The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-05-26 [p 9]. · 2017-12-16 · v TWJ t o J J lr rr hrr to t 0 i TL >...

v TWJ t o J J l t r rr hr r to 0 i TL Y > STREET FULL OF BEAR RUMORS yosri rvrmT rr LOTS OF l STOCK niSLOIKJEU- MP l Apparently 1iril lo Chili tlie Mar- I ot Humor MIld Mtar Were Gunning for III fJainc No nopkcfellerttonlrlC- Hiisalt conferenee DlipovrrableW- iiTi Strft wa run of rumor yesterday mmlnft with n further heavy Hinogli In tho piicviof In a number of instances lril OWP I quotations since the panic of MAY n lf oi For first time lncr April 13 total Stock Exchange tilci rxcpiding tho million share mark hiiiK II23200 shares compared with VW on April 11 and 1991000f- riArfs nn Inn 9 Riimnr tint a of men l lfii sKciilallng heavily had been throw their holdlngA of Blocks ir in i he market Tho evideneo seemed o r piriiv Rood that a powerful bear imriy had In n at work and according to ihn riiinorH tills party has been gunning for wain OWn whow ppeculatlona hadthen l fi ili tn wlih too many slocks and iiih- Ii as asMrted that certain financial iiiiniotH hud called nililltlnil niHrginn unavalllngly ari Mon thrown upon the market the ii iiiy held nw collateral against loans AT he same tiniH there wan no definite of any of theso lltHtirhlnj- nmior and wheru names were mentioned rfiiiii siwciflo denials given iiai nmncd were In Toiilis tin1 tiouMo rumors which tivolvod allegations that one or Moik Kxchango brokerage flrnm likily n go under plentyof other bearish utrir wen1 afloat According to one there had been n squabble among h Hock Island group of financiera over vliciis to Ixi purniied and It was said that a prominent member of this group had Mrmd on the member and was mticking them market selling stocks and left Tho rpiicwed active hoftillty betweenl- ip tennnylvania Riilroad and the West- ern Itiion Telegraph Company Instanced ft thecuttinif down of the telegraph poles wo an important days rod th time hIt mil h- ot t len Inc ErA h lore or othEr rflior I number too- l ii jon tock 4 las tIt < > ¬ ° the stone a l Oil interests wocalled because of their tock ownership In the Missouri IVilio Hnllrcnd had Hilled themselves ilh lould interests and in n with tim Goulds had boon conducting a rnr in the IVniiiylvatila tock in the endeavor to carry in piiov under 120 price fixed iliritiurs for till to subscribe or 1m issue of new Mock This iiinclc was in the nature the added if of tht Western tniim telegraph line Th interests in lie Street laughed at the but it lie vert helettn- irciilated So did another to the Ifpft that tho Hockefelrers had arranged- r a conference between the nuin Hallrond and the OouUI interests- Ui o patching up r verification of obtained HMO a prominent banlier who in closely both tho Gould ltin said hat to the l eftt h knowledge there waa no foundation far report a conference hfeii or would be callexl The eon foreucn had some influence bring IIIR a small rally In the stock market r tIn cloee of tim Still another story that had the name f M Standard men hitched to it was in tlw effect that had been attack Alt market In order to New York stock and Hrlia increase their oilliis in that company to a controlling This story was important quarter Block of and M Paul Kailroad the control of which rtiw iTstK with time KockefeUur interests h ena notably feature through- t nil the recent stock market mid around this fact have centrwl Tmorn St Paul to lower figures vt yslerday selling one time at l at a normally to U8Jf- ial price There t the men- r horn II wa rumored time bear party- I muiiiini in order to force to iv over their stock had i baen- i were still carrying big wads of St report persistently circulated was to iITect Paul management is likely at the next nit the yearly dividend rate from 7 in lo fl er cent In quarters that should well informed regarding the affairs of company this was disbelieved t It was suggested that the- M probable for the ikniss of St Paul tock that tim was being used as a club upon time loin yesterdays tn as of preceding days icluded the gold exports now progress Kurox and South America ver remarkable outburst of speculation cotton which has led to of a cot 3l In the for that staple and re ilting failures time labor and rikrs all over the country the lateness f scr ding for the next corn crop r reaction which are showing ii that has been in on the the public in buy stocks at ruling quo iiUon The not declines regiMerfxl for tile nay l v active stock issues ranged from I to 3 imiiiN An Incident in dealings was hat the Iyondon buying of na Ixen a changed to lung on balance yesterday Tho trans sitioun for account were estl iistwl at upwards of 60009 shares hut the ii purchases hy perhaps third In the mar- K I the stock of the Northern Securities I ornpany broke to a new low record figure closing at 91 V Mil in Sold for German- I Von Hoffman A Co engaged at the CnitPd States Assay Office yesterday 1305 93 in gold bars for lo Bremen on lie steamship Kaiser Wilhelm II sailing will bo the first i nt to GErmany this year The foreign f shipped to Paris this week 93250f- lfri last week for was withdrawn from the United States yesterday to be shipped on steamship Prince Live Stock Mirhvt- MoxrAi Mayjs- Rrflpij of beeves for two days were sMO head itludlin for export alive 121 iliujhlu- rat M for the niarkel Stcera were In more r v demand arid price Arm to a shade Wittier 0w rows steady to on light receipts yards were easily cleared Medium n ve iteers sold al 100 lbs siais 1 bull at I32SSMM Including dIMIIIery d iin AI naii30 cn a at StM O4W lresie ffln lair demand al MfaKMc perth with choice irn heef sclllnt al C PC Llvrrpobl 1 I indon rables quoted live cattle lower al Tlc per lb dressed weight sheet lfJ al c dr Mfd welrhtt refrlirrator- ljei mrhaneeil none tomorrow v s 1107 sheep and 4 00 quarters of heat elpis of two were head Tiine l for biitrhcM and 3W8 for the market irnrte was brisk and Improved Ortft75c u ami vic on buttermilks The urn were V1 Cntnmrtii lo choice veals at MJ- 8Pr limibs Imttermllk al MM tl ntliei- tt CIty veal nrmcr liOn pr III nf he p and lambs for two diy were iienil 7 ran for capon alive iBhlereri slid Vii for the market makIng he tnr ick 3 u cari ton Sheep io end lower vrarilntu flrm for good rt to One ear was over n in ihoiri nheeu old at 2VWI5 per its f i al H0 72- ni M I VnlU al fV Ire ed million nii Hi clrc ri vrnrllngs olrady- diMseil limbs at itt6p- i nl lines for ten rtays were TVO head- s fo dKfkft prior were Mead stile hoes at XUSCW tecnrrhng to one or the Jar thA I tOfT for tlude ruction tIIlNtl r th report 1M we4k man stoCk ot Ii Jn hih till 2 point under lItllrclaK was thllt r I 111 liIicl I p an wa k k1 in Fdllnr that 1110 played 1 IIn f arl I and there the general part- f I I p hell was talk that more gold Is to Th SlhTr h U ran or PI 10 4 Id or das Ha IiI dr Sled It I OC- t I rOil It urlillr I 7 0 fl H fr bract I tl Stand tim stor v ann I that WflQ the bear party apart ina r5 and likely auii lIe 4Sa6aO V I 1 e 5 sale ftl a J nit lIme soul l ii > > < < < < > < < > < ° ° OF WUfc STREET ifcipr 88ioni of stock market opinion last In the boitrd room whro If you ask a man on somehln lie has none he will form ono offhand to br accommo dating convictions were ex twnoly rare sentiment was greatly bn Insisting that dclfrWfc tic lmlnat In a violent break attended by a lielvy In the volume of trnn the market volume yesterday Amounting to more than t tendency of values i on the part of those who would iMoulnte for at least a temporary recovery from this price to await de- velopments this morning The market closed rallying on buying for short account principally It was testimony of room trader wbo tried several there efforts seemed only to excite fresh selling Stocks were pressed for sale on every of strength A fair pro portion of thevfloor crowd ledby Bacon and Manning sought 10 force an ad vnnce In the late forenoon but 10 much lone stock came out every eighth up that profes- sional buying directly lathe after- noon the stocks that had hen bought for a rally during the morning came on the market again The bear party got hack u greattimny stock on the break especially while prices were going off so rapidly In the lAte afternoon Haying for short account wits nboiil only active support the market hail The Impres- sion In the loan crowd last night was that the professional short Interest had been heavily reduced The borrowing demand for stocks was smaller than It had been The most notlvo Inquiry was for Pennsyl- vania Canadian Pacific and Steel preferred Baltimore and Ohio and Union Pacific also were freely borrowed The general demand however showed a marked shrinkage as compared with that of last Saturday Shortly nfler 2 oclock when theoretically- a recovery should have begun prices began to fall abruptly The lowest prices were made after delivery time Hollinn A Cn sold 3000 shares of St Petit that had been bought In the forenoon mind that Influenced traders to sell the stocks they hrd bought earlier In the session The extreme weak- ness of St Paul In tbe last hour created it great deal of uneasiness Lack of support was evident The stock declined sharply at times under small offerlne Savin sold It down In the afternoon to nearly tIme bottom It Will by far the mot active stock GOSSIP night were nonoommlttal as a Even for opinion and Trading had the II million ahare jI RUMrlrnt to n turn In the but were ifle to their theory There level the times In the sMIon prkes that Worm er ceased the ery rule his speculative confused Increase iflrk they inn apply wasa to bt4ilp ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ In the list having a volume of more than 120000 shares Nothing could have been better as WAll Street employs the word than the buying of St Paul seen round 100 It proceeded from Important sources and apparently was well Informed There Is a disposition to believe that the recent selling been a good as tIme buying was to and SO points higher RfcYi clients who never come to Wall street except for bargains were seen In the various old fashioned commlssslou houses The supporting orders In Pennsylvania were supposed to come from the syndicate that has underwritten this new stock Issue at 130 The strength of the stock was In striking contrast to the weakness of other corresponding securities Van Kmburvh A- Atterbury were time largest buyers taking about 10000 shares There Is still a very active borrowing demand for JVnnaulvnnla It is believed that a large short Interest sooner or later will huv lo cover Its run trnctn In the market Clark Dodge A Co were prominent sellers yesterday Van Kmbiiruh A Attertmry bought vonfl shares of Atchison advancing the stock only oneeighth London houses also were free buyers The intImatIons received from the other sIde lust Saturday by the arbitrage people that London might reverse Its attitude toward American securities on short notice were borne out yesterday London sold between 000 and 10001 fiare on balance In this yesterday The total of arbitrage transactIons Will something between 4iuon and noOrtO share There was no explanation of the telliiitr extreme weakness of Rock Tslnnd gave rise ton treat dent of comment Trans- actions III the stock were of peculiar IntereM owing to various rumors shout the Moore party that have been current for several d y One or the more speculative members or time party Is said to have been estranged and some who might know have hinted that he wax stung stocks In a pet This story- wa retailed around the room yesterday mid was widely circulated outside variously distorted There may or may not b to it Persons who know the relation thiit- evist between this gentleman and the fore- most figure of this Moore party a relative the possibility of an open break Is ex- tremely remote Bogy A Hubbard worn heavy sellers of Rock iHlnnd common They also put out other locks freely around the room notably Brooklyn Rapid Transit Young Gates was a heavy seller of Rock Island offering It down Pout A Clark Dodge A Co and Van Knibureh k Atterbury were heavy sollcr of various stocks The house last named sold 5000 Union Pacific In the fore commission house liquidation arising from the exhaustion of margins was very conspicuous Brokers report a quiet accumulation of certain stocks notably Erie on scale orders and say that when the nervousness occasioned by the recent liquidation has gone many things are likely- to hove shnrp recoveries The buying re- ferred to according to those who have ob- served It la not Intended to support prices It reflect rather a desire to accumulate stocks IMI declining quotations When the big people buying stocks In earnest cud broker yesterday they do not have a hand along The latest exploit or the bear crowd that has been circulating anonymous