Patronise Our Advertisers. We recommend them a.s reliable firms, where yon can get goods that satisfy

Page 4: The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914 · Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Tech News All Issues WPI Student Publications 12-8-1914 The Tech News Volume

DECEMBE~ 8, 19 14 T EC H N EW S J


. COUNTRY ~E . Httw! lio.w! Rnw! \Yal naow, dew A mct>ting of the At.hlehr DrlV<'tors was


yew knnmv lnstspring whoo me 'n' !ll llriru­h~l~ ~ Wed.n~y ~t whi<.'h .-\ . \\". ~~- wm lew Xoo York, wt• \\"'Us w:llkiu' up ::': I '• A. El: Ucm.l~ I~, .~d R. ~~. :Snuth Bro.-tdway one evenin' sb:lout eight o'doc:k I r, w~ro u~mded W s for thc~r !'XC~ I- whw ""' :;ee one of them nt>w..funglcd

lent work m cro.,.-country runru~g t_hts •·lectric mgna with ..ome Frenchified wo.l'd>< C :ill. The ~lLcr of. n . ne"' ton&iwUon thA1 W<' eouldn't l;('Clll tcw mnke out no for the.Athlctw Assocmhon wns dri!C'II.S!'Cd, mennin' tew. Wnl, 1 sez tt>w a chipper and \\111 ~ brouj!:hl b<.fol't' the s:Ludcnt. young fc>lll}r s11Uldin' ne;lr, ~ I, " Whlll body llltet 10 tho yt>a.r. duw this mCIUI?"

T H E AFT ERMATH ASSESSM ENT "Why,'' ae.z he, "that iss cnd'11y don-With the Senior yeAr there come many 1!011(!;,"

l\l!8C!!Iffilf'DI.Il. The most im110rtant of "What be thllt?" ti<'~ l. th!'81l isthc " AJtermnth tL.~IIlnt" which "Ohl" sez he, "a c:uiny is is levied 1.0 help bear the I'Xpt>nse of pub- where yew dance and cnt." lishing the cia&! book. The system Cor " Why, dew tl'lll" ~~ea I. ''1\lariar, muny yc'llr3 hus been to SSBeS!; each man whnl dew yew I!Ay if wr go in 110d - if we ten, in return (or which, he re- can shllke 11 1.-g 1/11 well ez them city l<tlllirl ccives, g~merally, three boob. Thill a· AlceiQJ!" mount coUcctcd (rom the dft!lS in no way \\'al, me 'n' :\Lirim-, we went in, nn', pays ~he l'l<J>Cilse or gelling out tlJe book, my suz, I nl'Ver - DO So>eh pltu"e nforo! but i~ is a big bclp. Thl'y wm a big room with little tables nll

The Senior ~~m!'ni.R this yenr have araound th~ ~irll'll, and 11 vncan! p!Me in been eoming in very ,jowly. A~ present the middle fer ww dan<oe on, while ofT lew only llbout :15 JX'r o•imt or l.he totlll lru one rornPr wuz sotut>thio' thPy c~<lk>d " been coiii'Cted. Th>low is a comp:u-o.tive 1\IVttmtnrd, which ww: blo"oin' tin horns !il!t, by COUt!'C;!, which shows the per cent 'n' beatin' clrums like n Fourth of July. paid from cnch MUJ'SI!. Thli; list will be l mip:gcrs, but djdo'l they mnke the 111ulrin published every two wrcks in the Nf!\\'11. hum.

Couno Amman Duo Amo .. DI Col. %Cot They \\11Z n1so people settin' :U thl' ill· Cbemtl!t.s 170 75 44 bles Mtin' 11n' drinkin' fit tt>w bu:~t, lUI'

Elrctriel! 270 108 4.0 then tlul music would ur>, :m' ofT Mecbanic8 240 90 37 5 they wouW dM!'e. Only tlwy didn't Civil~ ISO 52 28 .8 diUlcc> the way liCUJ!iblc people dew, but Gen. Science 30 0 0 swayed an' SUif!gCJ'eO ncroas t.he Ooor like

- - -- they wuz motQ lhuu hal!-eomro. 'Orr Total SOO :!2.5 36.5 gn.l would look inl<'W the Mlttr's eyes rest

The Chl'Inilru! lead the J::Wetrics by IIUlguil<hin', then hnlf r lOiie hrr eyes j!'ll~ aboul 4%, while the Mechanics nrc flU' like 11 ht'tl with the pip, tt.nd shift t4'w Call ahcsd of the Ci~ l>aclt, an' the fell~r would hcv \O}W hru~J~ TWO M ORE WEEK S OF BI BLE STUDY on tew her like a ll tarnation tcw keep h~!r

BEFO~E Y. M. C. A. DI NNER from slum(lin' right doown.

The first mooting of the groups after Org>Ulir.ation was On N 0\'. 2. To dnte, over 200 Tech men are mrolk>d in the work-. Tbe l'llbjcets yel to be di&­ctl81!ed in the groupe beforo theY. !!1. 0. A. Dinner which is at pre!enl l!<'bcduled for Doo. 21, nrc: "The Student and the Church," Dec. 7; "Cbril!tian Loyally, " Dec. 14.

Tho Y. M. C. A. Dinner is not only 11

Bible Study dinner fittingly to close the Bible Study work of m01>t of the groups, but it is a!J!o 11 dinnl;r at whi~h all Y. M. C. A. m&nbers ore cxpctlro to be prcscn L TI1c r!lnM> will be at Pu l.nam 4c 'Thurston's Restaur1Lnt. The price will be 50 oenl.ll per pllltc.

