The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-02-16 [p ]. · of tho and of 1res dent lloosavclt If attend the...

FBBBTTAJIT 16 1909 Fair today and tomorrow fresh northerly winds VOL LXIXKO 1C9 NEW YORK SUNDAY FEBRUARY 16 1902 cowrwi IK by Tk rrtuna tt t pubming THIRTYSIX PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS I 1- ID t BOND i Aao4Ucn nl TThJ wm 7W cirl 47TR r a I t- t w Sis PRINCE HENRY ON HIS OXU PRIVATE 11 XXEH HERE CORXELIUS t VAXDERBIL- TSt at Urn nrqtittt of the Kalirr a Compliment to Mrt VanilrrblH T- Prliirp Ilirrrcd liy n targe Crowd llir KrnrpMnx WIllKlni near III Away From Jlrenicrhaven Hl ran lln Slttjnvc Trunk and pnmnRiUTEN Feb IS Princo Hen of Pruimla and his suite boarded the Ccrman Lloyd fteumnhlp Kronprlnr W- helm here this afternoon and at A oolat- hfl start for New York wan made am thn clieers of a and enthusiastic crow Princo Henry arrived at Bremen Kiel at 1210 oclock and breakfasted suite In tho Princes chamber of tl- rpeclal train at the terminus By spec request there woa no official reception Ilremen except by the Prussian Mlnlstei The offer of tho Bremen Senato to atter In a body was refused In order to save tlm There was no crowd at Bremen The Prince and his party arrived S oclock and found a large crowd Ing them The marine which m companies Prince wilt gli concerts on board avery day was playing when tho Prince arrived Princo Henry the saloon of tt Gorman wharf until Kronprinz Wilhelm moved alongside Whe rho was made secure ho and his vulto aboard As they did eo tho Kronprir ran up the German nag The Deutschloni which was drydockcd alongside of he was gayly decorated on were all the ships in the harbor The passengers special train had arrive at i oclock and alt were Thei were 20 Uralclass and r passengers Every berth engaged P on schedule time the eteamshl steamed out and hi the band Muta i dann i dann Zum Btaedte- hlnaui Cod du ratio Bchatx blelbst hler Prince Henry irlH wear plain clothe throughout the voyage and will I the reserved part of the dining table which eeaU twelve Capt BJehte who replaces Capt Stormer who la gives cabin to Prince Henry The PrinoeVpartr had sixtyfive trunl- andcasee Many contained present for American The liner Is equipped wit wireless telegraph ratXCS TO DINBWITHSTANDKHDIIT- SAdmiral yon made publl yesterday the fact that ho had receive a despatch from the secretary of the Kale ordering him to convey and tho Em pre is sympathy to Mr Robert Goelet o the recent death of her daughter Beatrice and to place a wreath on tho of ycung woman The Emperor a well as Admiral von Baudlssln met Mrs V at Kiel a year ego and before tha they had met her while she was crulslni In her yacht Xahma In Norwegian waters k It wan also made known yesterday MOIIM time In the visit Prlnc Henry will dine Mrs Cor nellu Vanderbilt Jr This be will do a the especial request of tho Kaiser met Vandnrbllt as a guest of Mrs Goelet on tho Nahma The dinner en gagemcnt betides la in accordance wit tho wish of the Kaiser that tho Prince ac copt the hospitality of a rcprei cntatlvi American family Mrs Vanderbilt was Wilson daughter of R T Wilson of Mr Ooolet Is her sister and Cornellu U the eldest son of the lat Cornelluswho was tho eldest eon of Wllllan- H the heir of his father tho Commodore Tho family lives at floe Fifth avenue ADMIKMj LIKES OUR SOIPi The Ilatllethlp Illlnoli u a Marvel H Declares Admiral von Bnudlsnln of the Hohen rollern made hh official call on Rear Boblny D Evan yesterday after noon shortly after the kttor had raised hi flag on the battleship Illinois off Tomp klnsvllle The German Admiral had ucl- a good time on the Illinois and wee no Inter- ested in looking the great ship over that hi Flayed more than an hour which Is nome thing quite new In tho official call The formalities of most official calls are In a very few minutes and the caller gen- erally losea no time In taking hi departure- In this caw the German Admiral threw formality overboard and not only split i bottle of wine with Admiral Evans but after making a tour of tho battleship from stem to stern he made glad the of her corn minder by declaring was one ol the finest products of marine engineering te had ever Men Capt Wr t Admiral Barkers aide coIled Uohunzollern at 10 oclock jrsterday rooming on the Government tug Xarktcta to take the German Admiral down to Blioflterd Island to see the Em- perors ne yacht and afterward to the Illinois On behalf of tho commandant- cf the Brooklyn Navy Yard tho Captain tendered the Admiral the use of the Ncr keeta while he U in thene waters and the Admiral accepted the offer The splendid lined of the Illinois attracted- the eye of Admiral von Baudissin aa the Narkoeta approached Staten Island Ad- miral Evanss pennant was flying and the Admiral Raid that ho thought If would not disarrange would like to make on way down This fciiited everybody and no Narkeeta aUlesl Admiral von IUUIO thirteen Admired personally conducted his German said the first American l ttk hlp that ho had ever aboard He raw the New York ut Kiel but she Is a crulwr Ho thought her a warship but that tho Illinois marked advances At the earnest of Admiral von naudlnsln Admiral Evans consented to tho to Shooters Island No nodal preparations had been made at tarkecta was decorated with xnd American flags A Smith tho Commodorn of the AtUntlo Yacht rml ownor of the schooner yacht Ind the pnrtr at tho nml It on ion of the Meteor Adinlrnl vcn Bnudlmln was Impressed Ialui IVr li lIUuil lUil Co rt or frivvlSBl nd Southftn nr Suprrtor n iff time ImmrdUtt cnnnrcllon ntrlrct limlnr rrvir TB ot Y omc i- i n rob t Tfrt k OolUr- vjoitu ou uvofmarA- tI WAY AT a aa CutS VeIdICh to Tns sux North from at her- at oDd waite ortJI the eDt other aba J mla die a U his gave the Q elet that cUM hi of Oral Olden TiE Ad- miral lie hear lon German It made a of Eva get throu Iland rur the rpton of the got thrown tijo of tho Cub ant Ibo rule lb t I DIr pvclJ Cd wit- h was farewell played Ill his the f Jiaudl lit whi- r Mrs Mine btzdlesln was with Iip ixeept that the dnehnr Mteor ant Robert E Tod end Cir Palm ant 1iwaAr t ¬ ¬ > < < > with the appearance of the nn praised end tint After Inspecting the cnti shipbuilding plant went 4 Downey who a luncheon had been laid Evai touted tho of tho occasion an then offered to the Meteor Heros to Meteor and I win every race oho over meets an American boat The German Admiral and dror to tire toast Then at the Invitation Commodom Ted tho nboai- ot tho Thistle which during ceremonies at Shooters Island Is to be of tho and of 1res dent lloosavclt If attend the launching The Thistle Is a fine It was after 2 oclock when the Admin left Shooters Island antI rntlirned to Jit- bokt n Admiral Evans was put alxwr the IlllnoU on tho return other were landed at Pier A this Admin Baudlssln had reached cabin on the HohenEolIern when Mayor of Hobokon was announces The Mayor accompanied by two city of Hoboken come to ret ur call mado the Admiral on Friday Other callers during tho afternoon wer German eocletle and buslneps houses In the evening tb Admiral dined In this olty and later went to the Irving Admire von to visit a relatlv there Tonight no anti the officers o by ConsulQenoral DUn While the officer tho Imperial ynoht are having such good crew not from of attention Two hundred of then went on Bhoro leave for hour yesterday and everywhere they went the were o tho Metropolitan Street Railroad Corn pony sent on all the Metro tai to the officers and crow of the yesterday Low Is not expected to call a the his on ho rcachei the yacht after tho Admiral had left for thi so things wore said that yes- terday the Mayor gave out this statement Mayor accompanied by his secretary on sin afternoon at oclock Ciwlni o the visit was The Mayor he should have failed to Admiral but d ln such as It was ties wholly with th Mayor The earlier formed plan which Kronprinz Wilhelm to Uner reached the lower been abandoned Instead the Prince wl remain aboard the steamer until sin has been docked at tho south side of Recreation Pier at the foot of West Thirty street On Friday the will be from to the north side of Upon the arrival of steamer at the royal visitor wit merely have to across feet or BO tho piers to the yacht After ho has proceed to the anchorage marked out foi the North Tbo Itecicatloi will bo given up exclusively aa a place for Admiral Evans will board the she reaches and will re main with the he goes on tho moment on the deck of the yacht the Oermai standard will be run on the main- mast BY telephonic commuiilca and the Information of the standard will be sent immediately to latter and a national salute twentyon guns wilt be tired DAItCVS BEATKX AGAIN Putnam County Ind Gives Congress Ton ventlon Deleiates to Holltdari- NDUKArouB Feb 15 The mass of the Republicans of Putnan county which won called to select delegate to the Fifth Congress district conventlor which will meet at Green Castle on Tues day was interesting today by reason ol the sharp contest between the friends o James S Darcus end Congressman IIolll day Many of the students at Depauv University rallied to the support of Barcus and In Green Castle township he had i vote of 133 to 61 for Holllday but In tho convent Ion the Holllday men had a majority- of two to one and named all of the thirteen delegates from the county thus giving Holllday the solid vote In the coming con- vention A trick of the Barcus men was to hire ill buggies and wagons In ono outlying township but when this was learned the walked to the convention arid thus defeated the plan to keep them at home Frank and wellknown Republicans of county the homo of started a movement to the resolution by which can make much headway against sentiment In There are open charges that Is used to delegation a own county Ono of the declared was asked how much ho would take to control the Harrison ship delegates and two other have been approached offers of