The Study of the Cross: Part One

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  • 8/9/2019 The Study of the Cross: Part One


    'The Hidden Life of Love'

    Why is this topic mixed in with the Cross?

    This chapter or section is a little different than most other sections I've writ

    ten on; we will dive into the Hidden life of Love in the Cross.

    Why so much on two pieces of wood?

    Without God; it is two pieces of wood and something used by the Greeks and Romans to kill people with.

    But with God using the cross and He died on the Cross; then the cross becomes something more than two pieces of wood put together in a cross shape.

    It has a hidden life we know nothing of but the hidden life is not of fear, death; but Love.

    The cross has a hidden life of love; because it was like a shrine for the earlyChristians to go and venerate it; or even to adore the blood of Christ which still stains the cross.

    When St. Helena went to the Holy Land to find the tomb of Christ and His cross;she found the old maps; that shown the place of the death and the tomb at the time of Christ.

    To know that the cross was Christ's; she asked a sick woman to touch the crosses; first two nothing happened but the final one; she was healed.

    Which proved it was the Cross. The life of the Holy Cross has never stopped.

    Parts of the Holy Cross and it's life has not ended; most of the Cross with thenails I do believe was put in St. Helena's house which turned into the church atRome; Church of the Holy Cross.

    Then another part of the cross is in Boston; which has just been returned afterit was stolen.

    The love of the Cross; is that the blood of Christ on it; still could heal people; as long as the people still have True Faith in Jesus and believe Jesus can heal them.

    Now, let us get into the other way the Cross has a life of love.

    What do we see when we look at the cross? Well our mind first thinks of suffering and death; which is the thoughts of Man. But if we have thoughts from God; what comes to our minds?

    The Cross is love and the cross was the tool of our salvation.

    The Cross is the symbol of True Love. But people will say, "I thought love was sex and we can show that to our boy friend or girl friend? Or to my one night stand person. I thought it was this or that; not the cross."

    Those are not Love. The Cross is Love; because Jesus died for everyone on the Cross and showed how we are to love everyone. The cross is Love, because it is a s

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    ign for our hope and salvation; because Jesus is our hope and salvation; which took place on the cross.

    Salvation does not come by a bed or a easy chair. It maybe where those who are bed ridden and not suppose to move are to be; but the Cross is the way to our salvation.

    Our love for Jesus is to be shown by giving our life on the cross for Him and for those we truly love. Which is our family and friends; even those we do not know.

    The hidden life of love; is hidden because of Man who think like Man; because they never take a back seat to God and let God take the driver seat. But if we take the back seat and give the driver seat to God; the cross will come alive for us and we will see the hidden life of love open up and not be hidden.

    The world right now is in the driver seat and God is placed on the bumper; theywant God to fall off. While we stay closed to the hidden life of love in the Cro

    ss; all the judges in the world will try to remove the crosses from all the Catholic schools. May God open their eyes and allow them to see the love of the Cross; I ask this through the intercession of St. Monica and St. Augustine.

    God bless

    'The Cross and the night.'

    The Cross and the night; what is this?

    The night when Jesus was in the garden; He felt the weight of the Cross; from our sins. The cross was with Jesus at each point of the Passion and finally the cross was with Him physically when He received it.

    In our dark nights when we feel so much weight on our shoulders and think God isn't with us; our cross does grow heavy; because we can't feel God's presence.

    Our cross never leaves us but with our thinking in our dark nights; if God leftus; how come we have to carry our cross?

    The dark nights God allows us to go through; is to help us grow closer to Him. To go through it with the cross; it helps us go through what Jesus went through in the garden and to blend His suffering at night with our nights.

    With the cross in our nights; we start to understand what God is doing in our life. All of our sufferings are blended with Christ; because He too felt the Father had left Him in the garden in the time of great sorrow and suffering.

    Does the cross give any comfort in the dark night?

    Yes. The cross is not about sorrow or fear; but the cross given by God; helps us

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    to know His love for us and that He is here with us and has gone through this before and still does when we sin against Him.

    To know that God has gone through the sufferings of the dark night; when He feltthe Father has left Him or hasn't heard Him when He cries out. Is a great dealof comfort for us; because we know from the start with Adam and Eve; plus Cain and Able; God never left them; but we have left God. Out of fear; we leave God in

    times of trouble; because we do not think about His never ending Mercy and Love.

