THE SPIRIT THE tiMES, AND CAPE-BRETON FREE PRESS. VOL a. SYDNEY, (CAPE.BRETOS.) SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1846. LITERARY. cU6tlfd puddin, which it IUfficie'IlII Y l lhe miscreant, who was alreat!y moun_ Unfurtunately 101 focabu- till,! over her temple with rapid t- uides. A LAUGHADLE STORY. 1"'1 wu not yet extensi,e enough for -Gracious heut"118 I 1 had (urg otlen NO. 47. (staid no longer; but retaining his I (uahed from the house, jumped 11110 fi acre' arri,ed I18fely home, heartily reso)YlIIg thu, to '"Y lateat hour. I would never again deliver a 1C!ller of iutroduction . The foHuwing is account aU the technicalilin of the lallie, Ind the caullfluwer, which Will IIOW 11111s- of the mi lS-fortUI1t"s,lill befel an Alner- whe'n my fait n" i,hbor inquired jf I t ered I"'N hN filce like all enollient jcan gt"tltleman UtMHl a ,il lt to a lady wa. food flf cltorjltltr, il1 took il I)uuhice, ftlirly killing the IIpldN, and .in Parillo ",bom he bart. le Uer. of in· tl') be the French fur cUllard pudding, blinJin g an of the lady-wh il e Jit- 1roduction. After rf'latill, a number and eo bigh .iI.II DIy paoe8:1ric of it tie 01 suft huner glided gen· Da . CaUSTY IiROWINU FACIlTI0UJ .- uf ludicf'GUS and amusing ntlltakes up· that my plate waa bountifully laden lIy Llo,,"11 her lIt' c k and bOI! OIll. ., Bave YOIl enr remarked , DI Crust,: on hi. ent",nce ,;nto the presence o( with it.-Alu, one .ingle mouthful Aton dieu 1 Mon dleu!' exclaimed quoth Airs. Slimp' , y,.aterda1, .. that 'the lady, he thul pruceedl: wa!!! enough to dispel m, illuaion. the utoui!hed fai r. Illy children hIVe different waYI from. The · ordinary , reutine of a French Would to heuen that the cllOrjltllr I .Moll diell!' WaJ re ... ecboeu (rom , must people'a1" dinner.colllmeIlC,.d, A regular seriea had unished with it. Out that remain· cnry penou ' slIlouth , If Frequently," the doctor. of ser"' anl. 'PPUl'e<i each iuuant 11 ed bodil,. and IS I "zed despondine'" ' Have you cut yuur hand t' jnqUir- 1 ." En1irely different 1" cuntinued M,. -.oar plhews, inyiting us to partake o( 11 on the large rna .. that loomed al- ed one. Sumps. ;choUSlftd diff e rent kj llds or wine, under must as large and burning II Vesuviul , No! no !-t he tpider-moosieur ill .f Entirely different, " echoed tb. lI ulOgl-o fn amu whi ch J no morc un· 01, heart uied witbin me . A,hame-d ki lling llil! 'pider .' doctor . -derslood than I underelood tbeir COIII- to confess m, miSlike, although I could ' W hat a quallti fy or entrails!' f'ja- It \-Vell, how do lOU account (or it, ( position, or they dKi my gaudtries. II have .wallowed an equal cul alc.d I tII Frenchman, asked Mrs. Slimp', inquir. ResolyetJ to aYoid wll further opportu- qllantuy of 10(:' aoap. 1 Itru,gled OIan· cuusclOu sly 10 hUII :t tdr. ' lIIgly. ' nilie, (ur displltying Illy predominant fully on agAlilist the mountainoul he ap Well might he be 811toniilhed i the .. Because," rejo ined the doctor, < trail, in the mUtitub!linate sllenef, at its bate-and shutting my eye. Bu d s pray or the execrnLle ,euetnule had II you have humoreJ them 10 much .. yillg oui to o"t'ry tllin, Ihat was of. ollening my mouth 10 iuhale ti l large dress (1f11O head In fo ot. that they have ways of tlaeir 0111 ". I fered to me, and eltin( wilh the 1005t II I could withou t Itopping 10 F' or myst'lf, the nWllltli1 the ftc c.idt"ut noticed il parlicularly when Jiule Ben· -d evoted IIpp.licalioo , till my fair neigh. . it. But my atomach lOon beg l" oc curr ed, I mech ani call y uy thr ew lh;n ap pl e core right in ynur .. tired Wilh my tac iulrllilY ,ud her I1Itelhgibly er.ough to inlim ate its ill'" my handk e rchi ef to my pocket, but Us and told you he'd do it aKain ir 'Own, It length henelf begAlIi a r.onyer. tentioll to admit no more of Ihi. nau· c onlellts re lll a illrd. he wanted 10." aalion. by ellquiring how I W8I pleued lJeoUi I tranger beneath its roof, if not Wh at a rnon!itt'f it must hue been,' , Mrs. 81imps has noL ,:lIuded to b.r with the opera. I W •• jllllt rai sing I even eXI)elling that "hich had gained obseryeJ n yuung hJy , .. she heilledto childreulince. morsel of POlalO to",y rno. ulh, an unwelcome adOliliioD. relieve my viclim frum hpr cruel . Ailu. --- and in orJrr to reply •• qu ickly ill The o( the (uk I had un .. 3lion , J d .. ciare 1 li hould Ihlllk It had Fooe: HTNDREn or GR'&SI- jpOHiblf', I hastily thrust it in, intend .. dertakeo, and the !elolutioD Dece"lry been living 00 caullfto wer.' UOPPERS.-'l' he Nut York Journal of 'i u2' \0 swallow it haseily. Gracious 10 excite it, had gi,en an earnt!toeas At that 1 fel t so me one <':o lUUl ercc nys 'hit Capt. H il ger, oC lJearen! It WII IS hot II burn- and rap idity to 011 fxertion. ,,·hich '? touch me; aud ou turlliu g, I iii" my the barque M", rcella. h .. brought home ling lau. 'VhJt couk! I uo 1 The petite could not hue in'pired, when COmp; 1I110U who had come wit!1 me. . R pregen' eu grlubo pl'er, of the size oC Jady's eft'6 were lfn:ell upon me. wail- my plate, hllving got lomewhl' oyer LQok at your pantaloons,' he whls- 8 man's as a eample of In im. li ng a la her But my the edl:e of the table, upon my Jeanillg pprrd. . 1U':! lIse fi eld through which he lIIiled mouth .... as in .tlllu.e. I rolled th e burn. forward tilled uP. and down .Iid thf" . Alrendy hAllfdead with the confUSIOn I ror five Jaljs, He fell in with the field 3ng morsel hitbu lAd thilher. FUck i ng disgulting mass into my lap. Aly alld di:;;uter 1 had ca used, I casl my o ff'the \Ve! tern Jsland" and the pre· mj head (r om NJe to siue; '"hile my handkerchi e f. unable to bear eo oMrigh- .. ,-n all my whi!e drt-ss, nnd I Il W l umptioll 'us that lhey were hlown ofF which involuntaril, I had fixed t1 a load, beot under in it s turn, Ind II a g lance the horn bl e ,.Xl ellt of 01, di- from Afri c a. The water waa henil, on hu , were strained froUl their !ock- geeat porliun of ill.nded u(ely in m, ) fmd ou the ra- crusted \yilh t he m. the grasshoppera ,els. She regarded my grimaces, of hat. The plale righted it.elf-as J lal pIICkf'l. aud had crusheJ out Ihe Ii .. tilling the 'lIrface to the depth of .om. the caU6e of whicb Ihc WAi ignorant, raised my (,eraon and aaw al I glanced quid '"tulIl'r. ItIUJ the -"a"te iike ve- illches, ami extend ing in the course of with an expression or amusemen' lind 011 eye around the table that no one gf'lilhle which had an d dr ip .. the barque for four hUlidred milel, or su rpri se at wbich I caulaugh now when had nOliced my disalter, (inwardly I'rd dO\I'u 1111 it .umed all ir it courie the acco unt i!l true ; and yet a i think of it. congra, tullted myself that the nauseou. werfl diliolYing my panll- field or gratthoppen 400 mile. Ion., • Mons ieur is ill l' at length .he gen- deception WII happily di'posed of . luuos. and lome inchts thick. il con.iderabl. tly and in an anxious tone i nquired i I Re.olyed Dot to be detected, I instant- Dar' ling from ahe .pot . J .prang to ofa field of grl"hoppera-tbat'.all. could bear 110 more. 61, mouth "'as I, rolled my h.odkHchief togetber, t he IJlace where 1 had left 1n1 hal ;' but Oaying wil h intole rable pain; 10 with ils remaining contents, and whip. ".ero re 1 cuu ld reac h it, a .u d den .to rm Iy ab"odolling the puint, I opened it to ped it inio my pocket. l or wrath heard at the door . the IIIIII O!! t. aud out dropped inrer.. The dinner taule was at leng lh de- ' ! he-Ie! sacre! ' th" r in the nal brand UP')!} my plate. Not !he setted ror the drawing r oom, wht:te fir!!! :: yllah:e hf'illg nUlde to rull like a IIli gh ttil telldency to rigilJilily, rumed coffee and liquora were leTyotl (oulld. wnll:hlllan's rattle. 1U1IIgled with :'1110- t he illlpe r1l1r ahle politene u urtb e lad, . I had lought out wh at J tll,.r Pl' ili' f' t alII ! II :u ne Ihll t nn augry S he slIulhiligly with me on eODs ll le r.e tl n sare hiding p:l ce fo r 11))' F rPIlr.hlll lll ll """rr iflHU,. "" W II8 hear d II1y mil"fur llllle. then gr aduall y led l be hal, beneath I ch!l! ir iil the ri ' I!!I II!! ta ke a temp ... t witho ut to a va riNy of topic •• till rou":,. for J tlare Hor calry it ,n1 )011- :he d 'tfl ftl . -S uddelil y lh ere was a ex erlillg the influe nce - that tru e J!:t'r In my harod, having fint throwlI II V a g ur gling sou nd , ;u: II f oue All way • f'x erci st'l5, I ht':'!flll tu lIIorsel or paper, to hide the CRlIliftow_ iHl" I dlt)\\' iu ', 1 1I \' ollllll arllY-- 1I 11I1 the furgt·t c\'en my OWII hlullde u. pr, anyone chance in seeking 51urlll HI' broke nut willi all.Y my ch,.eks bllrlletllt·u paillrully. rur hhi Own hat t"l l uok into mine. redouht .- d rury. I lJe izf>tl 1O.y hilt 8UeI Rfld I cUlild jo iu ill Ihe cOUYt"r sllliuli On my rellirn to the drawill&" room, ulu"IH'J d,wr, nlld 1he whule IIl Il He r \yi lho lll t he t ht t e",ery word I u\- I chan ced to he again seat e d by Ihe la. W ,I :4 at !llIcr pxpla:lI .. d j we ex· :char ed the fale of the aet ioh I .1y by whom I haJ &at al the ta hle. - h .. ls- aud Ih f" re be 5l uucl, the aueml lted .; I e.' 1"1l 10 hllpP, Our con versation wal r&sum.: d, and we 1" (' e .lu l: 8,1\\·er gu.hi ng down 1115 n ay t o congral ulAi te my"elf, thlt Ihe were in the mid.t of an animalrd dll- clwt" k:4, hh lldin; hi ll f'yu, fi lling his of ca l amities was complctfd l\' hp" R hUl(c fl>ider was seen ,uth. hnlr . llIu!5l A1 chelf, eara aud whis· for t he d1lY. running lip hrr arm. k"ol. N f' vcr sh :tll 1 f, 'rget thltt , Ll't no man call himselr hilppy be- I Take it off- lake it off,' she ('jacu .. Pu:le. There he aliuid ,. . like the f ore dealh ,' u id 8011111, and he said !. .!l ed in a terrilieJ voice. C .. lo,.;s U:4, Hilt! gtllily furward. .. isl-Iy. The Ide. of March were ne t J was always arraid o(lpiders i 10 In III" "yt' .:' f'HC lbly clond hi. arms droo- , et on r. Def o re UI IIlond a dish or a, old touchiu(t him with m, hlUd, I p il l! flut frulil his ho dy. and dripping .e.auliftower, Dlcely done in butter '- I cauabt '"y pocket handkerdbief from I cauh.Jlowe, aDd buuer froO\ ner, Tbi. , e •• ugh ttJlOk fo, • M1 pocke" artd clapped it at on •• epoa pore. A SIVERE RETORT . -A Mrs. Beak \nnted 10 iusult I Mr Snout, and thus tlhe did it : .. Mr, Snout," said .he, .. you a:ty that you're a temperanco mHIl. yet you chews terbarker . 1 '- ., l1em-:1- yes mum," he replied, I. if he had a PlOt of 'in egar between hi. teelh. " hut ' mum-I dOetfD't squeeze my gizz ard out \"iLh atays, nor .tick Illy hack up witb bags of mtal-I doeli'ut ," Ameriea cOllld 5upport nine hundred and lImly millions "f people, wilhout IIf·iug 10 densely peopied 81 Europe nll w is. The presrnt populat ion o( Europe is about23S ,OOO,OOO j o( Ame· riC:: , 55,000,000; or the whole earth . 1,100,000,000. --- --- To SAVE OATIIN rEEDING HORSU. -Bruise or crush your oaU in a mill, or utherwise ... connoient, and your horse will bec<lme fluer 00 hie usual &Jlowauce tban "8 doable tbe qUlot ity unprepared.

