The Sun. (New York, NY) 1915-08-01 [p...

1G THE SUN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 1915. BARNETT DOG BEST MIDSUMMER HEAT CAN'T KILL ENTHUSIASM OF KENNEL WORLD HEAD OF COLLIE IS AT POINT PLEASANT IMPORTANT FEATURE KENNEL DIRECTORY Ensfiicy Hair Tricks. Tliroo ' Pound I'oiiicniniiui, Oo(s Kcci'moii of JiiiI'tps. J1AXY XliW l.NIlll.ITOi.S a Tjint Vi..mant, .V. J .Tilly 31. The three pound lilaok l'omcr.inlan liistney ling O' Tricks, owned by .Mr. anil Mr. CJustnvo Rirnctt. was ndJitdKed liest Cog or hitch In the ulioiv ot the llrst open Ojs Miow of the Ocenn County Kennel Club I eld on the ground of the Kctiuyn Kennel hern thin nltcrnoon. An entry of liu ilon was jut, comprising for tho most part tho pet doss owned tn 111. vicinity of tlil reiairt. Hero and thiro nmoiiir thu different Classen, liovviver, many well ktrotvn win. i: rs and champion Wote Not.ihly um'iiiR thfKj wi-r- Il.irry ltushtot.' Am r. an'lirtil champion miniature KtiK-ll.V- .) Iiulldog Woodii.tft Model, which ,on the (.pedal for heat of the breed. Mafinit Mulioiii't, Thomas Parvln'a masa.o pl-- American bred, xvon first American Ined, open und winners). In bltrhm I'.mlti nlso pi' lid lliHt puppy Upl wlnm-r- with .Mnitiirt Jule. In tho regular Pomeranian classes V.rr W A. Wlluoii'ii Ahcrdare Wee Xllacltlc. the well known winner, won Win wliineis' prlaii. Ho la a neat little lilark, his a Mnall, foxy lie.ul, neat aH and Khort back and u Found color. T' n llttlo doc Hiurul over lln com- petitor In every joint. After Judging thoso cUrsea Mrs. Har- nett arrived with Hair (' Tr'.i 'ts nnd was Obliged to u.ilt until ti e FpeelalH before tho dog could compete. When iilie ili.l meet the winner of the regular claim In ho for host dog shown by a the 11' t only defeated a stronn Held, liut was placed over Weo Illackle tiy Dr 13. H. lterendsolm and Charles Twyfnrd, tho Judges. After this Hhe went out and defeated the winners of evc.y ot or breed, winning a handsome trophy Altcdalo terriers had the la! Rest en- tries and many good puppies were brcught out, among them 11 three-mont- old y n of champion (lee txing Cadet, lirwl and by It. V. Height, which won tho blue In the dog puppy class. In the oppoiltu cex Queen, a daught. r of champion Soudan Swlv. eler, owned by Ch.irlcs Johnion, car- ried off highest horror". Tlio Hpe ial for best Airedale terrier in thu i.Ii'ia- - an well us that for best eperMng dog was won by Laurence s, Kenwyn N'attahnan, a b'g sound, upstanding dos with gooil head and bone, nltlioiigh shown a little oft In coat. Ho Is a young dog and was sired by Kcmvyn Tiiiigo. Mrs. May H. McCurdy won every- thing In collies with tho splendid team OrniFklrk S nsatlon and Plnewood Pip- pin. Tho lait named won the special fur he-i- t of tho breed and has quite a eeniatlon record. .She has won In all five firsts, eight specials and two re- serve winners at three shows, and this record Is all tho more remarkable be- cause IMppln 's only eight months of Ft. Mrs. Is not only the dog's breeder but also the breeder of Itn mother n! grand.nother. Among the many who exhibited at a dog fchow for the first time was Miss Marie A, Chabert with a tine Russian wo'fhound and a pure white Ksklmo dog, which wcro both udmlred for their rare beauty. Hdward I'. Woehr won the special for bcht HoMon terrier puppy with his five-- j moilths-ol- d puppy Miss Spider. IajuIs J-- Itothschllds won the dachshund upe; ml with the heretofore unshown Midget, and Miss Helen Applejrnte won w'tli her Airedale Ken-Ty- n Dlarnuy. 1'ho thuw was a success and Fred JIavons, ho had the affair In charge and on whou grounds It was held, I that he would mako the show an an.iual llxtme at Point I'ltasant and I wain aiso nniu an iniioor snow mis inter at I.akowond. Among llioso at tho rlngs'dc were Dr. nnd llf. i:. II. Heri.'iidohn, Frank S. Sternberg, Ilnry Kuihtnn. W. M, Jones, John 11. Ilorrax, Charlei Trayford, Mrs. May McCurdy, Itoheit Height and Levi P. Wilcox anJ Laurence Tobln of Phila- delphia. TENT AT ST. ELMO SHOW. Dng Will Hum' I'linnce to Keep in Mind.. Till Year. Tho ind annual show of the St. nimo lCeniu I Club at Ocean Hreeie I'ark, J.'ar Kixkaway, Faturday, August 21, will bo held under a tent, as tho many complaints heard nt Inst year's nhow that thero wan not enough shade for the dogs has convinced the that u larger entry will be brought out If tho exhibitors who at- tended last year's show know that this ah.ide will bn provided. Th" Judging list has been completed and Ii. as follows: Harry Pound, Alre-da'- e terrleis; W. Cunningham, fox, V'dsh, Manchester, Irish and bull ter- riers; .loMeph A. lluchnuaii, Kngllsh bull- dogs ; Albert Kreeth nil toys nnd J, V., nil remaining breeds. The rniry fio for this show Is only no cents, nnd no peillgreo will bn required to rhow dogs as It Is the aim of tho club tn bring out n utrong entry of local dogs nml pet dogs that do not follow thu clicuit. The entries close Wednes- day, August 1. with J. P I.e Itrun. sec-r- !!;, 1 si, avenue. Far rtock-HW.i- J, N. Y. I NEW COLLIE CLUB FORMED. Fancier. In Ceiilriil vr York Perreet ItrHiiiilr.ntlon, Last Kiiiidiy lit Homestead Farm, rear Ainsietd mi, .V. v., the Hcotcli ivdlli! Club was formed and an Informal show held In tho afternoon at which fifty dogs weie shown, There Is h great deal of Interest laken In the rolllu in Huh section and a number of flue specimens are being raised. At the meeting of the club It was vncol to gue ItB support to tho first imnual sIimw of the Columbia County JCemi"l Club, which will be held nt the J'fdr fliuuiiils of tho Columbia County Agricultural at Chatham, N. Y Wtdnesday, Septemljer S. Tho Columlda County N. niiel Club ban offered a largo number of handsome trophies that will be competed fur In tho collie, clai-sc- nt th's show Charles Hoplnn of New York, Mho b. the nil rounder at this show, will bo the Judgo of these classes, ' Ili'linwirr Mmvf Slioiild Sllceerd. Tho Delaware State Fair Dog Show lield at the Fair (rounds, Wilmington, iJel.. Tliuisday nnd Friday, .September li and 10, should havo it large entry, In j lew of i he fact that the Wilmington Jvimicl Cluli ami the Delaware .Setter m l I'olnte, club tire taking actlvo Tim Khow is one of the few held that offers prlzo money In the classes. j iiinil urn or ine judges follows: II llerkey, SI lleiuaids ami (iroat D.ine.s: (leorgii Fi.nnnier. beaglis; Join, h, '.ickwnod, collies, Mrs, W, W. Mac inoiiies, toy poodles and Maltese terriers W W Delssler. Alie,lr.l ..,. iihs, Mis, M 1. Smith, bull terriers; ."'."l Wu'iers. Pomeranians, Mrs. .i 't, i llllnms, puga, Italian groyhounds. "u J""" vnoit,JiiaU ""'"I w i J ,,. The collie champion. Seedier Stirling, owned hy Mr. ly Me-Car- 1'lne Wood KrnurU of Nrir Brunswick, X. J. Above, the rrlm-mln- g pool of the Pine Wood Ken- - Here Mr. MrCnrdy'a collie drllKht to peiildle and nlm In warm nrather. BRITISH JUDGE MISQUOTED ? Ilonlit Seem to Klt Aboal Hot-lan- d lluckle' Opinion. The Fngllsh and local kennel papers have been giving considerable space to a statement credited to the Kngllsh Judge Holland lluckley. who came over to Judgo a number of breeds at tho Mlncola show, that there was no ex- hibit at Mlneola upart from tho stock recently Imported from ICnglnnd that would oven stand an outnlde chance at any of the English shows. This statement does not correspond with the one made by Mr. Huckley on the train coming from Mlneola when he stated to a number of fanciers that th entry of American bred Airedale terrier was a revelation to him and that many of tho homehreds which ho saw on that day would give a good account of them-fClve- s at any Bngllsh show. He further stated that the American bred Scottish terrier Walcocott Matster Wullle wai one of the best specimen that It ever had been his privilege to see nnd that he tilt not know of a specimen In d that could beat Mr. Liloyd'H Ameri- can bred. SHOW MAY BE THREE POINTER. Aabnry Park Club 1 llrslgntna; n Sprclnl Mrdul. The efforts of tho Asbury Pari: Ken- - pel Club to hold a two day fixture In tho Heaeh Casino at Asbury Park. N. J on Wednesday nnd Thursday, Sop. ffiml.or nml urn mootliiiF with a KrPUt amount of success ami the bench show committee in enthusiastic over tho support that has been promised. Tho club Is working to mako the show a three pointer and Is having a handsomo special club medal designed which will be offered In the various breeds. The design shows a mermaid arising from the eea holding an emblem of n bull- dog head. Besides this medal a hand- some stickpin will be offered In all breeds for the best novice dog or bitch nnd the best In the limit classes. The full list of Judges will number twenty-tw- o nnd In this list are many well known breeders who will mnke their Initial appearance at this show. Part of the list of Judge follows: Mrs. Anna Knhn Hyman, at. Bernards; Throckmorton, pointers; F. Louis Hauptner, dachshunde; John S. Wal- ters, collies; George Low, bulldogs nnd Manchester terriers; Robert Height, Airedale terriers; Samuel It. Foster, Boston terriers; Dr. E. H. Berendsohn, fox terriers and Sealyhatn terriers ; 11 F. Ford, poodles, toy poodles and Maltese terriers; Charles (1. Hopton, all rounder. FIELD TRIAL DATES. Autut SO All Amerlr Field Trll Club. Denbigh, N. O. Entries to Derby eloee July 15. and All Ak and Champion Slakes on Auguet 1. Loula Mcitrew, ecretary, 2S0 Third avenue, Plttibun, l'a. Septemh-- r Oreat Wetern Field Trill Club, Aberdeen, a. II. M II, Ilantz, October 6 Orsnie County Field Trill Club, Mldilletown, N. V. C. C. Halnrs, ecretary. October l rennylvanl Field Trial Club, CarmlrhaelH, l'a. H. II, Cahoon, secretary. October St Southern Ohio Field Trial Aesoibitlon. Ullliboro, Ohio. U. It. Har- ris, secretary.. October 26 Connecticut Field Trial Club, Hampton. Conn. F. I.. Pratt, aecretary November i Canadian National Field Trial Club. Sandwich. Ont. V I'. Srntth, secrtary November 4 Eleventh American FMd Futurity, Hi.irta, III, Entries cioie August 2. American Field Publishing Company, Chicago, November 6 Illinois Amateur Field Trial AtsorUthm, Scerta. III. IJr, J, Akeiter, secretary NommliT I Independent Field Trial Club. Sparta, 111. S. H. Hoewell, secretary. November 9 Piedmont Field