NIM. TE140978











Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain

An S. Pd Degree (S.1) in English Education


NIM. TE140978










In the name of Allah SWT the most gracious and the most merciful,

who has given the researcher mercy and blessing, health and ability to finish

thesis. Sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW his coming really change the


Special Thanks to:

My Parents, my beloved father Ali Nuryanto and my beloved mother Normi who

always give me everlasting love, guidance, motivation, always praying for me and

supporting me to finish this thesis and to be successful in the future.

My beloved sister, my twin sister DewiMustikaand my beloved youngest sister Sri

Kurnia who always supporting, motivation and praying for me.

My first advisor AmaliaNurhasanah, M. Hum and My second Advisor

Tartila, M. Pd who guided me, advised me and supported me to finish this


All of my lecturer who teach me since I don’t know anything till I graduated.

My Close friends (DDEF PERSONIL) Dian DwiAtmaPutri Amin,

ErniYusnita, FatmaRamyani and other personil Emma Mariskawanti and

IresSepriYesi, Special thanks for you all who always guidance, always besides

me when happiness, sadness and all condition.


All of my beloved classmate in D class of English Department, I thank them

for the spirit, motivation and togetherness.

And also big thanks to all my friends English Education Program academic

year 2014, thanks for your sharing and participant.

The entire school apparatus Madrasah AliyahNegeriInsanCendekia Jambi

especially to Mr. DidikSetiaji, S.Pd, M. Pd who guidance, motivation and

allowing me to research and all students thanks for your participant.

All of people who keep supporting me wherever you are.

May Allah SubhanahuWaTa’ala bless us.




سخون فى ٱلعلم يقولون ءامناا وما يعلم تأويلهۥ إلا ٱللاه وٱلرا

ب أولوا ٱللب ن عند رب نا وما يذاكار إلا بهۦ كل م

“And no one knows its true interpretation except Allah. But, those firm in

knowledge say, "We believe in it. All of it is from our Lord." And no one will be

reminded except those of understanding”(Q.S Ali Amran : 7)



Alhamdulillah, firstly, the researcher expresses to Allah SWT the

greatest gratefulness for all the blessing and chances given so that I could finally

finish this thesis as one of the requirements to get undergraduate degree

(S.1).secondly, sholawat and salam always be given to my prophet Muhammad


The researcher realizes that this thesis would have not been completed

without the help, advice and guidance frommany people. Therefore, in this

opportunity the researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude the

following paties and their contribution:

1. Dr. H. HadriHasan, MA., as the Rector of the State Islamic University of

SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj.Armida, M. Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of TheState Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Dr. H. Lukman Hakim, M.Pd. as The Vice of Academic Affair Dean Faculty

of Education and Teacher Training, Dr. Zawaqi Afdhal Jamil, M. Pd.I as The

Vice of General Administration Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training, and Dr. H. Kemas Imron Rosadi, M. Pd.,as The Vice of Students

Affair Dean Faculty of Education and Teacher Training.

4. Amalia Nurhasanah, M. Hum as the Chairwoman of English Education


5. All lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The State

Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. All lecturer of the English Department for teaching precious knowledge,

sharing philosophy of live and giving wonderful experience.


It is expected that this thesis will give contribution to the Students of

English Education Program especially in learning process. Then, the researcher

realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect.

For that reason, the researcher hope constructive critics and suggestion

from readers for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives

guidance and blessing to us. Amin YaRabbalAlamin.

Jambi, October 2018


Dian Mustika




Nama : Dian Mustika

Jurusan : PendidikanBahasaInggris

Judul : Aktivitas Pengajaran dari Pemahaman Membaca di Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis aktivitas yang

diterapkan oleh guru dalam mengajar pemahaman membaca di kelas sepuluh

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi.Metode dalam penelitian ini

menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan deskriptif

kualitatifuntuk menganalisis aktivitas belajar pemahaman membaca dalam proses

pengajaran yang dilakukanoleh guru dikelas X IPA 1 dan X IPS 2. Instrumen

yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah wawancara, observasi dan

dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ada beberapa jenis

aktifitas yang diterapkan guru yaitu menggunakan multimedia, memehami text

dengan proses dan menggunakan strategi yang komunikatif. Sebagai hasil pertama

aktivitas pengajaran menggunakan multimedia terdiri dari gambar dan

video.Kedua, aktivitas pengajaran memahami text dengan proses terdiri dari

membaca tugas, menterjemah dan menceritakan kembali. Ketiga, aktivitas

pengajaran menggunakan strategi yang komunikatif terdiri dari Tanya jawab,

berdiskusi dan Tanya jawab berdasarkan text.

Kata Kunci :Aktivitas Pengajaran, Pemahaman Membaca.



Name : Dian Mustika

Study Program : English Education Program

Title : The Teaching Activities of Reading Comprehension at Madrasah

Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi.

The purpose of this research was to find out types of teaching activities

applied by English teacher in teaching reading comprehension at the tenth grade at

Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Insan Cendekia Jambi. The design of this

research was descriptive qualitative. The researcher applied descriptive qualitative

to analyze activities of reading comprehension conducted by an English teacher

atscience class 1and social class 2 in teaching. The techniques for collecting data

were interview, observationand documentation. The finding of this research

indicated that there various type activities conducted by teacher namely; using

multimedia, comprehension by the process and using communicative strategy. As

a first result, teaching activities of using multimedia consist of pictures and

videos. Second, teaching activities of comprehension the text by process consist

of read a task, translation, re-telling. Third, teaching activities of using

communicative strategies consist of question and answer, discussion, question and

answer based on a text.

Keywords: Teaching Activities, Reading Comprehension.



TITLE COVER .......................................................................................... i

PAGE TITLE .............................................................................................. ii

OFFICIAL NOTE ....................................................................................... iii

THESIS APPROVAL ................................................................................. iv

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ........................................................ v

DEDICATION ............................................................................................. vi

MOTTO ....................................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... ix

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... xi

ABSTRAC ................................................................................................... xii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................ xv

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................ xvi


A. Background of Problem .......................................................... 1

B. Limitation of Problem .............................................................. 3

C. Formulation of Problem ........................................................... 3

D. Purpose of Research ................................................................. 3

E. Significances of Research ........................................................ 4


A. Theory of Teaching .................................................................. 5

B. The Roles of Teacher ............................................................... 7

C. The Criteria of A Good Teacher .............................................. 10

D. Reading .................................................................................... 12

E. Reading Comprehension ......................................................... 14

F. Kinds of Activities Used in Teaching Reading ........................ 21


G. Islamic Senior High School (MAN)InsanCendekia Jambi .... 23

H. Curriculum In Reading Comprehension .................................. 23

I. Review of Related study ......................................................... 24


A. Design of Research .................................................................. 26

B. Setting and Subject of Research .............................................. 26

C. Kinds and Source of Data ....................................................... 27

D. Technique of Collecting Data .................................................. 28

E. Technique of Data Analysis .................................................... 30


A. Findings

1. Observation ........................................................................ 31

2. Interview ............................................................................ 41

3. Documentation ................................................................... 44

B. Discussion

1. Applying Teacher Activities in Teaching Reading

Comprehension ................................................................ 45

2. The Criteria of A Good Teacher ........................................ 53


A. Conclusion ............................................................................... 57

B. Suggestion ................................................................................ 58

C. Schedule of Research ............................................................... 59

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 60






Table 1 : Teaching Activities of Reading Comprehension ....... 40

Table 2 :Research Schedule ...................................................... 59



Appendix I Interview ............................................................... 1

Appendix II Interview Transcription ....................................... 2

Appendix IIIObservation Field Note ...................................... 8

Appendix IV Observation Checklist ........................................ 13

Appendix V Result of Observation Checklist .......................... 15

Appendix VI Material of Descriptive Text ............................. 17

Appendix VIISchool Profile .................................................... 19

Appendix VIII Photos Documentation .................................... 21

Appendix IX Videos Documentation ....................................... 24




A. Background of Problem

Language is one of the most important thing’ to communicate among

people. Without language people in the world cannot share their ideas and express

their feeling to other. It means that language cannot be apart from human being

due to the important role which is not only in business, job, organization, school

but the languages exist in every part of human life. According to Sarjan (2016,

p.1) “Communication is important, so human being should learn how to

communicate correctly”. Communication will be easy if the sender and the

receiver understand the information delivered.

English is an international language. Learning English is very important

for everybody in the world especially for learners. Ahmad (2016, p.479) state that

English is a language that has been widely accepted as the largest language in the

world. As a result, Indonesian government has decided English as a foreign

language as a subject in Junior high school, senior high school, and university in

Indonesia. There are four skills in process of teaching and learning in a classroom.

There are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking and writing refers to

productive skills while reading and listening refers to receptive skills.

Reading is very important to be learned by students. By reading the

students get the message from the text. In the process of reading there are

interaction between the reader and a text which they read. According to Alyousef

(2005, p.144) reading is interactive process involved a reader and a text effect

automatically. In process of reading the students not only can read the text

correctly but also the students should be able to get the point from the text they

read. On the other hand they can get much more information by comprehending

the text they read. To comprehend the text students should find detail information

on the text.



Reading comprehension is the goal of reading, but it can be the most

difficult skill to master, especially for English language learners. Teachers are the

guide for students in teaching reading comprehension. In teaching reading teacher

have one important role to make students comprehend the text especially those

who lack vocabulary which is of course difficult for them to get meaning from the

text. As a model teacher should create a good activity to build students motivation

in classroom activity of reading comprehension.

Teaching reading is a process where a teacher as a model to transfer

material for students. According to mudzielwana (2012, p. 9) “the purpose of

teaching is not to teach learners how to memorize facts or to know all the answers

but to get learners to understand the text”. Therefore, teachers need to be aware of

how to apply reading comprehension activities effectively. I believe that a teacher

can make a reading classroom to be effective.

Moreover, Reading activities are commonly used in teaching reading.

Grellet (2013, p.9) state that “using reading comprehension exercise allows

students to evaluate and improve their reading ability”. There are three stage of

reading comprehension activities that can be used by teacher. There are pre

reading activities, whilst reading activities and post reading activities. So as a

teacher should provide example of activities that can be done at each stage.

Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Insan Cendekia is a popular school in

Jambi Province. MAN Insan Cendekia is a High Level National School. This

school use Curriculum 2013. The students of this school have a high level

intelligence. They are like reading a text very much. Some of students more easily

comprehend the text. They always get high score in English. This is of course

contributed from the great English teacher, the activity create by English teacher

and how the teacher apply a good atmosphere during reading (activities of reading

comprehension ) pre-reading, whilst-reading and post reading activity during the




In this research, the researcher want to know what kind of activities in

teaching reading comprehension done by the teacher at Islamic Senior High

School (MAN) Insan Cendekia. It is important for the teacher especially for the

researcher to improve their students’ reading comprehension later.

The researcher, therefore, wanted to analyze the teaching activities applied

by teacher to teach reading comprehension. It is interesting because the result of

the teaching activities of reading comprehension can be model for other schools

and English teachers. Based on the explanation above, the researcher was

interested in conducting research entitled “The Teaching Activities of Reading

Comprehension at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi“.

B. Limitation of Problem

In this research, the research limited the research in several ways. The

researcher only focused on teaching activities of reading comprehension during

the class. The researcher focused on the first grade students of Islamic senior high

school (MAN) Insan Cendekia Jambi.

C. Formulation of Problem

Based on the overview above, the researcher formulated the problem as


What are kinds of teaching activities executed by teacher of Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi to teach reading comprehension?

D. Purposes of Research

The purposes of this research were:

To find out teaching activity of reading comprehension conducted by English

teacher at Islamic senior high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia Jambi.



E. Significances of Research

1. Teacher

The research is expected to trigger the teacher to reflect his teaching

activities of reading comprehension and to share his tips and tricks to teach


2. Students

The research could be useful information to the students who learn English

as a Foreign Language. It helps them to improve their motivation and

competence in Learning English especially in reading skill.

3. Researcher

Theoretically, it could be used as a reference for other researchers to

conduct a research in teaching reading comprehension. It also helps

researcher to prepare herself to be a good teacher.




A. Theory of Teaching

According to Shulman in Maclellan and Soden (2012, p.110) the

knowledge needed for teaching is of three types: content knowledge (knowledge

of the subject matter to be taught), pedagogical knowledge (knowledge how to

teach in general terms) and finally pedagogical content knowledge (knowledge of

how to teach that is specific to what is being taught). Pedagogical content

knowledge includes: knowledge of how to structure and represent academic

content for teaching; knowledge of the common conceptions, misconceptions and

difficulties that learners may have when learning particular content and

knowledge of the specific strategies that can be used to address learner needs in

particular classroom circumstances.

