The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-07-13 [p...

SUNDAY JULY 18 1902 h fifE C1TN d I lWi- N VILLIAVI SUNDAY JULY 13 1W- 3mkwrtplU t r Mall r trllI- AILT Pff VloM- ltUILY Ptf Vrir XIIAY Per Vrar- UAIMT ANt SfNUAT P r Vrar DAILY AND SlNDAV Irr Vnnl- hIoiuc tu forl rountn adJrd- Tn SVK New York Cttr No H Or n4 Moul- Kfeaqut No I P rr nl d a rapurlnra- Harr f Jrrf J irtlrln frt r i 1 The lhetto of New York The nhoto of w York In th namo given D Dr MAnurr FumpnoJ- ewich district couth of Fourteenth tre- ml rn of tho Bowery In whir tlm jrrent mijorlty of the populitJ- oconita of lowUh ImmiRrnnta fn r- KnMorn EiiMr In this oompura- Ivoly mnll nren 1m ay are huddle together riun lr l of thnimntiiU of hn under the mot otr nie con of and want Tlic M Jew h ve rom to thIs oonntr- wltliin tli InM thirty your from Hu l Poland Onlifin and Iliingnry ntul the onnKnKntlnn in the Seventh Tenth Eleventh nml Thirteenth ward hn- mnilo thoe pirt nf York the JciiH ly tppulateil area In thin countrj- nnd in l nbly Iti tin world In tho Tontl word for example thorn arn over 70 H ron to the acre In tho Thirteenth about tv V Their n ndition hero how over are holler than those from whirl they emierited in Kitorn Europe whor the Jewish hiiMlfltlono usually are in wrefhH condition Here In th Voi York ihettn Urn prevailing rendition ire d crib N by Dr Fisiinun thusr poof and rurrxt red to ptf Ito la It rm- P r month thrr fcr rr rt lo e trr li obtain r rt nf tfcrlr rrtil IB thr four rnrtn rr rt- mrnta imp trdr irr li imutlr whirl lo rnr o- mcrr firnurntlr to two mrn nf nrrarn ud li- nrany bou r thr frrrtl room It tUo iuhrt to morr Indtrt fur iMrrpirr r writ on orraAlont WhIP ratllni nallr it omr nf lhr r nou n- h hld onf1lt nnf r Ir llkntitv A fimllr rrn- l ttnr of hu htnd wlfn tnd U to rtrht rhlldrrt rf rinr fmm t tIn nor to twenty fr rr n rh Ttf pj rrnt nrrvpr m- l ilroom tor Oifr with t rn IHrr cr even foul nf th r in r rhllilrrn In tbr ktlrbfn on mn- I ml on thr Snnr arr Ihr nlrtf rhtlilrrn In Ifx from mom two or rani tn r r many flrw- lodcrr tlrrp nn If Inurcf rn thr flnorand nn- rolv and In Ihr fniinh prrlfnntn r frpl I rrftlr or frat todrrr who dnnntrnrv lh- l rlfr but fco r irf lo h vr rpr lr- rviM to l r Tim Ohftto poptilntlon of w York Dr FiRtinfno find to tho poorest In thn rrty Pli rwily too the low npp ir to U inferior to almost ether oopo in York Their average Mature ftve feet one jnoh to five feet throe lnrbr n or of nhem the nanio heicht the nverape Amerlrnn- youth of 15 or tn with thrco or four more inrlion yet to r nttiririi of M r eriiUon nnd roi nonionM of nfojrxt jwivorty havo- helpr to fupt the rare but it mu t bo- rememrwrel thnt nven in the period of their nnHonf clory tho Iow were dl- tlnnil be l ai short of ntnturo In th RwV of Vtimhep In the Bible they are eMrrin o erajopr er iw rom pared vltb the Ain rite on of AXAK men of n crew Mattiro Tim of mhor rnre Uindioate in I nlah prrTnl e of the Iont- in that the of Firypt and mer- IhnntlUeof Fthiopia nnd of the SabTan men of stature fhall rome over unto theo and Mev hnll J o thine- Dr IMiinKftn de rrlb narrow rhe t- an al o a rhirvteritfle of the town In the maturity of liralthy people the girth of the rho t oxroe U onohalf th stature with tho lew it le than half An 11- 1ilevelopol mu Milnr sxntom and omv elation prevail amontc the and nnnmla i frequent nmnnn them but th art dforn dun to nurture and not to nature and years they have lxon dweller in town and In tho and mc t unanitar quartern and heir work has not been muvulnr Hero In the Tnitod States says Dr Fisttnrno thoy are doing the name thing H crwl proportion of them nro floveloplnst their mental fatuities at the eTrw no if their physleal well being When they urn not working in sweat sh r for long hour daily they ar i rlerkv students professional people anti at sedentary iwnorally with the roniequence that ho finds many of them In of all thi however their wretchM physical Inheritance their miserable surroundings anti their ap- parently enfeebled condition they are i far from inferior pathologically that the death rate among thom I the lowest among the rare In Vow York and their longevity U unequalled Ax LEIIOT- IlRAUURn sarn In speaking of the large JewrlM of tho East Jew Ls often small and puny and looks wre cho l- chrunken and pale but underneath the frail exterior U concealed an vitality LKBOT HRACUTO make raw type of those lean actrcMCA tho lUrheU and tho Saraha who spit boo and to hove but a spark of life left yet who when they have stepped on the stage put Indomitable energy Even In where tho conditions of Jewish life are worst the lows LIVe longer have n smaller child mortality and resist the ravage of in fection better than do the people theta At Moscow in ISM place the great riot against tho Jews which brought on nn exodus of them to till country the ccnsim gave the mortality of the Jnw at only 1S7 of population M agaln t 3S tor lie wholw jxipilntion In Nvw h Jew llinvi letter limn uny immigrant crime h rv hfindirapixxl nltno t Invariably ly a foivl i nnd nn outltuidUh r ch and by hi w of appearance tUbe limt I AOC r I I 41 I on O to I I j rum nfl and u A ftw I n I II a Iora mllltlUint ran lin w mot 1 Tb nf Ih Jr 1 try In- n r- uT minI 1 I fn hard d he SOW I I th I I hiLt Inhor I rr two font J I i th Inten roth abut I url roll a I 7t wv f rnd tan i rII a tt1rI I ilflefq t- w i iflJ IlI IJ P It tWI write r fl the ti- the Iti ni4v1tr u ten Poe the I a ii F J t all toni its 3 fIT grow- Ing shy t Jew pte I seem wr- It Itt > > > > > < > < > > < < > > > < < > ¬ > < < ¬ Dr FlUHBitRoi ettrnsiv t serri amontf tlw fnrrnjn HiMtlati n York lead him t the romtiH- thiil the JAW adapt hlniwlf K- now rnvimntnents fir morn uiwiv at morn spe lily than hw neighbors Itnllnnji in HnhoinUa the l lt ti- SciindlnavmtM and tlifp lvor where and at tIll time the Jews ha rcitmrkuhle among ran mankind for their cwl tttiKiciti for airllmatizatlon No othtr nui- iy IFROY IlrUULIKt tr it l quickly to the Inlluoneo of environtnciit thU motatnnr h wU Ucin wti head with that Jowixh head tin emptim itself MI quickly or nil Orient notion In order to flit lt elf with our Whether at tho North nr at the Sotu in the tropifn or In the teinp riitn r- gions tho Jew thriven Sot cvun tl- quulor of overcrowded Hint can prevent the Jewi from IWUIK tl- licnlthieMt anti longcut livtnl part of il population of Sow York Ktatin- githervd by tho Tenement House mission l eiir wit tiers The KlTcct of fnnnuraia Vnr Mine We pointer nut t diy flat on of the fin t liicil ineitsuroi taken liv tl provisional Roverninont stnbli io l 1rotorii was to impo n lax of U p cent on the net prolltM nf gni mines This monun was in u- suuiirv of n report lately Hindi by hi- DAVID on thn flnaiuo nf tli Transvaal lOwer Colon tho conchiMoiH of which Mr Oil tMHit LAIN hn announced hnvi l oon pith Manually adopted hv the Culmml Oiliii Although Sir DAVID lUiuiTii rown ha denounco hv th Afriran Itrrtrir thy organ of the Unity vnpitAlitH on Iho ground thnt pui port may bo Hummed up in tho Hntoniv Hero i n gold mine Count let IM m1 it there scorn tn lie no that Ih nines ran afford to pay the uiMmom tel and oven n lancer lnmt pmvidw- nf coutne they ore relieved ftnii othn exaction anti restrictions tn which the were subjected hy the lineN In hireport Sir DAVID lUunnrn pro reed on the principle that the ystem of taxation for tho Tramviui- hotilil ho pn framed n not to inorous unnecessarily the mil ml cnpitnl cx ondi lure or augment tho rot of working Enterprise should not ho li cottrnct I neither nhould the poorer in met li undo tn bear nn unfair share of th- 1cnl burden Con e iiiiTtlv the rove mo hntild bo rawed by mean of n la evict not on pros return but on tic profit He ndviiM Mop should Ix tok n to belief owners nnd in ntho so that nhnuld not hay ron to regard the change of govern nent n mtefortniio frnm n Iociiiiinr of view He AilvncntiM for In thn nl ilition of trnnsit duo ipnn KKxU hroiiRht through the irn colonies nn if xilnnial railway rati a retluition n he etceeMVO freights hithetto chaCKet- iy tin Netherlands Hallway the sh ir line to Delnifoa Bar and llnally Ih- iwcepinn away of the dvnamile mo- lopoly which loct prorveflini alone W- Tuean A avinR of nb Ut threo milluii- lollnru n year Acronlinj to Sir PAVIH ninnTnti- lctilntionit ctxinomio hn uihi- lxiut hy the rh ni ol IWiil fvilii tint would vllectivr ly niimun 0 not thnn tl 7 per ton of ore mine ind Mr JOHN HATS HAMMOXH high authority upon Hand mining puti- he flRiirw nt SI 10 xtr ton and a Inhaii- lojibunt writer lately ijuoiitl in the xmdon Tiinn a erl that the iivitu it lorkinu rot would IH at least 33 jwi- nt or nlmost 1175 per ton Stil mother wolinformed writer Mr iLKUirn believes that tho net n t- ho wholo inditHtrv on a years worl- tho production of low LOIIIR taken a insisi woul lionfter the now profit ta- if 10 per tent ho lieen paid nt lao oigh- iillllon ilollar a year tpon iho lmn if probable production after the lap f three yearn from the declaration the same writer tlmntes thn1 or ton yearn ending with IOU tin tot n nni would l about JUJf if i- iier annum In addition to those ain in profltt the mines would It from the large quantities of low trnde ore wlilch for Urn first time wit K availnblo for exploitation t should bo nhviom that every iy which cost are reduced will lnr el- neronne1 ho quantity of ore whirls ran nilled with n profit The consequences ofadopt ing Sir DA- ID llAnnocns rocommcndutiins nm n brought out morn clearly hv rinrn wo or three concrre exani oH It ho COAO nf the Ilnhinson mine tIc ieinler mino of tho Hand anti ono ol enlil producers in the world he net profit mndo in 1SOS was jCJVnr rom the cnishitiR of is 4o ton of nro ivo shillings n ton reduction In wnrkii- Kot would mean nn addition to the iroflt of JCIOOO Ten per cent up it- ho enlnrRed profit of JC47IOU would IK 147191 or very little more than the rK efT H teil under tho Improvement general conditions A nnnthcr in Uncfl wo may take thin Oily and Sub rban where Iho KTMlc of re cnihei- i rather nbove the conoral nvcran- f tho Rand Hem the net profit earned i 1S WM iM52i upm n crush IR of isllfl ton Under Sir DAMU- lAiiBourtK Bchomo the profit would icra od by JC543M to XStJOM Ten- or cent on this increased profit would e only JR43 Vi and even 0 per rent ould bo loss than the estimated Hiving- nko finally Mich n mlno a the Ue rue och which In IJ9S not pay The iihntity of oro l wa 103444 jieldlng Rol l to tim yoke of 113 nn expenditure of linuM hail U flvn AhillinR ton lower 23230 would hnvn ciiir l leaving net after paying Ut of 10 per cent It in evident from figures that 10 now tax of 10 per cent on the net roflt will IH borne easily hy the luiiut the Hand privldotl if tfiiii e live illliriRs can l MVLH on working ivi t- i certainly will bo the ca e if Sir DAVID Afinnirns plans are carried out Iloth and Sir lon ot f ale h 11 Url other al Hall 1 null nIl t mint min wnr I pint Ii 1 I W f- IN nIl rendered I tit ton bon A tOO a r Sir Tilt lu been the the lie lit I lIe il tnndat ion been I its tutu itt nov lilt nover erit liP out p tilt ititlo t Ii tit nui lie named lees treated lit largest say t- he ho