The Source & The Solution

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1. The Source & The Solution. The Source or The Symptom?. What Has Been Said About Us. Things are getting worse!. Pain Medicine Use Has Nearly Doubled from 1977 – 2005. ABC News – 8/22/07 New image of a pill - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Source & The Solution

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The Source & The Solution

The Source


The Symptom?

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What Has Been Said About Us

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Things are getting worse!

• Pain Medicine Use Has Nearly Doubled from 1977 – 2005.

• ABC News – 8/22/07

• New image of a pill

• U.S. Drug Advertising Sores by a staggering 330 percent – to $30 billion in 2005”. New England Journal of Medicine – 8/22/07

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Drug Errors Injure

• > 1.5 Million people every year!

• 25% of errors are preventable

• hospitalized patients average one medication error per day.

• A serious error can add more than $8,750 to the patients bill.

• 246,662 patients died.

ABC News (study by HealthGrades) 4/4/07

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Medicare Will Not Pay for Errors

• Effective Oct. 1, 2008

The New York Times – 8/22/07

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Source vs. Symptoms

• Physiology

• Behaviors

• Thinking

• Feelings

• Beliefs

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Source vs. Symptoms

• What is “THE SOMETHING?”

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One Physical Source

It’s called “STRESS”!

• CDC (Clemson) - 8/14/07

• Bruce Lipton Ph.D. “The Biology of Belief”

• Even the “perception of stress” can take 10 years off your life.

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Hidden Stress?

• Cellular Memory

• Root of psychological trauma, addiction, depression and disease.

• Treat disease at its root.

• Dr. Eric Nestler, Chairman of the Department at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

Dallas Morning News, Sept. 12, 2004

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What Causes Stress?

• “Stress is caused by a wrong belief, usually in the subconscious mind.”

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The Belief Factor

• Beliefs Control Genes

• Beliefs Control Behavior

• Beliefs Rewrite Genes

• Beliefs Rewrite Behavior

Bruce Lipton Ph.D. “The Biology of Belief”

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Destructive Memory

• Adult chronic pain and illness are caused by destructive cellular memories which are almost always unconscious.

• Heal the destructive memories and the pain and illness will go away.

John Sarno M.D. Professor NYU Medical Center

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Stress and Your Heart

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Stress and Your Heart

• “Mounting evidence suggests that your psychological outlook is just as important.” Three Studies: Athens 1981, Iraq 1991, L.A. 1994

• “Love is Real Medicine”

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What is the Heart?

• Cellular Memories• Beliefs• Unconscious• Subconscious• Spirit• Experiences• Feelings, etc., etc., etc.


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What is the Language of the Heart?

• “All data is encoded in the form of pictures”Pierce Howard, Ph.D.

“Owner’s Manual for the Brain”

• “Every problem can be traced by to a

‘destructive picture’.”

Richard Glenn, Ph.D. “Transformation”

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What is the language of the Heart?

• The cell is like a camera. Whatever is in the environment, the membrane is like a lens, it picks up the image and sends that image to the nucleus where the database is. That’s where the stored images are.

• The ability to display images internally and to order those images is a process called thought.

Bruce Lipton Ph.D. “The Biology of Belief”.

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What is the language of the Heart?

• “Imageless Thought”….is impossible in fact

Human Reasoning …is always imagistic”

Antonio Damasio M.D., Ph.D. Professor and Chair of

Neuroscience Dept., USC

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The POWER of the Heart!

• 95-95% of all behavior comes from subconscious

• We spend 95-99% of our day in the subconscious

• Subconscious is 1 million times more powerful than Conscious

• Processes 4,000,000,000 bits/second versus 2,000 bits/second

• Can process 1,000’s of events at a time versus 1-3 events

• 99%+ of information versus less than 1% of total information

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Thought Power

• Thoughts are real.

• “Whenever you remember a particular event, your brain releases chemicals similar to those released originally.” Daniel Amen M.D.

“Change Your Brain Change Your Life”

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The Heart Wins!

• 6,000 out of 6,500 patients still alive.

• “Every cancer and related disease starts with a conflict-shock-experience.”

• “This process can ONLY be stopped by switching off the original trigger in the brain by defusing the original conflict shock.”

Ryke Hamer M.D.

• “There is absolutely hope that the DNA damage is reversible. UCSF - Newsweek Jan. 17, 2005

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Left Brain / Right Brain











Roger Sperry 1982 Nobel Prize Winner

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Limbic System

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• The Hippocampus (Limbic system) is in charge of transferring information into memory. 8/6/07

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How Does the Heart Work?

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Source Vs. Symptoms

The images of the heart are “THE SOMETHING”!

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What Are Images Made Of?

• Flesh, Blood, Bone Tissue? NO!

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Images Are Made of Energy!

• “Future medicine will be based on controlling energy in the body.” William Tiller, Ph.D.

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Images Are Made of Energy!

Represents Destructive Emotion

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New Healthy Energy Frequency

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Where Does It Come From?

• 4 types of brain waves:

Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta

• 1st 6 years – Delta, Theta.

• Programmed as facts – no filters!

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Energy Affects You—ALWAYS!

• Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Experiment in Quantum Theory – 1935

• Our energy affects others – ALWAYS! Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy – May 2004

• Institute of HeartMath; Candace Pert Ph.D., John Hopkins School of Medicine

• Dr. Masaru Emoto’s “The Hidden Messages in Water”

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Our Offer to You


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