The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-07-16 [p 3]....CV iiind to thought h n and Mr 1 vt tand Thought h w...

I I TilE SUN WEDNESDAY JULY 1002 lit r Ill DAVE HILL AT SOLITAIRE nt rri v imrruvw TJIVIV TO nwv A url riritKT- M7t tr Mu l hay rmtlrm- llilll lie l U Ihr Card UP nanlt- tranntUlit Thrro Arp naulhm lint Hhl prr lit lira ami tctlllit T linn KrAnk CAmpMI CtttrtnAti u lvmocrAll JtAl Commit meliv- tinnrkvil wearing A hug padlock ov tl ruiy littl mu i oh lmt inert hy l v- B llul bfor h itvm ID t iwn on Monday i- wlt l numlT of Dtmincrtttii dowtitowi- yr rdar altimoon anil even tnt t with mom Democrat n Iht llmtM And Ihn Manhattan Iluli- Ho Ud lift with Ih Ihm John A Mfuvon Ib Sphinx of Harlem wa ttatherwd from th wilt lalUm with Mr tampbnll nml Mr MAMUI lhat Mr llil whiT perfectly willing haw frf I dlciuilon m lit tlm IAS rat 0 I T tMelli will no- l rir Any talk nlwut pro p otlv ivuidl- tiate n Mi innrritlo ticket Min i to tiw Initial Ml l hat Mr Hill wil fimir HI of Out newi puprrH Part ro haiitaunua I ikn with nicely tyj- wrfrr r ICK uf 111 View fill MI Udell tai aid Mr lllll will fiiriu h IIOK- inai iiflu ijriaiiddltlt lf iiiu ri rrti AH it to propctti cojulldnli- ou it litiiiottiitic Stnt ticket for in hi Mr Mill up In Vof rt nxi In HKl of HIM matter MniMlf lit it1 all dirtctoric f ih iii l trot unit M i nd rlii on a in ii hunt for n tathollc an lrihl- uni 1 trniiin n Jew nnd H native Iro- lr ur lie Nliuniltig tlm he e lirectorieft hilcntly nml wr l frii nn utlc In another mini itvrtuir liMtt- i i v i playing with tliew nan hoi in fit them tn Iinio- ct i H In the state Mr 11111 ever rUh axvrtnmcd up III Wolferttl- ino ii iv IIM great KIIII oilttalni- irti IJH i vk ITIIHO IhiMi li iiitnlili- intnxu louhlolhxl wilrhiri virCiVi lntu- nvuiuoi lnn hi WAH Ihn luiclit lur iov f nor of in Stat anil which Mr lllll l wb n ri I Morion Uirn il mil all ih- cnl fiirtiliurt from the Kx utiv MIUKIUII In Alluuiv Mr IIIUH ganm of willlitln with h i f inin of ilifftrtMit r i will rom iil i l olio of tlm foa lio preliminary Riil rnalorlalr- ampalgnTof IWiI Sri DxinnoratH iliiwn ihU war don itt thin gaino of Militiiltc lilt l liiVi that tlirr t Mll l n fm nml n HNiiiwIiin of MKI ninttirr nn l v nf ihoi Drmocratn nt h HofTinan- cu Mid la t night that AM I M Jiulgc of tl Conn of Ap l John Clinton dray whin orni on IK 31 would nmUi1 a flr t rat cindldatn In tiond th V ino- cmtio Stat tlokot nnd ilint Kndrirk of Klmira should l notnlnntwl iltliei tnt AttnrticyfMwral or for AM IR- IJixl H of tlm Vmrt ppcril- ri Krnnk CnnipNll IIP nanify 1 in i m with tho that h had ivtahlUhc- iHf rflHMV V IIMV4V Fnnn How Womrn Do Talk anti Ih Older Thrr CJf th i Morr Ttip Talk Thr arr nomo of th mrnrm nt niail- fyivfrday hy hugh Molvnifthlln on Ilryn- nHttr to th Tlliirn Cluh ju t Mr- McLniighlin took hi drpArtiirn on hl- varatlnn to Jainoxport L I Wp ft rrm Mn an Invitation wo ont to Mr Bryan In to atlinil t niu rn Jnn ID I In didnt rwvln It howpvrr- tmtll July B That warn thro c Hftrr- tli dinner It was mllald hy u olwrk That what th lettnr to th TlUWn 1tih par W II If I wnr Mr Ilryan I would In Mr HryanV oftlro VJu t if nxfc A ihinjt nap nHd in tl Vhitn lion il 1 w udni d i nt all It mitht Involvo out in war- s Mr Ilryan I tnklnir f sIVmil nt- CV iiind to thought h n and Mr 1 vt tand Thought h w igli S It wa a rax of hop nnd- lmr funny how wntmn dottlk- Tli lr Hinr l r irn tl inon th y talk in 1 M r m ruHl pr vi iit thiin Mr Utiislilln wlU rfniain nt Janii port ith iu family until cvrly in Au n t- iiinMMKi nr nut T arrrrd muorlh Mho ll III i p- an Ioncrr- lorironr X V July Ii It ram out Iriav ilia Irvine l IHommtllrii putiliran Ifadir of OrlitH rtHlcnnd n IV trrwlpr ai Medium laM Saturday d- rintc tile ilorlarntion of two WM UB aitu thai nii nii nnvpt tin Senatorial rKHiutii i rv ii Nir HUwortli ndmittivl toilay hat Mr I HrmtiHihiil had ron int Hl to- nr i kiitiivMir in lh S4 nut and hud tr ri ign Hi pof tmirlr hip IKiday iKforo- I1MT In rfnftriivo with Mr KINwnrth- ar I Orlonim Itndir CiilliNlor Arrhy SirJ f ii tuM nir l to Plnnin fall tl l vufli tti iilli I i mid that Hi V nl i ill oii wml Senator ri ir i for iimrt Th pl n t n i i tintninntirt onitnio ninn f Vad- f Ij iri tm fur ifuti nant ov- rrrif t wiiicli i viiil IH ti gu Ua irtKon i i rrp irt M- lOHrfttn Iaior iantnrr llrnmnliiatlnn MAT N July IS Th KcpuUli ran pnnimi lo Heft iMigatiM throiiRli out ho Sicond oiiin diotrirt- jid ihi ovrnlnK In th ooiimli of Alnntirl- lnrliigtnn lap May and A for a heard fmm lt dH Kali iHww- lle hi l numloTof whlfh to 313 favor the in rtiiniinri of Oii8r innn John lariinT fr a tlfth term iiur i nwi- iiirr ripre nlrt III SiMiind ihi lrirt- i ni i nMnt of thu iiiri llurlititftM Meror atnl- an The onvrntn will l hHd at Con Kr c Hail Cap May at noon on Thuixlay I oncrrttman Jarfctnn Renomlnatril- imnn Ian July l Th Popull and I emrat r Consrriwlomil tinvtntlnim of- Tlurd ditrirl weri hHd today M JA k on wn l hv th DTIIH- HrtatMirid lnlor e l hy the IopiilUtu Jark- jn ihe inly ru luri ConKnwinan from T I LA I a 13 I I tt I t a allli In I IIn mall I ani will In SIll I ill rum At lull I n I r Iii rum hI air o I lit I f Ill ral 111 Pw Mill w In toed JlIIII n Hlhll I It tort 11 tin III riNk It IpUn hal h I I I I I I 0 I I 1 nw linuS 1 U thi t lift t tiInLtrat Inn I 4 TrAM eat ill IIiII I lilt IIIIIMI tin st rain I long iLr ohm f flt Us rtpitiuttnn with Mr dithrtp how Iit ijLi very iiI i cvt TOll I nI- t I fIts t itt lu AIl nt Jr4 wr tli ittninut I n tnt wrIinuI r I I h t K 4 I ito i I I < > > < > > < > > > < < > > > < > > > > < > > > > > > < < > > > > < < < > < ° ° 111 r irrr iv view n iwr Hiii till In V rM l- M xni irrmaN II July 4 Trw Otihr- natortal rnvM Ui N llmp hlr I inning an aofwct UiJlar to th llitattoi In Vrtnunt ltforw tlm rrrvnt llepiihlirti- iStaticmTenUm Ahmut fJllott a of thi rttv ahiioiiMwl tu lay that h I n fAndblatM for th Chief r outlvi lil- on M plalforni I d r lfi4 l l li tn l rilwnv VcuUtUHi Mr Klhutt Mid MtN r that K t th lUpuhhean nomination l i niay nin a an nt Ih onl- ntrw r iMndiihitH in lM n th hid U N ILiVheViIor ihx head of tl Mute Kur the IviniMTiitto tniin H4tion forme Chief Ju tkf HIiHluHl and N C JMIIWIMII has Iwn mken of The IVniorate hav alwayn Marml fur hut thl tnr thcrx lm a m- actlv hlKh hteiiMi exlitlllient and It IK ft- vUil that the w he tiiiK- ldlvliled on thl ille luiii Mr Kttfheldor IUK MI far declined ti- rspreiw hlm lf on hiuor IS UKH SIUttXKH- Wl nin ln HrtUbllran Contention Hill lrr- MADIKOV Vl4 July The lleptihllMi- Ktnto Cnnventiiin will 1 held tntnnrro and iiv ltl rt Ijifollolti will I- nreniinilnatnl hy an ovrrwhHmlne majority In rjiltt if ll hitter fl ht that l l m him lv i hi Vi 4 in tn lUpuhlUiu I uiini The l r llilli ntiii n ai overwhelming mujorltv Mull win oo indorwo- o evlt the enactment o- wiitl u iiI primary H lawr The itreat llclt will come on tin itidnrM- tnienl of Soiintor S o4iner I wno lit frioml who fought the liovernor aiid thI- HIU cliMiiand hl indorMtiient Slanv lj- fiillciu iifii not dwpiiMHil to indorKt him iine he dixlan for prlnolplii- for wliifli I ifnlMti KtitniU IK nol likely to ImpiMii UK n bluer content ir wMfwnrf MirrCI- IIHrntlnu Mrrln at ialtrvtnn to NomlniU- tantiam lot tinrnmri- uvKMinN Tea July IS Th Slat Democratic Conxention met her today iffivted a temporary organization np- INilntcd iinimittmH nml adjourned unit l i A M tomorrow ongni mnn I an ham will l noinlnnicd for am- i orgi II Xenl for iJeiitermnMiovtrniir The will undnuhtt dly Iht principle of the KnnMis lity n tde authoritative of lh National einocititle uiny but Kpivtrtcall- will nuike n i outhldo ul i he poliv 10 r pm ueil by the party In Ihc state The only t will I betwirn Jlldg lain ell iiKuinlient am- liiMpti Ii tVKkrell for chnlrnmnhlp ol- ih Mate Kxccutive 7 f nut virtrnisnnT Ionian Srnalur In Iator rronltnK K 1 lr l- HftTi Mom Inly IS Col Jime Mum linn I wU of In on hi wny mine from where IIBK l e r- in iMiiKiiltalioi with fiiicar TrtiM opl- oiKfrtaiiK Ui Vetitern l et Misar IndiiK- rli XH dfflnlte net inn wn taiieii hut It wan practicnlly dciermirKtl to