20 THE STAPHYLINID COLEOPTERA OF THE NEW HEBRIDES By MALCOLM CAMERON, M.B., R.N., F.R.E.S. THE following pages are devoted to an enumeration of the beetles of the family STAPHYLINIDAE contained in the large collection formed by Miss L. E. Cheesman in the New Hebrides during 1929 and 1930. The collection was made under the auspices of the British Museum, where it is now to be found. OXYTELINAE. Prioehirus (Syncampsochirus) cheesmani, sp. n. Near samoensis, Blanch., but dsering in the following respects : the four teeth on the frontal margin are much smaller, the internal yet smaller than the external and separated from it by a shallow emargination, the thorax is shorter, more transverse and more convex, the sides distinctly retracted in front, the median groove wider and deeper. The antennae scarcely differ from those of samoensis; the reflexed sides of the thorax have each a row of six or seven punctures, smaller and more closely placed than in that species, the abdomen has a similar puncturation, namely two rows of very fine punctures, one a t the base and one at the apex of each segment, otherwise practipally impunctate. Length 9 mm. Santo, vii, 1929. Banks Is. : Vanua Lava, xi, 1929. Malekula : Malua Bay, vii, 1929. Lispinus castaneus, Fauv. Lispinus subopacus, Kr. Banks Is. : Vanua Lava, xi, 1929. Lispinus santoensis, Bernh. MaIekula : Ounua, iii and iv, 1929. Santo, viS, 1929. Phloeonomus (s.str.) cheesmani, sp. n. Greasy lustrous, the elytra more shining. Head reddish or reddish-brown, thorax yellowish-brown with lighter lateral margins ; elytra brownish-yellow, the posterior margin and postero-external region blackish ; abdomen brown, the apex lighter. Antennae black, the first five joints yellow. Legs yellow. Length 2 mm. In build and colour very similar to sumatrensis, Bernh., but a little broader, thorax much more sparingly punctured, elytra more shining, sides of abdomen much more elevated. Strongly coriaceous, the head with a few fine punctures, thorax without or with only a feeble trace of dorsal impressions, the elytra nearly twice as long, much more closely and more strongly punctured. Abdomen sparingly and indistinctly punctured. Tanna, ix, 1930. Phloeonmus (s.str.) hebridensis, Bernh. Tanna, ix, 1930. Phloeonomus (s.str.) fraternus, sp. n. Nearly opaque, the elytra and abdomen a little shining: Head and abdomen black, thorax reddish-brown, elytra brownish-yellow, the poatero-external region blackish. Antennae black, the first two joints brownish-yellow. Legs yellow. Length 1.3 mm. STYLOPS-VOL. III. PART 1. (JAN. 1934.)






THE following pages are devoted to an enumeration of the beetles of the family STAPHYLINIDAE contained in the large collection formed by Miss L. E. Cheesman in the New Hebrides during 1929 and 1930. The collection was made under the auspices of the British Museum, where it is now to be found.

OXYTELINAE. Prioehirus (Syncampsochirus) cheesmani, sp. n.

Near samoensis, Blanch., but dsering in the following respects : the four teeth on the frontal margin are much smaller, the internal yet smaller than the external and separated from it by a shallow emargination, the thorax is shorter, more transverse and more convex, the sides distinctly retracted in front, the median groove wider and deeper. The antennae scarcely differ from those of samoensis; the reflexed sides of the thorax have each a row of six or seven punctures, smaller and more closely placed than in that species, the abdomen has a similar puncturation, namely two rows of very fine punctures, one a t the base and one a t the apex of each segment, otherwise practipally impunctate. Length 9 mm.

Santo, vii, 1929.

Banks Is. : Vanua Lava, xi, 1929. Malekula : Malua Bay, vii, 1929. Lispinus castaneus, Fauv.

Lispinus subopacus, Kr. Banks Is. : Vanua Lava, xi, 1929.

Lispinus santoensis, Bernh. MaIekula : Ounua, iii and iv, 1929. Santo, viS, 1929.

Phloeonomus (s.str.) cheesmani, sp. n. Greasy lustrous, the elytra more shining. Head reddish or reddish-brown, thorax

yellowish-brown with lighter lateral margins ; elytra brownish-yellow, the posterior margin and postero-external region blackish ; abdomen brown, the apex lighter. Antennae black, the first five joints yellow. Legs yellow. Length 2 mm.

