The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-10-04 [p ].Tho French lolnt note containing pronosnls for razing...

Cloudy today fair tomorrow VOL LXVIIIW 14 NEW YORK THURSDAY 4 1000 BV THE SUN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION PRICK TWO CENTS t u u h- u h OCTOB Bit 1000 COPYRIGHT r t I I- I = = JKIIMAX PLAN MODIFIED Mrw wiru cniXAs ritojus- iv M sit UVIITV Iltixcus- o e of Illi llr t- Urnund llm Heen ArhletedIII Attitude on snlhluclor to ThU lorernment- lllnltler Isrt In ChIna Slup- UASIMNCIIA t n tiermany hasflgnedlll- Icr entire wiilfiulluii with th i coiirso taken by Un ChlnHM loveniineiit In olTerlng to punish HK eight Ktillty Prliin This ha Iwen torni- iiiinliMted l thn Inllcd States through Iho American Kmlmwiy In Hcrlln nnd through the iernian clinuA In Washington who under In MruHlotis from hl iovermnetit ha Indicated to Secretary Hay that lernmny takes for granted It Is understood by tho Powers that h Tim ilernmii note nig- gi tlng the pniilhmilit of thn Chinese ntlthorl teM rei i iii ibli for tlin HIIJIT outrages wiis- lh dutioiii of call mndo upon II Hung Chung by thc Oermin Minister lo China Just 1fnre U left Shanghai Eon II offered to sac- rifice a of nobodies to sntl fy thn Powers This was bv no in tiiiiH iii fiiciory to tin Knls r who IniiiHdhtely cllrrctid that irriiwny Im- precs u in China that HI would not only de- mand tint real culprits be putilihed but would r ijiilri that b don a precediM to negi tliton fur ace at this time nnd mal ho asserted on the blithest nutliorlty that tho iernian Furolgn Oillio criillis MluUbr Wn- TlnBfnnir with bringing the Imperial Jovern- tnent to M II S and Imprinting upon theonly thing which would satisfy the Powers mal Insure a speedy settlement through i ent ncgotlailoiiH wouUI bo a Inina lido on of thu OilnenH- Oovernmoat of not only a wlllliigiiess but a desire to punish tlm Chlnnso and the aiithoritlw who were really responsible for the IVixer outrage That Germany that her demand has bieti compiled with and that the end uf hr note lms been acompllsheil has been communicated to th United Statcn- ami the other Powers It H admitted that China by this meaiH took the greatest step yet taken toward brltiKing about tho accom- plishment of poaa Oernmny claims the credit though shoring It with Mr Wu tho Chinese Minister to the United States Th German Government has Indicated to the Power that negotiations tony now go forward as fur as she N concerned and has FUtgested through her diplomatic representa- tive the course cho will hope to fee followed First It U understood that tin Ministers In Jekln will determine whether the eight offenders named by China for punishment lire the real culprit Second they will tad out whit punlh ment China wilt of her own accord decide to IntUct upon the offenders and third tho Ml- nlters will determine beyond question that this punishment Is carried out possibly by witness- Ing Its Infliction Tho course naturally to bo followed then would bo to enter Into negotia- tions for future truatlm nnd ho Indemnities to be paid tho Powers and the manner of their payment Germany has expressed her deep gratifica- tion that tho end sho sought the putiUhmenl of the Chlncuo In high places who were nvpon- slblo for the outragcM of the past summer without coercion by salt that the Government U extremely optlmltlo of a peaceable outcome nifin several communtcntlonH hnvo been transmitted to President for hl consideration and the answer of the Lnlted States to them not ho made until the Pres- idents views havo been ascertabnd It mnI- HJ saul In advance however that tho atti- tude unturned by tho Kaisers Government Is so witlsfuctorv to tlm United Slates that this Government s will be In accord with It perhaps thoroughly but certainly with only Tho French lolnt note containing pronosnls for razing fortifications between and the ea the permanent prohibition nf the of mnnlilnns war and thn establishment f guards at Pekln has received ils by th state Department antI comiminliile to the Presi- dent ut The iir of the note which concerns the punishment of the HOXIT lenders awl In line with the American It very likely however as WHS Indicated In n dispatch to Tits HIs yitterdsy that the Gov- ernment will riot agree to the proposition to the Importation of llrenrtns am- munition attitude of France Is not ns complicating the situation the merely tenta- tive and designed to oscer tho Powers iEKMAXVS CHAXGED Deleaving Tr n pnrtt Ilrooght to Fran cl ro to Take and Males to SAN FHANCISCO Oct 3 The German trans- port Ali la sailed this morning for Tnku with t2S mules nnd six horses for the UMJ of the German troops In China Tlie Ilosnln will bo the next to leave here Sho will take about 1IW horses and mules It WILl reporteil that the Ilosnla would be the last trans Germany would Knd to the Orient from this port steamer Veromi which Is under charter by Germany him been released from tier contract and will lout with grain for nn Similar arrangements have been made with other vessels that were under German ihartir these also being destined now for the irraln carryIng has evidently nor plans- In rcanrd to the number nf men and u she will need In China Arrangements bnvo been made turn whereby next Slates transport to leave for Manila will She will BfO nnd Tio recruits Intended In tho various which or less depleted by Mcknefi or expiration of terms CHASIXO noXEHS SOUTh OP 1EKIX Herman Defeat a Force at llnanc Japanese Po h Farther Sonth- SptclAt Cobll DtlfxUtb to TilE PKKIX Sept 27 via Toku Sept so unit Shanghai Oct German forc operatlne tear Huang Tuin after tho capture cf that town woo attackwl by n band of Boxers led by n youth The Iloxcrs advanced with fanatical frenzy believing they would IMS unharmed They were repulsed with severe IOAS ito of them borig killed Tho German used artillery on tho fugitives The Germans will ruturn today The Japan ese will push farther to They will IMS gone for days Their forca conMsts of WO nwn and two guns It Is reported hero that a tow of the foreign- ers who escaped from the Paotlngfti mas are now In hiding at Kantian IJtiovitch the Russian commander has departed for Tientsin II III that u I I tnt th n hi I part f l I r tho the 1 KI th I t t nnl lal nn I n of I lIAr I SAn lou hlna In- ca I I th tort CIr Tans SU 2A I I NeO el the l t iItI t t lit Itt I lit till t tnt Iii Jniprt that iIIrat ton t lit Pri taos li g ho boen Chinese Emperor Inwr It Inn tOrt pace Info flu rulish live li fly ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Friendly Chinamen report that many of the people who tied from Pekln ore assembled near the Great Wall to ti north of the city They report them to bo In a miserable condition and utterly devoid of food They eny that the Im- perial robbed them of their clothing and ore anxious to return to tho city At a conference of thn held prior to his departure for Ilnovltcli Hated that the Hussliins wonld push th work of miupletirig ti railway communication with Tl nt ln ii rapidly as Kis hln Ho milled that materlHl fr Oils purpose wero bclru iwtihed from Port Arthur The Ilrltlnh- ienernl giv i iiranco of cooperation Iwk of material of pairing at ilil nI of thn U a itenl iiininr the Iect that ih lius iai tiave captureu Irrnwiru The InrrrUlnllrt of the Election tn itlmul te Hurdman Piano lfs September i I iilnex Sun Inrgrr lat s Itek ft c 3 I3 llttbav idr trop Url I hat I Irk ro- t r Th 0 I A ear I J Iii i 4 Sem thais 7 ¬ > < < > from tlm Kinrxrors palaun amounting to lwoi ir i taels Thin lluwlnn Minister denies I this hut tIter IH good authority for the charge I noviirln iiM- SIIAXIIAIKWAX FOIITH TAKCXt One Depart Hurt No lint Another One Thrum Nome Doubt On It Srvrfal CaN to Tilt RVH VIENNA Oct 3 rIte commander of the Austrian naval force In Cliliinso watun cnblwI- M follows In aoconlanco with Instructions from Field Marshal Count von Watdensce It was decided nt a council of the AdmIrals on Sept it to seize Shanhalkwan north of Taku When nil was ready Ilritish warships wore sont to demand the surrender of tho plato Tho Chlno i there- upon evacuated tho and tho position anti the Hrltlsh flag hoisted Thin lag of tho various will now go there to hoist the gov- ernments over the forts- A news agency telegram front Home which N unconfirmed iiscrlhcs to Admiral Candlanl- thn commander of Italian hfiundron In Chlniwo waters thu aiiiiouncemint that the attack on the Shanhalkwan fort began on tho morning of Oct 3 hun- dred llusnlarvi jaun Hrltlsh ltfiu Fronch iermntu nnd M i Italian an participating In the attack Three Italian wanhips are aoWIng them Tho Chinese still hold the forts vo srjrirr ron MISSIOXAKIES- Corrfiponilf nt Say They Are Asked to 1ektn lniteul of Ilelnc rriiteclrdI- JNPON Oct 4 The correspondent of this otljat Taku In a despatch to his paper this morning remarks that the American with- drawal trout Pekln will weaken Great Hritalns policy Tho correspondent adds that thero appears to ho no sympathy with thin mission- aries Instead of receiving protection the iiiUslon winds havo nsktxl to leave Pekln- No Forther lloitllltle In ManchurIa tiprtlal CaNt Deitvlift lo TUB Sfv- IKTKiismitn oct 3 An account which published by till Hradouiirlers Stuff of the occupation of Kerln anti ILnlune Manchuria by thin HuvsLins condole by staling that further hostllltlns n thud country aro not an- ticipated HOIIEHTS PRAISES rut VOLVXTEEHS Speech to the Inndon Troop Who Ie te Pre tnrls to llrturn Horns ArwMI CaN VitpatchtitoTiiRScxPI- IFTCIIUA Oct 2 Ixml Koberts received the City of Ixindon Imperial Volunteers who are on their way homo today Ho told the men ho was proud to ho their honorary Colonel They hail distinguished llicmselvcs on the Held and had marched 1600 miles In four months Ho referred to their losses In battle anti from sickness and said any regiment might be proud of their record wild the regiment was allowed to return so early In consideration- of the that their situations wore being held open their employers Gen Hobcrts said he had always a linn believer In the valuo of volunteers When ho was Commanderinchief India ho was the flret to utilize the services of the Calcutta volunteers on active duty nnd the graud work of the City Imperial Ileglment other vol- unteers In tho South African campaign had strengthened hU belief In this direction Ho tout the men that on their arrival homo would get a grand reception from their fellow countrymen and doubtless also from their fellow countrywomen They would carry homo In their hoart to England the r x of their experience with their comrades They would tell about the bravery endurance and gentleness of the Hrltlsh solider and would make everyone what a grand fellow ho U he wished them god- speed on their Journey The train conveying the City Imperials was delayed by tearing up of the track by the Hoers nt Wolvenhnck An officer of the Volun- teers was chot through tho arm Tho Doers were driven off IiNnox Oct 3 Wolselcy Commander of the forces In a noto to the public this morning concerning the return of the City Imperial Volunteers asks all FnglUhmon In the taco not to offer them Intoxicants Hu tho fact that their employer have situations open many of thorn but other will have to It is Important that they should maintain their good record anti sobriety Ho conclude as follows 1 trust to the bravo soldiers who firo returning from Ihi Incitement to uxcexslvo that all will remember that whoever encourages them In this b really their worst enemy HOERS CAPTVHE A COVVOl Also Derail Hrltlih Train and Kill Five of Those Aboard Sttlal CON Dispatch lo TUB I fort nol for 0 I laY Len Sr I fall nd the lon know Lord In Chief men lon to Lo than a SU still I lie ThIn flrn I MIX tpiviS ih ipith So rita Stu Lord htoberts been the wel- coming war will wintethln simply ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ IONIIOS 1 I ord Itobcrts reports to tho War ho Inspected tho City of 1iruloti imperial Volunteers yesterday nnd that they will sail for Southampton Oct 7 During the destruction of the floor ammunition nt Koomatlporirt Sept 30 there was an acci- dent resulting In the death of one soldier nod the wounding of nineteen The despatch tlnues A force of Itt Doors attacked a con Istlngof twentytwo wagons mounted riflemen near Drift Only twelve of tlm latter Tho of U uncertain Tho Doers train- at Pan Station Flvo of those aboard were killed Paget has Informed me that flour have told him do not Krugor crossed the HEX WHO Favour wiTir THE noun live hundred at Them Ort Part of Their Pay and l