per been these Vii > < > < < > > > > > > < LtiM tlAMrornr w lncllne to thlr thin emitrihuti of 10 wr f nt up- iiil pmttt is itmnll nml then I son renjtin bellevn tdnt ier rent vxrituallr be rnl isl withxit ilL o Mirn- iing pruliii lion Vo tliMl n li- iw u liars of the wars fi ul burdotm- dovnlrrd nn the iibjugat d repiililu1 the Tranitvnal will hat to Ixnr dim th whnlo of it for what wt funuorl- P ilnte l out is confirmed bv Sir DAM- HutiKirii wiys that tint Hirer nl ny in innfieitlnti with tl question of a uontribition inward it- t of war U practically n tugl guile quantity A vniing man and n young womai- dtsrrlMv ns wi known inetitlwrs r Newark exclusive nodal H I won married nt the Little Church Ar und tl- C irtntr tho oihi ilay Vimo f lie- irilittivw or frioiid wi mid th- Mxton f thv chunh was miide IIM a WIIIH HH ntid no doubt h plnye t jwrt with diiitiitv nnd even tfiOMt- The rtlativtM arid friends i by the and simiillii f PPHI I intirvlv xatiitlel At- i ho match brido nml gnnHn- Ixen upp e ti lie ongflgxl In ih mutter nf cultivation and swial attain nniit there wu e tinliiv lH me n anI the i turf regret nt th nhriit and bnlilnes f the loromivir ifu might d a piiMMlli h briilcsnai l i a i lditigus pieii bclnni f ruth pipMin h have print ther fir It in tiobodvs IIHH tu i oui r I flrtnusly th notVIM n tlin nrtunai young folk To clop nhen n lxid- nbjerti to your may h n- supiTiltnuv hit it is htnl wo o litvl- Sti rn lan ntt in day rid tin piission for romamit ndtm SiUi riuttod imi iin that n li tilif- nlU nnd fallals and INr lnn i tnp mal- uiVi led the itiupl tn Ixcome ntic in al- einy idvllie way To l sure it IH tin man who most frightened by the ai gM ivriiiiniiict r hard ordeal the id an nho fc ls n lfi ip ciou ne dripping from pre a he face- 1ilieevp rtatit liundretU an I i nmre that v r eertiiiii that the liride louk Ilk an angel and h nuit l wik like mi 01 The art of repre einnti in the itsttii- if decnrnu niiil ill motion tin power nf iiwn ing siul n icen iot- nnd uneoiiHrlniis of n eelnlor nr civet i genermi ly to wiinen IIIH n tuigil- itl ItlWt Iteslle thy welding on it fvrrtnoilil tide ix MI IIIIK h mote to ilit wnnmt- hiifi ti tho nan It i her luv nf days ilie supreme pngennt nf her life arid lint HghoHt tii of i lthc Thti groom plnv a uunnr mrt in ih shiw He noMiii- M deproitl Ni lf dy u wnti hmg him except the l st man who has swnrr i i see tutu ami for his rmn- 1roiit wantr hint I l ik n th utth If- WIM alive twn IK r m n nfl born u it if them hive i t their fitter f c bv too mud familiarity with wmldttiK nn l priMKallv i i- gr xitii I He walks or tttor in- i drenm thrnugh tho MTVICO Mr- TKBrxrr MrtVAVKVs ilowriptin t a KtniKgiing IUMICT a walking Ilk t- iliMtiiMrUig mull tlp mh D nmiirU i in t appr priMl I lit roiHiiMiii n hut itiiiiibling Nn won nwkAanl limn prvfern to chnti- publietty and InviH to inveigh ngiint fil ami fiMihhti of s weddings Hut usually nnl dy p v- nny attention him Kvorylody i nuli him and tho bridesmaids sucle nt him or ho thinks thief do until H nearly tilt of ln Innd 1ity the wirrows of 1 man It i1 ur gui that thi New Jersey liride was unliii to f reg tin glnrii a great wtiiditie by pr llai e tluit ih marringrt shnuld bo kept wrret until Septemlxir a pn ini o which riuiiirt1- linil taken it i titiarv liikl in maUI- IIK Yet n nocret woilditik- luw sii h fn f to y uti- wiitnen A H Krit iFoswi t n thing to k ep osppoinllv when XMII hsvo ixteeti- ilermwt frieml t wlimi you miift com rnumcnto it niUi Ut delay Ve have heird it nid that tho etpon1- f weddiugH in n deterrent of mnrriiiKo the itrh to t tniiiii of rii h cpri a hug miriHK the I fore luiinl limit we Aill not Nhoko hint hbU rv i end him Tliere an ytiiiu- iiril i inomi tn wlm like roiTi s as i l reimiyl- iv thy e M nsvetii 4 nf mnrriiu but rny Hi itinen everything U nut riOlt Up ll tiemelve They have to pay for uislding Thom i ti tints ami immiita pnvdeg- IVrhnp nien the liiwnhk- iteatun wiiud b itf r ploi d ami- Iikrriagn Iw mndi eaxer if wi ldnift- vero rtimpbr Ill tvV for iHtatie Th grfxiMi i iiiitH 1 re d In he ground Tin brile planu a teed liy the tde of hit llxclwnge re l- Hrfrenitiy etiU Or the bride and groom nut f the snne di h or drink HII- if the Mittin tup a in IH tu tmu in liver Mintr Or H eocMrmul iriiken nnd the milk pounil over thor ieuU its in Duko York Llund- lr th two iohe the iiiie eigaretie- w in Horneo Or they sit crnbar mad boy heir lnadi knit tngeihor is niioti thn Or nimplvti- if all von and whirl your bull oarer nnd draw time woman by tlim- ompelling music ntul when ho iin s- ii MHiJing f nvcr as in tmriliAost- tieet land Hnnhful t may pr isr Malay fashion whereby tIn priori narn s Mm man to tto unmtTi without ho of the Hi primitive rit malls n it mis end i The H tinn of nn engngod r n married moan i ptetty tough in pirts nf thn world SHVHK etl- U tto often foibidi thn eiigiigol nnn- n see or sp Mk with hi Utrothod until he marrtnnf In llritidi iuiAtia he is thrown into n hammock and the tire tot MI him Ammu the Damarah- o gnxmi raiit Mt or h Mk with hi ride fur tour Its after niHrnngo In if u me a mUll in mu t wear your hair long lie it ut and pimp your wife cut ofT fmm- fe The tivilic mail has th easiest of it Ho should bo sluw to do I I th alI fll r In 1 I I hit 1 I I hn h t 0 h f Jill I t ii t to lr I II- I r I I I I r Ir I t poor 1 of I I I who I hit I r lt Ill I Imll ill11 OIl t till l 4 I l lime that tnt tv ill iIi wit rut 0 t riIlfl Ire lit seri were ttiI len iiet i Ii ti ne I efl tt c I it ii g 41ttt I Itt tin rs t n t tI I tint I nit itll II nil I mom ag tnt it iv s tnt ii tie 5 ill 4 I ii rout rhi IllS I mann V t t Iii t uI inn nit itititti iIIit liii hit 3flftg I Ito imp ttIb 0 ItVit II ion unit at t list t lit ii- I I otmizi yin Iernmt4 lit hoc oltitI list 4 hut I tred C i lit t r1 hit fr tate bit icr nut 1mttor hilt I I tim rrtI < < > <> > > > >< < < > < < < < > > > > < < < < > > < > > > < < < > > ° + fraud bride and briilenmakU but he wants a quitt wtjdlng let hi the mns nt of hu Queen If h can niiiiirtt ami Trni rranr We print in another column nf th Mr MAnr II Sutionitl of the partment of the Woman Tupwiuv- rnon whiciiiiineomi itself with sole title teiiiwninif mtrurtlon in 01- ehnnU and colleges Mrs HUXT1 totter H in reply to Hn article in Tlie Si- MI long ago published that we would b Jiiftified in declining to rint It but w respect HO highly the motive of the go x teniperanoe women that we ar gin 1 t i give her n hearing In TilE Stv Tim womans toii or nco moranieri- nne nf the late of the organized u- ltenpu in this country to bring about i ui raiieii reform but it IIOH dlstln- guiihoi HOI u ono of the most inlluon- lun and prti ticnlly iurr Hful in th history nf an agitation whir IMVUII vigorously n century ago Imler sttmultm nf the seal of th- lli t great American tetiH rnnco society founded nt ItiKton m isio hud gaiiii d such headway M VCI year liter thai il in hraiich norieths wit more a iiininlw ri had hoe for id nnd o net lung like two thousatv- diitilleries hud Nvn Mnpixsl A th nf tIlt Imon was then nnl- rtbitiil itiirteiri these rcnultt II will rio MOII were verv remnrkabf The WnsliingtoMfin movement whirl MM ive le n in isio hail n tile of only i few year hut toast a great lt brief exUtence grit ftntlir- xn4 a pledge to alxtflin from drink to which it obtained nearly throe q unit or nf a million signatures Tin Inter hiMorv f the tonporanre agitatio- it well known The women movement represent e- iy Mr HVxr luau imme linte fore untier in iho tem eraiire cnisndo li thin of which the mr l nctablo feat tire wo priying liquor saloons Th invent soccty U describwl on the borg Kt over romp cd of women exclusively nrgrtmz l in very State and Tern nry and has branches In thuusunds o own Its badge is a knot of white ibbin ami there said to lie a many n a a million whiteribbon- rs In the United State each of whom i xp tod to pray at noon of every dRY r tlio overthrow of tho liquor traffic Tho article to which Mr HfXT takm consist l chiellyof a piimmarj- if a Hix r on the results of tho Intro luetion of the study of temperanc- bwiilogy In the public chools con rbit l to an educational review by i School Suiwrintendent- Thn in tnirtion introduced undei- re unv from the wnmrnH temporanw- iiiciety l is not o eftlcaeioui- n pniiiuting Practical temperance iriginaton suppose it to lo Mn lit NT i no with him on ibis point ind her argument is that since the Intro I iet Inn f tin hernoof utiidy a a warn ng neninst the physical Ills of the iliMbol there Inw been a noteworthy growth f temperance We should m limed however to refer this happy f iilt to other cati e and not the lejin- lIlicient of them other rrv lou labors ol- he groat army of good American women he toprovnt l urmg the pericnl of which she speaks hniiK m Hooial custom and practice inve ftiilil to pnxlueo greater temper inee in bith eating nnd drinking The nii uiiie i UL faHhionable thinners las IWSMI much reduced and they havi- KMsn snuiifil Tho long IUU of wines ormerly doomed obligatory at them mve dtscanled and a only o1 h o Ii vrti5e rite n providod Thin ioivy drinking of the put hit ovnn to lonfc M on as an evidence of illbrood expre sini itself in aU nc of decent lolfonntrol or of a deplorable malady club aol all congrfgitions of men herr if much drinking thin formerly habits of toiiipornnco tire made mon ind wnre reqiisit by inotlern hiisine- nethodv Till drunkard is nn loiige- olornt l a n man of an amiable weak le ri limit is r oji on ns an oflensivi Hn n of ttitolerabo hnbitn or a a pn pe- imbjoct for rtxtniitil a n victim of a very ibnoxioiio form of inanity How far this womens temjicrano- tiivenent specitieally has been mfluen- jal in bringing nbitut evilwwl a trail nnnntlou wo cannot uiidortakn to de mill but that i hat been lN neficia- iini it i 11 ry way creditable i thy gonMo jmr1 it iho niultltudo o- oo l WtiMen iinngil III it wo comtslt- ilmgly W aeii MilTer moore lion my other piii of tho iommunity from evil csin isl jv alcijhohf ililomixT They MH it enter their homoi i fiend whieli str yi their MUIM ant lUAhonds and they have go K reasot- o bue liquor rattle The l ue al the Mine No or iicabiding in Mt m the i ue al prmenl tipM r mist in thn antliriiHe mining region v ihlo ro im for arbitration TIll qiiiritinn theme is on the ordinary IBIIS right to work Hie strikers deny They aro making tho region a eat of ultimo whom raM tho hand nl inV ntv nKitml nil tot of thlr own ink They make nf themselves law onkTs nnd ln v dolentlor f eve v one it the other leadership that cxcitis or counto- iatiiv nr toloritoM thi Kilicy criminal ii hot rural of thnso whom It pretends I MM rr Kinnl rum nt ir irkl nr Mlxci iit fvm- IM i iH p t n mil- t t r r Nix I nrlrni i n o have ufton thmiclit what wouM h t- oin if New rii liinl without Afdca smut Africa without New Knclaml X w iglniMl wu plnntnl fur tlin purponrofK- iiitliiK N K turn Africa ivirod for the mr i e of IMIIIR H market N K mm Tnkn the OAt for name icclou rniler rvcenlrlo than rulthful In the matter of cllinatn In fe thor I a hunlrn without X E nim- U grnllfyliiig to iertnt that loony of the live have at least died happy Tho nor iKnlchtd ntvnc Is che