The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-07-27 [p...

THE SUN FRIDAY JULY 27 1900 A1 rt i 1 S f ro BRrAN- I That the 11ttUoa Uu CbU- IJatrTU Of After TblakAlalr Improving O r who much Infnrmatol In iad to ot u whO of vMtI to Ad Vowy when hIs upon 18 fortJlratouR WM In YMhmla Mr for t- k du omlnl canpRhrn le already the In Ind hM under In tM Ohio ot tat A lat many pat ot that all he able out hO1 of aUlmwam very It be l of loolh unUl rlecon day It out ot Lan 10 mate manager I to In tMN to t but It a tat I on m t some Alt I a 1 now tat pnt In I DO t the by a Tb not of plO TpMen government but on the put ot It on b r bands bad on for of dM Wo not hear much of for ot On we not the on not so the rut two ref th of modem IJT bolO apr were the of Spa Md Wit the they blder land I am In The e of of mal lnlr of of the of We pUt arK th by the of their reM whit man their sM mal 1 lee a day havo Mae ft time for them onvlnd or of to mlle In dlrclon In two Is wu InounOd the lon to who wa of would tump for McKinley and Roosevelt wIll East Jed mae him a ad to ot E810laly In the Queton II under discussIon JB AT URL Uy to tIp Tbre I te Brok- Ia Calpal UeutOoT TImothy I to take an e part In the Is the b or the who met him after from on on Il tat from hb home of welki he Important onfrel the Executive Jmdvtory home Eighth at which for the mOt and f In rookln Mr not a her or bole but ho undoubtedly be who are yet to He RIo the for of the If 1 AOpt a rmfll1 ton mitch J Dad the Pst ot honor In tlit the on Wednldl Ir W 0 Ih to thu lon Worth factor th ount lion but rfllid to on Ihe whthpr of i to Worth I I snld thai Worth to make the or for th In the and on Sunda It nld to have n him at so M to un I of acton They RTiy to renew I not under a to might to hurt th ticket rh r to Talk ZIr1 of the 1 Club ot 7i7 at ol maker and short lalk Ih drummers noon On on r1hufdIY ZleRel to hi Bpechl were a W Inwe A I oulu I Mayer F Nominated at PaenoaP- UIMON Stiwart nominated th In Fifth the today h11- rpd tme In the or on of Ih mOt In the son or the late Phelps or the rnvnton and the speech ot nd after Mr Jlh of W A JOD Rnomlnae t sman A from First by at C hurl lan la a nara- lnry ller tt old In a the rear of theM owpd ronlohe at And Twntythlrd street The in down the mal bn days who nt Itodo lived with and two at and avenue rear lie hr boat to parties O hllo In ud Want to In I I Valfntnp Jon John Idthrop of aVe nltd In th army to In valentine jolnd I t htr antI lOon h In the Solo ld n vpr an to hf and not h r end war 0 I IInre old who hM O r lit end ot Inl r k a W on train Smlhlown- Ir I that hM whom hail tnplpd- arl h to n rt t ken her 2 Wt 11lh rlrnlt r tPnnd Abu G h to 6 of A- 1lan cl on R to wmn boat obardJ yt and haul tPII them llc until AUI decided t Ipone the wily FILIPINOS HOLD OUT flSLIU DY 70111Z POLZrZCIANS ruo LOON hops nUImperIaIsm IowI Will Election EtCon- psi Williams wlllttun azUWtd Stati oru1- t Manila gathered the dufenots itFti1ct Iral attack town tho tlckt the hai voters ifl6 Vermont and New Jersey conMderattOn an InvItation to part CMfllJXfl tF WIlltsuni said nIght h had tlked with rson1 th1 s tar to tnd the 1emo- ciaU had created makes me think flniiow- Wed e alter election Is good enough until rhon wilt sight i be heard In the coming my- 0vaUOO lWS flO th Dmocratto ve utterlY cause any excitement verY t have say It I feet the Filipino believe that keep tzouble untU smd if Bryan le elected they wilt him It Ia Uclani and aza in position say so tai as the the Ialndi is there opposItion American Dov eonten- Uon I orgafltze Fill In troops Ia These have ten active the Ielnnds year They are composed aro from forefathers They opposed tho and th did them haul the American possession the II i and or was did c what WM going on then and other r wa were well thin M are now During have had an to- ed sinm Previous armed only with bow and and and Naturally not- able tu contend troo arid they oonttned themaiIv to the farmers Inoung the unpr- teriad villagna Imrorsmant in their simM naturally lb and in the informed are becoming moore enUiuaIatio their support American free tue Institution tree clvii tad the eatablishmeut 1 the real Amertoan the good citIzens the Islands sie more and more pleased with the chzm tO mlJtpthos been taught actions the goes to Islands I cannot them that all In ten erstion ii and will take some to become thA real character the government which wp with gtv them rapidly however this and the re tho races already marked It John Slam aLso like the Mr Barretts the Is ex to cartlcularly valuable speakers communItIes where WOODRUFF THE jAB Ii Tara flat L Woodruff edt oampaign Brooklyn lief Republican tile arrival Europ the Majeetle 1edneadav understood on his return deck will have an with and tt his to avenue plans will be ouUlned thorough aggressive campaIgn ever Soodrutf Is these will named as advlaory ap- pointed will he unanImous joint commltto co would smooth over n there Is tu Michael ttiim- tatgn During hIs brief stay h city Vnodruff cfforts reinstate Jacob as am Important In organb any opInIon approved Padre hostIlity tight lila life Ccnmrresa nomination Fifth district Is his chief supporters are conferonco with llach determine definite lino all dIlcl4ltm desire strife and Mr Worth will any clrcumsiancei he party any erheme tend national to the Drummers PrehIcnt Commerclitl Travel Mf1tniey nod flnoevelt liroad- vey arrnmncd the noondaymettlng yw- lerdy tlitt Abraham iruber Oeorg Van lhnmna4 Evans would make thIs Monday Tiutlov Vnodruff will speak Mr Senator star attraction made yslerday to big Hertn Ray Steele James stewart July fleming was as candIdate St the Republicans fnrCongrrsss the dl4- trict at onaventlon Mr Stewart terms house diftrjt William Wailer was Senator William Johnson med nomInating tOflfrwman R larksr Newark was made speech Stewart Dade hI acceptance- S Congrsnma RICHMONp Va July 2t Jonea Democrat time Virginia die trlet wee acclamation Fred today Himself year Bheepshead flay loan by hans Ernnions aye Cite East liroolelyn early stir who lit the said that hid three Miller limp tit wife Chtldr Tenty nun iicciintmlatsd consIderable monA ftirnIhln flatilnit A fw years am IMC5 Clnsf- lLtMoar J0l7 2tlerbert Solomon and navy hopIng 0 China thi Ethth the Fifteenth It fantry enlisted found married anti r a will he untIl the antic0 connt cf hIM guerdian and his WI her vain mon her have the ever Joining the eervtc- etsnirtng Annie iIntrs Cugbt Annie Vintcrs been reamtn Island f twi caught Long liland railroad miser she any ot tht iltuei sb Oofl w3niet ire p chargo s ti butte lit 27 IbM 1iih Cal intended tako it limeD aol children the Twentyfirst froo he three bIg he to I TBAN RID I to to Oroolln and Cluto to Command In un loll Chief John who hM had hale ot the In the of Deputy Chief layton who hall n at In the uf to Clilef 1 In not It for the sera for ot- MacKIlnr Clayton and ut their who plo n ot W the of the Brooklyn when the of tIme New York charter he a deputy but until or mouth ago ho of the rWs wit Deputy who from an IIuptor by The of to Itt wu put In oJ In Iepartmnt for the n new elclent and 1ll II old not kind to at elburban Mao la Into effect not d t- ot In wore t and Is not to In their relllon Ihit I hM ben 4 nK the rank and of the and he be warmly wet come of laor his arrival at the and by no one Te It Intention of time ore long to rrO1 the and imot by but hM to gIve however when the arid bond that I h a to wth the rormr apt the d to rill the an 0 of on the hes 1la neze t the now the This that MOW Island The Sunday to Cap a of and the flow o and In held fr In moa IN CAlYINQ 11MN Be on a CIO f NEW steamship Olbla which over of out on the In ot the mMe In the who app The In more than a no at Sew Orleans The Ue ext of this to n e of them home here In ot our or for of the who and t and more tim Lw She brought the Itri a not and mot of which time vessel a anchor In the middle of the to the Under to New from R LUTER DnORC tIT Patters Strnd nn Rub Aft Mrt For more a month a Newark to P of that a Deputy In te- l la tap he home In In a Istr packet Md Into D puty let It Who Llster observed that wu the hn Ili to thuu to the n leer ot You my told him he hIs duty the rIO P about S6 In over WM head ot the Works wife had suIt rr of otiul npgl but for the suIt r 10 ARJIESTXI NORWICH Went on to See Father and Landed la Limbo W who under In Conn for the ot two of a left by theIr mother who tild In been employed for his chi dren In lllc Conn When ror his he Is to the money to them by their and to t where he re that hn has made an A to and that lila Iamnro In the State of WM n few daM he went to Norwich In to lerratuhlc to on said to be the sent by nleo Is that hr him now Jai In or bal when her Brooklyn nlcbt refused to discus to but tier that ho would rIght t IRMOIOOTFR VICI Fireman Dir fleing Thrown From us by a fleanstooter a member of Com- pany IU In Uadde street Island died In St John there yesterday the ot exercIsing the Alarm of fw In Island It Is tim Emmett one horse the other on nt thu a The horse Emmett WM tie the th bock of the other horse roadway and stepped him Injuries fime 1 n hn rode to to titan at frt boy time Identity hn Emmct WM 3t and nt 2tJamts Irook 15 of thu near the ot J- IIlltnl lroks wih hail d to stood on their rabbit ran out of the huh Irookn In n- tllltnl to role and entire load ot Inck tutu 11 rue his Itend lhrollorl Cochran nnd Church Wllamhunr which ubmltd- tf litter In Iud I flty lur has In r to nnRno uf the church mmcmi over Involved a complete or Mr from the of DpPUTr CHIRPS ItacKella iletara accordance with order teeued by the Board yesterday Deputy force borou4h Queens EiIit T headquarters borough as assistant leptity II will huft places this ninroltig These transfers unlike others recently outdo Brooklyn were is un- derstonul ttlafltied ilium iood vico but thu tureiit accommodation and mutual Ito been a stead feat lleiuubllcan all through his career eztendinm over period years a Superintendent I- piU titipmit conaolldutlon was effected fly operatIon tireat became chief flve six wes left In charge Chief Mclioughttn had the clew as his transfer MauKellar lad of it headquarters hIs place when McLaughlin a ROOd Kellar- was most part stranger to his territory That management however all aroupd tak his comparatively soft Job Read quarters and baa to return to old bailiwick naturally his owp old fleid tines toeaT wa accomplishment MacKeUAt and bar together when tIle La command there bq any ehang now are re- versed always fvortte with hi fellow officora Ills force will the wilds former ott Smith street headquarters today more Deputy have beemi rumors that Is the latter retire depatznent hIs health osres he refused any 00170b0atlon- mears ago scented rai reniote apparently lila reach declared his satiallod wee Ir position retire rank Brooklyn Dennis the new commander at laiaud itt causing much jaMs armong resort W4 ml- atlon place cuj Its onail features Since took charge the precinct Tuesday have appears have beex and immoral hlbitioni were tven are scene more mild per rorinanoes It said Ia due to warn lag given Driacoll to the barkers arid proprietors give clean get lw the will have to be lived to night Driacoll closed number fake shows avue under tia dlrotlon disorder were gathered and exam nation court LOSS The Steamship Olbia at New Orls Will Oat haIls OnLxtwa ownere of the brought the last cargo Italtati Immigrants to New Orleans are veunttiru conquenoe rigid examination here order to detect contract laborers wire to- be among the immigrants miditreatu week while the Ire migrants were being examined as there Is government tat1on where they can be landed shiphas to supporting the Italians during of carrying free because were brought to 200 each three Immigrants lumped overboard 120W than allows besides migrants which could bu landed tho examination while we lyIng torrid sun tho cIrcumstance Italian Immigration Orleans seems far profitable business MRS Vpou a Months than Sheriffs o1or In has been trying serve papers upon Robert Ilster city in divorce suit brought by Emma K Ilster Sheriff Thompson succeeded yesterday placing 1isters as was leaving filth street carriage picked the threw the the Sheriff lie Thompson away withoUt touching ordered return and called Thompson documents Therm- ho stUd with Intense satLsfa tlon hayt served them upon coachman not me Thompson that understood that was legal Robert Is recently hurited something his fattier the cultural ChemIcal Ills brought dlrorce charges they became reconciled awhIle Then was begun 0 IV flome a Telegram Ills Sick Eugene Logan Ia arrmt Nor- wich alleged swIndling his nIeces out 81tOO legacy 1574 has as- a clerk by kjrntific American fifteen years lie lives with wife and three at 1453 Fulton street LoganIIednt apolnted- gitardion