money WIRELESS MIXVPl- nranU not German From Ifohenrnllern While Talking rnicllih to tire Kalier There was a wireless mixup yesterday etween the Cunarder Lucanla German Lloyd steamship Raiser Wilhelm ler Grouse and Kaiser Wllholms yacht ilohenzollern The Kaiser Wilhelm wa- it her Wet Twelfth street pier the Lu janla was going out to sea and the Hohcn- ollem was at Hobokon All era equipped the apparatus and all ap Kroncke on tho had been alkmg with the recoding some time when German words o click themselves out on nstrumont Ho know ho had tho llohcn- olteni The Lucanlas man also om of the yachts message for ho Bent his hack to Kroncke talk Qerman- dont understand It When the Lucanla was well out to ace Croncko picked out tire German words and ound to Come over and see ne at AVLT ix THE RUINS OPRXED- ecnrltlet Worth Million Dollars Found 1nlnjurrdP- ATKASOX Fob 15 Former Attorney lonorol John W Orlggs President of tho ateron Safe Deposit arid Trust Company atched the opening of tho big steel vault t that institution thl morning The onds and other securities in thee3 vaults ro worth over 11000000 The vaults ere found in good condition The con Mils apparently will not ho taken ut Four armed men are ow tho ruins 110000 worth of clothing and furnl been distributed Central Irllef Committee to sufferers The U now ow 28000- Tfco Florida A Mrltvpolltaa Limited ttttboerdAIr IU lUHr wild uim u train t ti n New York sad rwrvtlaa t IIU Uroedwty t Meter Into th hop went coming Pro big on his other Tomorrow I the nt The tQ a on the of tho no u to met- e the for of from tin move the breath ladi- ng Pro bar meal ton to tire Cay got the privilege or own not It the tow wit Ith MarDI panty ICu r operA- tor t I tem ho a Abut Iu fund guests llaco Theatre svilt be dined Sherry 5 tart arrangement the the transfer Prince Henry hat tin royal tM lb at Tompkins vii con- vention I his delegates believed that being tire Is tIn oil > WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE CULtS eMil FOJIEUOST Till TIIIXGS COXSIDEHEIt- Prefldent TelU Party Leaders Plainly TO- Wo Should Keep Our Pledges to Cub It Wu Acrred toe War Brpeal Dill lie In the lions on Tuesday and Then tire QuestIon Cuban Tariff Urrtuotlon Will Come U WASHINGTON Feb 15 Prealdont Roos volts rocommendntlons for tariff con cessions to Cuba submitted In his annu message to Congrcs will bo acted upo during tho corning week As soon as bill abolishing the Internal revenue wi taxes shall have passed the Houso on Thee day afternoon In accordance with tb special rule that will bo adopted tornorra for tho consideration of tire bill the IU publican members of tire Ways and Mean Committee will hold a conference upon a programme for framing passing a Cuban Tariff Seduction bill Tin programme was agreed to at a White Hous conference this morning between tho Pros dent who called It and Speaker Hendnrsor- ItepreiontnUves Gronvcnor and Canno and Senators Platt of Connecticut Spoonoi Aldrich and Allison Roocovelt told these Senator during tho talk lasted for an hour and a half just lioi Important ho thinks It Is that tho Unite keep its written and unwritten to Cuba and In language plain it could misunderstood- that not weakened In tho sllghtes degree since sending his message to Con green in December Some ono had reportet him ho said as being willing to compromise hut there was nothing for him to cotnpro- rolso in view of the fact that all he want is legislation that will relieve cry- Ing distress end make good tin implied promises of tho United States Before this had been accomplished th legislative situation in tho house was con alderod and the President was rpcclnll anxious for information OB to the programm for passage on Tuesday of the bill tire war revenue taxes The Speake and Representative Grosvenor cxplalnei to hUn the rule that would bo adopted on Monday totting aside that day and the next for debate on tire bill and providlni for a vote at 4 oclock on Tuesday with n opportunity for the Introduction of amend menu except such as might be reported from the Ways and Means Committee The President was Inclined to regard this rule on somewhat severe but when Its parliamentary necawlty was explained to him ho agreed with hi callers that it U tho would lit the case Tlio resident was told tho of Representative Tawney Republics that bo a majority of at least for the adoption- of the new although It Is a few under tho lead of Rep- resentative Babcock of Wisconsin refuse to vote for the rule being disgruntled at the recent action of the Committee in refusing to the Bab- cock tariff reduction as an amendment- or to any suggestions ato tariff changes Babcock may change his mind before vote for the rule a desired tine President and fourfifths of tho Re- publican in both of Important was decided In tho a chance tIre of the Republican lenders as Informally agreed upon some ago Tills is that Senate the bill abolishing tho internal taxes as it the House with only luch un- important amendments as be found tho bill 1s under considera- tion by the Finance Committee Tine House to wipe all of tho war taxm will bo agreed to attempt at tariff or be check- mated It was the unanimous of thoso who conferred with tine President today that there U reason why there lx no tariff legislation at session and there will be none A to the precise the bill reducing- the tariff on Cuban uncertainty Some of the Republican members tire and Com iltten are averse to supporting bill this kind At two gentle nen who wero at tho White eon orenco represent socalled beetsugar States that to in sugar would bo to ruin the beer their constituents- In view however of the earnestness of of be and accepting ho advice of their innate and House these men to stand jy tho programme of enacting a bill for be taken is soon aa the War Tax bill Is of in Tuesday and It Is that a soon is the terms of a hilt are decided upon a rule will bo adopted for eon ildoratlon Thero aro aa many under ad rlsmnent as there are members of the Ways and Means Committee DolzMI for instance a member of that committee Is at work upon a ion Involving a revival of of tho McKinley Tariff law he bounty to bo to American beet to onsatc horn for the estimated losses on tire ro of the duties on the product Im ort Kl from Tine most nfluentlal houww of jowevor denounce the for a bounty as absurd and Impracticable and that it will never Senate on Monday Senator Cullom- ihnlnnon of the on Foreign In legislative session ho for tho Danish West Indian Islands and will cndoave- ro secure Its ratification before nent If lie felts tho treaty will probably Idnrntlon of tire Philippine tariff bill ro umed Senator of this nensure on Tuesday the rill fix a a vote and that It rill bo before the close of the present moth SHOT AX INNOCENT XEGHO tot Kills a by Mlitake nnte l Vengeance fur a Murilrr- FOITON Ky Feb 15 Last night a went to tIre cabin of Bill Dooloy a egro who resIded with his wife and five hlldrcn on tho bank of tho town branch ipo neck him to a tree Tho members of mob pro known- or U It known positively wiry killed Im Several a negro named ahnwm hot Watchman Grady badly wounded him making his escape- Is Uiat the x k Dooley for Johnson The negro popu tlon agitated On lit Armenia Mtat bo rd Air Lin- ers 17 knoHn u smbotrd r lun- trpcr vp IU f tl omee iriS Uiotair Aar- lerlo Tbomttrlll Ckcrlnloi Ct- pMlllaa r T A PU Sp Ul J0 P U Also 2J U P U AtUnilo Cowl Lint 111 trmdwcy Tat TaJ of the and and President which State sid that Cubs tat 2 ma mater apt out Olnlon for the much of Con the that tire hoc di propel Cub h co- nsider up laid tem hop nato Ian mob and a bud not and It n levln W Yro R nao A I A- In YI A MON agree e abolish- ing genera houses into United States there is still recommendations Cuba wIll call 5 aside con dragging inimn from iris bed with nit tIred several Iris inn bthe5etthwcel lAtiint mel flnntgnery damP trite Street p IL t 45 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > < > > noun MISSION TO vs- ntlecatr Sail From Doulotne Und Assumed Special Cable Uitpaltli UTtH SVN THE Feb IS Intelligence hi boon received hero from Boulogne- the effect that among the pasoerige who sailed from there yesterday on tl HollandAmends Line steamship Rotte darn were Messrs Wolmarani antI We eels Boor delegate and Dr de Bruy Secretary of the Doer embatsy They ai travelling under the respective Annacker Arldt and Wormstall going to tho United States with a mlsslc different from that of Dr Mtlller went in a private capacity LONDON Feb 15 A news agency de patch from Brussels says Dr MUller mission to tho United States U being muc discussed In Doer circles He Is travellk under an assumed name The greater secrecy Is maintained in reference to of tho letter he is taking to President Roosevelt it Is freely In Boor has not a pealed for Intervention or similar action It Is stated that Mr Ertlger simply e presses regret at his inability for tho preset to congratulate President Roosevcltonhl accession to iris office It concludes wit allusions to tho many Invitations to via America he has received and still continue to receive from American citizens and con porattons Dr MUller besides placing tho Bo propaganda In America on a new footlnj will endeavor principally to secure tli prohibition by America of tho exportatlo- of articles regarded by the Doers as contra Land of war and will also try to secur from the United States Government statement of Its opinion on the war In Bout efforts are supported b wealthy Doer sympathizer in European great built on the results of hi RIOTERS lULLED IX THIEST Alain Fire on Striken Six flea To Proclaim Menial Law ffprrtnl CoM Diipatc U TEl StJX VIENNA Fob IS The strike situation a Trieste where 25000 men are out becaus of sympathy with the dock laborers em- ployed by tho Austrian Steamshl Company become acute Th strike has not been terminated tire tact tho Board of Arbitration conceded the demands of the workmen