r l wen imallv hr run and In his ln t moments ufrfj rttimnrittir tvs thinks temlrrly- r Mwlfonl Fur Mime tiir Vw l load hat twrn- ry of the great Hapln h U a iW ur to now that thus Lilian Wooilnilf bound toe ie We t Ioakt with IMOJO gitllouk uf N U if got Ilforr Mlllr n- th SlIp lltndt 1 I tint mnovinen t titirotu ill I iI It i are I qultrter fIr I f opt n I I I M- il fir h i hen In I r t t r I tOt I ii I I h I sUit i to I W r for W out fact fl tint tI t rout tic I lie I lie I Ito ii tom I lion lPtIltIt moo itt ii Iion 1 stir 4 Its its tmgmeet trill In e lit ink ute till ow is lit t I lit alt I s trtmm ime Itt LI I brett tnt a ItS urye- s ii t sa ill t <> > < < < > ° > > > <> > > > < > = mm MNOM worth of It HM Jut wll trOll RrvMon Thiui U lr H- k pl up and titus tho Dark routine iiuirllt ha objected lo I but without I i th rharartnr of N rum ha thunc for the worM It U th nt t vl nrvii- hMlthful anti cheap forte of plrit whtro un Up Why ilov ln mj ri iK- tiolihUh nrr tloii the MiiUid nieilow drink II Kriiiiheri stud reul Some drink are destructive N K cotKimcilTe a former u a- rtlsln Mhorted It could the fratii work of a i loj il larn aid It will uplift Africa live II limn thjii wr mil i rnr4in hIP funti- i r tft r HtMtt r I The lion WIIIUM H DEVWT M- tiroudly to the faithful f the Nlnth ATIU- My dlMrin Dttrin n thirty venr oper- ieiirvln lllrtrt I never hruk There n rmhlo reiord but Mr IIKVIR- Tinithfilnc I ltt liitrrr litiR to tlie worli titan iii Inncunxe He netr brill- hU won limit thero IK tin Kiicli h on wlilrh he U sfrnld to lirrtl rnd bin h- f l that thete ntrnt wcnl n urh rippMnt new one fearlo lv The Wlllhl S liovcrv D miKr il A wxl inn mu lie iiy the llliun The liiAliill mitt nf the RaHtnnrr Vrir nuke n verv l rito nn IVN tin in New YorK i i Mcfiiuwh exrinr i- inur leveb pminl n1 kicker annii t ih umpire trula l Vln pot MI tn Jfiii- nmn wrtfUlril ttr p Irbrr fur n l r ut t ft- Mihl tor IKI mun of bit h llln rr nt roMInt prurrrr anti mnn itrurk out n- foulrtl nut t1 i h mtitr a td lwnr t bwrbl- Ut TUM tail tirlpnl tu rr mum anrivtl- hli ft v nir ar iuil thr uirpirr no tr w- liablr In bri k out tin no pmrti l nr inorrnl rriltrmrnl from the c me multnl n- j r n l iu tttrr ut rnOnn ml punnhirrnt by md him more bluer Ontnj lo trinity nd- prn hia pUrr hut l ltr tail yr r lr lb Tnr former IMIKHJ Inner sod un lrrful li r- runnr In fort the run tutrr rtrrlkn und rlrvrr thlrt luurntAn hid itr rnfr trd Inn n orJnirr dwontrrtrd vinrril loll Him tc4 Ihtt bW luml had nrrrwanly In br fkint- rtrrjr mao In the old time a plny r could blitck guard the umpire without nuticn li li- itakon of It hut the American IAV CU- InMlliltvtl n new order of things ami- McOlti w gavr It up an l eaiiH to New York Tux SCN wWie MrORAW all Biifves under th ruts If he can top klcklnj- ngalnut umpire br himself and ub- ardliiAtos will entitle the New York liinn 4 the champloiwliip whether It wltu It or not Judge StniMtli the flt Ix ula Inllii- Ta Utnte who won dM rved iy hole I Inj that a wife hna tho right of Uk njr monny from h r hustianda then ho 1 a nndthrift or a nlgRnnl udgrxl another rlxhteou Judgment mulct that a dOlt hiu the right to bite t who a tin can or other Impedl- nent to it tall It 1 the cuntoni to mad a dog thus resentful of ai Insult to It dignity anti ton i pnlr tnn ha to he called In and In ittrnipt to kill the innocent hlltr two hno Innocent on are shot It I wl renicinbor that a H few rights ind It cnn do no hurt to remomlier that number of dnngr rou vicious coil foollili is small In compiri on with the nunvi- M r of foolliih vicious and dang rout Th Attack on Police AMTBUiOr keem to U tho height of tin ulni i What liao he dun It n sorrow to have to record the ar- e t of the Hon NonMAX F MACK of tin RiMTvatlon the Democratic Innal Commute Mr MACK Was chargeti with driving hi automolille too and ils flremsn ilevllKlrlver scorcher or chauffeur locked up Mica do that the pare of machine was too aM nnd coiiipliin thnt hn was mnilo tr- ufTer for the of others Ve nccepi- lU plea but our sorrow U not nuilo tin o theroby What does the lx uni fiieiul- f Mr llrTAv the utitpnrlng foe of pin ocracy In an autnnioblle Wliat 3t mocr tlc Hlinpllcity with a chauffeur nilh lisp llp lilm On morn than ono octnnion ih io if truuhle with Soiili Afn fiolrted out In Till WfN 11 on wlin hnml of the ItriliMh ni vi nimeiit appear Imvr fftllitt nn tin lwi vit At out brook of th HK r nr tl YOIIHK Ilmuti- INtrtvat head f trhlch wns the flit Jnr 1 TenMl to milk romtnon nun with Ikor hill ti y wcn tr lit hy vl- nrr lenil ri that the war a while iiiaui nml Kny could not lake part III the e ti utrnliy vai- nalntnined HO far n tlio fcliiinc n n- erntd but up to tlie Mry li t thy tun t Uuliw unilcr JKl gave tl DIH vnlu IM i innro in foo l hnriivt iiilnrnnlinii n known ill nlon o iho llnii li Imi 1 wa not iormder exi lleni while ililie were n lo monk any effoti 11 puiiloh the of their nINom 0 ilio ruriroin power on the pnrt f tit rtli Now thai the war IK ovrr lint Uen ilerulid to luring the rrlnl in mil ntid enters lmv b u clxia fur ilw- iriT t if Jnelon n charge uf high tnnMin To l Its thAi lUfUlot demur niil c n- llKMxIi painnioum hiM of to lx unwilling io utnn l T ii- ond In authority to Itritish juflite III itxfjuetue of thIs attlluilo of the sri n- IsMitu IlritJHli trootm nn u N elie of trouble Should tri rinme m cnrneil to the txnut if war M m nniortant irohlrm In n unction wlh tlio natitn rnco in South Africa till omit up for rotation I l lanil Prom IA Kan Vonriero CAronirlt In the et e of the tMon isis r ph Company araln t the rrl ootrr fluids nlt l Matea IMMrlct Judce lie listen rr trr- ay ll initl tlie libel upon itrntind- nt the mutt hud ro llin HUe deildrd t a ruble n sorts i ctloii of tlie land and lUt a suit linohlnji- jury to a table could not l rotnrly louts rfore an admiralty null Tile ued tot ilamace Inn liuuri by the anrLot nl the nloorcr to lle able tirtween tAn fInd linkland Judas Maim In liU doll ijimtea- luvlie on Admiralty ai follow the ue l fre narrow li t eeii tlio navi watrr and trunure otrr that l tn the liore ltl until the water in iy Iv l nmii I a a mere roiri ion of Hie tore mid tort liI rlllitf uixui i u lnit- re are tot wIthIn tie nil of lie oiirt mote In wliarve and briiivcr whirl ate iml Mr lrlliie The Judge ndd In the tine la to a rattle with end lathed to aid lt tln upon land navliil vatria hAl si Mnllloa UI ron tv lIIdstI JoM t been any uh TIll Ikeiumm Ntk 1 fit a- arIIlIthtu rum was 1 InllCInUII hunllhUIIln- S S I It ibis uonui I I rr its > I oIl and that i II and mill hall J CIMII i the hits I his all 1 II 111 pock has I I properly the or I to doc this persons Commissioner r ill tri n was Ir his I or the Inl beet first In lit lid tootH I gong total I IOU t lilt lit I WIn d II lion ulI rndo 1I1Ilh II rnnId 1 1 I laU I tIt I I hor knit between iu cuunttk a stew hIs Ott > rood reAson mae ii amu Kin Mitt its tit tit t T Iii It1i h Cn ton Iii mppln tit sti 4 IItilnIoleiI aitAtIun a lap that sash S UmrI nag ui par Cuter n- un that PIrt1 WIA lip person ties regard tIp personal lisa togs amid fast flies dna tines Tnt Imtf tmatc trIsa itt ar- uM a eonstqlman I nr Imas the lit m I hue wAs war ii- I rd r ns Still huts a Iii ttm Iii er I Its < I lie tnt S I it lOll ttiol I able Jut itIlt as tm lone its all bridged hem ti lhIiiM I lieu liii 5 4 iou iiid > > > > > > > > < < < > < > > > < > > > < > < < > < > > < > < > ITM rrr f MPIVA- tnorir fommrrrUI ln n lun nf tl fur FAst ronvtltulr obi of lh prlnrtp topic nf iU UH li n In the iiiliinum of xui of the lr illa Jai iK H journals brtiul- hy the mull It I rvfrmhin to olwvri that thU Imimrtiiit ium tloti to ppnM elii- htr Japans Umliliil etiiti r in l lr of ownniliHlnln M rullreltr untainted iritwrki if stun of ilm moro repre lath orgtn of K ilt oilnlon In Tnklo The Vippon whkh In usually rfptltrs- iviiiv time nilm nt if the OmninUI- witlon of th P MII expmwe mirpH- nt the apparent nee nf its coutitr men to the otr unliimrv at with hits itmtrv I mikltitt honilway in t trundle for mmorlil utirenwcv- KaMrrn Ait lit la oiithwnnl mov- tnfnt mv ti Vippmi imflagr hill America ie twnr l march U Ilk a ITfXKl Ytiit cnn cluvk tho tire butt yi cannot mop tle laiiiuintion It then eu- on to review hrirllv tlie rapid growth Ainrrlcnn trail III the Far Yjtnt In nifi rears to v Mliti iiiiii Its ilev r jinient the orxrilim of tl- l t nun I nid under the ninnlpulntk n lyjui uf erirrrrtle nnd fnrrlchti men the like nf whieli Mtory hn nHMtiltil It conclude thu Since It nlth ltnK bIi to tip the lido t- Xnierl m rutunirrUl Uivn lnn the llilin l to fall In lh rurreni ami try to pet n much l nrl- tut of It n WM PHII Ndllniiij could l mm- finli h tnn to ndopi tn ultlttlde- nnnrotiUm When suet l the lon if the Jlneolt MV hum nf the Jnpini i it oei will nut MvinR Him the jourtin- viowthosltiiKilnii wltuiiit nny unfnlr pr ji- illir The Aofcumin f t Instance III ver- ihouhtful editorial thnt Jpl- o not conleniiilito iho wootward ndvrr or American Irllueneo th nny mnlicloti- nvy Inn thiS th whole nation Ooverr until and p it l t alike I nctuilly wrl- einjiornry qunteil above Kokttmi thinks It foolMi for the Japanese to try t yiniiele with tho Americana rind eon hlet It ndvtHililo for them to coftpemt tho letter In the future development r radii In the Pacific It take the oppni- iiinlly ton iinl de p ngnt for the nil nidn of unfrlondlliioAH tnanlfr tod Iowan ho Japanese along the Pacific Coat of th- Lnltwl States In name artlel the Kolmmln rrf r- n th Amerimn Mlnliter at Toklo Col Iliirk in It U however a matter of congrntula Ion for America that her diplomatic In Crests In this country are Intruntrd to rirnce and fiilrmlnded gentlemai like fol Hack who commands the rntlr- onfldf mo of our Jovernmeiit and people Particularly noteworthy at thU moment ho attltudn adopted y him In rgartl t- ho lioiix lnx prolilem nn attitude which not only rnhancwl own lnflurno- vlth the Japane hut which w havo n- ir ltnllon to helped rnatariall o ndd to credit and Uifluenc of hi- untrr among u Another qurntlon which la attractlni- rioti attention In the journnllitlo circlet if Toklo U to the advisability or other rUe of removing the existing rertrictlon- m foreign ownership of land and the work ng of mines and railways This queatlo- ila always Nv n public luring put few years and there ha- H rn a growing tendency In business Inanclnl circles to favor the Adoption of horoughly liberal policy in lrnlutlon to effect XTTI passed by different Tiamlier of Com nrrpn throughout the country th always tak n by the Toklo Chamber if which lUmen fihlbiwawa now in this city H the Prrrldrnt The question assumed a wry practIcal orm wtne time spring when a if principal railway enters IJH U iiicol lout fur n ccrtnh Inn III 1jndon In theo ur of Intlnnt It dlcnvi rrd l toil thn KriglU- I1nnml rH willing to male Miiir l udvjm of money on the Mcurit if rullony iircjMrtv ire diliarrrd fronI- ciliiB KI ti nrvount of vnriou legal re rl lions tint romler fuch wvurlty prartl nil worthies Thereupon strong ns bronchi to bean the Cnbin- ellnlnrr i t legUUtlfi- iieaoiite rrmuvlng nil tluH otitaclen h lie w i of iniriHluelng foreign AoulllUK to