The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-05-14 [p 10]....which enIrpe LtteItititt alt titititit iiI let art...

THE SUN VEDNESDAY MAY 14 1902 to J l F I TELLER HARRY BELL CAUGHT MVC KMPLOYEE- v iiinAniirniA lie Fled In Mirrli After Tiklnc nanOOO From the IlitiU Hail Ileni eihrltrrrd by a Itelathe of III llrolhrri Wife Identified and llrld for Kxtradltlon Harry C MI the young mnn who until March I was rwvlvlnK toiler of the Riverside Italic and wtio dlsapiKTnvl that time leaving a MiorlaRo of 20000 In the banks accounts wn nrreHtml yoMonlay afternoon In Phllndelphla Hell who wan living with hrotlierlntowii Bister In Kllwood a Philadelphia nuhurh was much urprl Kl at seclns Detictlve SerReftnts Cray and Kelly whom Capt Titus had over to nrrtst him Ho made no at tempt to conceal hl identity Ho van taken to a police court and there hold to await the requisition which the Governor of Xcw York will mako upon Governor of Pcniicylvnnla- Tlie nrrewt of Harry fioll was the result of wcokV search on the part of the banks oniccrs unit tho Pinkerton men who were placed un tho ca e Supt DotiRliorty of the Pinkerton force found that Hells ntarcHt HviiiR relative won a sinter Mrs John Vlckon of Rl UIo avenue and list Monday ho became convIne Hl thnt wan hiding Minp of tho vicken fatuity who Philadelphia HM rorinultwl the anti found that Mm Kllen I Wickcs 31101nKHMrvot- KllwocMi Then ho talkiil with thi Pinker ton olTU1 In over thn telephone and men went not to watch tht Early tlii morning they KIW their man from Mrs and hurry over to a nearby lmrl er shop for hU morn- ing phave of the Itlver Kelly wont to Philadelphia to make the Hells nrrcst followed Little is known of the young mans whore nboiitK Pinkerton people that ho lian been to the cities middle West arid thnt ho has ROIII- Oof the hanks monev with him Ht ll was a iiiemlnr of tho Wet Side Y M C A nod Dr MacArthurs Calvary BaPtist Church and to to Mini Hello Matthews of 300 Went Fiftyfirst Mroet- PltifjiDEUiUA Pa 13 Cnnhier- Blzalllon was at detective henilnuarters when H ll taken there All Hell would was YoU have mo now and I am willing to go to Now York without requisition I do not admit that I am a and not That remains for you to anti by the ttmo have thnt will develop- ments that will lie very to tho public ho has seen several of the directors lies l n hero and to them would make disclosures that would impli- cate others who hind access to the the bank PLANT SYSTEM MEttCEtt Atlantic Const Line IHreclors Sleet to Arrange the Details HALTiMonK Md May meeting of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Coast Lino Railroad Company WON held today at the of Henry Walters VIcePrcHident of this company and Presi- dent of the Atlantic Const Line Company- of Connecticut which Is the parent com- pany of tho pyMcm Tho meeting was held to perfect omo details of tho merger of the Plant system with the Atlantic Coast- Line The consolidation of tho Savannah Florida and Western hallway Company which Is tho major part of the Plant system with tho Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Com- pany wiis accomplished today when thero was filed with the Secretary of State of each of the six which two run a copy of the adopted at stockholders meeting In Va yesterday These were tiled in and South Carolina Georgia Alabama and Florida The consolidation covers directly 3500 of railroad The Peterburg railroad art not in- cluded at All the Mock was acquired under the purchase front the of the railroad properties composing the Plant system a of holders of the Atlantic Coast Line Itallroad Company ns consolidated on June 10 to an issue of consolidated bonds which will IK used to retire certoUi under- lying at OUCH and the remain of the underlying mortgages as tiny mature alxu to money to into effect of the consolidation This rnortgHge will H limited to a maximum of 20mo a mile lying mortgages AH the mileage IK JHKI tidies tlm imiiin would not l70ionXii bonds mime illately to retired nil IMIUO of IIZ4VOfirt of Flor- ida anti W ti ni bonds which hate not lM n inarliitiil C r 1 si urn s itriiTiit1- iirll ti HIP lJd on this Vein inon lurk A flinunUil Mafmnnt if the rolonulo Fuel Iron Vinipany fur thn lilim IIMililh- nwhMi endnil no MMI I SI I ul IU hi il- UH lieH llM liioul Uil fnututu Utah It UMIW ilikt nrii of lliiuinij- wny w diMHii UNIII M dividend il i ir l mi tint iiiuwrti Murk IV ur t HI Jim 9a IU w I- uf llfti4TII beta v n- Uf sHm M ItutKnf IM UMM 4- In uiMralMM Iliuwtili oi ciMi ill Msl r Hir lit IM t i- b iu i iii luikHt 4 iir- M kHt l i4 Hlll U 4 ioMi MtfuiM ll 1114 l i U u 4 M I IMII i 4 Ii hit JI HI HIM J J MXt rf I I I I FOUJ 1 lat lit tho e Momln tit i Hank Inc I la I was art t j t ou ti thhlM that I I balk Inc I The think he Intended thnt i I I f II 13A I I I J I i tho- r i mil lAke and m r arr of of the I I I f I I I ltfLflI I poi 1M 1 I rl- i I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I f I 1 11 rI I h M 0 a I t n 0 t jl 0 h i 4 hU- w e j I 1111 t t- j I I jl r J- r 4 N J J t H A r I RIVZflMDI lila sent six wit Ii llVOl ii p totO4O I FkIf anti Iofrctivt and I wait L it ll Let Bcilaald It chocks police hm to intprersIoii he- t f J flu aiid Entk Sanford which enIrpe LtteItititt alt titititit iiI let art tiiMolltlft1s1 Savannah lilt Ideisih anti S lug hit tap ia the 440W ha iatl- nws Mesh dttalosla lbs sdwal reIMSIIp 455 a i t dJthasS hi bdateeI li 04 she p iI U Sa I I C I t4iStwJ id ui t mIue d 4 I f4su iii 4tNS ia t t 8JpMI 1144 04 NSal Is4 i d tti i4si fI141 1 I 4S Is I IL44 ep a IS e44 b4 o4 4di- Ms 4 i 5 i taI h Ion a 4 a ie4 s 44 fMi4 e- i N4ua ke I 4 4 0 I4 bIW 4aid b 4e4 Ii a a 4 em i 14 54 i I 54 4 4l s 4 4- hl4 e i a l I a N P S 55 4- e P 4t t4q I I 1S I ali 1 5 4 u4 ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < > > < > < > > COLD ran CROPS Infavorablo In Crortli Winter irner tly lining llrll- WASIIIKOTOV May 13 Tho weekly crop bulletin of the Weather Bureau toued to- day fiivea tho following general sum- mary From tho tipper Mississippi Valley east- ward to tho New England anti Middle Atlantic coasts tho week wan decidedly cold and unfavorable to growth with light to heavy frosts causing much damage to fruit in the northern ortlon of the Middle Atlantic States and In Now Ktgand The temperature conditions In the South- ern States Missouri and throughout the Mountain Pacific coast dis unfavorable highly so on the north Pacific Coast Drought continues In Florida and over portions of the Kant Gulf and South and ruIn U generally needed In the Ohio anti States Ilalns have afforded relief locally In tho middle anti southern tacky Mountain dis- tricts but more Is those sect ions The greater part of the region nnd upper Mississippi tipper Ild loys are suffering from excessive moisture Owing to usceiwirn rain little or no corn been planted in Minnenota mitt Wisconsin has been de In South Dakota northern iown hut generally throughout the Central val Middle Atlantic States this work has rapid progress The not been unfavorable to winter wheat end generally the has ninth satisfactory this least favorable received from the Ohio Valley and Middle Atlantic States while n Improvement is reported from Nebraska slow growth In the Ohio Valley and Middle Atlantic States hut hns In Volley In the Southern portion of which It now heading COPPER SLIGHTLY llldllKH Amalgamated tMiiR a WalUInc Mick Not Holding an Lmlirella There WM a somewhat Improved demand for copper in tho local metal market torday and prices were quoted slightly higher A representative of tlw United Metals Sailing the selling agents of the Amalgamated said that the firm- ness of tho market was due to nn apparently moro satisfactory condition of irnde- If our compel said this moan to of the metal we will follow them The Amalgamated Company is meeting tho as It exists that it