rrnio Marquis srfaJ caKi ntipatt lo TUB SUN IXI ON Oct 4 A despatch to the IWtit- Ttltorap from I mio Marques fays Bti mercenaries who havu lieen fighting with the Doers sailed for Furopu to lay Thuy received They alwi assured that would rest of their mooney when they arrived at their destinations th t who had been threats President Kroger and officials thy not ro- plved the mooney for their ser- vices worn appeased In this FOR IOIITO RICAX COtl3llXSIOEnI- tepabllcan Nominated Frederlro Itrgrlnoi- Iederall Couldnt Agree Oct Ix I Iho bIn ha Leave theIr bonny nail art of their front the Ih mail bal wa tim fat Portuguese war hoer the ¬ > llnfottli lo Tilt SUN SAN JIAS DK POIITO Rico Oct 3 Tho Ito publlcim Convention last night nominated Frederlco Degetau its Comml sloiier to Common Tho delegates to tho Federal Convention nt IViguas oat agree on a candidate nnd wlUiiut iiny nomination The delegate send In a w Julie IjirrinaKH s leading cunnldate of IbU Oil snip SVXK tx i rivu The Itinlr Wns on Hnr to InniU Hrerk All Iralllc- S rjl rablt ttnpatt lo Till SIS potvr SMII tint jThe slmmshlp- Kmlr width sailed from Norfolk on Sept 7 wIth n cargo ofconl for the Amsrlrnn war vi uiikln llm Hiicz AH traffic la blocknJ- lljlea titandlih GInger Ate superior delicious fITfttrc nt An product Grocer or Utpot DO Wall si taj I par 1 I n flavor aroma highly Adl Cob mnak log will vote t lie tier hunt lint Isli k at Manlmn bias anal l1 DEMOCRATS SEE THE END DKfPAItllXd CAll FOR FfXItS III- XA TIOXA1 COMXITTKKI- V II Hearst Offer to Duplicate All the BO Cent Nubtcrlpllon Iron Demorratlo tub iurman Inrallded CunicrTutlre Ilody- Kuurd to Keep ranks Ironi llryan The great plutocrat hunt conducted from time six front ixirloru on the first dour of time Hoffman Ilouso by rxGov William J Stone of Missouri VleoChalnnati of tho Democratic National Committee took a new start yester- day while ho wax up on tho Auburn road Cob Hill Nave who known an time iiolltest roan In the Mississippi Valley and Major Henry Ames who Is Bomotlmen cnlliNl the Astor of St louts arrlveil from MissourI Hoth of these giMitlemen nro friends of oxGov Stone anti they are also friendly to Senator Gcorgn Graham Vent It was wild at tho Hoffman llouno liut night that they had como on to see If they could tint arrango u true between the nged United States Senator front Missouri and Mr Stone Col Nave Is something less tItan threo times as rich It was said last night as Col Mosn WiUnore who IH rated at 17 looCW and It Is expected that his contribution to the Democratic war chest will bo like three times ns larg as Col Wetmoros- Notiody Unowi how much Col Wet more gave but It was declared that Col Nave would not think of contributing less than I50HX to help Gum Shmi Hill In his great work of hunting plutocrats Major Ainu Is a rich man too limit ln Is npmM d to plutocracy and wilt undmibtedly It was said lat night give a very largo sum to the camiuilgn fund Major A HUM and Col Nave will stay In town some tIme Yosterday they had serious talks with Col Jim Carlisle of Kentucky who was tIme law partner of Col Ike Hill wh n that gentleman said In 1C9- 0We will win If they dnnt buy us Mr Hleh- nrdson and several other eminent plutocrat hunters It was announced that Co Jack Chlnn of Kentucky ho wellknown knife lighter WILt on way to join In the chose mind other distinguished statesmen some of whom be- llee that tho llun George Graham Vivt has been in thu United Status Senate ns lone as any man should be will soot gather In tIme lux- urious quarter at time Hoffman House Tie chant has proved nn expon ivo otui so tar unit on Monday the committee sent out nn ap- peal for funds This appeal Is nddtes ed to time National Association of Democratic Cubs It the statement The National Commltteo U fully Mtlsfled that If tIme election should o cur now Mr Dryan would bo elected TIn it goes on to say that tho committees greatest fear Is thn corrupt use of monty by the Kepuhlicans It says flue Republicans am thoroughly alarmed anti they nro striving now to arouse tho trusln- tho national banks and other great favored Interests by tho fear of Democratic nieces and thU they are doing effectually Tho commltti says It knows of fraudulent and Illegitimate attempts which are being morale to doubtful suites and It says tImid If It limo consummation of them and other fraudulent schemes and have n fair elec- tion wo are nlmottt sure we can win Then occurs this paragraph The only way we can prevent fraud Is to thoroughly organize thn States In which It will lx attempted To make such an organisa tion as will bo neccs nry to mccestfully meet and defeat the Republicans In this nefarious work our cnimnltt must hnvo mooney with which to proecute and perfect our organiza- tion Our committee Is hard pressed for to meet even the ordinary current en enMs of tho campaign We cannot rook such nn organization as wo should and must mak suro success unless wu con supplied In some way with greater means thou we have Then the commttUv appeals to uvery mem- ber J a Domocratlo old In thn United States to give 50 onCe and adds this paragraph We aro authorized by Mr Hearst to say that he will personally duplicate every Bcription soot in by any club In response to this appeal This generous offer should stimulate club olllcer to do bent This letter signed by time lion James K Jones of the Cotton Dale Trust chairman of thn Democratic National Committee and by Stone Remittances may be made to them nt tho Auditorium lintel In Chicago ornt the Hoffman House this city Last evening the lion Arthur IMo Gor- man exSenator from Maryland who It was announced two weeks ago would tko an active In the campaign nt tho Hoffman to town from Haiti moro Sir Oorman loft the headquarter In disgust ton days ago and not boon sri since Lit night when ho arrival In thu city ho Mid that ho haul come on private biwl- niMi and that ho was u busy that he was not taking any time to find out what thai political I Ana I 0 hi 0 carl lon be hI I par O sotimt lung ox act I begins wIt hi tip Itt sub every has ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > situation wad Mr Gorman no predictions to of any kind He slid that he lund boon III for a couple of week and that his biviith wai really so i vir that he could not think of taking an in tho campaign Just at Hut ho that would call at the National prob- ably hands nil orotund t Tho plutocrat buriUTH let It known yes- terday were going to Jigln a great campaign This campaign will begin Just time arrive this city and its principal object will be I protect Cul fr nn what who have been moist Intimate associates on most of Us of thn country Senator Jons has pointed out as mum as Col gets east of the MiMintnlus there gathers around him a crowd of persons U not but presence loads tlm cilld meiinf llm East entirely with whose full of Senator Intends this Co- lilrywiHrrlvis herna guard of solid con that nm bo found will he formed and they will surround tci all tlmm Is the Intention of thn Hryanlto- nmiuigert to collect all time citizens of tlonxtl In the community who can bn Induced to ussoclato e Silver can dldato Col rfsims will bo illlod with them at all times mind any crook or hothead to got nwir him will bo quietly hauled out of the way raid n Democrat who within the oaf ha ccmo out In of tlie tIcket three years I wont to tall on Hrvnii nt hU In I till whnt cit It wit I was with time National conunlttcomnn front tlmf Stae who I an oldlinn When WH went hutch thin told u to go right to Mr Dr arms room We found haul a bn mind luith TIme parlor nnd Imilrootu were full of longbnlred and one of them told us to go right through n door nt which ho We opened tho door found ourselves In the In thn tub scrubbing himself good There were Rnvcn crazy cranks In anti some of them were trying to talk to him while 1m was scraping out of his eyes nnd thin were putting thin sturtf In shirt anti laying omit his f or him to put on i The Tutlcan Safe llobberr- Kttlal nfituttii lo TUB SLN- HIIMK Cci When the Vatican atilhorl discovered yisterday that one of tho safes had been broken open and looted they tnidn no attempt to cuniniiinlcute with the nllldal- Ixilliv but cvinteiitid ibemelvm itiftcail wlUi apprising the luniks of number of thr stolen liolidf SlepH hnvn since token to Insure the ettcr i rotidlnn of tho twifes which ore situated liiir the stairway leading to the POI H aimrtincut- Nnthln So Comfortable i the traIns ol the Nw Voik Central nhlfh lake par IUI tlu I hOe mIl to WIll t nUdr RIO hot I all flow for North soul 1nI bOlr rD Inlc ulctLlr hit cru ruimuks hit lieghian to 4 lr al ftAuuciAtes hoot are bijtve all stotu ii lulmuu hi iii It tai tIt to- t he I roam IIr I Ike- a soc able ties I I I t hun I his I I Else I leave the i track ¬ ¬ > > niPLixu1 THE Youxa OUEKX Latest Inem Celebrate the Amtrallan federation Hlftial canir linpatitm lo TUB Sux LONDON Oct 3 Earl Ilopeloun formerly tanl Chamberlain who wi sail on Thursday to assume Iho llrnt Govornornlilp of tho Austra- lian Federation was entertained nt a banquet juice this evening Sir llfrld Inurlor Canadian Premier cabled United Canada wnds greetings to United Australia Itudyard Kipling celebrates th federation poem of ten V TMH In tutu Timi entitled Tho Young Queen Time following Is the opening fttanzn Her hand WAI Hill on her aworJhllt apur was heel She had not rail her harn s of war denied steel Illtli on her ted splashed chatter beautiful bold and browned Drl hteyed oul of the battle the young Queen rode lo- be crowned Thn poem then on to describe her corn Iric to lImo old presence crying town me my and replying to thn old rjues How can I crown thee further 0 of 8 ivorclgn South by saying bn the crown of our rrownlnc to hold our crown for n Ift In the days when our folk neieffeble thy sword male sure our Unds Wherefore we come lo power la crown at thy bands Thnold Queen after crowning tho young one addresses boras Daughter no mop but sis- ter nnd asks What shall I wish thee Tho poem conclude I give theo thy eoples love Tempered au uM abldlnif reluctant ol prayers or vows lager In tare 01 peril as ful thy mothers ted requite thee my Miter through the years to b love thee a thou hat loved LAHOtt lFAItER IIARItlE ELECTED Ketarned lo Parliament In Place of Irnmoter- H I SlarganItberal nf Three Seatv- Stftlat Cablt IHipaiett It Tint SUN IINDON Oit 3JnmtM Kelr Ilnrdie time prominent labor leader has been elected to Parliament for the district of Merthyr Tydfll- Walow Mr llardle wa the candidate of the Labor party lie replace William Prltclmrd Morgan Gladstone llbcral who ho npre- nnted tho illstrlct pinto ISS- SKlectlons were held In twentyeight eon Mltucnclcs today nod In twentyfour thin result was declared In five of the latter supporters- of tlio Government who were imoppowd In istii WITH returned tho contests made this year having changed the representation The voto In the nineteen other districts shows n somewhat larger Increase In the Con- servative that In the Liberal vote the totals Mug CotLservatlVisMCinaiid Ul erals 7849J against MMo and 751UO rosivctlvely In KOi- Tho IHnroLi however gained three seats on thn days bnllotlnff against a Conservative gain of one The net result up to date a Liberal gain of three A feature of the day was thin conical In Derby This constituency which surprised the country In l ni by turning out Sir WIHUm Vernon liar court and his Liberal colleague Mr Roe has now returned to Its old allegiance nnd re- jected Sir Henry Howo Demrone and Mr Geof- frey Drago who wore elected in lira returned Mr Hoo and Mr Hell Tho latter the Secretary of the Hallway Mens Union There Is much Interest In result of tie election nt Newcastle where Cnpt Lnmbton of the cruiser Powerful whose men saved- Lndysrnlth and who line attacked time War Oflli contested the seat with n Conservative The election wax held today and tIme result will 1 declared unless an Incident which happened nullities the poll A iioliivinan who was conveying the sealed ballot box to the Town Hall was thrown from tho vehicle In which he was ruling Tho box burst anti the papers were scattered Thor were picked up hut If the check shows thnt any ballots are missing tho election will bo de void and another poU held will lie lucid In about ninety con stltuenclns tomorrow- Up to dale the elections have resulted In the return of IIS Conservatives 49 Liberals and Labor candidates and 28 Irish Nationalists William Pritrhard Morgan Is otto of tho most celebrated gold mining promoters In Great Britain After having prominently Identified