Trial Asso- ciation, Durham. N. C, J, T. I.awson, secretary November 16 Southwestern Field Trial Association, Vlnlta, Okla, A. A. McKellop, rrrrtary. November J2 (lenrjla. Field Trial Asso- ciation. Waynesboro, Oa. It, U Miller, secretary. November 29 Continental Field Trial riub, Wnyncsboro, Ua, F. I- - Iladkln, sec- retary. Docemh'r 8 Pointer flub of America, Point, N. C, .1 C. Weller, aecreiary, 11. January J United State Field Trial Club, llrand Junction, Tenn. W. II, Staf- ford, secretary. January It All America Field Trial Club, rtogera Sprlnfi, Tenn. Louis McOrew, ,cret.iry January 17 National Field Trial Cham- pionship Association, (Irand Junction, Tenn. W. II. Stafford, secretary, 111SAQI.E TIMALfl. Sixth American Field Iieagle Stake, fall of 1916, American Field Publishing Com- pany, 0l Masonlo Temple, Cblcaro, nctnlier in Empire Unas-li- t Club. J, R SIcKlroy, secretary, Octo-be- 19 Pennsylvania Ileagla club. Knos, l'a. A, C. Peterson, secretary. Octokfr 26 Central lltagle Club. John Wsblron, Jr., secretary October 25 Northern Hare Ileitis club Earl Edlck, secretary. Noremto 1 Wistarn B.W.I. ru.w . ..,...... ' "' re" . " ". Hc: Wms K7-- - MIJK V. Mrs. flforar Jlnrtun Frrnch Hh Orant otman' famooa French bnlldoa", rhamplon Kanilna Rlqnet. WYCOLLAR BOY WINS MANY BRITISH PRIZES Son of lieorge Quintanl's Dog Is Making Groat "Record nt English Shows. A young wire haired fox terrier which has made a great record In England Is Wycollar Itoy, a year old son of Georgo Qulntnrd's famous Champion Wire Hoy of Paignton. Wycollar Hoy recently at- tained his championship title In Kngland, defeating many of the best dogs In the country. Our l)og has the following to say of this remarkable youngster: "The very important prises won by Wycollnr Hoy surely constitute a record not only for this breed, but it Is very doubtful If this record has been equalled by any dog or bitch of this age. Making his first appearance at tho Wire Fox I Terrier Associations show at Sheffield, he headed every dog class, winning ten firsts, the kennel club's challenge, certifi- cate and thirty-eig- special prizes. In- cluding tho association's challenge plate for the best terrier In the show. "At the recent National Terrier Club show nt Nottingham, besides his class wins nnd the challenso certificate, he was awarded tho Bennett Edwards twenty guinea challenge bowl for the best terrier of any breed bred by the ex- hibitor nnd also the open special for the best terrier In the show a unique ex- perience for such a youngster, "As his pedigree shows, breeding again tells. His owner, who has now been breeding wlro fox terriers for over twenty years, hns always held that the surest way to success Is to breed from the best and although many good ter- riers havo been produced from this kennel Mr. Turner has rarely exhibited as tho high standard that he alms at has until the appearance of this champion, not been obtained. His ambition to breed a champion has at last been ful- filled so that It Is not at all surprising that the many tempting offers he has re. vcelved from would be purchasers, both nere and In America have been refused as Mr. Turner knows the pleasure and value of possessing a champion terrier, having at one time or another owned a number of goed wires, Including Marquis of Onywood, brother to Champion South-bor- o Salcx, which sired Champion Mem- bers Sportsman, which in turn got the little dog Chnmplon Surblton Scorchor." Mm. Henry Hill I n ftrotland, "Notwithstanding tho war, tourists from the United States are arriving on their annual pilgrimage In search of stock to strengthen their kennels," says a recent Issue of Our Voiis. "Among the first of the American visitors to arrive I Mrs. Henry Hill, who has arrived In Scotland from Now York. This lady, who Is a native of Yorkshire, owns a very extensive kennel of Peklngeso nnd Pom-ernnla- In the land of the Stnrs and Stripes, and Is searching through the chief kennels of toys In Kngland nnd Scotland, nnd it Is her Intention to take back as strong and extensive a team as dollars can command, She hns com- menced by securing from Air. iMcNnbb of Dundee tho classy black Pom Norman Hunty. This Pom has done a lot of winning and ought to do well when he arrives In America. Mrs. Hill Intends to return to New York In time to mako things hum at the fa,tl and winter shows." Myraeuae Prlae Money Inrrraard, The New York State Fair Dog Show has Increased the prize money In all the classes and the Onondaga Kennel Club Is offering n full Hat of specials In order to make this year's fixture a banner one In the history of the association. The commission has spared no expense In order to get entries from the lending kennels Willi their best dogs. This show, following the Toronto National Bench snow, is another advantage to the clr cult ohatars. and a. rcord ntrv J. ...I ...i a. t r r,i .. isiali, SOUTHAMPTON CLUB MEETS. Surer of Second Show .tssurei Decision to Hold a Third. Southampton, L. I., lias come on the dog show map to stay. The wcond an- nual show held there recently was a revelation as to what may be dono In attractiveness, together with good man- agement, originality and careful atten-tli- a to every minute detail. Tho club has Just held a meeting and elected ottlcers preparatory to starting plans for next year's show. This Is the reason so many exhibitors wcro heard tn remnrk "llreatest outdoor show In America !" after this yeur's event. The club leaves no stone un- turned tn see that the show Is an as- sured success. One of the lending spirits In this club Is Henry Q. Trevor, who has long been Identified with breeding and exhibiting poodles. BRIEF BITS OF KENNEL NEWS. Mors than two thousand dog license have been bought by the National Canine Defence League ot (Ireat llrttaln since January 1, and of this number 1,406 have ben for dogs of sobllrs ami sailors hoe pets are being looked after by relatives and friends. Without this help of the league many of the dog would have been destroyed. Th" letters received from sol- diers at the front show how much tboy value their pets and how much they are looking forward to seeing them again. The youngest and latest convert to th Philadelphia lloston terrier funcy Is Teddy larFarlumJ. son of Thomas W. MacFnr-land- . who has long been a loyal supporter of the American breed. The Junior d ha become the owner of Lady Innocent, a promising specimen which Is being groomed for the Asbury Park and Atlantic City shows. Dig Dill Cerberus, th English bulldog owned by Frank l'leraon, Jr., of Phila- delphia, was adjudged best of all breeds at the first open how Ifebt under thu Hospices of tho Philadelphia I'.lectrlc Asso- ciation on the club's arounds last Satur day. There was cIoma competition fur this award and the Judge, William Cunning ham. took considerable time befor llnatly deriding the winner. The lloston terrier llrynnvla, owned by Charles Arthur, was the runner up and won the Special as best of opposite sea In the show. The tlm Held trials of the season will be the all America, which will take place at llenhlgh. N. L.. August 30. Among th Judges who hav besn se- lected thus far fur the Asliury Park fixture Is Samuel Foster of Philadelphia, who Is down for the Hilton terrier classes. Wire haired fox terriers ara beginning to make themselves felt In the Vtrsterit fancy and many breedera on th coast ar going In for this popular variety of terrier, mine C. Ackerman of San Francisco Is going to play a strong hand In the breed and bus ulready purchased a number of excellent specimens, among them the Im- ported bitch M1m llagilme, from Theodo.a Offermati , Another Western fancier to start In this breed Is !r. Cordon T. Court- ney, who has Imported the noted English winner Tawney Trapper. Th lloston terrier Constanteln's Innls Arden Is dead from poisoning. This lime dog was well known to local Boston ter- rier fanciers and was especially prized by his owner, Charles Conitanteln. He had gulned a flnt us n show dug, but It was as u slro that be hail become es- pecially notod. Many promising puppies have been sired by him, and one of these Mr. Constantcln bas kept, which will help to make up fur the loss uf this valuable ilog, Dolly Dollars, the well known lloston terrier show bitch owntd by Mrs. Ueorge llelnleln, Is the mother of four promising puppies, two males and two females. The sire of these puppies Is Constanteln's Kinky Dolly has disproved the old saying that n good show bitch does not make a good breeder, as both mother and the pups are doing well, They ara all dark seal brlndlea with beautiful marking!. John E. Horrax recently acquired a fln Schlpperk hy purchasing th winning bitch at the Westminster show. One of the best heavyweight English bull bitches to reach these sluires In some time is due on the HI, Louis from Englund on Sunday, consigned to Krneit Truslow, Short Hills, N, J, She Is from the kennels of Frank W'ulker of Lindnn and comes highly spoken of. She was bred tn .Mr Walker' famous stud Newlngion Prince Arthur before being shipped Mr. Truslow la practically a newcomer tn tills breed and has made a good atart by acquiring this one. The latest report Is that the whippet club which Is to b formed by a number of well known local fanciers, was getting along well and that the organisation will be formally launched In a short time. Among thnco Interested are John E. Ilni rat, the well known bulldog exhibitor and Judge, and James floutelle. Information about the club can bs obtained from either ot these enthusiasts. The Kensington Kennel Club of Phila- delphia will hold Its annual fall fixture on Saturday, September 26. The New Jersey lleagla Club will hold a clambake on August 16 at Itoselund, N, J. The Woodmere Kennel Club has one of Dm strongest Judging slates offered the public In u long time for It Initial show to bn held at Lung lleach, L. I., September 11. The cocker epunlel classes should prove a big entry with James Anderson down to hand out th ribbons. Philadelphia, whloh, already I the home of a large number of enthusiastic Airedale terrier fancier, has had the number added to, as Lawrence Tnhln of the Philadelphia lltcora, has becom a convert to the breed. It Is rumored that Mr. Tobln