Transcript of THE SPIRIT THE tiMES, - The Beaton Institute · THE SPIRIT THE tiMES, AND CAPE-BRETON FREE PRESS....




LITERARY. cU6tlfd puddin, which it IUfficie'IlIIYl lhe miscreant, who was alreat!y moun_ rHf'mbkd ~ Unfurtunately 101 focabu- till,! over her temple with rapid t- uides.

A LAUGHADLE STORY. 1"'1 wu not yet extensi,e enough for -Gracious heut"118 I 1 had (urgotlen

NO. 47.

(staid no longer; but retaining his ~1at. I (uahed from the house, jumped 11110 ~ • fi acre' ~nd arri,ed I18fely home, heartily reso)YlIIg thu, to '"Y lateat hour. I would never again deliver a 1C!ller of iutroduction .

The foHuwing is .1.u~h31.J Ie account aU the technicalilin of the lallie, Ind the caullfluwer, which Will IIOW 11111s­of the mi lS-fortUI1t"s,lill befel an Alner- whe'n my fait n"i,hbor inquired jf I tered I"'N hN filce like all enollient jcan gt"tltleman UtMHl a ,illt to a lady wa. food flf cltorjltltr, il1 took il I)uuhice, ftlirly killing the IIpldN, and .in Parillo ",bom he bart. leUer. of in· tl') be the French fur cUllard pudding, blinJing an ~Je of the lady-while Jit-1roduction. After rf'latill, a number and eo bigh .iI.II DIy paoe8:1ric of it tie ~tre a tnlf'tl 01 suft huner glided gen· Da. CaUSTY IiROWINU FACIlTI0UJ.-

uf ludicf'GUS and amusing ntlltakes up· that my plate waa bountifully laden lIy Llo,,"11 her lIt' c k and bOI!OIll. . , Bave YOIl enr remarked , DI Crust,: on hi. ent",nce ,;nto the presence o( with it.-Alu, one .ingle mouthful • Aton dieu 1 Mon d leu!' exclaimed quoth Airs. Slimp', y,.aterda1, .. that 'the lady, he thul pruceedl: wa!!! enough to dispel m, illuaion. the utoui!hed fai r. Illy children hIVe different waYI from.

The ·ordinary ,reutine of a French Would to heuen that the cllOrjltllr I .Moll diell!' WaJ re ... ecboeu (rom , must people'a1" dinner.colllmeIlC,.d, A regular seriea had unished with it. Out that remain· cnry penou' slIlouth, If Frequently," rel~ted the doctor. of ser"' anl. 'PPUl'e<i each iuuant 11 ed bodil,. and IS I "zed despondine'" ' Have yo u cut yuur hand t ' jnqUir- 1 ." En1irely different 1" cuntinued M,.

-.oar plhews, inyiting us to partake o( • 11 on the large rna .. that loomed al- ed one. Sumps. ;choUSlftd diffe rent kj llds or wine, under must as large and burning II Vesuviul , • No! no !-the tpider-moosieur ill . f Entirely different," echoed tb. lI ulOgl-ofn amu which J no morc un· 01, heart uied witbin me. A,hame-d killing llil! 'pider .' doctor.

-derslood than I underelood tbeir COIII- to confess m, miSlike, although I could ' W hat a quall ti fy or entrails!' f'ja- It \-Vell, how do lOU account (or it, (position, or they dKi my gaudtries. II re~dily have .wallowed an equal cul alc.d ItII oSlon~l5hetl Frenchman, ulI· I ~loctorl" asked Mrs. Slimp', inquir. ResolyetJ to aYoid wll further opportu- qllantuy of 10(:' aoap. 1 Itru,gled OIan· cuusclOusly 10 hUII :ttdr. ' lIIgly.

'nilie, (ur displltying Illy predominant fully on agAlilist the mountainoul heap Well might he be 811toniilhed i the .. Because," rejoined the doctor, <trail, in the mUtitub!linate sllenef, at its bate-and shutting my eye. Bud spray or the execrnLle ,euetnule had II you have humoreJ them 10 much ~ .. yillg oui to o"t'ry tllin, Ihat was of. ollening my mouth 10 iuhale ti l large ~J.I . tlered h~r dress (1f11O head In foot. that they have ways of tlaeir 0111 " . I fered to me, and eltin( wilh the 1005t II I could withou t Itopping 10 F'or myst'l f, the nWllltli1 the ftcc.idt"ut noticed il parlicularly when Jiule Ben·

-devoted IIpp.licalioo , till my fair neigh. !.st~ .it. But my atomach lOon begl " occurred, I ha~ mechanically rttu r n~J uy thre w l h;n apple core right in ynur ~bor .. tired Wilh my tac iulrllilY ,ud her I1Itelhgibly er.ough to inlim ate its ill'" my handke rchi e f to my pocket, but Us fac~, and told you he'd do it aKain ir 'Own, It length henelf begAlIi a r.onyer. tentioll to admit no more of Ihi. nau· conlellts re llla illrd. he wanted 10."

aalion. by ellquiring how I W8I pleued lJeoUi I tranger beneath its roof, if not • What a rnon!itt'f it must hue been,' , Mrs. 81imps has noL ,:lIuded to b.r with the opera. I W •• jllllt rai sing I even eXI)elling that "hich had gained obseryeJ n yuung hJy , .. she heilledto childreulince. lar~e morsel of POlalO to",y rno.ulh, an unwelcome adOliliioD. relieve my viclim frum hpr cruel. Ailu. ---and in orJrr to reply •• qu ickly ill The ~eriou,"e!t o( the (uk I had un .. 3lion , • J d .. ci are 1 li hould Ihlllk It had Fooe: HTNDREn MIL~S or GR'&SI-

jpOHiblf', I hastily thrust it in, intend .. dertakeo, and the !elolutioD Dece"lry been living 00 caullfto wer.' UOPPERS.-'l'he Nut York Journal of 'iu2' \0 s wallow it haseily . Gracious 10 excite it, had gi,en an earnt!toeas At tha t monu~nt 1 fel t some one <':o lU Ul ercc nys 'hit Capt. H ilger, oC lJearen! It WII IS hot II burn- and rap idity to 011 fxertion. ,,·hich '? touch me; aud o u turlliug, I iii" my the barque M ", rcella. h .. brought home ling lau. 'VhJt couk! I uo 1 The petite could not hue in'pired, when COmp;1I110U who had come wit!1 me. . R pregen'eu grlubopl'er, of the size oC Jady's eft'6 were lfn:ell upon me. wail- my plate, hllving got lomewhl' oyer • LQo k at you r pantaloons,' he whls- 8 man' s ~humb, as a eample of In im.

ling a rep l~ la her ,~urslion. But my the edl:e of the table, upon my Jeanillg pprrd. . 1U':! lIse fi eld through which he lIIiled mouth .... as in .tlllu.e . I rolled the burn. forward tilled uP. and down .Iid thf" . Alrendy hAllfdead with the confUSIOn I ror five Jaljs, He fell in with the field 3ng morsel hitbu lAd thilher. FUck ing d isgulting mass into my lap. Aly alld d i:;;ute r 1 had caused, I casl my o ff'the \Ve! tern Jsland" and the pre· m j head (rom NJe to siue; '"hile my handkerchie f. unable to bear eo oMrigh- .. ,-n all my whi!e drt-ss, nnd I Il W ~ I l umptioll 'us that lhey were hlown ofF .e1~s. which involuntaril, I had fixed t1 a load, beot under in its turn, Ind II a glance the horn ble ,.Xl ellt o f 01, di- from Africa. The water waa henil, on hu , were strained froUl their !ock- geeat porliun of ill.nded u(ely in m, 1~I"ma , ) fmd b~en Si llill~ ou the ra- crusted \yilh them. the grasshoppera ,els. She regarded my grimaces, of ha t. The plale righted it.elf-as J lal pIICkf'l. aud had crusheJ out Ihe Ii .. tilling the 'lIrface to the depth of .om. the caU6e of whicb Ihc WAi ignorant, raised my (,eraon and aaw al I glanced quid '"tulIl'r. ItIUJ the '~'(I. -"a"te iike ve- illches, ami extend ing in the course of with an expression or amusemen' lind 011 eye around the table that no one gf'lilhle which had ~(OuRubed an d dr ip .. the barque for four hUlidred milel, or su rpri se at wbich I caulaugh now when had nOliced my disalter, (inwardly I'rd dO\I' u then~, 1111 it .umed all ir it courie the account i!l true ; and yet a i think of it. congra,tullted myself that the nauseou. werfl actuII~y diliolYing my panll- field or gratthoppen 400 mile. Ion.,