said have taken bequeathed mother cattle sInce tutU el It Is alleged never coimntin his nIece first Connecticut ag when recone a t sumnnmons conic and see his awed rallier who was seriously Ill ktt mseign was one It purpose was arrested lie La atorw- ich detatmit 13000 ill t4Cefl itt causes which led his arrest confidence come out all Emmett After 11cr Struck MIchael Emmett Engine Long City hospital as result injuries receIved whIle engine horses fire beln Long City neeesary to exercise horses thoroughly every day was Sun- day meriting wlteim it It shot horses beanshoriter missIle struck the trailing horse Jerking Itroman from fell Into lii the un breakIng several ribs and inllIctit1 Internal flrenr- Ca rescued comrnI boarding trolley car the hospital hut moore critic was sup- posed Tim witi not buconmu known out lived 234 street 141mg Island City tiny hunter Accidentally Kllid- JtutlsrowN N V Ptil yiiLrs imesu sn instant 3 afternoon In woods viling 1attlauqtta 00111 sin ieiii liii ntin leaning guns a hIS glut dimt tile weapon time buckshot the neiriy tearing mutT Sindlcated- rbe rolongNi lItigatIon between Theodore nclurnu the Methodist Iroteatant sf wits ttnl us haze time mevor of Mr Cochran Jtidgu The was Was The up stint is vindIcation Cochran sharp ° DEMOCRATS SEEKING CASH YOUR MR COOOAN MOW Nit and Cimpan Get Pak Down to See Crokn I Ur at Danforth Doom Doom Anew The J Stone of ono ot the a at Beach lie and end At the Kansas City ho nt the lot last lie a man Exov Stone that he a front K of the would In New York The J who doubt 1 be ot Cum the at Canna Jonf hu not last that he did not know to appoint Mr Stone know the cat base an end of lad ho A I York u t on TOt t York It t hunt t J of for that ot which the lt The on the for A ot who It s for Europe Qn ted at I Mid then that Mr to the cmxi It that In Rw- r ItI Ex tiny thnt tM that he not It on unt time cPa under war ot the of New York r at t Mr when to a and for the Demo I do not In my that WM not 1 nere of I no for that d U ad I on ot and It II JUt Mr and the of The not out loud about Sew York most of ough at In Jaf It ot II up In VINDICATION or JR HtTEn the u i July 28The uoubl and over the by Hut on by the village hu did the went New York on a ot He ltd a suIt WM with on a of the for a of Md dink tlllt the of the evening Brewer of WI him that he had word In com n him In York a few days patti lat did not matt a for men a scow to Mr ml I Nor ARMER FnES AT THIFYll One of Sneral TIm a Potato Fail Ford ot Road In the Brown of round men at 0 last Pro url a loaded wit the farmer went Into nt men of The tour lot away mM- IMld that WM Joseph Rosenthal ot Uvon avenue and stet Rosenthal 1 to St IRr pUl In the found wounds In his For He stUd for from bn the awac with tho a worth of CORPORL USS JUm DSAORF Said to Have Nice for None for over twentyfour the to In shorth noon that bad ben un able to upon verdict In the of Corporal SM or the Unite murd 3U Iar lat the them that of th limit nine men were for three in the on n Iken tMt tour and four for nmanslatightor In deano SI be tried again ILFD a and a Workman N Y ot the Itt tiding the church of Jab Doern ot Sew a man yesterday morning On for and a number of a John a who Jived on Tremont avenue Now York to the four others they hint badly Then Into the and ho drowned Time body wu noon not which of the workmen the and there ben ne leaf n IT LOKlm A Pumped Up Prom an at the N Y for an nt time the today up time sand tat The I down feet now old rock of the M It WM brought to To Uom a Oran of the C I ot- t h clmiuf promoters or llnr in now In of onnlruc that road wln Icln of llicm and Chino traflle be nw rut nw n shorter the than the ulorl Methodist Congregation to Vn a Tnt CLFF I I of the Church erected tnt on In front or time hold und r al wm nwnelaln and N Y July of If Forest avenue down the stairs at his summer el un take this anti when i I eiooooo PLRASZ NUClEI CLARK Jones Will Her Today Campbell Goes Mr Marphy Oneet Elberon lion William oxGovernor Missouri arid liryan chIeftains bed line time yswterday Manhattan had been broIled stewed Democratic National Convention In Wham reappeared maim hlouwm night looked and new said had receIved telegram ChaIrman Jainem Jonous Democratlo National Committee saying that Jones arrive city this morning lion Daniel Caznpnu- of bftohlgsn without to chair- man the Executive NatIonal Committee Ls also the floffaaan house today yet appointed his EzOov Stone said night when Chtrrnn Jones was this committee and neither did if Demo were to Eastern their headquarters Mv Stone that favored having headquarters city Just 180u3 national this New was are James President th borough Manhattan and ak hxp iO Cot Coo arm promtsedeevwreiweeks before Kansas Convention re 10 lookout Senator tIlletu Clark u1ontaiia was announced to sail Saturday Snator lrk was Kansas ity was Clark was to Demooratlo rintlonimi campaign mad Item was ascertained Clark gave the only not opened yet anI dd belIeve rmeceseary to events fairly Democratic State Committee lull yesterday and returned to the house Campbell wee asked th- pemqcratlc State Committee was to be calIco togetbr flx time place State ConvenUon know talk itn Mr fill mo4ay subject Introduced ii pLnty there necessity tom9f the Democrats tms- Democratlo tat Convention be held somewhere along about Sept possIble at Salatoa- ExcIov Stone said that this visit Chir- rusn Jones others possible tiust there talks with Isjj Mr Murphy other Eastern tr fo yesterday where he is guest Democrats are talking thee days especially State promInent candidate for O svernor Is- Semator S liuffalo Democratic State Headquarters yesterday tie St that Elliot Norwich tme county now looming great fashion Peace Made 1 Tarrytown Council the Lemonade Wa Passed ArondT- AunTTOWc be- tween irealdent hlirdsall Trustee floated accusation the former that had accepted a commission gravel been aetled without bloodshed Lemonade tilok Mr Rusted to Tuesday morning and secured letter ytadloation then for slander and Mr Birdeall papers Tuesday night The President Immediately called special meeting trustees Wednesday night Presl dent Jtlrdeall supply lemonade the trustees whIle amid soothing business President Metropolitan travel CompanY Mr sum to admit iiswi the comnmtosion his tenth wIth New before Mr lirewer regard the discussion as It pay engaging four to unload Mr apolo- gired hIuts4 apology was no Peace again ret gas Tarry town flea Wounded i- BrownsvIlle Dennis an elderly New Lots and Rockawau avenue vile section Brookln flvtm robbing his potato rairh oclock night doublebarrelled shotgun slugs his field drod time One there fell wounded other The wounded he Osborne RrownvIhle Ito There doctors ugly legs was ar- rested Lees that several weeks thieves htrownavill- umd robbing neighboring farnie and had earrioct wagon eec eral hundred dollars vegetables stood Acquittal and Murder After beIng out hours jury reported Judge Foeter General Sts- slon after it agree a Seventh States charged wIth Vol- fat Last Eleventh street ott it After thanking jurors Judge Foster charged It was the last ballot taken yesterday mornhttif itidtcmmtsi and for cecond deers Late Wednesday night ballot Was which in- dicated urero the second will fit RO YSTEII FitS Workmen cc New Church let Drunk IIIl Fellow GABIIISONS July 211Four forty workmen engaged ut new Preaby- terlan here tinder the contraot Rochelle killed fellow nIght Iosizm y inert them went hutton stone- mason city dis beat they threw his body we recovered tale at tar he local have yet learned were murtlerers have arrests hutton famIly LIKE GOLD Substance Artesian Well Bath Soldier Item PATH July 26While drilling artesian well State Soldiers home tier driliers with a glistening like gold drill 230 is going through he Inmates carried the gold fast us the surface H ft- lpIANsIoLIs July 2IF Patrick one the CincInnati Richmond amid Railroad course tier today the will titus Chicaco branch tim 1111 I stud I All t hum will carried ccci limut line Mr latrlck said will give route betwooti twit PISCes Indianapolis branch now SEA lmmly iLThe congregation Methodist have it big the ground edifice minud will services cnrmvtu4 as leng tim weather lasts The tent will 5rut person Ill Stoke ill Neeie- lAttIMTOwN iaJohn Swanson it years age thIs city fell cottage at scum hnmmtamiqima broke his neck lie was dead found = < DBAULTFR Former Carr Said to Stolen 4OOOO Sr a Unit ser Seri Q cut In ot named Crr Orat no- L not know saId no ot for more on Central Ver- mont have forsomne cue to his got of his by that ito a In who callus Hatch CArr wrote also of for tlll to n Point un hr nnkl tim of to The tnke Into toY at n fight In which a a to bus on and time woman up In arrival of FIBR 11 TRADE Demands Prpred at Shop Plea of Pants Baker The Union day that had held shop and Prepared for which In It said hold shop nut week union that he the would have to The knee who now aa that the their beet to Into a etrike the manufaoturers want trlkp the workmen but the con who want increase In irorn the are doimmg their wake R In Ih next two wont the for dont trust one or the end out their to let to declare a strike The maker union on for printed in to IlK are Intru how to become bn for Improve their the t tar had Delaware and on Strtke and of the Delaware and mID In are on strike mit Macvine Von Storoim URelt and went out WM no trouble a time however the Ben morning to work but and to handle loaded of wont W Jtrmyn rchbald the to tOe to tale up their for Woldnt Stand by the Comm July J101 ot time or the Thread Company plat who went on two tolet the International Tlllle Union to timem the bonn Mot of the trlkr ted now men woo at work installation of Voice Jnmour of the when unions new officers wet ut Brevoort In made that of officers wore A of the that they had voted t time Tar o Varnishers a ot IIlrlkCl for the enforcement of union conditions The first strike began the shop ol Contractor Schroeder In Vest Street and another wal ordered against Contractor Zimmer or East TwenUoth sUet Silk Weaver Wont Work a Woroa Seventy weavers left their looms at the Car Company at lakenw N J ysater because Supt Dawson Mary Dunohue at work ml1 object to U girl weaver and when the firm tu dlStharle her time weavers struck Negro Acnd of Assault of Injuries Received apIDrtd- COJtNBtA S C July Clinch the negro uccuoed of attempted assault who was wounded when captured the pool tentlnry where tie had bn taken with John to prevent lynching Before dyIng ClInch he and John Livingston nt tempted to rob houlln of the keeper ot the NRllonal Cemetery sit Florence They were re- 8lntd the keepers unullhtr who the stroneest woman ever WI8 about to ovort1Jmell1nch whelm lie called Itvinston to aid AlrUOK girl down with a tiec Ir Iron and the men Tlaero- 1M no nUlllpt to asmammit her ld ramp From a Sound Steamer Mass 6The body ot an tmnldentilled man was round floating the har- bor police think It may be 1- slllcld from the Fmtli IUer Line boat Timers was nothlllir on time imiati by he could clordlni to Ihp rneuioal xamluer both could tot have been In water more titan twnttflur hours The that or n titan about sandy hair blue dressed In black dJrUlO1l1i1 wurt1 ult lb cut short over IhlIll hut down ocr tiers of tmiotmth City llrookln l1omopatbie of toot In Mayors office and voted to the prop ot the 1I000J1ltalln Brooklyn and lJsuml the dmubte or amount Inc to about act winter h the Legislature them ea now takes of time and conduct It All Ii institution Hanged hneU la Use Bar WrrluusTU COlin July John G- Keliwill aged a wUknown renldllnt of this committed morning hang hrslf with rope In her barn She found by imer She hari the death or hr huobmd 010- 0currd In ISY1 Store Long Island Game EAST ROCKAWiv L I July 28The owners of 600 or farm land In and about this and imave cornblrmed and R preserve ver on precautions will lit tskon to mrotect It nllllnlll Pot and gunners OI1ITUAI4I M Merrill who had been IdPrltJOfd with this Itflfd In Sew York sInes hll was ir old died on Imoutme 2 JtTfOon avenue Brooklyn In FlltIt lIrul fur lie a rllr11t1 for t ulhh and Iltllrl- rllr IItl1hl Co and hail the ttImtntin tllllp lie the Sw Irk In time lull War nn n unmmlnr mit Latmiyttie II a dinner ttmettiletr or IITfMJkllI tniot leaguu Itub anti nhatl who IIIId on It hi rptaltml 212 Wt trt after n long WItS horn 43 nr In France anti cattle to till cuuntr ten lie n restaurant nt 31 itt jiromuiwn wimiciu hetmuno of the mot nllrll tiimwntemwua lit also kept to rtullrallt In n and In liii here Ito tmrtgtrially had n rtnanllt at dAnny near anti buried there Itenry 0 lIIstTelI Ort Governor of the Stale or NeVRd died yisterdmmy At his horn CIII horn nt went in lie and brother putt UJ second and silver nUll erected In adl Ellza It DownIng widow or Ulltu C died at the home o- fhr