Wilson and Peterson (2006, p.11) state that “teaching is shared work

between students and teachers (teachers still have responsibility for making sure

that students learn”. Cooperative learning, team learning, and reciprocal teaching

but a few examples of the many ways classroom work can be distributed. Teacher

would have to understand when and how to manage classroom. Teaching might

proceed on the basis of different families of learning theory; philosophical

theories of learning (mental discipline, unfold, approbation).

Education is very important for learners because they need knowledge to

gain information. It is a challenge for teacher to teach them more. Mc Gonigal

(2005, p.1) state that “no matter what you teach, you face the challenge of

bringing students from point A what they currently know to point B the learning

goals of a course. In many courses, the distance between points A and B is huge,

and the path is not obvious”. Students must not only acquire new skills and

information, but also radically transform their approach to thinking and learning.



S.C.T. Clarke has formulated a general theory of teaching. It assumes that

teaching is process which is designed and performed to produce change in

behavior of students. Teaching activities can be very diverse and vary also at

different levels of teaching and objectives. All these combinations are possible in

teaching process. D.G. Ryan has tried to explain the concept of teacher behavior

and formulated a theory of teacher behavior. M. Meux and B.O. Smith have

defined the term teacher behavior. “Teacher behavior consists of those acts that

the teacher performs typically in the classroom in order to induce-learning”.

Theory of teacher behavior also explains the relationship of variables; it is based

upon two postulates.

Teaching can be defined as interaction between the teacher and the taught

as far as it is related to imparting of the knowledge to the students, to cover almost

every aspect of education which the students are expected to learn from a teacher

and which the teacher will teach them using all the teaching techniques and aids

available to teach. This includes motivation, encouragement and character

building of the students. Teaching is viewed as a process of interaction between

teacher and students within a superior subordinate relationship.

Teaching is governed by the expectation that learning will result from the

process of interaction. It means that Teaching as a face to face encounter between

two or more persons, teacher intends to effect certain changes in the other

participants (students). Teaching is transfer of material from teacher to students.

Transfer material to students by giving example base on their condition or

experience. It is easy for them to get what the teacher talk and they will be easy to

memorizing the material. Some students have different level to receive knowledge

so a teacher must be smarter to set effective way to overcome all of problem may


Teaching is a complex process it does not only give the information from

the teacher to the students. There are many activities that can be doing especially

when the process of teaching and learning in the classroom. According to Harmer

(2004, p.107) teaching is about the transmission of knowledge from teacher to

students. Not only to teach students, teacher’ have be a model. For example,



teacher managing the class, standing in front of the class, moving around the

classroom and helping the students when they need.

In conclusion teaching is activities that are designed and performed to

produce change in student’s behavior. In teaching there a lot of activities that can

be done by teacher such us; question answer, discussion, individual assignment.

Different level such us; memorizing, analyzing, evaluating. All of that include in

cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

B. The Roles of Teacher

Teacher’ is a facilitator of teaching and learning process. Teacher have

important role to make students feel enjoying during classroom activities. The

roles of teacher are;

1. Controller

When teachers act as controllers, they are in charge of the class and of

the activity taking place and are often leading from the front. Controllers take

the register, tell students things, organize drills, read aloud and in various

other ways exemplify the qualities teacher-fronted classroom.

Of course, there are times when acting as a controller. For example,

when giving explanation, organizing question and answer work, teachers

making announcements or bringing a class to order. Indeed, such leadership

may have a highly beneficial effect on a group, especially in the early stages.

In many educational contexts the most common teacher role and many

teachers fail to go beyond it since controlling the role they are used to and are

most comfortable with. Yet this is a pity because by sticking to one node of

behavior, we deny ourselves and the students many other possibilities and

modes of learning which are good not only for learning itself, but also for our

student enjoyment of that learning.

2. Prompter

Sometime when they are involved in a role-play activity for example,

students lose the thread of what is going on, or they are lost for words' (for

example; they may still have the thread but be unable to proceed productively

for lack of vocabulary). They may not be quite sure how to proceed. Hold



back and let them work things out for themselves or instead, nudge' them

forward in a discreet and supportive way? If we opt for the latter, we are

adopting some kind of a prompting role.

3. Participant

The traditional picture of teachers during student discussions, role-

plays or group decision making activities, is people who stand back from the

activity, letting the learners get on with it and only intervening later to offer

feedback and/or correct mistakes. However, there are also times when we

might want to join in an activity not (only) teacher, but also as a participant in

our own right.

There are good reasons why we might want to take part in a

discussion, for example. It means that we can live things up from the inside

instead of always having to prompt or organize from outside the group. When

it goes well, students enjoy having the teacher with them, and for the teacher,

participating is often more enjoyable than acting as a resource.

The danger when teachers act as participants, of course, is that they

can easily dominate the proceedings. This is hardly surprising since teachers

usually have more English at their disposal than their students do. But it is

also due to the fact that even in the most egalitarian classroom, the teacher is

still frequently perceived of as 'the authority' and tends to be listened to with

greater attention than other students.

4. Resource

In some activities it is inappropriate for teacher to take on any of the

roles. Suppose that the students are involved in a piece of group writing, or

they are preparing for presentation they are to make to the class. In such

situations, having the teacher lake part, or try to control them, or even turn up

to prompt them might be entirely unwelcome.



However, the students may still have need of their teacher as a

resource. They might need to ask how to say or write something or ask what a

word or phrase means. They might want to know information in the middle of

an activity about that activity or they might want information about where to

look for something a book or a website for example. This is where we can be

one of the most important resources they have.

5. Tutor

When students are working on longer projects, such as process reading

or preparation for a talk or a debate, we can work with individuals or small

group pointing them in directions they have not yet thought of taking. In such

situations, we are combining the roles of prompter and resource in other

words, acting as a tutor.

Is difficult to be a tutor in a very large group since the term implies a

more intimate relationship than that of a controller or organizer. However,

when students are working in small groups or in pairs we can go round the

class and, staying briefly with a particular group or individual, offer the sort of

general guidance we are describing. Care needs to be taken, however, to

ensure that as many individuals or groups as possible are seen, otherwise the

students who have not had access to the tutor may begin to feel aggrieved.

In order to get students to read enthusiastically in class, teacher need to

work to create interest in the topic and tasks. According to Harmer (2007,

p.286) “there are further roles we need to adopt when asking students to read

intensively” such as:

1. Organizer

Teacher need to tell students exactly what their reading purpose is give

the students clear instruction about how to achieve it and explain how long

their students to do this.

2. Observer

While students are reading the teacher can observe their progress

during classroom. For example teacher can around the class.



3. Feedback organizer

When students have completed the task teacher give feedback session

to check that they have completed it successfully. Teacher may start by having

them compare their answer in pairs and then ask for answer from the class in

general. Teacher also can ask students where in the text they found difficult to

understand. As a teacher we should give positive feedback when our students

get wrong answer and always give them motivation to understand the text.

4. Prompter

When students have read a text, we can prompt them to make text clear

if our students find ambiguities.

C. The Criteria of A Good Teacher

According to the government education policy teachers should be good

models in the teaching and learning process. The qualities of a good teacher are;

1. Should be knowledge in terms of what he/she is teaching

A good teacher is the one who know exactly what he is teaching. The

teacher who is knowledge will be able to teach confidently. The teacher who

is well qualified and knowledge does well in the learning process as opposed

to one who does not know his/her subject matter.

2. Should know the teaching methodologies as well as education psychology

Apart from possessing the knowledge of the subject matter/lesson, a

teacher is also expected to have skills that will enable him/her to administer

the teaching and learning process without any problem. Also the teacher is

expected to promote and nurture different potentials among pupils. Teaching

theories help the teacher to open learning opportunities to the pupils.

Therefore a teacher should effectively use the psychology of education to

facilitate the teaching/learning process.

3. Should have a sense of humour and love to his/her pupils

Having a sense of humour will make someone a successful teacher lf

you have a sense of humour, your class will be peaceful and there will be no

unnecessary conflicts. A sense of humour will attract the pupils to love the

subject and a teacher as well. Pupils will be interested to listen to a serious



teacher. The most important thing is for the teacher to love his job despite the

fact that sometimes the teaching job is associated with stress or depression.

The teacher should overcome all of these. The teacher's love to the

pupils will facilitate creation of the democratic teaching and learning process.

At the same time learning will be more interactive and natural. Also there will

be no any humiliation or victimization in the class Love will help the teacher

to create effective teaching/learning process.

4. To have positive attitude

A positive attitude is the most important thing in the teaching profession as

well as life in general. In the teaching profession there are many challenges

that a teacher is expected to face. Having positive attitude will enable a

teacher to overcome all the problems that occur in the course of teaching. For

example in the first day of teaching, one may find himself/herself aching what

they did not expect to teach and therefore not being able to teach as was

expected. The teacher should be calm and try to overcome anxieties so that his

or her teaching does not affect the pupils. Despite all these challenges, a

teacher expected to go on improving the teaching strategies.

5. Should be a role model a good teacher

A teacher should be a role model to the pupils. The teacher should

have a hard working spirit, should be diligent honest and should have good

manners so that pupils can be able to emulate. The unqualified teacher will

produce the half baked pupils while the qualified teacher will be able to

produce learners with true vision about life. For example we do not expect a

teacher to be lazy, an alcoholic, a thief, brutal, harsh and a dictator.



D. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the four necessary language skills for those learning

English as a second or foreign language. Reading is probably one of the most

important means by which we require knowledge or information from the world

around us. It means reading is viewed as an interactive process between the reader

and the writer in which the former has to understand the message of the passage

and then to decode it.

According to Nation in Meng (2009, p. 132) “Reading is a source of

learning and a source of enjoyment”. By reading we can get information from the

text and knowledge possessed by the reader interact the meaning before, during

and after reading. One most important thing we should pleasure during reading.

Therefore, reading is considered as the most difficult language skill, which

involves the interaction of multiple cognitive, meta-cognitive, linguistic and

sociolinguistic aspects.

2. Kinds of Reading

a) Reading for Information

Reading for information is to learn about a trade, politics or how to

accomplish something. In reading passage, the reader wants to know

information from the passage. It may be in for general information and

specific information. In reading general information, the reader would like

to find general information from the passage, such as topic and main idea.

In order to get general information the reader may use skimming

technique. Brown (2010, p. 213) states that skimming give reader

advantage of being able to predict the purpose of the passage, the main

topic or massage. Skimming allows students to quickly find the main idea

of a paragraph, page, chapter or article and a few but not all of the details.



b) Reading for Ideas

Reading for ideas is to get main ideas from the passage. The reader

should be careful in determining main idea, before he has to pay attention

to the whole parts of paragraph. Main idea can be placed in the beginning,

in the middle, at the end and in more than one sentence. To get the ideas

from the passage the students can use reflecting technique.

c) Reading to Escape

In this way we can use Scanning. Scanning is reading to extract

specific information or reading for general understanding. According to

Abryct (2011, P.8) Scanning is a skill that requires that reader read quickly

while looking for specific information. To scan a reading text, the reader

should start at the top of the page and then move our eyes quickly toward

the bottom. Generally, scanning is a technique that is helpful when the

reader looking for the answer to a known question. However, in order to

get specific information from the passage such as details, the reader may

use scanning technique.

d) Reading to Confirm Expectation

In order to read confidently, a reader should to know many words

on the passage. Some readers have problem with strange words that never

has they reach before. The way to find the main ideas from the passage the

reader can use predicting. Predicting is not read whole the text but predict

what the text is all about.

According to QCAA (Queensland Curriculum & Assessment

Authority 2010, P.46) predicting is “activates student’s background

knowledge about the topic and gives a purpose to reading to prove or

disprove their hypotheses.” Furthermore, harmer (2006, p. 289) predicting

is when the students predict the content of a text from a clues not from a




3. The Importance of Teaching Reading

Hedge (2003) states that any reading component of an English language

course may include a set of learning goals for;

a) The ability to read a wide range of texts in English. This is the long-

range goal most teachers seek to develop through independent readers

outside EFL/ESL classroom.

b) Building a knowledge of language which will facilitate reading ability

c) Building a schematic knowledge.

d) the ability to adapt the reading style according to reading purpose (i.e.

skimming, scanning)

e) developing an awareness of the structure of written texts in English

f) taking a critical stance to the contents of the texts

E. Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading is the process to get information from the text. While,

comprehension is the ability of readers to get meaning from the text they read. In

reading comprehension the reader should to understanding and comprehending

the text to get some point. According to RAND Reading Study Group in

Mudzielwana (2002, p.11) “comprehension is the process of extracting and

constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written

language”. It consists of three elements namely, the reader, the text, and the

activity to comprehend the text.

