The SOS Brand Book

The SOS Brand Book This is not the end! This is the beginning!

Transcript of The SOS Brand Book

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The SOS Brand Book

This is not the end!This is the beginning!

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Dear friends and colleagues. Welcome to SOS!

SOS is a company that has gone through an extensive transformation – an important and thrilling journey that is leading

us to new and exciting places. To new successes. New victories. New futures.

In order to be drecked out properly for this journey, we have taken a fresh look at the SOS brand to make sure that it

reflects who we are now – and where we want to go in the future. The following pages do not only

tell you about how we want to travel – our mission, vision and values. It also gives you a unique insight into, how we

see the SOS brand being positioned in the mind of our stakeholders. Even more importantly, this book allows us all to

share the same values no matter where we are or what we do.

So I am very proud to present you with this book. It truly captures everything you need to know about our company – about our brand. In essence, it is everything we need to know in order, not only, to

understand what SOS is about, but more importantly how we all are SOS. How we can be the brand. Live the brand.

You see, a brand is not just a pretty logo, or empty talk; something we just say and then quickly forget. It is the very

foundation for who we are as a company. How we see ourselves. How our stakeholders experience us. What we

promise them every single day. Everytime they meet us. Everywhere they meet us. So this book is important. It is our

guide. It is what will help you to make sure that you, I and everyone else always represents the same, great SOS

experience. Today, tomorrow and in the future.

Only if we keep doing what we do best – keep living the brand as described in this book, will we continue to be the

world’s greatest acute personal help company.

So welcome to your brand

Welcome to you Only one person

can help us make

this happen...

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The key to understanding... OUr cOmpeTenceS

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A company is never better than its core competences. Our competences define the very things that enable us to outperform our competitors

To become first choice for our customers. Our competences are what make us stand out. The things that make us relevant and interesting in the marketplace

WHAT Are cOmpeTenceS?

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AcUTe perSOnAl


SOS is top in class when matters are acute

SOS is top in class when it comes to people

SOS is top in class when empathy is demanded

SOS is top in class when complex actions are needed

SOS is top in class when instant quality coordination is needed

SOS is top in class in international and far-reaching cases

Turn the book upside down to save this guy...

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areWethe category!

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Jungle knowledge

Georg Gomer, SOS Denmark

I was called upon by a group of people that were lost

somewhere in the Amazonas. Because I’ve been in the

military, I know how many kilometres civilians roughly

can travel through jungle terrain. By asking them where

they started out, how many days they’d walked and in

what direction, I was able to come up with a pretty good

estimate as to where they were.

Using Google Earth, I located the nearest rescue-station

and got them out searching in a helicopter. The group

of people were found 50 km from where I had estimated.

The people were of course very grateful for my assistance

and sent a minor rainforest of flowers as thanks.

personal competences matter

Helene Christansen, SOS Denmark

Before I came to Euro Alarm, I worked many years as a travel guide. Among other

places in Greece. Working for Euro Alarm, my knowledge of the Greek language,

culture and local geography has come in very handy many times. In one case, it became

quite crucial. A seven-year-old girl had died, just dropped down on the ground for no

obvious reason. She was with her mother on holiday on a small

Greek island called Skiathos. Skiathos has a hospital but they

don’t have the proper facilities to accommodate a dead body

and conduct an autopsy. They bury their dead within 24 hours.

I was contacted by the travel guide, who was only 18 and had no

idea what to do about the situation. Because I knew Skiathos, I

knew they needed to get the body to the main land right away.

I called upon a guy I worked with 10 years back. He lives on

Skopelos, the island right next to Skiathos. Luckily he still had

the same number. He agreed to help. So I got hold of the location

of the mother and the girl. I called and talked with the local police station and hospital

getting permission to take the body from the island. If I hadn’t known how to cope with

Greek authorities, not to mention speak the language, I would have had serious

problems. I sent an emergency team of crisis-specialists down to help the mother and

take care of the body. My old colleague helped them get on to a ferry, back to the

mainland, where the autopsy was conducted, and in the end her body and parents were

flown back to Denmark in the best possible way in spite of the terrible circumstances.

So in the midst of all the tragedy, I feel that I really made a big difference.

Acute personal Help If you want something done, you might have to do it yourself

Markus Oksanen, SOS Finland

When we started up SOS International

in Finland it was completely from scratch.

In January 2006 I was the first and only

employee and I started by repainting

and renovating our offices that looked

like a sad storage room, to put it mildly.

