The Short Nap - Complete

The Short Nap 1 Tony Murphy The Shor t Nap  A De te c ti ve No i r Te x t Adventu re  Concept, Character Biographies, Map, Room Specification & Solut ion

Transcript of The Short Nap - Complete

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The Short Nap 

1 Tony Murphy

The Short Nap  A Detecti ve Noir Text Adventure  

Concept, Character Biographies, Map, Room Specification & Solution

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The Short Nap 

2 Tony Murphy


Game:  ‘The Short Nap’ 

Setting:  Set during the 1940’s, in the ‘Walstoria-Asdorf’ hotel in an

unnamed American City, ‘The Short Nap’ is a slightly comic

homage to Raymond Chandler’s ‘The Big Sleep’. 

The environment runs heavily towards film-noir and the player

must respond to settings, characters and objects in kind. The

atmosphere of the hotel contains low lighting and big band

music from a distance, news reports on the radio, perfume left

hanging in the air and lipstick-stained cigarettes left smoking in

lead crystal ashtrays.

The ‘Walstoria-Asdorf’ consists of four floors of long corridors

which lead to different hotel rooms, (some of which are locked)

an elevator which contains a lift operator, (who will provide

some clues if asked) a guarded hotel foyer which the hero

cannot get past and a laundry area with an exit he can leave


The narrative is told from a first person perspective which will

allow the story to unfold more naturally and will help prevent

players from finding themselves in a cul-de-sac as the dialogue

will hint towards the next goal within the game. For example:-

“The big lug-who did great work with a blackjack, passed by the

broom closet I was hiding in. The back of my head kept

 reminding me I owed him a debt, and I’m a man who repays

what’s due.” 

With the dialogue written in this style, it becomes clear that the

player must attack this target to advance.

Other characters within the hotel are typically ‘Chandleresque’,

the Dame, the Weasel, the Don, and the Guards and so on. Allwill play to their roles and their dialogue will reflect this.

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Narrative: While sitting in his crummy office, Sid gets a visit from a

beautiful woman who believes her husband is having an

affair with his secretary. Seeking to end her marriage, she

requests that Sid tail her husband, take photos of them

together and meet her later in the week to deliver the

pictures. After a lengthy time following her wayward

husband, Sid finally gets the shots his client needs.

Sid receives a letter supposedly from his client asking him

to meet in her room in the Walstoria-Asdorf hotel. With

proof in hand, Sid arrives at the hotel, makes his way to herroom, knocks on the door and is smartly knocked on the

head from behind as the door opens.

Waking up and finding himself tied to a chair, Sid notices

four things; his client clearly is not there, his client’s

husband is but lies dead on the floor, the photos are

missing, and he has an enormous headache.

An oily voice behind him informs Sid that the police are on

their way, having been called by ‘concerned guests’ at

the hotel who heard raised voices, a fight, followed by a

gunshot. Sid is doubly alarmed to realise that his gun lies

next to his client’s husband, the thin smell of gunpowder

still present in the room. The voice tells Sid ‘Good luck in

Sing-Sing Shovel, give my regards to Warden Lawes’ and

quietly closes the door.

Our hero, Sid Shovel, P.I. must escape his enemies within

the hotel, find the evidence that prove his alibi for being

there and solve the case of the client’s murdered husband

that he has now been falsely implicated in.

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Character Biographies:

 Sid Shovel P.I.  Sid Shovel is a forty-something, chain-smoking, twice-

bitten world-weary graduate of the school of hard

knocks. Sid has three slugs in him, one is lead and

the other two are bourbon.

Growing up poor and sick of life out on the pan-

handle, Sid answered Uncle Sam’s call and ran

away and joined the army at an early age. Seeing

service in two wars, Sid left the army and joined the

police force. After a huge corruption case in which

Sid indicted three fellow officers, one of whom left

Sid with a bullet in his leg, Sid decided that working

alone might mean that no-one can disappoint him

again or betray his trust.

Sid’s cynicism and paranoia has meant romance,

while not uncommon in his life, seldom lasts.

Experience has left Sid with a sardonic view of

humanity and a bullet wound in his leg that still hurts

when it rains.

Gloria Smithson Gloria, Sid’s most recent and now missing client is 31,

brunette, mysterious and very attractive, just the kind

of Dame that breaks hearts and takes no blame as

Sid would say.