Furthermore, according to Paulinah (2012, p.11) “reading comprehension

as the act of understanding and interpreting the information within a text.” This

means that reading comprehension involves word knowledge, as well as thinking

and reasoning. Within the context of the study reading comprehension is

understood as the ability to read any text with understanding. Then, Cahyono in

Nurmadia (2017, p.16) state that “reading is means of transferring information

between the writer and the reader”. Therefore reading comprehension understands

a written text means extracting the required information from it as efficiently as




According to Wolley (2011, p.15) Reading comprehension "is the process

of making meaning from text". Reading with comprehension means

understanding what has been read. It is an active, thinking process that depends

not only on comprehension skills but also on the student’s experiences and prior

knowledge. Comprehension involves understanding the vocabulary seeing the

relationship among word and concepts, organizing ideas, recognizing the author’s

purpose, making judgments, and evaluating.

In conclusion reading comprehension is the activity both of the reader and

a text to get much information by comprehend the meaningful of within a text. In

this case the readers or the students must be enjoyable and interested during

reading a text. The reader should be comprehended the text to build a new


2. Level of Comprehension

According to Heilmann, Blain and Rupley (in Arwan, 2016, p.6) there are

three level of comprehension, they are; Literal Comprehension, Interpretive

Comprehension and Critical Comprehension.

a) Literal Comprehension

It involves surface meaning. In this level, students have to find out

information and understand the ideas that are explicitly stated in the text.

In addition, it also appropriate to test vocabulary. The students’ abilities in

this level are:

(1) Knowledge of word meaning,

(2) Recall the details directly stated or paraphrase in own words,

(3) Understanding of grammatical clues-subject, verb, pronoun and


(4) Recall of main ideas explicitly stated

(5) Knowledge of sequence of information presented in the passage.



b) Interpretive Comprehension

In this level, students have to understand of ideas and information

not explicitly stated in the passage. The students’ abilities in this level the

students are:

(1) Reason with information presented to understand the author’s tone,

purpose and attitude,

(2) Infer factual information, main ideas, comparisons, cause-effect

relationship not explicitly in the passage and

(3) Summarization of story content.

c) Critical Comprehension

Students have to analyze, evaluate and personally reacting to

information presented in a passage. The students’ abilities in this level are;

personally reacting to information in a passage indicating its meaning to

the readers and analyzing and evaluating the quality of written information

in term of some standards.

3. Factors That Affect Reading Comprehension

According to Duke and Pearson (2001, p. 423) many factors affect a

student ability to comprehend text. These include;

a) Motivation.

b) Vocabulary/word knowledge/background knowledge

c) Automaticity of decoding

d) fluent reading

e) Understanding and use of strategies employed by effective readers

f) The nature of the text itself (difficulty and interest)

g) The type or genre of text (e.g., fiction, nonfiction, poetry)

h) The amount of reading done



Furthermore, Dennis in Branch (2016, p.182) state that some factors that

affect reading comprehension skill. They are:

a) Complexity of the reading text

This factor is influenced by the readers’ strength and fluency in

language and their comprehending of its applications and different

meanings. Oral abilities have a significant part in identifying how skilled a

reader can be because learners hear words and obtain a lot of vocabulary.

b) Environmental influences

The second factor related to the environmental conditions that

impact the learners who try to read a passage. Readers may have a lot of

problems to understand a text in an unorganized environment than those

who read in a calm and controlled place.

If learners are in an unsafe place, they find it difficult to focus on

their reading. When they are in safe environments, their reading

comprehension ability will better. Readers will lose their concentration in

understanding a text when there are noises like televisions or radios.

c) Anxiety during reading comprehension

The third factor is pertinent to the anxiety during reading

comprehension. Examinations, class work, or homework situations can put

more pressure on readers’ reading than reading for enjoyment. Some

learners react positively to examinations while others are overwhelmed by

the pressure to carry out a reading activity. Learners who experience this

anxiety may not completely understand the instructions and this may lead

to confusion and poor comprehension of the reading task

d) Interest and Motivation

The fourth factor is interest and motivation. Learners’ interest and

motivation are very important in developing reading comprehension skill.

If readers find the reading material monotonous, they will have a lot of

problems in concentrating on their comprehension. This can lead to a

lowering of reading comprehension among readers. If the reading material

is interesting for learners they can easily understand it and can remember it



clearly. EFL teachers should motivate their learners through providing

interesting reading materials during their class time.

e) Decoding or word recognition speed

The fifth factor is related to decoding or word recognition speed.

Readers who have problems in decoding and recognizing words read

slowly and find it more difficult to understand the meaning of passages

than those without decoding problems.

She expressed that vocabulary influences the reading

comprehension skill because readers apply decoding skills to understand

the pronunciation and meaning of words they have not seen before.

Persons who have enough vocabulary can clarify the meaning or reading

passages faster than those who should guess the meaning of unfamiliar

words according to the clues of context.

f) Medical problems

The last factor is concerned with the medical problems. According

to Hollowell in Branch (2016, p.183) “Poor reading comprehension skill

may be related to the medical difficulty that does not get addressed until

the child is older”. This involves undiagnosed ADD (attention deficit

disorder), speech problems, and hearing impairments. She emphasized that

learners with speech and hearing difficulties are less likely to take part in

oral reading and class.

4. Stages in Reading Comprehension

Classroom activities are important for a better achievement in teaching

reading skill. According to The Texas Education Agency, Lenz and Armbruster et

al in Paulinah, (2012 p.17) there are three ways of organizing comprehension

strategies and thinking about strategies that one might use. These include, before

reading, during reading and after reading.



a) Pre-Reading Activities

Abraham in medjahdi (2014, p.38) state that “maintain that an

interactive approach demands that the teachers should activate the students

schemata during the pre-reading phase by helping them recognize their

prior knowledge about the topic of the text”.

Pre-reading activities is interactional activities carried out before

students conduct the real reading activities. In pre-reading activities, there

are some activities, they are;

(a) Concerned with the student’s background knowledge,

(b) Objectives of reading class, learning activities

(c) Motivating the students.

In this stage, teachers try to activate the students’ schemata related

to the topic or explaining briefly the contents of the text. Pre-reading is to

tell students the purpose of reading and learning. Pre-reading is also to

motivate the students. Motivation in reading attracts students; attention the

text. The activities of pre-reading are activities aiming at facilitating the

students’ understanding about the reading text.

b) Whilst-Reading Activities

Teacher must apply some useful activities. Greenwood in

Medjahdi (2014, p. 40) states that “students have to learn how to read and

respond to books”. Students should be able comprehending the text

carefully to answer some question.

During reading activities are the activities that reader does while

reading take place. While reading includes:

(a) identify the main idea

(b) finding detail the text

(c) following sequence

(d) inferring from the text

(e) recognizing the discourse patterns



During reading activities are instructional activities that are going

on while reading activities are happening. Mukhroji (2011) state that there

are five activities to do while reading. The first, readers identify main idea

of the text and identifying topic sentence through skimming. Second,

readers find the details in the text and finding specific information. Third,

readers follow a sequence by relating items in particular order or process.

Fourth, readers infer from the text by trying to understand the text using

their schemata and experience. Fifth, readers recognize the discourse

patterns to understand the text holistically.

c) Post-Reading Activities

Post-reading activities are the activities conducted by a reader after

reading. In post-reading activities, student do post-question, feedback. The

post-question are more active in incidental comprehension and the

objective, since information of both greater and lesser importance is


Post-reading activities are instructional activities that the students

and teacher do after reading take place. Mukhroji (2011) point out that

post question, feedback, and group and whole class discussion are

activities that can be done in the phase of post-reading activities.

The activities function to check student’s comprehension about the

text being read. The questions after reading class activity are very

important since information of both greater and lesser important is learned.

Besides asking question, summarizing the contents of the text is also

applicable to the students. The activity of post-reading can also be in the

form of discussion. Thus, discussion can be in group or whole-class




F. Kinds of Activities Used in Teaching Reading

Carrell and Eisterhold in Alyousef (2005, p.149) state that “for the

beginning reader, the Language Experience Approach (LEA) is an excellent way

to control vocabulary, structure, and content”. The basic LEA technique uses the

students’ ideas and the students’ own words in the preparation of beginning

reading materials. The students decide what they want to say and how to say it,

and then dictate to the teacher, who acts as a scribe. LEA works because students

tend to be able to read what they have just said.

The students, in effect, write their own texts, neutralizing problems of

unfamiliar content. Another way to minimize interference from the text is to

encourage narrow reading, as suggested by Krashen. Narrow reading refers to

reading that is confined to a single topic or to the texts of a single author.

Contemporary reading tasks, unlike the traditional materials, involve three phase

procedures: pre-, while-, and post- reading stages.

1. Pre - activities

Zhang briefs that “comprehension is facilitated by explicitly

introducing schemata through pre-reading activities”. Pre reading stage helps

in activating the relevant schema. Most teachers tend to neglect the pre-

reading procedure claiming that there is not enough time. In fact, pre-reading

activities motivate students before the actual reading takes place. For example,

teachers can ask students questions that arouse their interest while previewing

the text.

Similarly, Abraham in Alyousef (2005, p.149) states that an interactive

approach “demands that the teachers activate the students’ schema” during the

pre-reading phase by helping “students recognize the knowledge that they

already have about the topic of a text”. For example, through discussion of

titles, subheadings, photographs, identifying text structure, pre viewing, etc.



2. While activities

The aim of while-reading stage (or interactive process) is to develop

students’ ability in tackling texts by developing their linguistic and schematic

knowledge. Hedge in Alyousef (2005, p.150) state that “although some

oppose the interactive activities carried during the while-reading phase, there

are only few research studies that show the “effects of intervention and their

outcomes”. Moreover, “many students report positively on the usefulness of

while-reading activities

3. Post activities

Haller in Alyousef (2005, p.150) state that “model a number of school-

based post-reading activities which enhance learning comprehension through

the use of matching exercises, cloze exercises, cut-up sentences, and

comprehension questions”. For the post activity, the teacher puts blanks in the

story in place of some of the words, usually every fifth word but not the first

or the last words in the text. A cut-up sentence activity uses sentences from

the given text and helps learners to gain confidence by manipulating the text

in various ways.

The use of lines in matching can be sometimes confusing for

beginners. Haller proposes the use of “paper strips” at the beginning where a

student is given the strips and asked to match for example a name with its

corresponding activity. Later students can work in pairs as they understand the

concept of matching and, finally, the teacher can introduce matching through

lines. For extra practice students can copy their matching word slips into

another sheet of paper.



G. Islamic senior high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia Jambi

The state Islamic Senior High School Insan Cendekia Jambi (Madrasah

Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi) is one of favorite school in Indonesia.

Islamic senior high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia has known as MAN IC or

INCEN is Islamic Senior High School that has boarding school. This school is

located in whole Indonesia in construction by the ministry of religious affairs. The

differences of Islamic senior high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia with other

schools is this school hold the principles where there must be balanced knowledge

(science and technology with faith and god fearing) in students’ life. Islamic

senior high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia is always selective when accepting

their students.

There are twenty schools named MAN Insan Cendekia in Indonesia. There

are Islamic senior high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia Serpong, Islamic senior

high school (MAN) Insan Cendikia Gorontalo, etc. Furthermore, MAN Insan

Cendekia is one of them because located in Jambi Province. This school has

accreditation A and also the school is run with national standard. The curriculum

used by this school is 2013. The total number of students is 344 student of which

consists of 25 students. The time for learning is from 7 AM to 4 PM.

H. Curriculum in Reading Comprehension

Curriculum can be defined as a system and learning approach that involve

discipline knowledge or subject for students to get advantages experience.

Nurdiana (2015, p. 18) stated that “Curriculum 2013 is curriculum based on the

attitude and competence”. Through curriculum the students should have attitude

ability and skill”.

However, Curriculum 2013 in learning English language is one the subject

must be follow by the students. The goal of curriculum 2013 in reading

comprehension the students have more ability when doing observation, explore,

questioning, associate, communicate. While, in core competence the students

should have four competence, they are; spiritual, social, knowledge, and skill.



Therefore, Curriculum 2013 in basic competence especially in reading

comprehension, the students will be able to analysis short functional text,

arranged the text, such as descriptive text and narrative text. Besides that, the

students should be show their responsibility, honesty, care and cooperation during

learning process. Finally, the teacher give the assessment base on two criteria the

first their attitude and the second their ability.

I. Reviews of Related Study

The first study is Akbar Azizifar (2014) the title of this research is “The

Effect of Pre-reading Activities on the Reading Comprehension Performance of

Islamic High School Students” this research used quantitative design collect the

data. The participant in this study were 60 females tenth graders whose age 15-16

years old Students. The statistical analysis was performed on two sets of data are

comprehension test taken before and after the treatment, the pre-test and post-test

scores. The results of two hypotheses of the study are the first hypothesis says that

there is no significant difference in student’s achievement between first and

second applications for the pre-reading activities. The second hypothesis states

that pre-reading questioning activity does not facilitate reading comprehension

better than vocabulary definitions.