hlp l tii- K ami nut ereot plant in the t 1 Isnnrd will tnki oi r th hit lw i prutx- frtjin ol Senator in fur nil Col l win ha IH II in wvernl IVmo- rratlr ronferenrt jn Vuhlniton and NAVH there n very general ntlrnent in favor i f Senator V A Cliirk fur VlrflreKident rind that the ticket will I hendml lir Hill r Other J llmnillori l w IK liiini K- t rnmliilate for the Senate from Wa ion provldlnc the Stale ne Dfinixratic- MI wKvriov in iirivivi- orlli Cinillna l rin rral Nollrai o- l rin erar mlnitloii hut f nirreM- ItAllldH V hilv The IViruKrniir- iilivel inn for he mire H rii renomlnit naiive A today by acfliimitinn Tlie rixihl- innnpiex if the party iui p r inlttiw In he public IIVCM of nnd- rildii re tInt n Ilrynn free KtKer fill IMilANAfiLiN July JinlRK John Vclwui of l iean irt na nomlnate for vn rif Ijv MIC irici OiintxratK- dav llnonilaica unt IrohlhlilunUth- TliArrxK July IS Th Onondani- Mintv IrolubitioiiiKi tn duy nonntmi- ixiflf if for Smie S nator I Mtrvin Snell of fir totality rvooiirvr ninl l r I fort- ivrai HIM fur Cormier- i f itrrns no inn n- Iblle llrtaliirr l ijnjnl llrrr at- iiiMiirnrr Ttilrir Mule the llnlr When Mr DevervK ciMiien wits draw imwil to the Kmir IornerK on Monday veiling then nt the SlwthA- iendiiuareiK m 11 highlit avenue Sn- nn in tl cour of evening a young nmi ilioe a in front of the Ultteri- HiihliiiK loli awiv fortytwo clinim fiomI- M it ting riKim nnd d pnrtw Ilwr- iercn1 any Mn liat lie ie PHI h HIM nl it The o wn l yeKtenlay moni rig nnd wn rexirteil t the tKt Thirty- Iventh iirt i N li t Ktntion DIIIM liven rojan and tlad I found that the chair UK I l e n Mild In l illl i of IE1J nvenue ntid him that hey hnd I ii brusli to him by of T Tenth avciutl- Uith men were nrrfcttil At th pollen Illlloll ItoblllMill admitlill tlie theft t II lireen of ItnlRrtlllr In llanMruptry William II ir n nf White Plain ha- ll il a K tltioii in hen with i lilin tO7M and no available neMl lint liabilities ntuli fruiii the failure itt vn of liamel liiivn Corporntion- nanufactunT of fell Kbi nt rllle nil of lfnd l lKe 1 Sun manufacturerx- f pluno fell lc n IMnvllle and are in of pa er nml- iidorKcmcniK l i n tin twoctiiMern- ir nvii llalility in th matter K jlli lor of Gn liitCo and for to 111 HH annual reNrtI- BCOII Knock Down lanihrrt nanlwrll- Uunl ert WnnWI yean old lIving at I Wivt KiflyKcvenlh Klnil wax kn ekwl own by n delivery wagon at Kiftyi t null Sl ti avenue law iivenlnn He- ilii home with n wound I a laor- ml liaml h la n I i I I I m 1 1 I CIII I WIT Tnd I t In l t I I t lrl Sal I S i I I I Ill Ii- I I I hit I tIlt Ii 1 SrI 0 UI 1 I I I h I I I 4 I I 0 II C Ltii qsull4PvltIIus1Is ThAI t ban hits hug hid itt n i 1411 h F htIut lout lntiuut lOt ill I ham iiI Ion ill I I i III llIt M llr ii ntulor fit lint iruut lit I i IO I tl4flIfllffll tat 1118 lIt urwnt hun I Iii lint I lie I Ii- I I lit k oit him I w Is a I Il Ill Ufl iuIIIattt 1 SlikI Ill fl I 4 I tin 1 hi jilt j i s I Ills Ill VEt Jig t ill k I I I IrllNl I tIll i alit Ii ft yin font nIMI III hilt I I IIIIIkI ua Ill IT t I flu ittlit nflI 111141 II hit i It I I Ii- alum Ii- I emi < < > < > << > > > < < < < < > < > < > < > > > > < > < > < > > > < > < ° YORKERS IN THE MAJORITY witr Tiirttr rnuBiHfr H- M irf vii tint r iKr- i rt mml of the mil l Mlnrr th- Nrhrin lur ln tl nap ll Iunvrntlw- HrlrBAlr lra e nllirarlle llr l VitRrAllAan la J ily Flgirw towing th nuilll r of delegate wil attend is t nit I Mln Worker NatiniM- Convenii n indicat that tin ifi coa- nien now at work wd nitmiml r th d K le fif Inking nnthrnclte and if cmil miner alimwt to one Thi make It Apparent Unit i ie v liltk Itkeli- ln od nf ii iMUMnml Milk lulng declared ciii1 worker l ln known IOIH it If nil tIw anthracite men wen in th region to vote nml If nil the Mrikmg MI coal men wen nvemUr of ih union nm In gtxMl Kiandmg the vole of IH would nliniMt coua of the union inei nn at work that th t this IVlly oneihltd of tli worker have left th coal region nnd It IK lhat only Mouu remain of the u nl ui n- l er ivnt nn in good piniidiiut and illgil to vot which would give the men nl pill 17n vole In Vet Virginia lhn an on miner and alout i of UWM art union men If onehnlf of them arc In good ktandlni- it m a large tmniUr hut ctlnuiting tha one half are tl v will i entitlnl to utc- In Virginia itl the vain o- iicmberhlp ami pen ntng in good and trig the Swm mine worker would havr IS vott while in Mkhipnn wher lhe ITft- rnen mitt well organleil if nIl are In gt- htanding it v would hnv 17 vote givlni 11 Klllker rtij In i he orriiitt l MItt noah diMrict o- lenii ylvinm iiluo Illinois linhana town Kentucky labuna KIIIIMIK Tenn tw- ami MiNx tirl them an IMuM mine work in anti wh thIn pniportlon In goxl tnml- Ing i lly higher than In the nut lint ngion Mill nn c tinigte binl on onlj the nn per cent in good handing which i l t in Ih anthracite region give the of roof Stnte IUO vnttw All imlicati now nlri In the nxpccta that Ih convention will rnTrly In 4 ih lrikl ntid ngre lo give It flnan- Mai by n per capita tax on tht Milt tonI Advin from thai Wrat AW that Irenl lent Mitchell will in hi ipoech Iwforo thr- oiiventlon AH indlcato hi pnlioy tbat hen will U no doubt of hi ptnnd In tin matter and hi for A irroiion niincjd with That thai will tw- Klvcn then IK little doubt 1h iHegatm from the anlhracito WM tfft thi iftcrnoon and an1 to In guided by the nd- ytrt of their oftioerw who accompany lliiin- ti wa reporttil tonfght that hnm- nf ih will trv to nouni work luring the national itinvetitlon which Kin on III hot of men oing back work whtn tnt restraining inllueiu if th nimcrx I removed Irenl- bnt rnhov who nc Niminnli l a party of 170 which left htle nt W3II to Mild he had heanl of It nlo but oiitldrnt the men would not lie Ktnmpeded into going kick to work no they art certain IM national convention will IH Mimethlng- o nid them In winning the Mrike add they inve confidence their dele ale Itfratorx who were n kts rt riling tc irt Mid they knew nothing if it nml that the companle did not o rr utnt nn far a they S HMUS July Ii Ml of ih Ijiokn- Knnna delegntc to the Nntional Ctiiivtntlnii- it lndianaioli left to for the conven- tion I hiv art determined to vole or n general and declaretl no with treat nMiini when At Ih- nilnxid Mation thin city Ajd hey knew that nit th m n from diMrict- Vo I would f th k me mind Thix- onie MiiiHwhnt n H uiph n it wan bought that n great many of b i l to n gemrnl until favor of a plan for the gran1- ng of relnf mi a large SMAMOIIS Pa July Sitty delegate from the Ninth fiillc l Viirker ill rict left till nfleniiMin fur lridiann Ii They were headed President John ahcy r cent of the dclegitenre o yule for a national tieup while r iHAMin by Mitchell I hi- reKhi ntH of thn anthracite ililit Ildiiitlirty meniNr of the ixecuttve Iktard i in favor of a general teup n ss vi SHOT cranton strlkrr Try In Kilt a Man Wti lint a llnrr at All SrriASTON l i July IS Knoch Iavi i lalmrer employttl by the Scrniiton Kle- ric Light Company In KeyNr Valley ity WUK nttnckrd thi murnltiK by n crow men anned with gun tun They flnxl nearly n M r ol at him but did not hit him Davit wa tligging a hole for a pole yoiitiK men and Uiyn gathere in n- lac known llnlio 1aU tinii hnvi- aken him for an employtt of lh They IHKIII to yell Mnb at urn and when he look no of them lnv He crouchetl hole kin the hole went over him When the- Iring couccd he ran woie out wnrraniH Infore Aldermnn- altry for IUK HM alluiiiK and later Thomnx- ilalloy njid 1atrick Mrtimth mcn urr tii coiiUI lie proveil ngatnM MHirath mitt IH wits rt lfiM l Mulloy adnutl hat WUK with the rwrMinn who did the hooting nnd AM held tot court WIT rot onHirow fvova- niinl llrrr li tlir Illlnmlnont lrn nilh- a Push Coal tUchaiiRr In lrw The cual o ratorK met VCR crdnv nfternonn at the onif of the Kmpire- i al Compiiny and fornnnl n rnminnt- irpiniftitmnt b known n the ml AK o latloii orge llaril ni l IrHldeiit nnd J Van Ieli Secre- nrv and conimitti K on ineinlicrKh rnnd- oiKtitutlon atnl bylaw wei appointed iflior will el titl net PnMdnt HarriKMtnl- Thi city I Ui larcift nfl c mliruh