the Shepherds Song - Holland Michigan · the Shepherds Song ’ 3990 N. 112th ... up soon and we...

the Shepherds Song Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 3990 N. 112th Avenue, Holland, Michigan 49424 616.772.4075 • Fax 616.772.6615 • [email protected] Season of Easter: May 2014 Teach a Child in the Way He Should Go Once again I am indebted to a favorite author, Edward Hayes, for these thoughts gained as I read through his book “A Pilgrims Almanac.There is an old bit of Spanish folk wisdom that says “an ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.” It is trying to remind us that even in a world of specialists and experts, that parents, and here especially mothers, are prime teachers. Here it refers to religious teaching, but I suggest teaching in general. A child can go to school, read text books, listen in class, study hard and learn a lot. However, that child spends more time at home than in school. At home the child learns the importance of education from parents who see to it that there is time to study and do homework, as well as letting the child see them doing some study also. It is just as true in the religious life. No matter what the child learns in Sunday School and church, what they see Mom and Dad do is really formative. Do we pray together at meals? Do they see us reading the Bible? Do we take children to church and Sunday school or send them? In the case of learning, we learn a lot by example and what we, as parents and grandparents, do is a often a lot more important than what we say. While we were on vacation this spring in South Carolina, Barb and I rode our bikes a lot. When we ride we wear helmets and someone asked me if it was a South Carolina law that helmets were required. I said that I didn’t know but we wore them because our grandchildren are required to wear them and we figured that we needed to be a good example. It is a matter of teaching by modeling behavior rather than just ordering it. There is an Islamic adage that maintains that “Good students study the text. Truly good students study their teacher.” Each of us, whether we like it or not, is a teacher. We may talk about respecting others, but how do our children see us reacting with waitresses, sales clerks and the many other people that we interact with each week? We teach them to be law abiding, but when they “study” us driving do they observe us regularly speeding instead of obeying the limits? We teach them to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself,” but how do they see us practice that love in our everyday lives? Truly good students do study their teachers and we, like it or not, are a prime part of their teaching experience. Abraham Lincoln commented: “There is just one way to bring up a child in the way he should go, and that is to travel that way yourself.” Don’t send your children to school, Sunday school, and church to learn to become a certain kind of person — be that kind of person yourself, model what it is like to them. When we wonder if we are up to it, remember that old adage that, “an ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.” If that is not enough, there is an Indian adage much like this one. It goes like this: “One guru is worth ten paid teachers. One father is worth a hundred gurus. One mother is worth one hundred fathers.” Wow, one mother worth 10,000 holy teachers. Mothers, that ought to pump you up for the formative role that you play in the lives of your children. And by the way, in this month of May...Happy Mother’s Day! Pastor Kehnle Blessings on the marriage of Cathy Wright and Ken Kelly. Comfort for Lu Ann Captain and family on the death of Lu Ann’s aunt, Jimmie Moore; for Deb & Tom Ludwig and family on the death of Deb’s mother, Adeline Schaffer; and for the family of Dennis Huxhold on his death.. Seeking employment: Dale Schmelter. Serving our country: Steve Dyke, Torrey Ollermann, Kyle Wolff. Peace & assistance: Wayne Felgenhauer. Strength & comfort: Bonnie Pfister, the Postma family. Healing, grace & strength: Carolyn & Larry Baker, Kendall Lupton & family, Grethel Nykamp, Linda VanRhee, Susan Wilburn. Comfort & guidance: Jimmy Holben. Surgery/Recovery: Carol Ollermann, Mardee Sytsma. Healing: Melody Bellora, Dale Bergland, Marv Beukelman, Evan Burch, Doris Captain, Enrique Chavez III, Ray Crockford, Tim DeKraker, Kym Fazer, Patty German, Peter Gijselaers, Melinda Hamstra, Scott & Margie Hladki, Deb Hoksbergen, Don Holben, Birney Hoyt, Peggy Hydorn, Max Jerrell, Deb Johnson, Joy Johnson, Donna Kucaric, Lynne Makimaa, Phoumaly Manikham, Mark McFarland, Ruth Meyer, Faye Millsap, Lori Morrison, Bill Pfister, Natalie Rairigh, Howard Reister, Kim Riesig, Merle Ringewold, Jerry Robinson, Marion Robinson, Carol Ruggles, Lavonne Schmelter, Dave Somero, Jack Sytsma, Travis Sytsma, Clayton Thompson, Gene Turner, Marion Underhill, Mark Walters, Joseph Wilson, Dutch Wolff, Frederick Wynne, Bonita Zielke. In assisted living/nursing home care: Ruth Bergan, Jessie McCormack, Barth Middleton, Kevin Middleton, Doris Moore, John Staley, Betty Wilcox. For healthy pregnancies: Jessie Brockmeyer, Nicki Parrott, Melissa Rosally. Prayer Partners: Faith Lutheran Church, Sidney; Peace Lutheran Church, South Haven; Peace Lutheran Church, Sparta; New Life Lutheran Church, Spruce. If you have a concern that you’d like added to our prayer list, or a confidential concern for the Prayer Chain, please contact the church office at 616-772-4075 or [email protected]. In Our Prayers…