market It Is no longer holding the umbrella over the market It U moro dlip scd to UFO n walk- ing stick than carry an umbrell- anEIIRMEYER IXQlIST Holders of the Slumped Stocks Appoint a Committee of Iniulr A sort of protecting committee was appointed yesterday at a mcetlng at Broad of Wall Street brokers caught with WebbMeyer stocks In the accounts they were carrying for customer Tills look Into tho merits of tho various anti endeavor to find a market 1or the slocks Arthur L Meyer who called tho meeting was not Lawyer P Anderson presided state- ment of companies had l een pro pared for tho A otatoment was out Inviting holders of the stocks to send their names and nddiosses to Mr Hroarl street and get such Information as he may to glvo them He U chairman of committee iould Mestern lar land liana Counsel for George J Gould met repre- sentatives of the city of Baltimore of the Western Maryland Ilailroad in yesterday and discussed ilolails for thin that railroad property to the Gould Interests The necessary to build connecting links I Western Maryland the Virginia Central and and the Wabash syMem will bo provided soon It is possible that tho Western Maryland and Virginia Central t Into one oorK ration and that President J M Hood of the Western will bo chief eieciitivo of the consolidated company Notes From Wall Street lolrn Sherman lloyt Albert f Ilostwlrk anti Uradford II McGregor all of tills city were elected new directors of thin MunhatHn Life Insurance onipany at tho annual nnet In of that company Tlie directors of this llond mid Mortxaer Gu rnte I have voted to riot luend that tin t itk of tlin roinpnv bo increased from fti Nii f to Ion 111 m hr Mod to iued pro ritu to th- btockholdiT at SliO A seat on tli N w York Siodi ttxrhanen has just sold for ISixia mi advance of Knul troth last ri i ious Morton Tru t or puny loaned several million dolbrxon rill n n i Burlington Hotels and BoardingHouses- In Colorado Tier I jnilir I lea that t rlr tnt ike Iukirwti ffM 4 YIHI tun lit I i NMsfuftll IjT M lt fur Mv- tfUtHftt Mi4 fiui fan fir f t t ui M Inr- lUlrf Muuk ml rlr 4u Mb ill l gun ttu in 4 4lrMM ft r4 c 4 i i ul u k- t uf IHt u 1 I i i t H Love and Happy Homos 12CQ33 Ell hut all lock all et nnl hilt ant ha p market 5 u I g alI tll C 1 lf11 n I I I i a is i entry r h lt u test a M rn I I t At i u I h I I I J I t 111 W t L It v I 4 N- I I 14 I- I t h l l Lake portIons as ets time lowir M Issourl yea h- ire let street commIttee ij ls able Vat ier se tilt a ass b I t is I 4 vi si rti vryliii n eIl4tsthrI krw ala Ii- 7iiiit It re4s I4ISy iiut tij yt Isei itt Is rn 1k Ia IsilIp4t a- iM rssvus w 041 i ii lu a > s- lIt MiItbH1 tiii I Lii tie a 04- VM o ii I 144 U- hi I4f U- 4I1 u44- l44i Gile4usat pQ Oi- Me j4 J- LIuuJc p w tt13rI p- supflIcQc3 a 4 sits id- I M a h di- UNs IRS bi 4 j < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > ¬ < > < Columbus Hocking Coal Iron Co To the SInckhnlderi The anninl in feline of this company will he held it the office of the Company Ml ttir V- andette Cniiirnn Ohio y May list A ticket In opK ltlon to the present mamitement- nlll he presented at this meellnz It will hive the follow Inc names representing large holdlim of ttork N 1 C Kachrlmsrhcr of Mclntyrr ft shiill I H Cronl e of lAlarop ft Sirlth K Hitler of llod Jnnr ItoMnvm and James II Cleiv of Henry lews 4 Co II Is the opinion of one of the test judces of such properties In the tnltnt StatS that tIme Columbus Ilocklne Coat Is Inn Company eta make returns tn lu Mock holders With this end In view the ahnvcnanieit- centlemen are tollrltlnr the runperatlon of Stock rxrhatue firms and mockholden of record In order to reormnlie the present board and elect meiit Proilrsmaf Messrs- uiflntyrn n hill Produce Kxchance llulld- Int N V tlty Y- MclMTHi SIUISIIUL- IAIIII10I A HMITII- I MINKS k IIOltlNSnN Members N V Stock Kxchnce 75V000it- ruiHrKitrn CHITON HOMIS CITY OF CAPE MAY Miiv iitsnr hula will Its rrcelvi liy the 1lrunce rommlttee of tIle Cll nf r c May New Jersey until rljhi M jo 11113 at City Hall InMlilclly tcof ISI IM rcxIMcred- eoutmn i unity year bonds payable Juiic I J2I four per cent yulile semi nmmilly I and June I Hands will denominations of SIIMJCO caeh A eerttllid- rhcrk for l M i imynlile to Ity nf M y mint accompany eneh nit will lie opened nd M awarded on the frcnUig H b tlie Clly Council Tt e runinilitcc re nerves tile rlrlit to leiect any or ell Md Kor further infnnnalun JOHN IIAUIY- JAS J 1K1AK nml II II CllfllCU rinanre Committee May X J XKtt 4111114NSCITV AMI IAUi IIAIIIIUAII- CIIMIAVV 1tiriuiint to Article 4tn of the inirtgnce from New Orlraiu Stud Ifke fornpany tn Columbia rinancr A Tru t Novrnibcr 22 v 3 the uudertlineu until tlie rli e of huilnes 31 l 2 nt In olTiee In the Clly of l iulVllir K recele bids for the Biirremler nnd rnnnllstlim of first Mnruitcc Vear Klve Ir Cent told Domls of saul IUIIra t dAunt January 2 l a- mid maturing January I 1113 and secured by the Atnive ineullolieil lds In lir seec must be nl a price not ex- errdlm one hiiiKtud and ten per cent 110 and neeniiM t- COIIMill ItNANcn AM TIM ST COMPANY Tin srn LOUSVIUJ KL TI CRY May 2 use HAIGHT FREESE iJlatilhhci Ofl Main Office E3 II Ny STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON- Vc will b plcAed to en l you upon request- our 400 pige rlnih bnuuil In InieMiirs nlso stock unit Market Issued rmlli mailed tree N Y Security and Trust Co 411 vui siitnivr tw YOKK Capital nnd Surplus 4000000- HMililS AM Redmond BANKERS 41 Wall Stroot Transact a General Banking Business Issue Foreign and Domestic Travelers Letters of Credit in Francs Marks or Dollars payable in all parts of the world Chlcigo OHIct 232 U Salle St PhlladtlphU Graham Ktrr Ca JACOB BERRY co I clvuiUlr- a4llo llriiaduat New lurK 1S6S- CUIUtlMOAUl Ml INVIfhl- lIIIVIIIIM S Axti ivrrinxrM- IUIOIK A uisnit UII AV i o Tlf IkMM of lllrerltr MIN rc f I nh Tom rum Alok A illvlilrnJ ui Stile i nti r ftiere- p1 KliP t le nf f v l lit Trr jrrr- tn i imjwjiv Arnl II iiiitut rhllmlriptiit n unit nflcr June so n i the Mirkluliln M rcKiitireil at lie uf liulnr i Juio n n Ill lr i lrr linnki for iiork win li- r inin 3 iVIMk M Jut K J until 10 ml k M Jun ii n 4- A IIKMIIIII hrrrrtury Till IlllVTINll AMI I III IIIIMJ AS- SIM IA Tll I lir IHIKal rinl ll lrI- I It MMUtl ll Mill lf iKlll l IM S MU- r Vulk iu MuliU ji twi liu uuou- I l ultlM U I M I II MVi Srrl r- vu MUM r- KIM1 I1MI ul tkr MUI uf N York ul aM 4 IWIMM ii v M rtoiMu uf M- 4I M l llul I el- If if Ui liiiil i4 r Tin i n vl i tvlful lbr fc IN- j ikuM Ml- IM HI i f r f A MI 41- 1llllJI I I to- t M rom W O mmn Ial 1 1 y IC littOn 1 tit utn II Kerr Co Now York St PIling h h MIMImnutS SIDrll luwUlO- 1olue OCiSitEiiS rro4 I Iii I urn hs I 14 1ttrlI oil I liT I a af at I ot Ub 11 j lit I u oa 1ft Je lit M 0 1 1- 1aa1 1 Jo Iu III f a uf t t If- t I I to t t 1 t i to r It UN J JIfl f- M MIMI vi I J Ni w ft Ii of I H I W AIiI i lottlT- It t J i- II I f f ti iI iE J J I- IIl tJ- I I JIf 11 111If41 t FJNtNCIL Mar A be sent to N t S rotit CEcr2oTrMtn br the eii rOtc be- n tat Rile itOt ItS its tilt hay sfleolktitPd 1Itt inirt care I t ISO liOn b iItPt l4 tif i iiig hse hI flea S 1 IilIilhIs oh a a s Mar lit tIPI tit ttItrWIrlSI 1 Itt w ASI tIUIIda 4een- AsacMIle 54 luCk rnrit I- tithCp 15 hP V ft I SsI MIsieslil ha cii- em ttlI ii4 51 itt ih 4v ci- o mI 4 p 4 I litt uS- k itI UI I sll 1150415 5 AuSrleM sS its vI cUd l < pIC ass aM I tare I Sdl hSS i0l tSW- lla1 SVIS IC lid k 1 keads s Ist41 Sf si I s pmvI lJSIl- ii is I lh i f 44 ON se4 wSl iNsbclVllt Sll0 I 14 T 7- MIL444i it I p 49- S44 b s a 54 S 4- hrcirlyI 9 I 0 S C ua II M55l- siail4 J II l I e 4E 45 I 4l 4 bUw i s3 < dIIar lc lh ajo id 1 e icI l 4l 4 4 I tl g I 5 Se I I 4- is l S 91 S os S skIT mt a- I < > > > > < < > > > > > > > > > < < > = FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TuESDAY