The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-06-14 [p ]. · Srrrrtr to Coninlate Eenador Dead Woman Jade...

f MA A YOU imNO 288 NEW YORK TUESDAY PRICE TWO CENTS I c i lj- I i fAi JiIPcr OIl 60 I1A I4U JUNE 14 19O4CovvrfDM 004 I > < WOMAN SUESM 6UG6ENHEIH slit CANT air EASYMONEY OUT Of ME SAYS HE Ask for a Quick Trial Lest He Die Court Hules 8he Mutt Take the Ounce She Ha He Promised j Harry Her and sue lOOOOe A Fult to got 100000 damages for breach of promUo of marriage has boon brought against Meye Guggenheim head of the moiling firm Sons benefactor of Mount Sinai Hospital by Hannah McNamora about whom nothing Bt Is known but her namo Ungor are tho lawyers who bring the suIt for the woman Justice Clarke In the Supremo Court yestorday denied their application U pre ferrcd plea defendant may not live long enough to enablo the plaintiff to got at him legally Mr Guggenheim Is 70 years qld AU that her lawyers would day about the woman yesterday was that she is about 00 years old that she first mqt Mr Oug Ronhcim In PhiladelphIa and that during their acquaintance both had passed under the name Meyer She cant get easy money out of me Is what Mr Guggenheim said In her complaint tho plaintiff says that until this year she has been In constant intimate association with Mr Guggenheim- for more than twentyfive years She allege that he promised to marry her about March 20 1000 and twit they agreed to marry on April 1 the next year Before that day came around the complainant continues the defendant became ill and tho mart go was postponed but anagree ment wan reached by which the marriage- was to take place on April 1 1003 Then Mr Guggenheim refused to marry the plaintiff although tho mid plaintiff was then ready and willing and confiding- in tho defendants promise has always since remained and now Is ready and willing to marry defendant The reason given In the papers by the woman and her for wonting the case put on the preferred calendar Is that she believes it would not be reached for trial In the ordinary course for two years and by reason of the poor physical condi- tion of thedefendant and the distress of mind which his treatment of her na he stated to her has occasioned him she does not believe toot ho will live the two yearsrequkod to bring the case to trial Edgar M Loventrtt of Nathan Loven trltt tc Perham counsel for Mr In an amdavlt opposing the applica- tion said that the Jwcndant is and had been In tho best of health since the action had been begun AU that Mr Leventritt would say further about the suit yesterday was that the allegations InIt were untrue Mr Guggenheim himself who Is in Long Branch pending summer at his daughters cottage emphatically denied all the alle patlons JHla son Daniel here in New had nererheard ofa woman named McNftrnnra i the charges said Mr GuggenbiHm Vie of my promtawg- U marry woman ridloulouH living soul ever RAW mo rrlth her Mr Guggenheim admitted that be knew tho woman by sight She brought a similar suit han ho lay ill three he said but the court wouldnt accept her com- plaint He laughed at the Idea that he was In poor health I never felt belter said he I havent got an ache nor a pain But she cant get out of me I never received a loiter from the woman and have never been in her company When he was asked if the woman ever lived In Long Branch If she over never knew it Mr Guggenheim luw been a MWOII years Ho luis seven sons and two UughterR Sirs Albert Loch and Mm t oni HothSchlld who tire summering at Hollywood Of tho souDaniel Simon Boloinon and Benjamin Guggenheim arc tilso numbered among the Long Branch cottagers Isaac and Murray Guggenheim are In Europe and William Guggenheim in In this city Meyer Guggenheim came to this country from young man and about U mil yslx years ago invested in a Colorado Kindling venture which earned enormous profits Five of hit sons are now directors of the American Smelting and Refining Company- Tho father gave large sums toward the wcctlon of tim now Mount Sinai Hospital OUR gilt of tZOOUOO was In memory of his wifo Ho organized the mass meeting in Carnegie Hall at the time of the Kishlneff at whiph Cleveland spoke rot SOX ED JtY STRAWBERRIES Srrrrtr to Coninlate Eenador Dead Woman Jade VeryillI- ranclRoo MornSUva 37 years old the werotBry of the Consulate of Ecuador in this city died early ycstorday Roosevelt Hospital from ptomaine polson iB MoraSilva and his wife lived at Mrs Sharps Warding douse at 315 West Forty eighth Rtrfict On Sunday night they went to a restaurant near Broadway and Fortrfcond street The secretary ate freely of strawberries and cream and took home to Mrs Sharp Mrs MoraSilva didnt cat any of the fruit At 3 oclock in tho morning she awakened by her About it won discovered that Mrs HM great and Dr J T C ODonahuo of 336 West Forty eighth ftr et was summoned Ho that nn ambulance from Mrs remained at homo and rented by Dr It was saldat- l greatly CUP FOil ROOSEVELT PreSident of National Rchuetwnbnnd Fires Target In HU Name rrtldcnt Henry Kroeger of the National unietzenbund of America which Is hold K its fourth annual shooting festival at yesterday afternoon 5MVettipr feh o O United Sa Fourth national fcstiTal bffl ed h In tho t success he Wan and n preOnt k sult to on U the > Guggen- heim tAfnJy Note 1161 money l1vld llelol mal erCH Grover morning- In me waS 1I same was n In Q elt Hospital The ecr wee wltbout OnCfoun M- I was last night that her condition I at Park Union J sent the f t vlt d shooting ehot on target as of the United Stateq by me foil r 6b7 rinllli Festival II ow Hearty Oril R 11 About scoo Afk the n 4 t iv the calendarfort ial that York deny I Ida I he replied widower for Switzerland ae a I serious condition taien regaining f F k I C I of honor nam President cup epres the CTOWLhVeltihooUrgQfl di rset- I > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > THEIR LIVE SAVEDBY A NEGRO lie Stopped the Runaway Team of lien and Buckm- Lmnsvaut Ky June is Tho lives of Jflencral and Mrs Simon Bother Buckner iron probably saved this the of a negro who saw their predica- ment and rushing Into the street stopped their runaway team The former loou of the Confederacy who Is now 83 years old with Mrs Buckner Thfe team became frightened and driver was unable to control the frantic horses as they turned rapidly Into crowded Jefferson street from First street Jim Clay a negrowho was passing hur- ried into thestreet and grabbed the bit of one of the horses bringing them to a and under them Just as they crashedlnto a cabbageladen truck Ho had dragged nearly a hundred feet and wasrbftdly bruised crashed into a load of watermelons piled on the nearly nfl of them The venerable Gen Buckner extricated himself from the wreckage and then assist- ing Mrs to her feet calmly asked the owner of tho melons what damage he owed klan Mrs Buckner at the same putting dollar bills Into the hand of the negro who had stopped the Ho was not much hurt NEW BOARDER Ills First Mcht at the Home Cost Htm SO and Produced S3ftOO- k tall welldressed young man went Andersons boarding house at 18 Vest street lost night and room on the fourth floor He advance On the third floor of the house Mrs W W Scott of Watertown N Y has occupied a room for the last week Mrs Scott was to go home on an 11 oclock train from the Grand Control She had packed her grip and In It her jewel box contain- ing jewelry valued at 3500 She had dinner and at 1030 went up to her room for the grip It was there but had boon opened and the jewel box was gone Mrs Scott called Mrs Anderson and broughtall the other boarders in the house to her room It was soon dis covered that the new boarder had disap- peared Mrs Scott and Mrs Anderson called a cab and drove to the East Fiftyfirst street station where reported the robbery- to Sergt that Mrs Anderson could say of the thief was that he didnt look like a thief She described him as a handsomo young man SAY WOMAN DWINDLED MANY Jllsj Lunn U Having Secured Notes EIXJIN Ill June 13 Miss Martha Lunn of this city who escaped arres on the charge of embezzlement two mouths ago through the kjhdnces of friends and J y- tsurrend to her of her prop r is the fiulmlnatlcm of one of the most remarkable financial andbuslnesr careers ever brought to the attention of the county In in this year Miss Lunn of prisoner was found to from n womans club of this city in the sum of 13000 Per sister Martha was known to be An accomplice- The affair was settled when O P Lord came to the rescue of the club with a cheek for 11000 and the two sitters and their aged father surrendered a to the house and lot which they owned Since these were made public and the retail Elgin was abandoned scoros of creditors have been found both In Elgin and surrounding towns Martha Lunn scattered notes upon which were the signatures of her father B E Limn and W W Teal a relative It is estimated today that the claimson these notes will aggregate 110000 It was her method to columns of the paporsand note deaths whero con- siderable ennui were left to widows She visited the bereaved homos later repre that she had an excellent invest It is alleged and usually secured from 100 to II 000 on these notes TAKE THE RAllIES TO CHURCH Nursery Provided for the Benefit f an CHANGE N J June IS The members of the congregation of the Orange Metho- dist Church of which the Rev Frank MacDanlel Is pastor can go to church now without worrying about the baby Mr MooDanlcl and Mm Thomas A Edison wile of the inventor have solved lem Hereafter the babies will be brought- to church and left in room in the care of volunteer nurses members of the church have been prevented