The groups with le..'ldcrs follow: Group. Lt>.ader.

Alpha Tau Omega U01u.e Prof. Arthur D. Duttcr6t·ld.

16 Berkshire St. Dwight E. ADen, 'IS., Horue L. Cole, ' L4. Chinese Group, 46 Tirrell St.,

Wmthrop G. Hall, '02. Delt.a. Tau RolliMl, 'Herbert A. Carleton, '09 12 Elbridge Sl., ('.rorge P . Il•>lliw~ll, ' 15. 7 Rnmpden l., &>c. Gren 0 . PicreU. lH lru!Ututc:Road, Wellen B . Colburn, 116. liappa Xi Alphn Elow;c,

Jnmee A. BullArd, Ph D. Lrunbda Chi Alpha,

IIaroW B. Stewart, ' lb. Nonn:tl Group, Y. M .G. A. Roolllll,

Anwl St. John, P h. B. Sigmo Alpha Epailoo Holltie,

li'acringt.on Danit!ls, Pb. D. Theta Clti HOWle, Flarlllnd L. l:l~;uart, ' 12. 150 West St., Arlington A. Smith, '16. Phi Gamma Della House. Plan.s being

made to have Dr. Henry SU1ee Bradley of Picdmon~ Church.

Wul', me ' n' lllariar bultcd right in jest like w(' wuz \4)w hum, but tht'ir Boor WIU

nuthin' like n good old b:rrn floor, i~ wuz so wa.w<l over 1 ht\1, rust Uri11g l know J bum(l€(.1 iotew n uijl,(tL'r w.Utcr C6rryin' 1\

tray Of •htun prun f(]as&~ nn' Wl\ both ~lid rittht over int""" the swcl18Wlrd ttn' the .Juun rlllin went doawn one or Urc tin honrs, llll' U\e f<'ller thought l did it 1\n• b<wgt:d me over the hcsd \\<ith his hom, M'

by that lint.e lew coupll!8 ft•U ontew us. Gauly, there wus s p;rand scrimmflj!e fer a whi.ln, 110' if yew wru1t tcw kuuow bnow 1 got oul yew will bev lew Mk nngel Gt\bri,•l, fer L htlln\ gol no idee. Uaw! Raw! El.&w!

A. t. E. E. M EETI NO

At the next meeting of the W. P . l. BrliDCb of the A. 1. E . E. on Friday even­ing_. Dec. I I, Mt. F . l\'L Fcikcr, t•bnirman of the editorial bo:trd of the A. W. ShAw Publishing Co., will speak on the l!llbjret "The Engineering or BW!ine&~." '111e A. W. ShAw Publishing Co., Is the pub­lisher of "Sylltcro," "Fnctory," and other businC!!8 publications. This nnd 1 he r aet th11L Mr. Feikcr is n grll.dual1' of W. P . I. in the c:IMI! o( '04, !ibould interest a large number of the studenl8 in all the colll'IICll.


A Cool once \\'tmt up in the b!il.loon Edu­cation. Finding, in ordl'r to climb higher, that he must C8llt over baDII8t, he threw Ovt'l' Ouuridl' lnl.C1'C8ts, Senl!tl of Jlumor, and P~I'$J)C(:tive or Duman Nature. He res.ched tho height and wtl8, in time, honored wi tb the key of Tau Bet.a. Pi.

Atterwlll'ds he at.a.rved.-Exchange.


TJ:(JT BROS.' ICE CREJ:(M The Ideal ~efre,shment Pri'" Righ t Quality Unsurpassed

At Leading Dealt~rs, or 'Phooos, Park 1214-WandPark 1760

L. J. ZAH<?NYI & CO. Worcester and Prosperity 149 Mam Street

WEDDINGS AND PARTIES ia aU right. But remc ... bCT, Supplie d at Short Notice

ICE CR EA:\\, Wholesale end R.e rllil



HAIR CUITING "Tec:b" mea, ror a Clazzy Hair Cut, rry

FANCY'S, S I Main Street

younlf m an. 1hat you ean't e n joy p-ro.-perity u.nleea your

l' tiea. ahirta. etc .. are " O.K."

M oral : Buy them of your friende.

Bamard, SIIIDDer, & Palllam Co.


Hont- to Stat ... A 1• 8 • ...... ., • • J:'rop. Tech Banners, Leather Goods, -----------------------FOR YOUR POSTERS stationery and Booka







Worce~ter .Jolptttbntc Jn~titutt Worcester, Massachusetts lilA N. HoLLJa, LL. D., l'nlllidm~.

A School of Engineering providing fOUI'-')'eu-~ ol inatrucr.ioa in

M~~CJ~A~na...r. ENotiQCIUNO, Crvu. EHOJ.KS .. rRo, Eux:T~~JC&L E J<CJDflll(Jl(J(O, CacMUITIU',

G&N81UL l!c:u:wcz, leading lo the d~ o( 8ACBZLOB OJ' 8cDUOICJ:,

Extensive Laboratoria for experimental ll'ork in ENotN&J~:UNo, Euccnuc.u. ENor~n~JIJUJfo, 5nAM E NOIJilli:JDUifO, Plrrarcs, Hnnw:ru c E HGuruJUHO, Gt~HIIlAL Caua.nrv, Cn-n. EHOil<J!SRll<O, lHDtliiT'&UL ~.