May 18 There was a decided change in the senti- ment of the speculatIve community a compared with yesterday It was re- flected In priccn rather titan In tho volume of trading The total transactions were nearly 170000 shares or 25 per cent lew than yesterday At tho same time the decline In prices sustained yesterday was In the main recovered The scattered liquidation which was the feature of yes- terdays market appears to have run Its courpe and was followed by moderate buy ing for both accounts This wns due chiefly to a hotter understanding of tlie operations that have influenced the money market during the last six ornoven business days Within that period an unusually largo amount of money has been shifted in connection with various operations which are now completed The principal payments mado during the last week follows 112500000 on account of the transatlantic shipping syndicate 0000000 on account of the purchaeo of the Choctaw Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad 24000000 on account of tho Issuo of Rock Island Railroad collateral trust bonds sold to flnanco tho acquisition of tho Choctaw and allied raIlroads 8000000 subscribed for the Illinois Central stock Interest cer- tificates of tho Ilallroad Securities Com- pany 10000000 distributed among the momberH of the United States Steel syndl rate and 21500000 paid on account of subscrIptions to the now Htock of the Now York Central railroad company This makes n total of S2000000 that changed hands in tho last week A oonnldcrablo percentage of thin money lias been remitted out of town part of It in cash Another operation that took plO today was tho distribution of 5000000 that had boon paid Into the pyndlcato un derwriting the readjustment of the capitali ration of tho Mexican National Railroad Tho distribution of this money obviously diminished the supply of loanable capital for twentyfour the payment of 10000003 to the members of tho syndicate that underwrote the floatation of time United States Steel It IB evident that these opcrntloiiH which were mado almost entirely by the poking of checks have not diminished the cash resources of the kinks and other Institutions but they have temporarily shifted deposit accounts antI loans to an extent that last an Im- portant bearing upon time money market That market was decidedly easier today tho highest rate being 8 vet cent Con- siderable amounts were loaned Mow 6 per cent which was the ruling rate The easier condition of the money market re- sulted not only from the readjustments following tho operations that have boon enumerated but from further fire offerinRH of loan bilU in tho foreign ex- change market Thero was nl o a moder- ate amount of offered against tho purchase of about 25000 shares of stock by foreign arbitrage houses on balance and ono of the larger trust companion drew over 3000000 on London against tho sale of property III this country to an English syndicate Time List operation was impor- tant at It supplied tho Street with funds which will not have to bo returned to time other Eldo Tho trust company making transaction was a liberal lender on the exchange today at 0 cent That money Is returning to thin contra from the Interior In plainly Indicated by tho rate of Now York exchange at Chicago which is 21 cents por thousand premium and at ono time today wns M cents In forecasting the future of the money market probability of h avy export of bread stuffs and other staple products should not l overlooked Tho Indications are that If time speculation In securities con- tinues In narrow limIts no apprehension iwod bo felt regarding tho Immediate fu- ture of the money market Thn experi- ence of tho last few days shows that thero has been no clmngo In tho operations of the law of supply and demand and that high rates at this centre will attract to it largo HinoimU of money from the Interior and from abroad until an equilibrium is- rrrtorfd Tho fonicji tXohnnKC market as described In detail further on in this column was weak nl a lower level The heaviest trading in Blocks was again in Iliion Pacific Time fluctuation In it were narrow lint market for it was flrm throughout Till net gains were III St Paul which won ocoml in nx ct lo nativity Missouri Pacific New York Central Konding Southern Pacific Atchison and arid Sushi till Th last named wan exceptionally strong scoring a net gnln of 2H market for Granger and other VeMi ni trunk linn hareM wn tint afTected In degree by Indlwititl falling oflT in the yield of winter uheut an om- piirvd with yearn crop Neither wi n- tho ial hlcxkmulvirrxly Itidu nt ions I lint the convention nf HIM del imi cif i lie variuii miners iirKnl will viiin liitiiorrov ID u ikn r- liiaiiiit ilm priwnt hii H n lori nf work I M I IIH Hull rUxil n point or- niniti higher than yiwicrday worn Ianadlnn- Piieifle tlit Ku Irrnt Wiwtem CII KO liwlwiiiiiojM und IxmivilU IMaware niwj- HiMlMHi aiHl KBIKJU City KiHitheni UMHS- In liilnMiHil KriMip AinaUiamaliiil- Cipfmf MH nlll I lie ItMilr In nwMr lo li MHI ih w nrvtrlr n Hrfni In nf lilt llt MMI of III lllMU 4 HIM firtflrtii t liitii nf N- HiiwtMl MI liitbilr triKl M HIM MI a- IWIU Hb l uf ll MiMlt UM luMul Of tlu- i Oil ui4I- MI MM ul u lulu M IV l i- MMHUl H 1 al ll MIlAMIl bulk IM l4Mlk- P Ul iMNM4l I tUtkHlT Ml M JlM aa Ht4 4Av4i Ui ill t cigtHlia m- uM ml tltr MM- ul MvP- IMM JMtl It has Corporation haM also her the Joul ill poll 0 n1 liJItIf last Itlllllf fit alf 11 I I 1 I riis for Ii I f 1 oI I lit t I It 1 lit fill t- I II lIP t 1- 1J4tj J- JI4a 111 V 4 1 are- as hours its did bills this tIm mutt tiwort Imy 4 its eat I ito i lam huts hot I VS I Ps ISIS lilt ran S j4- lwStulIC 1454441 Sot4t aIaik t jeWs ISm415e11041M411141 sa4 Itel 4m hI hliliieg soil htsfltMiC 1NSs Ia Aiu hi I 4 unI A14e4i we u4ei4t I sf 14 litiS ha i4es1i 50 I lip 4414 I isrvst om ssi C Ii grw pe h atti tNd l mip 4 sa Is14041edi 1440 I io MpSqflI 4a 49 4 lINld ad 4 9i11 4 4 Ih Sd IS f 9m1s4 l 4 I- IiIslfS dI sl I 144 104 4- 4M II bi 4 4t Os Ii- a Mi 44 4- a 0 i iIl4sjl5 0- N1II v e- S 0 W Slatd o1 eu0 0 h0N em e- tt I Mia WN i- P 4440 Msg I 4 ae 4- 04j t 914 s i a4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < < + ° > notixa men or trumo mrf BOXM- BW Xll if- O 9 r US 1M0100M 1004 IKS137U 138 US C U S 41 C- 1M0100W llOJi IMS137M 138 US3 rl 0 U Stor- uiKiofiM loa 1004IOOM IOOH- USUC I OJ USM C 100 IKM 100W lOOVi U S u r usJeu- rIM7I1I IM4DCl2o US 4 e INTIll HIM RAILROAD AND OTHIR BOMDt Ell 4i nrle rrtor lien 4 nsidlnt 4i 9000 toA- S6500IO4I2 S000100U 1000 W Ola- looo loOms BOOOOI JSST oooioi PI worm no 4- iAtrhTSF J4i IntatNorth M OflTn M d 1000 7o jSoo 00 160U002 OreenllayAWeit RIo 4000 nni Halt A Ohio 314 1000 f4 4 6000 WOla KanCKlS Mil HOOU H4 lj 6000 st Louis S W 1st ITan i boo II77- Bklvn Perry M ZU00072 7000 11734 1000 8 4s St Lout 10008 90000OU 1000- Dklyn Un El itt M Louis S W ii 4000 10214 leGas s Burcild Norlit I000110 L nlh Canada ouihltt 6000 071 UhWIUi- CeniralOacni 6000 1 IOOOI093 nclilandun4 J00008032- Ui 100 1000 I South Iacin 4 Central Ga lit In 4u001O2la soon 033s- 10000HO LouN sh4s toonlO3 aooo0038- AOOUSII4 Central Ga id In Urx in In South tOOO 40 11000 38I 421100 I 2234 CeniGaCbaita4a Cent M In 60001 100002 looo22la South Railway Chat Ohio Hi Uo Kan 4s St Loul dIY 4s 2000 6000 4001 1 OR 10000 I U Stand II A T 70011 10007214J- OOuo lOS UoKsnAlezid Stand n T In Chi Alton s 150008 1000 1 0 znooiaaig UoIMlfljtoai leon Cl A B liur i o n iovo9lO7ia 84000 PO Missouri Iailflc Third Avenue uI- dOOfl 037 Cent Drancb 4 1UOOU I 17000 00 oono Ulairr Del lit I 9000 U3la rOOOB9 N Y Cent dch t Union Ivul 4s ColFuelalrnn i 102l lono I 4 10 I VCtnllS3H BOOO 1OO- ColPuelAIronev 4BWJ IOft7g- juooj I04i toioc usia liuco 1000 1 O4 la Union Parine ev- luuou I 04 jnoon loflfn 4000UR 4 SSOOO Bono 10414 2000OH laaiou lone 