    The Cross is all about Love and Mercy and Justice. When Jesus died on the cross;He died because He loved us and redeemed us with His Mercy; but also served upJustice by defeating the devil and his demons.

    We have nothing to run from or hide from; because when we are in the Dark Night;we are not farther from God but closer and the cross brings us even more closerto God; through the Passion and Death of His Son Jesus Christ.


    Through the grace of God; we all will go through the Dark Night and with our cross; to be ever more closer to Our Lord Jesus Christ and that we may never fear God when we do something wrong but run towards Him to beg for His Mercy and Lovein the Sacrament of Confession.

    God Bless

    'The Bridal Symbol and the Cross'

    The bridal symbol and the cross; what is the bridal symbol?

    The bridal symbol is the cross and I will tell you why.

    When Jesus accepted the cross; He accepted the Church's love; His bride; and Hecarried that cross out of love for His bride.

    He died for His bride the Church. The Bridal symbol is the cross; because it represents Jesus' love for the Church; His bride.

    The marriages today have forgotten the bridal symbol which Jesus gave and shownto His bride the Church; by suffering and dying for her.

    When a man is working and not caring for his family; in helping out or thinkingwork, the car or something is more important than God, wife, kids and himself; when they forget about the Cross and that is where Jesus suffered and died for His family and bride.

    Marriage today is dying out; because we have so many people being selfish and only wanting what is best for theirself and not what is best for everyone.

    That is why homo-sexual unions are not acceptable nor is a hetero-sexual marriedcouple saying homo-sexuals should have what they have. Because, it seems non-se

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    lfish but it's truly is selfish.

    The cross is not selfish; because you give of yourself to protect the ones you love. As Jesus did for His bride.

    Why does it matter about the Cross?

    The Cross matters in many different areas of the marriage vocation.

    I. To understand the marriage vocation; the couples must understand that they are not to be selfish but self-less. They are to be self-less; by giving of each other completely to God but also to their children as well. They are to model Christ; because He gave Himself totally to us and to His bride; the Church.

    That means a dad must be ready at anytime to come home; when he is called to behome. He should accept that his being home is helpful when the kids are sick andgiving his wife a hand with them. So, when dad goes off to bowl, play cards, going to see a race, football game or some other sporting event; the dad must know

    that those are nice; but is he giving himself totally to God and to his familyor is he being selfish?

    The wife, is called to be a wife to the man and also a mother to the children. I've seen commercials on tv where the mom/wife goes out with her friends to a club and parties and dances those immoral dances; plus wears the clothes of her kids. Then lies in the morning to her daughter; because the mom did wear the daughter's shirt and got a stain on it too.

    Mom's today who dress like the kids today have no idea what it means to be a momand wife. To be a mom you aren't suppose to be in the "In crowd" a mom is to bea mom. A mom is the one who loves their children, takes care of them and they h

    ave this protective instinct when their child is hurt or sick; I know my mom hasthis instinct; when I rolled my car in my freshman year of high school; she gota thought and called the school to see if I made it; I didn't.

    I was trying to get home to a phone but I had to stop running; to keep the bloodfrom pumping too much. I had a two inch gap on my head; when my best friend's cousin's dad picked me up and took me to the hospital; I couldn't believe it; I had a gusher and it started to heal.

    The blood stopped and dried. The nurses at the ER were amazed that I walked in on my own power. My mom got my dad; they raced over to the hospital; which was twenty four miles away; my dad's pick is sliver; the same color as the cops' pickup trucks; only thing missing was the decal on the side and the lights on top. No one stopped them. But my mom knew I was hurt; just what mom's do; they know when their child is in danger.

    Mom's are to be protective of their family; not go out and party as if they werein college. Mothers are to give themselve freely to the family; that is why theCross is so important and is the symbol.

    If the mother and father want to go out; they should go to marriage retreats given by religious orders; learning to grow closer to God in their relationship ashusband and wife. If the child is at age where he or she can take care of things; let them take care of the house but call the uncle or aunt to check on them; incase something scares them.

    The mother and father are to share in the cross; by giving freely of themselvesto each other and to the children.

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    God bless

    The Message of the Cross

    First of all; is there a message of the cross?