for higher There conflicts toda between the people and the soldier Thi latter fired Into a crowd near the Pont Rosso Square killing six and woundlnj thirty The authorities will proclaim martin law tomorrow 00 DOMES TOE lanr More Probably Killed by the Earth- quake nt Hhemakha- SpnM Cable DttpeU to Sex ST Feb 15 The espatchea from Shomakha Transcaucasia anflrm the reports of tine alarming extent if the earthquake which overwhelmed that flourishing town Already 900 bodies have been taker rom the and hundreds more are un loubtedly buried in the vast of Violent oscIllatIons continue and Impede he work of rescue The victims are mostly Mussulman survivors are encamped outaldo of what remains of the town AMKttlCAX LINE FOR ITALY Company Proposes to Ilulld an Electric Ibid From Homo to Naple- Sptttal CUe Dtipotth la Til K SUM ROME Feb 15 Tho American Westing louse company has a bill he construction of road be wren Rome and Naples They ntee to cover the distance In two and a quarter hours ourney now occupies six hours AFTER DVTCH EAST INDIES tumor We Hounded llollan on Spiciol ttipalcl I Tel SCK 15 The London carve pondent of the Birmingham toys the wIle Is expressed in certain diplomatic uartors that the United States through tnnford Newel the Minister at Hague recently a to er willingness to dispose of the Dutch ist Indies OIES MESSAGE TO ROOSEVELT Ixpretief for tIre Quick necavery PresIdents Son Spictil CaW Dupacft la Tea Sos IXixjN Feb 16 A despatch from says the sent a cable mrs to conveying In sympathy on the Illness of iris son and tpresslng the that he will soon re over sins UAVIS nnoKE ootrx he When Presented to the fells liture or Mtriliilppl JACKSON Miss Feb 15 Mrs Jefferson lavls visited tine Legislature today hortly before noon sino entered the House Mining on tho arm of Senator Gaye an Id friend of her husband He Introduced er In an affectionate Mm Davis occupied tho Speaker stand nd did her best to to rclcomo that had been extended in behalf of ho people of hut her voice clinked Into tears She have unk to tine floor had not Speaker Runnel LieutGur Harrison her ja hair Sine did to between obs that the name of MississippI was to her and that she State officials and hundreds f citizens crowded around to hands nd wish well Mrs Davis did not for to the sale of Beauvolr nor did tire FOIO Is at r a Soldiers Home In a few days ft today for VIcksburg and go from rare and thence to hears jlr Uner Grecian Abandoned Nova Scotia Feb 15 The earner Grecian of the Allan Liner which eat on the rocks In tints harbor several baa abandoned and will sold at public auction on Wednesday use Mexico and CalifornIa The Re t pnn Southern Hr A A wp w of AU rims L S The route ol the Nunxl Limited 10ti car K V omen rise flwiy x- Apprrolt d wkrrercr aiullty U eoulderrd Urr bottles 0 Lurtl Urotl- I N T Same to name who the content from but acknowledge Arc hop Troop Lord wag FROM RUNS piles age promote for gar mUM Tat lan Cab America The lope POp hop State and and dear lnto hake any ono but thor i tacit under She ew Ala da 1 land has notwith- standing The latest nine wreck The The Poet tome rpt tire been South C ABsdIviaa Ryi < > > < < DID SUGGEST A JOINT UttlTISIl AMBASSADOR NOT V- tFRIEXnLV TIS EXPLAIXED- I Aimed at PrnenlnB Puce Detween and Tints but Ills Coven mrat DUapproved tire Plan Chart That President McKinley Supprrstr a Spanish Offer or OonceMloni Eaten SiHrtU CMl Dnpatch It Tai SOX LONOON Fob It America will find eon slderable food for cynicism as well as amux mont In the development of the Anglo German quarrel over tho diplomatic hi war especially If dispute to other the antebellum now reached a point of ut eemly diplomatic Indiscretion U at counted for only by the fact that persons both In Berlin and lot their tempers 80 far a tine America people are concerned they mayo no reao to desire rancor to cool until tire die closure liai gone considerably beyond th present limits for anger Is tho best all under some circumstances It roust bo said that todays develop monte put quite a different complexion o Lord Puunoofoto action from what nr In light of the first declarations 1 iris behalf There i no reason to dout that Mr Smalley the correspondent c the London Time has spoken in behalf c the Ambassador Indeed he all but say o In a of despatches to tho Time today- It la admitted by Lord Pauncefote spokesman that tho British Ambosado was the author of tho rioter quoted in von Holleben de patch to the Government and that ho was personal In sympathy with the terms of that Mr language on this point Beyond a doubt Lord be tint tho Spanish note of April I contained concessions of such a notur that tho United States might reconslde resolve for war Beyond a doubt hi thought that President MoKlnley wa wrong In believing that he had tine supper and approval of tine civilized world Bo yond a he desired peace a Mi- MeKlnley did and felt himself justIfier In doing what be could In concert with hi colleagues to preserve the AI he admits and affirms Viscount Cranbomen statement yestw day to confirm the view that personally favored the pros entatlon of the note hi tho terms quote by Ambassador yon Holleben and Intimates that the home Govern- ment overruled him What becomes liner of the British charge of misrepresentation The only point remaining Is who the meeting of April 14 but this U no longei of the slightest consequence Nevertho lou the professions of Indignation by tin British even to Mr Smalleya de patch containing the foregoing are 0- 1Btrong U It Is to say that the latest of the episode does not slightest unfriendliness on Lon Pauncefotes part toward the United States Americans as well as Englishmen know that this country needs no defence from such a charge Ills suggestion was ar error of judgment which superion promptly vetoed Germanys record or this point U the same as Englands The now U whether the Dritlst statesmen who are sore upon the whole subject can find the means of cliarglng and perhaps of convicting of an policy at the othei stages of the war crisis The one feature of Mr Smalleys de patches which is seriously damaging the reputation In Europe U assertion that Mr McKlnley heck communication from the Spanish Gov- rnment virtually conceding tho demands on tire eve of the war leads suoli journals aa the Saturday to remark We never thought the Americans went Into that war with clean hands but we had not conceived that they were as the correspondent rather affirms I do not know If Spain note of April 10 ever been published but its were communicated to roe In con ndrnce soon after tt delivered In view of the grave Imputation put upon Sir McKinley and the American Govern- ment by the TYmras statement I feel justif- ied In saying that Spain note contained- i positive refusal of the crux of tine Amerl jan demands namely the Independence f Cuba HOOIXO OF AMERICA arts Thinks German Not Been Our Friend Spirlnt Catlt Dnpuch la Tied SUN Panic Feb 15 In an article on America the Tempt says the States hould llko a brilliant suitors each more pressing Some of theseare England tuula and Germany- It adds that AmerIcan society like all oclety Is snobbism The Kaiser flatters resident Roosevelt paternal feellngn- n the matter of tho christening of tho feteor and Americans love tho display of fflclal pomp as will be exemplified In tine omlng reception of Henry The article that Germany- nd England was the friend of the during tho Spanish war LAE ix ma wniTxer STAIILE- hrly Flint for a While Put Out Without Mntlnc tine ITC ItacehortrH- KMrsTEAD L I Feb l6Wtlllam C Whitneys employees saved iris big stable t Wheatley hills Thursday midnight from re were 1TO racehorses In tho table Tire fire started In a closet In the Mdtng room and It Is thought that It was aused by mice eating matches In some lothes which hang in the closet Ono of tine men was asleep on the sofa i the room when smoke awakened He gave tho alarm arid Trainer Glen on and somo tire boys responded Tho The Interior of the library Is a wreck ut the horses were not Inrkirtl Bnmmerrlll ClurltiioB Avfntta TkomuTlIle and Tami Sew punts vU P n K and Sooth 1 Rr N Y office Ill and I1H Dewf Ar n r ol ibt alien ere bi maktn T Dewed boss Co Ut Fvllca 81 W T- aled DIT Air Spnru Mettod NOTE Spain Country of the Item pr- ops whole h eminent are Darn not I Pac tend err vein pal Germany to A Ameri- can ale Temp Unite feel woe mal Price not him table and the blue after II of an hour Ali w A Pl k 44 tory this hived its this Lore prac- tically press iris the This Review Times has con- tents was o day tim is modern re apparatus with these rae control wise Pet S Rbetnnatumzr Gout Wl 55A ¬ ¬ HERES A 900000000 COXCER Incorporated In South Dakota With Nam of New Yorkers Not to He Pound PIBRRB 8 Feb 15 Article of boot poratlon were tiled In the office of the Seer taryof State today for tho Northwester Industrial Company with a capital of 000 000000 with offices at Pierre and 28 Broai way New York The incorporator ai Thomas B Decant Mortimer Metzge Now York Oscar Nelson The directors are Thayer Boston Samuel A Kimball Newton Mas Samuel L Chamberlain Iloraoo Wlnon Edward D Street New York The of the corporation is I and to handle all klnc of meat and byproducts of tt earns No 2fl Broadway Is Standard 0 building There U also a barber shop them and a number of tenant unused to 1900 000000 Two of the Now named llvlngoneln a twostory building InSist avenue which Is a store downstairs and a employment agency upstairs and the other In a mouse now vacant HIS TRUST FOR HIMSELF VOIi- Qourrrnenr Panldlnr 3d to Get the Prim clpal Not Gouverneur Pauldlng 2d inns o tamed judgment In tho Supreme Cow on the report of J Campbell Thompso- as referee declaring a deed of trust whlc tie executed when he camo of age on Auj 9 1803 Invalid Under tins deed ho 143800 with tho United States Trust Con pany for ten years Ho was to reeolv the Income and at the end of the ten year tho principal was to bo paid