7000 1 O4 la N Klec Lf 1000 Ill 0 4 IIVP4S UuuolO4t 4000oo 10000InaaH 3000 NYUntAWesili 4iinti 104 kooo 10314 itmoo 4000IO4lj t Qtirrn i 11000 jooo 10714 70001O49 12000107 30 l anoo IO4la ttooo I loooo 104 IIIDOUI roonn unit- inooo04lj NorfulkWealli riOOO eooo10114 iimoo oo7 auOol o 07- oAooioMa nooo UOOii 4 North Colo Midland 4s tOO I O33lij SI ref 100083 i eono soo losij ConsToba 2inO I O4laVlriclnla Vtlrt m- SOOOt3 s North P clnc 3i 17000 10007M Wabatn 1s- t1IIOUOI3I4 600 40UIII2OU enoo or inn A N v4 7000120 8000 Bfllal 2100 W b tideii FrD- sinio taoco Io4i4 10000 70 13000 Odla Panama 4 s aooo Urn 4 ItG IMp la lo OOIO2lj SOOO 11000 I Sis rI 43000 Kin lr 4 SOOO 07 4 iOOHO inoo Penns nil war 4onoi Detroit Cat M ranls V paid 7000 77t- OOO 07 1400 We t Shore Is IeiroliM ll unt linno loiilj reriMrirrt 1000 3 ia soooj zoco i 4 Unroll South u Icoria A KASI In SOnO 1 I ala 1000 8734 IOOU 74 I 10000113 Total samoa of bands value i3ieoOO RAILROAD AND OTHER IHAREB- Htjlt Low Clot Vr- tSaf tit ref Int Chft 20 00 Cop B77s BOIa 7s 713 Am Dlescle 7 04 7 400 AmC41Co 30 207g 3O 14 Sao Am Cut Oil 33 32la 33 ico Am Cot op oo no u- SCOAmOTwn 347g B4 n 347g- 200Ara 18i IBla 18la 100 Am Ice pf 01 OUjJHalO- OOAm Loco 318 31lg U- s oo Am loco p 03 112 l ala la 1400 Am Smelt 4flla 40 40la l 2llO Am SnuS 10318 103 I03la8- 00Am Surar 1277s 120 I87 3 1100 Am Sue pit IHIa 118 118 1 100 Am TelC U 1 ag u 01 x 7a 167 AmTAT 17BU I7HU 178l4134 13 Is ICOOAnaconda 1 12 1 I 134 Ilia4 I4- lnoAna Arb pf 7Uia Sia 72ia a- I17UUATASF 70 734 70 4200 Dalto A Onl007 100 lull 4 Opt IlOa- jtooutrn n T oo a- looiiuf n i 1 1 4 u- HO Can South Ollg- 7it0 Can 1ae 12H 1 1 00 Ches OhU 4134 310 Chi 4 Alt i J 00 Chi 4 Alt p 76la too CM in 1111111 4rocnl It N VV24- 7IKCnChGI Weit iOU 41114 1000 C OW dtb 0 II- 3SSO Chi I 4 L V778- OOOQjIlALpf HO- 2DJOO Chi llsi I I Oil 500 Chill t PI 74U Teim HI la U- Mtew Chle U Tra 2OIH- AOOCCCftSI L1U4 4- i 7i ottii a i 10214- 4voc t ii c 4 i i H iClr VUlh 2U7H- 2uoCul So I pf 300 U Ni 2 f 4 III j- oncun Tuli p I JOki- kllio Hrl 4 Hud 177 4 100 lid t ft W270 1200 A II O p ot1- ijw i ciii i n 41114 too lift aoulh uo 1- 4J Mu pf 4 ON- Itno IM4 Ciiuf A UM- 4lMiU UA p 3N14- lt Hiiiir viy III pf OH- r4 tIle M pf A i I MM Xt ft I W UC 47 ra i MiM r wl- IMiUl hM I Ihl- l M fWM 4 t 44 14 M Mr I M I tl- IMIIw l 4 4 l- a 4 IU Ills M IJ- H tfM jtf M 4 M tl- If lMf 4M 4 j tl4- iM MM M 4 Ik- IMItliKt 4I Itw- t f i iu J I- tff t y it J- tuf ttHf tt- ft M laUd flU tail 108U II IH Adam A J h IIockVal f UOUU ml I 1100103111 400080I hit 6000 II drer I I 4 Igoou I10u 01 TC U 100uIO fLI iron IIII Oh SW lit 0 1 8000 I Is KI I 8000 I 06 1 7000 1 I 1 2 Seal nr1 A J co ZOllORII3 0 l3 8 I Mea Tel ZOOO I I 0 I 0 01 I > I lit gt 3 a 1000 113 tOil tatoo NY nock 1I00U 0 RIll YOu 10000 N I r 21000 08 0113 U a 7 ti 4 IIna 711 k 7 I mal Oil Ice olla 3tI Ills lep Ann Wool I aO I I 1111 SfOUATSFp 117101 110711 Iv 1011111 ft UOflss 7 1413 11011 III IIIIR 7 1277 2 4614 l 30 O 7 II loa 11131 4011 447 J75 80 I 00 Chum 11111 4 4 021g Ia 77al3ft t4i4 8d 3 11J7111 lOll 190 Iv 17tis 17411 2i Mil CIII 20lg lot ZOO Cb Term 1 371441 111111 2018 103fs 1t14344 II I 1111 Iii III t 2tij 21711 III 7 I 7 I I II 42I i22l4 220 II l201u Ijt 17101 17711 J7 270 6 II 1111 Ui134 4Ha 11 net Uu talj 03l tII12 I 1113 11111 III oct 4I7a ha tii I hfosjAp alHg alt Iit I l III hlIj nu ill 1 I I 47 I I WU I 1 iii I I Itirii II ill I 4 a 4 ttI 4 II I liI 1 d I II I- It If II t tel U iII i lj 11 1- 4i IIi S Y to < lit IIII Q If- jy Ie V 11 BeadJrrsetCea courts Urjunct halt A OhIo 4s ti 100001020s 114 1 Ig s 5 itt Val b toots 1ttO0D 8000 Cent 1 b I 0 II I A 123t t oars V i 005i 5000 h hOOfS irttm Ohio St 0 R3 1 bills I lO43 is itOs I I OOI 7 1i4 I4 flas par 41s fs i tII4i 3064 U8 t4ta 34 0L7 0315o 128a4 4ti ZlAItt Ai4 78134 4 5 Ol4 l 08 s 71 1i- 260CL1StpflOt lilt 2Ii U734 34 1 02l43ia 71 4lmglm- StOCenfls 22tS i01 134 4 p I 40a- u4J IV 47 ta S4h ltiIj 1- 3tIMiIii4Sht 1834 i74 hISS4 Ill s7l Pile 7 8IJ I 81 AW 4 111 hJWIa li loxI 153I- VSIIIIII4 ti ahIJ 5hl Ship tIhak hiUl VII 010441 hiI ilUI lAll lit Ii4C p4 5 41444 114 W t 444 54 l- 1llt4ajL II 00 05- 11tb4lail0p4 lls 00 tus 04it4pg3I bot 00 544 4ssitsaII 1144 a- sIsa44 Ne 14 O4I l Isd 4ot 0- ISDIoI4aatpl 0I 14414 I4p JI IWl I I I I dOIg 11- 4I4i 4j4 141g I I M 940 1J0 I 05 h Ii J 1- 4s i b0i I it0 spj 91 I p II I 4 e4 I MIIP be l i I u554 I it 4 4emm 1- 1iriIlJ 4l a jet p l- aI 4 I i I I t I Ih- a p- ap Po a4 a b 4 4 C- Nb5 0 i I- ii 1- vm I ot 4- tfrf 4dp it- a 4- I 4 I 4 S- ISI4S0sp a a 0 < > < < < + + + + < > < < > > < > > > < + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4CfOOReadbi- ellOOHeadf I pf 700 J pf- JOOHubOiUpl 109 nutid n pf 00 St JAG I 100SU40IJP- 003L4Sf3p OOStLS- WecostLswp 11 400 South Tae wno sou nr Co 08 7 PO 20141 32 1 COOs IB 73 14 8714 asia U 06 1 37 la 0484 03lj 04lg 8- ICOTeiLdT 3PU 30I 30la2 POOleiuIao 41U OU 4H4tl JOOTStLAW 21U 21 2114 4- lOOTSILAWpf 38U 38 S8U 8- noTwcHTl isia 117U 100UB lOU 10U 1014 1- 8JOOUIlttAPp 82 82 82 Is- H70D Union IacI 04 3g 103 34 nonunion Pat p 8083 8034 8 13 s 1834 I234 2Ul- UUUSClIpep 4434 4484 4434 U- leCOUSUatcer 13U 13 13U s- 30nOSL atlip B334 83 s 8368 14 13200 U S St el 41U 1034 41 ll 11303 U SSI pf Olla dO34 01 ll- JIOO VaCaCB ra 73la 7134 72U- JOOVaCChpfl32 132 132 l SJOOWabanli 20la SOU 20s2- 0UO Wibu pf 44U 437g 44 U oi34 oiu olia a- 400WtJfch e208la 208 208ls 3a- 400WLn 2B 8134 2134 1S- IOOW4LCIP 30 33 3ft 1 4- 2JOO VI i Uut 27 20 2034 6g 4813 48 48U IB Total taltiof i toe lu 400730 inaroi Ex dividend otinua itccsiriMcv ixa QUOTATIon liij rj AK- AmIIALe 8 2I H I I tends 124 3 OtUIl 102 3i 2H Ieo D It B I- CalCoppef 1 1 P II 4t B 3n n7 Com Air 10 i 12 nBIrll7 120 Con IH Irt 6 2 4 Lwiriri- lit 4 Con S D t 17 lomf o tUcuoal a 30 Kite U pf 47 KleeVtao o 12- C L 11 0e 3 G IIIIPpfl03 lOG 3 3CL4I10143 147 Sanfrnc 24l 24 1 22 SanFrltpf Ot H 3u 18 SanrrK4K Ul 02 23 SanFrllablOlH 10 IK 33 StLTe 30 31 t 00 S aALo 20lj 28K 7 StlAIo 40 i 47 It Senile Cop fi- luuiUli033 040 CmStetlo Oti 12 PT4C 4 48 1 I 2 Klce Pail Hi 2 4I 4K- Oen Car 3 UnltcdCop 33 33 tldIlCop llj 2 Unroll OrernOop 20 20 84M 34l- laxContd 10 12 UllrafHt- HaComtit 43 to Llpc 87 88W lUclillCo 13 10 USStlEtw- HallSlcal 30 iri OOM 07 UtSlltrr 1UU 13 USColDo 13 17U 111 Trani I 1 V IC4J 13 13- UlneaSM 0j 7 V IOiJ Mont no 314 3 I u as aa- NalUfJc SIH 38fi Uur P t laH 1WU- NatrrJpL lyijiVKoosc iSJiB- ONTON ClOalKQ QUOTATIOH- 1fn n M 4 a Uoaanu 73a 83J- nrokrald 2 CAM343 833- Kltnitnni 8 81 CentlCop 19 20 WEUind 8 84 AAfOa 20V 27 CocUltl JOe AAcCnp MO h7 IConsM r I j83 1I- ADiTA1178 170 Icopllann 38 Tel Kit iHiIaJyWe 4v 43 140 3 4 Franklin n CoSt 3 4 JunJa 3 4 CSyrIO lORHIslelljale 14 la Doin Teal 11 tl Maw Cit 1 OJ 2O 117 Merwi a 33M 33 uichlMi 1OU II Mail dpi- KConc 114 IlinlCOa U 181- Usnbft 34 U SJo pf 3 I U Boiit A20Q i U i ill IOO- llolteaUlt 4 lied a II n no- Am Cr Is 01 u i utii oo- uojdsi on 07i UonUDoi Hj- e 38i 7 UarRna at 183 OldCCopl 3M 03 Old Dam 10 i OucoU 107 fhanli 4 203 Penal 2O 200 Qulnc7lsa Rhode IK u K 2- OOhSanVa SOc 100 TamsracUloa 78 TrlUoual III S mao Union Ld 2 rood tsl Oil 1O2 U S illnc 20H NtOiO- Ulntli 37 US Oil 38 UtahCo- iAdvtalrt 23 virtorlv- AUauu 4 IVaslifB- AiiaJUa a Olf Wlmm- ArnUJM A I 3VH Atlanln 32 34 jWfoJli- Ulufnu 3fl i 37 2li 34 CSIC1DU QlOTATIOtt I Ml KIHIMttWnR 30 40 Atnccpf fla 4 enuwspf 90 oiu 37i ni 48j 40 C Dellk 7 Jl Vat J CbUTc IDH I p 4 M crb 2314 CnUrpf 03 03 VCarjpf I 0 HwrUlft 234 NoClilSU 0 III ilalen 1 1 133I lrr tuic fft n IU UVbMlly AraiirM KHI 47 Um Nl d 4U Cot UdtlOUi Cua I S t 1 Conltp 3 4 OTtlVJ Ill iftuimin iv- Ila C 30 reITu usij MHi 4h KOnli V4ttlndMllr nil lnjKIH4i MO H7- lffc V III IMS 34 U N lit Nar 7 ft 7illi 70 i 4 1O I Mtr 4 r 40- IU I IMM p ullt M II II r4i n oil f- Tli fit M7lj tin IIM 41 4a- AtuillUMfl i I T A It 4kH A4kO I M M 4 ll MkIV4f- A I HM