The Taft Presidency

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The Taft Presidency. Chapter 5 Section 3. Wednesday, February 29, 2012. Daily goals: Understand how the Payne-Aldrich tariff failed and how it affected Taft’s popularity. Understand Taft’s effectiveness and a trust buster. Ch 5.2 Notes Analysis- - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Taft Presidency

The Taft Presidency

Chapter 5 Section 3The Taft PresidencyWednesday, February 29, 2012Daily goals:Understand how the Payne-Aldrich tariff failed and how it affected Tafts popularity. Understand Tafts effectiveness and a trust buster.Ch 5.2 Notes Analysis-Using 2-3 examples from below explain how TR helped the average AmericanExamples-Meat Inspection Act, FDA, Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Hepburn ActRoosevelts right hand man

President William Howard TaftTaft was TRs hand picked successor who easily won the election of 1908.Taft was not a dynamic, outgoing leader. He didnt like politics and was more of an administrator.

ExampleAmerican Tire Co can produce and sell a tire for $100Chinese Tires Co can produce and sell a tire for $80American tire makers ask Congress to pass a 50% tariff on foreign made tires and the law is passed.The $80 Chinese made tire now has $40 tax added making the cost $120.Customers now have to pay more for tires.American companies avoid foreign competition.

TariffsTax on an imported good which makes it more expensive.Made products more expensive for Consumers.Protected businesses from foreign competition.Do you think Progressives supported higher or lower tariffs? Why?Who do Progressives want to help? Businesses or People?

Payne-Aldrich TariffTafts attempt to lower tariffs.Tafts poor negotiating made the tariff weak.Hardly cut tariffs and actually raised them on some goods.Progressives felt betrayed and lost faith in Taft.

The Trust Busting Champion!Taft broke twice as many trusts in 4 years as TR did in 7 years.

Roosevelt Makes a ComebackTaft lost support of most Progressives who then approached TR to come back and take the Republican nomination from Taft in 1912.