to him He says ho was unacquainted with bus ness affairs and was under the influenc- of relatives and acquaintances who In ducod him to create the trust Ho dl fully comprehend It and understoa It was revocable at any time 1 further contended that such a trait U not authorlred In law Referee Thompson found that tire trus was void because It did not suspend th alienation of the property for a perloi measured by lives In being as for in tho statute Tho suit posed the trust company simply asklnj for Instructions of tho Court In the suit TRUST MISS STONES CAITORi- neport of Payment or the Ransom Ii Confirmed WABntNQTON Feb 15 Tho State DC partment lure received official conflrmatlo of the report that the money for the reason of Miss Ellen M Stone and Mme TaHiti been paid to their captors No ad vices that the captives bed been cur rendered have been received but expected at the State Depart men that tho brigands will keep faith WHEELERS SPEECH Democrats of the house on Thought Are They Applauded It- WABIIIXOTON Feb 14 Repronentatlv- Wheeler of Kentucky Is said to be not happy today as he won yesterday Whll he was delivering iris absurd harangue Ii the house denouncing President Roone veil for allowing Iris daughter to accept an Invitation to ahuslni Lord Pauncefote for some offence calling Secretarj Hay a anti Princo Henry a little Dutchman of colleagues ap- plauded him vigorously OH the Record makoi mention In of tints applause at various intervals throughout but the Democrats of the as a rule now repudiate tho speech and think that only himself but that ho made a political break wind not but all of his colleague will feel the effect of next fall ATER ItAXCES OX FOG CARPET Ira Iooked IIke tire Mammoth Cave Com Wild With llourbon Tire Dutch steamship Prin Matirlt yesterday from South American ports vhile In thn Gulf Stream off tho Virginia toast on Thursday ran Into a ntratuni- if heavy vapor covering tine ocean like a treat gray carpet It was not more than four or five thick and extended beyond ho vision like steam In fantastic clouds The cause of It was tho conden atlon of the moisture in the cold air which was almost at freezing on the warm Julf current which 87 degrees Nlcmann saw a distance off while observing the low lying fog a water dancing of and toward the clouded leavens Another spout soon whirled Into icing and wont after the first Then camo a procession of spouts and the- ta looked of len ucky gone wild with Bourbon TICKET SPECULATORS BEAT HIM rrllrrlon Theatre Detective hone Ip In a Violent Fracas Hugh MeOarry a detectlvo employed- it the Criterion Theatre to warn hat tickets bought of speculators will not 10 honored at the door was warning a and a woman evening not to f a speculator when ho says a number f started n with him IcOarry was knocked down kicked and eaten MI badly that ho mad to bo taken o hits home Such a crowd joined In the row that three olloomen who went there hod all thy Marks ono of the speculators on a harge of assault lAter Arm truIng arrested Mlmon Corict another for talking too loud arid too much IRERTVH TORCH STILL TO CLOW- Ivrn IP by the Llchllionie Hoard but War Drparlmrnt mil Keep U Going Ul ertys light will not be extinguished and after March I It will be kept burn ig the War Department which een notified by the President that that art of Liberty Island transferred the Department to the Lighthouse Board 111 hack to lent A V heridan stationed at Governor Island Tine notice issued the Lighthouse oard means that the will i be one of the beaeoo la the arbor The War will main rio the light from the night it given to the army Th Nil Bide hrtwfrn and Cklekfe of x uM the Tork Ctntre1 Ike rtetut lea CalUeral Cereeta Are the Beet I Bro lw r V T rvlto o Heri tu Bioeklra- Att hands lluatbii risktat Ulemkilea at S D Pier PUrl prodUCt he deAl Yorker In the put not provide loner It nunlte h In fet pint put man do for a L on b b War t Mid otc plaN I New Uufaellnr rIC 01 Got UI1 J despatch are the income was baa is confi- dently I1EIfflI4 TEl Second Sorry at lathe pea plc last are ould virile arrested baa cease a- ver e ponies WII si Tsps DID FLORENCE HVRXS SHOOT WALTER S BROOKS The Latter Wino Was a Member of a Prod nee Exchange Firm and Only 10 Years Old Found In Room In island Hotel Shot Behind the the Woman Wino Accompanied Him llavlnc Fltd MlM Burns Arrested la Her Brooklyn Home a Daughter or Fred Burns Announcer at Athletic Sport Drooki Had Maintained lEer Since Chrlitraai and She and Her Father Had Demanded That He Starry Her Dnrnis Partner Sa S lie Won Women With Ills Eyes Evidence He Feared He Would tie Walter S not yet 20 years old- a member of commission firm of Brooks 4 Wells 17 Jay street and living with hla parents Mr and Mr Thomas Brooks whose only son he was at 458 D catur street Brooklyn was found with a pistol shot wound In the back of his head In room 12 on the second floor of the Island Hotel at the northeast Cortlondt and West streets at 1230 oclock yesterday morning He was unconscious- and ho died without regaining conscious nose eleven hours later In the Hudson street hospital Shortly before 2 oclock yesterday after noon Florence W Burns Ig years old the older daughter of Frederick W Burnt known to athletes all over the States on for many years the ath letio sports given under the direction of the Amateur Athletlo Union and recently- a Custom House broker with the firm of Isaacs Vought t Co of 50 Wall street arrested at the home of her parents 341 East Fifteenth street Brooklyn charged with the murder of Brooks The girls father had demanded that Brooks monica her his wife Tho girl who in taR and graceful and fair with large deep blue eyes and plenteous light denies all knowledge of tho of which she Is accused but the theory of her accusers ls that having demanded- for from her lover that which her demanded for her and having been put off or refused sine killed him- J WILSON wren RKOISTEnCD Ho and she came Into the office of Glen Island Hotel shortly after 0 oclock- on Friday night and tho young nina rcglr toted J Wilson and wife New York He asked for a room and was shown to 12 on the second floor Tho room two windows which overlook a court and face the Loading from one of tin window fire escape which extends down to within about fifteen feet of courtyard Night Clerk John Earl went Into tine restaurant of the place shortly after 10 oclock to get some supper them the call from Room 12 summoned the night hall George Washington Wash ingtons rap ou the door was answered by a woman partly undressed and with some sort of a scarf thrown about her shoulder She told Washington to bring up a bottle of soda lemonade with one glass and a box of matches Washington says that he served tire order at 1030 oclock The woman took the tray from him through the partly opened door and told him that noth- Ing more wo required MAN DEAD WON OONK Two hours later Earl smelled gas and told Washington to go through the halls and toe whero tire leak was Washington found that tire ROB was escaping In Room 12 He pressed iris knee against the door and was surprised to find that It opened readily- It was unlocked All tIne light were out In tine room but every gas jet was on full Ha turned off tho gas and ran downstairs- for Earl When time enough had given for of tire gas to escape the and Washington llfthtnd thn looked around Tinny found J Wllnon lying diagonally across tho bed nude op- parvntly asleep and jxirtly covered by tire clothing Tire woman was gone llie mans clothing was scattered all about the room some of It on chairs and the rest tire floor Earl told George Washington to go and get Dr J Swwny whono office at 137 Liberty street Dr reached the motel a few minutes after 1 oclock and examined the unconscIous man who was breathing heavily Dr could not him He examined the eyes and says pupils were not diluted Ho found rome kpattrrs of blood on the bed clotlJng- ind pillows and evl leii n of vomiting He found also what ha took to ho a bruise jf the scalp about two nod a half Inches tIne top of tbo right ear had agulat0d over the wound ny Concluded tine man hind brulMdhU realm In by a fall perhaps and tire real trouble with him was a mud low of asphyxiation The doctor says thAt he thought It WBH a doM lcause- he pupIls of the eyes not dilated la told tire night clerk to give tho patient lenty of air arid that ho would probably e all right In tire morning- So J Wilson with Ms supposed scalp round and bin ovtrdoso of illuminating- as Was loft by himself to sleep off the ffects of whatever It was that ailed him DULLCT WOUND FOCNU At 7 oclock yesterday mourning Earl vent up to tIre room to see how J WlUwn fan getting on Ho had evidently been OBslng on the bed a good deal there on the bed clothing rid the roan was moaning faintly Dr Iwceny was called DRain and concluded mat hed look a bit moro closely at that calp wound He found a hole In the skull ividently by a bullet Ho went bock o hi probes Ho probed the round for three Inchon e ays was getting Into the brain issues he concluded to stop and direct oat the patient be to a This ho did and J avtng put on his underclothing was taken j the Hudson hospital In his ook U papers found to Indicate Ut he wa Brooks the nd gold watch and something to Brooks 4 were t ly called up on the telephone Tw to Florida hovel Sine Un r brv rr loolvdtnf all tip i M to ronle at M Tkct Of U sad 1100 Dw r X f Walt ttmlc- nmoW br the foiled States Vfotl Pest Voautittim to b absolutely x f GRL HELD FOR HOTBLIURBR a the Gen Tat lad Brook Gen I I UnIt l i brow bell ANt west boy I t ji 11 i f I f ben tOt rom r j I t on I I I i i I i roll r 11 I I of Dod j that that I mid i i i iff I abut I t t mae abut i il WIno I Itt 1 chin O made able the ore r i of I r- I lan I J I f J ef was the hat tine WhIIC11d t bed J rae blood sent somebody Besides papers y 35 nioney end a pay Wells und Tb Brook Velin was U O1r 10 rip nix 1 F Label tulane o4 > ¬ < > <

