The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.docx

ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT By : Suci Lailatul Laila

Transcript of The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.docx

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By :

Suci Lailatul Laila

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The Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Once upon a time, long, long ago a king and

queen ruled over a distant land.  The queen

was kind and lovely and all the people of the

realm adored her.  The only sadness in the

queen's life was that she wished for a child but

did not have one. 

One winter day, the queen was doing needle

work while gazing out her ebony window at the

new fallen snow.  A bird flew by the window

startling the queen and she pricked her finger. 

A single drop of blood fell on the snow outside

her window.  As she looked at the blood on the

snow she said to herself, "Oh, how I wish that I

had a daughter that had skin as white as snow,

lips as red as blood, and hair as black as


Soon after that, the kind queen got her wish when she gave birth to a baby girl who

had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony.  They named the

baby princess Snow White, but sadly, the queen died after giving birth to Snow


Soon after, the king married a new woman who was beautiful, but as well proud and

cruel.  She had studied dark magic and owned a magic mirror, of which she would

daily ask, 

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?. 

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Each time this question was asked, the mirror would give the same answer, "Thou, O

Queen, art the fairest of all."  This pleased the queen greatly as she knew that her

magical mirror could speak nothing but the truth.

One morning when the queen asked, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of

them all?" she was shocked when it answered:

You, my queen, are fair; it is true.

But Snow White is even fairer than you.

The Queen flew into a jealous rage and ordered her huntsman to take Snow White

into the woods to be killed.  She demanded that the huntsman return with Snow

White's heart as proof. 

The poor huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but found himself unable to kill

the girl.  Instead, he let her go, and brought the queen the heart of a wild boar.

Snow White was now all alone in the great forest, and she did not know what to do. 

The trees seemed to whisper to each other, scaring Snow White who began to run. 

She ran over sharp stones and through thorns.  She ran as far as her feet could

carry her, and just as evening was about to fall she saw a little house and went

inside in order to rest.

Inside the house everything was small but tidy.  There was a little table with a tidy,

white tablecloth and seven little plates.  Against the wall there were seven little beds,

all in a row and covered with quilts.

Because she was so hungry Snow White ate a few vegetables and a little bread from

each little plate and from each cup she drank a bit of milk. Afterward, because she

was so tired, she lay down on one of the little beds and fell fast asleep.

After dark, the owners of the house returned home.  They were the seven dwarves

who mined for gold in the mountains.  As soon as they arrived home, they saw that

someone had been there -- for not everything was in the same order as they had left


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The first one said, "Who has been sitting in my chair?"

The second one, "Who has been eating from my plate?"

The third one, "Who has been eating my bread?"

The fourth one, "Who has been eating my vegetables?"

The fifth one, "Who has been eating with my fork?"

The sixth one, "Who has been drinking from my cup?"

But the seventh one, looking at his bed, found Snow White lying there asleep.  The

seven dwarves all came running up, and they cried out with amazement.  They

fetched their seven candles and shone the light on Snow White. 

"Oh good heaven! " they cried. "This child is beautiful!"

They were so happy that they did not wake her up, but let her continue to sleep in

the bed.  The next morning Snow White woke up, and when she saw the seven

dwarves she was frightened.  But they were friendly and asked, "What is your


"My name is Snow White," she answered.

"How did you find your way to our house?" the dwarves asked further.

Then she told them that her stepmother had tried to kill her, that the huntsman had

spared her life, and that she had run the entire day through the forest, finally

stumbling upon their house.

The dwarves spoke with each other for awhile and then said, "If you will keep house

for us, and cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit, and keep everything clean and

orderly, then you can stay with us, and you shall have everything that you want."

"Yes," said Snow White, "with all my heart."  For Snow White greatly enjoyed

keeping a tidy home.

So Snow White lived happily with the dwarves.  Every morning they went into the

mountains looking for gold, and in the evening when they came back home Snow

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White had their meal ready and their house tidy.  During the day the girl was alone,

except for the small animals of the forest that she often played with.

Now the queen, believing that she had eaten Snow White's heart, could only think

that she was again the first and the most beautiful woman of all.  She stepped before

her mirror and said:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who in this land is fairest of all?

It answered:

You, my queen, are fair; it is true.