In February I got my first colleague and

together we spent our time assembling

IKEA furniture and putting things in order.

Getting the phone lines up and running

would also prove quite difficult.

Two times we had people out from Telia

Sonora. First they, for some reason I still

don’t understand, installed the phones in

the basement. (We have a 4-story

building). Secondly, they managed

to draw the cables in our offices, but

that was all they did. The cables were

hanging right of the walls with wires

hanging out in all directions. So in the

end I went to Clas Olsson, the hardware

store, bought the necessary tools and

fixed the phones myself. I guess,

sometimes, if you want something done,

you have to do it yourself.

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A company of many talents1. Kaisa Ilvesmäki Jacobsen: Silver medalist at the Danish Half-Ironman championship

2. Berit Austeen: Hospital clown for the pediatric department and facepainter

3. Lars Holm Pedersen: Opera singer

4. Helle Laulund: Has owned a restaurant in Italy, for 4 years

5. Bo Uggerhøj: Former professional ice-hockey player for the Danish national team

6. Tomas Rohlin: professional judge at dog shows, in his spare time

7. Stella Lennartsson: Volunteer for red cross

8. Ronnie Håkansson: musician who won the Danish company rock championship in 2006

9. Titta Anu Karjalainen: Dancer and flamenco instructor

10. Annette Walsøe: Indulges in sheep husbandry

11. Bobby Sibic Andersson: Brazilian jiujitsu instructor and silver medalist at Scandinavian Open 2007

12. Ozan Tekinoktay: Former professional handball player for the Turkish team Besiktas JK

13. Jan Vanderhaegen: Speaks 9 languages; Danish, Swedish, Finnish, German, norwegian, Spanish,

French, Hungarian and Dutch

14. Agneta Rautio: Shoe designer in england

15. Daniel Ståhl: musician

16. Alina Mocanu: romanian champion in artistic gymnastics

17. Sebastian Olmedo: practices advanced martial art

18. Lars Dahl: A skilled brick paver (skilled at laying bricks for patios and driveways)

19. Johan Lindén: A former elite golf player of the “Telia tour”

20. Åsa Ekberg: An educated panel beater, knows how to repair damaged cars, repair corrosion by welding.

During her spare time she also upholsters furniture

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20

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VISIOnOUr DreAmWe want to become the greatest acute personal help company in the world

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A vision is a dream. A dream about a bright and prosperous future. A dream that is within reach through powerful and focused actions. Actions taken by a powerful and focused team. Just like ours A vision is where we want to go. The ultimate objective. The end goal. The eternal daydream that keeps guiding us towards the finish line. Relentlessly and Passionately. Ain’t no mountain high enough. Ain’t no river wide enough. This is where we want to go. Our Vision. The thing we want to achieve It is simple really. At SOS we want to do big things. We don’t want to play if we don’t play to win. We want to excel. Be the best. We want to be the first choice. Set the standards

Be talked about

Be the greatest!

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Being great means putting people before anything else

Bo Uggerhøj, CEO

An employee once said to me: “This SOS business gets in your blood”. This is very true for me

– and, I think, for all the people who work at SOS International. Knowing that you help people and

that your work makes a difference becomes a very strong personal driver in day-to-day life.

For SOS International it is essential for our future success. You cannot excel on a business level,

without excelling on a human level first. Our focus should always be on the people we help.

Surely we must always strive to obtain the best prices, surely we will work intensively to optimize

all internal and external processes, but if it comes down to the choice between human lives and

money, there should be no doubt. People come first.

I’m proud to work in a company that receives long letters of gratitude on a daily basis. Where people

write to thank for excellent treatment, assistance, information and coordination, not to mention the

kindness and forthcoming of SOS employees and partners. To me this means that we’re on the

right path to obtaining our vision. Being the greatest acute personal help company in the world.

Guinness Book of records

Curt Gylling, SOS Denmark

SOS has actually been in the Guinness Book

of Records for organizing the longest and fastest

ambulance flight at the time. A non-stop flight

from Malmö in Sweden to Auckland, New

Zealand. A young Swedish guy had been in a

traffic accident and was lying in a coma in a

hospital in Auckland, New Zealand. Since his

condition was stable, there was no rush in

planning the trip, we had good time to find the

doctors and nurses that would bring him safely

back home. Two days before the plane was to

take off, we were called upon by a Swedish

insurance agency that wanted to know, how

much it would cost to fly a comatose patient to

Wellington New Zealand. I told him: “I can’t tell

you how much it will cost, but I promise you,

you’ll get it at half price.” Now I just had to call

the doctor and nurse and let them know that

they would be working all the way – not just on

the flight back.