tflt HI iv 4 tii AD in 4 nt- M 141 ft I4ij 4 t nllll Loll aD G412 G21 84 31 Read G77s OOs 6s OOls lID 00 00 2014 iOCg 32 32 6034 GOI 73 7211 2711 20fui tl 08111 677a GO OOla I 118111 l 873 zno VII C IIJp r tOO Wo1I UId 00 111 Cen p 1 A Sal 11511 10 II 87 I 2 I it StI r II I Ii- AmCCJ1 to SYr 14- ALnTotlC2ftll ZJOO XorSeC OH Iii I u 212- UCoIC J Ml U 20 UIIif 17 1SlfLunmP Oli 20- IJAOYI Oils o 8 I 8 pl 1 0 II Dar 1 Gill J CoD n 20 20 1 Eke V pl 1 2 4 lLROpl 2 4 0 loi I1 lit j r nn Cop II Union CoP 34 0 I lIt 1 B- Yes Nt Tel ICes N IJ It I I H I J 7 I 10li Ille 0131 4 s1t lob 30 20 3 2 U hull Ion 27 130 I 60 l 6 I 173 teeumca lit 2 100 SwlllACLsI I Ii 104 rr1D1I J Sllf 13 l IOtt 17 i II 92 I lIt lit I 11 ooh rll 55 1 11 mI Alt 3 11 al pi 1 01 I lit uri 11 I 3 lilt tIlJLtJDIrlll IUflIUlo Doe 11116 IOU I i lira I 1 I I- J1a rou tIN 1 pot HJ t rAIl11 It AII If I j I II- IATr1 ws Lad It If h H 1I1f H r iI i j1 fa it H ItItI4 If 4 Ie II Il I W II J aft l1li a1 hI t J II 1 II II 0 u I- HI II tIjft t oIJtM a I A A XI Bat cit Ut 015 CIlfl 041s4 7s 84 827a OOte b4OOStlit815 41475 37 ads 2hlSSoth Copt O4f lIoio t- tt3C7eiiO l 1 Ill 85 Sal 41 t IUli 41 42 mCC c c 80 38j 084- mbdilI i2h SIVPols 7or11C 3 14 1 410 Iows 49 65 Let i i 154 4lAd IIS I SjCentrl Oil mum sir DomnCpf hem tsl has 4msIISmac4 3h 3 3 311 I 6 33 S u lOtS 214 US Ii1 444 414 Sc Suo 214 roost ej 1114 454 Ala CaGo A Strew Lilt itt I CiJSao- SI 414 Slid 4i44 Cain Il COLOSsi < I S a 1534p 44 ht I5 is l its II5w I 7 Oil r4Ii NI WIOIi4sl0 Silt tIII sN4tPI14 cits th4 9414f dir a Aldji I Usi II A 9 7 I P Mci kit I I V7i Sit li M- aiu ew es a 11t Ib I- p 041 I I 9- bAssii VI 0044 i4 sd- At3hi i I 44N 51404 lO 4- Idsip 940- 0d 01441 ii ki44Is 0eI tPk 0 4 v- lrb1llI41 wv av di 1 s b4s I 5 e IH9etH IVO tr 14 dS5 1 gp- a delo4 a JF I bP4 s 5 p 545 da a 1 Il4 I swsea 4 ii 954 4Sa4q t I4p b 4ItJI4l t 4 b ba- II p aM 1 a op- ap e- 4t u- a a i aa- wt 04 4 l 5 5 4aZ 4d I 4 e a a 1 4 4 C SM I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + < > < > > < < < > < > < > < < < < < < > < > < > > > < < + + + + + + = eeners1 4 Seaboard Air Line gold 4 South rn Is Atchison and Ohio Central of Colorado Fu nnd Iron Southwestern Union ami Wftbath issues bank stocks 17 shares of City National old at SUiHiui Commercial of bur liver In Now York iHic In London clov- at lit llICd Mexican silver dollars were quoted ut 41C on call 43R per cent money Is quoted at 6 per cfnt for three on securities and 4 d cent for month on nil railroads Com- mercial l nuoted at Per ctit for and corned bills receivable other name per cent Sterling exclmnce resumed It downward touched the lowest rates of cnnn A fre h supply of loan tint t k bill hud a depress elTcet nnd en l r rn Mv failed to exert Influents InttlMi Ul exchange also reached low Ilifntr and the extremely for and inr tt NSi Mirht 4 nt Actunl nt Long 14 8IH sight draft 4 r HI4S7 and cable triiti ferH 14 74 Kraim went fiunt t at HHjOS U Ji for lonit nid 5 17K3 for hurt rolchnniirk ni nir- atlK for nnd B5 lIti li fur 39 15temo for lonit und 40v ic ta short parlance on Sew York Iloton Par CharletoiiIlurlnir par e premium 75e droll t TIc premium New Orleani tl premium 7StOfl pren linn Slirht lHe crnph SO premium St Iir In- CDKO JXc premium Ilnclimiti lIe linrkfl ISe dhoount aver counter Aftc IT- Imliini MlnnenpolN Mo premium Sew York Menrlne House stnteinent FT cJmn 377184 halation MrfMS- ubTreasury df bit balnnco floSMU Export of general merchnndlM from the port of York for th week niilnir todiiy were valued nt I0i7lo ntninn iO the week arid llltioojm in ill ror- rexpodliif wok of ln t your ltirv Inr 1 18r7ol7n nenlnM IDiTDS4Kl for th car period of lant year The New York and Hobolten Coin pany hat declared n fjuartcrly dividend V- pfr cent pnyablo 2 crow enrnlngx for th neelc of Mny compared with those of thi eorre- fpoiidltic weel of last year nrn as follow Ctntralof fOlk ii 9i Inc ty nicsuneoke ft hlo WWII Ine 3- Chlcain l Traasfrr KIHI se Cnlorarto Southern iwtl II in- rtre 4Brqiiflte I V 4 lite f i St l iuh A San co STIS7I Inr 47 M Southern IUUiay Inc vuT- oleilo SI Loot It estcrn s0s Inc 3737 Time and Erie linllroiri Tom reports for March nnd for three months ended March 31 n follow Mirttt Thru alone froM MrniDE Per luifls Inc f i i- K p ms 1 1J3I toe nwi Vet ffrnlniM Tee JJSS7 Inc JVIl March and for three month ended March follows MartS TIre Anifu- Trow famines The Inc IS3RI Expenses Inc 8B44S lute SJM The Manhattan Hallway Co reports for qilHrtcr ended 31 191 l0 OroM mlnT JJ 7 VI JWCOU Inc JKt01 Op n d taxes 140037 l3 ilv Inc Mfj Net f rnlnr l477ti4 tlIUM7 Inc KBJ95I Other Income 121037 yo lire 7 JV Total Income I59079S tl3Mtni tnt 13501- 1n M M33fl nM357 Inc 111- Italnnee Nll4 ToniST Inc tlHiei Dividend isoooi 4 Murplns 411ina SWSS7 Inc fi ni Paw cnrrtftl MeslJW Mt4 lii Inc 7isri From July J to Mardi 31 arcs timings JTwwMi Mnt7tU toe J M t- Op ex 4 taxes 41IT s 3i5Sl4 Inc wiHi- Nn rnlnc Other Income 95isn Inc J sm47 605311 Ore W7IO Total Ineore l70Cns4 S3M7M7 Inc U47 Flied charges Ji l3 7t o iss Inc 137S3 lIaIson tJUHfa s Inc Mo4CI4 Dividends I WTO l4Wi Surplus J72iss jiuMO Inc K 4ei4 i7 ISOSW ii IncnvooOT The Keneral balance sheet shows Cash on Imnd 258189 and a profit and loss surplus ot- IS 811J The Colorado Fuel anti iron Company reports for March 190 1M1 r ar M Net eamlncs JIflJS 113107 Inc W751- 1msnnterat taOI IDSIS Dal n Income 104001 K3M4 Inc iroHJ For nine months endln r March 11 Net eanilncs Jl813170 I33042 Dec 570171 LeSS manakcmt 140611 159115 lice Ml4- Ililtnce Income Jll U 1433787 lice C70157 The income acoount of the company for the nine months endlne March 31 Net amines from ocrrotlons 111MCT- d l laconiC securities KIM Net earnings from all sources ltM M flied and tarts M i M Surplus over flied eharifei MS StO- StnUliie fund JK71S4- IMvldrnd on preferred M0 paul 0 X I flit on i tot locl not paid 40cwo Surplus to credit profit low oil7M The and heat account for the nine months ending March 31 shoro June SO l l J0 4 Surplus nine months March 31 IWM sisJ Mexico fly and Coal itoek leitM- CrrtJIt iiroflt anti lots 17481- Ufblt profIt and losi 4241 Uenrerlntlon on 7 cars sold to Culorado and Uyomlne Ky 17011- IHJauce 4Ur I- li4TOJ 1240 ruianre to credit profll and loam March SIIU02 IJ4WI1 Common stock dltldtndtNos 1 3 antI 4 ijiniTzt Tim re of tlm lorernment i lsv were ruxlutu MZitt IntiTtml revenut- CHiMtJ uiUorlUniOiis H347H lutui f- HUTeit hIts litiirMiiiiMU urre niw- l M an ixie of few ijit ol I3C4H The rritl ta frr this ll v 4r to huv Ixeu 434264 no anti di i i bent 4l7TiMnuii lilt iXr of retflpt- HXiwiidlture of Cililii74l The oftli 111 count of I h o h In I ii r- toduy not liKludlnt the gout TVMTO- IMiOO 1 nd Hllli l In triild und IKI iiriliikt willed r I il utaiidluv and ttuiipiiiiHl uii tljKt ni- n in bvlltufi tnt err is li SlotHr It lSM 4 4t u4 mul aHii ktwilM fir r Ibis MMtMlM hell Vt Itll I i uut1 i r IMI frHi- ttiwM r n M4iH MI r msi Hi tl iiaiiii vii iiwIsM MI ttlt t Main I wntolr IM p fi 4 4 4 tin trmir 7l prIce Time H G our hOI It franco rpldl S bUll S lUll II for Snvanitmh o I 1 r oldll1l rr tallw first < In han url c Thp alle for ISO the In 7 P s c s s six i a icr was rats short uliders shi II a inca i Ire s- nit et eartitni icc 13M7 ice 17 charges 3IVIi1 tihftt lIce mutt charges 8357114 and 374 PIuglu 71 tutu a liter slate i this mess f i i s > dii sitliCs Ii I 34i Ii tI5e1 157 I 5 lure 441 biaIla as4- erIsIl4 s 1NI 534 s- tiiteIiOsleawl 1bsI t4l aSNIS 50 IesY SI tl ei14I1r ssPg kilsate hI0ls440 9155 11 III s 151 i I PC S miller 445w 4 fIll11111fl I- 1I04v Yp II MII el I 1i p t oa 1 s04- rUwI iNil4M li NJst 4 lI b lIps ftl olI4e 1111011 C I 1Ni04 I Is I mISS I j044 M s- d ps 11 iI kl4 M p4ibI- I S H I I 1 Ia 5 gT11 r5r- 5F Tw11 lX5- 1411I I i T tl 1 I 0 frI II Ia 5 ¬ > > < > > > > > < > > > > > < > > > > +