stock litera- ture an attack upon Canadian Pacific Time overworked prominent banker Is made to assert that Canadian Pacific is selling at a fictitious price and will decllnn below par It hn always been a mystery why anybody should pay for the printing and distribution of II circular the mere anonymity of which if nothing else brings Its good faith at once Into question Rut notwith- standing the rli ulr in which these curious method are lcl I by Wall street people they obvlously do nnt ilways tail of results else till production of such anonymous literature would cease It Is not token seriously of by Intelligent stock mnrket people but the suspicion naturally arises that a bear campaign In the particular stock under at- tack Is In progress end buyers become dis- trustful The anonymous prediction that Atchlson would sell nt 75 which was printed and pushed under time door of every brokerage house In Wnll Htnet has been fulfilled The stock was then selling around 85 Some of Stock Exchange houses that established cotton departments and put in cotton tickers seeking to Interest clients- In cotton If they would not be Interested In stocks are regretting it Their clients have lost heavily in their cotton speculations and in ninny Instances have become iin- pleasuntly involved The cotton hss- lirtn a very difficult proposition even for and stock market contingent found that there were ways wlilpsaweil In cotton than It ever dreamed of The reason giltedged and highpriced stocks break abruptly on small transac- tions In a market like this sAle a broker yesterday referring to the declines seen such stocks Oencrsl Electric Consoli- dated ins Delaware and Hudson HI Paul preferred Northwestern anti when n man who has been holding on In desperation is forced to let So goes overboarda of this und a hundred of that be- sides the line of whatever It was that causiiT his embarrassment open mArk Flu noon are I Our all yester- day fits truth smuT a the ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STEEL BOND CIRCULAR Syndicate Members Asked Whether They Want Stock or Bonds Them members of the syndicate formed to underwrite part of the 250000000 United States Steel Corporation bond issue under the preferred stock conversion plan have received under of May 21 the follow- ing letter from time syndicate managers Regarding the syndicates agreement of la 1002 we to having expired we now to exchange for the new bonds the balance of SflOOOO States Steel Corporations preferred stock with tit was not for ex- change on the syndicates Will you at convenience and not Inter than June I us to exchange your shares of such balance of to the return of which you are now will be made therefor will be held on the some as the bonds already received by us on the syndicate Agreement March 13 IM- iInless Instructed by you to make such exchange on or I IH01 we will return to the proportional part of the preferred stock syndi- cate and to which you mire now entitled as stated The contract gunrante d sub- scription for at least 1100000000 of the nt par payment to made for the remaining 20000000 In rash The shares which the say In their letter an subject to the syndicate subscribers instructions are those held by tho syndicate to make effective gunrnn- te the actual presentation of stock for shareholders of the In general These outside shareholders it understood between 40000000 and 50000000 of preferred stock for con- version into bonds It to time syn dlcnto to make the difference amount of time shareholders subscrip- tions and UK 80000000 Time contract of the also nl towed it to purchase If It desired and all of w offered lo holders- of preferred clock anti not subscribed for I to time aggregate of 200000000 sold for stock and 50000000 for cash Time of converting United States Steel preferred stock Into which expired expire for the syndicate until Oct 1 next date u arch 011 prerprrro olr on the InrlcPd desire entitled urhaflilp the that the bonds receive oui Ill ISO 000000 In at and for Its been I I flu l on 11 16 not flack the by stock- holders as form whether between guarantee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < STATEVET UY C M SCIIWAH lie It III lie Is Ilti Inn Steel Snt Selling and Hiulncw Is Jootl Charles M Schwab president of United States Steel Corporation returned- to this city yesterday from Iorelto nnn where he haul been for n week attending time dedication exercises of time he founded and endowed lie reached his office before 10 oclock rnd went at once to work Mr Schwab looked well and emphatically denied time stories of his illness been telegraphed here He also said that reports he had been selling the United States stock were untrue that on the he had been the common and preferred stock of the corporation He gave out following statement I have just returned from a taking- in our in the district where I find everything In till host possible this true of the situa- tion Reports of serious labor difficulties among detriments of our ere without Husi nasa continues and we Ire looking just as many orders as we were n now lipve sufficient orders booked to run our busini first of next fire just concluding time of pig Iron for time first of this year will that we are taking practically- all the Iron that has been UH will still have a conwlderable shortage below our requirements Tho of this pig iron Is 1035 per ton at VOXKY AIt KCftAflE Money on call SWSV Pr cent last loan 2 percent rate per cent Time money at smitV per ciiit for sixty ys j S per cent for 46i4 tier cent for four nnd sIX month anil- V Si per cent fur eight and nine inanllic- imni T ial paper at iSiSS tier or prime nellie nnd re- ceivable other nainis s as Hlerling exchange murkil WitH strong end soniewlmt There vas a fair Inquiry from rfinltlers for tomorrows mull of hlll for a Mondny aims small Continental exchange wns nnn- Irwted rates were quotril for long hills and Actual rates lonv bills tH4aKufS4 i niclit drafts J4H7Mfa 14 nnd cnble trnnsfurn StSH- iKHK1 Francs were noted at 5INiiii for long for short reichsiimrkH were qunted nt nIt 4 1VIO for long mid usSiiftl 7l for short iriiililers were quoted at 4i II84 41 aId fur mid 4 4ia4i Slil for Domestic exchange on New York Ilo ton 5c Charleston liuvlnir liar lioc Siivamrih V c discount selling 75c San Franclrtco Might 7Hc premium telegraph lie premium St premium Clnolnnntl Be- tween banks 20c premium over counter Premium New Commercial IMC discount hanks t premium Money In London ltt1V percent of discount In open market for and tlireo months bills per cent Consols for money closed at Ol antI for time account HI 1318 Amount of bullion gone into the Rank of England on balance today l Jinw Parts ndvioes quote I per cents on centimes rate of discount- is 2 S per cent Exchange on London francs 17 centimes advices quote exchange on London n mark 4 The private rate of discount is sjf per cent Commercial price of bar silver In New York in Iondon closed nt 2id Mexican silver dollars were quoted- at 42Mc New York tearing House statement Exchanges I11 S7C4J balsncc l UnMi- 7libTre suo debit balance 532821 The of Montreal Canada Is askinir for tenders for a 1 per cent fortyyear cold loan to a one of SVVK concerning these loans are public todn y A from Los Angeles that General Wnlls the Atchison in whereby Mentor William A Clarks Pan line use the Santa FA tracks between Riverside and about mi construction The annual meeting of the members of t he Produce Exchange will bo held At June understood President K O Ilureess will be reelected Leslin M Shaw Secretary f the Treasury visited the ustom House liE would not discuss the of anticipating interest in bonds- or the purchase of more announced that he would refuse lo be quoted on these matters In advance of his The stock trust certificate holders of the Southern Railroad met yesterday and authorized thus votlnu trustees to the stock from tlsooooo- lo and the common from flooo yon to 118000000 ItMlY TREASURY XTATEMET itstrmrnt of the cctlpts of time Traourj1 shows This ilav Tliit monA Mirol vent Irrrlpis IMWou U07702M Mnl 7M- iiprnillturc i Tonon aniooon 4MomsM Surplus ISIJOKI I17AO2M U7179SM The rrrrlpl Irom customs wrrr I77S1SS revenue 1I4H SS miscellaneous national bank notes received for rrdrmp J117S9IV The ca h statemfnl ot the Inllrd Htalrs Tress ircr for Stay 5S shows jolil roll and bullion I Tats reaD note and crrtlficalri old coin and bullion Sold lrs- usndsrd silver dnllnr- lllvrr rertlftcstr- Illvrr bullion United Stats BOIM- rcMury notes of l 9o uank IIOIM- iulisldlary sliver and minor coin Tol l national h nks- wnltlnr rrlmMir rmcul Total iahlllllrs Cash b l ncc I7 00laoo 7 707SO H44V343- VM7M7 144S4M- 117S302 isiia- ofl32s Id 113 151 1IMMW7I41- 14CWUS4 123 SW MIO72JSS3- N7fM034 ot the Ontrrr t to I tue W 1118- a per tent lit or i mind si short Ill lulcian Sic I i francs 21 WIT Ff ril Details made fir Topeka IInd Sanlll FA had snnomuneem akl Acrlfl anet mill or to11t the on It is 8ltb trE Ih WASHINOTON anti Irons lion fuftaxava Held against luuI a IelioHftII- OsNBIII IIID s In I n3 27i tip year iittiit mills t lie 845 9485 ik 5masA mum it Sue ns hat F 2 e tIXAXCI41 Railroad In- crease May 7SThecaim today rro amIomia ¬ < > < < < ¬ ¬ > ° ¬ > > < FAST LOCAL SERVICE ON THE Hudson River Harlem and Putnam The New York Central The lying north of New York City Is wonderfully beautiful arid with its fast express trains leaving Grand Central Station via the Hudson River Division the Harlem Division mind them Putnam Division In con nection with the elevated railroad via liSfh Street or with thus opportunity to go In and out of Orand Central Htntlon changing at High Bridge and with optional commutation tickets makes it about nil that could be desired In the way of train service This healthful mind beautiful region lying between the Hudson River and the Sound is u most delightful section for transient or permanent living Summer timetables now In effect OUR ItFCREATIOV ANt INFORMATION IIHREAtS will lurnlsh you with timetables of trains and In- formation holm and boarding hcniisri These bureaus are located stI- 2IA Hriiadwty corner SOlh strrrt4- 1ft corner Slrrrt 275 Colunibuj New York ass Fulton Slrrrl llrnoklvn Send a Icrnl stamp for any one of the fnllowlni numbers of the KnurTrack Series No 4 Suburban Homes North of time harlem Illvrro II titans InrU- No 23 lira Ilapld Transit To CiKOHCKII IIAX1KIS Genrrnl r s rnKrrAtrnt rand Ientrsl Station New York ICLKITIOXS AM AIIAIIAMATKI OIIER COMIAXT TIp Annuil Meeting of lime SlockhBldrrfl of tilts will l c June lit 1003 t in ncluclc In the forenoon si the omre of the Company Hudson County National lAnk HulMlnr Nos 241 and 4S Wsihlntoa Street irrsey City N 1 office of the New Jersey Afeneyi for time purpose of elrillnir a Hoard of Directors and fur tran acllon of such other business as may lawfully come before Hie meeting In accordance with the taws of the Stile of Xew Jersey no jlock can be voted on which lies been Divisions- OF It dwal corner lad iiI rca Canal Ave and ME TINGS NOT1CIC 01 MN1Ah MtitTINi ¬ < > nn twenty days nejl preceding this electron WM O Secretary Haled May 22d Una- STOCKUOII KRSMFETIM10FTIIEAMKKI- A JAR AM FOITMHRV 0 The slorkhoMrn of the AMPKIlAV CAI AX- IPOlXIiHV COMPANY are hereby notined that the regular Annual Merlin of the stockholders of said Comt nni will he held at Its oRlrei Xo 24- WASHINOTON STURBT IKHSKY CITY NFW- JIRSKY ON THK 2iTH DAY Oh- JtNK 1B03 AT 12 OCLOCK NOON for tIme pur po of rleellng a Hoard of Dlrertora trans actlne such other business as may be properly brought before the meeting The Transfer bonks of time Company will close Thursday lune 4lh and reopen June 20th O A Secretary Tbr Annual Meeting of time stockholders of the Trtnifer Tube Company for the election ol direr tOns for the ensuing rear and for the transaction of urh other business an may properly mimic before No M Hroadway Koom 713 In the City of New York Borough of Manhattan on tIme second day of June 1919 at one oclock In afternoon Transfer hooks will close on the uf May 1903 and will open on the third day of June 1903 F W JOXFS Secretary Spanish American Light power Company The Stockholders meeting for election of nirec tots advertised to be held at the oftlri of the Com- pany HO New York on May 14 1103 was duly adjourned to meet at the same ylace at oclock noon June 28 loos A J VOOIIHKn Secretary yew Stay IS O3 PROPONAIX- FOHT IIIIKY iAN StAY 20 1003 Sealed proposals In Irlpllrale will be received here until i noon June 15 1 3 for conslnicllnit out double Cavalry llarracka four Cavalry Stables tour Artillery workshops four double Cavalry stable iuard alterlne Mew tot Ioat KicbAnce and liymnaatum to Include Plumblnr and Klectrlc wtrtnir where Alto for an Kledrtr Lighting Slam for the Informnllon furulihril