• M ons ieur is ill l' at length .he gen- deception WII ~o happily di'posed of. luuos. and lome inchts thick. il con.iderabl. tly and in an anxious tone inquired i I Re.olyed Dot to be detected, I instant- Dar'ling from ahe .pot. J .prang to ofa field of grl"hoppera-tbat'.all. could bear 110 more. 61, mouth " 'as I, rolled my h.odkHchief togetber, t he IJlace where 1 had left 1n1 hal ;' but Oaying wil h intole ra ble pain; 10 qui~t- with ils remaining contents, and whip. ".erore 1 cuu ld reach it, a .udden .torm Iy ab"odolling the puint, I opened it to ped it inio my pocket. l or wrath W~~ heard at the door . the IIIIII O!! t. aud out dropped th~ inrer.. The dinner taule was at leng lh de- ' ~acre ! he-Ie! sacre! ' th" r in the n al brand UP')!} my plate. Not !he setted ror the drawing room, wht:te fir!!! ::yllah:e hf'illg nUlde to rull like a IIlighttil telldency to rigilJilily, rumed coffee and liquora were leTyotl (oulld. wnll: hlllan's rattle. 1U1IIgled with :'1110-

t he illlpe r1l1rahle pol iteneu urtbe lad, . Mea~llin)t: I had lought out what J tll,. r Pl'ili' f' t alII ! II :u ne Ihll t nn aug ry S he slIulhilig ly cO ll dol~d with me on eODsll le r.etl n sare hiding p: l ce for 11))' F rPIlr.hlll lll ll """rr iflHU,."" W II8 heard II1y mil"fur l lllle. t he n grad ually led l be hal, beneath I ch!l!i r iil the dilli n~ ri ' I!!I II !! ta ke a .fi~ r ce temp ... t wit hout conv~rution to a va ri N y of topic •• till rou":,. for J tlare Hor calry it ,n1 )011- :he d 'tfl ftl .-Suddelil y lhe re was a exe rlillg the ma~ic influence -that true J!:t'r In my harod, having fint throwlI II V 1I 1~P , a gurgling sou nd , ;u: II f ou e rnlitf'IIP ~iI All way• f'x erci st'l5, I ht':'!flll tu lIIorsel or paper, to hide the CRlIliftow_ iHl" Idlt)\\' iu ', 11I \' o llllll arllY-- 1I 11I1 the furgt· t c \'en my OWII hlulldeu. (.iratlu ~ pr, 5~'JI_~ld anyone chance in seeking 51urlll HI' ~' rnth ,, ~aln broke nut willi all .Y my ch,.eks bllrlletllt·u paillrully. rur hhi Own hat t"l luok into mine. redouht .-d rury. I lJe izf>tl 1O.y hilt 8UeI Rfld I cUlild joiu ill Ihe cOUYt"rsll liuli On my rellirn to the drawill&" room, ulu"IH'J Ih ~ d,wr, nlld 1he whule IIl Il He r \yi lholll t he r~ il r tht t e",ery word I u\- I chan ced to he again seated by Ihe la. W ,I :4 at !llIcr pxpla :lI .. d j we h ~ d ex· teH~d :chared the fale of the aet ioh I .1y by whom I haJ &at al the tahle.- cll-l n ~f'd h .. ls- aud Ih f" re be 5luucl, the auemllted .; I e.' 1"1l vrnlllr~d 10 hllpP, Our con versation wal r&sum .:d, and we 1 " ( ' e .lul:8,1\\·er gu.hing down 1115

n ay to congral ulAi te my"elf, thlt Ihe were in the mid.t of an animalrd dll- c lwt" k:4, hh lldin; hi ll f'yu, fi lling his c ll l al(J~ u e of calamities was complctfd cll~(lion, l\' hp" R hUl(c fl>ider was seen m·,uth. hnlr . llIu!5l A1 chelf, eara aud whis· for t he d1lY. running lip hrr arm. k"ol. N f' vcr sh :tll 1 f,'rget thltt ~pec ·

, Ll't no man call himselr hilppy be- I Take it off- lake it off,' she ('jacu .. Pu:le. There he I;t(~oll aliuid ,. . like the fore dealh ,' u id 8011111, and he said !..!led in a terrilieJ voice. C .. lo,.;s U:4, Hilt! 5t Ol)pill ~ gtllily furward. .. isl-Iy. The Ide. of M arch were ne t J was always arraid o(lpiders i 10 In III" "yt'.:' f'HC lbly clon d hi. arms droo­, et on r. Defore UI IIlond a dish or a,old touchiu(t him with m, hlUd, I p ill! flut frulil his hody. and dripping .e.auliftower, Dlcely done in butter' -

I cauabt '"y pocket handkerdbief from I cauh.Jlowe, aDd buuer froO\ ner,

Tbi. , n.tur~lIy e •• ugh ttJlOk fo, • M1 pocke" artd clapped it at on •• epoa pore.

A SIVERE RETORT .-A Mrs. Beak \nnted 10 iusult I Mr Snout, and thus tlhe did it : .. Mr, S nout," said .he, .. you a:ty that you're a temperanco m HIl. yet you chews terbarker .1

., l1em-:1-yes mum," he replied, I. if he had a PlOt of 'ineg ar between hi. teelh. " hut 'mum-I dOetfD ' t squeeze my gizzard out \"iLh atays, nor .tick Illy hack up witb bags of mtal-I doeli'ut,"

Ameriea cOllld 5upport nine hundred and lImly millions "f people, wilhout IIf·iug 10 densely peopied 81 Europe nllw is. The presrnt populat ion o( Europe is about23S,OOO,OOO j o( Ame· riC:: , 55,000,000; or the whole earth . 1,100,000,000.


-Bruise or crush your oaU in a mill, or utherwise ... connoient, and your horse will bec<lme fluer 00 hie usual &Jlowauce tban "8 doable tbe qUlot ity unprepared.



" EnlrL tIM ~lICUUtiq. b,!~~rt;(f .. ~1e 'su,-"osed! ' how~ I pro'per IHRI1 . Ilrould .... J:n::e- the' ' p1)~vell rud"AI It .. ChairmRu., for 'he, 10 for m&~ Mr, Hull 'followed, in • -Iou, aad ever~l~at tho~ ~i!a r.m·at~d bnoccu· or g'uarding my own bonour !f Dssail- lion of the COOlonuee-. II follows :+ .

dllcquin 'i>~ech,embraciol a ,.a:ie,y pi., because the ?pemng -.plech de- ~d. on ~he instant. The r:es~or.8ib j lily. "The Speaker ofthlll .aIAnitHy'llsi ~om­o(topict,_\.he m~lI~ pr~oline'Dt of which n.oun~e,d ?'~f110' l~ IlJd .. ~Iedged' the If the statement were 'rp~ W31i ,com. mu~icaled «'1lh Hi. Colluluulin ~ho E.r.e­was 11 IItfong oplDlon 10 (1V1')r of Party ~dtrUnll'flhon~'to • Codillon. I Ifr ...... ,... mon to aU .the member. of the ·C(,tun ... leu llve CouneiJf> ~c .. ,... Uui.eke AP". M~­Go;!i'nmtnt. Irt commencing, he lta- Gpp,olite side Slid that the otTen made c:1 alike-publici opinion ·would extend Nab, sinee the ~,uali&ed permi .. ~on of Hi ted ' th:lt hie speecb "II hot intended Cd ougili to-I;.;e 'bee'!; a;cepl,ed, but the!e it to all; but the appea'I' mafJe directly ~:r:~~li~~:y We d~:;I~se h1he p:r::rt. jf con! .. COIL~iD~8~.memb~rs iQ t~e Hous~, but 10We'a. wert ~connected with IIItipulltioDa to myself lee~d . to ·.require ?D my ~ he Coum:il

8Bo:rd, : .. r::~ b,· tb: A~t:~:.~

to gIVe hll cunstltuents !nformatlO~ I;o.r- tfiat Gould not be honorably Receded pau a mure ,activi Inoyernent , fhere· Generat yenerday. '1'l1e Sp.aker i. plea--. his Tiews and of the consideration" to . AlthougH 'bJt~lctedll considered fore itl .... that I asked the permi .. ioo ed ~o find tllat his own recoll.ctloD o. tb. thJl h;ad i~fluenced him in the coune these~ condi\~· o~. were objeLctieDlble ",hieh ' hal been 'granted j n an unu!u.i .u.bJect .gree. in .11 e~eDti., put;cul.n

d H 'd h . ' . .... ' d With th.t or M eHn, U n,,'cke ,and Mc~.b '

~e had p~raue , e hi ~ was 'l~ yet the .,e~1 ICt of'_IO!leXlOi them to an ·.,ery guarded form " It runs thus; and they all concur in the proprietl of D~ IIsfied With lhe pr"~nt: Go,ernm~nt "he ~fI'er, 1~lpTied lhat there had-- been ' 11 Hi. Etce11tmcy hn. taken intI) bi.a •• ri. di.clo.ur. ~.i~1 !»ad. by th.' Speaker,' ~'n ct and should support I~ ul~ 10methlD,g prevIOus gulll on the part of ,che gen. bu. cori.ider.,ion"tha trequul'oflh. Speak- ,of .~o p.r.l!l!'81?" to make. dlaefo.9"" b~JDC occurred to c~use a Withdrawal of hiS tlemen who h.d retired' from the Coun .. .,r oftffo Allembl)" to be permitted to di.- ~Ik.ed by 1118 (;~lItt"gue., !n'the,_t .tdp connden~e from it, (\Ve pre!ume cil, The hon, Speaker h.a .aid that oloM the.purport ofco"Y8"lltion.alle,~ed by fl~h: htra~"cl1~ns1 whIle the .t.t~ment that he all uded to the Dext election,)-:- the Council.houl~ b4!!consuhed aD all ~r ~o'~de t;hh,av~lta,~en p~ace I\\,.r~; (;OUb~-' ;U~:d toa~r::g~;:;~~,~~:::tr.eJ·j:7;!,~e. The idea 'that Ihe-So,erei,n could' do mallers; but withoot 'toin'g s'o 'far-in ~(th:·EJ:'ecutj:: C:un~~~ ,er ,,:a ~~em. r, _. . 11 0 wrong, ' .H an antiquated absurdi- the langdage of 8ir Ch.,IH Mdcllfe, ' Hii 'Excallenc-y, in the ury peclIJillrilate . On Friday the hon_ and uarned A~ ty, whic~. w!th Ule doc.~rint. or the di- -should they hot be cDlt'luhed on' all of-cireuml!aRce.<:reated by the un~utho~i.ed ior'J.t y General ~ommenced the debate,.>. ~' me rig~ of king. aDd paal'i,e obe,di- ml.uers_ of ., ad.qlJlte import.,-nce 1" c:~trs:f M~I;oh;:.·:~:r:-h;:::e~,r~:e~i~e~ t~: a~~d bored. tbe ,Hou~e for four hours:--=­ene!!, had ~asse~ away, He ~enled Ard WIlliS. nR! , M~~I~~n~. ap'pol? .. tment ~ns",e;' to tbl! 8peaker' ..... quesl~ to .J.~ve- wltb ~ trd',Ous, and 111 most parts unlO~ the asserhon ma·de hy ,Mr Un,lac~~, of , uch .Imp~rtance a. to Jr:qdlre th'J hi.m en tirely un~.uerf'ld iR' lhilifunpreeeder,a. t~ ~e8t1 ng speech. The ·ho~. member that Mf Howe wal aft 'tHimble 1IIr1I\'1- cohcurrencl!! of tlii other courlclliou t ed C8!!1e by an,. restraint-. on the part of Hi. rf'gret)ed, 11l the cOllrse ofhll,haranilult d-ttal,' w.ith whom it WBJ incompatible H ad MU9f8 tJrHacke-, lJowe, 'tude-Mc- .~xcellency ~ and therefore" as fa r II relate~ t~~t h~ \l~d not the ' faculty or con den­with I:Iis E:'tcelJency's, ~fi~nity t.u en-. ~ab accepJed IIi. offer' made in' Febru- ~Op!~ke~~\~rSc;~~i~:~d ~~n~!el~;,.~~::t':~: slIIg hI! Views-so do ",!e, f~r we feel gUJle In a quarreL 1 l11S, said Mr arYl would they not have been in an rlu .. His Eleellency can.confer .uell liber. l\ssured that I,ll ~e said IDlght hue H all was intf'uded to h,,\'e nn effect. extrao,rdinurJ pos~tion-l~ngue.tied & ty,' to ei:erti.e hi, .wn jud,menlaud diaore- heen. better ~ald. 10 one fourth of the and in;.pire 5Ylflpath,; but was ' Mr tramm~lIed! Th'e'cdun tf j "ould hIVe tlon!. , .' , ', the time he d~ulned the House. · The Ho .. ~ ~ ~umble indi"i~ual" elltirely &aid they we're 80 ambitious ~ office', th i~~~e!:;:I.I::~~d' ar:::et:~.~e de~5~~ud~t~~: firs~ part of,.hls !peech "'~s a s.ort of to~ .'1I!ilg~lficlnt to clalln hlS L9rd-, ~hat the; had bo~.~ to dtgradldgte'rnf! neeesury' for the • .!nIl;l:! fRent of. the puhlie l po"t~al. re~ lew, comm!?cang "Ilh the ship s nonce! H~d he not for~ler!y 'In order to obtain It. I Mr DnOarr~. bUlint!.!J, could it be drawn intO" future pre- publtcatl,oll of Mr Howe s Pamphlet 00 been at I,fle .h.e~ o~ the H ~}u!le, leadill~ t!po~e wilh , ~u~h ner,!e a~d energy & Ctlden .. t ., Nfl therefor. .. that it .may 1 R~~pol1slble ,Goyer~ment, In 1839, the lArge majorities WhIC,h. no Go~ernor 6r O1,t ~?me lengt.h-:-be Uld the subsequent nol ,~eCIJIl'e any constr~ctlOn ?: thAt ,C!lQrIlC- ~,bJ~ct of whJc.b, W85 \0 proYe the 100- . GO\'ermnefit cou!d reslst~ DJd he not alltrnpt to hll up tlie Couhcil had been ler, perlal AUlhorlttes Ihen, and J~ord B" possess rare tII·lents for a p') pIlIMr . lea~ uuraii- to the Liher'al ' Pi rtfarlrl unsa!.. TheCoQ1mittcq \ViUper~ei"ethatlhe denba~1 sU~5equently, ~ad repudiate..! • .fer ! Had he not occupied a proud lisfactory to th.e coaotry. "WtJ were permi 3aion recognized by the usage & the .Vlews PUt forth In Mr Howe'. , posit ion in tbe Executi,'e! No one tuld hy the administration that we ha~ practice "of the Constitution, ia conce~ Letters to Lord Joho Russell i and , theD, ought to rt'present that , geptJe~ RespulJs~ble GOYernment, ~hile it hllrd ded in th is cue ill a peculiar .bape, tb ll l .M r H~)\ve. _ bad, to a large esteRt, man IS too small fllr His Excellencv'! le;kea ~ou~ frulll 'some ctf their''Tlumber of which I would not )\'ilb tQ be under- modified hiS yiews before laking a leat o1lotic~ . ' He therefore thought , t.h;re ~ were not flu'ed for ' it : J'he 6ppo- stood as complaining, because the eir- in th~ Council. Th~ Anorne1 ,Gene- . 'Was nothing fJUmi,1I atin-, 011 the .part of sitibn were accu.!ed of '8mtJitiOti aAd cunl!'hnces or the c8Ie are J?eculiar. r "l .. dwelt at,grut) ',encth on the' dao,e­che Governor. in bri~ging down thell1e il d~;ire or "personal IIgitrandizeRifOut, I merely inyite the .attention't of the ro,us effects , which t~~ placiag , oC D espatch!!. In or,der to &h?w .wbat h.utl.this~ app~tre(! strange coming from c;ommittee to the fact, as operating on Heads of Departments 10 the LeglSll~ etep' he had taken (0 cORclitate t!ie the pnrty who had held all. the office! my 'owo; judgOltn t. " Au£mbarraslment tUre .w?urd have upon the COU.lltJ'-;i ;' feelings ilf pl1rtiee. I , tlol:ours an'd' ~/nroiuments of the conn~ which I apprehended on a former (Jay, t~lIt If mtroduced we mutt hue I pen-