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-05-14 [p 10]....which enIrpe LtteItititt alt titititit iiI let art...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-05-14 [p 10]....which enIrpe LtteItititt alt titititit iiI let art tiiMolltlft1s1 Savannah lilt Ideisih anti S lug hit tap ia the 440W ha iatl-nws Mesh




MVC KMPLOYEE-v iiinAniirniA

lie Fled In Mirrli After Tiklnc nanOOOFrom the IlitiU Hail Ileni eihrltrrrdby a Itelathe of III llrolhrri Wife

Identified and llrld for Kxtradltlon

Harry C MI the young mnn who untilMarch I was rwvlvlnK toiler of theRiverside Italic and wtio dlsapiKTnvlthat time leaving a MiorlaRo of 20000 In

the banks accounts wn nrreHtml yoMonlayafternoon In Phllndelphla Hell who wanliving with hrotlierlntowii Bister InKllwood a Philadelphia nuhurh was muchurprl Kl at seclns Detictlve SerReftnts

Cray and Kelly whom Capt Titus hadover to nrrtst him Ho made no at

tempt to conceal hl identity Ho vantaken to a police court and there hold toawait the requisition which the Governorof Xcw York will mako upon Governorof Pcniicylvnnla-

Tlie nrrewt of Harry fioll was the resultof wcokV search on the part of thebanks oniccrs unit tho Pinkerton men whowere placed un tho ca e

Supt DotiRliorty of the Pinkerton forcefound that Hells ntarcHt HviiiR relativewon a sinter Mrs John Vlckon of Rl

UIo avenue and list Monday hobecame convIne Hl thnt wanhiding Minp of tho vicken fatuity who

Philadelphia HM rorinultwl theanti found that

Mm Kllen I Wickcs 31101nKHMrvot-KllwocMi Then ho talkiil with thi Pinkerton olTU1 In over thn telephoneand men went not to watch tht

Early tlii morning they KIW their manfrom Mrs and hurry

over to a nearby lmrl er shop for hU morn-ing phave of the Itlver

Kelly wont to Philadelphia to make theHells nrrcst

followedLittle is known of the young mans whore

nboiitK Pinkertonpeople that ho lian been to the cities

middle West arid thnt ho has ROIII-Oof the hanks monev with him

Ht ll was a iiiemlnr of tho Wet SideY M C A nod Dr MacArthurs CalvaryBaPtist Church and to

to Mini Hello Matthews of 300 WentFiftyfirst Mroet-

PltifjiDEUiUA Pa 13 Cnnhier-Blzalllon was at detective henilnuarterswhen H ll taken there All Hell would

was YoU have mo nowand I am willing to go to Now Yorkwithout requisition I do not admit thatI am a and not That remainsfor you to anti by the ttmo have

thnt will develop-ments that will lie very to thopublic

ho has seen several of the directorslies l n hero and to them

would make disclosures that would impli-cate others who hind access to thethe bank


Atlantic Const Line IHreclors Sleet toArrange the Details

HALTiMonK Md May meeting ofthe Board of Directors of the Atlantic CoastLino Railroad Company WON held todayat the of Henry WaltersVIcePrcHident of this company and Presi-dent of the Atlantic Const Line Company-of Connecticut which Is the parent com-pany of tho pyMcm Tho meeting was heldto perfect omo details of tho merger ofthe Plant system with the Atlantic Coast-Line The consolidation of tho SavannahFlorida and Western hallway Companywhich Is tho major part of the Plant systemwith tho Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Com-pany wiis accomplished today when therowas filed with the Secretary of State ofeach of the six whichtwo run a copy of the

adopted at stockholdersmeeting In Va yesterdayThese were tiled inand South Carolina Georgia Alabamaand Florida

The consolidation covers directly 3500of railroad The

Peterburg railroad art not in-

cluded at All the Mockwas acquired under the purchase front the

of the railroadproperties composing the Plant system

a ofholders of the Atlantic Coast Line ItallroadCompany ns consolidated on June 10 to

an issue of consolidated bondswhich will IK used to retire certoUi under-lying at OUCH and the remain

of the underlying mortgages as tinymature alxu to money

to into effect ofthe consolidation This rnortgHge will Hlimited to a maximum of 20mo a mile

lying mortgages AH the mileageIK JHKI tidies tlm imiiin would notl70ionXii bonds mimeillately to retired nil IMIUO ofIIZ4VOfirt of Flor-ida anti W ti ni bonds which hate notlM n inarliitiil

C r 1 si urn s itriiTiit1-iirll ti HIP lJd on this Vein

inon lurkA flinunUil Mafmnnt if the rolonulo

Fuel Iron Vinipany fur thn lilim IIMililh-nwhMi endnil no MMI I SI I ul IU hi il-

UH lieH llM liioul Uil fnututuUtah It UMIW ilikt nrii of lliiuinij-

wny w diMHii UNIII M dividendil i ir l mi tint iiiuwrti Murk

IV ur t HI Jim 9a IU w I-

uf llfti4TII beta v n-

Uf sHm M ItutKnf IM UMM 4-In uiMralMM Iliuwtili oi ciMi ill

Msl r Hir lit IM t i-

b iu i iii luikHt 4 iir-M kHt l i4 HlllU 4 ioMi MtfuiM ll 1114 l i

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Infavorablo In Crortli Winterirner tly lining llrll-

WASIIIKOTOV May 13 Tho weekly cropbulletin of the Weather Bureau toued to-day fiivea tho following general sum-mary

From tho tipper Mississippi Valley east-ward to tho New England anti MiddleAtlantic coasts tho week wan decidedlycold and unfavorable to growth with lightto heavy frosts causing much damage tofruit in the northern ortlon of the MiddleAtlantic States and In Now Ktgand

The temperature conditions In the South-ern States Missouri and throughoutthe Mountain Pacific coast dis

unfavorable highly so on thenorth Pacific Coast Drought continues InFlorida and over portions of the Kant Gulfand South and ruIn Ugenerally needed In the Ohio anti

StatesIlalns have afforded relief locally In tho

middle anti southern tacky Mountain dis-tricts but more Is those sect ionsThe greater part of the regionnnd upper Mississippi tipper

Ildloys are suffering from excessive moisture

Owing to usceiwirn rain little or no cornbeen planted in Minnenota mitt

Wisconsin has been deIn South Dakota northern iown

hut generally throughout the Central valMiddle Atlantic States this work

has rapid progressThe not been unfavorable

to winter wheat end generally thehas ninth satisfactory this leastfavorable received from theOhio Valley and Middle Atlantic Stateswhile n Improvement is reportedfrom Nebraskaslow growth In the Ohio Valley and MiddleAtlantic States hut hnsIn Volley In the Southernportion of which It now heading

COPPER SLIGHTLY llldllKHAmalgamated tMiiR a WalUInc Mick Not

Holding an LmlirellaThere WM a somewhat Improved demand

for copper in tho local metal markettorday and prices were quoted slightlyhigher A representative of tlw UnitedMetals Sailing the selling agentsof the Amalgamated said that the firm-ness of tho market was due to nn apparentlymoro satisfactory condition of irnde-

If our compel said this moanto of the metal we will

follow them The Amalgamated Companyis meeting tho as It exists thatit market It Is nolonger holding the umbrella over themarket It U moro dlip scd to UFO n walk-ing stick than carry an umbrell-

anEIIRMEYER IXQlISTHolders of the Slumped Stocks Appoint

a Committee of IniulrA sort of protecting committee was

appointed yesterday at a mcetlng atBroad of Wall Street brokers caughtwith WebbMeyer stocks In the accountsthey were carrying for customer Tills

look Intotho merits of tho various antiendeavor to find a market 1or the slocksArthur L Meyer who called tho meetingwas not Lawyer PAnderson presided state-ment of companies had l een propared for tho A otatoment was

out Inviting holders of the stocksto send their names and nddiosses to Mr

Hroarl street and get suchInformation as he may to glvo themHe U chairman of committee

iould Mestern lar land lianaCounsel for George J Gould met repre-

sentatives of the city of Baltimore ofthe Western Maryland Ilailroad inyesterday and discussed ilolails for thin

that railroad property to theGould Interests The necessary tobuild connecting links I WesternMaryland the Virginia Central and

and the Wabash syMem will boprovided soon It is possible that tho

Western Maryland and VirginiaCentral t Into one oorKration and that President J M Hood of theWestern will bo chief eieciitivoof the consolidated company

Notes From Wall Streetlolrn Sherman lloyt Albert f Ilostwlrk

anti Uradford II McGregor all of tills citywere elected new directors of thin MunhatHnLife Insurance onipany at tho annual nnetIn of that company

Tlie directors of this llond mid MortxaerGu rnte I have voted to riotluend that tin t itk of tlin roinpnvbo increased from fti Nii f to Ion 111 m hr

Mod to iued pro ritu to th-btockholdiT at SliO

A seat on tli N w York Siodi ttxrhanenhas just sold for ISixia mi advance of Knultroth last ri i ious

Morton Tru t or puny loaned severalmillion dolbrxon rill n n i


Hotels and


In ColoradoTier I jnilir I lea that t rlr tnt

ike Iukirwti

ffM 4 YIHI tun lit I iNMsfuftll IjT M lt fur Mv-

tfUtHftt Mi4 fiui fan fir f tt ui M Inr-

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Columbus Hocking

Coal Iron CoTo the SInckhnlderi

The anninl in feline of this company will he heldit the office of the Company Ml ttir V-

andette Cniiirnn Ohio y May listA ticket In opK ltlon to the present mamitement-nlll he presented at this meellnz It will hive thefollow Inc names representing large holdlim ofttork N 1 C Kachrlmsrhcr of Mclntyrr ftshiill I H Cronl e of lAlarop ft Sirlth K

Hitler of llod Jnnr ItoMnvm and JamesII Cleiv of Henry lews 4 Co II Is the opinionof one of the test judces of such properties In thetnltnt StatS that tIme Columbus Ilocklne CoatIs Inn Company eta make returns tn lu Mockholders With this end In view the ahnvcnanieit-centlemen are tollrltlnr the runperatlon of Stockrxrhatue firms and mockholden of record Inorder to reormnlie the present board and elect

meiit Proilrsmaf Messrs-uiflntyrn n hill Produce Kxchance llulld-Int N V tlty Y-


Members N V Stock Kxchnce

75V000it-ruiHrKitrn CHITON HOMIS


hula will Its rrcelvi liy the 1lrunce rommltteeof tIle Cll nf r c May New Jersey until rljhi