The greatest acute help company in the world

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If the vision is the goal of our company, the mission is the means to reach that end. It is what we do to achieve our vision. Our big plan It also tells us something about what makes us unique and interesting. What we believe will make us the greatest acute personal help company in the world. It is what we preach and sing as we stare into each other’s eyes with confidence and motivation

The business mission is why we are in the worldWhat we are towards people that need helpWhat we are towards our ownersWhat we are towards our employeesWhat we are towards the society we operate in

A mission is what makes us tick, twist and turn as we reach for our vision

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We create value and category leadership through delivering acute personal help

in all markets we play in

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We want to be the nordic markets’ most trusted and actively preferred brand when it comes to acute personal help. We want to be the category

Our home is the nordic market. Our backyard. This is where we want to excel and continuously set the standard

We want to build upon the fact that in the minds of the consumers, SOS represents trust in a non-trust market

This trust combined with our superior actions, should be converted into a conscious and verbal preference for our products. no matter which stakeholder

We will lead in customer value creation

We will be the most preferred and thus chosen partner

We will be financial high-performers

We believe that market leadership is needed to create lowest cost and best quality

In everything we do we stay loyal to our defined category – AcUTe perSOnAl Help

This mission will lead to a fiscal corporate road map as well as a road map for all markets we play in

We don’t want

to play,

if we don’t

play to win

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Assisting Toyota owners all over

Åsa Eklund, SOS Sweden

One of our customers is Toyota on commission of Mondial Assistance. Consequently,

we assist Swedish Toyota owners with various matters. Here are a couple of examples:

A Toyota owner was on winter holidays at Hovfjället in the north part of Sweden and lost

his car keys. The spare key was at home, 400 km away. Together with the Toyota owner

we discussed several alternatives in order to retrieve the keys, among other things express

mail, rental car or that the customer’s neighbour drove up with the keys. The customer

thought of the alternatives and, in the end, decided to pick up the keys by himself.

We made a rental car available for him and he drove home to pick up the car keys.

A Toyota owner called in with a flat tire, on the Skanstullsbron in Stockholm. The assistance

coordinator informed the client that a towing truck would soon be arriving to help the client

put on the spare tire. It turned out that the client had not placed the spare tire in the car.

We ordered a taxi that drove the client to his home so he could pick up the spare tire and

get back to his car and get it replaced by the representative from the towing agency.

medical Assistance on-call from norway

May Furuli, SOS Norway

Our focus is medical, on-call services, international assistance and

health advice. While providing medical assistance via the telephone

might seem a poor substitute for a doctor on the spot, it does in fact

make a big difference in critical situations. We get many Norwegian

people calling us from abroad when such a situation occurs.

For example a lady calling us from Spain, whose husband was suffering

from a heart attack. Over the phone we were able to give her directions on how

to give CPR, and also help her contact the Spanish emergency services on the

spot. In most cases we’re able to provide people with the help they request,

although we sometimes have to disappoint them. Like the Norwegian man

who called us from a train in the middle of Copenhagen. He had an acute

case of lumbago and wanted us to come all the way from Norway and pick

him up with a helicopter. In a case like this, we settle with putting people in

contact with local services.

Acute personal Help in all markets

A Tree Had Grown through the car

Iikka Saunamäki, SOS Finland

It was supposed to be a normal tow job in a Finnish suburb near Helsinki.

A tow truck was sent to pick up a vehichle whose owner had made a

request for towing. I was totally suprised when the driver of the tow truck

called us back to assure us the job was done. At the same time the

reason for towing became very clear. The driver told me that he had

towed the car but there had been a tree growing through it.

However, the driver luckily had a saw with him and crawled under the

client`s car to cut it free of the tree. The tow truck driver completed the

unexpected task and soon towed the car as we had agreed. Afterwards

we could only laugh at the incident.