IIHIII aiipll- cullon bern at Omres of Ie l ChIcago Iii St louls Mo Omaha Denver Col Illdders will state In time time tu whlih they will tile as time will form nn Important consideration In time award tlltlil jciervcU to accept or rrlert nny nr all or any pelt thereof to br Indorsed roiiMrnclloii of Public llulldlnr- xilrraddriMfd II O CIIKSS O M- OFK1CK COSHTHPCTIXn M MintllMl TON T MAY 2 IBo1 Sealed K In trip heat will be received until 12 U June IS IMLT lor cimit uctlnr heatliik taaplplriK and elerlrlu wiring of two ieti Field Officers Quarter Iwn doubt Captains Quarters three double Lieutenants Quarters and two Cuvnlry ronatruvtlng uf four Cavalry Stables anti roast rurllon of two Field Artillery bulldlnts two double Cavalry Stable Guard one Store- house und one Masadne nt Fort Klhan Allen X- lInfnrmatlou furnbhed on application C s reserves right to reject or accept emil or all pro ixuals or any thereof Knvelop contalnlnr proposals to be Indorsed Proposals for Public Fort Klhan T II lAMOIIrHX Q M OFFICE UirARTKKUASTfUi TOUT KANSAS May Jt IBM Seated In will be received here until U A Kl Central Time June 1 then for conjrtnirtluj Senate 1urlflcatlon Want Crematory and Smoke at ron Irav- enwortb Knn a5 Information and blank forms proposal furnLshed on application to thIs ofttce may be seen reserve1 time right to or reject any or all proposals r part thereof abould be In eUaddrewedtoMuJor I K acCarthy Quarter miutcr- GOVKKNOUS LSLAr I N V Seated proposals lu triplicate tar furnishing fuel required In of the dimming year endlnr June a i IW4 received and al and stations indicated In Instructions Issued here tindar unlll 12 M May 27 IBOJ I S reserves to reject or accept any or all proposal or any part thereof Information on Envelopes proposals will be In- dorsed for Fuel at SIMP- SON A Q M G tORT WADSWOBTH N Y April tb I OJ Sealed proposals for buildIng a on the erection of a buildIng In rear for 2ih 1003 Information furnished on application tnlted Slates reserves light to accept or or any containing proposals should bi endorsed Proposals for bulldlnr Vlnr and Kitchen II BUT OHO I HICKS JH Q M f S ASSAY OFfiCE New York City Superln trndents OfnceSealed Proposals in will be received at the office of the Superintendent of tIll Mint of the Untied States at York until 12 oclock M June 103 and then opened for general supplies required for the t S Assay Office t New York for the year lenin July I 1003 to June SO mi In accordance with schedule and srwcinratlon of which with blank pro pals and other Information may be had on plication to AXHBKW MASCIX Superintendent FORT UOTT N 1 Nay l 1003Sealed poI In triplicate for constructor about 18000 sq n Concrete here will be received until 1 P M June t IPOS Information furnished on application C S reserves rl ht to any or Envelopes coiilalnlnr proposals should be Indorsed for Concrete Walks ad- dressed IJlARTKHMASTKR Fort Molt N J FORT UOTT X 1 May IB 11X13 Sealed prim In for and two cisterns here will he received until 1 P XL June 16 ItWS Information furnlthed on applica- tion United Stales reserves mm lo all buds containIng proposals should be Indorsed Proposals for Cisterns addressed Quartermaster Fort N BVGINBKK OFFICE I N ARMY ftoom 2 diatom House Norfolk Va 71 1903 sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering Portland cement broken alone nl Va will be received here unlit M 27 1903 and then publicly opened Information furnished nn appli- cation t s KXGINKFR OFF1CK MS SI Paul SI- nnltlmore Md May 21 1903 Sealed proposals for dredging In Paunsco Illver blank forms and Information fur- nished on application Chas J Allen Li Col Kncn- I Ii FNOIXKK14 OKF1CU Sew Ixindon May 1901Sealed proposals In tripli- cate for otendlnt breakwater at New Conn will be received here until 15 noon June 22 IDO3 and then publicly opened Information ou application Mat Kd rt- Frlsro Railroad Gets Into New Orleans NBW ORlEANS Mry 25 The Ixwlnianc Supreme Court decided loday in favor of the orrlliiRiicp recently inssecl by the New Orleans Council granting tlip Frisco Rail road cntnxnce to ft site for a The rftllrond will liulld at once from Memphis to Nuts Orlwns- IatnnU Truth Co Honk Oprn The Fnvonln Trust Company opened its Lank at Pavdiiia IIVPIHIO mul Grove cIrcuit City Time first depositor wits an undertaker PLIlllt the twenty sialh on8 12 ork I Ig I I urk hid d IJ l hl orl 0 Q I r 1 f Wm f1 o or where I II 27 1903 J ItS Ho trill ho received until 9 A N My an hlnl Inllall1n r n- or rn 12 IIn noon 22 1P and then t8 0 I II lint HUll Ion j etlturdll and time nmertlog wilt be held at of thy ComaS pan pmt ismm and huts sets Sets and iuuuiidinrs S 11513 anti domed for Sewage luriflratbon Plant right kitchen cur 5 pro Ma recrimed Jimmie ann > < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ OCEAN STBAMEKM DECORATION DAY SPEND THE HOLIDAY- In a ahort and delightful trip via OLD DOMINION LINE- S S Jamestown will leave New York Friday 3D and S S Monroe OLD POINT COMFORT VA CONNECTING FOR Yirgiiia Beach Ya Richaoad Va and Wasbiifioi D C returning passengers can leave Nor folk dally except at 700 PM for New Round trip tickets including meals and stateroom berth JH18OO and upwards Tickets and stateroom reservations at Pier 26 North River Telephone Franklin OLD DOMINION LINE Kor Old Point Comfort Norfolk IorlMTintiir- iPinners Point and Sews conneclln for Richmond Virginia Heach ash l C and entire South YYest and passenger steamers salt from Pier N It foot even week ilay M 3 P M II H UALKKH Vice President 4 Traffic Manager ftamburg merican For PLYMOUTH UHnnUOUnGKAMHUIl- CTwlnSrrew Express and Passenger Service DIuecherMay 4 PM AM FnismarclJunelllOAMD- eulachlaJiitJune PM Palatla June 19 PatriciaJune 6 3 PM AVictoriaJune 1810AM S S Deutschland Record Voyage t days 7 hours 3n min 4 and JlIt 2 MRIMTERIIAKRAN SEIM UK FW VOKKMAPIE9 1F A- FUvrnna Mar 273 P M uu u May 80 at S P M for 8 A 291 a 730AM q c F i5AIi SFIIV ICE In toll nelgtmt at ii ¬ > < < > Offices M it 37 llroadwar Piers lloboken N J NORTH GERMAN LLOYD S S CO PAST EXPRIXS SKnVICK- IMVMOITH XHKRIIOnKJ HIIKMKX- K Win II May 284 PM KWm 11June 212 P M- KronprlnJtiiirli PM July PM- KaiserJune ID i KaiserJuly II 111 AM OHiiiiiHS ft co s x v DOMINION LINE Boston Qnrrn IlT rpool Commonwealth run 4 Commonwealth Inly 2 Niw Ingland JUDe II New England July 0 Uaynoner ineivi IB Mayflower inewi July I- Kllontnal Il rpool Shorl paLace Soulhwark Nay an I Kensington June Canada June 13 Dominion tunic j- nosToN Mediterranean SERVICE Azores Gibraltar Naples Genoa VANCOinElt Sat liinij B July IS Aug r- CAUHHOMAN sat June TO Sue sept tat claw I7n d ilrtr n Dominion llne HostonorT JAPANCHINAHa- waii Philippine Islands PACIFIC COAST MAIL S S CO- OCPIIJKNTAL AND OHIKNTAL s S TOVOKISIIF KAISIIA unarm San Franclsco Honolulu Yoltoliaxn Kobe Nagasaki Shanghai and Hong Hone Steamers Francisco at I P M optic lime 3 Korea June 1- QAmerlVu JuniII Onellc luni27 For freight pa ienger anil grnernl Information apply 11 340 or t Place Wash Irnlon Uldg and 2S7 Hroadway N V city ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE NEW VORK LONDON IIIHIitT- MlnneionkaMay3 i MlnnelmhaIull7ilftM Minneapolis June II aIM Mesaba Juudo A M New Lundon Hoathainptnn- MANITOl June 4 A M MKNUMINIK JuoeUSAMM- AHQtKTTi July 3 II A M- ALL MOIIKIIV STKAMEHS LfXrillOlSLV- FHTIID WITH KVIIHY COXVKXIKXCK ALt STATKHOOMS AMIDSHIPS OV IPIKK DUCKS FIRST CAItIV IAfisrNGIIHS FHOM- XKW VCIIIK TO LONDON FOH KATFS KTC n HO A1 WAV AMERICAN MW VOtiK Nil THAMPTOX LONDON New VurkMay 27 III A M St Paul June 10 lu AM 1lilla litni 1 10 A M NrwVorliJuue 1710AM RED STAR LINE NHW YOBK ANTWERP PAHIS- VailrrUiiidMay3uli AM eelandJiiur 13 10 A M- Kruniilanillunr i lilA q o AM- 1lers arid 15 V H Oillce 73 llmadway X V Mallory S Linn From N Y Delightful oceai lo of Texas Geortrla TIcket Ui lo all resorts In Teiaa Oelara Mcilco California Klorl4U c f Special ralei tint Springs Ark tickets a apeclallT send Postal for IIOUK Soulhera Trips X UALLOKV i CO Pier M K II Oil IMA IN TO via yureiulowii From Piers 61 and a North River ramnanla1ay3UBAM i Luranlalune U8 AM- Urubrla June n 1 Finirla June JO noon KXTIIA Tl FSDAV SKIIVICK- Atir nlallay e 3 PM 4 IU Second nOd laura Class Only VMHVON It IIKOWV 4 CO Ccu A ts M llwuy ANCHOR LINE ffasaC- olumbiaMar 3D noon II noon Ailorlalunr t 3 AnchorlaJune 20 noon First saloon 140 to tloo Second cabin up third class ut and up For new Illualraled bonk nf Tours apply lo- HENDERSON BROTHEHS 17 and IB l way X V WHITE STAR LIN- EN YORKQtERNSTOWNLIVERPOOL- ArmenianMay a a AM I CelticMay AM tl noon Oceanic lune I noon River OfSef Hroadway New York LEIIIGH VALLEY RAIIROA NIACARA C turn MAY 29th Riturnn MAY ITHACA Boat Race 610 MAUCH i CHUNK V GLEN ONOKO And the SWITCHBACK DECORATION DAY MAY SOlh Nc York tM St a in CortUknd lei 6U 8J i Ui Kullun tfl I Sl5 m leave Maiirn Chunk S m TIckets S ltcht rk MV Ticket offlrrtat Farrr Station sad S It Prom BrnoWlyn Itn additional DAY EXCURSIONS KRIE RAILROAD SHOHOLA CLEN In the Hltie Mounialna one hundred and seven miles from Sew York on Ihn beautiful Delavrar HArA traIns leave W 23d SI SS and 025 SI tcoo and B30 Jersey City 914 and 845 A M nciurnlni lese Shohola 4OU and JM p M GREENWOOD LAKE GLENS IO i nr with Dinner at a lnn IIJ i train Ian Weal 23d St 40 Chambers 4 Jersey City U00 A M llcturii hum leave NIAGARA 00 ROUND FALLS ibSf TRIP rIckets good Ioluc May l lli as frllows Ian Cliamben St Bno A tl 73 I M nd U l M Si A mlnules earlier Jersey lain Helurnlnt or beiorr May 31 DECORATION DAY NPKC1AL 11A V TKII1 TO NIAGARA Leaving Friday May29lh tl M- ITHON COOK A AON lob it hit BROAUWAV raw VOAt I 7 SCIIPW SfIIJce 0 n June o us II- Pl t aWL ri an 0 San I ork U TO I I I I I Z So Gnu t C RD L E g lltrr Wand 2 211 730 4A 900 FA L LS and t st lAlilOlS ASP rI tAnn I 11 Inl I I Iralra alum 0 II I I a I UurD mi El it Rrad i oo River npr s GUO M itae I 1 2 iO AM rvrrTuvlN sea o Ii chat Cien Aim 1123 ltroaiiws N Y iraae Ma rum SAM via CA ItO I iiJ stiiv LUlL St ltnlandJ mine S I I and- S I Ituhiopla June PSI Majestic Pier S ENtIRIOS SLEFtIM- P15150 t LS ltIltU train t for Yam n I 23 Cs DECORATION WI a then I lv aid ill uuuu Hotal and all < < < < < EXCintfllONf DECORATION DAY STEAMER GRAND REPUBLIC WEST POINT AND NEWBURG POUGHKEEPp- OAT LEAVES fool Of West SimS si B1S A U 8iS A M So tin St Bklyn cnr A U PARE MOUNt TRIP STEAMER GENL SLOCUM Will Make Special Pieurilon Md BRIDGEPORT BOAT foot of Weal 73d it 8JO A M Battery Landing IO A U South 51 h at Brook FAIthS ROUND Tnil- HUNOAr MAT III Bd Rrpahllc to Writ feint and VewbnraI- KAVK Battery Undine A M West 2il- si jn at IODO A M FAHK ROUND TKII OU- CWeit Point Nawburgh Pokeepaie Dally run on nay Line schedule 40 A U from Des brosscs An llll th when she alarls to lion dout tout way landlnrt at 1116 I M- On May JUlh sir York to Albany and Sir Albany to and return with way see steamboat column I I at 8ATlI StYNDAY SI TO IM DJO foot of tMI list at tO 50c AIoI Ira 000 500 AT 0 MAT Sew < DUal NEW ENGLAND lAll RIVKIt UNE via Newport and Vail River Ie vr Iler 19 X R toot St week and Sunday t 530 P M HI earn era PHIMCILL and PURITAN Orchestra on each HTONIM1TON LINE Via Slonlmrlon lve Tier 4i N H ft Clarksnn H week days only al ftflri I M Steamers MA1NK anti ISLAM OKWICU LINK via New Ixindon LIe Pier in- N K ft Clarkaon St week days only at M Sire CITY OI and Ol- WORCIWTBR NEW HAVEN New Haven HirUorlH- nrlnKlleld and the North I ave Pier o N II foot SI week maya only al 100 P M fitiame- rniciiAnn PKCit HUDSON RIVER BY DAYLIGHT SIOHIVINf I1OAT for VKST POINT NKWIIIHOH and ItllCIHKKKISIK Hudson Illver Strainer MAItV POWEll Dally Sundavs e cepled Leaving Now York He brosies SI R40 A M Weal Jid St BjnI- ZBth si n20 Vonkerii nils landing at West Point Newburth and due St 530 P M Morning und allemonn conceits Mary Powells first tip trip on regular nchertulf 115 P M Ma On Stay 2 th Htr Sea orlt lo Albany and Sir Albany lo PokcrpMc and return with Commencing May eth full regular DAV 11 H service between New and Albany with way landings ISV LOWEST RATES New York to Providence LINE frstCass Service and elegant steamers leave New York dully excepting Sunday at r I M from Pier 3S Kant River loot ofrathnrlnRSt Stiinhier rusts Soo to Providence ID effect June tat Telephnnn sons B Y TO UN THK IAST MODhltN STKAMSH1PM MAINE STRAIISIIIP COJIPAXV ls H ildlfiitful short sea Iin and an unequalled DECORATION DAY EXCURSION 01 nihis taMe one w T SRUO round rttf for Illustrated booklet Slatted OFFICES PIRK NKW JJ FAST RIVER AM 00- HIIOAHWAV N V PEOPLES LINE FOR ALBANY AIMRONDACK OK RICHMOND I ve Her 32 N H toot Canal St at 6 P M Week lays Direct connections to points North South Iasl and Went KJSn Suraloga or City of I Troy Irnvra West loth SI Pier dally n PM ejcepl Saturday llrec railroad connerilniis at Trot for mull