Ihf pi r Hint miHwiiy of smirk lev in eo far n- ilato to rallwnva it licinu underxtooi hat ieii law on the U no Piiirw if ciiniiiltluii for pretMintatloi- tli I i it next 1 In H M i alimiM tinnnini ulr l- iitii of tin Itglilntlon Mu i fin in problitnittlcnl- iforvinM n il attiiid if tbe ilr lnlicb of th ri l ire cnn IM until It iniK hlmll have bten ditermiwxi- v t lie cnmili i lioreil III AUCUn- tin if thi movement w tn- ilii i fir jfrHtilixl that the new if liptiMMAtl will IH favnrnbly difc- M hMvi In qtln- ln Hut even iippoeini hint thl ex- ilHiioii ini oul wil fotindnl whlrli dun tub it cnntiot IM ilililrd lint tin ni f r wldch IXH in ervmtt- nlv will nt hi a mood to take kindly n HU ini itiiMiii tif iliU kind In h irt In- v iild n Ulil man who would limUl- IIIKII on the probability of the jin- tn i un l NN tiiiiiR Ii lir pr i t nf tin ten silk crup- I nine iinennliiee Itnd en- It it iHtmil In tluwi column MOlt litre 41 un n tiiiii nf fn it aixl turn WH rpRHrdeit nllh imiro roittldriH- li irviinetit till h l mull left TkiiI- n xero hod iiinliiiibti n- i trnu l piijllirrrv lintt in im jwti n Vi itii e HVI luivlr deslntveil in time v if Ktx hi nnd Hut in I ii ttior Iwinil thipi urn dl tri t wliirh- ivo twi Intlnly fnv from nny injury K onlltu the conitutAtuin ivsl IV lh Itlnxlnr f tln TII of It cnee lr iiiit of I do w hnle land under mull irv- iiitit tl n its llk ul doing to tm th tight dnm go done bv he- d WKII T i re l riiiliiiit up iv lfi eioepttuinlly ijixil triKtli- r ive IIMVO Utii ablr l t un- t uliM iriiit fovopnblo lln- ml to Rood M- l Ural s fullit f i I Vulnn Hflt- i rr mr July rr Lratr4 dl u n Nun tmr mbvriU r trrd ih- tmaa a r ii n and C urih tatatlnn ai too ei rr t vinn Mirt wrtatrU in l- i an amrnjnrflt if w f tr tniirkk iitChiat- i a prp il t at t ii ti in Tun rrt t 1- 1imr o irr4 n u IK i Ihr V h nnfmliM vr rrtrrrtifr t- ir r nt Mrr Mint d kl Inir- i l a mr l ajain l r t ntw patrr T- lnn tnrM Md th ipt iit of the Tururr- il tilt pr l thr tniiwrvallv- urui tit UwlaHrtv tin- A S lhrrn tlrthndltl A L nn Tcka- crtt v In4n iII liHtfMl MrtlMrM r kit nrjr Kin lwiiUin Nnilk C t 4ina- H pi rrx l H lrmlpr Ihr u r I r l t a4 wintt tit rrrawmt ii u I i f rn rt nr tr mn li tn hr ann a C- ii u bt I N I W 1441 ii Mr e Jlnta or Rlllllltl ltllA i I tn trill lu I i 1 or I I tilt II r not J Sib I I lib 1111111111 tI term It Ilkn it ronprvatiye A strain a- nn his say all theJapanetse the anti rpt repeatedly Ioit lilt t Ion 11 lilt III rff1h Liovrimiin1u1 III lO II ill lull I r I 1 1I hl I 1I1I111t 1 to blot I I II I I I I I lid I f f lon I I I i h r urllloo t911 I mutt 1 II 0 rue lhII 1 In I I stilt 0 nil I Ifi I I al II or I P bit If I n or I I III kb OJ II WielD last A tItI0 S ft Its like a tic ii after itmi ian well i lee I I Iii iy wit r e I rca it rttnto eon ibis will it the tItle Is has the before this this hate lead- ing this it a hues was Alt toughi his a a lit pistils itt ihit itmun I Iii prop nil I ty In Ito 11rpm to lt bolt hrt ton I h I itis w t hint I situ ititly s I t t Iii is Iii gieumia I itt ar- Creuuii ire ulimnati It- t5 w ore itiett tili ttt ls moo Ii eon iii int ri i the is itto 14 ttlimlI irs 1km I e 55 5 C IMP Mel Ca tote snail nnet ta 31 St- rut mete a Ms ai tn I il iii vnl Ibpta- I ike ieiea I S s I O me fp t in e iS 11 54- ii eh is 5 i my iC e i 51k i5 ii C > > < > < < < > < > > > < > > > > > > > > < > > < > > < < > < > > < > > > > > < > < > > > > < > < titn txiir t- Ttie H tt tmrt IHMteit llrlnrm- f it llewriar iwi The tin I if Afghan Un 11- rltlnl nn a il mil ileiMMn of an uriraii il 4 t mri ii try A Coiiii d stMie H iiM ml r nf t ttnu f aptKiiiitnl in Kalii i i iiiMmiiiil TMII native und MiiluimiiM Ua n i laird wild m h nf i m i to u M in Ihw 1 i nd n DM- I win am m iti p ll ml in Council ul Kubul d h f i III aiihmit lie ni i miiK iii- AnUr stud tran iut In- ea h IBM to II tri KI Count ll i im t eti h wit k of the An liitridii mi tb m ute its Amir IK iit u tt in- lo the M fill III MM tl mutt nrtny nf the nn n rn ei anil I he trrliKlli f itw rritMtl I j t prIm frontier it IHng Algbiii tun from Inn i and rtiuiirnt unrtxu i risii riw t N t Appeal from I inn l h ratrhrr for Iriielhm giln l ln htilrn- To ins InlTon or Tin Sr i i r von to In tni tlr inriilitil i r from ii t ilil nc rak and liiifli n i ti- nlontf tIc ore nt I o ka if Hr I ry- fUli iiiulrr tin IVIIITI f irt linn TI in bill fnlo rlxil of txiiUe li I inriit nl llioe lo list lo ath 1 li for n livrr- H AMR I July it TM srx hti rrprtrti ralird allrntion lo iUnntnf ins mrnhtjrn inca sat il ihrp n1 mitt ncnrn Ahoul tm tar sea a Mil 10 t ojnJ nrttlDC iv ril the lliutr in the Sea rr r- t t Ulalurr a unanlmuut tut t nat hour r- out at Mbt In onr of Ibr s nair mnnilirr Tfar It wat rtprr tril thai Ihr thor iial u stain mainlr ttimuxti its rrfoiti at thr l aca- ol Saltmlrr llthrrmro hi I thai ortania or- Mr want of rnrrtr nr wmrtunr rl r roiilrrl i r1 rt lo Ibr llttlnc ot lltllt fr rt m Ne l alrrt Now M tn tbr menhaden fUbrrmrn Tftf rr- romprllrd to krrp Ibrrr mite ult hi a wblrii p 3 the cw mark LrcUUlur in am but somehow whrn bill rant hrfu- Ibr burma for Xinatutr It runtalnrd the lonlthlnr flu r rrpi when n tiinr tnt nrr- luilm only That rUuir It l rlilmrd wat nn- In lh onrlnal hill h tor lrti iai rr l theta II stand kail wbllr II rrmalnt Ihr mrnhi mutt ran to a clo to bor at they ilra- ooly war lo Stan tilt nftttar in law it d now It to calf h lbs nttttn I tb act ot iafit arritf- ixid Atbu No fir this baarrotrd lo br a duO u- anil rouniiabout method nf pulllnf an rod la u- I BI tanJint oulratr In iiurtt on Tbt fiibrrmrn mutt put tbrtr bradi tnfrtbf and plan son better tnran of prntmioc ftt- hIrflurroo of Nurtlirrn Illoiul In ttir- l WIT Kiiitlli To THE KPITOR cr TH Rr fr The tnprhrniilt crltle of Tti Io rr South n moor ptp r of Hunilajr nikii l tir historical qurvtlona Our of tlitfr ir of nlrrrat How far wa Ibis rrwlon duri iron lo to two tunuiUid i settler from th Nonbrrn Vour quotation from Mr lltowni iirn- 1rd th reader to Inlrr that tie infuiii- amlllrs who formed the nrl lo rai ci Boulh trrro homoKriirou mi- hry w r sprung Iron Coionlnl sillier kindred propl ito tiail inntid Unit older border or from o- raroUna Other wilting on the Mime firm rnphaatr Idea even mom iionit- nd on to beJIrre that h t r- wop hail no klnnblp whatever nii h North ejrrpt tbelr Oininoli luruit i irltto I this la this rears before Otll War tnr fan allied to nutnjr homes In th foutli l of friendship and Idnhlp h vrral 01- hr repre rnUtlve of lt arll wrav all were partly at IraM uf Nuitlrnj- rlglo In r cert l lt to toe and Nw Orleans I be names on the monument in HIM lwitii- eaieierlr of this cities M nr fi- rllknown New lUtclund Nr ak- i w un it iiiln- e l 1 was liiformrd that a lrnr pronUnent fanilllnt ol Sonn OrortUn lioe layout rn tb r nralo of tIme Mapleot I tale that the croMli of tin luMrr from l so to i o d nit New Kriitlitnt suit old MlIll- cllle m the towns of lbs lower oiiti on became leailint IIMIMI t nd A I HU i r smut at the brenklnic out of Its n hilt di vnd nl ninoin lave owners All ot tli e luil liron iu- Irrlr Soutlirrn In hull vtiitmr ie- lr lde tlil my od iriuil told tie list rnoM of I tin ptifr lonal nir of t ere the dr nl of fttir Iriu- he North A tudjr of Soul M in- iili rr ihl true of tlie ii inv i- nrt of antebellum time nml I o l lleve It rou llr lt t It ii reitalnly true ol ix- MvlnrmnJr llsmrronl of on- aroiin who uc MiM Cminm l n Nortlnrn limin K one of te liriirt r- idoptedMnte MM Wlker M S11lnr alHl rtiT- e nrr r iin tlfsM l v- rrnti rvnmrl ll tint Hf l ori South untif ol Vul In in the I ould prove ol r t lidi r of sets N nrlfn- In fit t loll l i IP i elrin aro- 0dtV tl erlll lte tl 1 lte r- nrsn in n nlieHl dap hit I n t m noun I wttlr- t I or trt IL V hlliome Jl HM I Tir- N rue r i ioil v SI v tat lust Cyni MI M- ndr of IblUdflphin ln tIe ulu t 01 n AmerleV f Me l i orae lndil trU4 tttpr I Me rreit the n ipiltsrr of The urtlilerlalm that witliin- f artlvp work Mr Hr l pro1 i tories arnomitlne to Ve eo i nmourtirit to or mounting to r ord brli l l inarn- otti rrrorn t MS tl f e rMtrtt- ioHwtriauiH roi fii I nt- Shililon b rroduird nmi i our fnrr tti l it i vr l tei I Krlot f etrri n U h rt A We ve- r iirflt in th nnl li iirl rom MiiMan ol oriUea I kti o r- u tn M rutre ti tintS 11 ill 011eHirM rrtl ioi SI O i r io r ioir o- fri e li in Htmi i fi of thirlrrri llnvrlitte ol J0l- v li to jej j aid I1 nut mo it h of Ihr t no he rorrtu win Mcirl t rk iniklne a tot 1 moith of of O orts Tl ai- f m ittrr w wrltlrn revl d rrr- n et 1 of brln itltaint l Mr ivrn thl r t of tirediiMlnn o rrrr- rahitn lliM rrilon 1 to r entiire nf tirro o ite r n it r- niiii of II t llor ttfltllHIetllll I I thl nptiert tuttentf I ill lrarr Itidurr isis T l t I mint Vth i ti ot e- iV memory rrre n nn I Knatid list llie thy tn JUvly for n Ilk I rottuctlona r- l i I rti- nirrh m rernrt loot rlnt l MiMlir nl in I he i oiioie lth all dm t t It i Mrr t talk i uM t i I ite l i t- t tlir r I o I1- SVt Vi k I T tin ir- i Mktr n ol Mla v- I f ri- UlUI IKK I Ala kl I MIICI II f II I > I 1 1 I I I I I i It i 114 te i t- an 4 Its 55 i M I S a a t hi ilemyy I- ii C Ius its I lie ov line a i nsb I hi its iiinii t a his stub I tihiti I s S I I s 1 I Itt > lit tote nor shot tsar the a Itt 5 the last is lbs period Stat lower horn horn lbs State this comas its i true the was ii tea wart but pith Liii was ttu1tset ire heIr were and aid leteiIiMtii slid otlro C hue 511 t FIr their ion wits tP a 4 lion r I oaf tie r i rIO recall I list tie was srsmC w M he lower I S ace Is rn its lint o I iV tri SPit i O t i5i i 4 ut tile jl It butt To vsr 11tintinrtiI prs s iii I ilk slut it It fairly s teal I i SI tort lpw nnrituttflii ii 5 tri ii i 53 sCt a tom i S tIe 5 ottler t isl t lst a v I C IIfrltli i Ins II Pits ante C S Iof foIl 0 I i a hid ni ryftu S fi Ci I 4ttb4 bI i are t 0 a I iti S 4 eskti triollrI dIm Slut a itrivet1 at 1 I a- arc a ills pn timi oft C S i lit iru Atnt her a i tier tt q hy p i till hO- I I Iii > fate ti C S bIt bd sot I isa 1 s lii > > > < < < < > < > > < > > > > > > < < > > > > > > > > < < > > < > > > < > < > > > SHE I- Ml Toll OB itam newt wit lot of l- it hi NlMtllllO- Blloweil 1 eel fee ol- cn lorv- owinx to him eo relent InK AUiut from hH- loArvert tie In Ililin- hich In- t line ho hN nerk- tiui ollv- ier I havo- dnilrrM I Iwve ni lornientl- riV no l in adlt- idont run- t It with you IttllT1 wife ItOHl I nm- inw to I M m ion Intlrr in itt n It believe IVeil tl- imlntlnu itt ry tup to ft too i l I In- lo KO t- Al th I nivrr- d re t- fi till m- i t hor- Ho bou- i It M I it- l U I- e I- In nirl IM tl t it it a- III II TA 11 I KO Now n ilt or- of my 1 only R05r F- 4tt te A Ct- a t cutE 00 5 suit f with nit 5 tu itt lid ii if- Ii tt I fIi tim tuitk- A kIt a- lIt itt its a v id- ii I s t r- vu Ii ft- I I ii I 1 1 1I it is- Ie im Im- ii 1- I ri- iii w I I I- tiii I 0 lit II- am itt clii at tim Ii wk- y Ia- I S- tSN that tins ittf- ti i Ii 3 QUO I Ii iiiof II- or it t of I netf- t1sn dlwTI aiI 54 r IiI it thIck at ii- St rut h1- it cr- anym lie I few c1umttV I imti fami- ccl runt omit In 4 Pea U ito an- in don th iTt lint an to- tal in I ha- S S >