In build and colour very similar to sumatrensis, Bernh., but a little broader, thorax much more sparingly punctured, elytra more shining, sides of abdomen much more elevated. Strongly coriaceous, the head with a few fine punctures, thorax without or with only a feeble trace of dorsal impressions, the elytra nearly twice as long, much more closely and more strongly punctured. Abdomen sparingly and indistinctly punctured.

Tanna, ix, 1930.

Phloeonmus (s.str.) hebridensis, Bernh. Tanna, ix, 1930.

Phloeonomus (s.str.) fraternus, sp. n. Nearly opaque, the elytra and abdomen a little shining: Head and abdomen black,

thorax reddish-brown, elytra brownish-yellow, the poatero-external region blackish. Antennae black, the first two joints brownish-yellow. Legs yellow. Length 1.3 mm.



Dr. M. Cameron on Staphphylinids from New Hebrides. 21

Of exactly the same build and lustre as obscurus, Kr., differs in the more transverse penultimate joints of the antennae, the colour of the thorax and elytra, the former equally closely but distinctly less finely punctured, the latter slightly longer and a little more coarsely punctured. In other respects similar to obscurus.

Tanna, ix, 1930. Unique.

Trogophloeus (Carpalimus) pakeanus, sp. n. Shining, black, the elytra pitchy-black. Antennae black, the 1st joint and the legs

yellowish-brown. Length 2 mm. Head narrower than the thorax, the temples rounded, a good deal shorter than the

eyes; front impressed on each side, puncturation close, moderately fine. Antennae with the 3rd joint about as long as the 2nd, 4th to 7th a little longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 8th transverse, 9th and 10th stouter, about as long as broad. Thorax transverse, the sides rounded and moderately dilated in front, retracted behind, before the base with a crescentic impression, in front on each side of the middle line with a small fovea and in the middle line itself nearer the anterior margin with another; puncturation on the disc very similar to that of the head, but a t the sides much coarser and closer, somewhat rugose and finely umbilicate. Elytra broader and about a third longer than the thorax, distinctly impressed on each side near the base of the suture, externally near the humeral angle with a slighter impression ; puncturation rather close and about as coarse as that on the sides of the thorax. Abdomen widened behind, coriaceous, finely and moderately closely punctured, finely and moderately closely grey pubescent.

Banks Is. : Pakea, x, 1929. Unique.

Paragonus sauteri, Bernh. var. hebridensis, var. n. This form differs from the type in the pitchy black colour. Banks Is. : Vanua Lava, x, 1929. Santo, viii, ix, 29. Also in the

Philippines. PAEDERINAE.

Palaminus australiae, Pauv. var. hebridensis, var. n. This form has the elytra a littIe more closely and a little more finely

Aneityum, x, 1930.

Shining, reddish-yellow, the abdomen ferruginous red. Antennae, palpi and legs pale yellow. Length 3 mm.

Colour of australiae, in build very similar but the thorax more retracted behind and with distinct basal impressions, the head less deeply and more finely punctured, the thorax more finely, more sparingly and more superficially punctured. Elytra twice as long as the thorax, the sculpture a little less close and less rugulose than in australiae, the anal styles &

little longer and more slender.

punctured than the Australian examples, but in other respects is similar.

Palaminus proximus, sp. n.

Erromanga, vii, 1930 (Type). Tanna, x, 1930.

Paederus hebridensis, sp. n. Shining, black, the scutellum greenish-black, elytra purple, here and there with greenish

reflex. Antennae black, the first two joints reddish, th,e 11th orange-red. Palpi and legs (including the coxae), black. Length 12 mm.

Head a little longer than broad, the temples long, nearly straight, gradually retracted behind, eyes rather small, on each side internal to the eye with an impression, behind the


22 Dr. M. Cameron on Staphylinids from New Hebrides.

eyes with scattered larger and smaller punctures, the impressions punctured, otherwise smooth without ground-sculpture and with a few stiff black hairs and setae. Antennae long, all the joints longer than broad, the 11th as long as the 10th. Thorax oval, very finely and very sparingly punctured a t the sides and with a few black hairs and setae, ground- sculpture absent. Scutellum less shining, very finely transversely strigose. Elytra as long and as broad as the thorax, convex, the sides very slightly rounded, moderately finely and moderately closely punctured, sparingly pubescent. Abdomen scarcely widened before the apex, narrowed behind, very finely, moderately closely punctured, finely pubescent and with a few fine black setae a t the sides. 3. 6th ventral segment narrowly and deeply emarginate.

