The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-07-20 [p ]....VOL LXXNO 323 MONDAT JULY 39 Itoa Fair and warmer today...

VOL LXXNO 323 MONDAT JULY 39 Itoa Fair and warmer today and tomorrow west winds NEW YORK MONDAY JULY 20 1903 ConrtoM 1003 bu The Sun Printing and PvbliMng Anociation PRICE TWO CENTS till QJ J t 1 r b c 1 4f CATTLEMEN IN LYNCHING MOB KILL T 0 MlHIiEltEltS AD A- IH1ITV SlIEItlfl Attack lie Inll at llnsln ttyo and Shoot Two Men Imler Death Neiitenec One Guard Killed and the Other Wounded Cattlemen Held Troops Asked For KKI IWOK Mon July double lynching occurred at Basin Wyo oarly as a result Sheriff of Big Horn county ban arrested cattlemen near Thermopolls hind iippealid to tho Governor of Wyom- ing fir tho assistance of the militia in get- ting his prisoners to tho Basin jail The tnin lynched wero two condemned murderers and the mob also shot and killed a deputy sheriff The murderers were Jim iormnn who killed his brother about a year ago ran off with his brothers wife and a mnn named Wallers a travel ling man who killed a widow named Hoover nl TlienniMiliH Hot Springs two years ago because slit refused to marry him It was reported to Sheriff Fenton on last Wednesday morning that a mob was coming tip to along tho Big Horn River for ilp of lynching Gorman and Walt ors measure of precaution the Sheriff look these two men nnd a horse thief out f the and secreted them In a gully near under guard of Deputy Sheriff MU Alston and Deputy C E Price had exceptionally small hands managed to slip his handcuffs and make hi escaM Deputy Price fired one shot nt the fugitive ns he disappeared in the hngh but tho bullet went wide Gor niHii swam the Big Horn River and made for th mountains A posse of seven men iilckly organized and Gorman wns re early yesterday morning on Trap jer reek abut fifty inilra from Basin From Wednesday until Saturday morning ho not a mouthful of food and wis exceedingly weak Ho had no fire nrm and offered no resistance Meantime Sheriff Fenton had replaced Walters and tin horse thief In tho Basin Lat evening Gorman was also placed and a force of fifteen deputies was sworn In Feeling had been running high among the people for a long time Gormans time was considered particularly inhuman and atrocious Ho shot his brother Tom at the latterH ranch on Shell Creek near Thermopolls and then ran off with Toms wife Maggie who is held as nn accom- plice In tlm crime but ta out on hail Gorman had two trials each resulting in sentence of death by hanging hut his attorney took tim case to th Appellate Supreme Court The ranchers beltved justice would be defeated Walters fell In lovo with a Mrs Hoover She refused to marry him and he shot her Justice has been delayed in his case alsoLast evening a mob of about thirty men masked perfect up the j w Swt ba lc of tho Big Horn dismounted tethered their hones and compelled the ferryman to across the river They made no demonstration until they entered Basin when five shots were us a warning The mob proceeded at once to the build- ing which is courthouse and anti fired a volley into jail Deputy C E Prico and Special Deputy George S Mend were guarding the pris- oners One bullet grazed Meads shoulder and entered Prices heart killing him instantly Members of time mob then quickly pro cured telephone poleM and battered the jail door down They first camo to Walters crouched on his cot begging for mercy Xo needless torture was resorted to but Walters was hhot instantly The mob next found Gorman whose body vi pierced by five ho was left linnmiiahly dead Ho lingered until uinming when ho Ho made no ftiteinenl but nsk d to Gorman is fiivornpliee She was far away and- quest iinild nut ho granted Is rl clout tho TOOl quickly dlsa- pKird One report is that not n single if tho mob wan recognized An In r stat mi nt is that IVputy Mend recog nixii in Under hut will not mako known mans identity Prlw time deputy hivrs killed is a nephew of Job Price vmai r f tho Mubar ranch nure aliirniini statement of nf iiift is reported from neighborhood of IhcrittnpiiijH About six woekrt ago as n mil f rango feud that has been so waged u shtpniau named Ben Mimk was by cattlemen Sheriff inirii it JK mid lias captured tho mur ilerrMY who nre all prominent ninl unities have been withheld Hut on iiccouiit of the threats made against nn sinviff Kenton is unable to get his lMmers to I is Mid that the same mob lynched 11umin ami Walters or its de lapMl ihal Sheriff Fenton will never Rit nut of the region alive with his prisoners Sheriff has telegraphed the Gov- ern r nf Wyoming for permission to use Siflie militia at has also em tflephoiio messngiH to Cody Basin nnd other Wyoming towns king ivr volunteers to assist him In up riildiiif the Everywhere hardy Westerners arc re Pondins to the cull nd IwMening toward Thermopolls- Is prolmMe that militia will also bo ordered to tho scene The country about Tlmrrnopolis s wild and lawless A mes iroived at Cody this morning from hrierifr Kenton Mid that ho still had tho Prinonprs in Ills possession and that he be iived hn could hold out until fliRts CHOKES A GAS PLAX- Th Unlit Her Nest In an Air Pint Hotel llnil to Isp randies- Oin OnrtiARn Me July 10 Tho of the Seashoo house ono of wrgost hoI has heon working poorly this summer Not once has flow of gas WHti as plentiful n and at limes wimlto worn tifod Proprietor Staples who is of a mechanio got iles- Prnin nnd disconnected bo- Paii of the gns machine to find tho sourco he triiiblo Noticing n piece of straw i Htipls followed lP arid found in It at an arms length tViiln i lmii choked Iho draught rTnov l rPHtoretl gas plint M working order h ullM nf the lluilaon orn hail spun frnn 10A I elton hn ali i purl Jai ho I jail fred jai com- bined who 8 O dIr I il r II F wh B that the I law re mont hould gal I he of h llnl or t lie plp Wit all r tank n at lay L1nc awttmern too4 mUlc hInornlng and proml iil 1tisln ol nun and In order odo carry them htilltti and t Ins aggie nil r te t ill I lie i hi i CAt I 1em4111 thi izern has int oil It Page nforce come plant Item reqi tired est ercimmy t in I ich i4tihliiCM Infltit I lie the inlet a whIch a ely nest the TIt rckj ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ IXIHUESTIULE SECURITIES I J Illlli Ixiilaiiatlnn of the Dlstiirlud FinancIal Market ST PAUL Mini July 10 President James J Hill of the Client Northern has returned to St Paul after his five weeks outing in Kant Referring to prcHcnt financial and ho said Tlm Eastern mnrUet is a everybody knows in n disturtiod condition stocks have boon thrown upon the market In enormous quantities and the public has Htoppod buying The trouble has been ascribed to undigested securities but perhaps we would better call thorn indigestible securities Out hero wo are not worried nor do we need to worry about any of these move- ments Wo in the Northwest are not dealers In industrial securities and our people have not invested their money in them Our broad acres do not feel any tremors in Wall Street From St Paul clear through to the Pacific Coast the ore engaged in producing foodstuffs in lumbering and mining in developing time great natural resources of the country Therefore they are prosperous and I see no reason to be- lieve that this prosperity will not continue irinriiftt PREACHER DEAD The llov Jean Slcjlts Recently Convicted of lllsamy Drown Himself NEW ORLEANS July 19The Hev Jean BkyleJ an ho called himself but whose real name was Lane who was recently convicted of bigamy nt Port 01 bson Miss and was awaiting removal to the Slate penitentiary when it was discovered that he was insane and was sent instead to the State Insane Asylum at Jackson com- mitted suicide yesterday in a small pond in thin rear of tho asylum was a miiitater of great oratorical powers anti much in demand at revival meetings He married a young Mississippi woman ut lort Gibson but on their bridal tour it was discovered that ho had five other wives marrying them on short notice in tho several Texas Arkansas mind Mississippi towns where ho had preached There was no evidence of his insanity until after his conviction TilL REV H K HOVER WlSSIVfl HI Illlnd Wife Whose fortune tins Dwindled Slit Wont Pay lilt Hill WINSTKD Conn July 10 Tho Rev Henry K Boyer until recently heudmiisur of Boyers School in lloburtavillo near Wlnsted hiss disappeared and today ills wife Mrs Towrsend Boyer advertised that site would not be responsible for any bills hoc husband might contract Ac- cording to tho friends of the woman has squandered almost the entire fortune Item former husband who was IL Consul in France and left her a largo amount of money Among other pos- sessions was u villa in Italy where Boyer and her former husband lived which has gone with the other property Mrs Boyer married husband several He represented that a Baptist last winter Boyer was to evade the a for painting his school It came out that in the hotel business In and an educator ho had BB a clergyman under four denominations for a time for tilt in Washing- ton Then he decided that pulpit was moro to his liking This was after lied hem obliged to the copal and Dutch churches so it was said Lately bo has n man of tho To add to tho trouble of her money Mrs Boyer is now totally blind HOSPITAL PATIEXTS l FIGHT Lively In the Accident Ward Police Culled On to Subdue Them Michael Sullivan of 2487 Second avenue William Donohuo of 3S2 East Ninetyfirst htreet mind John Ward no homo wero In the Yorkvillo police court yesterday for raising a disturbance In the Presbyterian Hospital The three were in beds In tho accident ward on Saturday night OB a result of slight injuries and mind Donotmo were Intoxicated Tin former got out of bed and saying to Ward that hn was Illness to take tho bandages from his hind Ward resisted and Donohuo Wont to his assistance In a moment the three wero about tho ward in a lively fight The Attendants and nurses tried vainly to stop thin row Several- of went to tho assistance- of the whereupon Sullivan and lought all the others A telephone message was sent to Police and the Fast Sixtyseventh ftirrt station was notified