The second study is Winantri Aning (2006) the title is “An Analysis of

Teaching Learning Activities of Reading Comprehension in English Text Book

for first year Junior High School” In this study, the writer is interested to analyze

the teaching learning activities of reading comprehension in junior high school

English textbook published by Yudhistira. In detail, this study is attended to

elaborate (1) teaching learning activities of reading for the first year junior high

school textbooks. In this study, the writer used descriptive design to know the

teaching and learning activities of reading comprehension in certain textbooks.

The population was all of the English textbook in the first year junior high school

based on the 2006 English curriculum and the sample of this research are English

on Sky, The Bridge English Competence, and Flaying Start, English textbook for

first year junior high school published by Yudhistira. The instruments used are

documentation. The finding of this research shown that Teaching learning



activities of reading comprehension in “The Bridge English Competence”

textbook published by Yudhistira consist of reading the number, answering the

question True (T) or False (F) based on the text, reading the text, answering the

question based on the text, reading the sentences with the correct pronunciation,

reading a dialogue, answering the question based on the dialogue.

In this research focus on teaching activities in the classroom, but

researcher only focuses on analyzing teaching activities on reading

comprehension done by teacher at Islamic senior high school (MAN) Insan

Cendekia Jambi. The different of this research and the other research is the

Researcher want to know teaching activities of reading comprehension conducted

by English teacher at Islamic senior high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia Jambi.

The similarity between this study and previous study is all about process of

teaching activities reading comprehension.




This chapter aims to present the methods of the research to investigate

teaching activities of reading comprehension. This chapter also discusses the

Research Design, Setting of the Research, Subject of the Research, Kinds and

Source of the Data, Technique of Collecting Data and Technique of Data


A. Design of Research

The purpose of the research is to analyze the activities applied by an

English teacher in teaching reading comprehension at the tenth grade of the state

Islamic senior high school Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi. This

research used qualitative descriptive as a design of research because research

focuses on analyzing activities of reading comprehension at Islamic senior high

school (MAN) Insan Cendekia Jambi. It means this research was focused on

phenomenon in the school environment as in the fact as clear as possible without

manipulation. According to Arifin (2011, p.140) qualitative research is carried out

in natural setting without manipulating the data. By using qualitative method, the

researcher hope to get data cleared and sure.

B. Setting and Subject of Research

1. Setting

The research of this study was conducted at Islamic Senior High School

(MAN Insan Cendekia) Jambi. It is located in Jl. Lintas Jambi - Muara Bulian

KM. 21 Pijoan, Jambi Luar Kota. Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi

is among the 20 of the MAN Insan Cendekia in Indonesia. This is a favorite

school for students in the outside who want to continue their school. Not only the

teacher but also the students from this school have high level intelligence

especially in English. The students of MAN Insan Cendekia earned many

achievements for their English competencies, such as; Debate, Olympiads and




2. Subject

Subject of this research was an English teacher at MAN Insan Cendekia

who teaches at tenth grade in Islamic senior high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia

Jambi. The teacher named who teach at the tenth grade is Mr. Didik Setiaji. In this

research, the researcher took two classes where teacher teach. There were; science

class 1 and social class 2. One class consisted of 27 students. The researcher took

two different classes because to know the teacher applied the same activity or not.

C. Kinds and Source of the Data

a. Kinds of Data

a. Primary Data

Primary data is the data taken by researcher from informants who

know clearly and detailly about that problems that will be researched

(Moleong 2008, p.3). It could be information about teaching activities of

reading comprehension. Researcher got primary data from interview and

used the observation both of students and teacher in teaching activities of

reading comprehension at first grade Islamic senior high school (MAN)

Insan Cendekia Jambi.

b. Secondary Data

Secondary data is the data taken from documents and opinion.

Researcher asked documents from English Teachers about activities of

reading comprehension. So the researcher could analyze about the

teaching activities of reading comprehension at second grade Islamic

senior high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia Jambi.

b. Sources of Data

The researcher collected the source of data in this research from some

source. There were; documents, condition, interview with English teacher at

second grade MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi and also observation both of

teacher and students in teaching activity during reading comprehension.



D. Technique of Collecting the Data

One stage that most important things when do a research is collecting

the data because the goal of the research is get the data. According to Creswell

(2014, p. 239) “the collection procedures in qualitative research involve

observation, interview and documentation”.

1. Observation

The researcher analyzed all of the activities applied by the teacher

during the teaching learning activities of reading comprehension Therefore,

for collecting the data researcher used field note to observe. According to

Creswell (2006, p.239) observation is when the researcher takes field notes on

the behavior and activities of individuals at the research site. In field note the

researcher record and ask general question to participant.

Field note is all of the data taken from object of the research.

According to Friska (2014, p.59) field note is the researcher should make a

note about all event during the research. In this stage the researcher made note

about all of the activity applied by the teacher during the lesson teaching

learning activities of reading comprehension.

The researcher took filed notes a teacher that include ; the style of

teacher in teaching English, how the teacher opened the class until closing and

all the activity applied by teacher, etc. Then, researcher took a picture or

videos as evident. The researcher made field note to supporting the

observation. The researcher observed two classes where teacher teach.

In observation stage, the goal of research were to observed the teacher

activities in teaching reading, to get a new knowledge form the teacher in

reading class, to know how the teacher taught their students in reading

comprehension and how the teacher handled their class during the lesson from

opening until closing.



2. Interview

Sugiyono ( 2008, p.231) stated that interview is a meeting of two

persons to exchange information and idea through responses, resulting in

communication and joint construction of meaning about a particular topic.

Before interview, the researcher prepared the questions to get more

information about all of things on teaching activities of reading

comprehension from teacher.

In interview stage, the researcher conducted face to face interview with

the teacher to get some information that were needed for the research.

Researcher asked some question that related to the problem of research.

During the interview the researcher took note used tape recorder. The goal of

interview is to comparing teacher statement and teaching activities applied by

English teacher during observation.

3. Documentation

Documentation is mean that things on written. According to Arikunto

(2009, p.149) documentation is data source that in form written like books,

magazines, documents. The researcher used documentation to supporting the

observation and interview to collecting the data. In documentation section, the

researcher took the data from files written and picture.

Therefore, there were some documents can help the researcher to

collecting the data such as the material of lesson, school profile. The goal of

documentation was to collecting the pictures and videos to supporting the

research as evident of the research.



E. Technique of Data Analysis

Qualitative data is the process of arranging the data to be systematic.

According to Creswell (2006, p.245) A discussion method in a qualitative

proposal needs also to specify the steps in analyzing the various forms of

qualitative data. The researcher managed the data to present the result with

others by making conclusion. Then, it could be easy to be understood by the

researcher and a reader.

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is the process of summarizing the data, choosing the

main of points just focuses on the important things and throw the data which is

not needed during data collection. In this process the researcher concentrated

with the activities of reading comprehension found by the researcher.

2. Data Display

After the data is collected and reduced the researcher should go to the

next steps is displaying the data. Usman (2009, p.85) state that “data display

is organized the data into chart or graphic”. In this process the researcher

display the data to facilitating the researcher and a reader to understanding.

3. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

The last step to analyzing activity for the qualitative research is

conclusion drawing and Verification. Here, the researcher made the

conclusion about the process of teaching activities in reading comprehension

and how the teacher handled the class during reading activities The researcher

made the conclusion which was valid and supported with the evident that the

researcher founding.




This chapter presents findings and discussion of research. The findings of

the research covers the analysis of teaching activities of reading comprehension

and the result of interview, observation and documentation in teaching reading

comprehension process.

A. Findings

1. Observation

The researcher conducted observation in three meetings to get data about

teaching reading activities applied by English teacher at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri

Insan Cendekia Jambi. The researcher observed teacher teaching at two classes,

they were; X science class 1, X social class 2. The After collecting the data,

researcher found some activities applied by teacher. Here are the kinds’ activities

of reading comprehension conducted by the English teacher:

a) Using Multimedia

Teacher applied this activity in the first meeting. The teacher used

multimedia to transfer the lesson to students. There are some multimedia

applied by teacher, there were; picture, videos and song. Teacher used the

media to make students easy to understand the material. Albert R declared that

teaching learning by using multimedia is not only helping teacher in

delivering the target language but also motivating the students in learning

where it provide audio and visual materials that make the students attract to

the lesson and give more attention to it.

(1) Picture

Teacher introduced the material (descriptive text) by showing

some pictures about tourism places. It was done to help the students

easy to describe descriptive text. By giving a picture, the teacher hope

that the students would easy to understand the material.



There are some pictures that teacher showed to students. For

example; picture of Borobudur temple, prambanan temple and other

picture places. Teacher also asked some questions when showing picture.

The questions were; where is the place you have ever visited? , how long

you came there? , with whom you go there? , when did you go there?,

Teacher showed some pictures trough television. It was help students to be

comfortable during teaching process. The purpose of picture is to check

students’ prior knowledge, accommodate students’ multiple intelligences,

and give the concrete visualization.

(2) Videos

Not only gave pictures, teacher also gave some videos about

the material. Sometime, teacher managed interesting videos to give

students opportunities such as; to encouraged students mind, opened

students’ schema, to gained students ideas. Teacher gave videos that

related to the topic. Teacher created the videos by himself and all

students enjoyed when watch video. The teacher created fun and

interest videos to attract students mind before teacher explain the

lesson. Teacher also put the song as background of videos but teacher

did not give videos to long duration to students.

b) Comprehension the Text by Process

After gave pictures and videos, teacher explained the material of

descriptive text. This activity applied by teacher to know students

comprehend the text or not. There were some activities to make students

comprehension the text, namely; read a task, translation and re-telling.

(1) Read a task

Read a task was conducted in two meeting. Teacher asked

students to write simple descriptive text before teacher explained more.

Teacher applied this activity to allow students read their simple

descriptive text in front of the class. When students finished this

activity, teacher gave students comment. Such as; giving the example



how to pronouncing well in English word. Teacher applied this activity

after showed picture and videos to students.

(2) Translation

The teacher conducted this activity twice while giving a new

text to students. Teacher gave a text to students on the television.

Before that, he asked students to focus on the television. Then, teacher

explained carefully about the text until students really understand.

Teacher explained the material with clear instruction and definition.

When teacher explained, he asked the students about the meaning of

each sentences.

Teacher and students tried to translating the sentences together.

It was done to attracted students more active in the class. From the

interview, it is known that the teacher believed Freeman’s in Fitria

(2013, p. 96) states that “translation is ineffective since students are

indeed focus on meaning already”. When translated the text, each

students more active to share their opinion about the text. Researcher

saw all students was focus on the text.

(3) Retelling a text

The teacher conducted this activity once meeting. Before that,

teacher asked students to read their simple paragraph. But here, teacher

asked each student to perform in front of class without the text.

Teacher asked them to memorize their descriptive text. When students

performed, teacher found some words that they read incorrectly.

Then, teacher explained to students how to pronounce well by

writing in the white board. Teacher also appreciated with students

worked by saying “good, thank you”. Not only all students can

perform on this meeting but the students were also able to perform

without a text. Then, teacher talked to students that performance would

be continued to the next meeting



c) Using Communicative Strategies

The teacher used this activity to communicate with their students.

This is very important to make no space between teacher and students.

Teacher should create good environment in the classroom. For example,

joking and laughing to students. Based on description above, activities

applied by teacher consist of motivating students, introducing the topic,

explaining the topic and all activity conducted with this activity.

In this stage at the first meeting teacher entered the class on time.

After that, teacher greeted the students by saying “Assalamualaikum

warahmatullhi wabharakthu” and all students responded by saying

“Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakthu”. Then, teacher checked

students’ attendance. Before beginning the teaching and learning process,

teacher gave students motivation and joking students to laugh together.

(1) Question and Answer

Question and answer was conducted in the entire meetings.

The teacher did this activity in greeting the students, checking

students’ attendance, reviewing previous lessons, discussing the text,

and attracting students’ attention. Researcher found that, teacher asked

each students about the place they have ever visited. There were some

questions, namely; where is the place you have ever visited?, how long

you came there ?, with whom you go there ?, when did you go there?

etc. Researcher saw all students were active when answered.

Then, teacher asked students to make simple paragraph of

descriptive text about tourist places. Teacher gave 10 minutes for each

of students to do their task. When students made descriptive text

teacher moved around the class and checked students’ task. There were

some interaction between teacher and students when students make the

task. For example, students asked to teacher about the English word

that they don’t know. Then, teacher helped them to find it.