Mr Hal~ .afief· port~a.fiR' 'he power I try, lTe concluded by laling Ii'(ter l the has also 8ssu01eJ a new complexion. slon fund to provide for r,etirinl. Om., and euloglllUg the ulIllty W the Pres~. charge!., disclosures and recrimina .. \Vhen the word 'lI autlwriztif' was read cers-Head Clerk. upon ,1flcreased I!­eOl1del~ned the ,course ta~!A by Mr. tiOIlS, thlt had taken plaer, it was .p_ by the Attornry Geoeul. I .ot fiut COil. lowances \\'ou!~ ,be reqUIred-that )t Howe Ht remarking severely upon the p~rent th.t a Coalition was l.Iusuited to cei,ed there Will a denial hy his Ex~ would be u,l!-SrulSh to ha~e the CoHec· ,b'!ad of the Go\,ernment i and afloflr :IS· lh'e Ipresent 'coiididon of the cO~ lItry . . cellency, uf an! au thority whate\'er tor of :exGlse in the House and tbe , 'SAiling His ~xcelle.noy with ~ .eries. of • The. S~e'ak.r ~ose, ' not f~r the pur . having been gil'en; but it now npp e..ars Co,!ncll,-(He forgot to meoti~n tbat persollal satires, he could uelth~r w,sb pose i t ttli. hour of IIki'ng part in the from the corrcllpondence ~nd . ~he s..ub- ~~r ,~, ()we took ql?' Office with '.ho nor hppe to return to t,he Ca~t.~ debate, but in c';)olp;iance' with the re I sequ en t vel-bal cornmu lIcalLDII .. that dl ~t.mct unrierslnndlOg that he retslD­~e adl"liued _t~ a t M~ H~w.e ,now ~Jecu- ql!,est of ~ne of the members of Oov. I the. qurslion turM ,9pon the exlen~ to ' e~ It II~ ~oll~er that! he could maintaill. pled a strooge .. p06ttlpn In the eounlry erl1~ent, and in pUrluanc e of what which the hOll, .. member f~r Halifax ~IS POSition 1tJ ,both) ,I~e denounced than he would have "one, bad he re":- they would percei\'e W:l1 hi" own in- asked, and hil..Excelleucy granted, the:, the Sp~aker for hili VISIt to Caoada mainf'd ,in the GO"'ef'tKlI~nt aKer Mr~ tentiOl1, to :announce die determination licence th"~ has been used. So also last s~mmer-altaeked Atr Howe for Almon1 s appointment, or gooe ~U{O it be had come to with'n eg-ard to the the contri\diclioll of the hon. a~d r'e ferr1n ~ to ~he letters of " A Con~til again .. when offenl to r~turn. 10 it were Letters or a ConltitulioaaJist. ' Hi! ho- learntd Solicitor General ba. be~n ex· tUlionahst)' In debat!-and dwelt on t e tldcr~~ ;. aud it ,,: lfs in Vii" tOI den,. 1I 0r~bl~ ' friend fr~m the County ttr H.- plai~ed , ~~ it i" llo1priou1 ,ha.t he W'II! o,ne Or t~o other subjects which ha~. that hiS mfluf"nee In the .oountf! had lifax harl introduced' these letters into nol III Halifax from th,e, 23d ~utle to been . r~lterl\ted . nver and o\'er agRIn b'e'en il1creasr.d since hi. I r~tirement. his· spee ... :h bf Th~;'sdal last, ' withnut the 18th August, 1842. between wbich by tbe . !rresponSible party, which are J.f, said Mr Hall , after ~ f~ttll ~ ej~c,- any intimation " 'half-ver of hilil'purpo.e ~ periods tbe le1t~r8 ~'e re po.b li shp.(~ in of no I~teree t to our. rud en!, I

lion, l 'lr fJowfO has a mdJoflty 10 th18 so th"l be (the Sp~ake~) was taken bl the Nova Scutlan, It was Ifnpo!8lble, No sooner had the hon, AUbtoey Assembly, Lord .Fi.lkl alld woul.d be ~I[prise as much u.s any other member theD, for the hop, mel~ber for the General performed an .~I •• hi~h Will

c{)",pf!!I,e~ (0 .reSlgn the Govef.nmenl ofthe Committee, -W'hai w'as ,then ",and Tow nship of Sydney to hue been more ple.a!Si ng than Ifl1 he had perror .. of N,o~a Scolla. even at the I .. cntice iubseqnently stated, bad been reduced prClent, flow, tben, does t he case mrc;l durlOg the d3J,-we' meaft the let of bls cnronet. Be (Mr 11,11) h ltd (0 writifllg,l Ind ··was 'now prelent!d in stand·.at ·thi!ll)o:ment! The All,oruey Qf relumin&, his seat--than M. ,HUN­h e..~ D ~Dt (tht're l tu oppose ~r. Hdwe, defiuileJorrri, [The Speaker here read Gentraiataled on 1\ former day" J n I,n. TINGTON rose, 8n~ delitered one of tho wh!therJor any par"cular h'1t; or poh- the Itat,Alent which h.a.d ~el1 reaJ by guage which I cannot ac<;urately Ireput moe;t effe~li,e spel!ches or the preae.nt ~y , he thiJ not say, Mr .~I all derended Mr Howe on • ,foJllIer day " and pub- tbat his imprusiolls w.ere widely dif- Sesl,ion : and 8f~er the spirits of everl ~he ~ouue pursued ~~ hiS E:<cel~en~y lis hej ,in" the I. Spirit. of the 'J.'irn,.s;!1 feren', 'from those of th~ hon . member body had heen 'wtaried and depreurd ~{) hi. (.drer 10 the rf'l1rrd Ct)unclllors Int week, ] Now, AIr Ch'ai'rman : fi\ld- for Halirax, but the wr}tteo &t l\tem~nt by 'he lagguor of that wbich hbd pre-10. Fen..:I S4., hy ,cco,~panying it.wi~ iog myown IIlm~.d prominenlly i'n- I~id on the Lable ,~liil no\ been su~stan. ceded it-new life leemed imparted .a tlpulauoll8 aud condl~lou~. \alld admll· tJo~uQed, aDd the hon. gentlem .. n hu. met, and therefore t~e course noton!1 to the be.nchee ; but also tOlD. ted, .he changetl h,IS !leW8 of ~~s .. iug ~ur,ther declared that I wou}-t uot wblcb ought to be pursued IS obvious c rowds that thronged both the hbb, ponllble ,Go\·er.n,nent since last ljeSSIOn, denl ",hat ht had thus user ted I tb my own jud~ment, r etDt.ed ye,tt'r' Olnd the " alleriea, This speech' f'mbo ...