uiitryandlh re or ought lo repr xtitiil hy nn ojiera nxHiiUiion Our ultimate object ii f rni n oft orHrniMr eiihaiiRe thl city In the meantime we will ry to ke Sew York traile for ew York icople hIlt I want it l that ic n proMiw i rnlKe the pricn f ixml Ivin to llx i rice n 1 I I ti I I I 1 tl I I I ho mini I I tOll nil wnr 0 I I II I I I < 1 I I Irl I 1 Ill Ink i u I to J 1 T t 1M null I Im H n I for t r r r Wit who w ills f tIlt hut It lint lutt s htrnilta t mutt IM I a lit lirnuit lit IFllW Iru hit vat ittI iii lit w ill Indri raglan Ill Iv I hit rtzcj I liar t tin a tight was Ii Ian iIrs it nil hi tnt ni wilt ia I hits ii t n frI i tIm tifea t1 Itt I a not III ii utliuir at ihalg1 fr uuy IU1fl4JIt Ill mitt I nil I < n lila fifth viI irs lit it anal him its Ill lit Ui g III lung him hIt lunritnuotis 4 I Iii utiuti 111115 wit 1 5 Ia ftr hi nun ultg itlt rI hull ng- ifLIrt I coal I fw saniul rat tit i < < > < < < < > > < < < ¬ < > > < > < > > > > > < > > < ioirivirl- eol UU THI T r- Mallnlqix kn4 l tlnrrnl- Th iMitniihii M llan4 in fmm r f- d ncf UmHI In tlroiklyti ln t nigh lir K O llovnjr nf Ih meflcan MI HI- f Natural Hkinr BJH ImxK carfl- Oirti f h Itttlel II Surrey wi of h U i AnwrHwn KIVMIM ks v li i of lh fc aWrt ilMiirb- in Hi l v T AnitMeo Pti Iw- Ke hiKii Itav Un m de Mit iw incx May TV awl hiv l n al- to a thorough Invrntljmhm f IK- gcotntftfitl e iMllll no- In niiH ny with r J A Jagi4r- llirvnrd nnd the Hi t a ni f l- vSiufriore viknno In Si Vlnont after it- giniii and almi were flrM ii vilt Kiruill crater if th Sotifri re- l i llxev an I Mr Cnrtl went tuM ir nliui- i i i t i nmll in ih i ml lend of Si Pint the dead line of the gr sn eiiiiion They made nn ai f th active ciatei M in Kong June l ill I IIIM i cairn iimn nun al 3l i i fwt en- ihi mg an n i uiit f IH nchievioiit Two day later Ihv n l n ne- Minmiit of Jhin SI Ilfty fi ii tl lop if li rniei il y were Mopiil bv ui i clifl wSich Mr Curtix u it I n- Maimg He built anoihel cairn n IhiK- the hlgh l of the mountain Or June i ilniy made un a eni fiorn St- 1ierrv Kide WTie caught on tie e lge o- lth cniuT III nn eruption of iiiKt iaiiwil the crm er wilt n Mieriilti ii I l i Murrv- Olt ohe liny ol the lip of Hi crater waiting br tln ckiid- of nnd du l Kir a iirrvm mud ru lK d tilt alley of tli IILtiithi wluli they liul cro il- n few IIIIIIIK iKloie loiter they navcltxl nround Me wlgn i the ral r lo Die cairn ihry bad uilt alim- Mi ni ei eilm iil4grapl KkeiclnM ih uiKiile of li cral ami the gieni fiagiwntal con which u- r iwiiig II Th two c ilogiti- iiiide in Milii ciiciiii of ami- nlwi of Si Vincent Mr urti ml ye- nierdiv that when they I tt Mnnt i n Kill ilouiR bu iiie nt tIe old Maud nd il- WBK lillKi al l lo make n sat pimliiliiiir- of wlinl ih held for mlil of Martinu- iuerifisrs us v rut rss Anllirmllr iiprrator lll ol ttrccitr From llie stand Tilt llairTakmIr- eMtdent i orgc K liaer of ih Plum ilvlphii luading Itillway cnni here front Philadelphia vtwterday nnd hail a ouerenc with other repr eniatlveK of ht anthracite c carrying oompanie who Mr llaer were Prexlden- trtlivWi of lh Delaware l arkaitniina- Vcfttnrn Itajlroad IreKidcnt Fowler of New York Ontario and VcMcrn tool r nlni 1ndurwiKnl of ih Km They wild I1 wv th uUKl Informal ic kly lull It Wiu leaniK however that IIIIKMHI- Iif the llflv Kathur Curran of Wllke Harr wIn undTtook to c th IrioideiitK of the iompanli with the object of tning In llji the Mrike linn n failure lie to ruth o bin walte it Philadelphia to K Pneident flair fir t Hid fell M encoiinxfred lhat he lt- iiriuil in Wllke larre and will not tty o KW any of the oilier President Mr- Lier of tin pneMK viki- lKitlier Currnii prop Ke l no plan of ttlei- nent I told him that there e no- llHIIge III tho I nlleVe II n g x l for oiitKiilern to keep their iind off anti let thin operator with lie men Mr llaer naid that no matter how he mim p convention at Indintia ill lilted It will not change the itnnd of np rato- rirni v AC uvsr Ttro irowKv- lolhrr and HitiKlilcr Nllck In Ionntl- UniiKli I Appruli for Ttirlr DlicharRn The wcnverK who quit work In thi- chwnrtenlxifh mill in Went Iloboken- ind uiuii Hill on Mnday IMMNIU th- ier rcfiioil to difchurgn noriiimor- iimeti hand did tint return to work irdav nil tugh bii iwi women remained c i heir loom The n r and taugher at the Wct1 Iloboken null who ifu d all offer to l otiie with h union Committceo mint the union aw Snpt- Ituegg aiul to mducx him to discharge the women lie rcfu l to mind Kiriker diclaml Hint lnv would not re- turn work until tie null WHK clear of ririium n hand TIKI Monirn Mrapprrmiiker strike IHMJI MII hundnil women empUirmlU- K wrapper tihikcr wer kickitl out lo head T n Mrike at Mrri cii rhnpr yiMtenlny lifter demanding I igher wage antI pcofl- MI Mm of th ir Tin linn decided to- hu down until the demand were with- ilrawn Th WIHP I makei heldameeiliigi- ll and doideil Mrike nnyhow- Irlkr for Ihr llrcocnltlmi ol Ml Hr rr I The wiviver impl i ei m the Phalani ilk mill in living MIWI l riey City hliuck- reKterilay enforce a demand the flint nil lllllill Tli wtsiv r 0 work laM wick alter irikmg out of lhy for ih InltrKon eaveri ner tout at th tune thai Ih llrm wuti- Mognio a Klrfip imioii lull ould not i l any inierereiit from urgamred- eaver employed el ewhcle i I lUrkrr Lett JlinlMMI lrr i nall Tin will f Ixlward PM in llarker for- merly PnMiliiit of HM Tax toird d- llw of nnn l in r oiialty T IIHOIIC- if ii i ii i L IK mii I IIP liar U r Itarker fur lfc On her fin lnph w Pnwiitl UiU r Wuike mil K t lluiKii May MiMiti nnd ll ri ni Smith tisiai A irii i tuml of n will kept for Willinn H llark r fit lili The rmi f the prop riv a Wil- liam Mini the of- In init fund of Mii Oi nephew tin i Mliliiii Iri Kr kui llarkei- Anlnir irnluiin ILirk r suit ITllJillli- ILirkr lrl h iiirrlcan lmliirr Iarlrlilcr TI IriKhAimiHan ltpubli nn Ixague- nt a MI of n ohiinii io iici COIIIIIII- KHiner Partridge itrdnv imlorMiig hi- dminl t rat and him on- lh grand impnieru ni ninde in the mrtiiHiit lon Tlirrr lonth lnr llnna Kurt Minna Kurtr ionvicic of keeping n Ilixirderly hou e ni 27 SniTMMint van MlitenpiHl Ul he Stuolnl SIKKIOIIK ye- erdav t thrc moiillK in Hi p nitcn u h In > Mia all I I I I 1 I 1 I I I m I i Mil 1 I I I I flu I < I ThIn Ion I I r tInt r I I I u Inn I t I I I I 1 I IIr I I I hIt I I I 1 I I yAwJ RAv irs 1 PhfPpRiItS ill Ituw lbs i itwt I 4 1 alIt hi I Iii I Iiiu I itt Wi It Itt rut I tutu Ill ll p lIlt Its I tii wflit hi ant mind wIt hu Ut I 44 I titI IiI I y gI Ill I I au hug slow it u Ifs vImn lbuag g it mini I i all hiuui I l itt II lIiiI nf i a flit tItf Ii I lull i mini I Oil rust itt I Ito tllfll list n i rk I iitt UtIt II ill I w mtulm i tIn lilt sIlk I S i iw w tim i I tlITII Ill I till I I tout ii ill Ito Ii till I I limit gui mi nii tin lttit nu I huts cit In l I I II lit lu liii I l1Pii I a l I O414t I lhtrk r r nIutin tnt 1 s I ii ill 114711 I iiat lug lila Irf ii nrv 1 tit I lilt < > > < < > > + > > > < < > > < > ¬ > > < < ¬ > > > Have You Said Your Say Everybody is saying ZuZtT How about you Dont let procrastination stand between you and the best Ringer snap you ever tasted Go to the store and stand in line When it comes your turn up 5 cents and Then RO home and enjoy yourself NATIONAL mCriT COMPANY T give Ja- y Zu 5 01 c Sa ij1 I p A P N LIi ii fill i r tiivini ri IN- Cnnllnrntil Iliulnrw In lir Dlrrclril Irnm Ihr Antwerp linicc- f ftritt M tliti H in Tim Svx- St oN July IB A dclMich to thn- TrligrnpH from llruwl wir Mint the chipping comblraiiin will- eMabllfh n ientral flle m Antwerp from which It wil direct nil llContin niiil hip ping add that Mr Morgan i nliout- to i tulihh n Thaw line l twi i Arwrrp- nnd th ini irtnnt ort srniHHs nut nrtni rtn- Ma Ill l rd for lrrllii and knit 4lprn- on lInt llak Hoard MiK r l to U or- Th ll Kirl of hxlucation Kpcilnl cum ai lii rt iiicKt nf Mayor unr tuna n plan for th xien ion of the tiiiiiuier MlwmU Jiygniund utul- yeKterdny it wa le l by ri ldetit- llurlinghnrn the Mayor The cMimaird cot I S4C 8 i It I proposed to allow action bilildiliK- to I IIMM by organimtlonit or