Married at 21 to Harry Smithson, the glitter fell from

the wedding quickly when Gloria realised that her

Accountant husband took dubious clients, stayed

out late more often than not and brought homemore money than an accountant in his position

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should earn. Gloria, long resigned to Harry’s infidelity

was content to let things go on as her position in

society allowed her to move in the same circles as

movie stars and politicians but recently things havechanged as Harry is taking on more clients

associated with organised crime. Late night phone

calls and shouting in his office has caused Gloria to

begin to fear for her life. Not content to walk away

empty handed however, Gloria decides to catch

her husband red-handed, thereby guaranteeing a

divorce settlement that will allow her to continue to

live in the style she’s become accustomed to.

Harry Smithson Harry Smithson is 33, tall, dapper, an accountant

and a crook.

After graduating from Harvard, Harry started out in asmall firm as a clerk with a desire to move up in the

business. Not content with the standard career

route, Harry blackmailed one of the partners for a

promotion, threatening to reveal to the Feds and the

I.R.S. that the partner in question was overbilling his

clients and cooking the books. Leaving the firm a

few years later with a sizeable settlement cheque,

Harry started his own accountancy firm, married

Gloria, had many affairs and advertised for clients

among those who needed a more flexible servant of

the law.

Eventually finding himself under investigation from

the Feds for numerous infractions, Harry hinted thathe may have information on his clients that might

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help in a few federal cases if it meant immunity from

the law.

After one too many of Harry’s clients get picked up

and sent to Sing-Sing, Harry’s other clients realise

where the Feds are getting their information from

and take steps to see Harry put on ice.

The Don  The Don has made his way up from the criminal

underworld from the very bottom. Recognised as a

hard case when he began, he has since become

one of the coldest, most ruthless mobsters in the


The head of the Verdona family, The Don saw an

opportunity in Harry that he could exploit and soon

had Harry laundering every cent that came in from

his many and nefarious criminal activities.

Recently, with arrests being a bit too frequent

among his goons by police and federal agents who

seem a little too informed and Harry’s lapses in his

work, the Don has deduced that Harry is the weak

link in the chain and must be got rid of.

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Room Specifications

Room Name:  Room 303 (Start Point)

Room Description:  I'm in Room 303. The Oily Weasels just left and the

cops are on the way. I'm tied to a rickety chair. I

have to escape if I'm ever gonna clear my slightly

disreputable name.

The room is a typical hotel room, slightly cheesy for

my tastes but nothing to write home to Momabout.....Oh yeah, there’s a dead body here too.

Objects Present: Hotel Furniture, Rope, Body, Pool of Blood 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel, Harry Smithson (Deceased) 

Entrances & Exits:  South 

Room 303

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Room Name:  Third Floor Corridor (West)

Room Description:  I'm now in a typical hotel corridor. It's empty.

There’s lights are every few metres but they're poor

and it’s  carpeted too so I can keep my noise

down and hide in the alcoves as I search for a

way out. There are hotel room doors on the left

and the rest of the corridor leads to an elevator at

the eastern end. The rest of the corridor is exactly

like this one so my

monolouging...monoloughing....story may get a bit


Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  North & East 

Third Floor Corridor


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Room Name:  Third Floor Corridor

Room Description:  Well, I'll be damned! It’s the same as the last bit of

corridor, oh except for the new room to the

north...and it’s locked! 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  North (with key), West & East

Third Floor Corridor

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Room Name:  Room 302

Room Description:  Room 302 is almost exactly the same as the rest;

I'm beginning to feel that this may become a

pattern here at the Walstoria-Asdorf. There’s

nothing special about this room...wait, the bin is on

its side... 

Objects Present:  Hotel Furniture, Bin, Crystal Ashtray, Elevator

Control Lever, Matches 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  South 

Room 302

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Room Name:  Third Floor Corridor (East)

Room Description:  Well, I'll be damned! It’s the same as the last bit of

corridor, oh except for the new room to the north. 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  West, North (with key) & East 

Third Floor Corridor


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Room Name:  Room 301

Room Description:  It’s a typical hotel roo.....Shit!!! There’s a guard

dozing in the chair!!! He's just about to wake up!

I'd better move fast, there’s furniture here, nothing

useful, except the large, heavy ceramic lamp next

to me... 