Peter Devlin wont to the hospital with several policemen in tho wagon When Sullivan and Donohuo were on tho floor and two doctorti and a nurse wero holding each one down Magistrate Mayo fitted those two 10 each Ward u LOWS IIODV WIT Owing to llikln lie Wore It Slay no Several Days Before It IK Recovered Scores of yachts of all descriptions sailed over Oravesend Bay searching for the body of Edwin H Low the Atlantic Yacht Club who lost his lift on Saturday during a race between tho small craft of thin ilichard IJ Moore who went out in lila catboat I ho Martha M of the Bonsonlmrst dub dived several times hut did not sect body Owing to the oilskins worn Mr is not probable the body will be recovered days The whore is u dangerous tine to small A strong wind I he east stirs a choppy cross sea that makes it for mont experienced yachtsman to handle n boat hero Many telegrams of inquiry and sympathy- were at the Low cottage Atlantic Yacht Club house at Sea Cain yesterday HRAXCH OF OTRE 1M1IU Plan to Ilulld n Collewc of the Catholic inlver lty at IouffhUeepsleL- APOKTK hid July 10 Tho decision- to build a Catholic college a branch of tho University of Notre Damn in New York will be announced within a few days if the plans which are now under consideration do not foil of consummation President Morrlsspy of NoIre Dnmo hits cnnvuKsed the project and has been selected as site Negotia- tions for the ground on the will bo have boon practically closed and Iho plans for tho been drafted Notre Dum is administered by the Catho- lic Order of the Italy Crow and Pomsh college be under admin- istration nf Indiana University chosen bus H that branches are being established in tho Fast South anti IIurn tt Kitrirt f Vanilla lj the leader alt the world om IM noother- Ait the Sky Ie SIB Irs hew n be low mileR I member I t J 10 In I t Ill WIt Indus- trial oci FOr P t lie hat lie cap- sized cmi t ill t t for t Iii college v Li ho v hut faculty largely ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > SAYS IT WAS BEDFORDS BABY ills IHT OT M1SE HKCLAilKS TilE WIDOW OF auxxixa s Iln Come hack Here to Try to Secure Some of the Estate In Which tier HIM a Life Interest I ocnt o That Child Is Ue d Mrs Gunning S Bedford who was fined 10 in the Bow police court in London on May 23 for falsely registering anothers child aa her own arrived yesterday from Havre aboard the French hue steamship 11 Gaftcogno with plenty to tell re porters about her effort to set control of about 350000 tIme lift interest of her laIn husband in two trust estates She pleaded guilty In London of having falsely declared that tim baby wus her own Under the will of her husbands father Dr Frederick Bedford and his uncle Judgo Gunning S Bedford the estate was to go to five women cousins of Gunning S Bedford in case ho should tile without issue The lawyers- for the five women say that that is why Mrs Bedford a unity and tried to palm it olT as hor own Mrs Bedford was reluctant to land from tlio steamship yesterday until she found out that there were no detectives waiting- for her She is a blonde slondernnd sonic what nervous and has wide blue eyes and a Frenchy intuincr of expression and gesticulation While site talked rapidly and excitedly to the reporters her kinds and shoulders were never rt rest and she emplia ied her feelings with frequent stamps of her small feet Sho says she WRB born in America but speaks with a slight French accent She said I have come over to sign papers secure a lawyer to begin n fight for my husbands property No I will not give an interview until I have consulted counsel seen tho trustees of the property Eugene L Bushe and Mr Fiske I have been treated in the most unprofessional manner the lawyers are you going Airs Bedford I not know But the first vIsit will be Woodltiwn to strew flowers on husbands grave My rights in my husbands estate be sumo people think Perhaps I am entitled to n than a dower If timers is as much corruption antI intimidation in this case on of Iho water as there was on tho other I hair fur my effort to get justice I watt Yen it is true that I confessed that I was not the mother of the that I wits mine Hut it is husbands Mr Busho had heard time child was husbands I will not reveal the name of the mother There is no question about iho fact that Ithe trustees of us husbands Mr ford said the child was Ills to take care of it As to tho fraudulent registration I simply did Bedford asked me to do not believe the child is dud as reported- It was alive when I sailed from Havre although suffering slightly with whooping I of a nurfip Tho child is 7 months old and In l l t Iho relatives of husband will find that I am not BO much of a simpleton as 1 may look I IMJKB my on this Frederick Bedford my husbands father shuuM have for support of his son his sons his didnt have a right to to others all time property no received from his wife the my husband who was a Mrs Chittomleu before Dr Bedford married liar Dr Bedford got the greater of his wealth from my husbands mother My husbands ambition was to break the of his father which be regarded ax unjust Ho could never to tIme point of Blurting litigation I do not want property simply because I need it hut beaiuso my wanted mo to have it Why do them people light mo I han claimed a from them What reason for It bus hated these people who have tried to deprive lila widow of her rights They tried to disprove my marriage at they couldnt do As to antecedents I shall little I was Helen Middleton I left homo when I was 14 years have lind nothing to do with my father since Ill treatment caused me to go I wns blessed with n good stepmother My father or hied mo not to como to as I would bo ar- rested I fear arrest nnd I shall not leave the ship if I learn that waiting- for me You say there Is none Well I will bravn it out end go ashore I am not an ordinary if I were I would not have been able to stand up under the ordeals I have Passed through- At this point Mrs Bedford Ixcnme much agitated in a voice I do not know what combination they have formed airalnst me When an going voufcind you do not know how to defend yourself Is not strange tint the only ship on which an attempt was to rlvnamito was the in which I sailed for England- I being killed but I do not want to lose my eyes Hero Mrs Bedford turned her on at full power Ah I will make some husbands relatives perspire hero Mrs Bedford forefinger alongside her noso No otto my fairly no ono except m How nliMit your In this is developing Into In- terview For your Information I will tell you Bedford hall no right Chiltendens Mrs Bedford beckoned to tho steward anti exclaimed I tall you steward who speak French nnd to witness that linvo said nothing for 1 think I will po I dont know what to do Thin child is this dramatically nnd shall lx cured for to fathers de Mires Mrs Bedford cnid site hutch had four chil- dren of her own and that all had died that her husband in tho of a nurse and witneciTS hind repeatedly asked to see child anti to that it was his Mrs Bedford went to the irenoble DILLS MTOMOntLK TRIP Falls to Make Ills Kpcetrd Npred Ilrlwren- lrnox NorthamptonN- oiiTiiAMPTOv Mass July 10 The auto mobilirlrt from Orange N J who are malt irjtf an endurance run to tho llangeley Lakes in Malno arrived in this city last in n pouring rain The party consists B Dill Dill Miss Helen Dill mind K cheat of the Automobile Club of America remained hero inday and will continue tin run fomorrow Mr Dill is nl tempting to show that an amateur can cover in an en- durance run fourteen and onehalf an hour user country road but do it today average speed on the trip from Inox being except of ten milos an hour The failure to make I better time was duo to the muddy eomli lion of tho roads which were w hind In I places that it becamo necessary wind with ascent of sonic of the hills in Berkshire could made Tomorrow morning the party will start- up the Connecticut N II from there will go to Dixvlllo Notch whcro they will enter Maine and continue to region Sle bali lad strict hell ali ali Healy shut up itt ant 1 huh fold 1 her Bpi Ifo all mOl lover mv oldnnd are Umbra m Jai h to- Il nw Ir both to- t t M t mil to to tim she IrItL t Jail lute tt t hat I I in called Bedford ill band oflhrera t 1103 I Ito it mitt S Scarm itt aa it > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > LINK TO UK ALL ENGLISH No Foreigner as Director or Principal omter Capital Mode to no Increased Special CaW Mpociet to TUB SUN LIVERPOOL July 19 TIme Cunard Steam- ship Company at a special meeting on July 20 will consider Important resolutions Ono Is that no foreigner shall hold office as a director or principal officer of time company Another is that tho capital shall be in creased to 2000000 by the creation of a now share of the value of 20 be called a Government share and to bo issued to a nominee of tho Government LONDON July 20 Tho morning news- papers point to the significance of tho Cunard proposals which seek absolutely to Insure exclusively British ownership- One of the resolutions that will Ui pro- posed is to the effect that no foreign corpora tion shall hold or In any way control any shares of time company A foreign corpora- tion is defined as a corporation a majority- of directors or shareholders either or indirect are not British subjects Tho directors may upon any share- holder to provo weeks that his shares aro not lucid in violation of time foregoing resolution If he falls he must transfer his shares to a properly qualified person If he refuses to do so time directors may sell his shares at tIme market price and putt the money in I ho companys pocket These measures however are not to bo retroactive They will not apply to those who are shareholders when the resolutions Into operation FIIOMME HltOTIIKHS IX AMIilEXT Valuable HormTtieWere Driving Drowned In 111 eli lie Tumbled Into Herman anti Abraham L Fromnio of time law firm of Frommo Bros and living at 327 Central Park West went to Cily Island yesterday in a rubber ired runabout l e hind a valuable trotter They were coming homo by the way of flit Kingsbrldga road at 10 oclock last night