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SOS IS A!!!!!!!BrAnD

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A brand is who we are

A brand is how we act

A brand is what we look like

A brand is what makes us stand outA brand is how our customers experience us

What we promise them

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”Your brand is what they SAY

about you when you leave the room”Jeff Bezos, CEO,

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alwaysYou can

count us being there for youon

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Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it

Tomas Rohlin, SOS Denmark

I often get the job of accompanying our injured customers home from holiday. In these situations I become

the personal caretaker of people and, sometimes, whole families, making them feel safe and calm. Recently

I had a trip to San Francisco, where I helped a Norwegian family home safely. A father, who had broken his

foot and was on crutches, a mother in a wheelchair and their 3 children, who were 9, 6 and 1 years old. On top

of these 5 people came luggage from 3 weeks of vacation. Quite a load and quite a responsibility. Because of

all the children, I wasn’t just their group leader, but also functioned as a nanny – or “manny” you might say.

So on top of getting these people to the airport, through security, onto the flight to Oslo and home from here,

I had to entertain the kids during the 4 hours of delay in San Francisco airport and on the 11-hour flight home.

This includes walking around in the plane with the little one, back and fourth, back and fourth, until he finally

became tired enough to go to sleep. You can say a lot about working at Euro-Alarm, but the job is certainly diverse.

SOS pizzaria, how can we help?

Per Martin, SOS Denmark

It is crucial for SOS that our phone lines always are

open. One time, back in the good old days when we

were a much smaller company placed on the more

humble location on Vesterbrogade in the centre of

Copenhagen, this became a real challenge. Because

of at bomb scare at the Føtex Supermarket, in the

ground floor of our building, we were forced to evacuate

our office. We tried to refuse the evacuation, having

several ambulance flights in the air, but when they

brought in the police, we had to oblige. This situation

called for creative thinking. We ran down to the local

pizzeria, threw 5000 kroner on their desk and “bought”

their phone line. Then we called the telephone company

and had all SOS calls transferred to the pizza phone.

We managed to handle the business from here until

we got back in our offices a couple of hours later.

We’ll help you tow almost anything

Matias Karikoski, SOS Sweden

In SOS Sweden the primary business is providing

roadside assistance for cars and motorbikes, but in

my time, I’ve ordered towing for many different things.

Here’s a small selection:

Toilets destined for sporting events, an aquarium destined

for the Zoo, Salvaging of Sunken boats, of cars, driven

off a pier, of a moose and last but not least salvaging of a

whole house.

You can count on us, being there for you

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It is not enough just to promise something

We have to keep our promises

Actually do what we promise we will do

Our ability to do it... again and again, will define our success

Today, tomorrow and in the future

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It is not just to do it It is how we do it

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Our behaviorOur actions

In essence... OUr VAlUeS!

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Values are what bring people together in a common understanding of who they are as a team – as a company. They provide us with a guide that tells us how to act – as an organisation, as colleagues, as leaders. As people. Whereever we are and whoever we are, values unite us across occupation, language and culture

They make us family. Values are our common character. Our common behavior. How we should always treat each other and the world around us. Values help us walk in the same direction and in the same way. They motivate us and tell us how to live, think and breathe the SOS brand They are the foundation for the way our customers experience SOS The way and manner by which we fulfill our promises to them

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Values should have strong characterValues should help us identifyValues should enable us to differentiateValues should motivate usValues should provide us with directionValues should also tell us how

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The SOS brand values

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1 We’re responsive We’re AlWAYS THere. We’re AlWAYS On!

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Activating the Foreign ministry

Claus Eliassen, SOS Denmark

I’ve had many experiences of disaster and catastrophe in my time at Euro-

Alarm and SOS, but none more acute and challenging than the Tsunami.

At the time, when it happened, I was head of the alarm centre at Euro-

Alarm that at the time was in charge of the Danish Travel Health Insurance.

We got the first call in at five o’ clock in the morning; a desperate man

called and reported that his hotel had been washed away by water. I must

admit that we first doubted his testimony, but when a couple of other calls

came in, we began to fear the reality of a catastrophe. I then decided to call

in our emergency task force, a group of 4 people with special competencies

in making decisions. We met within an hour and decided to send a group

of our own people out to get a grasp of what had happened. You have to

understand that no one here knew, or could even imagine, the magnitude

of the catastrophe. By noon the next morning, our people were on board a

plane bound for Bangkok, and within 24 hours we had eyewitness reports

on the situation. When I heard from our psychiatric doctor that bodies were

lying in the streets and children were walking around without their parents,

the impact of the disaster began to dawn on me, and I realised that this

was not a job for a single alarm centre. After this phone call, my job function

changed from being a problem solver to being a distributor of information.