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-07-13 [p...

SUNDAY JULY 18 1902h fifE C1TNd I





3mkwrtplU t r Mall r trllI-AILT Pff VloM-ltUILY Ptf Vrir

XIIAY Per Vrar-


hIoiuc tu forl rountn adJrd-Tn SVK New York Cttr

No H Or n4 Moul-

Kfeaqut No I P rr nl d a rapurlnra-

Harr f Jrrf J irtlrln frt r i 1

The lhetto of New YorkThe nhoto of w York In th

namo given D Dr MAnurr FumpnoJ-ewich

district couth of Fourteenth tre-

ml rn of tho Bowery In whirtlm jrrent mijorlty of the populitJ-oconita of lowUh ImmiRrnnta fn r-

KnMorn EiiMr In this oompura-Ivoly mnll nren 1m ay are huddletogether riun lr l of thnimntiiU of hn

under the mot otr nie conof and want

Tlic M Jew h ve rom to thIs oonntr-

wltliin tli InM thirty your from Hu l

Poland Onlifin and Iliingnry ntul theonnKnKntlnn in the Seventh TenthEleventh nml Thirteenth ward hn-

mnilo thoe pirt nf York theJciiH ly tppulateil area In thin countrj-nnd in l nbly Iti tin world In tho Tontlword for example thorn arn over 70

H ron to the acre In tho Thirteenthabout tv V Their n ndition hero howover are holler than those from whirlthey emierited in Kitorn Europe whorthe Jewish hiiMlfltlono usually are inwrefhH condition Here In th VoiYork ihettn Urn prevailing renditionire d crib N by Dr Fisiinun thusr

poof and rurrxt red to ptf Ito la It rm-

P r month thrr fcr rr rt lo e trr li

obtain r rt nf tfcrlr rrtil IB thr four rnrtn rr rt-

mrnta imp trdr irr li imutlr whirl lo rnr o-

mcrr firnurntlr to two mrn nf nrrarn ud li-

nrany bou r thr frrrtl room It tUo iuhrt tomorr Indtrt fur iMrrpirr r

writ on orraAlont WhIP ratllninallr it omr nf lhr r nou n-

h hld onf1lt nnf r Ir llkntitv A fimllr rrn-l ttnr of hu htnd wlfn tnd U to rtrht rhlldrrt

rf rinr fmm t tIn nor to twenty

fr rr n rh Ttf pj rrnt nrrvpr m-

l ilroom tor Oifr with t rn IHrr cr even foulnf th r in r rhllilrrn In tbr ktlrbfn on mn-

I ml on thr Snnr arr Ihr nlrtf rhtlilrrn In Ifx frommom two or rani tn r r many flrw-

lodcrr tlrrp nn If Inurcf rn thr flnorand nn-

rolv and In Ihr fniinh prrlfnntn r frpl I

rrftlr or frat todrrr who dnnntrnrv lh-

l rlfr but fco r irf lo h vr rpr lr-

rviM to l r

Tim Ohftto poptilntlon of w YorkDr FiRtinfno find to tho poorestIn thn rrty Pli rwily too the lownpp ir to U inferior to almost etheroopo in York Their averageMature ftve feet one jnoh tofive feet throe lnrbr n or of nhem thenanio heicht the nverape Amerlrnn-youth of 15 or tn with thrco orfour more inrlion yet to

r nttiririi of M r eriiUon nndroi nonionM of nfojrxt jwivorty havo-helpr to fupt the rare but it mu t bo-

rememrwrel thnt nven in the period oftheir nnHonf clory tho Iow were dl-

tlnnil be l ai short of ntnturo In thRwV of Vtimhep In the Bible they are

eMrrin o erajopr er iw rompared vltb the Ain rite on ofAXAK men of n crew Mattiro Tim

of mhor rnre Uindioatein I nlah prrTnl e of the Iont-in that the of Firypt and mer-IhnntlUeof Fthiopia nnd of the SabTanmen of stature fhall rome over untotheo and Mev hnll J o thine-

Dr IMiinKftn de rrlb narrow rhe t-

an al o a rhirvteritfle of the town Inthe maturity of liralthy people the girthof the rho t oxroe U onohalf th staturewith tho lew it le than half An 11-

1ilevelopol mu Milnr sxntom and omvelation prevail amontc the andnnnmla i frequent nmnnn them butth art dforn dun to nurture and notto nature and years theyhave lxon dweller in town and In tho

and mc t unanitar quarternand heir work has not been

muvulnr Hero In the Tnitod Statessays Dr Fisttnrno thoy are doing thename thing H crwl proportion of themnro floveloplnst their mental fatuitiesat the eTrw n o if their physleal wellbeing When they urn not workingin sweat sh r for long hour dailythey ar i rlerkv students professionalpeople anti at sedentaryiwnorally with the roniequence that hofinds many of them

In of all thi however theirwretchM physical Inheritance theirmiserable surroundings anti their ap-

parently enfeebled condition they arei far from inferior pathologically thatthe death rate among thom I the lowestamong the rare In Vow York andtheir longevity U unequalled Ax LEIIOT-

IlRAUURn sarn In speaking of the largeJewrlM of tho East Jew Ls oftensmall and puny and looks wre cho l-

chrunken and pale but underneath thefrail exterior U concealed anvitality LKBOT HRACUTO make rawtype of those lean actrcMCA tholUrheU and tho Saraha who spit booand to hove but a spark of lifeleft yet who when they have steppedon the stage put Indomitableenergy Even In where thoconditions of Jewish life are worst thelows LIVe longer have n smaller childmortality and resist the ravage of infection better than do the peopletheta At Moscow in ISM

place the great riot against tho Jewswhich brought on nn exodus of themto till country the ccnsim gave themortality of the Jnw at only 1S7

of population M agaln t 3S torlie wholw jxipilntion

In Nvw h Jew llinvi letterlimn uny immigrant crimeh rv hfindirapixxl nltno t Invariablyly a foivl i nnd nn outltuidUh r chand by hi w of appearance

tUbe limtI AOC


I I41

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Oto I



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7t wv f rnd tan i rII a tt1rII ilflefq t-

w i iflJ IlI IJ P It tWI

write r fl the ti-


Iti ni4v1tr uten



a ii





its3 fIT


















< >












< <


Dr FlUHBitRoi ettrnsiv t serriamontf tlw fnrrnjn HiMtlati nYork lead him t the romtiH-

thiil the JAW adapt hlniwlf K-

now rnvimntnents fir morn uiwiv atmorn spe lily than hw neighborsItnllnnji in HnhoinUa the l lt ti-

SciindlnavmtM and tlifp lvorwhere and at tIll time the Jews ha

rcitmrkuhle among ranmankind for their cwl tttiKicitifor airllmatizatlon No othtr nui-

iy IFROY IlrUULIKt tr it lquickly to the Inlluoneo of environtnciit

thU motatnnr h wU Ucin wti

head with that Jowixh head tinemptim itself MI quickly or nil Orientnotion In order to flit lt elf with ourWhether at tho North nr at the Sotuin the tropifn or In the teinp riitn r-

gions tho Jew thriven Sot cvun tl-

quulor of overcrowded Hintcan prevent the Jewi from IWUIK tl-

licnlthieMt anti longcut livtnl part of ilpopulation of Sow York Ktatin-githervd by tho Tenement Housemission l eiir wit tiers

The KlTcct of fnnnuraia VnrMine

We pointer nut t diy flat on

of the fin t liicil ineitsuroi taken liv tlprovisional Roverninont stnbli io l1rotorii was to impo n lax of U pcent on the net prolltM nf gnimines This monun was in u-

suuiirv of n report lately Hindi by hi-

DAVID on thn flnaiuo nf tliTransvaal lOwer Colontho conchiMoiH of which Mr Oil tMHitLAIN hn announced hnvi l oon pith

Manually adopted hv the Culmml OiliiiAlthough Sir DAVID lUiuiTii rown

ha denounco hv thAfriran Itrrtrir thy organ of the Unity

vnpitAlitH on Iho ground thnt puiport may bo Hummed up in tho Hntoniv

Hero i n gold mine Count let IM m1

it there scorn tn lie no that Ihnines ran afford to pay the uiMmomtel and oven n lancer lnmt pmvidw-nf coutne they ore relieved ftnii othnexaction anti restrictions tn which thewere subjected hy the lineN

In hireport Sir DAVID lUunnrn proreed on the principle that theystem of taxation for tho Tramviui-hotilil ho pn framed n not to inorousunnecessarily the mil ml cnpitnl cx ondi

lure or augment tho rot of workingEnterprise should not ho li cottrnct I

neither nhould the poorer in met liundo tn bear nn unfair share of th-

1cnl burden Con e iiiiTtlv the rovemo hntild bo rawed by mean of n laevict not on pros return but on tic

profit He ndviiM

Mop should Ix tok n to beliefowners nnd in ntho

so that nhnuld not hayron to regard the change of governnent n mtefortniio frnm n Iociiiiinr

of view He AilvncntiM for In

thn nl ilition of trnnsit duoipnn KKxU hroiiRht through the

irn colonies nnif xilnnial railway rati a retluition nhe etceeMVO freights hithetto chaCKet-

iy tin Netherlands Hallway the sh irline to Delnifoa Bar and llnally Ih-

iwcepinn away of the dvnamile mo-

lopoly which loct prorveflini alone W-

Tuean A avinR of nb Ut threo milluii-

lollnru n yearAcronlinj to Sir PAVIH ninnTnti-

lctilntionit ctxinomio hn uihi-

lxiut hy the rh ni ol IWiil fviliitint would vllectivr ly niimun0 not thnn tl 7 per ton of ore mineind Mr JOHN HATS HAMMOXH

high authority upon Hand mining puti-

he flRiirw nt SI 10 xtr ton and a Inhaii-

lojibunt writer lately ijuoiitl in the

xmdon Tiinn a erl that the iivitu it

lorkinu rot would IH at least 33 jwi-

nt or nlmost 1175 per ton Stilmother wolinformed writer MriLKUirn believes that tho net n t-

ho wholo inditHtrv on a years worl-

tho production of low LOIIIR taken ainsisi woul lionfter the now profit ta-

if 10 per tent ho lieen paid nt lao oigh-

iillllon ilollar a year tpon iho lmnif probable production after the lapf three yearn from the declaration

the same writer tlmntes thn1or ton yearn ending with IOU tintot n nni would l about JUJf if i-

iier annum In addition to thoseain in profltt the mines wouldIt from the large quantities of lowtrnde ore wlilch for Urn first time witK availnblo for exploitationt should bo nhviom that everyiy which cost are reduced will lnr el-

neronne1 ho quantity of ore whirls rannilled with n profitThe consequences ofadopt ing Sir DA-

ID llAnnocns rocommcndutiins nmn brought out morn clearly hv rinrnwo or three concrre exani oH Itho COAO nf the Ilnhinson mine tIcieinler mino of tho Hand anti ono ol

enlil producers in the worldhe net profit mndo in 1SOS was jCJVnrrom the cnishitiR of is 4o ton of nroivo shillings n ton reduction In wnrkii-

Kot would mean nn addition to theiroflt of JCIOOO Ten per cent up it-

ho enlnrRed profit of JC47IOU would IK

147191 or very little more than therK efT H teil under tho Improvement

general conditions A nnnthcr inUncfl wo may take thin Oily and Subrban where Iho KTMlc of re cnihei-i rather nbove the conoral nvcran-f tho Rand Hem the net profit earnedi 1S WM iM52i upm n crushIR of isllfl ton Under Sir DAMU-

lAiiBourtK Bchomo the profit wouldicra od by JC543M to XStJOM Ten-

or cent on this increased profit woulde only JR43 Vi and even 0 per rentould bo loss than the estimated Hiving-nko finally Mich n mlno a the Ue rueoch which In IJ9S not pay Theiihntity of oro l wa 103444

jieldlng Rol l to tim yoke of 113

nn expenditure of linuM hailU flvn AhillinR ton lower

23230 would hnvnciiir l leaving net after payingUt of 10 per centIt in evident from figures that