mil remove to the suburbs, erect a kennel and go In for the breed extensively A recent addition to the West Highland terrier fancy Is Mis Margaret Van of Huntington, L I., who has been having Dhenomenil luccess with her vaunv im,ri. can bred puppy Cone Jo Barona, wblch hi . conhtnt W!nnr tn lb puppy eiusM avu an recant stirlna and um. eiMstisMsvwwvfcsaavasstsatwstywawaq IhiulUh bloodhound, I'p-in- ril Solly, Imported and otrnrd by ,1, M. Wlnrliell. Aliorr, Mrs. ,1. ! lull' Pomrmnlan ehniiiplnn t, .lllllen. MEXICO'S MONGRELS DO AS THEY PLEASE itaiiiblt! Around in Large Packs anil Xo One. Seems to Own Them. It seems strange that In the republic Just to the south the I'nlted States ther- - are practically no dogs of quality. The natives are fond of dogs, but they arc poor and their dogs are all of them of the mongrel variety. Tho wealthier take no Intercxt In dogs and the well bred dogs of the Mexican can be counted on the fingers, A few nnd fewer Americans scattered throughout the republic have gcod dogs, but these are met with so rarely that they might well be said not to exist. A few women havo made a fancy of t breed, the tiny Chihuahua, but those who really try to breed these doss are few nnd far between. , Of Just dug, howovvr, there Is no end, The streets of the cities, as seems the style In all tropical countries, swarm with hordes of nondescript mongrels, and the mining camps and small villages are as bad If not wore. liven In the rural parts every plantation Is the head- quarters. It cannot be called the home, of a large and flourishing pack of seml-wll- d, half starved thieves In canine form. Tho dogs ore owned by no one nnd never tecelve any favors from so they are forced to shift for themselves, ami the way they manage to fke out an existence is marvellous. Partly by hunting, partly by stealing, they are able to keep the spark of life In their gaunt bodies. Some Interesting information of th? dogs of Mexico was given by an Amerl-oa- n who lately returned from the coun- try, where ho had been employed upon a plantation. Ho said that when ho first went to this plantation there wero but half a doien dogs, the leader being n big yellow mongrel of tho bull terrier type. In the two years that ho was there tho pack multiplied tin It num- bered nearly a hundred, thl In spit of tho fact that litter after litter of pup- pies were drowned. The dogs varied In size from that of a big jiolntor down to a llttlo ten pounder and of color and shapes there was Inllnlto variety. These dogs were cenerallv naelflc. hot when they tool; the notion In their neaus they could bn most ugly and more than onco It was necessary to res cue sumo peon or visitor who had In- curred the wrath of the dogs. If some, stranger approached In a way thnt the ilog.-- did not npprovo of tin would al- most Immediately bn surrounded by n circle of some llfty odd dogs, all Jump- ing ami snarling. It was a common sight to sco Mimo Mexican standing In the centre of tho circle yelling for dear life nnd using hands, feet ami blanket to stave off their rushes. As a rule the dogs would not bite, but the cluiiiccs of their becoming mad and using their teeth In deail earnest was Ju-- t enough to take the edgu of enjoyment off the sport for the besieged one. At many of tho plantations, however, the dogs am really vicious und It Is as much as a man's life la worth to fall In with them when on foot and unarmed. It Is a strange fact but nevertheless truo that no matter how wild or vicious they nro tliey will never attack a mounted man. This Is prolt-abl- y nccounted for by the fact that the horses or mules as the caso may bo do not wnste any love over tho dogs and ninny a well directed kick has taught thnt discretion Is the better part of valor. Jniiie Mortimer II run In Health. It Is a pleasitro to nil followers of dog shows to know tliat James Morti mer of Hempstead, Long Island, who Is known from const to coast among dog owners, Is fast regaining good health. At Mlneola's show In June, Mr. Morti mer looked ns though he wore a sick man, although ho stuck to his work an superintendent throughout the two days, and a fow weeks later fulfilled his engagement as all around Judge at Wbllo Plains. Slnco then he has taken a complete rest and now looks his old self again. Many I'rlii-- s for Dog nt Syraeiiar. Tho dog show In connection with the New York .State Fair at Syracuse has grown steadily In popularity and It Is thought that this year the canine event will lie a greater reunion than ever. The leading kennel clubs and In- dividual dog fanciers In tho country have given freely In tho way of cups and special prizes. The prize list caters for nil the larger ,nnd more useful breeds, from KuBslan wolflwunds down to the smallest of the toy varieties, George Foley ot Lansdown. P., will superin- tend. , Its Shape Is Determining Fac- tor in Considering: I)oj?s Worth in Ring. JUDGE LOOKS AT IT FIRST The head of the collie has nlways been, and Justly so, the lending and most Important feature In that dog. A perfect head Is a beautiful thing to con- template, and the creation of a perfect structure of the skull Is one of the most difficult problems that the collie breed ers havo to solve. Some critics will argue that the modern show collie Is deficient In brain room, but this does not seem to be borne out by facts. The head should be finely chiselled, free from any lumps nnywhere, little stop and that llttlo nicely graduated from Just before the eyes to the fore head nnd perfectly flat between tho eyes, which must not be too far apart. The whole skull should tnper from tho muz- zle to the top of the head and be free from any cheeklness. The nose must be black In all varieties of the collie. Tho perfect head must not be too broad be- tween the ears, only moderately wide, with no Indentation, almost flat, with Just n traco of arching In the front. The muzzto must be of consistent strength, not running too fine, or the dog gets a pinched and snlpy expres- sion. Tho Jaws should meet clear and sound, the top teeth Just overlapping tho under. The pig Jawed collie Is an abomination nnd should be disqualified wherever shown. Hxresslvo length of hend Is easily obtained If pig Jaws are permis- sible. The upper Jaw of a dog Is more plastic than the under; for example, look at pugs, bulldogs nnd other kindred breeds, where shortness of the face Is an attraction. Theso have been worked on by selection until the upper Jaw Is out of nil harmony with tho under Jaw, and tho tongues nre too long for the mouth. So It Is with the collie. If pig Jaws nro not kept down there will be dogs with abnormal length of head, U'hlr-l- l urn roiltu llwlp.u llin t,rnctlnt work of the sheepdog. This should be I borne In mind, as tho utility of any I I.m.a.1 ....... r.f .1.1 .... I... ..nAHl.1 i ji uop,.-- . ruuuiu nwi uk n.n I mi ru for fashion or fancy. The lips of the collie should bo clean and close fitting, for nothing so spoils the appearance of n collie as large flabby Hps hanging or protruding from the back or sides of the mouth. The teeth should be white and perfect In their setting. Some show collies are far from perfect In the color of their teeth ; poKslbly the forcing with condiments nnd physics Is for this. The less artificial stimulating a dog gets the better. He may mature early, but It Is much better to miss the wins In the puppy clnsses than to make an old dog of him Just when he ought to be In his prime. Probably next to the head In Impor- tance In a collie come the ears nnd their carriage. Many otherwise perfect dogs nre seriously marred by either bad ears or faulty carriage. The ears should be small and set well on the top of the head, not too far apart and et not too close. During a period of rest they should be laid back In the ruff, but when animated the dog should carry them erect, with Uv- - tips Just drooping over and thrown slightly out- ward. They should be of a soft, silky texture and tree from superfluous hair on the upper parts. . Although tho eye or expression Is only a small part of the collie, still It Is of tho utmost Importance, for It Is the shape, color nnd setting of the eye that give tho dog that keen, alert nnd intelligent expression so much ndmlred nnd sought for. Tlw eyes should be small and almond shaped, and sot obliquely In the head. A full or starlrg eyo spoils tho expression, ns does n light eye. The eye should be dark brown In color and show no haw. In the Blue Merle, blue or wall eyes are the correct thing and add considerably to the appcaranco of this pretty variety. Tho coat of the dog consists of n top coat of hair nnd an under coat of soft furry wool, which should be so dore as to almost hide- tho skin, Thus a full coated dog could stand continuous rain without getting the skin wet. The coat should be most abundant on tho frill, neck, mano nnd capo, with long feath- ering on the chct and hind legs above tho hocks. Tho feathering on the fore- legs should not be so long, yet must be fairly so, Tho main trouble In coats Is wnvlness, nnd this can be altered by frequent brushing nnd comling. A col-li- e should be brushed dnlly and tho fmthcririi; and frill combed out with an open comb. Many Judges In passlnc on a collie look only to head, ears and coat, but the good practical Judge always will be most careful to look at tho legs and feet, as It Is essential that tho dog must be sound, ns It Is In any variety of dog. If a dog Is a cripple, cow hockd and a bid mover he should be pnmllzed heavily. In a colllo the forelegs should bo straight and not too wide npart and set Hat on the shoulder luid must not show the elbow and shoulder turrnl outward, They must bo muscular, with a fair proportion of bone, without bolng clumsy. The feet should bo oval nnd cat like, tho toes arched nnd close together, r.ot spread out but padded, and hard underneath. The hind legs nlso piny an Important part In the uctlon of tho ilog, The stllles should be well bent, thu thighs muscular, the hocks must not bo set too high up tho leg, but low down and full ot strength and propelling power. Tho hind feet to bo absolutely correct should bo slightly longer and Hatter than tho front ones. A serious and common fault is cow hocks. No dog