himself with Australian mining Interests ho returned to England In l and discovering gold nt North Wales n com- pany for Its production Last winter bn ns a number of American anti secured vnhmbln mining con- cessions In the Province of Szechuan China Thn Chinese were to i rent of time working capital the Americans 54 percent and Mr remainder conces- sion considered oo vnluablo that the French Minister protested to tho Kmpew against it but without lamP Kelr Hardlo U the chairman of the ndnM ndent LMior party and editor of ono if thn IlrltUli labor organs He was In Parlia th In- n the on lon hOI And Dlke 1 lot I ha I tomorrow claN Ills ItlIl hurt tray goes Juice ni it bier Ito It shall beif out I thin thy people aIms theref- ore and Ito Per was ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > merit front 1891 to is i SURPRISED AT THE POPKfi Arrhblihop Ireland Illi Visit to Homo MIssIons Kptclal CaM C i Jf lo Till SUN IiuNlios Oct 3 A iniinilng paper print an Interview with Ireland of St Paul In which he Is quoted as saying that ho was surprised during recent vb lt to Rome at tho vigor of Po e When ho saw tho Holy Father two years Ago he seemed to ho feeble and did not look ns though ho would live long Now he seems to bo about ton years younger Ho conversed with the Archbishop for more that an hour and neeniod to have a wonderful grasp of Church matter time world over Ho talked about America Ireland England Kurope China and Indeed of tlieClmrch all over thai world Archbishop Ireland denied that the Pope liked thn idea of Umperor Wllllarn assum- ing a protectorate over time Catholto missions In the Far Fast The Emperor lund assumed this protectorate on his own mid It to his motive France mild the Archbishop Is son of the laurel and has btnn regarded us thn natural protector of in nrI- mrotiH and countriii a privi- lege which IH ns jealously guarded Uc Ooverniiient ns It wns the Hour dons Hut the of tlm Vatican n gen- eral sensn Is absolutely to the of such protectorate Catholic mlKsinruirlcs who to are warned be- forehand that If they hope for the Hiirreis their mission must by becoming goixl They must forget about being protected Power whether It Is or Germany or or the United States principle Ix a wise one which all missionaries with ndvnntngo to themselves niul time of lie worll Archbishop Ireland ridiculed the story re- cently that the Vatican to ngency for the purpose of disseminating news from a stand- point Hi said such n was story was absurd IlllXCK AtHKHT TIIREATEXEII- AnnrrliMs Saul t haTe Ilanned to Him HU heIdi ul Hrtii eli tipttlttl npalth to TllK HlvH- liUHNKIx Oct 3The authi rlte have re celvou warning that three Italian Anarchlits- nrilvedliere today IliHHiud that their mis- sion I In make nn attack on Prince the to the llelglan throne whn Saturday with the l iichif of to whom ho won married at Munich yeterday 1100 Illlei Every Hay Ucka ann Limited la St Lout la a 17hour- Uilo SuperbiUulnf to X it dally Air I lon Talk rrol Archhl hop hI < Ih h h nIl Alack I lelrlr oil tara tit t hue s lu It idea aim If t cmi hmmglmi roil mpiblo ha mind abe hi arrIves ire users Il ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > CHOKER VEXED BY HANNA DEMOCRATS ARK Wilt MI KVM OP 310XFV ANn TRUST And Calling Him an Emperor It Argu- ment Now There IjiwjfM Trust That Keep Krrry llan ownlleady to Slake larch i of More Ire Stork Cheep Tho lion Richard Croker Ml yiwlerday Unit an Injustice had hion done to lilin by Chairman llimm of tho Republican Natliinal Committee who according lo newspaper report In time coiirao of a conversation In Chicago hind re- ferred to Mr Crokcr iw Kmperor Dick Mr Crukcr says that the Republicans do not answer him with argument but abuse Mm anti try to mako him the Lwiin In tho campaign Look here Mr CroktT Murk llatinnI- IIH Just called mo th Kmperor of New Thats Jiiit Mho him Mion I inakii n state- ment about trust nnd youmr men th Repub- licans du nut answer my statements They ay that 1 am limo Imnc In HIM campaign and they attack limo Thnt shows that they hnvo no Is suns It shows that they art nfrnlil They havent a leg to stand on 1 try to enlighten people about time evils of trusts It ncoma to- me tho Republicans aro bmlly frightened when they wont answer square arguments but resort to personal I shall go- on and to people Tho Republican managers tire tables votes Iltilmlng tin1 election of Tho trust boss nn nil shouting that McKlnlevs election limit labor- Ing men who am slaves of trusts are not situating dont dare to They fear would li discharged If they Hut I Hint thin o silent men un to toils on election day and voto In a fur trust bosses are tow tho slave art Think of It Tho trul boxes much the of time poor and then con- tribute It to lurid of tho can Isnt that awful limit Its so everybody known It I loire pointed It out be nl ut It but wont answer arguments They Just abuse me Why there Is it lawyers trust town A young lawyer no to get along In A big firms do all tlio trust huslne mill they havo a trust of their own to shut out young moon Do refer to Parsons A Ogdon counsel for tho which Edward M Shepard who Is to preside at th llryan at Madison 8iuvo U n mem- ber asked Iho reporter I cant firm replied Mr Croker 1 dont know that lire trust lioardman A Platt have a trust busing of their own a trust- I am not going Into names butt everybody known IK a trust In Koine of thu control railroads running a wild man for s dent Mr HM evelt about tho country nbmit tin4 hue Tni t VhV can miikwand cell I know lots of Tammany men who have wacoiw who dont belong to the tni t They Fay I stopped from lirlnelnt to ibis town That was time first I knew that Ice ravno In 8hl s Time lee Company Is ortlion mid njiy man CMI buy in If ho has the tnoimy If any wron w limo directors are I dont know that time Un tm t I know nothing about It I am Kolnt to buy saute of i It It cotM a little lower a locil company anyway was Croker that the Ito publloan luaU sot up sound money as an K no no nald Mr wo favor all kinds rf money silver sold any kind of our policy nmklnit money out of time trust to bet on thu elec Wall They Rot It out of tho trusts nnd It belongs to of time trusts They comhlno to discharge men and money they save wny goes Into own pockets They turn now to to buy votes to Influence betting We am kinds of money that U our platform butt trusts aro Voung men mu t hove n chance and every shave of a trust will vote for I set cell me Dick If I wn the Emperor Id make llatina skip time rope pretty that he was not making any predictions as to how tho election would go OfMBniVO TllK PRESIDEXT- Uhj time Canton Iollre Were Told to lnok Oat for Thrrr Sutplrloui Men on Oct 2 CASioy Ohio Oct 3 As UcAiierally known one of the duties of the Secret Service depart- ment at Waahlncton Is to guard of time President wherever he nifty be and is la equally well known an ngent or agent as may- be necessary of the department nro always near the President to contrlbua to tubs rt and That Is tho while ho I In Canton but time work for time most hilt Is merely a matter of form the usually near his hotel whlli time President cue about in his walks and drive and receive his visitors with tho utmost free- dom and with of Hut as a nil rumors however vajnto or Improbable as ns timer are reocolved the Secret rated to WoMhln lnn Is time iwunt attending tho President Ls advised All aorta of reports reach tho Department from nil sources at fhort are never giver omit not Iwcanw of any Importance to them butt are rewarded on suggestions to cranks who mleht bo lo net upon some of time MIUMIIM outlined In It Is said one of those rumors reached the Department II few daynneo in time form of annnnnymous the purport of which was that thren men with evil o o the 0 said ork lelllIl I nil uu mama III 011 sa tiuC free racing lIhll I1n fl mono Thpft Iunto put 5110 Ilito usIng the pIn 8f ape agent feelings h- all agent n110 are OlIlInlllll A S ahum so t I rut Ii I hue 4 stmrti I hue I hut t Ito tim I hue 1 I argued he tlui ugar lw erpm 1 tilt e i lit I buii cIty suiu Unite < ant per- sonal rfctt cam ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > planning to oomo to i nuum on 2 civ a of the nlloko1 conspirators The alleged letter was not regarded but accordlne to reports here evert precaution was token that been taken on a- more tory and time Mayor was asked to hive time arriving fr men answetlne description given Orders to that effect wore to atrolnvn probably maths themnclves coii In their stirve nic of trains At least they attracted uttontlon and curIosity Then cnm n In- structions front the Mayor policemen on duty of time nearer McKinley homo than usual Hut no one on any of the trains arid suspicious was about tho house chimer or the night or today Of course time President was nut advised of the anonymous letter and hU usual hablto were not In time altered Ho went for his usual drlvm yesterday and today and be- fldo went out la t evening Krotn- tho best InfonnatUm obtalnablo there has been no incrtviou In thn Kerrol Service hurt No ono In however will talk of the matter or even acknowledge that there WiltS on anonymous letter received that l no one ntithorltliH- HVlVTS Till LAW OS FKHIIY A MTU- Nulxir Said to lUre tone to the Ulttrlct Attorney With riimplalhl of lllirl All excited resident of the EloviiKth Convr vn district Infomieil Iho press hail evcnlnit that Coticretisman William Stilwj mid visited hut l trlct Attorneys rftlfo In nftenioon mid to tiavn tho irand Jury Indict Percy S of tho Committee for libel If fact Mr HnlzerM constltntotit understcod him to say that bo had lucia forms tho Jury otiKressmen Su1xi r and ir cn In Washlncton In honor of the litter lat Henth lies uedapnmthlt In Chlcaco In which various of mi- manncement which were made III Washlncion ore Such of thn District Attorney ncMtants a were axxeinbled hadnt heard rf Mr Hulors admission to tho irand Jury room ten Witlur Wife Irr rnt the 3lana script In Uabiltl rnllrcr lllirurrI- sniANAroMS 0i 3 en timid Mr I w- Wallaco havo presented In tho Wabah fole e Library origInal OIl of The There over 2 n txuim on 00 Time In till than linnd- writlneiif and how cnrrectiunH- nnd siiKurstlonH In tint hand rltlic of Mrs Vjillar The Prince of India wn Ixtnn In Iho Kinknkti HIv r and xv finished horses Neck Manila coolers lite all laIr whfn withUjMfs Stand lib llnicr Alf Oroffr Depot ti Wall St t Jr The llliht Arm of Trurl The PrnnirlTsolii Hnllioad rfacba all the kadtnr the prhJI 1 lid the All no- on n fore OIll 0 a lI last 11 oltWlV4140V Till lIriVcl or anti I al 110 I lit lest onl made rill trains the t e hue hulicnn hut t ntortuil nut uent4 mmna ii r IUA tim India tin peg are len hfl html ¬ < < ° ° I mi srAJsiiiuKitici covoiirsaN- puln Anniioarrt That the Chlrf South Amtr Iran Oimntrlm tTIII II llprr riit d- tifttlal CaW Uni at l la Till SUM Muitiiti Oct AKUller Cami n time Minister of FnrclKti Affairs annoiinwH that till lii r South Aincrlcnn rppiilillcn havo HK Hilled their Intention of In HIM SpanishAmerican which will meet on Nov II Martinis Campo bolleves hint time coiiKrcHs will rcHiilt tho rrtabllshmcnt of tutU advantauivius relations between Sipiln nnd tho South American countries Till riuivtlon if iommerulal relations ho nay will bo n dinicult one at Spain ho to Htnigglo a aliu t a imwerful opponent In the Inllid States of America whoso unceasing activity almt lo control time whole trade of time American continent Spain ho says cannot tnnlntnln this contest with any hope of suc- cess i long as ho adheres to such a protec- tionist policy as shun maintains for the benollt of Catalonia When hho discards this pro- tectionist syntein sIte will bo able to extend her commerce In land HAI1HO1ST V A TtllK TOP PerIl of II J lark Tho Intrndrd to lie Fired Tram a Cannon at Parachute HlxntiAMTOX N Y Oct S Ill h above the heads of 5ono jieoplo a man today crawled from the mouth of a cannon attached to a balloon n mere speck nualnst thug It was a task apparently beyond human accomplish- ment and when IIM dipped on tho smooth side of the tfun there was a tnunnur of horror from tho myriad of upturned fares and several women fainted hut with ono hand he grasped a rope mind for a moment suspended 2ifio feet above time earths Then by a tim mendoiH effort ho retrained tho top of tho cartoon at balloon and Its burden shot earthward Time titan was Mr II J Hurko of Hllssfleld- Mich antI hit cnmo to this city to mako a series of ascensions at limo Binghamton Exposition was to bo bailed Into a cannon attached to tIme balloon and