The Scarlian Volume 61

1 The Scarlian Volume 61 August 2014 Not a Sight for Sore Eyes Quite the reverse I’m sure some of you are aware of the three heaps of old timber, old and new fencing wire that have appeared recently on Plot Lane (south). It would seem likely that these have been dumped by the contractors working for Network Rail to renew the fencing along our stretch of the Newark- Lincoln line. Network Rail has been contacted and is investigating. They will have received these and more photographs of fly tips. Clearly fly tipping is illegal and should Network Rail fail to address the issue satisfactorily the matter will be referred to Newark and Sherwood District Council. It would be interesting to know if any similar illegal tips have appeared along the stretch of line where the fencing has been replaced. Frank and Sandra say Thank You Hi folks Sandra and I would like to thank all those who came to our engagement celebration drinks and nibbles. We were both very touched by the love and support you have given us both. I was going to have the do in SSCC. Had I done so I would have charged for drinks and profits would have gone to SSCC. If anyone who attended would like to make a small donation to SSCC please drop an envelope off at either mine or Craig Law’s house thanks again for making a truly lovely evening " Frank and Sandra


The Scarlian Volume 61

Transcript of The Scarlian Volume 61

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    The Scarlian

    Volume 61 August 2014 Not a Sight for Sore Eyes Quite the reverse

    Im sure some of you are aware of the three heaps of old timber, old and new fencing wire that have appeared recently on Plot Lane (south). It would seem likely that these have been dumped by the contractors working for Network Rail to renew the fencing along our stretch of the Newark- Lincoln line. Network Rail has been contacted and is investigating. They will have received these and more photographs of fly tips. Clearly fly tipping is illegal and should Network Rail fail to address the issue satisfactorily the matter will be referred to Newark and Sherwood District Council. It would be interesting to know if any similar illegal tips have appeared along the stretch of line where the fencing has been replaced.

    Frank and Sandra say Thank You Hi folks Sandra and I would like to thank all those who came to our engagement celebration drinks and nibbles. We were both very touched by the love and support you have given us both. I was going to have the do in SSCC. Had I done so I would have charged for drinks and profits would have gone to SSCC. If anyone who attended would like to make a small donation to SSCC please drop an envelope off at either mine or Craig Laws house thanks again for making a truly lovely evening " Frank and Sandra

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    The South Scarle Scurry fun run and very slow walk was held on Sunday 6th July. First home was Junior competitor Ben Baldwin, in a very fast time of 7.27 minutes, but not quite fast enough to beat the record time of 6.32 minutes set by Joe Jones and Jon Hobbs in 2012. Chris and Claire Baker, new Scarlians, were the adult winners in a very respectable time of 10.53 minutes, with Grace, our winning 8-year-old Junior girl coming in at 17.07 minutes. The slowest time of the final finishers was only 24 minutes! There were some great Fancy Dress creations, amongst them a pair of Wimbledon Pansies, Winnie the Witch's Cat, Little Red Riding Hood, Bacon & Egg, and a very convincing Dolly Parton! The winners were Roy Turner who was Dressed to Im-Press and Joseph Baldwin as Superman. 50 was raised for St Helena's Church. Many thanks to everyone who took part, and especially to Betty Clements who sponsored the prizes, and to this year's starter and judge Mo Tyler. Anita and Stephen


    The Luncheon Club starts on Wednesday 29th October and will then be held on every last

    Wednesday in the month, 12.00 2.00 in the Community Space. The cost of the meals is

    yet to be confirmed. A working Party has been formed to shop for and prepare the meals.

    In response to the handouts circulated in the village 16 people have shown an interest in

    attending. Funding has been sought from the Healthy Lifestyles Team at Newark &

    Sherwood District Council.

    A further handout will be delivered to the 16 people who have expressed interest indicating

    cost and menu. It will also require a YES/NO response.

    Should you require any further information please contact Lyn Broughton on 893482 who is co-ordinating the group.

    Library Access Point Update Thank you to the 74% of villagers who responded positively to our survey. Another meeting will be called for early September and then we can move to the development of this Access Point. We will be taking people up on their offers of books bookcases etc. Should you wish to attend the next meeting and were not at the last please contact Mo Tyler and she will see that you are included.

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    The Scarlian Secretary

    Hi, Scarlians. I bet you all think that the editor does all of this work on her own,

    sorry but Im about to squash all of those ideas once and for all. I bet the more

    salacious amongst you wish that her secretary looked like this: -

    When in fact the secretary looks more like this: -

    The secretary is in fact her husband, Dave, who does a lot of E-mail reading,

    downloading and answering phone calls, collecting from the wonderful printer

    Elisabeth and helping with the delivery. I also do a lot of the housework i.e. dusting,

    hoovering, ironing etc. and no ladies Im not available for hire not even for any other

    services you may be thinking of.