with this fault can be a graceful nnd freo mover. It Is extremely dltllcult to dellne In words tho general outline and symmetry of a collie, but this may bo summed up In ono word, type, ns n well balanced colllo hliouUl be typical all over, lie should show speed, activity nnd high Intelligence, nnd be freo from cloddl-nes- s. Tho tall should bo covered pro- fusely with hair and hajig with n graceful curve at the end, which helps to complete the line of beauty spoken of previously. Tho tall should hang qulto straight nnd not be twisted or screwed In any way. Tlio body must bo of u fair length In tho couplings, with ribs well sprung, Tho frame should have the appearance of being well knit together, compact nml yet not heavv The color of a collie can bo said to be Immaterial, and a good colllo, like a good horse, cannot bo u bad color. Whllo this Is correct In n sense, still no ono can deny that a smokyblack or a dull sable suffers tn compnrlson with a perfectly colored dog, with full white markings ; so although good color nnd markings nro not absolutely essential, still they are generally admitted to be most attractive, and add much to the dog's general appearance. Collies should not ho of excessive size and weight. A dog ts considered large enough If he stands anything over 24 Inches nt the shoulder and weighs In good condition fir. pounds, A bitch should stand 22 Inches and weigh from 40 to CO pounds, yet weight nlways must be to a certain extent deceptive, as a small dog may be so heavy with fat as to be altogether unfit for poOTf pi jrerkj FOX TKRMF.R. The Imported Wire- - llilred Fox Terrier s.t Stud: Wlreboy of Paignton, Fee MO. Jt.'h. llaby Daule, iMH Fee (IS. The Sensa- tion of F.ngland and America. Rldgeway Baffler, Fee stn. Full Brother tn Ch. Kaby Harrier. Ridge-wa- y Nutcracker, Fee (.. a .rinrf vnlinsl Ch. Itahy Hauler. rtnB nn1 i,i English winner. Itldgrnay Hastier. Best Hon or Ch. Kaby Harrier. Fee 10. The Imported Pomernnlans at Hindi Rldgewjy Black Nugget, black. Profuse rest rare millt.. Fee MS. BMgejay Hmaahrr. Big International winner. Fee ?o. The Iiulldog at Stud. Ridge-wa- y Kingcraft. A Big Winner In Fngland end America, tlrnwn Hlock rupple or Hale nt All Time. flKOKtirT . OUINTAItH, owner. Fharlr Button, Kennel Manager. P. O. Box M Hr'd. Iing Island. N. V. Illdfeway Kennel. Phone 2481 Flushing. THE CONEJO KENNELS offer th following celebrated prli win- ning Terriers at stud: Wlr Haired Pox Terrier. "Ouycroft Sales.". . ,. ... conejo parcels is sio. Weal Highland White Terrier. Tonejo Checkmate." fee 115. rdoch Chief, fee IIS. Dunregan Hero, fe 125. The above lilrh c as dogs ar th prop erty of Mrs. It. A. Italney and arejn charge or ner aennei mnnjsfr. i,iiAiu.r.n t..-KOK- Huntington. I. L. to whom all com- munications should be aaareased. Smooth and Wire Fox Terriers at Stud ItllHil.WAY COKKFR OXtr-OK- CIIA.Nf'K CHAMPION Mill. A ItrSFttVK CHAMPION atlUM: CHAMPION HAIIINK lU'.fKHKK tAIIINK. IIOtlNHUP FEB FOR AN V (IP TIIK ABOVK, HO. J. B. ABLE, Tappan, N. Y. WlftR. HAIRED FOX TF.KRIKRS and all breeds for sale. Diars boarded and handled the year round. Terms. AI.F D ELMO VI . Penn Cottage, Wynnewood, Pa. WEST IIIGUr-AXl- ) WHITE TRRRIsUlS. At Stud Th famous WF.NT III O HI. AND WIIITK Terriers. Th property of Kfringbam Lawrene. Ksq , New York. CHAMPION .MA I ST Kit (IF ULENMKRE tho most successful young stud dog In America. A criterion for typ. Already the sire of the coming cham- pion. THE I.AIItn OF OI.ENMF.RE. for which a record price was refused at the late hlg New York show, CHAMPION It I'M PCS OF CLENMERK A son of th world renownd CHAMPION KII.TEE out of America's best bitch. CHAMPION Hill KI.I.F.V OF ULKN. .MERE. ftud fee .Ship bitches to William I.lvessy, Crawford Kennels, Caldwsll, N. J. VritTTE WEST FCPPIF.S FOR HAI.E. Hy Champion ltumpue of Olenmer. Apply WM. LIVSBT, Caldwell. N J. cornsii TERRIERS. WALESCOTT KENNELS Scottish Terriers At stud Fees am to MS Walesrntt Kennels. Hernardsrllle. N..I. IRISH TERRIERS. IRISH TERRIER 1TPPIES br th Inter- national winner, MEXHORO PAT, Reasonable prices. William Allison Fuller, Albany. N. T. AIREDALES. PUPPIES and GROWN STOCK FOR SALE. Are the best pedigreed in the world. Apply COS COB KENNELS 11th Are. and 26th St., New York Gty FOR PAI.E AlreiJil puppies: ara pedj. greed and flnely bred. Adrtreas MKAMW. HltOOK KHNNKI.". W. II. Paton. II. F. D. No, fl, Amsterdam. N. Y D0O IS DOUBLE CHAMPION. Sweet Sir of Pyker Haa Remark-bi- s Record In Ulna;. Champion Sweet Sir of Dyker, Mrm. Jtimea, Gnrdner Itosaman's Maltese ter- rier, haa the distinction of being- - the younpest- - Maltese thnt ever hns gained Its championship, and not content with this honor It went out and won enouKh points for a second championship, com- pleting tho latter nt the V'ostmlnstor show this yenr. This little dos Itntned Its Ilret winner's rosette at the nge of 9 months nnd beenmo a champion of rec- ord nt 13 months of nge. Ho uas kited by Champion Mc.Leod's Llttlo .Sweetheart and his dam Is Mrs. llauman's Champion Dyker Holly II. His pcdlcrec boasts of sixteen champions of note both In Kngland nml America. Mrs. Ilossmatt has not been In the doe fnncy Ions, but hns mndu rapid strides In Retting toirether a strong kennel of her favorite breed. She Is the president of the Maltose Terrier Club nnd a mem- ber of the Iconic Islnnd, Toy Spaniel and Newark Kennel clubs nnd an otllcer In the Doit I.over Protective Association of America. Mrs. Itossman Is a grent ndvocato of the pure bred Maltose and hnn recently moved to the Itossman summer home at Dunellen, N. J., whero there are Ideal facilities for breedtns dofis. Some Specials Seem Undesirable. When one picks up a premium list nnd sees a ttpeclul offered for the best puppy bred by a certain kennel during 1815, nnd at that offerod at n show where It would be Impossible to have a puppy en- tered that would be eligible to compete for this special, as the rules of tho American Kennel Club say that a puppy must bo G months of iiko before It will bo eligible to compete nt one of their shows, It 1 easy to understand why there Is so much agltntlon and talk golnc the rounds nKnlnst the ribbon shows which offer long lists of spoclal prizes hb In- ducements to get out the entry. ADDRESS. ft Pl2i, 5Vi'"B" 101, to" for Tml tddd to leretf n oeuatrl, KF.NNEI, Hll'I'LlKs. DOOK on DOG And How to Feeo - I I Mailed free to anv roldren MrtWt by the Am bur H. CLAY CLOVER, V.S. I3" 1 118 Weight St.. New Vorl COCKER SPANIi:t.!4. Breeders and Exhibitors of HIGH CLASS COCKER SPANIELS MINEOLA WINNINGS ft firsts, .1 winners nnd nninemii, specials. Including "Hot In simtt," "Best llrace" anil "llest Pour Hlghclasa puppies, alio matured stx- for sale, MIDKIFF KENNELS, W. T. Payne, Owner, Dallas, Pa. GERMAN Nlir.PHI'.ltlt ANII Pol K C IMMi. HERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS alllM of tht poll cp nml nrmt't of Kur will protrct your iirt(Mriy hu ir t urn In firm of Kreatrst fluns t I i companions bcoaiuvj of thdr n'wdi and thflr almost Human In'r'l cr, ELMVIEW KENNELS 33.1 Connell Illdir . Scratit'in. l'a A fine litter of German Shepherd Dog Puppies for sale. .Sire, International ( liamplun. Apollo von Hunenstein LLKE H. SWANK nOSSwnnlc RMHV. .lolmrtown.Pn CIIOIV CHOWS. CHOW CHOWS I IIAVF. THItliP. ( HOW ITI'I'IK. Prlt winning stock. : mvs n- I female, three month" o'd r. T n Reg. No. lis. Dam, the prl?- - r' ner EMPRE.H OP CHINA, Iteg . lit, IK. JOHN Him AltllMis, , (ilrmlllr, Conn. Tel. 1IJ M. Portchester. N Y COI.I.IF.a. AT Mill CHAMPION !F.F,IH.i:V STHItl.INd Deal Collie In eh- w .n Westminster K, C, New York, I III fr. j y best Imported co, e at presi nt ti n, America. I'l-.- Mr,. Oood grown etc if .in-- etr-,-i- r puppl-- s for ssle rf t u at- i; Mrs. M. II. .M,( I rinemood Kenm-I- . f. o, (,i 4j, New llrunsnlrk. N, ,1. Tel. N-- .v Hrunswlck ;3 JAPANKSF. Sl'tNIIXS. Japmese Spaniels, the ImM of I in ported a I nine Itlbonn stock. kNh-- .mil lirrr . mens for sale. Mlr-- 1. IIAItKl s ,, i ... St., llrouklyn. Tel. A277-- pr,(, S.ll.l.r.ONIIAItH'l 4 U'IM'M, M'lMI I s Oold and white and Mark ui.i . Ii,:,- ,, hy Omar on etlilliliion and f.,r ifc .it Ilnuletard, Astoria, I.. 1 ri:itiN(ii:sR. At Stud. IV Sl.l, for short time The linnnr'ed ."on of CHAMPION IIIIIIAIHIAK IIKPTI T England's t known sre Tl s a t )ok with exceptlnn.1. ! Mrs. Kathrrlne I'mlirrt, i e r e. 4 W. tilth Stnet, Ne nrk III; Opposlts Public I. br.iry. PO.MEHAMANS. HIGHEST CI.S SHOW MTCIMrs. YOPNO AND IIPAI THV siiuti. ) Olt I.K AT MODF.IIATi: I'ltll I . Ill l ! AM) IIIIOM N A l'i;i I M l Mrs. It. P, MiijIi.m, rmlli-- t Mnp Jericho Turnpike, Ncir Hide I'nrL, I mis bland. Phone 47-- Floral I'.irl.. CHIIIITAIIl AS. CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES Beautiful, Rrrmll, guaranteed win. nsr. Very renBonublo. M. J. SAI.I.IIN, 11.1 llroudn;. New Hut en, Conn, siim'i:i.i..m;oi. The Dog Shop IS East 35tli Street. New .ork Just opposite n Phone Hurray II. Special attraction m, f upples. Rsaiyham V . i 'onie, I'ekes and luirh The lloston Timer hiiinplnu nMI' ROY at stud Fee 11 ATTENTION' Who s .1 I t' r Monkeys! Itnuben '.!, Judge, has the rhn et breeds In New .,rk, In , ment Imported sin It u " WIIKRK, state breed rem, e ' KIINNW.S. 11S K.lst Sill -I Hotel Orlsdale. fur II w nl efnclsncy all brunches, it) W I, 1 . N. V Tel. llryant 7(1:1 Nprlnstld Hog 1'illiue ' lor sale. 2 Hast (6th Street. N w 1 rk HOARDING AMI IHMII.IM.. WATI.AND IIOaltlHVC 1,1 N Ml. Hoard your pet or sIioit in the 't kennets In Amerlc-- i li.iirs ' i handled at all slums. Tho bi-.- stock, nil brei-d- for siilc ,i i Tel. 2HII.W llolvlis Ferrv FHANK II. Ullll MAN, Prop. A COUNTRY HOME FOR DOGS Larohmont Boarding Kennels H I.IUHTK, T i:veryihlnir for n ii MOIIKY IIOaltDIVC I.INMI-- . John Htnae, proprietor a' i dltlon doits tindir the prrsnnit! v, Mr. Stokes llin tnj. Hui, ii. Tel. 01 W. Morsi'im-ri- e anrl ad l.0. delivered by mall anywhere In iho TUM CkoJituiaoMrrdei'muitaccoiiipinyjiilr. PEDIGREE BLANKS FREE OF CHARGE New York Sun KENNEL DEPARTMENT Enclosed find 2c. stump. Please send five pedigree blanks free of charge. NAME. . . r.7rrz:7. ; .HSH.6ifmif,.,,'LfebdJ? 'M ofnnenundred with kennel and owner's nsno aarau nr"iw sa asj www