But Snow White, beyond the mountains

With the seven dwarves,

Is still a thousand times fairer than you.

This startled the queen, for she knew that the mirror did not lie, and she realized that

the huntsman had deceived her and that Snow White was still alive.  Then she

thought, and thought again, how she could rid herself of Snow White -- for as long as

long as she was not the most beautiful woman in the entire land her jealousy would

give her no rest.

At last she thought of something.  She went into her most secret room -- no one else

was allowed inside -- and she made a poisoned apple.  From the outside it was

beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. But anyone who might eat a little

piece of it would died.  Coloring her face, she disguised herself as an old peddler

woman, so that no one would recognize her, traveled to the dwarves house and

knocked on the door.

Snow White put her head out of the window, and said, "I must not let anyone in; the

seven dwarves have forbidden me to do so."

"That is all right with me," answered the peddler woman. "I'll easily get rid of my

apples.  Here, I'll give you one of them."

"No," said Snow White, "I cannot accept anything from strangers."

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"Are you afraid of poison?" asked the old woman. "Look, I'll cut the apple in two.  

You eat half and I shall eat half."

Now the apple had been so artfully made that only the one half was poisoned.  Snow

White longed for the beautiful apple, and when she saw that the peddler woman was

eating part of it she could no longer resist, and she stuck her hand out and took the

poisoned half.  She barely had a bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead.

The queen looked at her with an evil stare, laughed loudly, and said, "White as snow,

red as blood, black as ebony wood!  The dwarves shall never awaken you."

Back at home she asked her mirror:

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who in this land is fairest of all?

It finally answered:

You, my queen, are fairest of all.

Then her cruel and jealous heart was at rest, as well as a cruel and jealous heart can

be at rest.

When the dwarves came home that evening they found Snow White lying on the

ground.  She was not breathing at all.  She was dead.  They lifted her up and looked

at her longingly.  They talked to her, shook her and wept over her.  But nothing

helped.  The dear child was dead, and she remained dead.  They laid her on a bed

of straw, and all seven sat next to her and mourned for her and cried for three days. 

They were going to bury her, but she still looked as fresh as a living person, and still

had her beautiful red cheeks.

They said, "We cannot bury her in the black earth," and they had a transparent glass

coffin made, so she could be seen from all sides.  They laid her inside, and with

golden letters wrote on it her name, and that she was a princess.  Then they put the

coffin outside on a mountain, and one of them always stayed with it and watched

over her.  The animals too came and mourned for Snow White, first an owl, then a

raven, and finally a dove.

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Now it came to pass that a prince entered these woods and happened onto the

dwarves' house, where he sought shelter for the night . He saw the coffin on the

mountain with beautiful Snow White in it, and he read what was written on it with

golden letters.

Then he said to the dwarves, "Let me have the coffin. I will give you anything you

want for it."

But the dwarves answered, "We will not sell it for all the gold in the world."

Then he said, "Then give it to me, for I cannot live without being able to see Snow

White. I will honor her and respect her as my most cherished one."

As he thus spoke, the good dwarves felt pity for him and gave him the coffin.  The

prince had his servants carry it away on their shoulders.  But then it happened that

one of them stumbled on some brush, and this dislodged from Snow White's throat

the piece of poisoned apple that she had bitten off.  Not long afterward she opened

her eyes, lifted the lid from her coffin, sat up, and was alive again.

"Good heavens, where am I?" she cried out.

The prince said joyfully, "You are with me."  He told her what had happened, and

then said, "I love you more than anything else in the world.  Come with me to my

father's castle.  You shall become my wife."  Snow White loved him, and she went

with him.  Their wedding was planned with great splendor and majesty.

Snow White's wicked step-mother was invited to the feast, and when she had

arrayed herself in her most beautiful garments, she stood before her mirror, and


Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who in this land is fairest of all?

The mirror answered:

You, my queen, are fair; it is true.

But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you.

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Not knowing that this new queen was indeed her stepdaughter, she arrived at the

wedding, and her heart filled with the deepest of dread when she realized the truth -

the evil queen was banished from the land forever and the prince and Snow White

lived happily ever after.