wheiuit Bainbridge avenue their homo ran lute a ditch four feet wjde anti nearly as the Frommes were thrown out am their runabout Wits pitched over on the horse whoso and forequarters wero in time dltoh and tackle were pro- cured to lift the animal out but when it arrived the horse had been drowned by tho water in the ditch The unimftlri forelegs had been broken by the fall Tho Fromme brothers say that there was a red lantern to mark time ditch which was cut for a sewer connection but that it was next to tIme curb and not out near the car tracks whore they think it ought to have been CtEROIMO JOIS TilE CIIVHCH Old Indian filler antI Some of lib Warriors lleuuiue Methodists FORT SnL I T July IB Geronlmo and a doyen of his Apache warriors liavn joined the Church oviiiB baptized in the presence of a large crowd of Indians and whites Lost Sunday morning with the Co manches sItting on one side of the taber- nacle und tho Apaches on the other tribe with Its interpreter standing foreground repeating the words of tho tho minister stow and the story of At the close of sermon twelve of his warriors prisoners at Fort Sill went for ward and be received into time Church In the afternoon he baptismal ceremony occurred PLATT SVGOESTS ALDHUlH Would Like to See Inland Senator Irel lli K UK One of tIme visitors that carofl in with tho waves at Manhattan Beach yesterday asked Senator Platt if ho had heard of any new candidates for running mate with Roosevelt next year Ithodo Island Is a small State but It often produces candidates said the Sena- tor Just no it seems to mo to have a acceptable candidate in the portion of who has represented that State in time Senate for twentytwo and has been a much bigger nai in Congress than hta State im on the Of course as big as our or the gentlemen from Texas would havo wiped out time shaded of Webster and Clay long ago Senator Aldrioh is a sound states- man anti n wise counsellor For a lad of 93 he wont be that until next November lies a wellbalanced while we should miss him from the t nor of Senut- nu lw l time gavel as vicoPresldent Senator Platt said he hunch lioen made aware of the efforts of LouinviHo to got tho next Republican National Convention Ho- didnt this gathering might he was satisfied to go if ho sent hut he that Chicago because of its central location was the best place after all PAttK LAIIOHKIl AX AltTLST- Comnil nloner KiiBlN TlilnUs Tlmt lie titus uncovered a Genius Commissioner Eustls of time Park Depart- ment in Tho Bronx antI bin friends limit they have found a real artist in Durocl- Turpln of wr East ISTth street who for years been a anti painter Turpln started painting in oil two years ago He is 3 years old begun with a lifeulro portrait of Com- missioner which is now on time wnll of flit limIters office in Claremont Park Henlso painted a picture of W C horse hut picture of the horse Advance iuurd was Alexander Shields llm horses owner and he hat boon commis- sioned to paint a picture of McChesnoy the Western Ilk picture of tIme grandstand and time crowd Park truck In a rend houwo near the track and has attracted a good deal of attention painter has also painted a largo picture of a a j oltlio Now Zoological Garden han in a conspicuous lion houso of the great homo Turpln is now engaged in painting with a to 7x12 representing the of have promised to send it to the St Imln Fire Alarm for Itnllnn hid MONTCLAIH N J July 10A riot among Italians in tho Glen Ridge avenue settle nwnt tonight caused an ixcited citizen send In an alarm of lIre to which time police as well as the firemen responded in thn trouble Nlcolal Armenia was ftabbed in tutu head and chest by Alfonso and James ienetti arid badly Tho men wore playing cards into a dispute and caurd a in which halt a Italians took part Tho GenettiH were orrottd after firemen arid x lico drove away- a crowd which threatened violence t whO cal Como dtp heat Methodist encl loll Christ hole mOt mal we cant be the to him holrln ali two hat laborer Whiner orrl ork fall I to c1Yvt ill bern all ieraoum trmci should Imave Is I a nhiuiu I t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > PRISONER IN FIRST CABIN 1IKASLEV CHASED IHOM ALASKs TO SOuTh AFUIVA Nobody on the St Paul Knew He Wan n Prisoner He Senator Halo Had linger Ale Jounce Together JulU Marlowe Not to WorthliiR Tho problem discussed yesterday by tho cabin passengers of time American litter St Paul in from Southampton and Cherbourg was Who mixed tho ginger alo jounce It watt concocted in the suite of time Hon Eugene Hale of Maine accord- ing to several voyagers who didnt care to have their names published by flit Sena- tor himself according to others James C Beasloy a distinguishedlooking passen- ger with hair prematurely gray prepared tho mixtuie composed of a tap of Scotch whiskey ginger ale Juice Mr Beasloy with two other men who looked prosperous and were n trifle reserved not to tiny enigmatic boarded time St Paul at Southampton The other men are I R K Herron Deputy United Slates Marshals They caught up with Mr Bcasley after a pursuit of 17000 tables near Pretoria South Africa Mr Beosley had leei employed at Capo Nome by Undo Samwnd departed it is alleged ator forging army paymasters chocks The U S Marshals men didnt toil any- body aboard the St Ptul about busi- ness and Mr Beasloy entirety untmI- wrraBHod had the HBIIIO privileges aboard tho ship as uny other patsenger His passage wrs paid by Uncle Si in Bomo of the who unsuspectingly enjoyed tho companionship of and the detectives were Marlowe the actress Deputy Surveyor Col James El Philadelphia and several young women who asked the reporters not to their names Ono the young women declared that Bennley had ginger ale jounce In Senator Halos unite other tiald she thought tho Snnator had mixed it Senator huh refused to be either inter- viewed or photographed Ho did say that he to except that he lund gone abroad in the SI como hack in her wholly for time sake of the voy- age Julia Marlowe wouldnt commit herself on the cocktail incident Site she wasnt engaged to marry lien leading man Frank that the regarded him as an actor of ability and promise hut that he was not physically strong Site hoped he would stay at in Scotland was in trim As to the that she was going to get next year from Frolman time highest salary ever to tin American actress when I was a girl I never thought it possible that I should receive for salary I begin to next year Mls will go to her country homo in LHtKkllls and have a good tune tim rest of time summer She vigorous and handsome Deputy Surveyor of Customs John M on vacation since Juno looking over tIme European systems of handling at seaports a the He they luggage quicker in Vrance Ger- many and becausy fewer things- are dutiable in those roimtties than lucre Ho found time baggage examiners abroad sharp and good readers of human nature He will make sonic sug- gestions to facilitate tie handling of bag- gage on steamship piers at this port 11EVSIKY WAS DOINO WEI IN OO1I MINES WASHINGTON July 10 James C was indicted at Nome Alaska for the of two army paymasters aggregating 11500 ar- rived in in the custody of two United Deputy C H and C R who cap- tured Pretoria With their arrival in Washington these officers havo completed a seven months journey around taking one part of tilL and with They left Washington last De- cember for Vancouver to look W J Wilson a Philippine customs official who lund absconded some 18000 They caught him in Montreal and ho to Manila without tho formality of extradition papers Wilson was con- victed at sentenced to a long term of Imprisonment Heron from Manila to South Africa to find who two before hud been indicted at Nome The search which had been conducted in meantime hall traced 400 north of Pretoria in the Transvaal found tho marshals was apparently in n fair to making a for- tune discovered copper deposits and also having taken up several tine of these mines winding up his affairs after arrest Bcasley for 7aOUO The remainder of his property he turrrtl over to the nvinajerni partner and waiving extradition accompanied I lie officers back to the riving lien The officers will l avi with tomorrow for Seattle whence n steamer will take him to Nome The firm of V Hall wero con met ors for a section of the tele- graph lino which tho Government humus just in Alaska hut it is charged nl lomptod to collect or rather did 7000 more titan wore entitled to Two checks aggregating that amount purporting to bo drawn by the pay muster were paid by a Francisco which to forgeries They were indorsed with time name of the James C When thin checks wern traced had to Bcasloy ho de- camped WOKES roil PHESIDEXT Friends f Vnles orporntloii Secretary SiiRRCxt Him for Trinitys Head NRW UAVKN July 10 It was said hero tonight that there is considerable talk amiin tb ofllcials friends of Trinity College Hartford of time selection of time Itov Anson Phelps Stokes Jr sec rotary of the Ynlo Corx ration for tho presidency of Trinity President Smith linn just resigned to take effect n IIW It Is nn Episcopal college amid the Key Mr Stokes an minister Tho general sentiment of the friends of Trinity ii in favor of a younger man Mr Sloktss age for the presidency of the trusicrw aro wild to liavo Indorsed movement tot Strkcs J Picrpont Morgan of Now York I a member of thin bonrd IruMoiM and It iis suggrHlcd with such a progressive man as Mr In rho is a near friend of Mr Mrrgan could bo done for erlligo in the of endowmeilts- Mr Morgan lies already oroiiKly tho support institution It was also said Mr Slokess father would hecumo in Trinity Mr SloliiH is n graduate in the class of Ho in tho Harvard Theological School He hecamo secre tary to Yale when Presi- dent administration and at rector of St Pauls Church in this city No other Inrlory IIHH Hit maciiliitry lo malt collar bHIiinx ccU l to the tine Plrre dr ali I nra ell hell lnt 1 lon Dwyer I lay Worthin Char all fur hal t Wa Heron fu i welt t mill ItO tonight t 1 I ali I hOlt t r I hat I lie and t Ito I lie apt Stat et bin tmtit thm fuily a lit f mud t hit tn I t lie t liii crest ed IUI tim