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-02-16 [p ]. · of tho and of 1res dent lloosavclt If attend the...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-02-16 [p ]. · of tho and of 1res dent lloosavclt If attend the launching The Thistle Is a fine It was after 2 oclock when the Admin left Shooters Island


Fair today and tomorrow fresh

northerly winds


I 1-




nl TThJ wm 7W cirl 47TRr









TSt at Urn nrqtittt of the Kalirr aCompliment to Mrt VanilrrblH T-

Prliirp Ilirrrcd liy n targe Crowd

llir KrnrpMnx WIllKlni near III

Away From Jlrenicrhaven Hl ranlln Slttjnvc Trunk and

pnmnRiUTEN Feb IS Princo Henof Pruimla and his suite boarded theCcrman Lloyd fteumnhlp Kronprlnr W-

helm here this afternoon and at A oolat-

hfl start for New York wan made amthn clieers of a and enthusiastic crow

Princo Henry arrived at BremenKiel at 1210 oclock and breakfasted

suite In tho Princes chamber of tl-

rpeclal train at the terminus By specrequest there woa no official receptionIlremen except by the Prussian MlnlsteiThe offer of tho Bremen Senato to atterIn a body was refused In order to save tlmThere was no crowd at Bremen

The Prince and his party arrivedS oclock and found a large crowd

Ing them The marine which m

companies Prince wilt gliconcerts on board avery day was playing

when tho Prince arrivedPrinco Henry the saloon of tt

Gorman wharf untilKronprinz Wilhelm moved alongside Whe

rho was made secure ho and his vultoaboard As they did eo tho Kronprirran up the German nag The Deutschloniwhich was drydockcd alongside of hewas gayly decorated on were all theships in the harbor

The passengers special train had arriveat i oclock and alt were Theiwere 20 Uralclass and

r passengers Every berth engagedP on schedule time the eteamshl

steamed out and hi the bandMuta i dann i dann Zum Btaedte-

hlnauiCod du ratio Bchatx blelbst hler

Prince Henry irlH wear plain clothethroughout the voyage and will I

the reserved part of the diningtable which eeaU twelve Capt BJehtewho replaces Capt Stormer who la

gives cabin to Prince HenryThe PrinoeVpartr had sixtyfive trunl-

andcasee Many contained presentfor American The liner Is equipped witwireless telegraph

ratXCS TO DINBWITHSTANDKHDIIT-SAdmiral yon made publl

yesterday the fact that ho had receivea despatch from the secretary of the Kaleordering him to convey and tho Empre is sympathy to Mr Robert Goelet othe recent death of her daughter Beatriceand to place a wreath on tho ofycung woman The Emperora well as Admiral von Baudlssln met Mrs

V at Kiel a year ego and before thathey had met her while she was crulslniIn her yacht Xahma In Norwegian waters

kIt wan also made known yesterday

MOIIM time In the visit PrlncHenry will dine Mrs Cornellu Vanderbilt Jr This be will do athe especial request of tho Kaisermet Vandnrbllt as a guest of MrsGoelet on tho Nahma The dinner engagemcnt betides la in accordance wittho wish of the Kaiser that tho Prince accopt the hospitality of a rcprei cntatlviAmerican family

Mrs Vanderbilt was Wilsondaughter of R T Wilson of Mr

Ooolet Is her sister and CornelluU the eldest son of the lat

Cornelluswho was tho eldest eon of Wllllan-H the heir of his father tho CommodoreTho family lives at floe Fifth avenue

ADMIKMj LIKES OUR SOIPiThe Ilatllethlp Illlnoli u a Marvel H


Admiral von Bnudlsnln of the Hohenrollern made hh official call on Rear

Boblny D Evan yesterday afternoon shortly after the kttor had raised hiflag on the battleship Illinois off Tompklnsvllle The German Admiral had ucl-

a good time on the Illinois and wee no Inter-ested in looking the great ship over that hi

Flayed more than an hour which Is nomething quite new In tho official callThe formalities of most official calls areIn a very few minutes and the caller gen-

erally losea no time In taking hi departure-In this caw the German Admiral threwformality overboard and not only split ibottle of wine with Admiral Evans but aftermaking a tour of tho battleship from stemto stern he made glad the of her cornminder by declaring was one olthe finest products of marine engineeringte had ever Men

Capt Wr t Admiral Barkersaide coIled Uohunzollern at 10 oclockjrsterday rooming on the Government tugXarktcta to take the German Admiraldown to Blioflterd Island to see the Em-perors ne yacht and afterward to theIllinois On behalf of tho commandant-cf the Brooklyn Navy Yard tho Captaintendered the Admiral the use of the Ncrkeeta while he U in thene waters and theAdmiral accepted the offer

The splendid lined of the Illinois attracted-the eye of Admiral von Baudissin aa theNarkoeta approached Staten Island Ad-miral Evanss pennant was flying and the

Admiral Raid that ho thought Ifwould not disarrange would

like to make on way down Thisfciiited everybody and no Narkeeta

aUlesl Admiral vonIUUIO

thirteen Admired personallyconducted hisGerman said the first Americanl ttk hlp that ho had ever aboardHe raw the New York ut Kiel but she Is acrulwr Ho thought her awarship but that tho Illinois

marked advancesAt the earnest of Admiral von

naudlnsln Admiral Evans consented totho to Shooters Island

No nodal preparations had been made at

tarkecta was decorated withxnd American flags A Smith tho

Commodorn of the AtUntlo Yachtrml ownor of the schooner yacht

Ind the pnrtr at tho nmlIt on ion of the Meteor

Adinlrnl vcn Bnudlmln was Impressed

Ialui IVr li lIUuil lUil Co rt or

frivvlSBl nd Southftn nr Suprrtor niff time ImmrdUtt cnnnrcllon ntrlrctlimlnr rrvir TB otY omc i-

i nrob t Tfrt k OolUr-

vjoitu ou uvofmarA-







VeIdICh to Tns sux






waiteortJI the





die a



gave the

Q elet

thatcUM hi










madea of

Evaget throu

Iland rur the rpton of the gotthrowntijo

of tho


ant Ibo

rule lbt I DIr

pvclJ Cd




farewell played




f Jiaudl lit

whi-r Mrs


btzdlesln was with

Iipixeept that the

dnehnr Mteor ant Robert E Tod

end CirPalm ant1iwaAr








with the appearance of the nnpraised end

tint After Inspecting the cntishipbuilding plant went

4 Downey whoa luncheon had been laid Evaitouted tho of tho occasion anthen offered to the Meteor

Heros to Meteor and Iwin every race oho over

meets an American boatThe German Admiral and dror

to tire toast Then at the InvitationCommodom Ted tho nboai-ot tho Thistle which duringceremonies at Shooters Island Is to be

of tho and of 1resdent lloosavclt If attendthe launching The Thistle Is a fine

It was after 2 oclock when the Adminleft Shooters Island antI rntlirned to Jit-bokt n Admiral Evans was put alxwrthe IlllnoU on tho return otherwere landed at Pier A this Admin

Baudlssln had reachedcabin on the HohenEolIern when Mayor

of Hobokon was announcesThe Mayor accompanied by twocity of Hoboken come to ret ur

call mado the Admiral on FridayOther callers during tho afternoon wer

German eocletleand buslneps houses In the evening tbAdmiral dined In this oltyand later went to the Irving

Admire vonto visit a relatlv

there Tonight no anti the officers o

by ConsulQenoral DUn While the officertho Imperial ynoht are having such

good crew not fromof attention Two hundred of then

went on Bhoro leave for houryesterday and everywhere they went thewere otho Metropolitan Street Railroad Cornpony sent on all the Metro tai

to the officers and crow of theyesterday

Low Is not expected to call athe his

on ho rcacheithe yacht after tho Admiral had left for thi

so things wore said that yes-

terday the Mayor gave out this statementMayor accompanied by his secretary

onsin afternoon at oclock Ciwlni

othe visit was The Mayor

he should have failed toAdmiral but d ln

such as It was ties wholly with thMayor

The earlier formed plan which

Kronprinz Wilhelm toUner reached the lower

been abandoned Instead the Prince wlremain aboard the steamer until sinhas been docked at tho south side ofRecreation Pier at the foot of West Thirty

street On Friday thewill be from to the northside of Upon the arrival ofsteamer at the royal visitor witmerely have to across feetor BO tho piers to the yachtAfter ho hasproceed to the anchorage marked out foi

the North Tbo Itecicatloiwill bo given up exclusively aa aplace for

Admiral Evans will board theshe reaches and will re

main with the he goes ontho moment

on the deck of the yacht the Oermaistandard will be run on the main-

mast BY telephonic commuiilca

and theInformation of the

standard will be sent immediately tolatter and a national salute twentyonguns wilt be tired