from attending Because it would never to at home alone Instances are recorded of men who tho week were Mo busy or too prepare the babys who have a enthusiasm about D tostay at home and nurse the Those men havo been missed the regular and when the ab discussed- for ameliorating their condition Mrs the Idea of the I The women of the church volunteered to look after the detailsof the plan Sots of blocks Indestructible ure books and other which delight the infant mind were purchased room downstairs lisa been up scheme la working finely with ever prospect of success BRtffDLE COW HOLDS UP AUTOS Strayed From Home where and Occupied Lafayette Bnlerard A stujnpy horned brindle cow with an disposition caused a lot of commotion- on Lafayette Boulevard yesterday after It held the middle of the for hour causing auto drivers and horse- men o use violent language Brlndlo seemed to have an ungovernable dislike automobiles and charged several head bellowing Bike Cop O6d West 152d station and Mounted Policeman Cavanaugh corralled the cow and took it to house drank its health DKWETS PORT wlNB ANB GRAPE JCICK Cannot b excelled for the sick HT r wey SOP Co us Fulton St N YAt ITS BRIGHT AHD FRESH The Worlds to very attr tlv now Ptatrlvtnl TUllitttd Ckwrb Builnloa Jane U H fl Kow T t i bra very ntGen ral n the rap two five runaway ANDJEWELS S lONE to- M engage dept I the I Calc IO lp ry author APr fate watchtbe sent through n oclock ron on nOl dow the mllt and ei frmWlkofld I I r ers Mrs negro stand- still sidewalk breaking her cries victims all tkep ohthge otfor Thisact the boa Orange ongregatIon the a church- goers evil treet where night A boy cano to statkn said te had strayed actoss the bee notsppeared yoL Fair The 0 A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < ROTHSCHILD JEWELS PASTE STORY OF A DISAGREEABLE SUIt PRIS rOR DAVIDS WIFE- It When She Tested Her 110000 Collection the Diamond StoBwchtr wa Priced at and the 90tOOO Amethytt Necklace at BO While David Rothschild to trying to learn how to moke mate In Sing Sing Prison wlth spoiling the shape of his finger nails his wifa and his immediate friends lag to find out all the came his way while he was president the FederalBank and the man who turned the screw in that the Company At the time of It was that ho had spent at least 116060 on jewelry for his wife Mrs Rothschild thought ho bad Anybody with an idea of turning the Jewels Into cash wilt get a disagreeable sur- prise from a story now told by a friend of Mrs Rothschilds family According to this friend after Rothschild had to Sing Sing Mrs Rothschild shed better find out Just what she had In the way of quick assets She had a Ward robe the value of which she she herself had ordered it Then there was an automobile or two but she wasnt certain whether they belonged to tho estate of her husband or to the automobile dealer Walter Stearns Stearns didnt appear to have any doubt All those things were of trivial value however Mrs Rothschild thought com- pared with her collection ofJewels Her husband had told her they could be sold at any tune for at least 1150000 There was a superb stomacher and a gorgeous tiara to say nothing of necklaces pearls and diamonds rings of rubles and sapphires brooches and earrings and lockets and stick pins and then there was that of well nigh priceless harmonized thysts Rothschild didnt leave his wife with any too much ready money Mid the friend of her family yesterday HO she consulted her father a few days ago about the best way to realize on her Jewels The old gentleman is pretty wise and more- over had had some experience with David that wasnt as inexpensive as it might have been So ho to his daughter If you find out lust what that stuff is worth take it to sotrte broker that never had even a remote connection with the Globe Security Company and youll find out Just how much cash it would not you if you had to sell it quick In the Jewelry line quick assets mean a pawn- brokers valuation- So Mrs Rothschild got all her Jewels together day and took them down- to Simpsons She sowed tho stomacher first She told how much Dave said it wet Your husband must have been man behind the counter Ills tiara which cost ac- cording tA Rothschild was not as valuable a the stomacher Finally they oametto the string of amethysts TneseI know are extremely valuable sold Mrs Her husband had brought them home to her one night tossed them Into her lap and said Theres a little present for Mv dear those are all selected stones each ono of a peculiar and rare ancient cut It took One man twentythree make that string and it cost me 20000 Mrs Rothschild told him he must be crazy to spend so much as that for a string of amthyBts but he replied My dear theres nothing too you I want you to have the dWell when she showed the string of to the pawnbroker the pawn I think we might give you 150 for It but I wouldnt be very keen on the bargain that V That was too much for Mrs Rothschild She just packed up her and went home Sho has found is worth just about 1300 instead of 150000 or more And now she and others are tag what Rothschild did with his ACCUSED OF DEALING STOCKS Two Methodist Preacher of Delaware May Be Callwlto Account WHMINOTON Deli June of the Wilmington District Methodist Preachers Association spent several hours- in conference today considering the cases of theRev Wilbur F Corkran and the Rev Charles S Baker who are charged with dealing In stocks The entire ques- tion was referred to Presiding Elder A S Mowbrmy who will to the cUr and decide whether to appoint a committee to investigate the charges Dr Corkran Is btlll connected with hs conference but is stationed la Bethlehem- Pa Is the pastor of Methodist Episcopal in this olty Both were present They contend that they did nothing contrary tb the rules of the Church The meeting secret and none of those present would talk except In the general way As Dr leaving the ho was met by Deputy Sheriff who served a sumnlons in the case brought against Him In the State courts by Zell A the Baltimore brokers who allege that the doctor owes them a- ba nco of about 3700 for money on stock transactions THE OOELETJfHELEfi WEDDIXd Three Hthemrfali Held Vciterday MU- tlUotevelt one of the Bridesmaid PniLADBipnu June MS Three rehear sals were held today by the patties con corned In the GoeletWhelen wedding Bishop MoVlckar of Rhode Island was the who didnt participate Miss Alice Roosevelt ono of the brides miidB arrived this afternoon at St Marys came trailing along afterward veil with her but all the bridesmaids carried the pink para- sols they will use at wedding march eli the the floor their parasols- In time to the music were very audible Ita drums said one bridesmaids Thats one of Elsies IdeM Mrs BIddle who Is matron of honor had trouble with her She didnt know what to do with it It will be laid In the chancel rail during the cere- mony Roosevelt will go toHyde Park N to be bridesmaid Rflat out are f now Glob gOD f sting sid ono a u neT goo alt m a Jewel wonder 13 his Cub mot our J only ono tow the wit the Y of l s That N15 try what he did with money famous knew because come on said the stage dIauonds OIvO i SU- Iorit 1jw thO Sand Roth hUcb years to I Members scion Dr Baker waS era due in The rest of party aisle to brides- maids MJss her cousin Miss II else Roosevelt i I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < FAIRBANKS He TTanU to Be Free to Take PrMldeatlal Nomination Next Time a Friend Bay INDJINAPOUB June 13rIf the mission of exLleutOoy Woodruffof Kew York In Indianapolis was to got a promise from Senator Fairbanks woul i acoept the ln failure for the Senate abso- lutely dOomed to be a He reiterated what he has said to imany In Indiana sod elsewhere that he would not seek oooond place on the ticket nor would ho authorize hia frionds to say that he would accept the nominationif it were tendered to him He declared that he hod never said he would that tie1 has no Intention of doing BO for there able men who would like to have the nomination and hedld not want to be in the way of any aspirant for it Mr Woodruffs has led to the state- ment bya friend to the effect that Fairbanks would have signified his willingness to take second place if the President had declared his position in re- spect to the Presidency four years hence- It is said that Mr Fairbanks wonts to bo free four years from now to become a candidate for the Presidency but if he wore elected on the ticket with Mr Roosevelt and tho latter a renomlnation he would be handicapped by his place and put at a greater disadvantage than if he were a Senator OFGETTISO A MEAL A Hungry Russian Fires a Pistol In Phila- delphia Until Arrested PmUADRLFUiA June 13 Without food for four days Peter Reddish a Russian of sea Deloncey street adopted a unique getting a square meal tonight of shop employees on their way home tonight were startled to hear a pistol shot at Eleventh and Chestnut streets A man stood on th sidewalk hear Keiths Theatre flourishing a revolver AU was excitement and a little girl leaving the theatre with her mother foil in a swoon rushed from a drug store Snap went the little black bag she Carried Then the barrel of a jewelled pistol was thrust under the mans nose March said abe and he marched straight into the arms of Policeman Drudlng Somebody asked the young woman about her re- volver Oh I always carry that she laughed I live In the suburbs and one never whon one Is going to be hold up Besides she added hailing a passing our li comes In handy for occasions like this I wanted to get arrested the prisoner said I would not hove hurt but 1 wanted omeall hued I PI t