Transcript of the Shepherds Song - Holland Michigan · the Shepherds Song ’ 3990 N. 112th ... up soon and we...

the Shepherds Song’

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 3990 N. 112th Avenue, Holland, Michigan 49424

616.772.4075 • Fax 616.772.6615 • [email protected] Season of Easter: May 2014

Teach a Child in the Way He Should Go Once again I am indebted to a favorite author, Edward Hayes, for these thoughts gained as I read through his book “A Pilgrims Almanac.” There is an old bit of Spanish folk wisdom that says “an ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.” It is trying to remind us that even in a world of specialists and experts, that parents, and here especially mothers, are prime teachers. Here it refers to religious teaching, but I suggest teaching in general. A child can go to school, read text books, listen in class, study hard and learn a lot. However, that child spends more time at home than in school. At home the child learns the importance of education from parents who see to it that there is time to study and do homework, as well as letting the child see them doing some study also. It is just as true in the religious life. No matter what the child learns in Sunday School and church, what they see Mom and Dad do is really formative. Do we pray together at meals? Do they see us reading the Bible? Do we take children to church and Sunday school or send them? In the case of learning, we learn a lot by example and what we, as parents and grandparents, do is a often a lot more important than what we say. While we were on vacation this spring in South Carolina, Barb and I rode our bikes a lot. When we ride we wear helmets and someone asked me if it was a South Carolina law that helmets were required. I said that I didn’t know but we wore them because our grandchildren are required to wear them and we figured that we needed to be a good example. It is a matter of teaching by modeling behavior rather than just ordering it. ! There is an Islamic adage that maintains that “Good students study the text. Truly good students study their teacher.” Each of us, whether we like it or not, is a teacher. We may talk about respecting others, but how do our children see us reacting with waitresses, sales clerks and the many other people that we interact with each week? We teach them to be law abiding, but when they “study” us driving do they observe us regularly speeding instead of obeying the limits? We teach them to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself,” but how do they see us practice that love in our everyday lives? Truly good students do study their teachers and we, like it or not, are a prime part of their teaching experience. Abraham Lincoln commented: “There is just one way to bring up a child in the way he should go, and that is to travel that way yourself.” Don’t send your children to school, Sunday school, and church to learn to become a certain kind of person — be that kind of person yourself, model what it is like to them. When we wonder if we are up to it, remember that old adage that, “an ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy.” If that is not enough, there is an Indian adage much like this one. It goes like this: “One guru is worth ten paid teachers. One father is worth a hundred gurus. One mother is worth one hundred fathers.” Wow, one mother worth 10,000 holy teachers. Mothers, that ought to pump you up for the formative role that you play in the lives of your children. And by the way, in this month of May...Happy Mother’s Day! Pastor Kehnle