M jo 11113 at City HallInMlilclly tcof ISI IM rcxIMcred-eoutmn i unity year bonds payable Juiic I J2I

four per cent yulile seminmmilly I and June I Hands will

denominations of SIIMJCO caeh A eerttllid-rhcrk for l M i imynlile to Ity nf M ymint accompany eneh nit will lie opened

nd M awarded on the frcnUigH b tlie Clly Council Tt e runinilitcc re

nerves tile rlrlit to leiect any or ell Md Korfurther infnnnalun JOHN IIAUIY-JAS J 1K1AK nml II II CllfllCU rinanreCommittee May X J


1tiriuiint to Article 4tn of the inirtgnce fromNew Orlraiu Stud Ifke fornpanytn Columbia rinancr A Tru tNovrnibcr 22 v 3 the uudertlineu untiltlie rli e of huilnes 31 l 2 nt In olTiee Inthe Clly of l iulVllir K recele bids for theBiirremler nnd rnnnllstlim of firstMnruitcc Vear Klve Ir Cent told Domlsof saul IUIIra t dAunt January 2 l a-mid maturing January I 1113 and secured by theAtnive ineullolieil

lds In lir seec must be nl a price not ex-errdlm one hiiiKtud and ten per cent 110and neeniiM t-


May 2 use

HAIGHT FREESEiJlatilhhci Ofl Main Office


Vc will b plcAed to en l you upon request-our 400 pige rlnih bnuuil InInieMiirs nlso stock unit Market

Issued rmlli mailed tree

N Y Security and Trust Co411 vui siitnivr tw YOKK

Capital nnd Surplus 4000000-

HMililS AM

Redmond BANKERS41 Wall Stroot

Transact a General Banking Business

Issue Foreign and DomesticTravelers

Letters of Creditin Francs Marks

or Dollars payable inall parts of the world

Chlcigo OHIct 232 U Salle St

PhlladtlphU Graham Ktrr Ca

JACOB BERRY coI clvuiUlr-

a4llo llriiaduat New lurK1S6S-


lIIIVIIIIM S Axti ivrrinxrM-IUIOIK A uisnit UII AV i oTlf IkMM of lllrerltr MIN rc f I nh Tomrum Alok A illvlilrnJ ui Stile i nti r ftiere-

p1 KliP t le nf f v l lit Trr jrrr-tn i imjwjiv Arnl II iiiitut rhllmlriptiit

n unit nflcr June so n i theMirkluliln M rcKiitireil at lie uf liulnr iJuio n n

Ill lr i lrr linnki for iiork win li-

r inin 3 iVIMk M Jut K J until 10ml k M Jun ii n 4-

A IIKMIIIII hrrrrtury

Till IlllVTINll AMI I III IIIIMJ AS-SIM IA Tll I lir IHIKal rinl ll lrI-I It MMUtl ll Mill lf iKlll l IM S MU-

r Vulk iu MuliU ji twi liu uuou-I l ultlM U I M

I II MVi Srrl r-

vu MUM r-

KIM1 I1MIul tkr MUI uf N York

ul aM 4 IWIMM ii v M rtoiMu uf M-

4I M l llul I el-If if Ui liiiil i4 r Tin i n vl

i tvlful lbr fc IN-j ikuM Ml-

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TuESDAY May 18

There was a decided change in the senti-ment of the speculatIve community acompared with yesterday It was re-

flected In priccn rather titan In tho volumeof trading The total transactions werenearly 170000 shares or 25 per cent lewthan yesterday At tho same time thedecline In prices sustained yesterday wasIn the main recovered The scatteredliquidation which was the feature of yes-terdays market appears to have run Itscourpe and was followed by moderate buying for both accounts This wns duechiefly to a hotter understanding of tlieoperations that have influenced the moneymarket during the last six ornoven businessdays Within that period an unusuallylargo amount of money has been shiftedin connection with various operationswhich are now completed The principalpayments mado during the last week

follows 112500000 on account of thetransatlantic shipping syndicate 0000000on account of the purchaeo of the ChoctawOklahoma and Gulf Railroad 24000000on account of tho Issuo of Rock IslandRailroad collateral trust bonds sold toflnanco tho acquisition of tho Choctawand allied raIlroads 8000000 subscribedfor the Illinois Central stock Interest cer-tificates of tho Ilallroad Securities Com-pany 10000000 distributed among themomberH of the United States Steel syndlrate and 21500000 paid on account ofsubscrIptions to the now Htock of the NowYork Central railroad company Thismakes n total of S2000000 that changedhands in tho last week

A oonnldcrablo percentage of thin moneylias been remitted out of town part of Itin cash Another operation that took plOtoday was tho distribution of 5000000that had boon paid Into the pyndlcato underwriting the readjustment of the capitaliration of tho Mexican National RailroadTho distribution of this money obviouslydiminished the supply of loanable capitalfor twentyfour the payment of

10000003 to the members of tho syndicatethat underwrote the floatation of time UnitedStates Steel It IB evidentthat these opcrntloiiH which were madoalmost entirely by the poking of checkshave not diminished the cash resources ofthe kinks and other Institutions but theyhave temporarily shifted deposit accountsantI loans to an extent that last an Im-

portant bearing upon time money marketThat market was decidedly easier todaytho highest rate being 8 vet cent Con-siderable amounts were loaned Mow 6per cent which was the ruling rate Theeasier condition of the money market re-sulted not only from the readjustmentsfollowing tho operations that have boonenumerated but from further fireofferinRH of loan bilU in tho foreign ex-change market Thero was nl o a moder-ate amount of offered against thopurchase of about 25000 shares of stockby foreign arbitrage houses on balanceand ono of the larger trust companion drewover 3000000 on London against tho saleof property III this country to an Englishsyndicate Time List operation was impor-tant at It supplied tho Street with fundswhich will not have to bo returned to time

other Eldo Tho trust company makingtransaction was a liberal lender on the

exchange today at 0 centThat money Is returning to thin contra

from the Interior In plainly Indicated bytho rate of Now York exchange at Chicagowhich is 21 cents por thousand premiumand at ono time today wns M cents Inforecasting the future of the money market

probability of h avy export of breadstuffs and other staple products shouldnot l overlooked Tho Indications arethat If time speculation In securities con-tinues In narrow limIts no apprehensioniwod bo felt regarding tho Immediate fu-

ture of the money market Thn experi-ence of tho last few days shows that therohas been no clmngo In tho operations ofthe law of supply and demand and thathigh rates at this centre will attract to itlargo HinoimU of money from the Interiorand from abroad until an equilibrium is-

rrrtorfd Tho fonicji tXohnnKC marketas described In detail further on in thiscolumn was weak nl a lower level

The heaviest trading in Blocks was againin Iliion Pacific Time fluctuation In itwere narrow lint market for it wasflrm throughout Till netgains were III St Paul which won ocomlin nx ct lo nativity Missouri PacificNew York Central Konding SouthernPacific Atchison and arid Sushitill Th last named wan exceptionallystrong scoring a net gnln of 2H

market for Granger and other VeMi nitrunk linn hareM wn tint afTected In

degree by Indlwititl fallingoflT in the yield of winter uheut an om-piirvd with yearn crop Neither wi n-

tho ial hlcxkmulvirrxlyItidu nt ions I lint the convention nf HIM

del imi cif i lie variuii miners iirKnlwill viiin liitiiorrov ID u ikn r-

liiaiiiit ilm priwnt hii H n lori nf workI M I IIH Hull rUxil n point or-niniti higher than yiwicrday worn Ianadlnn-Piieifle tlit Ku Irrnt Wiwtem CII KOliwlwiiiiiojM und IxmivilU IMaware niwj-HiMlMHi aiHl KBIKJU City KiHitheni UMHS-

In liilnMiHil KriMip AinaUiamaliiil-Cipfmf MH nlll I lie ItMilr In nwMr lo

li MHI ih w nrvtrlr n Hrfni In nflilt llt MMI of III lllMU 4 HIM

firtflrtii t liitii nf N-

HiiwtMl MI liitbilr triKl M HIM MI a-

IWIU Hb l uf ll MiMlt UM luMul Of tlu-

i Oil ui4I-

MI MM ul u lulu M IV l i-

MMHUl H 1 al ll MIlAMIl bulk IM l4Mlk-

P Ul iMNM4l I tUtkHlT Ml MJlM aa Ht4 4Av4i Ui ill t cigtHlia m-

uM ml tltr MM-

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notixa men or trumo mrf BOXM-

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100 IKM 100W lOOViU S u r usJeu-

rIM7I1I IM4DCl2oU S 4 e


Ell 4i nrle rrtor lien 4 nsidlnt 4i9000 toA-

S6500IO4I2 S000100U 1000 W Ola-

looo loOms BOOOOI JSSToooioi PIworm no 4-

iAtrhTSF J4i IntatNorth M OflTnM d 1000 7o jSoo 00160U002 OreenllayAWeit RIo4000nni