W ~u Equipped Shops prtll'1djq ample facilitiet ror p ractice In Foundry Work, Fcqe Work, Mo.ehioe Sbop, Wood Work, Ope.-.tioo of Eacin• aDd &u..,

, ., Co1414gw ,...,_, -- of llvdlf, ,_w,n. Jlled bJ1 (lr'Odvatu, oowl oll

,._,..,., "''-"-· ~ u.. PrmdftL

Page 5: The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914 · Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Tech News All Issues WPI Student Publications 12-8-1914 The Tech News Volume



Crockery, Silver Cutlery, Gas and Electric Fixtures.

Rouse Furnishings.

}'tbJtltr anb etJtkian EYES EXAMINED


Jewelry a1ld Optical R•wla& promptly 8Dd aatlafactorny don~

561 Malo St.,opp.thePoal Olllco

16.50 POR S MONTliS


HMdqurtera for Dnl•· Candles, Clpn Clpntt-. ~. Stationery.

..-.-••W. P.t.--.

STUDENTS SUPPLIES Dab, Book Raeke and unique Nov·

elty Furniture at ~ro pries. See our Flat Top Desks at SpeeW Student'• Price. • • . . $7.50

U JOur landlad)' needs anythJac ltKommend Ferdinanda

Boat.oo Worcester FitchbUJ'I Cambridge

pERDiiliiDS .Pritu Saw Ye111 Mtmey

W-249 Mala Street, Worcester

Comer CeDtralStnet.




Tbe following thesis su.bje<>ta sre pre­Eellt.ed in the departmcn~ or ebemistry, by Pror. W. L. Jenning!~. I. A Complli'Btive Study of Elbers Md

Acei.IWI or pcimn.ry. eccondAI')' Md L<'r· tiru-y alcohols arul the iollue11cc whicb tho pr-nc:e or halogens 11nd other neg­alive groups have on their foromlion.

2. Study or tbc ArUon or neulrnl anal· gams AS polym('1'izing lind Th:dumng Agents for llklehyd~

3. St.udy oC the action or heat on tbo tri· chloraootat.c o£ varioUi aminodit>benyl and triphenyl entbinot~.

4. Study of the I'OI"'ibilititls of ti;e prep­arlltion or Glutaric Acid !rom Ethyl Potal!sium malo~tc by clootrolysi~.

:;. Study of caffcet.aunie acid in U~e light of the reocn t work of F.ilsc:ber on tMnic

&ai.d. 6. 'l'be Oomp&riaon of the Pringshcim,

Step:u1ow and o ther mrtbods witit thl' CaJius method !or the de.t«mination of hulogen.s in organic: compounds.

7. A Comparison of the SeMyliden d.~ rivative or tho nlplm diplwnyltbi06CD'Ii· carba..ldc of Busch wilh the reaction product oC Phenyl mUI!tard oil on BI!D· •aldehydcpheoylhydnuane obtained by Vnhle.

8. .A Study of Simple and Rapid Methods for the Oet.ootion of Lead in Tinned MctaUie Surfaces.

9. lnvcstiption or Chemical and Phys­ical Properties oC Spelter.

10. Quant itntivc 'F..Htimation of Carbon M onollide in AAlctylene.

J I. Study of Mcthodl! for mnking Methyl Cyclo-buten.

12. EIJooJ. of LempcrAturc, salt, 8\llphudo acid, Bydr«hloria Acid, and Non Tanto, on tht!. Extraction or l:temlor.k Bnrk.

13. Utill&alion of Lc:illler Sha.-inp. 14. Comml'rr.ial appllration oC Gr.,_

£rom Wool Scouring lJquors:-1. Distillation Products.

A. Applicalion or derived Olrln.• to -p making.

2. Emulsificalion or DcgrM.

BY PlloP. R. C. SWE&'l'Sr:n

1. Tbo Efft'<'~ of An.enir. Antimony and Tin on the Determination of Copper by Low's Method.

2. Thll Annlyliia of Alloys of !Pad Anti­moll,)' and Tin.

:1. A Comparison of the Methods for tbc Dcterminntion oC Sulphur io I ron imd Steel.

4. A Bt.udy of the Gubeit Method for 1 he Qu!Ultilativr DctermiDlltion of small Quantitiell or An>.enic.

S. The Rooovory or Molybdir Aridll from Ammonium Molybdate Residue~~.

6. A Study of the Forml!,tion or Am­monia (rom Nitrates in Waters Contain· ing Iron.

7. The IoOUCJli'C of Oblorides on the De­l.llrminaUon oC Nitrates in Waters by the 'Pheooi..Sulpboni~ Acid Method.

8. The Effect. of Calcium Hydroxide io Water on A~id-'Forminl( and G,....Fonn· ing llarl<'ria.

9. A Study or the Conditiollll Allecting the Length of Lil'e of Add-Forming and Cas-Forming Badcri(l..

10. A Compnrison of Lautose Bile and Lacto6e Croth RS " Test for the Colon Bau:t11Uli-


1. A Study of the number, distribution aod ~naJ vaMiltiOn of miCI'OOI'pn­lsme in the Blaakstone River ud 80me of ita 1'1-ibutarios.

2. A . tudy of lhe number, dktnoution and sensonnl .-ariation of the micro­organisms in L:tk~ Quinsigamood nnd its Tributaries.

