The Scientific Revolution Scientific Revolution -def. - The search for a secular, scientific method...


Transcript of The Scientific Revolution Scientific Revolution -def. - The search for a secular, scientific method...

The Scientific RevolutionScientific Revolution -def. - The search for a secular, scientific method of determining the laws of nature using experimental observation and mathematical deduction

- Nicolaus Copernicus(1473-1543) - a clergyman who attacked Ptolemaic (geocentric) model of the cosmos - claimed heliocentric view simplified the mathematics needed to explain celestial motion-Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) - burned at the stake by the Catholic Church for teaching heliocentrism-Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) - provided mathematical backing for the heliocentric theory - 3 Laws of Planetary Motion - cited that planetary orbits were elliptical, not circular-Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) - built an improved telescope - viewed moons of Jupiter to add evidence to heliocentric view - tried & imprisoned by the Inquisition

Newton & Consolidation of the Scientific Revolution

Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

- invented calculus to explain planetary motion

- * Principia Mathematica - published his law of universal gravitation- explained Kepler’s elliptical orbits

- believed that the laws of nature were like clockwork & were created by God - saw no conflict between science and faith





Philosophes - public intellectuals dedicated to solving the problems of the World

- wrote for a broad, educated public audience

- fought to eradicate bigotry, religious fanaticism, superstition

- promoted “Natural Rights” – political and intellectual freedom, freedom of the press and religion, human progress

- spread their ideas through books, essays, letters pamphlets


- champion of religious toleration & free speech

AKA -Francois-Marie Arouet - a deist

Philosophical Dictionary - attacked organized Christianity as a source of fanaticism and brutality among humans

- His motto - “Crush the infamous thing!” (the thing was bigotry and ignorance)


- Attacked Absolutism - called it “despotism”

- promoted idea of Separation of Powers to prevent abuses in government

- admired English Constitutionalism

-SPIRIT OF THE LAWS - opposed divine right of kings and absolutism, inspiredAmerican constitutionalism

Denis Diderot &The Encyclopedia:- Diderot compiled over 71,000 essays of Enlightenment thought into a 26-volume set

- He promoted the application of science to address all of humanity’s problems

- Included articles politics, social order, economics, taxes, religion

- The Encyclopedia was banned for by French gov’t for attacking tradition, religion, morals, and promoting materialism


- A critic of arbitrary power and promoter of human rights

- Challenged the legal basis and use of torture & death penalty

- Promoted religious toleration

Magic & Witchcraft

- belief in them coincided w/ the scientific revolution

- many scientific thinkers still believed in alchemy, astrology, etc.

Witchcraft trials - state & religious authorities turned to public trials- they reflected the anxiety of society in the face of economic crisis, plague, warfare, political uncertainty

- most prevalent in Germany during 30 Yrs. War

- over 100,000 trials in Europe & North America in 16th & 17th centuries

- declined only when the elite discredited the belief & therefore refused to hold trials - most commoners still held the superstition


- Early political economists - sought to explain the relationship between commerce and people and gov’t

- Adam Smith - English economist who promoted capitalism

- laissez-faire - “leave alone” - gov’t should not interfere in business

- wrote Wealth of Nations