nKxiclatluii fur meotingK malt th up rvi lati of tlie- Ixwird It i ntno propowd to throw open the Mhootx in thin morn crowded art city in moniingp that mot hern with their young children nuy find rrhi i from th hot Mr tH will call fur n- t iii I t vl r r up nf gyinr r Kiigg ti Ti that live roof plnv kepi oin Hi the evening until cr ami tlwt a iiiwcrt or Meie opt mm I gi one w k a then rxif are on lint umnir night ri rr 4tenf Ilurlmg- luilu It I not l M I hi si will climb ti the tup f high hillmlng- unlex they rind I lint Niinv form of eniertmnm1- 1riilrtylwo Mb Mil luiililing are nlreailrn- iM11 in the day a wt k for in tiuiiitlil v Mi of the iontnin kimlergarteiiK ind in m t f them nrc held li in i kirig v l domeihK- Cicnc liHldiig are OIKII- in the nfi iii in for and re Tie lilirtiwn vtenlav nn- KIH of iruoo in l nd for living tiie CK- of kt pmg it n the MliiHiU ibiring the Kiimmer Trie f l will xm- ciir next Krili- vninr itiinn v i in Dr Itoilitiii Wti lnrrlnl a Ilillrtnc urtr- on III tint la Nut Itciimr- t a ii la t Ugh nt the Iliuerwly- u artmeii IMHI m WCKI K yMventh Kin tlMtt Ir M II lldmnn who arrived then WAK ill that IH MI- e ctetl Ive ilrolgh tlil w He In- thcr with In wife a tralniHl nnr tnun- lclUvueH bi m rn WUK mnrrii d- in Hhtn nd Vn in Mntiday wlnn it WH- KMiptKix1 that ie would nil live through th nigh r ItiNlninn wa bii ueli N York itnme llalelv after il multI nltlHiugh fiiin l hi the trrti- nl He i irtHv IIUT than it tK llght II itl H of Hie Klir- g m on i tic liopiial Maine In On Il ir war and while eugngiNl in that work IIMI Mi l ai irrcnderdaughter- nf Sir Ixirge ii i nf Kdlnlnirgh- lr ItiHliiian went i I nukinil to marry h- ittrntlHd tmt hi IwMltli WHK llicn very i r and tin family woulil tail allow tun- mttrriag t lie nniri tin iiiilrr and Wn tnken ill with fevtr MIK i llih Wyman a unified inir 4 Irin l llevu wn engaged in tiiir I i When h will eiMn h U iciiunefl to VrCliui fr a iliang- nf nir In went lere w n Ii hUll On M- ilnr r l mi having marriage ntnonv rfornn l in Ills rooniK- nt the Hotel MTir oti in Iliclimoiid in ipite- of the ip nnioti of hi mother Milrrmrn In I onroiir llcmlt The AMernin ha agreed nn HKIIK- of ll2Vliin for the nnd- gnubiig the jrnnl ll inli vatd ai l Con cnur ni I t an of l ii ti r kiir it Mwtr f igli I I I I I mil I Ill I 1 I < 0 t 1 A III1 fr I K rk I II I 1 1 1 1 I r 1 I I k I I I hl I t Ilk 1 I I I i It talta I taut I h lit trati tt a of- t hit Let l his gii I I i uttrlat 1 mel ittI iilw I It- t I ilig i l till ii It fan grin ttmiIa Sit atiI I IutIi4I Ion ill tI far 1 a s I all IS I t limit fit nnru dli g tt n flip nirt Iitl nit I i Fit I hut a led hi Iii itt t 11 lion aI t I loan I non i it sick vi wit t Ilit uti s II I I W llt lfll fly Ill tl ant Itt tins is ii ii s itt 1 4If I Ni Ill tip in tire i IN its rniut tt trIg tt4t I I lilt > > ¬ > > > > > > > < > > > > > > > > tin rrinn srswnS- rcrrtari llomly In llreldr Qurttlon Ilr- Iwcrn first Ailmlrali To li- WAHIIIMIDIS July 15 Se Trtary of thn San Moody will ilecldo tomorrovr tho Hiiliari of whether Hear Admiral Brad fonl hut of the ItiirtNiu of Kqnlpnietit or llenr Admiral Taylor Chief of the of Naylgntlon IK the Ih dipute Ntween Admlrnl Ilrattfonl ansI Tnyhir an meeting of tho ten era IbiHid of which both nrt rm ratrH- Admlml llradford iontonded that hi corn inlMon n Hear Admlml and Chief nf th- Hurenu of Eijulpment nntedntxl Admiral Titvlrir commlKlon In th HAHIO grade nnd h tiirrrfnrn M nlor Admlrnl contcji e that tin WA- nn nrtunj lleiir Admiral whit Bradford a who hell the rank nf Hear Admiral tein orarily during hU term a n Chief of Iliinau Admiral iwey thin Pn nM nt ol th- OMiiTil Iloanl MitAlrieil Admiral Taylor V tt if i to Secretary Mor lv V4 CHAOK3 Rear Admiral Mlrltng rommartdAnt l- Puvrt Nound Navy Y nl- WAHHISOHIN July Ii Some Intrmatinn- cliangeo In Iii a ignment of naval ofllcnrK- of won decided on Tlie- moit Importnnl of thf1 I th detAil of Hear Admiral Coiruiwuidnnt- nf Hit IliRet S im l Yard M Hre- in rtin Wut4i Inil recently Admlrnl- Stirling the navnl Motion ai SIH Jiuui Porto Ibis Ill tram fir to Piigct Sound make u flag iMtninaiid i apt WlllUm T llurwell who will U- r li H Commandant of the Puget Siund yird hut l en Mlecicd to cninmnnd the Oregon now undergiln- gnimi tlHn1 In preparation fur rvturtilng- t duty Kn l O Hi pre nt Cnnirn nder nf the Die KHII will l vnitmg nrilen tem- Kjrarllv Tin of Ailrntral Stirling a- Commnndint of tle Sin butii navnl otn Hull will Cnpt Andlw rmwrtlv win i iirexnt detAil i that of- ichlhnu n Htnr on the tirent IJIKIH h nt Ittifnln Iff will l in etiir by CoinmniHlc- rIVrry iar t now at ih Naval War Ctillege- nt Ne port cn i N s i rn vs v r ivi- Mtr fat Two Irmlilnl Tor In the Treaty mill oliimtila liny In tl trratv the Cnlieil Stnl Mild for iiint of tin Pminnm uial- whicli lia J IK l t frwanle to fur l v fior Silva tin Colombian lien MMHI l made fr ai Urvin I Me I Stnti K tf KC- MlniMcr b- vfr iiuiiil Hlit i tin a- PH i on f th M place i ft tif- iitiir and Statn Ueimrt- in nt i reiilv l n wrtli ih NiibtH i wi iii ver i iriilii wii Hi wonl EXHAUSTION When you nn sill tlml out fiel weak Nlcup dim nut you ami your npiMiito is poor Ho r rd V Acid PKosphecte wIll rerlvo your trcni th In lldtlirul fleep IlilprOV- dappetite KM rr t irt nerro power It KtrtiigtliiMi tlm- cntlm tVKtein ciintm CnlM nf tleiidllilie llnlfp- tiou and Debility If I t AIP8 I OFFICPRS tank toiltt n SII t 1 ltt ill u l W lot 1 I I I i I II j I I I e itrunia Ifiurrsiis S was was ti htnrtilwun Vt ala sits I itutnalu mitt i t hunt alit ili Il I s I at I Ins I fu r Iii I Ill irtsl ill I w I finII nil I I w huts n tar tnt I 41 I lwt w itt is I ill Iltil tit I ii nut Iliti J In its I 1St tIll ViinIt raIs Ii s i lKI liI It t a ret 41 lId tim flr S ttP Ptt < > < > > > < < > < John Dr Wolf Hre rrlng John I Wolf fnrmer Siiirrlntend Jt of Intk of Iliotiklyn who wa found mifPrr lag from opium poisoning In I In Imperial llotl nn Monday morning and taken to nnd removetl trout th pita tn Uy to the home of hi nl t ra- In II I Tt y called At hocpltal In lion and mad nrnuixol- iwnl for hU Htiiovn- lIommlulonrr Mnnror Kworn la Col Itoliert firler Mantis was KWOTH In TTwtcrdny afttrniHin miiilionrr of Water Supply Oa and Kleclrlclty lift wild tu to n ruw wcrctnry he had not ilrcldet- whether or in it h would make any chnngri THE NEW VEGETABLE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA- It Renews the Digestive Fluids and Restores tho Stomach lo Healthy Condition Tho now vegetable cure MUona i cerainly a wndcr ino tinnnnnl- il peplc being uiiii iinyihlng fit fur human fMxl wiihuilt dittcwt after fin dnvV irentinci Shnttorod Nerves ar ttMorrd to ma hhnrt Mine lndlostlon i unknoHn after tlm lit MIIIV- APnlpltntlon of tho Honrt CTAM- at omt topping generation of cu In th only rt juirtK n few IMCK of MIONA to plict t he Ktotnach and di- gestive orpin in Kiicli n condi- tion they digtkt the food thoroughly and tIlt furnih the dirTereni or an In tim MH nil the nolllt llllieti Illlircd In nuke rich blml linn tnu le and Mcadyl- ierveK We furnili all drcwptic with a da trnntinent fre- Ml t N IK whit by- HIIflVJiN A i I itt Mm il UtlliA Ii Hli IH uiv ij Are- A t IMUIIW Tflt Mil Thlrtt M Ulllli- Vr i T W n f ToN tiMI Ill Ml I 1tt M yi Kill B t ii r i th i i H cuiumtu- M iir n llrieMlyri- II itrtMi uitT iti lit it n lilt l ll rllMUf 7S 1 l Mil th A r Inasmuch as straight whiskey- is fr supfrlor tn any stands to feison that HiRh halls nude from Old Crow are the bist Our Scotch wlmkeyitre also straieht Straight whiskeys are scarce MixeJ whiskeys ray larger profits Gold nitdal Paris 19XXX H B r rf n ila rrmanrni car mtro rurtvl- buoIct til CUpmaaltfTBXM I I will I I I III uu a h r 1 two I lo al I nIb o t I I Rye f I waded KIRK CO N Y t I t o J iq I ltaIlaa was mulch a i4 a its I ill uwJt fill ho lit V a lIt I 0 I 1 f Iii a iniii iu Itlllitl I lit mIt i Icu II I v 111111 lM 41 tirasIwat lilt I tI Liiti IthtdsT s1t4- Ilnied st r ent4 51 Iia4w I > I ti lit I tillS t I S V i ii lt other tt < ¬ ¬ > > > tr- i Iff The Little I Biggest Cigar v 111 Royal Bengals High Grade JJ- I 1- i i