10 now tax of 10 per cent on the netroflt will IH borne easily hy the luiiut

the Hand privldotl if tfiiii e liveillliriRs can l MVLH on working ivi t-

i certainly will bo the ca e if Sir DAVID

Afinnirns plans are carried out Ilothand Sir

lon ot


ale h




Hall 1



mint min wnr


















been the



I lIe


tnndat ion been I


tutu itt


lilt nover



outp tilt ititlo t Ii tit nui




lit largest












> >






LtiM tlAMrornr w lncllne to thlrthin emitrihuti of 10 wr f nt up-

iiil pmttt is itmnll nml then I sonrenjtin bellevn tdnt ier rent

vxrituallr be rnl isl withxit ilL o Mirn-

iing pruliii lion Vo tliMl n li-

iw u liars of the wars fi ul burdotm-dovnlrrd nn the iibjugat d repiililu1the Tranitvnal will hat to Ixnr dimth whnlo of it for what wt funuorl-

P ilnte l out is confirmed bv Sir DAM-

HutiKirii wiys that tintHirer nl ny in innfieitlnti with tlquestion of a uontribition inward it-

t of war U practically n tuglguile quantity

A vniing man and n young womai-dtsrrlMv ns wi known inetitlwrs rNewark exclusive nodal H I won

married nt the Little Church Ar und tl-

C irtntr tho oihi ilay Vimo f lie-

irilittivw or frioiid wi mid th-

Mxton f thv chunh was miideIIM a WIIIH HH ntid no doubt h plnyet jwrt with diiitiitv nnd even tfiOMt-The rtlativtM arid friends i

by the and simiillii f

PPHI I intirvlv xatiitlel At-i ho match brido nml gnnHn-

Ixen upp e t i lie ongflgxl In ihmutter nf cultivation and swial attainnniit there wu e tinliiv lH me n

anI the i turf regret nt th nhriitand bnlilnes f the loromivir ifu

might d a piiMMlli h

briilcsnai l i a i lditigus pieiibclnni f ruth pipMin h

have print ther firIt in tiobodvs IIHH tu i oui r I

flrtnusly th notVIM n tlin nrtunaiyoung folk To clop nhen n lxid-

nbjerti to your may h n-

supiTiltnuv hit it is htnl wo o litvl-

Sti rn lan ntt in day rid tinpiission for romamit ndtm SiUi

riuttod imi iin that n li tilif-nlU nnd fallals and INr lnn i tnp mal-

uiVi led the itiupl tn Ixcome ntic in al-

einy idvllie way To l sure it IH tinman who most frightened by theai gM ivriiiiniiict r hard ordeal

the id an nho fc ls n lfi ip ciou nedripping from pre a he face-1ilieevp rtatit liundretU an I i nmre that

v r eertiiiii that the liride louk Ilkan angel and h nuit l wik like mi 01The art of repre einnti in the itsttii-if decnrnu niiil ill motion tin

power nf iiwn ing siul n icen iot-

nnd uneoiiHrlniis of n eelnlor nr civeti genermi ly to wiinen IIIH n tuigil-

itl ItlWtIteslle thy welding on it fvrrtnoilil

tide ix MI IIIIK h mote to ilit wnnmt-hiifi ti tho nan It i her luv nf days

ilie supreme pngennt nf her life arid lintHghoHt tii of i lthc Thti groom plnv

a uunnr mrt in ih shiw He noMiii-M deproitl Ni lf dy u wnti hmg him

except the l st man who has swnrri i see tutu ami for his rmn-

1roiit wantr hint I l ik n th utth If-

WIM alive twn IK r m n nfl bornu it if them hive i t theirfitter f c bv too mud familiaritywith wmldttiK nn l priMKallv i i-

gr xitii I He walks or tttor in-

i drenm thrnugh tho MTVICO Mr-

TKBrxrr MrtVAVKVs ilowriptin t a

KtniKgiing IUMICT a walking Ilk t-

iliMtiiMrUig mull tlp mh D nmiirU iin t appr priMl I lit roiHiiMiii n

hut itiiiiibling Nn wonnwkAanl limn prvfern to chnti-

publietty and InviH to inveigh ngiintfil ami fiMihhti of s

weddings Hut usually nnl dy p v-

nny attention him Kvorylody i nulihim and tho bridesmaids sucle nt him

or ho thinks thief do until H nearlytilt of ln Innd 1ity the wirrows of 1

manIt i1 ur gui that thi New Jersey

liride was unliii to f reg tin glnrii

a great wtiiditie by pr llai e tluitih marringrt shnuld bo kept wrretuntil Septemlxir a pn ini o which riuiiirt1-

linil taken it i titiarv liikl in maUI-

IIK Yet n nocret woilditik-

luw sii h fn f to y uti-

wiitnen A H Krit iFoswi t n thing tok ep osppoinllv when XMII hsvo ixteeti-ilermwt frieml t wlimi you miift comrnumcnto it niUi Ut delay

Ve have heird it nid that tho etpon1-f weddiugH in n deterrent of mnrriiiKo

the itrh to t tniiiii ofrii h cpri a hug miriHK the I foreluiinl limit we Aill not Nhoko hinthbU rv i end him Tliere an ytiiiu-

iiril i inomi tn wlm like roiTis as i l reimiyl-

iv thy e M nsvetii 4 nf mnrriiu butrny Hi itinen everything

U nut riOlt Up ll tiemelveThey have to pay for uislding

Thom i ti tints ami immiita pnvdeg-IVrhnp nien the liiwnhk-iteatun wiiud b itf r ploi d ami-

Iikrriagn Iw mndi eaxer if wi ldnift-

vero rtimpbr Ill tvV foriHtatie Th grfxiMi i iiiitH 1 re d Inhe ground Tin brile planu a teed

liy the tde of hit llxclwnge re l-Hrfrenitiy etiU Or the bride and groom

nut f the snne di h or drink HII-

if the Mittin tup a in IH tu tmu inliver Mintr Or H eocMrmuliriiken nnd the milk pounil over thorieuU its in Duko York Llund-lr th two iohe the iiiie eigaretie-

w in Horneo Or they sit crnbarmad boy heir lnadi knit tngeihoris niioti thn Or nimplvti-if all von and whirl your bulloarer nnd draw time woman by tlim-

ompelling music ntul when ho iin s-

ii MHiJing f nvcr as in tmriliAost-tieet land Hnnhful t may pr isr

Malay fashion whereby tIn priorinarn s Mm man to tto unmtTi withoutho of the

Hi primitive rit malls n it misend i The H tinn of nn engngodr n married moan i ptetty tough in

pirts nf thn world SHVHK etl-

U tto often foibidi thn eiigiigol nnn-

n see or sp Mk with hi Utrothod untilhe marrtnnf In llritidi iuiAtia he is

thrown into n hammock and the tiretot MI him Ammu the Damarah-

o gnxmi raiit Mt or h Mk with hiride fur tour Its after niHrnngo In

if u me a mUllin mu t wear your hair long lie it

ut and pimp your wife cut ofT fmm-

fe The tivilic mail has th easiestof it Ho should bo sluw to do




alI fllr




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I efl tt c I i t ii g 41tttI Itt tin rs t

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tII tint I nit itll II nil


mom ag



s tnt ii




I ii rout rhi

IllS I mann V

tt Iii t

uI inn

nit itititti iIIit




I Ito

imp ttIb0 ItVit II ion

unit at t list t lit


I I otmizi yin Iernmt4 lit

hoc oltitIlist

4 hut I tredC



t r1


fr tate bit icr


1mttor hilt I I tim rrtI




< >







> <




> >





< <




> >









fraud bride and briilenmakU buthe wants a quitt wtjdlng let hi

the mns nt of hu Queen If h can

niiiiirtt ami Trni rranrWe print in another column nf th

Mr MAnr IISutionitl of the

partment of the Woman Tupwiuv-rnon whiciiiiineomi itself with soletitle teiiiwninif mtrurtlon in 01-

ehnnU and colleges Mrs HUXT1

totter H in reply to Hn article in Tlie Si-

MI long ago published that we would b

Jiiftified in declining to rint It but w

respect HO highly the motive of thego x teniperanoe women that we argin 1 t i give her n hearing In TilE Stv

Tim womans toii or nco moranieri-nne nf the late of the organized u-

ltenpu in this country to bring abouti ui raiieii reform but it IIOH dlstln-guiihoi HOI u ono of the most inlluon-

lun and prti ticnlly iurr Hful in thhistory nf an agitation whir

IMVUII vigorously n century agoImler sttmultm nf the seal of th-

lli t great American tetiH rnnco societyfounded nt ItiKton m isiohud gaiiii d such headway M VCI yearliter thai il in hraiich norieths witmore a iiininlw ri had hoefor id nnd o net lung like two thousatv-diitilleries hud Nvn Mnpixsl A th

nf tIlt Imon was then nnl-

rtbitiil itiirteiri these rcnulttII will rio MOII were verv remnrkabfThe WnsliingtoMfin movement whirlMM ive le n in isio hail n tile of only i

few year hut toast a greatlt brief exUtence grit ftntlir-xn4 a pledge to alxtflin from drink

to which it obtained nearly throeq unit or nf a million signatures Tin

Inter hiMorv f the tonporanre agitatio-it well known

The women movement represent e-

iy Mr HVxr luau imme linte foreuntier in iho tem eraiire cnisndo lithin of which the mr l nctablo feattire wo priying liquor saloons Thinvent soccty U describwl on the borg

Kt over romp cd of women exclusivelynrgrtmz l in very State and Tern

nry and has branches In thuusunds o

own Its badge is a knot of white

ibbin ami there said to lie a many

n a a million whiteribbon-rs In the United State each of whom

i xp tod to pray at noon of every dRY

r tlio overthrow of tho liquor trafficTho article to which Mr HfXT takm

consist l chiellyof a piimmarj-if a Hix r on the results of tho Intro

luetion of the study of temperanc-bwiilogy In the public chools con

rbit l to an educational review by i

School Suiwrintendent-Thn in tnirtion introduced undei-

re unv from the wnmrnH temporanw-

iiiciety l is not o eftlcaeioui-

n pniiiuting Practical temperanceiriginaton suppose it to l o Mn

lit NT i no with him on ibis pointind her argument is that since the IntroI iet Inn f tin hernoof utiidy a a warnng neninst the physical Ills of the

iliMbol there Inw been a noteworthygrowth f temperance We should

m limed however to refer this happyf iilt to other cati e and not the lejin-

lIlicient of them other rrv lou labors ol-

he groat army of good American women

he toprovntl urmg the pericnl of which she speaks

hniiK m Hooial custom and practiceinve ftiilil to pnxlueo greater temperinee in bith eating nnd drinking The

nii uiiie i UL faHhionable thinners

las IWSMI much reduced and they havi-

KMsn snuiifil Tho long IUU of winesormerly doomed obligatory at themmve dtscanled and a only o1

h o Ii vrti5e rite n providod Thin

ioivy drinking of the put hit ovnn tolonfc M on as an evidence of illbroodexpre sini itself in aU nc of decent

lolfonntrol or of a deplorable maladyclub aol all congrfgitions of men

herr if much drinking thin formerlyhabits of toiiipornnco tire made monind wnre reqiisit by inotlern hiisine-nethodv Till drunkard is nn loiige-

olornt l a n man of an amiable weak

le ri limit is r oji on ns an oflensiviHn n of ttitolerabo hnbitn or a a pn pe-

imbjoct for rtxtniitil a n victim of a very

ibnoxioiio form of inanityHow far this womens temjicrano-

tiivenent specitieally has been mfluen-jal in bringing nbitut evilwwl a trailnnnntlou wo cannot uiidortakn to de

mill but that i hat been lN neficia-

iini it i 11 ry way creditablei thy gonMo jmr1 it iho niultltudo o-

oo l WtiMen iinngil III it wo comtslt-ilmgly W aeii MilTer moore lion

my other piii of tho iommunity fromevil csin isl jv alcijhohf ililomixT

They MH it enter their homoii fiend whieli str yi their MUIM antlUAhonds and they have go K reasot-o bue liquor rattle

The l ue al the MineNo or iicabiding

in Mt m the i ue al prmenl tipM rmist in thn antliriiHe mining region

v ihlo ro im for arbitrationTIll qiiiritinn theme is on the ordinary

IBIIS right to work Hie strikers denyThey aro making tho region a eat of

ultimo whom raM tho hand nlinV ntv nKitml nil tot of thlr ownink They make nf themselves law

onkTs nnd ln v dolentlor f eve v one

it the otherleadership that cxcitis or counto-

iatiiv nr toloritoM thi Kilicy criminalii hot rural of thnso whom It pretends

I MM r r Kinnl rumnt ir irkl nr Mlxci iit fvm-

IM i iH p t n mil-t t r r Nix I nrlrni i n

o have ufton thmiclit what wouM h t-

oin if New rii liinl without Afdca smut

Africa without New Knclaml X w

iglniMl wu plnntnl fur tlin purponrofK-

iiitliiK N K turn Africaivirod for the mr i e of IMIIIR H market

N K mm Tnkn the OAt forname icclou rniler rvcenlrlo than

rulthful In the matter of cllinatn Infe thor I a hunlrn without X E nim-

U grnllfyliiig to iertnt that loony of thelive have at least died happy Thonor iKnlchtd ntvnc Is che r l wenimallv hr run and In his ln t momentsufrfj rttimnrittir tvs thinks temlrrly-r MwlfonlFur Mime tiir Vw l load hat twrn-

ry of the great Hapln h U a iW ur tonow that thus Lilian Wooilnilf bound toeie We t Ioakt with IMOJO gitllouk uf N U