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A man once had a wife who was the kindest woman in the world. They had a daughter who was gentle, good and loving. Then the girl's mother died and her father married another wife, who was proud, harsh and bad-tempered. She also had been married before and had two daughters, quite as unpleasant as herself.

The stepmother quickly showed her nasty nature. She hated anything good about the girl because it showed up everything bad about her daughters.

'Do this,' she snapped, 'do that.'

There were always the hardest jobs for the girl, cleaning the dishes and scrubbing the tables and sweeping the floors.

'Upstairs to bed!' snapped her stepmother at the end of the day, almost before the poor girl had finished her supper. So she climbed wearily up to a garret at the very top of the house, where she lay on a rough straw bed. Meanwhile her stepsisters slept on soft mattresses in fine rooms with mirrors long enough to see themselves full length.

There she lay, too miserable and frightened to tell her father. He was away for weeks on end and would have scolded her for telling tales, for he believed every world his new wife said.

When the girl could rest for a moment from her work, she used to go and sit exhausted in the corner by the chimney, to keep warm by the cinders of of the fire. The elder sister called her Cinder-girl, but the younger sister, who was a little but not a lot more kind than the other, called her Cinderella.

The trouble was that both sisters were extremely jealous, for Cinderella was much more beautiful than they, despite her shabby clothes. So, when the king's son gave a ball at the nearby castle and they received an invitation, they were immensely proud and delighted at the chance to wear their splendid clothes.

They made a great fuss deciding which clothes to wear. This meant more work for Cinderella, who had to clean and iron their clothes and starch their ruffles. No sooner had she prepared one costume that they said:

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'No, no, not that one. I have quite decided against that one. This one, now. I much prefer it.'

'You stupid girl,' they shrieked. 'Not that one. My red velvet suit, the one with the French trimming.'

'My other petticoat, silly,' they screamed. 'My gold flowered clock and my diamond belt. That's what I need to catch the prince's eye.'

'We must send for the best milliner in town,' they said. They did so, and ordered special make-up and the strangest beauty-patches for their faces.

'What a sight!' said Cinderella when she saw them.

'What's that, girl?' snapped their mother.

'What a wonderful sight!' said Cinderella quickly.

'I should say so,' their mother said. 'You'll never look so good.'

'Would you not like to go to the ball?' asked the sisters.

'Oh, I should,' replied Cinderella, looking at their brightly painted faces, 'but I would not dare to go with you.'

'Quite right,' they said. 'People would laugh if a cinder-girl went to the palace ball.'

In spite of their unkindness, Cinderella helped them dress on the evening of the ball. She made sure their hair was straight and their gowns had no creases. They asked her advice on all sorts of little details, for she had many good ideas on how to make them look more pretty. They had eaten nothing for nearly two days, partly because they were so excited and partly so that they could fit into their tight new dresses. They broke innumerable laces tying themselves in.

When they set off for the palace, Cinderella watched them go, she could not help feeling very sad.

Her godmother found her crying by the cinders. She was a fairy godmother.

'What's the matter, child?' she asked.

'I wish, I wish that I could . . .' Then Cinderella broke into tears again and could say

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no more.

'You wish to go to the ball? Is that it?' asked her godmother.

'Oh, yes, I do,' said Cinderella and cried again.

'It's not crying,' said her godmother. 'Let's see what we can do. Bring me a pumpkin from the garden.'

Cinderella brought in a pumpkin and her godmother scraped out the inside and struck it with her wand. The pumpkin turned into a fine gilded coach.

Next the found six white mice in the mousetrap. As Cinderella let each out in turn, she touched them with her wand and they turned into six fine horses, all of them a mouse-colored dapple-grey.

'Now for the coachman,' she said. They found a rat in the rat-trap, with very fine whiskers. He was turned into the fattest, jolliest coachman you ever did see with the greatest moustache in the world.

Finally, they found six lizards in the garden. These became six footmen dressed in gold and silver uniforms who jumped up behind the coach to complete the outfit.

'Are you pleased?' the godmother asked.

'Oh, I'm very pleased, think you,' said Cinderella. 'Could you do something about my clothes as well? I can't go to the ball dressed in these rags, can I?'

Her godmother agreed that it would not be right and touched her with the wand. Immediately, Cinderella's rags were turned into the most magnificent ball grown, decorated with jewels and cloth of gold. There was also a pair of glass slippers for her to wear.