Euro-Alarm initiated a joined task force with the other alarm centres in the

country (SOS, Gouda, Tryg and IHI) and together we activated the Foreign

Ministry. Although the operation that followed was chaotic and devastating,

I feel we made a big difference. Not only did we play an important part in

locating Scandinavian tourists, in trying to help them cope with a terrible

situation and eventually get home, we also made a difference in terms of

activating and cooperating with the Danish authorities.

preparedness comes with the job

Bjarne Ellehammer Lind, SOS Denmark

I’ve worked with SOS for 10 years. It’s bound to have an affect on the way

you think, when you travel. It doesn’t affect me in the way that I worry more

about catastrophes than other people when I travel, but it does make me

more prepared if something should happen. I always carry 4 different credit

cards. I have copies of my passport in many different places. I bring two

cell-phones, my Danish phone, and an extra with a local telephone card,

so I can make cheap local calls. I never put anything indispensable in my

suitcase, and keep all valuables close to me in a handbag. And I always

carry bandages.

We’re responsive

On nitivej, help is always near

Pernille Ohrt Van Eeckhout, SOS Denmark

My story is about a smaller incident, but it made a difference for

me when a colleague gave a helping hand with at technical

problem. I was standing on the pavement in front of the SOS

offices at Nitivej trying to change a light bulb in the front headlight.

The car was due for an official inspection half an hour later.

I thought it could be done easily – but it proved a bit more

challenging than anticipated. What to do? – Then I recognized a colleague coming down the

road – it was Jan Sander. I asked for help and he fixed the problem in no time, dressed in his

suit and coat. In return for his help I promised Jan that I would be witness to his technical skills.

Maybe not a life saving effort but to me it was acute personal help. By the way, the car passed

the inspection without problems, and it is still running even though this was 10 years ago.

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2 We’re advanced We’re SUperBlY SKIlleD AnD We HAVe THe BeST AnD neWeST TOOlS

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I have a Volvo on line 2

Mats Nilsson, SOS Sweden

The competition within roadside assistance, on the Nordic market,

is intense. Therefore easy and fast handling is alpha and omega for

SOS Technical. Lately progress in this area has been reinforced by

the car industry’s development of new mobile technology, to improve

safety for the passengers in the car. An example of this is Volvo on

Call, where the Volvo itself sends a message to the Alarm Centre if

involved in a crash. We had a case with a Volvo V70 that collided

with another car near Hundiksvall, Sweden. The airbag was released

but the driver hit his head and lost consciousness. The airbag is

connected to the SRS-system and reacted instantly by sending a

signal to the alarm centre at SOS International Sweden, telling us,

not only that an accident had occurred, but also at what speed the

car had been going and where it had happened. Moreover the

system connected us directly to the driver of the car, in the sense

that our operator could hear the driver breathing heavily.

The operator spoke to the driver, asking him to respond, and after

a short while the driver regained consciousness and was able to

answer the questions. The driver, who was luckily not hurt, called

off the ambulance and instead we sent out a tow truck to finish the job.

cardiologist on-call

Otto Karud, SOS Norway

Many of our clients are companies in charge of big boats and/or oilrigs out at sea. To them

our medical services are essential to ensure safety for their personal. Several times a year

we have a situation were someone suffers from chest pain and potential heart problems out

on an oilrig. Being many miles from land, the time it takes for a rescue helicopter to get there,

might prove fatal unless the patient gets immediate medication. While there is always a

paramedic on board the rig, this person cannot handle a case like this without the

consultation of a specialist. We therefore provide our customers with a specialist medical

emergency service open 24 hours that they can contact according to procedures– in this

case a Cardiologist. To help the Cardiologist evaluate the patient, the paramedic on board

the rig is supplied with equipment so he or she can measure the EKG and transfer all data

directly via satellite to the alarm centre and the connected cardiologist. This way the

cardiologist together with doctor on duty can ordinate lifesaving medication if and when it is

needed. In most cases this keeps people stabilized and fit to fly until the helicopter arrives.

We’re advanced

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3 We’re caring We’re peOple In THe BUSIneSS OF HelpInG peOple

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United by a wish to help

Jan Sander, SOS Denmark

If you talk about memorable experiences, there’s one

that I’m sure will come to mind with every employee.

