The sun and the wind


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Transcript of The sun and the wind

Page 1: The sun and the wind


The Sun and the Wind do not like each other. Both of them claimed to be stronger. At last they agreed to have a competition of strength. "Here comes the boy. Let us see who can make him take off his jacket?" said the Sun. The Wind agreed and choose to have the first turn. He blew as hard as he can. As a result, the boy wrapped his jacket even more tightly around him. Then it was the turn of the Sun. At first he shines very gently. The sun went on shining brighter and brighter. The boy felt hot. Before long, the boy took off his jacket and put it in his bag. So, The Wind was defeated and The Sun wins.


Page 2: The sun and the wind

1. What should the sun and the wind do to win the competition of strength?- Make the boy take off his jacket.

2. What did the wind do to make the boy took off his jacket?- He blew as hard as he can.

3. What did the sun do to make the boy took off his jacket? - He shines brighter and brighter.