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-07-16 [p 3]....CV iiind to thought h n and Mr 1 vt tand Thought h w...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-07-16 [p 3]....CV iiind to thought h n and Mr 1 vt tand Thought h w igli S It wa a rax of hop nnd-lmr funny how wntmn dottlk-Tli lr Hinr l r irn tl inon



nt rri v imrruvw TJIVIVTO nwv A url riritKT-

M7t tr Mu l hay rmtlrm-

llilll lie l U Ihr Card UP nanlt-

tranntUlit Thrro Arp naulhmlint Hhl prr lit lira ami tctlllit

T linn KrAnk CAmpMI CtttrtnAti ulvmocrAll JtAl Commit meliv-

tinnrkvil wearing A hug padlock ov

tl ruiy littl mu i oh lmt inert hy l v-

B llul bfor h itvm ID t iwn on Monday i-

wlt l numlT of Dtmincrtttii dowtitowi-

yr rdar altimoon anil even

tnt t with mom Democrat n IhtllmtM And Ihn Manhattan Iluli-

Ho Ud lift with Ih IhmJohn A Mfuvon Ib Sphinx of Harlem

wa ttatherwd from th wilt lalUm

with Mr tampbnll nml Mr MAMUI lhatMr llil whiT perfectly willing hawfrf I dlciuilon m lit tlm IAS rat

0 I T tMelli will no-

l rir Any talk nlwut pro p otlv ivuidl-

tiate n Mi innrritlo ticketMin i to tiwInitial Ml l hat Mr Hill wil

fimir HI of Out newi puprrH Partro haiitaunua I ikn with nicely tyj-

wrfrr r ICK uf 111 View fill MI Udell

tai aid Mr lllll will fiiriu h IIOK-

inai iiflu ijriaiiddltlt lf iiiu

ri rrti AH it to propctti cojulldnli-

ou it litiiiottiitic Stnt ticket for in

hi Mr Mill up In Vof rt nxiIn HKl of HIM matter MniMlf

lit it1 all dirtctoric f ihiii l trot unit M i nd rlii on a

in ii hunt for n tathollc an lrihl-

uni 1 trniiin n Jew nnd H native Iro-

lr ur lie Nliuniltig tlmhe e lirectorieft hilcntly nml wr

l frii nn utlc In another miniitvrtuir liMtt-

i i v i playing with tliewnan hoi in fit them tn Iinio-ct i H In the state Mr 11111 everrUh axvrtnmcd up III Wolferttl-ino ii iv IIM great KIIII oilttalni-

irti IJH i vk ITIIHO IhiMi li iiitnlili-

intnxu louhlolhxl wilrhiri virCiVi lntu-

nvuiuoi lnn hi WAH Ihn luiclit lur iov fnor of in Stat anil which Mr lllll l

wb n ri I Morion Uirn il mil all ih-

cnl fiirtiliurt from the Kx utiv MIUKIUII

In Alluuiv Mr IIIUH ganm of willlitln withh i f inin of ilifftrtMit r i will

rom iil i l olio of tlm foalio preliminary Riil rnalorlalr-

ampalgnTof IWiI

Sri DxinnoratH iliiwn ihU wardon itt thin gaino of Militiiltclilt l liiVi that tlirr t Mll l n fm nml

n HNiiiwIiin of MKI ninttirr nn l vnf ihoi Drmocratn nt h HofTinan-

cu Mid la t night that AM I M Jiulgcof tl Conn of Ap l John Clinton draywhin orni on IK 31 would nmUi1

a flr t rat cindldatn In tiond th V ino-

cmtio Stat tlokot nnd ilint Kndrirkof Klmira should l notnlnntwl iltliei

tnt AttnrticyfMwral or for AM IR-

IJixl H of tlm Vmrt ppcril-ri Krnnk CnnipNll IIP nanify

1 in i m

with tho that h had ivtahlUhc-


Fnnn How Womrn Do Talk anti Ih

Older Thrr CJf th i Morr Ttip TalkThr arr nomo of th mrnrm nt niail-

fyivfrday hy hugh Molvnifthlln on Ilryn-nHttr to th Tlliirn Cluh ju t Mr-

McLniighlin took hi drpArtiirn on hl-

varatlnn to Jainoxport L IWp ft rrm Mn an Invitation wo ont

to Mr Bryan In to atlinil t niurn Jnn ID I In didnt rwvln It howpvrr-tmtll July B That warn thro c Hftrr-

tli dinner It was mllald hy u olwrkThat what th lettnr to th TlUWn 1tihpar W II If I wnr Mr Ilryan I would

In Mr HryanV oftlro VJu t ifnxfc A ihinjt nap nHd in tl Vhitn lion il1 w udni d i nt all It mitht Involvo out

in war-s Mr Ilryan I tnklnir f sIVmil nt-

CV iiind to thought hn and Mr 1 vt tand Thought h

w igli S It wa a rax of hop nnd-lmr funny how wntmn dottlk-Tli lr Hinr l r irn tl inon th y talkin 1 M r m ruHl pr vi iit thiin

Mr Utiislilln wlU rfniain nt Janii portith iu family until cvrly in Au n t-

iiinMMKi nr nutT arrrrd muorlh Mho ll III i p-

an Ioncrr-lorironr X V July Ii It ram out

Iriav ilia Irvine l IHommtllriiputiliran Ifadir of OrlitH rtHlcnnd nIV trrwlpr ai Medium laM Saturday d-

rintc tile ilorlarntion of two WM UB aitu thainii nii nnvpt tin Senatorial rKHiutii


ii Nir HUwortli ndmittivl toilay hatMr I HrmtiHihiil had ron int Hl to-

nr i kiitiivMir in lh S4 nut and hudtr ri ign Hi pof tmirlr hip IKiday iKforo-

I1MTIn rfnftriivo with Mr KINwnrth-

ar I Orlonim Itndir CiilliNlor ArrhySirJ f ii tuM nir l to Plnnin falltl l vufli tti iilli

I i mid that Hi V nl i ill oii wml Senatorri ir i for iimrt Th pl nt n i i tintninntirt onitnio ninn


f Ij iri tm fur ifuti nant ov-

rrrif t wiiicli i viiil IH ti guUa irtKon i i rrp irt M-

lOHrfttn Iaior iantnrr llrnmnliiatlnnMAT N July IS Th KcpuUli

ran pnnimi lo Heft iMigatiM throiiRliout ho Sicond oiiin diotrirt-

jid ihi ovrnlnK In th ooiimli of Alnntirl-lnrliigtnn lap May andA for a heard fmm lt dH Kali iHww-lle hi l numloTof whlfh to 313 favor the

in rtiiniinri of Oii8r innn JohnlariinT fr a tlfth term iiur i nwi-

iiirr ripre nlrt III SiMiind ihi lrirt-i ni i nMnt of thu iiiri

llurlititftM Meror atnl-an The onvrntn will l hHd at Con

Kr c Hail Cap May at noon on Thuixlay

I oncrrttman Jarfctnn Renomlnatril-imnn Ian July l Th Popull and

I emrat r Consrriwlomil tinvtntlnim of-

Tlurd ditrirl weri hHd todayM JA k on wn l hv th DTIIH-HrtatMirid lnlor e l hy the IopiilUtu Jark-jn ihe inly ru luri ConKnwinan from




a 13 I


tt It

aallli In


IIn mall I




I illrum





r Iii


hI air



litI f




Pw Mill w Intoed

JlIIII n Hlhll






III riNk It IpUnhal

















tiInLtrat Inn






tin st

rain I





Us rtpitiuttnn with Mr

dithrtp how Iit ijLivery


cvt TOll




fIts t itt lu


nt Jr4 wr tli ittninut

I n tnt wrIinuI



h t K 4 I

ito iI














> <



> >








< < >



< <






111 r irrr iv view n iwr Hiii

till In V rM l-

M xni irrmaN II July 4 Trw Otihr-natortal rnvM Ui N llmp hlr I

inning an aofwct UiJlar to th llitattoiIn Vrtnunt ltforw tlm rrrvnt llepiihlirti-iStaticmTenUm Ahmut fJllott aof thi rttv ahiioiiMwl tu lay that h I

n fAndblatM for th Chief r outlvi lil-

on M plalforni I d r lfi4 l l

li tn l rilwnv VcuUtUHiMr Klhutt Mid MtN r that K

t th lUpuhhean nominationl i niay nin a an nt Ih onl-ntrw r iMndiihitH in lM n thhid U N ILiVheViIor ihx head of tlMute

Kur the IviniMTiitto tniin H4tion formeChief Ju tkf HIiHluHl and N C JMIIWIMII

has Iwn mken of The IVniorate havalwayn Marml fur

hut thl tnr thcrx lm a m-

actlv hlKh hteiiMi exlitlllient and It IK ft-vUil that the w he tiiiK-

ldlvliled on thl ille luiiiMr Kttfheldor IUK MI far declined ti-

rspreiw hlm lf on hiuor


Wl nin ln HrtUbllran Contention Hill lrr-

MADIKOV Vl4 July The lleptihllMi-Ktnto Cnnventiiin will 1 held tntnnrroand iiv ltl rt Ijifollolti will I-nreniinilnatnl hy an ovrrwhHmlne majorityIn rjiltt if ll hitter fl ht that l l

m him lv i hi Vi 4 in tn lUpuhlUiuI uiini The l r llilli ntiii n aioverwhelming mujorltv Mull win


o evlt the enactment o-

wiitl u iiI primary H lawrThe itreat llclt will come on tin itidnrM-

tnienl of Soiintor S o4iner I wno litfrioml who fought the liovernor aiid thI-

HIU cliMiiand hl indorMtiient Slanv lj-fiillciu iifii not dwpiiMHil to indorKthim iine he dixlan for prlnolplii-for wliifli I ifnlMti KtitniU IK nollikely to ImpiMii UK n bluer content ir

wMfwnrf MirrCI-

IIHrntlnu Mrrln at ialtrvtnn to NomlniU-tantiam lot tinrnmri-

uvKMinN Tea July IS Th SlatDemocratic Conxention met her todayiffivted a temporary organization np-INilntcd iinimittmH nml adjourned unitl i A M tomorrow ongni mnn I anham will l noinlnnicd for am-i orgi II Xenl for iJeiitermnMiovtrniir