    There is a message of the cross and this section is where we will find out the answer and the message. I usually blurt out the message with a qoute from Fr. Corapi; but tonight let me try to be more studious in answering this question and sharing the message of the cross.

    The message of the cross is what Jesus is. Now, who is Jesus? He is God and alsoa man. He is love, truth, justice, the way and the light of the world. How doesthat answer the message of the cross?

    Without Jesus; the cross is a way of death. But with Jesus; the cross is salvation; the cross is love.

    Why is it important to know the message of the cross?

    The importance of knowing the message of the cross is that we do not lose hope when we are suffering and when a death takes place in the family; we are to cry and feel sorrow for the loved one; but we are not to worry; but we are to know ifthey put their whole life in God's hands and lived a Christian life.

    We have nothing to worry about; because if they are in Purgatory; they have madeit; they are going to Heaven; but we still need to pray for them; so that theirtime in Purgatory short.

    The need to know the message of the Cross; is to not fear death; but welcome itwhen God calls us home.

    If we live a faithful life as a follower of Christ; we have nothing to fear at the judgment; might see some imperfections which will be taken care of in Purgatory.

    The Cross is love and with the Cross; Jesus destroyed death; where we have no need to fear death anymore.

    If we fear death; then we are fearing what is waiting for us; the words of God where He throws us out and into the Pit of Hell; because of how we lived our life


    With the message of the Cross; we are given hope and we are energized; because w

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    e know by Jesus' Cross; He has redeemed the world.

    The Message of the Cross is Truth, Love and Redemption.

    What is the point of knowing the Message of the Cross?

    The Point of knowing the message of the Cross; is what Jesus did when He was onthe Cross and when the Cross becomes a sign of love and redemption.

    How can the cross become a sign of love and redemption?

    Let us answer the first question: How can the cross become a sign of love?

    The cross becomes a sign of love; when God is nailed to it; to redeem us; to show us what true love is. A friend who loves his or her friends will lay down their life to protect them and Jesus did that for us; by giving of His own self on the cross; to redeem us.

    The cross by itself is a death machine; but once you put God on it and when He touches it and bleeds on it; He makes it holy and sanctifies it; by His own blood.

    The cross that we have in our homes or schools; most of the time we still have Jesus' body on them; but even without the body of Christ on the cross; it is stil

    l a reminder of God's Love for us.

    It is a reminder of God's love; because God gave His own life for us. It is alsoa sign of love; when in our life; we give our sufferings to Jesus on the crossand we ask Jesus to use our sufferings to help sanctify something or someone orhelp a family or a parish.

    That is how the cross is a sign of love; because it has been touched by God andused by God; God makes it a sign of love; True Love.

    Finally, How can the cross become a sign of redemption?

    It goes along the same lines as how can the cross be a sign of love? It is a sign of redemption; because God redeemed Man Kind on the Cross.

    When we look at the Crucifix; we see Jesus redeeming us and seeing the sufferingof being nailed and stuck to that cross for three hours; but now it is every day; those little statues of Jesus who are put on the crosses to make them Crucifixes.

    When we see Jesus redeeming us; we know that He loves us and that God is real. If God was not real and we created ourself; no one would know how to truly love a

    person; only how to lust and how to falsly love a person; to use a person for their own pleasure.

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    God is real; because He know how's to truly love us and He taught us how to lovetruly and with purity of heart, mind and eyes.

    The cross is the sign of our redemption and teaches us how to love as God lovesus.

    God bless

    Taking Up One's Cross

    Our cross is not our own; but it is given by God to sanctify our life. It is sadto see many people complain about this or that; but there is a right time to instruct them; which could be with words or actions. Our life is not our own; yesit is our life; but it's God's life. It is God's life; because with our time onearth; we are to come to know God in this short amount of time.

    Our cross is the way we come to know God in this short amount time we are on earth. Even though we live in a modern world; we are to walk in the foot steps of Christ. Each one is called to walk in Christ's footsteps; but He was a man; whatabout us women?

    Have you not heard of the female saints who suffered and died for the faith? They walked in Christ's footsteps. You and I are to give a witness to the faith; what does a witness mean? To be a martyr. Jesus died for us and we die for Him; because we love Him.

    How can we take up our cross?