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, NY) 1915-08-01 [p...





Ensfiicy Hair Tricks. Tliroo' Pound I'oiiicniniiui, Oo(s

Kcci'moii of JiiiI'tps.

J1AXY XliW l.NIlll.ITOi.Sa

Tjint Vi..mant, .V. J .Tilly 31. Thethree pound lilaok l'omcr.inlan liistneyling O' Tricks, owned by .Mr. anil Mr.CJustnvo Rirnctt. was ndJitdKed liestCog or hitch In the ulioiv ot the llrstopen Ojs Miow of the Ocenn CountyKennel Club I eld on the ground of theKctiuyn Kennel hern thin nltcrnoon. Anentry of liu ilon was jut, comprisingfor tho most part tho pet doss ownedtn 111. vicinity of tlil reiairt.

Hero and thiro nmoiiir thu differentClassen, liovviver, many well ktrotvn win.i: rs and champion Wote Not.ihlyum'iiiR thfKj wi-r- Il.irry ltushtot.'Am r. an'lirtil champion miniature KtiK-ll.V- .)

Iiulldog Woodii.tft Model, which,on the (.pedal for heat of the breed.

Mafinit Mulioiii't, Thomas Parvln'amasa.o pl-- American bred, xvon firstAmerican Ined, open und winners). Inbltrhm I'.mlti nlso pi' lid lliHt puppyUpl wlnm-r- with .Mnitiirt Jule.

In tho regular Pomeranian classesV.rr W A. Wlluoii'ii Ahcrdare WeeXllacltlc. the well known winner, wonWin wliineis' prlaii. Ho la a neat littlelilark, his a Mnall, foxy lie.ul, neataH and Khort back and u Found color.

T' n llttlo doc Hiurul over lln com-petitor In every joint.

After Judging thoso cUrsea Mrs. Har-nett arrived with Hair (' Tr'.i 'ts nnd wasObliged to u.ilt until ti e FpeelalH beforetho dog could compete. When iilie ili.lmeet the winner of the regular claim In

ho for host dog shown by the 11' t only defeated a stronnHeld, liut was placed over Weo Illackletiy Dr 13. H. lterendsolm and CharlesTwyfnrd, tho Judges. After this Hhe

went out and defeated the winners ofevc.y ot or breed, winning a handsometrophy

Altcdalo terriers had the la! Rest en-

tries and many good puppies werebrcught out, among them 11 three-mont-

old y n of champion (lee txing Cadet,lirwl and by It. V. Height, whichwon tho blue In the dog puppy class.In the oppoiltu cex Queen, a

daught. r of champion Soudan Swlv.eler, owned by Ch.irlcs Johnion, car-ried off highest horror".

Tlio Hpe ial for best Airedale terrierin thu i.Ii'ia- - an well us that for besteperMng dog was won by Laurence s,

Kenwyn N'attahnan, a b'g sound,upstanding dos with gooil head andbone, nltlioiigh shown a little oft In coat.Ho Is a young dog and was sired byKcmvyn Tiiiigo.

Mrs. May H. McCurdy won every-thing In collies with tho splendid teamOrniFklrk S nsatlon and Plnewood Pip-

pin. Tho lait named won the specialfur he-i- t of tho breed and has quite aeeniatlon record. .She has won In allfive firsts, eight specials and two re-

serve winners at three shows, and thisrecord Is all tho more remarkable be-

cause IMppln 's only eight months ofFt. Mrs. Is not only the dog's

breeder but also the breeder of Itn mothern! grand.nother.Among the many who exhibited at a

dog fchow for the first time was MissMarie A, Chabert with a tine Russianwo'fhound and a pure white Ksklmodog, which wcro both udmlred for theirrare beauty.

Hdward I'. Woehr won the special forbcht HoMon terrier puppy with his five-- jmoilths-ol- d puppy Miss Spider. IajuIsJ-- Itothschllds won the dachshundupe; ml with the heretofore unshownMidget, and Miss Helen Applejrnte wonw'tli her Airedale Ken-Ty- n

Dlarnuy.1'ho thuw was a success and Fred

JIavons, ho had the affair In chargeand on whou grounds It was held, I

that he would mako the show anan.iual llxtme at Point I'ltasant and I

wain aiso nniu an iniioor snow misinter at I.akowond.Among llioso at tho rlngs'dc were Dr.

nnd llf. i:. II. Heri.'iidohn, Frank S.Sternberg, Ilnry Kuihtnn. W. M, Jones,John 11. Ilorrax, Charlei Trayford, Mrs.May McCurdy, Itoheit Height and LeviP. Wilcox anJ Laurence Tobln of Phila-delphia.


Dng Will Hum' I'linnce to Keepin Mind.. Till Year.

Tho ind annual show of the St.nimo lCeniu I Club at Ocean HreeieI'ark, J.'ar Kixkaway, Faturday, August21, will bo held under a tent, as thomany complaints heard nt Inst year'snhow that thero wan not enough shadefor the dogs has convinced the

that u larger entry will bebrought out If tho exhibitors who at-tended last year's show know that thisah.ide will bn provided.

Th" Judging list has been completedand Ii. as follows: Harry Pound, Alre-da'- e

terrleis; W. Cunningham, fox,V'dsh, Manchester, Irish and bull ter-riers; .loMeph A. lluchnuaii, Kngllsh bull-dogs ; Albert Kreeth nil toys nnd J,, nil remaining breeds. Therniry fio for this show Is only no cents,nnd no peillgreo will bn required torhow dogs as It Is the aim of tho clubtn bring out n utrong entry of localdogs nml pet dogs that do not followthu clicuit. The entries close Wednes-day, August 1. with J. P I.e Itrun. sec-r-

!!;, 1 si, avenue. Far rtock-HW.i- J,

N. Y.


Fancier. In Ceiilriil vr YorkPerreet ItrHiiiilr.ntlon,

Last Kiiiidiy lit Homestead Farm,rear Ainsietd mi, .V. v., theHcotcli ivdlli! Club was formed and anInformal show held In tho afternoon atwhich fifty dogs weie shown, ThereIs h great deal of Interest laken In therolllu in Huh section and a number offlue specimens are being raised.

At the meeting of the club It wasvncol to gue ItB support to tho firstimnual sIimw of the Columbia CountyJCemi"l Club, which will be held nt theJ'fdr fliuuiiils of tho Columbia CountyAgricultural at Chatham, N. YWtdnesday, Septemljer S. Tho ColumldaCounty N. niiel Club ban offered a largonumber of handsome trophies that willbe competed fur In tho collie, clai-sc- ntth's show Charles Hoplnn of New York,Mho b. the nil rounder at this show, willbo the Judgo of these classes,

' Ili'linwirr Mmvf Slioiild Sllceerd.Tho Delaware State Fair Dog Show

lield at the Fair (rounds, Wilmington,iJel.. Tliuisday nnd Friday, .Septemberli and 10, should havo it large entry, Inj lew of i he fact that the WilmingtonJvimicl Cluli ami the Delaware .Setterm l I'olnte, club tire taking actlvo

Tim Khow is one of the few heldthat offers prlzo money In the classes.j iiinil urn or ine judges follows: IIllerkey, SI lleiuaids ami (iroat D.ine.s:(leorgii Fi.nnnier. beaglis; Join, h,'.ickwnod, collies, Mrs, W, W. Mac

inoiiies, toy poodles and Malteseterriers W W Delssler. Alie,lr.l ..,.iihs, Mis, M 1. Smith, bull terriers;

."'."l Wu'iers. Pomeranians, Mrs..i 't, i llllnms, puga, Italian groyhounds.

"u J""" vnoit,JiiaU""'"I w iJ,,.

The collie champion. SeedierStirling, owned hy Mr. ly Me-Car-

1'lne Wood KrnurU of NrirBrunswick, X. J. Above, the rrlm-mln- g

pool of the Pine Wood Ken--Here Mr. MrCnrdy'a collie

drllKht to peiildle and nlm Inwarm nrather.


Ilonlit Seem to Klt Aboal Hot-lan- d

lluckle' Opinion.The Fngllsh and local kennel papers

have been giving considerable space toa statement credited to the KngllshJudge Holland lluckley. who came overto Judgo a number of breeds at thoMlncola show, that there was no ex-

hibit at Mlneola upart from tho stockrecently Imported from ICnglnnd thatwould oven stand an outnlde chance atany of the English shows.

This statement does not correspondwith the one made by Mr. Huckley onthe train coming from Mlneola when hestated to a number of fanciers that thentry of American bred Airedale terrierwas a revelation to him and that manyof tho homehreds which ho saw on thatday would give a good account of them-fClve- s

at any Bngllsh show. He furtherstated that the American bred Scottishterrier Walcocott Matster Wullle waione of the best specimen that It everhad been his privilege to see nnd thathe tilt not know of a specimen In d

that could beat Mr. Liloyd'H Ameri-can bred.


Aabnry Park Club 1 llrslgntna; nSprclnl Mrdul.

The efforts of tho Asbury Pari: Ken- -pel Club to hold a two day fixture Intho Heaeh Casino at Asbury Park. N.J on Wednesday nnd Thursday, Sop.ffiml.or nml urn mootliiiF with aKrPUt amount of success ami the benchshow committee in enthusiastic over thosupport that has been promised. Thoclub Is working to mako the show athree pointer and Is having a handsomospecial club medal designed which willbe offered In the various breeds. Thedesign shows a mermaid arising fromthe eea holding an emblem of n bull-dog head. Besides this medal a hand-some stickpin will be offered In allbreeds for the best novice dog or bitchnnd the best In the limit classes.

The full list of Judges will numbertwenty-tw- o nnd In this list are manywell known breeders who will mnke theirInitial appearance at this show. Partof the list of Judge follows: Mrs.Anna Knhn Hyman, at. Bernards;

Throckmorton, pointers; F. LouisHauptner, dachshunde; John S. Wal-ters, collies; George Low, bulldogs nndManchester terriers; Robert Height,Airedale terriers; Samuel It. Foster,Boston terriers; Dr. E. H. Berendsohn,fox terriers and Sealyhatn terriers ; 11 F.Ford, poodles, toy poodles and Malteseterriers; Charles (1. Hopton, all rounder.


Autut SO All Amerlr Field Trll Club.Denbigh, N. O. Entries to Derby eloee July15. and All Ak and Champion Slakes onAuguet 1. Loula Mcitrew, ecretary, 2S0Third avenue, Plttibun, l'a.