v lnl Niirlh and Kasl- SCNDAV STKAMKIIS AT AMIANV HUDSON RIVER STEAMER MARY POWELL First trip from York nn regular route Tliu rs May 2Mh leaving Oeslirosses t 31 Vsl 2d l JSOJP M and way landings GATSKILL HUDSON AND COXSACKIE BOATS Lrave Pier IS N 11 every weekday B P M- IIAILHOAUS Pennsylvania XXJ3RO STATIONS tool of Will Street and UesbrusiM and Curllnndt streets tpTh Ivarlnc time train llMbrouni and orll ndtStrelj sfl e minutes later th n but cKcn below for rwcntrthlrd Street Station e crpt where otherwise noted 758 A M IAST Sleeping and tuning Cms Iur Chicago and louhvlllp 138 A V ST LOUS DMITRI Pullman Steeping SiiiuUii and Oljuenallon Cart Clncln- da mil St Louli Ulnlng IO25 A 11 fKNNSVLVAXIA LIMIThD Pull mail sleeping Dlnlnc Smoking and Observation Cars lor Cleveland Toledo and Del roll I M CHICAGO AXI ST LOUS KXPRKSS For Toledo Naihvllle via Clnclnnall end Luulivlll Indianapolis ChIcago SI Iouii Dining Car IS P M IIICAIK IIMITKO Pullman Sleet tog KnioUug and Utuervallon Cars For Chi- cago Toledo and Cleveland DInIng Car 358 P ai ST hAuls For Plllsburtr Cincinnati Indianapolis Louisville SI Louis Dining Car For Welch W Va via Shrnandoah Valley Houle- RftS P at WKSTFnX KXPnnsSfor Chicago Vat Toledo except Saturday Dining Car 7 I M For and Chicago Fur Knoivllle dally via Shinan- doab Valley Route Connects for Cleveland except Saturday 815 ai AND CINCINNATI BXPHKS3 For Illtsburg Cleveland Cincinnati St LiMits WASHINfiTOV TUB SOUTH S5 825 I4 Pluming Carl 1010 Ueibnuaes and Cortlandt Streets 10201 Carl 10 Win Ine Car A M 12S5 Dining Car 10 lies brone anil Streets 330 JJ slonal Limited all Parlor antI Dining Cars J2fi Dining Carl 421 Dlhlng IDInlng Car fl2S P M 1210 nIght Sunday 26 Dlnusg Carl 1064 Ulnlng Carl A M I25 Carl 124 llonil LimIted all Parlor and Dining Can J2S Dining Carl 4SS Dining Carl 4VS Ilnlng Carl tIt 25 P M 1210 SOUTHERN J2 425 P M 1210 night dally COAST 824 A 924 P M dally SRABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Eipress IJW P M and 1210 night dally NORFOLK ANt VESTKRV RAILWAY For Memphis and New Orleans 3 P U dally A OHIO RAILWAY 715 A M week days anti 4U P M dally FOR POINT COMFORT and NORFOLK 7S4 A M weekday and 4S P U dully ATLANTIC UM A M sod SSS M week Sundays 745 A M Through billed Trains RuBel Parlor niches on Parlor Smoktae Car Parlor Cars Dining Car and Standard Coaches on Sundays P M For points on New York and Long Branch Rallroid from Went Twenlylhlrd Street StatIon nH- A M 12lt J24 2S 411 and 454 P M week dare 25 A M 444 P M from Drahreair and Cortlandt Slreel 130 000 A M 1220 Jjo 340 420 and 510 P M tvcek days 44 A M 800 P M FOR 7So PDILADELIIIIA- 7So 7Si 755 Dining Carl S4 S5J S25- iDlnlni Carl iUM Louis Limited 1010 Des Slrceu 10 n Can IOJA Penna Umltrdl IOM Dining Can 1155- A M 12m iDlnlng Carl 14 lIming Carl 310- l cshro ses and Street22011K315 Dining Can 3M I2J 125 Carl S5 Dining Carl 455 Limited toe German town Jet onlr S4 Dining Carl 845 7M 2S- SS 025 f m 1210 night week days Sunday in1 755 Dining Can a2V ininlnB Carl w5J St Umltedl 955 0K llm- Itrdl 1055 Dining Car A M 125 Dining Carl lM JSS Carl 155 425 filming Carl 46S Chicago Limited Inc Germs town Jet only 4S1 Dining Cari5S5 Carl 755 S25 SM 924 P 1210 night nrfcet olTces Soc 4 l 1S54 and l Broadway hula Fifth bflnw23d Sll2 3 Avenue corner Mill Sll 1 Astor House Vest Twenty Intrd Street Station and siallons foot of lejh- rossej and Cortlandt streets 4 Court Street M- WFtillon street MK Proidway scot Pennsylvania Annex Station lri City The New York Transfer Company tll call for unit check baggntfr from and residences throujh- lo drsltnailon Pennsylvania nnllroarl Cub Srrvlcei- V W ATTEHBUIJV 1 R WOOl General Manager Genl Passenger Agent 524 1003 New York S Boston III Y H A H R R and connections From Grand Central Station Leave By way of Due l0i PM 1002 AM New and Providence 4 Ml PM- l2mM Springfield and Worcenter AMnpw and PM- l 2 PMNew lx ndon and Providence 71X1 M- 2OPM Hirtford and 1lllmantlc fooiM- llinPMNrwL3 ilnn and Providence OtOPM- 4tKPM Sprlngnld and Vorceater 10 to PM- U l ProvlrtiiiceltOU IM 1111 PM mind Worcester 115 A M- I2IKJ PMNew London and Prtivldeiice n7 A U 1203 AMNe London and Providence oM A M Daily including Sunday al J31th MFIve Hour Llmlt d all Parlor cars Xrn- nri and fusIon 7 car seat Ttiiniigh parlor and cars by each train Helurn service same hours and same rouies C T HEUPSTBAC Oen Pwa Agent STEAIflOATh AIlOINis IN days Se- P ITS lINE for aa ark Fast Franklin SEA MAINE of tue Far tree DEAN ROY BOATS rom H Sea its for Ktatton Twenty third SmAll larior Car has 55 Pittabmmrg Indianapolis end ortiandt 536 N- and Yeah 5 and Corilamuult hIt Avenue 914 Street for Rail- s 500AM tail 55uutlmantir 700 PAt n0AM and Voeeeeier 3atIltt SMtSew London and Providence 500 London 100 Providence C 10 euiul taut 1 > > < > > ¼ NKWYORK It HUDSON RIVER R R THE FOURTRACK TRUNK LINE VIA NIAGARA FALLS Trains arrive and from liranil Central station rt slreel New York ayhelow North and Wrslliound iralns cxrfnl Grand Cintnil Stallon ol Han IT A XI 3U- U ll p M will stop at IMIh at to re- ceive tin mlnuics utter Grind mural Sialtuii All trains except time 30th and the Kmplre Susie end Tins e aol M rill at isih si ten mlnuics before mba arriving time at Iranil Central stMloi A HIT l3PRIJlSinJB 1U Albany tM A M Troy V A M- Rt M IOCAI stops t alt Impnrian siallons- an A M tpMPinK BXPRRSK MOM famous train In world Due flulMlo liv NiagarA Falls P M 114 AM FAST M hue lluflslo 710 Mirara 0- 7Ifl4 M AV IIXPIIBRS Makea local sinpv Ditr IlufTaln A M fJ hoe I log 9I leaving Sommthimcmunct I s t i 2 5 5 I uw lime S 04 24 huura to Ctmtcsgo FaiLs i itt I ¬ Han AM tniTINl KXPniS3ti Rilt Inid 7V5 p M- lIRfl Xl mTruo iiMiTiinTiiif rttif Mnn p M Falls 1155 p lOn p MSOITIIWKSrrBUS IIM1TRP lje ClnrMnatl isn IliSH- A M s 10ils nn p M day inn P M IlirAfiO LIMITED S holr to Chicago via l ike shore S6 via M 0 9 AS M Will CHVTlHV 1IMITKD 50 hour rain loClilcaitovIa Ijke Shore rimtrlr ll his md tuna 0 00 P M AIMANV AND THOV FLYEn Due Albany il0 Tray f l P M 1 9S M AIIIANY AMJTHOY IWPnESSI- xical sinus 4 An P M Miuriinrr OIIAXO ClllfUiO SPKCIAL- K 30 M MAKn SIIORK IIMITKn l- hniir train lo Chicago All Pullman Due rirveland 7Ji A M Clnclnnall lndlannpolts 3iu clilrago 490 SI nM P M next dos fi 00 P M WFSTKMV KXPRRSS 2s hour to via both I S M C P M MOVTIIBAI KXIIIFSS D gM II or lluHnnrl 730 AIHIIDXDACK AND MONTKEA- IflnO M MinKAlO AND TORONTO XPBCIAI lIme Muffalo 7n A M NU Falls ii Toronto inV A M 0 IK P M SPFOIAI MAM IIMITEO- JZ Steenlnir car nnly lo Ilncheater v VSOITinVKSTKHN SPECIAL Due Clnrhnitl 7W indianapolIs 1010- P M Louis 730 Q 30 M PACIFIC rXPnFSS fll hours bv M C 31 hours bv IL30 M ChiCAGO TRAIN Cil Vliirrni Ojilcnsburtr Iluffalo De- troit nnd Chicago Dally tKicept Sunday IFicipt Monday HARlEM DIVISION 9fW A M and 311 P M dally except Sunday lo- Pliisflrlil and North Adams A M Pullman curs on all through Trains Illuminated with Plnlwh light Tlclcit orflces at 107 SHI 4IR anil 12IB Broadirsr- S Union Sq W 575 r fluml us Av 133 Weal IMIh- si Ccniral station isilh M Mallon ami- IJfth M stamina New York 3J8 and 758 Fullon- st and iou Ilroadwav K II oo ssih sireei for Sew York On- iral ab Service checked from hotel or resIdence hy Westcnlt fixpreM Company NEW YORK CENTRAL ROUTE lllTWRIN NEW YORK BOSTON AND NEW ENGLAND Vln Sprlnffleld and the IIOSTON AMI AlliANV RAIlROAD New York Central Hudson River HnI seel Trains leave Grand Central StatIon Fourth avenue and 43d street New York as lotions 001 A M tU00 noon MWi P U I1X P M arrive at Iloston at 3 0 P M 640 PM 1000 P V 13 A M Leave Hoston 1900 A M t300noon 400 P V- llori p M arrive New York 33O P M 440 P M 1000 P M nl4 A M- llrketk al New Vork Central ticket ofTlcs 4IS and 1JI6 mind At Grand Central Station A II SMITH JKOIUiK H IJAMFLS- Oeiil Superlniendent Jenl PaMr Agent WEST SHORE RAILROAD Xew York Central and Hudson Hlver H It LeAseel Trains leave Franklin St Slallnn York as follows and 15 mln Wesl 42d at N R 710 A M For Inierm polnta o Albany illffli A M I Saratoga and Mohawk Kiprrw 100 P K 225 P M font llm for Detroit Louis M45 P M 2 fur Hudson Hlver points Albany 0u P M For Koch Chicago 1744 H M For KochBuffalo 914 P M ForSyra FnllsDelChl Dally Dally cirruS Sunday l ave lImeS 1 nl 1015 A M 2 al 1244 P M- LraVH Jersey City Ieiiu H It Sla 1 at liru- A M 121 at 135 P M Tlmi tables al principal hullIs and emcee checked nr iflrtenre bv Wrstcotl Kipress- A II SMITJi- Jetil Siiiierlnlendent E LAMBERT CinnI P sr Agent READING SYSTEM NEW JERSEY CENTRAL R R Liberty Ntrrrt and South Frrry lime front Siiuin Firry ttveminutes earlier Ilian that sbonn bfluu- UASTOV IIKTIILKHRM AILENTOWN ATf- DIIAICH illMiJCUO 715 Raston onljl- nio A M 10 500 545 Eulon only P M Sundays z45 A XL 100 630 P M- WILKKSHAIIKE AND 400 81D A M SIX P M Sundays I4J24 A W 1 P M- AM UARNEOAT I400 040 A M 130 4 Suniliri 1000 A M ATLANTIC f 40 A M 1840 P U- VINKIAM AY- l30 P M- IONIi URANCH ASniRV PARK OCEAN GROVE POINT PLEASANT AD SEA- SHORE POINTS rtflO t30 1130 A MI I 245 343 414 530 1130 J M SundayS cicipl Ocean Grove eta A M ItS p M PHILADELPHIA HKADINfl TERMINAL 425 7KI H0ll HXW 1I01W tllOO A M 1I2 IOU 2iu t3nu MW SW tU00 t7fln P M M2IS mdt 24TH AXI CHKSTXIT STREETS H55 t 1010 1144 A M MM 340 500 700 9M- P M mdl- KEAIIINI1 HARHISUUBO rOTTaTTLLr AND WIIIIAMSPORT M W 425 t OOht in 1000 MW A M Heading only tiVI2- OO P M Heading Polisvlllr and Harrlibure only t4o t5 Street Pier K Heabrlghl Uonmoutb Beach Aibury Park and Point Pleasant 1000 A M- loo 45 500 P M Sundays 1000 A M ltW BOO P M- rFrom Liberty Street only Dallr DaIly e Sunday ISunday JPartor cars only tills Tamaqua House IB7 2SI 434 1300 1344 Broadway 112 h- Av 25 Inlon West 141 East l 4th St 2M West 25th St 24S Columbus Av New York 4 way Wllllamsburg New York Transfer Co calls for checks baggage to destination W O HESLEH C M BURT Vice Prcs and fien Mtr Cen Tasr Agl ROYAL BLUE LINE NEW JKRSET CENTRAL R R PHIIADIT- IHIA AM RRAIIXi RV and BALTI- MORE AM OHIO R K leave South Libry St F rrr- naltolVuslilngton 355 am T JO ant Huff- etHallonasMugton MO25 am 030 nm finer Balto 1144 am titmice nailoWnahlngeon oem li pm Diner Itmltrd 335pm 340 DIner RalloWashlncton 4M pm 5iO pm more UaltoWashington 1V pm 700 pm Buffet HalloW hInglon I2t0nl iIJnt Dally TDally e Cti Sunday Sunday only OPera Liberty S Ferry South Astor house Id 2H1 434 100 1144 Hroailway IM Uh- Av 24 Inton Square Weal 153 Mat I25lh St 271- Wcsl 125th SI Av Sew VorV 4 Court St 344 ioo Fulton St Hronklyn 3n Broad way Vllllamshurg Nets York Co for cheeks haggasre in desllnallon BALTIMORE OHIO RAILROADS lv Sea York City South Ferry Liberty SI Chicago PWsbnrit l2lont IJHJ nt Chicago Columbus M2A1 pm lrtpm Hlnr- riltiburiT levelnnil 134 pm S4fl pm Llrrla- Pll sharallnilti il dfiS pm pm Bullet rinrlnnall St Ionls l20 nl VMS nl Sleeper Clnrlnnall SI loulsin75 am inSOam Cincinnati St Louis pii 7mpm Buffet Norfolk Illner Dally Dally rjrept SumUr Sunday only Offices 117 ri S4 Iff llrnhdway n Asor 25 UnIon Squrae V Ml Grand St V Y 343 Fultcri Street llrnoHyn South Ferry nnil Liberty Street Baggage checked from hold or resldnce lo des tlnat- lonLEHIGH VALLEY Trotof A broa aBU B Unlljr 1 Sucd 7 tucuijr cn ngr dllIV- Maurli f buck Locul ttnAV Iluira laprfw iS jm cilio- ijK nunni nrnrji IOUXM IUIOAV- ManctK h ink m liuijtun Lical IK4U i i dllt r- milkeiUi nibcrmion lxpreiii tlMrx Easton siflr 4S10PH- thlriwto TiMiininVriltial l ri rV40 It 348 f inns M ml r 7TH eis soil 1iilliiian accomiiiJAUnn alia li VIB4 n1 11 llrnidnir IS lhAv 75 Onion Bfliiirf- 5eit f4Molumlin Are N T M44on- rtSl nod H Fnlion Pt HrenMrB- N V 1r mri Laclowanna Railroad LeaveSew 0A M lor ningharnton aid WVI A M For llurialo Chicago and St Louis i4d P M For Muffalo and 41x11 M For Nianvon and Plymouth Cio P M liurTilo and Chicago MJP M For thin Oswezo linora BofTsio Ifi74 1IM llroadvay S Y- km l UrooklynOallir fBio pt Sunday 1 I k t faIn St II 2 i i I nest I I ii r 1 ut ILAPIIS soul t ears bfl iiu tki Lotus 115 slid via I I I ira I 3 S t 0 si I I t i h ChIcago j Lake Shore a I i S a 1 a teams I S M 4 a 3 u 1 I I 1uci j ii f i and I I 1r Si I I I I l See later foot eA4 St Chicago ChI St Uetrolt Ml P iloch stag i ton j I t f t i 1 f p45 LAKEWOOD TO iuiEa j1ii- 340 500 Lakewood and only I U tl t CIT u t uttinETONt140o A M C I Il 1 lie S 4 i I tu 5 taG 4 t2I5 r i I I N I OK root of Rector II i I ii rapt C4uaii- Offlrss Llterty St yerry South Ferry C Astor P j 4 7 f j Court St 344 MC liiltOn Si aso flroad I I 1iI i 1 l1ilSkj uW f I tl25 sun i mol 5 i4t i4J Transfer emits Ii ti Um C Too 41 es I i2S5 lull i 0 I ruf a West 29d ortdt aunt i h I lfl I11S 5 i i3VAL 5 vO I A A S 7c ft 3 C t4tC s Tile Mt llt eal flit mu check bagjUO a uri taut itmrciuiy and CtmrtstMPhCrsts tar Sl A N Fir Chicaco S P 54 TIckets 1 315 Ful < ¬ < > > < < > > >

