The Soft Pink Sleuth

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Transcript of The Soft Pink Sleuth

  • 7/27/2019 The Soft Pink Sleuth


    The Soft Pink Sleuth (TSPS) is a bumbling and incompetent detective currently on assignment in

    Okinawa, whose investigations into all things queer are marked with chaos and destruction he

    largely causes himself. His attempts at solving a "case" usually lead to misfortune for himself and

    others. TSPS is not very intelligent, frequently pursuing an idiotic theory and solving the case only

    by accident. His incompetence and stupidity, plus the fact that he is usually right, eventuallytransform his direct superiors into tenured ???. Regardless of his rather limited ability, TSPS

    successfully solves his cases and finds the correct "culprits" -- even if this success is achieved

    entirely by accident.

    He is promoted to Chief Inspector over the course of the series, and is regarded by many other

    characters who presumably have not met him as Japan's greatest detective of the queer; those

    characters he actually encounters, nevertheless, are quick to realize his incompetence and


    He is immenselyegocentricand pompous; despite his many failings, he is seemingly convinced

    that he is a brilliant sleuth, destined to succeed and rise through the ranks of academia. Despite

    this, The Soft Pink Sleuth does appear to show some awareness that he is not the most

    competent or intelligent person, as he is notably embarrassed by and quick to brush aside his

    more extreme acts of clumsiness with phrases such as "I know that", and attempts to appear

    elegant and refined regardless of what calamity he has just caused.

    TSPS's immense ego, eccentricity, exaggerated SWGA accent, and prominent goatee were

    derived from his time spent at UGA.

    TSPS is a patriotic expatriate; and his chosen country "SINE LOCO" is professedly his highest


    He has been prone to infatuation (which is often reciprocated). He is repeatedly perplexed by

    transvestites, to the extent that he addresses them as "Sir or Madam".

    TSPS considers himself a cunning master of disguise, and he insists upon using elaborate

    costumes and aliases that range from the mundane (a DJ that exclusively plays LGBTQ beach

    parties) to the preposterous (a music teacher at an international school). He uses these disguises

    to discover clues or obtain confessions, but usually these schemes fail miserably (foiling his own

    subterfuge or revealing his presence or identity), yet the investigation somehow progresses

    despite his incompetence.

    One notable trait in his first appearance is his belief that he is a skilled percussionist, and that his

    drum set is a vintage Ludwig, though he does not really know how to play the instrument (his brief

    clumsy playing has even been nicknamed by fans as "The Donkey" due to its similarities to a noise

    made by a donkey).