The scottish


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Transcript of The scottish

Page 1: The scottish



Page 2: The scottish

Scots alphabet

Page 3: The scottish

Scots pronunciation

Page 4: The scottish

Scots pronunciation

Page 5: The scottish


Try to read the article and translate it.

The Scots Leid Associe wis foondit in 1972 an ettles tae fordle Scots in leeteratur, drama,

the media, eddication an in ilka day uiss. Akis Scots wis ance the state langage o Scotland, it's a vailid pairt o wir heirskip an the associe taks tent tae the fact that it shoud can tak its steid as a langage o Scotland, alang wi Gaelic

an Inglis.

Page 6: The scottish


Read the translation of the article

The Scots Language Society was founded in 1972 and exists to promote Scots in

literature, drama, the media, education and in every day usage. Since Scots was once the state language of Scotland, it is a valid part of our heritage and the society recognizes that

it should be able to take its place as a language of Scotland, along with Gaelic and


Page 7: The scottish


Read the phrases, written in Scottish. Try to guess what do they mean? Is there a big difference between these two languages?


Welcome Walcome / Welcum

Hello Hello/aye

What is your name? Whit's yer name?

I don’t understand. A dinna unnerstan, A dinna ken! 

Thank you Thenk ye

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday!

I love you. A love ye!

Page 8: The scottish


Use the link below and do the test.http://