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-05-26 [p 9]. · 2017-12-16 · v TWJ t o J J lr rr hrr to t 0 i TL >...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-05-26 [p 9]. · 2017-12-16 · v TWJ t o J J lr rr hrr to t 0 i TL > Y STREET FULL OF BEAR RUMORS yosri rvrmT rr LOTS OF l STOCK niSLOIKJEU- MP l Apparently


TWJ t o J Jl tr rr hrr to0

i TL Y>


yosri rvrmT rr LOTS OFl STOCK niSLOIKJEU-

MP l Apparently 1iril lo Chili tlie Mar-

I ot Humor MIld Mtar Were Gunningfor III fJainc No nopkcfellerttonlrlC-Hiisalt conferenee DlipovrrableW-

iiTi Strft wa run of rumor yesterdaymmlnft with n further heavy Hinogli In thopiicviof In a number of instanceslril OWP I quotations since the panic ofMAY n lf oi For firsttime lncr April 13 total Stock Exchangetilci rxcpiding tho million share markhiiiK II23200 shares compared with

VW on April 11 and 1991000f-

riArfs nn Inn 9

Riimnr tint a of menl lfii sKciilallng heavily had been

throw their holdlngA of Blocksir in i he market Tho evideneo seemedo r piriiv Rood that a powerful bearimriy had In n at work and according toihn riiinorH tills party has been gunningfor wain OWn whow ppeculatlona hadthenl fi ili tn wlih too many slocks and

iiih-Ii as asMrted that certain financial

iiiiniotH hud callednililltlnil niHrginn unavalllngly

ari Mon thrown upon the market theii iiiy held nw collateral against loansAT he same tiniH there wan no definite

of any of theso lltHtirhlnj-

nmior and wheru names were mentionedrfiiiii siwciflo denials giveniiai nmncd were InToiilis tin1 tiouMo rumors which

tivolvod allegations that one orMoik Kxchango brokerage flrnmlikily n go under plentyof other bearishutrir wen1 afloat According to one

there had been n squabble amongh Hock Island group of financiera overvliciis to Ixi purniied and It was said that

a prominent member of this group hadMrmd on the member and was

mticking them market selling stocksand left

Tho rpiicwed active hoftillty betweenl-ip tennnylvania Riilroad and the West-

ern Itiion Telegraph Company Instancedft thecuttinif down of the telegraph poleswo an important days



hItmil h-


t len

Inc ErAh








ii jon


4 las






the stonea l Oil interests wocalled because of their

tock ownership In the MissouriIVilio Hnllrcnd had Hilled themselves

ilh lould interests and inn with tim Goulds had boon conducting

a rnr in theIVniiiylvatila tock in the endeavor to carryin piiov under 120 price fixediliritiurs for till to subscribeor 1m issue of new Mock This

iiinclc was in the nature the addedif of tht Westerntniim telegraph line

Th interests in lie Streetlaughed at the but it lie vert helettn-irciilated So did another to the

Ifpft that tho Hockefelrers had arranged-r a conference between the

nuin Hallrond and the OouUI interests-Ui o patching up

r verification of obtainedHMO a prominent banlier who in closely

both tho Gouldltin said hat to the l eftt

h knowledge there waa no foundationfar report a conferencehfeii or would be callexl The eonforeucn had some influence bringIIIR a small rally In the stock market

r tIn cloee of timStill another story that had the name

f M Standard men hitched to it wasin tlw effect that had been attack

Alt market In order to New Yorkstock and Hrlia increase their

oilliis in that company to a controllingThis story was

important quarterBlock of and

M Paul Kailroad the control of whichrtiw iTstK with time KockefeUur interests

h ena notably feature through-t nil the recent stock market

mid around this fact have centrwlTmorn St Paul to lower figuresvt yslerday selling one time at

l at a normally to U8Jf-

ial price There t the men-r horn II wa rumored time bear party-

I muiiiini in order to force toiv over their stock had


iwere still carrying big wads of St

report persistently circulated was toiITect Paul management

is likely at the nextnit the yearly dividend rate from 7

in lo fl er cent In quarters that shouldwell informed regarding the affairs ofcompany this was disbelieved

t It was suggested that the-M probable for theikniss of St Paul tock that tim

was being used as a club upon time

loin yesterdays tnas of preceding days

icluded the gold exports now progressKurox and South America

ver remarkable outburst of speculationcotton which has led to of a cot

3l In the for that staple and reilting failures time labor andrikrs all over the country the lateness

f scr ding for the next corn cropr reaction which are showing

ii that has been in on thethe public in buy stocks at ruling quo

iiUonThe not declines regiMerfxl for tile nay

l v active stock issues ranged from I to3 imiiiN An Incident in dealings washat the Iyondon buying of

na Ixen a changed tolung on balance yesterday Tho trans

sitioun for account were estliistwl at upwards of 60009 shares hut theii purchases hy perhaps

third In the mar-K I the stock of the Northern SecuritiesI ornpany broke to a new low record figure

closing at 91

V Mil in Sold for German-I Von Hoffman A Co engaged at the

CnitPd States Assay Office yesterday 130593 in gold bars for lo Bremen onlie steamship Kaiser Wilhelm II sailing

will bo the firsti nt to GErmany this year The foreign

f shipped to Paris this week 93250f-lfri last week for

was withdrawn from the United Statesyesterday to be shipped on

steamship Prince

Live Stock Mirhvt-MoxrAi Mayjs-

Rrflpij of beeves for two days were sMO headitludlin for export alive 121 iliujhlu-

rat M for the niarkel Stcera were In morer v demand arid price Arm to a shade Wittier

0w rows steady to on light receiptsyards were easily cleared Medium

n ve iteers sold al 100 lbs siais1 bull at I32SSMM Including dIMIIIery

d iin AI naii30 cn a at StM O4W lresieffln lair demand al MfaKMc perth with choiceirn heef sclllnt al C PC Llvrrpobl

1 I indon rables quoted live cattle lower alTlc per lb dressed weight sheetlfJ al c dr Mfd welrhtt refrlirrator-ljei mrhaneeil none tomorrow

v s 1107 sheep and 4 00 quarters of heatelpis of two were head

Tiine l for biitrhcM and 3W8 for the marketirnrte was brisk and Improved Ortft75c

u ami vic on buttermilks The urn wereV1 Cntnmrtii lo choice veals at MJ-

8Pr limibs Imttermllk al MM tl ntliei-tt CIty veal nrmcr

liOn pr IIInf he p and lambs for two diy were

iienil 7 ran for capon aliveiBhlereri slid Vii for the market makIng

he tnr ick 3 u cari ton Sheepio end lower vrarilntu flrm for good

rt to One ear was overn in ihoiri nheeu old at 2VWI5 per

its f i al H0 72-ni M I VnlU al fV Ire ed million

nii Hi clrc ri vrnrllngs olrady-diMseil limbs at itt6p-

i nl lines for ten rtays were TVO head-s fo dKfkft prior were

Mead stile hoes at XUSCW

tecnrrhng to one or the



I tOfTfor tlude ruction




1M we4k

manstoCk ot

Ii Jnhih till 2 point under lItllrclaK

was thlltr







k1 inFdllnr that 1110 played




and there the generalpart-




hell was talk that more gold Is toTh


U ran or

PI 10



or das

Ha IiI dr Sled

It I


t I rOil It




fr bractI





ann I



the bear partyapart

inar5 and









J nit lIme

soull ii













OF WUfc STREETifcipr 88ioni of stock market opinion last

In the boitrd room whro If you ask a manon somehln lie hasnone he will form ono offhand to br accommodating convictions were extwnoly rare sentiment was greatly

bn Insistingthat dclfrWfc tic lmlnat In a violentbreak attended by a lielvy In thevolume of trnn the marketvolume yesterday Amounting to more than

t tendency of values

i on the part of thosewho would iMoulnte for at least a temporaryrecovery from this price to await de-velopments this morning

The market closed rallying on buyingfor short account principally It wastestimony of room trader wbo tried several

there efforts seemed only to excite freshselling Stocks were pressed for sale onevery of strength A fair proportion of thevfloor crowd ledbyBacon and Manning sought 10 force an advnnce In the late forenoon but 10 much lonestock came out every eighth up that profes-sional buying directly lathe after-noon the stocks that had hen bought for arally during the morning came on the marketagain

The bear party got hack u greattimnystock on the break especially while prices

were going off so rapidly In the lAte afternoonHaying for short account wits nboiil onlyactive support the market hail The Impres-sion In the loan crowd last night was thatthe professional short Interest had beenheavily reduced The borrowing demandfor stocks was smaller than It had beenThe most notlvo Inquiry was for Pennsyl-vania Canadian Pacific and Steel preferredBaltimore and Ohio and Union Pacific alsowere freely borrowed The general demandhowever showed a marked shrinkage ascompared with that of last Saturday

Shortly nfler 2 oclock when theoretically-a recovery should have begun prices beganto fall abruptly The lowest prices weremade after delivery time Hollinn A Cnsold 3000 shares of St Petit that had beenbought In the forenoon mind that Influencedtraders to sell the stocks they hrd boughtearlier In the session The extreme weak-ness of St Paul In tbe last hour created itgreat deal of uneasiness Lack of supportwas evident The stock declinedsharply at times under small offerlne Savinsold It down In the afternoon to nearly tIme

bottom It Will by far the mot active stock


night were nonoommlttal as a Even

for opinion and



II million ahare jI RUMrlrnt to nturn In thebut were ifle to their theoryThere



times In the sMIon prkes that

Worm er









iflrkthey inn apply


to bt4ilp








In the list having a volume of more than120000 shares Nothing could have beenbetter as WAll Street employs the word

than the buying of St Paul seen round100 It proceeded from Important sourcesand apparently was well Informed ThereIs a disposition to believe that the recentselling been a good as tIme buyingwas to and SO points higher

RfcYi clients who never come to Wall streetexcept for bargains were seen In the variousold fashioned commlssslou houses

The supporting orders In Pennsylvaniawere supposed to come from the syndicatethat has underwritten this new stock Issueat 130 The strength of the stock was Instriking contrast to the weakness of othercorresponding securities Van Kmburvh A-

Atterbury were time largest buyers takingabout 10000 shares There Is still a veryactive borrowing demand for JVnnaulvnnlaIt is believed that a large short Interestsooner or later will huv lo cover Its runtrnctn In the market Clark DodgeA Co were prominent sellers yesterday

Van Kmbiiruh A Attertmry bought vonflshares of Atchison advancing the stockonly oneeighth London houses also werefree buyers

The intImatIons received from the othersIde lust Saturday by the arbitrage peoplethat London might reverse Its attitude towardAmerican securities on short notice wereborne out yesterday London sold between000 and 10001 fiare on balance In this

yesterday The total of arbitragetransactIons Will something between 4iuonand noOrtO share There was no explanationof the telliiitr

extreme weakness of Rock Tslnndgave rise ton treat dent of comment Trans-actions III the stock were of peculiar IntereMowing to various rumors shout the Mooreparty that have been current for severald y One or the more speculative membersor time party Is said to have been estrangedand some who might know have hinted thathe wax stung stocks In a pet This story-wa retailed around the room yesterdaymid was widely circulated outside variouslydistorted There may or may not bto it Persons who know the relation thiit-evist between this gentleman and the fore-most figure of this Moore party a relative

the possibility of an open break Is ex-tremely remote

Bogy A Hubbard worn heavy sellers ofRock iHlnnd common They also put outother locks freely around the room notablyBrooklyn Rapid Transit Young Gates wasa heavy seller of Rock Island offering Itdown Pout A Clark Dodge A Co

and Van Knibureh k Atterbury were heavysollcr of various stocks The house lastnamed sold 5000 Union Pacific In the fore

commission house liquidationarising from the exhaustion of margins wasvery conspicuous Brokers report a quietaccumulation of certain stocks notablyErie on scale orders and say that whenthe nervousness occasioned by the recentliquidation has gone many things are likely-to hove shnrp recoveries The buying re-

ferred to according to those who have ob-

served It la not Intended to support pricesIt reflect rather a desire to accumulatestocks IMI declining quotations When thebig people buying stocks In earnestcud broker yesterday they do not have ahand along

