The Secrets in the Needle

DAVID QUINTIERI, AUTHOR AND RESEARCHER The Secrets in the Needle Unveiling the Dangers of Vaccination



Transcript of The Secrets in the Needle

  • D AV I D Q U I N T I E R I , A U T H O R A N D R E S E A R C H E R

    The Secrets in the NeedleUnveiling the Dangers of Vaccination

  • 1The Secrets in the Needle: Unveiling the Dangers of Vaccination by David QuintieriCopyright 2013 David Quintieri

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted without prior consent from the author.

    The author has taken precautions in the preparation of this book and believes the facts presented are accurate as of the date written. The author does not assume any responsibility for inaccuracies or exclusions. The author re-jects any liability resulting from the use or application of the information contained within this book. The infor-mation is not intended to serve as legal advice.

  • The Secrets in the NeedleUnveiling the Dangers of Vaccination

    David Quintieri, Author & Researcher


  • Breakdown

    Vaccination must be a choice. Nobody has the right to inject someone with a nee-dle, regardless if administered with good intentions.

    The public claims to be aware of the potential dangers of vaccines. They believe that a dead form of the disease is used to allow the body to develop immunity to it. However, live viruses have been used in vaccines countless times.

    A few examples of live viruses being used in vaccinations are: Measles Mumps Rubella (M.M.R.),1 Smallpox,2 Polio.3 The potential blunders are obvious.

    Faulty Science

    Well-meaning parents have their children vaccinated in an attempt to prevent their child from getting diseases. Shockingly, the vaccine can result in contracting the disease that it was intended to prevent. This is recently apparent in India with mass amounts of tragic reactions to the live Polio vaccine,4 This is also well docu-mented with Lyme disease.5

    Behind Enemy Lines

    Parents must understand the nature of vaccines themselves. The truth is that they bypass the bodys normal defence system.

    In nature, diseases are introduced into the body through the nose, mouth, skin and lungs, triggering a first line of defence that usually combats the illness before it ever reaches the bloodstream. Vaccines repeated back-door assaults on the ... immune system make it hyper-sensitive and compel it to react inappropriately to other nor-mally harmless substances like peanuts; the result is a generation of children with damaged immune systems who suffer from food and en-vironmental allergies, asthma and increasingly with life threatening anaphylactic disorders.6


    The pharmaceutical industry pushes vaccines on us everywhere through various outlets and methods.


  • The media has been used as a propaganda system and in one case, giving a free gift card if you get your shots.7

    Even Hallmark Cards had ad-vertising of vaccines.8,9 Un-fortunately, churches have also been exploited: "As trusted messengers, (relig-ious leaders) are able to spread important information about health practices and the need for vaccination."10 Even the trays at McDonalds en-courage children to get vaccines.11

    Government Goon Squad

    Vaccines are pushed upon the public in an escalating and progressively aggressive method. First they track it through interrogating phone calls: Respondents are also asked for permission to contact the children's health providers for the sole purpose of obtaining immunization records12 Then they being sending letters.13,14 The next step is coming to homes.15 Arriving at the schools as well. Unvaccinated children are sometimes not allowed in school and parents could even face jail.16 There have even been instances where vaccination was SWAT en-forced!17

    Take Action

    The financial system is no different than the pharmaceutical. It it designed to cre-ate ever-increasing profits for the bankers, leaving you with a pile of their debt. My book, The Money GPS, is specifically designed to help people understand this corrupt system and how to profit from it. To protect your family, check


  • I Want a Refund

    Regarding the flu shot, for 99% percent of the people vaccinated, the vaccine makes no difference at all.18 What a sad reality that Americans pay more money by far than anybody else for medicine, yet they are last in avoiding preventable disease.19

    Oddly, immunity by vaccination wears off which doesnt make sense scientifically.20

    Revolving Door

    Individuals in the pharmaceutical industry (Big Pharma) and government are inter-changeably moved like pawns in chess. This is the Revolving Door.

    The former head of the CDC became president of the Merck vaccine division.21

    In 1960, Senate investigators discovered that FDA officials had been receiving financial incentives from the companies they were supposed to regu-late. The director of the FDA antibiotic division, for example, received $287,000 in "honoraria."22

    In 1969, a congressional study revealed that thirty-seven of forty-nine top FDA officials who left the agency took jobs with food and drug companies.22

    Side Effects

    Many serious side effects can result from vaccinations and individuals are not made aware of this prior to receiving the shots.

    A few examples of serious side effects are as follows:

    Adolescent girl who developed acute onset Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis within 24 hours of her last injection of the Gardasil.23 Some even experience narcolepsy.24

    The potential of being afflicted with autism is now well documented. For exam-ple, one vaccine was contributing to pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders, in-


  • cluding autism.25 Also, Dr. Julie Gerberding, a top Merck executive admitted Autism-like symptoms26

    Links between vaccines and both allergies27 and Guillain Barre28 are very clear.

    The example of Polio is frightening. Tens of thousands of individuals have con-tracted polio from the vaccine itself.29,30

    Shockingly, a Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines.31 Separately, more links between vaccines and cancer have been documented.32

    Dirty Needles

    Adults have a blood brain barrier that helps to block heavy metals in the blood from entering the brain. Infants do not have this barrier. Vaccines are regularly filled with heavy metals and other chemicals, which are exces-sively dangerous at extremely low dosages.

    Commonly, vaccines contain Mercury under the name Thimerosal.33,35

    Aluminum is often added to vaccines as a super-charger to stimulate the im-mune system.34,35

    To top it off, they tend to also include: Animal cells, detergents, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, gelatin.35

    Curious Collusion

    During the H1N1 scare, it was leaked that the German government received clean vaccines.36 These did not contain any preservatives such as mercury which is certainly one of the most deadly poisons targeting our brain.

    Do I Have a Choice?

    Vaccines are not mandatory! You can opt-out of this program in any publicly-funded school or daycare system.


  • Just go to a search engine and type in your state/province plus the words: vaccine waiver. For example, Ontario vaccine waiver provides the results for the web-site where you can fill in the forms for religious or other reasons. 37

    At the very least, choose your own schedule at which to take them. Giving an in-fant multiple viruses containing dangerous amounts of heavy metals in a single day is a disturbing and unusually bad idea.

    Understand that you have a choice and know that you can make an informed deci-sion.


  • Its time to take ACTION! The financial system is just as corrupt as our healthcare system. Find out exactly whats going on and how to gain from

    Please share this with your family and friends. Dont let this information stand still. Pass it along so the message of true health can prevail.

    If you would like to reach me, please do so at [email protected]


  • References1 3 4 7 9 14 studentsSchool16 18;jsessionid=689193DA9A343A462F6F80213D2FB456.d04t0419 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2008 20 Jeffrey M. Smith, Seeds of Deception23 hpv-4-vaccine-2/24 28 29 30 33 35 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Flu and Flu Vaccines: What's Coming Through That Needle 36