Air, besnarr~8 next rose . and made ihougS t it d.ue t o this " lluuI~" " to l ~y day, ",-hen the permiuiu~ ,was ~ead, 4iQIiI a bri,er Rnd eomprehensiYe'iiew fin excellent and argumell~~tlve speech. late co)leagufI, an'd to myse lf, 'to rf!que'st that, ~ Ihould t-"ke no step..l» .P !Iellcate of .the , systeul orColoniel poli · ,He df"phu'.ed thilt personalities had been the ·uau.1 '(H:llmi .. io,n rcolil. his Excel- a matter , without the con!lent III.d ap- cr, In the connie of his remarks , he ~ninglC!~ .. w~th. the dis~,,~sj.on. \yh i~h Jelley through the leader of , his Go: ,nonl-of my former eollu$tl!es . I\OW oe~aaioDa~lv ,,",sed the Iln,uege of irony ,nyolve1 pru~c lp'I'1' of high !1nportanJe v,e rl1D1~nl, to 'Rlake such disclosure .of III tbe Heuse, \Ve hU'e a.ccprdlll~ly while depicting the mannet' in wh ich «0 t he ~!Jtln lry , Lut , year 'lief , ~~d ,,,hint had oceut'red 'at ttie Council come' to a joi1lt determip.a.t-i:ol!, wblch public opinion had com'pelled the fourteen days tle~ate on Pllrty go,t, t.!- noard, on this .ubject, if any thmg had hal been committed to writiug, (hat a MemhNs oftbl' Administration lo".d­Afttr ~h~ ~eci~ion of the J!oule then, ocr:urred, as might be uadlspeds lbie In copy'Of it may be h.ud~? ~o tl~e At- tI1itpr~neiple5 which they hid forlJJ~rJ1 ,PI, noancte! to ..the CO.UIJCIJ oug,ht to the ,p.Jogfe!. or t~. ,inqu"J? .It "N8 twrity ~en.eral, .n~ \.~II_H ' ~ -.. ,]r: nDW r ~p,uhated) lad ftoL only de!reri.~d IS



lImes. Anolher i'ncenli'e to ,irtue is iog portion ef the Sedtcb and ' 're1l~h 1I0VT'lfm JnJ'IIIK .... the satisfaction which all must feel in submit to the insult, and bear with .~. TI}! (ollow'tog peti(i~n. were '" pre-

F'; tNe Spiril tJ/the ·Timu. t : " Ihe decline of life-\.,hen we hue no· ing tacitly lold th • • they art 50 noken aented to the Bouse or Allentbly on u ViIi.., .,; .. tUI1I ell J"TD...: rlrlulihu 4U- tbinA to do "jlh things to come-ilid ill ignorance, tbat ettn with In Idmix· the 17lh, 18th. and 19th FebruuJ-

Tum,"-Ho .. .Ac lt. when we turn to me:nory to .fford UI a ture of Irish and other.1 they cabnol or William "Jonel Ind Duncan Me. Silur i. of1es. 'r~JU8 tb n lold-f,old than retrospect ohbe past, to look back upon get a Grand 'Jury thar"w'il1 teU end R~e. commis8ion~r'a )- for building I

"iitoe . . a life usefully and virtuously employed i write , and .peak the common language Bridge ado~s the Baddeck: R iter in The bencfit~ :mending the exercilie -for the time "ill comt", when our oftbe country. Rully t()() bad. the County of Cepe Breton for In~ad­

of virtue, :mi) tbe wretcledness resuh- ,irtuous actions will be all we ahall re· But the fault liei' with Mr. De~:JTte ret dition ill ~rant-Iaid on the'table. or ing from pursuing an oppo!ite 'toutn , co!lect with pleasure. f?r ,ummoning the ~ore ignorant por- I ~eorg. E . Jean. of Arichal, for pa!-has been a favorite topic w'ilh phi-Ioso-, ' JUYINUS. hon of out community. menl for prtpariog rf'turn. of Asse", . phers of efery aae. They have al way! Sydney, February 18, t845. These mlUer., io. free 'couotry, de- ment for County of Ricbmopd~reftr-represented the "road to v inu~ IS rug-I .ene the best attent ion aDd ,igilaot red to comminee on AS!essmenls. Of ged Ind full of difficultie. i while 011 FDr the Spirit oftlae Time. . • • . 1 luarditn.hip of the Magi.trate and ci .. 'Villiam Allell Chipman and olhers ' of the other hind, the paths of vice have TO Tin MAGUTIlAT.S OF TilE counT OF lizen. AI".. DeCarte,et'. old cry of Kini'. COUtuy, and or 'J ohn \Vier and been set forth as euy and alluring, ea- lUCNXOlfD, un IllaTOIf. " ,I will r i.e arid rail with the peol)le," other. ' or Colchester, prilyini the pecially to the young and inexperienc· GENTLP!MEN',-A mo~t nefariou. hegins to be tJudeutood. ~ I hope, at house to use e.en ' constitutional cd-ror ' vice doe. nOl alway. appear in lransactiori of One of your Bodl Ii .. ,our next Sa.iona, you will .peedil, mealls to pre,ent the -proposals of lhe her natural coioura, bD1 'is orten so dis- leaked out-ohe that calls for the un· redreH J\he griennc. complained of i Genl: ral M inin~ Auocia1io'i ! in refer ... guiaed that thotle who are lE:lDpted by qualified ten.ure or etery well·tbirik .. it i. 001 fnuaht with much CIUU' of ence 16 coal mine. (If' the Pru,ioee IInlophillry and specious appe arance, ing person in the country. At 'the lilt alarm, I dia,raee-to Ihe Count, . and a from btlog a~tedea to-re'fp..r-red t~ are, before aware of her danger, so en- Gelleral Sessions of tbe Pelce, held itt perfect moekel'Y oflhf: Administration coal mine comminee. O. inhaDhant~ tlllgied In her labyrinths, that they ~1areh Jut, Peter DeC.rterel , Esquire and ends of- ~VSTIC!,. nf Stewiackf'. agai~'l a' multiplicily of lose the clue whereby 10 extr icate was appoiRted to make a return of all Arichat, Feb', 19, 1845. colleges-referred to educRtion rOIU_

th~mtte!tes ; .rid are hurtie~.'long from 6t an~ proper persoos in the Township ,.oa. THE u IPUUT 0' THE T1MU." mittee. o~ inbabi tRllu l of In verlles., one cnme I? BDotber, . until they are of Artchlt 10 strve II Grand Jurors, .MEssa •. EDITOIIS -Ahn • wishin for a law 10 r~gard to the Acaderoy, led to commit that, which, at the. co~- nnder the Act ~f 1838, w~~ w .. . " d~ly to ain iniormation ~could You obli ~ and a IUOI to dlsc har"e the debt on the menc.ement, they could not have th~ t ntH"." to th~ faithful and Impar .. al dl;~ m,gby lellin me lI:'oew thr!u h o~r l Ac~del?y atlPort. Hood-rderred to on without horror . It has been Slid charge of hl~ duty IS su~h ." Such Ju- I er if tfe Hi.h Sherifi' g r Ythill Education ~ommlHee: ' Of J .. n: Ylrlue can.n!fer be co~pletely al- rors,? appom~~d by aal~ Mr. ~eCar. ttun; can aene al Ma istrate~ Sum - Kuhn. (or ~Id to .Pl;lbhsh an agncul.c lamed-the (ralilles and passions of our teret,lI1 the/ollh/1I1 and nnpart l tl l per- f y g & tUfltl work 10 Gcellc-referred to Aari-oature-eao never be perfect,~r subdued formanct of their duty on oatil, are mons~. .furs'A c ., cultu ral commill("P. Of Angus Mc--and fhftt the wi:ielt and best of mell to serve for three years j that is, the, C B _ ~~ b' ·2l 1845sTRA

£. I.nnes, praying fur a boultty on tree, have their peculiar foibles and besetting alone, and no others. Thi. last fAct . ret?n,\ e " " ' . tlon~ of ~rist mill with tlYn pai r of fault. 'Tis true. A perfect state is in- is imporlant, and concern. all . We • , oa u THE U'lIUT 0 ' THE T I .... . " alones, and a kiln fpr dryinG' oat!' in compatible with our fallen nature, but should guard agalnsl political interfe.. MESSft!. EiHToRs,-Will you plea-.e vicinity of Ri ve r JnhRbil IH"h~refe;red ev~ery one should endenour, U as much rence with the concerns and adminis~ inform the public-what hal become 10 committee oil agricuhu re. Of rree­AS in him Jies," to ket:p within due tration of JuS'tice. The L ist or those of the amount toted and raised to siok hnttlers of St . Pct~ r '!. L' Ardolse Ri · bounds his appetites and passions-to chosen by his Worsh ip is too long for a weJl in Sydney-for their aCCODlmo. ~er, Bourgeois, and adjacencies, pray. hearken to t he dictates of reason and my liAJits. Let us gl ance at those re- dation. At t he Town Meeting Jut 109 thM lite former la\" for holding 1\

the whispers of conscience, whose jected, which may enatile u:s to detect April, Mr. Martin propo.ed that luch poll~ng place at SI. Petn's, nlRy b~ ea­II ~ ti fJ smKU.voice" can never ue elltire- the in8uence in overation. Tiley re- should be done, and it Wa! unanWriou!i. t abhshed-Inid 011 the 1Rbl~. or free­ly extillftulshed within even tbe mo st side in \-V ater Street, in Arichat. and It votl!d . I holder:s of COU llly of Richmond It) rc" hardened bosom. We have said that all within the .pac~ o~ ODe mile :- The Fire 'Varden. of tbe To.tolnu,t medy defici.e lieic_1 in 'he act 0" iut the road to "irtue has bt'en representr.d Menu. Timothy Byrnes, John · R . certainly kno)", someth ing of this aftair. "intf"rselsro tt to authorise ule of oil! as rug~ed and fltll of difficulties; and Smith, John B,II Rm, \Villi am 8allalO, 'ViII they be 10 kind as to lel us know! court and ji\il at Ar ichat-Iai~ the question will naturally arise-' how Philip Fur!ong, W,lIiam Maskill, Wi!- Do, gentle" Spirits," awake thon au- on the table,. with leave to thft Solicitor comes it that lhe pursuit of virtue, liam Frehil, John H. Ri lidrelS, David thor:ties from their slumhers-ror be .. General to- bring in It bill. Of freehel· which is the only thing thii earth can Barry, Felix POlly, J ame. Barreu, laeve me, thl1tlgh simpie as J appear to de rs 06 C~unty of Richmon,f, pr"yi~ afford to make men truly happy, should John Tyrrell , Dnd Simon Dono1'3o . you, I aO) llO- ~ l an aheutlon or Jaw (or thr. collection he 50 toilsome and wearying J The Ho\, Mr. DeCarterel·s tender regard ' APRIL FOOL. of COURI, rAtes-referred to hqn. sol. "eason is obvious.. The generality fSf for the n nclilY of his oath buoyed hilD Sydney, February 1 8 , l~~: gen .. , M.r. Fulton , and Mr. Clemenu, mell :Ire addicted to some darling pas- up with holy zeOlI . which enabled him - to {'sa lnme lin" report thereon. Of sion which the rigid laws of "irtue un- to jomp onr the heads of the above FOil THE IiPIlUT or THE ·TIMES. Abuham Landry and others or lale hei ll Rlln r: ly con.demn-sile is therefore men .1is best known to himself. Let MESSRS. EOITORl.-By (giYing io" ~adame, for paymen t of Seal Boun" 8li1!matlzed as a seveFe and unrelenting him setLie the Recoun t with his COli sci- senion to the follo wing .Pr~sentment lIes-re rerrf;>d to committee on trade. mist ress, before whom minh, jOlli ty, e.pce. 'ViII he venture to tell ' us that of t~ e Grand ~Jury 01 this COUllty, at Of AI~xi1nder t:hi.holm. (or Ii bo~nt1 IUHJ what the world falsely calls plea .. they are not ill eYery It'gaJ respect . and the ir meeting on Wednesd ay last, io on a grilli' mill alld ~il", at R iver In .. sure , v:ln ish. But nothing cnn be rar· particula rly in the el!.sential rnanets of your ne~t paper, ,.OU \yIII 'oblige habitants-rererred to committee on' t her frolll th\"! truth. Riches, honours, education nnd intellig.ence, nlOre " pro- A SUftSCRIB£It. ag riculture. Of Samuel A rchibal,d, pleasure ~ , fdend s, Ire but things or. perly qualified" thOl" his 'Vorship, ·and Sgdncy. March 5, '1845. prari ng payment or an over expend i-day. Riches may make themselves those aelectf'd by him 1 In fact, gen· The Grand Inqdest or the County ture by hill! ill opening a secl,ioo of the willgs 8.ItJ 8,. I",ay-,honouti . ~ay de- lle,!,en, although oalh. are m.auers or Cape Breton, cauno! sel,arate after great easle~n road; and of : ~if lm p8rt from Ils-pleasure ',lHly glye place which bue of IIue been very hghlly th~ir duties, without publicly express- I;'yde, ror aid , 10 complete sa id sec­t.tI ~retchedlless-afld rrlen~s may turn. tr~lted amongst uS' .1 . conrell I have. ing to the Honorahle Coun, their una- 11011 uf rORd; . Of Alexander P.lttenoQ t.helr u.."lcks upon us.:-But YHt.ue never sull to~ good an oplDlon of Mr. De- nimous opinion, that the An,\exatiun a.ud ot~ers, or Aylesf?"d, praying con­kJrsakJ:I he r follo~vers, she Will a~ord C arteret to feel ~atlsli~J that he ~ould of this 1.131ld to No,. Scotia, i,l illegal 119qa~ce of Bid to agriculture, ~n~ also. tbem ~ler &U P.port 10 all the te~ptatlons trample ~n our .. rJghta, If he were -duly and oppressive to its inhabitants. They for .. ~ to manuf~ctnres-referred to. ,Ind tr1a!s of life; and lh~ ~an In wh~se swor.n ;" I~ heis not, you are to blame. i 85 guardians of this County , t~lillk committee 0 11 agricultu re. , ~(John hreatit , IS In POssr5slon and If he IS, each of us can hate hiS themselves full justified in t hut! gi'iog A~eryon and. others of Corn".lfls, ror of.a treasure that will aO:-brd more real opinion. One featu-re io . the ca.~e. i. expreuioll to their .-;ntimenls. aid to complete "breakw,ler . enjoyment than aU the wealth and lao· strongly calculated to excite S1l8plClon· (Signed) TUOlUS D. ARCHIBA.LD, lIours others so tage-rly-COft't. It IS a of the purity of the returning officer', I:-' ~rernan . treasure that never corruptl, and in the motins, is that 12 oul of the. 13 re- .",,============~ exercise of the doties it ira poses' are 10 jected ones above named gue tbeir THE SP~RIT OF THE TIMES, he fouod pleasure! that lIe .. er p all. votes and intel ,est in opposition to Mr . '8 PUBLISHED EVER.Y FRIDAY &YIUUNO.