soninlmiwjohn nlllr hillIt N J She was 74 old and haul not ben tor om IOn and three daughters urvlve bar ALLEGE CAUGHT Government Omcil Named hay Aumats Vt July 251I E IIyde States ofliclal Secret and Woman girl succeeded today arresting assistant disbursing oMoer the thuologleni Survey whose Curt is to faulter 40000 and titan two weeks the th ltailromid been watched wiiertutmoutmm nit oflicers trace whereabouts learning was with woman imerelt Mrs 10 tier islimg time name hatch and et at ltouses Monday hutch sprained meeting was Burlington wonmaim was arrested at Essuux Curr was after billy had used head CarT arc locke the Unite ofliocra from WashIngton STRIKE CLOAK Being Eetig the Cloakmakora announced yestee 5300 cloakmakers meetings this week demands next season begins August FIve thousand more oloakrnskers was will meeting and 2000more In Brooklyn would take action afterward Louis Levy the Secretary said as far as could see strike rnkers are pro demands sr doing force general against to say an prices manufacturers to univoldmmble week Time contractor ask manufuot- Urere an advance imsmelves because they another ssid Louis 14 sky secretary union yesterday they are cutting prices eimpoyees us general pants whces members are strike a new wage schedule issued clroulara esterdoy and Yid- dIsh who all Polish J055 them citizens or the United State it will easier them to corditiomme if become citizen tary explained Ho said that fifty con- tractors so yielded to the Hudson Men SCBANroy Ia July 26The runners drivers fludeon Companys here and Olyphant time Creek Dickson taints this morn- Ing There breakers cent mined being this Thm timbers all theY their laborers refuse tare the strikers Carbondale Plymouth and Wilkes get at places fight increased Enton StrIkers WiuIMANTIO 36Thu sixty em finishing department hero weeks ago were unable nod declared off been with will contain Stormy the Painten The faotion Amalgamated Painters Union th installed hail East Fifty street charges some tIme new not citlans fiat light was prevented by all candi- dates bringine proofs i last election ProgressIve Strike TheIrogresmtdvc Union has tarted series yseterday- n With dial Silk ltme IIea When 16James diest in today LivIngston said time tuy was saw She tile the lie Fat Rtuytt uly today lhe local uvhtch be- ldentlfioi time the body Is 40 yells old inumsisci- medarkbrown Isyos mustache extents by the his Takes flospIta- lltie hoard Fetimatc the yesterday accept ertr the institution tuOtss Underarm passed last possession will 26mtrs 50 city suicide thIs was tien despond- ent sinsu One Preserve acres place hlewloits formed game lame i eotrt Unhiceimsed RII dry tmttsIneP4S years ednesmimuy at- liii his was Mills trrtmld A crosmsj l2a served In 8ev- onlyfirst Volunteers was huet- t A IL wa the hiss leaves a- uItIs ftcir iImlIlrim- Aifroul Iuieday illtmee Iwo rmimunit years tog tuttablisimed minim resort entsurprlstus will ie lu- mtakimuitti tie usas est IRS2 his the gold Mrs 3etoruhay years < > MRe HANNA IS AT ELBERONI TODAY HZLL BE IIftE TO BEGIN IRELlJfINARr CAJlPAlON IfORX San tile CondItion Are All That Could but n Beaus to Make ana llng FilM ot It the SameHell Corns Up From ElbroD Every Weekday Senator latClIJI A I1anna Chairman of the Rotlubllclln National Committee arrived In Elbouron S J lie Wl J1Com by hIs family and he expects to rpmRln at oJb ron rt ot the slummer lie tmmma Ule cottage of Franklin Murphy who with tula faintly ill now In Europe sttcimdlng to his duties II one ot the Unllld States to the ParlK Senator IIllnna Irffllnce In the East Rt thlll time Is due to his desire to get thi rampalRn under to rome to New York today to attend the rneetlumg of the Jo- xfCutive ot the Republican National Committee Md begIn the formulAtion ot plans for spirited canvass The Senator will to town every day returning to Elberon Durlllil the campaign four earll ego imo lu Nw fork all the time day amid tuight Md his health suffered In consequence ear hfl to do am much but he thinks that the the seashore will be so that ho be well and able to stand up under time strain or the Elberon La a undemonstrative place It Is lena to any particular tzitomr t In anything and so henna his r ate twelve In the partYmanaged to Into their new tempor excitement straight Cleveland n specIal oar over the Pennsylvania arriving at 7 In the In readiness at the Murphy and stepped right Senator the politicians leaving him alone The expect to It good at him In town from now on rhmemmunattemn Ii him sauce and was not a favorable one for Still leader did not seem out or aorta lie told Ii thllt he expected to buckle right down to hard work prospects for are all that could but Ill work Just M hard ThAt kInd of a light I maku The scott naermt ot the pole is with us and I coming t- Ul more Common counts and people see plainly what the AdmlnMration don look back tltrm four n of ImmaterIal tune That la the paramount corollary wont fig lire of MY IIUqh thing se 111 at this time Is J1 and common sense of the will milk this to the hut I dont to talk about the issues of the Im h for work not talk I 0 New York In Rt oclock anti start right In to let the routine cut- out will dart the Branch Show and Ilanta tonteht thlll would III Senator who Is RloIard Croker II there with hit will drive up Normandl Senator 11111 declines to publIc the result ot the conference with Elliot DantClrth arid Frank Campbell todAY The two latter They did not on Senator and Senator he knew nothIng of their movements Uide rom what he read In the evening paper EAME1I hans lIaabbed Borough Come Straight Manhatias Maria Mfttthewfl alias Lyons WM yesterday judicially from Brooklyn of which It III said by polIce sho has been the wlckedClt and moat dangerous her advent there a couple of years ala hll robbed a score ot men at least managed to evade prosecution through the or her to e Ollpe el Her mOAt notable the or a Park Slope millionaire ot his and Jewelry mont and nl tlmowrii his name In the he to complaint agaInst wormul and had to De to the chagrin ot the police who thought halt hr cornered Rt After keeping under cover for weeks the woman tftIumed her nefarious occupation and op Wdnrllly night she arrested on a ot vagrancy When In the Adams court yesterday J3ristow her on cbs leave within twenlytour hours Otherwise Is to be arr on On at once crossed to Manhattan by Sergeant OBrleD MOUNTAIN Ill CIUN4 War Department a Dose Like la tb WAft tfOTOf fl C July the past week the Ordnance Department placed M order with Sons Mailin Company ot England for twelve mountAin guns for servlle In ChIna IIhould developments tim that country require that more artillery ahould be sent there TimEs bo thl 76mm gun which did such excellent service In the Philippine Islands 1n1 tall nnri winter untliur the direction ot CRPt W Van or the Seventh United States Artllllry TIme gun while primarily Intended to be on backs of pak RnIDJaJI Is provided with A paIr ot shafts that lit into sockets on the end of thsi trail and may In war be drawn for shoft over smooth roads hut for mlfohet and mountainous countries time parts ot the are on mule making In all tour loads M follow I Gun wllh Z CrAdle Is CAn lit piece with the huller 8 flail complete with elevator 4 AIle tool animal able to carry twelve rotunds ot Ammunition that time number ot additional nmules required for a ruin depend umpon the amount ot tunununitlon taken The average of each pack Including samidje and equipment 14 iso pounds Unlike the present field gun or the United fixed ammunition Itt a trimmed cartridge time projectile In lmUnr to tIo used with small arms UIII ot eoumrso larger In proortIom This enables time guilt to be fired much there TIIllldly tlUUl where And are tmorried separate ruts gun be fired as iIiUen to shots In B uninute lIlted ulTel It prnrtlclllly luring firing tetieen In hl or lions In thu felazimi of with this gun that hll sent to or a n of time Joort l1th Voituntoor nnJ round In a A Mo from Filipino Intrench monte ualtlon the rear ot the line of United States troops nM ollnod flrs on tTnIIII over the of our muon Time range was shout roe erule amid the lire WIII umreumrntn Ton rounds In nil wr to Urn or lime enemy and to tIm from time trommehe IIn that when time irmfantry atlvnnrPd In trench F were round by tIn shrapnel burt over time trench In report of CApt Deusen a stag remark is made In regard to thin ama munition mused or Veuitmnteer Infantry In a report to time WRr ot the of the ammunition with guns he Is thRt If better cannot It woumlul hi well to snve triune nrtntlon luy not inert ot this Mme Vlln nUJOfIll In speakIng or tie Maxim nnun1lnilion M that perfect In there no reel rotund plploI1 ns or the In regard to transportation report stafe that Illln were to go troops wherever animals could follow 3lnch guns to the remit with till wagons gun IInloubl 1IT rflI1nl the dpllopmlnt In n weapon or sort is tl RTtlrOl1i anti time Umulti mire to iItO1r WIUr Ii years old alto nre lour Pot to lime leumentermt bouts 111 strcet stiru iitrd by Maglsttate Mull In the Yorkulite police Olurt lrolc1T Time Colin of Special SessIons mOlrd up Ir hoer ol CrlnllIalll1urtn 10 General tttssliunt ilL simile ui rrn- MIY ar made then bt work immus teen imnlsbed In rutlrl room the Irlllle strict lii I Jlln IIn rrnn trlln In whIte time pollet rom Is It Caldll11 hu obtalturmi a sepiratlon 01 unit saIumt ThonlAlt J laldarll for years hu lor lilt bankluug minim cut mann tI gels custody of theIr 1 it J3 leitifled rrr hltt mOlhn In time rAe but Cld1 iIM permissIon see the boy time to pay a alimony Republicans Wish JamS estirday panted the rented Conmnml- sslonera Exposition work way lie expects CommIttee a comae- up over- night styod This just work by will where considered fIg f om in was house thel mamas a get still yesterday the can StN This suousc we the mens eermss they prosperity be us time isetmes thor imperIalism thIs time want campaign the work he lint said he tend Murphy his vititor wlmilo left Mr- roker said RZIOOKLFS I1UEATIIFS Matthews the to banished borough tbe woman since A- lthough she she ha achievement was a was refused press the the they a few was Magistrate she site followed Detective GUNS The Orders floeVed PhilIppines 26During the VIcker k George Dmuscn tranepcrteml time this dietanee corn long carried mncbantam which one mcccii wheis and hcaet One is so wegimt States thu gun uses case is uihI rapidly us twenty remains an report opre says wee the assistance Infantry time battalion deployed yards nearest lIe took the firing very tslinumc time drive they were empty time tipper live dseI this Van restive Col how the recent Immruilulied the musing says bit sendIng sort was beIng mIsfit nvr by spt tIne mice the theu aek thin service were cent This hlbnst thIs wimich ie tntett Ircumu- umstnntei where grermtsst Item Oerlnui- OIT1OS 1owIn- umlvm was accused of- ectullug homes crete at 2 taI StoefltYttCrltlh sle steray tim the Catholic the flrst time iant tesierday repairs Sessions enuirt witch will I cumin painued- Fntule roam Justice time i4uiprrmc tuhut teen bole keer rims time sen ham rears old she to at- eertln Ill week < > > POLITICAL The pollllal emblem Soclaitti party la State heretofore lisa been the earn of a man holding a hammer Tbere ate two SocIalist parllte and to comply with this condition thote are to be two Socialist nblthe arm of a man holding and tbe IIt11I of a man bodlnr a tenth The loa Prohlblllont1a ban nominated alibi or their ticket ton Secrelaty of State So O- 1lIbburyfol Eagle drove Their dttrlrl the arid ticket are chOsen from of Cherokee New NOTES of the thIs this year chanted ahamummer teed circlet on LSVoolley Metcalf he tmmwnq Sharon Staining Sun WUlon flelwein Attica anti Amelia The Stales which sire to tumid prelIminary State elettonq this peer in advance of the November ron test are Alebama in August and Arkansas MaIne and emmont inllepteinher fleorgisholdsltslltsteetectbon for Onserno and State oficens on time first Sedneday- In October Thnelmmmoconsuituuienal prollofl making a unlfozm elecibomi dumy for Prealdetimial candidates The selection of time luesday alter the hat Monday In November has teen made for emmnuenleact a Time chairman of the UnIted States Senate Corn miLlet on Peniion in the iiflyiialh Congress Is a- ptmytrian There will tme an election for Governor of Maine in- Septeinbem and the Democrat of that State have put up the same candidate as they bad In the election of- twuyears agoand who was defeated by 28000 ama jomity losing every one of time sixteen countieS into which Stain is divided Democratic candidates In the Stale of Stains are nomInated to be voted for not it be elected In the last Senat at Augusta every member was a Republican Two Republican factional muteite ate thratened- at the August prImaries in the Fourth