'Don't stay out after midnight,' warmed her godmother, as Cinderella climbed into the coach. 'If you do, your coach, horses, coachman, footmen and clothes will all be turned into a pumpkin, six mice, a rat, six lizards and old rags.'

'I promise,' Cinderella said, and left.

What a stir there was at the ball when the arrived! The prince himself helped her down from the coach, believing her to be some great princess. The guests stopped dancing and the musicians ceased their playing when the entered. All gazed in wonder, though the ladies were more concerned to note the fashion of her clothes.

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Eve the king, who was really quite old, leaned over to the queen and murmured that he had never seen such a lovely creature.

'Thank you, my dear,' said the queen and patted his hand, much to the king's surprise.

The prince danced with Cinderella all evening and never took his eyes off her, even when she sat down with her sisters for a while. She talked to them very politely, thoroughly enjoying herself because they did not recognize her.

When the clock struck a quarter to twelve, she quickly said goodbye, curtseyed to the prince and left for home in her glittering coach. She thanked her godmother for her kindness and told her all that happened.

'The prince asked me to dance again tomorrow night,' she said. 'Do let me go.'

'Remember to leave by midnight,' said her godmother.

At that moment the stepsisters returned from the ball. Cinderella yawned and rubbed her eyes as she unlocked the door.

'Is it that late already?' she said sleepily.

The sisters were wide awake and full of gossip. They told Cinderella about the strange princess.

'Does no one know her?' Cinderella asked, trying not to show much interest.

'No one,' they replied. 'The prince is desperate to find out her name.'

'Oh, yes,' said Cinderella. Then, even though she knew they would not help, she asked, 'Would you lend me one of your dresses so that I may see her for myself?'

'Good heavens,' laughed the sisters. 'What an absurd idea. Do you take us for a pair of fools, to lend our clothes to a cinder-girl?'

The next evening the sisters went to the ball again. They left Cinderella at home

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once more, but she arrived not long afterwards in her fine coach, dressed in an even finer ball gown than the night before.

She danced all night with the young prince and enjoyed herself so much that she was still dancing when the clock struck the first note of midnight.

Before the prince could stop her, she ran from the room as nimbly as a deer, but as she ran she dropped a glass slipper and the prince paused to pick it up.

He asked the guards at the castle gates, 'Did you see a princess leave just now?'

'No, sir,' they replied. 'Only a country girl who ran down the road.'

Cinderella was home by the time her sisters came back. She yawned again and asked about the ball. They told her all the news but she only smiled a little to herself.

A few days after, the prince announced with a great sound of trumpets that he would marry the girls whose foot would fit the slipper he now held. Of course, everyone was keen to try their luck, whether or not they thought the slipper was theirs. Princesses in the castle tried it on. Duchesses at court stretched it and strained. Ladies throughout the land were disappointed, and so were the two sisters when they failed to squeeze their fat feet into the slender slipper. 

'Let me try it, jus for fun,' said Cinderella.

'You!' laughed the sisters. 'A pumpkin would fit you better!'

The prince's servant who brought the slipper looked carefully at Cinderella and saw that she was very beautiful.

'It's only fair that she should have a go,' he said. 'My orders are that everyone must try.'

The slipper fitted perfectly.

The sisters were even more astonished when Cinderella took the other slipper from her pocket and put that on the other foot. Then the fairy godmother appeared and touched Cinderella with her wand, turning all her rags into a rich dress. The sisters recognized the princess of the nights before and at once begged her forgiveness for all their unkindness.

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She forgave them, of course, and they all made friends. Then Cinderella was taken to the young prince and they were married a day or two later. The prince and princess were very happy. So were the two sisters, who came to live in the castle and were married, on the same day, to two great lords at court.