!!!!Blessings on the marriage of Cathy Wright and Ken Kelly. !Comfort for Lu Ann Captain and family on the death of Lu Ann’s aunt, Jimmie Moore; for Deb & Tom Ludwig and family on the death of Deb’s mother, Adeline Schaffer; and for the family of Dennis Huxhold on his death.. !Seeking employment: Dale Schmelter. Serving our country: Steve Dyke, Torrey Ollermann, Kyle Wolff. !Peace & assistance: Wayne Felgenhauer. !Strength & comfort: Bonnie Pfister, the Postma family. !Healing, grace & strength: Carolyn & Larry Baker, Kendall Lupton & family, Grethel Nykamp, Linda VanRhee, Susan Wilburn. !Comfort & guidance: Jimmy Holben. !Surgery/Recovery: Carol Ollermann, Mardee Sytsma. !Healing: Melody Bellora, Dale Bergland, Marv Beukelman, Evan Burch, Doris Captain, Enrique Chavez III, Ray Crockford, Tim DeKraker, Kym Fazer, Patty German, Peter Gijselaers, Melinda Hamstra, Scott & Margie Hladki, Deb Hoksbergen, Don Holben, Birney Hoyt, Peggy Hydorn, Max Jerrell, Deb Johnson, Joy Johnson, Donna Kucaric, Lynne Makimaa, Phoumaly Manikham, Mark McFarland, Ruth Meyer, Faye Millsap, Lori Morrison, Bill Pfister, Natalie Rairigh, Howard Reister, Kim Riesig, Merle Ringewold, Jerry Robinson, Marion Robinson, Carol Ruggles, Lavonne Schmelter, Dave Somero, Jack Sytsma, Travis Sytsma, Clayton Thompson, Gene Turner, Marion Underhill, Mark Walters, Joseph Wilson, Dutch Wolff, Frederick Wynne, Bonita Zielke. !In assisted living/nursing home care: Ruth Bergan, Jessie McCormack, Barth Middleton, Kevin Middleton, Doris Moore, John Staley, Betty Wilcox. !For healthy pregnancies: Jessie Brockmeyer, Nicki Parrott, Melissa Rosally. !Prayer Partners: Faith Lutheran Church, Sidney; Peace Lutheran Church, South Haven; Peace Lutheran Church, Sparta; New Life Lutheran Church, Spruce. !If you have a concern that you’d like added to our prayer list, or a confidential concern for the Prayer Chain, please contact the church office at 616-772-4075 or [email protected].

In Our Prayers…

Sunday School Service Project Thank you for your donations to the Family Hope Ministry Center! !!!!!!!! !!!!!

Bags of candy, jelly beans with the “jelly bean prayer,” and pails filled with coloring books, crayons, paddle balls, slinkies, stuffed animals, water bottles, yoyo’s, books, socks, toothbrushes and so much more.  Our Sunday School students had so much fun choosing and loading up those pails.  But before they did we talked: !

What are the cans we put money into every Sunday? - noisy offering - money for other people Why do we do that? - to help others - to give to people who need it - because God told us to !That’s why we filled 18 pails for the Holland Rescue Mission’s Family Hope Ministry Center; to help those who need help, to give to those who have less than we do, to do what God taught us to do.   !

The Jelly Bean Prayer !Red is for the blood he gave; Green is for the grass he made. Yellow is for the sun so bright; Orange is for the edge of night. Black is for the sins we made; White is for the grace he gave. Purple is for his hour of sorrow; Pink is for our new tomorrow. !

A bag full of jelly beans, colorful and sweet, is a prayer, is a promise, is a special treat.

May the joy of Christ’s resurrection fill your heart and bless your life.

Countryside Greenhouse Gift Cards The Tapestry Women’s Group is holding their annual gift card fundraiser. Gift cards ($50) for Countryside Greenhouse, in Allendale, are now for sale. The original intention was to get $25 cards, but they were no longer available. If you think $50 is more than you’ll need, think about going in on one with someone. These make great gifts for Mother’s Day - either use the card to purchase flowers for her, or give her a gift card so she can go on a shopping spree. Or buy some for yourself and use them to purchase all your gardening supplies this spring and summer. For more information, see Ellie Buggeln or Julia Wentz. !