Af OnljTAne Twelve V Bnllc lute Is Mark RicuiiOND Jiind 13 Aduel that recaJU the old daysof the South took place on Sunday afternoon In Reservoir the outskirts of Donvlllo known men Washington Yates and COok There was a feud between the men that had made thorn bitter enemies for years and had almost led to bloodshed on several occasions- To settle tho trouble once for all a sition to fight was made and The men met armed with uptodateh- ammerlesa revolvers took their stand twelve paces apart and opened fire Their was not good Alter six ohots had been exchanged no damage had been done except a flesh wound- in Cooks thigh Enraged at his ill sue ceis Yates thrOw hh empty pistol at Cook and then attacked him with Upon the approach of outsiders Yates escaped Cook being unable to run was arrested COMPLAIN OF OUR ACTION BrittenThink Extension of Cotttwtee IAWI to CttNt DtipaicA to THE SCK LONDON June the House of Lords today Lord Muskerry complained that countries were reserving their coastwise trade for their own vessels and asked what the Government had done respecting the States applying its own coastwise Philippines Lord LansdoVne Secretory for Foreign Affairs replied tbatnmdoubtedly the present systems by which certain Powers hadfree access to the British coasts while those Powers excluded the British from theirs was unfair and disadvantageous tp Great Britain but he warned against exaggerat- ing the grievance because it was In no way Universal Indeed only Russia and the United States excluded British vessels altogether and when there was talk of retaliating it should be remembered that they made the least use of the British coasting trade and con- sequently offered the smallest target for reprisals Britain ho sold must think twice steps that were likely to pffoot her as on entrepot of The Government regarded the action of the United States in the PhlllppinM aa incon- sistent declarations tho Ameri- can Government had made when it eluded the of peace with Spain and the matter under discussion IMPORTING PORTO LABOR St louts Company Iltrrt Guru to Work In Its Pie tory Special Dupalclt u The Sox SAN JUAN R June 13 The St Louis Cordago Company Is about to make on experiment the direction of obtaining Porto labor It has engaged twenty tour Porto Rican girls to work in its fac- tory It will pay their passage to the United States their board upon theIr ar- rival and will give them wages of BO cente dally The girls sailed tonitht Egypt Cotton fiwatUfactorrS- ptclel Cable to TOM Snx- CAIHO June 13 Reporteoit the condition of the cotton crop in Egypt have been made to the Government From many districts the reports are unsatisfactory Eur to Remember Othtr lloir on the Eves Near Offlc 4M sad IM Uraadri- MtorUraie J Fulion mv t dellA p I n- It r TIlt UNIQUE Jan young lrqLUEL t ron Tel prop Unit Grot with tat Cal byway New Cop Due 0 the Ohio 10 j dan tbe for Was OLD WOOREJNO accept are many woman anyone AOUTZRN5RLjN i t marksmanship however Philippines Veldt mIn other maritime conk RICAN rIeans L Royal Train 1lttniore and at 5 12 clock ds Baltimore aM 51 nrooiysji ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < PEEPEd AT FAT IMPLEWIN- l MARTaV MAN AT DRESSING ROOM SUVTfER- Aetrrtf lied bl wond a WU M Toilet Were caSed In at the few Atafttr dam Meant frp hum sayi Smltn There iron slats the shutters of Fay room whIch book of the etagi of the Amsterdam Theatres Aer l Garden The shutters with the slats ope on Garden lostnlght betweene first and second acts ALlttle of Everirthlnjr Temptoton had laid off the outward trappings of the widow in black anti was become a shortskirted mlnstrelr when her gaze wandered to the shuttered window One of the slats wOe gone arid a pair of eyes were at the opening Without giving any sign she stepped out of range and sent her mold the Manager Lueccher and Frank Bell speolal officer attached to the New Amsterdam Theatre stole through the darkened the window They found a tell light haired clean shaven man In good clothes so Intentat the shutter that M did not them oomlng He didnt like it told him hed have to come down to the office He hadnt meaht any harm ho said Just happened- to look hi because he saw some one moving Inside marched him to the office where the man handed out a visiting card bearing the name O Smith and said ho was frota Philadelphia Detective Sergeant WakefleU and Abe Erianger were called in The sleuth didnt know about Mr There was the broken slat and Templetona behind it Mr Smith might Seemed to him Police Headquarters was a good place to settle it My dear sir said the young man Im Mr Arthur Smith Everybody knows me Im a member of the Knickerbocker They know me there Col Dyer me oh everybody knows me Mr Erlanger said ho had no desire to have any Mr Smith arrested who was the real Mr Smith and told Mr Smith to take the detective to some ono who could identify himAt a late hour last night Wakefield hadnt showedup at Police Headquarters with a prisoner OirXER ACTS AS Mlltlenalra CorrHtsn Works lilt Pastace Lake Striker Fire at P- MIIWAURKB WIn June IS Although worth a million and partowner of fifteen of the largest lake freighters in existence Jobn Corrigan of Cleveland here steamer hand He told how he yas fired upon by a mob nt Port Huron and narrowly es caped with his life Wo were poising tbroMgh Port Huron LUstTue dayvnlihtf h Biid encountered a mob of p e teri and pilots on both shores Capt Andrew Gaines has always been a bitter feehng against him At flnit there a few soattering shots to which we paid no attention Later the chief engineer and I went astern to fix the hawser of the Polynesia which we were towing when suddenly a fellow fired at us Had I been armed 1 know I could have picked him off but as it was be and we escaped injury On the following some of the Port Huron came to us and apologized for the of the strikers The strike is broken We will never again hire a mate orpllot who belongs to the association The need of laws com polling masters to bo United has also been shown by the HRYAN COMING TO SPEAK- At the PmllUer AntiParker Meeting Which U Put Off to Jane 3O William J Bryauhaa promised address the mass meeting to be held next Monday night hi Union of Democrats who are the nomination of Judge Parker Melvin Q Palllser secretary of the committee in charge of tho arrange in announcing yesterday that the the meeting had been changed 18 to June 20 stated that Mr Bryan has promised to attend The two principal speeches will be made by Mn Bryan andFrederio Hinriohs who on the fusion ticket in tnis city last foil and who in I8S8 wasthe candi- date on the Palmer and Buckner ticket for tenantGovernor The purpose of the meeting in not only to condemn the of tbivAlbany con- vention but to appoint a delegation to the views of the meeting to uw national convention St I am convinced the many letters I have from State Mr yesterday that all sec- tions of ofthe party will b represented at Cooper Union of our has been o serious Judge Parkers candidacy that Senator members of committee are supporters- of Judge Parker are laboring the Its In Expressions 6f approval of our meeting many men who were prominent antisnap convention of Hill ROOSEVELT KEEPS HANDS OFF Win Have Nothing to Do With HetlrlaE Sheldon From National Committee WASHINGTON June 13 President Rooce veIL has let It be known that he will have nothing jo do wjth the question of electing- a successor toGeorge R Sheldon as a mem ber of the Republican national committee- for the State of New York Representative Lucius N Llttauer of New York had a talk with him this morning on this and other political matters In the Empire State The plan of Oov Odell to retire Mr Sheldon from the committee and to have William Warren of Buffalo W L Ward of West chester or some other good Odell Republi- can chosen In his place is a matter with which the President will have to do In to the suggestion that Bruce Cortelyou to be chairman- of national committee should be member of the committee from the President does not or even familiarly Known that the chairman of is not necessarily a member that committee one of tho ffreotest chairmen the committee ever had A Henna of Ohio waa member of the committee JUJ1B DAYS AT TH WeRU B FAIR ul Ooacb Excunlon vU P nn Dt ntllro 4- ID 1 KO round trip teem Mew York AH I and 0n Is u her abut filth diamond Cub DECKHAND arrive acton Slate Cpr met from for rive over trough elf thin of a SMITH SAYS Artlelea Wl the PoUce are the Mls to tell man- agement today onthe ben we ere onshore from June iran rein all lie Stat State to the nevel ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > RIO FIGBT POSTPQVED- Jeffrie Ime LHwei Battle to Be Put Off One Week SAN FBANCISCO Juno fight bo- tween Jeffries and Munroo willbe post week till June 24 This after attempted to work In the gymnasium but his knee too stiff The doctor thinks it will bo all right in a few day butwith the tight on there would be no time or so ha made a proposal for postponement Mid the other side NO AUTO FOR HETTY GREEN Say She Wenld RaUier hays a Donkey- s Auto an Extravajanoe Nsw BEDFORD Mass June 18 Mrs Betty GrOom who has been In Boston In connection with several lawsuits brought against her visited NewBedford her native city yesterday Yes Im a very busy woman she said to n reporter Why dont you an automobile suggested the reporter Auto Mrs Green echoed IM rather have a Autos like the giving of tips are extravagant things They chug chug along wasting money destroying nerve breaking down smashing property Its a wonder there are net more lawsuits for damage Autos often break down and kick too much more than