Septemh-- r Oreat Wetern Field TrillClub, Aberdeen, a. II. M II, Ilantz,

October 6 Orsnie County Field TrillClub, Mldilletown, N. V. C. C. Halnrs,ecretary.

October l rennylvanl Field TrialClub, CarmlrhaelH, l'a. H. II, Cahoon,secretary.

October St Southern Ohio Field TrialAesoibitlon. Ullliboro, Ohio. U. It. Har-ris, secretary..

October 26 Connecticut Field Trial Club,Hampton. Conn. F. I.. Pratt, aecretary

November i Canadian National FieldTrial Club. Sandwich. Ont. V I'. Srntth,secrtary

November 4 Eleventh American FMdFuturity, Hi.irta, III, Entries cioie August2. American Field Publishing Company,Chicago,

November 6 Illinois Amateur Field TrialAtsorUthm, Scerta. III. IJr, J, Akeiter,secretary

NommliT I Independent Field TrialClub. Sparta, 111. S. H. Hoewell, secretary.

November 9 Piedmont Field Trial Asso-ciation, Durham. N. C, J, T. I.awson,secretary

November 16 Southwestern Field TrialAssociation, Vlnlta, Okla, A. A. McKellop,rrrrtary.

November J2 (lenrjla. Field Trial Asso-ciation. Waynesboro, Oa. It, U Miller,secretary.

November 29 Continental Field Trialriub, Wnyncsboro, Ua, F. I- - Iladkln, sec-retary.

Docemh'r 8 Pointer flub of America, Point, N. C, .1 C. Weller, aecreiary,

11.January J United State Field Trial

Club, llrand Junction, Tenn. W. II, Staf-ford, secretary.

January It All America Field TrialClub, rtogera Sprlnfi, Tenn. Louis McOrew,,cret.iryJanuary 17 National Field Trial Cham-

pionship Association, (Irand Junction, Tenn.W. II. Stafford, secretary,

111SAQI.E TIMALfl.Sixth American Field Iieagle Stake, fall

of 1916, American Field Publishing Com-pany, 0l Masonlo Temple, Cblcaro,

nctnlier in Empire Unas-li- t Club. J, RSIcKlroy, secretary,Octo-be- 19 Pennsylvania Ileagla club.Knos, l'a. A, C. Peterson, secretary.Octokfr 26 Central lltagle Club. JohnWsblron, Jr., secretaryOctober 25 Northern Hare Ileitis clubEarl Edlck, secretary.

Noremto 1 Wistarn B.W.I. ru.w ...,...... ' "' re" ."".

Hc: Wms K7---

MIJK V. Mrs. flforar Jlnrtun Frrnch Hh

Orant otman' famooa Frenchbnlldoa", rhamplon Kanilna Rlqnet.



Son of lieorge Quintanl's DogIs Making Groat "Record

nt English Shows.

A young wire haired fox terrier whichhas made a great record In England Is

Wycollar Itoy, a year old son of GeorgoQulntnrd's famous Champion Wire Hoyof Paignton. Wycollar Hoy recently at-tained his championship title In Kngland,defeating many of the best dogs In thecountry. Our l)og has the following tosay of this remarkable youngster:

"The very important prises won byWycollnr Hoy surely constitute a recordnot only for this breed, but it Is verydoubtful If this record has been equalledby any dog or bitch of this age. Makinghis first appearance at tho Wire Fox I

Terrier Associations show at Sheffield,he headed every dog class, winning tenfirsts, the kennel club's challenge, certifi-cate and thirty-eig- special prizes. In-

cluding tho association's challenge platefor the best terrier In the show.

"At the recent National Terrier Clubshow nt Nottingham, besides his classwins nnd the challenso certificate, hewas awarded tho Bennett Edwardstwenty guinea challenge bowl for thebest terrier of any breed bred by the ex-hibitor nnd also the open special for thebest terrier In the show a unique ex-perience for such a youngster,

"As his pedigree shows, breeding againtells. His owner, who has now beenbreeding wlro fox terriers for overtwenty years, hns always held that thesurest way to success Is to breed fromthe best and although many good ter-riers havo been produced from thiskennel Mr. Turner has rarely exhibitedas tho high standard that he alms at hasuntil the appearance of this champion,not been obtained. His ambition tobreed a champion has at last been ful-filled so that It Is not at all surprisingthat the many tempting offers he has re.

vcelved from would be purchasers, bothnere and In America have been refusedas Mr. Turner knows the pleasure andvalue of possessing a champion terrier,having at one time or another owned anumber of goed wires, Including Marquisof Onywood, brother to Champion South-bor- o

Salcx, which sired Champion Mem-bers Sportsman, which in turn got thelittle dog Chnmplon Surblton Scorchor."

Mm. Henry Hill I n ftrotland,"Notwithstanding tho war, tourists

from the United States are arriving ontheir annual pilgrimage In search ofstock to strengthen their kennels," saysa recent Issue of Our Voiis. "Among thefirst of the American visitors to arriveI Mrs. Henry Hill, who has arrived InScotland from Now York. This lady,who Is a native of Yorkshire, owns a veryextensive kennel of Peklngeso nnd Pom-ernnla-

In the land of the Stnrs andStripes, and Is searching through thechief kennels of toys In Kngland nndScotland, nnd it Is her Intention to takeback as strong and extensive a team asdollars can command, She hns com-menced by securing from Air. iMcNnbb ofDundee tho classy black Pom NormanHunty. This Pom has done a lot ofwinning and ought to do well when hearrives In America. Mrs. Hill Intends toreturn to New York In time to makothings hum at the fa,tl and winter shows."

Myraeuae Prlae Money Inrrraard,The New York State Fair Dog Show

has Increased the prize money In all theclasses and the Onondaga Kennel ClubIs offering n full Hat of specials In orderto make this year's fixture a banner oneIn the history of the association. Thecommission has spared no expense Inorder to get entries from the lendingkennels Willi their best dogs. This show,following the Toronto National Benchsnow, is another advantage to the clrcult ohatars. and a. rcord ntrv J. ...I...i a. t r r,i

.. isiali,


Surer of Second Show .tssureiDecision to Hold a Third.

Southampton, L. I., lias come on thedog show map to stay. The wcond an-nual show held there recently was arevelation as to what may be dono Inattractiveness, together with good man-agement, originality and careful atten-tli- a

to every minute detail. Tho clubhas Just held a meeting and electedottlcers preparatory to starting plansfor next year's show.

This Is the reason so many exhibitorswcro heard tn remnrk "llreatest outdoorshow In America !" after this yeur'sevent. The club leaves no stone un-turned tn see that the show Is an as-sured success. One of the lending spiritsIn this club Is Henry Q. Trevor, who haslong been Identified with breeding andexhibiting poodles.


Mors than two thousand dog licensehave been bought by the National CanineDefence League ot (Ireat llrttaln sinceJanuary 1, and of this number 1,406 haveben for dogs of sobllrs ami sailors hoepets are being looked after by relativesand friends. Without this help of theleague many of the dog would have beendestroyed. Th" letters received from sol-diers at the front show how much tboyvalue their pets and how much they arelooking forward to seeing them again.

The youngest and latest convert to thPhiladelphia lloston terrier funcy Is TeddylarFarlumJ. son of Thomas W. MacFnr-land- .

who has long been a loyal supporterof the American breed. The Junior d

ha become the owner of LadyInnocent, a promising specimen which Isbeing groomed for the Asbury Park andAtlantic City shows.

Dig Dill Cerberus, th English bulldogowned by Frank l'leraon, Jr., of Phila-delphia, was adjudged best of all breedsat the first open how Ifebt under thuHospices of tho Philadelphia I'.lectrlc Asso-ciation on the club's arounds last Saturday. There was cIoma competition fur thisaward and the Judge, William Cunningham. took considerable time befor llnatlyderiding the winner. The lloston terrierllrynnvla, owned by Charles Arthur, wasthe runner up and won the Special as bestof opposite sea In the show.

The tlm Held trials of the season willbe the all America, which will take placeat llenhlgh. N. L.. August 30.

Among th Judges who hav besn se-

lected thus far fur the Asliury Park fixtureIs Samuel Foster of Philadelphia, who Isdown for the Hilton terrier classes.

Wire haired fox terriers ara beginningto make themselves felt In the Vtrsteritfancy and many breedera on th coast argoing In for this popular variety of terrier,mine C. Ackerman of San Francisco Isgoing to play a strong hand In the breedand bus ulready purchased a number ofexcellent specimens, among them the Im-ported bitch M1m llagilme, from Theodo.aOffermati , Another Western fancier tostart In this breed Is !r. Cordon T. Court-ney, who has Imported the noted Englishwinner Tawney Trapper.

Th lloston terrier Constanteln's InnlsArden Is dead from poisoning. This limedog was well known to local Boston ter-rier fanciers and was especially prized byhis owner, Charles Conitanteln. He hadgulned a flnt us n show dug, butIt was as u slro that be hail become es-pecially notod. Many promising puppieshave been sired by him, and one of theseMr. Constantcln bas kept, which will helpto make up fur the loss uf this valuableilog,

Dolly Dollars, the well known llostonterrier show bitch owntd by Mrs. Ueorgellelnleln, Is the mother of four promisingpuppies, two males and two females. Thesire of these puppies Is Constanteln'sKinky Dolly has disproved the old sayingthat n good show bitch does not make agood breeder, as both mother and the pupsare doing well, They ara all dark sealbrlndlea with beautiful marking!.

John E. Horrax recently acquired a flnSchlpperk hy purchasing th winning bitchat the Westminster show.

One of the best heavyweight Englishbull bitches to reach these sluires In sometime is due on the HI, Louis from Englundon Sunday, consigned to Krneit Truslow,Short Hills, N, J, She Is from the kennelsof Frank W'ulker of Lindnn and comeshighly spoken of. She was bred tn .MrWalker' famous stud Newlngion PrinceArthur before being shipped Mr. Truslowla practically a newcomer tn tills breedand has made a good atart by acquiringthis one.

The latest report Is that the whippetclub which Is to b formed by a numberof well known local fanciers, was gettingalong well and that the organisation willbe formally launched In a short time.Among thnco Interested are John E. Ilnirat, the well known bulldog exhibitor andJudge, and James floutelle. Informationabout the club can bs obtained from eitherot these enthusiasts.

The Kensington Kennel Club of Phila-delphia will hold Its annual fall fixture onSaturday, September 26.

The New Jersey lleagla Club will hold aclambake on August 16 at Itoselund, N, J.

The Woodmere Kennel Club has one ofDm strongest Judging slates offered thepublic In u long time for It Initial showto bn held at Lung lleach, L. I., September11. The cocker epunlel classes should provea big entry with James Anderson down tohand out th ribbons.