Garage/Yard/Rummage Sale Whatever you choose to call it, we will be having a sale at Good Shepherd on June 14. As you’re doing your spring cleaning, set aside those items that you no longer have any use for. We’d love to take them off your hands - clothing, furniture, jewelry, shoes, toys, games, books, art, linens, etc. Please make sure everything is clean and in working order. Get the kids involved cleaning out their closets and toy boxes, too! If you’d like to help with this event (many hands make light work), please contact Julie Wolff at 616.846.7953 or [email protected]. Prior to June 14 we’ll need help with set-up, sorting, pricing — and, of course, selling on the day of the sale. !

G R Symphony Picnic Pops Join us on July 17 to celebrate 50 years of Beatlemania.  Classical Mystery Tour, the premiere Beatles tribute band, joins the Grand Rapids Symphony for the anniversary of the Beatles’ U.S. invasion.  Featuring musicians who look and sound just like John, Paul, George and Ringo, this Fab Four performs the timeless classics exactly as they were recorded, complete with original orchestrations. Bring a blanket or chairs and your own picnic.  We’ll carpool from the commuter lot near Chicago Drive and 112th, near Walgreen’s, at 5:00 or drive on your own and meet us at Cannonsburg Ski area.  The music starts at 7:30.  Tickets will be less than $15 (we may qualify for a group discount). Sign up soon and we will let you know the exact price.  If you purchase tickets and cannot attend those tickets will also be good for concerts on July 18, 24, or 25.  Contact Mike or Vicki Russell for more information ([email protected], or 796-8606). !

Vacation Bible School We’re gearing up for a great Vacation Bible School this July with Peace Lutheran and other area churches! If you’re interested in being involved in the planning, teaching, crafts or activities, please sign up at the activities table. Teens are also needed to help perform skits. For more information, see Lisa Pearson. !

Yoga Sundays, 3:00 pm

All are welcome to attend this donation-based class. Please bring a mat or towel for your own use. Our last class will be May 25. For more information, please contact Tracy Lovell, Yogafit certified, at 616-848-7168 or [email protected].

Thank you to Jessica Underhill and the many, many helpers for all their work to make this year’s Community Easter Egg Hunt a success! Over 5,000 eggs were filled and “hidden,” and over 150 children were in attendance!

Building Fund What is that large number posted in the Commons area and why does it change????? !The number, if red, indicates how much the church is behind in making its monthly payments from the contributions received this year so far. If the number is black, it means that the amount received from the contributions is more than what has been needed for the church to make its monthly payments this year so far. The amount will change weekly as contributions are tabulated. WE WANT THE NUMBER TO BE OVER $5,200 IN THE BLACK BY THE END OF THE YEAR SO WE WILL THEN HAVE ANOTHER MONTH RESERVE IN THE ACCOUNT. !There are 2 Financial Funds here at Good Shepherd The General Fund that is used for paying all of the bills except the mortgage and the Building Fund that is used to pay the mortgage. !Why do we have a Building Fund (BF)? Lending agencies, like banks, want to know that a procedure is in place to pay on the mortgage. If this procedure is in place and working we should be able to get a favorable interest rate when the loan must be refinanced in March of 2016. !LENDERS want: payments made on time and 6 months of reserve in the bank. !Jan. 2014 we have: all monthly payments on time and 3 months of reserve in the BF. !Last year we had: all monthly payments on time and 4 months of reserve in the BF !We lost a month of reserve funds because we did not receive enough during the year from contributions to pay all of the mortgage payments so we had to supplement with BF reserves so we could make all payments on time. !We need contributions on a regular basis: either weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Over half of the congregation households gave something to the BF last year. !If you are not contributing to the BF at this time on a regular basis, please prayerfully consider doing so. You can either mark your envelope to indicate giving to the BF or you can give through the SIMPLY GIVING PROGRAM which will regularly take an amount from you bank account. We have the forms in the commons area to set this up for you. There are currently 11 households using this program to give to the Building Fund on a regular basis. !If you are already giving to the BF on a regular basis you may want to consider increasing the amount you are regularly contributing. Every contribution will make a difference. !If you have any questions, please see me or any other member of the Stewardship Committee. !Dennis Willaman

