The Seal of the King

The Seal of the King If you have read the Bible yet are still searching for the Messiah this composition is for you. It was Pharisees who inadvertently labeled Jesus as "the Word". Jesus claimed in Hebrew to be Alef-Tav but the Pharisees of His time dispute this saying Alef-Tav is the "Word" (an ancient Hebrew word signifying “sign”but according to the Pharisees is a gramatical device, the direct article, which is like a road sign indicating the definite direct-object of a phrase or verse is ahead, this rule has been adopted in modern Hebrew as well. John responds to the Pharisees by highlighting the intended meaning of Jesus' statement in his gospel: " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The first five words of the Bible in Hebrew are as follows: mymvh ta myhla arb tVarb<<Read Hebrew right to left<< Transliterated this is: beh-raw-sheet Bah-raw Eloheem et ha-sha-my-eem. translated this is: In the beginning God created the heavens... Alef-Tav prounced et is highlighted and is with the name of God creator, Eloheem . The word et spelled alef-tav in ancient Hebrew was the word for "sign" referring to an auspicious yet supernatural event but the word has since acquired the letter vav, so is now pronounced “ot/oat” and is also the word for “letter” and “miracle” ta > twa. In the twentieth century the academy in Israel responsible for the Hebrew language rendered the phrase "one another" in Hebrew as zeh et zeh hz ta hz, This is an illustration of a relationship with Jesus in the center. Also in the twentieth century as a result of the Nuremburg trials after WWII ten Nazis were hung. The biblical book of Esther contains a list of the ten sons of Haman who were hung on a gallows that Haman had prepared for Mordecai, also the Hebrew equivalent for the gregorian year 1946 is encoded in these verses. As the nooze was placed on the head of Julius Striecher, the Nazi most knowledgable regarding Jewish tradition screamed out, “Purim 1946” Following each of the names of the sons of Haman in the book of Esther is Alef-Tav. This is a sign that Jesus personally greeted each of the Nazis as they perished to personally condemn them to hell. Hitler feigned being Christian so he could excercise control over the churches. It may take eternity to overcome the offenses that Hitler caused to the children of Israel and the Church of Jesus Christ. We can stand with the Way, the Truth and the Life and against ideology like the Nazi's by allowing Alef-Tav to be ruler in our heart, He is not only Redeemer, Jesus is the King of Israel. He placed Alef-Tav, His Sign, centermost on the cross like the seal of a King who rules by Love not just capricious demands.


Jesus declared He is Alef-Tav. What does this mean?

Transcript of The Seal of the King

  • The Seal of the King

    If you have read the Bible yet are still searching for the Messiah this composition is for you.

    It was Pharisees who inadvertently labeled Jesus as "the Word". Jesus claimed in Hebrew to be Alef-Tav but the Pharisees of His time dispute this saying Alef-Tav is the "Word" (an ancient Hebrew word signifying signbut according to the Pharisees is a gramatical device, the direct article, which is like a road sign indicating the definite direct-object of a phrase or verse is ahead, this rule has been adopted in modern Hebrew as well. John responds to the Pharisees by highlighting the intended meaning of Jesus' statement in his gospel: " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The first five words of the Bible in Hebrew are as follows:

    mymvh ta myhla arb tVarb

  • a Love from Above

    h Love

    b Love

    t Love

    hz ta hz


    1. On the veritical beam: Deut. 6:4 Love God hwhy ta tbha

    2. On the horizontal beam: John 13:34 Love One Another hz ta hz tbha

    IsaIah 6:3 Holy, Holy, Holy Adonai Tzevaot twabc hwhy vwdq vwdq vwdq announces the most important personality of the God of Israel, the Redeemer who resides above the Mercy seat in the Holy of Holies and appears to the High Priest on Yom Kippur (Exodus 25:22/Lev. 16:2) Isaiah 9 says that Unto us a child is born, a Son is given and this is precisely what occurs in the birth of Jesus. Isaiah states futher that His name shall be called wonderful counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father adding that the zeal of the LORD of hosts {Adonai Tzevaot} will perform this. This was indeed accomplished in the child born to Joseph and Mary who they named Yeshua/Jesus. Jesus is truly a wonderful counselor between ourselves and God and each other. His Way is the path of Peace. He was the child in whom Adonai Tzevaot materialized as He foretold Moses He would above the mercy seat (Leviticus 16:2)

    Adonai Tzevaot is translated LORD of hosts yet could also be translated: LORD of miracles.

    Psalm 24:10 asks Who is the King of Glory? Then answers> LORD of hosts {Adonai Tzevaot} He is the King of Glory. This is a reference to Jesus Christ. He was both man and God.

    During the time of David the mystical power of the Ark of the covenant was not a secret. When David, accompanied by many, retrieves the Ark from the Phillistines the power of the Ark is legendary, 1 Samuel 6:2 the Ark of God whose name is called by the Name, the LORD of Hosts who dwells between the cherubim.David is exuberant in his praise of the LORD of Hosts, then as