and Twenty seventh tasembly districts respectively In the iountlm acute of the IMaIne Climb am arrayed agatumat the present leader P J OIlmlen stud In the Twenty seventh Mr John Sabine Srxith the legal amliaer of mInorIty rontralants and one of the authors of lime present Primary Election law dll again endeavor ii- is laid Iu be chumsen iii oppoItlin to James V lrrry time presnt Repumbikan irder In ISIS the vote was Perry 754opposllion 407- Rhodelaland liens of the orlrtnumi State which ha been little roneidereml In time choice of lrealdential- or VIcePrestdentlai candidates arid the assertion is made that ilenzy Ii Metcalf ProhIbition candIdate for Vicslreeldent ii the Oral Rhode island ruin to have been a candidate on the national ticket of any party in a PresIdential contest He lIves In Pros Idenme The lacivese In the pay of eteetion oftloers made by the last LegialaAime raised the Inspectors train 30 to 411 time poll clerks 10 to I I and time ballot clerk 5 to 18 The poll and ballot clerks serve one dayl the hnspectors erse five days The FIre Department appropriation for the florotith of Brooklyn bl year is S20t4 000 or only 700000 less than New York Including the two boroumchisof itanimmutimarm and the Bronx Firs loasesta Manhattan and the lironi tast year were 7500OOt ha llroolelyn Queens county included with the Brooklyn total they were sasoo 000 The only county oOlcer voted for in New York lii the Presidential election of 1898 was a ceroner II was elected to fill a carson There will be no core mmcm elected this year Six crc to be voted for In- 1901four in time borough of Manhattan and two in time borough of The Bronx William J Kenaedywbo is clerk of the NInth Municipal Dietrtcl Commit sun offIce at ens lime haIti byflamas F Ghiroy afterward Mayorlsthe chosen candidate fur the August primarieu ol those Tam- many Hall Democrats In the Thirty fret district who are opposed to the continued Ieadetehlp of lasso A- llopper selected a year ago in OpresitiOn 50 Charles Welmie former Tirnamany Commissioner leaden and present Comnunisioner of Juror The chief political objectIon to Mr Weld was that alt the member of- btaimlnedlate and collateral faintly were candidates for public ofice usually appoinhive Mr Weldehav tug run on but one occasion when tie was defeated The leadership of Mm Hopper ha been uneailsfsctory- to many Tarnmnany halt men In time Thlrtyflrt and they favor the election of Mr Kennedy who wilt has the help of the Weld taoton and of Poole Coammi- sabner Meyer An ordInance ha been mibumitted to the Municipal Council which provides that on payment ol a 3011 tee the Mayor misT grant a license to any person to evil farm produce from railnoad car and from boat or In railroad statIons raIlroad patfortns and raIlroad yards and on wharla such license to be rod for on year but may be cnewed annually thereafter on the payment of 3110 No persons except auth as are Ueemwd are to tue permttted to sell tarin produce and any person violatist time proposed srnsndment shall be Sued for each oeenceOtim Timer La to be a State election in Aikanqas in Sep temnbem and the Ripublicans of tbt State have emend nated for the oBoe of Governor H I Iteunmet tb candIdate of four years ago Mr Pommel on thst OcCasion did not make what wommld be mulled in New York a good run the rnaorhiy against him tsing 20000 greater than life own vetO There are seventy five counties tn Ankansam anti of these Mr Renime- ldldnot carry one imisopponent having a mejomity in each of uc seenhyfive The Democrat and Popu- ltst make sparfte nominatioca In Arkansas Time Popumltsu vote four years ago was I 3000 The talk of throwing the election of th President into the house of Rpeesentattses through time failure of either McRinley or Bryan I receive a- unslorlir of the electoral vote as prescribed by the ContItutten Li absurd The number of Presidential Electors is 447 and an even division between the too candidates I therefore impcasibie There t O out- side candIdate yet nominated or proposed who ha the remotest chammee of securing a solitary electoral vote There is some polItIcal talk in the Second Assembly district Of the nomination of a ticket for the Tam- many Itsil primaries on August 28 made up of artist reeidnte of time Fourth and SIxth wsrd- It has been observed that despite the claim of lack of accommodations for New York cluy departznent there ore two Sacant rooms unused in lb Cilnuinal Court fluildlag- In the census of Washtntion city the rresent pnpu- latbon of which l I 15000 offlecholders are riot enu- macrated sepaustely WashIngton contInue to have a proportionately lauren negro population than army great city of the country Comnptrollr Cohn has approved the lease of rename 1004 and 1flfl on the tenth floor of premises 109 arid I I I Fifth aventu for a term of eleven months from lune I 1900 alan annual rentaiof 1300 for the Special Cominimsioner of Jurors This Is at the rat or 1 8t a square foot The Cltfcags Vai announce many recruit to the cause of prohibition In the Shenandoah Valley Time towns of Natural Itridge Lexington Buena Vista Glasgow Fane liii Umber Ridge Riverside Mimi vale flimitalo P ret and loshen have all voted tity- It says Itnckhrilge eounhy except one district is now under Prohlbiiion There are Ave United State Senators on time Re- pumbllcan National CommIttee ibIs year Wolcott 01- CoioTado Shoup of Idaho Mecomse of Maryland Scott of West Vlrtinia and PrItchard of North Caro- liii The FIrst Senatorial distrIct of New iotk is mad imp of Richmond and Smmffnmk countIes lilebmond Is- trdltbonaliy flemorratlo titmiTolk county uniformly Republican These two cmmntlei are scparsted fron- icachuthr by hing antiQuerns ard the watensof New York ltay nd 5 the election of two years ago SI havens time lcmiscratlc candIdate for Senator carrIed Iticlmmmumd by 2505 votes and Mr llurr the RepublIcan caniled Suffolk by 20cm on the total vote tim 1rmocratc plurulity was 401 ThIs year the liepumbliranl enter the flght wIth mue h beute- prostWmt of Success loan tee years imgo and a gaIn of lime IistticI to the Itcpmbiieaa eclumn Is committed on Tim futility of primary ronueste against eeltuliqhpmit- mnd reroenhged leaders on the Ismmany aide we- Iurovd in a numujoriti 1 thu uiltrlcts last year hit neertimeleae there crc mutremumly lndlratluneof like men Iciute in Canto of lime tlmirty llce dIstricts of Manhl tan timi year in time suniunreut lsrnmany tiftrtctq- hosicoer the First Sluth Tenth Foturlecath llght- eeoth and Twentlelh there Is easy sailing fur t present Tamnmary ilali lenders and no prospect of anti opposliimmti iii their utmimtlnimed control Time ltoI Tote cast at the primaries of Tammany last year sac 43485 In time tsmrommgh of Msinhttn an average of about I 200 voter a district A Schooner of Soda lYnter- fhe word echeener long apmIlem1 to than bIg tall glass iii wiulci beer In man imlac is sold Is now gIven is ginars for soda sualer as witness tiuls sigh seen on time tsr East 811 tnt which to the attraction ef a gremt gIs was added that of a small price A cold schooner of oda water 1 cent Regular Loves a woman SOlill cull thelil- Mens Bawing string ties 13 then 1111110 Strino ties that usintflv se voul1 iiever- tililik of se11in for ess titan 50 cents that 801110 houses we- of tillllk 75 cents little enough But the Iilllflilfactllrer wanted YOU lOUt care hat th- fliaflllfactllrer walIteti you waub- to kuow tOIltVS liCO 5 cents Now bright clean and good RoaEht PFr COMLANr 155 flrnsdway mar tVirre and 7 and II Warren St tea liroatiway con lnimice 128 itroadway cur 3I and 54 est 331 dl- J1iGTIY11 TUES ON IIUlfClt CI11itt4 The Strange tlnIc Floats Out From the Spircefflid St Sliehavi- CIIARrrsTny 8 C July 28An incident whIch was rmmttmer cmmrlomts to nacunbusra of time National Emlucatlmmumal tucmociatlon who were here thsi other in5 was time ragtime pmualo played on time chimes of St Michaels the ldest and iiiimitt mtristocrntima chmmrch In timla part of time roiurmtry Ttmo chminms rank hIgh Iii wIth host of lrlnlty hurcim In Neuc Vork- A few years ago the roaster hand at the key board was Prof leorge Wasimingion MoIeon- fladeden an honored negro whose years were ladmden died recently and his tinder study got tlm Even in the days of tadsilen the ragtime tUnes were Sunday didnt matter slid esomolmiuw the didnt kick lime fact i that St Michaels tots been item ass long timat nitmtlmiumg sm ennms uuronmg or when connected uvltim it in holidays smut state oeciisioniq tt city of pays mt soul ti tmavs time ehiunne fling and It o times timsit time ragtime Is plaued to a frazzle It tines sotilmil ratimer it hear tho citlnme cgginmg suiT tIme tune of 1 Guess Ill have unity and therm Imave it switch off tim Dii Mr Johmnson Turn lit Loose When atron Is deslreml time man at the keyboard gives a nub of lhu a tint in time Old Town TonIght wtmbom sines not nlways happen Id Ioave My home tou hits been and again on the chimes and just now the chtnme oman is telling the cituti- mmet 1 AInt hut Ni happy home to Everything fl5 sun lut ragtime off from the dome of SI Michaels The ehlnmenmnn has a wsaknese for The flanks of the Vatmash and sometimes time people llvln near the chuirch wish that he was on the hank for alt On hot dave when the Is event higher tham top notes of time chmimem thIs flentui In the makes one fl like droppIng iii the street when ho gIves th tune of Oim ilow iouhi Vomu Iiko to Do the Ice MmlnV 1ien Mr illiam Jennlngus was Charleston not long to tmiake a speech mind while every body wits talkIng tac chine ellmbed to lila titcit erchm and gave thenu Oh I Dont Know There Is a Icmen touch of humor In th whole btislness anti time city Is kept guessing H4XDS AVD FEE7T OF A G14Vr- A ills Ilarjlanii Negro Whose Foot Is Store Ihan Fourteen Inches Long Frptri the Baltimore Sut- mPilton Howard coloremi thought to be at least years old a wrltablu glaumt who hans isptat all hits lift In time woods never wore shoes or tockltmgs hits flevet buMfl sick and been In limillinnortu or imn otimer city before Is a at tim City jItolItnlh- iowumrd im wondcliopisr aumd to bef- rmnmi hlalttiuiors county Vimil Imttiiflg log a IT last than elmmein broke and tue log itll bach tot- imu rouumml ktmtckd lhmward down rolled over hhtmi mod broke iiis rghmt ing- ncar the cni lie watt brouihmt to the tel in a farun wagon May 24 by order of the pity sician as lmo attetmd llowarmi is jet black it feet ai inches tall and his weighs Over 250 pounds tile hands amid feet are of enorunnuma sIze Each foot measures a little over fturten iumcmee lii lenmth and ala Indies utmro4 iii usS Time solos are tInt and the great tQs are abotit four times time normuial mizu ccemrditag to lioworci noc- ammunt lie wru not imhiu carl In If 1mm get simeei large rmotmtiii to fit imit met so Im to simol rim skin is thiukmtnd so Imar- dntti b its to ruerumble lsimtimsr lie he has tmmimured tIme coldest weather and walked In tim snow uvithmnmmt dlseozumfort fmrclmt d ii oxtrmmuly low the haIr growing to within two emf his emu- yhrnvs A timkik growth of straight but ratimmr hlak wIth gray overt iii imuati ills face bears a gmowili black lmair of ie atot t ri A razor imn ru vr tomictuei huts skin and ri all hi life it lma iitml haul lmie hmmmmr ctmt Olin jima wits tnmuumv smmr mugo says his fiuther and niather were of orehittiur siru tiumel thInks thy at t htmucli lmu I unit quit 1 Mitre I riot to f civil tir lmr xml a ritmd holongod to alter Ford a farutmer tim Itnltitimore oiuit lie says he rermmtrnbrS tim war iemuiie it gave him dcmun 11 immis nuiwats livid in ti elm nIna nnod for whrsvur mrlcem mitut tIi wlntt han elects In a little cabin in the wccmci- aIn suuuualnr mates hIs bed of grass arid leaves upon the greturtel this trtse lie wa rnmtrrfrti A colored woman in time neigh- borhOOd cooks hI unmm- tlTo liv Menu ansi be let edotme hiss been has sole dslre Tlmm djuersims Cr ext ored reorls cut dnnmclnmr skewnlke and shemmit Ire nts umnkntmwrm to him it does nd know Inn tate of tobmicmo or lIquor lmavlng never iuee1 itlmer ThE WALDORF SHOE 50 As Good a Shoe as Can BeMade 2 The time Fuss passed for high price sSoe5 Our success time WALDORF SHOE 4 114 proved ihtl i Swe can be mmde umd sold il 250 thif gives as mitch in eves cwiy ls vthrs costing more We use jie Icst- 1csther hive fic ssmost I skilled cuorkrnen mnd fmctory equirvedlo nuke V Inc shoes it t rice Compare our ocs th others that cost more Every style iridkind tnd every ioc warranted iI I it I omIt out s I sitis- tIrt4m itr t lfl t 1327 Br airy ttrId 4 357 Emu fl 5 5I 2 Ito ed at er I uriuri rt t I I II- a tstitm O CC irosriommi 2255 Ttmtrut te Slattern rear blushing r- etetV t liuitt Phiiiiieiphmmu- taterimui N 1 erumcr Mum out Market sn iimmmfe 5uj 117 N Sib dl t ties ltochesuer Boston Pnotdence Italulnione Factory 58 Spelegeeld ass °