Putnam County Ind Gives Congress Tonventlon Deleiates to Holltdari-

NDUKArouB Feb 15 The massof the Republicans of Putnan

county which won called to select delegateto the Fifth Congress district conventlorwhich will meet at Green Castle on Tuesday was interesting today by reason olthe sharp contest between the friends oJames S Darcus end Congressman IIolllday Many of the students at DepauvUniversity rallied to the support of Barcusand In Green Castle township he had ivote of 133 to 61 for Holllday but In thoconvent Ion the Holllday men had a majority-of two to one and named all of the thirteendelegates from the county thus givingHolllday the solid vote In the coming con-vention

A trick of the Barcus men was to hireill buggies and wagons In ono outlying

township but when this was learned thewalked to the convention arid thus

defeated the plan to keep them at homeFrank and wellknownRepublicans of county the homo of

started amovement to the resolution by which

can make much headway againstsentiment In

There are open charges that Isused to delegation

a own county Ono of thedeclared was asked how much howould take to control the Harrisonship delegates and two other

have been approachedoffers of money


nranU not German From IfohenrnllernWhile Talking rnicllih to tire KalierThere was a wireless mixup yesterday

etween the Cunarder LucanlaGerman Lloyd steamship Raiser Wilhelmler Grouse and Kaiser Wllholms yachtilohenzollern The Kaiser Wilhelm wa-

it her Wet Twelfth street pier the Lujanla was going out to sea and the Hohcn-ollem was at Hobokon All era equipped

the apparatus and all ap

Kroncke on tho had beenalkmg with the recoding

some time when German wordso click themselves out onnstrumont Ho know ho had tho llohcn-olteni The Lucanlas man alsoom of the yachts message for ho Benthis hack to Kroncke talk Qerman-dont understand ItWhen the Lucanla was well out to ace

Croncko picked out tire German words andound to Come over and seene at


ecnrltlet Worth Million Dollars Found1nlnjurrdP-

ATKASOX Fob 15 Former Attorneylonorol John W Orlggs President of thoateron Safe Deposit arid Trust Companyatched the opening of tho big steel vaultt that institution thl morning Theonds and other securities in thee3 vaultsro worth over 11000000 The vaultsere found in good condition The conMils apparently will not ho takenut Four armed men areow tho ruins

110000 worth of clothing and furnlbeen distributed Central

Irllef Committee to sufferers TheU now ow 28000-

Tfco Florida A Mrltvpolltaa LimitedttttboerdAIr IU lUHr wild

uim u train t ti n New York sadrwrvtlaa t IIU Uroedwty t



th hop



on his


Tomorrow Ithe nt


tQ a on the of thono u to

met-e the

for of from tin

move the



Pro bar

mealton to



got the privilege orown notIt the



Ith MarDIpanty

ICu roperA-



tem ho





llaco Theatre

svilt be dined Sherry


arrangement the

the transfer Prince Henry




tM lbat Tompkins





hisdelegates believed that



Is tIn oil




Prefldent TelU Party Leaders Plainly TO-

Wo Should Keep Our Pledges to CubIt Wu Acrred toe War

Brpeal Dill lie In the lionson Tuesday and Then tire QuestIonCuban Tariff Urrtuotlon Will Come U

WASHINGTON Feb 15 Prealdont Roosvolts rocommendntlons for tariff concessions to Cuba submitted In his annumessage to Congrcs will bo acted upoduring tho corning week As soon asbill abolishing the Internal revenue witaxes shall have passed the Houso on Theeday afternoon In accordance with tbspecial rule that will bo adopted tornorrafor tho consideration of tire bill the IUpublican members of tire Ways and MeanCommittee will hold a conference

upon a programme for framingpassing a Cuban Tariff Seduction bill Tinprogramme was agreed to at a White Housconference this morning between tho Prosdent who called It and Speaker Hendnrsor-ItepreiontnUves Gronvcnor and Cannoand Senators Platt of Connecticut SpoonoiAldrich and Allison

Roocovelt told these Senatorduring tho talk

lasted for an hour and a half just lioiImportant ho thinks It Is that tho Unite

keep its written and unwrittento Cuba and In language

plain it could misunderstood-that not weakened In tho sllghtesdegree since sending his message to Congreen in December Some ono had reportethim ho said as being willing to compromisehut there was nothing for him to cotnpro-rolso in view of the fact that all he wantis legislation that will relieve cry-Ing distress end make good tinimplied promises of tho United States

Before this had been accomplished thlegislative situation in tho house was conalderod and the President was rpcclnllanxious for information OB to the programmfor passage on Tuesday of the bill

tire war revenue taxes The Speakeand Representative Grosvenor cxplalneito hUn the rule that would bo adopted onMonday totting aside that day and thenext for debate on tire bill and providlnifor a vote at 4 oclock on Tuesday with nopportunity for the Introduction of amendmenu except such as might be reportedfrom the Ways and Means CommitteeThe President was Inclined to regard thisrule on somewhat severe but when Itsparliamentary necawlty was explained tohim ho agreed with hi callers that it Utho would lit the case

Tlio resident was told thoof Representative Tawney Republics

thatbo a majority of at least for the adoption-of the new although It Isa few under tho lead of Rep-resentative Babcock of Wisconsinrefuse to vote for the rule being disgruntledat the recent action of theCommittee in refusing to the Bab-cock tariff reduction as an amendment-or to any suggestions atotariff changesBabcock may change his mind before

vote for the rule a desiredtine President and fourfifths of tho Re-

publican in both ofImportant was decided

In tho a chancetIre of the Republican lenders

as Informally agreed upon some agoTills is that Senate the billabolishing tho internal taxesas it the House with only luch un-

important amendments as be foundtho bill 1s under considera-

tion by the Finance Committee TineHouse to wipe all of tho war taxmwill bo agreed to attempt at tariff

or be check-mated It was the unanimous ofthoso who conferred with tine Presidenttoday that there U reason whythere lx no tariff legislation atsession and there will be none

A to the precise the bill reducing-the tariff on Cuban

uncertainty Some of the Republicanmembers tire and Comiltten are averse to supporting bill

this kind At two gentlenen who wero at tho White eonorenco represent socalled beetsugar

States that toin sugar would bo to ruin the beer

their constituents-In view however of the earnestness of

of be and acceptingho advice of theirinnate and House these men to standjy tho programme of enacting a bill for

be takenis soon aa the War Tax bill Is ofin Tuesday and It Is that a soonis the terms of a hilt are decided upon a

rule will bo adopted for eonildoratlon

Thero aro aa many under adrlsmnent as there are members of theWays and Means Committee

DolzMI for instance a member ofthat committee Is at work upon aion Involving a revival of

of tho McKinley Tariff lawhe bounty to bo to American

beet to onsatchorn for the estimated losses on tire ro

of the duties on the product Imort Kl from Tine most

nfluentlal houww ofjowevor denounce the for abounty as absurd and Impracticable and

that it will never

Senate on Monday Senator Cullom-ihnlnnon of the on Foreign

In legislative sessionho for tho Danish

West Indian Islands and will cndoave-ro secure Its ratification beforenent If lie felts tho treaty will probably

Idnrntlon of tire Philippine tariff bill roumed Senator of thisnensure on Tuesday therill fix a a vote and that Itrill bo before the close of the present


tot Kills a by Mlitake nnte l

Vengeance fur a Murilrr-

FOITON Ky Feb 15 Last night awent to tIre cabin of Bill Dooloy a

egro who resIded with his wife and fivehlldrcn on tho bank of tho town branch

ipo neck him to a tree

Tho members of mob pro known-or U It known positively wiry killedIm Several a negro namedahnwm hot Watchman Grady

badly wounded him making his escape-Is Uiat the

x k Dooley for Johnson The negro poputlon agitated

On lit Armenia Mtat bo rd Air Lin-ers 17 knoHn u smbotrd r lun-

trpcr vp IU f tl omee iriS Uiotair Aar-

lerlo Tbomttrlll Ckcrlnloi Ct-pMlllaa

r T A PU Sp Ul J0 P U Also 2J UP U AtUnilo Cowl Lint 111 trmdwcy

Tat TaJ




President which










forthe much


Conthe that tire




Cub h



laid tem

hop nato



and abud



nlevln W Yro R nao A

I A-








into United States there is still


wIll call

5 aside con

dragging inimn from iris bed with

nit tIred several Irisinn

bthe5etthwcel lAtiint mel flnntgnerydamP

triteStreet p IL t







> >





> >

noun MISSION TO vs-

ntlecatr Sail From Doulotne UndAssumed

Special Cable Uitpaltli UTtH SVN

THE Feb IS Intelligence hi

boon received hero from Boulogne-

the effect that among the pasoerigewho sailed from there yesterday on tlHollandAmends Line steamship Rottedarn were Messrs Wolmarani antI Weeels Boor delegate and Dr de BruySecretary of the Doer embatsy They ai

travelling under the respectiveAnnacker Arldt and Wormstallgoing to tho United States with a mlsslcdifferent from that of Dr Mtlllerwent in a private capacity

