The Seven Wonders of the World - Constant...

O OAK GROVE UMC SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY APRIL/MAY 2017 VOL. VI, ISSUE 3 A group of American school children were asked to list what they thought were the present "Seven Wonders of The World." Though there were some disagreements, the following received the most votes: (1) Egypt's Great Pyramids, (2) Taj Mahal, (3) Grand Canyon, (4) Panama Canal, (5) Empire State Building, (6) St. Peter's Basilica, (7) Great Wall of China While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The little girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there are so many." The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help." The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the "Seven Wonders of the World" are: The Seven Wonders of the World The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The things we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are truly wondrous. A gentle reminder to all – the most precious things in life cannot be built or bought. 1. TO SEE 2. TO HEAR 3. TO TOUCH 4. TO TASTE 5. TO FEEL 6. TO LAUGH 7. TO LOVE

Transcript of The Seven Wonders of the World - Constant...


A group of American school children were asked to list what they thought were thepresent "Seven Wonders of The World." Though there were some disagreements, thefollowing received the most votes: (1) Egypt's Great Pyramids, (2) Taj Mahal, (3) GrandCanyon, (4) Panama Canal, (5) Empire State Building, (6) St. Peter's Basilica, (7) Great Wallof China

While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one student had not finished herpaper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The little girlreplied, "Yes, a little. I couldn' t quite make up my mind because there are so many." Theteacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help." The girl hesitated,then read, "I think the "Seven Wonders of the World" are:

The Seven Wonders of the

The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The things we overlook as simple andordinary and that we take for granted are truly wondrous. A gentle reminder to all – themost precious things in life cannot be built or bought.





A Day at HomeEvery two or three years, my husband reads The Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monasteryby Henri J.M. Nouwen. And every time his favorite part is the Raisin Story and he enjoys it as if heis reading it for the first time. I can almost set my calendar, not just by his re-reading of thisfavorite book, but by hearing him ask me if l have time for him to read something to me? My mindquickly scans the mental list of things I need to get done today, and I hear the vacuum upstairswhere the new cleaning person is at work. “Do I have time for him to read something to me?” …Yes, I want to hear what he has found that is so interesting, because it will either be funny, or it willbring an intellectual challenge, or it will offer spiritual comfort. I turn toward him and he begins toread the Raisin Story. I smile because I know the story very well, and I am glad to hear it again. Heleans over holding the small book toward the light, and he begins,

For four and a half hours l worked with Brother Theodore and Brother Benedict atthe raisin washer. Theodore washed, Benedict collected the raisins, and I foldedempty boxes. Suddenly Theodore stopped the machine and knocked with his fistagainst his head. Not knowing sign language, I said, “What's the matter?” “A stonewent through,” he said. I asked him, “How do you know?” He said, “I heard it.” I asked,“How could you hear it between the noise of the machine and the raisins cascadingthrough it?” “I just heard it,” he said, and added, “We have to find that stone. If a ladygets it in her bread, she can break her tooth on it and we can be sued!” Pointing tothe large bathtub like container full of washed raisins, he said, “We have to pushthose through again until we find that stone.”

I couldn’t believe it. Benedict hadn' t been able to detect the stone while the raisinscame out, but Theodore was so sure that objection was senseless. Millions of raisinswent through again, and just when I had given up ever finding that stone-it seemedlike looking for a needle in a haystack-something clicked. “There it is,” Theodore said.“It jumped against the metal wall of the washer.” Benedict looked carefully andmoved his hands through the last ounce of raisins. There it was! A small purple-bluestone, just as large as a raisin. Theodore took it and gave it to me with a big smile.

In some strange way this event meant a lot to me. Yesterday I was carrying graniterocks out of the river. Today we were looking for a small stone among millions ofraisins, I was impressed, not only by Theodore’s alertness, but even more by hisdetermination to find it and take no risks. He really is a careful diagnostician. Thislittle stone could have harmed someone-a lady or a monastery.

And I thought about purity and purification. Even the small stone that looks like allthese good tasting raisins has to be taken out. I can’t even notice my own little sins,but it offers me consolation to know that someone will keep a careful watch on meand stop the machine when he hears a stone between the raisins. That really is care.

I am glad I am married to one with deep insights who seeks to grow in his faith-someone whodelights in the parable of a tiny stone! Not only did our house get cleaned to the core, but Ibeheld the wonder of a day at home where I was sure there were no stones to be found in theraisins.