Objects Present:  Hotel Furniture, Diary Page 1, Room 302 Key

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel, Dozing Guard

Entrances & Exits:  South 

Room 301

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Room Name:  Third Floor Elevator

Room Description:  The elevator...I'm never too sure about these, I

don't mind using 'em, I just never know whether to

tip the operator or not. Speaking of which, he isn't

here. Looks pretty normal, shame its missing the

control lever though. Without that lever, I'm stuck

here on the third floor  

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  West & Down 

Third Floor Elevator

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Room Name:  Second Floor Elevator

Room Description:  Well, that’s one floor finished but it looks like I'm

stuck on the second floor. The lever is jammed

and won't drop to the lower floors, I need to find

another route down or fix this one. 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel

Entrances & Exits:  West, Up & Down (with Operator present) 

Second Floor


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Room Name:  Second Floor Corridor (East)

Room Description:  It’s another corridor similar to the third floor, again,

the low lighting and carpeting will help me move

quietly. There’s the sound of a party  or event in

the room to the north. The door is closed but I'd

better not disturb them no matter how much I

would love a belt of scotch right now. 

Objects Present:  None

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel

Entrances & Exits:  West, North & East

Second Floor



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Room Name:  Room 201

Room Description:  (Before) Dammit!! I knew I shouldn't have just

walked in, the goons grab me and kick the old

Elevator Operator out, I'm once again tied to a

chair. I don't like the look on their drunken faces...

(After) Another standard hotel room, no goons

though, that’s the main thing. There’s bottles and

glasses everywhere but much as I'd love a belt

right now, I better keep a clear head. 

Objects Present:  Hotel Furniture, Diary Page 2

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel, Goons, Hal the Elevator Operator

Entrances & Exits:  South

Room 201

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Room Name:  Second Floor Corridor

Room Description:  Another normal stretch of corridor except for a

four digit combination lock on the locked door to

the north. I wonder what’s inside that’s so

important that it had to be locked like this. 

Objects Present:  Hotel Furniture, Diary Page 2 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel, Goons, Hal the Elevator Operator  

Entrances & Exits:  West, North (with code) & East

Second Floor


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Room Name:  Room 202

Room Description:  With the door now open, I can see what was so

important that it had to be locked

up...firecrackers, great, that’s just great, now I can

really show them where I am. They're probably for

the idiots next door. What kind of moron locks up does give me an idea


Objects Present:  Hotel Furniture, Firecrackers 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  South

Room 202

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19 Tony Murphy

Room Name:  Second Floor Corridor (West)

Room Description:  I'm at the east end of the corridor, thankfully

there’s no one here, there’s another hotel room to

the north. 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  North & East

Second FloorCorridor


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20 Tony Murphy

Room Name:  Room 203 & En-Suite Bathroom

Room Description:  Same old, same old. This room is a little different

though, there’s a small en suite bathroom with a

mirror over the sink to the west. 

Objects Present:  Hotel Furniture, En-Suite Bathroom, Sink, Tap, Toilet,

Bath, Mirror  

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  South & West (To En-Suite Bathroom)

Room 203

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Room Name:  First Floor Elevator

Room Description:  The lift stops and I can hear sirens getting closer

and as the elevator doors open I can see blue

lights flashing through the far windows of the

corridor. I'd better not go to the foyer, it’s bound

to be full of cops and the cops would just love to

get me on a case like this. 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel, Hal

Entrances & Exits:  West, Up & Down (with Operator present) 

First Floor Elevator

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22 Tony Murphy

Room Name:  First Floor Corridor (East)

Room Description:  I'm on the First Floor, which looks just like all the

other floors but at least I'm closer to getting out but

I need to find more diary pages. 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel

Entrances & Exits:  West, North & East 

First Floor Corridor


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23 Tony Murphy

Room Name:  Room 101

Room Description:  I'm getting tired of these rooms. I must have visited

all of them by now, if I see another painting of a

goddamn sunset, I'm gonna put my head through

it. Wait there’s something different about this room

but I can't put my finger on it... 

Objects Present:  Hotel Furniture, Rug, Diary Page 3 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  South

Room 101

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Room Name:  First Floor Corridor

Room Description:  Something’s a little different in this corridor. There’s

a laundry chute here. The damn things locked


Objects Present:  Laundry Chute 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  North, South (with key), West & East

First Floor Corridor

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25 Tony Murphy

Room Name:  Room 102

Room Description:  Room 102, same as all the other rooms, but I can

hear voices next door, I should try to keep quiet. 

Objects Present:  Hotel Furniture, Vanity Chest, Drawer, Ledger,

Chute Key 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  South

Room 102

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26 Tony Murphy

Room Name:  First Floor Corridor (West)

Room Description:  I should try not to stay here too long; the Don is in

the room to the North. If he finds me, everything

I've worked for will be for nothing. 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel 

Entrances & Exits:  North & East

First Floor Corridor


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27 Tony Murphy

Room Name:  Room 103

Room Description:  The Don is here, surrounded by his men. I can't

escape, I can't fight my way out of this, I can't..... 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel, The Don, Lethal Guards 

Entrances & Exits:  No Exit (Game Over)

Room 103

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28 Tony Murphy

Room Name:  Hotel Foyer

Room Description:  The entrance foyer is pretty big, fancy too. Gilt

and glitz everywhere....and cops...lots of cops.