The will undnuhtt dlyIht principle of the KnnMis lityn tde authoritative of lhNational einocititle uiny but Kpivtrtcall-will nuike n i outhldo uli he poliv 10 r pm ueil by the party InIhc state

The only t will I betwirn Jlldglain ell iiKuinlient am-liiMpti Ii tVKkrell for chnlrnmnhlp ol-ih Mate Kxccutive

7 f nut virtrnisnnTIonian Srnalur In Iator rronltnK K

1 lr l-

HftTi Mom Inly IS Col Jime Mumlinn I wU of In on hi wnymine from where IIBK l e r-

in iMiiKiiltalioi with fiiicar TrtiM opl-

oiKfrtaiiK Ui Vetitern l et Misar IndiiK-rli XH dfflnlte net inn wn taiieii hut It

wan practicnlly dciermirKtl to hlp l tii-

K ami nut ereot plant in the t 1Isnnrd will tnki oi r th hit lw i prutx-

frtjin ol Senator infur nil

Col l win ha IH II in wvernl IVmo-rratlr ronferenrt jn Vuhlniton and NAVH

there n very general ntlrnent in favori f Senator V A Cliirk fur VlrflreKidentrind that the ticket will I hendml lir Hill

r Other J llmnillori l w IK liiini K-

t rnmliilate for the Senate from Waion provldlnc the Stale ne Dfinixratic-

MI wKvriov in iirivivi-

orlli Cinillna l rin rral Nollrai o-

l rin erar mlnitloii hut f nirreM-ItAllldH V hilv The IViruKrniir-

iilivel inn for he mire H

rii renomlnit naiiveA today by acfliimitinn Tlie rixihl-

innnpiex if the party iui p r inlttiw Inhe public IIVCM of nnd-rildii re tInt n Ilrynn free KtKerfill

IMilANAfiLiN July JinlRK JohnVclwui of l iean irt na nomlnate forvn rif Ijv MIC irici OiintxratK-


llnonilaica unt IrohlhlilunUth-

TliArrxK July IS Th Onondani-Mintv IrolubitioiiiKi tn duy nonntmi-

ixiflf if for Smie S natorI Mtrvin Snell of fir totality

rvooiirvr ninl l r I fort-ivrai HIM fur Cormier-

i f itrrns no inn n-

Iblle llrtaliirr l ijnjnl llrrr at-

iiiMiirnrr Ttilrir Mule the llnlrWhen Mr DevervK ciMiien wits draw

imwil to the Kmir IornerK on Mondayveiling then nt the SlwthA-iendiiuareiK m 11 highlit avenue Sn-nn in tl cour of evening a youngnmi ilioe a in front of the Ultteri-

HiihliiiK loli awiv fortytwo clinim fiomI-M it ting riKim nnd d pnrtw Ilwr-iercn1 any Mn liat lie ie PHI hHIM nl it

The o wn l yeKtenlay monirig nnd wn rexirteil t the tKt Thirty-Iventh iirt i N li t Ktntion DIIIM livenrojan and tlad I found that the chair

UK I l e n Mild In l illl i of IE1J

nvenue ntid him thathey hnd I ii brusli to him by

of T Tenth avciutl-Uith men were nrrfcttil At th pollen

Illlloll ItoblllMill admitlill tlie theft

t II lireen of ItnlRrtlllr In llanMruptry

William II ir n nf White Plain ha-

ll il a K tltioii in hen withi lilin tO7M and no available neMllint liabilities ntuli fruiii the failure ittvn of liamel liiivn Corporntion-nanufactunT of fell Kbi nt rlllenil of lfnd l lKe 1 Sun manufacturerx-f pluno fell lc n IMnvllle and arein of pa er nml-

iidorKcmcniK l i n tin twoctiiMern-ir nvii llalility in th matterK jlli lor of Gn liitCo and for

to 111 HH annual reNrtI-

BCOII Knock Down lanihrrt nanlwrll-Uunl ert WnnWI yean old lIving at

I Wivt KiflyKcvenlh Klnil wax kn ekwlown by n delivery wagon at Kiftyi

t null Sl ti avenue law iivenlnn He-

ilii home with n wound I a laor-ml liaml


la n




II m








t In l

t I




Sal IS




Ill Ii-I




tIlt Ii





II h I





I 0



Ltii qsull4PvltIIus1IsThAI



hits hug

hid ittn

i 1411 h F htIut lout

lntiuut lOt





ill II

i III llIt M llr



lint iruutlit I i IO


tl4flIfllffll tat 1118




lint I





I lit k oit him I




Il IllUfl iuIIIattt 1

SlikI Illfl



I tin 1 hi jilt

j i s I




t ill k



I IrllNl I tIlli alit Ii ft yin font nIMI

III hilt


t I

flu ittlit nflI 111141 II hit i It

I I Ii-








< >

< <











> <



> >









> >






witr Tiirttr rnuBiHfr H-

M irf vii tint r iKr-

i rt mml of the mil l Mlnrr th-

Nrhrin lur ln tl nap ll Iunvrntlw-HrlrBAlr lra e nllirarlle llr l

VitRrAllAan la J ily Flgirwtowing th nuilll r of delegate wil

attend is t nit I Mln Worker NatiniM-

Convenii n indicat that tin ifi coa-

nien now at work wd nitmiml r th dK le fif Inking nnthrnclte and if

cmil miner alimwt to one Thimake It Apparent Unit i ie v liltk Itkeli-

ln od nf ii iMUMnml Milk lulng declaredciii1 worker l ln known IOIH

it If nil tIw anthracite men wen in thregion to vote nml If nil the Mrikmg MI

coal men wen nvemUr of ih union nm

In gtxMl Kiandmg the vole of IHwould nliniMt coua of the union inei

nn at work that th t thisIVlly oneihltd of tli worker

have left th coal region nnd It IK

lhat only Mouu remain of the u nl ui n-

l er ivnt nn in good piniidiiut and illgilto vot which would give themen nl pill 17n vole

In Vet Virginia lhn an on minerand alout i of UWM art union menIf onehnlf of them arc In good ktandlni-it m a large tmniUr hut ctlnuiting thaone half are tl v will i entitlnl to utc-

In Virginia itl the vain o-

iicmberhlp ami pen ntng in good andtrig the Swm mine worker would havrIS vott while in Mkhipnn wher lhe ITft-

rnen mitt well organleil if nIl are In gt-

htanding it v would hnv 17 vote givlni11 Klllker rtij

In i he orriiitt l MItt noah diMrict o-

lenii ylvinm iiluo Illinois linhana townKentucky labuna KIIIIMIK Tenn tw-

ami MiNx tirl them an IMuM mine work

in anti wh thIn pniportlon In goxl tnml-Ing i lly higher than In the nut lint

ngion Mill nn c tinigte binl on onljthe nn per cent in good handing whichi l t in Ih anthracite region give theof roof Stnte IUO vnttw

All imlicati now nlri In the nxpcctathat Ih convention will rnTrly In

4 ih lrikl ntid ngre lo give It flnan-Mai by n per capita tax on tht Milt tonI

Advin from thai Wrat AW that Irenllent Mitchell will in hi ipoech Iwforo thr-

oiiventlon AH indlcato hi pnlioy tbathen will U no doubt of hi ptnnd In tinmatter and hi for A irroiionniincjd with That thai will tw-

Klvcn then IK little doubt1h iHegatm from the anlhracito

WM tfft thi iftcrnoon and an1to In guided by the nd-

ytrt of their oftioerw who accompanylliiin-

ti wa reporttil tonfght that hnm-nf ih will trv to nouni workluring the national itinvetitlon whichKin on III hot of men

oing back work whtn tnt restraininginllueiu if th nimcrx I removed Irenl-bnt rnhov who nc Niminnli l a party of

170 which left htle nt W3II toMild he had heanl of It nlo but

oiitldrnt the men would not lie Ktnmpededinto going kick to work no they art certain

IM national convention will IH Mimethlng-o nid them In winning the Mrike add theyinve confidence their deleale Itfratorx who were n kts rtriling tc irt Mid they knew nothing

if it nml that the companle did noto rr utnt nn far a they

S HMUS July Ii Ml of ih Ijiokn-Knnna delegntc to the Nntional Ctiiivtntlnii-it lndianaioli left to for the conven-tion I hiv art determined to voleor n general and declaretl no withtreat nMiini when At Ih-

nilnxid Mation thin city Ajdhey knew that nit th m n from diMrict-Vo I would f th k me mind Thix-

onie MiiiHwhnt n H uiph n it wanbought that n great many of

b i l to n gemrnl untilfavor of a plan for the gran1-

ng of relnf mi a largeSMAMOIIS Pa July Sitty delegate

from the Ninth fiillc l Viirker illrict left till nfleniiMin fur lridiann IiThey were headed President John ahcy

r cent of the dclegitenreo yule for a national tieup while r

iHAMin by Mitchell I hi-

reKhi ntH of thn anthraciteililit Ildiiitlirty meniNr of theixecuttve Iktard i in favor of a generalteup

n ss vi SHOT

cranton strlkrr Try In Kilt a Man Wti

lint a llnrr at All

SrriASTON l i July IS Knoch Iavii lalmrer employttl by the Scrniiton Kle-

ric Light Company In KeyNr Valleyity WUK nttnckrd thi murnltiK by n crow

men anned with gun tunThey flnxl nearly n M r ol

at him but did not hit himDavit wa tligging a hole for a pole

yoiitiK men and Uiyn gathere in n-

lac known llnlio 1aU tinii hnvi-

aken him for an employtt of lhThey IHKIII to yell Mnb at

urn and when he look no of themlnv He crouchetl holekin the hole went over him When the-Iring couccd he ran

woie out wnrraniH Infore Aldermnn-altry for IUK HM alluiiiK and later Thomnx-

ilalloy njid 1atrick Mrtimth mcn urr tiicoiiUI lie proveil ngatnM MHirath

mitt IH wits rt lfiM l Mulloy adnutlhat WUK with the rwrMinn who did thehooting nnd AM held tot court

WIT rot onHirow fvova-

niinl llrrr li tlir Illlnmlnont lrn nilh-a Push Coal tUchaiiRr In lrw

The cual o ratorK met VCR

crdnv nfternonn at the onif of the Kmpire-

i al Compiiny and fornnnl n rnminnt-irpiniftitmnt b known n theml AK o latloii orge llarilni l IrHldeiit nnd J Van Ieli Secre-nrv and conimitti K on ineinlicrKh rnnd-oiKtitutlon atnl bylaw wei appointediflior will el titl net