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-07-27 [p...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-07-27 [p 3] · definite lino all dIlcl4ltm desire strife and Mr Worth will any


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th ticket

rh r to TalkZIr1 of the

1 Club ot 7i7at

olmaker and shortlalk Ih drummers noon On

onr1hufdIY ZleRel to

hi Bpechl werea W

Inwe A Ioulu IMayer

F Nominated at PaenoaP-UIMON

Stiwart nominated thIn Fifth

the today h11-rpd tme In the or

on of Ih mOt In theson or the late

Phelps or thernvnton and

the speechot

nd after Mr

Jlh of

W A JOD Rnomlnae tsman A

from Firstby at

C hurl

lan la a nara-

lnry ller tt oldIn a the rear of theMowpd ronlohe atAnd Twntythlrd street

Thein down the malbn days who ntItodo lived with and two

at and avenuerear liehr boat to parties

O hllo In

ud Want to InI I ValfntnpJon John Idthrop of

aVe nltd In th army toIn valentine jolnd

I thtrantI

lOon h In the Solo

ldn vpr an to hfand not h

rend war0

I IInre old who hMO r lit end ot Inlr ka W on

train Smlhlown-Ir

I that hMwhom hail tnplpd-

arl hto n

rt tken her 2 Wt 11lh

rlrnlt r tPnndAbu G h to 6

of A-

1lan cl on R to wmnboat obardJ yt and haul tPIIthem

llc until AUIdecided tIpone the



hopsnUImperIaIsm IowI Will

Election EtCon-psi Williams

wlllttun azUWtd Stati oru1-

t Manila gatheredthe dufenots


Iral attacktowntho tlckt

the haivoters

ifl6 Vermont and New JerseyconMderattOn an InvItation to part

CMfllJXfl tF WIlltsuni saidnIght h had tlked with

rson1 th1

s tar to tnd the 1emo-

ciaU had created

makes me think flniiow-

Wed e alterelection Is good enough until

rhon wilt sight

ibe heard

In the coming my-

0vaUOO lWS flO th Dmocrattove utterlY cause any excitement

verY t have say ItI feet the Filipino believethat keep tzouble untU

smd if Bryan le elected they wilthim It Ia

Uclani and aza in positionsay so tai as the

the Ialndi is

there opposItion American Doveonten-

Uon I orgafltze FillIn


These have ten active the Ielnndsyear They are composed

arofrom forefathers They opposed tho

and thdid them

haul the American possession the


and or wasdid c what WM going on then andother r wa were well

thin M are now Duringhave had an to-

ed sinm Previousarmed only with bow and

and and Naturallynot-

able tu contend trooarid they oonttned themaiIv tothe farmers Inoung the unpr-teriad villagna Imrorsmant intheir simM naturally

lb andin the informed are becomingmoore enUiuaIatio their supportAmericanfree tue Institution tree clviitad the eatablishmeut

1the real Amertoan

the good citIzensthe Islands sie more

and more pleased with the chzmtO mlJtpthos

been taught actionsthe goes to Islands

I cannot themthat all In ten

erstion ii and will take someto become thA real character

the government which wp with gtv themrapidly however

this and the retho races already


John SlamaLso

like theMr Barretts the Is ex

to cartlcularly valuablespeakers

communItIes where


jABIi Tara

flat L Woodruffedt oampaign

Brooklyn lief Republicantile arrival

Europ the Majeetle 1edneadavunderstood on his returndeck will have an

with andtt his to

avenue plans will be ouUlnedthorough aggressive campaIgn ever

Soodrutf Isthese will

named as advlaoryap-

pointed will he unanImousjoint commltto

cowould smooth over

n there Is tuMichael ttiim-tatgn

During hIs brief stay h cityVnodruff

cfforts reinstate Jacob as amImportant In organb

any opInIonapproved

Padre hostIlitytight lila life

Ccnmrresa nomination Fifthdistrict Is his chiefsupporters are conferonco with

llach determinedefinite lino all dIlcl4ltm

desire strife and MrWorth will any clrcumsiancei heparty any erheme tend


to the DrummersPrehIcnt Commerclitl Travel

Mf1tniey nod flnoevelt liroad-vey arrnmncd the noondaymettlng yw-

lerdy tlitt Abraham iruber Oeorg Vanlhnmna4 Evans would make

thIs MondayTiutlov Vnodruff will speak

Mr Senatorstar attraction

made yslerday to bigHertn Ray Steele

James stewartJuly

fleming was as candIdateSt the Republicans fnrCongrrsss the dl4-

trict at onaventlon Mr Stewartterms house

diftrjtWilliam Wailer was

Senator William Johnsonmed nomInating

tOflfrwman R larksr Newark wasmade speech Stewart

Dade hI acceptance-

S CongrsnmaRICHMONp Va July 2t

Jonea Democrat time Virginia dietrlet wee acclamation Fred


Himselfyear Bheepshead flay

loan by hans Ernnions ayeCite East liroolelynearly stir

who lit the said thathid three Millerlimp tit wifeChtldrTenty nun iicciintmlatsd consIderablemonA ftirnIhln flatilnitA fw years am

IMC5 Clnsf-lLtMoar J0l7 2tlerbert

Solomon andnavy hopIng

0 China thiEthth the Fifteenth Itfantry enlistedfound married antir a will he untIlthe antic0 connt cf hIM guerdian andhis WI her vain mon her have theever Joining the eervtc-

etsnirtng Annie iIntrs CugbtAnnie Vintcrs been

reamtn Islandf twi caughtLong liland railroad miser

sheany ot tht iltuei sbOofl w3niet ire p chargos ti butte lit 27IbM


intended takoit limeD aol children the Twentyfirst

froohe three bIg




to to Oroolln and Clutoto Command

In un

loll Chief Johnwho hM had hale ot the

In the of Deputy Chieflayton who hall n at

In the uf toClilef 1

In not Itfor the sera

for ot-

MacKIlnr Clayton and ut theirwho

plon ot

W the of the Brooklynwhen

the of tIme New Yorkcharter he a deputy but until

or mouthago hoof the rWs wit Deputy

whofrom an IIuptor by

The of toItt

wu put In oJIn Iepartmntfor the n new

elclent and 1llII old notkind to at

elburban Mao laInto effect not d t-

otIn woret

and Is not toIn their relllon Ihit I

hM ben 4nK the rank and

of the and he be warmly wet

come of laorhis arrival at the

and by no oneTeIt Intention of time

ore long to rrO1 the and imotby but

hM to gIvehowever when thearid bondthat

I h a to wththe rormr

aptthe d

to rill the an 0of

on the hes1laneze tthenow the


that MOWIsland The Sundayto

Cap aof and the flow

o andIn held frIn moa


on a CIO f

NEWsteamship Olbla which over

ofout on the In ot the

mMe Inthe who appThe In

more than ano

at Sew OrleansThe Ue extof this

to n e ofthem homehere In ot our

or for of thewho and tand moretim Lw She brought the Itri

anot and motof which time vessel aanchor In the middle of theto the Under

to Newfrom R

LUTER DnORC tITPatters Strnd nn Rub AftMrt

For more a month aNewark to

P of that aDeputyIn te-

l la tap hehome In In a Istrpacket Md Into

D puty let It WhoLlster observed that wuthe hn

Ili tothuu to the

n leer ot Youmy

told him he hIsduty the rIOP about S6 In

overWM head ot the

Works wife hadsuIt rr ofotiul npgl but for

the suIt


Went on to SeeFather and Landed la Limbo

W who under InConn for the ot

two of a left by theIrmother who tild In been employed

forhis chi

dren In

lllc Conn Whenror his he Is to

the money to them by theirand to t where he re

that hn has made anA to and that lila

Iamnro In the State of WM n fewdaM he went to Norwich Into lerratuhlc to on

said to bethe sent by

nleo Is that hrhim now JaiIn or bal whenher Brooklyn nlcbt refused

to discus to buttier that ho would


t IRMOIOOTFR VICIFireman Dir fleing Thrown

From us by a fleanstootera member of Com-

pany IU In Uadde street Islanddied In St John there yesterdaythe ot exercIsingthe Alarm of fw In

Island It Is

tim Emmettone horse the other on

nt thua The

horse Emmett WM tiethe th bock of the other

horse roadway andstepped him

Injuries fime1 nhn rode to

to titan at frtboy time

Identity hnEmmct WM 3t and nt

2tJamts Irook15 of

thu near the ot J-

IIlltnl lroks wihhail d to

stood on theirrabbit ran out of the huh Irookn In n-

tllltnl to roleand entire load ot

Inck tutu 11 ruehis Itend

lhrollorl Cochran

nnd Church

Wllamhunr which ubmltd-tf litter In IudI flty lur has

In r to nnRno uf thechurch mmcmi over Involved

a complete or Mrfrom the of


ItacKella iletara

accordance with order teeued by theBoard yesterday Deputy

forceborou4h Queens

EiIit T headquartersborough as assistant

leptity II will huft placesthis ninroltig These transfers unlike othersrecently outdo Brooklyn were is un-

derstonul ttlafltied ilium ioodvico but thu tureiit accommodation

and mutualIto been a stead

feat lleiuubllcan all through his careereztendinm over period years

a Superintendent I-

piU titipmit conaolldutlon was effectedfly operatIon tireat

became chiefflve six wes left In charge

Chief Mclioughttn hadthe clew

as histransfer MauKellar lad of

it headquarters hIs place whenMcLaughlin a ROOd

Kellar-was most part stranger to histerritory That management however

all aroupdtak

his comparatively soft Job Readquarters and baa to return to

old bailiwicknaturally his owp old fleid

tines toeaT waaccomplishment MacKeUAt and

bartogether when tIle La

command there bq any ehangnow are re-

versedalways fvortte with

hi fellow officoraIlls force will

the wilds formerott Smith street

headquarters today moreDeputy have

beemi rumors that Is the latterretire depatznent

hIs health osreshe refused any 00170b0atlon-mears ago scentedrai reniote apparently lila reach

declared hissatiallod wee Ir position retire

rank Brooklyn

Dennis the new commanderat laiaud itt causing much jaMsarmong resort W4 ml-

atlon place cuj Its onailfeatures Since took charge theprecinct Tuesday have

appears have beex andimmoral hlbitioni were

tven are scene more mild perrorinanoes It said Ia due to warnlag given Driacoll to the barkers aridproprietors give cleanget lw

the will have to be livedto night Driacoll closed number

fake shows avueunder tia dlrotlon disorder

were gathered and examnation court


The Steamship Olbia at New Orls WillOat haIls

OnLxtwa ownere of thebrought the last

cargo Italtati Immigrants to New Orleansare veunttiru conquenoerigid examination here order to detect

contract laborers wire to-

be among the immigrantsmiditreatu week while the Iremigrants were being examined as there Isgovernment tat1on where theycan be landed shiphas to

supporting the Italians duringof carrying

free because were broughtto

200 each three Immigrantslumped overboard120W than

allows besidesmigrants which could

bu landed tho examinationwhile we lyIng

torrid sun tho cIrcumstanceItalian Immigration Orleans seems far

profitable business


Vpou aMonths

than Sheriffs o1or Inhas been trying serve papers upon

Robert Ilster city in divorce suitbrought by Emma K Ilster SheriffThompson succeeded yesterday placing

1isters as was leavingfilth street carriage

picked the threw thethe Sheriff lie

Thompsonaway withoUt touching ordered

return and called Thompsondocuments Therm-

ho stUd with Intense satLsfa tlonhayt served them upon coachman not

meThompson that understood

that was legal RobertIs recently

hurited something hisfattier thecultural ChemIcal Ills brought

dlrorce chargesthey became reconciled

awhIle Then was begun

0 IV

flome a Telegram Ills Sick

Eugene Logan Ia arrmt Nor-

wich alleged swIndling hisnIeces out 81tOO legacy

1574 has as-

a clerk by kjrntific American fifteenyears lie lives with wife and three

at 1453 Fulton streetLoganIIednt apolnted-gitardion said have taken

bequeathed mothercattle sInce

tutU el It Is alleged nevercoimntin his nIece first

Connecticutag when recone

a t sumnnmons conic and seehis awed rallier who was seriouslyIll ktt mseign was one