Dammit! I'm not getting away this time, not

enough lamps to hit them with. There’s too many

bent cops on the force, God knows if anyone

knows that, it’s me. I've never been on the best of

terms since whistle-blowing on corruption back

when I was a cop. I know most of these guys andthey'd love nothing more than to put an extra

bullet or two in me. I put my hands up; I'll get

nowhere trying to run. I'm probably gonna be

found shot for resisting arrest... 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel, The Police 

Entrances & Exits:  No Exit (Game Over)

Hotel Foyer

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29 Tony Murphy

Room Name:  Laundry Chute

Room Description:  I open the chute and with a little difficulty I climb

inside. As I hang from my chewed fingernails, I

realise that old bones break easy and begin to

wonder if this is such a good idea. The decision is

taken away from me however as I hear voices

coming from the west of the corridor and my brain

takes the reins and lets go of the edge....I'd

probably yell in fear at this point, but I'm surprised

to find that I'm too afraid to. Thankfully I land in

pile of bedclothes and find myself in the laundry.

There’s no-one here. 

Objects Present:  None 

Characters Present:  Sid Shovel, The Police 

Entrances & Exits:  No Exit (Win Game)

Laundry Chute

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31 Tony Murphy

Directions for Perfect Game.

This list will complete the game with a near perfect score. Other

options and actions are available to the player while playing but these

are not included and must be discovered during the game.

There is an Easter Egg in the game which can only be accomplished in

the starting room  –   Room 303. This instant win option is in homage to

Scott Adam’s ‘The Incredible Hulk’ text adventure. To achieve this, just

type ‘bite lip while still tied to the chair. 

1) Tip chair back

2) Step over blood

3) East

4) East

5) North

6) Take lamp

7) Hit guard with lamp

8) Search guard

9) Take key

10) Read key

11) Examine bed

12) Take diary page 1

13) Read diary page 1

14) South

15) West

16) Unlock door

17) North

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18) Look in bin

19) Take lever

20) Look in ashtray

21) Take matches

22) South

23) East

24) East

25) Use lever

26) Down

27) West

28) Listen at door

29) Look through keyhole

30) West

31) West

32) North

33) West

34) Turn on tap

35) East

36) South

37) East

38) Use code 0723

39) North

40) Take firecrackers

41) South

42) West

43) North

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44) Light firecrackers

45) West

46) North

47) Take diary page 2

48) Read diary page 2

49) South

50) East

50) Ask Hal about hello

51) Ask Hal about hotel

52) Ask Hal about the Don

53) Ask Hal about harry

54) Ask Hal about Gloria

55) Ask Hal about elevator

56) Down

57) West

58) North

59) Examine rug

60) Move rug

61) Take diary page 3

62) Read diary page 3

63) South

64) West

65) Examine chute

66) North

67) Open vanity chest

68) Take ledger

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69) Read ledger

70) Open ledger

71) Take key

72) Read key

73) South

74) West

75) Listen at door

76) Look through keyhole

77) East

78) Unlock chute

79) South

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35 Tony Murphy

Game Transcript

"I woke to find myself tied to a chair.

Believe it or not, this isn't the first time I found myself like this, but the last time

involved a showgirl from the Strip and a lot of Bourbon.

This time I'm looking at my client's husband and the pool of blood his heads

lying in. I think he's dead, but I'm not a doctor so who can say.

'That was some fight, shame you had to kill him'

A voice from behind me, oily, weasel-like. I try to turn in my chair but I can't

see the little runt.

'Good luck in Sing-Sing Shovel, give my regards to Warden Lawes'

'Wait, I didn't kill him, the last thing I remember is walking into the room then

the lights went out, then my lights went out'

'Sure you killed 'im Shovel, I saw the whole thing and being a, whadyacallem,

a concerned citizen, I called the cops and gave your gun to the manager

along with a couple 'a c-notes and then he saw the whole thing too. You got

angry with the husband, came to the hotel to have it out, got mad and shot

'im. There ain't a jury anywhere that won't believe that, 10 years for sure.

Anyway Shovel, I can't stay here jawin' to the back of yer head all night, cya

buddy, don't reach fer the soap'

Even the moron's laugh as he leaves is greasy; it sets my teeth on edge and

makes my fists itch.