Ilforr Mlllr n-

th SlIp lltndt










It i


qultrter fIr



opt n I











t r



I ii

II h








for W out




t routtic

I lie

I lie


Ito ii tom I lion

lPtIltIt moo

itt ii Iion

1 stir4 Its


tmgmeet trill

In e lit











I s trtmm ime Itt LI I brett






sa ill












< >

> > >




mm MNOM worth of It HM Jut wlltrOll RrvMon Thiui U lr H-

k pl up and titus tho Dark routine

iiuirllt ha objected lo I

but without I i thrharartnr of N rum ha thuncfor the worM It U th nt t vl nrvii-

hMlthful anti cheap forte of plritwhtro un Up Why ilov ln mj ri iK-

tiolihUh nrr tloii the MiiUid

nieilow drink II Kriiiiheri stud reul

Some drink are destructive N K

cotKimcilTe a former u a-

rtlsln Mhorted It could the fratiiwork of a i loj il larn aid It willuplift Africa live II limn

thjii wr mil i rnr4in hIP funti-i r tft r HtMtt r I


tiroudly to the faithful f the Nlnth ATIU-My dlMrin Dttrin n thirty venr oper-

ieiirvln lllrtrt I never hrukThere n rmhlo reiord but Mr IIKVIR-Tinithfilnc I ltt liitrrr litiR to tlie worlititan iii Inncunxe He netr brill-

hU won limit thero IK tin Kiicli h onwlilrh he U sfrnld to lirrtl rnd bin h-

f l that thete ntrnt wcnl n urhrippMnt new one fearlo lv The WlllhlS liovcrv D miKr il A wxl inn mulie iiy the llliun

The liiAliill mitt nf the RaHtnnrr Vrirnuke n verv l rito nn IVN tin in

New YorK i i Mcfiiuwh exrinr i-

inur leveb pminl n 1 kicker annii t ihumpire

trula l Vln pot MI tn Jfiii-nmn wrtfUlril ttr p Irbrr fur n l r ut t ft-

Mihl tor IKI mun of bit h llln r r nt

roMInt prurrrr anti mnn itrurk out n-

foulrtl nut t1 i h mtitr a td lwnr t bwrbl-Ut TUM tail tirlpnl tu rr mum anrivtl-hli ft v nir ar iuil thr uirpirr no tr w-

liablr In bri k out tin no pmrti l nr inorrnlrriltrmrnl from the c me multnl n-

j r n l iu tttrr ut rnOnn ml punnhirrnt by

md him more bluer Ontnj lo trinity nd-

prn hia pUrr hut l ltr tail yr r lr lbTnr former IMIKHJ Inner sod un lrrful li r-

runnr In fort the run tutrr rtrrlknund rlrvrr thlrt luurntAn hid itr rnfr trd Inn

n orJnirr dwontrrtrd vinrril loll

Him tc4 Ihtt bW luml had nrrrwanly In br fkint-

rtrrjr mao

In the old time a plny r could blitckguard the umpire without nuticn li li-

itakon of It hut the American IAV CU-

InMlliltvtl n new order of things ami-

McOlti w gavr It up an l eaiiH to New YorkTux SCN wWie MrORAW all Biifves

under th ruts If he can top klcklnj-

ngalnut umpire br himself and ub-

ardliiAtos will entitle the New Yorkliinn 4 the champloiwliip whether It wltuIt or not

Judge StniMtli the flt Ix ula Inllii-

Ta Utnte who won dM rvediy hole I Inj that a wife hna tho right of Uknjr monny from h r hustiandathen ho 1 a nndthrift or a nlgRnnludgrxl another rlxhteou Judgmentmulct that a dOlt hiu the right to bite t

who a tin can or other Impedl-

nent to it tall It 1 the cuntoni tomad a dog thus resentful of ai

Insult to It dignity anti toni pnlr tnn ha to he called In and In

ittrnipt to kill the innocent hlltr twohno Innocent on are shot It I wl

renicinbor that a H few rightsind It cnn do no hurt to remomlier thatnumber of dnngr rou vicious coil foollili

is small In compiri on with the nunvi-

M r of foolliih vicious and dang rout

Th Attack on PoliceAMTBUiOr keem to U tho height of tinulni i What liao he dun

It n sorrow to have to record the ar-

e t of the Hon NonMAX F MACK of tinRiMTvatlon the Democratic

Innal Commute Mr MACK Was chargetiwith driving hi automolille too andils flremsn ilevllKlrlver scorcher orchauffeur locked up Mica do

that the pare of machine was tooaM nnd coiiipliin thnt hn was mnilo tr-

ufTer for the of others Ve nccepi-lU plea but our sorrow U not nuilo tino theroby What does the lx uni fiieiul-

f Mr llrTAv the utitpnrlng foe of pinocracy In an autnnioblle Wliat3t mocr tlc Hlinpllcity with a chauffeur

nilh lisp llp lilmOn morn than ono octnnion ih io

if truuhle with Soiili Afn

fiolrted out In Till WfN 11 on wlinhnml of the ItriliMh ni vi nimeiit appear

Imvr fftllitt nn tin lwi vit At outbrook of th HK r nr tl YOIIHK Ilmuti-

INtrtvat head f trhlch wns theflit Jnr 1 TenMl to milk romtnon nunwith Ikor hill ti y wcn tr lit hy vl-

nrr lenil ri that the war a while iiiauinml Kny could not lake part III

the e ti utrnliy vai-nalntnined HO far n tlio fcliiinc n n-

erntd but up to tlie Mry li t thy tun t

Uuliw unilcr JKl gave tl DIH vnluIM i innro in foo l hnriivt iiilnrnnlinii

n known ill nlon o iho llnii li Imi1 wa not iormder exi lleni whileililie were n lo monk any effoti11 puiiloh the of their nINom0 ilio ruriroin power on the pnrt f titrtli Now thai the war IK ovrr

lint Uen ilerulid to luring the rrlnl in

mil ntid enters lmv b u clxia fur ilw-

iriT t if Jnelon n charge uf high tnnMinTo l Its thAi lUfUlot demur niil c n-

llKMxIi painnioum hiM ofto lx unwilling io utnn l T ii-

ond In authority to Itritish juflite III

itxfjuetue of thIs attlluilo of the sri n-

IsMitu IlritJHli trootm nnu N elie of trouble

Should tri rinme m cnrneil to the txnutif war M m nniortant irohlrm In nunction wlh tlio natitn rnco in South Africatill omit up for rotation

I l lanilProm IA Kan Vonriero CAronirlt

In the et e of the tMon isisr ph Company araln t the rrl ootrr fluidsnlt l Matea IMMrlct Judce lie listen rr trr-ay ll initl tlie libel upon itrntind-nt the mutt hud ro llinHUe deildrd t a ruble n sorts ictloii of tlie land and lUt a suit linohlnji-jury to a table could not l rotnrly loutsrfore an admiralty null Tile

ued tot ilamace Inn liuuriby the anrLot nl the nloorcr to lle

able tirtween tAn fInd linklandJudas Maim In liU doll ijimtea-

luvlie on Admiralty ai follow theue l fre narrow li t eeii tlio navi

watrr and trunure otrrthat l tn the

liore ltl until the water in iy Iv l nmiiI a a mere roiri ion of Hie

tore mid tort liI rlllitf uixui i u lnit-re are tot wIthIn tie nil of lie

oiirt moteIn wliarve and briiivcr whirl ate

iml Mr lrlliieThe Judge ndd In the

tine la to a rattle with endlathed to aid lt

tln upon land navliil vatriahAl si

Mnllloa UI

ron tv lIIdstI JoM

t been


uh TIll Ikeiumm Ntk 1

fit a-

arIIlIthtu rumwas


InllCInUII hunllhUIIln-S S

I It

ibis uonui


I rr




andthat i

II and

mill hallJ CIMII


the hits I


all 1 II 111







to docthis





tri n

was Irhis


or the Inl beetfirst


lit lid







d IIlion



1I1IlhII rnnId


1I laU

I tIt I

I hor

knitbetween iu cuunttk

astew hIs Ott


rood reAson

mae ii amu

Kin Mitt


tit t TIii It1i

h Cn



mppln tit sti 4

IItilnIoleiI aitAtIun


lap that



UmrI nag



Cuter n-

un that PIrt1 WIA


person tiesregard









Tnt Imtf

tmatc trIsa itt ar-

uM a eonstqlman I nr Imas



I hue

wAswar ii-

I rd r ns

Stillhuts a



Iii er

I Its < I lie tntS

I it lOll ttiol



Jut itIltas




all bridgedhem ti lhIiiM

I lieuliii 5










> <























ITM rrr f MPIVA-

tnorir fommrrrUI ln n lun nf tlfur FAst ronvtltulr obi of lh prlnrtptopic nf iU UH li n In the iiiliinum of xuiof the lr illa Jai iK H journals brtiul-hy the mull It I rvfrmhin to olwvrithat thU Imimrtiiit ium tloti to ppnM elii-

htr Japans Umliliil etiiti r in l lr

of ownniliHlnln M rullreltr untainted

iritwrki if stun of ilm moro reprelath orgtn of K ilt oilnlon In Tnklo

The Vippon whkh In usually rfptltrs-iviiiv time nilm nt if the OmninUI-witlon of th P MII expmwe mirpH-

nt the apparent nee nf its coutitrmen to the otr unliimrv at withhits itmtrv I mikltitt honilway in ttrundle for mmorlil utirenwcv-KaMrrn Ait lit la oiithwnnl mov-

tnfnt mv ti Vippmi imflagrhill America ie twnr l march U Ilk

a ITfXKl Ytiit cnn cluvk tho tire butt yicannot mop tle laiiiuintion It then eu-

on to review hrirllv tlie rapid growthAinrrlcnn trail III the Far Yjtnt In nifirears to v Mliti iiiiii Itsilev r jinient the orxrilim of tl-

l t nun I nid under the ninnlpulntkn lyjui uf erirrrrtle nnd fnrrlchti

men the like nf whieli Mtory hnnHMtiltil It conclude thu Since It

nlth ltnK bIi to tip the lido t-

Xnierl m rutunirrUl Uivn lnn thellilin l to fall In

lh rurreni ami try to pet n much l nrl-

tut of It n WM PHII Ndllniiij could l mm-

finli h tnn to ndopi tn ultlttlde-nnnrotiUm

When suet l the lon if the JlneoltMV hum nf the Jnpini i it oei willnut MvinR Him the jourtin-viowthosltiiKilnii wltuiiit nny unfnlr pr ji-

illir The Aofcumin f t Instance III ver-

ihouhtful editorial thnt Jpl-o not conleniiilito iho wootward ndvrr

or American Irllueneo th nny mnlicloti-nvy Inn thiS th whole nation Ooverr

until and p it l t alike I nctuilly wrl-

einjiornry qunteil above Kokttmithinks It foolMi for the Japanese to try tyiniiele with tho Americana rind eonhlet It ndvtHililo for them to coftpemt

tho letter In the future development r

radii In the Pacific It take the oppni-iiinlly ton iinl de p ngnt for the nilnidn of unfrlondlliioAH tnanlfr tod Iowanho Japanese along the Pacific Coat of th-