seine hue wan assistant ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PLOT TO KILL TilL KAlSEIlfN- orweRlan Pollco Worried Over the Visit- or Two Anarchists Front Chloixo Special cable Detpatch to Ills SUN LONDON July despatch to tho Morning Leader says that tho Norwegian police aro rnxious regarding en Anarchist plot against Emperor William who is cruis- ing in northern waters The despatch says that King Oscar u warning from Chicago that two a mr n anti a woman n Iho former a Swede end the latter a Norweglcn had left America on borrd a trrrwtlcntlc steamer bound for Norway They were traced to Trorrwoo thence to Walmoe In time southwestern part of Sweden and thoneo to Copenhagen whore a search Is now Ixlng made for them It Is considered alarming I hat they tInted their movements in thece localities to correspond to time dates when It was known that Emperor William end King Oscar would meet snippixa HACK COTTON La HrelaKiie RrliiRlnz a Cargo of It lo This Country Spfrtal Hespiilclitt la runt Mrs HAVIIK July large proportion of I he cargo of the General TruiiMitlnntlo Lines steamer La liretagm which sailed for New York consists of cotton which lias been reshipped to time United States on account of the American speculation that staple BHUK3ELR July 10Tlie Belgian cotton sfiinners haw decided to close their mills one day weekly Actually 10000 looms are idle Tho crisis ham brett brought about by the high piice of American raw cotton SCES SM PARKS utIca Man He Punched Seeks Danmncs Two Other May Ilo Likewise Charles Lawson the member of the House smiths Union who witnesses allege was assaulted by Sam Parks time walking gate at n meeting of the union on Friday brought suit against Parks for assault Thomas Moynihan and Pelor ONeill members of the Plasterers Union who worm attacked by members of Parkss entertainment committee in a Third avenue saloon after the meeting said last night that they won also considering bring- ing damage suits against their assailants HOUSE STEPS 0 DVXAMITE Lying In lloail Itaplodr nnd Injiirrs the AnlirulT- HKNTON N J July IJJiimeH II proprietor of n local hotel loft a valuable roml horse todny by n peculiar accident He wes driving with lilt son lnlttw In tin country when one of horses stepped on and exploded a dynamite cart- ridge Tlio animals hoof was thrown fcventyfive yunli Into n field The force of tlio explosion tlirew the wagon agaInst an embankment wrecking- it badly mind freeing time horses which jumped ft fence and rrn until time ono with the shattered hoof fell and dragged time other down with It nat injured boise had to be shot The cartridge is supposed to have been left by men who hud lcon blasting for this construction of a trolley line SEItlOrSLY hURT 11Y TOIdllS- Moakley Refused to lilveTliem Deer Assaitltetl ami Slay Hie- Georgo Monkley a brass finisher of 21- 8Larimer street Williamsburg Is in St Catherines Hospital with n fracture of thin bane of time skull and other injuries resulting from a beating administered yesterday noon by a crowd of touglw to whom ho had refused to give beer money He was found on the sidewalk at Oliver street and Metropolitan avenue Dr alla han of St Hospital said a was dying The police of I he Herbert street station urnsled Daniel Moakley years old of 04 Meeker avenue a rephoxv of the Injurnd man because they think ho knows some- thing about time assault POSTMASTEKtiEXEIlAL IIETTEK Air Payne Arrives at New London on the Hcvemic Cutter Ononilnei- NBW LONDON July masterGtnipral Payne arrived hero late this afternoon on time Revenue nuttIer Onon- dngn which anchored nt the mouth of the harbor Tho PostmasterGeneral reports lila health as much Improved since leaving Washington Tim Onondaga will proceed east in the morning WOOED AXD HON IT SEt And Married llefore They hind ot Aboard Tldii Continent Joseph Solomon and Victoria Sclivvart mayer from remoto parts of Germany saw each other for the first time aboard the litter BlUcher just before the ship naHrd from Harmmrg Their was swift In Joseph asked victoria to hI Mrs Solomon would and when I landed yesterday at Ellis Island asked for u TwoMiror Charles P Let of time Immigration who Is empowered to marry performed ceremony on as a silent witness and Mr nnd Mrn Solomon went forth to help populito lilt West IIITTKD A IIVriALO Jersey City Hoy Toisnl In lIme Air and Trampled On Ills Arm Ilrohen Herbert Gainphy 17 years old of 58 S- iPauls tivpiiue Jetrey City was taKed by a buflalo yesterday at till camp of a Wild Vest how at the Hudson lloulovarii and j St avenue HP paid no attention to a warning to keep nway from tie atiimul which was In nn Inclosure anti attempted to erlvo It a of Kmtv The lIt in nil und stepped on OH hiiinrr w d the ground The hoys lift arm was Ho was taken to Sword Nwalloner Die of InjurleR- ninaKWATKn Me July mnn known as Bll Griffin n sword swallower ded herb yesterday of injuries rwoivod doing his turn in tho aide show at Kautelles circus Griffin was using a long knife when his foot slipped and the knife his windpipe was tunable to lie moved and was the show anil steadily grew worse and died after intense He will be burled here at the expense of tho town Latest Marine IntelllRpncr- Arrtvtil S Carnc Sun Juan July 15 Kindlon Iuly 10 20A re- ceive aM I n dell I i l I j I i I i I h 4 i Coon 19 Post Ihl II Ill pllnl IDA I bile a Era iDA 8 ri ridge haul Itotmia hut tIme Money Cat Iuirlmmcs z tin duct tlm Paul a n lip buifia il 1t rim billY s t lie ill tit t I bit its ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > He Is Already Dead Sank Into Coma From Which He Couid Not Be Roused WILL POWER AT LAST GONE Large Crowd Awaited News Out- side the Vatican All Day After the Mornliix Attack Dr Lappon- lIormally Announced In Cardinal Han polla That l eati Wan al Hand Pope In Dellrlimi Diirlns Ihe l cnlns- Spohe In Three linxiiascs Dramatlu- HcriiR In the niamlier Tien- Cardlml Vlvn Tiito l ra ed Over Him Hptelat Cftila UrspalcHes la Tut SIms Krom TIIK SUN Corrniionilrnt at ItOMR July 20 4 A M It is like an ordi nary lawn at the Vatican A light still burns in time room the Pope has been occu- pying tom this past three days anti occa- sionally u figure comes within view of window Tlio night linn passed entirely without outward incident HUMORS THAT irE IS DEAD HOMK July 20 150 AM Since S oclock last night time Vatican loss practically cut itself off from world in general Tho general belief prevails that the Pope is dead but there is no official information to thud effect It is time belief that is shared by the AuMrlan oath German embassies where it I understood he expired at 11 oclock lal night but time authority for the report in refusal One of the nephews of the Popo was Been at time Russian Embassy after midnight Ho said he hail received no information of time death of his lost that ho hind heard being that ho would probably survive NEWH OP rOlF PlUSfl nEAT WITIIHKIn Jiight telephonic communication with time Vatican was discontinued It will recalled tint the news of time death of Pope Iius wns withheld for twenty hours by the Vatican Iho crowd out sido tIme Vatican dwindled after rnfdnight and nt this hour only the newspaper remain Cardinal Mnlthicu who would be among the first to bo informed of the Popes death telephoned in reply to an inquiry made of him after 1 oclock this morning that time Popo vas tl ill living SINKS INTO COMA KOMK July lit About an hour after this mornings bulletin watt issued tlm Popes conditition suddenly became alarm- ing His mind which had been clear until that time wavered and he Into comn His viltl powers seemed to collapse and his pul almost Dr Lapponl who except Pit Centra the Popes valet watt the only person present thought tutu end wan at Intnl Strong digitalis was quickly Injected and pure oxygen was administered These restora- tives were so freely employed in tho earlier of agon of time Popes illness that they no longer have much effect on the heart respiration was wmiowhnt improved but time insensibility timid general collapse con- tinued ANNOtNCK THAT TIIK KSI IS NFAB- Dr Lapponl notified time Vatican authori- ties that tho last hour of luis Holiness watt approaching and Cardinal hastily summoned Cardinal Onglla ill Santo Stofano by telephone who will give official notice of tlm death of tho PoK Ho nrfivcd nt 11 oclock anti several other CardInals also hastened to the Vatican where they waited in Limit anteroom of tho sick chamber Cardinal Hampulla also sent telegrams required by custom to all the Nuncios anti Oirdlnflls announcing the desperate condi- tion of his holIness Meantime under skilful efforts of Dr Ijjpponl and time attendants thin dying man was drawn hack with yet n little to spare from tho final portal Tho rally was feeble anti only physical It was found Impossible to call buck the strong intellect which lot a fortnight dominated frail body after time doctors wore convinced that the Popon power of resistance was ex- hausted Tho coma grow deeper the breathing superficial nail time temperature lower U watt time vitality of tIme heart which Tram the outset line been a marvel to time doctors that still kept death at bay De- prived of tlio brain for an ally however struggle was pitifully hopeless Thai lectors confessed that human resources were exhausted The remaining power jf resistance ebbed very slowly THE FINAL 8TItUaaLK Watchers at Limit Vatican concurred in the opinion that the Pope at 10 oclock to night html entered upon the final struggle He had then lost consciousness completely and lay in a profound coma p doo a POPE NEAR END Rumors in Rome That COLLAPSE ON SUNDAY r i I It I 4 I 1 0 k hIia tim lIon j the Im I that I fr I s Holiness t he Last SI him ant ehmtr4 I lien I used li1oupia red t The t Haiti polio t Ito t ito j I lie p 4c ju time ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-07-20 [p ]....VOL LXXNO 323 MONDAT JULY 39 Itoa Fair and warmer today...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-07-20 [p ]....VOL LXXNO 323 MONDAT JULY 39 Itoa Fair and warmer today and tomorrow west winds NEW YORK MONDAY JULY 20 1903 ConrtoM 1003 bu The Sun Printing