The latest exploit or the bear crowd thathas been circulating anonymous stock litera-ture an attack upon Canadian PacificTime overworked prominent banker Is

made to assert that Canadian Pacific is sellingat a fictitious price and will decllnn belowpar It hn always been a mystery whyanybody should pay for the printing anddistribution of II circular the mere anonymityof which if nothing else brings Its goodfaith at once Into question Rut notwith-standing the rli ulr in which these curiousmethod are lcl I by Wall street people theyobvlously do nnt ilways tail of results elsetill production of such anonymous literaturewould cease It Is not token seriously of

by Intelligent stock mnrket peoplebut the suspicion naturally arises that a bearcampaign In the particular stock under at-

tack Is In progress end buyers become dis-

trustful The anonymous prediction thatAtchlson would sell nt 75 which was printedand pushed under time door of every brokeragehouse In Wnll Htnet has been fulfilled Thestock was then selling around 85

Some of Stock Exchange houses thatestablished cotton departments and put incotton tickers seeking to Interest clients-In cotton If they would not be Interested In

stocks are regretting it Their clients havelost heavily in their cotton speculationsand in ninny Instances have become iin-

pleasuntly involved The cotton hss-lirtn a very difficult propositioneven for andstock market contingent found that therewere ways wlilpsaweil Incotton than It ever dreamed of

The reason giltedged and highpricedstocks break abruptly on small transac-tions In a market like this sAle a brokeryesterday referring to the declines seen

such stocks Oencrsl Electric Consoli-dated ins Delaware and Hudson HI Paulpreferred Northwestern anti

when n man who has beenholding on In desperation is forced to let

Sogoes overboarda

of this und a hundred of that be-

sides the line of whatever It was that causiiThis embarrassment




























Syndicate Members Asked Whether TheyWant Stock or Bonds

Them members of the syndicate formedto underwrite part of the 250000000 UnitedStates Steel Corporation bond issue underthe preferred stock conversion plan havereceived under of May 21 the follow-ing letter from time syndicate managers

Regarding the syndicates agreement ofla 1002 we to

having expired we nowto exchange for the new bonds the balanceof SflOOOO StatesSteel Corporations preferred stockwith tit was not for ex-change on the syndicates

Will you at convenienceand not Inter than June I

us to exchange your shares of such balanceof to the return of which you are now

will be made

therefor will be held onthe some as the bonds already receivedby us on the syndicate Agreement March13 IM-

iInless Instructed by you to make suchexchange on or I IH01 we willreturn to the proportional part of thepreferred stock syndi-cate and to which you mire nowentitled as stated

The contract gunrante d sub-scription for at least 1100000000 of the

nt par payment to made for

the remaining 20000000 In rash Theshares which the sayIn their letter an subject to the syndicatesubscribers instructions are those held bytho syndicate to make effective gunrnn-te the actual presentationof stock forshareholders of the In general

These outside shareholders itunderstood between 40000000and 50000000 of preferred stock for con-version into bonds It to time syndlcnto to make the difference

amount of time shareholders subscrip-tions and UK 80000000

Time contract of the also nltowed it to purchase If It desiredand all of w offered lo holders-of preferred clock anti not subscribed for

I to time aggregate of 200000000sold for stock and 50000000 for cash Time

of converting United States Steelpreferred stock Into which expired

expire for the syndicate until Oct 1 next


u arch 011prerprrro

olron the InrlcPd desire


the that the bonds receive


Ill ISO000000 In at and for






on 11 16 not


the by stock-holders

as form whether












lie It III lie Is Ilti Inn Steel Snt Sellingand Hiulncw Is Jootl

Charles M Schwab president ofUnited States Steel Corporation returned-to this city yesterday from Iorelto nnn

where he haul been for n weekattending time dedication exercises of time

he founded and endowed liereached his office before 10 oclock rndwent at once to work Mr Schwab lookedwell and emphatically denied time storiesof his illness been telegraphedhere He also said that reports hehad been selling the United States stockwere untrue that on the hehad been the common and preferredstock of the corporation He gave outfollowing statement

I have just returned from a taking-in our in the district whereI find everything In till host possiblethis true of the situa-tion Reports of serious labor difficultiesamong detriments of our

ere without Husinasa continues and we Ire lookingjust as many orders as we were n

now lipve sufficient ordersbooked to run our busini first ofnext

fire just concluding time ofpig Iron for time first of this year

will that we are taking practically-all the Iron that has been UH

will still have a conwlderable shortagebelow our requirements Tho ofthis pig iron Is 1035 per ton at

VOXKY AIt KCftAflEMoney on call SWSV Pr cent last loan

2 percent rate per cent Timemoney at smitV per ciiit for sixty

ys j S per cent for46i4 tier cent for four nnd sIX month anil-V Si per cent fur eight and nine inanllic-

imni T ial paper at iSiSS tieror prime nellie nnd re-

ceivable other nainis s asHlerling exchange murkil WitH strong

end soniewlmt There vas a fairInquiry from rfinltlers for tomorrows mull

of hlll for a Mondny aimssmall Continental exchange wns nnn-Irwted rates were quotril for longhills and Actual rateslonv bills tH4aKufS4 i niclit draftsJ4H7Mfa 14 nnd cnble trnnsfurn StSH-iKHK1 Francs were noted at 5INiiii

for long for shortreichsiimrkH were qunted nt nIt 4 1VIOfor long mid usSiiftl 7l for short iriiililerswere quoted at 4i II84 41 aId fur mid4 4ia4i Slil for

Domestic exchange on New York Ilo ton5c Charleston liuvlnir liar

lioc SiivamrihV c discount selling 75c SanFranclrtco Might 7Hc premium telegraphlie premium St

premium Clnolnnntl Be-

tween banks 20c premium over counterPremium New Commercial

IMC discount hanks t premiumMoney In London ltt1V percent of

discount In open market for and tlireomonths bills per cent Consols formoney closed at Ol antI for time accountHI 1318 Amount of bullion gone into theRank of England on balance today l JinwParts ndvioes quote I per cents on

centimes rate of discount-is 2 S per cent Exchange on Londonfrancs 17 centimes advices quoteexchange on London n mark 4

The private rate of discount is sjf per centCommercial price of bar silver In New

York in Iondon closednt 2id Mexican silver dollars were quoted-at 42Mc

New York tearing House statementExchanges I11 S7C4J balsncc l UnMi-7libTre suo debit balance 532821

The of Montreal Canada Is askinirfor tenders for a 1 per cent fortyyear coldloan to aone of SVVK concerning theseloans are public todn y

A from Los Angelesthat General Wnlls the Atchison

in whereby Mentor WilliamA Clarks Pan line usethe Santa FA tracks between Riverside and

about mi constructionThe annual meeting of the members of t he

Produce Exchange will bo held AtJune understood

President K O Ilureess will be reelectedLeslin M Shaw Secretary f the Treasury

visited the ustomHouse liE would not discussthe of anticipating interest in bonds-or the purchase of more announcedthat he would refuse lo be quotedon these matters In advance of his

The stock trust certificate holders of theSouthern Railroad met yesterday

and authorized thus votlnu trustees tothe stock from tlsooooo-

lo and the common from floooyon to 118000000

ItMlY TREASURY XTATEMETitstrmrnt of the

cctlpts of time Traourj1 showsThis ilav Tliit monA Mirol vent

Irrrlpis IMWou U07702M Mnl 7M-

iiprnillturc i Tonon aniooon 4MomsM

Surplus ISIJOKI I17AO2M U7179SMThe rrrrlpl Irom customs wrrr I77S1SS

revenue 1I4H SS miscellaneousnational bank notes received for rrdrmp

J117S9IVThe ca h statemfnl ot the Inllrd Htalrs Tress

ircr for Stay 5S shows

jolil roll and bullion I

Tats reaDnote and crrtlficalri

old coin and bullionSold lrs-usndsrd silver dnllnr-lllvrr rertlftcstr-Illvrr bullion

United Stats BOIM-rcMury notes of l 9o

uank IIOIM-iulisldlary sliver and minor coin

Tol lnational h nks-

wnltlnr rrlmMir rmcul


Cash b l ncc

I7 00laoo7 707SOH44V343-



Id 113 151


123 SW






to I tue



per tent



mind si




I i




firTopeka IInd Sanlll FA had snnomuneem


Acrlfl anet mill or

to11tthe on It is

8ltb trE Ih





Held againstluuI a IelioHftII-





n3 27i




t lie


ik 5masA

mum it





2 e





May 7SThecaim





< >

< <











Hudson River Harlem

and Putnam

The New York CentralThe lying north of New York City

Is wonderfully beautiful arid with its fastexpress trains leaving Grand Central Stationvia the Hudson River Division the HarlemDivision mind them Putnam Division In connection with the elevated railroad via liSfhStreet or with thus opportunity to go In andout of Orand Central Htntlon changing atHigh Bridge and with optional commutationtickets makes it about nil that could bedesired In the way of train service

This healthful mind beautiful region lyingbetween the Hudson River and the Soundis u most delightful section for transient orpermanent living Summer timetables nowIn effectOUR ItFCREATIOV ANt INFORMATION

IIHREAtSwill lurnlsh you with timetables of trains and In-

formation holm and boarding hcniisriThese bureaus are located stI-

2IA Hriiadwty corner SOlh strrrt4-1ft corner Slrrrt275 Colunibuj New Yorkass Fulton Slrrrl llrnoklvnSend a Icrnl stamp for any one of the fnllowlni

numbers of the KnurTrack SeriesNo 4 Suburban Homes North of time harlem

Illvrro II titans InrU-No 23 lira Ilapld Transit

ToCiKOHCKII IIAX1KIS Genrrnl r s rnKrrAtrnt

rand Ientrsl Station New York


AIIAIIAMATKI OIIER COMIAXTTIp Annuil Meeting of lime SlockhBldrrfl of tilts

will l c June lit 1003 t in ncluclcIn the forenoon si the omre of the CompanyHudson County National lAnk HulMlnr Nos 241and 4S Wsihlntoa Street irrsey City N 1

office of the New Jersey Afeneyifor time purpose of elrillnir a Hoard of Directorsand fur tran acllon of such other business asmay lawfully come before Hie meeting

In accordance with the taws of the Stile of XewJersey no jlock can be voted on which lies been



It dwalcorner lad iiI

rca CanalAve and





nntwenty days nejl preceding this electron

WM O SecretaryHaled May 22d Una-


The slorkhoMrn of the AMPKIlAV CAI AX-IPOlXIiHV COMPANY are hereby notined thatthe regular Annual Merlin of the stockholdersof said Comt nni will he held at Its oRlrei Xo 24-


JtNK 1B03 AT 12 OCLOCK NOON for tIme purpo of rleellng a Hoard of Dlrertora transactlne such other business as may be properlybrought before the meeting

The Transfer bonks of time Company willclose Thursday lune 4lh and reopenJune 20th O A


Tbr Annual Meeting of time stockholders of theTrtnifer Tube Company for the election ol dirertOns for the ensuing rear and for the transactionof urh other business an may properly mimic before

No M Hroadway Koom 713 In the City ofNew York Borough of Manhattan on tIme secondday of June 1919 at one oclock In afternoon

Transfer hooks will close on theuf May 1903 and will open on the third day ofJune 1903

F W JOXFS Secretary

Spanish American Light power Company

The Stockholders meeting for election of nirectots advertised to be held at the oftlri of the Com-pany HO New York on May 14 1103was duly adjourned to meet at the same ylace at

oclock noon June 28 loosA J VOOIIHKn Secretary

yew Stay IS O3


FOHT IIIIKY iAN StAY 20 1003 Sealedproposals In Irlpllrale will be received here untili noon June 15 1 3 for conslnicllnitout double Cavalry llarracka four Cavalry Stablestour Artillery workshops four double Cavalrystable iuard alterlne Mewtot Ioat KicbAnce and liymnaatum to IncludePlumblnr and Klectrlc wtrtnir where

Alto for an Kledrtr Lighting Slamfor the Informnllon furulihril IIHIII aiipll-cullon bern at Omres of Ie lChIcago Iii St louls Mo OmahaDenver Col Illdders will state In time timetu whlih they will tile as time willform nn Important consideration In time awardtlltlil jciervcU to accept or rrlert nny nr allor any pelt thereof to br Indorsed

roiiMrnclloii of Public llulldlnr-xilrraddriMfd II O CIIKSS O M-

OFK1CK COSHTHPCTIXn M MintllMlTON T MAY 2 IBo1 Sealed K In tripheat will be received until 12 U June IS IMLT lorcimit uctlnr heatliik taaplplriK andelerlrlu wiring of two ieti Field Officers QuarterIwn doubt Captains Quarters three double

Lieutenants Quarters and two Cuvnlryronatruvtlng uf four

Cavalry Stables anti roast rurllon of two FieldArtillery bulldlnts two double CavalryStable Guard one Store-house und one Masadne nt Fort Klhan Allen X-lInfnrmatlou furnbhed on application C sreserves right to reject or accept emil or all proixuals or any thereof Knvelop contalnlnrproposals to be Indorsed Proposals for Public