Well, I've been in tighter spots but not as tight as this, I gotta escape and

somehow clear my name. At least the ropes aren't too tight and this chair

sure seems rickety......"

I'm in Room 303. The Oily Weasels just left and the cops are on the way. I'm

tied to a rickety chair. I have to escape if I'm ever gonna clear my slightlydisreputable name. The room is a typical hotel room, slightly cheesy for my

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tastes but nothing to write home to Mom about.....Oh yeah, there’s a dead

body here too.

tip chair back

"Whoooa! OW!!!!!" The chair breaks like it was a woodworm's graveyard. I

pick my now even shabbier frame up from the floor and untie the now loose

ropes. I'm free! I give the room a quick once over but I think I need to leave

quickly. Harry's body has all his pockets turned out so there’s  no point in

searching him.

Room 303

The hotel room is a typical room, a bed, chairs, vanity chest; you know the

kind of thing. You've seen one, you've seen them all. Except for the dead

body of course. I'm free to leave the room now. There is a growing pool of

blood here, maybe Harry's just a bit accident prone while shaving but it’s 

probably from the bullet hole in his head. Also here is Comfy Chair,

Wastepaper Bin, Vanity Chest, Large Picture and King Size Bed. I can only

move south. There’s bits of chair everywhere too As I turn to go, I notice that

Harry's blood is by the door.

 step over blood

I stepped over the blood, I don’t want to leave bloody footprints everywhere!

Third Floor Corridor (West)

I'm now in a typical hotel corridor. It's empty. There’s  lights are every few

metres, but they're poor and its carpeted too so I can keep my noise down

and hide in the alcoves as I search for a way out. There’s hotel room doors

on the left and the rest of the corridor leads to an elevator at the eastern end.

The rest of the corridor is exactly like this one so my

monolouging...monoloughing....story may get a bit repetitive. I can move

north and east.

eastI move east.

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Third Floor Corridor

Well, I'll be damned!, its the same as the last bit of corridor, oh except for the

new room to the north...and its locked! I can move east and west.


I move east.

Third Floor Corridor (East)

Well, I'll be damned! It’s the same as the last bit of corridor, oh except for the

new room to the north. I can move north, east and west.


I move north.

Room 301

Its a typical hotel roo.....Shit!!! theres a guard dozing in the chair!!! He's just

about to wake up! I'd better move fast, theres furniture here, nothing useful,

except the large, heavy ceramic lamp next to me... Also here is Large Bed,

Comfy Chair, Wastepaper Bin, Vanity Chest and Large Picture. Guard is here.I can move north and south.

take lamp

I have a large, decorative and above all HEAVY lamp in my hands.

hit guard with lamp

He goes down like sack of anvils. He may have been dozing before, but now

he’s in for a good night’s sleep...for the next couple of days!

Room 301

Its a typical hotel room.....well, apart from the unconscious guard on the floor.

Also here is Large Bed, Comfy Chair, Wastepaper Bin, Vanity Chest and Large

Picture. Guard is here. I can move north and south.

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38 Tony Murphy

 search guard

I've found a key, there’s writing on it

take key

I got the key.

 read key

It says:


Room 302'

examine bed

Crumpled Diary Page 1 is inside Large Bed.

take diary Page 1

I have a crumpled diary page, I should read what it says.

 read diary Page 1

"Sunday Febuary 14th

Gloria's mad again. Missed Valentine dinner due to meeting the Don. Doesn't she

 understand that I have to go when the Don calls. He's already unhappy about how the

1st National job went. If I don't shift this money soon, he's gonna blame me!"

This is great, it doesn't exactly clear my name but it’s a start, I wonder if I can

find some more.


I move south.

Third Floor Corridor (East)

Well, I'll be damned! It’s the same as the last bit of corridor, oh except for the

new room to the north. I can move north, east and west.

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I move west.

Third Floor Corridor

Well, I'll be damned! It’s the same as the last bit of corridor, oh except for the

new room to the north...and it’s locked! I can move east and west.

unlock door

I used the key to unlock the door

Third Floor Corridor

The key is a perfect fit and the lock opens in my hands. I can move north,

east and west. I can enter Room 302


I move north.