Virtue gives its OWA reward, in bes- DeC.,tere~'s part, at the Jete · Elee.. BT J . D. KUHI'{ towing. calm re::signation to the will tions. of HelYen, so t hat thal can Another conaideration should be TEIl .... -Fiftel!lr& SlaiUir&Z; ,I!lT 41U"'-15! befall u. wiJl ha,e power to dislurb duly regarded i you see year after year dUi.,ntt iN. town. or u.llad /OT-S"eJdeen

the equanimity or spirit that all must ScotchWlea and Frenchmen acting as 'it::!-7tfe' u::un~~~:U;8::1.c;'tl~:~x6~=:D feel,.when we recollect th al ou.r aO'ain !Illors to whom t.he b~9inelS mu't be of ea~h half.year No lubscrlptloo can ~ are In the hauds 01 an all·wlse aud Interpre1~ d, and 10 too Inany casts by received ror II. Ius period than' illX montha ; o.e.rrU IIII~ PrOVidence. who suffer. nOj penons or no abilities for tht task. and . ,~eH be r will any pape.r .~e di icnntinued un-eyent to ber"llIs hut fo~ ~oocl-a~,d as perhapl prejudiced, and in ot~e r res .. ~~,:!~=~~:.:~::: .~;etlr:ldpUb~~~:'l:~It'~: a h~k of th . t myslf :- IOUS ch am of pec~s o.lcul~ted to. warp the course of post-paid i no .. co mmpn\f;,atiGn will b. at. erents hI willch he ,wo::ks (,Iut our dtl· Ju.tlce. Wit th. IDtethient and read· tended 10 unless the Po!lIEC be pait! .

The following Ab.t .. et of MoDi .. ' granted for . R oad, and Bridges (to. 1836 to 1844 , inchuive-were preseot .. ed to the Hou,,, on the 17th Feb.

1836 ' £10,750 0 . ' 1837 . 10,000 ' 0 0 I Bas l ,I ,3!15 0 ' 0 ' IB39 ,J 16,800" ~ 1840 44,000 0 0 1841 24,,,00 0 II 1842 3;1,400 0 0 , 184;1 16,414 1 2 , 1 8,~4 " 12,000 0 0'


.............. _-------_. TH~ Sp,JRlT OF THE TlME:S.


and 91hcr places, a large Asson .. LJ.FE AS8~FR~~~~N80CIETY, THE SUBSCRIBER has ju.t ,_eeci ••

'ed hi. Fall Dlld Winter Supply of ment of GOODS, which ,they offer for Emp.rtI ... ta by Act.f Parlia_nt, sale yery low for CASH; consislillg of CAPIT.U £600,000 STE.LI.G.

Blackj blue, and Invisible green Clotha, j •

Pilot Cloth, Flushh:g, Mole:tkin. Cu- Bpard of Loeal Director. at H.lir.x: sjnteres, Tweeds, alld Doeskin, j black, Tao •. R. GU."IE, Eaq., Chair ... n.

DR Y GOODS &. o'ROCERIES, Which he will dispole of as low IS

thev can lJe had in the .market-for CA'SH or Country Produce, viz :­

blue. yellow and white Sergei Ind JOBII STk~~R"IC, Esq. I JOII. DuI'u" EJq Fhmnels j Velvet, Silk and Colton 'J'. q. KIJfMX.lR, £~q. , H alldkerchiefs; Wo()llen Sba,wls; Li- . . StandiJll Couolel . r

Black and Blue Brood Clotha; Ca· aifOf"rea; Beavers; Harringtoll8; Pilot

V T HE BRETHREN of St. ' Andrew'. Cloths ~ 1; wee"ds 'i l·"'ushings; est Lodge of f'ree and Acc~pted Muon. Pattrrns, in great vnriety i Fl annels, tire her,eby requested to meet at alalO~ L:nens j Shirting ~otlons of variou. Fhll, on the thir~ Tuesday evening in kinds and qualities ; Orleans; Merj- Mnrc'b, for tranAactlOn of tha u.ual lbusin •• .

nen IlId rl'otton Sheeting; black, blue 'rux flolf. AnalUIY G •• X •. AL.

nnd brown Merino l'lnu Orleans j lillen, Solicitor.

,,' hiter striped and regatta Shirting; Phl'lI:~I~~ ~n~L~'::d~:;~E~::in.r . strong ready-made Shirts i Whitp M.u. -

nos j Shawls j Printed Cottons, &c. . By order of the W . M. ~ A LSO-Finurj MeAlj Bread; Teasj SYdn~~1~D.F;,R]~5SS0N, Secr.lIry_ seilles N apped Couuterpanel i Enghah W J. AL.OIf, E.q. It. D.

Blankets, of ,arioua siz.e.; black, f'RE~a~~~~ini.A~T~·aR. . Coffee; Chocolate; Sugars; Mo,"s_ \ -----________ _ Bes ; Spices: Plums i CllrnlOts i brown, white a,nd fur-topt Kid,Glove!!l i

,"Vuo!en, ~olton,~ And Beriin Gloves. ; Silk, Cotton, and Woollen Stockiugsj COllon W;lrp. NOI, 5 and 10; Callv" I\nd Paddillg ; -Bl ue HOllnets and GI ... zed Hats ; a great variety of Printed COItOUS; Threads, TapE'S, <.;ambriclI, Muslins, L ace, Edgillg!S, Bobbinetts, SIlk find Fancy Vesting'. Hrown Hol­IUllds, Lillillgs of ditft:r~lIt cui or. j Toilet COl'ers and T"b1e Cloths, Rib­hons and Quillings-and a l' ariety of Imall wares_

GROCERIES, &c. Black and Green TEAS; Loaf Iud

Crushed SUGARS; Cuff.e, Mol ..... , Nutmegs, Allspice: Pepper, Ginger, Saltpetre, Rice, Soap, Starch, Salara­

,tus, Mace l Clove., Cafroway Seed, 'Fig and Cavendish Tobacco, BOllle. or Blackillg, Candles.

DYE STUFFS. Indigo, Starch.bfue, Maddrr, Cochi­

neal l Logwood, Cupper •• , Aluln, Japan Vurnlsh. '

. Hl,RDWARE. Pit\ CrOsl-cut, ·'and ' Hand Saws;

Plane Irons, Nails, Screws, Screw elates, l:l.e:Jt and Pad Locks, HiiJges, Kuives and Forks, Spoonr, Pocket aud Pen Klllvu. Clllder Shol'els, Sho~­' aud Butcher Kllivrs, irOD

Shoe H eela and SparrowtJlII:5, Palma. Sail Needles, Awl!, Fishing Hooks and Lealls, Tinware, Pepper-lJoxe.', Uoule Screw'"

SUNDRIES. A large ASSOf'tmenl of Earthenware,

conlSistiug of Breakfast, Dlllner and Tea Sel~. Milk Dishes, Crocks, Jars, &c. Leather, Shoe thread:s, ito81n, Pitch und Tar, Salt, Bread, Glass, Whiting, Glue, Saits, Cllstor Oil, Sen­nn Leave:!, Britis h O, i, OllUdddcie, Cream of Tilrh" , Arruw !loot , t:aUl. phor, ltockifig Vhairs, Bed 5:teadl, Wash h<tlltl Stallds and Toilet Tables, Slated, <"':orll Broom., Boy. Shuet, Llldi"t'5 Kid S!ippeu, Luokill&: GlasleJ, Razor StrOps, (Jumbs. I 1 The alwve ,GOOdlS, having been pur .. chaserl 011 advantageous terml, will bel Sold .. ry LOW lor UASH.

!tuBt:R'I';ON &. FEIlGUSSON. Sydney, U. 8. , Jail . IS, 1845.


.Ne:t.t duur 8uuth of .Yr. Pe/.u llluar.'. Holel .

T ~11;:~ tSJ~ul~~~lc~~~d ~:~s r~~I!~~~'~~i~:~~ from lirt:at Uriul.IlI, &.c., .via Haliliu, pan uf his .:suppl¥ of .lHtY .GOOU::;, Gl~U..;t; -

!~E~'L~~~S:~ld ·~(~f~i~:>\~:uc~~~~fY and GLASS. WAKK t witb a vanety 01 St;ASUN~ULE AN.TICLES-o-all of which are ofie red III unuiiu».lIy low prices fur chb, Qr IHlcli trade as may lie llvpruvtld of.

S,..t"'" c .,~, rJ.~~&i, ~~~UUOLD\

T HIS ,Society, founded 'on the u MU'rU- Slnrch ·and Ulue j Indigo ; Rice; AL 'AND JOj~'l' STUCK" p. inciplti, Barley ;. Crockery' Ware i Glass Ware i,

cuntinue. 10 effect Insurllnce oa Lh·u, CU11ery, with many olher articles· too JOIlII Live., Sur<vivul'llhipl, &e. &C. &e. in numerous to mention. . •. ~~;.: I~I~:~·';n~~!~:uD:;;~~kd'. Princc Ed- JAM ES LEDDY.

Proputlal. fu.r IgsurRDce .. n dlcilJe4 oa by December 14, 184-1. tJt& umd Directorl, who ar. rnll'olllered to ",ccqJt Tist.8 withuutjirsl riferrinzlo Lo.~n..

