the tale of a sale

The tale of a sale.


a shittly little tale i wrote this afternoon because i had nothing else to do. i dig garage sales.

Transcript of the tale of a sale

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The tale of a sale.

a shoddily written loser-rhyme by virginia frankovich about the greatest garage sale of all time.

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Once upon a lovely time, there lay a sad girl wrapped in twine.

She did not know what on earth to do, to cheer herself up - she had no clue.

She remembered back to her childhood days. Of Grey Lynn garage sales and purple haze, Then it struck her. All she needed to do, was make her own sale to stop her feeling blue.

So one morning when the sun did shine, a girl on a mission made a sign.

For a garage sale on her lawn, to sell her belongings from the crack of dawn.

She needed a title for the big event. One that would make people click ‘yes’ on the facebook event.

A sale, a fair, a party for mates. Then it hit her: the title would be “GREAT”.

The “GREAT GARAGE SALE” that’s what it’ll be called.

Now to the bedroom for the goods to be hauled.

Dresses, dresses, more than 60 up for grabs, ornaments, mirrors, bags and crabs

(not really crabs – just rhymed)

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To many this may seem like not a big deal

But to the girl it was harder than missing a meal.

Her things had provided her with much strength and support

It may sound weird and feel free to retort.

But these garments and things held memories and love

But it was time to clear them from below and above.

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At 6.30 am she woke. She went down stairs – now wait for the joke…

Opening the door to check the weather – it was dark outside (had she ever risen this early? No, never).

But what she saw in the dark morning mist, were troves of dealers standing there in the dist.

They had heard of the sale and were eagerly waiting. With eager breaths like a sleazy man dating.

“Uh oh” she said – “THE SALE IS NOT READY!!” – she ran upstairs to get the other flat mates out of bed-dy. (real bad rhyme there, sorry)

The hunters came into the house in the dark – “50cents for this?/ $1?” they barked.

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Slowly the goods were carried out to the lawn – all this happened before the break of dawn. For the next few hours she stood in awe as the neighbourhood came to her door.

“It’s really happening!” she thought, she did. But before she had time to think – her favourite dress was up for bid.

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The day rolled over, fast and thick.

The sales kept coming – slick and quick.

A guitar, a bag, some sunglasses too! A mirror, some cake and even an odd shoe.

Droves of folk were trudging in bliss, wrangling and bartering – not a bargain to miss!


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A wealthy array of sweet hot-pants. Fluoro stockings that would make you want to dance (Australian accent).

Glittery shoes and bodacious bags, there was something for everyone to rattle their dags.

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A cheerful family rolled up in a van – plenty of children “TO THE SALE!!” they ran.

A little boy grabbed a soft-toy bear: “How much for this?”he asked with care.

She took one look at the wide eyed boy, and said “$1” her face very coy.

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He raced to his dad and came back with the coin – into her moneybag the boy’s coin did join.

He looked at the food and said “You like to bake?”, and with that she handed him a piece of cake. “Take this, and grab some more for your crew.” Next minute people were grabbing fistfuls of cake

like meerkats at a zoo. (impeccable imagery)

Off the family trundled in their van full of treats, pumping their van with newly-bought beats.

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Good bye, Goodbye” she said to her things, as they walked out the door with women in bling.

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Then came Tim – a welcomed guest. Of all the visitors so far, he was the best.

He hung around and helped with sales, but alas by midday the customer grade was “Fail” (s)

But that was OK – the morning surge was a blast – it was time to sit back with a Coke Zero and have a blast.

Then her family came, and others she knew. Random pedestrians, John Minto too.

He wore a badge saying “Aotearoa is not for SALE” but heck I’m sure he’d agree this was one GREAT GARAGE SALE.

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As the afternoon came and the clouds arrived at the scene, she packed up her things – what a day it had been.

That night in bed she was no longer sad. She realized today was the best day she’d had.