It purpose wasarrested lie La atorw-

ich detatmit 13000 illt4Cefl itt

causes which led his arrestconfidence come

out all

Emmett After11cr Struck

MIchael Emmett EngineLong City

hospital asresult injuries receIved whIleengine horses fire beln

Long City neeesary to exercisehorses thoroughly every day was

Sun-day meriting wlteim it It shot horses

beanshoriter missIle struck thetrailing horse

Jerking Itroman fromfell Into lii the

un breakIng several ribsand inllIctit1 Internal flrenr-Ca rescued comrnI boardingtrolley car the hospital

hut moore critic was sup-posed Tim witi

not buconmu knownout lived 234

street 141mg Island City

tiny hunter Accidentally Kllid-

JtutlsrowN N V Ptil

yiiLrs imesu sn instant 3

afternoon In woods viling

1attlauqtta 00111 sin

ieiii liii ntinleaning guns a

hIS glut dimt

tile weapon time

buckshot the neiriy tearingmutT


rbe rolongNi lItigatIon between Theodorenclurnu the Methodist Iroteatant

sf wits ttnlus haze

time mevor of Mr CochranJtidgu Thewas

Was The upstint is vindIcation Cochran





and Cimpan Get

Pak Down to SeeCrokn I Ur at

Danforth Doom Doom AnewThe J Stone of

ono ot thea at Beachlie and endAt theKansas City ho nt the lotlast liea man Exov Stone that he

a front K

of thewould In New YorkThe J

who doubt 1 beot Cum the


Canna Jonf hu not

last that he did not knowto appoint

Mr Stone know the

cat base an end of

lad hoA I York

ut onTOt t York It thunt

t Jof for that

ot whichthe ltThe

on the for Aot who It sfor Europe Qn

ted at IMid then that Mr tothecmxi It that In Rw-

r ItI Extiny thnt tM

that he notIt on unt time

cPa under warot the

of New Yorkr at

t Mr when

to a and for the DemoI do not In my

that WM not 1 nereof I no for


U ad Ion ot

and It II JUtMrand

the of Thenot out loud

about Sew Yorkmost

ofough at

In Jaf Itot

II up In


i July 28The uoubland

over the by Hutonby the village hu

did thewent New York on

a ot He

ltd a suIt WM

with ona

of the fora of

Mddink tlllt the

of the eveningBrewer of

WI him that he hadword In com

n him In York a few dayspatti latdid not matta for

men a scowto Mr ml


One of Sneral TIm aPotato Fail

Ford otRoad In the Brown

of round menat 0 last Pro

url a loaded witthe farmer went Intont men of

The tour lot away mM-IMld that WM Joseph Rosenthal ot Uvonavenue and stetRosenthal 1 to St IRrpUl In the found

wounds In his ForHe stUd for

frombn the

awac with tho aworth of

CORPORL USS JUm DSAORFSaid to Have Nice for

None forover twentyfour the

to Inshorth noon that bad ben un

able to upon verdict In the ofCorporal SM or the Unitemurd

3U Iar latthethem that

of thlimit nine men were for three

in the onn IkentMt tour and four

for nmanslatightor In deano SIbe tried again

ILFDa and

a WorkmanN Y ot the

Itt tiding thechurch of JabDoern ot Sew a

man yesterday morning Onfor and a number of

a John awho Jived on Tremont avenue Now

York to the fourothers they hint badly Then

Into the and hodrowned Time body wunoon notwhich of the workmen the andthere ben ne leaf n

IT LOKlmA Pumped Up Prom an

at theN Y for an

nt time

the today up time sandtat The

I down feet nowold rock of the

M It WM brought to

To Uom a Oran of the C

I ot-t h clmiuf promoters or

llnr in now In of onnlructhat road wln

Icln of llicmand Chino traflle be nwrut nw

n shorter thethan the

ulorlMethodist Congregation to Vn a Tnt

CLFF I Iof the Church erected

tnt on In front or time

hold und r alwm

nwnelaln andN Y July

of If Forest avenuedown the stairs at his summer el

un take this antiwhen




Jones Will Her TodayCampbell Goes Mr

Marphy OneetElberon

lion William oxGovernorMissouri arid liryan chIeftains bed

line time yswterday Manhattanhad been broIled stewed

Democratic National Convention InWham reappeared

maim hlouwm night looked andnew said had

receIved telegram ChaIrman JainemJonous Democratlo National Committeesaying that Jones arrivecity this morning lion Daniel Caznpnu-

of bftohlgsn without to chair-man the Executive NatIonalCommittee Ls also the floffaaanhouse today yetappointed his EzOovStone said night whenChtrrnn Jones was this committeeand neither did if Demo

were to Eastern theirheadquarters Mv Stone that

favored having headquarterscity Just 180u3

nationalthis New was are

James President thborough Manhattan and ak hxp

iO Cot Coo arm

promtsedeevwreiweeks before KansasConventionre 10 lookout Senator tIlletu

Clark u1ontaiia was announcedto sail Saturday Snator lrk

was Kansas ity wasClark was to

Demooratlo rintlonimi campaign mad Itemwas ascertained

Clark gave the onlynot

opened yet anI dd belIevermeceseary to events


Democratic State Committeelull

yesterday and returned to the houseCampbell wee asked th-

pemqcratlc State Committee was to be calIcotogetbr flx time place

State ConvenUonknow talk itn Mr fill

mo4ay subject Introducedii pLnty there necessity

tom9f the Democrats tms-

Democratlo tat Convention be heldsomewhere along about Sept possIbleat Salatoa-

ExcIov Stone said that this visit Chir-rusn Jones others possible tiustthere talks with IsjjMr Murphy other Easterntr fo yesterday where

he is guestDemocrats are talking thee daysespecially State

promInent candidate for O svernor Is-

Semator S liuffaloDemocratic State Headquarters

yesterday tie Stthat Elliot Norwich tme

county now looming greatfashion

Peace Made 1 Tarrytown Council theLemonade Wa Passed ArondT-

AunTTOWc be-

tween irealdent hlirdsall Trustee floatedaccusation the former that

had accepted a commissiongravel been aetled withoutbloodshed Lemonade tilok MrRusted to Tuesday morningand secured letter ytadloation then

for slander and Mr Birdeallpapers Tuesday night The

President Immediately called special meetingtrustees Wednesday night Presl

dent Jtlrdeall supplylemonade the trustees whIle

amid soothingbusiness

President Metropolitan travelCompanY Mr sum

to admitiiswi the comnmtosion histenth wIth New before

Mr lirewerregard the discussion

as It pay engagingfour to unload Mr apolo-gired hIuts4 apology was no

Peace again ret gas Tarrytown

flea Wounded i-

BrownsvIlleDennis an elderly New Lots

and Rockawau avenuevile section Brookln flvtm robbinghis potato rairh oclock night

doublebarrelled shotgunslugs his field

drod time One there fell woundedother The wounded

heOsborne RrownvIhle

ItoThere doctors

ugly legs was ar-rested Lees thatseveral weeks thieves htrownavill-umd robbing neighboring farnie andhad earrioct wagon eeceral hundred dollars vegetables

stood Acquittal andMurder

After beIng out hoursjury reported Judge Foeter General Sts-

slon after itagree a

Seventh Statescharged wIth Vol-

fat Last Eleventh street ott itAfter thanking jurors Judge Fostercharged It was the last ballot

taken yesterday mornhttif itidtcmmtsiand for

cecond deers LateWednesday night ballot Was which in-

dicated urerothe second



Workmen cc New Church let DrunkIIIl Fellow

GABIIISONS July 211Four fortyworkmen engaged ut new Preaby-terlan here tinder the contraot

Rochelle killed fellownIght

Iosizm y inertthem went hutton stone-mason

city disbeat they

threw his body werecovered tale at tar

he local have yet learnedwere murtlerers

have arrests huttonfamIly


Substance ArtesianWell Bath Soldier Item

PATH July 26While drillingartesian well State Soldiers home tier

driliers with aglistening like golddrill 230 is going through

he Inmates carriedthe gold fast us

the surface

H ft-

lpIANsIoLIs July 2IF Patrick onethe CincInnati Richmond

amid Railroad coursetier today thewill titus Chicaco branch tim

1111 I stud I All t hum

will carried ccci limut

line Mr latrlck said will giveroute betwooti twit

PISCes Indianapolis branch now

SEA lmmly iLThe congregationMethodist have

it big the ground edificeminud will services cnrmvtu4 as lengtim weather lasts The tent will 5rutperson

Ill Stoke ill Neeie-

lAttIMTOwN iaJohn Swansonit years age thIs city fell

cottage atscum hnmmtamiqima

broke his neck lie was dead found



DBAULTFRFormer Carr Said

to Stolen 4OOOO

Sr a

Unit ser SeriQ

cut Inot

named Crr Orat no-L not know saId no

ot for moreon Central Ver-

mont have forsomne cueto his

got of his bythat ito a

In who callusHatch CArr wrote alsoof for tlllto n Point un

hr nnkl tim ofto The

tnke Into toY at nfight In which a a to bus

on and time womanup In arrival of


Demands Prpred at ShopPlea of Pants Baker

The Unionday that had held shop

and Prepared forwhich In

It saidhold shop nut week

union thathe the would have to

The knee who nowaa that the

their beet to Into aetrike the manufaoturerswant trlkp the workmen but the con

who want increase In irornthe are doimmg their wakeR In Ih next two

wont thefor

dont trust oneor the end

out theirto let to declare a

strikeThe maker union

on forprinted in

to IlK areIntru how to become

bn for Improve theirthe

ttar had

Delaware and on Strtkeand

of the Delaware and

mID In are on strikemit Macvine Von Storoim UReltand went out

WM no trouble a time

however theBen morning

to work but andto handle loaded of

wont WJtrmyn rchbald the

totOe to tale up their for

Woldnt Stand by theComm July

J101 ot time or theThread Company plat who went on

two toletthe International Tlllle Union totimem the bonnMot of the trlkr tednow men woo at work

installation of Voice

Jnmour of thewhen unions new officers

wet ut Brevoort In

made thatof officers wore A

of thethat they had

voted t time

Tar o

Varnishersa ot IIlrlkCl for the enforcement of unionconditions The first strike began

the shop ol Contractor Schroeder In VestStreet and another wal ordered

against Contractor Zimmer or East TwenUothsUet

Silk Weaver Wont Work a WoroaSeventy weavers left their looms at the Car

Company at lakenw N J ysaterbecause Supt Dawson Mary Dunohue

at work ml1 object to U girl weaver andwhen the firm tu dlStharle her time

weavers struck

Negro Acnd of Assault of InjuriesReceived apIDrtd-

COJtNBtA S C July Clinch thenegro uccuoed of attempted assault who

was wounded when captured the pool

tentlnry where tie had bn taken withJohn to prevent lynching BeforedyIng ClInch he and John Livingston nttempted to rob houlln of the keeper ot theNRllonal Cemetery sit Florence They were re-8lntd the keepers unullhtr who thestroneest woman ever WI8 aboutto ovort1Jmell1nch whelm lie called Itvinstonto aid AlrUOK girl downwith a tiec Ir Iron and the men Tlaero-

1M no nUlllpt to asmammit her

ld ramp From a Sound SteamerMass 6The body ot an

tmnldentilled man was round floating the har-

bor police think It may be 1-

slllcld from the Fmtli IUer Line boat Timers

was nothlllir on time imiati by he couldclordlni to Ihp rneuioal xamluer

both could tot have been In watermore titan twnttflur hours The thator n titan about sandy

hair blue dressed In blackdJrUlO1l1i1 wurt1 ult lb cutshort over IhlIll hut down ocrtiers of tmiotmth

City llrookln l1omopatbieof toot In Mayors

office and voted to the propot the 1I000J1ltalln Brooklyn

and lJsuml the dmubte or amountInc to about actwinter h the Legislature them ea now takes

of time and conduct ItAll Ii institution

Hanged hneU la Use BarWrrluusTU COlin July John G-

Keliwill aged a wUknown renldllnt of thiscommitted morning hanghrslf with rope In her barn She

found by imer She harithe death or hr huobmd 010-

0currd In ISY1

Store Long Island GameEAST ROCKAWiv L I July 28The owners

of 600 or farm land In and about thisand imave cornblrmed and R

preserve ver onprecautions will lit tskon to

mrotect It nllllnlll Pot andgunners


M Merrill who had been IdPrltJOfd withthis Itflfd In Sew York sInes hllwas ir old died on

Imoutme 2 JtTfOon avenue Brooklyn InFlltIt lIrul fur lie a

rllr11t1 for t ulhh and Iltllrl-rllr IItl1hl Co and hailthe ttImtntin tllllp lie the

Sw Irk In time lullWar nn n unmmlnr mit Latmiyttie

II a dinner ttmettiletr orIITfMJkllI tniot leaguu Itub

antinhatl who IIIId on It

hi rptaltml 212 Wt trtafter n long WItS horn 43 nrIn France anti cattle to till cuuntr

ten lie n restaurantnt 31 itt jiromuiwn wimiciu hetmuno ofthe mot nllrll tiimwntemwua

lit also kept to rtullrallt In nand In liii here Itotmrtgtrially had n rtnanllt at dAnnynear anti buried there

Itenry 0 lIIstTelI Ort Governor of theStale or NeVRd died yisterdmmy At his horn

CIII horn ntwent in lie and

brother putt UJ second and silver nUllerected In adl

Ellza It DownIng widow or UlltuC died at the home o-fhr soninlmiwjohn nlllr hillIt N JShe was 74 old and haul not bentor om IOn and three daughtersurvlve bar