Example» of Ltah:. for Ailiurilnce of £100 Sterliul on !;k ·si,),I. life. -I For I 'For I t'OIl Llt'E. Age lynr 5 year. I Wilbonl 'l With

only. I only. profits. Prufit:l '

15 10 15 61 '0 16 2 I 9 6 I 12 10 20 0 17 '3 0 18 I 11 13 7 'II 17 4 25 0 19 ij 1 1 1 I lij 6 2 2 9 301142116012441293 35 1 9 2 1)0 9 2 10 11 2 16 6 40 II I~ 211 12 81 ~ IS 813 5 3 45 1' 14 4 I 15 8 3 9 4 3 17 0 50 II 18 10 12 1 314 4 314 13 6 55 2 IU 9 2 19 I 5 5 6 5 17 2

60 13 14 814 5 I 16 13 617 8 4 65 5 5 0 6 0 4 8 lU 5 9 9 4 . 7~ ,7 I~ 6 8 18 2 II 1_ 4 125 11

Q::.PPremium. RIlly ~e paid Ilnn~4ll11 half y£4rly. or qUI,rtt.rr", alld "ttOu-tluriJl of th. Prtmi1l7n$ may be borroUl£4 .. "

., ' PROFITS, The fnllowiJl:I exaulples aro giv.n of the

profit. distributed at the last Annual General !\Jeeting of tlill Society, which w •• beld in London, in MIlY, ~!)44'-

Il'ermanent I "" CO ... '" I

reduction of .. '" :2 ~ ~lInulll l ' cti~O)I' I 'I Prellliu~. . ,. - __ --'-- I

'I 1""-"'-Bonus aD • ~ co :

Cuh. 1'>1""'-1'--'---~ 1

I .., .""0 Bonus in a.d. = Ct cc

l .u:li:'~U;:d /1 ~!::. ~ ~ --- --1 Policy tok· ::: i?5 is 1

l en out in CD Q) Cl) ----~. - '-1

J Annual ::;;;"' I I' PreJ~iuih. I ~; .:' ! Su,n ,"ured ,'-~~ I I Age. ~ I

FOR SALE. I -- ~

THE whole , or in sepllrAte loti to suit purchasers, all th9;t 'Valuable

PROPERTY opposite the Court House in Sydllty, being thr remaiuin( Dart of the estate of 1he late Andrew SalJon, cotl.i"ing of IIvo Tow" Lo""

n which ore a commodious Dwelling House one Illld a half slory high, with a frost proof Cellstr; ,,1:'0, a larg~ Building. cl'lpalJle of being cOllverted' illt. a comfortable residence. Term. made known on apphcation to the Subscriben.

S.UlDEL H. SELLON } , ANDRE .. W. SELL.ON Ens. Sydne" No •. W.


B ~t tt:u8i~~s~~~: ~~r as;.cp:[c~~na~l:f~n:,. :m excellent qUlllity; is well wooded and from 301040 Bcre. cleared for fnrther parti~ulan epply to the subscri be r or to Dunr-an CUrt! Eallt Blty. DONALD McEACHRAN.

13th November, 11:'43. ------

JUST ARRIVED, A NO for SRie ' by the Subscrih~r, at


GEOR.GE E. BURCHELL. Sydney, Nov. !6, .1844.

PU,HLIS,HED, Tlte II SA TIRIST," or Strictures

on'" late publication , issned from the Sydney Pre!!-,~suppo!etl 10 have been \fritten by theiRey Norman Mc1.eod ..... by a Layman . ,

Price, fur I copy, 2s--for to copies s 6d each. '

Persolle wishing to !Subscribe for thil work mRy leave their names lit Mess rs. Archibald & Co. North Bar; Mr Jas. Matheso ll. LillIe Br"l d'Qr ; Mr John GilliS, Sydney Mine" i Mr ias. Gilli:l, En!5~ Bily i M r SlilOup.1 Sellon, Sydney;

Ild H. Sellon. Saint A nnJ


lIas just rcccivtd, per late arrivals jrom Ualifax"':"

An ntensive and well.elflcted ... ortmant. DRY GOODS, GROCERES, {;ROCK.


W HeH he will be h.ppy 10 dilpos • ...of al an extremely low rat., for Cash or

Cou.ntry Produce. Among tl18 Groteri •• arb-Superfille Flour, Corn' Meal, 'Ry. Flour, O.U A-Ieal. Pork, Rico, Sugt:r, Tea. Coffee, Barley, &'c.-AII of the be Itt quality.

Sydoey, June 21, 1044.




HALIFAX .>\GENCY. Stand ing Coullci', I ~ Solicitor, Hon J B U uiacke, Js Stewart, E.qt •

llENERAL AGENT, Frederick R Starr.

'I'H,. CO""NY '0 long faro,ably known in these ClIlouip.s for ita prolllpt­ness .n~ liberal ity in the dettlement 0

losses, continues 10 insure against los .. es hy Fire, on Houles, Furniture. Mer­ch,mdize, Ships on the Stocks, Ind in Port, ilnd other illsurable interelt, in Nora Scotia, Prince Edward JsIIIII(J, <Iud Newfuundland, at vc.r!l modera!. rates of Prcmi'UII. Please dpply to


o::7"SUB-J\GENT, nt Syd ~.y Min •• , Cape Bretoll, CHARLES W. DICK­SON


THE SUBSCRIBER requeata .11 hili! friends Iud debtors throughout the Count, to come forward and payoff all their old arrears due him up to thia date; otherwise their ReCOUnts wil be placed in the hands of a Magistrate or collection-without any, further DO tice from 1


BLANK FORMS. .'\. GREAT V.,iety constantly on hand at tbi. Office.;.;...amoog wbich are, Billa of Evchangc. Bill. of Luding, Charter Partiell, Seamcn' • Artil:les, AV{lnmlices Indenture., Lawyer·. UIRnk. MaCIstl'lJte·. Blank •.

Ju!y 26, 1844

SUM!\IONSES, &.c. A few q,uirea on hand at this ofIiee.

WANTlm. A row lb •. TALLOW, for which ali heral p,rtee will be gi.,en,-enqnire. a thieofth:e.



," bri,hllip and a d .. bill( ey ~ , And. he.rt th.t .prinp with ,lel­

A ,rackl ... path whet. moonbeam. lie, And I d .. bi., al,i,b (or ma !

Let oth.r. erowd the bome.hearth .id., ADd (lId wiota", {rowD,

Bat ,ive to u. \b., merry rida, . Hi, ilIaCI lad, hi. er.o.D.

'tb. (fOUl. and· roeh .r. Sittin, pa.t, And t~ homHtead. team lo 8 .. -

~.epa n'rlnty nn the will,lId btu&. .Ii ll da.h WI;

Old l iral m.y .1ay hi .. runnin",uDd •• ~d c".l hi, lCyJha l"a1 ;.

We live to' Die hl in •• pirit.llQd~ That'. rar he~oDd .• hi. l"'a14

Re1! .potl.n1ond.,.ltOw~ "'r •• th·. bra .. t How briaht ,on lolden .,ar ; 1

But purer, JoYe, thy bOlOm'. rei., And thina .ye i. bri,hter rar i

Thy brow i. lik .. the top, That', w,apt in an,.1 dream. :

'lib. bri,ht .. a,. moonbeam. rouna illirop, , ID ,'~i holier .lr.aml. ,

When yean hu .. 61Jr.d li'r"'..erf,tat 'bowl Witb .un of .trifo and pridft.

II ..... till.d tb. wild throb. of 'the lOul, o. And it. ronclutlprin,. hlYe dried,

Oh! doubt not but thine eyf" more bri,llt And thy brow more clur .h,1I be,

AI ,mem'ry 'of the mnonlight Dlghl,

"Wb.D 'oar .reiCh duhCld on in ,I ••

TilE ERRING. Tbink I.ntly of the arrins !

y. know not of tha 'With _hiola. tb. dark temp.catioD cam.

In .om. un,oareted hUDt.,. r. P'Y ,pot ~now how,

I' 1;'hel .trugaled, or ho'. Will, Until-th. hour of ",aakn ... e&11'! ' ,

And sadly thu. tb., (ell!

Tbi'.k ,enll, of the .rrin, ! Oh ! do not thou,forrt,

How"".r darkly .t. ined by: ain, , H. i. th,' broth.r yat.

, J HI" of tho ,.If-ume heritace ! Child of th,. lelr. .. m. God!

H. hath but stumhled in Ibe patb, Thu b •• t ia •• ak .... trodt!

Speak lentiy of tb •• rrinl ! ror i. it not enoo&:h

That ianocence aDd puce hue 19M. Witbout tby· cansul'll roulh ?

J •• ur • . mu.t ,be a weary Jot , That .in.-crusb.d h •• rt t. bear; . .Dd '.h.y who Ihare a happier fat . .. cbidinp .ell m.y.par •• ·.

Sp ... .. k kudly ~o the errin,!


. V AlRIETIES. nullo Harle ln ,,!o Ill." hia .,., p",. Te. !Wo.'. l'IeenT.-Wbe" II ---____ -",..==..::..:..___ meol on. hou ..... d ,lot b. bod pa" thl Iol.od of RhoclH, I •• ot io ,h ..

A SQu"ls,-Halr,or Ihe ~rrrent WI~ , ~hll'~d, : lJow I' 'Iid 11M: GIbe., 'MW 'pOole "hery. which i, eUfMu. an. or.he daY Isor l~llIat,d in the Wtltf'rn I' thl1l1 did yo .. aot 'tU •• ,ou. were interf!lt~nr. hi •• I.borious and 'dan. country~ · A !ate M'.ssuuri p~per relaleal poor t' .. • Ye,,' .. .. Art" y •• ,OY ha,e (er~a ... employment,:: but 110 JucFIIIli,e. Ih. fuliowinK' anecdole or an ' f'lIlinent 'lived ~,tAl ""I.""" .. oa a do'- Iha,6 .. e 0,. .ia luccHI(ul "ar. "trord le"a) aentl~mall in that State:-~' Of'lOg lar .nd ... Ir I day" Tbe o.her thOle f'ngaled in it .Ite .eanl or .up. once 0ppoled to Mr, S--, late Inf'm- ... d, a~" after ... ~. heaila~i~D, ~l ror an e"lire year. The Ipong .. b.r or CUll,re .. , he remarked al roi- Inl"e"d~ I JI tf'~1 Jou, II'. whl' tlll, II at&ached to> rock. at tbe bottom or IOWI to t,he jury, upou a point or d~ ... that "a, 1·.aeharmIDlloocf berth JOu the lei. uninllSl rerrnl· lo~ nlyri . rl. gre~m~1I1 hehYeen t.hem , I Her. i. my rne .me j I gOI I dollar Iud a •• Irrrum or ,lm.1I cru .... ceou. "'rjimAli,. ;'hicft ~rother S-- Inll J dilJ'er . Now Ihis th. cllr j thtn ',he COnlrleI0r •• "e lIle occupy ill catitiea, I The filhftr,nu,on ~. ¥er, na'ura~, Men seldom !lee tbillgtl two dUII~rl a day 10 .Itcb the Mbocon. Ji,e for it 10 the dftpth or eyen . ' hun. III lh! lana.e ,light t and they may din. ItIClOra find Ihey In. a:. ~WO, 40UIfI di'ed fef" , Ind- -amelimes eOIHinU'ft rol' g~ee III 0plDlon UpOD the limples' prin.- more not to Witch ,hem. l fi,e or lix ",inult. under .. ater, uul". clp~e uhhe Jaw, Iud. th •• ,e.ry houelll, ;. A DANGEIlOUI DllcoYIKy.-.The lhft qUlnllfJ or 'ponge tHey may have while, at the lime time. neuher can xe d r h N ' I I II" collected become. incoonment or un .. Any. tolrthl, renon why the Plhould cOrre!~D eDt 0 t. ahoua Ate I· ma"lg .. able, when the\" are heulttd tOo A tl th ' I I Yh 1 k , .. ncer Italel thl' ao Engh.hmall, In the lorfle' b, 'he crf';" or th~ bOllt to ata~lti .. r:IJ~$sil~~:eo~ 1)~;:~~~e~ ry n:~ Engrner h.Y -proie. •• ion, b .. 'Mde I "hich the, beJon~, The dlft", ucca.