mulosdo I never heard of an auto without learning that It had broken ran away there aro the of a run the vehicle and the repairs I guess Its cheaper to ride the way I do VANDEROILTS AUTO WHIZZED Alfreds Driver Is Fined After a Trip Bo Speedy Newport NEWPOBT Juno 13 were yesterday afternoon when they saw an automobile whiz along Belle- vue at a time when the drive was crowded with turnouts It WOB estimated that It was going between 40 and 50 miles an hour Even the members of the Road were the speed of the machine and demand for the arrest of the It was later the machine belonged to Alfred 0 Vanderbilt and that his driver Paul Surtprz was in charge The machine was stripped for racing Thl morning Surtorz was arrested for speeding and was fined tio and costs NO OVERTURES FROM HILL To Murphy and No AntNParkrr Conference That Murphy Knows Of leader Charm F Murphy said lost night that there is absolutely no ground for therpublished reports that over- tures have been made to him by David B Hill I have not heard from Mr Mill either directly or he said and I have had no communication of any kind either from Mr Hill or any one else ease eiated with Judge ParkerASome ol the papers in thlA city are stating that th r- are to be held in this city this week ippn- fcrenoes of who are opposed to JudgeParkerand I have been mentioned as being concerned In those con ferencc but if such conferences are to take place I know nothing about them and have not been asked to attend them SETS ASIDE DOCTORS BIG FEE Treatment Not Patient Wealth Should Determine the Amount ST Louis June 13 According to a de- cision Judge Ryan today the financial condition of a patient not be taken Into consideration by physicians in making charges for professional services Tlie character of the service the serious- ness qf the complaint the skill and time required result Judge Ryan are elements to be considered but not the wealth or poverty of the patient The decision was rendered setting aside the verdict of the Jury in tho suit of Dr M P Morrell against Dr J J Lawrence of New York Dr Morrell New York and per formed a surgical operation on young Lawrence charging 30000 The Jury awarded him 13000 but Judge Ryan deemed tbJsamount excessive GIRL WHO THREATENED CZAR Mrrjeenky Taken From HerParents Home to Prison Special Cable Despatch THE SUN ST PETERSBUBO June 13 Miss Mer Jeeraky adaughter of Prof Merjeersky- the principal alienist In Russia and a mem- ber of the Privy Council who was arrested on May 10 In St Petersburg and was found- to have a bomb In her possession which It was believed sho Intended to throw at the Czar as ho passed her fathers house on his way to the parade ground was detained at her parents residence undor police sur- veillance has now been token to prison She Is accusedof threatening the lives of the Emperor and his Ministers A report that she had boon hanged Is untrue It is believed thatshe was In a hysterical con dition when she committed the offence of which she it accused LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK 387S White Star Line Makes Another Cut In Steerage Sates Spttlal Cable Dttpataiti to TBSSUN LONDON June is Following the reduc- tions rpade in Its rates by the Cunard Steam- ship Company th White Star Line will further reduce Its steerage rato to New York by five shillings ANTWERP June IS Hundreds persons believing that tho RedStar Line will to Now 40 shillings are flocking here from the Interior only to meet with refusal The agents of the line have received to examine appli- cants very strictly who were overanxious to secure ions and accepted passen- gers without examination will be dismissed It is believed that the action of the Immi- gration Commissioners In Now York will assist in terminating thewar MAYOR AT LONG BRANCH Will Be There lee the Vummer Ncw Causing to Town Dally Mayor MoCleUan moved to the cot tage he has rented at Long Branch He yesterday Tim Mayor will come to the rail from TAng Branch to Atlantic Hl lands and thence by the boat to the landing at Rector street and will return by the same rout each day r 13The none Fray air 1 uy dow The Tat Gasp neat a diver oC- t Courts went MI ba dayby f J wad lie avenUe legRoom once what- ever tem crat1 1to bern hence York for I- Some1 agents k ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ m IRA RUSSIAN TURN ON PURSUERS AND INFLICT Loss OF OWLS 800 Activity In Northern Llaottmc May lie F Uowd by Laaulnc at Newebwan Admiral Togo Sayj Hoft an Are B tratln From That Pout HU SUpt- Aldlnc the Army Shelling Runlans Special Catlt DttfoiOiei to Tan SmN- KWOHWANO Juno The Russians attacked a Japanese force southeast of the Mountains on Juno 11 8000 oj them pursuing the apparently fleeing Japan cee to Yaotung Pass Thero it became evident that the Japooeea retreat was feint The men who lied been retreating and assisted by hidden reonforoe monte attacked their pursuers killing or wounding 860 of them The Russians ro treated ln disorder along the Taflhlchap road Some of these refugees reached New ohwang on Juno 12 with 285 transport carts They seemed to be terribly dejected and fatigued as if they had made a long forced march Numbers Of the men had outs on their faces indicating sabre wounds Several of their horses were wounded A strong detachment was sent in the evening thoremainder These reached Tashlcho where Gon Konrdtttovltch Inspected them They en trained yesterday for Llaoyang It la stated Japanese marched- to Sulnghal from Pulandien with the object of clearing the district preparatory to ad wincing to tho neighborhood of New chwang V LONDON June 14 It Is pom tod out We that the Russians were caught nt Slungyo the same as they were at the Yalu though on a smallor The Incident Is re- garded as being bound seriously shako the Russian forces at Wafngkau prob ably leading to their final withdrawal and the disaster taken with other Indications of Japanese activity In the neighborhood la regarded likely to clear the way for a Japanese landing at Newphwang which Is supposed to bo imminent Telegrams from Newchwang do not mention the Russian retreat therefrom mentioned by Admiral Togo The Russian report of a Japanese reversa south of Haicheng Is not confirmed from any source The of telegraphic com Cprea and Japan is regarded as todicatmg that all the Japa- nese naval and nmltery arrahgemefttsi- havB boon that there t now nothing to be feared front disclosures and that each column is also Iteked j means of the field telegraph o that iy rjj Russian movement reported br ni General to the others ver tQbe known situation at Port Arthur reiterating jipoh tbeauthority of China man arrested at Newchwang who was supposed to have been acting as a Japanese spy at Port Arthur such assertions eon coming the strength and activities of the garrison as have been frequently made lately It says that the coal supply U now reduced to GOO It Is reported that two armored trains carrying the Retvirdns guns northward ran the JapaneseMines They were badly damaged by shells Admiral Togas blockade is effective al- though the channel has partly cleared Admiral Togo has been successful Che Junk traffic The defenders ofPort 4 Arthur are depressed and ore earnestly hoping that Gen KouropatUin will send re- lief to them TOGO AIDS TIlE ARMY Shells Russians Ashore Inflicting Severe Lots at KalplnK special Cfbli to TBS SUM TOKlo June 13 Admiral Togo reports that a squadron from his fleet bombarded- the Russians on Juno 6 between Kalplng and tho Sulngyuo River It reconnoitred- the coast and returned to on June 12 It reported that the enemys t Infantry and cavalry numbering stationed near Kalplng with the object of preventing a Japanese landing fled after the bombardment Kalplng b on the west coast of the Llootung peninsula south of Newchwang After recording the stoppage of a train previously reported Admiral Togo con- tinues On the morning of June 8 we shelled two companies of infantry and a squadron of cavalry at Kalplng Inflicting great loss The captain of a steamship leaving Ying June 7 says that owing to the bardmcnts 3000 Russians with twenty guns evacuated Ylngkow and retreated Jiorth ward Two Russians captured by one of our torpedo boats on June 10 say that a force of 5000 men under Gen Samsonoff arriyed at Wafangkau on May 31 They also state that three or four trains reach Nanchiallngdaily Our combined squadron ha N strength- ened the blockade and la now covering the rear of the forces ashore Our fourth destroyer flotilla shelled the enemy effec- tually around Kimohengtzo for two hours on Juno 10 The second flotilla noitring at Tollon Fan found four Russian destroyers off Sciwbo Point on June io and engaged them but they retreated forthwith The mine dragging progresses V havo destroyed thirty mines on the high SOBSbesides some floating near the harbors several of them northward of Iron Island The weather was extremely foggy the post week Happily there were no accidents ST PETERHnnKO June 13 A despatch from Gon Kharkevltch dated June 12 says that the position of the troops in the neighborhood of Wafangkau station was unchanged on Juno 9 10 and II Japan OIl attempts to drive back the Russian posts south of Wafacgtten station liavo- lj j c to cover tile retrentoC t i I rt restoration t t f NY i and p M1 t 2J can be f Nothing J story uroe Is printed t toM boon k- ing Dtp lchtl th rendezvous kowon Join Russian durI- ng FORE t e 4 i i re- formed I tlmt the r C mn l i IIsaitedthaTohioIsnoWIfldirctCOrnmu- nIcailonSwlth0v017 column in the Seld a Mellowed regarding the A from a binesep 4 In I 4 moOn 1 1 a ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° +

