The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the...

The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love A series of seven celestial transmissions through Anrita Melchizedek Precious hearts, I invite you to consider deepening into your magnificence and Light through the Star Councils Christed Heart Transmissions, a series of seven beautiful frequency transmissions. As these multidimensional Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love we draw upon our connection to the 12 Star Councils, as we activate the Petals of our Christed Heart. These twelve petals are: the Intimate Heart, Overlighted by the Sirian Star Council, the Peaceful Heart, Overlighted by the Orion Star Council, the Loving Heart, Overlighted by the Vegan Star Council, the Trusting Heart, Overlighted by the Meldekian Star Council, the Joyful and Happy Heart, Overlighted by the Pleiadian Star Council, the Innocent and Open Heart, Overlighted by the Nuburian Star Council, the Powerful Heart, Overlighted by the Arcturian Star Council, the Knowing Heart, Overlighted by the Brotherhood of the Light, the Passionate Heart, Overlighted by the Andromeda Star Council, the Overflowing and

Transcript of The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the...

Page 1: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love

A series of seven celestial transmissions through Anrita Melchizedek

Precious hearts, I invite you to consider deepening into your magnificence and Light

through the Star Councils Christed Heart Transmissions, a series of seven beautiful

frequency transmissions.

As these multidimensional Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine

Love we draw upon our connection to the 12 Star Councils, as we activate the Petals

of our Christed Heart. These twelve petals are: the Intimate Heart, Overlighted by

the Sirian Star Council, the Peaceful Heart, Overlighted by the Orion Star Council,

the Loving Heart, Overlighted by the Vegan Star Council, the Trusting Heart,

Overlighted by the Meldekian Star Council, the Joyful and Happy Heart, Overlighted

by the Pleiadian Star Council, the Innocent and Open Heart, Overlighted by the

Nuburian Star Council, the Powerful Heart, Overlighted by the Arcturian Star

Council, the Knowing Heart, Overlighted by the Brotherhood of the Light, the

Passionate Heart, Overlighted by the Andromeda Star Council, the Overflowing and

Page 2: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

Prosperous Heart, Overlighted by the Alpha Centaurian Star Council, the Healing

Heart, Overlighted by the Venusian Star Council, and the Heart of Integrity and

Truth, Overlighted by the Antarian Star Council.

The Christed Heart teachings align us into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God as we

walk the Pathway of Divine Love. Through activating the Petals of our Christed

Heart, we ignite the Flame of Divine Love within ourselves. As we expand into the

realms of Illumined Truth and the higher dimensional fields of Light, we draw upon

our connection to the Star Councils who assist us to experience the New Earth matrix

in the knowing that Love is All There Is.

In these beautiful channelings, we experience a wonderful process of healing,

rejuvenation and regeneration as we step into greater levels of health, vitality, and

well-being through what the Star Councils call a Bio-circuitry Recalibration. We

experience the Star Councils Diamond Light Code Template Activations, taking us

deeper into our purity and innocence, while drawing us closer in frequency to our

Beloved I Am Presence and the Star Councils of Light. We experience the ET

Quantum Healing Pods of Light, as we clear the remnants of old false beliefs and

judgments, dis-comforts and dis-ease, while embracing the full range of our

emotions. We activate our Christed ET DNA Templates, as we are taken deeper into

the New Earth Templates and Universal Akasha. We are placed within DNA Recoding

Chambers of Light, as we experience the activation of the axiatonal lines, fire

letters, the Galactic DNA Codes of Light and the merging and integration of our

Christed ET Selves. We experience the Sacred Marriage of our Divine Masculine and

Feminine Spirits, as we deepen into Self-Love and Self-appreciation, sovereignty and

freedom, and so much more, unique in frequency to each one of us.

Each transmission, one and a half to two hours long, is experienced with invocations,

affirmations, visualizations, Light language chants, Diamond Light Code Holographic

Crystalline Geometry Templates and the energy of the many wonderful Christed

Councils of Light from On High as well as our Beloved I Am Presence.

You will also receive a PDF transcribe of each transmission, plus the Mp3 recordings,

with or without background music. So consider investing in these beautiful teachings

to experience The Star Councils Christed Heart Transmissions, a wonderful gift of

Love to us all at this time from the Star Councils.

Page 3: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission


Bio-circuitry Recalibration with the 12 Star Councils

In this new Golden Age of Light, as all Life is lifted into the next level of their Soul's

Forward Evolution and Mother Earth activates more deeply into the New Earth

Templates, we are offered an opportunity to experience a bio-circuitry recalibration

of our lower bodies, physical body parts and organs.

Due to the numerous Planetary activities of Light and our re-connection to the 12

Star Councils, in this sacred Now moment, all Life is experiencing a frequency

upgrade into the higher dimensional fields of Light. For many of us, the frequency

upgrades have been experienced through flu like symptoms, body aches and pains

and additionally, dizziness or short term memory loss as we experience multiple

timelines, integrating into a deeper sense of our magnificence and Light.

The Star Councils share with us that in coming together, they are infusing the Unity

Grid of Divine Love, the Planetary Axiatonal lines, Mother Earth's chakras and the

planetary nadial network with interdimensional tonal resonators (geometries,

sounds and colors) and programs of Light, taking us deeper into Cosmic Christ

Consciousness and alignment with the Divine.

As the essence of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness on this sacred earth is

amplified through the I Am Avatar Consciousness, the Star Councils and the tonal

resonators of the higher dimensional Light Programs of Consciousness, the 12 Golden

Solar Sun Disc Discs within and around the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love are

activating to form a Golden Solar Sun Shield of Divine Love around this sacred earth

and around our energy fields.

Gathering in momentum, the Golden Solar Sun Shield of Divine Love activates around

our energy fields. The Star Council Medical teams step forward and initially activate

our meridians, nadis, chakras and axiatonal lines with the Interdimensional tonal

resonators. Then drawing upon the Golden Solar Sun Shield of Divine Love and

holographic counterparts, they assist in the healing, rejuvenation and regeneration

of the bladder, kidney, gall bladder, stomach, large intestine, lungs, liver, spleen,

heart, circulation-sex, triple warmer and small intestine, along the meridian lines

as well as any other area of dis-comfort within the physical/etheric bodies.

Page 4: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

This process further activates the spin points found along these acupuncture

meridian lines. There are 12 spin points activated through each meridian, creating

144 spin points of particular sound and color frequencies at each dimensional level.

As the axiatonal lines are activated, we experience a rejuvenation of our body organs

as well as merging with our multidimensional Selves working with the Star Councils.

From here, we activate our 12 primary chakras with the Golden Solar Sun Shield of

Divine Love, and end with the activation and circulation of the tantric and kundalini

channels to these higher dimensional frequency fields of Light.

A wonderful process of healing, rejuvenation and regeneration on all levels of our

beingness as we step into greater levels of health, vitality, and Divine Love. As these

multidimensional Master Beings and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love we

draw upon our connection to the Meldekian Star Council, the Orion Star Council, the

Venusian Star Council, the Arcturian Star Council, the Vegan Star Council, the

Niburian Star Council, the Sirian Star Council, the Alpha Centaurian Star Council, the

Pleiadian Star Council, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light High Council, the

Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council.

Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission as we come

together as the I Am Avatar Race, experiencing a greater re-union of hearts and good


Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link One: No Background Music

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link Two: Background Music

Transcribe plus Meridian Chart


Page 5: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

Star Councils Diamond Light Code Template Activations through the Petals of the

Christed Heart ~ plus 12 Diamond Light Code Templates

Precious hearts, I invite you to consider joining this powerful transmission of Light

as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart through our numerous Planetary

Activities of Light.