    To take up our cross; is to accept the sufferings and hardships in our life witha sense of joy; not a earthly joy but a heavenly joy; they will see this look of peace on your face; even if you are in great pain and suffering.

    Every Christian is called to offer everything up to Jesus on the Cross; so the graces from our problems, pains and sufferings will help others.

    To take up one's cross; means we are not to get depressed, nervous, scared or upset. We are to be like a lamb before the slaughters. No one can be a follower ofChrist without taking up our cross and following Him.

    There is no way around it; you can't buy your way into heaven; you must suffer to get to heaven. I must suffer; we are to suffer as Christians; because Christ suffered carrying His cross for us.

    To take up the cross; we accept everything that happens; because it is God's Will. If God didn't want this to happen; He wouldn't allow it to happen. Everythingis happens; because God allows it and because it's with God's Will.

    It is God's Will that we are to carry our cross faithfully to the end; but if wecry out to God saying our cross is too heavy; He will answer and help you carrythe cross; even lighten the load and refresh you.

    Why do we carry a cross?

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    I'm sure many ask; why do we carry a cross? Or; why is it necessary to carry thecross and can't we enter heaven another way?

    First question: Why do we carry a cross?

    We carry the cross; because it is object that God chose to die on and to redeemus on. God knew from the start that He would die for us on the Cross and that it

    would be the symbol of being a Christian and also that we would have to carry across to enter heaven.

    It is not of our own choice that we are to carry a cross daily; but it is God'schoice; He made it long before we were born or in our mother's womb. That is howwise God is.

    He thought of a way that would be painful but it would also match with the painsand sufferings of every day life; with the two; the cross would sanctify us; ifwe carried the cross faithfully.

    Second: Why is it necessary to carry the cross and can't we enter heaven anotherway?

    It is nescessary to carry the cross; because with our sufferings and pains; we can share in the pains and sufferings of Christ and our life we can share. It isnecessary; because we wouldn't have a way to grow closer to God; because God became Man and He suffered and died on the Cross; we are to blend our life with God; because God blended Himself to our life; to redeem us.

    No, we can't enter heaven another way. Our life should become a reflection of God's life when He became Man. When God became Man; He told us, "I Am the Way, Truth and the Life." He also told us, "If you want to follow me, deny yourself andpick up your cross and follow me." The Cross is the way into heaven; because we

    follow Jesus; who is the Way and His Sacred Heart is the gate of Heaven.

    When we carry our cross faithfully; we lose everything and our life starts to blend with Christ's life. Protestants, Catholics and Orthodoxs are to do what Jesus told us to do; pick up our cross and follow Him daily.

    Finally, when we take up our cross; we are not to look sad, poor, dirty, etc. Weare to look in the guide lines Jesus gave for fasting: Wash our face, clean clothes, combed hair, clean shave and a happy face.

    God bless

    The Cross

    "The cross is love." St. Teresa of Avila

    Let us talk on the Cross. I have listed the topic on this writing, "The cross islove." St. Teresa of Avila. Back when God created everything and Man and Womanfell from the grace of God; the share of Divine Life.

    God had in the plans from the start of redemption; because God knows all and itwas the test He gave the Angels. Those Angels who said, "I will not serve that man who is God." God knew He had to redeem us; why did He chose to become Man and

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    die on the cross?

    God could of snapped His fingers and everything would of been made perfect again; but God chose to humble Himself to walk among us, to experience all the hardships we suffer; to become close to us; so we won't feel all alone and that God will know what we go through.

    Jesus; the God-Man; in the Passion; He was tested in the garden and felt all thesorrow; as we see in the movie; Satan; tested Him in the garden.

    God the Father sent Jesus a angel to comfort Him and to strengthen Him. Jesus passed the Test and Remained faithful to the Father and stomped the head of the snake in that movie.

    Jesus started off better than Adam did in the Garden of Eden; Jesus beat off thetemptation to give up the chalice of suffering given by the Father.

    Jesus prayed; His face transformed and the Apostles could see the fear and sorrow in His face.

    A while before at the Sermon on the Mount; Jesus gave the doctrine of what it means to be a follower; "Whoever wants to follow Me, you must deny yourself, pickup your cross and carry it daily."

    What does Jesus mean to deny ourself? St. John the Bapist in the Jordan said itwonderfully: "I must decrease and the Lord must increase." We are to decrease, die to the world and let the Lord increase in our life and in the world around us.