i " a 0 dllcuYf'ry. from the abu •• of which II f I nol 'Jew Il In all Its bear mg., Sup:::= much mischief i. 10 be appreh.nded. aUona y II I ,ictim! 10 !huh thai pont flJ r 11I""''''110n, • man .hould B I I b ' 8 .. ack tbem u1n(Jer 'water, The !ponge cngle in hert, and boldly aslert thatmy ,aome peou lit proce .. III e I l.lrate II prepared for the market by bt>lOg

hrother S--'. b~.d ( . nd here he laid ~1~~U~;I~~IY~~r i:~ ::!. ~~:~e :~rl.:~: pre .. ~ tI LO diliodge the anlmalc?l" it hiM halld fer, r.mllaarl, upon the I~rre perceptib1e di~erence between the on. COlltaln.l, and .rterW'ard~ wI.bed In 'y. chuckle head or his. opponent) I. a . I d h b h ' h. to It of mucll"lnoul ntaller. s'J"m"'! I on , the othe,r haud should g~~;inan on

t a~e:~~~ ~o 1 e~ ~~. b:n ~~: ---

fUillllla .lI, Rn~ perhapl wub ,r.qu.1 Con · :ucell ~rom an impr.':~n of lite ~lIIt A SHIP IAILING J8,000 PE" A'BOl',~, fu.lellcP , lhllt II Ie a htnd, Now here -lbe~ orlgillal plate neter binng ken ~HE SE4,-So~e ver, rem~rkahle par· wuull.l bft." dlfft'rence-undoyhtedly ~n seen bJ' tbe" COpYist "':".nd lbe aopied' tlculaR are glyen In a ~1p.ntP.v.zc.leo "unp!I' olfl't'reuco:-o r opmlon. \\ e engrulIlg beinK' 'Capable of J .. eldlng Journal or Br1l15b, en,tf'rprlJ:e, 011 or nllght u~ue abuUl It 1111 tluomllday, Ind frnm ten thuullaud LO tweol, IheuHnd whose mOlt e.traIlA:hnarT I!' '''I" hIP T1Py.rr agrl"f'._ ,\\ou , urll'n !lpe rnf'n Ilr1101prel!!toUII' The producer wUl \lD. l'llmg on ~ 1.vel of J8,OOO ff'et above gUIIll{ IIpon.5uhJfc.a u light and tnOll1g drrtHk.e 10 lIup'ply a Blnk or .. Engieud the aea, 1 he gol~ mme. or Tlpulni, lUI Ih15! (JUl A tlmd I1Pfllon comIng uule 5O-tUclly cop-nO. tha' the person and lhe emerald nllne~ or~ Jlllman(; are Ill, allel looking at the lIeck .nd ,houl \Vho,j51 gn~ Ilnd I!liI~eI ' it shall ROts ' be e~tWlte'" on the hanlt, 01 -the Bak. dflr8 that .IIPIJun II, would say at once able' to awellr ~hlchJ WII the o~ig~nal t:hlqptlOI ~he. Oftl,- nget&ble pro­tlull I ~ 'Id rt"KlSon ~n 01, Jude; fo( If It and which 'UI the ,cupy: Whole new •• duce of the Glatrlct II "~J>ecle, of rtd "'II IIftt I head, It at ltl .. t OCCllplf'd paper! by thl' proce .. ma, be printf'd potato, .nd a few nuullIous "' pl:Ults; the phaco or olle, Ind stood where a "fl'. lill Y kllld or f'1I&rawing leuer note bUllo Ihe, ust or the like, at Copaca. hu~ ought to b~: All .his WII utter- ~; ~' ri1ien documeHt-,he ~Olt ~inu'te 11111 an~ 10 the ',alley. or 1he Bnli,ia, f'd an t!le K,r",..1 and mo •. t 10lt01n engrning or • ban" uote may be eo. are ~uh"ated m,t,IZe, ~3:1ey. Ind rruit ... ~aul.'e~ I~naglll.ablr, Ind tb. effect was ,iell. This dilcover, chanllt. ,h. race ~arlQg tree~. J be dIfficult, ~f feed .... Irrul.ublY ludicrous," II d If ' ' t ' 101 from their own Ie ant, rrglon the

c lOtacter an , l' llIe 0 .. e,ery Wfl ten, larlYe bod r J d' kr" ' h pri,Hed, or engrave" charaCler, Thi. .. yon Jln~ ,.or mg. 10, I e

. POOR pnW"bIlR,-A Hoozier walked i., we repeat, • d.ngerous· dilcowery, M mes" .ugge.ttd t~e I H~ea of; bUlldlU~ Al

Int~ a c~uuuy store on the bank of the nnd we all,iee the diseonrer to .ell hia ,eesel fur,. th. "a .. ,atln~ ,or the l. ke. {lhto 1I.I."er, and, asking the owner ir aecret to every bank in this country AD old bfl~ wu accordingly purchl'uloo he hid Iny good powdf'r, he Wat In ' and Europe by e~bibIJing: authelltic ed, .n~d '~r1pl'ed or her Inch~)fs, saila .. Iweretl in Ihll'! , m·f.lDali ,e. I I. it first evidellcel or ill charact~r and theD re. and nggmg; and, I'~ks bellig bwlt ... rate l' ' First rate, .ir,' was the reply , linqpish it ror ils general' ,ule will de ... ~rter two I eara bf palnrul and uneea ... · f l wi~1 take I qparter of' it to ~ry ,' He truy. e':f'ry' pri~ted, written. or engr., .. Inl labor, lh~ vess.1 waa laul,c~f'd .on. aot hll puwder, stfOpt out of the ~tore, ed, evidence of,-N. y, Sun. the lake, ~u,d I regular 80mmUIlICllllloB, IO.fl.ed hi. rifle looked lUound to find opt"ned With the produce or the,." lIe1" In 0' ject ~o sh~ot lit, whe~ the t.ltore. Four h Ullelred. ~adit .. or Concord, o~ Bolivia, Th. ~rig:.i.·"ell~ furn ished kf't"P!r pOUlle~ to the Ol)posile Iide of New HAmp.hire

l hue petitioned the wlt.1I all necelAlne" except anchon,

th.e rIVer. (which WIS about 300 yards Legisla lure to abolitb. all the ten pin whlc~ .even the perleurance of ,theae Widf') where there W81 .gHose picking IIIl1ey. irl thu tow~ They like their En,ush IIPf'c.ulalors could not raille to· &:ra .. , 'There,' says he , I'shlmt that husband, from them rand. carry oft the I? iCrelt ~ ha!ghll. The lime enterpri. goose!' The Hoozie .. lewellf'd hill ri~ beaux wbeo tbe, ought. be courting. linK: pa:llel han t,.nsport~d a 811'110.

fie, firt!~, Ind ~ve r tumbled the goose, - engwe acro., , t ,h~ c:ordtl.lera., dug' A hoy Jumped mto the boat and .non A physiciln at l Pari., named RapS" lhrou~h the ' ll)etalhferpul hIlls of La·

, T;,hptl ~et mayest lead them back. Wjtht hhl,. wordt, and tonu of Jon,

Erom Qli .. ry~. thorny track, 1.

'orut o.ot thoUth .... t ,lflen .lDued, Asld .i.uful,et mu.t be,­

Deal.l.entl,>-wil.htthe urine onl A. dealt .with .lh .. !,

brought the gOOSA across the'riyer. ' .. he pail, has made Ithe 81tOHllhlflg diSCO· caycoto, I ~anal 2,000 feet in length, ball b~d ()used through ita bead, The ~ery ~I~al ~II the d!aelles ' w~ich fI ... h trav~ued 11,. ~ine !ock".'.8 l1d laid duwlI HOI)Zler shook hi. head wllked into IS heir to-. Ire caus~d b, the luaek .. a railway_ at II. extremity, for tI,e can· the at ore, threw hi. pow;Jer down, an J I. r parastic anima,I •. upon the nrifJu" ~~,~uce o~~ their ore, :rhe ~sl and of d.mau<ted hi. lUoney back, grumbling, or:gan.;,..of hUlDln.IlY. He hat, there ... 111I~~c, 10 thiS lake, III anlgned . h1 , you .uld me'thia puwfler for firat rate rore. IDJented lIule tubes made or lradlllolP ... tbe cradle ur the earll .:st: and ,h .ill~t . w~rlh a cent.' I How '0 I: (Iuill., in which he ineer" bitl or ca01~ Peruvian ci,ilizalio..,., and the encred

" Inquired }the "lop-ke~per, ~ )'on I~nvf' pholl to d~lJlroy. the" Jp,if,;oa~. ' ~II P.r:, burial pl~c, . o" , the aDCleDt kings oflhlt made an ('xcellent ahot' -pointing tu may be leeD wllh thele qu~1I1 III their country, ,

II E'l'1REMEl'ITc I would beaide a si lver Itream,

.D~hn ~~Utv~6':;~ i:~r:hI:!?I'dl'ta"l-RO'JDd whicb wild f!:o\\'erl enlwin.,

The face of natur" Ilnd thfl Iky I Alik. would Iladn."u wear.

And with the bird. lhlt twittlted by. I.hould be free from carl.

TheD e .... r1 mornm,'.fin to m. 'Xoutd joy.and plauure liv.~

And lIloment. pa .. at pleaun&J, AI wh.,e the rightuoJ lire,

Ihe gOOle'i Ii'lul. - Tha' be hanged mouths. for a IIhot! H the powder had been good, J .hould hue Ihot. it throu,h tbe eye! Don' t you see dIe ball is a quar­ter of an inch below it?" The .lore­kIPper I t once returned him hi.

TIle N.,. Prddent of tlu Ullit<tl

Dloney. ., ~

Carrots mlly be made a lubatitute ror Stattl i. or Sconi!lh lineage, and hia eggll · in .. ~udding.i' bJ well baiiina: and curious )oeking name an;abridgtm(,lIl m .. hing,~tbem, and . fter •• rd. or agoe.toJd Scottishone.-Mr Pullcf"a· Ihem through I , coarac cloth. The rather or. grandCather il nidI to hue­pulp mRy theD mix·ed lip with lhe other bun11 Lauuk',hille man, of the nllul' IOgred ~elll' of "1 'ppdJinl in the unle uf,Pollook, In the af)mf'whlll'-pl·c u ~in,.

BU<TTEII.JD BOTH tUD-Es .-In New way that ergl are, and j~ ' lbe HIDe dialect ofth~ upper ,.-.rd or thi il CI,IIII' Yor~, I year or two aince, , 1 country quantity. A. puddlUJ.lo eompoted II try pth.t" n,ame i ... P/OIlOUltcf"d ; PoTt:t.­co~sln .pplled to a fn,end in power for II gh ler and cheaper Ind baa: a.. more and h .. noe .... prob.hl,) the orthugrltVh,

l assl~ .. nce to I berth _In .. the corpora •• eree~~le 6~,.o r thlD one 10. which II doftted, by the Tnn!lltlan' i ~ brancb. lion I gift. He was accordlngl, tet atIP", are uletl . of tho family.-GlrugDIC eost~ work at one dollar and a hair per day' ~ • ~__ • and in _.rew ' tllor.tha cilled l~aiD upo~ ~ It is inditre rent ~n wbat (e~dition we ~ ~IJ ~a;1 be I.,eraed l b, lhe· ...... hit rriend to inform him he ",as ,oin" are, if we are nol in .hlt '" "llh for or your fri("nd • .