The Siege & The War on Gaza

2008-2009 -2012 The Siege and The War on Gaza 2012 Khaled Safi

Transcript of The Siege & The War on Gaza

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2008-2009 -2012

The Siege andThe War on Gaza



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IntroThe Palestinians in Gaza Strip suffering real human disaster, according to the illegal siege which continued since 2006, aftermath results left since June 2007 on economical and human sectors.This illegal siege prevent more than 1.5 million Palestinians from their human basic rights such as travel, education and health.

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Gaza Strip

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Selected indicators about Gaza StripIndicatorValue

Population [2007/12/1]1.416.543

Number of children [17-0] years787.598

Area (km2)365

Population Density (individual/ km2)3.881

Population Growth Rate between 1997 – 20073.3

Number of schools, 2007/2008621

Number of students in Gaza strip Schools, 2007/2008443.740

Number of hospitals 200724

Unemployment Rate (3rd quarter 2008)41.9

Number of Establishments in operation 200733.933

Number of Mosques (Massjed) (1/12/2007)795

Number of Housing (1/12/2007)437.147

Number of Crossing Boarders Between Gaza and Israel6

Number of Crossing Boarders Between Gaza and Egypt1

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War on Gaza

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1st Day, Sat. Dec. 27th 2008, 11:25am : TreacheryMore than 80 Israeli warplanes targeted 50 different places within 4 kill 372 Palestinians

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2nd Day: The mosques Bombing the mosques allegedly that they used as a store of weapons..

Day Martyrs: 18 total: 390

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3rd Day: military zoneIsrael closed areas around Gaza Strip, and declared as military zones.

Day Martyrs: 25 total: 415

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4th Day: more powerMinisters of the political security council in Israel called an additional 2,500 reserve soldiers.

Day Martyrs: 8 total: 423

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5th Day: official buildings Bombing Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh's office & headquarters of the Ministry of Interior.

Day Martyrs: 8 total: 431

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6th Day: 16Dr. Sheikh "Nizar Rayan" was targeted and killed in his house, he and his 4 wives & 11 of his children.

Day Martyrs: 26 total: 457

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7th Day: the siege Israeli tanks began moving along the perimeter of the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces massed in anticipation of a ground invasion.

Day Martyrs: 21 total: 478

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8th Day: Holy places Ground operations began spearheaded by forces belonging to the brigades elite Golani and Givati , and a brigade of paratroopers and infantry weapons, engineering and combat engineering unit, led by armor

Day Martyrs: 28 total: 506

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9th Day: tunnelsIsraeli aircraft bombed 40 sites in different areas, for allegedly smuggling tunnels, and the Israeli occupation forces announced that he had succeeded in dividing Gaza into three sections

Day Martyrs: 79 total: 585

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10th Day: one familyTargeting civilians and children, 7 citizens were killed from one Palestinian family in Alshati refugee camp

Day Martyrs: 86 total: 671

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11th Day: Al-FakhouraIsraeli warplanes bombed Al Fakhoura UNRWA school killed 42 Palestinians, most of them children.

Day Martyrs: 117 total: 788

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12th Day: 3 hours/dayCease-fire for a period of 3 hours a day to enable the relief convoys & medical personnel to assist and transport the injured.

Day Martyrs: 58 total: 846

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13th Day: ProtestsProtest in Damascus, condemning Egypt's silence, and rejecting of cease-fire initiative

Day Martyrs: 42 total: 888

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14th Day: VotingThe UN Security Council voted for an immediate cessation of fire, without conditions of both parties, U.S. abstained from voting

Day Martyrs: 44 total: 932

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15th Day: Free VoicesIsraeli ambassador expelled from Venezuela

Day Martyrs: 47 total: 979

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16th Day: Quds DayIsraeli tank missile killed 4 women & a man from the same family in Beit Lahia

Day Martyrs: 46 total: 1025

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17th Day: killing civiliansIsraeli soldier refuse to serve, in protest at the targeting of Palestinian civilians, the military court to 14 days in prison field.

Day Martyrs: 47 total: 1072

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18th Day: achievements IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi announced to the Foreign Affairs & Security Committee that there are good achievements have been achieved

Day Martyrs: 54 total: 1126

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19th Day: burns Israeli forces used unknown firebombs against civilians, causing severe burns.

Day Martyrs: 60 total: 1186

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20th Day: leadersIsraeli aircraft targeted Palestinian Interior Minister leader Said Siam in his house.

Day Martyrs: 82 total: 1268

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21st Day: cease-fireHamas declared its readiness to accept a cease-fire, in condition of the withdrawal of Israeli forces & opening of the borders and lifting the siege.

Day Martyrs: 59 total: 1327

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22nd Day: Under the rubble Israeli Ministerial Council voted on a resolution to unilaterally ceasefire .

Day Martyrs: 18 total: 1345

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23rd Day, Jan. 18th 2009: Defeat The withdrawal of the Israeli occupying forces from the Palestinian territories before the new U.S. president announcing the department.

Day Martyrs: 89 total: 1434 +30 unknown

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Israeli Weapons-Apache - F16 jets- F15 - Phosphorous weapons - Merkava tanks & personnel carriers- Warships- Amphibians- Drones.

- 1 Million kilograms of bombs, missiles and explosives dropped by Israeli aircraft over Gaza Strip in 2500 air strikes.

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Israeli Weapons- Half of the Israeli Air Force involved in the operation, according to Israeli television Channel 10 sources.

-The amount of what were Gaza shelled with was more than several million pounds during the 23 days of war.

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Martyrs & injured

• First statistical reports from the Palestinian ministry of health said that more than 1.460 person were killed until the end of this war on 18th Jan 2009, 403 of them were children under the age of 16, while 217 women were killed.

• And there is more than 5.316 persons injured need rehabilitation and support, 1.872 of them are children and 800 are women.

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Losses in numbers

20 Mosques

68 Government institutions

31 Non-governmental organizations

53 Foundation of the UN, including 37 schools 6 of them were used as emergency.

60 Health care institutions

15 Hospitals

29 Ambulances

16 of the medical personnel

50% of the water networks in the Gaza Strip destroyed

55% of the electricity networks damaged

3900 industrial establishments stopped working

40.000 people lost their jobs in the agricultural sector

90.000 people in other sectors.

Direct losses 1.724 billion $

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In the battlefield

80Israeli soldiers killed

48Palestinians resistant killed

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--- Break ---

Don’t forget to pray for the prophet

MohammedPeace be upon him

ال تنس الصالة على خير البريةمحمد

صلى الله عليه سلم

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2012: #GazaUnderAttack again

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Which means:

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“Rain” Story

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