Fort Klhan T II


OFFICE UirARTKKUASTfUiTOUT KANSAS May Jt IBMSeated In will be received hereuntil U A Kl Central Time June 1 then

for conjrtnirtluj Senate 1urlflcatlonWant Crematory and Smoke at ron Irav-enwortb Knn a5 Information and blank forms

proposal furnLshed on application to thIs ofttcemay be seen reserve1

time right to or reject any or all proposalsr part thereof abould be In

eUaddrewedtoMuJor I K acCarthy Quartermiutcr-


Seated proposals lu triplicate tar furnishing fuelrequired In of the dimming year endlnrJune a i IW4 received and aland stations indicated In Instructions Issued heretindar unlll 12 M May 27 IBOJ I S reserves

to reject or accept any or all proposal or anypart thereof Information on

Envelopes proposals will be In-dorsed for Fuel at SIMP-SON A Q M G

tORT WADSWOBTH N Y April tb I OJSealed proposals for buildIng a on the

erection of a buildIng In rear for

2ih 1003 Information furnished on applicationtnlted Slates reserves light to accept or

or anycontaining proposals should bi endorsed Proposalsfor bulldlnr Vlnr and KitchenII BUT OHO I HICKS JH Q M

f S ASSAY OFfiCE New York City Superlntrndents OfnceSealed Proposals inwill be received at the office of the Superintendentof tIll Mint of the Untied States at York until12 oclock M June 103 and then opened forgeneral supplies required for the t S Assay Office

t New York for the year lenin July I 1003to June SO mi In accordance with schedule andsrwcinratlon of which with blank propals and other Information may be had onplication to AXHBKW MASCIX Superintendent

FORT UOTT N 1 Nay l 1003SealedpoI In triplicate for constructor about 18000sq n Concrete here will be received until1 P M June t IPOS Information furnished onapplication C S reserves rl ht to anyor Envelopes coiilalnlnr proposals shouldbe Indorsed for Concrete Walks ad-dressed IJlARTKHMASTKR Fort Molt N J

FORT UOTT X 1 May IB 11X13 Sealed primIn for and

two cisterns here will he received until 1 P XLJune 16 ItWS Information furnlthed on applica-tion United Stales reserves mm lo

all buds containIng proposals shouldbe Indorsed Proposals for Cisterns addressedQuartermaster Fort N

BVGINBKK OFFICE I N ARMY ftoom 2diatom House Norfolk Va 71 1903 sealedproposals for furnishing and delivering Portlandcement broken alone nl Va willbe received here unlit M 27 1903 and thenpublicly opened Information furnished nn appli-cation


nnltlmore Md May 21 1903 Sealed proposalsfor dredging In Paunsco Illver

blank forms and Information fur-nished on application Chas J Allen Li ColKncn-

I Ii FNOIXKK14 OKF1CU Sew IxindonMay 1901Sealed proposals In tripli-

cate for otendlnt breakwater at NewConn will be received here until 15 noon June 22IDO3 and then publicly opened Information ouapplication Mat Kd rt-

Frlsro Railroad Gets Into New OrleansNBW ORlEANS Mry 25 The Ixwlnianc

Supreme Court decided loday in favor ofthe orrlliiRiicp recently inssecl by the NewOrleans Council granting tlip Frisco Railroad cntnxnce to ft site for a

The rftllrond will liulld at oncefrom Memphis to Nuts Orlwns-

IatnnU Truth Co Honk Oprn

The Fnvonln Trust Company opened itsLank at Pavdiiia IIVPIHIO mul Grove cIrcuit

City Time firstdepositor wits an undertaker


thetwenty sialh








l hl

orl 0 Q I r


f Wm f1o



II 27 1903


Hotrill ho received until 9 A N My


hlnl Inllall1n

r n-

or rn


IIn noon 22 1P and thent8 0


lintHUll Ion



time nmertlog wilt be held at of thy ComaSpan





iuuuiidinrs S

11513 anti

domed for Sewage luriflratbon Plant


kitchen cur




recrimed Jimmie



< > >







In a ahort and delightful trip via


S S Jamestown will leave New YorkFriday 3D and S S Monroe



Yirgiiia Beach Ya Richaoad Va

and Wasbiifioi D C

returning passengers can leave Norfolk dally except at 700 PMfor New

Round trip tickets including mealsand stateroom berth

JH18OO and upwardsTickets and stateroom reservations

at Pier 26 North River

Telephone Franklin

OLD DOMINION LINEKor Old Point Comfort Norfolk IorlMTintiir-iPinners Point and Sews connecllnfor Richmond Virginia Heach ash

l C and entire South YYestand passenger steamers salt from Pier

N It foot even week ilay M 3 P M

II H UALKKH Vice President 4 Traffic Manager

ftamburg mericanFor PLYMOUTH UHnnUOUnGKAMHUIl-CTwlnSrrew Express and Passenger Service

DIuecherMay 4 PMAM FnismarclJunelllOAMD-

eulachlaJiitJune PM Palatla June 19

PatriciaJune 6 3 PM AVictoriaJune 1810AM

S S DeutschlandRecord Voyage t days 7 hours 3n min



FUvrnna Mar 273 P M

u u u

May 80 at S P M for






q c



In tollnelgtmt





< <


Offices M it 37 llroadwar Piers lloboken N J



K Win II May 284 PM KWm 11June 212 P M-

KronprlnJtiiirli PM July PM-KaiserJune ID i KaiserJuly II 111 AM

OHiiiiiHS ft co s x v

DOMINION LINEBoston Qnrrn IlT rpool

Commonwealth run 4 Commonwealth Inly 2Niw Ingland JUDe II New England July 0Uaynoner ineivi IB Mayflower inewi July I-

Kllontnal Il rpool Shorl paLaceSoulhwark Nay an I Kensington JuneCanada June 13 Dominion tunic j-

nosToN Mediterranean SERVICEAzores Gibraltar Naples Genoa

VANCOinElt Sat liinij B July IS Aug r-

CAUHHOMAN sat June TO Sue septtat claw I7n d

ilrtr n Dominion llne HostonorT

JAPANCHINAHa-waii Philippine Islands



unarm San Franclsco Honolulu YoltoliaxnKobe Nagasaki Shanghai and Hong Hone

Steamers Francisco at I P M

optic lime 3 Korea June 1-QAmerlVu JuniII Onellc luni27

For freight pa ienger anil grnernl Informationapply 11 340 or t Place WashIrnlon Uldg and 2S7 Hroadway N V city


MlnneionkaMay3 i MlnnelmhaIull7ilftMMinneapolis June II aIM Mesaba Juudo A M

New Lundon Hoathainptnn-MANITOl June 4 A MMKNUMINIK JuoeUSAMM-AHQtKTTi July 3 II A M-




New VurkMay 27 III A M St Paul June 10 lu AM1lilla litni 1 10 A M NrwVorliJuue 1710AM


VailrrUiiidMay3uli AM eelandJiiur 13 10 A M-

Kruniilanillunr i lilA q o AM-1lers arid 15 V H Oillce 73 llmadway X V

Mallory S Linn From N Y

Delightful oceai loof Texas Geortrla TIcket

Ui lo all resorts In Teiaa OelaraMcilco California Klorl4U cf Special ralei tint Springs Ark

tickets a apeclallT sendPostal for IIOUK Soulhera Trips


Oil IMA IN TOvia yureiulowii

From Piers 61 and a North Riverramnanla1ay3UBAM i Luranlalune U8 AM-Urubrla June n 1 Finirla June JO noon


Second nOd laura Class OnlyVMHVON It IIKOWV 4 CO Ccu A ts M llwuy

ANCHOR LINE ffasaC-olumbiaMar 3D noon II noonAilorlalunr t 3 AnchorlaJune 20 noon

First saloon 140 to tlooSecond cabin up third class ut and up

For new Illualraled bonk nf Tours apply lo-



ArmenianMay a a AM I CelticMay AMtl noon Oceanic lune I noon

River OfSef Hroadway New York




MAY 29thRiturnn MAYITHACA Boat Race 610





a in CortUknd lei 6U 8 J i UiKullun tfl I Sl5 m leave Maiirn

Chunk S m TIckets S ltcht rk MV

Ticket offlrrtat Farrr Station sad S It

Prom BrnoWlyn Itn additional



SHOHOLA CLENIn the Hltie Mounialna one hundred and seven

miles from Sew York on Ihn beautiful Delavrar

HArA traIns leave W 23d SI SS and 025SI tcoo and B30 Jersey City 914 and 845

A M nciurnlni lese Shohola 4OU and JM p M

GREENWOOD LAKE GLENSIO i nr with Dinner at a lnn IIJ i

train Ian Weal 23d St 40Chambers 4 Jersey City U00 A M llcturiihum leaveNIAGARA 00 ROUND

FALLS ibSf TRIPrIckets good Ioluc May l lli as frllows IanCliamben St Bno A tl 73 I M nd U l M

Si A mlnules earlier Jerseylain Helurnlnt or beiorr May 31



NIAGARALeaving Friday May29lh

tl M-


I 7




II-Pl t aWL ri

















2 211 730


900FA L LS and

t st

lAlilOlS ASP rItAnn


11 InlI


Iralraalum 0 II

II a I UurD


El it Rrad i



npr s




2iO AM




chatCien Aim 1123 ltroaiiws N Y

iraaeMa rum



CA ItO I iiJ


St ltnlandJ mine




I Ituhiopla JunePSI

MajesticPier S


SLEFtIM-P15150 t LS


train t

forYam n I 23



Ilv aid

ill uuuu

Hotal and all




< <





OAT LEAVES fool Of West SimS si B1S A U8iS A M So tin St Bklyn cnr


Md BRIDGEPORTBOAT foot of Weal 73d it 8JO A MBattery Landing IO A U South 51 h at Brook


Bd Rrpahllc to Writ feint and VewbnraI-KAVK Battery Undine A M West 2il-si jn at IODO A MFAHK ROUND TKII OU-

CWeit Point Nawburgh PokeepaieDally run

on nay Line schedule 40 A U from Desbrosscs An llll th when she alarls to liondout tout way landlnrt at 1116 I M-

On May JUlh sir York to Albany andSir Albany to and return with way

see steamboat column




IMDJO foot of tMI list at tO 50cAIoI






DUal NEW ENGLANDlAll RIVKIt UNE via Newport and Vail RiverIe vr Iler 19 X R toot St weekand Sunday t 530 P M HI earn era PHIMCILLand PURITAN Orchestra on eachHTONIM1TON LINE Via Slonlmrlon lve Tier 4iN H ft Clarksnn H week days only al ftflri I M

Steamers MA1NK anti ISLAMOKWICU LINK via New Ixindon LIe Pier in-

N K ft Clarkaon St week days only atM Sire CITY OI and Ol-

WORCIWTBRNEW HAVEN New Haven HirUorlH-nrlnKlleld and the North I ave Pier o N II foot

SI week maya only al 100 P M fitiame-rniciiAnn PKCit


Hudson Illver Strainer MAItV POWEllDally Sundavs e cepled Leaving Now YorkHe brosies SI R40 A M Weal Jid St BjnI-ZBth si n20 Vonkerii nils landing at West PointNewburth and dueSt 530 P M Morning und allemonn conceitsMary Powells first tip trip on regular nchertulf115 P M Ma On Stay 2 th Htr Seaorlt lo Albany and Sir Albany lo PokcrpMc

and return withCommencing May eth full regular DAV 11 H

service between New and Albany with waylandings

ISV LOWEST RATESNew York to Providence

LINE frstCass Service

and elegant steamers leave New Yorkdully excepting Sunday at r I M from Pier3S Kant River loot ofrathnrlnRSt Stiinhierrusts Soo to Providence ID effect June tatTelephnnn sons


MAINE STRAIISIIIP COJIPAXVls H ildlfiitful short sea Iin and an unequalled


taMe one w T SRUO roundrttf for Illustrated booklet Slatted




AIMRONDACK OK RICHMONDI ve Her 32 N H toot Canal St at 6 P M Weeklays Direct connections to points North SouthIasl and Went KJSn

Suraloga or City ofI Troy Irnvra West loth SI

Pier dally n PM ejcepl Saturday llrec railroadconnerilniis at Trot for mull v lnl Niirlh and Kasl-SCNDAV STKAMKIIS AT AMIANV

HUDSON RIVER STEAMER MARY POWELLFirst trip from York nn regular route Tliu rs

May 2Mh leaving Oeslirosses t 31 Vsl2d l JSOJP M and way landings




STATIONS tool of Will Street andUesbrusiM and Curllnndt streetstpTh Ivarlnc time train llMbrouni and

orll ndtStrelj sfl e minutes later th n butcKcn below for rwcntrthlrd Street Statione crpt where otherwise noted758 A M IAST Sleeping and

tuning Cms Iur Chicago andlouhvlllp

138 A V ST LOUS DMITRI PullmanSteeping SiiiuUii and Oljuenallon Cart Clncln-da mil St Louli Ulnlng

IO25 A 11 fKNNSVLVAXIA LIMIThD Pullmail sleeping Dlnlnc Smoking and Observation

Cars lor ClevelandToledo and Del roll

I M CHICAGO AXI ST LOUS KXPRKSSFor Toledo Naihvllle via Clnclnnall end

Luulivlll Indianapolis ChIcago SI IouiiDining Car

IS P M IIICAIK IIMITKO Pullman Sleettog KnioUug and Utuervallon Cars For Chi-cago Toledo and Cleveland DInIng Car

358 P ai ST hAuls For PlllsburtrCincinnati Indianapolis Louisville SI LouisDining Car For Welch W Va via ShrnandoahValley Houle-

RftS P at WKSTFnX KXPnnsSfor ChicagoVat Toledo except Saturday Dining Car

7 I M Forand Chicago Fur Knoivllle dally via Shinan-doab Valley Route Connects for Clevelandexcept Saturday

815 ai AND CINCINNATIBXPHKS3 For Illtsburg Cleveland Cincinnati


S5 825 I4 Pluming Carl 1010 Ueibnuaes andCortlandt Streets 10201 Carl 10 WinIne Car A M 12S5 Dining Car 10 liesbrone anil Streets 330 JJ

slonal Limited all Parlor antIDining Cars J2fi Dining Carl 421 Dlhlng

IDInlng Car fl2S P M 1210 nIghtSunday 26 Dlnusg Carl 1064 Ulnlng

Carl A M I25 Carl 124llonil LimIted all Parlor and Dining CanJ2S Dining Carl 4SS Dining Carl 4VS IlnlngCarl tIt 25 P M 1210