The 12 Star Councils of Light step forward to activate the Diamond Light Code

Templates through the Petals of the Christed Heart. The Christed Heart frequencies

align us into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God as we walk the Pathway of Divine

Love, the Diamond Path, as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. And

thru the Diamond Light codes, interwoven geometrical complexities Overlighted by

the 12 Star Councils, we connect in to energetic matrices of different realities and

dimensions, drawing up the New Earth Templates and Universal Truths of this Golden

Age of Light. Each Diamond Light Code Template takes us deeper into our purity

and innocence, while drawing us closer in frequency to our Beloved I Am Presence

and the Star Councils of Light. Each Diamond Light Code brings through its own

unique multi-universal quantum frequency amplified through the Galactic Center,

the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, lifting us into the next level of our Soul's

forward evolution, our blossoming, magnificence and Light.

Through the Diamond Light Code Template Activations the multidimensional

realities and timelines of Golden Ages of Light merge into this Now, amplifying our

unique ESP gifts and Soul's joy. We have a sense of being rooted deeper in the infinite

eternal Now moment, connecting to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation as we

experience the time-space Continuum. This brings with it the ability to be draw upon

the timelines most suited to each Now moment and/or the ability to move into all

times and places of our choosing simultaneously. We find a new level of

communication activate within the cells through Solar Crystalline Consciousness, in

our ability to lovingly connect to each sub-personality aspect of ourselves.

Additionally we experience a greater level of cellular regeneration and rejuvenation

through these new multi-universal DNA encodings of Light. We further experience a

deeper level of telepathic connection to all Life ~ from plants, animals, people, and

the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High. We have a deep sense of knowing

Page 6: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

how Divinely supported and deeply loved we are as we walk the Diamond Path in

Service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

We will further activate the Diamond Light Code Templates of the Christed Heart

through the primary vortices and sacred sites of Mother Earth joined by all

awakened Souls, the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High and well as the

Sisterhood of the Rose. Additionally we will be gifted with 12 Diamond Light Code

Holographic Crystalline Geometry Templates designed by Rick Ruggles. These

Diamond Light Templates also assist in soothing, recalibrating and rebalancing

many of the increased ascension symptoms which we are all experiencing in this

Golden Age of Light.

In this beautiful Diamond Light Code Template activation we experience:

The Intimate Heart, Overlighted by the Sirian Star Council. Surrounded in a

beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Light the Diamond Light Code Template of One

Unity Consciousness activates. This Template additionally soothes and recalibrates

the ascension symptoms of headaches and blurred vision.

The Peaceful Heart, Overlighted by the Orion Star Council. Surrounded in a

beautiful Platinum Flame, the Diamond Light Code Template of Grace activates.

This Template additionally soothes and recalibrates the ascension symptoms of

anxiety, and disharmony through the central nervous system.

The Loving Heart, Overlighted by the Vegan Star Council. Surrounded in a beautiful

Pearlescent Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Divine Love

activates. This Template additionally soothes and recalibrations heart palpitations

and pain.

The Trusting Heart, Overlighted by the Meldekian Star Council. Surrounded in a

beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Faith

activates. This Template additionally releases the perceived sense of

disillusionment or disheartenment.

The Joyful and Happy Heart, Overlighted by the Pleiadian Star Council. Surrounded

in a Silver Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Non-judgment

activates.This Template further assists in releasing a sense of depression,

judgment and lack of joy.

Page 7: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

The Innocent and Open Heart, Overlighted by the Nuburian Star Council. Wrapped

in a beautiful Rose-Gold Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of

Perfection activates. This Template additionally relieves pain and aches

throughout the body as well as neck, shoulder and back pain.

The Powerful Heart, Overlighted by the Arcturian Star Council. Wrapped in a

beautiful Violet Silver Flame, through the Powerful Heart, the Diamond Light Code

Template of Justice activates. This Template further assists in the releasing,

clearing and understanding negative mental images and bad dreams.

The Knowing Heart, Overlighted by the Brotherhood of the Light. Surrounded in

the Diamond Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code Template of Miracles and

Synchronicities activates. This Template additionally assists with temporary

memory loss.

The Passionate Heart, Overlighted by the Andromeda Star Council. Wrapped in a

beautiful Golden White Flame of Light, through the Passionate Heart, the Diamond

Light Code Template of Divine Flow activates. This Template further assists with

physical or energetic displacement or disorientation.

The Overflowing and Prosperous Heart, Overlighted by the Alpha Centaurian Star

Council. Surrounded in a beautiful Magenta and Violet colored Flame, the Diamond

Light Code Template of Abundance activates. This Template further assists with

lack of focus or direction and/or inertia and lethargy.

The Healing Heart, Overlighted by the Venusian Star Council. Surrounded in a

beautiful Pink and Purple Flame of Light, through the Healing Heart, the Diamond

Light Code Template of Forgiveness activates. This Template additionally assists in

overcoming a sense of overwhelm, grief, isolation, anger and other oscillating


The Heart of Integrity and Truth, Overlighted by the Antarian Star Council.

Wrapped in a Pink and Emerald Green Flame of Light, the Diamond Light Code

Template of Intuition activates. This Template additionally assists in releasing

intolerance and lack of compassion for self.

Page 8: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

Come join us in this beautiful transmission through these wonderful Diamond Light

Code Template activations as we deepen our journey along the Diamond Path in

the knowing of ourselves as Love.

This transmission will be experienced with invocations, affirmations, Light

language chants, Diamond Light Code Holographic Crystalline Geometry Templates

and the energy of the many wonderful Illumined Beings of Light from On High. As

we come together as the I Am Avatar Race, we are ready to experience the next

level of our Soul's blossoming, wisdom and magnificence, co-creating Heaven on

Earth. And so it is.

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link One: No Background Music

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link Two: Background Music

Transcribe plus Diamond Light Templates/Mandalas


The ET Quantum Healing Pods of Light of the 12 Star Councils

Join Anrita and the Elders as you experience the ET Quantum Healing Pods of the 12

Star Councils. Traveling in Soul consciousness into the Pyramid of Emotion above

Michu Picchu, each Star Councils will come forward and surround us in a beautiful

colored ET Quantum Healing Pod of Light. Within each ET Quantum Healing Pod, we

will focus on the Emotional Energy Centers of the body as we clear the remnants of

old false beliefs and judgments, dis-comforts and dis-ease, while embracing the full

range of our emotions and the celebration of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring

Flames of Divine Love. We will travel along the Christed Timelines to that Now

moment of the source, or origin, of each false belief or physical dis-comfort/dis-

ease within the ET Quantum Healing Pods, getting a sense of the energy of each

particular Star Council as they guide us ever deeper into the healing of ourselves

and others. At each Now moment of origin of these false beliefs, dis-comforts and

dis-ease, the ET Quantum Healing Pod activates specific Light frequency spectrums

Page 9: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

to turn off the gene code of the dis-ease or false belief so it no longer activates or

re-activates in this Now moment.

While we are all experiencing the New Earth Templates, each in our own unique

way, we are also clearing the remnants of old patterns, dis-eases and areas of dis-

comfort for ourselves and others as we create these pathways of Divine Love. As we

travel the Christed Timelines into current timelines, past lives/parallel realities and

genetically inherited memories, we work with particular tools, affirmations,

invocations and the knowing that we are indeed co-creators to the Company of

Heaven. As we end this transmission, the Star Councils re-activate the Star Ki Codes

through our original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint.

The Emotional Energy Centers of the Body and Star Councils we work with are as


Throat Center: Self-Expression Issues. Lack of trust. Lack of nurturing.

False belief: I am alone. I cannot trust others. I am unseen and unheard. I have no


The Meldekian Star Council.

Shoulders ~ Burden areas:I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.

False belief: No one can do what I can. No-one understands me. Life is tough.

The Orion Star Council.