Brown’s in Fitria (2013, p. 97) state that “question and answer

allows students to interact with others more creatively”. In last of the

lesson teacher gave feedback to students. Teacher asked students who

don’t understand about the material. Teacher also asked the students

difficulties that related to the topic. Then, teacher asked students to

learn more at home.

(2) Answer Question based on the Text

After teacher explained the material and all students

understood, teacher gave paper of descriptive text to student. Teacher

prepared the text and gave students one by one the text. Then, he asked

students to answer the questions based on the text. Teacher gave time

for students to do their assignment. Teacher moved around the class

and checked students answered. Teacher also helped students’ who has

ambiguities questions.

(3) Discussion

In this activity, teacher gave students paper of questions that

they answered last week in randomly. After that, teacher and students

discussed to find the correct answer. When discussed, researcher saw

all students were active. Teacher should be a fair when students found

different answer. Teacher should make ambiguities questions to be

clearly. Teacher should know more from students to find the answer.

Teacher also can answer the question from students of they have any

opinion. In addition, teacher should handle all the activity on the class.



In observation, researcher made the teaching activities applied

by teacher in three stages. There were; pre activities, while activities

and post activities.

Activity Description Times



Opening activity

The teacher came to the class on time and greeted

the students.

The teacher checked students’ attendance.

The teacher gave students motivation and joking

students to laugh together.

The teacher introduced the material (descriptive

text) by showing some pictures about tourism


The teacher also gave some videos about the

material. Teacher also asked some questions when

showing picture. The questions were; what is it?,

where is the located of picture?, do you have ever

been there?, and etc.

25 minutes

While activity

The teacher asked each student about the place they

have ever visited. There were some questions,

namely; where is the place you have ever visited? ,

how long you came there? , with whom you go

there? , when did you go there.

The teacher asked students to make simple

paragraph of descriptive text about tourist places.

The teacher gave 10 minutes for each of students to

do their task.

50 minutes



The teacher moved around the class and checked

students’ task.

The teacher asked some students to read their

simple descriptive text. Teacher appreciated with

students worked by saying “good, thank you”.

The teacher explained the material by explain of

definition, generic structure and language structure

analysis of descriptive text. Teacher explained the

material in detail to students.

The teacher also gave some examples of descriptive

text to students.

Teacher and students discussed the text together.

The teacher and students translated the part of

sentences from the text to getting information from

the text.

Post activity

The teacher gave feedback to students.

The teacher asked students who don’t understand

about the material.

The teacher asked students to make again

descriptive text about tourist places.

The teacher asked them to make the task based on

they own word. Students also not allowed copying

the text from internet.

The teacher also said the totally of task should 1000

thousand words. Then, the bell was ringing.

Teacher closed the material by saying thank you to


10 minutes





Opening activity

The teacher opened the class by greeting the


The teacher checking students attended and

motivating students.

The teacher asked to students they have homework

or not. There are some students answered they had

not yet.

The teacher gave time for students who don’t finish

their homework.

The teacher opened the material about descriptive

text used media television.

Teacher showed the example of descriptive text and

asked students to saw the television.

20 minutes

While activity

The teacher gave a text to students on the television.

The teacher asked students to focus on the


The teacher explained carefully about the material

until students really understand.

Teacher explained the material by explaining each

paragraph for descriptive text material with clear

instruction and definition.

The teacher asked the students about the meaning of

each sentences. Teacher and students tried to

translating the sentences together.

The teacher gave paper of descriptive text to

student. Teacher prepared the text and gave students

one by one the text.

60 minutes



The teacher asked students to answer the questions

based on the text.

The teacher gave time for students to do their


The teacher moved around the class and checked

students answered.

The teacher also helped students’ who has

ambiguities questions.

Post activity

The teacher asked students to collecting their task.

Teacher talked to students to learn more after the

lesson. Time was over.

10 minutes



Opening activity

The teacher entered the class on time.

The teacher greeted the students and smiled to


The teacher checked students attending. Before

beginning the teaching and learning process he

always gave students motivation, joking to students

and laughing together.

15 minutes

Teacher opened the lesson and he asked the

students to tell about the material last week.

The teacher gave students paper of questions that

they answered last week in randomly.

The teacher and students discusses to find the

correct answer. When discussed researcher saw all

students were active.

The teacher asked the students about the descriptive

text they had written last week.

65 minutes



Teacher asked each student to perform in front of

the class without a text. Teacher asked them to

memorize their descriptive text. When students

performed, teacher found some words that they read


The teacher explained to students how to pronounce

well by writing in the white board. Not only all

students can perform but the students were also able

to perform without a text.

Post activity

The teacher talked to students that performance

would be continued to the next meeting.

Teacher asked to the students did they understand

about the material and the students answered they

understood. The lesson was over.

10 minutes

Table 1: Teaching activities of reading comprehension

As long teacher observed, teacher combine the social class and

science class. Then, researcher found that, teacher applied the same

activity both two class. But, teacher gave different text to students. In

science class, teacher gave the text of descriptive text too long, more

difficult from social class. Based on description above, the researcher

saw students in science class more active in social class.



2. Interview

The researcher interviewed the subject (an English teacher at Madrasah

Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi). The researcher used interview to get the

data about English teacher’s activities in teaching reading comprehension. The

interview was held on Wednesday, September 12 2018.

The result of interview first question the researcher asked teacher’s

opinion about teaching reading activities. The answer is below:

“Teaching is not only gave comprehend the text in the form of sentences,

paragraph arrangements but also opening up students' perception so reading also

provides learning for students to know many things that related to the topics we

teach in class, so reading also teaches students to gain broader perception related

to some things or topics that we talk about”.

Researcher found that opening student’s perception in reading is perceived

as the most important thing by the teacher.

The result of interview second question the researcher asked about kind of

activities and how he applies reading activities and teacher answered is as follow:

“The activities that commonly I applied were giving students a text

reading for example about tourist places. Then asked students to read and found

the meaning of text based on sentences of sentences. After students understand I

asked students to make text different but with the same topic. Then, asked them to

read in front of the class. Then, I gave students text and asked students answered

some questions”.

The result of interview third question the researcher asked about his

difficulties in teaching reading comprehension and how his handle it and teacher


“Sometime, students’ were difficult to understand meaning of text because

students lack in vocabulary. To overcome that I give them a chance to guess the

meaning for interpret first before we give the real meaning based on the

dictionary. So students were not always recommended to opened a dictionary and

then search for the meaning but teach them to guess, guessing what it means to a




The result of interview fourth question the researcher asked about how his

facilitates students when learning reading and teacher answered:

“I usually use handbooks if students having books. Then, I give them a text

one by one and asked them to discuss about the text. But sometime I facilitate

them by using media like television”.

The result of interview fifth questions the researcher asked about how his

direct the students during reading class and teacher answered:

“Directing students in reading material especially when students read a

text there are some word that they read or they pronounced not correctly. I

usually write in the whiteboard how to pronounce well. Sometime I invited

students to translating the text that ambiguities for them together”

The result of interview six questions the researcher asked about how his

evaluate their students and teacher answered:

“In teaching reading we should give something new, interest, up to date

topic to make them enjoying during reading because it is important to overcome

students bored”.

The result of interview seven questions the researcher asked about how

teacher arranged reading classes to make students interested and enjoy learning

reading and teacher answered:

“I usually deliver material or text that is interesting for them, for example

about tourist places, I will use media television. Then, show videos and pictures,

then I invite students to share their opinion so they don't only focus on the text”.

The result of interview eighth questions, the researcher asked about how

teacher build students' understanding when teaching reading and teacher


“Teaching reading is related to how text was formed. For example

descriptive text it has own their pattern. So first, we teach them to understand

about the structure and character. In descriptive text has identification and

description. It is the main point. So when their getting understood about the form

of identification and description I can move another instruction”.



The result of interview nine questions, the researcher asked about how his

handle students who don’t like reading and teacher answered:

“We should provide the topic that interested for students. The topic are

should something new, up-to date and have useful information for them”.

The result of interview ten questions, the researcher asked about does his

adjust the material base on the English lesson plan that he made and teacher


“RPP is a planning for teaching. When we make the RPP is not

appropriate in real situation. So, I personally do not make the lesson plan as the

main reference but I adjust the topic base on the lesson plan”.

The result of interview eleven questions, the researcher asked about how

their handle students who get low reading scores and teacher answered:

“Sometime I give them a test and try out. If whole students have difficulties

I teach them again until their understood. But if a part or some students not really

understand I approach them by giving extra assignments”.

The result of interview twelve questions, the researcher asked about does

him helping students to find the meaning of word that students don’t know and

teacher answered:

“Yes, but sometimes before telling them the true meaning I ask them to

guess what that means. If they still don't know sometimes I help them to find the


The result of interview thirteen questions, the researcher asked about does

he read other references before teaching reading and teacher answered:

“Yes, I read related with the topics. Sometime, watch television or looking

for information from the internet, magazine and newspaper”.

In addition, the result of interview fourteen questions, the researcher asked

about what the solution that he give in teaching especially in reading

comprehension and teacher answered:

“The teacher should read a lot. Like, read many references related to how

to teach reading. In reading, you don't just need to look for topics in accordance

with teacher's desire, but we adjust base on the student’s desire. Look for topics



that can appear their curiosity. Then a teacher must explore or develop reading

text be better. So that, students will have the ability to think better and reading

target students should be able to make text base on their own word”.

Researcher found that English teacher’s answer is the same as what

observed by researcher in the real classroom. Researcher saw the activity applied

by teacher was interesting. It can be seen from how the teacher handle their

students that have forgotten some vocabularies, how teacher controlled their

students in the class. Both interview answer and fact in the classroom are very


3. Documentation

Based on the research, researcher took some photos and record videos of

teaching activities of reading comprehension as documentation. The researcher

found there were a lot of activities applied by the teacher during teaching reading

for descriptive text material. Then, researcher made the activities in three stages

(pre activities, whilst activities and post activities).



B. Discussion

This part presents the analysis of the finding. The discussion was given

based on the presented finding covering the teacher activity in teaching reading at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi especially in first grade with one

English Teacher. The researcher found some activities applied by the teacher start

from opening the class till closing the class. The activities conducted by the

teacher were picture cued, question and answer, read a task, translation, retelling a

text and answer question base on the text.

1. Applying Teacher Activities in Teaching Reading Comprehension

Teacher opened the class by greeting the students and asking student’s

condition. Steps on preliminary activity with teacher inculcated polite

greetings by giving a smile to the students when entering the classroom and

said “Assalamu’alaikum warahmaytullahi Wabarakatuhu ”. Then, students

respond by saying Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

After that, teacher asking students condition by saying “how are you

today?”. Then, students answered by saying “I’m fine, I’m great”. After that,

teacher asked students attended by said “who is absent today”. Teacher made

good and relax situation in the class before start to material of reading.

Teacher introduced the material that he want teach base on the Curriculum


After that, teacher gave students motivation to learn English. Teacher

always gave students motivation before starting the lesson. According to Duke

and Person (2001, p.423) there are many factors that affect a students to

comprehend the text one of them is motivation. Motivation is most important

things to interest student enjoying the lesson.



a) Using multimedia

Teacher opened the lesson by using multimedia, such as; picture

and videos. Harnet in Albert mention that perspective by saying that media

tools appeal to the students’ senses and help them process information,

thus empowering their understanding of target culture and increasing their

motivation toward language learning. By the use of multimedia in teaching

learning that help the learner’ interest and help them understand the lesson,

means they will focus on the lesson.

Dong and Li in Barbara (2016, p.129) explained that “multimedia

is the factor influencing areas such as: student's interest stimulation,

efficiency improvement in the class, and satisfactory effects achievement.

As the result, English classes are more interesting, vivid, and lively”. By

the means of pictures, sound, and animation, multimedia teaching provides

a large number of implicit information. Mayer in Andi et. al (2013, p. 239)

assured that “multimedia as the combination of various digital media

types, such as text, images, sound, and video, into an integrated multi-

sensory interactive application or presentation to convey a message or

information to an audience”.

(1) Picture

After motivating students, teacher opened material by saying

“Today, we are going to discuss about descriptive text” teacher made

sure the students had learned about descriptive text before. Teacher

opened student’s schema by giving students some pictures. The

pictures were Jambi Temple, Borobudur Temple and Prambanan

Temple. Teacher asked students with some questions. The questions

were; what is it ?, where is it ?, what is the name of temple ?, have you

ever been there ?, have you ever been top of temple , etc.



The researcher made combination both of teacher and Abraham

theory. Abraham in medjahdi (2014, p.38) state that an interactive

approach “demands that the teacher activate the students “schema”

during the pre-reading by helping “students recognize the knowledge

that they already have about the topic of a text”. Building students

schema is important to attract students’ knowledge.

