The Superfrog ISBI: Chapter Sixteen

The Superfrog ISBI Chapter Sixteen: Attention Seeker



Transcript of The Superfrog ISBI: Chapter Sixteen

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The Superfrog ISBI

Chapter Sixteen: Attention Seeker

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Duck's pleased to welcome you to chapter sixteen and so am I!

Last time, we saw hauntings, Ethan's smustle faces, pregnancies, elders being awesome, welcomed Sequin (Quinn) to the family, and Box. Then, of course, there were toddler birthdays, and spare updates. Goblin's twins, Gem and Stone, have grown into kids, while Knight was meeting someone via the Gypsy Matchmaker – Chris.

Anyway. If that doesn't sound familiar, then I recommend looking back. If it does, let's get moving onto this chapter!

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We rejoin the Supers on the night of Box's toddler birthday.

“Isn't he adorable?”

“Duck, put him down. I want to kiss/joke/hug/pillow fight with you.”

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Goopy makes an excellent grandfather. And I could imagine the kids would call him Grandpa Goopy, which is just an awesome name.

He only seems to pay attention to Quinn, though, never really to Box.

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The toddler days passed quickly – Box spent all of his time playing with building blocks or drawing.

When not being stalked by family, of course.

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Quinn, however, preferred her doll's house. When she wasn't being stalked by her grandparents – Sketch and Goopy literally took it in turns to hold her for most of the day.

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It also snowed heavily during the toddler days, which sparked a visit from this little guy. He's been out in the snow so long he has a small wig made out of snow.

Poor guy. He did a few laps of the pavement before waddling away again.

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Quinn's birthday rolled around pretty quickly. Probably because nothing really interesting happened during toddler time.

Again, I could have held her back a day and put her and Box in sync, but...eagerness to see child-Quinn!

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I really like this picture. You've got Tiffany wearing her “adequately impressed” face, Sketch and Goopy being over-enthusiastic, with Katy behind them, looking delighted.

Goopy was at work.

And Ethan, I hear you ask?

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Ethan stood on his own clapping and cheering, but his expressions made him just that little bit more awesome.

“Who wouldn't want a grandpa like me?”

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Still adorable, and still awesome. I'm sure awesome-ness runs in families, because both Quinn and Box seem to have inherited it from their parents.

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This slide was originally going to be about how Quinn got a makeover from her father's makeover chair (which is on the top floor and very rarely used), but then I noticed the speech bubble with the handcuffs in it.

After that, I was wondering what Sketch was talking about, and who to. Duck looks like he overheard the conversation, and he's worried about it.

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As a birthday treat, Quinn got to stay up late doing whatever she wanted. She decided she wanted to play catch outside while it was snowing.

And who was awesome enough to join her?

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Ethan, of course.

Though his way of playing the game is closer to dodgeball than to catch.

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“Grandpa Ethan! You aimed that one at my head!”

Quinn isn't mean enough to aim the ball at Ethan's head, though she's definitely less than impressed when Ethan thinks he can get away with it.

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“Haters gonna hate, sweetheart.”

I'm so glad I decided to adopt elders this generation. I can't imagine life without their awesomeness. I'm also convinced that Ethan was a rebel in his younger years.

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Quinn then decides to show off a bit. I have no idea why, but all of my sim kids do it.

“Daddy! Look at me!”

“Wow, Quinn!”

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“See, Daddy? I can stand on my head!”

All of my sim kids can do that, as well. I never could stand on my head, and I still can't. In fact, only a few people could do it when we were kids.

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After that headstand, Quinn seemed to like showing off a lot. Seriously, if no one paid her any attention for about five minutes, she would demand their attention with a stunt of some kind.

“Praise the plumbbob, my daughter is amazing!”

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Quinn didn't seem to want to sleep on her first night as a child. Even her Dad spinning her around in the family graveyard didn't seem to tire her out.

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“There there, Box, no one is paying any attention to me, either.”

Yeah, I think I accidentally spammed the chapter with pictures of Quinn again, didn't I?

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“Ethan, it's the worst thing ever! I don't get any attention now.”

“Well, there's one thing you can do!”

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“If you pull awesome faces, you automatically get more attention!”

Goopy's only response to that was to slouch. There's been quite a few slouchers throughout this challenge, hasn't there?

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Tiffany, however, is one of the most boring elders I've ever adopted. It's a shame. But she just doesn't seem to do anything interesting.

“Help me become more awesome, Katy?”

“I'm sorry, my five minutes of being awesome with Duck are pretty much over. Quinn's got all the awesome now.”

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This is one of the things I will not miss from this challenge – having to help with the homework throughout the childhood of the kids. It's okay when they get to teens, I can forget about it completely.

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That night, party horns came out again.

“Are you guys celebrating me?”

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Of course it's not for Quinn – it's for Box! He's going to be a child!

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“Now I'm older I can't be ignored!”

He's adorable!

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“Eek! The kid that isn't mine just grew up!”

Katy seemed really surprised to find Box a child. But she does treat him like her own son, so maybe her surprise is justified.

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Maybe throwing the kids round in circles is a tradition for their birthdays?

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Ethan and Quinn, meanwhile, decided to be awesome and smustle together in the living room.

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The dance, however, was interrupted for a haunting.

“I know I said I wanted attention, but I didn't mean from ghosts!”

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“It's okay, Quinn, I'll protect you from the ghosts. We can keep them away with our awesomeness.”

“That's great, Grandpa Ethan! But I have to go show off once more!”

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“Watch me cartwheel, Daddy!”


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“Wheee! Awesomeness!”

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“Ta Da! I bet none of you can do that!”

(I can, but that's beside the point)I told you Quinn shows off all the time.

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That's it for this time. I know it was only a short chapter, but if the updates are longer, the challenge will be over quicker. :(

Join us next time for more of the kids!

Thanks for reading!