    Now, in the garden; Jesus wanted the Father to be glorified through Him and to let the Father's Will be done. To have the Father's Will be done; meant the Son dying for us and redeeming us from our sins and eternal death.

    Through this Jesus allowed Himself to be taken like a lamb; so innocent and purethrough the judgement; as the lamb was checked out to see if it is pure and when was found out to be pure; Jesus was silent and always at prayer.

    Finally, Jesus accepted His cross with love. He embraced the cross and acceptedit freely. But to see Jesus' cross; we must see everything that is given to us in Scripture. Which would be when He was born in that cold cave on that early Christmas morning.

    Followed by the leaving early to go to Egypt to be kept from being murdered. Hislife which is given in Scripture; showed the start of His mission and His cross. He embraced everything in a gentle nature; even when He whipped the money changers and tax collectors and traders; to remove them from the temple; to restorethe House of His Father.

    His cross was designed by the Father; so He could handle it God gives us our crosses; but they are designed so we can carry the Cross but not get wore out.

    If the Cross seems too much; we can ask God to help us or take away some of thecross. When Jesus accepted the cross with love; He gave us the way to accept ourcross; by accepting it and embracing it with Love.

    The Way of the Cross; Jesus showed us the Love of the Cross. With the cross barsof the Cross; where the arms reach out; this is where the Love comes from. Is t

    here a ending to the cross bars? No.

    They are never ending; it is the picture of God's Mercy; His Mercy never ends. T

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    he Cross is Love; because the cross-bars reach out as a hug welcoming us home; welcoming those sinners who repent home.

    This is the Cross and it is Love.

    God bless

    The Cross: II

    "The Cross is love." St. Teresa of Avila

    How can the Cross be love?

    When Jesus was nailed to the Cross; in one of His prophetic sayings on the Passion to the Apostles or to some saying, "When I am raised up; I will draw all mento myself." Which means all people will be brough to Him on the Cross. How much

    does Jesus love us?

    His love is never ending; because the cross-bars have no ending. It is a never ending hug or embrace of love and mercy to us. When He talked about that; He wastalking about; He will bring all people to Him through His mercy and love. Justlike the Cross; nothing ends.

    Why is it that Most Protestants have a hard time with the Crucifix?Most say, "OhHe is risen and there is no need for Him to be left on the cross." Agreed.

    But, after a while you become lazy and start getting sinful; because you forgetwhat He did for you. Once you forget; you start having sexual relations outsideof marriage, you let your kids grow up in a pagan way, you do not correct yourse

    lf, your husband or kids; just let them and yourself do whatever you want, how much and whenever.

    That is why we Catholics and the slight few Protestants want Jesus' body left onthe Cross; to remind ourself each day of what He did for us and to make sure wenever sin or if we almost do; we look at Him and stop.

    My aunt and uncle's house; my uncle left the Church to become a Methodist; goodpeople; most of them and friends or even family. But, the priest I looked up togrowing up and being his faithful altar boy; he came over to bless our house andwe let him; well he had me shake the holy water and he said the words.

    He went over to my uncle's house; now; my uncle would of said yes; if his wife wasn't home; but she was and I heard about it and still remember it.

    He saw how they let their children live; two girls; and how their life style was; he didn't hold back and called them, "Heathens." We do have many "Heathens orPagans" in the Church today; sad to say; some are long distance relatives of mine and I'm sure you have some too.

    I'm sure there are many every where. I love my old priest; he kept everyone in line, even when it was a hot summer day; everyone was dressed in pants or girls had a proper dress on, long sleeves and guys had proper shirts and pants and socks and shoes on.

    The music was Catholic and no boy friend or girl friend lived together; becausehe made house visits to check on everyone and no engaged couples lived togethereither.

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    He was strict but the most wonderful man you would ever meet; just the same personality as the Pope. Anyway back on topic.

    With all these immoral and Pagan lifestyles; is that greater than God's Mercy? No. No sin is not greater than God's Mercy. If you think it is; you have sinned right there on the spot.

    The Cross shows us God's Love and Mercy for us. When we see Jesus nailed and hanging on the Cross; we see Him giving His own life freely to save us. That is Love. True love is when a friend gives up his or her life and dies for the people they love or don't even know. Jesus shows us this love.