Aneityum, xi, 1930. Unique.

Banks Is. : Vanua Lava, x, 1929.

Malekula : Atchin Is., vii, 1929.

Stilicopsis setigera, Shp.

Acanthoglossa brachycera, Kr.

Acanthoglossa pictipennis, sp. n. $2. Rather shining : head ferruginous red ; thorax black, the anterior angles obscurely

reddish; elytra blackish with large triangular red marking occupying the whole of the base and extending nearly the whole length of the suture, the posterior margin and postero- external angle yellow; abdomen blackish, the posterior margin of the 7th rather broadly and nearly the whole of the 8th segments reddish-yellow. Antennae and legs reddish- yellow, the anterior femora infuscate. Length 3.75 mm.

Readily recognised by the colour. Head quadrate, broader than the thorax, the base truncate, the posterior angles briefly rounded, the puncturation rather fine, moderately close, not rugose, indistinctly umbilicate. Antennae rather short and sIender, 3rd joint slightly longer than the 2nd, 4th to 6th slightly longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 7th to 10th transverse. Thorax trapezoidal, more finely but on the disc about as closely punctured as the head, towards the sides more sparingly. Elytra as broad as and about, a fourth longer than the thorax, rather closely and more strongly punctured than the head. Abdomen moderately fiely and moderately closely punctured, the pubescence greyish, longer and coarser than on the fore-parts. The sides of the insect with a few fine black setae. 3 unknown.

Vila Efate, vi, 1930. Unique.

STAPHYLTNINAE. Indoscitalinus taitensis, Boh.

Malekula : Qunua, iv, v, 1929.

Erromanga, vii, 1930. Philonthus thermarum, AubB.

Phucobius semiaereus, sp. n. 9. Shining, black, the head, thorax and elytra with strong greenish-bronze reflex.

Antennae black, the last two joints reddish. Legs black, the tarsi reddish. Length 10 mm. Resembling cupreipennis but with differently coloured elytra, abdomen, legs and

antennae. Head transverse, quadrate, as broad as the thorax, vertex on each side with a


Dr. M. Cameron on Staphylinids from New Hebrides. 23

row of three large punctures, the temples coarsely, rugosely punctured. Antennae slender, the intermediate joints longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, the 9th and 10th about as long as broad. Thorax as long as broad, the sides straight, retracted behind, the anterior angles briefly, the posterior, broadly rounded, on each side of the middle with a row of four or five small punctures, the first three closely placed and separated by a space from the posterior. Scutellum coarsely punctured. Elytra a third longer and a little broader than the thorax, coarsely, closely and rugosely punctured. Abdomen with the first two (visible) segments lightly impressed on each side, moderately finely and moderately closely punctured.

N.E. Malekula, vii, 1929.

TACHYPORINAE. Coproporus glaber, Pauv.

Banks Is. : Vanua Lava, xi, 1929.

ALEOCHARINAE. Gyrophaena subgenus Aeanthophaena, subgen. n.

I n the very large and prominent eyes resembles the subgen. Phanerota, Cas., of America, but differs in the sides of the abdomen in the males being appendiculate, whilst the 8th dor- sal segment in the females is more or less forcipate or furnished with a tooth on each side. The mesosternal process is shorter than in Gyrophaena s.str. and Phaenogyra, extending only to about the middle of the coxae, whilst the metasternal process is correspondingly longer. The antennae are slender, the 3rd joint almost as long as the 2nd, the 4th longer than broad. It will include appediculata, Motsch., and rujbentris, Cam., from India.

Gyrophaena (Aeanthophaena) lamellata, sp. n. Shining, black, in some examples dark reddish-brown, only the head and 6th abdominal

segment black. Antennae and legs reddish-yellow. Length (extended) 2.5 mm. Head only a little narrower than the thorax, the eyes very large and prominent occupying

the whole of the side; on each side of the disc with a row of three small punctures. Antennae slender, the 3rd joint almost as long as the 2nd, 4th distinctly, 5th slightly longer than broad, the following about as long as broad, the 11th as long as the two preceding together. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long, the sides gently rounded, more retracted behind, on either side of the middle with a row of three small punctures, towards the sides with one or two others. Elytra a little broader and about a half longer than the thorax, with a few very h e punctures posteriorly and at the sides, elsewhere practically impunctate. Abdomen very finely and sparingly punctured.