PnMdnt HarriKMtnl-Thi city I Ui larcift

nfl c mliruh uiitryandlh reor ought lo repr xtitiil hy nn ojiera

nxHiiUiion Our ultimate objectii f rni n oft orHrniMr eiihaiiRe

thl city In the meantime we willry to ke Sew York traile for ew Yorkicople hIlt I want it l thatic n proMiw i rnlKe the pricn f ixml

Ivin to llx i rice



I tiI



tl I












< 1






Ill Ink





1 T

t 1M

null I Im












f tIlthut

It lint lutt s

htrniltat mutt IM

I a lit lirnuit

litIFllW Iru hit


ittI iii lit w




Ill Iv I hit rtzcj I


t tina

tight was

Ii Ian iIrs it nil

hitnt ni



I hits ii t n frIi

tIm tifea

t1 Itt

I a not IIIii

utliuir at ihalg1 fr uuy

IU1fl4JIt Ill mitt I


I <

n lila


viI irslit it


itsIll lit Ui g

III lung


hIt lunritnuotis

4 I Iii utiuti 111115



ftr hi nun ultgitlt rI hull ng-




I fw saniul rat tit


















< >




> >




> <

ioirivirl-eol UU THI T r-

Mallnlqix kn4 l tlnrrnl-Th iMitniihii M llan4 in fmm r f-

d ncf UmHI In tlroiklyti ln t nighlir K O llovnjr nf Ih meflcan MI HI-

f Natural Hkinr BJH ImxK carfl-Oirti f h Itttlel IISurrey w i of h U i AnwrHwn KIVMIM

ks v li i of lh fc aWrt ilMiirb-in Hi l v T AnitMeo Pti Iw-

Ke hiKii Itav Un m de Mit

iw incx May TV awl hiv l n al-

to a thorough Invrntljmhm f IK-

gcotntftfitl e iMllll no-

In niiH ny with r J A Jagi4r-llirvnrd nnd the Hi t a ni f l-vSiufriore viknno In Si Vlnont after it-

giniii and almi were flrM iivilt Kiruill crater if th Sotifri re-

l i llxev an I Mr Cnrtl went tuM ir nliui-i i i t i

nmll in ih i ml lend of Si Pintthe dead line of the gr sn eiiiiion

They made nn ai f th active ciateiM in Kong June l ill I IIIM i

cairn iimn nun al 3l i i fwt en-

ihi mg an n i uiit f IH nchievioiitTwo day later Ihv n l n ne-

Minmiit of Jhin SI Ilfty fi ii tllop if li rniei il y were Mopiil bvui i clifl wSich Mr Curtix u it I n-

Maimg He built anoihel cairn n IhiK-

the hlgh l of the mountain OrJune i ilniy made un a eni fiorn St-

1ierrv Kide WTie caught on tie e lge o-

lth cniuT III nn eruption ofiiiKt iaiiwil the crm er wilt

n Mieriilti ii I l i Murrv-Olt ohe liny olthe lip of Hi crater waiting br tln ckiid-of nnd du l Kir a iirrvm

mud ru lK d tilt alley of tliIILtiithi wluli they liul cro il-

n few IIIIIIIK iKloieloiter they navcltxl nround Me wlgn i

the ral r lo Die cairn ihry bad uilt alim-Mi ni ei eilm iil4grapl

KkeiclnM ih uiKiile of li cralami the gieni fiagiwntal con which u-

r iwiiig II Th two c ilogiti-iiiide in Milii ciiciiii of ami-nlwi of Si Vincent Mr urti ml ye-nierdiv that when they I tt Mnnt i nKill ilouiR bu iiie nt tIe old Maud nd il-

WBK lillKi al l lo make n sat pimliiliiiir-of wlinl ih held for mlilof Martinu-

iuerifisrs us v rut rssAnllirmllr iiprrator lll ol ttrccitrFrom llie stand Tilt llairTakmIr-

eMtdent i orgc K liaer of ih Plumilvlphii luading Itillway cnni herefront Philadelphia vtwterday nnd hail aouerenc with other repr eniatlveK ofht anthracite c carrying oompanie

who Mr llaer were Prexlden-trtlivWi of lh Delaware l arkaitniina-

Vcfttnrn Itajlroad IreKidcnt Fowler ofNew York Ontario and VcMcrn tool

r nlni 1ndurwiKnl of ih Km Theywild I1 wv th uUKl Informal ic kly lull

It Wiu leaniK however that IIIIKMHI-

Iif the llflv Kathur Curran of Wllke HarrwIn undTtook to c th IrioideiitK of theiompanli with the object of tning In

llji the Mrike linn n failure lieto ruth o bin walte

it Philadelphia to K Pneident flair fir t

Hid fell M encoiinxfred lhat he lt-

iiriuil in Wllke larre and will not ttyo KW any of the oilier President Mr-

Lier of tin pneMK viki-lKitlier Currnii prop Ke l no plan of ttlei-

nent I told him that there e no-

llHIIge III tho I nlleVe II

n g x l for oiitKiilern to keep theiriind off anti let thin operator withlie men

Mr llaer naid that no matter howhe mim p convention at Indintia illlilted It will not change the itnnd ofnp rato-

rirni v AC uvsr Ttro irowKv-

lolhrr and HitiKlilcr Nllck In Ionntl-UniiKli I Appruli for Ttirlr DlicharRnThe wcnverK who quit work In thi-

chwnrtenlxifh mill in Went Iloboken-ind uiuii Hill on Mnday IMMNIU th-

ier rcfiioil to difchurgn noriiimor-iimeti hand did tint return to workirdav nil tugh bii iwi women remainedc i heir loom The n r andtaugher at the Wct1 Iloboken null whoifu d all offer to l otiie withh union

Committceo mint the union aw Snpt-Ituegg aiul to mducx him to dischargethe women lie rcfu l to mind

Kiriker diclaml Hint lnv would not re-

turn work until tie null WHK clear ofririium n hand

TIKI Monirn Mrapprrmiiker strikeIHMJI MII hundnil women empUirmlU-

K wrapper tihikcr wer kickitl out lo headT n Mrike at Mrri cii rhnpr yiMtenlny

lifter demanding I igher wage antI pcofl-MI Mm of th ir Tin linn decided to-

hu down until the demand were with-ilrawn Th WIHP I makei heldameeiliigi-ll and doideil Mrike nnyhow-

Irlkr for Ihr llrcocnltlmi ol Ml Hr rrI

The wiviver impl i ei m the Phalaniilk mill in living MIWI l riey City hliuck-

reKterilay enforce a demand the flintnil lllllill Tli wtsiv r

0 work laM wick alter irikmg out oflhy for ih InltrKon eaveri

ner tout at th tune thai Ih llrm wuti-Mognio a Klrfip imioii lull ould not i l

any inierereiit from urgamred-eaver employed el ewhcle

i I lUrkrr Lett JlinlMMI lrr i nallTin will f Ixlward PM in llarker for-

merly PnMiliiit of HM Tax toird d-llw of nnn l in r oiialty T IIHOIIC-

if ii i ii i L IK mii I IIP

liar U r Itarker fur lfc On her finlnph w Pnwiitl UiU r Wuike mil K tlluiKii May MiMiti nnd ll ri niSmith tisiai A irii i tuml of n willkept for Willinn H llark r fit lili Thermi f the prop riv a Wil-liam Mini the of-

In init fund of Mii Oi nephewtin i Mliliiii Iri Kr kui llarkei-Anlnir irnluiin ILirk r suit ITllJillli-ILirkr

lrl h iiirrlcan lmliirr IarlrlilcrTI IriKhAimiHan ltpubli nn Ixague-nt a MI of n ohiinii io iici COIIIIIII-

KHiner Partridge itrdnv imlorMiig hi-

dminl t rat and him on-lh grand impnieru ni ninde in themrtiiHiit lon

Tlirrr lonth lnr llnna KurtMinna Kurtr ionvicic of keeping n

Ilixirderly hou e ni 27 SniTMMintvan MlitenpiHl Ul he Stuolnl SIKKIOIIK ye-

erdav t thrc moiillK in Hi p nitcn

u h










I m




















I t



I I 1 I IIr




I I 1



yAwJ RAv irs1 PhfPpRiItS





I 4 1 alIt hiI Iii

I Iiiu I itt Wi

It Ittrut

I tutu Ill ll

p lIlt Its

I tii


ant mind

wIt hu

UtI 44 I titI IiI I y

gI Ill I

I au hug slow it u

Ifs vImn

lbuag g itmini I i

all hiuui

I l itt II lIiiI

nf i a

flit tItf Ii I lull


mini I




I Ito

tllfll list n i rk


iitt UtIt II ill I w mtulm






Si iw

w tim i

I tlITII Ill I

till I

I tout



Ito Ii



I limit

gui mi nii tin lttitnu

I huts

cit In



lit lu

liii I

l1Pii I

a l I

O414t I lhtrk r r nIutin tnt1 s


ii ill 114711 I iiat lug

lila Irf ii nrv

1 titI



> >


> >


> >















Have You SaidYour Say

Everybody issaying ZuZtTHow about youDont letprocrastinationstand between youand the bestRinger snapyou ever tastedGo to the store andstand in lineWhen it comes your turn

up 5 cents and

Then RO homeand enjoy yourself













LIi ii

fill i r tiivini ri IN-

Cnnllnrntil Iliulnrw In lir Dlrrclril IrnmIhr Antwerp linicc-

f ftritt M tliti H in Tim Svx-

St oN July IB A dclMich to thn-

TrligrnpH from llruwl wir Mint thechipping comblraiiin will-

eMabllfh n ientral flle m Antwerp fromwhich It wil direct nil llContin niiil hipping add that Mr Morgan i nliout-

to i tulihh n Thaw line l twi i Arwrrp-nnd th ini irtnnt ort

srniHHs nut nrtni rtn-

Ma Ill l rd for lrrllii and knit 4lprn-

on lInt llak Hoard MiK r l to U or-

Th ll Kirl of hxlucation Kpcilnl cumai lii rt iiicKt nf Mayor unr tuna

n plan for th xien ion of thetiiiiiuier MlwmU Jiygniund utul-

yeKterdny it wa le l by ri ldetit-

llurlinghnrn the Mayor The cMimairdcot I S4C 8 i

It I proposed to allow action bilildiliK-

to I IIMM by organimtlonit or nKxiclatluiifur meotingK malt th up rvi lati of tlie-