Government Omcil Namedhay

Aumats Vt July 251I E IIydeStates ofliclal Secretand Woman

girl succeeded today arrestingassistant disbursing oMoer the

thuologleni Survey whoseCurt is to

faulter 40000 andtitan two weeks the th

ltailromid been watchedwiiertutmoutmm

nit oflicers trace whereaboutslearning was withwoman imereltMrs 10 tier islimg time

name hatch andet at ltouses Monday

hutch sprainedmeeting was Burlingtonwonmaim was arrested at Essuux Currwas after

billy had usedhead CarT arc locke

the Uniteofliocra from WashIngton


Being Eetigthe

Cloakmakora announced yestee5300 cloakmakers

meetings this week demandsnext season begins August FIve

thousand more oloakrnskers was willmeeting and 2000more In

Brooklyn would take action afterward LouisLevy the Secretary said as far as

could seestrike

rnkers are prodemands sr

doing force generalagainstto say

an pricesmanufacturers to

univoldmmble weekTime contractor ask manufuot-

Urere an advance imsmelves because theyanother ssid Louis 14

sky secretary union yesterdaythey are cutting priceseimpoyees us general

pants whces membersare strike a new wage schedule issuedclroulara esterdoy and Yid-dIsh who all Polish J055

them citizens or theUnited State

it will easier them tocorditiomme if become citizentary explained Ho said that fifty con-tractors so yielded to the

Hudson Men

SCBANroy Ia July 26The runnersdrivers fludeon Companys

here and Olyphanttime

Creek Dickson taints this morn-Ing There breakers

cent minedbeing this Thm timbersall theY their laborersrefuse tarethe strikers Carbondale

Plymouth and Wilkesget at

places fight increased

Enton StrIkersWiuIMANTIO 36Thu sixty em

finishing department

hero weeks ago were unable

nod declared offbeen

with will contain

Stormy the PaintenThe faotion Amalgamated

Painters Union thinstalled hail East Fifty

street chargessome tIme new not citlansfiat light was prevented by all candi-dates bringine proofs

i last election

ProgressIve StrikeTheIrogresmtdvc Union has tartedseries



dial Silk




diest intoday



tuy wassaw She

tile the

lieFat Rtuytt uly

today lhe local

uvhtch be-

ldentlfioitime the

body Is40 yells old inumsisci-

medarkbrown Isyosmustache

extents by thehis

Takes flospIta-

lltie hoard Fetimatc theyesterday accept

ertrthe institution

tuOtss Underarm passed last

possession will


city suicide thIswas

tien despond-ent sinsu

One Preserve

acres placehlewloits formed

game lame i



dry tmttsIneP4S

years ednesmimuy at-

liiihis was

Millstrrtmld A crosmsj

l2a served In 8ev-onlyfirst Volunteers

was huet-t A IL wa the

hiss leaves a-

uItIs ftcir iImlIlrim-Aifroul Iuieday

illtmeeIwo rmimunit

years tog tuttablisimedminim


will ielu-

mtakimuitti tie usasest IRS2 his

the gold







San tile CondItion Are All ThatCould but n Beaus to Make anallng FilM ot It the SameHell CornsUp From ElbroD Every Weekday

Senator latClIJI A I1anna Chairman of theRotlubllclln National Committee arrived In

Elbouron S J lie Wl J1Comby hIs family and he expects to rpmRln

at oJb ron rt ot the slummer lie tmmma

Ule cottage of Franklin Murphy whowith tula faintly ill now In Europe sttcimdlng tohis duties II one ot the Unllld States

to the ParlKSenator IIllnna Irffllnce In the East Rt thlll

time Is due to his desire to get thi rampalRnunder to rome to New

York today to attend the rneetlumg of the Jo-xfCutive ot the Republican NationalCommittee Md begIn the formulAtion ot plansfor spirited canvass The Senator will

to town every day returning to ElberonDurlllil the campaign four earll ego

imo lu Nw fork all the time day amid

tuight Md his health suffered In consequenceear hfl to do am much

but he thinks that the the seashorewill be so that ho bewell and able to stand up under time strain or the

Elberon La a undemonstrative placeIt Is lena to any

particular tzitomr t In anything and sohenna his r ate twelve In thepartYmanaged to Into their new tempor

excitementstraight Cleveland

n specIal oar over the Pennsylvania arrivingat 7 In theIn readiness at the Murphy andstepped right Senator

the politicians leaving him aloneThe expect to It good at him In townfrom now on rhmemmunattemn Iihim sauce and was not a favorableone for Still

leader did not seem out or aorta lie toldIi thllt he expected to buckle rightdown to hard work

prospects for are all thatcould but Ill work Just M hardThAt kInd of a light I maku The scottnaermt ot the pole is with us and I coming t-Ul more Commoncounts and people see plainly what theAdmlnMration don look back

tltrm four n of ImmaterIaltune That la the paramountcorollary wont fig lire

of MY IIUqh thing se111 at this time Is

J1 and common sense of thewill milk this to the

hut I dont to talk about the issues of theIm h for work not talk I

0 New York In Rt oclockanti start right In to let the routine cut-out

will dart theBranch Show and Ilantatonteht thlll would III Senatorwho Is RloIard Croker IIthere with hit willdrive up Normandl Senator 11111 declinesto publIc the result ot the conference withElliot DantClrth arid Frank Campbell todAYThe two latterThey did not on Senator and

Senator he knew nothIngof their movements Uide rom what he read Inthe evening paper


hans lIaabbed Borough ComeStraight Manhatias

Maria Mfttthewfl alias Lyons WM yesterdayjudicially from Brooklyn of which

It III said by polIce sho has beenthe wlckedClt and moat dangerousher advent there a couple of years ala

hll robbed a score ot men at leastmanaged to evade prosecutionthrough the or her to eOllpe

el Her mOAt notablethe or a Park Slope millionaire ot his

and Jewelry mont and nltlmowrii his name In the heto complaint agaInstwormul and had to De tothe chagrin ot the police who thought halthr cornered Rt

After keeping under cover for weeksthe woman tftIumed her nefarious occupationand op Wdnrllly night she arrested on a

ot vagrancy WhenIn the Adams court yesterdayJ3ristow her on cbs leave

within twenlytour hours OtherwiseIs to be arr on Onat once crossed to Manhattan bySergeant OBrleD


War Department a Dose Likela tb

WAft tfOTOf fl C July thepast week the Ordnance Department placed Morder with Sons Mailin Companyot England for twelve mountAin guns for servlleIn ChIna IIhould developments tim that countryrequire that more artillery ahould be sentthere TimEs bo thl 76mm gun which did suchexcellent service In the Philippine Islands1n1 tall nnri winter untliur the direction ot CRPt

W Van or the SeventhUnited States Artllllry

TIme gun while primarily Intended to beon backs of pak RnIDJaJI Is

provided with A paIr ot shafts that lit intosockets on the end of thsi trail and may Inwar be drawn for shoft over

smooth roads hut for mlfohetand mountainous countries time partsot the are on mule makingIn all tour loads M follow

I Gun wllhZ CrAdle Is CAn lit piece with thehuller8 flail complete with elevator4 AIle tool

animal able to carry twelve rotunds otAmmunition that time number ot additionalnmules required for a ruin depend umpon theamount ot tunununitlon taken The average

of each pack Including samidje andequipment 14 iso pounds

Unlike the present field gun or the Unitedfixed ammunition Itt

a trimmed cartridge time projectile InlmUnr to tIo used withsmall arms UIII ot eoumrso larger In proortIomThis enables time guilt to be fired much thereTIIllldly tlUUl where Andare tmorried separate ruts gun befired as iIiUen to shots In Buninute lIlted ulTelIt prnrtlclllly luring firing

tetieen In hl orlions In thu felazimi of with this gunthat hll sent to or a nof time Joort l1th Voituntoor nnJround In a AMo from Filipino Intrenchmonte ualtlon the rearot the line of United States troops nM ollnodflrs on tTnIIII over the ofour muon Time range was shout roe erule amidthe lire WIII umreumrntn Ton rounds In nilwr to Urn or lime enemyand to tIm from time trommehe IIn thatwhen time irmfantry atlvnnrPdIn trench F wereround by tIn shrapnel burt overtime trench

In report of CApt Deusen a stagremark is made In regard to thin ama

munition mused orVeuitmnteer Infantry In a report to timeWRr ot the of theammunition with guns he Is

thRt If better cannotIt woumlul hi well to snve triune

nrtntlon luy not inert ot this MmeVlln nUJOfIll In speakIng or tie

Maxim nnun1lnilion M that perfectIn there no reel

rotund plploI1 nsor the

In regard to transportation report stafethat Illln were to go troopswherever animals could follow

3lnch guns to the remit withtill wagons

gun IInloubl 1IT rflI1nl thedpllopmlnt In n weapon or sortis tl RTtlrOl1i

anti time Umulti mireto


WIUr Ii years old altonre lour Pot to lime leumentermt bouts

111 strcet stiru iitrdby Maglsttate Mull In the

Yorkulite police Olurt lrolc1TTime Colin of Special SessIons mOlrd up

Ir hoer ol CrlnllIalll1urtn10 General tttssliunt ilL simile ui rrn-MIY ar made then bt work immus teenimnlsbed In rutlrl room the Irllllestrict lii I Jlln IIn rrnn

trlln In whIte time pollet rom Is

It Caldll11 hu obtalturmi a sepiratlon01 unit saIumt ThonlAlt

J laldarll for years hulor lilt bankluug minim cut

mann tI gels custody of theIr 1 itJ3 leitifled rrr hltt mOlhn In time

rAe but Cld1 iIM permissIon see the boytime to pay a






Conmnml-sslonera Exposition

work way lie expects


a comae-

up over-night


This just workby


where considered

fIgf om


house thel mamasa




This suousc we


mens eermss

theyprosperity be

us timeisetmes

thorimperIalism thIs




helint said

he tend Murphy

his vititor wlmilo


roker said


Matthews theto

banishedborough tbe

woman sinceA-

lthough sheshe ha

achievement was


refused press the the


a few



shesite followedDetective


The OrdersfloeVed PhilIppines


the VIcker k

George Dmuscn

tranepcrteml time

thisdietanee corn



mncbantamwhich one mcccii

wheis and hcaetOne is



States thu gun usescase

is uihIrapidly us twenty

remainsan report opre

sayswee the assistanceInfantry

time battalion deployedyards nearest

lIe took

the firing

verytslinumc time

drivethey were empty

time tipper live dseI

this Vanrestive

Col how therecent

Immruilulied themusing saysbit


wasbeIng mIsfit

nvr by spttIne mice


aek thinservice were cent

This hlbnstthIs wimich

ie tntett Ircumu-umstnntei where grermtsst

Item Oerlnui-

OIT1OS 1owIn-

umlvm was accused of-

ectullug homes creteat 2 taI StoefltYttCrltlh sle

steraytim the Catholic

the flrst timeiant tesierday


enuirt witchwill I cumin painued-

Fntule roamJustice time i4uiprrmc

tuhut teen bolekeer rims

time senham rears old she

to at-eertln Illweek





The pollllal emblem Soclaitti party laState heretofore lisa been the earn of a man holdinga hammer Tbere ate two SocIalist parllteand to comply with this condition thote areto be two Socialist nblthe arm of a manholding and tbe IIt11I of a man bodlnr atenth

The loa Prohlblllont1a ban nominated alibior their ticket ton Secrelaty of State So O-

1lIbburyfol Eagle drove Their dttrlrlthe arid ticket are chOsen from

of Cherokee New


of the thIs

this yearchanted


teedcirclet on

LSVoolley Metcalfhe tmmwnq Sharon Staining SunWUlon flelwein Attica anti Amelia

The Stales which sire to tumid prelIminary Stateelettonq this peer in advance of the November rontest are Alebama in August and Arkansas MaIne and

emmont inllepteinher fleorgisholdsltslltsteetectbonfor Onserno and State oficens on time first Sedneday-In October Thnelmmmoconsuituuienal prollofl makinga unlfozm elecibomi dumy for Prealdetimial candidatesThe selection of time luesday alter the hat Monday In

November has teen made for emmnuenleacta

Time chairman of the UnIted States Senate CornmiLlet on Peniion in the iiflyiialh Congress Is a-


There will tme an election for Governor of Maine in-

Septeinbem and the Democrat of that State have putup the same candidate as they bad In the election of-

twuyears agoand who was defeated by 28000 ama

jomity losing every one of time sixteen countieS intowhich Stain is divided Democratic candidates In

the Stale of Stains are nomInated to be voted for notit be elected In the last Senat at Augusta everymember was a Republican

Two Republican factional muteite ate thratened-at the August prImaries in the Fourth and Twentyseventh tasembly districts respectively In theiountlm acute of the IMaIne Climb am arrayed agatumat

the present leader P J OIlmlen stud In the Twentyseventh Mr John Sabine Srxith the legal amliaer ofmInorIty rontralants and one of the authors of lime

present Primary Election law dll again endeavor ii-

is laid Iu be chumsen iii oppoItlin to James V lrrrytime presnt Repumbikan irder In ISIS the vote wasPerry 754opposllion 407-

Rhodelaland liens of the orlrtnumi State whichha been little roneidereml In time choice of lrealdential-or VIcePrestdentlai candidates arid the assertion ismade that ilenzy Ii Metcalf ProhIbition candIdatefor Vicslreeldent ii the Oral Rhode island ruin tohave been a candidate on the national ticket of anyparty in a PresIdential contest He lIves In ProsIdenme