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-06-14 [p ]. · Srrrrtr to Coninlate Eenador Dead Woman Jade...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1904-06-14 [p ]. · Srrrrtr to Coninlate Eenador Dead Woman Jade VeryillI-ranclRoo MornSUva 37 years old the werotBry of the Consulate of Ecuador in this








i fAiJiIPcr OIl 60 I1A I4UJUNE 14 19O4CovvrfDM 004

I >




Ask for a Quick Trial Lest He DieCourt Hules 8he Mutt Take the

Ounce She Ha He Promised j

Harry Her and sue lOOOOe

A Fult to got 100000 damages for breachof promUo of marriage has boon broughtagainst Meye Guggenheim head of themoiling firm Sons

benefactor of Mount Sinai Hospitalby Hannah McNamora about whom nothingBt Is known but her namo

Ungor are tho lawyers who bring thesuIt for the woman Justice Clarke Inthe Supremo Court yestorday denied theirapplication U preferrcd pleadefendant may not live long enough toenablo the plaintiff to got at him legally

Mr Guggenheim Is 70 years qld AUthat her lawyers would day about thewoman yesterday was that she is about00 years old that she first mqt Mr OugRonhcim In PhiladelphIa and that duringtheir acquaintance both had passed underthe name Meyer

She cant get easy money out of me Is

what Mr Guggenheim saidIn her complaint tho plaintiff says that

until this year she has been In constantintimate association with Mr Guggenheim-for more than twentyfive years Sheallege that he promised to marry herabout March 20 1000 and twit they agreedto marry on April 1 the next year Beforethat day came around the complainantcontinues the defendant became ill andtho mart go was postponed but anagreement wan reached by which the marriage-was to take place on April 1 1003 ThenMr Guggenheim refused to marry theplaintiff although tho mid plaintiff wasthen ready and willing and confiding-in tho defendants promise has alwayssince remained and now Is ready andwilling to marry defendant

The reason given In the papers by thewoman and her for wonting thecase put on the preferred calendar Is thatshe believes it would not be reached fortrial In the ordinary course for two yearsand by reason of the poor physical condi-tion of thedefendant and the distress ofmind which his treatment of her na hestated to her has occasioned him shedoes not believe toot ho will live the twoyearsrequkod to bring the case to trial

Edgar M Loventrtt of Nathan Loventrltt tc Perham counsel for Mr

In an amdavlt opposing the applica-tion said that the Jwcndant is and had beenIn tho best of health since the action hadbeen begun AU that Mr Leventritt wouldsay further about the suit yesterday wasthat the allegations InIt were untrue MrGuggenheim himself who Is in Long Branchpending summer at his daughterscottage emphatically denied all the allepatlons JHla son Daniel here in New

had nererheard ofa womannamed McNftrnnra i

the charges said MrGuggenbiHm Vie of my promtawg-U marry woman ridloulouHliving soul ever RAW mo rrlth her

Mr Guggenheim admitted that be knewtho woman by sight She brought a similarsuit han ho lay ill three he saidbut the court wouldnt accept her com-plaint He laughed at the Idea that he wasIn poor health

I never felt belter said he I haventgot an ache nor a pain But she cant get

out of me I never received aloiter from the woman and have never beenin her company

When he was asked if the woman everlived In Long Branch

If she over never knew itMr Guggenheim luw been a

MWOII years Ho luis seven sons and twoUughterR Sirs Albert Loch and Mmt oni HothSchlld who tire summering atHollywood Of tho souDaniel SimonBoloinon and Benjamin Guggenheim arctilso numbered among the Long Branchcottagers Isaac and Murray Guggenheimare In Europe and William Guggenheimin In this city

Meyer Guggenheim came to this countryfrom young man and aboutU mil yslx years ago invested in a ColoradoKindling venture which earned enormousprofits Five of hit sons are now directorsof the American Smelting and RefiningCompany-

Tho father gave large sums toward thewcctlon of tim now Mount Sinai HospitalOUR gilt of tZOOUOO was In memory of hiswifo Ho organized the mass meeting inCarnegie Hall at the time of the Kishlneff

at whiph Cleveland spoke


Srrrrtr to Coninlate Eenador DeadWoman Jade VeryillI-

ranclRoo MornSUva 37 years old thewerotBry of the Consulate of Ecuador inthis city died early ycstorday

Roosevelt Hospital from ptomaine polsoniB MoraSilva and his wife lived at MrsSharps Warding douse at 315 West Fortyeighth Rtrfict On Sunday night theywent to a restaurant near Broadway andFortrfcond street The secretary atefreely of strawberries and cream and took

home to Mrs SharpMrs MoraSilva didnt cat any of the

fruit At 3 oclock in tho morning sheawakened by her About

it won discovered that MrsHM great and

Dr J T C ODonahuo of 336 West Fortyeighth ftr et was summoned Ho

that nn ambulance from

Mrs remained at homo andrented by Dr It was saldat-

l greatly

CUP FOil ROOSEVELTPreSident of National Rchuetwnbnnd Fires

Target In HU Namerrtldcnt Henry Kroeger of the National

unietzenbund of America which Is holdK its fourth annual shooting festival at

yesterday afternoon5MVettipr feh o O UnitedSa

Fourth national fcstiTal bffled

h In tho

t success



and n


sult toon U the





1161 money

l1vld llelol

mal erCH Grover




samewas n

In Q

elt Hospital The ecr weewltbout

OnCfoun M-


last night that her conditionI


Park Union J sent thef t vltd

shootingehot on target

asof the United Stateq by me


6b7 rinllli FestivalII

ow HeartyOril R 11About scoo Afk





thecalendarfort ial that


denyI Ida


he replied

widower for

Switzerland ae a


serious condition

taien regaining





of honor namPresidentcupepres

theCTOWLhVeltihooUrgQfl di rset-









lie Stopped the Runaway Team of lienand Buckm-

Lmnsvaut Ky June is Tho lives ofJflencral and Mrs Simon Bother Buckneriron probably saved this the

of a negro who saw their predica-ment and rushing Into the street stoppedtheir runaway team The former loou

of the Confederacy who Isnow 83 years old withMrs Buckner Thfe team became frightenedand driver was unable to controlthe frantic horses as they turned rapidlyInto crowded Jefferson street from Firststreet

Jim Clay a negrowho was passing hur-ried into thestreet and grabbed the bit ofone of the horses bringing them to a

and under them Just as theycrashedlnto a cabbageladen truck Hohad dragged nearly a hundred feetand wasrbftdly bruised crashedinto a load of watermelons piled on the

nearly nfl of themThe venerable Gen Buckner extricated

himself from the wreckage and then assist-ing Mrs to her feet calmly askedthe owner of tho melons what damage heowed klan Mrs Buckner at the sameputting dollar bills Into the hand ofthe negro who had stopped theHo was not much hurt


Ills First Mcht at the Home Cost Htm SOand Produced S3ftOO-

k tall welldressed young man wentAndersons boarding house at 18 Vest

street lost night androom on the fourth floor Headvance

On the third floor of the house Mrs W WScott of Watertown N Y has occupieda room for the last week Mrs Scott wasto go home on an 11 oclock train from theGrand Control She had packed hergrip and In It her jewel box contain-ing jewelry valued at 3500

She had dinner and at 1030 went up toher room for the grip It was there buthad boon opened and the jewel box wasgone

Mrs Scott called Mrs Anderson andbroughtall the other boarders in

the house to her room It was soon discovered that the new boarder had disap-peared

Mrs Scott and Mrs Anderson called acab and drove to the East Fiftyfirst streetstation where reported the robbery-to Sergt that Mrs Andersoncould say of the thief was that he didntlook like a thief She described him as ahandsomo young man


Jllsj Lunn U Having SecuredNotes

EIXJIN Ill June 13 Miss Martha Lunnof this city who escaped arres on thecharge of embezzlement two mouths agothrough the kjhdnces of friends and J y-

tsurrend to her of her propr

is the fiulmlnatlcm of one ofthe most remarkable financial andbuslnesrcareers ever brought to the attention ofthe county In in thisyear Miss Lunn ofprisoner was found to fromn womans club of this city in the sum of13000 Per sister Martha was known tobe An accomplice-