S . 4th abdominal segment on each side with small sub-triangular lamella : 5th with two appendages on each side, a stout, pointed, slightly curved spine overlying a narrow, slightly curved lamella with obliquely bisinuate apical margin, this plate is slightly longer than the spine : 7th a t the middle of the posterior margin with a small tubercle : 8th with a triangular tooth on each side, the margin between rounded.

9. 8th dorsal segment on each side with a triangular tooth (shorter than in the $), the margin between truncate.

Banks Is. : Vanua Lava, xi, 1929. Malekula : Ounua, iv, v, 1929.

Gyrophaena (s.str.) rufleeps, sp. n. 9. Shining ; head reddish, thorax and abdomen black, elytra brownish-yellow, blackish

a t the postero-external region. Antennae black, the first four joints reddish-yellow. Legs reddish-yellow. Length 2 mm.


24 Dr. M. Cameron on Staphylinids from New Hebrides.

Of the robust build of nana, Payk. Head rather broad but distinctly narrower than the thorax, at the sides with a few small punctures. Antennae stout, the 5th to 10th joints transverse. Thorax fully a third broader than long, on each side of the middle with a row of three small punctures of which the pre-basal are the largest, towards the sides with one or two others. Elytra a third longer and a little broader than the thorax, practically impunctate. Abdomen extremely finely and very sparingly punctured. 6 unknown.

Malekula, i, 1930. Unique.

Gyrophaena (s.str.) variabilis, sp. n. Shining, black, the elytra brownish-yellow, the postero-external region black ; abdomen

sometimes reddish at the base. Antennae reddish-yellow. Legs yellow. Length 1.5 to 2 mm.

Head rather broad but narrower than the thorax, on each side with a few moderate punctures. Antennae rather stout, the 4th joint small, 5th to 10th strongly transverse. Thorax about twice as broad as long, the sides evenly rounded, on the disc with four quadrately placed punctures, at the sides with one or two others. Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, finely and extremely sparingly punctured and (like the head and thorax) without ground-sculpture. Abdomen very finely and very sparingly punctured.

The 3 characters are variable as regards the 3rd segment, which principally in the smaller examples is unmodified (var. n. emascu1ata);whilst in others the posterior margin is produced backwards as a very broad plate almost covering the following segment, with broadly rounded posterior margin, this margin presents the following modifications : (1) uniformly rounded; ( 2 ) furnished with a small emargination in the middle; (3) furnished with two small notches one on each side of the middle so as to form a small blunt median tooth (Type form); (4) median tooth produced with a long spine (var. n. spinifera). 8th dorsal segment with the posterior margin divided by two small excisions into three small lobes, the median one rounded, the lateral dentiform.

Ounua, ii, vi, 1929 (Type form and var. emasculata). Banks Is. : Vanua Lava, xi, 1929 (Type form and var. spinifera).

N.E. Malekula, vi, 1929 (Type).

Plaeusa (s.str.) hebridensis, sp. n. Moderately shining, head black, thorax dark brown, elytra brownish-yellow,

indefinitely infuscate externally, abdomen pitchy-black, the base and apex sometimes obscurely lighter. Antennae black, the k s t three joints yellowish. Legs yellow. Length 1.75-2 mm.

I n build and colour much like pygmaa, Kr., but on the average larger and more robust, the antennae longer and the abdomen much less finely punctured. Head narrower than the thorax, finely and closely punctured. Antennae with the 2nd and 3rd joints of equal length, the 4th to loth transverse. Thorax almost twice as broad as long, the sides rounded, a little more retracted in front, the posterior angles obtuse, closely, finely, asperately punctured. Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, a little more closely and distinctly more roughly punctured. Abdomen parallel, closely h e l y and roughly punctured.

, 8. 8th dorsal segment with a slender spine on each side, the margin between with four small teeth, occasionally with only a single central tooth with rudiments (sometimes asym- metrical) of the others.

Tanna, ix, 1930.

Thamiaraea insigniventris, Paw. [miriventris, cam. ( Atheta)]. Malekula : Ounua, iii, iv, 1929.