One that affected us all deeply as

a company. I’m of course talking

about the Tsunami. I was so im-

pressed and touched by the way

the terrible situation was handled

by the people in SOS. It was ne-

ver necessary to call on people to

come into work. They just came

by themselves as soon as they’d

seen the news. Employees on

Christmas vacation. Employees

on maternity leave. Ex-employees, we hadn’t seen

for several years, called us to hear if we needed their

assistance. We had employees that were on holiday in

Thailand, who called us to hear, how they best could

help on the spot.

We worked 16-hour shifts. Everyone sat down and

answered the phones no matter what job function they

normally had and throughout this whole crisis there

was a strong sense of togetherness and unity in SOS.

A unity driven by our common feeling of empathy for

the people and families hit by the disaster.

emotional aid is as important as the physical

Brian Kristensen, SOS Denmark

Working with SOS I never cease to be amazed by

what can happen to you while travelling. Recently

we had a family in Kenya that

suffered an attack from wild

baboons, while eating their

lunch in a National Park. The

baboons that normally don’t

pose any threat to people in this

spot, came up close to the family

and started acting aggressively.

The mother of the family,

managed to get herself, the

grandparents and the little baby into the car, before

they were attacked, but the monkeys got hold of

the father, who was badly bitten in the shoulder and

dragged away from the car. The mother resolutely

started honking the horn of the car, thereby scaring

the monkeys away from the father. He jumped in the

car quickly, but unluckily dropped the keys outside

the car. The monkeys started banging on the car,

trying to get in. Luckily the family had a cell phone,

so they were able to call for help. When we at SOS

were contacted, the family was safe in a hospital,

but understandably very, very shocked. We were

able to send them emotional aid, which is

sometimes just as important as helping with the

physical damage.

We’re caring How can I help, mr. renault?

May Furuli,

SOS Norway

When we pick up the phone, we’re very

focused on giving acute help to people that

call in. I remember once I got a telefax from

a French assistance company asking for

our help in a situation far up in the northern

part of Norway. The fax resembled a

medical form, with a French name, a

number, which I assumed was a social

security number, and the diagnose was

described as “a total break-down”.

Naturally I began thinking about getting

medical assistance for this person. This

was hard, since I knew too little about

the situation and the

fax didn’t give me any

contact person to call.

So I called up the French

company to get more

information, and, quite

amused by my request,

they explained that the

patient suffering the

“total break-down” was in fact a car. It was

now that I realized that the social security

number was the car’s registration and that

the name was a type of Renualt.

Bringing people back together

Charlotte Bjerregaard, SOS Denmark

During the Tsunami disaster the Claims Depart-

ment was closed and all staff helped out at the

Emergency Centre. A Swedish father called in

from Phuket. He was worried about his teenage

daughter since he could not locate her anywhere.

He only knew that she got hurt and was transfer-

red to a hospital in Phuket. I registered his call, his

phone number and the name of the daughter and

promised to call back if we were able to locate

her. A few hours later a teenage girl called in from

a Bangkok hospital. She had been transferred by

a Thai military plane from Phuket the night before

and didn’t know how to get in contact with her

father in Phuket. I was really happy to tell her that

I had been in contact with her father just a couple

of hours earlier and offered her to call him up on

the other line. After hours of tragic calls from Thai-

land it was an amazing feeling to connect father

and daughter over the phone.

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4 We’re inside We TAKe prIDe In mAKInG OUr cUSTOmerS perFOrm eVen BeTTer

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Fighting suppliers that steal business – and dead bodies

John Andreasen, SOS Denmark

As much as acute personal help is a people business, we never forget that it also is

a money business. Hospitals, doctors and undertakers are as commercial as any other

service you buy. While this is not news to us, we still tend to get a bit surprised when

we experience regular fights about our patients. On Crete we had two undertakers

fighting over a dead body. You must understand that here a dead Scandinavian with

a good insurance is like money in the bank. One of the undertakers was a guy we

had called upon through our network. The other one was connected to someone at

the hospital. He probably had a deal where he paid somebody to call upon him,

when someone died. A deal we would define as bribery. In this situation the “hospital’s”

undertaker has already taken the body, so our guy shows up at the funeral parlor

and demands to take over the body. The first guy is of course not willing to do this

so it resulted in a real fight. In these cases it’s necessary to bring in the consulate to

sort things out. It’s crucial for SOS that we always ensure our customers, the insurance

companies, the best prices and the right service personnel.

SOS makes a difference

Per Byberg, SOS Denmark

I sometimes sit in the alarm centre answering calls. Sometimes these calls are quite exciting and

informative and can be used as examples for how SOS works.