For The Rest Of My Life By : Maher Zain

I praise Allah for sending me you my love

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You found me home and sail with me

And I`m here with you

Now let me let you know

You`ve opened my heart

I was always thinking that love was wrong

But everything was changed when you came along

OOOOO....And theres a couple words I want to say

For the rest of my lifeI`ll be with you

I`ll stay by your side honest and true

Till the end of my timeI`ll be loving you. loving you

For the rest of my life

Thru days and night

I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes

Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart

I feel so blessed when I think of you

And I ask Allah to bless all we do

You`re my wife and my friend and my strength

And I pray we`re together eternally

Now I find myself so strong

Everything changed when you came along

OOOO.....And theres a couple word I want to say

For the rest of my lifeI`ll be with youI`ll stay by your side honest and true

Till the end of my timeI`ll be loving you. loving you

For the rest of my life

Thru days and nightI`ll thank Allah for open my eyes

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Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here

Infront of me I strongly feel love

And I have no doubt

And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally

For the rest of my lifeI`ll be with youI`ll stay by your side honest and true

Till the end of my timeI`ll be loving you.loving you

For the rest of my life

Thru days and nightI`ll thank Allah for open my eyes

Now and forever I I`ll be there for you

I know that deep in my heart 

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Indonesian Sate's

This is a fabulous treat for summer barbecue's with a fresh salad and French bread

or even a quick supper with Indonesian fried rice.


500 gr. of Beef, Pork or Chicken


1 Onion

1 Garlic clove

30 ml Dark Soya sauce

1 teaspoon Coriander powder

1 teaspoon Lemon Grass

1 teaspoon Hot Chilli paste

1 glass red wine (optional)

30 ml water


Dice the meat in to 2 cm square cubes and put onto bamboo skewers(about 4 per

stick). Combine all the marinade ingredients into a food processor and make into a

smooth paste. Poor this over the prepared sate's and leave to marinade for at least 2

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hours. Cook the sate's on the barbecue or under the grill for 5 -10 min. until done

and serve with hot Peanut Sauce.

Semur Daging

This is a stewed beef dish with a heavy Dutch influence (Semur is a translation of the

Dutch word “smoor”, which means stewing or braising). This dish comes in many

variations, depending on the region in Indonesia where it’s cooked.

As cooking time can be up to 2 ½ hours, you can pick a cheap cut of beef and it will

still come out tender. The combination of Clove, Nutmeg and Cinnamon gives this

dish a really nice distinctive flavour. Serve with boiled rice.


500 gr Stewing Beef

2 medium sized Onions

4 Cloves of Garlic

150 ml cooking oil

300 ml water

2 tablespoons Vinegar or lemon juice

3 tablespoons Kecap Manis

3 large tomatoes

1 large potato

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2 hardboiled eggs


2 Salem leaves (Indonesian bay)

1 teaspoon ground clove

1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1 star anise

Pepper and salt


Heat the oil in heavy bottom pan and lightly brown the diced beef. Add the diced

onions and garlic and wait for them to soften. Mix in the bumbu’s and add the Kecap,

vinegar and enough water so that all the beef is covered.

Simmer on a low heat for about 2 ½ hours until meat is very tender. Add the diced

potatoes, skinned and chopped tomatoes and halved eggs for the last ½ hour

cooking time. Keep an eye on the water level, if it’s getting to dry, add a small

amount of water.

The fresh tomatoes can be replaced with chopped, tin tomatoes for an equally good


Before serving remove salem leaves and star anise.

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Nasi Goreng

The famous Indonesian fried rice. original made from leftover rice and eaten as a

breakfast dish.

Now more usual server for lunch or as the basis of a larger evening meal, for

example with a rijsttafel. It is very easy to make and won't take more than 20 minutes

to prepare.


350 gr. Long Grain Rice

2 Tbs. Vegetable Oil

3 Eggs

1 Onion

2 Green Chillis, Sambal Ulek or Sambal


1 Garlic Clove

1 Leek

1 teaspoon Ground Coriander

1 teaspoon Ground Cumin

250 gr. Chicken meat

250 gr. Shelled Prawns

3 Tbs. Kecap Manis


This dish is best made from cold leftover rice, but you can cook a fresh batch and

leave it to cool for at least 4 hours. Beat the eggs and make into a omelette, slice

into strips and set aside. Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add the chopped

onion, leek, garlic and chillis. Fry until the onion is soft. Add the Coriander and

Cumin. Slice Chicken into strips and add with the prawns to the onion mixture and

cook, stirring occasionally until they are well mixed. Add the rice, soya sauce and

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omelet strips and cook for a further 5 minutes.Decorate with some of the leftover

leek and serve hot. Enjoy.