when at tho height of 8 K feet was to bo fired from mm at a parachute hanulnc from balloons side with which he was to descend Shortly after starting he discovered timid n rope had eauclit aroundOio- trUgcr which tired the cannon anti it would not exploit only hope was to crawl from this insldo to the top of the gun Before this was accomplished the balloon hind Rained a swift downward Impetus end thouch- ho endeavored to llshten It It stnick In a tree In a forest some miles away and ho was held a prisoner In time trot top an hour and a half before released Ho escaped with a few scratches but In bat few moments ho lived n lifetime of agony and when ho slipped from the min ho gave himself up as lost JilOrt IMV II1TK AXSWER FILED fill Reply to Ire Trust Charges WIlt lie For- warded to nor ItootrrrltD- KADWOOD 8 P Oct s IU Van Wvck Ice Trust Got Roosevelt said today that ho hid been notified by Attorney General Davies that Mayor Van Wycle hued filed his answer Mr Davies Is to send time answer to thoilovernor by mall with tlcn and until then tIme Governor will make no statement about the case Great Ilrltaln Shipped riflrili leads From There Worth More Than OOOOOOO NEW S Tho steamer Monte ruma left today with a cargo of rjulcs and horses for time British army In South Africa Is the last of tho kind to go there Time bor and mulebuylnK agency established here has been broken up and the officers who liuvo hued charge of It will leave for horn The agency was established hero- In October IS09 Since Oct 10 flftysli steamers have left New Orleins for Town and all In South Africa 42100 American mule and I84i American for time use of the HrltWi army operating airalnst the Ilo r The e animals as worth 16100 255 I ut were probably worth considerably mf n The vessels took lire stocks of hay oats and fred with them brlnilnc the total valuo of their carcfcs up to over tioooocon Iletw n 30OO and 4cf went lo South Africa as futile lend rc about onefourth of whom re- niilnd there many of timer entering the lint Ish military wrvlc- onruAi ron iiKixirrs POTATOES Advance of Ilfteen Cents a Iloibel Offered fur the Freildentf IrmluctC- ASTOX Ohio Oct S A Sunday newspaper great OBricultural results on time farm owned by PreMdentMcKlnloy at Minerva Including n enormous crop of potntoo Im- mediately there nishto cet time tubers said to lw a Inn article aside from the foci that they were raised on the Presidents 8- H Weaver a commission merchant of Colum- bia Ja who was vlsitlnc relatives here drove lo Minerva on Sunday ann made an npnolnt 3 I Hill It 1 a Mnrqtmis hurt pitting dust man sky citing Ito fir t hue hue bibs the charge hubs LASTJIULCCAI100 FRO1XIT OflTlL4N OIILTAN Oct her cargo lat London carrying story told of wits a farm < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° < ¬ ¬ > > ment with W J Adams who manage the farm to talk business early on Monday The appointment was and Mr Weaver say the crop of about two at an anvnnmnf xboiit five cents n bushel over market value and ordered them Adams accompanied him to the station ho way another denier Adams and to deal He Increased a former offer five cents a bushel luster Adams him the wa old At the station half a dozen other were met for Adamo nnd beenn bldillnr for the toes Hefore the silo to Weaver vas announced a premium of 16 cent a bushel bud been sKXATon miits lila Titnrr- He Catches One Which lshi Il Ponndi- nnd Is I9 Inches HOSTOM Oct 8Sonitor William P Fryo of Maine poMtvil throush this city ti diy on his way from his summer camp at the Ilnnteley Wftlilnainn Senator Fry l lled with hU outlnc for bn captured a trout welirhlmr pounds the third larcet- Hiimre toll ever coiielit In tho Kane levs Mr Irye was sitting on hula vernnUa one evening when lhh rolllni directly In of II cabin Think nc the fIsh iniiHi ag S nntur Frvn took a rut end MS flrl cst wa rewarded with nw rlke I I could not budKo the trout wli n lie arrived at limo bot- tom of lake and for wvrral fnlnute be lay still evidently pan Inira rune by whlci toe When b start It kept boatman I usy c out into KIR tIme lake o ill to cKar ibid fur iiction It wa one hour and llvn minutes from the time that I left my veil on tho pnrch until 1 returned with the result of my rsi The trout meas- ured from tip to Hi 32 Inches welchhiK eleven and a quarter pound WAS JivitinitKH rrcninr A humor Current That lie Mas Helped from Jail by llnemlFt and Killed New llicfNhwii i J Oct 3 A story was current In Matnwan today that certain evl dens may bn produced during time sitting of time prewiit irand Jury nt Freehold that will vicar up thin myMery surrounding time csca o- of murderer William Ilullock from the count nt rreehnlil n month figs Sinn his hat been no trace of him MI fur as thn tins learned It Is rumored that thn murderer nsMtiHl In Ills escape fruits jail his eaemliM who mail awav with him hid his body Judged Hsknian senior coun fur In his thr t trlnlx said that It was Oust Imtirobnbln Ilullock been klllisl by those In the county who hnve bei n bitter i him Mr Hcekmin says thiit It soul been to lynch the nearo after in had been decoyed from cell fooled nto limo that he wits getting his freedom Carl II Schultz Are I the only purr end correct artindaJ nXiiral waters I morn- Ing denier Inn lakes to i4weli stat fine II Its muoliud a hangs enter t ron t I what tiubd said tim Cull tim rmm Ill have it I Ion I3fIIMCK ill s sea titer was t ito I t hind t uass cry unui arbonatrdtWater Ads ¬ ¬ > ¬ > COAL STltfKKKS AUK FiRM FURTHER OVEIITIRKU IHH A fOil pRuutm riKiit xo RKSVITH The Heading Company Not Only Often a la Per Cent Vlttt Increase bat Uerlare Id Purpose to Deal flub Any Cirlevanret ol- rmplojeei Anthracite Union earlj timed DownMore Moldier Going Horn The Contest llelween Individual Optra- tora anti the III CompinleiMllchell Nan llellsiatCommnntr ratoriP- OTTSVIME Oct 8 Tho Heading Coal and Iron Company today lucid out another olive branch to 27000 miner by lnsuln time tel This company makes following an- nouncement to Its mine employees It will adjust Its rats of wngot HO no to pay Its mine employee on arid after Oct i iooo n net In crease of 10 er cent on the wags heretofore received and will take up with Ita mine m- ploye any grievances which they rnay have It C IATTIIXII General Huperlnt ndent- Tho notice was vested conspicuously at all colllerlin with time hope that time men would lay the matter before their local unions and set favorably upon It fio far M can b learned the striking miners say the heedIng company WM always ready to treat with Its employe but what thoy now want ls for the company to by their local unions Opinion Is divided M to whether tho Reading U acting Independently of tho other coal companies or whether the taken today Is a part of ft prearranged plan nmotur time coal producers The miner they will not return to work until tho eliding scale Is either readjusted or nbollshed because during its continuance although the 10 per cent Increase may bo mode still tho scale could be o regulated as to destroy It Meanwhile the strike leaders continue to tie up time few collieries still running shorthanded In thUs district Irooluldo and Qoodsprln collieries In t he Wort Fnd were closed and Lincoln may follow In thu morning Glendower a small working and the Vorth Franklin are tIm only two of time thlrtynlro collieries of the Heading turning out any coal now Tins big torchlight parade on time mountain which was to have taken place tonight to get out the Wllllnnvitown miners was postponed for fear of trouble Tho regions continued quiet today Time Flghth Regiment Is to leave Sherman dcnh for home In the morning Very few cars of cool are going to tidewater A special train of ten ears of coal passed down the Head- ing road under ling of a passenger train It was of the larger flies and Intended for engine fuel at the lower end of the line A few ears of the smaller sires continue to pass down the line sandwiched In with freight Severn mote miners unions were organized tonUht In this district and the men are firm not to re- turn to work until their local unions have been ordered to resume COXPEREXCES OX THE STRIKE Coal Ilallroad lien t It IlereHllchell fiiji- He It Mat Conferring C K Henderson VlceProsldent of the Phila- delphia and Reading Ilallroad Company came to this city from Philadelphia yesterday Defaro returning to Philadelphia It was learned on good authority he attanded a conference hero of anthracite coal railroad executive officer At this conference It was reported yesterday afternoon communication was had over the lung distance telephone with President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers Union nod good progress looking to the ending of the strike was made The conference It was reported last night was still under way HA7IKTON Pa Oct a President Mitchell this evening Issued the following To the Min Worker of the An- lAroriK We hays Jut been Informed that a has been circulated at Ashland to the effect that In a conference In New York thl till morning l etween the coal Presidents and myself an agreement was reached which will end the strike I di lrn to notify all mine workers that the report U Incorrect and that I have not been In conference with tIme presidents of this coal companies anti have made no agreement with them I wish to reiterate what I Mid several days ago that there will bo no settlement of the Btrlko until a convention of time anthracite miners Is hold You are further roqueticd to pay no attention to any statements of this kind and to continue thin strike until such roncc- slons are made by time operators as will Justify u In calling a general convention when you will be regularly notified of the date and place at which tIme convention will bo lucid JOHN MlTCURM President United Mine Workers When Interviewed regarding this statement Mitchell wild that ho lund nothing to add to It because It explained Itself II With lbs lowIng notice Ito hue say they will treat with timeoommittcos appointed step say 1 hiera anti flrg jam re- port ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > JIAIIKIE REJIAIXS HERE Sari He Represent Only Illi rirmWhich Hai loud Hi Chapter uf Arbitration John Markle tho managing portlier of n I- Marklo A Co of Jeddo Pa remained In ltd city yesterday making his head juarlnn In tho ofllco of President Walter of time chlgh Valley Ilallroad Company 20 Cortlandt street Apparently Mr Marklo had nearly complete possession at Mr Walters ofllco all lit facilities being put at disposal Housed the telephone n great deal He appeared to wish to lay par- ticular Htrews upon a statement nmdo by hint timid he was not In bit city an a representative of lImo Individual coal operators The newspapers said Mr Marklo Iwre got a wrong Impression regarding my more inenU I nm not hero representing any com- mitted of mine operators or any operators olner than my own concern I 11 Markle A Co havo three collieries within a tow miles of mch other These collleriCH together ship morn than IWOKIO toot of cool annually which goes over the Irthlgli Valley lUllroad On Monday last we started up w lib a munich larger force of men titan I hod expected On Tuesday wo loaded it little more con today the situation N about time mine nt What is situation generally In time on- thrndlo Held was n I can for our own concern The chapter of arbitration so far as we urn con cern Is ended We received on Saturday nluht the lutlcu from the of our tluit this arbitration asriiment was broken es In aceordnnce therewith we t ted on sunddy n notice that the contrail beretofure In existence betwwi our nnd our clves wiis nt nn end Our notice further rcml We will start up all our collieries nn Monday Oct irn afford of our an itunity to work HO long ns our collieries are siinirfnntlv mnnned- to thin to our fiictli n The ent of wiiges will itmtlnue until further Mr Morkln staid that he made the I hlgh- ofllce hula KVVIUM the I hlgh Valley ComiHiny handled hubs product iinioOKit srniKi ixrKrrsn The Factor that llute rnteiel the Cnaletl IlllrbeUii t llrrnnceiH- A7IRTOV Pa Oct S Although there I as b n no material change In this strike situa- tion lucre flncn yesterday there Is a growing imvlrtiori that the strike will bn long drawn out Thlx Is mainly dun to that feet that the Ilerreatlnn by I ravel Travel on the Pennsylvania Ilallroad U a drllftt tulouthrldr i A happr anticipation and pleasant ratMBTBrt born of a hive Lloa Ulp Xd his sum iii s tm mti I is my his I cii sat rust rmttes New Great a lay ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > >

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-10-04 [p ].Tho French lolnt note containing pronosnls for razing...

  • Cloudy today fair tomorrow


    t uu h-u h




    I I-

    I= =


    Mrw wiru cniXAs ritojus-iv M sit UVIITV Iltixcus-

    o e of Illi llr t-

    Urnund llm Heen ArhletedIII Attitudeon snlhluclor to ThU lorernment-lllnltler Isrt In ChIna Slup-

    UASIMNCIIA t n tiermany hasflgnedlll-

    Icr entire wiilfiulluii with th i coiirso takenby Un ChlnHM loveniineiit In olTerlng to punish

    HK eight Ktillty Prliin This ha Iwen torni-iiiinliMted l thn Inllcd States through IhoAmerican Kmlmwiy In Hcrlln nnd through the

    iernian clinuA In Washington who under In

    MruHlotis from hl iovermnetit ha Indicated

    to Secretary Hay that lernmny takes forgranted It Is understood by tho Powers

    that h Tim ilernmii note nig-

    gi tlng the pniilhmilit of thn Chinese ntlthorlteM rei i iii ibli for tlin HIIJIT outrages wiis-lh dutioiii of call mndo upon II HungChung by thc Oermin Minister lo China Just1fnre U left Shanghai Eon II offered to sac-rifice a of nobodies to sntl fy thn PowersThis was bv no in tiiiiH iii fiiciory to tin Knls rwho IniiiHdhtely cllrrctid that irriiwny Im-precs u in China that HI would not only de-

    mand tint real culprits be putilihed butwould r ijiilri that b don aprecediM to negi tliton fur ace

    at this time nnd mal hoasserted on the blithest nutliorlty that thoiernian Furolgn Oillio criillis MluUbr Wn-TlnBfnnir with bringing the Imperial Jovern-tnent to M II S and Imprinting upon

    theonly thing which would satisfy

    the Powers mal Insure a speedy settlementthrough i ent ncgotlailoiiH wouUI bo a Ininalido on of thu OilnenH-Oovernmoat of not only a wlllliigiiess but adesire to punish tlm Chlnnso and theaiithoritlw who were really responsible for theIVixer outrage That Germany thather demand has bieti compiled with and thatthe end uf hr note lms been acompllsheilhas been communicated to th United Statcn-ami the other Powers It H admitted thatChina by this meaiH took the greatest stepyet taken toward brltiKing about tho accom-plishment of poaa Oernmny claims the creditthough shoring It with Mr Wu tho ChineseMinister to the United States

    Th German Government has Indicated tothe Power that negotiations tony now goforward as fur as she N concerned and hasFUtgested through her diplomatic representa-tive the course cho will hope to fee followedFirst It U understood that tin Ministers InJekln will determine whether the eight offendersnamed by China for punishment lire the realculprit Second they will tad out whit punlhment China wilt of her own accord decide toIntUct upon the offenders and third tho Ml-nlters will determine beyond question that thispunishment Is carried out possibly by witness-Ing Its Infliction Tho course naturally to bofollowed then would bo to enter Into negotia-tions for future truatlm nnd ho Indemnitiesto be paid tho Powers and the manner of theirpayment

    Germany has expressed her deep gratifica-tion that tho end sho sought the putiUhmenlof the Chlncuo In high places who were nvpon-slblo for the outragcM of the past summer

    without coercion bysalt that the Government U extremelyoptlmltlo of a peaceable outcomenifin

    several communtcntlonH hnvobeen transmitted to President forhl consideration and the answer of the LnltedStates to them not ho made until the Pres-idents views havo been ascertabnd It mnI-HJ saul In advance however that tho atti-tude unturned by tho Kaisers GovernmentIs so witlsfuctorv to tlm United Slates thatthis Government s will be In accordwith It perhaps thoroughly but certainlywith only

    Tho French lolnt note containing pronosnlsfor razing fortifications betweenand the ea the permanent prohibition nfthe of mnnlilnns warand thn establishment f guards atPekln has received ils by th stateDepartment antI comiminliile to the Presi-dent ut The iir of the notewhich concerns the punishment of the HOXITlenders awl In linewith the American It very likelyhowever as WHS Indicated In ndispatch to Tits HIs yitterdsy that the Gov-ernment will riot agree to the proposition to

    the Importation of llrenrtns am-munition attitude of FranceIs not ns complicating the situation

    the merely tenta-tive and designed to oscertho Powers


    Deleaving Tr n pnrtt Ilrooght to Francl ro to Take and Males toSAN FHANCISCO Oct 3 The German trans-

    port Ali la sailed this morning for Tnku witht2S mules nnd six horses for the UMJ of theGerman troops In China Tlie Ilosnln willbo the next to leave here Sho will take about1IW horses and mules It WILl reporteil

    that the Ilosnla would be the last transGermany would Knd to the Orient from

    this port steamer Veromi which Is undercharter by Germany him been released fromtier contract and will lout with grain for nn

    Similar arrangements havebeen made with other vessels that wereunder German ihartir these also beingdestined now for the irraln carryIng

    has evidently nor plans-In rcanrd to the number nf men and ushe will need In China

    Arrangements bnvo been made turn wherebynext Slates transport to leave

    for Manila will She willBfO nnd Tio recruits Intended

    In tho various whichor less depleted by Mcknefi

    or expiration of terms


    Herman Defeat a Force at llnancJapanese Po h Farther Sonth-

    SptclAt Cobll DtlfxUtb to TilEPKKIX Sept 27 via Toku Sept so unit

    Shanghai Oct German forc operatlnetear Huang Tuin after tho capture cfthat town woo attackwl by n band ofBoxers led by n youth The Iloxcrs advancedwith fanatical frenzy believing they wouldIMS unharmed They were repulsed with severeIOAS ito of them borig killed Tho Germanused artillery on tho fugitives

    The Germans will ruturn today The Japanese will push farther to They willIMS gone for days Their forca conMstsof WO nwn and two guns

    It Is reported hero that a tow of the foreign-ers who escaped from the Paotlngfti mas

    are now In hiding at KantianIJtiovitch the Russian commander

    has departed for Tientsin






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    I lit tillt


    IiiJniprt that

    iIIrat ton t litPri taos



    ho boen Chinese EmperorInwr It





















    Friendly Chinamen report that many of thepeople who tied from Pekln ore assembled nearthe Great Wall to ti north of the city Theyreport them to bo In a miserable condition andutterly devoid of food They eny that the Im-perial robbed them of their clothingand ore anxious to return to tho city

    At a conference of thn held priorto his departure for IlnovltcliHated that the Hussliins wonld push th workof miupletirig ti railway communication withTl nt ln ii rapidly as Kis hln Ho milled thatmaterlHl fr Oils purpose wero bclruiwtihed from Port Arthur The Ilrltlnh-ienernl giv i iiranco of cooperation

    Iwk of material ofpairing at ilil nI of thn

    U a itenl iiininr the Iectthat ih lius iai tiave captureu Irrnwiru

    The InrrrUlnllrt of the Electiontn itlmul te Hurdman Piano lfs September

    i I iilnex Sun Inrgrr lat s Itekft c 3 I3 llttbav idr



    hatI Irk ro-tr Th 0









    < <


    from tlm Kinrxrors palaun amounting tolwoi ir i taels Thin lluwlnn Minister denies

    I this hut tIter IH good authority for the chargeI noviirln iiM-


    One Depart Hurt No lint Another One ThrumNome Doubt On It

    Srvrfal CaN to Tilt RVHVIENNA Oct 3 rIte commander of the

    Austrian naval force In Cliliinso watun cnblwI-M follows

    In aoconlanco with Instructions from FieldMarshal Count von Watdensce It was decidednt a council of the AdmIrals on Sept it to seizeShanhalkwan north of Taku When nil wasready Ilritish warships wore sont to demandthe surrender of tho plato Tho Chlno i there-upon evacuated tho and tho position antithe Hrltlsh flag hoisted Thin lag

    of tho various will now gothere to hoist the gov-ernments over the forts-

    A news agency telegram front Home whichN unconfirmed iiscrlhcs to Admiral Candlanl-thn commander of Italian hfiundron InChlniwo waters thu aiiiiouncemint thatthe attack on the Shanhalkwan fort beganon tho morning of Oct 3 hun-dred llusnlarvi jaun Hrltlsh ltfiu Fronchiermntu nnd M i Italian an participating

    In the attack Three Italian wanhips areaoWIng them Tho Chinese still hold theforts

    vo srjrirr ron MISSIOXAKIES-Corrfiponilf nt Say They Are Asked to

    1ektn lniteul of Ilelnc rriiteclrdI-

    JNPON Oct 4 The correspondent of thisotljat Taku In a despatch to his paper thismorning remarks that the American with-drawal trout Pekln will weaken Great Hritalnspolicy Tho correspondent adds that theroappears to ho no sympathy with thin mission-aries Instead of receiving protection theiiiUslon winds havo nsktxl to leave Pekln-

    No Forther lloitllltle In ManchurIatiprtlal CaNt Deitvlift lo TUB Sfv-

    IKTKiismitn oct 3 An account whichpublished by till Hradouiirlers Stuff of the

    occupation of Kerln anti ILnlune Manchuriaby thin HuvsLins condole by staling thatfurther hostllltlns n thud country aro not an-ticipated

    HOIIEHTS PRAISES rut VOLVXTEEHSSpeech to the Inndon Troop Who Ie te Pre

    tnrls to llrturn HornsArwMI CaN VitpatchtitoTiiRScxPI-

    IFTCIIUA Oct 2 Ixml Koberts receivedthe City of Ixindon Imperial Volunteers whoare on their way homo today Ho told the menho was proud to ho their honorary ColonelThey hail distinguished llicmselvcs on the Heldand had marched 1600 miles In four monthsHo referred to their losses In battle anti fromsickness and said any regiment might be proudof their record wild the regimentwas allowed to return so early In consideration-of the that their situations wore beingheld open their employers

    Gen Hobcrts said he had always alinn believer In the valuo of volunteers Whenho was Commanderinchief India ho wasthe flret to utilize the services of the Calcuttavolunteers on active duty nnd the graud workof the City Imperial Ileglment other vol-unteers In tho South African campaign hadstrengthened hU belief In this direction Hotout the men that on their arrival homowould get a grand reception from their fellowcountrymen and doubtless also from theirfellow countrywomen They would carry homoIn their hoart to England the r x oftheir experience with their comrades Theywould tell about the bravery endurance andgentleness of the Hrltlsh solider and wouldmake everyone what a grand fellowho U he wished them god-speed on their Journey

    The train conveying the City Imperials wasdelayed by tearing up of the track by theHoers nt Wolvenhnck An officer of the Volun-teers was chot through tho arm Tho Doerswere driven off

    IiNnox Oct 3 Wolselcy Commanderof the forces In a noto to the public

    this morning concerning the return of the CityImperial Volunteers asks all FnglUhmon In

    the taco not to offer them IntoxicantsHu tho fact that their employerhave situations open many ofthorn but other will have toIt is Important that they should maintain theirgood record anti sobriety Hoconclude as follows 1 trustto the bravo soldiers who firo returning fromIhi Incitement to uxcexslvo thatall will remember that whoever encouragesthem In this b really their worst enemy


    Also Derail Hrltlih Train and Kill Five ofThose Aboard

    Sttlal CON Dispatch lo TUB


    fortnol for











    LordIn Chief

    men lon

    to Lo than




    I lie

    ThIn flrnI MIX

    tpiviS ih ipith So rita Stu

    Lord htoberts




    war will wintethln simply










    IONIIOS 1 I ord Itobcrts reports totho War ho Inspected tho City of1iruloti imperial Volunteers yesterday nndthat they will sail for Southampton Oct 7During the destruction of the floor ammunitionnt Koomatlporirt Sept 30 there was an acci-dent resulting In the death of one soldier nodthe wounding of nineteen The despatchtlnues

    A force of Itt Doors attacked a conIstlngof twentytwo wagons mountedriflemen near Drift Only twelve oftlm latter Tho ofU uncertain Tho Doers train-at Pan Station Flvo of those aboard werekilled

    Paget has Informed me that flour have toldhim do not Krugor crossedthe

    HEX WHO Favour wiTir THE nounlive hundred at Them Ort Part of Their Pay

    and l rrnio MarquissrfaJ caKi ntipatt lo TUB SUN

    IXI ON Oct 4 A despatch to the IWtit-Ttltorap from I mio Marques fays Btimercenaries who havu lieen fighting with theDoers sailed for Furopu to lay Thuy received