The affair was settled when O P Lordcame to the rescue of the club with a cheekfor 11000 and the two sitters and their agedfather surrendered a to the house andlot which they owned

Since these were made public andthe retail Elgin was abandonedscoros of creditors have been found bothIn Elgin and surrounding towns MarthaLunn scattered notes upon which were thesignatures of her father B E Limn andW W Teal a relative It is estimatedtoday that the claimson these notes willaggregate 110000

It was her method to columnsof the paporsand note deaths whero con-

siderable ennui were left to widows Shevisited the bereaved homos later repre

that she had an excellent investIt is alleged and usually secured

from 100 to II 000 on these notes


Nursery Provided for the Benefit f an

CHANGE N J June IS The membersof the congregation of the Orange Metho-dist Church of which the Rev FrankMacDanlel Is pastor can go to church nowwithout worrying about the baby MrMooDanlcl and Mm Thomas A Edisonwile of the inventor have solvedlem Hereafter the babies will be brought-to church and left in roomin the care of volunteer nurses

members of the church have beenprevented from attending Because it wouldnever to at homealone Instances are recorded of men who

tho week were Mo busy or tooprepare the babys who

have a enthusiasmabout D tostayat home and nurse the Those menhavo been missed the regular

and when the abdiscussed-

for ameliorating their conditionMrs the Idea of the I

The women of the churchvolunteered to look after the detailsof theplan Sots of blocks Indestructibleure books and other which delightthe infant mind were purchased roomdownstairs lisa been up schemela working finely with ever prospect ofsuccess


Strayed From Home where and OccupiedLafayette Bnlerard

A stujnpy horned brindle cow with andisposition caused a lot of commotion-

on Lafayette Boulevard yesterday afterIt held the middle of the forhour causing auto drivers and horse-

men o use violent languageBrlndlo seemed to have an ungovernable

dislike automobiles and charged severalhead bellowing Bike Cop O6d

West 152d station andMounted Policeman Cavanaugh corralledthe cow and took it to house

drank its health

DKWETS PORT wlNB ANB GRAPE JCICKCannot b excelled for the sick


The Worlds to very attr tlv nowPtatrlvtnl TUllitttd Ckwrb Builnloa JaneU H fl Kow T t i

bra very

ntGen raln



two fiverunaway











author APr









the mllt and

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ers Mrs



sidewalk breaking

her cries

victims alltkep

ohthge otforThisact


Orange ongregatIon






where night

A boy cano to statkn saidte had strayed actossthe beenotsppeared yoL

Fair The















< <




It When She Tested Her110000 Collection the Diamond

StoBwchtr wa Priced at and the90tOOO Amethytt Necklace at BO

While David Rothschild to trying to learnhow to moke mate In Sing Sing Prison wlth

spoiling the shape of his finger nailshis wifa and his immediate friendslag to find out all the

came his way while he waspresident the FederalBank and the manwho turned the screw in that

the CompanyAt the time of It was that hohad spent at least 116060 on jewelry forhis wife Mrs Rothschild thought hobad

Anybody with an idea of turning theJewels Into cash wilt get a disagreeable sur-prise from a story now told by a friend ofMrs Rothschilds family According tothis friend after Rothschild had toSing Sing Mrs Rothschildshed better find out Just what she had Inthe way of quick assets She had a Wardrobe the value of which sheshe herself had ordered it Then therewas an automobile or two but she wasntcertain whether they belonged to tho estateof her husband or to the automobile dealerWalter Stearns Stearns didnt appear tohave any doubt

All those things were of trivial valuehowever Mrs Rothschild thought com-pared with her collection ofJewels Herhusband had told her they could be soldat any tune for at least 1150000 Therewas a superb stomacher and a gorgeoustiara to say nothing of necklaces pearlsand diamonds rings of rubles and sapphiresbrooches and earrings and lockets andstick pins and then there was thatof well nigh priceless harmonizedthysts

Rothschild didnt leave his wife withany too much ready money Mid thefriend of her family yesterday HO sheconsulted her father a few days ago aboutthe best way to realize on her Jewels Theold gentleman is pretty wise and more-over had had some experience with Davidthat wasnt as inexpensive as it might havebeen So ho to his daughter

If you find out lust what thatstuff is worth take it to sotrte broker thatnever had even a remote connection withthe Globe Security Company and youllfind out Just how much cash it would notyou if you had to sell it quick In theJewelry line quick assets mean a pawn-brokers valuation-

So Mrs Rothschild got all her Jewelstogether day and took them down-to Simpsons She sowed tho stomacherfirst She told how much Dave said itwet

Your husband must have beenman behind the counter

Ills tiara which cost ac-cording tA Rothschild was not asvaluable a the stomacher Finally theyoametto the string of amethysts

TneseI know are extremely valuablesold Mrs Her husband hadbrought them home to her one night tossedthem Into her lap and said Theres alittle present for Mv dear those areall selected stones each ono of a peculiarand rare ancient cut It took One mantwentythree make that string andit cost me 20000 Mrs Rothschild toldhim he must be crazy to spend so much

as that for a string of amthyBtsbut he replied My dear theres nothingtoo you I want you to have the

dWell when she showed the string ofto the pawnbroker the pawn

I think we might give you 150 for Itbut I wouldnt be very keen on the bargain

thatV That was too much for Mrs Rothschild

She just packed up her and wenthome Sho has found is worthjust about 1300 instead of 150000 ormore And now she and others aretag what Rothschild did with his


Two Methodist Preacher of DelawareMay Be Callwlto Account

WHMINOTON Deli Juneof the Wilmington District MethodistPreachers Association spent several hours-in conference today considering the casesof theRev Wilbur F Corkran and theRev Charles S Baker who are chargedwith dealing In stocks The entire ques-tion was referred to Presiding Elder A SMowbrmy who will to thecUr and decide whether to appoint acommittee to investigate the charges

Dr Corkran Is btlll connected with hsconference but is stationed la Bethlehem-Pa Is the pastor ofMethodist Episcopal in this oltyBoth were present Theycontend that they did nothing contrarytb the rules of the Church The meeting

secret and none of those present wouldtalk except In the general way

As Dr leaving theho was met by Deputy Sheriff

who served a sumnlons in the casebrought against Him In the State courtsby Zell A the Baltimore brokerswho allege that the doctor owes them a-

ba nco of about 3700 for money onstock transactions


Three Hthemrfali Held Vciterday MU-tlUotevelt one of the BridesmaidPniLADBipnu June MS Three rehear

sals were held today by the patties concorned In the GoeletWhelen weddingBishop MoVlckar of Rhode Island was the

who didnt participateMiss Alice Roosevelt ono of the brides

miidB arrived this afternoon at St Maryscame trailing along afterward

veil with her butall the bridesmaids carried the pink para-sols they will use at

wedding march eli thethe floor their parasols-

In time to the music were veryaudible Ita drums said one

bridesmaids Thats one of ElsiesIdeM Mrs BIddle who Is matronof honor had trouble with herShe didnt know what to do with it It willbe laid In the chancel rail during the cere-mony

Roosevelt willgo toHyde Park N to be bridesmaid





















mot our


only ono

tow the





s That


trywhat he did with



knew because

comeon said the

stage dIauonds OIvO i SU-

Iorit 1jwthO Sand

Roth hUcb

years to




Dr Baker




in The rest of party

aisle tobrides-



her cousin Miss IIelseRoosevelt

i I














He TTanU to Be Free to Take PrMldeatlalNomination Next Time a Friend Bay

INDJINAPOUB June 13rIf the missionof exLleutOoy Woodruffof Kew YorkIn Indianapolis was to got a promisefrom Senator Fairbanks woul iacoept the

ln failure for the Senate abso-

lutely dOomed to be a Hereiterated what he has said to imany In

Indiana sod elsewhere that he would notseek oooond place on the ticket nor wouldho authorize hia frionds to say that hewould accept the nominationif it weretendered to him

He declared that he hod never said hewould that tie1 has no Intentionof doing BO for there able menwho would like to have the nominationand hedld not want to be in the way ofany aspirant for it

Mr Woodruffs has led to the state-ment bya friend to the effectthat Fairbanks would have signified hiswillingness to take second place if thePresident had declared his position in re-

spect to the Presidency four years hence-

It is said that Mr Fairbanks wonts to bofree four years from now to become acandidate for the Presidency but if he woreelected on the ticket with Mr Rooseveltand tho latter a renomlnationhe would be handicapped by his place andput at a greater disadvantage than if hewere a Senator