  • the Ark comes into the City David's dancing and shouts of Joy are displeasing to Michal, Saul's daughter. David credits the LORD for having been appointed as King and informs Michal that he will be even more undignified in his praise and is not concerned about being humiliated.(1Samuel6:21,22). David could visualize the Messiah in Adonai Tzevaot, because David allows the Messiah to be whatever He needs to be, unfortunately, some will not accept Messiah because He supposedly lacks a specific characteristic they have formulated in their mind only. In chapter 17 of 1 Chronicles David sits before the Ark first acknowledging his humility then declares the LORD of hosts(Adonai Tzevaot), the God of Israel , is Israel's God! David is recognizing not just the God of Israel but also the Messiah and his personal Savior. Some who have honest respect for David will not allow themselves to follow David's example. The human name of Jesus is Yeshua, Adonai Tzevaot is completed in Him to become Redeemer not just of Israel but of the entire human race.Jesus is the original completed Jew. He is anxious for His brethern to take their place with Him in a stand for haShem.The fact that Messiah will be both son of man and Son of God is announced twice in scripture, 2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17. Both undoubtedly reference the same event but one is in the prophetic section of scripture and the other in the Writings. As David prays before the Ark of the Covenant and the mercy seat Adonai Tzevaot tells David, "When your days are fulfilled and you rest with your fathers I will set up your seed after you who will come from your body and I will establish his kingdom. (1 Samuel 7:12)in other words a human descendant of David will become king but then Adonai Tzevaot states, " I will be his father and he shall be my Son." (1Samuel 7:14) So, God will call a descendant of David, His Son! A person who is both man and God in one body. 1 Chronicles makes the same statement> "And it shall be when your days are fullfilled when you must go to be with your fathers, that I will set up your seed after you who will be of your sons; and I will establish His kingdom. He shall build me a house and I will establish His throne forever. I will be His father and He shall be my Son." (1 Chronicles 17:11-13) With the establishment of the Hebrew Bible ancient Rabbis declared this refers to Solomon, but Jesus proves by His authority through miracles that the house to be established is a reference to His Church. Jesus is both Son of man and Son of God.

    Clearly, haShem expected His Jewish Nation to be a vital part of communicating His Word to His coming Church, but a Jewish influence is sadly missing. The introductory comments to the book of Joshua in the Christian Bible under the heading THE CHRIST OF JOSHUA states: Although there are no direct messianic prophecies in the book, Joshua is clearly a type of christ. This indicates the translators are unaware of the extraordinary encounter with theophany that occurs at the outset of the events of the book of Joshua which is as clear as the nose on your face in the Hebrew textof Joshua 5:14-15. To understand this requires a bit of a tangent The movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is based upon the most powerful artifact constructed by Moses which is the Holy Ark of the Covenant. The movie did not do justice to the mystical power of the Ark which eminated from the cover of the Ark called the mercy seat; however the Philistines are apparently aware of it because they steal the Ark. Concerning the

  • Mercy seat God Almighty tells Moses, "there I will meet with you and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat from between the cherubim." (Exodus 25:22) In this spot God materializes for the High Priest as Redeemer on Yom Kippur (Leviticus 16:2) The manifestation of God here is called Adonai Tzevaot (2 Samuel 6:2)The The movie Raiders of the Lost Ark features the most mystical artifact constructed by Moses following instructions given ny Almighty God. For dramatic effect the movie attributes the source of this power to the contents of the Ark, but the text of the Bible leaves no doubt that it emenates from His Spirit which is located on the cover of the Ark. The Philistines are aware of the power of the Ark because they steal it and store it with their Pagan god Dagon. When the Ark is stolen by the Phillistines Leviticus 16:2 which warns Aaron to be cautious lest he die becomes an omen of the destruction of the statue of Dagon. 1 Samuel 5:4 And when they arose the next morning there was Dagon fallen on its face to the earth before the Ark of the LORD the head of Dagon and the palms of its hands were broken off. The cause of Dagon's demise is Adonai Tzevaot (LORD of hosts) of whom David says, The God of Israel is Israel's God. and who Isaiah calls the Holy One of Israel Clearly, something unusual, even mystical eminates from the Mercy seat on the Ark.

    twabc hwhy Tzevaot is a combination of two Hebrew words: first:hosts and second:miracles, so Adonai Tzevaot has been translated as LORD of hosts but could, indeed should be LORD of Miracles, and is the Spirit of God who materialized in the body of the child of Joseph and Mary during the feast of Tabernacles and who is called Jesus. The key that unlocks this mystery is that Jesus declared He is Alef-Tav in Hebrew (rendered as Alpha-Omega in New Testament Greek).


  • Shalom,

    In April 7, 2009 I had a severe stroke, while in the hospital I was visited by Jesus. He told me I would remain to tell others about Him. This is the result. May your life be blessed by His Spirit.

    Ken Greenwell

    1011Buena Vista

    Decatur, IL 62521


    [email protected]

    I am on facebook.

    P.S. Jesus Christ has hidden himself on the pages of the Bible. To follow what I am saying here you need a New King James/ Open Bible and a Jewish Tannach which is in Hebrew with translation by Rabbis. The introductory comments in the Open Bible to Joshua under the heading "Christ in the Book" state >There are no direct messianic prophecies in the book. In the book of Joshua the Israelites come to the river Jordan with the Ark of the covenant upon which is the mercy seat where Adonai Tzevaot resides and Joshua instructs the Priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant through the river. As soon as their feet step into the river, the water mounts up as it did at the crossing of the Red Sea in Exodus exposing a path for the Israelites to cross on essentially dry ground. Then scripture relates what happens when Joshua is on the opposite side of the Jordan with the Ark. (Now in the Tannach go to Joshua 5:14,15) Here Joshua meets with an impressive Military leader who is carrying a sword. As I read this especially in Hebrew I wanted to jump out of my skin! This is the King of Glory! (Adonai Tzevaot who has stepped down from the Mercy seat.){Psalm 24:10} The reason I include this is because it is a point that should not have been overlooked when the Bible was translate