MONDAT JULY 39 ItoaFair and warmer today and tomorrow

west winds

NEW YORK MONDAY JULY 20 1903 ConrtoM 1003 bu The Sun Printing and PvbliMng Anociation PRICE TWO CENTS



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Attack lie Inll at llnsln ttyo and Shoot

Two Men Imler Death Neiitenec One

Guard Killed and the Other Wounded

Cattlemen Held Troops Asked For

KKI IWOK Mon July doublelynching occurred at Basin Wyo oarly

as a result Sheriffof Big Horn county ban arrested

cattlemen near Thermopollshind iippealid to tho Governor of Wyom-

ing fir tho assistance of the militia in get-

ting his prisoners to tho Basin jailThe tnin lynched wero two condemned

murderers and the mob also shot and killeda deputy sheriff The murderers wereJim iormnn who killed his brother abouta year ago ran off with his brotherswife and a mnn named Wallers a travelling man who killed a widow named Hoovernl TlienniMiliH Hot Springs two years agobecause slit refused to marry him

It was reported to Sheriff Fenton on lastWednesday morning that a mob was comingtip to along tho Big Horn River forilp of lynching Gorman and Waltors measure of precaution the Sherifflook these two men nnd a horse thief out

f the and secreted them In a gullynear under guard of Deputy SheriffMU Alston and Deputy C E Price

had exceptionally smallhands managed to slip his handcuffs andmake hi escaM Deputy Price fired oneshot nt the fugitive ns he disappeared inthe hngh but tho bullet went wide GorniHii swam the Big Horn River and madefor th mountains A posse of seven men

iilckly organized and Gorman wns reearly yesterday morning on Trap

jer reek abut fifty inilra from BasinFrom Wednesday until Saturday morningho not a mouthful of food andwis exceedingly weak Ho had no firenrm and offered no resistance

Meantime Sheriff Fenton had replacedWalters and tin horse thief In tho Basin

Lat evening Gorman was also placedand a force of fifteen deputies was

sworn InFeeling had been running high among

the people for a long time Gormanstime was considered particularly inhumanand atrocious Ho shot his brother Tomat the latterH ranch on Shell Creek nearThermopolls and then ran off with Tomswife Maggie who is held as nn accom-plice In tlm crime but ta out on hail

Gorman had two trials each resultingin sentence of death by hanging hut hisattorney took tim case to th AppellateSupreme Court The ranchers beltvedjustice would be defeated

Walters fell In lovo with a Mrs HooverShe refused to marry him and he shother Justice has been delayed in his case

alsoLastevening a mob of about thirty men

masked perfect up thej w Swt ba lc of tho Big Horn dismounted

tethered their hones and compelled theferryman to across the riverThey made no demonstration until theyentered Basin when five shots wereus a warning

The mob proceeded at once to the build-ing which is courthouse and

anti fired a volley into jailDeputy C E Prico and Special DeputyGeorge S Mend were guarding the pris-oners One bullet grazed Meads shoulderand entered Prices heart killing himinstantly

Members of time mob then quickly procured telephone poleM and battered thejail door down They first camo to Walters

crouched on his cot begging for mercyXo needless torture was resorted to butWalters was hhot instantly

The mob next found Gorman whose bodyvi pierced by five ho was leftlinnmiiahly dead Ho lingered until

uinming when ho Ho made noftiteinenl but nsk d to Gorman

is fiivornpliee She was far away and-quest iinild nut ho granted

Is rl clout tho TOOl quickly dlsa-pKird One report is that not n single

if tho mob wan recognized AnIn r stat mi nt is that IVputy Mend recog

nixii in Under hut will not mako knownmans identity Prlw time deputy

hivrs killed is a nephew of Job Pricevmai r f tho Mubar ranch

nure aliirniini statement of nfiiift is reported from neighborhood of

IhcrittnpiiijH About six woekrt ago as nmil f rango feud that has been so

waged u shtpniau named BenMimk was by cattlemen Sheriff

inirii it JK mid lias captured tho murilerrMY who nre all prominentninl unities have been withheldHut on iiccouiit of the threats made against

nn sinviff Kenton is unable to get hislMmers to

I is Mid that the same mob lynched11umin ami Walters or its

de lapMl ihal Sheriff Fenton will neverRit nut of the region alive with his prisonersSheriff has telegraphed the Gov-ern r nf Wyoming for permission to use

Siflie militia at has alsoem tflephoiio messngiH to Cody Basin

nnd other Wyoming townsking ivr volunteers to assist him In up

riildiiif theEverywhere hardy Westerners arc re

Pondins to the cullnd IwMening toward Thermopolls-

Is prolmMe that militia will also boordered to tho scene The country aboutTlmrrnopolis s wild and lawless A mes

iroived at Cody this morning fromhrierifr Kenton Mid that ho still had thoPrinonprs in Ills possession and that he beiived hn could hold out until


Th Unlit Her Nest In an Air Pint Hotelllnil to Isp randies-

Oin OnrtiARn Me July 10 Thoof the Seashoo house ono of

wrgost hoI has heon working poorlythis summer Not once has flow of gasWHti as plentiful n and at limeswimlto worn tifod Proprietor Stapleswho is of a mechanio got iles-Prnin nnd disconnected bo-

Paii of the gns machine to find tho sourcohe triiiblo Noticing n piece of straw

i Htipls followedlP arid found in It at an arms lengthtViiln ilmii choked Iho draught

rTnov l rPHtoretl gasplint M working orderh ullM nf the lluilaon orn hail spun frnn

10AI elton










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IXIHUESTIULE SECURITIESI J Illlli Ixiilaiiatlnn of the Dlstiirlud

FinancIal MarketST PAUL Mini July 10 President

James J Hill of the Client Northern hasreturned to St Paul after his five weeksouting in Kant Referring to prcHcntfinancial and ho said

Tlm Eastern mnrUet is a everybodyknows in n disturtiod condition

stocks have boon thrown upon themarket In enormous quantities and thepublic has Htoppod buying The troublehas been ascribed to undigested securitiesbut perhaps we would better call thornindigestible securities

Out hero wo are not worried nor do weneed to worry about any of these move-ments Wo in the Northwest are not dealersIn industrial securities and our people havenot invested their money in them

Our broad acres do not feel any tremorsin Wall Street From St Paul clear throughto the Pacific Coast the ore engagedin producing foodstuffs in lumbering andmining in developing time great naturalresources of the country Therefore theyare prosperous and I see no reason to be-lieve that this prosperity will not continue

irinriiftt PREACHER DEAD

The llov Jean Slcjlts Recently Convictedof lllsamy Drown Himself

NEW ORLEANS July 19The Hev JeanBkyleJ an ho called himself but whosereal name was Lane who was recentlyconvicted of bigamy nt Port 01 bson Missand was awaiting removal to the Slatepenitentiary when it was discovered thathe was insane and was sent instead to theState Insane Asylum at Jackson com-mitted suicide yesterday in a small pondin thin rear of tho asylum was amiiitater of great oratorical powers antimuch in demand at revival meetings Hemarried a young Mississippi woman utlort Gibson but on their bridal tour it wasdiscovered that ho had five other wivesmarrying them on short notice in tho severalTexas Arkansas mind Mississippi townswhere ho had preached

There was no evidence of his insanityuntil after his conviction


HI Illlnd Wife Whose fortune tinsDwindled Slit Wont Pay lilt Hill

WINSTKD Conn July 10 Tho RevHenry K Boyer until recently heudmiisurof Boyers School in lloburtavillo nearWlnsted hiss disappeared and today illswife Mrs Towrsend Boyer advertisedthat site would not be responsible for anybills hoc husband might contract Ac-

cording to tho friends of the womanhas squandered almost the entire fortune

Item former husband who wasIL Consul in France and left her a largoamount of money Among other pos-sessions was u villa in Italy whereBoyer and her former husband lived whichhas gone with the other property

Mrs Boyer married husbandseveral He represented that

a Baptistlast winter Boyer was toevade the a for paintinghis school It came out thatin the hotel business In and aneducator ho had BB a clergymanunder four denominationsfor a time for tilt in Washing-ton Then he decided thatpulpit was moro to his liking This wasafter lied hem obliged to thecopal and Dutch churches so itwas said Lately bo has

n man of thoTo add to tho trouble of her money

Mrs Boyer is now totally blind

HOSPITAL PATIEXTS l FIGHTLively In the Accident Ward Police

Culled On to Subdue ThemMichael Sullivan of 2487 Second avenue

William Donohuo of 3S2 East Ninetyfirsthtreet mind John Ward no homo wero Inthe Yorkvillo police court yesterday forraising a disturbance In the PresbyterianHospital