    All these people who chose to live this life and not to love God; what happened?Not too many people have been taught this or if they have; they didn't listen and chose not to listen; because they wanted a false freedom; a sinful freedom; which isn't freedom but slavery.

    Where you become like the African Americans; if you are seen or caught escaping;

    torture or death; but the death will be much worse; eternal death and the tortures of hell. We must understand something, when we are tempted; it is not a sinbut if we fall for it; then it becomes a sin.

    There are two types of sins: Mortal and Venial. Mortal is the type of sin whichcould kill you forever and send you to hell if you die with one on your soul. Mortal you go to confession and confess; is the only way you get rid of it. Mortal, you lose the share in Divine Life.

    Venial, is not a serious sin; but if you let them build up; they will become serious. To get rid of them; go to confession, receive the Eucharist, the Kyrie; pound your chest three times with your fist; the Confessor at the Mass.

    But, all sins are to be allowed to be confessed in the confessional. If the priest says different; well he shouldn't be a confessor; because he is breaking Canon Law I do believe.

    Tell the bishop if the priest is doing that and he will correct the matter; if the bishop does nothing; well send them a nice letter from the Nuncio. No one should be turned away from receiving God's Mercy in the Sacrament of Confession. The Cross is Love; is a beautiful statement.

    Most do not believe it; but it is a true statement. I like to think when I am inconfession and it's been a while; I always hear welcome home or welcome back and feel that embrace.

    Which does happen and sometimes Jesus does say it through the priest. After Godgives us His mercy in the confessional; we are almost told to pick up our crossoutside and carry it.

    We know the pews aren't that big in the churches; but each and everyone has their cross with them and when we kneel at those moments at the Mass; the crosses come too and when we genuflect or stay kneeling to receive Jesus in the Eucharist;we have that weight on us. But it is a good weight; because it is a sign of Hislove for us; the Cross.

    To love Him; we are to follow the Commandments, love our neighbors as we love ourself and carry our crosses to the end.

    All those sports stars do what? Train to win what? A trophy that will rust and break and turn into dust. Why train for a trophy or a crown that after fifty or t

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    wo hundred years; those things will start to break down and fall apart?

    It is senseless and dumb. We have a crown that will never rust and turn to dustthat we receive; if we are faithful and remain faithful to Christ when we die; acrown of glory.

    Our race is much tougher and rougher than the sports people or actors, actress o

    r writers could imagine.

    We have to fight for every inch and fight to save souls and to save our own soulfrom the devil. What kind of training does that take? The best spiritual training God has to offer.

    Now, there are traps and tricks of the devil and of his demons out there; tryingto steal our souls. I do not care if you believe in that place in Bosnia; but Isay watch and pray; because there are good fruits from that place but also badfruits too; so half and half.

    The message I read when my mom gave me the site for that place was that Mary was

    going to tell those kids when the end was, which could not happen: Because Godonly knows and no one else.

    In the first letter of John; what does he tell us to do? To test every spirit before we believe it; so we do not deceive ourself or be caught in a trap. What does this have to do with the Love of the Cross?

    Many things. Because while we are carrying our cross; we are to grow in holinessand start loving like Christ loves us all. We are to grow in our faith and become strong and humble like the Desert Fathers, the Church Fathers, St. Francis and his brother friars, all the saints.

    The Love of the Cross; is in every saint; because they understood it and they un

    derstand it fully now in Heaven. "Watch and Pray, so you may not enter into temptation."

    God bless

    On The Cross: III

    "The Cross is Love" St. Teresa of Avila

    To wrap up this topic and subject; let us look at the suffering in our life which we should give to Jesus on the Cross to have the Love of the Cross be shown.

    We know suffering; because we all suffer; some suffer more serve pains than others. Suffering includes the loss of a child, a friend or even a dog you loved oranother a pet.

    It is hard to make sense of this third part; because our suffering could be usedfor the love of the cross. How can that happen?

    Look to the Blessed Mother; she was there at the Cross and saw her baby boy die;in her eyes; yes she understood He is God but also her baby boy. Her sufferingwas called a white martyrdom; by joining her sufferings with her Son's on the cr


    Which helped us with the graces given. To suffer and give it to Jesus on the Cro

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    ss; He uses our sufferings to sanctify those in need of graces and those who areharden sinners.