LONDON Feb 15 A news agency depatch from Brussels says Dr MUllermission to tho United States U being mucdiscussed In Doer circles He Is travellkunder an assumed name The greatersecrecy Is maintained in reference to

of tho letter he is takingto President Roosevelt

it Is freely In

Boor has not apealed for Intervention or similar action

It Is stated that Mr Ertlger simply epresses regret at his inability for tho presetto congratulate President Roosevcltonhlaccession to iris office It concludes witallusions to tho many Invitations to viaAmerica he has received and still continueto receive from American citizens and con

porattonsDr MUller besides placing tho Bo

propaganda In America on a new footlnjwill endeavor principally to secure tliprohibition by America of tho exportatlo-of articles regarded by the Doers as contraLand of war and will also try to securfrom the United States Governmentstatement of Its opinion on the war In Bout

efforts are supported bwealthy Doer sympathizer in Europeangreat built on the results of hi


Alain Fire on Striken Six fleaTo Proclaim Menial Law

ffprrtnl CoM Diipatc U TEl StJXVIENNA Fob IS The strike situation a

Trieste where 25000 men are out becausof sympathy with the dock laborers em-

ployed by tho Austrian SteamshlCompany become acute Thstrike has not been terminated

tire tact tho Board of Arbitrationconceded the demands of the workmenfor higher

There conflicts todabetween the people and the soldier Thi

latter fired Into a crowd near the PontRosso Square killing six and woundlnjthirty

The authorities will proclaim martinlaw tomorrow


lanr More Probably Killed by the Earth-quake nt Hhemakha-

SpnM Cable DttpeU to SexST Feb 15 The

espatchea from Shomakha Transcaucasiaanflrm the reports of tine alarming extent

if the earthquake which overwhelmedthat flourishing town

Already 900 bodies have been takerrom the and hundreds more are unloubtedly buried in the vast of

Violent oscIllatIons continue and Impedehe work of rescue

The victims are mostly Mussulmansurvivors are encamped outaldo of what

remains of the town


Company Proposes to Ilulld an ElectricIbid From Homo to Naple-

Sptttal CUe Dtipotth la Til K SUM

ROME Feb 15 Tho American Westinglouse company has a billhe construction of road bewren Rome and Naples Theyntee to cover the distance

In two and a quarter hoursourney now occupies six hours


tumor We Hounded llollanon

Spiciol ttipalcl I Tel SCK15 The London carve

pondent of the Birmingham toys thewIle Is expressed in certain diplomaticuartors that the United States through

tnnford Newel the Minister atHague recently a to

er willingness to dispose of the Dutchist Indies


Ixpretief for tIre Quick necaveryPresIdents Son

Spictil CaW Dupacft la Tea SosIXixjN Feb 16 A despatch from

says the sent a cable mrsto conveying

In sympathy on the Illness of iris son andtpresslng the that he will soon reover

sins UAVIS nnoKE ootrxhe When Presented to the fells

liture or MtriliilpplJACKSON Miss Feb 15 Mrs Jefferson

lavls visited tine Legislature todayhortly before noon sino entered the House

Mining on tho arm of Senator Gaye anId friend of her husband He Introduceder In an affectionateMm Davis occupied tho Speaker stand

nd did her best to torclcomo that had been extended in behalf ofho people of hut her voice clinked

Into tears She haveunk to tine floor had not Speaker Runnel

LieutGur Harrison herj a hair Sine did to betweenobs that the name of MississippI was

to her and that sheState officials and hundreds

f citizens crowded around to handsnd wish well Mrs Davis did notfor to the sale of Beauvolr nor did

tire FOIO Is atr a Soldiers Home In a few daysft today for VIcksburg and go fromrare and thence to hearsjlr

Uner Grecian AbandonedNova Scotia Feb 15 The

earner Grecian of the Allan Liner whicheat on the rocks In tints harbor several

baa abandoned and willsold at public auction on Wednesday

use Mexico and CalifornIa TheRe t

p n n Southern Hr A A w p w of AUrims L S The route ol the Nunxl Limited10ti car K V omen rise flwiy x-

Apprrolt d wkrrercr aiullty U eoulderrdUrr bottles 0 Lurtl Urotl-







content frombut








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I Aimed at PrnenlnB Puce Detweenand Tints but Ills Covenmrat DUapproved tire Plan ChartThat President McKinley Supprrstra Spanish Offer or OonceMloni Eaten

SiHrtU CMl Dnpatch It Tai SOX

LONOON Fob It America will find eon

slderable food for cynicism as well as amuxmont In the development of the AngloGerman quarrel over tho diplomatic hi

war especially Ifdispute to other

the antebellumnow reached a point of ut

eemly diplomatic Indiscretion U at

counted for only by the fact thatpersons both In Berlin andlot their tempers 80 far a tine Americapeople are concerned they mayo no reaoto desire rancor to cool until tire dieclosure liai gone considerably beyond thpresent limits for anger Is tho best all

under some circumstancesIt roust bo said that todays develop

monte put quite a different complexion o

Lord Puunoofoto action from what nrIn light of the first declarations 1

iris behalf There i no reason to doutthat Mr Smalley the correspondent cthe London Time has spoken in behalf c

the Ambassador Indeed he all but sayo In a of despatches to tho Time

today-It la admitted by Lord Pauncefote

spokesman that tho British Ambosadowas the author of tho rioter quoted invon Holleben de patch to theGovernment and that ho was personalIn sympathy with the terms of thatMr language on this point

Beyond a doubt Lord be

tint tho Spanish note of April I

contained concessions of such a noturthat tho United States might reconslde

resolve for war Beyond a doubt hi

thought that President MoKlnley wa

wrong In believing that he had tine supperand approval of tine civilized world Bo

yond a he desired peace a Mi-

MeKlnley did and felt himself justIfierIn doing what be could In concert with hicolleagues to preserve the AI

he admits and affirmsViscount Cranbomen statement yestw

day to confirm the view thatpersonally favored the pros

entatlon of the note hi tho terms quoteby Ambassador yon Holleben and

Intimates that the home Govern-

ment overruled him What becomes liner

of the British charge of misrepresentationThe only point remaining Is whothe meeting of April 14 but this U no longeiof the slightest consequence Nevertho

lou the professions of Indignation by tinBritish even to Mr Smalleya de

patch containing the foregoing are 0-

1Btrong UIt Is to say that the latest

of the episode does notslightest unfriendliness on Lon

Pauncefotes part toward the United StatesAmericans as well as Englishmen knowthat this country needs no defence fromsuch a charge Ills suggestion was arerror of judgment which superionpromptly vetoed Germanys record orthis point U the same as EnglandsThe now U whether the Dritlststatesmen who are sore upon the whole

subject can find the means of cliarglngand perhaps of convictingof an policy at the otheistages of the war crisis

The one feature of Mr Smalleys depatches which is seriously damaging

the reputation In Europe U

assertion that Mr McKlnley heckcommunication from the Spanish Gov-

rnment virtually conceding thodemands on tire eve of the war

leads suoli journals aa the Saturdayto remark We never thought the

Americans went Into that war with cleanhands but we had not conceived that theywere as the correspondent

rather affirmsI do not know If Spain note of April

10 ever been published but itswere communicated to roe In con

ndrnce soon after tt delivered Inview of the grave Imputation put uponSir McKinley and the American Govern-

ment by the TYmras statement I feel justif-

ied In saying that Spain note contained-

i positive refusal of the crux of tine Amerljan demands namely the Independencef Cuba


arts Thinks German NotBeen Our Friend

Spirlnt Catlt Dnpuch la Tied SUN

Panic Feb 15 In an article on Americathe Tempt says the States

hould llko a brilliantsuitors each more pressingSome of theseare England

tuula and Germany-It adds that AmerIcan society like all

oclety Is snobbism The Kaiser flattersresident Roosevelt paternal feellngn-

n the matter of tho christening of thofeteor and Americans love tho display offflclal pomp as will be exemplified In tine

omlng reception of HenryThe article that Germany-

nd England was the friend of theduring tho Spanish war

LAE ix ma wniTxer STAIILE-

hrly Flint for a While Put Out WithoutMntlnc tine ITC ItacehortrH-

KMrsTEAD L I Feb l6Wtlllam CWhitneys employees saved iris big stablet Wheatley hills Thursday midnight fromre were 1TO racehorses In tho

table Tire fire started In a closet In theMdtng room and It Is thought that It wasaused by mice eating matches In somelothes which hang in the closet

Ono of tine men was asleep on the sofai the room when smoke awakened

He gave tho alarm arid Trainer Glenon and somo tire boys responded Tho

The Interior of the library Is a wreckut the horses were not

Inrkirtl Bnmmerrlll ClurltiioB AvfnttaTkomuTlIle and Tami

Sew punts vU P n K and Sooth1 Rr N Y office Ill and I1H

Dewf Arn r ol ibt alien ere bi maktnT Dewed boss Co Ut Fvllca 81 W T-

aled DIT Air Spnru Mettod



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after II of anhour



APl k 44














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Rbetnnatumzr Gout Wl 55A



HERES A 900000000 COXCER

Incorporated In South Dakota With Namof New Yorkers Not to He Pound

PIBRRB 8 Feb 15 Article of bootporatlon were tiled In the office of the Seertaryof State today for tho NorthwesterIndustrial Company with a capital of 000

000000 with offices at Pierre and 28 Broaiway New York The incorporator aiThomas B Decant Mortimer MetzgeNow York Oscar Nelson

The directors are ThayerBoston Samuel A Kimball Newton MasSamuel L Chamberlain Iloraoo WlnonEdward D Street New York