Room 302

Room 302 is almost exactly the same as the rest, I'm beginning to feel that thismay become a pattern here at the Walstoria Asdorf. There’s nothing special

about this room...wait; the bin is on its side... Also here is Comfy Chair, Vanity

Chest, Large Picture, King Size Bed, a Bin and Crystal Ashtray. I can only

move south.

look in bin

Theres a lever here

take lever

I have the Elevator Control Lever. I can now use the Elevator

Room 302

Room 302 is almost exactly the same as the rest, I'm beginning to feel that this

may become a pattern here at the Walstoria Asdorf. There’s nothing special

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40 Tony Murphy

about this room. Also here is Comfy Chair, Vanity Chest, Large Picture, King

Size Bed, a Bin and Crystal Ashtray. I can only move south.

look in ashtray

A classy ashtray, crystal by the look of it, personally I'm happy with my coffee

cup, this would look out of place in my cramped little office. A book of

matches are inside Crystal Ashtray.

take matches

I have a book of matches. I don't think there's anything else here that'll help

me clear my name.


I move south.

Third Floor Corridor

The key is a perfect fit and the lock opens in my hands. I can move north,

east and west.


I move east.

Third Floor Corridor (East)

Well, I'll be damned! It’s the same as the last bit of corridor, oh except for the

new room to the north. I can move north, east and west.


I move east.

Elevator (3)

The elevator...I'm never too sure about these, I don't mind using 'em, I just

never know whether to tip the operator or not. Speaking of which, he isn't

here. Looks pretty normal, shame its missing the control lever though. Without

that lever, I'm stuck here on the third floor. I can only move west.

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41 Tony Murphy

use lever

The lever fits into the slot perfectly; I can use the elevator now.

Elevator (3)

The lever fits perfectly; I can use the elevator to go down now. The elevator

control has four slots; G, 1, 2 and 3. It’s currently set to 3. I can move west

and down. The lever is in the slot and can't be removed


I move down.

Elevator (2)

Well, thats one floor finished but it looks like I'm stuck on the second floor. The

lever is jammed and won't drop to the lower floors, I need to find another

route down or fix this one. I can move west and up.


I move west.

Second Floor Corridor (East)

It’s  another corridor similar to the third floor, again, the low lighting and

carpeting will help me move quietly. There’s the sound of a party or event in

the room to the north. The door is closed but I'd better not disturb them no

matter how much I would love a belt of scotch right now. I can move north,

east and west.

listen at door

I can hear a party or...something like it. It sounds like some goons are getting

drunk...wait, they're saying something to someone else in there... I don't think

he wants to be in there with them and they keep trying to get him to drink.

There’s no way to help him at the moment, I'll just have to think of a brilliant

plan later. Maybe I'll learn more looking through the keyhole.

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look through keyhole

I can see a bunch of goons livin' it up, the Elevator Operator is with them.

Every time he gets up, they push him down and hold a drink to his mush.

Morons, I used to put idiots like this in jail. I'm gonna need the Operators help

to get downstairs. I have to get him out somehow.


I move west.

Second Floor Corridor

Another normal stretch of corridor except for a four digit combination lock on

the locked door to the north. I wonder what’s inside that’s so important that it

had to be locked like this. Also here is a Combination Lock. I can move east

and west.


I move west.

Second Floor Corridor (West)I'm at the east end of the corridor, thankfully theres no one here, theres

another hotel room to the north. I can move north and east.


I move north.

Room 203

Same old, same old. This room is a little different though, theres a small en

suite bathroom with a mirror over the sink to the west. Also here is Comfy

Chair, Wastepaper Bin, Vanity Chest, Large Picture and King Size Bed. I can

move south and west.


I move west.

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Ensuite Bathroom

It’s a small en-suite bathroom. It’s nicely laid out, a bit too rich for my meager

tastes. There’s a toilet, a bath and a mirror over a sink. Also here is Sink Tap, a

Bath, a Toilet, a Mirror and Bathroom Sink. I can only move east.

turn on tap

The tap gushes with hot water and steam rises, revealing the message in the

mirror. It says '0723'.


I move east.

Room 203

Same old, same old. This room is a little different though, theres a small en

suite bathroom with a mirror over the sink to the west. Also here is Comfy

Chair, Wastepaper Bin, Vanity Chest, Large Picture and King Size Bed. I can

move south and west.

southI move south.

Second Floor Corridor (West)

I'm at the east end of the corridor, thankfully theres no one here, theres

another hotel room to the north. I can move north and east.


I move east.

Second Floor Corridor

Another normal stretch of corridor except for a four digit combination lock on

the locked door to the north. I wonder what’s inside that’s so important that it

had to be locked like this. Also here is a Combination Lock. I can move east

and west.