    By offering our sufferings to Jesus; we will help break down the walls of thosesinners whose heart's our hard and closed. That is what Mary did with Jesus on the Cross; I'm sure there is a name for it but at the moment I can't think of itor remember it.


    In our sufferings of injuries we suffer; we can offer up to Jesus; and we are told to offer our sufferings up; any sufferings; including to our Lady of Fatima;so she; through her Son can fix the world and shake everyone up and wake us up.To understand the cross; well; let us learn from our Mother; she was there and Ibet holding on to it; to be close to her Son.

    I have the same injury in the left side; the same nurse gave me my monthly shot;I'm not sure if the first one is healed; because it does hurt to walk, move, si

    t, sit up in bed; even hurts to sleep. I offer up this pain to Jesus on the Cross; so everyone else can see and witness; but better yet; to experience the loveof the Cross.

    The saving and sanctify power of the Cross. The news that broke on facebook latetonight/early morning about a amber alert; some on here you have to find out tomake sure; but amber alerts are no joking matter.

    The parents and families go through great suffering; which if they give that suffering to Jesus on the Cross; other people will experience that love of the Cross.

    All of our sufferings can and should be used to share the love of the cross. Eve

    ry single suffering; big or small; will help anyone come closer to Jesus.

    Give that suffering to Jesus on the Cross; do not forget to talk to our Mother;she is like every mother on earth; nervous when we don't call her by talking toher.

    If you want to know Jesus better; Mary will tell us all we need to know; if we ask about Him when He was a child; I bet she will tell us. Give our suffering toJesus and let Him use it to share the love of the cross.

    God bless

    The Cross: On The Teaching of Discipleship

    "If you want to be My disciple, you must take up your cross and follow Me."

    Part two of my pre-thesis or practice-thesis; this part of the Cross is very important to our way of life as Christians. We can not be a Christian; without carrying our cross every day.

    Some days it seems lighter than other days but those days you are sick and hurt;it feels like the cross was made out of rail-road ties; which are heavy and thi

    ck pieces of wood.Why do some 'Christians' think we don't have to carry the Cross to be followers of Christ?

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    This is something that has started to split Catholics up and Protestants even more; it also started when the so called 'reformation' took place and Luther and those other people left the Church founded by Christ to found their own; with their own rules.

    This is where the Doctrine of discipleship went south; because each Protestant church has their own rules and they keep changing the rules; to make sure everyon

    e feels welcome and doesn't hurt anyone's feelings; which means they have no rules.

    That is why when suffering comes into their families; they are uncertain on howto handle it and that is why they get depressed and some Catholics get depressed; because they start living a very weak and watered down faith; where there is no rules hardly and they do not listen to the Church's Teaching on what to do.

    I think why so many Christians do not follow this doctrine taught by Christ; because of the lack of true Catechism Teachers who do not teach the fullness of thefaith.

    Now, the Sunday School Teachers must teach the fullness of the Christian faith and not hatred toward other sects of the Protestant churches and also to the OneTrue Church; plus the Orthodox Church.

    With the lack of actual teachers teaching the fullness of Christ Teachings; thisis why so many do not follow Christ's Doctrine on being His disciple.Why is this doctrine given by Christ so important to the Christian Faith?

    The first reason is very easy and should be the only reason; because Christ saidso; but there are those so called 'christians' who want more reasons and won'taccept it straight from Christ.

    The second reason is a little harder to explain: If so called 'christians' do no

    t accept the teaching straight from Christ; then these people are not Christians. To be a Christian; one must follow Christ; which is where we get the name Christian.

    That is why so called cults who try to use the name Christian with their group;but they do not follow Christ; which means they are and can not be Christians; until they convert to the Church.To accept this teaching on the cross that if we want to be Jesus' disciple; we must take up and carry our cross daily.

    Means we are to carry Jesus' cross; as Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once said. Toaccept it; means we are to give our sufferings to Jesus; all our problems of each day is the cross we must carry; but we shouldn't look sad; but have a sense ofjoy on our face.

    When we carry our cross with the sense of joy in our life; we teach a good example on how to carry the cross for others. Christ gave the perfect example.But, how can we get those who deny Christ's teaching on carrying the cross; to carry the cross?