Lnltwl StatesIn name artlel the Kolmmln rrf r-

n th Amerimn Mlnliter at Toklo Col

Iliirk inIt U however a matter of congrntula

Ion for America that her diplomatic In

Crests In this country are Intruntrd torirnce and fiilrmlnded gentlemai

like fol Hack who commands the rntlr-onfldf mo of our Jovernmeiit and people

Particularly noteworthy at thU momentho attltudn adopted y him In rgartl t-

ho lioiix lnx prolilem nn attitude which

not only rnhancwl own lnflurno-

vlth the Japane hut which w havo n-

ir ltnllon to helped rnatariallo ndd to credit and Uifluenc of hi-

untrr among u

Another qurntlon which la attractlni-rioti attention In the journnllitlo circlet

if Toklo U to the advisability or otherrUe of removing the existing rertrictlon-m foreign ownership of land and the workng of mines and railways This queatlo-

ila always Nv n publicluring put few years and there ha-

H rn a growing tendency In businessInanclnl circles to favor the Adoption ofhoroughly liberal policy in

lrnlutlon to effectXTTI passed by different Tiamlier of Com

nrrpn throughout the country thalways tak n by the Toklo Chamber

if which lUmen fihlbiwawa now in this cityH the Prrrldrnt

The question assumed a wry practIcalorm wtne time spring when aif principal railway entersIJH U iiicol lout fur n ccrtnhInn III 1jndon In theo ur ofIntlnnt It dlcnvi rrd l toil thn KriglU-I1nnml rH willing to maleMiiir l udvjm of money on the Mcuritif rullony iircjMrtv ire diliarrrd fronI-

ciliiB KI ti nrvount of vnriou legal rerl lions tint romler fuch wvurlty prartl

nil worthies Thereupon strongns bronchi to bean the Cnbin-ellnlnrr i t legUUtlfi-iieaoiite rrmuvlng nil tluH otitaclen hlie w i of iniriHluelng foreignAoulllUK to Ihf pi r Hint

miHwiiy of smirk lev in eo far n-

ilato to rallwnva it licinu underxtooihat ieii law on the U no

Piiirw if ciiniiiltluii for pretMintatloi-tli I i it next

1 In H M i alimiM tinnnini ulr l-

iitii of tin Itglilntlon Mui fin in problitnittlcnl-

iforvinM nil attiiid if tbe ilr lnlicb of th

ri l ire cnn IM until It

iniK hlmll have bten ditermiwxi-v t lie cnmili i lioreil III AUCUn-

tin if thi movement w tn-

ilii i fir jfrHtilixl that the newif liptiMMAtl will IH favnrnbly difc-

M hMvi In qtln-

ln Hut even iippoeini hint thl ex-

ilHiioii ini oul wil fotindnl whlrlidun tub it cnntiot IM ilililrd lint tinni f r wldch IXH in ervmtt-

nlv will nt hi a mood to take kindlyn HU ini itiiMiii tif iliU kind In h irt In-

v iild n Ulil man who would limUl-

IIIKII on the probability of the jin-tn i un l NN tiiiiiR Ii

lir pr i t nf tin ten silk crup-I nine iinennliiee Itnd en-

It it iHtmil In tluwi column MOlt litre41 un n tiiiii nf fn i t aixlturn WH rpRHrdeit nllh imiro roittldriH-

li irviinetit till h l mull left TkiiI-n xero hod iiinliiiibti n-

i trnu l piijllirrrv lintt in im jwtin Vi itii

e HVI luivlr deslntveil in time

v if Ktx hi nnd Hutin I ii ttior Iwinil thipi urn dl tri t wliirh-

ivo twi Intlnly fnv from nny injuryK onlltu the conitutAtuinivsl IV lh Itlnxlnr f tln TII of

It cnee lriiiit of I do w hnle land under mull irv-

iiitit tl n its llk ul doing

to tm th tight dnm go done bv he-

d WKII T i re l riiiliiiitup iv lfi eioepttuinlly ijixil triKtli-

r ive IIMVO Utii ablr l



t uliM iriiit fovopnblo lln-

ml to Rood M-

l Ural s fullitf i I Vulnn Hflt-

i rr mr July rr Lratr4 dl u n

Nun tmr mbvriU r trrd ih-

tmaa a r ii n and C urih tatatlnn ai tooei rr t vinn Mirt wrtatrU in l-

i an amrnjnrflt if w f tr tniirkk iitChiat-i a prp il t at t ii ti in Tun rrt t 1-

1imr o irr4 n u IK i

Ihr V h nnfmliM vr rrtrrrtifr t-

ir r nt Mrr Mint d kl Inir-

i l a mr l ajain l r t ntw patrr T-

lnn tnrM Md th ipt iit of the Tururr-

il tilt pr l thr tniiwrvallv-urui tit UwlaHrtv tin-

A S lhrrn tlrthndltl A L nn Tcka-crtt v In4niII liHtfMl MrtlMrM r

kit nrjr Kin lwiiUin Nnilk C t 4ina-

H pi rrx l H lrmlpr Ihr u rI r l t a4 wintt tit


ii u I i f

rn rt nr tr mn li tn hr ann a C-

ii u bt I N I W 1441 ii Mr


Jlnta or Rlllllltl ltllA i







I tilt II



Sib I


lib 1111111111


It Ilkn it ronprvatiye










Ioit lilt



lilt III

rff1hLiovrimiin1u1 III lO



IrI 1 1I hl


1I1I111t 1





I Ilid


f flon

I I I i





II 0 rue lhII 1



I stilt0





IIor I P

bit IfI

n or I I





tItI0 S ft


like atic


itmi ian

welli lee

I I Iii iy wit

r eI



rttnto eonibis








thisthis hate




it ahues

wasAlt toughi his



pistils itt ihititmun

I Iii

prop nilI

tyIn Ito 11rpm to

lt bolthrt ton




w t hint

I situ ititly s

I t t Iii


Iii gieumia

I itt ar-

Creuuii ire ulimnati It-

t 5w ore

itiett tilittt ls

moo Ii

eon iii intri i the is itto

14 ttlimlI


Ie 55 5




Catote snail

nnet ta 31

St-rut mete


ai tn I il iii vnl Ibpta-I ike ieiea I S s I O me

fp t in e iS 11 54-ii eh is 5 i

my iC e i 51k i5 ii










< >









> >





< > >








> >

> >> <




> >

> <



titn txiir t-

Ttie H tt tmrt IHMteit llrlnrm-f it llewriar iwi

The tin I if Afghan Un 11-

rltlnl nn a il mil ileiMMn

of an uriraii il 4 t mri iitry A Coiiii d stMie H

iiM ml r nf t ttnu faptKiiiitnl in Kalii i i

iiiMmiiiil TMIInative und MiiluimiiM Ua ni laird wild m h nf i m i

to u M in Ihw 1

i nd n DM-

I win am m iti p ll ml inCouncil ul Kubul d h f i

III aiihmit lie ni i miiK iii-AnUr stud tran iut In-

ea h IBM to II tri KICount ll i im t eti h wit k

of the Anliitridii mi tb

m ute its Amir IK iit u tt in-

lo the M fill III MM tl muttnrtny nf the nn n

rn ei anil I he trrliKlli fitw rritMtl I j t

prIm frontier it IHngAlgbiii tun from Inn i

and rtiuiirnt unrtxu i

risiiriw t N t

Appeal from I inn l h ratrhrr forIriielhm giln l ln htilrn-

To ins InlTon or Tin Sr i i r vonto In tni tlr inriilitil i r

from ii t ilil nc rak and liiifli n i ti-nlontf tIc ore nt I o ka if Hr I ry-fUli iiiulrr tin IVIIITI f irt linn TI inbill fnlo rlxil of txiiUe li I

inriit nl llioe lo list lo ath 1 li

for n livrr-H AMR I July it

TM srx hti rrprtrti ralird allrntion loiUnntnf ins mrnhtjrn inca sat il ihrp n1

mitt ncnrn Ahoul tm tar sea a Mil 10 tojnJ nrttlDC iv ril the lliutr in the Sea rr r-

t tUlalurr a unanlmuut tut t nat hour r-

out at Mbt In onr of Ibr s nair mnnilirrTfar It wat rtprr tril thai Ihr thor iial u

stain mainlr ttimuxti its rrfoiti at thr l aca-ol Saltmlrr llthrrmro hi I thai ortania or-

Mr want of rnrrtr nr wmrtunr rl r roiilrrl i

r1 rt lo Ibr llttlnc ot lltllt fr rt m Ne lalrrtNow M tn tbr menhaden fUbrrmrn Tftf rr-

romprllrd to krrp Ibrrr mite ult hi awblrii p 3 the cw mark LrcUUlur in

am but somehow whrn bill rant hrfu-Ibr burma for Xinatutr It runtalnrd thelonlthlnr flu r rrpi when n tiinr tnt nrr-luilm only That rUuir It l rlilmrd wat nn-

In lh onrlnal hill h tor lrti iai rr l

theta II stand kail wbllr II rrmalnt Ihr mrnhimutt ran to a clo to bor at they ilra-

ooly war lo Stan tilt nftttar in law it dnow It to calf h lbs nttttn I tb act ot iafit arritf-ixid Atbu No fir this baarrotrd lo br a duO u-

anil rouniiabout method nf pulllnf an rod la u-

I BI tanJint oulratr In iiurtt onTbt fiibrrmrn mutt put tbrtr bradi tnfrtbf

and plan son better tnran of prntmioc ftt-

hIrflurroo of Nurtlirrn Illoiul In ttir-

l WIT Kiiitlli

To THE KPITOR cr TH Rr fr Thetnprhrniilt crltle of Tti Io rr Southn moor ptp r of Hunilajr nikii l tir

historical qurvtlona Our of tlitfr ir of

nlrrrat How far wa Ibis rrwlon duriiron lo to two tunuiUid i

settler from th NonbrrnVour quotation from Mr lltowni iirn-

1rd th reader to Inlrr that tie infuiii-amlllrs who formed the nrl lo rai ci

Boulh trrro homoKriirou mi-hry w r sprung Iron Coionlnl sillier

kindred propl ito tiail inntid Unitolder border or from o-

raroUna Other wilting on the Mime firmrnphaatr Idea even mom iionit-nd on to beJIrre that h t r-

wop hail no klnnblp whatever niih North ejrrpt tbelr Oininoli luruit i

irltto I thisla this rears before Otll War tnr fan

allied to nutnjr homes In th foutli l

of friendship and Idnhlp h vrral 01-

hr repre rnUtlve of lt arll wravall were partly at IraM uf Nuitlrnj-

rlglo In r cert l lt to toeand Nw Orleans I

be names on the monument in HIM lwitii-eaieierlr of this cities M nr fi-

rllknown New lUtclund Nr ak-i w un it iiiln-e l 1 was liiformrd that a lrnr

pronUnent fanilllnt ol SonnOrortUn lioe layout

rn tb r nralo of tIme Mapleot I

tale that the croMli of tinluMrr from l so to i o d nit

New Kriitlitnt suit old MlIll-cllle m the towns of lbs lower oiiti

on became leailint IIMIMI t

nd A I HU i

r smut at the brenklnic out of Its nhilt di vnd nl ninoinlave owners All ot tli e luil liron iu-

Irrlr Soutlirrn In hull vtiitmr ie-

lr lde tlil my od iriuil told tielist rnoM of I tin ptifr lonal nir of t

ere the dr nl of fttir Iriu-

he North A tudjr of Soul M in-

iili rr ihl true of tlie ii inv i-

nrt of antebellum time nml I

o l lleve It rou llr ltt It ii reitalnly true ol ix-

MvlnrmnJr llsmrronl of on-

aroiin who uc MiM Cminm l

n Nortlnrn liminK one of te liriirt r-

idoptedMnte MM Wlker M

S11lnr alHl rtiT-e nrr r iin tlfsM l v-

rrnti rvnmrl ll tint Hf l oriSouth untif ol Vul

In in the I

ould prove ol r t lidi r ofsets N nrlfn-

In fit t loll l i IP i elrin aro-

0dtV tl erlll lte tl 1 lte r-

nrsn in n nlieHl dap hit I

n t m noun I wttlr-t I or trt IL V

hlliome Jl HM I Tir-N

rue r i

ioil v SI v tat lust Cyni MI M-

ndr of IblUdflphin ln tIe ulu t 01 n

AmerleV f Me l

i orae lndil trU4 tttpr I Me

rreit the n ipiltsrr ofThe urtlilerlalm that witliin-

f artlvp work Mr Hr l pro1 i

tories arnomitlne to Ve eo i

nmourtirit to or

mounting to r

ord brli l l inarn-

otti rrrorn t MS tl f e rMtrtt-

ioHwtriauiH roi fii I nt-

Shililon b rroduird nmi i

our fnrr tti l it i

vr l tei I

Krlot f etrri n U h rtA We ve-

r iirflt in th nnl li iirlrom MiiMan ol oriUea I kti o r-

u tnM rutre ti tintS 11

ill 011eHirM rrtl ioi SI O

i r io r ioir o-

fri e li in Htmi i

fi of thirlrrri llnvrlitte ol J0l-

v li to jej j aid I1

nut mo it h of Ihr t no he rorrtu

win Mcirl t rk iniklne a tot 1

moith of of O orts Tl ai-

f m ittrr w wrltlrn revl d rrr-n et 1 of brln itltaint l Mr

ivrn thl r t of tirediiMlnn o rrrr-

rahitn lliM rrilon 1 to r

entiire nf tirro o ite r n it r-

niiii ofII t llor ttfltllHIetllll I

I thl nptiert tuttentf I ill

lrarr Itidurr isis T lt I mint Vth i

ti ot e-

iV memory rrre n nn I

Knatid list llie thy tnJUvly for n Ilk I

rottuctlona r-

l i I rti-nirrh m rernrt loot

rlnt l MiMlir nl inI he i oiioie

lth all dm t t It i

Mrr t talk i uM t i

I ite l i t-

t tlir r I o I1-

SVt Vi k I

T tin ir-

i Mktr n ol Mla v-

I f ri-UlUI IKK I Ala kl I



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Ml Toll

OB itam

newt witlot of l-

it hiNlMtllllO-Blloweil 1

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cn lorv-

owinx tohim eorelent InK

AUiutfrom hH-


In Ililin-hich In-

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I havo-dnilrrM

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I nm-inw to

I M m ionIntlrr in

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believeIVeil tl-

imlntlnuitt rytup toft too i

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Al thI nivrr-d re t-

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