3. A Study o f tbe penneabilily of hot iron for Carbon 1\lonoxide.

4. Detc<!tion and E..otiul~<tion of I!Dlft!l amounts oC Hydrogen • ulphide.

5. QUAntitative deteraUnation Of COl· loids in ~wng<>.

BY B. R. Po•n:R 1. A Study of tbe ::ihorter l\1('Lbod8 f oJ

Determining Fat in Conden."<'d Milk :llld 1\filk Powden~.

2. A Comparison of the .Mc>thod~ W!(.'(!

in Dcterminin.g V a.nillW :l.Od Coumruin in Fla voriog Extrarts.

3. -~Study of Folio's Method for Deter• mining the pnlrci'C•hiUty of Foodstuffi;.

t. A Study of the Effect oC Sma.ll QllllD­Ulies of J.cmoo and Oro.nge Oils on the index of Refrnclion of Ethyl and M e lhyl Alco.hoL

BY PROP. A. w. E\\"£1.1.

1. DirocL Mea.sllN'ment of l onie Veloci· ties.

2. F.:lt•utrolytic Condm·Uvity of Cla~ Fused Quartz, Porc<>lains, etc.

3. lnOuenoe or Electrolytic Coneent.nv tioo upon Electrode P ou-nt:ials.

BY Da. F. DAI'·n :u; The accurAte delcrminJllion of the speci·

fie heals oC liquids at vnrio1111 lempernlures "ith a new lldiah.-lir ctiliJrimeter. 1. Alloili-hlllidos in nqu001111 and non­

aquoolll! troluliofl.'! of different oonoon­Lr&tioll!l.

2. OrgAnic liquids. 8. V~~riolll! Slilts in 1tquc-ous and non·

MIUOOIII! 8olutions oC different eonccn· lraLion!!. I The nceurate determinnlion or the hea.ts

of t"ertain endothHmic reaction a~ varioult lPmpernturcs with & new isothcrmnl cnl­orinJei.<!T. Heats or solulinn and heat• of dilution • 4. Alkali halidea with aqneoUII Md non­

&q UOOU!I 1!0 IVI1DI.8.

5. Cert:nio other 8Bltl! with acJ uoou~< !Uld non-aquooUII !!OivcnUI.

6. A method for the quantilaUvc dct~r­mionUon of water in orgnnic liquid!! by absorption in poti\SSium lluoridl'.

a,· DR. D . F . c ... utAN~:. 1. The Efl't'Ct or hydrofluoric acid on

met.tillic st'piU'Slio~ by ciC'C:Lrob'l'U.. 2 . Thll Construt•Uon of till Elec-tric Fur­

nn.ce and ilsappli~t•tion in the :\1anufao­tnre or BRrium Salts.

3. A litudy to overcome the high diffi­eulti<'t\ in the> Elcetro-fUllvanizing or hir,b Cltrboo wire.

4. 11te oonstructioo lllld operation or an elretricnlly healed retort for making acetone from calcium acetnto; and the electTolytie production of chloroform from 1\ot>Looc.>.

5. A Study of the Aloobolic Extrac:lion Pr9oo;!s in the produelio.n of l'hogphale from phospbnte rock.

RECENT SOPHOMORE TRIPS On IMt \Yednelday the two rophomore

tlivisio011 of mechaniC!! were taken on two inspe<'tion trips; one iu tbe morning through the works of t he Grn\OD &: Knight t\Ug. Co.; the second, in the after­noon, through the WymM &: Gordon Co!• plant. Guides, who explAined every pt'OCG!8 very thoroughly, were f\ll"ni$hed by the m!UI~~gement.s. The Sophomore Eleclrics were taken through Lhc Graton and Knight works ooNov. lT, and through the Wyman ck Gordon factory on Dec. 1, L914.

OECEM6~ 8, 1914


Beat of Everythinlf Popular Prices .JI.


Guy Furniture Co. House Furnisher


Good Things to Eat AT



SHOE REP AIRING CO. Men's Se"'ed Soles 65c.

Try u oaoe uwl you wtlloaJ) .... D 75A Main StrM

Attention Fellows!

Everythiug Systematic For T e~ lea at the

UNION LAUNDRY Fl RST - Special Prices

Shirts • • • 12e and up, each

~U:s{ 2 1·20 ench. ~=ke,rchielsl30 per dozen pico-Undcrwcsr llt!. (Oo .Je&~ lhM Sheets 11 dozen p•eces, r:eg· Pillow CMeS ular lU<t pnees eto. chal'g(ld up w30c.)

SECONO-CoUection: Tues­days • • Delivery: Fridays

THIRD - Everything (except socks,) mended free of chqe

FOURTH-SpeciaiT ech Agent

S. A. Brooks '16 WE ASK YOU TO



Page 6: The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914 · Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Tech News All Issues WPI Student Publications 12-8-1914 The Tech News Volume


J. C. Freeman & Co. ~fabr11 or the! BeoL

Spectacles and EJeglasses





~AOIU \\ t:MAI\ATIO S HOWN ~lr 0 (, , \\ enut, II l(nldll.11t >tuUt•nt nt

llurv~tnl t'mn,.uy l\M thn •l~t'al.n 111 Ill<' llli•·Ul•ll: ,,r ah .. Chrnurul rlul> l..,.t t•Vt·nmjl:. lh ll•hJt'C't, -.t.idt wn.• on .. Jtftd10 AcCI\'It) ; • \UW m.4clt' intf'nA•IJ lQ-o