In addition, Harmer in Lia (2014, p. 7) declared that “pictures

can appeal students. Therefore, students have extra visualization about

what they are reading. Thus, those pictures help them to pay attention

to the relevant information”. Teacher gave picture and videos to open

students’ schema about the lesson. Teacher also showed picture and

videos trough television media.

Pictures helped the students to grasp the material. While the

students guess the picture series after they looked at the picture, they

could find the real story and construct their imagination to arrange the

picture. Moreover the teacher did not need to explain many things, just

showed the pictures were easy to grasp, to remember in vocabulary

and to be understood because one of the characteristic of student is

their understanding comes not just from explanation, but also from

what they see.

(2) Videos

After showing picture, teacher and students watched videos

about tourist places. The teacher tried to build students’

comprehension towards the material by giving videos about tourist

places. Teacher created interesting video to attract students idea. Based

on the description above, researcher found that, teacher applied picture

cued to build students comprehend the material before teacher explain.



Bell, L & Bull, G (2010, P.2 ) mention that “as teachers

develop technological pedagogical content knowledge specific to

digital video, they discover that they can actively engage students by

asking them to observe, answer and question, or interpret a message.

Video can become an object of analysis, sometimes even in

combination with other interactive measurement technologies.

Based on the description above, activities applied by teacher

consist of motivating students, introducing material and opening

student’s schema related to topic. The Researcher found that teacher

applied pre activities to build students comprehend the material before

teacher explain.

All students felt enthusiastic when teacher played videos and

put song as background of videos. Teacher applied it to overcome

students’ boredom. In the first meeting Teacher didn’t ask students to

open the book but showed media like picture, song, videos. These

media were more helpful to transfer the material of descriptive text to

the students.

b) Comprehension the Text by Process

This is a complex process where a teacher should apply some

useful activities. Teacher asked each student’s about the place they have

ever visited. In whole activities, teacher asked students to make descriptive

text by saying “please, take piece of paper. Then, write about the place

have you ever visited”. After that, teacher gave time for students to do

their task. When students made their task, teacher moved around the class.

Teacher observed each student’s answer. There were some activities

applied by teacher, as follow;

(1) Read a task

Teacher asked two of students to read their task. After students

read, teacher appreciated student’s performance by saying “Ok, very

good, thank you”. Then, teacher explained material by explaining



definition of descriptive text, generic structure of descriptive text,

language features and gave the examples of descriptive text.

(2) Translation

Teacher gave a text and asked students to translating the text.

Teacher and students translated the sentences by sentences in each

paragraph. Teacher explained the material in detail to make students

really understand about the meaning of text. When teacher explained,

teacher was joking and laughing to students. Florentina (2007, p. 2)

assured that the role of translation in foreign language teaching was of

great importance. It was used as a mean of conveying the meaning of a

word, a grammatical form or sentence pattern.

Meanwhile, Chellapan in Florentina (2007, p. 3) declared that

“translation makes the students develop their reading comprehension

ability. It is quite obvious that before one can translate any text he or

she should read the text carefully, trying to make sense of its features

like sentence structures, context, and register. In other words, there

should be a kind of textual analysis which is very important in reading


According to Duff in Dagiliene (2012, p. 125) “translation

happens everywhere and all the time. The students translate in class for

other students, interpret signs and notices in the environment, and

translate instructions, letters for friends and relatives. Moreover, they

mentally translate ideas from their mother tongue into English”.

Nevertheless, Leonardi in Dagiliene (2012, p. 125) “Translation might

provide a guided practice in reading. Before starting translating a text

it “should be read carefully and analyzed in detail to determine the

contents in terms of what, how and why it is said”.



Therefore, in florentina (2007, p. 6) mention that there are

some good reason for the purposeful of translation activity in our

classroom. First of all, as a communicative activity, it enhances

interaction between teacher and students and among the students

themselves. Second, being a conscious process of language of

language learning, if fully engages the learners in the learning process.

Third, translation helps students develop their reading comprehension

abilities. Fourth, it can be used as an evaluative technique for checking

students reading comprehension of particular text.

(3) Retelling a text.

The teacher conducted this activity once meeting. Before that,

teacher asked students to read their simple paragraph. Retelling can

divide into two form oral and written language. But in this activity,

teacher asked students to oral performance about the descriptive text.

All students should memorize they had written before. Rhodes and

Shanklin in Han (2005, p. 6) mention that “Retelling provides

information about learners' comprehension as a product, while offering

more information about a student's comprehension than common

questions and answers do. Retellings go "beyond the literal and help

children focus on a deeper understanding of the text".

Teacher assessing students’ performance based on retelling.

Rog and Morrow in Han (2005, p. 7) “as an assessment strategy,

retelling demonstrates what the student understands and remembers

about the story; reveals what student considers important about the

story; indicates what students know about story structure and literary

language, i.e. their organizing and summarizing of the story; and

demonstrates the students' vocabulary and oral language development.

Researcher saw the teacher also applied speaking skill in this activity

to know students ability. It showed that, half of students performed




c) Using communicative strategies

Dornyei in Carmen and Ruth (2012, p. 113) mention that

Communication strategies are attempts to bridge the gap between the

linguistic knowledge of the second-language learner and the linguistic

knowledge of his or her interlocutor in real communication situations.

Studies have found that communication strategies, unconsciously used in

the first language, do not automatically transfer to the second language.

Actually, communication strategies need to be explicitly taught for

students to improve their accuracy and fluency.

Brown in Lin (2011, p. 12) suggests that “communicative strategy

is actually the process of interlingual transfer and the context of learning

as a learner tries to get a message through to a hearer or reader. To some

extent, we may determine some linguistic forms not available to the

learner at that point of communication. Then communicative strategies can

act as the conscious employment of verbal or nonverbal mechanism for

communicating an idea. Brown’s definition of communicative strategy can

help us to reflect what strategies have been used by a speaker through the

analysis of errors.

(1) Question and Answer

Teacher asked each student’s about the place they have ever

visited. In whole activities, teacher asked students to make descriptive

text by saying “please, take piece of paper. Then, write about the place

have you ever visited”. After that, teacher gave time for students to do

their task. When students made their task, teacher moved around the

class. Teacher observed each student’s answer.

When teacher asked each student about the place they have

ever visited, it was something good although it waste their time for

lesson. But the researcher saw all of students enjoyed. It could be seen

from students’ interaction, all of students were more active and brave.



(2) Answer question base on the text.

The next activities, teacher gave a text & there were some

questions to students. Teacher gave task to know students’ ability in

comprehending the text. Teacher gave different text to see students

really understand or not. One text was to find the meaning of text by

translating together and another text was to know students’


According to Medjahdi (2014, p. 16) “the teacher acts the role

of the evaluator; they have to look whether the objectives of the

reading task have been achieved or not, take into account the

understanding of the text and recognizing the new vocabulary and the

grammar and then evaluating the text. Students might ask

comprehension questions. After the reading comprehension task, it is

better to follow it by giving the learners other activities that have

relation with the text like asking questions about reading

comprehension true/false statements, matching activity, etc.

(3) Discussion

In this activity, teacher gave students paper of questions that

they answered last week in randomly. After that, teacher and students

discussed to find the correct answer. When discussed, researcher saw

all students were active. Teacher should be a fair when students found

different answer. Teacher should make ambiguities questions to be


John W and sons in Stephen D. Brookfield and Stephen

Preskill (2005, p. 1) mention that some benefit of s of Discussion,

namely ; helps students explore a diversity of perspectives, increases

students’ awareness of and tolerance for ambiguity or complexity,

helps students recognize and investigate their assumptions, encourages

attentive, respectful listening, helps students become connected to a

topic, shows respect for student voices and experiences, helps students

learn the processes and habits of democratic discourse and develops



the capacity for the clear communication of ideas and meaning. In

short, Teacher should know more from students to find the answer.

Teacher also can answer the question from students of they have any

opinion. In addition, teacher should handle all the activity on the class.

2. The Criteria of a Good Teacher

According to The Government Education Policy (2011, P.75) teachers

should be a good models in the teaching and learning process. The researcher

found the qualities of a good teacher in teaching as follow:

a) Teacher knowledge in terms of what he/she was teaching.

A good teacher should be able to teach confidently. As long researcher

observe, researcher assume that teaching process applied by teacher was good.

Teacher knowledge in teaching can be seen from how the teacher applied

activities and move to other activities. The instruction and explanation was

clear. For example, when giving a text to students, teacher and students find

the meaning of the text together. Teacher helped the students to make clear the

ambiguities text.

b) Teacher have a sense of humor and love students.

The researcher saw teacher have good humor characteristic and love

his students. For examples, students talked to teacher they felt tired because

there were lot of activities in a dormitory. Teacher gave students suggestion,

motivation and advice for them. It’s good for class environment both of

teacher and students have no space. Teacher made students like friends,

sometime laugh together, joking to all of students. It was created a cheerful

situation. Teacher also created a good situation in the class.



c) Teacher have positive attitude

Have a positive attitude is the most important in teaching process.

Researcher found that teacher attitude can be the example for students to be a

good person. How to speak in front of the class, physical appearance should

be good and interesting. Teacher also should be polite person to get respect

from students.

d) Teacher as role model

As long teacher observe, researcher saw the teacher’s roles were

complete. For example, teacher as a controller the researcher saw a teacher

moved around the class to check students’ answer. Then, teacher as a

prompter researcher saw when teacher help students when the students don’t

know or lost the English word. Researcher also saw the teacher gave clear

instruction to students.

Harmer (2004, p.107) declared that “teaching is about the transmission

of knowledge from teacher to students”. Not only to teach students, teacher’

have to be a model. For example, teacher managing the class, when explained

teacher standing in front of the class, moving around the classroom and

helping the student when they need. Researcher saw teacher activities was

balance on this theory.

Therefore, readers can improve their reading having comprehension

achievement by expanding their vocabulary knowledge having the ability to

understand sentences. During the observation the researcher saw the teacher

gave students’ homework, feedback, confirming to students who did not

understand about the material given. It showed that, the teacher managed the

class clearly and effectively.

As long as researcher observed teacher activities in the classroom,

researcher saw all students had high level comprehension, in the first meeting

about descriptive text material teacher did not give the example about

descriptive text but whole of students had understood about teacher’s

instruction. But, when students’ performance they made their task well.



Moreover, based on description above, researcher saw teacher created

classroom atmosphere enjoyed, teacher also gave up-to date topic to students.

Then, teacher used media to transferring the material. For example, gave some

interesting videos and picture. Teacher also had humoring characteristic. So,

all students more interested, spirited, contented to learn. Students in this

school have high level intelligence. Because, before students were accepted to

learn here, the school was selective to receive students. Students talk using

English and Arabic in daily activity during school and dormitory. Teacher

facilitate student to learn better with fun.

In addition, Akbar Azizifar in his research the title is “The Effect of

Pre-reading Activities on the Reading Comprehension Performance of Islamic

High School Students”. The statistical analysis was performed on two sets of

data are comprehension test taken before and after the treatment, the pre-test

and post-test scores. The results of two hypotheses of the study are the first

hypothesis says that there is no significant difference in student’s achievement

between first and second applications for the pre-reading activities. The

second hypothesis states that pre-reading questioning activity does not

facilitate reading comprehension better than vocabulary definitions.

Also, in Winantri Aning’s journal entitled is “An Analysis of Teaching

Learning Activities of Reading Comprehension in English Text Book for first

year Junior High School” In this study, the writer is interested to analyze the

teaching learning activities of reading comprehension in junior high school

English textbook published by Yudhistira. In detail, this study is attended to

elaborate (1) teaching learning activities of reading for the first year junior

high school textbooks, (2) the most varieties of teaching and learning activity

of reading. In this study, the writer used descriptive design to know the

teaching and learning activities of reading comprehension in certain textbooks.

Teaching learning activities of reading comprehension in “The Bridge English

Competence” textbook published by Yudistira consist of reading the number,

answering the question True (T) or False (F) based on the text, reading the

text, answering the question based on the text, reading the sentences with the



correct pronunciation, reading a dialogue, answering the question based on the


Therefore, in Yiyin Retnowati (2010) in her journal the title is An

analysis of teaching learning activities of “Lookahead 1 of English textbook

for senior high schools students published by erlangga. In detail this study is

intended to analyze the teaching learning activities of reading. As a result,

shows that the reading activities are: reading the recount text and answering

true or false question, filling the blanks and answering the question, matching

the words, completing the instruction based on the picture, reading the

descriptive text and answering the question, and reading the dialog and

answering the question.

In addition, in this research, the researcher is going to do research in

different matter. The writer takes teaching activities applied by an English

teacher as the object. The writer uses the same method as the previous ones,

which is descriptive method. It means that analyzed the teaching activities

applied by English teacher in the reading classroom. In this research focus on

teaching activities in the classroom, but researcher only focuses on analyzing

teaching activities on reading comprehension done by teacher at Islamic senior

high school (MAN) Insan Cendekia Jambi.