The of the corporation is I

and to handle all klncof meat and byproducts of ttearns

No 2fl Broadway Is Standard 0building There U also a barber shop themand a number of tenant unused to 1900

000000 Two of the Nownamedllvlngoneln a twostory building InSistavenue which Is a store downstairs and aemployment agency upstairs and the otherIn a mouse now vacant


Qourrrnenr Panldlnr 3d to Get the Prim

clpal NotGouverneur Pauldlng 2d inns o

tamed judgment In tho Supreme Cowon the report of J Campbell Thompso-as referee declaring a deed of trust whlctie executed when he camo of age on Auj9 1803 Invalid Under tins deed ho143800 with tho United States Trust Conpany for ten years Ho was to reeolvthe Income and at the end of the ten yeartho principal was to bo paid to him

He says ho was unacquainted with busness affairs and was under the influenc-

of relatives and acquaintances who In

ducod him to create the trust Ho dlfully comprehend It and understoaIt was revocable at any time 1

further contended that such a traitU not authorlred In law

Referee Thompson found that tire truswas void because It did not suspend thalienation of the property for a perloimeasured by lives In being asfor in tho statute Tho suitposed the trust company simply asklnjfor Instructions of tho Court In the suit


neport of Payment or the RansomIi Confirmed

WABntNQTON Feb 15 Tho State DC

partment lure received official conflrmatloof the report that the money for the reasonof Miss Ellen M Stone and Mme TaHiti

been paid to their captors No advices that the captives bed been currendered have been received but

expected at the State Depart menthat tho brigands will keep faith


Democrats of the house onThought Are They Applauded It-

WABIIIXOTON Feb 14 Repronentatlv-Wheeler of Kentucky Is said to be nothappy today as he won yesterday Whllhe was delivering iris absurd harangue Ii

the house denouncing President Rooneveil for allowing Iris daughter to acceptan Invitation to ahuslniLord Pauncefote for someoffence calling Secretarj Hay aanti Princo Henry a little Dutchman

of colleagues ap-plauded him vigorously

OH the Record makoimention In of tints applauseat various intervals throughoutbut the Democrats of the as a rulenow repudiate tho speech and think that

only himself butthat ho made a political break windnot but all of his colleaguewill feel the effect ofnext fall


Ira Iooked IIke tire Mammoth Cave ComWild With llourbon

Tire Dutch steamship Prin Matirltyesterday from South American ports

vhile In thn Gulf Stream off tho Virginiatoast on Thursday ran Into a ntratuni-if heavy vapor covering tine ocean like a

treat gray carpet It was not more thanfour or five thick and extended beyondho vision like steam In fantasticclouds The cause of It was tho condenatlon of the moisture in the cold air whichwas almost at freezing on the warmJulf current which 87 degrees

Nlcmann saw a distance offwhile observing the low lying fog a water

dancing ofand toward the clouded

leavens Another spout soon whirled Intoicing and wont after the firstThen camo a procession of spouts and the-ta looked of lenucky gone wild with Bourbon


rrllrrlon Theatre Detective hone Ip In aViolent Fracas

Hugh MeOarry a detectlvo employed-it the Criterion Theatre to warnhat tickets bought of speculators will not10 honored at the door was warning a

and a woman evening not tof a speculator when ho says a numberf started n with himIcOarry was knocked down kicked andeaten MI badly that ho mad to bo takeno hits home

Such a crowd joined In the row that threeolloomen who went there hod all thy

Marks ono of the speculators on aharge of assault lAter ArmtruIng arrested Mlmon Corict another

for talking too loud arid toomuch


Ivrn IP by the Llchllionie Hoard butWar Drparlmrnt mil Keep U Going

Ul ertys light will not be extinguishedand after March I It will be kept burn

ig the War Department whicheen notified by the President that thatart of Liberty Island transferred the

Department to the Lighthouse Board111 hack tolent A Vheridan stationed at Governor Island

Tine notice issued the Lighthouseoard means that the willi be one of the beaeoo la thearbor The War will mainrio the light from the night it given

to the army

Th Nil Bidehrtwfrn and Cklekfe of x uM

the Tork Ctntre1 Ike rtetutlea

CalUeral Cereeta Are the BeetI Bro lw r V T rvlto o Heri tu Bioeklra-Atthands

lluatbii risktat Ulemkilea at S





deAl YorkerIn the













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I1EIfflI4 TElSecond




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ould virile arrested






WII si Tsps


The Latter Wino Was a Member of a Prodnee Exchange Firm and Only 10 YearsOld Found In Room Inisland Hotel Shot Behind thethe Woman Wino Accompanied Himllavlnc Fltd MlM Burns Arrested laHer Brooklyn Home a Daughter or

Fred Burns Announcer at AthleticSport Drooki Had Maintained lEerSince Chrlitraai and She and HerFather Had Demanded That He StarryHer Dnrnis Partner Sa S lie WonWomen With Ills Eyes EvidenceHe Feared He Would tie

Walter S not yet 20 years old-a member of commission firmof Brooks 4 Wells 17 Jay street and livingwith hla parents Mr and Mr ThomasBrooks whose only son he was at 458 Dcatur street Brooklyn was found with apistol shot wound In the back of his headIn room 12 on the second floor of theIsland Hotel at the northeastCortlondt and West streets at 1230 oclockyesterday morning He was unconscious-and ho died without regaining consciousnose eleven hours later In the Hudsonstreet hospital

Shortly before 2 oclock yesterday afternoon Florence W Burns Ig years old theolder daughter of Frederick W Burntknown to athletes all over the Stateson for many years the athletio sports given under the direction ofthe Amateur Athletlo Union and recently-a Custom House broker with the firm ofIsaacs Vought t Co of 50 Wall streetarrested at the home of her parents 341

East Fifteenth street Brooklyn chargedwith the murder of Brooks

The girls father had demanded thatBrooks monica her his wife Tho girl whoin taR and graceful and fair with largedeep blue eyes and plenteous light

denies all knowledge of thoof which she Is accused but the theoryof her accusers ls that having demanded-for from her lover that which her

demanded for her and havingbeen put off or refused sine killed him-


Ho and she came Into the office ofGlen Island Hotel shortly after 0 oclock-on Friday night and tho young nina rcglrtoted J Wilson and wife New YorkHe asked for a room and was shown to

12 on the second floor Tho roomtwo windows which overlook a court andface the Loading from one of tinwindow fire escape which extendsdown to within about fifteen feet ofcourtyard

Night Clerk John Earl went Into tine

restaurant of the place shortly after 10

oclock to get some supperthem the call from Room 12 summoned thenight hall George Washington Washingtons rap ou the door was answered by awoman partly undressed and with somesort of a scarf thrown about her shoulderShe told Washington to bring up a bottleof soda lemonade with one glass and a boxof matches Washington says that heserved tire order at 1030 oclock Thewoman took the tray from him through thepartly opened door and told him that noth-

Ing more wo requiredMAN DEAD WON OONK

Two hours later Earl smelled gas andtold Washington to go through the hallsand toe whero tire leak was Washingtonfound that tire ROB was escaping In Room 12

He pressed iris knee against the door andwas surprised to find that It opened readily-

It was unlocked All tIne light were outIn tine room but every gas jet was on fullHa turned off tho gas and ran downstairs-for Earl

When time enough had given forof tire gas to escape theand Washington llfthtnd thn

looked around Tinny found J Wllnon

lying diagonally across tho bed nude op-

parvntly asleep and jxirtly covered bytire clothing Tire woman was gone

llie mans clothing was scattered all aboutthe room some of It on chairs and the rest

tire floorEarl told George Washington to go and

get Dr J Swwny whono office at 137

Liberty street Dr reached themotel a few minutes after 1 oclock andexamined the unconscIous man who wasbreathing heavily Dr could not

him He examined the eyes and sayspupils were not diluted Ho found

rome kpattrrs of blood on the bed clotlJng-ind pillows and evl leii n of vomiting

He found also what ha took to ho a bruisejf the scalp about two nod a half Inches

tIne top of tbo right ear hadagulat0d over the wound nyConcluded tine man hind brulMdhUrealm In by a fall perhaps and

tire real trouble with him was a mudlow of asphyxiation The doctor says

thAt he thought It WBH a doM lcause-he pupIls of the eyes not dilatedla told tire night clerk to give tho patientlenty of air arid that ho would probablye all right In tire morning-So J Wilson with Ms supposed scalp

round and bin ovtrdoso of illuminating-

as Was loft by himself to sleep off theffects of whatever It was that ailed him


At 7 oclock yesterday mourning Earl

vent up to tIre room to see how J WlUwn

fan getting on Ho had evidently beenOBslng on the bed a good deal there

on the bed clothingrid the roan was moaning faintly Dr

Iwceny was called DRain and concludedmat hed look a bit moro closely at thatcalp wound He found a hole In the skull

ividently by a bullet Ho went bock

o hi probes Ho probed theround for three Inchon

e ays was getting Into the brain

issues he concluded to stop and direct

oat the patient be to aThis ho did and J

avtng put on his underclothing was taken

j the Hudson hospital In his

ook U papers found to Indicate

Ut he wa Brooks thend gold watch and something

to Brooks 4 were

t ly called up on the telephone

Tw to Floridahovel Sine Un r brv rr

loolvdtnf all tip i M to ronleat M Tkct OfU sad 1100 Dw r X f

Walt ttmlc-

nmoW br the foiled States Vfotl PestVoautittim to b absolutely x f


a the Gen





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