A Hungry Russian Fires a Pistol In Phila-delphia Until Arrested

PmUADRLFUiA June 13 Without foodfor four days Peter Reddish a Russianof sea Deloncey street adopted a unique

getting a square meal tonightof shop employees on their way

home tonight were startled to hear a pistolshot at Eleventh and Chestnut streets Aman stood on th sidewalk hear KeithsTheatre flourishing a revolver AU wasexcitement and a little girl leaving thetheatre with her mother foil in a swoon

rushed from a drug storeSnap went the little black bag she CarriedThen the barrel of a jewelled pistol wasthrust under the mans nose Marchsaid abe and he marched straight into thearms of Policeman Drudlng Somebodyasked the young woman about her re-

volverOh I always carry that she laughed

I live In the suburbs and one neverwhon one Is going to be hold up Besidesshe added hailing a passing our li comesIn handy for occasions like this

I wanted to get arrested the prisonersaid I would not hove hurt but1 wanted omeall

hued I PI t Af OnljTAne TwelveV Bnllc lute Is Mark

RicuiiOND Jiind 13 Aduel that recaJUthe old daysof the South took place onSunday afternoon In Reservoirthe outskirts of Donvlllo

known men Washington Yates andCOok There was a feud between

the men that had made thorn bitter enemiesfor years and had almost led to bloodshedon several occasions-

To settle tho trouble once for all asition to fight was made andThe men met armed with uptodateh-ammerlesa revolvers took their standtwelve paces apart and opened fire Their

was not goodAlter six ohots had been exchanged no

damage had been done except a flesh wound-in Cooks thigh Enraged at his ill sueceis Yates thrOw hh empty pistol at Cookand then attacked him with Uponthe approach of outsiders Yates escapedCook being unable to run was arrested


BrittenThink Extension of Cotttwtee IAWIto

CttNt DtipaicA to THE SCK

LONDON June the House of Lordstoday Lord Muskerry complained that

countries were reservingtheir coastwise trade for their own vesselsand asked what the Government had donerespecting the States applying itsown coastwise Philippines

Lord LansdoVne Secretory for ForeignAffairs replied tbatnmdoubtedly the presentsystems by which certain Powers hadfreeaccess to the British coasts while thosePowers excluded the British from theirswas unfair and disadvantageous tp GreatBritain but he warned against exaggerat-ing the grievance because it was In noway Universal

Indeed only Russia and the United Statesexcluded British vessels altogether andwhen there was talk of retaliating it shouldbe remembered that they made the leastuse of the British coasting trade and con-sequently offered the smallest target forreprisals

Britain ho sold must think twicesteps that were likely to

pffoot her as on entrepot of TheGovernment regarded the action of theUnited States in the PhlllppinM aa incon-sistent declarations tho Ameri-can Government had made when iteluded the of peace with Spain andthe matter under discussion


St louts Company Iltrrt Guru to Work InIts Pie tory

Special Dupalclt u The SoxSAN JUAN R June 13 The St

Louis Cordago Company Is about to makeon experiment the direction of obtainingPorto labor It has engaged twentytour Porto Rican girls to work in its fac-tory It will pay their passage to theUnited States their board upon theIr ar-rival and will give them wages of BO centedally The girls sailed tonitht

Egypt Cotton fiwatUfactorrS-ptclel Cable to TOM Snx-

CAIHO June 13 Reporteoit the conditionof the cotton crop in Egypt have beenmade to the Government From manydistricts the reports are unsatisfactory

Eur to RememberOthtr lloir on the Eves Near

Offlc 4M sad IM Uraadri-MtorUraie J Fulion mv


dellAp I n-

It r















Due 0 the Ohio10 j

dan tbe for Was


acceptare many




marksmanship however

Philippines Veldt

mInother maritime





Royal Train 1lttniore andat 5 12

clock ds Baltimore aM51nrooiysji













Aetrrtf lied bl wond a WU M Toilet

Were caSed In at the few Atafttrdam Meant frp hum sayi Smltn

There iron slats the shutters ofFay room whIchbook of the etagi of the AmsterdamTheatres Aer l Garden The shutterswith the slats ope on Gardenlostnlght betweene first and second acts

ALlttle of Everirthlnjr Temptotonhad laid off the outward trappings of the

widow in black anti was becomea shortskirted mlnstrelr when her gazewandered to the shuttered window Oneof the slats wOe gone arid a pair of eyeswere at the opening

Without giving any sign she stepped outof range and sent her mold the

Manager Lueccher and FrankBell speolal officer attached to theNew Amsterdam Theatre stole throughthe darkened the window Theyfound a tell light haired clean shavenman In good clothes so Intentat the shutterthat M did not them oomlng Hedidnt like it told him hed haveto come down to the office He hadntmeaht any harm ho said Just happened-to look hi because he saw some one moving

Insidemarched him to the office where

the man handed out a visiting card bearingthe name O Smith and said howas frota Philadelphia Detective SergeantWakefleU and Abe Erianger were calledin The sleuth didnt know about Mr

There was the broken slat andTempletona behind it

Mr Smith mightSeemed to him Police Headquarters was agood place to settle it

My dear sir said the young man ImMr Arthur Smith Everybody knows meIm a member of the KnickerbockerThey know me there Col Dyerme oh everybody knows me

Mr Erlanger said ho had no desire to haveany Mr Smith arrested who was the realMr Smith and told Mr Smith to take thedetective to some ono who could identify

himAt a late hour last night Wakefield hadntshowedup at Police Headquarters with aprisoner


Mlltlenalra CorrHtsn Works lilt PastaceLake Striker Fire at P-

MIIWAURKB WIn June IS Althoughworth a million and partowner of fifteenof the largest lake freighters in existenceJobn Corrigan of Cleveland here

steamerhand He told how he yas fired uponby a mob nt Port Huron and narrowly escaped with his life

Wo were poising tbroMgh Port HuronLUstTue dayvnlihtf h Biidencountered a mob of p e teri and pilotson both shores Capt Andrew Gaines hasalways been a bitterfeehng against him At flnitthere a few soattering shots to whichwe paid no attention

Later the chief engineer and I wentastern to fix the hawser of the Polynesiawhich we were towing when suddenlya fellow fired at us Had I beenarmed 1 know I could have picked him offbut as it was be and we escapedinjury On the following some ofthe Port Huron came to usand apologized for the of thestrikers

The strike is broken We will neveragain hire a mate orpllot who belongs tothe association The need of laws compolling masters to bo Unitedhas also been shown by the


At the PmllUer AntiParker Meeting WhichU Put Off to Jane 3O

William J Bryauhaa promised addressthe mass meeting to be held next Mondaynight hi Union of Democrats whoare the nomination of JudgeParker Melvin Q Palllser secretary ofthe committee in charge of tho arrange

in announcing yesterday that thethe meeting had been changed

18 to June 20 stated that MrBryan has promised to attend The twoprincipal speeches will be made by MnBryan andFrederio Hinriohs who

on the fusion ticket in tniscity last foil and who in I8S8 wasthe candi-date on the Palmer and Buckner ticket fortenantGovernor

The purpose of the meeting in not onlyto condemn the of tbivAlbany con-vention but to appoint a delegation to

the views of the meeting to uwnational convention St

I am convinced the many lettersI have from StateMr yesterday that all sec-tions of oftheparty will b represented at Cooper Union

of our has been oserious Judge Parkers candidacythat Senator members of

committee are supporters-of Judge Parker are laboring

the Its InExpressions 6f approval of our

meeting manymen who were prominent

antisnap convention of Hill


Win Have Nothing to Do With HetlrlaESheldon From National Committee

WASHINGTON June 13 President RooceveIL has let It be known that he will havenothing jo do wjth the question of electing-a successor toGeorge R Sheldon as a member of the Republican national committee-for the State of New York RepresentativeLucius N Llttauer of New York had a talkwith him this morning on this and otherpolitical matters In the Empire State Theplan of Oov Odell to retire Mr Sheldonfrom the committee and to have WilliamWarren of Buffalo W L Ward of Westchester or some other good Odell Republi-can chosen In his place is a matter withwhich the President will have to do

In to the suggestion thatBruce Cortelyou to be chairman-of national committeeshould be member of the committeefrom the President does not

or evenfamiliarly Known that the chairman

of is not necessarilya member that committeeone of tho ffreotest chairmen the committeeever had A Henna of Ohio waa

member of the committee

JUJ1B DAYS AT TH WeRU B FAIRul Ooacb Excunlon vU P nn Dt ntllro 4-

ID 1 KO round trip teem Mew York AH



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Jeffrie Ime LHwei Battle to BePut Off One Week

SAN FBANCISCO Juno fight bo-

tween Jeffries and Munroo willbe postweek till June 24 This after

attempted to work In thegymnasium but his knee too stiffThe doctor thinks it will bo all right in a fewday butwith the tight on therewould be no time orso ha made a proposal for postponementMid the other side


Say She Wenld RaUier hays a Donkey-s Auto an ExtravajanoeNsw BEDFORD Mass June 18 Mrs