Halt A Ohio 314 1000 f4 46000 WOla KanCKlS Mil HOOU H4 lj

6000 st Louis S W 1stITan i boo II77-

Bklvn Perry M ZU00072 7000 117341000 8 4s St Lout10008 90000OU 1000-

Dklyn Un El itt M Louis S W ii4000 10214 leGas s

Burcild Norlit I000110L nlh

Canada ouihltt6000 071 UhWIUi-

CeniralOacni 6000 1

IOOOI093 nclilandun4 J00008032-Ui 100 1000 I South Iacin 4Central Ga lit In 4u001O2la soon 033s-10000HO LouN sh4s

toonlO3 aooo0038-


Central Ga id In Urx in In SouthtOOO 40 11000 38I 421100 I 2234

CeniGaCbaita4a Cent M In 60001100002 looo22la South Railway

Chat Ohio Hi Uo Kan 4s St Loul dIY 4s2000 6000

4001 1 OR 10000 I U Stand II A T70011 10007214J-

OOuo lOS UoKsnAlezid Stand n T InChi Alton s 150008 1000 1 0znooiaaig UoIMlfljtoai leon Cl A B

liur i o n iovo9lO7ia84000 PO Missouri Iailflc Third Avenue uI-

dOOfl 037 Cent Drancb 4 1UOOU I17000 00 oono Ulairr Del lit

I 9000 U3larOOOB9 N Y Cent dch t Union Ivul 4s

ColFuelalrnn i 102l lono I4 10 I VCtnllS3H BOOO 1OO-

ColPuelAIronev 4BWJ IOft7g-juooj I04i toioc usia liuco

1000 1 O4 la Union Parine ev-luuou I 04 jnoon loflfn

4000UR 4 SSOOOBono 10414 2000OH laaiou lone7000 1 O4 la N Klec Lf 1000 Ill 0 4

IIVP4SUuuolO4t 4000oo 10000InaaH3000 NYUntAWesili

4iinti 104 kooo 10314 itmoo4000IO4lj t Qtirrn i 11000jooo 10714

70001O49 12000107 30 lanoo IO4la ttooo I

loooo 104 IIIDOUI roonn unit-inooo04lj NorfulkWealli riOOOeooo10114 iimoo oo7auOol o 07-

oAooioMa noooUOOii 4 North

Colo Midland 4s tOO I O33lij SI ref100083 i eono soo losij

ConsToba 2inO I O4laVlriclnla Vtlrt m-

SOOOt3 s North P clnc 3i17000 10007M Wabatn 1s-t1IIOUOI3I4 600 40UIII2OUenoo or inn A N v4 70001208000 Bfllal 2100 W b tideii FrD-

sinio taoco Io4i4 10000 7013000 Odla Panama 4 s aooo

Urn 4 ItG IMp la lo OOIO2lj SOOO11000 I Sis r I 43000

Kin lr 4 SOOO 07 4 iOOHOinoo Penns nil war 4onoi

Detroit Cat M ranls V paid 7000 77t-OOO 07 1400 We t Shore Is

IeiroliM ll unt linno loiilj reriMrirrt1000 3 ia soooj zoco i 4

Unroll South u Icoria A KASI In SOnO 1 I ala1000 8734 IOOU 74 I 10000113

Total samoa of bands value i3ieoOORAILROAD AND OTHER IHAREB-

Htjlt Low Clot Vr-tSaf tit ref Int Chft

20 00 Cop B77s BOIa 7s713 Am Dlescle 7 04 7400 AmC41Co 30 207g 3O 14Sao Am Cut Oil 33 32la 33ico Am Cot op oo no u-SCOAmOTwn 347g B4 n 347g-200Ara 18i IBla 18la100 Am Ice pf 01 OUjJHalO-

OOAm Loco 318 31lg U-s oo Am loco p 03 112 l ala la1400 Am Smelt 4flla 40 40la l

2llO Am SnuS 10318 103 I03la8-00Am Surar 1277s 120 I87 3

1100 Am Sue pit IHIa 118 118 1

100 Am TelC U 1 ag u 01 x 7a167 AmTAT 17BU I7HU 178l4134

13 IsICOOAnaconda 1 12 1 I 134 Ilia4 I4-

lnoAna Arb pf 7Uia Sia 72ia a-

I17UUATASF 70 734 70

4200 Dalto A Onl007100 lull 4 Opt IlOa-

jtooutrn n T oo a-

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7it0 Can 1ae 12H1 1 00 Ches OhU 4134310 Chi 4 Alt i J

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4rocnl It N VV24-7IKCnChGI Weit iOU

411141000 C O W dtb 0 II-

3SSO Chi I 4 L V778-OOOQjIlALpf HO-

2DJOO Chi llsi I I Oil

500 Chill t PI 74UTeim HI la

U-Mtew Chle U Tra 2OIH-AOOCCCftSI L1U4 4-

i 7i ottii a i 10214-4voc t ii c 4 i i H

iClr VUlh 2U7H-2uoCul So I pf300 U Ni 2 f 4 III j-

oncun Tuli p I JOki-kllio Hrl 4 Hud 177 4

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Rhode IK uK 2-

OOhSanVa SOc100 TamsracUloa

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85 Sal 41 tIUli 41 42mCC c c

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410 Iows 49 65




154 4lAd IIS

I SjCentrl Oil



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eeners1 4 Seaboard Air Line gold 4 Southrn Is Atchison and

Ohio Central of Colorado Fu nndIron Southwestern Unionami Wftbath issues

bank stocks 17 shares of City Nationalold at SUiHiui

Commercial of bur liver In NowYork iHic In London clov-at lit llICd Mexican silver dollars werequoted ut 41C

on call 43R per cent moneyIs quoted at 6 per cfnt for three

on securities and 4 dcent for month on nil railroads Com-mercial l nuoted at Per ctitfor and corned bills receivableother name per cent

Sterling exclmnce resumed It downwardtouched the lowest rates ofcnnn A fre h supply of loan tint t k

bill hud a depress elTcet nnd en l r rn M vfailed to exert Influents InttlMi Ulexchange also reached low Ilifntr andthe extremely for

and inrtt NSi Mirht 4 nt Actunl ntLong 14 8IH sight draft 4 rHI4S7 and cable triiti ferH 14 74 Kraimwent fiunt t at HHjOS U Ji for lonit nid5 17K3 for hurt rolchnniirk ni nir-atlK for nnd B5 lIti li fur

39 15temo for lonit und 40v ic tashort

parlance on Sew York IlotonPar CharletoiiIlurlnir par e

premium 75e droll tTIc premium New Orleani

tl premium 7StOfl prenlinn Slirht lHecrnph SO premium St Iir In-

CDKO JXc premium Ilnclimiti lIelinrkfl ISe dhoount aver counter Aftc IT-Imliini MlnnenpolN Mo premium

Sew York Menrlne House stnteinent FTcJmn 377184 halation MrfMS-ubTreasury df bit balnnco floSMU

Export of general merchnndlM from theport of York for th week niilnir todiiywere valued nt I0i7lo ntninn iOthe week arid llltioojm in ill ror-rexpodliif wok of ln t your ltirv Inr 1

18r7ol7n nenlnM IDiTDS4Kl for th carperiod of lant year

The New York and Hobolten Coinpany hat declared n fjuartcrly dividend V-

pfr cent pnyablo 2crow enrnlngx for th neelc

of Mny compared with those of thi eorre-fpoiidltic weel of last year nrn as followCtntralof fOlk ii 9i Inc tynicsuneoke ft hlo WWII Ine 3-

Chlcain l Traasfrr KIHI seCnlorarto Southern iwtl II in-rtre 4Brqiiflte I V 4 lite f i

St l iuh A San co STIS7I Inr 47 MSouthern IUUiay Inc vuT-oleilo SI Loot It estcrn s0s Inc 3737

Time and Erie linllroiri Tomreports for March nnd for three months

ended March 31 n followMirttt Thru alone

froM MrniDE Per luifls Inc f i i-

K p ms 1 1J3I toe nwiVet ffrnlniM Tee JJSS7 Inc JVIl

March and for three month ended Marchfollows

MartS TIre Anifu-Trow famines The Inc IS3RIExpenses Inc 8B44S lute SJM

The Manhattan Hallway Co reports forqilHrtcr ended 31

191 l 0OroM mlnT JJ 7 VI JWCOU Inc JKt01Op n d taxes 140037 l3 ilv Inc Mfj

Net f rnlnr l477ti4 tlIUM7 Inc KBJ95IOther Income 121037 yo lire 7 JV

Total Income I59079S tl3Mtni tnt 13501-1n M M33fl nM357 Inc 111-

Italnnee Nll4 ToniST Inc tlHieiDividend isoooi 4

Murplns 411ina SWSS7 Inc fi niPaw cnrrtftl MeslJW Mt4 lii Inc 7isri

From July J to Mardi 31

arcs timings JTwwMi Mnt7tU toe J M t-

Op ex 4 taxes 41IT s 3i5Sl4 Inc wiHi-

Nn rnlncOther Income

95isn Inc J sm47605311 Ore W7IO

Total Ineore l70Cns4 S3M7M7 Inc U47Flied charges Ji l3 7t o iss Inc 137S3

lIaIson tJUHfa s Inc Mo4CI4Dividends I WTO l4Wi

Surplus J72iss jiuMO Inc K 4ei4i7 ISOSW ii IncnvooOT

The Keneral balance sheet shows Cash onImnd 258189 and a profit and loss surplus ot-

IS 811JThe Colorado Fuel anti iron Company

reports for March190 1M1 r ar M

Net eamlncs JIflJS 113107 Inc W751-1msnnterat taOI IDSIS

Dal n Income 104001 K3M4 Inc iroHJFor nine months endln r March 11

Net eanilncs Jl813170 I33042 Dec 570171LeSS manakcmt 140611 159115 lice Ml4-

Ililtnce Income Jll U 1433787 lice C70157The income acoount of the company for

the nine months endlne March 31

Net amines from ocrrotlons 111MCT-d l laconiC securities KIMNet earnings from all sources ltM M

flied and tarts M i M

Surplus over flied eharifei MS StO-

StnUliie fund JK71S4-IMvldrnd on preferred M0 paul 0 X I

flit on i tot locl not paid 40cwo

Surplus to credit profit low oil7MThe and heat account for the nine

months ending March 31 shoroJune SO l l J0 4

Surplus nine months March 31 IWM sisJMexico fly and Coal itoek leitM-

CrrtJIt iiroflt anti lots 17481-Ufblt profIt and losi 4241

Uenrerlntlon on 7 cars sold toCulorado and Uyomlne Ky 17011-IHJauce 4Ur I-

li4TOJ 1240ruianre to credit profll and loam March

SIIU02 IJ4WI1Common stock dltldtndtNos 1 3 antI 4 ijiniTzt

Tim re of tlm lorernment i lsvwere ruxlutu MZitt IntiTtml revenut-CHiMtJ uiUorlUniOiis H347H lutui f-

HUTeit hIts litiirMiiiiMU urre niw-l M an ixie of few ijitol I3C4H The rritl ta frr this ll v 4rto huv Ixeu 434264 no anti di i i

bent 4l7TiMnuii lilt iXr of retflpt-HXiwiidlture of Cililii74l

The oftli 111 count of I h o h In I ii r-

toduy not liKludlnt the gout TVMTO-IMiOO 1 nd Hllli l In triild

und IKI iiriliikt willed r I ilutaiidluv and ttuiipiiiiHl uii tljKt ni-

n in bvlltufi tnt err


SlotHr It lSM 4 4tu4 mul aHii ktwilM fir r

Ibis MMtMlM hell Vt Itll I

i uut1 i r IMI frHi-ttiwM r n M4iH MI r msi Hi tl iiaiiii

vii iiwIsM MI ttlt t Main I

wntolr IM p fi 4 4 4 tin







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