Heart Center: Grief, sorry, sadness, loss.

False belief: I am unloved. I am unappreciated. I am sad. I am helpless. I always

feel so much pain. The universe does not support me.

The Venusian Star Council.

Fear Center: Fears and Phobias. Loss of control. Giving our power to others.


Page 10: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

False belief: I am not in control. I am always been taken advantage off. Other

people take my power. I am powerless. Bad things always happen to me.

The Arcturian Star Council.

Anger Center: Anger and Rage. Anger at others. Anger at Self. Jealousy.


False belief: Others are always better off than I am. The world is full of people

who only care about themselves. I am the idiot others use.

The Vegan Star Council

Guilt/Shame/Unworthiness Center: Unacceptance. Self-Judgment, Self-Criticism.

False beliefs: I am not worthy. I am not good enough. I hate myself. I am such a

stupid person. I am ugly. I am fat. No-one will ever love me. I am always going to

be alone.

The Niburian Star Council.

Old Stuff Center: Family Sexual Issues. Childhood Conditioning. Violation of Body

or Personal Space.

False beliefs: I am not safe. Sex is sinful. All men just want sex. All women want to

be seduced. I am going to be hurt. I am always hurt.

The Sirian Star Council.

Support Area: Lack of financial support.

False beliefs: I am never going to be able to make a living in what I love doing. I

have no money. Money is the root of all evil.

The Alpha Centaurian Star Council.

Page 11: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

Support Area: Lack of emotional support.

False beliefs: I am unsupported. I have no friends. No-one understands me. I am


The Pleiadian Star Council.

Survival Center: Trauma, accidents, abuse, rape, violations, impotency/frigidity.

False beliefs: I will not survive this. I will never again be able to be intimate with

another. I trust no-one. I must protect myself from others at all costs.

The Brotherhood of the Light High Council.

Rejection Center: Abandonment, Criticism, Judgment by others. Self-rejection.

False beliefs: I am always abandoned by those I love. Others are always judging

me. I know I am not good enough. I don't want to be here. I will never be able to

fully love myself.

The Antarian Star Council.

Betrayal Center: Betrayed by someone we love. Self-Betrayal.

People always betray me and take advantage of me. I am deserving of being

betrayed. I am not a nice person. I deserve all the bad things that happen to me.

This is my karma.

The Andromedan Star Council.

In the embrace of our full range of emotions, we accept, appreciate and celebrate

all that we are as an aspect of God's creation of Divine Love. We understand how

each perceived challenge is an initiation of Light, taking us ever deeper into our

blossoming, our magnificence and our Light.

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Come join us in the celebration of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of

Divine Love in the creation of the pathways of Divine Love for ourselves and others.

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link One: No Background Music

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link Two: Background Music



The 12 Star Councils Galactic DNA Template Activations and Wave X

Join Anrita Melchizedek and the Elders in these sacred Galactic DNA Template

Activations, as we experience Wave X and the next level of our Soul's Forward


As we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart, we have the possibility to

traverse numerous Golden Ages of Light within our Golden Rose Galaxy. In these

unprecedented activities of Light, 12 Star Councils come together as we receive the

photon-gamma Light particles traveling at the speed of Light from and through the

Galactic Center, in this "wave" of evolution, to activate our Christed ET DNA

Templates, as we are taken deeper into the New Earth Templates and Universal


These Star Councils are: the Alpha Centaurians, the Venusians, the Vegans, the

Arcturians, the Antarians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Orions, the Pleiadians,

the Niburians, the Meldekians and the Brotherhood of the Light High Council.

Traveling in our external Merkaba Vehicles of Light, and Overlighted by these Star

Councils, we enter into the appropriate wormholes and Ascension Seats of each Star

Council. In these Ascension Seats, and Light Rays of each Star Council, we are placed

within DNA Recoding Chambers of Light, as we experience the activation of the

axiatonal lines, fire letters, the Galactic DNA Codes of Light and the merging and

integration of our Christed ET Selves.

Page 13: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

The axiatonal lines lie along the acupuncture meridian lines and connect into twelve

spin points of sound and color frequencies found along each meridian line. The

activation of these 144 spin points through each Star Council creates the appropriate

sound and color frequencies necessary to potentially actualize the Galactic DNA

Templates through the original Divine Eight Blueprint as well as connect us to our

Christed ET Selves. Further to this, the axiatonal lines assists in the regeneration

and rejuvenation of the physical body as our chakras start to merge in One unified

column of Light.

This is the Now moment that we collectively experience the Soul integration of our

Beloved I Am Presence, and the activation of the Inner Sun within our hearts, as we

travel beyond the ring-passeth-nots and into all Golden Ages of Light, through the

Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.

This timeline, in the next step of our Soul's forward evolution as the I Am Avatar

Race, will amplify the New Earth Templates of Solar Crystalline Consciousness and

our Galactic DNA Template Activations. Additionally the Andromedan Intergalactic

Beings of Light come forward to anchor and activate the Cosmic key codes of the

Divine Masculine and the majestic energy this brings for us in this new Golden Age

of Light.

As sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Christed ET's, we are ready to

experience our collective heart's dreaming and a joyous celebration of re-unions of

hearts with Soul and Star family and friends. We are ready to experience our Heaven

on Earth as we walk the Pathway of Divine Love. And so it is.


A deeper sense of trust and surrender to the Divine.

Knowing that the Pathway of Divine Love is our birthright, and the ability to flow

into the Center of Divine Love and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

A deeper more integrated connection to our Beloved I Am Presence and God

through the recognition of ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine

Love and Christed ET's in service to Mother Earth and all her Life.

A greater sense of joy and peace.

Page 14: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

Releasing of old false beliefs and judgments, victim/persecutor consciousness,

disillusionment and separation.

Moving more into detachment while experiencing a greater flow and depth of all


An increased number of synchronistic events start to occur in our everyday lives as

the veils of illusion lift and we see clearing through our Master eyes knowing that

we are Divinely guided in this Golden Age of Light.

Perceptual shifts and the ability to read the energy of others more clearly.

A sense of no-time, no space ~ linear time dissolving into a more multidimensional

time frame of simply being in the Now.

Bringing in of multidimensional memories of our Highest Potential in parallel

realities through the merging of our multidimensional Selves and Christed


Increased creative gifts and a greater color spectrum visibility.

Increased ESP gifts such as telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Increased abilities to manifest and magnetize all that we need in any given Now


Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link One: No Background Music

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link Two: Background Music



Page 15: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

Tantric Intimacy and the Sacred Marriage of our Divine Masculine and Feminine


As these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, we are deepening into Self-Love

and Self-appreciation, sovereignty and freedom, and the Knowing that we are

completely unique and immeasurable in our magnificence and Light. As we accept,

appreciate and celebrate ourselves in each Now moment without judgment, we

experience a deeper sense of the natural flow of our sacred sexual energy. From the

perineum center to the crown chakra, from the earth star chakra to the soul star

chakra and the cosmic portals beyond this, the quivering passion of intimacy with

Self activates through the fire of the Shakti/Shiva kundalini, and a renewed balance

and integration of our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits.

As we continue to release, accept and/or embrace all that no longer needs to be

experienced as we walk the Path of Divine Love, we enter into the Christed Heart

Petal of Intimacy. From within this nakedness, vulnerability and Love of Self, we

experience the natural sacred sexual energy of our Soul's physical Temple of Light,

Tantric Intimacy.

As the tantric and kundalini channels activate, we deepen into the initial slow dance

of ecstasy and passion through our sacred sexual energies. We move through each

one of the chakras in particular breathing techniques, adding our vaginal and/or anal

muscle contractions and rhythmic body movements. We experience the electric heat

and tingling of Divine Love, intimacy and sacred sexuality throughout our body and

energy field as the tongue gently moves to the back of the throat.