Philadelphia, whloh, already I the homeof a large number of enthusiastic Airedaleterrier fancier, has had the number addedto, as Lawrence Tnhln of the Philadelphialltcora, has becom a convert to thebreed. It Is rumored that Mr. Tobln milremove to the suburbs, erect a kennel andgo In for the breed extensively

A recent addition to the West Highlandterrier fancy Is Mis Margaret Vanof Huntington, L I., who has been havingDhenomenil luccess with her vaunv im,ri.can bred puppy Cone Jo Barona, wblch hi

. conhtnt W!nnr tn lb puppyeiusM avu an recant stirlna and um.


IhiulUh bloodhound, I'p-in- ril

Solly, Imported andotrnrd by ,1, M. Wlnrliell. Aliorr,Mrs. ,1. ! lull' Pomrmnlanehniiiplnn t, .lllllen.



itaiiiblt! Around in Large Packsanil Xo One. Seems to

Own Them.

It seems strange that In the republicJust to the south the I'nlted Statesther-- are practically no dogs of quality.The natives are fond of dogs, but theyarc poor and their dogs are all of themof the mongrel variety. Tho take no Intercxt In dogs andthe well bred dogs of the Mexican canbe counted on the fingers, A few

nnd fewer Americans scatteredthroughout the republic have gcod dogs,but these are met with so rarely thatthey might well be said not to exist. Afew women havo made a fancy of t

breed, the tiny Chihuahua, butthose who really try to breed these dossare few nnd far between. ,

Of Just dug, howovvr, there Is no end,The streets of the cities, as seems thestyle In all tropical countries, swarmwith hordes of nondescript mongrels,and the mining camps and small villagesare as bad If not wore. liven In therural parts every plantation Is the head-quarters. It cannot be called the home,of a large and flourishing pack of seml-wll- d,

half starved thieves In canineform. Tho dogs ore owned by no onennd never tecelve any favors from

so they are forced to shift forthemselves, ami the way they manage tofke out an existence is marvellous.Partly by hunting, partly by stealing,they are able to keep the spark of life Intheir gaunt bodies.

Some Interesting information of th?dogs of Mexico was given by an Amerl-oa- n

who lately returned from the coun-try, where ho had been employed upona plantation. Ho said that when ho firstwent to this plantation there wero buthalf a doien dogs, the leader being nbig yellow mongrel of tho bull terriertype. In the two years that ho wasthere tho pack multiplied tin It num-bered nearly a hundred, thl In spit oftho fact that litter after litter of pup-pies were drowned. The dogs varied Insize from that of a big jiolntor down toa llttlo ten pounder and of color andshapes there was Inllnlto variety.

These dogs were cenerallv naelflc. hotwhen they tool; the notion In theirneaus they could bn most ugly andmore than onco It was necessary to rescue sumo peon or visitor who had In-

curred the wrath of the dogs. If some,stranger approached In a way thnt theilog.-- did not npprovo of tin would al-most Immediately bn surrounded by ncircle of some llfty odd dogs, all Jump-ing ami snarling. It was a commonsight to sco Mimo Mexican standing Inthe centre of tho circle yelling for dearlife nnd using hands, feet ami blanketto stave off their rushes. As a rulethe dogs would not bite, but the cluiiiccsof their becoming mad and using theirteeth In deail earnest was Ju-- t enoughto take the edgu of enjoyment off thesport for the besieged one.

At many of tho plantations, however,the dogs am really vicious und It Isas much as a man's life la worthto fall In with them when on foot andunarmed. It Is a strange fact butnevertheless truo that no matter howwild or vicious they nro tliey will neverattack a mounted man. This Is prolt-abl- y

nccounted for by the fact that thehorses or mules as the caso may bodo not wnste any love over tho dogsand ninny a well directed kick hastaught thnt discretion Is the better partof valor.

Jniiie Mortimer II run In Health.It Is a pleasitro to nil followers of

dog shows to know tliat James Mortimer of Hempstead, Long Island, who Isknown from const to coast among dogowners, Is fast regaining good health.At Mlneola's show In June, Mr. Mortimer looked ns though he wore a sickman, although ho stuck to his workan superintendent throughout the twodays, and a fow weeks later fulfilledhis engagement as all around Judge atWbllo Plains. Slnco then he has takena complete rest and now looks his oldself again.

Many I'rlii-- s for Dog nt Syraeiiar.Tho dog show In connection with

the New York .State Fair at Syracusehas grown steadily In popularity and ItIs thought that this year the canineevent will lie a greater reunion thanever. The leading kennel clubs and In-

dividual dog fanciers In tho country havegiven freely In tho way of cups andspecial prizes. The prize list caters fornil the larger ,nnd more useful breeds,from KuBslan wolflwunds down to thesmallest of the toy varieties, GeorgeFoley ot Lansdown. P., will superin-tend. ,

Its Shape Is Determining Fac-

tor in Considering: I)oj?sWorth in Ring.


The head of the collie has nlwaysbeen, and Justly so, the lending andmost Important feature In that dog. Aperfect head Is a beautiful thing to con-

template, and the creation of a perfectstructure of the skull Is one of the mostdifficult problems that the collie breeders havo to solve. Some critics willargue that the modern show collie Isdeficient In brain room, but this doesnot seem to be borne out by facts.

The head should be finely chiselled,free from any lumps nnywhere, littlestop and that llttlo nicely graduatedfrom Just before the eyes to the forehead nnd perfectly flat between tho eyes,which must not be too far apart. Thewhole skull should tnper from tho muz-zle to the top of the head and be freefrom any cheeklness. The nose must beblack In all varieties of the collie. Thoperfect head must not be too broad be-

tween the ears, only moderately wide,with no Indentation, almost flat, withJust n traco of arching In the front.The muzzto must be of consistentstrength, not running too fine, or thedog gets a pinched and snlpy expres-sion.

Tho Jaws should meet clear and sound,the top teeth Just overlapping tho under.The pig Jawed collie Is an abominationnnd should be disqualified wherevershown. Hxresslvo length of hend Iseasily obtained If pig Jaws are permis-sible. The upper Jaw of a dog Is moreplastic than the under; for example,look at pugs, bulldogs nnd other kindredbreeds, where shortness of the face Isan attraction. Theso have been workedon by selection until the upper Jaw Isout of nil harmony with tho under Jaw,and tho tongues nre too long for themouth. So It Is with the collie. Ifpig Jaws nro not kept down there willbe dogs with abnormal length of head,U'hlr-l- l urn roiltu llwlp.u llin t,rnctlntwork of the sheepdog. This should be I

borne In mind, as tho utility of any I

I.m.a.1....... r.f .1.1 .... I... ..nAHl.1 iji uop,.--. ruuuiu nwi uk n.n I mi rufor fashion or fancy. The lips of thecollie should bo clean and close fitting,for nothing so spoils the appearanceof n collie as large flabby Hps hangingor protruding from the back or sidesof the mouth. The teeth should be whiteand perfect In their setting. Some showcollies are far from perfect In the colorof their teeth ; poKslbly the forcing withcondiments nnd physics Isfor this. The less artificial stimulatinga dog gets the better. He may matureearly, but It Is much better to miss thewins In the puppy clnsses than to makean old dog of him Just when he oughtto be In his prime.

Probably next to the head In Impor-tance In a collie come the ears nnd theircarriage. Many otherwise perfect dogsnre seriously marred by either badears or faulty carriage. The earsshould be small and set well on thetop of the head, not too far apart andet not too close. During a period of

rest they should be laid back In the ruff,but when animated the dog shouldcarry them erect, with Uv- - tips Justdrooping over and thrown slightly out-ward. They should be of a soft, silkytexture and tree from superfluous hairon the upper parts.. Although tho eye or expression Isonly a small part of the collie, still It Isof tho utmost Importance, for It Isthe shape, color nnd setting of the eyethat give tho dog that keen, alert nndintelligent expression so much ndmlrednnd sought for. Tlw eyes should be smalland almond shaped, and sot obliquely Inthe head. A full or starlrg eyo spoilstho expression, ns does n light eye. Theeye should be dark brown In color andshow no haw. In the Blue Merle, blueor wall eyes are the correct thing andadd considerably to the appcaranco ofthis pretty variety.

Tho coat of the dog consists of n topcoat of hair nnd an under coat of softfurry wool, which should be so doreas to almost hide- tho skin, Thus a fullcoated dog could stand continuous rainwithout getting the skin wet. The coatshould be most abundant on tho frill,neck, mano nnd capo, with long feath-ering on the chct and hind legs abovetho hocks. Tho feathering on the fore-legs should not be so long, yet must befairly so, Tho main trouble In coats Iswnvlness, nnd this can be altered byfrequent brushing nnd comling. A col-li- e

should be brushed dnlly and thofmthcririi; and frill combed out withan open comb.

Many Judges In passlnc on a collielook only to head, ears and coat, butthe good practical Judge always willbe most careful to look at tho legs andfeet, as It Is essential that tho dog mustbe sound, ns It Is In any variety of dog.If a dog Is a cripple, cow hockd anda bid mover he should be pnmllzedheavily. In a colllo the forelegs shouldbo straight and not too wide npart andset Hat on the shoulder luid must notshow the elbow and shoulder turrnloutward, They must bo muscular, witha fair proportion of bone, without bolngclumsy. The feet should bo oval nnd catlike, tho toes arched nnd close together,r.ot spread out but padded, and hardunderneath.

The hind legs nlso piny an Importantpart In the uctlon of tho ilog, Thestllles should be well bent, thu thighsmuscular, the hocks must not bo settoo high up tho leg, but low down andfull ot strength and propelling power.Tho hind feet to bo absolutely correctshould bo slightly longer and Hatterthan tho front ones. A serious andcommon fault is cow hocks. No dogwith this fault can be a graceful nndfreo mover.

It Is extremely dltllcult to dellne Inwords tho general outline and symmetryof a collie, but this may bo summed upIn ono word, type, ns n well balancedcolllo hliouUl be typical all over, lieshould show speed, activity nnd highIntelligence, nnd be freo from cloddl-nes- s.

Tho tall should bo covered pro-fusely with hair and hajig with ngraceful curve at the end, which helpsto complete the line of beauty spokenof previously. Tho tall should hangqulto straight nnd not be twisted orscrewed In any way. Tlio body mustbo of u fair length In tho couplings,with ribs well sprung, Tho frame shouldhave the appearance of being well knittogether, compact nml yet not heavv

The color of a collie can bo said tobe Immaterial, and a good colllo, likea good horse, cannot bo u bad color.Whllo this Is correct In n sense, stillno ono can deny that a smokyblack ora dull sable suffers tn compnrlson witha perfectly colored dog, with full whitemarkings ; so although good color nndmarkings nro not absolutely essential,still they are generally admitted to bemost attractive, and add much to thedog's general appearance.