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use code 0723

The code on the bathroom works like a charm, the door opens and I can go

in. Now, what’s so special inside here...


I move north.

Room 202

With the door now open, I can see what was so important that it had to be

locked up...firecrackers, great, thats just great, now I can really show them

where I am. They're probably for the idiots next door. What kind of moron

locks up does give me an idea though... Also here is

Comfy Chair, Wastepaper Bin, Vanity Chest, Large Picture, King Size Bed and

Chinese Firecrackers. I can only move south.

take firecrackers

I have the firecrackers.


I move south.

Second Floor Corridor

Another normal stretch of corridor except for a four digit combination lock on

the locked door to the north. I can go freely into this room now. Also here is a

Combination Lock. I can move north, east and west.


I move west.

Second Floor Corridor (West)

I'm at the east end of the corridor, thankfully there’s  no one here, there’s 

another hotel room to the north. I can move north and east.

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I move north.

Room 203

Same old, same old. This room is a little different though, there’s a small en

suite bathroom with a mirror over the sink to the west. This may be a good

room for a bit of a distraction. Also here is Comfy Chair, Wastepaper Bin,

Vanity Chest, Large Picture and King Size Bed. I can move south and west.

light firecrackers

The fuse is lit! I throw the firecrackers in the corner. I'd better clear out of

here to the elevator to hide before they go off.

Elevator (2)

I'm back in the elevator, the firecrackers are going off like a machine gun

and the goons have all run to room 203 to see what the noise was about and

now the Elevator Operator is back where he should be. I should ask him some

questions and find out whats going on here at the hotel. It says 'Hal' on his

name badge. Maybe I should risk quickly searching the goons' room toowhile I can. I can move west, up and down.


I move west.

Second Floor Corridor (East)

The room to the north is quiet now, the goons have hightailed it to Room 203

to see what the racket was all about. I can have a quick look inside but I'd

better be quick about it, they'll be back soon. I can move north, east and



I move north.

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Room 201

Another standard hotel room, no goons though, that’s the man thing. There’s 

bottles and glasses everywhere but much as I'd love a belt right now, I better

keep a clear head. looks like there’s another diary page here, one

of the goons must have dropped it. Also here is Comfy Chair, Wastepaper

Bin, Vanity Chest, Large Picture, King Size Bed and Torn diary page 2. I can

only move south.

take diary page 2

I take Torn diary page 2.

 read diary Page 2

"Monday March 8th.

The Feds are closing in!! I keep hearing a click when I'm using the phone and I know

 I'm being tailed. There’s a van outside my office and house every day. They must know

 something. I got to keep my cool here. The Don...he can't know about this or I'm a dead man!"

Another piece of the jigsaw is falling into place. I knew he was a rat to his

wife but it appears there’s  more to Harry than I realised. Some detective I

am. On the plus side, it does look more likely that these pages can clear my



I move south.

Second Floor Corridor (East)

The room to the north is quiet now, the goons have hightailed it to Room 203

to see what the racket was all about. I can have a quick look inside but I'd

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ask Hal about Gloria

"The blonde dame? she came in to Harry's room earlier and left a half hour

later. I ain't seen her since."

ask Hal about elevator

"I been working this shaft since I was a kid back in 1890, when they first built

the hotel. I see you got the lever back, those baboons took the lever and hid

it on me. She's a mite temp'mental, you just have to know how to handle her,

you need to jiggle it to get her to work. I can bring you to the first floor if you

like, it’s the least I can do."


I move down.

Elevator (1)

The lift stops and I can hear sirens getting closer and as the elevator doors

open I can see blue lights flashing through the far windows of the corridor. I'd

better not go to the foyer, it’s bound to be full of cops and the cops would

 just love to get me on a case like this. I can move west, up and down.


I move west.

First Floor Corridor (East)

I'm on the First Floor, which looks just like all the other floors but at least I'm

closer to getting out but I need to find more diary pages. I can move north,

east and west.


I move north.

Room 101

I'm getting tired of these rooms. I must have visited all of them by now, if I see

another painting of a goddamn sunset, I'm gonna put my head through it.

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Wait, there’s something different about this room but I can't put my finger on

it... Also here is Comfy Chair, Wastepaper Bin, Vanity Chest, Large Picture

and King Size Bed. I can only move south.

examine rug

A tacky rug, it would probably suit my office.

move rug

I moved the rug and found what looks like another page of Harry's diary.

take diary page 3

I've found a third page of Harry's diary, I should read it.

read diary Page 3

"Friday March 13th

This is it. I knew it would happen. I've tried to keep up but its fallen apart.