SOUTHERN J2 425 P M1210 night dally

COAST 824 A924 P M dally

SRABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Eipress IJWP M and 1210 night dally

NORFOLK ANt VESTKRV RAILWAY ForMemphis and New Orleans 3 P U dally

A OHIO RAILWAY 715 A Mweek days anti 4U P M dally

FOR POINT COMFORT and NORFOLK7S4 A M weekday and 4S P U dully

ATLANTIC UM A M sod SSS M weekSundays 745 A M Through

billed Trains RuBel Parlorniches on Parlor Smoktae CarParlor Cars Dining Car and Standard Coacheson Sundays

P MFor points on New York and Long Branch Rallroid

from Went Twenlylhlrd Street StatIon nH-A M 12lt J24 2S 411 and 454 P M weekdare 25 A M 444 P M fromDrahreair and Cortlandt Slreel 130 000A M 1220 Jjo 340 420 and 510 P M tvcekdays 44 A M 800 P M


PDILADELIIIIA-7So 7Si 755 Dining Carl S4 S5J S25-

iDlnlni Carl iUM Louis Limited 1010 DesSlrceu 10 n Can

IOJA Penna Umltrdl IOM Dining Can 1155-A M 12m iDlnlng Carl 14 lIming Carl 310-

l cshro ses and Street22011K315Dining Can 3M I2J 125 Carl S5

Dining Carl 455 Limited toe Germantown Jet onlr S4 Dining Carl 845 7M 2S-

SS 025 f m 1210 night week days Sundayin1 755 Dining Can a2V ininlnB Carlw5J St Umltedl 955 0K llm-Itrdl 1055 Dining Car A M 125 Dining CarllM JSS Carl 155 425filming Carl 46S Chicago Limited Inc Germstown Jet only 4S1 Dining Cari5S5 Carl755 S25 SM 924 P 1210 night

nrfcet olTces Soc 4 l 1S54 and l Broadwayhula Fifth bflnw23d Sll2 3 Avenuecorner Mill Sll 1 Astor House Vest Twenty

Intrd Street Station and siallons foot of lejh-rossej and Cortlandt streets 4 Court Street M-WFtillon street MK Proidway scot PennsylvaniaAnnex Station lri City TheNew York Transfer Company tll call for unitcheck baggntfr from and residences throujh-lo drsltnailon

Pennsylvaniannllroarl Cub Srrvlcei-

V W ATTEHBUIJV 1 R WOOlGeneral Manager Genl Passenger Agent

524 1003

New York S Boston IIIY H A H R R and connections

From Grand Central StationLeave By way of Due

l0i PM1002 AM New and Providence 4 Ml PM-l2mM Springfield and Worcenter AMnpw

and PM-l 2 PMNew lx ndon and Providence 71X1 M-

2OPM Hirtford and 1lllmantlc fooiM-llinPMNrwL3 ilnn and Providence OtOPM-4tKPM Sprlngnld and Vorceater 10 to PM-

U l ProvlrtiiiceltOU IM1111 PM mind Worcester 115 A M-

I2IKJ PMNew London and Prtivldeiice n7 A U1203 AMNe London and Providence oM A M

Daily including Sunday al J31thMFIve Hour Llmlt d all Parlor cars Xrn-

nri and fusIon 7 car seatTtiiniigh parlor and cars by each trainHelurn service same hours and same rouies





lINE for








rom H


for Ktatton

Twenty third

SmAll larior



55 Pittabmmrg

Indianapolis end







and Corilamuult


914 Street for


500AM tail 55uutlmantir 700 PAtn0AM and Voeeeeier 3atIlttSMtSew London and Providence 500


100 Providence C 10












Trains arrive and from liranil Centralstation rt slreel New York ayhelow

North and Wrslliound iralns cxrfnlGrand Cintnil Stallon ol Han IT A XI 3U-

U ll p M will stop at IMIh at to re-ceive tin mlnuics utter Grindmural Sialtuii

All trains except time 30thand the Kmplre Susie end Tins e aolM rill at isih si ten mlnuics before mbaarriving time at Iranil Central stMloi

A HIT l3PRIJlSinJB1U Albany tM A M Troy V A M-

Rt M IOCAI stops talt Impnrian siallons-

an A M tpMPinK BXPRRSKMOM famous train In world DueflulMlo liv NiagarA Falls P M

114 AM FAST Mhue lluflslo 710 Mirara 0-

7Ifl4 M AV IIXPIIBRS Makea localsinpv Ditr IlufTaln A M

fJhoe I




s t i



uw lime S

0424 huura to Ctmtcsgo


i itt I


Han AM tniTINl KXPniS3ti RiltInid 7V5 p M-

lIRfl Xl mTruo iiMiTiinTiiif rttifMnn p M Falls 1155 p

lOn p MSOITIIWKSrrBUS IIM1TRPlje ClnrMnatl isn IliSH-A M s 10ils nn p M day

inn P M IlirAfiO LIMITED S holrto Chicago via l ike shore S6 via M 09 AS M Will CHVTlHV 1IMITKD

50 hour rain loClilcaitovIa Ijke Shorerimtrlr ll his md tuna

0 00 P M AIMANV AND THOV FLYEnDue Albany il0 Tray f l P M


4 An P M Miuriinrr OIIAXOClllfUiO SPKCIAL-


hniir train lo Chicago All PullmanDue rirveland 7Ji A M Clnclnnalllndlannpolts 3iu clilrago 490 SInM P M next dos

fi 00 P M WFSTKMV KXPRRSS 2s hourto via both I S M CP M MOVTIIBAI KXIIIFSS DgM II or lluHnnrl



Falls ii Toronto inV A M0 IK P M SPFOIAI MAM IIMITEO-

JZ Steenlnir car nnly lo Ilncheaterv VSOITinVKSTKHN SPECIAL

Due Clnrhnitl 7W indianapolIs 1010-P M Louis 730

Q 30 M PACIFIC rXPnFSSfll hours bv M C 31 hours bv

IL30 M ChiCAGO TRAINCil Vliirrni Ojilcnsburtr Iluffalo De-

troit nnd ChicagoDally tKicept Sunday IFicipt Monday

HARlEM DIVISION9fW A M and 311 P M dally except Sunday lo-

Pliisflrlil and North Adams A MPullman curs on all throughTrains Illuminated with Plnlwh lightTlclcit orflces at 107 SHI 4IR anil 12IB Broadirsr-

S Union Sq W 575 r fluml us Av 133 Weal IMIh-si Ccniral station isilh M Mallon ami-IJfth M stamina New York 3J8 and 758 Fullon-st and iou Ilroadwav K II

oo ssih sireei for Sew York On-iral ab Service checked from hotelor resIdence hy Westcnlt fixpreM Company



Vln Sprlnffleld and theIIOSTON AMI AlliANV RAIlROAD

New York Central Hudson River HnI seelTrains leave Grand Central StatIon Fourth

avenue and 43d street New York as lotions001 A M tU00 noon MWi P U I1X P M

arrive at Iloston at 3 0 P M 640 PM 1000 P V13 A M

Leave Hoston 1900 A M t300noon 400 P V-

llori p M arrive New York 33O P M 440 P M

1000 P M nl4 A M-

llrketk al New Vork Central ticket ofTlcs 4ISand 1JI6 mind At Grand Central StationA II SMITH JKOIUiK H IJAMFLS-

Oeiil Superlniendent Jenl PaMr Agent


Xew York Central and Hudson Hlver H It LeAseelTrains leave Franklin St Slallnn York as

follows and 15 mln Wesl 42d at N R710 A M For Inierm polnta o Albany

illffli A M I Saratoga and Mohawk Kiprrw100 P K225 P M font llm for Detroit Louis

M45 P M 2 fur Hudson Hlver points Albany0u P M For Koch Chicago

1744 H M For KochBuffalo914 P M ForSyra FnllsDelChl

Dally Dally cirruS Sunday l ave lImeS1 nl 1015 A M 2 al 1244 P M-

LraVH Jersey City Ieiiu H It Sla 1 at liru-A M 121 at 135 P M Tlmi tables al principalhullIs and emcee checkednr iflrtenre bv Wrstcotl Kipress-

A II SMITJi-Jetil Siiiierlnlendent

E LAMBERTCinnI P sr Agent

READING SYSTEMNEW JERSEY CENTRAL R RLiberty Ntrrrt and South Frrry lime front

Siiuin Firry ttveminutes earlier Ilian that sbonnbfluu-

UASTOV IIKTIILKHRM AILENTOWN ATf-DIIAICH illMiJCUO 715 Raston onljl-nio A M 10 500 545 Eulon only P MSundays z45 A XL 100 630 P M-

WILKKSHAIIKE AND 400 81DA M SIX P M Sundays I4J24 A W 1 P M-

AM UARNEOAT I400 040 A M 130 4

Suniliri 1000 A MATLANTIC f 40 A M 1840 P U-



245 343 414 530 1130 J M SundayS ciciplOcean Grove eta A M ItS p M


IOU 2iu t3nu MW SW tU00 t7flnP M M2IS mdt

24TH AXI CHKSTXIT STREETS H55 t1010 1144 A M MM 340 500 700 9M-


AND WIIIIAMSPORT M W 425 t OOht in1000 MW A M Heading only tiVI2-OO P M Heading Polisvlllr and Harrlibureonly t4o t5

Street Pier K Heabrlghl Uonmoutb BeachAibury Park and Point Pleasant 1000 A M-

loo 45 500 P M Sundays 1000 A M ltWBOO P M-

rFrom Liberty Street only Dallr DaIly eSunday ISunday JPartor cars only

tills Tamaqua

House IB7 2SI 434 1300 1344 Broadway 112 h-

Av 25 Inlon West 141 East l 4th St 2MWest 25th St 24S Columbus Av New York 4

way Wllllamsburg New York Transfer Co callsfor checks baggage to destination

W O HESLEH C M BURTVice Prcs and fien Mtr Cen Tasr Agl



leave South Libry St F rrr-naltolVuslilngton 355 am T JO ant Huff-etHallonasMugton MO25 am 030 nm finerBalto 1144 am titmice

nailoWnahlngeon oem li pm DinerItmltrd 335pm 340 DIner

RalloWashlncton 4M pm 5iO pm moreUaltoWashington 1V pm 700 pm BuffetHalloW hInglon I2t0nl iIJnt

Dally TDally e Cti Sunday Sunday onlyOPera Liberty S Ferry South Astor

house Id 2H1 434 100 1144 Hroailway IM Uh-Av 24 Inton Square Weal 153 Mat I25lh St 271-

Wcsl 125th SI Av Sew VorV 4

Court St 344 ioo Fulton St Hronklyn 3n Broadway Vllllamshurg Nets York Cofor cheeks haggasre in desllnallon


lv Sea York City South Ferry Liberty SIChicago PWsbnrit l2lont IJHJ ntChicago Columbus M2A1 pm lrtpm Hlnr-riltiburiT levelnnil 134 pm S4fl pm Llrrla-Pll sharallnilti il dfiS pm pm Bullet

rinrlnnall St Ionls l20 nl VMS nl SleeperClnrlnnall SI loulsin75 am inSOamCincinnati St Louis pii 7mpm BuffetNorfolk Illner

Dally Dally rjrept SumUr Sunday onlyOffices 117 ri S4 Iff llrnhdway n Asor25 UnIon Squrae V Ml Grand St V Y 343 FultcriStreet llrnoHyn South Ferry nnil Liberty StreetBaggage checked from hold or resldnce lo destlnat-lonLEHIGH VALLEYTrotof A broa aBU B

Unlljr 1 Sucd 7 tucuijr cn ngr dllIV-

Maurli f buck Locul ttnAVIluira laprfw iS jm cilio-ijK nunni nrnrji IOUXM IUIOAV-

ManctK h ink m liuijtun Lical IK4U i i dllt r-milkeiUi nibcrmion lxpreiii tlMrxEaston siflr 4S10PH-thlriwto TiMiininVriltial l ri rV40 It 348 f

inns M ml r7TH eis soil 1iilliiian accomiiiJAUnn alia liVIB4 n1 11 llrnidnir IS lhAv 75 Onion Bfliiirf-

5eit f4Molumlin Are N T M44on-rtSl nod H Fnlion Pt HrenMrB-

N V 1r mriLaclowanna RailroadLeaveSew

0A M lor ningharnton aidWVI A M For llurialo Chicago and St Louisi4d P M For Muffalo and41x11 M For Nianvon and PlymouthCio P M liurTilo and ChicagoMJP M For thin Oswezo linora BofTsio

Ifi74 1IM llroadvay S Y-

km l UrooklynOallir fBio pt Sunday


I k t

faIn St II

2 ii I





utILAPIIS soul


earsbfl iiu tki

Lotus 115

slidvia I


ira I 3

S t0 si I

I ti hChIcago jLake Shore a I


a 1


teams IS


4 a


1I I

1uci j

ii f


and I

I 1rSi




Seelater foot


St ChicagoChI St

Uetrolt Ml P

iloch stag i



tf t

i1 f


LAKEWOOD TO iuiEa j1ii-340 500 Lakewood and only I U

tl tCIT u t

uttinETONt140o A M C

I Il



4 i I

tu 5taG 4

t2I5 ri



NI OK root of Rector II




Offlrss Llterty St yerry South Ferry C Astor P j 47


jCourt St 344 MC liiltOn Si aso flroad



1 l1ilSkj


tl25 sun i




i4JTransfer emits Ii ti

Um C


es I

i2S5 lull i 0I



West 29d ortdt aunt i h


lfl I11S 5 ii3VAL 5 vO I


A S 7c ft


t4tC s



llt eal flit mu check bagjUO

auri taut itmrciuiy and CtmrtstMPhCrsts

tarSl A N Fir Chicaco S P 54

TIckets 1 315 Ful