    Dave the secretary. Editorial All true and MINE. He said he wanted to be on page 3 cant think why.

    Cream Teas at Morgana

    The sun shone. The glamorous waitresses strutted their stuff and all had a thoroughly good time. Superlatives fail me when trying to describe the scones suffice it to say one was simply not enough. There can be few nicer ways to spend a sunny summer Sunday afternoon. Oh and Roger and Jane raised 325 as well.

    Flock Together. The airfield has boasted a small flock of Yellow/Grey Wagtails this summer. Not a species noted for forming flocks. I think, though Im willing to be proved wrong, that they were yellow wagtails and a family group following a successful breeding season. I spotted a Green Woodpecker on Amos Lane the other morning. In the early morning light it had me fooled for a while till it gave one of its distinctive calls as it flew away I watched Swallows mobbing a Pied Wagtail the other morning not a behaviour Ive seen before but I suppose they are in competition for the insects that both eat. The telegraph lines were full of Swallows talking of Africa this morning in the words of the song Why did Summer go so quickly? Was it something that I said?

    The Early Bird

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    Tim and Carol Liggins and Hilary Clarke Dovecote House, 4 Beeches Court For a while the three of us had been having a

    conversation about the possibility of trying to find

    somewhere that was going to be suitable for us all to

    move together.

    The list of requirements we compiled during Sunday

    lunch conversations was a long one large garden,

    new house, not too big for Tim and I (who wants to

    spend their lives cleaning?) but large enough for

    Mum to have her own space etc etc . Hence we did

    not hold out too much hope and put the plan on the

    back burner for a couple of years.

    However, last May during a trawl on Right Move, a property in South Scarle caught my eye and on

    a very beautiful May Bank Holiday Saturday afternoon the three of us drove out to see what and

    where the house was and so it began.

    Between May and October 2013 we managed to buy Dovecote House, sell two houses and get

    married. January the work commenced to convert one end of the house into Mums now very

    lovely home. Thanks to all our Neighbours for the tolerance during the 4 months of work, but over

    the Easter Weekend this year Mum moved in, together with two dogs and a very elderly cat and is

    delighted with her new home.

    So now we have spent our first fantastic summer here in South Scarle, still surprised to be here,

    but delighted with our new home and the village. We are gradually getting to know folk, this has

    definitely been helped since the latest member of the family arrived in April Bradley Liggins (yes,

    really!). A number of you will have met Bradley and you will surely have heard us calling

    Brraaaaadddddllleey as we try and retrieve him from yet another rabbit chasing for foray!!!!

    Thank you all for the warm welcome and we are all looking forward to many happy years here.

    August 2014

    Halle the Hymer needs Hardstanding

    Mel and Graham Scotney are hoping to hire (for a reasonable fee) hardstanding for their 6-metre motorhome (Halle). They would like it to have sufficiently easy access so they can go off at short notice when the opportunity arises. Also, ideally, they would like it to be in the village or as close to it as possible. If you can help please contact them on


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    Penalty Shoot Out The Result: Youngsters 29 Elders 23 (we wont mention that there were fewer of them!)

    Maybe we were a little too relaxed or perhaps we did not bribe the referee enough but I think they were just better!

    Whatever else it was (I wont allow humiliating defeat so shut up Ben) it was great fun.

    So here comes the Oscar moment Thank you to:

    Terry for being a simply Great referee Both Teams Dave for keeping the score Florence for the refreshments Ben Baldwin for the idea and organisation

    The supporters who turned out in such good numbers. Most of all to the people who donated so generously and/or raised impressive amounts of


    We raised 270 each for SSCC and for Lives first responders.

    The magnificent (silverish) South Scarle Challenge Cup, bought I have to say at huge expense (not) from the North Scarle car boot on the day of the match, sits in pride of place in my glass cabinet (the winning team did not seem to want to keep it). Are we going to find a new challenge to compete for next year? I think it would be fun and maybe we could choose something we might win. Ideas to me or Ben Baldwin 07789072828


    Beautiful kittens about 8 - 10 weeks old and lots of different colours are in need of good homes. They will make excellent house cats and equally as good stable cats. If you are interested please contact Amy Darch (Roger and Jane Daviss daughter) on


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    Whats on in September

    4th September

    5th September Pub Night 7-30 11-30

    13th September Coffee Morning 10-00 12-00 &

    21st September Harvest Celebration St Helenas Church 12 noon

    Followed by Rustic Lunch (Homemade Soup, Bread and Fruit Crumble)