As we embrace ourselves within the Christed Petal of Intimacy, the 12 Star Councils

step forward to assist us in releasing old blockages and judgments from within the

chakras, additionally anchoring and activating the Star Ki Codes as this slow dance

of passion gathers in tempo and energy.

The Meldekian Star Council step forward, wrapping us in a beautiful Copper-Gold

Flame of Divine Love. They direct this Copper-Gold Flame into our Earth Chakra, 15

centimeters below our feet, as we bring in and embrace the Soul fragments of

ourselves that have experienced pain, heartache, loss or abandonment. They then

bring in the Star Ki Codes of Soul Retrieval, Alignment to the Divine, and

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Groundedness, as we deepen into our intimate heart, anchoring and activating these

codes into our Earth Chakra and into our original Divine eight-cell blueprint within

the perineum center.

The Orion Star Council step forward wrapping us in a beautiful Platinum Flame of

Light. They direct this Platinum Flame of Light through the Three-Ring Chakra

beneath our feet as we release disharmony in any of our relationships and lack of

balance within our everyday lives. They then anchor and activate the Star Ki Codes

of Beauty and Harmony, Peace and Creativity within our Three-Ring Chakra and into

our original Divine eight-cell blueprint.

The Venusian Star Council step forward wrapping us in a beautiful Pink and Purple

Flame of Light. They direct this Flame of Light into our Base Chakra, as we release

lack of appreciation in this Now, ungroundedness and issues of distrust in our

relationships. They then bring through the Venusian Star Ki Codes of Appreciation,

Trust and Surrender, anchoring and activating this within the Base Chakra.

The Arcturian Star Council step forward, wrapping us in a beautiful Violet Flame of

Light. They direct this Violet Flame of Light into the Sacral Chakra as we release

issues of perceived separation and false beliefs between men and women, The

Arcturian Star Council then anchor and activate the Star Ki Codes of Multi-

dimensional Awareness, Crystalline Consciousness and Interconnectivity through our

Sacral Chakra and then through our original Divine eight-cell blueprint.

The Vegan Star Council step forward, surrounding us in a beautiful Pearlescent Flame

of Light. They direct this Flame of Light through the Naval Chakra, as we release

issues of lesser than and better than consciousness, lack of self-esteem and lack of

self-confidence. The Vegan Star Ki Codes of Divine Equality are then anchored and

activated within the Naval Chakra and through our original Divine eight-cell


The Niburian Star Council step forward, surrounding us in a beautiful Rose-Gold

Flame of Light. They direct this Rose-Gold Flame of Light through our Solar Plexus

Chakra, as we release issues of resentment, anger, blame and lack of discernment.

They then anchor and activate the Star Ki Codes of Non-Judgment, Love,

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Forgiveness, and Higher Mind Intelligence through our Solar Plexus Chakra and

through our original Divine eight cell-blueprint.

The Sirian Star Council step forward, wrapping us in a beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of

Light. This Silver-Gold Flame of Light ignites within the heart chakra, as we release

our heartache and sadness or judgment of Self and others, deepening into the

support from our Beloved I Am Presence and the Christed ET's. The Sirian Star Council

then anchor and activate the Star Ki Codes of Self Love, re-union of Hearts and the

Sacred Sexual Star Ki Healing Codes through our Heart Chakra and through our

original Divine eight-cell blueprint.

The Alpha Centaurians step forward wrapping us in a beautiful Magenta and Violet

White Flame of Light. As they direct this Magenta and Violet White Flame of Light

through our Throat Chakra, we release the inability to express our authentic Selves.

The Alpha Centaurians then anchor and activate the Star Ki Codes of One Unity

Consciousness and Service in Love through our Throat Chakra and into our original

Divine eight-cell blueprint.

The Pleiadian Star Council step forward, surrounding us in a beautiful Silver Flame

of Light. This Silver Flame of Light activates within the Third Eye as we release the

last veils of Illusion and lack of joy and passion. The Pleiadian Star Council then

anchor and activate the Star Ki Codes of Divine Love, Sacred Sexuality, Re-Union of

Hearts, Passion and Joy through our Third Eye. Further to this, they activate the

pineal gland to the maximum Cosmic Law can allow to allow for the flow of Amrita,

the Divine nectar amplified through our sacred sexuality.

The Antarean Star Council step forward wrapping us in a beautiful Pink and Emerald

Green Flame of Light. As they direct this Flame of Light through the Crown Chakra,

we deepen into alignment with the Divine, and a deeper connection with our Beloved

I Am Presence. The Antarean Star Council then anchor and activate these beautiful

Star Ki Codes of Wisdom, Compassion and Telepathy through our Crown Chakra, and

through our original Divine eight-cell blueprint.

The Andromedan Star Council come forward surrounding us in this beautiful Golden-

White Flame of Light. As they direct this Golden-White Flame of Light into the Three

Ring Chakra above the Crown Chakra, we deepen into the multidimensional aspects

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of ourselves, drawing upon the Christed Timelines of all Beloved Relationships we

have had, as they anchor and activate the Star Ki Codes of the Christed Timelines,

Unveiling Hidden Knowledge and a Re-union with our Multi-dimensional Selves.

Lastly, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light step forward, surrounding us in a

beautiful Diamond Flame of Light, which further activates in a Diamond sphere of

Light 54 feet in diameter around us. This Diamond Flame of Innocence and Purity

and Divinity activates through a Cosmic Portal at the topmost part of our energy

field as we release any sense of lack of wisdom or lack of insight and understanding,

gaining a deeper understanding of our challenges as Initiations of Light. They then

anchor and activate the Star Ki Codes of Immortality, Rejuvenation, Regeneration

and Melchizedek Consciousness into this Cosmic Portal and within our original Divine

eight-cell blueprint.

From there, we draw upon the frequency of the Galactic Center and the Diamond

Light Codes of Creation, which ignite from within our Cosmic Portal, into the Soul

Star Chakra, down the chakras and into the perineum center and the original Divine

Eight-Cell Blueprint, before connecting into the Earth Star Chakra.

In this dance of joy and ecstasy amplified through the Star Ki Codes and Diamond

Light Codes, we merge with our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits as we are

invited into the Office of the Christed One within Shamballa holding the perfect

balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Deities for this sacred earth.

Wrapped in the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness and surrounded by 12 Divine

Masculine and 12 Divine Feminine Deities, we merge with our Divine Feminine Spirit,

opening to receive a deeper level of Self-Love, intuition, vulnerability, compassion,

gentleness, beauty, flexibility and grace.

Through our Divine Masculine Spirit, we open to receive a deeper level of trust,

reliability, respect, wisdom, stillness, protection, empowerment and action.

In this renewed balance of our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, we deepen

into the I Am All That I Am, vulnerable and trusting, and in Divine Unconditional

Love. In this state of bliss, we are invited into the Ascension Seat within the etheric

of Sirius to merge with our Soul clusters. Soul Brothers, Soul Sisters, Soul Mates and

our Divine Twin Flame. In this ecstatic re-union of hearts, we experience the

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Alchemical Marriage of not only our Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, but

deeper into the relationships of Divine Love. Deeper into physical, emotional,

intellectual and Spiritual Intimacy.

Come join us in this beautiful telewebinar transmission of invocations, affirmations,

visualizations and Light Languages in this Sacred Marriage of Hearts on both the inner

and outer planes. In this sacred Re-Union with the Divine, of Tantric Intimacy,

passionately experiencing All That We Are as these sacred sexual transfiguring

Flames of Divine Love. And so it is!