""' '"ng anli in.trut·lln• by tl.r !U'Iuul •·~thtlt•m ol .... m .. ttl lht• mtl raJ.tum Nil·

amnion, •l•to·h ~lr \\ t·htll ""'~" """ htm . 1'h13 -ubo-tanr;•, ""'~h 1t< \II) nJ­uabl••. "' w...J 111 tht' ru•Jtral M'hool. 11&1'



PLANTS AND FLOWERS ddivered to all poi.nte in t.Lc

United Statca a.od Canada JA JA




I wrll l't'll11'Dlber lht- lJl!ks that dear okl Oix· hmni~11 Ul5t'CI to lui, .... as a J>llrt or the- tourec 111 Fl"e!Jmmn Chl'mi.<try II~

u«<t to hand out mal achiee or tunt:ly imJIOrt&DC'C' m a ..-sy that dtd 1101 a In tic ,.;uod. I 'ti'Ond...- ir theM.' L• anylhmg 111

w. P. I. DOW that tal.;()>o lhl' p~ olth~. or if anybody take5 the fn=ihman into hi.. (Onfidenct" for a "lung-to-~" tall.. on •UhJt'CI" Jill' tht> one tlult tht- ~ "" "ant.s "(l("ll'l) " '"' "''" rt>rlUDllt<' m ubtaining J71-J7J Main St. •• Worcester, Mus. to diK'tk<s! What ,. ~it'<' be rernler-00 l\lr. \hndt a.. tlu• ~~~·•ll<•·r ht• ll('tfilt •>b-in lh~ ""II)' a!< ..-clJ as m hundrt"<b or otber ~tntod thnn;gh . tht• dfor"' <-1 . l>r T .


ways. Ue really " jacked lUI up·· but 11 l·tu'Tin(IH•n l>.mtt'l,. ur llll' t·hl'nUol ry lit~ rookawonderlulamountoftaettodo n- l>t<rlltwnt Hoth ol the-t> mrn wrl'(' t·n-

376 Majn Street corner Elm

br ju.-t pcrsouifuotl t5Cl, though, 00 n wu ll·rtatnt'tl 111'1'\' tOWI lu lo.·tun• ut the home I.'A.W. Ue would ~3y : lor Prof. \\ alw 1.. Jpmun~·. ht·u.d or the COAL a1Jd WOOD

.~ r\o\\·- 1 wanL to depart ~rom the Le tl~1mrutwnt <•( dwmi~tr), ''" llo) nl<m St.

81twe ~ w talk on a subJect or murh \. M. c. A. POPULAR Ice Cream Sodas, Apollo C hocolates

Cl~:ars, Cl~:arettes, and T obacco

(!l'etllet tmporlilll<·&-" 11ten he would ., , walk OIJL in rronL or the long brnrh- you On " t'l.lnCiKLiy, 0.'1' .. l~e ' . l\1. c .\.

C. A. HANSON. Druaalst 107 Hllfhlaad Street

know- IIJld hang both elhowM 011 that hdd 11nothrr 0111' of th,.,,. M!tlt'3 o( l'tl(lttlul'll loweT .,11~1{ nnd dotlt' biil eyel! nnd Jltt~kt•r in 1 ht> 1~. K 1-<oclurt• It nom. '11tf' 81'hed­UJl h~ mouth llkl' a littlt: figure 0. "Don't ~~It'd t<JX'tilwr, Mr. Ot'O"l!r \\' • ' l'uiJfX•r, go down town t•vt•ry ni~hL. l 'oli's p;ctling lilatl' lmnugrunt H('('n'tary WM unllhlt• t.o alon3 aU right The show is just Wtc l&!t br llt('fj('Ul, l){'<'llll.!o(' of llln(lt!l(. In Ius


Solic it. your patrona"e

• JJest Service in

• Worcester

Wt't'k's and the "'eclr. before. Ju..t think l~lll't', Mr. l'irrf'l'l I'Ci'U~'tl Mr (1. 1'. "hut il roo;tll you lOgo 10 Tet•h. A dollnr Gould, lit pn.,..nt lnuntgrrull ~l'n'tar)' a day, anyway; $200 mol'l' for w t•. 1.; Ill Brocl.ton, Mll68. Mr Could (tl\\' besides the two dol.lanl per day you might t<<ce11ent talk on the r>ropt'l' I!UJX'J'VU'IOD

be ellJ'tling- tbal makll8 betw~ (OUT tUld O( II()O•J-:ngiJ>h •lle'llk'!'g Wbor. I[~· WM 6v" doUa~ lhat each dav is ,..orlh Wbl'n tntl'Oduced by Mr Cllitl•nt..- P. 1:\bedd, you want recreation ~t it out-o(-dOOI'II S!Alt' >tudl'ntli('('I'I'W)' of th~ \ • M C. A . noL oul o( a pi~. 'Oh! )'8. 1 IIIDOke: and former 1'1't'b \' l\1. t' A. llt'm:tary, but don't you- you ean'L alford tt; 11 who ab.o add...-! tho hody wtth mlert$­

dldn' t when 1 •·as your IIF or 1 eouldn't tng remarlut. Thl' I~ waa l\'Orthy aft'onl •l now. Don't drink. I don't. or a much lar«er at~danff' than it That's ,'J'e 1 draw the line. ~ow. or I'I'C'I'l\'l'd Hair Cut. 2Se. s".,·· tSe.