Collies should not ho of excessivesize and weight. A dog ts consideredlarge enough If he stands anything over24 Inches nt the shoulder and weighsIn good condition fir. pounds,

A bitch should stand 22 Inches andweigh from 40 to CO pounds, yet weightnlways must be to a certain extentdeceptive, as a small dog may be soheavy with fat as to be altogether unfitfor poOTf pi jrerkj


The Imported Wire- -

llilred Fox Terriers.t Stud: Wlreboy ofPaignton, Fee MO.

Jt.'h. llaby Daule,iMH Fee (IS. The Sensa-

tion of F.ngland andAmerica.Rldgeway Baffler, Feestn. Full Brother tn Ch.Kaby Harrier. Ridge-wa- y

Nutcracker, Fee(.. a .rinrf vnlinsl

Ch. Itahy Hauler. rtnB nn1 i,i Englishwinner. Itldgrnay Hastier. Best Hon orCh. Kaby Harrier. Fee 10. The ImportedPomernnlans at Hindi Rldgewjy BlackNugget, black. Profuse rest

rare millt.. Fee MS. BMgejayHmaahrr.Big International winner. Fee ?o. The

Iiulldog at Stud. Ridge-wa- y

Kingcraft. A Big Winner In Fnglandend America, tlrnwn Hlock ruppleor Hale nt All Time. flKOKtirT .

OUINTAItH, owner. Fharlr Button,Kennel Manager. P. O. Box M Hr'd.Iing Island. N. V. Illdfeway Kennel.Phone 2481 Flushing.

THE CONEJO KENNELSoffer th following celebrated prli win-ning Terriers at stud:

Wlr Haired Pox Terrier. "OuycroftSales.". . ,. ...

conejo parcels is sio.Weal Highland White Terrier.Tonejo Checkmate." fee 115.rdoch Chief, fee IIS.

Dunregan Hero, fe 125.The above lilrh c as dogs ar th prop

erty of Mrs. It. A. Italney and arejn chargeor ner aennei mnnjsfr. i,iiAiu.r.n t..-KOK-

Huntington. I. L. to whom all com-munications should be aaareased.

Smooth and WireFox Terriers at Stud





J. B. ABLE, Tappan, N. Y.

WlftR. HAIRED FOX TF.KRIKRS and allbreeds for sale. Diars boarded and handledthe year round. Terms. AI.F D ELMO VI .Penn Cottage, Wynnewood, Pa.


At StudTh famous WF.NT III O HI. AND

WIIITK Terriers.Th property of Kfringbam Lawrene.

Ksq , New York.CHAMPION .MA I ST Kit (IF ULENMKREtho most successful young stud dogIn America. A criterion for typ.Already the sire of the coming cham-pion.

THE I.AIItn OF OI.ENMF.RE.for which a record price was refused atthe late hlg New York show,CHAMPION It I'M PCS OF CLENMERK

A son of th world renowndCHAMPION KII.TEE

out of America's best bitch.CHAMPION Hill KI.I.F.V OF ULKN.

.MERE.ftud fee .Ship bitches to WilliamI.lvessy, Crawford Kennels, Caldwsll,N. J.


Hy Champion ltumpue of Olenmer.Apply WM. LIVSBT, Caldwell. N J.

cornsii TERRIERS.


At studFees am to MS

Walesrntt Kennels. Hernardsrllle. N..I.


IRISH TERRIER 1TPPIES br th Inter-national winner, MEXHORO PAT,

Reasonable prices.William Allison Fuller, Albany. N. T.



Are the best pedigreed in theworld. Apply

COS COB KENNELS11th Are. and 26th St., New York Gty

FOR PAI.E AlreiJil puppies: ara pedj.greed and flnely bred. Adrtreas MKAMW.HltOOK KHNNKI.". W. II. Paton. II. F. D.No, fl, Amsterdam. N. Y


Sweet Sir of Pyker Haa Remark-bi- s

Record In Ulna;.Champion Sweet Sir of Dyker, Mrm.

Jtimea, Gnrdner Itosaman's Maltese ter-

rier, haa the distinction of being-- theyounpest- - Maltese thnt ever hns gainedIts championship, and not content withthis honor It went out and won enouKhpoints for a second championship, com-pleting tho latter nt the V'ostmlnstorshow this yenr. This little dos ItntnedIts Ilret winner's rosette at the nge of 9months nnd beenmo a champion of rec-ord nt 13 months of nge.

Ho uas kited by Champion Mc.Leod'sLlttlo .Sweetheart and his dam Is Mrs.llauman's Champion Dyker Holly II. Hispcdlcrec boasts of sixteen champions ofnote both In Kngland nml America.

Mrs. Ilossmatt has not been In the doefnncy Ions, but hns mndu rapid stridesIn Retting toirether a strong kennel ofher favorite breed. She Is the presidentof the Maltose Terrier Club nnd a mem-ber of the Iconic Islnnd, Toy Spaniel andNewark Kennel clubs nnd an otllcer Inthe Doit I.over Protective Associationof America. Mrs. Itossman Is a grentndvocato of the pure bred Maltose andhnn recently moved to the Itossmansummer home at Dunellen, N. J., wherothere are Ideal facilities for breedtnsdofis.

Some Specials Seem Undesirable.When one picks up a premium list nnd

sees a ttpeclul offered for the best puppybred by a certain kennel during 1815,nnd at that offerod at n show where Itwould be Impossible to have a puppy en-

tered that would be eligible to competefor this special, as the rules of thoAmerican Kennel Club say that a puppymust bo G months of iiko before It will boeligible to compete nt one of their shows,It 1 easy to understand why there Is somuch agltntlon and talk golnc therounds nKnlnst the ribbon shows whichoffer long lists of spoclal prizes hb In-

ducements to get out the entry.


ft Pl2i, 5Vi'"B" 101, to" forTml tddd to leretf n oeuatrl,

KF.NNEI, Hll'I'LlKs.


DOG DISKASr.sjAnd How to Feeo -

I I Mailed free to anv roldrenMrtWt by the Am burH. CLAY CLOVER, V.S.

I3" 1 118 Weight St.. New Vorl


Breeders and Exhibitors of


ft firsts, .1 winners nnd nninemii,specials. Including "Hot In simtt,""Best llrace" anil "llest Pour

Hlghclasa puppies, alio matured stx-for sale,


Dallas, Pa.



alllM of tht poll cp nml nrmt't of Kurwill protrct your iirt(Mriy hu ir turn In firm of Kreatrst fluns t I icompanions bcoaiuvj of thdr n'wdiand thflr almost Human In'r'l cr,

ELMVIEW KENNELS33.1 Connell Illdir . Scratit'in. l'a

A fine litter ofGerman Shepherd Dog

Puppies for sale. .Sire,International ( liamplun.

Apollo von HunensteinLLKE H. SWANK

nOSSwnnlc RMHV. .lolmrtown.Pn



Prlt winning stock. : mvs n- I

female, three month" o'd r. T nReg. No. lis. Dam, the prl?- - r'ner EMPRE.H OP CHINA, Iteg .

lit, IK.JOHN Him AltllMis,

, (ilrmlllr, Conn.

Tel. 1IJ M. Portchester. N Y



Deal Collie In eh- w .n Westminster K,C, New York, I III fr. j ybest Imported co, e at presi nt ti n,America. I'l-.- Mr,.

Oood grown etc if .in-- etr-,-i- rpuppl-- s for ssle rf t u at- i;

Mrs. M. II. .M,( Irinemood Kenm-I- . f. o, (,i 4j,

New llrunsnlrk. N, ,1.Tel. N-- .v Hrunswlck ;3

JAPANKSF. Sl'tNIIXS.Japmese Spaniels, the ImM of I in ported a I

nine Itlbonn stock. kNh-- .mil lirrr .mens for sale. Mlr-- 1. IIAItKl s ,, i ...St., llrouklyn. Tel. A277-- pr,(,S.ll.l.r.ONIIAItH'l 4 U'IM'M, M'lMI I s

Oold and white and Mark ui.i . Ii,:,- ,,hy Omar on etlilliliion and f.,r ifc .itIlnuletard, Astoria, I.. 1

ri:itiN(ii:sR.At Stud. IV Sl.l, for short time


England's t known sre Tl s a t)ok with exceptlnn.1. !

Mrs. Kathrrlne I'mlirrt, i e re. 4 W. tilth Stnet, Ne nrk III;

Opposlts Public I. br.iry.



AM) IIIIOM N A l'i;i I M lMrs. It. P, MiijIi.m, rmlli-- t Mnp

Jericho Turnpike, Ncir Hide I'nrL, I misbland. Phone 47-- Floral I'.irl..


CHIHUAHUA PUPPIESBeautiful, Rrrmll, guaranteed win.

nsr. Very renBonublo.M. J. SAI.I.IIN, 11.1 llroudn;.

New Hut en, Conn,


The Dog ShopIS East 35tli Street. New .ork

Just opposite nPhone Hurray II.

Special attraction m,

f upples. Rsaiyham V . i'onie, I'ekes and luirh

The lloston Timer hiiinplnu nMI'ROY at stud Fee 11

ATTENTION' Who s .1 I t' rMonkeys! Itnuben '.!,Judge, has the rhn etbreeds In New .,rk, In ,

ment Imported sin It u "WIIKRK, state breed rem, e 'KIINNW.S. 11S K.lst Sill -I

Hotel Orlsdale. fur II w nlefnclsncy all brunches, it) W I, 1 .

N. V Tel. llryant 7(1:1

Nprlnstld Hog 1'illiue ' lorsale. 2 Hast (6th Street. N w 1 rk

HOARDING AMI IHMII.IM..WATI.AND IIOaltlHVC 1,1 N Ml.Hoard your pet or sIioit in the 'tkennets In Amerlc-- i li.iirs ' i

handled at all slums. Tho bi-.-

stock, nil brei-d- for siilc ,i iTel. 2HII.W llolvlis Ferrv

FHANK II. Ullll MAN, Prop.


Larohmont Boarding KennelsH I.IUHTK, Ti:veryihlnir for n ii

MOIIKY IIOaltDIVC I.INMI-- .John Htnae, proprietor a' i

dltlon doits tindir the prrsnnit! v,Mr. Stokes llin tnj. Hui, ii.Tel. 01 W. Morsi'im-ri-

e anrl adl.0. delivered by mall anywhere In iho TUMCkoJituiaoMrrdei'muitaccoiiipinyjiilr.



Enclosed find 2c. stump. Please send five pedigreeblanks free of charge.

NAME. . . r.7rrz:7. ;

.HSH.6ifmif,.,,'LfebdJ? 'M ofnnenundred with kennel and owner's nsno

aarau nr"iw sa asj www