    We should always pray for them; but then never give up on them and as Mother Angelica says, "be a thorn in someone's side." Not nag them but remind them; that they can't be Jesus' disciple without carrying our cross daily.

    After a while they will get the hint and finally start understanding that they must carry their cross; even teaching them by telling them to offer up their sufferings to Jesus on the Cross; so they or anyone can experience the loving power

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    of the Cross; by being sanctified.

    To be a faithful Christian; we are to carry our cross as Mary carried her crossfor her entire life. A faithful Christian carries all the sufferings without complaining and we have given all our sufferings up to Christ; everything is a prayer to us.

    Finally what is our cross: It depends on the day that we wake up; each day the cross is different. Our cross comes from God; which is the illness of that day orweek or month; even year. All those injuries. Out of work.

    Can't find a job and can't get hired. All those sufferings which come each and every day.

    God bless

    The Cross: On The Teaching of Discipleship: II

    "If you want to be My disciple; you must take up your cross daily and follow Me."

    I have started this talk on why it is important to carry our cross daily; but let us continue on this topic for my pre-thesis.

    I know people complain; I think we all do; we can't help it; because we are weakbut the Spirit is Willing as Christ said in the garden; the time when He woke up Peter and the other Apostles. Why does God give us the cross to carry?

    I know people are like little children in their terrible two's; always asking why and never really listening to the answer; until the parent or person explaining gives a answer they like; but in the Faith we do not give a answer that everyone likes; we give the answer which is truth or leads to the truth of the Faith.

    God gave us the cross to carry; because the Son of God was to suffer and did suffer the Passion and death on the Cross; Jesus carried the cross to redeem us andso we carry the Cross to follow Jesus in His footsteps as Christians. The quoteto start part two of the pre-thesis; is His words to the Apostles and the otherseventy-two people.

    Yes, it is a hard life; dragging a heavy cross to the end; which we do not knowwhen the end is; but we must keep our focus on God; without Him; we can do nothing and we would of literally died or gave up on the cross; to go a different way; which some have and are living a immoral life; even those who stay in the Church; but do not live the life of a Christian.

    God gave us the cross; so we have a way to reach eternal life; which is the onlyway; because Jesus is the Way and His Sacred Heart is the Gate of Heaven. Willwe be Crucified like Jesus?

    Yes we will be crucified like Jesus; either spiritually or if we are called to give our life in a Red Martyrdom; then we will be crucified; not on a cross but some type of death or it could be on a cross.

    Any Red Martyrdom is a type of crucifixion and when our faith is attacked; either personally or the entire Church; we go through a White Martyrdom or a spiritual crucifixion.

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    In our life we could be crucified thousands of times; from defending the faith and when we are attacked on the teachings of the Church. We are not to worry about it; but accept it; because we were told by Jesus this will happen; because they hated Him first, beat Him first and killed Him first.

    It will happen to us and that is part of carrying the cross faithfully and being

    a faithful follower of Christ.

    Each Christian is to carry the cross truthfully and faithfully; which means thatsplit should not effect anything.

    If the spilt between the different theologies effect the carrying of the cross faithfully and truthfully; then carrying the cross isn't the focus anymore. Do you know the saying, "There is no salvation outside of the Church."?

    That is true; if the Protestants who do not have any relationship with the Church; then there is no salvation. To have relations with the Church; well the carrying of the Cross is part of the Catholic way of life; it is part of our Spiritua

    lity given by Christ.

    How to wrap up the final part of the thesis on The Cross ?

    The Cross is part of our Spirituality as Catholics; but the center of Our Spirituality is the Eucharist.

    Cross means love; because the Cross is the tool of our salvation and Jesus redeemed us with the Cross and that is why we carry the Cross; so we may share in thesalvation plan.

    If we do not carry the Cross; how can we enter into Heaven? We can't; because wedo not follow the path started by Christ.

    If we do not follow the path started by Christ; we won't make it to heaven; butgo on the easy path of sin; which looks good until the end and we won't even know that we entered into hell; but after it's too late.

    Carry the Cross faithfully; ask God to help us; ask the Saints in heaven to intercede; especially Our Blessed Mother. The Cross is the way to Heaven and the wayto eternal happiness.

    God bless