A. Conclusion

Based on the findings of the research and discussion in chapter IV, the

researcher proposed the following conclusion: The kind’s activities of

teaching reading comprehension applied by English teacher at Islamic Senior

High School Insan Cendekia Jambi (Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia

Jambi) consist of three activities. There were; Using Multimedia,

Comprehension the Text by Process and Using Communicative Strategy.

First, Using Multimedia activities consisted of Pictures and Videos. Second,

Comprehension the Text by Process consisted of Read a task, Translation and

Retelling. Third, Using Communicative Strategy consisted of Question and

Answer, Answer Question based on the Text and Discussion.

Indeed, the activities applied by teacher in teaching reading were

completed. Those activities applied by teacher are effective to build students

comprehension the text. Indeed, the activities gave good contribution to the

students. Each student was easy to comprehend the text. Teacher applied it to

know students comprehending the text or not. In short, Teacher made students

easily understand e text and get the idea after reading a text.

Based on description above, overall teacher activities applied by the

research subject were good to applied in the teaching English especially in

reading comprehension. However, the way teacher teach at Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi created classroom atmosphere which was

relaxed, fun, and up-to date. Then, teacher used media to transfer the material.

For example, teacher gave some interesting videos and picture. Teacher also

had humoring characteristic. So, all students more interested, spirited, and

contented in learning reading.



B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher offers some suggestions

for teacher, student, and further researchers as the following:

1. For the teacher

Teacher should apply more varied activities to increase students’

motivation in learning reading because if the students enjoy reading, it will

be easy for them to understand the meaning of text. This is the teacher’s

way to determine learning goals during teaching learning process.

2. For the student

With the activities applied by the teacher, hopefully the students become

more active to learn English especially in reading comprehension.

Students should keep their spirit to learn English although there a lot

activities in the outside school.

3. The next researcher

The next researchers are expected to conduct the research in the same

topic in larger area. The next researcher can conduct the research about the

varieties or various type activities applied by English teacher in teaching

reading comprehension. Therefore, that result will be more advantageous

to improve students’ reading comprehension



B. Research Schedule

Schedule of the researcher is a frame work to allocate the time to conduct

this thesis. The schedule is related to the preparation until final report. It can be

changed, so it is not permanent time.



Months 2018

Activities Februar


March April July August Septemb



1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1. Preparation of



2. Improvement

of proposal


3. Preparation of



4. Improvement

of Seminar


5. Research



6. Preparation of



7 Improvement

of research


8 Collecting the



9. Analysis the








Table 2: Schedule of Research



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Appendix I : Interview

Pedoman Wawancara Guru

No Questions

1. Selama bapak mengajar dikelas bagaimana pendapat bapak tentang kegiatan

dalam mengajar reading?

2. Apa saja jenis kegiatan dan bagaimana cara bapak menerapkan kegiatan

mengajar reading?

3. Dalam menerapkan kegiatan belajar reading tersebut apakah bapak

menemukan kesulitan dan bagaimana bapak mengatasinya?

4. Bagaimana bapak memfasilitasi siswa ketika belajar reading ?

5. Bagaimana bapak mengarahkan siswa ketika belajar reading ?

6. Bagaimana bapak menilai siswa ketika belajar reading ?

7. Bagaimana bapak mengatur kelas reading bapak agar semua siswa berminat

dan enjoy saat belajar reading?

8. Apa yang bapak lakukan untuk membangun pemahaman siswa saat belajar


9. Bagaimana cara bapak menghandle siswa yang tidak menyukai reading?

10. Apakah bapak menyesuaikan materi yang yang ada di RPP dengan yang

bapak buat ?

11. Bagaimana cara bapak menghandle siswa yang medapatkan nilai reading

yang rendah ?

12. Apakah bapak membantu siswa menemukan vocabulary yang mereka tidak


13. Apakah bapak membaca referensi lain sebelum mengajar reading ?

14 Apa solusi yang bapak berikan dalam mengajar khususnya reading

comprehension ?


Appendix II : Interview Transcription


School Name : Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi

Date : September 12th 2018

Time : 09.30 a.m

Name : Didik Setiaji, S.Pd, M.Ed

Text Interview

R1 Assalamualaikum, wr.wb ? selamat pagi pak ?

P1 Waalaikumsalam wr.wb, selamat pagi

R2 Bagaimana kabarnya bapak ?

P2 Alhamdulilllah baik

R3 Jadi begini pak, ini tentang kegiatan belajar reading. Selama bapak

mengajar dikelas bagaimana pendapat bapak tentang kegiatan dalam

mengajar reading?

P3 Iya mengajar reading tidak hanya memberikan pemahanan tentang text

nya baik itu dalam bentuk kalimat, susunan paragraph atau semacamnya

tapi juga membuka wawasan siswa jadi reading juga memberikan

pengetahuan bagi siswa untuk mnegteahui banyak hal yang kaitannya

dengan topic yang kita ajarkan dikelas, jadi reading juga mengajarkan

anak untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang lebih luas terkait beberapa hal

atau topic yang kita bicarakan.

R4 Apa saja jenis kegiatan dan bagaimana cara bapak menerapkan kegiatan

mengajar reading?

P4 Kegiatan dalam belajar reading yang biasa saya lakukan ialah memberikan

siswa sebuah text bacaan misalnya tentang tempat wisata, saya meminta

siswa untuk membaca kemudian mengartikan textnya bersama-sama.

Setelah siswa mengerti saya meminta siswa untuk membuat text yang

berbeda tapi dengan topic yang sama. Kemudian jika waktu masih

memungkinkan saya meminta mereka membacanya didepan kelas. Untuk


membuat siswa benar-benar paham kadang saya memberikan text yang

lain dan meminta siswa untuk menjawab beberapa pertanyaan berdasarkan

text yang saya berikan.

R5 Dalam menerapkan kegiatan belajar reading tersebut apakah bapak

menemukan kesulitan dan bagaimana bapak mengatasinya?

P5 Iya sebenarnya untuk mengajar kan semua pasti ada kendala yang akan

dihadapi khususnya dalam bahasa inggris, kesulitan yang paling utama

mungkin karena keterbatasan siswa dalam menguasai kosa kata , kadang

mereka sulit atau tidak bisa memahami arti atau makna dari text bacaan.

Jadi kita menajdikan itu sebagai dari satu sisi kelemahan tapi juga sebagai

kekuatan, mana kala mereka mengalami kesulitan ada beberapa cara yang

bisa dilakukan biasanya kita mengikuti apa yang bisa kita lakukan satu

tidak otomatis misalkan menjawab mengartikan kosa kata yang tidak

mereka paham kita akan memberikan mereka kesempatan untuk guessing

untuk mengartikan terlebih dahulu sebelum kita memberi tahuarti yang

sesungguhnya berdasarkan kamus. Jadi siswa tidak serta merta dianjurkan

untuk membuka kamus lalu mencari artinya tetapi mengajarkan mereka

untuk mengira, guessing apa artinya suatu kata. Sebenarnya kata-kata sulit

itu bukannya mereka tidak mengerti tapi mereka lebih cenderung belum

memahami maksud dari text. Cara mengatasinya yaitu memberi siswa

kasempatan untuk menerka mencoba cari jawabannya dari text yang ada.

R6 Bagaimana bapak memfasilitasi siswa ketika belajar reading ?

P6 Iya memfasilitasi lebih cenderung kepada persiapan materi, ada beberapa

cara yang biasa kita menggunakan buku pegangan kalau siswa ada. Kalau

tidak ada juga tidak apa-apa. kemudian kita menggunakan text yang kkita

cari jadi saya sebagai guru mencari topic yang sesuai dengan yang akan

kita bahas, kemudian dicopy dibagikan ke satu persatu siswa jika tidak

mencukupi kita bisa share kita bagi satu berdua sehingga terjadi interaksi

diantara mereka, ada diskuci kecil diantara mereka dari topic yang kita

berikan namun cara yang lain juga bisa kita lakuan karena dimasing-


masing kelas ada media ntelevisi jadi kita kalau tidak sempat mengcopy

ke lembaran kertas. kita bisa memperlihatkan melalui media TV yang

ada. Jadi kita sampaikan kepada mereka untuk sama-sama melihat text

yang ada berdasarkan layar TV.

R7 Bagaimana bapak mengarahkan siswa ketika belajar reading ?

P7 Mengarahkan siswa dalam belajar reading misalnya ketika siswa

membaca sebuah text ada beberapa kata yang pembacaannya kurang tepat

biasanya saya menuliskannya dipapan tulis cara membacanya dengan

benar. Kadang juga saya bersama-sama dengan siswa mengartikan sebuah

text yang masih ambigu bagi mereka.

R8 Bagaimana bapak menilai siswa ketika belajar reading ?

P8 Sebenarnya waktu belajar juga akan berpengaruh, ketika mereka belajar

nya pagi semangat nya masih luar biasa tapi ketika mereka belajarnya sore

hari mungkin kadang-kadang letih capek bisa membuat mereka gampang

ngantuk. Kita disini kan kebetulan siswa kita boarding jadi mungkin

kadang-kadang ada kegiatan malam yang mereka harus ikuti sehingga

pagi kurang tidur dan merasakan ngantuk. Lalu bagaimana mengurangi

atau mencoba untuk merangsang mereka untuk tetap semangat belajar

yang pertama yaitu topic yang kita pilih yaitu sesuatu yang menarik, baru,

up to date yang mereka belum ketahui selama ini, jadi ada informasi

tambahan lalu bagiaman dengan mereka kalau bagi mereka terkesan

kurang menarik mungkin kita ada beberapa cara saya biasanya mengajak

mereka untuk berinteraksi terlibat langsung semuanya jadi misalkan

menyuruh mereka satu persatu membaca bagian-bagian text nya kemudian

mencoba menjawab pertanyaan yang acak kita tidak beruntun kesiswa

nya apakah sesuai absen tapi kita lebih cenderung random sehingga semua

siswa mau tidak mau mereka harus mempersiapkan diri kalau kita

memberikan pertanyaan berkaitan dengan text jadi dengan demikian

untuk mengurangi siswa yang mengalami kejenuhan dan bosan.

R9 Bagaimana bapak mengatur kelas reading bapak agar semua siswa


berminat dan enjoy saat belajar reading?

P9 Iya saya biasanya menyampaikan materi atau text yang menarik bagi

mereka, misalnya tentang tempat wisata saya akan menggunakan media

televisi saya bisa menampilkan video maupun gambar kemudian saya

mengajak siswa untuk sama-sama menyaksikannya jadi tidak hanya

terpaku kedalam text saja.

R10 Apa yang bapak lakukan untuk membangun pemahaman siswa saat belajar


P10 Kita kalau mengajar rading satu kaitannya dengan susunannya seperti apa

text itu dibentuk tentu dengan text yang misalkan procedur text

descriptive, recount itu mempunyai pola masing-masing. Otomatis kita

lebih menanamkan itu terlebuih dahulu jadi mereka memahami tentang

struktur text seperti apa masing-masing memiliki karakter nya masing-

masing. Seperti descritpitve terbagi dua bagian satu identification

kemudian description. Jadi ni dulu yang kita tanamkan ketika siswa sudah

memahami itu aturannya tatanan textnya seperti apa sehingga mereka

lebih cepat mamahami maksud dari text tersebut . jadi misalkan

identification itu isinya apa saja, bagiannya apa saja, kemudian description

description seperti apa. Ketika mereka dianjurkan untuk menulis text

tersebut mereka bisa paham bagian-bagiannya.

R11 Bagaimana cara bapak menghandle siswa yang tidak menyukai reading?

P11 Misalkan topiknya terlalu umum mungkin topic yang sudah biasa mereka

dengar jadi ketertarikan mereka kurang. salah satu caranya yaitu mencari

topic text bacaan yang memang up to dat, menarik baik dari sisi

pengetahuannya maupun penulisannya juga sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi


R12 Apakah bapak menyesuaikan materi yang yang ada di RPP dengan yang

bapak buat ?

P12 RPP itu acuan untuk melakukan pengajaran. Namun, ketika kita membuat

RPP itu dengan situasi dilapangan kadang-kadang tidak sincron tidak


efektif ketika berada didalam kelas, jadi kalau saya pribadi tidak

menjadikan RPP sebagai acuan utama dengan materi tapi misalkan yang

kita pelajari itu pertemuan hari ini adalah reading pertemuan yang akan

datang speaking ya tetap saya sesuaikan. Misalnya topiknya tentang

tempat wisata disesuikan dengan sesuatu yang baru yang bisa kita

dapatkan itu lebih baik seperti tempat wisata yang ada diluar negeri. Jika

misalkan tidak ada bagaimana memanfaatkan text yang ada tetapi

cenderung menarik dan rasa ingin tahunya muncul dengan text yang kita


R13 Bagaimana cara bapak menghandle siswa yang medapatkan nilai reading

yang rendah ?

