The stages of film making


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Transcript of The stages of film making

Page 1: The stages of film making

The stages of filmmaking


This all started during the 1800s that has succeeded all the way until the 21st

century. This process of making a film is not easy, but it all starts from inspiration

from someone, maybe from a book, from another film or even music. This will

result in a good/high quality film. This process of filmmaking involves five stages

or steps, which is pretty much standard across the board.


The first part of this is where the film starts or is born. Then it’s a 25 to 30 page

description of the forthcoming story, for example the characters, their mood,

visualisations and more. Once a clear picture has been painted throughout

everyone who is involved then this process will begin. But before there must be

signed contracts and sometimes even negotiations.


The director’s budget is now set, lighting, cameras props and if needed,

costumes. Everything that is needed for the movie is prepared like sets, costumes

and props, equipment, music, and makeup. The cast and crew are also recruited

in this stage. These people include the director, the casting director, the location

manager, the production manager, the director of photography, the production

designer, the sound designer, the art director, the music composer, the

choreographer and of course, the actors. Once everything is assembled, the

movie is now ready to be made.


Page 2: The stages of film making

In this stage the actual filming commences, all the lighting is setup and the props

are used. All the clips shot in a day are processed roughly and it is then viewed

by the director and select members of the crew. All the clips shot in a day are

processed roughly and it is then viewed by the director and select members of

the crew. This is done regularly so the crew and the cast are kept motivated and

aware of how the movie is progressing. The director declares “It's a wrap!” when

the shooting is over and all scenes are done.

Post- Production

In this stage of the process the movie are

checked over and edited, they are

checked just in case they need either

need to get a better shot or if they have

missed one. The final sound mix is

created and the voice recordings are

synchronized with the entire movie. Special effects and even visual effects are

added, including the opening titles and the closing credits. Once this has been

done this is now considered done or locked. The final cut is ready for printing,

duplication and distribution.