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link One: No Background Music

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link Two: Background Music



Activating the multidimensional Light Bodies and experiencing the 12 Light Body/I

AM Avatar Blueprint Templates through the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming

Gateway Recalibration

Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful equinox telewebinar transmission as we

collectively experience the third wave of Cosmic Christ Consciousness through the

activation of our multidimensional Light Bodies and the various levels of our Light

Body/I Am Avatar Blueprint as we enter into the Antarian Quantum Starlight

Streaming Gateway of Light.

What we term the multidimensional Light Body is the collective and individual

experience of the New Earth templates, sacred geometries, numerologies and

fractal geometries that activate around our physical body, energy field and hologram

dimensionally; expressed through the radiance of our Body of Light, our I Am Avatar

Blueprint, our connection to Soul and Star Family, and the integration of our Beloved

I Am Presence through our lower bodies as we walk the path of Divine Love knowing

we are all One.

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In the system of energy we present to you, our multidimensional Light Bodies

activate through nine dimensions of Light, with the ninth dimensional diamond

sphere of Light activating 54 feet in diameter around us. This dimensional field of

Light taking us into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God is represented through

a diamond sphere, the diamond ray of Melchizedek Consciousness, and within this,

the Flower of Life. And now, through this third wave, our multidimensional Light

Bodies are being upgraded and imprinted with new geometric codes of Light, and

the increased Light frequencies of our I Am Avatar Blueprint, to assist us to ground

and anchor the next level of our service work in Love, integrity and truth as One

Unified Cosmic Heart. These changes are now being experienced through the Fruit

of Life as it embraces and expands the Flower of Life into 13 whole spheres, or

rather 12 plus 1, with the middle sphere representing All That Is. And within the

Fruit of Life, Metatron's Cube activates, as do the platonic solids.

This geometric matrix amplifies the energy of the 12 Petals of the Christed Heart,

the 12 stages of the Light Body/I Am Avatar Blueprint, the 12 Strand DNA, the 12

ascension chakras, the 12 Golden Solar Sun discs and so much more for all of us as

these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

We experience the Antarian Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration as we enter

into the Antarian Gateway, initially activating our multidimensional Bodies of Light

from the third to the ninth dimension respectively. Bathing in a magnificent pink

and emerald green flame of Light and oscillating cosmic ray frequencies of the

Antarian Gateway, we connect into the Planetary Unity Grid of Divine Love, the Solar

Grid of Divine Love, the Interstellar Grid of Divine Love, the Galactic Grid of Divine

Love, the Intergalactic Grid of Divine Love, the Universal and Multi-Universal Grids

of Divine Love in the creation of our multidimensional Light Bodies and related

geometries of Light, whilst simultaneously experiencing the Antarian Quantum

Starlight Streaming Recalibration (QSSR).

What the Quantum Starlight Streaming Recalibration (QSSR) does, is re-calibrate the

star fields within our body, energy field and hologram to the memory and experience

of Oneness, back to Zero point and to the moment of Divine reconnection to

Mother/Father God. This triggers through the Fruit of Life, Metatron's Cube, the

DNA, the I Am Avatar Blueprint, the chakras and so on, the experience of Divine

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unconditional Love and the memory of our Soul purpose and heart's dreaming. We

further merge with your Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian, Antarian, Lyran,

Venusian and other Christed ET multidimensional Selves or Master Guides, and

ground and root more of our Soul essence through your Beloved I Am Presence and

into the group I Am Avatar Consciousness in this eternal Now moment. Additionally

this brings a greater level of transparency, truth, Divine Love and unification to this

sacred earth as all Life moves into the next level of their Soul's Forward Evolution,

within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.

Through the Fruit of Life, and within each sphere, we now experience the 12 Light

Body/I AM Avatar Blueprint levels and the activation of the 12 Petals of our Christed

Heart, merging into One through the middle sphere. The 12 Light Body/I Am Avatar

Blueprint levels take us deeper in Cosmic Christ Consciousness, into the ascension

process that each one of us is experiencing in this Now physically and energetically

in the creation of our I Am Avatar Blueprint. Additionally, we connect more deeply

with our multidimensional Selves, Soul and Star Family, while experiencing the

integration of our Beloved I Am Presence on this sacred earth and deeper into our

heart's dreaming and joy and unique ESP gifts as these sacred transfiguring Flames

of Divine Love.

These 12 Light Body/I Am Avatar Blueprint Templates, and Christed Heart Petals are

as follows:

1. First level~ Brain chemistry changes, recalibration of the left and right

hemispheres of the brain. DNA changes into greater levels of awareness, joy and

elation at reconnection to Mother/Father God and many of the Illumined Beings of

Light from On High. Clearing of old identity and false beliefs and rapid onset of many

of the ascension/flu like symptoms and we experience the activation of the petal of

the joyful and happy heart.

2. Second level ~ Reconnection into Soul matrix and Beloved I Am Presence through

the etheric Soul blueprint. Releasing of karmic experiences, increased tiredness and

oscillating emotions and increased spiritual searching of "Why I am here", "Who I

Am", "What is my purpose" as we activate the petal of the healing heart.

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3. Third level ~ The sub-atomic particles within the body start to spin in increased

light frequencies as we come deeper into the knowing that we are here in Service in

Love. As the DNA commences its activation process into greater levels of Knowing,

we become both a receiver and transmitter of the Light frequencies through our

energy field and body as we activate the petal of the knowing heart.

4. Fourth level ~ Increased change within the brain chemistry and energy field

occurs, as the cerebrospinal fluid starts to deepen in connection through the spine

and brain, and into the chakras. Increased sensitivity of the physical body, with a

need to exercise and move the body more due to chakra and meridian activations.

Third eye and crown activation may cause headaches or blurry vision. Chest pains

may occur as the heart chakra opens deeper into the Soul matrix. Base chakra and

sacral chakra frequencies may cause a sense of pain in the lower body as the

kundalini energy now starts to activate through the chakras. Intuition, empathy,

telepathy and clairvoyance increases as does a deeper sense of trust in the Divine,

as we activate the petal of the trusting heart.

5. Fifth level ~ The karmic and Christed Timelines start to merge into a greater sense

of non-linear time as we connect deeper to our Soul group and multidimensional

Selves. Lucid and vivid dreams may present themselves as a guide to synchronicities

and reconnections. As we come deeper into the Soul matrix and heart chakra, a

deeper level of empowerment, Love and wisdom is experienced through the three-

fold flame. Old relationships no longer serving us are being released as we come into

forgiveness of Self and others and further activate the petal of the powerful heart.

6. Sixth level ~ Crystal regulators placed within the etheric body start to release as

we deepen into the I Am Avatar Blueprint through the New Earth Templates and

geometries of Light. Additionally, we deepen into the support of Soul and Star family

and reconnections on the outer planes to those that see us, hear us and appreciate

us as we activate the petal of the intimate heart.

7. Seventh level ~ As the heart chakra continues to open more into Self Love,

unconditional Love and non-judgment of Self and others, a deeper expression of our

authentic self and desire to be of service through our many gifts emerges into a new

sense of being. Also a time of deep release from old wounds, hurts, betrayals and

victim/persecutor consciousness, as we flow along the path of Divine Love in the

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knowing that we are these sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love in service to

Mother Earth and all her Life. Oscillating emotions continues to be the norm in the

"shedding of all that no longer serves us" as we experience both alignment and

misalignment to the Divine, Love vs fear. The desire for change is upon us, creating

choices to refine our frequency. The pineal gland undergoes a major recalibration

at this time as we activate the petal of the passionate heart.