By Mary Lou Gilbert with thanks to my husband, Jack, and to the late Henri Nouwen,a priestly author.

The Senior Adult Council is hard at workto plan great programs for Oak GroveSeniors and others who want to join in.Chaired by Tom Landers, the councilmeets monthly and plans ,LUNCH BUNCHheld on the first Tuesday of the month.The programs start with lunch in thefellowship hall, followed by a variety ofprograms and sometimes day trips. TENTMeetings (Think/Eat/'N/Talk) are heldat least once a year to focus on life issuespertaining to aging. And overnight tripsare usually to St. Simon’s Island or LakeJunaluska, NC.

Members of the council, in alphabeticalorder, are: Gary Akins, Barbara Adams,Nancy Burton, Barbara Fountain, DorothyFulcher, Nancy Harte, Cindy Kallal,Alfred Kirkwood, Tom Landers, AnnMarney, Marianne Narde, Philip Pingree,Fran Roure, Madge Watson, Jim Wright,John Young, and Mary Lou Gilbert– Pastorto/with Senior Adults.

We love to hear your program and travelideas. In fact we are considering having asix week Beginner Line Dance class forBody, Soul, Mind, and Spirit, on Thursdaysat 10:30-11:30am in Grand Hall. Let us knowif you are interested – call and leave amessage at . Say404-858-9032 “Yes, I wantto Line Dance!” and say your name!

What We’re Thinking! Facts About Recyclingand Reusing Materials

v Recycled paper requires64% less energy than makingpaper from virgin wood pulp,and can save many trees.

v It take 90% less energy torecycle aluminum cans than tomake a new one.

v 84% of all household waste canbe recycled

v Every ton of paper that isrecycled saves 17 trees

v The amount of wood and paperthrown away is enough to heat50 million homes for 20 years

v Each person throws awayapproximately four pounds ofgarbage every day

v 5 billion aluminum cans areused each year

v Most families throw away about88 lbs of plastic every year

v How long does it take forwaste to break down? Organicmaterials, like cotton, rags, orpaper, take about 6 months.Plastics and aluminum canswill take 500 years!

v We are never too old to doour part to care for God’swondrous gift of Creation!

(The Facts, except for the last one, are takenfrom The Hometown Parent, Free Guide toNortheast Alabama, Jan/Feb.2017)

It Is a Relief… by Madge Watson

Before I retired, I was leaving my office and passed a young woman in 5” heels in the lobby. I'm 72+ and awoman, 10 to 15 years my senior, was departing also and walking by me. I opened the door for us. As shepassed me, she was shaking her head in wonderment and I knew she was thinking of the young woman andthe lethal heels! How did I know? I was thinking the same thoughts – lethal, dangerous, ' those days arebehind me, and alas, yes, I miss them, as high heels create a beautiful walking presence!'

I laughed and said, “Not me either!” My new friend was 1930's dressed in a flour-sack dress. She had themost pleasant face. Looking at me smiling, she said “It is a relief to be old.” I laughed out loud and remarked,“What a delightful and wonderful attitude”; as she smiled, I added “but you are not old yet!” Now her facebrightened like a 1000 watt bulb and she said, “You have made my day! ! !” We chatted as we walked along.As our paths parted, we said farewells, but not before a brief and sincere hug.

I spent time reflecting about her comment, “It is a relief to be old.” Understand that to me she was not at allold. To me she was appreciative that longevity was in her genes. She was content with herself and herstation in life… and it was a relief. I sensed that I was in the presence of a deeply Christian woman. Hercontented face and smiling eyes told me she knew God's love and lived in God's grace and care.

As we experience the season of Lent and I continue my faith walk, I am slowly understanding that Jesus byhis death on the cross gifted the only ‘relief’ needed in this world. The gifts of grace, mercy, forgiveness,hope and love are ours if we only trust and have faith. What a relief to know that God provides. We haveonly to believe and accept His gifts. This is relief! !

Christ sacrificed his human form on a cross so that we may know this relief. May your Lenten Season be aheartfelt appreciation of the gifts He gave us in His resurrection. To God be the Glory.

Memory CaféThursday, April 27, 2017

10-11 :30 am, Rm 101

Janet & John Ballard, Hosts

Memory Cafe provides anopportunity for anyone

experiencing memory loss andtheir carepartners, to join others

for a time of socializing andfellowship. Light refreshments

will be provided. Feel freeto dress casually and leave

as needed.


At Oak Grove United Methodist Church

at theFOX

at theFOX

March 2, 2017