The three were in beds In tho accidentward on Saturday night OB a result of slightinjuries and mind Donotmo wereIntoxicated Tin former got out of bedand saying to Ward that hn wasIllness to take tho bandagesfrom his hind Ward resisted and DonohuoWont to his assistance In a moment thethree wero about tho ward in alively fight The Attendants and nursestried vainly to stop thin row Several-of went to tho assistance-of the whereupon Sullivan and

lought all theothers

A telephone message was sent to Policeand the Fast Sixtyseventh

ftirrt station was notified PeterDevlin wont to the hospital with severalpolicemen in tho wagon When

Sullivan and Donohuo wereon tho floor and two doctorti and a nursewero holding each one down

Magistrate Mayo fitted those two 10

each Ward


Owing to llikln lie Wore It Slay noSeveral Days Before It IK Recovered

Scores of yachts of all descriptions sailedover Oravesend Bay searching for the bodyof Edwin H Low the Atlantic Yacht Club

who lost his lift on Saturdayduring a race between tho small craft ofthin ilichard IJ Moore who wentout in lila catboat I ho Martha M of theBonsonlmrst dub dived several timeshut did not sect body Owing to the

oilskins worn Mr is notprobable the body will be recovered

daysThe whore

is u dangerous tine to smallA strong wind I he east stirs achoppy cross sea that makes itfor mont experienced yachtsman tohandle n boat hero

Many telegrams of inquiry and sympathy-were at the Low cottageAtlantic Yacht Club house at Sea Cainyesterday


Plan to Ilulld n Collewc of the Catholicinlver lty at IouffhUeepsleL-

APOKTK hid July 10 Tho decision-

to build a Catholic college a branch of thoUniversity of Notre Damn in New Yorkwill be announced within a few days if theplans which are now under considerationdo not foil of consummation PresidentMorrlsspy of NoIre Dnmo hits cnnvuKsed

the project and has beenselected as site Negotia-tions for the ground on the

will bo have boon practicallyclosed and Iho plans for thobeen drafted

Notre Dum is administered by the Catho-lic Order of the Italy Crow and Pomsh

college be under admin-istration nf Indiana University

chosenbus H that

branches are being established in tho FastSouth anti

IIurn tt Kitrirt f Vanillalj the leader alt the world om IM noother-



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ills IHT OT M1SE HKCLAilKSTilE WIDOW OF auxxixa s

Iln Come hack Here to Try to SecureSome of the Estate In Which tier HIM

a Life Interest I ocnto That Child Is Ue d

Mrs Gunning S Bedford who was fined10 in the Bow police court in London

on May 23 for falsely registering anotherschild aa her own arrived yesterday fromHavre aboard the French hue steamship11 Gaftcogno with plenty to tell reporters about her effort to set control ofabout 350000 tIme lift interest of her laInhusband in two trust estates She pleadedguilty In London of having falsely declaredthat tim baby wus her own Under thewill of her husbands father Dr FrederickBedford and his uncle Judgo Gunning SBedford the estate was to go to five womencousins of Gunning S Bedford in case hoshould tile without issue The lawyers-for the five women say that that iswhy Mrs Bedford a unity andtried to palm it olT as hor own

Mrs Bedford was reluctant to land fromtlio steamship yesterday until she foundout that there were no detectives waiting-for her She is a blonde slondernnd sonicwhat nervous and has wide blue eyes anda Frenchy intuincr of expression andgesticulation While site talked rapidlyand excitedly to the reporters herkinds and shoulders were never rt restand she emplia ied her feelings withfrequent stamps of her small feet Shosays she WRB born in America butspeaks with a slight French accent Shesaid

I have come over to sign paperssecure a lawyer to begin n fight for myhusbands property No I will not givean interview until I have consulted counsel

seen tho trustees of the propertyEugene L Bushe and Mr

Fiske I have been treated in the mostunprofessional manner the lawyers

are you going Airs BedfordI not know But the first

vIsit will be Woodltiwn tostrew flowers on husbands graveMy rights in my husbands estate be

sumo people think PerhapsI am entitled to n than adower If timers is as much corruptionantI intimidation in this case onof Iho water as there was on tho other Ihair fur my effort to get justice I watt

Yen it is true that I confessed that Iwas not the mother of the that Iwits mine Hut it is husbandsMr Busho had heard time child was

husbands I will not reveal the nameof the mother There is no question aboutiho fact that Ithe trustees of

us husbands Mrford said the child was Illsto take care of it

As to tho fraudulent registration Isimply did Bedford asked me to

do not believe the child is dud asreported-

It was alive when I sailed from Havrealthough suffering slightly with whooping

I of anurfip Tho child is 7 months old and In

l l tIho relatives of husband will find

that I am not BO much of a simpleton as 1

may look I IMJKB my on thisFrederick Bedford my husbands

father shuuM have forsupport of his son his sons his

didnt have a right toto others all time property no received fromhis wife the my husband whowas a Mrs Chittomleu before Dr Bedfordmarried liar Dr Bedford got the greater

of his wealth from my husbandsmother

My husbands ambition was to breakthe of his father which be regardedax unjust Ho could never

to tIme point of Blurting litigation I donot want property simply because Ineed it hut beaiuso my wantedmo to have it Why do them people lightmo I han claimed a fromthem What reason for It bus

hated these people who have tried todeprive lila widow of her rights Theytried to disprove my marriage atthey couldnt do

As to antecedents I shall littleI was Helen Middleton I left homo whenI was 14 years have lind nothing todo with my father since Ill treatmentcaused me to go I wns blessed withn good stepmother My father or hied monot to como to as I would bo ar-rested I fear arrest nnd I shall not leavethe ship if I learn that waiting-for me You say there Is noneWell I will bravn it out end go ashore Iam not an ordinary if I were Iwould not have been able to stand upunder the ordeals I have Passed through-

At this point Mrs Bedford Ixcnme muchagitated in a voice

I do not know what combination theyhave formed airalnst me When angoing voufcind you donot know how to defend yourself Is notstrange tint the only ship on which anattempt was to rlvnamito wasthe in which I sailed for England-I being killed but I do not wantto lose my eyes Hero Mrs Bedfordturned her on at full power

Ah I will make some husbandsrelatives perspire hero MrsBedford forefinger alongsideher noso No otto myfairly no ono except m

How nliMit your Inthis is developing Into In-

terview For your Information Iwill tell you Bedford hall no right

ChiltendensMrs Bedford beckoned to tho steward

anti exclaimedI tall you steward who speak

French nnd to witness that linvosaid nothing for 1 think Iwill po I dont know what to doThin child is this dramatically nnd shall lxcured for to fathers de

MiresMrs Bedford cnid site hutch had four chil-

dren of her own and that all had died thather husband in tho of a nurse andwitneciTS hind repeatedly asked to see

child anti to that itwas his

Mrs Bedford went to the irenoble


Falls to Make Ills Kpcetrd Npred Ilrlwren-lrnox NorthamptonN-

oiiTiiAMPTOv Mass July 10 The automobilirlrt from Orange N J who are maltirjtf an endurance run to tho llangeley Lakesin Malno arrived in this city last in npouring rain The party consists

B Dill Dill MissHelen Dill mind K

cheat of the Automobile Club of Americaremained hero inday and will continuetin run fomorrow

Mr Dill is nl tempting to show that anamateur can cover in an en-

durance run fourteen and onehalf anhour user country road but

do it today average speed on thetrip from Inox being exceptof ten milos an hour The failure to make I

better time was duo to the muddy eomlilion of tho roads which were w hind In I

places that it becamo necessary windwith ascent of sonic

of the hills in Berkshire could madeTomorrow morning the party will start-

up the Connecticut N IIfrom there will go to Dixvlllo

Notch whcro they will enter Maine andcontinue to region


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LINK TO UK ALL ENGLISHNo Foreigner as Director or Principal

omter Capital Mode to no IncreasedSpecial CaW Mpociet to TUB SUN

LIVERPOOL July 19 TIme Cunard Steam-ship Company at a special meeting onJuly 20 will consider Important resolutionsOno Is that no foreigner shall hold officeas a director or principal officer of time

companyAnother is that tho capital shall be in

creased to 2000000 by the creation of anow share of the value of 20 be calleda Government share and to bo issued to anominee of tho Government

LONDON July 20 Tho morning news-papers point to the significance of thoCunard proposals which seek absolutely toInsure exclusively British ownership-One of the resolutions that will Ui pro-posed is to the effect that no foreign corporation shall hold or In any way control anyshares of time company A foreign corpora-tion is defined as a corporation a majority-of directors or shareholders either

or indirect are not British subjectsTho directors may upon any share-

holder to provo weeks thathis shares aro not lucid in violation of time

foregoing resolution If he falls he musttransfer his shares to a properly qualifiedperson If he refuses to do so time directorsmay sell his shares at tIme market priceand putt the money in I ho companys pocketThese measures however are not to boretroactive They will not apply to thosewho are shareholders when the resolutions

Into operation

FIIOMME HltOTIIKHS IX AMIilEXTValuable HormTtieWere Driving Drowned

In 111 eli lie Tumbled IntoHerman anti Abraham L Fromnio of time

law firm of Frommo Bros and living at327 Central Park West went to Cily Islandyesterday in a rubber ired runabout l ehind a valuable trotter