M anieuro

---------------------Hotel Warren


0•• block from Ua loo Sr.tloa

To&.,Pa1114JM ................... YES, WE BA VE THEM



$4.00 $4.50 .. ~ ss.oo



Carriage ud Bauage T raasler CAI..Y'N p ••SIIYO.,..... Prop

OSee Ia Parcel Roo•, ne.11 co B•a•• Roo-. Ualoa Stetloe

8acPce eaiJed for and DeliYend prompUy. YIJ'8I..Ciu. Hacb and Coupee Fwuiebecl for Weddinp, JUceptione ud Oallloc

Taxicab. a.od Tourlac C.... for Wre.

Uel• Depoe Telaphoe"' Pari& 13 ud IJ

roun!e, there may be - fellow of you M. C. LCCTURE tiOOrt of mon~y-1 want to a.all< to hi1n alone. I may be ablr to help him u he Ill the ngbt kind of a man, ele., l'lC." Tbal , Kinale.

HI' oouJd make you reel able! to do MY· Uunr;-fuU of ~nthll!!e, you know. Ile waa a rht'mist., but "in spill' or all that •: one or the belt or men Read abou L

him in the a!tennalhl! at lht' LibTIU'Y, 11tudy his pictlll'(', notice the (rJcn<lship in tbO!Ie bright tl)'-tbat Willi Kinni..,.. WhAt Kinnie &lid .,.-m never dio·

"l:itudy hnrtl; play luU"d; <lnn't w41Jte- tune or mmtl)y IIIIU you will beoon&ll a IDWI~r mn.n." Thai Wtul KinniPI



~llle Club l'rcparl!$ ror hs Second Season

I By the tun~ tbill i:!!loo is dist.ributt'd llto

two-man INUI) rillt' m11kh wtll probably be tompletN.I, and planH ~larlt'<l ror an lDt.ftJ'-1'1&81! matcl!. Thl' 'VM!i ty ""h('(luk will 8tarl itnmed.ia~y alter the- holidayll, Md tbe team .,.iJl be piclcl'd largloly rrom the l!bootm~ m lbl' class mat~heo. Every­Olll' t<bould rome out for hi.~ clll88 team The! dew'J;o; o( the cl'\83 (OntC!'UI will appear in nm week's ~"• and eL!o on the bul­letin bo&rd.

.. CI\IL" DA't


P~dent. and Mr~>. BoUie'• re«>plion la..'ft l'unday wa.< pru1:iculnrly for thr ml'm­bel'1! or the Ch<il Engineering deplll'lment, a speeial invitalion lulving hem 8Clltlo its member& The profe&ll01'8 11nd instruetont or the deJ)Ill'lml'nL were pi'Pll('nt, rutd nl8o a lazge number of <i.udents, to enjoy t be hcepilality o( our ptel!idrult and his wife. ' f'bt• Sunday oJ'ternoon ~p1ion will be held next week (rom four to 8ii as W!Ual.

JH a IIII'C'lHI(I or tM MC'Chaniaa.l En«'"" OC(:nng ~tel) on Friday night a very IOU'rt.,tlllft lf'C'lUTC' 00 lltP ..ub)N'l, o(

.. Factory Ftno J>rr,-cntion" waa g&ven by Mr. II Cmyton 1\r ndall '08 of tht' llo<ok­wood l'lprmklt'r ('u Tht' wu &rup­plcmenwd by IMlVI'nll Mll'rt'<lptiron slid('j! ahowin(l th(' COill!lrortion or VliJ'iOI.III lyprt or sprinklt•l'll tLnd buildlnp:>< Whl'.rt' lllf'y ll.rt' lll!li.ttU('(). Mr. Kt·ndnll t\L<o c-dtihill'd 11 <.'()lltocllon or many •lyle. or eprlnklt·r headt<, wlurh illuJ<trnH'(i thr dcvl'lopmenl of lite pt~nt impl'(oved t!Lylll!l.

Professor Butterfield Spaker al Alumn i Secretaries' Meeting

Pror Arthur I) Httllt'rflt'id , tn hill oop11dty lll•l't'rt'lMy oftht• \\ . P . l Alum­ni "-octwuon, wu l)ri"'CM 111 thl' nt('('hng or tbt' A ...o!'&tl\llm o( Alumnl "'"'tl'llln,.,., hl'ld rwtntly ut Cntumbill t'nivrmly, :\rw York <:tty ,\ t this m('('lmg thrre W('T~ lli'('O(•Ilt 111('0 rt'pl"t'MDttllg 80111(' 75 Alma .Matt'n from aU ovt·r llt~! country and n-pi'('S('nttna 1!01111' 300,000 ml'n, J()o ffltt-d all O\'l't thP glob<!.

At thr monthly dtnnt'r of the Columbta Unlvl'l"''lty Chili, to whirb t be ~tllnl'<'< Wet!' tnVIIM ~1,._1#, Pruf_,r 8utlfffir ld .... 001.' or th<- (our ~m; and, a«<rdtng to thll ColumlnD Al1001111 New, he "mji'C'lt'd a tittll' l!l'riOWI win tnlO Lhl' ~10.19' by hllTIII~ th, ..t.l'l"­ton or AD id~l hCC'Jt'IM)', Wbtrb. bl' Mid had lhrte main boi!C'II -t'nthuai&l!m, va.•ion, and penlt'vl'ranee. "

Profl'll!Or Butter6rJd lll.!o h11d rblll'ge or tlU' cveruny .,......,Oilll or ronfM"ences ror the llmllll!'r endowt'd in~llilutinrut

Coftector• for Fresll-n Claas Ouu Oiv.A- Millard, ll- MIIrflb, C-Ca~~ldll,

0 - l"rench, I~Powl'l'll, F - A. WOOILI, C-J. PiUmRorir<>, 11- Knowlton.