Gloria’s' just left and I told her everything; the money laundering, the kick-backs, the bribes and the feds closing in. She knows how to keep herself safe so she's fled the

 country with the cash I told her about hidden under a rock near a tree where we met

 for our first date. I've never told anyone about that so no-one other than Gloria will

 find it and now no-one should find her.

 I know I'm going to die tonight. You don't work for the Don without recognizing the

 signs;  everyone’s been real friendly and calling me 'pally', if I try to leave the hotel,

 someone asks me what I want or where I'm going and sends someone else to get it.

The Don's responsible.

 He won't touch me till he's sure  he’s got all my books and ledgers. By now he thinks

 he’s got them but not all of them. There’s one left.  It’s taped under the drawer of a

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 vanity chest in room 102. This is the one he really wants and its right next door to

 him but if anyone finds this page, find the ledger and take it to the feds, I beg you,  it’s 

the only evidence that will ensure Gloria's safety. I've torn apart my diary and hidden pages in some of the rooms of the hotel. Hopefully

 someone will find them and maybe piece together what happened and then I'll have my

 revenge on the Don. A strike to his evil heart from the grave.

 It’s all I can hope for.

 Harry Smithson

13th March 1937"

The poor bastard, seems he wasn't so bad in the end, he did what he could

to keep his wife safe, that’s  more than most mobsters would do in that

situation. But, this is it! The last piece. All I need now is to get the diary from

the drawer and escape!


I move south.

First Floor Corridor (East)

I'm on the First Floor, which looks just like all the other floors but at least I'm

closer to getting out. According to Harry's diary, the ledger is in Room 102 but

the Don is next door so I need to be careful. I can move north, east and west.


I move west.

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First Floor Corridor

Something’s a little different in this corridor. There’s a laundry chute here. The

damn things locked though. Also here is laundry chute. I can move north,

east and west.


I move north.

Room 102

Room 102, this is where Harry hid his ledger. I should try and find it. Also here

is Comfy Chair, Wastepaper Bin, Vanity Chest, Large Picture and King Size

Bed. I can only move south.

examine vanity chest

A standard vanity chest, it has a mirror on top and a couple of drawers.

Vanity Chest is closed.

open vanity chest

I open the drawer to the vanity chest and reach underneath...there’s a bookof some kind taped underneath.

take book

I have Harry's ledger. I should look inside.

 read ledger

I can read this but it doesn't make much sense to me. Guess you have to be

a number-cruncher like Harry to get it.

All the same, even I can tell that this is pure dynamite to the Don and his

operations. There’s something stuffed in the back.

open ledger

Theres writing inside... and a key!

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take key

I have the key that was inside the ledger, there’s  a parcel tag tied to it. I

should read it.

 read key

It’s written in Harry's writing:

"Just in case"



I move south.

First Floor Corridor

Something’s a little different in this corridor. There’s a laundry chute here. The

damn things locked though. Also here is laundry chute. I can move north,

east and west.

open chute

I open laundry chute.


I open the chute and with a little difficulty I climb inside. As I hang from my

chewed fingernails, I realise that old bones break easy and begin to wonder if

this is such a good idea. The decision is taken away from me however as I

hear voices coming from the west of the corridor and my brain takes the reins

and lets go of the edge....I'd probably yell in fear at this point, but I'm surprised

to find that I'm too afraid to. Thankfully I land in pile of bedclothes and find

myself in the laundry. There’s no-one here.

I exit through the alleyway entrance and carefully make my way to my

lawyer’s  office. He's a nite owl like me so I knew he'd be there. After

explaining my story and passing over the diary pages and the ledger, he

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The Short Nap called the feds who took me into protective custody. After signing my

deposition, I'm led into an unlocked cell and I have the first good night’s sleep

I've had in many days.

A month has gone past since then and I'm back on penny-ante divorce and

missing cat cases. I'm safe from the Don though; after being picked up for

racketeering and money laundering charges, as well as murder charges for

Harry, he sang like a canary to get a reduced sentence. The rest of the

families didn't like that one bit and he was shanked in Sing Sing awaiting trial.

They have no interest in me; it would only bring the feds sniffing around their

interests so I'm safe.

I got a letter this morning, no not a letter, just a note. It said

"For services rendered - many thanks."


In it was a sight draft for $300.

I'm glad she's ok.

As I stare over the ocean, watching the sun go down from my cramped,

smoke stained office, I pour another drink and wonder if maybe getting a

partner might not be such a bad idea.

Might need a bigger office though.

[Press any key to end]