The Secret of Destiny

The Secret of Destiny (by "the Spirit of Truth") Before we get to the idea of what our Destiny in fact is and about the per cent of its predestination, first we should have a think about the following: All the universes here exist in a giant Ball (located in a special "technical room" in Endless Spaces), the owner of which is Supergod, the God of all the Gods, who regenerates himself by means of all the stories going on in it (see my book "Supergod"). Here we can see the relationship between a micro cosmos and a macro cosmos existing in our Ball. All the universes have the same size and a different size at the same time. (The left picture shows the relationship among universes in our Ball and the right one shows it by a different way. I do not claim that what these old pictures show is fully correct, but at least they depict the principle of the relationship, even if details were a bit wrong.) It is similar to infinite numbers. They are of the same and at the same time of a different size as well. Of the same by being endless and of a different by having diverse values than the other endless numbers. For example, imagine that the existence of our universe is repeating itself endlessly and you as a human being always live a 65 years long life in it. And you always have a dog living 10 years long life. Through the eternal repetition, the both of you would live the endless number of years, which is the same, but at the same time that of yours would be 6,5 times bigger than that of your dog. (Just as a matter of interest, my old book says that another quality of endless numbers is that that they have both none and definite polarity, because on the one hand they change their polarity by going endlessly [like a line that curves in the space] and at the same time they keep it since they have the endless amount of it.) But how is it related to your Fate?


Does Destiny really exist? Is our Fate predestined fully or only partly? Do we have free will? Well, answers to these questions are inside of this document.

Transcript of The Secret of Destiny

Page 1: The Secret of Destiny

The Secret of Destiny (by "the Spirit of Truth")

Before we get to the idea of what our Destiny in fact is and about the per cent of its

predestination, first we should have a think about the following: All the universes here exist in a giant Ball (located in a special "technical room" in

Endless Spaces), the owner of which is Supergod, the God of all the Gods, who regenerates himself by means of all the stories going on in it (see my book "Supergod").

Here we can see the relationship between a micro cosmos and a macro cosmos

existing in our Ball. All the universes have the same size and a different size at the same time.

(The left picture shows the relationship among universes in our Ball and the right one shows it by a

different way. I do not claim that what these old pictures show is fully correct, but at least they depict the principle of the relationship, even if details were a bit wrong.)

It is similar to infinite numbers. They are of the same and at the same time of a

different size as well. Of the same by being endless and of a different by having diverse values than the other endless numbers.

For example, imagine that the existence of our universe is repeating itself endlessly and you as a human being always live a 65 years long life in it. And you always have a dog living 10 years long life.

Through the eternal repetition, the both of you would live the endless number of years, which is the same, but at the same time that of yours would be 6,5 times bigger than that of your dog.

(Just as a matter of interest, my old book says that another quality of endless numbers is that that

they have both none and definite polarity, because on the one hand they change their polarity by going endlessly [like a line that curves in the space] and at the same time they keep it since they have the endless amount of it.)

But how is it related to your Fate?

Page 2: The Secret of Destiny

Above all, every thought and feeling of ours is the result of the activity of micro universes that it influences as well. This consequently affects macro universes and all the other, too.

But you must know that everything what is going on within our Ball is planned carefully in advance. There is a Formula for the whole inner environment of our Ball that knows no inaccuracy.

There is a calculation for the Supergod's spiritual body that contains the data of his ideal age and ideal state of health at that age. And he either reaches this ideal state of his in this Ball (if he had lost it before) or he is preserving it all the time in it, at least.

To make it very simple, let’s say that everything in our Ball can be compared to a picture puzzle. No piece of it can be on a different place than where it should be. Also during his regeneration within this Ball, each micro piece of the Supergod's spiritual body must get to its ideal place where it belongs. Therefore no coincidence can exist within this Ball, which is also valid for man's Fate that is 100% predestined.

Here are pictures from video "Povidani o Osudu" (= "Talking About Destiny"), where my younger

self is saying words meaning that who does not know that everything is 100% predestined is a moron. The pictures on the right is my self at these years.

If only one thought of ours was different a bit than what it is supposed to be like,

many universes would start to function differently than how they are supposed to function. The stories in our Ball would change and Supergod could not get himself to the desired ideal shape of his, which is something what can never happen.

Here is the explanation of our free will (translation from my book "Mozaika

moudrosti", which means "the Mosaic of Wisdom"): “The secret of freedom is the secret of a favorable Destiny. Sometimes it happens that some soul

is assigned a so much favorable Destiny that corresponds fully to its natural wishes and ideas of how it would want to live. If the soul was not led by Destiny, it would want to do the same things, to which Destiny leads it. Thus such a soul that receives the same Destiny that it would give to itself (a rare case of the favor of Destiny), is seemingly free.”

For example, you want to play tennis and you will really play it. But the fact that you have wanted

to play the tennis and that you have really played it, it was your Destiny, even though it seemed to be your free will only. In fact, you were programmed to grow up into the moment, in which you have wanted to play the tennis. Thus every so-called "free will" exists as part of Destiny. Is that clear?


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