They were coming homo by the way offlit Kingsbrldga road at 10 oclock lastnight wheiuit Bainbridge avenue their homoran lute a ditch four feet wjde anti nearly as

the Frommes were thrown out amtheir runabout Wits pitched over on thehorse whoso and forequarters weroin time dltoh and tackle were pro-

cured to lift the animal out but when itarrived the horse had been drowned bytho water in the ditch The unimftlriforelegs had been broken by the fall

Tho Fromme brothers say that therewas a red lantern to mark time ditch whichwas cut for a sewer connection but that itwas next to tIme curb and not out near thecar tracks whore they think it ought tohave been


Old Indian filler antI Some of lib Warriorslleuuiue Methodists

FORT SnL I T July IB Geronlmo anda doyen of his Apache warriors liavn joinedthe Church oviiiB baptizedin the presence of a large crowd of Indiansand whites

Lost Sunday morning with the Comanches sItting on one side of the taber-nacle und tho Apaches on the othertribe with Its interpreter standingforeground repeating the words of tho

tho minister stow andthe story of At the close of

sermon twelve of hiswarriors prisoners at Fort Sill went forward and be received into time

Church In the afternoon he baptismalceremony occurred


Would Like to See Inland SenatorIrel lli K UK

One of tIme visitors that carofl in withtho waves at Manhattan Beach yesterdayasked Senator Platt if ho had heard of anynew candidates for running mate withRoosevelt next year

Ithodo Island Is a small State but Itoften produces candidates said the Sena-tor Just no it seems to mo to have a

acceptable candidate in the portion ofwho has represented

that State in time Senate for twentytwoand has been a much bigger nai

in Congress than hta State im on theOf course as big as ouror the gentlemen from Texas would havowiped out time shaded of Webster and Claylong ago

Senator Aldrioh is a sound states-man anti n wise counsellor For a lad of93 he wont be that until next Novemberlies a wellbalanced while weshould miss him from the t nor of Senut-nu lw l

time gavel as vicoPresldentSenator Platt said he hunch lioen made

aware of the efforts of LouinviHo to got thonext Republican National Convention Ho-

didnt this gathering mighthe was satisfied to go if hosent hut he that Chicago

because of its central location was the bestplace after all


Comnil nloner KiiBlN TlilnUs Tlmt lie titusuncovered a Genius

Commissioner Eustls of time Park Depart-ment in Tho Bronx antI bin friends limitthey have found a real artist in Durocl-Turpln of wr East ISTth street who for

years been a anti painter

Turpln started painting in oil two yearsago He is 3 years old

begun with a lifeulro portrait of Com-

missioner which is now on time wnllof flit limIters office in Claremont ParkHenlso painted a picture of W C

horsehut picture of the horse Advance iuurdwas Alexander Shields llmhorses owner and he hat boon commis-sioned to paint a picture of McChesnoy

the WesternIlk picture of tIme grandstand and time

crowd Park truck In a rendhouwo near the track and has attracteda good deal of attention

painter has also painted a largopicture of a a j

oltlio Now ZoologicalGarden han in a conspicuous

lion houso of the greathomo

Turpln is now engaged in painting witha to7x12 representing the of

have promised tosend it to the St Imln

Fire Alarm for Itnllnn hidMONTCLAIH N J July 10A riot among

Italians in tho Glen Ridge avenue settlenwnt tonight caused an ixcited citizen

send In an alarm of lIre to which time

police as well as the firemen respondedin thn trouble Nlcolal Armenia was ftabbedin tutu head and chest by Alfonso and Jamesienetti arid badly Tho men wore

playing cards into a dispute and caurda in which halt a Italianstook part Tho GenettiH were orrottdafter firemen arid x lico drove away-a crowd which threatened violence









loll Christ



malwe cant be

theto him holrln


two hat laborer






c1Yvt ill



ieraoum trmci

should Imave



a nhiuiu I





















Nobody on the St Paul Knew He Wan nPrisoner He Senator Halo Hadlinger Ale Jounce Together JulUMarlowe Not to WorthliiR

Tho problem discussed yesterday bytho cabin passengers of time Americanlitter St Paul in from Southampton andCherbourg was Who mixed tho gingeralo jounce It watt concocted in the suiteof time Hon Eugene Hale of Maine accord-ing to several voyagers who didnt care tohave their names published by flit Sena-tor himself according to others JamesC Beasloy a distinguishedlooking passen-ger with hair prematurely gray preparedtho mixtuie composed of a tap ofScotch whiskey ginger aleJuice

Mr Beasloy with two other men wholooked prosperous and were n trifle reservednot to tiny enigmatic boarded time St Paulat Southampton The other men are IR K Herron Deputy UnitedSlates Marshals They caught up withMr Bcasley after a pursuit of 17000 tablesnear Pretoria South Africa

Mr Beosley had leei employed at CapoNome by Undo Samwnd departed it isalleged ator forging army paymasterschocks

The U S Marshals men didnt toil any-body aboard the St Ptul about busi-

ness and Mr Beasloy entirety untmI-wrraBHod had the HBIIIO privileges aboardtho ship as uny other patsengerHis passage wrs paid by Uncle Si in Bomoof the who unsuspectingly enjoyedtho companionship of and thedetectives were Marlowe the actressDeputy Surveyor Col James El

Philadelphiaand several young women who asked thereporters not to their names Ono

the young women declared that Bennleyhad ginger ale jounce In SenatorHalos unite other tiald she thoughttho Snnator had mixed it

Senator huh refused to be either inter-viewed or photographed Ho did saythat he to except thathe lund gone abroad in the SI comohack in her wholly for time sake of the voy-age

Julia Marlowe wouldnt commit herself onthe cocktail incident Site shewasnt engaged to marry lien leading manFrank that the regarded him asan actor of ability and promise hutthat he was not physically strong Sitehoped he would stay at in Scotland

was in trim As to thethat she was going to get next year

from Frolman time highest salaryever to tin American actress

when I was a girl I never thoughtit possible that I should receive for

salary I begin tonext year

Mls will go to her country homoin LHtKkllls and have a good tune timrest of time summer She vigorousand handsome

Deputy Surveyor of Customs John Mon vacation since Juno

looking over tIme European systems ofhandling at seaports a

the Hethey luggage quicker in Vrance Ger-many and becausy fewer things-are dutiable in those roimtties than lucreHo found time baggage examiners abroad

sharp and good readers ofhuman nature He will make sonic sug-gestions to facilitate tie handling of bag-gage on steamship piers at this port11EVSIKY WAS DOINO WEI IN OO1I MINES

WASHINGTON July 10 James Cwas indicted at Nome Alaska forthe of two army paymasters

aggregating 11500 ar-rived in in the custodyof two United DeputyC H and C R who cap-tured Pretoria

With their arrival in Washington theseofficers havo completed a seven monthsjourney around taking one

part of tilL and withThey left Washington last De-

cember for Vancouver to look W JWilson a Philippine customs official wholund absconded some 18000

They caught him in Montreal and hoto Manila without tho formality

of extradition papers Wilson was con-victed at sentenced to a longterm of Imprisonment

Heron from Manilato South Africa to find who two

before hud been indicted at NomeThe search which had been conducted in

meantime hall traced 400north of Pretoria in the Transvaal

found tho marshals wasapparently in n fair to making a for-tune discovered copperdeposits and also having taken up several

tine of these mines windingup his affairs after arrest Bcasley for

7aOUOThe remainder of his property he turrrtl

over to the nvinajerni partnerand waiving extradition accompaniedI lie officers back to theriving lien The officers willl avi with tomorrow forSeattle whence n steamer will take himto Nome

The firm of V Hall wero conmet ors for a section of the tele-graph lino which tho Government humus just

in Alaska hut it is charged nllomptod to collect or rather did

7000 more titan wore entitled toTwo checks aggregating that amountpurporting to bo drawn by the paymuster were paid by a Franciscowhich to forgeries They wereindorsed with time name of theJames C When thin checkswern traced had to Bcasloy ho de-camped


Friends f Vnles orporntloii SecretarySiiRRCxt Him for Trinitys Head

NRW UAVKN July 10 It was said herotonight that there is considerable talkamiin tb ofllcials friends of TrinityCollege Hartford of time selectionof time Itov Anson Phelps Stokes Jr secrotary of the Ynlo Corx ration for thopresidency of Trinity President Smith

linn just resigned to take effectn IIW It Is nn Episcopal college

amid the Key Mr Stokes anminister

Tho general sentiment of the friends ofTrinity ii in favor of a younger manMr Sloktss age for the presidencyof the trusicrw aro wild to liavo Indorsed

movement tot Strkcs J PicrpontMorgan of Now York I a member of thin

bonrd IruMoiM and It iis suggrHlcdwith such a progressive man as Mr

In rho is a nearfriend of Mr Mrrgan could bo donefor erlligo in the of endowmeilts-Mr Morgan lies alreadyoroiiKly tho support institutionIt was also said Mr Slokess fatherwould hecumo in Trinity