8. Eighth level ~ Major changes are occurring within the pineal and pituitary glands

in particular as they change shape. We further experience a deeper sense of our

many ESP gifts of healing, clairsentience, telepathy, empathy, clairaudience and

clairvoyance. Triangular seed crystals in the third eye and recorder crystals in the

right side of the brain activate to deepen our connection of Mother/Father God in

the creation of our I Am Avatar Blueprint. As we experience the Knowing that all life

holds the God seed of goodness and Love within them, we become more emotionally

detached, deepening into observational awareness, into Cosmic Christ Consciousness

walking the path of Divine Love. The sacred geometries of the New Earth Templates

activate and actualize through the multidimensional Light Bodies and through the

third eye in scrolls of Light, creating an arc of Light from the crown chakra to the

third eye that lifts us into the higher dimensions and the knowing of our star seeded

origins and Christed Timelines of your Higher Potential as we activate the petal of

the overflowing and prosperous heart.

9. Ninth Level ~ We deepen in reconnection to our Beloved I Am Presence,

experiencing the full activation of our multidimensional bodies from the third to the

ninth dimension respectively, the activation and actualization of all geometries of

Light and the merging of the chakras in one unified column of Light. The I Am Avatar

blueprint merges in Unity Consciousness, and with this, the physical body may

change shape to ground and anchor us more deeply into the Unity Grid of Divine

Love, and to all Souls on this sacred earth and through the I Am Avatar Consciousness

in affecting and creating change upon Mother earth. We release any remaining

"lesser than and better than" consciousness, coming deeper into the Knowing of our

own magnificence and Light as these sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love. At

this level, we are now in complete surrender to the Divine, trusting that the Highest

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Outcome will always prevail through Universal Truth as we activate the petal of

integrity and truth.

10. Tenth Level ~ At this level of Light Body Activation, we come deeper into Oneness

as Spiritual Masters, teachers and wayshowers on this sacred earth. The Light

Body/Merkaba field starts to activate spontaneously, allowing for interdimensional

travel in Soul consciousness beyond the ring-passeth-nots into the higher

dimensional fields of Light as a natural part of our reality, and the ability to travel

within our activated Light Body/Merkaba becomes a reality. The 12 Strand DNA

activates and actualizes as the innocent and open heart now activates to the

knowing of our Divinity, innocence and purity. The ninth dimensional Flower of Life

takes on the geometry of the Fruit of Life and the ability to access each sphere and

the completion of our I AM Avatar Blueprint is upon us.

11. Eleventh Level ~ The axiatonal lines lying along the acupuncture meridian lines

now connect through spin points of sound and color into the body and energy field.

The fifth dimensional circulatory system of Light is now complete and rejuvenation

and regeneration of the physical and energy bodies is now activated as is the petal

of the loving heart. All time exists simultaneously within the infinite eternal Now

moment. There is only this Now and we magnetize and manifest to us all that we

need in the fulfillment of our service work.

12. Twelfth Level ~ In this last level of the Light Body/I AM Avatar Blueprint

activation, we are working with many of the Ascended Masters and Councils of Light

on the inner planes as well as connecting with other 12th level initiates to create and

affect change energetically and physically upon this sacred earth so all life may know

themselves as Love. Additionally through the pathways of Divine Love we have

created for ourselves and others, more and more Souls awaken to the knowing that

they are Love, as together we co-create Heaven on Earth. With this, the last Christed

Petal of the peaceful heart activates for all Life on this sacred earth.

Lastly, we merge into the 13th sphere, the middle sphere of the Flower of Life to

experience All That Is.

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This transmission will further be experienced in Light Language activations,

invocations and affirmations as we come together as One Unified Cosmic Heart

knowing that we are co-creating Heaven on Earth. And so it is!

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link One: No Background Music

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link Two: Background Music



The 12 Diamond Light Chambers of the I Am Avatar Race


The Activation of our Diamond Light Body

As we walk the path of Divine Love, we connect deeper into the I Am Avatar

Consciousness of Light through the Overlighting of our Beloved I Am Presence, the

Star Councils and the Sisterhood of the Rose.

Through the many amazing Planetary activities of Light orchestrated by the Company

of Heaven and activated through us as the sacred way showers and physical vessels

of Light, we have experienced the Diamond Light codes spiraling forth from the

Cosmic Heart of God, through the Central Sun and Suns beyond the Sun, as well as

the knowing and integration of our Divinity, our innocence and purity. Additionally,

we have been enveloped in the beautiful Pink Flame of the Sisterhood of the Rose,

leading the way forward through the Path of the Rose and the Divine Feminine

archetypes of Light.

And now, as the I Am Avatar Race, the Star Councils come forward to bring through

the luminosity of the Diamond Light Chambers that take us deeper into Self

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Enlightenment and Self Mastery as we experience the New Earth Templates as these

sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

The Sisterhood of the Rose additionally step forward to deepen the flow of Divine

Love within our Christed hearts through their beautiful Flames of Light, and

following this, the Star Councils bring in their Diamond Light Chambers,

multidimensional, multicolored Light Chambers linking us through and to all

dimensions of Light. Connecting into the I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light and our

Beloved I Am Presence, we experience:

The Happiness Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Silver flame

of Light and Overlighted by the Pleiadian Star Council.

The Peaceful and Serene Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and

Platinum Flame of Light and Overlighted by the Orion Star Council.

The Loving and Compassionate Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond

and Pearlescent Flame of Light and Overlighted by the Vegan Star Council.

The Unity Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Silver-Gold Flame

of Light, and Overlighted by the Sirian Star Council.

The Emotional Stability Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Pink

and Purple Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Venusian Star Council.

The Patient and Understanding Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond

Flame of Light and Overlighted by the Brotherhood of the Light.

The Humility Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Pink and

Emerald Green Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Antarian Star Council.

The Insightful and Open-Minded Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond

and Rose-Gold Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Nuburian Star Council.

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The Inner Strength Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Violet

Silver Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Arcturian Star Council.

The Leadership Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Golden White

Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Andromedan Star Council.

The Good Health Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond and Copper-Gold

Flame of Light, Overlighted by the Meldekian Star Council.

The Committed Service Choices Diamond Light Chamber, surrounded in a Diamond

and Magenta and Violet Flame, Overlighted by the Alpha Centaurian Star Council.

As we integrate the qualities of the I Am Avatar Race, we are further presented with

the opportunity to activate our Diamond Light Body/Merkaba field through all

dimensions of Light, into the Kingdom of Mother/Father God.

The Light Body/Merkaba field extends approximately 54 feet/16.2 meters in

diameter around us when fully activated and holds all the codes for the activation

of the dormant DNA. This activation further assists in creating a radiant, etheric,

electronic body of Light, the perfect Adam Kadmon blueprint. Additionally, the Light

Body/Merkaba field links us into to the Unity Grid of Divine Love within and around

the Earth plane, and into the unified hologram of Love of all Life on this Earth plane.

Once the Light Body/Merkaba field is activated, the sacred geometries of the

platonic solids are also activated, as are the higher earthly rays. The platonic solids

are the cube, the octahedron, the tetrahedron, the icosahedron and the

dodecahedron, and in the Light Body/Merkaba activation, we became an extension

of the Christ Consciousness grid around the Earth plane, reflecting the exact sacred

geometry and harmonic resonance found within the New Earth Templates of Light.

This is a powerful energy technique that will take us deeper into unconditional Love

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and the experience of Unity Consciousness, also called the Ninth Dimensional Light

Body/Merkaba activation.

Come join us in this powerful Diamond Light Chamber and Light Body Activation as

we experienced a collective sense of Self Mastery, knowing how deeply we are loved,

celebrated and appreciated.

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link One: No Background Music

Mp3 download links: Mp3 Link Two: Background Music





Hello! I just wanted to thank you so much for the incredibly special reading. Now

that I have had a chance to digest it all I am forever grateful!! You are so full of

love and wisdom and everything you shared stirred my soul. You answered all of

my questions (for now..) and shed light on things I knew( and a lot of things I did

not) but at a much deeper level. You are a gift from the angels! We certainly need

more of you. I am so looking forward becoming more of who I really am. You have

made my path easier and filled it with beautiful light. You are a waterfall of

wisdom, love and sweetness; a lifetime or many lifetimes of information in one


Many blessings to you! Here we come!! Lots of love!