P13 Berkaitan dengan penilaian sudah ada cara atau system peniliannya

misalkan melakukan tes kalau harian maka ada yang remedial. Misalkan

seluruh siswa mengalami kesulitan kita ulangi lagi kita bahas kembali

sehingga semuanya paham. Kemudian jika sebagian kecil yang nilainya

rendah itu berarti individual sehingga kita akan melakukan pendekatan

kepada mereka dengan memberikan tugas tambahan atau kalau tidak kita

melihat atau mencari waktu untuk mereka bisa mengerti. Tapi yang

biasanya yang biasa saya lakukan ketika mereka mengalami kesulitan saya

memberi text yang sama, kemudian bisa juga memberikan text yang

berbeda tapi mereka harus mencari tahu jawaban yang benar.

R14 Apakah bapak membantu siswa menemukan vocabulary yang mereka

tidak ketahui?

R14 Iya. Tapi kadang-kadang sebelum memberi tahu mereka arti yang

sebenarnya kadang saya meminta mereka untuk guessing apa artinya

jikalau mereka masih belum mengetahui kadang saya membantu mereka

menemukan artinya.

R15 Apakah bapak membaca referensi lain sebelum mengajar reading ?

P15 Iya berkaitan dengan topic kadang bisa membaca, menonton atau

menyaksikan via internet tergantung dari topic yang akan kiuta bahas


kalau itu hal yang saya sudah cukup memiliki informasi secukupnmya

untuk siswa mungkin saya tidak perlu, tapi misalkan ada topic yang

menarik yang memerlukan informasi tambahan ya kita bisa dari internet,

koran dan majalah.

R16 Apa solusi yang bapak berikan dalam mengajar khusnya reading

comprehension ?

P16 Solusi dari kesulitan mengajarkan reading buat guru-guru yang lain. Guru

harus banyak membaca disamping pengalaman, banyak membaca

referensi yang berkaitan denganbagaimana cara mengajar reading. Dalam

reading tidak hanya mencari topic sesuai dengan kemauan gurunya tapi

menyesuaikan dengan kemauan siswa. Carilah topic yang dapat memacu

rasa keingintahuan mereka sehinnga pelajaran reading itu menarik dan

sesuai dengan yang mereka inginkan. Kemudian guru harus mengeksplor

atau mengembangkan text reading dengan lebih baik sehingga nanti

memancong siswa untuk meiliki kemampuan berfikir yang lebih baik. Dan

bisa mencontoh atau membuat karya sendiri text dendiri dengan

berdasarkan text yang kita sampaiakn. Usahakan target akhir dari reading

siwa mampu membuat text sendiri lalu meminta mereka

menyampakainnya didepan kelas. Sehingga target kita dalam mengajar

reading tercapai.

R17 Baik pak, terima kasih ya atas waktunya. Wassalamuailaikum, wr.wb

P17 Iya, sama-sama. Waalaikumsalam wr.wb


Appendix III : Observation Field Note

Name : Didik Setiaji, S.Pd, M.Ed

Time : 10.30 – 12.00 p.m

Place : X MIA 2

Topic : Descriptive Text ( Tourist Places)

First Meeting (Date : August 27th 2018)

Activity Descriptive of Teacher

Reflection Note of


Opening The teacher came to the class on time The students pay

attention to teacher and

leave another activities

The teacher open the class by saying

“Good morning everybody, how are you


The students said “Good

morning Mr. I’m

okay/Great/ Fine. How

about you?

The teacher asked to students “ who is

absent today ?”

The students said No one


The teacher give motivation to the students Students listen to teacher

motivation and said their

have lot of activity

The teacher opened the material by saying

“ we are going to discuss about descriptive

text” show some picture to students.

The students ready to

learn and looking for on

teacher pictures



The teacher asked students about the

picture by saying “what is it ?” and “where

is it?”

The students answer the

picture is “Jambi

Temple”, the second

picture “Borobudur

Temple” and the third



“Prambanan Temple”

The teacher showed videos of Borobudur

temple to students.

The students saw videos


The teacher asked each of students about

the place they have been to going

Students answer one by

one. One of students

answer “i have ever been

to Padang, Yogyakarta,

Jakarta, Solo”

Teacher asked to students to write a simple

descriptive text about the place they have

been visited by saying “please take piece

of paper and describe about the place have

ever you been”

The students answered

“Ok Mr. and take paper

and write teacher


The teacher give time for students to make

the task and observed students by around

the class.

The students do their


The teacher help students difficulties in

English word

One of students asked to

teacher, Mr. what is

ombak in English?

Teacher asked to students “ Have you


Some of students

answered “Yes, I’m finish

Mr.” and little of students

said “not yet Mr.”.

Teacher asked students randomly to read

their task by saying “ read yours, please!”

The students listened

their friends read.

Teacher explain the material to students “

Descriptive Text”

The students listened to

the teacher

Closing The teacher asked to students by saying ?

Are you understand?

The students answered “

Yes Mr. I got it.


Teacher gave an

opportunity for students to

ask their difficulties by saying “ Any

questions so far?”

Students answered,” no


The teacher asked to the students to re-

write descriptive text by own their word.

The students answered “

berapa paragraph Mr.?”

Teacher asked to students to collect their


All of students collect

their task

The teacher closed the material by saying

“ok, see you later”

The students answered “

See you, Mr.”

Second Meeting (Date : September 3rd 2018)

Activity Descriptive of Teacher

Reflection note of


Opening Teacher greeting to students by saying “

Good Morning everybody”, “How are you


The students answered

“Good Morning Mr. I’m

fine, and you?”




Teacher tell students they have homework

or not by saying “Have you finished the


The students answered “

Yes Mr. and other

students said Not yet Mr.

(beberapa siswa

mengerjakan tugas

mereka dilaptop.

Teacher remind students about their

homework, by saying “ your homework is

about tourist place that have ever been you

visited, right?”

All of students answered

“ Yes Mr.”



Teacher open the material by using media.

Like laptop, by saying “ can you see the


All of students saw the

laptop and answered “Yes


The teacher explain the material to


Students listened to



The teacher asked students they

understand or not

The students answered “

yes Mr. I got it.”

The teacher asked to students by saying “

any questions?”

The students answered”

No Mr.”

The teacher give paper of questions to


Times was running….

Students to their task.

Closing The teacher asked students to collect their


The students collecting

their task.

Teacher closed the material, by saying “ok

time is over, see you next week”.

The students answered,

“see you Mr.”

Third meeting (Date : September 10th 2018)

Activity Descriptive of Teacher

Reflection note of


Opening Teacher come to the class on time

Students pay attention to


Teacher greeting to students and checking

student’s attendance list.

Students focus on teacher





Teacher joking to students before going to

the lesson.

The students laugh


Teacher reminded students about their

material last week.

All students responded



Teacher give paper of question to the

students and asked them discuss to find

the correct answered.

Each student active when


The teacher asked the students to perform

the descriptive text that they had written


The students try to

memorizing their task.


Closing Teacher talked to students to continue

their perform next meeting

The students answered

“yes Mr”

Teacher closed the material, by saying “ok

time is over, see you next week”.

The students answered,

“see you Mr.”


Appendix IV : Observation Checklist




1 The teacher makes

preparation before

doing teaching


2. The teacher come to

class on time

3. The teacher pray

together with students

before beginning the

teaching process

4. The teacher checking

students attendance

list before beginning

the teaching

5. The teacher build

students schema

before explain the



6. The teacher

motivating the


7. The teacher uses

media in teaching


8. The teacher

explanation is clear


9. The teacher help the


students difficulties

in pronounce English


10. The teacher observe

student task.

11. The teacher manage

good situation and

made eye contact with


12 The teacher giving

feedback after teaching


13 The teacher finish the

class on time

Description: Of (Often), So (Sometime), Ne (Never), Ev (Ever), Al (Always)


Appendix V : Observation Checklist for English Teacher




1 The teacher makes

preparation before

doing teaching


The preparation are see

the curriculum,

syllabus and choose the


2. The teacher come to

class on time

When entering the

classroom students pay

attention to the teacher

3. The teacher pray

together with students

before beginning the

teaching process

Praying together with

the students done in the

morning class

4. The teacher checking

students attendance

list before beginning

the teaching

Teacher asking student


5. The teacher build

students schema

before explain the


Teacher giving picture

and videos to students.

6. The teacher

motivating the


Teacher give

suggestion, spirit and

advice to students

7. The teacher uses

media in teaching


The teacher showing

the lesson, pictures,

videos through



8. The teacher

explanation is clear

Teacher give clear

instruction to students.

9. The teacher help the

students difficulties

in pronounce English


Teacher write how to

pronouncing well in

the whiteboard.

10. The teacher observe

student task.

Teacher move around

the class

11. The teacher manage

good situation and

made eye contact with


Teacher invited

students to joking,

laughing together in

the class.

12 The teacher giving

feedback after teaching


Teacher asked students


13 The teacher finish the

class on time

Teacher always closing

the lesion in past time.

Description : Of (Often), So (Sometime), Ne (Never), Ev (Ever), Al (Always)


Dian Mustika



Appendix VI : Material of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text

1. The Definition and Purpose of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its

purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

2. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.

Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and


3. The Language Feature of Descriptive Text

Using attributive and identifying process.

Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.

Using simple present tense

The Example of Descriptive Text :


Borobudur is a Buddhist temple. It was built in the ninth century under

Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in

Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.


Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by

the Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 meter

high and consists of eight steps like stone terrace. The first five terraces are

square and surrounded by walls adorned with Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief.

The upper three are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-stupa.

The entire upper structure is crowned by a large stupa at the center of the top

circle. The way to the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and


stairways. The design of Borobudur symbolizes the conception of universe in

Buddhist cosmology.

Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is

a valuable treasure for Indonesian people.


Appendix VII : School Profile

1. Historically of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi

In 2004 the establishment of Madrasah Aliyah Unggulan Swasta was

established based on the Decree of the Regional Office of the Ministry of

Religion. Prov. Jambi Number Kw.04.4 / 4 / PP.02.3 / 618/2004 December 3,

2004 concerning Establishment of Madrasah Aliyah Unggylan Swasta in Jl.

Pijoan Jambi Luar Kota, Muaro Jambi Regency In 2006, the name Madrasah

Aliyah was changed from its original name Madrasah Aliyah Unggulan

Swasta became Madrasah Aliyah Cendekia Jambi. Based on the Decree of the

Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, dated Maret 27, 2009, the

name Madrasah Aliyah Cendekia Jambi was changed to Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi.

2. Geographical

Geographically of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi

located at Jl. Lintas Jambi – Muara Bulian KM. 21 Kel. Pijoan Kec. Jaluko

Kab. Muaro Jambi, Jambi Province.

3. Vision, Mission and Objectives State Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia


a) Vision

(1) Realizing high quality human resources in faith and piety, mastering

science and technology and be able to actualize it in society.

b) Mission

(1) Preparing future leaders who master science and technology, has a high

fighting power, innovative creative proactive and has a strong foundation

of faith and piety .

(2) Growing interests, talents, and potential of students to achieve

achievements at national to international levels.

(3) Enhancing knowledge and professional skills of educators and education

personnel in accordance with the development of the education world.

(4) Making MAN Insan Scholar as an educational institution that has good

and independent governance.


(5) Making MAN Insan Cendekia as a model in the development of science

and technology learning and education for other educational institutions.

c) Objectives

The objective of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Insan Cendekia Jambi

students should have five basic capabilities of Islamic life, namely:

(1) Broad Knowledge of Knowledge

(2) Tafaaquh Fiddin

(3) Noble

(4) Creative and Skilled

(5) Independently

(6) Clean Behavior


Appendix VIII : Documentation Pictures

Picture 1 : Teacher opening the lesson

Picture 2 : Teacher explain the lesson


Picture 3 : Students read a task of Descriptive Text

Picture 4 : Students made the task


Picture 5 : Teacher as a promter and controller

Picture 6 : Interview activity ( On September 12th 2018)


Appendix IX : Documentation Videos

First meeting



Second meeting


Third meeting



Name : Dian Mustika

Gender : Female

Place and Date of Birth : Sungai Baung, Oktober 15th 1995

Address : Perumahan Mendalo Park, Blok A N 16

Email Address : [email protected]

Educational Background :



1 SD N 105 Sei Baung 2008 Sei Baung

2 SMP N 11 Sarolangun 2011 Sarolangun

3 SMA N 1 Sarolangun 2014 Sarolangun

4 UIN STS Jambi 2018 Jambi

Jambi, October , 2018

The Writer

Dian Mustika

TE. 140978