Betty GrOom who has been In Boston Inconnection with several lawsuits broughtagainst her visited NewBedford her nativecity yesterday

Yes Im a very busy woman she saidto n reporter

Why dont you an automobilesuggested the reporter

Auto Mrs Green echoed IM ratherhave a Autos like the giving oftips are extravagant things They chugchug along wasting money destroyingnerve breaking down smashingproperty Its a wonder there are net morelawsuits for damage

Autos often break down and kick toomuch more than mulosdo I never heardof an auto without learning that It hadbroken ran away there arothe of a run thevehicle and the repairs I guess Its cheaperto ride the way I do


Alfreds Driver Is Fined After a Trip BoSpeedy Newport


were yesterday afternoon whenthey saw an automobile whiz along Belle-vue at a time when the drive wascrowded with turnouts It WOB estimatedthat It was going between 40 and 50 milesan hour Even the members of the Road

were the speed of themachine and demandfor the arrest of the

It was later the machinebelonged to Alfred 0 Vanderbilt and thathis driver Paul Surtprz was in charge

The machine was stripped for racingThl morning Surtorz was arrested forspeeding and was fined tio and costs


To Murphy and No AntNParkrr ConferenceThat Murphy Knows Of

leader Charm F Murphy said lost nightthat there is absolutely no ground

for therpublished reports that over-

tures have been made to him by David B

HillI have not heard from Mr Mill either

directly or he said and Ihave had no communication of any kindeither from Mr Hill or any one else easeeiated with Judge ParkerASome ol thepapers in thlA city are stating that th r-

are to be held in this city this week ippn-

fcrenoes of who areopposed to JudgeParkerand I have beenmentioned as being concerned In those conferencc but if such conferences are totake place I know nothing about themand have not been asked to attend them

SETS ASIDE DOCTORS BIG FEETreatment Not Patient Wealth Should

Determine the AmountST Louis June 13 According to a de-

cision Judge Ryan today the financialcondition of a patient not be takenInto consideration by physicians in makingcharges for professional services

Tlie character of the service the serious-ness qf the complaint the skill and timerequired result Judge Ryan

are elements to be considered butnot the wealth or poverty of the patient

The decision was rendered settingaside the verdict of the Jury in tho suit ofDr M P Morrell against Dr J J Lawrenceof New York

Dr Morrell New York and performed a surgical operation on youngLawrence charging 30000 The Juryawarded him 13000 but Judge Ryandeemed tbJsamount excessive


Mrrjeenky Taken From HerParentsHome to Prison

Special Cable Despatch THE SUN

ST PETERSBUBO June 13 Miss MerJeeraky adaughter of Prof Merjeersky-the principal alienist In Russia and a mem-ber of the Privy Council who was arrestedon May 10 In St Petersburg and was found-to have a bomb In her possession which Itwas believed sho Intended to throw at theCzar as ho passed her fathers house on hisway to the parade ground was detained ather parents residence undor police sur-veillance has now been token toprison

She Is accusedof threatening the lives ofthe Emperor and his Ministers A reportthat she had boon hanged Is untrue It isbelieved thatshe was In a hysterical condition when she committed the offence ofwhich she it accused

LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK 387SWhite Star Line Makes Another Cut In

Steerage SatesSpttlal Cable Dttpataiti to TBSSUN

LONDON June is Following the reduc-tions rpade in Its rates by the Cunard Steam-ship Company th White Star Line willfurther reduce Its steerage rato to NewYork by five shillings

ANTWERP June IS Hundreds personsbelieving that tho RedStar Line will

to Now 40 shillingsare flocking here from the Interior onlyto meet with refusal The agents of theline have received to examine appli-cants very strictly

who were overanxious tosecure ions and accepted passen-gers without examination will be dismissedIt is believed that the action of the Immi-gration Commissioners In Now York willassist in terminating thewar


Will Be There lee the Vummer Ncw Causingto Town Dally

Mayor MoCleUan moved to the cottage he has rented at Long Branch He

yesterday Tim Mayor will cometo the rail from TAngBranch to Atlantic Hl lands and thence bythe boat to the landing at Rector streetand will return by the same rout eachday





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Activity In Northern Llaottmc May lieF Uowd by Laaulnc at Newebwan

Admiral Togo Sayj Hoft an AreB tratln From That Pout HU SUpt-

Aldlnc the Army Shelling RunlansSpecial Catlt DttfoiOiei to Tan SmN-

KWOHWANO Juno The Russiansattacked a Japanese force southeast of the

Mountains on Juno 11 8000 oj

them pursuing the apparently fleeing Japancee to Yaotung Pass Thero it becameevident that the Japooeea retreat wasfeint

The men who lied been retreatingand assisted by hidden reonforoe

monte attacked their pursuers killing orwounding 860 of them The Russians rotreated ln disorder along the Taflhlchap

roadSome of these refugees reached New

ohwang on Juno 12 with 285 transport cartsThey seemed to be terribly dejected andfatigued as if they had made a long forcedmarch Numbers Of the men had outson their faces indicating sabre woundsSeveral of their horses were wounded

A strong detachment was sent in theevening thoremainderThese reached Tashlcho where GonKonrdtttovltch Inspected them They entrained yesterday for Llaoyang

It la stated Japanese marched-to Sulnghal from Pulandien with the objectof clearing the district preparatory to adwincing to tho neighborhood of Newchwang V

LONDON June 14 It Is pom tod out Wethat the Russians were caught nt Slungyothe same as they were at the Yalu thoughon a smallor The Incident Is re-

garded as being bound seriously shakothe Russian forces at Wafngkau probably leading to their final withdrawal andthe disaster taken with other Indications

of Japanese activity In the neighborhoodla regarded likely to clear the way fora Japanese landing at Newphwang whichIs supposed to bo imminent

Telegrams from Newchwang do notmention the Russian retreat therefrommentioned by Admiral Togo

The Russian report of a Japanese reversasouth of Haicheng Is not confirmed fromany source

The of telegraphic comCprea and Japan

is regarded as todicatmg that all the Japa-

nese naval and nmltery arrahgemefttsi-havB boon that there t nownothing to be feared front disclosures

and that each column is also Iteked jmeans of the field telegraph o that iy rjjRussian movement reported br niGeneral to the others

ver tQbe knownsituation at Port Arthur

reiterating jipoh tbeauthority of Chinaman arrested at Newchwang who wassupposed to have been acting as a Japanesespy at Port Arthur such assertions eoncoming the strength and activities of thegarrison as have been frequently madelately It says that the coal supply U

now reduced to GOO

It Is reported that two armored trainscarrying the Retvirdns guns northward

ran the JapaneseMines They were badlydamaged by shells

Admiral Togas blockade is effective al-

though the channel has partly clearedAdmiral Togo has been successful

Che Junk traffic The defenders ofPort 4

Arthur are depressed and ore earnestlyhoping that Gen KouropatUin will send re-

lief to them


Shells Russians Ashore Inflicting SevereLots at KalplnK

special Cfbli to TBS SUM

TOKlo June 13 Admiral Togo reportsthat a squadron from his fleet bombarded-the Russians on Juno 6 between Kalplngand tho Sulngyuo River It reconnoitred-the coast and returned toon June 12 It reported that the enemys

tInfantry and cavalry numberingstationed near Kalplng with the object ofpreventing a Japanese landing fled afterthe bombardment Kalplng b on thewest coast of the Llootung peninsula southof Newchwang

After recording the stoppage of a trainpreviously reported Admiral Togo con-tinues

On the morning of June 8 we shelled twocompanies of infantry and a squadron ofcavalry at Kalplng Inflicting great lossThe captain of a steamship leaving Ying

June 7 says that owing to thebardmcnts 3000 Russians with twenty gunsevacuated Ylngkow and retreated Jiorthward Two Russians captured by one ofour torpedo boats on June 10 say that a

force of 5000 men under GenSamsonoff arriyed at Wafangkau on May31 They also state that three or fourtrains reach Nanchiallngdaily

Our combined squadron ha N strength-ened the blockade and la now coveringthe rear of the forces ashore Our fourthdestroyer flotilla shelled the enemy effec-tually around Kimohengtzo for two hourson Juno 10 The second flotillanoitring at Tollon Fan found four Russiandestroyers off Sciwbo Point on June ioand engaged them but they retreatedforthwith

The mine dragging progresses V

havo destroyed thirty mines on the highSOBSbesides some floating near the harborsseveral of them northward of Iron Island

The weather was extremely foggythe post week Happily there were no

accidentsST PETERHnnKO June 13 A despatch

from Gon Kharkevltch dated June 12says that the position of the troops in theneighborhood of Wafangkau station wasunchanged on Juno 9 10 and II JapanOIl attempts to drive back the Russianposts south of Wafacgtten station liavo-




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