    All Welcome Tickets for lunch from Florence 892056/Judy 892409 children under 12 free. Bring your own drink glasses provided

    Auction of Produce

    In aid of St Helena, South Scarle fabric fund

    Saturday 27 SeptemberSaturday 4 October 10am4pm In the beautiful village church of St Helena, South Scarle, Nottinghamshire Artistic, beautiful, exciting & unusual Angels Refreshments & Homemade soup lunches Angel Crafts & Gifts Stall Raffle Live Music Further details: Tel: 01636 892409/892056

    Enterprising Youth

    Ben Baldwin with his friend and relations is planning to start a village car wash venture. 5 will get your car washed either at your home or outside Bens home (Chestnut Tree House, Main St). A further 5 will get it cleaned out inside as well. If you are interested contact Ben. 07789072828 or 01636 893710

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    Whats on in October

    Albert Einstein - Relativitively Speaking 10th October SOUTH SCARLE COMMUNITY CENTRE Doors & Bar 7-00p.m. Show 8-00p.m.

    Tickets Adults 8 Under 14s 4-50 from Craig Law 07515382323 or link on website

    11th October Coffee Morning 10-00 12-00 12th October Strictly Come South Scarle 7-30 29th October Luncheon Club 12.00 2.00. 31st October Pub Night 7-30 11-30. Look at the date it may be a bewitching night but then again it might be simply diabolical.

    Food Bank Many thanks for your continued support for the Newark Foodbank.

    The last 3 months donations for June July and August totalled 46.1kg. This is a substantial contribution from such a small community and the Foodbank have asked me to pass on their thanks for all your

    support. All of the food is distributed to local people in genuine need on a twice-weekly basis. Thanks again, Brian

    For Information on Village Meetings and related Matters Email [email protected] Adrian Lawton our Parish Clerk will put you on his mailing list

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    Poetry Corner Im Fine, Thank You

    There is nothing the matter with me.

    Im as healthy as I can be. I have arthritis in both my knees

    And when I talk, I talk with a wheeze. My pulse is weak and my blood is thin

    But Im awfully well for the shape Im in.

    Arch supports I have for my feet, Or I wouldnt be able to be on the street,

    Sleep is denied me night after night, But every morning I find Im all right.

    My memory is failing, my heads in a spin But Im awfully well for the shape Im in.

    The moral is this as my tale I unfold

    That for you and me that are growing old Its better to say Im fine with a grin.

    Than to let folks know the shape we are in.

    How do I know that my youth is all spent? Well my Get up and go has got up and went. But I really dont mind when I think with a grin, Of all the grand places my Get up has bin.

    Old age is golden Ive heard it said

    But sometimes I wonder as I get into bed With my ears in the drawer, my teeth in a cup

    My eyes on the table until I wake up Ere sleep overtakes me I say to myself,

    Is there anything else I could lay on the shelf?

    When I was young my slippers were red. I could kick my heels over my head.

    When I was older my slippers were blue. But still I could dance the whole night through.

    Now I am old my slippers are black. I walk to the store and puff my way back.

    I get up each morning and dust off my wits. And pick up the paper and read the Obits

    If my name is still missing I know Im not dead So I have a good breakfast and go back to bed.

    Author Unknown

    A bit of an Editorial Thank you for the nice things you have said to me since I took on this role. I have to say I am having fun. Its down to all of you to make sure that I dont become self-indulgent. A number of people have asked where I am hiding the spare Scarlians. The answer is simple we only print enough for one per household. As I am trying to put out six Scarlians a year this is an attempt to keep costs as low as possible. You can access all the Scarlians on the website but I would consider a sort of subscription service if enough of you thought it was worthwhile. Let me know what you think. I always take more picture of events than can be included but, thanks to Craig they will be available for you to look at on the website. You may spot in this edition three short pieces, which could be described as adverts. I am happy to do this whilst maintaining editorial oversight but if you feel it is not appropriate let me know.

    Mo Tyler

    Must have a picture per page so heres Domino who lives with Vicky. Hes not afraid of the Big Bad Dog! Hes ultra friendly, I bet youve met him too if you walk along Plot Lane.

    The Scarlian needs YOU How about recipes, more poems, more from new (ish) Scarlians and anything else you can think of. The more of you the less of me!

    Contact the Scarlian

    Email: [email protected] email Mo [email protected] mail Sunray Main St, South Scarle NG23 7JH phone 01636 892023. Visit Mo by walking along Main Street past the Hall until just before Amos Lane. Find a drive between Amos Farmhouse and Ivy Cottage, walk past the 2 Skodas and there we are. The dogs tend to escape so ring the bell on the gate and well let you in. Next deadline 22nd October Please contribute Mo Tyler