D . l\1 . C:A81ULL, TreM.


570 Main Street


We are glad to

see you again at


l7 MaJn St. :: -«Trumbull St.


UCUWAIIA COAL ~ ,., llllly • c..t.y

™~ C(.;ILL- --,. ............ , .• Rec••••d lt. I PLEAIAIT STREET .. IOICEITER, IAII.

ANDREW P. LUNDBORG Drawing Materials

Jewelry, Watches, Olamondt, C1<1c:ka, Silvorwllt'e


Jli •• llrllf, ......... .... .

r . .L._ a.M.wa...--a.n.~ , ... F. A. EASTON CO.

NEWSDEALEJtS ,., CONFECTI ONERS C•. Male 1M -Itt., W-r . .... ~~- o ....... w .....


FLOWERS ~anball'l ~loturr 6bop


Phone, Park '"

Patronise our Advertisers. We recommend them as reliable firma, where you can get goods th&t satiafy

Page 7: The Tech News Volume 6, Issue 12, December 8 1914 · Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Tech News All Issues WPI Student Publications 12-8-1914 The Tech News Volume

,..._, r .. .__ Ladr ~·

Dr. R. M. GARFIELD Surgeon J)cl'ltlet

OFFICE oo4 II.ESIOI!NCE, S.lto, lOI -· 21e. Wolllor lo1141 ... .-s Mol• SC.. W-"· M .... 0.. &ou,.. II to a, 7 to I INodAu'. 10 to 11

8 PECl ALTIE8: lalo7o. er- .,....._




Smart Clothes 'VTB'ENEVER 11 man invt'Sti­W gntt_os c.he valu•• of W 1U'I!-Pratt

Clolbee - by oomp:u-ii!On - by 1.he opinion or an exJX>rt-be say>~ "lrul"



Suits and Overcoats $15,$20,$25

Mackinaws, Sweaters, Gloves, Shoes.

Get the Christmas Spirit: "SHOP EAR.LY"


Sill biller II 1111 lllll l'rt&r-

PLAZA Mon., Tues., Wed.. Dec. 7. 8. 9

OLGA PETROVA ln " The Tigress"

AH LING FOO Loto l"'o.,...,. ...,..,,..., wh.b C"'bi1>, u,. Foo. Lhe World'• Grco.Qot MJ'!I{••

MELODY MA IDS Folr F.aoro of M""'•


FINLEY & BURKE Good Nat,.....! EDt.....;, ...

PATtiE WEEKLY Ktrr.tooo Fn FU• lOOO a.,a,. lor Lod.i .. art .• ..._r.--3 Ceoto

AI&Ol«uo FrldaJ 1 PiJ ,.,._. Wodo«adar

.._., 5c. 18c. En., 5c, 1Dc, 2Gc

T E CH N E W S. DECEMBER 8. 1914


Dear M iM ShAm Pain:-t met a gi.rJ wi~h eyet~ or oorulean blot>

the other dAy. Since lhen I can neilht>t eat llor sleep, bu~ I'OIIll'\ ~he world with revered brow and hagg~~.rd mien. All joy hlUI departed, the world IJet!It18 dJil'k and dreary, bcc:alli!e I know oot who she is. Bow cv.n I make her acqUAintance and relieve this a,wful hea.rt-ll<'he whleh eon­llumes me?


Don't botber with th., girl; wha~ you need is a liver pill

My dur Miss Sham

1 love a. lal!sie, A bony, bony laa!ie;

She's as thin 118 lhe paper on the wall. 8ut !the teUs me tha~ I'm grnssy,

(Green; don'tcberlcnow) Which I think i.1 rather !lll.88y,

And aM 88Y8 lbll.l. t!b~'ll not marry me at &1.11

What do you lbink I' d better do !lbout it? S. I . M. P.

Your talents would be wMlcd in llll\L­rimony, but you'd makt> ll fortune in a vtmdevillc troupe.

.l\Jine Iiebe Frlulein Sclwn Pane:-I VM a lN!d1e Dcitsehen m11n mil. boocbi­

ful yellow hair and I VIliS eome preddy, you bet. .lAtely J ha! loro a niee leddle red­cheeked mldchen nii.IDed Mllrgnl't'ta, ond abe has such " shape, oh, my! Bu~ 11be doo'tlleCIIl 1.0 abbrel.ia.t.e the honor or beinp; l lofed by me and she don't vant to Ol.llJTY me, so ble!~Se', va~ eon t do?

IlEJNJ!l ScU.NrruJ ... Well, lleine, I am 110rry• Margarola

doesn't appreciAte your pretty yellow locilcs more. But Ill! you seem to like youn!clf prelty well, you really don't nt'Cld to have ""'Y one else like you, nicht W&hr?