Ixwird It i ntno propowd to throw openthe Mhootx in thin morn crowded art

city in moniingp that mot hern withtheir young children nuy find rrhi ifrom th hot Mr tH will call fur n-

t iii I t vl r r

up nf gyinrr Kiigg ti Ti that live roof plnv

kepi oin Hi the eveninguntil cr ami tlwt a iiiwcrt or Meieopt mm I gi one w k

a then rxif are on lintumnir night ri rr 4tenf Ilurlmg-

luilu It I not l M I hi siwill climb ti the tup f high hillmlng-

unlex they rind I lint Niinv form ofeniertmnm1-

1riilrtylwo Mb Mil luiililing are nlreailrn-iM11 in the day a wt k for

in tiuiiitlil v Mi of theiontnin kimlergarteiiK ind in m t f themnrc held li in i kirig v l domeihK-

Cicnc liHldiig are OIKII-

in the nfi iii in forand re

Tie lilirtiwn vtenlav nn-

KIH of iruoo in l nd for living tiie CK-

of kt pmg it n the MliiHiU ibiring theKiimmer Trie f l will xm-

ciir next Krili-

vninr itiinn v i inDr Itoilitiii Wti lnrrlnl a Ilillrtnc urtr-

on III tint la Nut Itciimr-t a ii la t Ugh nt the Iliuerwly-

u artmeii IMHI m WCKI K yMventhKin tlMtt Ir M II lldmnn who arrivedthen WAK ill that IH MI-

e ctetl Ive ilrolgh tlil w He In-

thcr with In wife a tralniHl nnr tnun-

lclUvueH bi m rn WUK mnrrii d-

in Hhtn nd Vn in Mntiday wlnn it WH-

KMiptKix1 that ie would nil live throughth nigh

r ItiNlninn wa bii ueli N Yorkitnme llalelv after il multI

nltlHiugh fiiin l hi the trrti-nl He i irtHv IIUT than it

tK llght II itl H of Hie Klir-

g m on i tic liopiial Maine InOn Il ir war and while eugngiNl in thatwork IIMI Mi l ai irrcnderdaughter-nf Sir Ixirge ii i nf Kdlnlnirgh-

lr ItiHliiian went i I nukinil to marry h-

ittrntlHd tmt hi IwMltli WHK llicn veryi r and tin family woulil tail allow tun-mttrriag t

lie nniri tin iiiilrr and Wn tnkenill with fevtr MIK i llih Wymana unified inir 4 Irin l llevu wn engagedin tiiir I i When h will eiMn h

U iciiunefl to VrCliui fr a iliang-nf nir In went lere w n Ii hUll On M-

ilnr r l mi havingmarriage ntnonv rfornn l in Ills rooniK-

nt the Hotel MTir oti in Iliclimoiid in ipite-of the ip nnioti of hi mother

Milrrmrn In I onroiir llcmltThe AMernin ha agreed nn HKIIK-

of ll2Vliin for the nnd-

gnubiig the jrnnl ll inli vatd ai l Concnur ni I t an of l iiti r kiir it Mwtr f igli





mil I



I <


1 A III1fr










I Ik





I t Ilk 1




i It

talta I taut

I h lit trati tt a


t hitLet

l hisgii I I i

uttrlat 1 mel ittI iilw I It-

t I ilig i l till ii It

fangrin ttmiIa

Sit atiII IutIi4I Ion ill

t I far 1

a s I

all IS I t limit


nnru dli g tt nflip nirt Iitl nit

I i

Fit I hut

a led hi Iii

ittt 11 lion aI

tI loan I non i



vi wit


Ilit uti sII


llt lfll flyIll tl ant

Itt tinsis ii ii s itt

1 4IfI

Ni Ill




IN its rniut tt trIg

tt4tI I lilt


> ¬


> >



> >



> >





tin rrinn srswnS-

rcrrtari llomly In llreldr Qurttlon Ilr-

Iwcrn first Ailmlrali To li-

WAHIIIMIDIS July 15 Se Trtary of thnSan Moody will ilecldo tomorrovr thoHiiliari of whether Hear Admiral Bradfonl hut of the ItiirtNiu of Kqnlpnietitor llenr Admiral Taylor Chief of theof Naylgntlon IK the

Ih dipute Ntween Admlrnl IlrattfonlansI Tnyhir an meeting of tho tenera IbiHid of which both nrt rm ratrH-Admlml llradford iontonded that hi corninlMon n Hear Admlml and Chief nf th-

Hurenu of Eijulpment nntedntxl AdmiralTitvlrir commlKlon In th HAHIO gradennd h tiirrrfnrn M nlor

Admlrnl contcji e that tin WA-

nn nrtunj lleiir Admiral whit Bradforda who hell the rank nf

Hear Admiral tein orarily during hU terma n Chief of Iliinau

Admiral iwey thin Pn nM nt ol th-OMiiTil Iloanl MitAlrieil Admiral Taylor

V tt if i

to Secretary Mor lv


Rear Admiral Mlrltng rommartdAnt l-

Puvrt Nound Navy Y nl-

WAHHISOHIN July Ii Some Intrmatinn-cliangeo In Iii a ignment of naval ofllcnrK-

of won decided on Tlie-

moit Importnnl of thf1 I th detAil ofHear Admiral Coiruiwuidnnt-nf Hit IliRet S im l Yard M Hre-

in rtin Wut4i Inil recently Admlrnl-Stirling the navnlMotion ai SIH Jiuui Porto Ibis Ill tramfir to Piigct Sound make uflag iMtninaiid

i apt WlllUm T llurwell who will U-

r li H Commandant of the PugetSiund yird hut l en Mlecicd to cninmnndthe Oregon now undergiln-gnimi tlHn1 In preparation fur rvturtilng-t duty Kn l O

Hi pre nt Cnnirn nder nf the DieKHII will l vnitmg nrilen tem-Kjrarllv

Tin of Ailrntral Stirling a-

Commnndint of tle Sin butii navnl otnHull will Cnpt Andlw rmwrtlv

win i iirexnt detAil i that of-

ichlhnu n Htnr on the tirent IJIKIHh nt Ittifnln Iff will l

in etiir by CoinmniHlc-rIVrry iar t now at ih Naval War Ctillege-nt Ne port

cn i N s i rn vs v r ivi-Mtr fat Two Irmlilnl Tor In the Treaty

mill oliimtilaliny In tl trratv

the Cnlieil Stnl Mild

for iiint of tin Pminnm uial-whicli lia J IK l t frwanle tofur l v fior Silva tin Colombian

lien MMHI l made frai Urvin I Me I Stnti K tf KC-MlniMcr

b-vfr iiuiiil Hliti tin a-

PH i on f th M place i ft tif-

iitiir and Statn Ueimrt-in nt i reiilv l n wrtli ih NiibtH i

wi iii ver i iriilii wii Hi wonl

EXHAUSTIONWhen you nn sill tlml out

fiel weak Nlcup dim nutyou ami your npiMiito ispoor

Hor rdVAcid

PKosphectewIll rerlvo your trcni th In

lldtlirul fleep IlilprOV-dappetite KM rr t irt nerropower It KtrtiigtliiMi tlm-

cntlm tVKtein ciintmCnlM nf tleiidllilie llnlfp-tiou and Debility

If I




tank toiltt







W lot 1















ti htnrtilwun



sits I itutnalu mitt i

t hunt alit ili

Il I s

I at I Ins

I fu rIii

I Ill

irtsl ill

I w I

finII nilI I

w huts n tartnt




lwt w itt is I ill Iltil titI ii nut Iliti

J In

its I

1St tIll ViinIt raIsIi s

i lKI liI Itt



41 lId


flr S ttP Ptt











John Dr Wolf Hre rrlngJohn I Wolf fnrmer Siiirrlntend Jt of

Intk of Iliotiklyn who wa found mifPrrlag from opium poisoning In I In Imperialllotl nn Monday morning and taken to

nnd removetl trout thpita tn Uy to the home of hi nl t ra-

In II I Tt y called At hocpltalIn lion and mad nrnuixol-

iwnl for hU Htiiovn-

lIommlulonrr Mnnror Kworn laCol Itoliert firler Mantis was KWOTH In

TTwtcrdny afttrniHin miiilionrr ofWater Supply Oa and Kleclrlclty liftwild tu to n ruw

wcrctnry he had not ilrcldet-whether or in it h would make any chnngri




It Renews the Digestive Fluids andRestores tho Stomach lo

Healthy Condition

Tho now vegetable cure MUonai cerainly a wndcr ino tinnnnnl-il peplc being uiiii iinyihlng fitfur human fMxl wiihuilt dittcwt afterfin dnvV irentinci

Shnttorod Nerves ar ttMorrd tom a hhnrt Mine

lndlostlon i unknoHn after tlmlit MIIIV-

APnlpltntlon of tho Honrt CTAM-

at omt topping generationof cu In th

only rt juirtK n few IMCKof MIONA to plict t he Ktotnach and di-

gestive orpin in Kiicli n condi-tion they digtkt the food thoroughlyand tIlt furnih the dirTereni or an Intim MH nil the nolllt llllieti Illlircd Innuke rich blml linn tnu le and Mcadyl-ierveK

We furnili all drcwptic with ada trnntinent fre-

Ml t N IK whit by-

HIIflVJiN A i I itt Mm il

UtlliA Ii Hli IH uiv ij Are-A t IMUIIW Tflt Mil Thlrtt M Ulllli-

Vr i T W n fToN tiMI Ill Ml I 1tt M yi Kill

B t i i r i th i i H cuiumtu-M iir n llrieMlyri-

II itrtMi uitT iti lit it n

lilt l ll rllMUf 7S 1 l Mil th A r

Inasmuch as straight whiskey-

is fr supfrlor tn any stands tofeison that HiRh halls nude from


are the bist Our Scotch wlmkeyitrealso straieht Straight whiskeys arescarce MixeJ whiskeys raylarger profits

Gold nitdal Paris 19XXX

H Br rf n ila rrmanrni car

mtro rurtvl-buoIct til CUpmaaltfTBXM

II will I





h r



I loalI





I Rye f




I to




ltaIlaa was mulcha



I ill


fill ho lit V a lIt

I 0 I 1 f Iiia iniii iu Itlllitl I lit mIt


Icu I I I v

111111 lM 41 tirasIwatlilt I tI Liiti IthtdsT s1t4-

Ilnied st r ent4 51 Iia4wI >

I ti

lit I tillStI S V i

ii lt

other tt








IffThe Little

I Biggest Cigar

v 111Royal BengalsHigh Grade JJ-

I 1-i