    They alwi assuredthat would rest of their mooneywhen they arrived at their destinations

    th t who had beenthreats President Kroger andofficials thy not ro-plved the mooney for their ser-

    vices worn appeased In this


    tepabllcan Nominated Frederlro Itrgrlnoi-Iederall Couldnt Agree


    Ix I

    Iho bIn ha


    theIr bonny nail art of theirfront the


    mail balwa








    llnfottli lo Tilt SUNSAN JIAS DK POIITO Rico Oct 3 Tho Ito

    publlcim Convention last night nominatedFrederlco Degetau its Comml sloiier to CommonTho delegates to tho Federal Convention ntIViguas oat agree on a candidate nndwlUiiut iiny nominationThe delegate send In a wJulie IjirrinaKH s leading cunnldate of IbU

    Oil snip SVXK tx i rivuThe Itinlr Wns on Hnr to InniU Hrerk

    All Iralllc-S rjl rablt ttnpatt lo Till SIS

    potvr SMII tint jThe slmmshlp-Kmlr width sailed from Norfolk on Sept7 wIth n cargo ofconl for the Amsrlrnn warvi uiikln llm HiiczAH traffic la blocknJ-

    lljlea titandlih GInger Atesuperior delicious fITfttrc ntAn product Grocer or Utpot DO Wall si






    flavor aroma highly



    mnak logwill vote

    t lie


    lint Isli

    k at Manlmn bias anal




    V II Hearst Offer to Duplicate All the BOCent Nubtcrlpllon Iron Demorratlo tub

    iurman Inrallded CunicrTutlre Ilody-Kuurd to Keep ranks Ironi llryan

    The great plutocrat hunt conducted fromtime six front ixirloru on the first dour of timeHoffman Ilouso by rxGov William J Stoneof Missouri VleoChalnnati of tho DemocraticNational Committee took a new start yester-day while ho wax up on tho Auburn road CobHill Nave who known an time iiolltest roanIn the Mississippi Valley and Major HenryAmes who Is Bomotlmen cnlliNl the Astor ofSt louts arrlveil from MissourI Hoth ofthese giMitlemen nro friends of oxGov Stoneanti they are also friendly to Senator GcorgnGraham Vent It was wild at tho Hoffmanllouno liut night that they had como on to see Ifthey could tint arrango u true between thenged United States Senator front Missouriand Mr Stone Col Nave Is something lesstItan threo times as rich It was said last nightas Col Mosn WiUnore who IH rated at 17looCW and It Is expected that his contributionto the Democratic war chest will bolike three times ns larg as Col Wetmoros-Notiody Unowi how much Col Wetmore gave but It was declared that Col Navewould not think of contributing less thanI50HX to help Gum Shmi Hill In his greatwork of hunting plutocrats Major Ainu Isa rich man too limit ln Is npmM dto plutocracy and wilt undmibtedly It wassaid lat night give a very largo sum to thecamiuilgn fund Major A HUM and Col Navewill stay In town some tIme Yosterdaythey had serious talks with Col Jim Carlisleof Kentucky who was tIme law partner of ColIke Hill wh n that gentleman said In 1C9-

    0We will win If they dnnt buy us Mr Hleh-nrdson and several other eminent plutocrathunters It was announced that Co JackChlnn of Kentucky ho wellknown knife lighterWILt on way to join In the chose mind otherdistinguished statesmen some of whom be-llee that tho llun George Graham Vivt hasbeen in thu United Status Senate ns lone asany man should be will soot gather In tIme lux-urious quarter at time Hoffman House

    Tie chant has proved nn expon ivo otui so tarunit on Monday the committee sent out nn ap-peal for funds This appeal Is nddtes ed totime National Association of Democratic CubsIt the statement

    The National Commltteo U fully Mtlsfledthat If tIme election should o cur now Mr Dryanwould bo elected

    TIn it goes on to say that tho committeesgreatest fear Is thn corrupt use of monty bythe Kepuhlicans It says

    flue Republicans am thoroughly alarmedanti they nro striving now to arouse tho trusln-tho national banks and other great favoredInterests by tho fear of Democratic niecesand thU they are doing effectually

    Tho commltti says It knows of fraudulentand Illegitimate attempts which are being moraleto doubtful suites and It says tImid IfIt limo consummation of them andother fraudulent schemes and have n fair elec-tion wo are nlmottt sure we can win Thenoccurs this paragraph

    The only way we can prevent fraud Is tothoroughly organize thn States In which Itwill lx attempted To make such an organisation as will bo neccs nry to mccestfully meetand defeat the Republicans In this nefariouswork our cnimnltt must hnvo mooney withwhich to proecute and perfect our organiza-tion Our committee Is hard pressed forto meet even the ordinary current en enMsof tho campaign We cannot rook such nnorganization as wo should and must maksuro success unless wu con supplied Insome way with greater means thou we have

    Then the commttUv appeals to uvery mem-ber J a Domocratlo old In thn United Statesto give 50 onCe and adds this paragraph

    We aro authorized by Mr Hearst to saythat he will personally duplicate everyBcription soot in by any club In response to thisappeal This generous offer should stimulate

    club olllcer to do bentThis letter signed by time lion James K

    Jones of the Cotton Dale Trust chairman ofthn Democratic National Committee and by

    Stone Remittances may bemade to them nt tho Auditorium lintel InChicago ornt the Hoffman House this city

    Last evening the lion Arthur IMo Gor-man exSenator from Maryland whoIt was announced two weeks ago wouldtko an active In the campaign nttho Hoffman to town from Haitimoro Sir Oorman loft the headquarterIn disgust ton days ago and not boon srisince Lit night when ho arrival In thucity ho Mid that ho haul come on private biwl-niMi and that ho was u busy that he was nottaking any time to find out what thai political












    sotimt lung

    ox act I

    begins wIt hi

    tip Itt













    situation wad Mr Gorman no predictionsto of any kind He slid that he lund boon

    III for a couple of week and that hisbiviith wai really so i vir that he could not thinkof taking an in tho campaign Justat Hut ho that would

    call at the Nationalprob-

    ablyhands nil orotund t

    Tho plutocrat buriUTH let It known yes-terday were going to

    Jigln a great campaignThis campaign will begin Just time

    arrive this city andits principal object will be I protect Culfr nn what

    who have been moist Intimateassociates on most of Us

    of thn country Senator Jons haspointed out as mum as Colgets east of the MiMintnlusthere gathers around him a crowd of persons

    U not butpresence loads tlm cilld meiinf llm East

    entirely withwhose full of Senator

    Intends this Co-lilrywiHrrlvis herna guard of solidcon that nm bo found will he formedand they will surround tciall tlmm Is the Intention of thn Hryanlto-nmiuigert to collect all time citizens oftlonxtl In the community who can bnInduced to ussoclato e Silver candldato Col rfsims will bo illlod withthem at all times mind any crook or hothead

    to got nwir him will bo quietlyhauled out of the way

    raid n Democrat who withinthe oaf ha ccmo out In of tlie

    tIcket three years I wont totall on Hrvnii nt hU InI till whnt cit It wit I was withtime National conunlttcomnn front tlmf Staewho I an oldlinn When WH went

    hutch thin told u to go right to MrDr arms room We found haul abn mind luith TIme parlor nnd Imilrootuwere full of longbnlredand one of them told us to go right throughn door nt which ho We opened thodoor found ourselves In the

    In thn tub scrubbing himselfgood There were Rnvcn crazy cranks

    In anti some of them were trying totalk to him while 1m was scrapingout of his eyes nnd thin were puttingthin sturtf In shirt anti laying omit hisfor him to put on i

    The Tutlcan Safe llobberr-Kttlal nfituttii lo TUB SLN-

    HIIMK Cci When the Vatican atilhorldiscovered yisterday that one of tho safes

    had been broken open and looted they tnidnno attempt to cuniniiinlcute with the nllldal-Ixilliv but cvinteiitid ibemelvm itiftcailwlUi apprising the luniks of number ofthr stolen liolidf SlepH hnvn since tokento Insure the ettcr i rotidlnn of tho twifeswhich ore situated liiir the stairway leadingto the POI H aimrtincut-

    Nnthln So Comfortablei the traIns ol the Nw Voik Central nhlfh





    mIl to WIll tnUdr




    for North soul 1nI bOlr rDInlc ulctLlr


    cru ruimukshit


    to 4 lr al ftAuuciAteshoot are

    bijtve all stotu ii

    lulmuu hi iiiI t


    to-t he

    I roam

    IIr I Ike-a






    t hun I

    his I



    leave the itrack





    niPLixu1 THE Youxa OUEKX

    Latest Inem Celebrate the Amtrallanfederation

    Hlftial canir linpatitm lo TUB SuxLONDON Oct 3 Earl Ilopeloun formerly

    tanl Chamberlain who wi sail on Thursdayto assume Iho llrnt Govornornlilp of tho Austra-lian Federation was entertained nt a banquetjuice this evening Sir llfrld InurlorCanadian Premier cabled United Canadawnds greetings to United Australia

    Itudyard Kipling celebrates th federationpoem of ten V TMH In tutu Timi entitled Tho

    Young Queen Time following Is the openingfttanznHer hand WAI Hill on her aworJhllt apur was

    heelShe had not rail her harn s of war denied

    steelIlltli on her ted splashed chatter beautiful bold and

    brownedDrl hteyed oul of the battle the young Queen rode lo-

    be crowned

    Thn poem then on to describe her cornIric to lImo old presence crying townme my and replying to thn old rjues

    How can I crown thee further 0of 8 ivorclgn South by sayingbn the crown of our rrownlnc to hold our

    crown for n IftIn the days when our folk neieffeble thy sword male

    sure our UndsWherefore we come lo power la crown at thy


    Thnold Queen after crowning tho young oneaddresses boras Daughter no mop but sis-ter nnd asks What shall I wish thee Thopoem conclude I give theo thy eoples loveTempered au uM abldlnif reluctant ol prayers or

    vowslager In tare 01 peril as ful thy mothersted requite thee my Miter through the

    years to blove thee a thou hat loved


    Ketarned lo Parliament In Place of Irnmoter-H I SlarganItberal nf Three Seatv-

    Stftlat Cablt IHipaiett It Tint SUNIINDON Oit 3JnmtM Kelr Ilnrdie time

    prominent labor leader has been elected toParliament for the district of Merthyr Tydfll-Walow Mr llardle wa the candidate of theLabor party lie replace William PrltclmrdMorgan Gladstone llbcral who ho npre-nnted tho illstrlct pinto ISS-

    SKlectlons were held In twentyeight eonMltucnclcs today nod In twentyfour thin resultwas declared In five of the latter supporters-of tlio Government who were imoppowd Inistii WITH returned tho contests made this year

    having changed the representation Thevoto In the nineteen other districts

    shows n somewhat larger Increase In the Con-servative that In the Liberal vote the totalsMug CotLservatlVisMCinaiid Ul erals 7849Jagainst MMo and 751UO rosivctlvely In KOi-Tho IHnroLi however gained three seats onthn days bnllotlnff against a Conservativegain of one The net result up to date

    a Liberal gain of threeA feature of the day was thin conical In Derby

    This constituency which surprised the countryIn l ni by turning out Sir WIHUm Vernon liarcourt and his Liberal colleague Mr Roe hasnow returned to Its old allegiance nnd re-jected Sir Henry Howo Demrone and Mr Geof-frey Drago who wore elected in lirareturned Mr Hoo and Mr Hell Tho latterthe Secretary of the Hallway Mens Union

    There Is much Interest In result of tieelection nt Newcastle where Cnpt Lnmbtonof the cruiser Powerful whose men saved-Lndysrnlth and who line attacked time WarOflli contested the seat with n ConservativeThe election wax held today and tIme resultwill 1 declared unless an Incidentwhich happened nullities the pollA iioliivinan who was conveying the sealedballot box to the Town Hall was thrown fromtho vehicle In which he was ruling Tho boxburst anti the papers were scattered Thorwere picked up hut If the check shows thntany ballots are missing tho election will bo de

    void and another poU heldwill lie lucid In about ninety con

    stltuenclns tomorrow-Up to dale the elections have resulted In the

    return of IIS Conservatives 49 Liberals andLabor candidates and 28 Irish Nationalists