Page 29: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

Oh, Blessed Soul Anrita! The Course was Powerful and Divine as usually. But this

time the clearings and blessings seems that…..moved a lot of energy.

My heart filled with so much love! Heaven on Earth! Unconditional Love and Peace

had filled also my room……. I bless you and sent you back all this

Love, Erietta


I want to take a moment to thank you for your kindness.. You have helped me so

much. Your guidance on the upgrades and your monthly transmissions. I feel like

we have known one and other for lifetimes going back and forth on who is teaching

the other. Obviously this lifetime you are the teacher and a great one.

I am sending you pure love and light and pure source energy..


Hello Anrita

In joyous celebration of your glory and greatness i write to thank you

for sharing your light with the universe. Your home on the web

is one of ecstatic inspiration as you are an impressive individual

whose life and work touch the purest depths of ones soul. I found

everything to be illuminating and insightful. You have my respect

and admiration. By giving of yourself in such an uplifting way

you benefit yourself and others. Know that you are a

transformational force. Thank you for blessing the universe

with the beauty of your true self. I wish you a journey of

awakening that serves the highest good.


Namaste Anrita,

Page 30: The Star Councils Christed Heart Teachings of Divine Love ... · Antarian Star Council, and the Andromedan Star Council. Join Anrita and the Elders in this wonderful telewebinar transmission

This initiation was astoundingly beautiful and impactful! I feel so honored to arrive

at this sacred place, to come full circle, after such a long journey of invaluable life

lessons and soul work. The love flowing in my heart for me, you, and others is


Thank you so much for all your courage and dedication, you are so uplifting and


Love and blessings,


Hi Anrita-

Your work has made such a huge difference on my journey over the past year. I

don’t think I’ve cried as much with anyone else’s work — deep tears of revelations,

releasing of layers that carry much for humanity well beyond any particular

lifetimes, remembrances of Who and What I truly Am… way way way beyond

words. Goodness, though there are times, like now, where it just all seems so

beyond tiring I just want to be done, somehow I feel it IS the homestretch. Your

Presence and being able to attend once a month is one of the few things that has

helped me keep going! So Grateful for that.

Infinite Blessings,


Hello Anrita,

Thank you so much for the reading… I am over the moon.

Words can’t describe it really. You got straight to the point and the answers were

just what I needed to hear. A bit like getting a report on one’s progress and it has

made a huge difference to me.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment to all you do for humanity and your

service work around the world. You are a star!

Bless you.

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Much love

Jane x

Namaste Anrita,

This was such a wonderful transmission, so full, so rich — and all within the heart

— just the place where we need healing and loving and empowering. The recording

with the music turned out very well too. I listened again this morning and it had all

the energy of the live broadcast–thank you so much!

There was a reference to why we can attract the “opposite” of what we desire or

intend and it resonated so deeply because it explains my predicament with who I

thought was my “soulmate.” It also helps me make the shift to connecting and

welcoming the opposing Light, Love, and Compassion, which is flowing through me

more now as I release and bless the situation for serving this purpose. Up until this

point, I felt more victimized by his insincerity, wary of my judgement about his

spirit and potential, and distrustful of my own attracter field. And, on the other

side of the shock of being summarily dumped after our first lovely weekend away, I

initially felt unlovable and undeserving of a devoted partner. I couldn’t believe

this was happening after so much work on my shadow self and relationships, and

given the bond I thought and felt we had (the Akashic record confirms we were

married 3 times, I was his mother, and he was my father). I thought I paid my

relationship dues and was being rewarded, not drinking expectorant to cough more

misaligned energy:-)!

But, now I see it’s not about dues or past lives. It’s more about being able to

transmute our own misaligned energy (unlovable, undeserving, etc) and open

channels for greater Light and Love to flow for others as well. Your transmission

caught me before I shut down my heart and erected walls to stop from hurting.

Yes, I’m still confused by his actions and raw from the experience, but I’m

embracing my emotions, giving them a voice, and releasing them. It’s the filling up

with Spirit that I’ve been struggling with. But your transmission is serving to

strengthen and empower me as a Spiritual Warrior thankful for experiences like

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this! I’ll forge ahead and continue to desire and manifest Love, Partnership, Sacred

Service, Creativity, and Money!

Bless you Anrita for modeling the way in your own personal life, you make this

journey both MAGICAL and REAL! I love you!



Dear Anrita,

Thank you so much for this wonderful powerful telewebinar. I have been following

you for some 2 years now. Your teaching is always such a delicious big stretch of

consciousness for me widening the horizons of my current field of dreams and

comprehension of the Magic of the Universe and beyond… From the very depth of

my heart, THANK YOU!

I am in fact a dedicated student of another dispensation which represents the very

core of my spiritual path (this is where I focus 95% of my energy and time

dedicated to spirituality) and allow me to be firmly grounded in my NOW and NEAR

FUTURE NOW moment. Your teaching opens the way for me to leap into my FAR

FUTURE NOW moment. So, I have been experiencing more and more as time passes

what I could describe as a silent dynamic synergy between your dispensation and

the one I am mostly dedicated too… This realization has been especially strong and

obvious upon the discovery of your last telewebinar.

I wish you a wonderful day filled full to overflowing with Sacred Fire Love, Joy and



Dear Anrita

That was so amazing!!! Thanks for sending me the link:-) I was up at 4:50am ready

for the session- I could not believe how high the frequencies were– well actually I

could! It was incredible!!! I was buzzing all day.

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Thank you for all you do for humanity. I am so incredibly grateful. I may have a

reading with you in the near future. I feel my path is unfolding perfectly, but I

would really like a bit more clearer guidance as to my role during this time.

Especially the next few years.



Dearest Beloved Anrita

I want to thank you from the deepest from my heart for this most incredible

beautiful and bliss full healing. I am grateful, I AM very grateful for this


In this healing I experience so much love, deepest compassion and a very gentle

way of releasing, letting go. Was really into the hologram, because I felt so much


My room was full of light beings, my I AM Presence, my Over Soul and my other

parts say…I miss this shower of tremendous Light.

That means for me that my spirit needs this reconnection.




Blessings and Much Love


My dear friend,

it is time to express my very special gratitude for your work.

In 2013 I discovered your website. In those days I felt a strong craving for

development. Your work came at the right time for me. I wouldn’t say I used all

your transmissions at that time, but a great many of them. I inhaled your words,

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had visions and let the connection sink in deeply – in other words, I used and

applied your material as good as possible. In addition to that, we had a phone

exchange in January 2014 which added to the process. You are currently involved

again with DNA recoding processes, as everyone can read and listen to.

I want to tell you that I always considered your work as some sort of ‘starting

motor’ or ‘cranking motor’ (dictionary, I don’t know which term is the better one).

It has worked in my case!!! On 19th July my ‘main engine’ was ignited. This is now

precisely one month ago. Apparently my new DNA woke up on that day. During the

4 weeks to come afterwards I experienced slice after slice new channels of

perception waking up and with enormous speed. I am completely transformed by

now and can switch these perceptions on and off. I have revised my so far life and

altered my plans for the future. I am in constant touch now with my soul and

oversoul. I now know what my true destiny is and feel pushed towards it in order

to use the rest of my lifetime to fulfill it and bring it into action – this is the short

format for you. For me it does not feel that short. These 4 weeks feel like 4 years

in terms of content and steps and many details of development. I gather,

experienced as you are, you can well imagine that there are hundreds of details

behind this slim description and which I am leaving out. I just wanted to give you

the gist of what has happened with me because I think as a wayshower you deserve

to see the fruits of your work. Thank you for offering me this ‘starting motor’. It

was absolutely successful!