Pastor’s Bible Study Tuesdays at 9:00 am

Pastor Kehnle leads this group each Tuesday morning, giving an overview of the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday; no previous Bible study required! Coffee, conversation and great discussion will be had by all. !

Women’s Midweek Bible Study Wednesdays at 9:30 am

Ladies, stop in Wednesday mornings for a midweek faith lift! We’ve begun studying the Gospel of Matthew, the first book of the New Testament. Come join us for coffee and fellowship as we study and learn together. Contact Terry Grossman for more info. !

Book Group Monday, April 14, at 4:30 pm

Do you like to read? Would you like to share your thoughts about a book or hear what others think? Good Shepherd’s book group meets the second Monday of the month at 4:30. We discuss the book of the month, which characters we liked or didn’t like, share our thoughts on the story, and whether faith played a part. No requirements, just fun conversation. You are welcome to join us any month, whenever your time allows or the book title interests you. We are using book bags from Herrick Public Library so you do not even need to get the book yourself. For more information or to borrow a copy of the book contact Vicki Russell (796-8606, [email protected]) !In May we will discuss Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese. Marion and Shiva Stone are twin brothers born of a secret union between a beautiful Indian nun and a brash British surgeon at a mission hospital in Addis Ababa. Orphaned by their mother’s death in childbirth and their father's disappearance, bound together by a preternatural connection and a shared fascination with medicine, the twins come of age as Ethiopia hovers on the brink of revolution. Moving from Addis Ababa to New York City and back again, Cutting for Stone is an unforgettable story of love and betrayal, medicine and ordinary miracles — and two brothers whose fates are forever intertwined. An unforgettable journey into one man's remarkable life, and an epic story about the power, intimacy, and curious beauty of the work of healing others. !May 12: Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese !After May’s discussion we will break for the summer. The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan will be available to pick up in August to read for September’s discussion. !

Blessed to be a Blessing The recipient of our Noisy Offering for May is designated for Community Action House. The March recipient was City on a Hill: ! Thank you for your support of City on a Hill Health Clinic. We could not continue the work we do without dedicated donors like you! Your generosity makes it possible for the uninsured in our communities to receive basic medical care. God bless! Christine Plummer, RN, BSN Clinic Director






Actual Projected0





Actual Projected

May BirthdaysOperating Fund Contributions through March: $33,729.00 Operating Fund Expenses through March: $22,575.58 Building Fund Account Balance through March: $16,261.18 Restricted Fund Gifts in March: Noisy Offering: City on a Hill Health Clinic: $382.25 Building Fund Gifts in March: $4,648.00 World Hunger in March: $300.00 !Average Sunday Worship Attendance in March: 78 Noisy Offering for May is designated for Community Action House.

Church CouncilAndy Rohrer, President 616.990.7904 or [email protected] !Mike Russell, Vice President 616.796.8606 or [email protected] !Matt Schleede, Treasurer 616.405.5829 or [email protected] !David Anderson, Secretary 616.392.3388 or [email protected] !Dylana Eisaman 847.544.9769 or [email protected] !Jon Hurt [email protected] Lynda Parrott 616.399.4153 or [email protected] !Lisa Pearson 406.396.1310 or [email protected] !Julie Wolff 616.846.7953 or [email protected]

Date May 4 May 11 May 18 May 25Worship Folder Baptism Sundays of Easter Feast & Celebration Sundays of Easter

Worship Leader Andy & Elizabeth Rohrer Dennis Willaman Brian Underhill Carolyn Willaman

Bread Server Corinne Becker David Anderson Jessica Underhill Violet Kyllonen

Wine Servers Jerry & Julie Wolff Dave & Sharon Wendt Donna Preisler & Laura Kinne Mike & Vicki Russell

Reader(s) Sharon Wendt Carolyn Willaman Bob Pantano Kristi DeHaan

Ushers Reid R. & Brian U. Kody D. & Dennis W. Ken K. & Brandon W. Jim D. & Elliott E.