Mr SloliiH is n graduate in theclass of Ho in tho HarvardTheological School He hecamo secretary to Yale when Presi-dent administration and at

rector of St Pauls Church in this city

No other Inrlory IIHH Hit maciiliitry lo malt collarbHIiinx ccU l to the tine Plrre dr

aliI nra ell

helllnt 1 lon

Dwyer I









fu i











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I hat




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Stat et








mudt hit

tnI t lie

tliii crest ed


tim seine hue wan assistant






















orweRlan Pollco Worried Over the Visit-or Two Anarchists Front Chloixo

Special cable Detpatch to Ills SUN

LONDON July despatch to thoMorning Leader says that tho Norwegianpolice aro rnxious regarding en Anarchistplot against Emperor William who is cruis-

ing in northern watersThe despatch says that King Oscar

u warning from Chicago that two

a mr n anti a woman n Iho formera Swede end the latter a Norweglcn hadleft America on borrd a trrrwtlcntlcsteamer bound for Norway

They were traced to Trorrwoo thenceto Walmoe In time southwestern part ofSweden and thoneo to Copenhagen whorea search Is now Ixlng made for them

It Is considered alarming I hat they tIntedtheir movements in thece localities tocorrespond to time dates when It was knownthat Emperor William end King Oscarwould meet

snippixa HACK COTTON

La HrelaKiie RrliiRlnz a Cargo of It loThis Country

Spfrtal Hespiilclitt la runt MrsHAVIIK July large proportion of I he

cargo of the General TruiiMitlnntlo Linessteamer La liretagm which sailed for NewYork consists of cotton which lias beenreshipped to time United States on accountof the American speculation that staple

BHUK3ELR July 10Tlie Belgian cottonsfiinners haw decided to close their millsone day weekly Actually 10000 loomsare idle Tho crisis ham brett broughtabout by the high piice of American rawcotton


utIca Man He Punched Seeks DanmncsTwo Other May Ilo Likewise

Charles Lawson the member of the Housesmiths Union who witnesses allege wasassaulted by Sam Parks time walkinggate at n meeting of the union onFriday brought suit againstParks for assault

Thomas Moynihan and Pelor ONeillmembers of the Plasterers Union whoworm attacked by members of Parkssentertainment committee in a Third

avenue saloon after the meeting said lastnight that they won also considering bring-ing damage suits against their assailants


Lying In lloail Itaplodr nndInjiirrs the AnlirulT-

HKNTON N J July IJJiimeH IIproprietor of n local hotel loft

a valuable roml horse todny by n peculiaraccident He wes driving with lilt sonlnlttw In tin country when one of horsesstepped on and exploded a dynamite cart-ridge Tlio animals hoof was thrownfcventyfive yunli Into n field

The force of tlio explosion tlirew thewagon agaInst an embankment wrecking-it badly mind freeing time horses whichjumped ft fence and rrn until time ono withthe shattered hoof fell and dragged time

other down with It nat injured boisehad to be shot The cartridge is supposedto have been left by men who hud lconblasting for this construction of a trolleyline


Moakley Refused to lilveTliem DeerAssaitltetl ami Slay Hie-

Georgo Monkley a brass finisher of 21-8Larimer street Williamsburg Is in St

Catherines Hospital with n fracture ofthin bane of time skull and other injuriesresulting from a beating administeredyesterday noon by a crowd of touglw towhom ho had refused to give beer moneyHe was found on the sidewalk at Oliverstreet and Metropolitan avenue Dr allahan of St Hospital said awas dying

The police of I he Herbert street stationurnsled Daniel Moakley years old of04 Meeker avenue a rephoxv of the Injurndman because they think ho knows some-thing about time assault


Air Payne Arrives at New London on theHcvemic Cutter Ononilnei-

NBW LONDON JulymasterGtnipral Payne arrived hero latethis afternoon on time Revenue nuttIer Onon-dngn which anchored nt the mouth of theharbor Tho PostmasterGeneral reportslila health as much Improved since leavingWashington Tim Onondaga will proceedeast in the morning


And Married llefore They hind ot AboardTldii Continent

Joseph Solomon and Victoria Sclivvartmayer from remoto parts of Germanysaw each other for the first time aboardthe litter BlUcher justbefore the ship naHrd from HarmmrgTheir was swift InJoseph asked victoria to hI Mrs Solomon

would and when I landedyesterday at Ellis Island asked for u

TwoMiror Charles P Let oftime Immigration who Is empoweredto marry performed ceremonyon as asilent witness and Mr nnd Mrn Solomonwent forth to help populito lilt West


Jersey City Hoy Toisnl In lIme Air andTrampled On Ills Arm Ilrohen

Herbert Gainphy 17 years old of 58 S-

iPauls tivpiiue Jetrey City was taKed by abuflalo yesterday at till camp of a Wild

Vest how at the Hudson lloulovarii and j

St avenueHP paid no attention to a warning to keep

nway from tie atiimul which wasIn nn Inclosure anti attempted to erlvo It a

of Kmtv ThelIt in nil und stepped on

OH hiiinrr w d the groundThe hoys lift arm was Ho was

taken to

Sword Nwalloner Die of InjurleR-

ninaKWATKn Me July mnnknown as Bll Griffin n sword swallowerded herb yesterday of injuries rwoivod

doing his turn in tho aide show atKautelles circus Griffin was using along knife when his foot slipped and theknife his windpipe was tunableto lie moved and was the showanil steadily grew worse and died afterintense He will be burled hereat the expense of tho town

Latest Marine IntelllRpncr-Arrtvtil S Carnc Sun Juan July 15

Kindlon Iuly 10





I n















Coon 19 Post






I bile

a Era


8 ri ridgehaul

Itotmia hut



Cat Iuirlmmcs


tin duct


Paul a

n lip buifia il 1t rim billYs t lie


tit t I bit








He Is Already Dead

Sank Into Coma From Which He

Couid Not Be Roused


Large Crowd Awaited News Out-

side the Vatican All Day

After the Mornliix Attack Dr Lappon-

lIormally Announced In Cardinal Han

polla That l eati Wan al Hand Pope

In Dellrlimi Diirlns Ihe l cnlns-

Spohe In Three linxiiascs Dramatlu-

HcriiR In the niamlier Tien-

Cardlml Vlvn Tiito l ra ed Over Him

Hptelat Cftila UrspalcHes la Tut SIms

Krom TIIK SUN Corrniionilrnt atItOMR July 20 4 A M It is like an ordi

nary lawn at the Vatican A light stillburns in time room the Pope has been occu-

pying tom this past three days anti occa-

sionally u figure comes within view ofwindow Tlio night linn passed entirelywithout outward incident


HOMK July 20 150 AM Since S oclocklast night time Vatican loss practically cutitself off from world in general Thogeneral belief prevails that the Pope is

dead but there is no official information tothud effect

It is time belief that is shared by theAuMrlan oath German embassies whereit I understood he expired at 11 oclocklal night but time authority for the reportin refusal

One of the nephews of the Popo was Been

at time Russian Embassy after midnight

Ho said he hail received no information oftime death of his lost that hohind heard being that ho would probably



Jiight telephonic communicationwith time Vatican was discontinued Itwill recalled tint the news of time deathof Pope Iius wns withheld for twenty

hours by the VaticanIho crowd out sido tIme Vatican dwindled

after rnfdnight and nt this hour only thenewspaper remain

Cardinal Mnlthicu who would be among

the first to bo informed of the Popes deathtelephoned in reply to an inquiry made of

him after 1 oclock this morning that time

Popo vas tl ill living


KOMK July lit About an hour afterthis mornings bulletin watt issued tlm

Popes conditition suddenly became alarm-

ing His mind which had been clear until

that time wavered and he Into

comn His viltl powers seemed to collapse

and his pul almostDr Lapponl who except Pit Centra the

Popes valet watt the only person present

thought tutu end wan at Intnl Strongdigitalis was quickly Injected and pure

oxygen was administered These restora-

tives were so freely employed in tho earlierof agon of time Popes illness that they no

longer have much effect on the heartrespiration was wmiowhnt improved buttime insensibility timid general collapse con-



Dr Lapponl notified time Vatican authori-

ties that tho last hour of luis Holiness watt

approaching and Cardinal hastily

summoned Cardinal Onglla ill Santo Stofano

by telephone who will give official notice

of tlm death of tho PoK Ho nrfivcd nt11 oclock anti several other CardInals

also hastened to the Vatican where theywaited in Limit anteroom of tho sick chamber

Cardinal Hampulla also sent telegrams

required by custom to all the Nuncios anti

Oirdlnflls announcing the desperate condi-

tion of his holInessMeantime under skilful efforts of

Dr Ijjpponl and time attendants thin dying

man was drawn hack with yet n little to

spare from tho final portal Tho rally

was feeble anti only physical It was found

Impossible to call buck the strong intellect

which lot a fortnight dominated frail

body after time doctors wore convinced

that the Popon power of resistance was ex-

hausted Tho coma grow deeper thebreathing superficial nail time temperaturelower

U watt time vitality of tIme heart which

Tram the outset line been a marvel to time

doctors that still kept death at bay De-

prived of tlio brain for an ally howeverstruggle was pitifully hopeless Thai

lectors confessed that human resources

were exhausted The remaining power

jf resistance ebbed very slowly


Watchers at Limit Vatican concurred in

the opinion that the Pope at 10 oclock to

night html entered upon the final struggleHe had then lost consciousness completely

and lay in a profound coma p doo



Rumors in Rome That




IItI 4




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lIon j








Holiness t he



ant ehmtr4

I lien I used

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Haiti polio

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t ito


I lie


