The lacivese In the pay of eteetion oftloers made by

the last LegialaAime raised the Inspectors train 30 to411 time poll clerks 10 to I I and time ballot clerk5 to 18 The poll and ballot clerks serve one dayl

the hnspectors erse five days

The FIre Department appropriation for theflorotith of Brooklyn bl year is S20t4 000 oronly 700000 less than New York Including thetwo boroumchisof itanimmutimarm and the Bronx Firsloasesta Manhattan and the lironi tast year were

7500OOt ha llroolelyn Queens county includedwith the Brooklyn total they were sasoo 000

The only county oOlcer voted for in New York lii

the Presidential election of 1898 was a ceroner II

was elected to fill a carson There will be no coremmcm elected this year Six crc to be voted for In-

1901four in time borough of Manhattan and two intime borough of The Bronx

William J Kenaedywbo is clerk of the NInthMunicipal Dietrtcl Commit sun offIce at ens lime haIti

byflamas F Ghiroy afterward Mayorlsthe chosencandidate fur the August primarieu ol those Tam-many Hall Democrats In the Thirty fret district who

are opposed to the continued Ieadetehlp of lasso A-

llopper selected a year ago in OpresitiOn 50 CharlesWelmie former Tirnamany Commissioner leaden andpresent Comnunisioner of Juror The chief politicalobjectIon to Mr Weld was that alt the member of-

btaimlnedlate and collateral faintly were candidatesfor public ofice usually appoinhive Mr Weldehavtug run on but one occasion when tie was defeatedThe leadership of Mm Hopper ha been uneailsfsctory-to many Tarnmnany halt men In time Thlrtyflrt andthey favor the election of Mr Kennedy who wilt hasthe help of the Weld taoton and of Poole Coammi-

sabner Meyer

An ordInance ha been mibumitted to the MunicipalCouncil which provides that on payment ol a 3011

tee the Mayor misT grant a license to any person toevil farm produce from railnoad car and from boator In railroad statIons raIlroad patfortns and raIlroadyards and on wharla such license to be rod for onyear but may be cnewed annually thereafter on thepayment of 3110 No persons except auth as areUeemwd are to tue permttted to sell tarin produce andany person violatist time proposed srnsndment shallbe Sued for each oeenceOtim

Timer La to be a State election in Aikanqas in Septemnbem and the Ripublicans of tbt State have emend

nated for the oBoe of Governor H I Iteunmet tbcandIdate of four years ago Mr Pommel on thstOcCasion did not make what wommld be mulled in New

York a good run the rnaorhiy against him tsing20000 greater than life own vetO There are seventyfive counties tn Ankansam anti of these Mr Renime-

ldldnot carry one imisopponent having a mejomity ineach of uc seenhyfive The Democrat and Popu-

ltst make sparfte nominatioca In Arkansas Time

Popumltsu vote four years ago was I 3000

The talk of throwing the election of th Presidentinto the house of Rpeesentattses through time

failure of either McRinley or Bryan I receive a-

unslorlir of the electoral vote as prescribed by theContItutten Li absurd The number of PresidentialElectors is 447 and an even division between the toocandidates I therefore impcasibie There t O out-

side candIdate yet nominated or proposed who hathe remotest chammee of securing a solitary electoralvote

There is some polItIcal talk in the Second Assemblydistrict Of the nomination of a ticket for the Tam-many Itsil primaries on August 28 made up of

artist reeidnte of time Fourth and SIxth wsrd-

It has been observed that despite the claim of lackof accommodations for New York cluy departznentthere ore two Sacant rooms unused in lb Cilnuinal

Court fluildlag-

In the census of Washtntion city the rresent pnpu-

latbon of which l I 15000 offlecholders are riot enu-

macrated sepaustely WashIngton contInue to havea proportionately lauren negro population than army

great city of the country

Comnptrollr Cohn has approved the lease of rename

1004 and 1flfl on the tenth floor of premises 109arid I I I Fifth aventu for a term of eleven monthsfrom lune I 1900 alan annual rentaiof 1300 for

the Special Cominimsioner of Jurors This Is at therat or 1 8t a square foot

The Cltfcags Vai announce many recruit to thecause of prohibition In the Shenandoah Valley Time

towns of Natural Itridge Lexington Buena VistaGlasgow Fane liii Umber Ridge Riverside Mimi

vale flimitalo P ret and loshen have all voted tity-

It says Itnckhrilge eounhy except one district isnow under Prohlbiiion

There are Ave United State Senators on time Re-

pumbllcan National CommIttee ibIs year Wolcott 01-

CoioTado Shoup of Idaho Mecomse of MarylandScott of West Vlrtinia and PrItchard of North Caro-liii

The FIrst Senatorial distrIct of New iotk is madimp of Richmond and Smmffnmk countIes lilebmond Is-

trdltbonaliy flemorratlo titmiTolk county uniformlyRepublican These two cmmntlei are scparsted fron-icachuthr by hing antiQuerns ard the watensofNew York ltay nd 5 the election of two years agoSI havens time lcmiscratlc candIdate for SenatorcarrIed Iticlmmmumd by 2505 votes and Mr llurr theRepublIcan caniled Suffolk by 20cm on the totalvote tim 1rmocratc plurulity was 401 ThIs yearthe liepumbliranl enter the flght wIth mue h beute-

prostWmt of Success loan tee years imgo and a gaInof lime IistticI to the Itcpmbiieaa eclumn Is committed


Tim futility of primary ronueste against eeltuliqhpmit-

mnd reroenhged leaders on the Ismmany aide we-

Iurovd in a numujoriti 1 thu uiltrlcts last year hitneertimeleae there crc mutremumly lndlratluneof like menIciute in Canto of lime tlmirty llce dIstricts of Manhltan timi year in time suniunreut lsrnmany tiftrtctq-hosicoer the First Sluth Tenth Foturlecath llght-eeoth and Twentlelh there Is easy sailing fur tpresent Tamnmary ilali lenders and no prospect ofanti opposliimmti iii their utmimtlnimed control Time ltoITote cast at the primaries of Tammany last year sac43485 In time tsmrommgh of Msinhttn an average ofabout I 200 voter a district

A Schooner of Soda lYnter-

fhe word echeener long apmIlem1 to thanbIg tall glass iii wiulci beer In man imlac issold Is now gIven is ginars for soda sualer aswitness tiuls sigh seen on time tsr East 811 tntwhich to the attraction ef a gremt gIs wasadded that of a small price A cold schoonerof oda water 1 cent

Regular Loves a womanSOlill cull thelil-

Mens Bawing string ties 13

then 1111110 Strinoties that usintflv se voul1 iiever-tililik of se11in for ess titan 50cents that 801110 houses we-

of tillllk 75 cents little enough

But the Iilllflilfactllrer wantedYOU lOUt care hat th-

fliaflllfactllrer walIteti you waub-to kuow tOIltVS liCO

5 centsNow bright clean and good


155 flrnsdway mar tVirreand 7 and II Warren St

tea liroatiway con lnimice128 itroadway cur 3I

and 54 est 331 dl-

J1iGTIY11 TUES ON IIUlfClt CI11itt4The Strange tlnIc Floats Out From the

Spircefflid St Sliehavi-

CIIARrrsTny 8 C July 28An incidentwhIch was rmmttmer cmmrlomts to nacunbusra of time

National Emlucatlmmumal tucmociatlon who werehere thsi other in5 was time ragtime pmualoplayed on time chimes of St Michaels theldest and iiiimitt mtristocrntima chmmrch In timla

part of time roiurmtry Ttmo chminms rank hIgh

Iii wIth host of lrlnlty hurcim In Neuc Vork-A few years ago the roaster hand at the keyboard was Prof leorge Wasimingion MoIeon-fladeden an honored negro whose years were

ladmden died recently and his tinderstudy got tlm

Even in the days of tadsilen the ragtimetUnes were Sunday didnt matterslid esomolmiuw the didnt kicklime fact i that St Michaels tots been item asslong timat nitmtlmiumg sm ennms uuronmg orwhen connected uvltim it in holidays smutstate oeciisioniq tt city of pays mt

soul ti tmavs time ehiunne fling and It otimes timsit time ragtime Is plaued to afrazzle It tines sotilmil ratimer it heartho citlnme cgginmg suiT tIme tune of 1 GuessIll have unity and therm Imaveit switch off tim Dii Mr Johmnson Turn litLoose When atron Isdeslreml time man at the keyboard gives a nubof lhu a tint in time Old TownTonIght wtmbom sines not nlways happen

Id Ioave My home tou hitsbeen and again on the chimesand just now the chtnme oman is telling the cituti-mmet 1 AInt hut Ni happy home toEverything fl5 sun lut ragtime

off from the dome of SIMichaels The ehlnmenmnn has a wsaknese forThe flanks of the Vatmash and sometimes

time people llvln near the chuirch wish that hewas on the hank for alt On hot davewhen the Is event higher thamtop notes of time chmimem thIs flentui In themakes one fl like droppIng iii the street whenho gIves th tune of Oim ilow iouhiVomu Iiko to Do the Ice MmlnV 1ien Mr

illiam Jennlngus was Charlestonnot long to tmiake a speech mind while everybody wits talkIng tac chineellmbed to lila titcit erchm and gave thenu OhI Dont Know

There Is a Icmen touch of humor In th wholebtislness anti time city Is kept guessing


A ills Ilarjlanii Negro Whose Foot Is StoreIhan Fourteen Inches Long

Frptri the Baltimore Sut-mPilton Howard coloremi thought to be at

least years old a wrltablu glaumt who hans

isptat all hits lift In time woods never wore shoesor tockltmgs hits flevet buMfl sick andbeen In limillinnortu or imn otimer city beforeIs a at tim City jItolItnlh-iowumrd im wondcliopisr aumd to bef-

rmnmi hlalttiuiors countyVimil Imttiiflg log a IT

last than elmmein broke and tue log itll bach tot-imu rouumml ktmtckd lhmward down rolled

over hhtmi mod broke iiis rghmt ing-

ncar the cni lie watt brouihmt to thetel in a farun wagon May 24 by order of the pitysician as lmo attetmd

llowarmi is jet black it feet ai inches talland his weighs Over 250 pounds tile handsamid feet are of enorunnuma sIze Each footmeasures a little over fturten iumcmee lii lenmthand ala Indies utmro4 iii usS Time solos are tIntand the great tQs are abotit four times time

normuial mizu ccemrditag to lioworci noc-

ammunt lie wru not imhiu carl In If 1mm get simeeilarge rmotmtiii to fit imit met so Im

to simol rim skin is thiukmtnd so Imar-dntti b its to ruerumble lsimtimsr lie

he has tmmimured tIme coldest weather andwalked In tim snow uvithmnmmt dlseozumfort

fmrclmt d ii oxtrmmuly low thehaIr growing to within two emf his emu-

yhrnvs A timkik growth of straight butratimmr hlak wIth grayovert iii imuati ills face bears a gmowili

black lmair of ie atot t riA razor imn ru vr tomictuei huts skin and ri allhi life it lma iitml haul lmie hmmmmr ctmt Olin jima

wits tnmuumv smmr mugo

says his fiuther and niather wereof orehittiur siru tiumel thInks thy att htmucli lmu I unit quit 1 Mitre I riot to f civil

tir lmr xml a ritmd holongod to alterFord a farutmer tim Itnltitimore oiuit lie sayshe rermmtrnbrS tim war iemuiie it gave himdcmun 11 immis nuiwats livid in ti elmnIna nnod for whrsvur mrlcem mitut

tIi wlntt han elects In a little cabin in the wccmci-

aIn suuuualnr mates hIs bed of grass arid leavesupon the greturtel this trtse lie wa

rnmtrrfrti A colored woman in time neigh-

borhOOd cooks hI unmm-

tlTo liv Menu ansi be let edotme hiss been hassole dslre Tlmm djuersims Cr extored reorls cut dnnmclnmr skewnlke and shemmit

Ire nts umnkntmwrm to him it does ndknow Inn tate of tobmicmo or lIquor lmavlng

never iuee1 itlmer


50 As Good aShoe as CanBeMade2

The time Fuss passed forhigh price sSoe5 Oursuccess time


4114 proved ihtl i Swecan be mmde umd sold il250 thif gives as mitch

in evescwiy ls vthrs costingmore We use jie Icst-1csther hive fic ssmost I

skilled cuorkrnen mnd

fmctory equirvedlo nuke V

Inc shoes it t riceCompare our ocs thothers that cost moreEvery style iridkind tndevery ioc warranted

iI I it I omIt out s I sitis-tIrt4m itr t lfl t

1327 Br airy ttrId 4 357 Emu fl 55 I 2 Ito ed a t er I uriuri rt t I I II-

a tstitm O CC irosriommi2255 Ttmtrut te Slattern rear blushing r-

etetV t liuitt Phiiiiieiphmmu-taterimui N 1 erumcr Mum out Market

sn iimmmfe 5uj 117 N Sib dlt ties ltochesuer

Boston Pnotdence ItalulnioneFactory 58 Spelegeeld ass