Nursery Perry Pearson Jessica Underhill Heather Cook David Anderson

Greeters Underhills Underhills Underhills Underhills

Communion Set-up/Clean-up Deb Ludwig Merle Malmquist Barb Mann Bob Pantano

Bread Baker none Bob Pantano none Rob Parrott

Contributions to Date Here are the results of your giving, Actual vs Projected, through April 13.

The Measure of Our Love




! ! $18,



Call Committee !Larry Heckel, 616-403-1476 !Kerry Johnson, 616-510-9115 !Elizabeth Rohrer, 616-633-5480 !Reid Ruggles, 616-550-9207 !Jessica Underhill, 616-772-2745 !Carolyn Willaman, 616-335-2447




! ! $44,



General Fund Building Fund


May 1: Elise Schleede May 2: Marilynn Wickens May 5: Chris Simoni May 6: Jason Lovell, Parker Lovell May 7: Donna Preisler, Donna Vargo May 8: Jessica Underhill May 9: Amber Rice May 10: Lynda Parrott May 11: John Captain May 14: Chase Brondyke May 18: Lillian Schleede, Rohn Sherd May 20: Stephanie Rice May 22: Terry Grossman May 23: Corinne Becker May 24: Carol Ollermann May 26: Jonathan Hurt May 28: Vicki Russell !!!!May 18: Craig & Carol Ollermann; Tom & Amanda Pitts May 23: Merle Malmquist & Wayne Nestander May 25: Perry & Lisa Pearson May 28: Duane & Lauri Schuldt May 31: Deb & Ryan Kemppainen

May Anniversaries


Good ShepherdLutheran Church, ELCAMAY 2014

Office Closed

Office Closed

Office Closed

3 2



6 7 4 8 9 10

12 13 15 14

3rd Sunday of Easter !Baptism of Brian & Nolan Hurt !!!!10:00 am Worship w/Holy Communion 11:15 am Coffee 3:00 pm Yoga


16 174th Sunday of Easter !!!!!!!10:00 am Worship w/Holy Communion 11:15 am Coffee 3:00 pm Yoga


19 20

!!!!!!9:30 am Women’s Bible Study !7:00 Choir

22 21 23

Office Closed

245th Sunday of Easter !!!!!!!10:00 am Worship w/Holy Communion 11:15 am Coffee 3:00 pm Yoga


!!!!!!!!!4:30 pm Book Group


!!!9:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study !10:30 am Quilting



!!!!!!!!9:30 am Women’s Bible Study

!!!!!!!!9:30 am Women’s Bible Study

!9:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study !10:30 am Quilting !6:30 pm Council

9:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study !10:30 am Quilting !11:00 am Community Kitchen !7:00 pm Timothy Oonk Music Studio Recital


Office Closed

6th Sunday of Easter !!!!!!!10:00 am Worship w/Holy Communion 11:15 am Coffee 3:00 pm Yoga

25 29 30 31

9:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study !10:30 am Quilting !6:30 pm Stewardship Committee

Synod Assembly, May 15-17 Dearborn, MI

6:30 pm Family Supper Shuffle @ Pearson’s

!!!!!!!!9:30 am Women’s Bible Study

Office Closed

Memorial Day !!!!!!

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church !3990 N. 112th Avenue!

Holland, MI 49424 !

Sunday schedule Worship & Celebration • 10:00 am Coffee & Conversation • 11:15 am

Sunday School (September - April) • 11:15 am

Visit our web site at e-mail to [email protected]










James!!!Lakewood Blvd.



Good Shepherd Lutheran Church corner Quincy & 112th, two miles east of US 31

Holland Township