I wouldn’t be surprised if you hear two or three more such success stories around

you these days. I as a living example can only confirm that the DNA recoding is

currently taking place on earth, I can feel it now. That’s why I think there must be

others too who confirm. In later years, when I will have gone public with my

teachings, I will always depict you as my ‘wayshower’ as you call it.

So much for now, feel hugged in joy and gratitude.

Axel (Germany)

Hello Anrita,

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You are a beacon of light to me with your warmth and purity and honesty about

the process you and your boys went through. I can only imagine how it feels like,

for I have no children.

You write about embracing all our emotions, and that is what my intention is going

through life with my perceived challenges. In this you are one of my great

examples in life.

I have learned over the years that I do not have to make my self small in order that

other people do not feel intimidated by my strength or ‘less than’. That is not my

responsibility. I can say that especially the last couple of years, certainly in 2015,

has unleashed such an inner power that I see this power as a huge energy vortex

going through my being that it cleanses all that doesn’t resonate with me (no


In this process I feel that ’embracing all my emotions’ is lifted to a new level,

because it also means that it is okay for me to be powerfull and that people will

leave my life because we do not resonate anymore. And I am continuing to learn

that it is not personal.

In all of my processes you are really an example to me. There are so many people

you can ‘follow’ through the internet. There are some I resonate with and read

their articles. But when it comes to following telewebinars or being initiated I

resonate the most with you. Sometimes I can hear a voice and I immediately feel

that I do not resonate with this person. With you I only feel love when following

one of your telewebinars, hearing your voice with the South African accent. I am

convinced that we know each other from another lifetime, and maybe I will never

be able this lifetime to personally look you in the eye, say thank you and hug you,

we will definitely meet at some point.

I wish you love, fun and laughter. That miracles beyond your wildest imaginations

may enter your life and bless you and all your loved ones.

With love,


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Dear Anrita,

Thank you so much for all the beautiful activations and initiations. It is truly a joy

to connect with you. Words cannot describe the magnificence of your work. Thank

you for the downloads.

Blessings and Love/Yana

Dearest Anrita,

I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you and The Elders for such a

magnificent and powerful reading/healing. This reading has been one of the most

precious gifts I have ever received. The reading was filled with a powerful depth,

wisdom, and love that has already inspired deep healing and meaningful insight.

You hold the sacred space of the reading with a respect, compassion, and love that

made me feel so very safe and honored. I now have a clearer vision of my soul

purpose. Through your divine service I now have many exciting tools to explore so

that I may continue to grow and learn.

I would like to express my deepest joy and gratitude to you for your incredible

service to all beings of light at this amazing time!!!

I also express my deepest joy and gratitude to The Elders, and the beautiful

beings of love and light in the universe in holy service of Divine Love!

Wishing you unlimited blessings, joy, bliss, and Divine Love,


Hello & Endless LOVE, APPRECIATION, & Infinite Thank YOU’s to You Most Divine

Goddess Anrita!!! There are not enough Earthly Words or Actions to relay the

amount of Gratitude I have for You and for ALL of the LOVE that You Share with Me

& ALL! Just Know, Trust, & Believe, that I Love & Thank U You, from the Depths of

My Capacity for Every Single Everything!!!! Endless Love & the Sweetest Joy Ever,

Sandra Gean Boyd :}~

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Dearest Anrita:

YOU are such an incredible blessing here on our precious MOTHER EARTH, and I am

so blessed to be one of your friends and the beneficiary of your wonderful sharings

that are at such an incredibly high and blessed level.

Can’t tell you just how much you….and they….mean to me. You help to expand my

knowledge and understanding of the Spiritual Hierarchy…and how I can take

advantage of their offerings of LOVE, LIGHT, POWER, WISDOM, BEAUTY, PURITY,


JOY and so much more.

BLESS YOU, sweet precious, Anrita…I love and appreciate you so very much…and

thank GOD for you being in my life and the life of others, leading us to higher and

higher illumination, enlightenment, truth and love, peace and joy.

Hope you have a wonderful, SUPREMELY BLESSED day.


Thank you so much beloved Anrita! Your gifts are profoundly touching and soul

revealing. I definitely feel authenticity and clarity with your reading and look

forward to working with you more…. sweet journeys to us all! Namaste!

Hi Anrita,

I just wanted to let you know that the last reading I had with you has proven to be

exceptionally helpful. They always are, of course; but this one even more so. I

just wanted you to know how very much you (and the Elders!) are

appreciated. Thank you.

Many blessings,


Dear Anrita

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With complete love and appreciation I now wish to extend my gratitude for the

wonderful reading which has answered and cleared so many aspects for me.

Love and Blessings


Dearest Anrita,

Words cannot express how grateful I am to you and the elders for the most

inspiring and heart felt reading I have ever experienced. I was in awe and most

honored by the presence of all the light of beings, Ascended Masters and

Archangels who came forward. The elders have provided me with much to ponder

upon. I have a better sense of clearer direction and focus to move forward. I

have already listened to the recording 3 times…now I have to take action so I don’t

feel like I felt off the bandwagon.

Thank you so very much dear Anrita for all that you are.

May God shine his radiance light upon you and your love ones. May you be blessed

with Love, Joy, serenity, and Abundance throughout your journey.

Thank you so very much for paving the way for the rest of us.


Dearest Anrita,

I had made the point to listen again to the recording today and it was even more

powerful than the other day. I actually think I am getting the message! I feel

lighter anyway.

Thanks so much!

Blessings and Love


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Dearest Anrita,

I cannot tell you in words how grateful I am to be able to listen to this (and all the

webinars). The initiatory gateway of light invocations /initiations are just

wonderful – thank you so much for all that you do. I listen to them 3 or 4 times a

night and once or twice during the day. When I wake up my vibration has increased

a bit – I can feel it.

Sending you much love and light,


Darling Anrita,

You are such a blessing to me and so many others. Thank you so much for your

loving support! I have just listened to the wonderful invocation you made for my

focus on my TV work. It is so beautiful and so helpful!

With love


Thank You Anrita I really loved the initiation and always feel so at home with these


The energy felt very supportive and so many of my questions were answered. It is

such a gift to know how supported we are in this transition and how loved and

valued we are for embracing our light and truth.

Much love and blessings


Good afternoon, Anrita!

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Each morning when I listen to one or more of your guided meditations – am

currently working with your Forgiveness and the Comic Fire of Manifestation – I say

I need to write you a note, Anrita, and thank you for your wonderful work!

Of course, this has been going on way too long, so here I am, better late than

never! At the end of each one I want you to know how I say, out loud, “and many

blessings to you, dear Anrita!”

So, there you have it! Have a wonderful weekend! Peace, Love and Aloha……

Thank you So much My Beloved Dear One for Sharing this Wisdom as a Way Shower

and Keeper of the Sacred Wisdom. Thank You for Being and Allowing the Love of

the ONE to Radiate your Heart and Being into the Service WE Now share as ONE.

WE Appreciate your Vibrations and commitment to Service. Blessings of the Highest

in embracing the Cosmic Energies and the LIGHT from the Heavens into Our

Physical vessels for the Evolution of this Human Race. WE LOVE YOU. WE ARE ONE.

Namaste ♥

Thank you so much Anrita

I have listened to my channelling session for the umpteenth time and I feel very

blessed and grateful for having received this insight and wisdom at this time in my

life, as I was starting to wonder whether things would ever get better. Thanks to

insight received during my channelling session, I am feeling much more uplifted

and inspired and have the faith that with higher guidance my life would be

improving soon.

Lots of Love and Light



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