    William Pritrhard Morgan Is otto of tho mostcelebrated gold mining promoters In GreatBritain After having prominently Identifiedhimself with Australian mining Interests horeturned to England In l and discoveringgold nt North Wales n com-pany for Its production Last winter bn ns

    a number of Americananti secured vnhmbln mining con-

    cessions In the Province of Szechuan ChinaThn Chinese were to i rent oftime working capital the Americans 54 percentand Mr remainder conces-sion considered oo vnluablo that the FrenchMinister protested to tho Kmpew against itbut without

    lamP Kelr Hardlo U the chairman of thendnM ndent LMior party and editor of onoif thn IlrltUli labor organs He was In Parlia







    And Dlke 1








    ItlIl hurttray


    ni it bier


    It shall

    beif out



    thy people


















    merit front 1891 to is iSURPRISED AT THE POPKfi

    Arrhblihop Ireland Illi Visit to HomoMIssIons

    Kptclal CaM C i Jf lo Till SUNIiuNlios Oct 3 A iniinilng paper print

    an Interview with Ireland of StPaul In which he Is quoted as saying that ho wassurprised during recent vb lt to Rome attho vigor of Po e When ho saw tho HolyFather two years Ago he seemed to ho feebleand did not look ns though ho would live longNow he seems to bo about ton years youngerHo conversed with the Archbishop for morethat an hour and neeniod to have a wonderfulgrasp of Church matter time world over Hotalked about America Ireland England KuropeChina and Indeed of tlieClmrch all over thaiworld

    Archbishop Ireland denied that the Popeliked thn idea of Umperor Wllllarn assum-ing a protectorate over time Catholto missionsIn the Far Fast The Emperor lund assumedthis protectorate on his own midIt to his motive

    France mild the Archbishop Isson of the laurel and has btnn regardedus thn natural protector of in nrI-mrotiH and countriii a privi-lege which IH ns jealously guarded Uc

    Ooverniiient ns It wns the Hourdons Hut the of tlm Vatican n gen-eral sensn Is absolutely to the of

    such protectorate Catholic mlKsinruirlcswho to are warned be-forehand that If they hope for theHiirreis their mission must bybecoming goixl They mustforget about being protectedPower whether It Is or Germany or

    or the United Statesprinciple Ix a wise one which all missionaries

    with ndvnntngo to themselvesniul time of lie worll

    Archbishop Ireland ridiculed the story re-cently that the Vatican tongency for the purpose ofdisseminating news from a stand-point Hi said such n was

    story was absurd


    AnnrrliMs Saul t haTe Ilanned toHim HU heIdi ul Hrtii eli

    tipttlttl npalth to TllK HlvH-liUHNKIx Oct 3The authi rlte have re

    celvou warning that three Italian Anarchlits-nrilvedliere today IliHHiud that their mis-sion I In make nn attack on Prince the

    to the llelglan throne whnSaturday with thel iichif of to whom ho wonmarried at Munich yeterday

    1100 Illlei Every HayUcka ann Limited la St Lout la a 17hour-

    Uilo SuperbiUulnf to X it dally Air I


    Archhl hop











    t hues




    If t







    hi arrIves ire




    < ¬











    And Calling Him an Emperor It Argu-ment Now There IjiwjfM TrustThat Keep Krrry llan ownlleady toSlake larch i of More Ire Stork Cheep

    Tho lion Richard Croker Ml yiwlerday Unitan Injustice had hion done to lilin by Chairmanllimm of tho Republican Natliinal Committeewho according lo newspaper report In timecoiirao of a conversation In Chicago hind re-ferred to Mr Crokcr iw Kmperor Dick MrCrukcr says that the Republicans do not answerhim with argument but abuse Mm anti try tomako him the Lwiin In tho campaign

    Look here Mr CroktT Murk llatinnI-IIH Just called mo th Kmperor of NewThats Jiiit Mho him Mion I inakii n state-ment about trust nnd youmr men th Repub-licans du nut answer my statements Theyay that 1 am limo Imnc In HIM campaign and they

    attack limo Thnt shows that they hnvo no Issuns It shows that they art nfrnlil Theyhavent a leg to stand on 1 try to enlightenpeople about time evils of trusts It ncoma to-me tho Republicans aro bmlly frightened whenthey wont answer square arguments butresort to personal I shall go-on and to people

    Tho Republican managers tiretables votes Iltilmlng tin1 electionof Tho trust boss nn nil shoutingthat McKlnlevs election limit labor-Ing men who am slaves of trusts arenot situating dont dare to Theyfear would li discharged If theyHut I Hint thin o silent men un to

    toils on election day and votoIn a fur trust bossesare tow tho slave art Thinkof It Tho trul boxes much the

    of time poor and then con-tribute It to lurid of thocan Isnt that awful limit Its soeverybody known It I loire pointed It out be

    nl ut It but wont answerarguments They Just abuse me Why

    there Is it lawyers trust town A younglawyer no to get along InA big firms do all tlio trust huslne millthey havo a trust of their own to shut out youngmoon

    Do refer to Parsons A Ogdoncounsel for tho which EdwardM Shepard who Is to preside at th llryan

    at Madison 8iuvo U n mem-ber asked Iho reporterI cant firm replied Mr

    Croker 1 dont know that lire trustlioardman A Platt have a

    trust busing of their own a trust-I am not going Into names butt everybodyknown IK a trust InKoine of thu control railroads

    running a wild man for sdent Mr HM eveltabout tho country nbmit tin4 hue Tni tVhV can miikwand cellI know lots of Tammany men who havewacoiw who dont belong to the tni t TheyFay I stopped from lirlnelntto ibis town That was time first I knewthat Ice ravno In 8hl s Time lee Company Is

    ortlion mid njiy man CMI buy inIf ho has the tnoimy If any wron wlimo directors are I dont knowthat time U n tm t I know nothingabout It I am Kolnt to buy saute of iIt It cotM a little lower a locil companyanyway

    was Croker that the Itopublloan luaU sot up sound money as an K no

    no nald Mr wo favorall kinds rf money silver sold any kind of

    our policy nmklnitmoney out of time trust to bet on thu elecWall They Rot It out of tho trustsnnd It belongs to of time trustsThey comhlno to discharge men and

    money they save wny goesInto own pockets They turnnow to to buy votesto Influence betting We am kinds ofmoney that U our platform butt trusts aro

    Voung men mu t hove n chanceand every shave of a trust will vote forI set cell me DickIf I wn the Emperor Id make llatina skiptime rope pretty

    that he was not making anypredictions as to how tho election would go


    Uhj time Canton Iollre Were Told to lnok Oatfor Thrrr Sutplrloui Men on Oct 2

    CASioy Ohio Oct 3 As UcAiierally knownone of the duties of the Secret Service depart-ment at Waahlncton Is to guard oftime President wherever he nifty be and is laequally well known an ngent or agent as may-be necessary of the department nro alwaysnear the President to contrlbua to tubs

    rt and That Is thowhile ho I In Canton but time work for timemost hilt Is merely a matter of formthe usually near his hotel whllitime President cue about in his walks and driveand receive his visitors with tho utmost free-dom and with of Hutas a nil rumors however vajnto orImprobable as ns timer are reocolved

    the Secretrated to WoMhln lnnIs time iwunt attending tho PresidentLs advised

    All aorta of reports reach tho Departmentfrom nil sources at fhortare never giver omit not Iwcanw of anyImportance to them butt

    are rewarded on suggestionsto cranks who mleht bo lo netupon some of time MIUMIIM outlined In

    It Is said one of those rumorsreached the Department II few daynneo in timeform of annnnnymous the purport ofwhich was that thren men with evil
















    mono ThpftIunto put 5110 Ilito


    the pIn

    8f ape




    all agent n110 are OlIlInlllll



    ahum sot I rut Ii I hue

    4 stmrti I hueI hut t Ito


    I hue1



    he tlui


    lw erpm


    tilt e

    i lit I buii cIty

















    planning to oomo to i nuum on 2 civa of the nlloko1 conspirators

    The alleged letter was not regardedbut accordlne to reports here evert precautionwas token that been taken on a-more tory and time Mayor was asked tohive time arriving fr menanswetlne description given Orders to thateffect wore to atrolnvnprobably maths themnclvescoii In their stirve nic of trainsAt least they attracted uttontlon and curIosityThen cnm n In-structions front the Mayor policemen on duty

    of time nearerMcKinley homo than usual Hut no one

    on any of the trains aridsuspicious was about tho house chimer

    or the night or todayOf course time President was nut advised

    of the anonymous letter and hU usual habltowere not In time altered Ho went for hisusual drlvm yesterday and today and be-fldo went out la t evening Krotn-tho best InfonnatUm obtalnablo there hasbeen no incrtviou In thn Kerrol Servicehurt No ono In however willtalk of the matter or even acknowledge thatthere WiltS on anonymous letter received thatl no one ntithorltliH-

    HVlVTS Till LAW OS FKHIIY A MTU-Nulxir Said to lUre tone to the Ulttrlct

    Attorney With riimplalhl of lllirlAll excited resident of the EloviiKth Convr v n

    district Infomieil Iho press hail evcnlnit thatCoticretisman William Stilwj mid visited hutl trlct Attorneys rftlfo In nftenioonmid to tiavn tho irandJury Indict Percy S of tho

    Committee for libelIf fact Mr HnlzerM constltntotit understcodhim to say that bo had luciaforms tho Jury otiKressmen Su1xi rand ir cnIn Washlncton In honor of the litterlat Henth lies uedapnmthltIn Chlcaco In which various of mi-manncement which were made III Washlncionore Such of thn District AttorneyncMtants a were axxeinbledhadnt heard rf Mr Hulors admission to thoirand Jury room

    ten Witlur Wife Irr rnt the 3lanascript In Uabiltl rnllrcr lllirurrI-

    sniANAroMS 0i 3 en timid Mr I w-Wallaco havo presented In tho Wabah fole eLibrary origInal OIl of TheThere over 2 n txuimon 00 Time In till than linnd-writlneiif and how cnrrectiunH-nnd siiKurstlonH In tint hand rltlic of MrsVjillar The Prince of India wn Ixtnn In

    Iho Kinknkti HIv r and xv finished

    horses Neck Manila coolers liteall laIr whfn withUjMfs Standlib llnicr Alf Oroffr Depot ti Wall St t Jr

    The llliht Arm of TrurlThe PrnnirlTsolii Hnllioad rfacba all the kadtnr



    1 lid


    no-on n


    OIll 0



    last 11

    oltWlV4140V Till lIriVcl oranti


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    lest onl made


    trainsthe t





    t ntortuil nut uent4mmna

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    India tinpeg are








    I mi srAJsiiiuKitici covoiirsaN-puln Anniioarrt That the Chlrf South Amtr

    Iran Oimntrlm tTIII II llprr riit d-tifttlal CaW Uni at l la Till SUM

    Muitiiti Oct AKUller Cami ntime Minister of FnrclKti Affairs annoiinwH thattill lii r South Aincrlcnn rppiilillcn havo HKHilled their Intention of In HIMSpanishAmerican which will meeton Nov II Martinis Campo bolleves hint timecoiiKrcHs will rcHiilt tho rrtabllshmcnt of

    tutU advantauivius relations betweenSipiln nnd tho South American countries

    Till riuivtlon if iommerulal relations honay will bo n dinicult one at Spain ho toHtnigglo a aliu t a imwerful opponent In theInllid States of America whoso unceasingactivity almt lo control time whole trade of timeAmerican continent Spain ho says cannottnnlntnln this contest with any hope of suc-cess i long as ho adheres to such a protec-tionist policy as shun maintains for the benolltof Catalonia When hho discards this pro-tectionist syntein sIte will bo able to extendher commerce In land


    PerIl of II J lark Tho Intrndrd to lieFired Tram a Cannon at Parachute

    HlxntiAMTOX N Y Oct S Ill h above theheads of 5ono jieoplo a man today crawledfrom the mouth of a cannon attached to aballoon n mere speck nualnst thug It wasa task apparently beyond human accomplish-ment and when IIM dipped on tho smooth sideof the tfun there was a tnunnur of horror fromtho myriad of upturned fares and severalwomen fainted hut with ono hand he graspeda rope mind for a moment suspended2ifio feet above time earths Then by a timmendoiH effort ho retrained tho top of thocartoon at balloon and Its burden shotearthward