With a local eomJXll"(''' lllld orchl!f'tm lcrult>r, Will Hardy, nppe'.trinp; aL the hc'!ul Of II song l't'VUP whil'll f('!IIUrl'$ hiH Jalt'i'l t\Jid gre.'\leJSl ~•••'l'l!ll, " 11ove lbe 1.1. S. A.," MLhe headline net a l Pc1li'• and a .rupporl· ing VllUdeville prownm thai will cttual an) or th~ yco\r. aml11s tul added Rttraction n free copy of !\lr. HArdy'il lnt.eilt 80ng to " pull" tJ•e poople in Poli's lh~ p<~pular vnudevflh.• lhentre i.l suro or Mothc!r t'.O·

purity week. The> or.hc>r nell! oo t11r pro­grnn> are SuU4111, Mttlnlyr~ aml Sulton, Pn~y Doyl~, l.olTtlin(' IUid Dudlry, Ute ~ummertimc Girls (IO) nnd Na.ldy IUid Naldy. Thl' fMturc pict~.~re to close lhP pr.rf<>rmanoo will be " A &bel."

cents a can." "Then you con give me a STYLISH SHOES llllJl." ·•r ne\= eion!Uilon who r.h.ought himself so witty as you do," said the drug­gt,t in a gingerly manner, feeling called Fall and Winter upon to do a little punning himself. HEy w o o D's "Well, rhat'a oot bad ether," laughed the

1 customer , with a ayrup~itious gla.nce. " I ammoniA noviee at the • 415 Main Street though l ' ve llOda good lll.IUIY puWI that other punsters reap the eredil or. IJow­evt-r, 1. don'~ care a eopJX'l'SS far as I am eoneemed, though they ought to be han­dled without dove!!, 'till they would not lmow what W88 the matl.(lr with them. PerhllJlll I !!houldn't myrrh-myrrh. We h.a ve s plensan t Lim<> IUld l shall earawo.y. "

VISIT MONSEY'S Bowling and Pocket Billiard

PAR.LOR.S 6Allcys 9Tabtes. 31-33 PEAR.l ST.

New Xmas Cards Wh~ Todt S.:als lo TrH ColOr$ aad Gold . Aho Tee .. Su Uo•e.r)'. Tec::h Pla5 alld Fob1

l.a Silnr cwd Oold.


H~bt ~a:ncroft"

The Rendezvous for Fraternity Banquets

Hatters for TECH : : :: TOGGERY SHOP


Curran r. O'Rourke 6 Fmt Street

Xmas Post Cards & Booklets The kind3 your r.Wnds liko to

I'I)C(:ivo •• 1:\c"' supplies in tlncc a wrt•k.


Mfn.1nd Dt1ltrs In Hl&k Grade Athletic Sapplies Fool Bnll, Bnsket Boll, Ice Skates,

Hockey, Ooli, Oymruulum AppAralu.s


1( :rou arc ..,....;.,.J.u. eal at

EXCHANGE CAFE 95 Main Street

Steol.o . Chopo. Slowo 6f S.L.clo Ot<lu Cool.inl( • Spec.ialt,.

u Follow the Crowds to

POLl'S ·• Popular with the People"

Mats. I.JO 2,600 Se:tts IOc: Eves. 7.JO IOc. IS,, 25c:

Moo., Tues., Wed.. Dec. 7, 8; 9

A locAl M11.'1icirul IUld a Compo;;cr you all know

WILL HARDY Assi.>tcd by ClARK, MfOlll & TOWlE, in 11 :;ong review

" I LOVE THE U.S.A." 5-0THEf{ ACTS- 5

Tbur s., Fri., Snt., Dec. 10, I I, 12

An Allrgorieallllu!ii<'81 Com(-dy,


Isle of Wishes ---WITH--


6 REElS OF PICTUR.ES ... a lways

Asla!elll'a-Tm . Coa~!ry S!ore--fri.

On Thurs<:lny, F1iday and &turd!ly "The !sle or W ishl'tl" j,. h..-adlintod with anotht'r IIOUlli>J\I progrwn to follow with a sercaminttiY hmny three-red tlicture t'allt'd "T he Billioonir<' for good mellllUl'e. On Tut""'lay !her<' will lx> lltt' ttlllAIP~ and on Fricluy night another rounlry store. The roUowing wet•k another local bo)'· Mauri~ S J. \\ 11rd, hettt'r known f\lj

"Steeple Steve" is hrodlioro.

Olkl&l laJ~ft'!".:~·~~~·.~~~_J~~~~:s:..~d Sporto Wrla1tt a Okaofl Sweat~ra a_re eql17 the l•ut.. I =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~

Choke worstt:d, wtU ftllde. perf«1 l tllQJ. r; C..TAI.OOD& F llU

WRIGHT Be D lTSON S44 •"~"If" Sl .• !Jute-. larnrl Seure, C1•kl.,t 22 l 11too St .. l oa Tltt U , .,.. ... 111 .. "'ol(ooco I 11 $1, ll b Ut St.~ fWu.. Jlt M.al1 I t • WttultW

at . IIKI Sl., b o FI'Hdl'*


" I 'InUit 80me eoiUICCrated lye." be N z E L L E N slowly announced, as he entered the store. •

"You mean oonoontrated lye," a~Led "The Tech Tailor" the druggist AB he repl"'lll8ed a sm.ilf.!. " Maybe I do. It does nut·mc>g any di1J- Suits made to order. erenee. It's what I cam..phor, anyhow. Suits cleaned and pressed a t reasonable What does it aul·phur?" "Eighteen , prices.


? •

Putnam & Thurston RESTAURANT

P&tronize our Advertisers. We recommend them aa reli&ble firms, where you o&n get goods th&t satisfy