Because of this I heard about a man, who had won a trip to Hong Kong with

his employer. He was working for a big car manufacturer in Sweden and

was very happy to go on this trip. Now as you know, we Swedes like to party

when we go traveling. This guy was no exception. Unfortunately he had an

accident and fell off a balcony and almost died. We helped him back to

Sweden in an ambulance air transport.

To begin with, I didn’t hear if the man had recovered, but I still used this case

on several occasions as an example when presenting the SOS cost manage-

ment program. Our specialists in the alarm centre saved almost 400.000 DKK

by benchmarking the air ambulance trip for our client. Therefore, it is a brilliant example of

how we save money for our clients.

At a later time, while I was presenting the case, someone raised their hand and told everyone how

he knew this person we had helped home. He described how happy this man and his family was

for our services. They had gotten all the help they needed and he had almost made full recovery.

We’re inside Keeping prices low on long distance assistance

Jussi Tommola, SOS Finland

In Finland, where we’re specialized in roadside assistance, our biggest challenge lies in the towing jobs. Here

and especially in Northern Lapland the distances are very large, so if your car breaks down, it’s a very good idea

to have insurance. To get your car to the nearest authorized dealer might mean many hours of towing. We had a

case with a Land Rover that broke down in Inari up north and the nearest authorized dealer was in Oulu, approxi-

mately 550 km away. With a towing job like this, 1300 km forth and back, 17 hours on the road, it’s quite important to

get a good price for the insurance company. The trip with the Land Rover amounted up to 2400 Euros! To ensure the

lowest prices, we have our own towers as well as we use private companies.

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SO ?!

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How do we

WrApthis up?

Sometimes we need to tell it short and sweet

Well, that’s actually the case most of the time

That’s why we need a SOS brand statement

The brand promise translated into stakeholder language. One line that sums up what the SOS brand is about in a differentiating and impactful manner. A few memorable words. The shortest way to explain our brand. A short cut. A slogan

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Always On!

It is the easiest and most precise way of telling the story of SOS and what we do best

24/7, our name, our availability and accessibility – here, there, everywhere. It is our heartbeat

It tells us what we should focus on. Again and again and again

It is the reason for our success. Yesterday. Today and tomorrow

Why people trust us

What we promise them. What they expect


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could you lend us some fuel for our plane, please?

Gøran Gresholt, SOS Norway

When you’re organizing ambulance flights to for example

Africa, you have to be ready to meet challenges on your

way. We had a flight to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia where

we, naturally, had to refuel before flying back. We had

actually, in advance, asked if there would be any

problems with this, which was denied. Never the less

there was. So we had an emergency flight that couldn’t

take off because we didn’t have any fuel. The Ethiopian

authorities recommended that we rent a tank car and

drive to Djibouti to get supplies, but luckily we found a

much better solution. (Djibouti is one hour by plane!)

We found out that a European airline had their local

supplies of the type of gas we needed and they were so

kind to lend us, what we needed to get back home.

SOS is us

Helle Wiese, SOS Denmark

When you come directly from

working at a hospital, as I did,

you notice the responsiveness in

SOS. That hierarchy plays very

little importance in the day-to-day

work. That people greet each

other in the hallways.

I belong to the smallest and

newest department in this big

house. Still I feel a strong sense

of community. It’s a “We and Us

spirit”. We are SOS. I think it is

because of this spirit that we’re

willing to go that extra length.

power failure? no big deal

Ove Hansen, SOS Denmark

I’m proud to say that our phone lines have never been

down. When we had the big blackout in 2003, all major

companies in eastern Denmark and

southern Sweden closed down and

had to send people home. Phone

lines were dead. Intersections were

chaos, but at SOS it was a normal

day. Thanks to our emergency diesel

generator we were fully operable.

I remember we had potential

customers from Norway that day.

They didn’t realize the power failure

before they got out into the streets and couldn’t get a taxi

or a flight home. This made quite an impression.

It was a great way to get new clients.

We’re always on

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Our visionTHE DREAM We want to become the greatest acute personal help company in the world

Our missionTHE GOAL We create value and category leadership through delivering acute personal help in all markets we play in

We’re responsiveWe’re always there. We’re always on!

We’re advancedWe’re superbly skilled and we have the best and newest tools

We’re caringWe’re people in the business of helping people

We’re insideWe take pride in making our customers perform even better


We’re always on!THE BRAnD STATEMEnT