    Time titan was Mr II J Hurko of Hllssfleld-Mich antI hit cnmo to this city to mako a seriesof ascensions at limo Binghamton Exposition

    was to bo bailed Into a cannon attachedto tIme balloon and when at tho height of 8 Kfeet was to bo fired from mm at a parachutehanulnc from balloons side with whichhe was to descend Shortly after starting hediscovered timid n rope had eauclit aroundOio-trUgcr which tired the cannon anti it wouldnot exploit only hope was to crawlfrom this insldo to the top of the gunBefore this was accomplished the balloon hindRained a swift downward Impetus end thouch-ho endeavored to llshten It It stnick In a tree Ina forest some miles away and ho was held aprisoner In time trot top an hour and a half beforereleased Ho escaped with a few scratchesbut In bat few moments ho lived n lifetimeof agony and when ho slipped from the minho gave himself up as lost

    JilOrt IMV II1TK AXSWER FILEDfill Reply to Ire Trust Charges WIlt lie For-

    warded to nor ItootrrrltD-KADWOOD 8 P Oct s IU Van

    Wvck Ice Trust Got Roosevelt saidtoday that ho hid been notified by AttorneyGeneral Davies that Mayor Van Wycle hued filedhis answer Mr Davies Is to send time answerto thoilovernor by mall withtlcn and until then tIme Governor will make nostatement about the case

    Great Ilrltaln Shipped riflrili leads FromThere Worth More Than OOOOOOO

    NEW S Tho steamer Monteruma left today with a cargo of rjulcs andhorses for time British army In South Africa

    Is the last of tho kind to go thereTime bor and mulebuylnK agency establishedhere has been broken up and the officerswho liuvo hued charge of It will leave forhorn The agency was established hero-In October IS09 Since Oct 10 flftyslisteamers have left New Orleins forTown and all InSouth Africa 42100 American muleand I84i American for time use of theHrltWi army operating airalnst the Ilo rThe e animals as worth 16100255 I ut were probably worth considerablymf n

    The vessels took lire stocks of hay oats andfred with them brlnilnc the total valuo of theircarcfcs up to over tioooocon Iletw n 30OOand 4cf went lo South Africa asfutile lend rc about onefourth of whom re-niilnd there many of timer entering the lintIsh military wrvlc-

    onruAi ron iiKixirrs POTATOESAdvance of Ilfteen Cents a Iloibel Offered

    fur the Freildentf IrmluctC-ASTOX Ohio Oct S A Sunday newspaper

    great OBricultural results on timefarm owned by PreMdentMcKlnloy at MinervaIncluding n enormous crop of potntoo Im-mediately there nishto cet time tuberssaid to lw a Inn article aside from the foci thatthey were raised on the Presidents 8-H Weaver a commission merchant of Colum-bia Ja who was vlsitlnc relatives here drovelo Minerva on Sunday ann made an npnolnt








    hurt pitting







    t huehue






    her cargo

    lat Londoncarrying

    story told of

    wits a




    > ¬










    ment with W J Adams who manage thefarm to talk business early on Monday

    The appointment was and MrWeaver say the crop of about two

    at an anvnnmnf xboiit fivecents n bushel over market value and orderedthem

    Adams accompanied him to the station howay another denier

    Adams and to deal He Increased aformer offer five cents a bushel luster Adams

    him the wa old At the station halfa dozen other were met forAdamo nnd beenn bldillnr for thetoes Hefore the silo to Weaver vas announceda premium of 16 cent a bushel bud been

    sKXATon miits lila Titnrr-He Catches One Which lshi Il Ponndi-

    nnd Is I9 InchesHOSTOM Oct 8Sonitor William P Fryo of

    Maine poMtvil throush this city ti diy on hisway from his summer camp at the Ilnnteley

    Wftlilnainn Senator Fryl lled with hU outlnc for bn captured atrout welirhlmr pounds the third larcet-Hiimre toll ever coiielit In tho Kane levs MrIrye was sitting on hula vernnUa one eveningwhen lhh rolllnidirectly In of II cabin Think nc the fIshiniiHi ag S nntur Frvn took arut end MS flrl cst wa rewarded with nw rlke

    I I couldnot budKo the trout wli n lie arrived at limo bot-tom of lake and for wvrral fnlnute be laystill evidently pan Inira rune by whlci toe

    When b start It kept boatmanI usy c out into KIR tIme lake oill to cKar ibid fur iiction It waone hour and llvn minutes from the time that Ileft my veil on tho pnrch until 1 returned withthe result of my rsi The trout meas-ured from tip to Hi 32 Inches welchhiK elevenand a quarter pound

    WAS JivitinitKH rrcninrA humor Current That lie Mas Helped from

    Jail by llnemlFt and KilledNew llicfNhwii i J Oct 3 A story was

    current In Matnwan today that certain evldens may bn produced during time sitting oftime prewiit irand Jury nt Freehold that willvicar up thin myMery surrounding time csca o-of murderer William Ilullock from the count

    nt rreehnlil n month figs Sinn hishat been no trace of him MI fur as thn

    tins learned It Is rumored that thnmurderer nsMtiHl In Ills escape fruitsjail his eaemliM who mail awav with him

    hid his body Judged Hsknian seniorcoun fur In his thr t trlnlx said thatIt was Oust Imtirobnbln Ilullock been klllislby those In the county who hnve bei n bitter i

    him Mr Hcekmin says thiit It soulbeen to lynch the nearo after

    in had been decoyed from cell foolednto limo that he wits getting his freedom

    Carl II Schultz Are Ithe only purr end correct artindaJ nXiiral waters





    lakes to i4weli statfine

    I I

    Its muoliud a hangs entert ron t

    I what tiubd saidtim

    Cull timrmm Illhave it

    I Ion





    was t itoI



    tuass cry











    The Heading Company Not Only Often a laPer Cent Vlttt Increase bat Uerlare IdPurpose to Deal flub Any Cirlevanret ol-rmplojeei Anthracite Union earljtimed DownMore Moldier Going Horn

    The Contest llelween Individual Optra-tora anti the III CompinleiMllchell Nan

    llellsiatCommnntr ratoriP-OTTSVIME Oct 8 Tho Heading Coal and

    Iron Company today lucid out another olivebranch to 27000 miner by lnsuln time tel

    This company makes following an-nouncement to Its mine employees It willadjust Its rats of wngot HO no to pay Its mineemployee on arid after Oct i iooo n net Increase of 10 er cent on the wags heretoforereceived and will take up with Ita mine m-ploye any grievances which they rnay have

    It C IATTIIXII General Huperlnt ndent-Tho notice was vested conspicuously at all

    colllerlin with time hope that time men wouldlay the matter before their local unions and setfavorably upon It fio far M can b learnedthe striking miners say the heedIng companyWM always ready to treat with Its employebut what thoy now want ls for the company to

    by their local unions Opinion Is divided Mto whether tho Reading U acting Independentlyof tho other coal companies or whether thetaken today Is a part of ft prearranged plannmotur time coal producers The minerthey will not return to work until tho elidingscale Is either readjusted or nbollshed becauseduring its continuance although the 10 per centIncrease may bo mode still tho scale could beo regulated as to destroy ItMeanwhile the strike leaders continue to tie

    up time few collieries still running shorthandedIn thUs district Irooluldo and Qoodsprlncollieries In t he Wort Fnd were closed and Lincolnmay follow In thu morning Glendower asmall working and the Vorth Franklin are tImonly two of time thlrtynlro collieries of theHeading turning out any coal now Tins bigtorchlight parade on time mountain which wasto have taken place tonight to get out theWllllnnvitown miners was postponed for fearof trouble Tho regions continued quiet today

    Time Flghth Regiment Is to leave Shermandcnh for home In the morning Very fewcars of cool are going to tidewater A specialtrain of ten ears of coal passed down the Head-ing road under ling of a passenger train Itwas of the larger flies and Intended for enginefuel at the lower end of the line A few earsof the smaller sires continue to pass downthe line sandwiched In with freight Severnmote miners unions were organized tonUhtIn this district and the men are firm not to re-turn to work until their local unions have beenordered to resume


    Coal Ilallroad lien t It IlereHllchell fiiji-He It Mat Conferring

    C K Henderson VlceProsldent of the Phila-delphia and Reading Ilallroad Company cameto this city from Philadelphia yesterday Defaroreturning to Philadelphia It was learned ongood authority he attanded a conference heroof anthracite coal railroad executive officerAt this conference It was reported yesterdayafternoon communication was had over thelung distance telephone with President Mitchellof the United Mine Workers Union nod goodprogress looking to the ending of the strike wasmade The conference It was reported lastnight was still under way

    HA7IKTON Pa Oct a President Mitchellthis evening Issued the following

    To the Min Worker of the An-lAroriKWe hays Jut been Informed that a

    has been circulated at Ashland to theeffect that In a conference In New York thltill morning l etween the coal Presidents andmyself an agreement was reached which willend the strike I di lrn to notify all mineworkers that the report U Incorrect and thatI have not been In conference withtIme presidents of this coal companiesanti have made no agreement with themI wish to reiterate what I Mid several daysago that there will bo no settlement of theBtrlko until a convention of time anthraciteminers Is hold You are further roqueticd topay no attention to any statements of this kindand to continue thin strike until such roncc-slons are made by time operators as will Justifyu In calling a general convention when youwill be regularly notified of the date and placeat which tIme convention will bo lucid

    JOHN MlTCURMPresident United Mine Workers

    When Interviewed regarding this statementMitchell wild that ho lund nothing to add to Itbecause It explained Itself

    II With

    lbslowIng notice



    say they will treat with timeoommittcos appointed




    hiera antiflrg jam









    Sari He Represent Only Illi rirmWhich Hailoud Hi Chapter uf Arbitration

    John Markle tho managing portlier of n I-Marklo A Co of Jeddo Pa remained In ltdcity yesterday making his head juarlnn Intho ofllco of President Walter of time chlghValley Ilallroad Company 20 Cortlandt street

    Apparently Mr Marklo had nearly completepossession at Mr Walters ofllco all lit facilitiesbeing put at disposal Housed the telephonen great deal He appeared to wish to lay par-ticular Htrews upon a statement nmdo by hinttimid he was not In bit city an a representativeof lImo Individual coal operators

    The newspapers said Mr Marklo Iwregot a wrong Impression regarding my moreinenU I nm not hero representing any com-mitted of mine operators or any operators olnerthan my own concern I 11 Markle A Cohavo three collieries within a tow miles of mchother These collleriCH together ship morn thanIWOKIO toot of cool annually which goes overthe Irthlgli Valley lUllroad On Monday lastwe started up w lib a munich larger force of mentitan I hod expected On Tuesday wo loadedit little more con todaythe situation N about time mine nt

    What is situation generally In time on-thrndlo Held was n

    I can for our own concern Thechapter of arbitration so far as we urn concern Is ended We received on Saturdaynluht the lutlcu from the of our

    tluit this arbitration asriimentwas broken es In aceordnncetherewith we t ted on sunddy n notice thatthe contrail beretofure In existence betwwiour nnd our clves wiis nt nn endOur notice further rcml We will start upall our collieries nn Monday Oct irn afford

    of our an itunity to workHO long ns our collieries are siinirfnntlv mnnned-to thin to our fiictli n Theent of wiiges will itmtlnue until further

    Mr Morkln staid that he made the I hlgh-ofllce hula KVVIUM the I hlghValley ComiHiny handled hubs product

    iinioOKit srniKi ixrKrrsnThe Factor that llute rnteiel the

    Cnaletl IlllrbeUii t llrrnnceiH-A7IRTOV Pa Oct S Although there I as

    b n no material change In this strike situa-tion lucre flncn yesterday there Is a growingimvlrtiori that the strike will bn long drawnout Thlx Is mainly dun to that feet that the

    Ilerreatlnn by I ravelTravel on the Pennsylvania Ilallroad U a drllftttulouthrldr

    iA happr anticipation and pleasant ratMBTBrt

    born of a hive Lloa Ulp Xd




    s tm mti I is

    my his





    New Great







