The San Francisco call (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1912-01-28 [p 24]...Hazel Laymanre and her fiance,...

Colonial Times to Be Revived by Society of East Bay Cities COMING MONTH TO SEE MANY AFFAIRS Washington's Birthday Celebra- tion Lends Chance for Costumes Display OAKLAND, Jan. —The coming month will witness several delightful affairs, the celebration of -Washington's birthday anniversary lending an op- portunity for the revival of the colonial times with the rich loveliness of its quaint dress and appointments. It is the custom to observe the day with charming: informality' at the Claremont Country club, out of door sports, with a series of luncheon and dinner parties filling 1 in the hours before the ball wlitch round? out the occasion. The Claremont club, among whose membership has been formed an assem- bly, has planned a colonial ball for February 22, when all the guests are requested to wear the costumes of a "century ago. The appointments of the Friday Night club of Berkeley, whose next dance will take place February 23, will be carried out with the colonial motif. The direc- tors of the Oakland club will enter- tain with a ball and card party in Unity hall Wednesday evening, February 21, when again the time of George Wash- ington will be reproduced in the deco- rations and. in the gowns of the receiv- ing party. \u25a0 .. .. *, The calendar of the early week is filled with social dates which will oc- cupy the time of the smart set. perhaps the most brilliant event of the month being the large reception which Mrs. Frank Watson will give Thursday at her home in Adams point. Mrs. "Wat- son has sent out several hundred cards Among the hostesses who will enter- tain bridge clubs during the coming few day? are Mrs. J. Pym Neville, who is planning a southern luncheon for the members of the Monday dub; Mrs. Mdylan, who will entertain the mem- bers of the Cosmos club at luncheon Monday afternoon, and Mrs. Charles Rodolph, who will open her East Oak- land home Tuesday evening to friends are meeting- together frequently. Mrs. George Wilhelm will entertain a score of Piedmont matrons Monday at bridge. With Mir^s 'Loreua Knapp as her guest of honor. Mrs. Cyrus "William Abbott will entertain two score friends fit cards Wednesday at her Adams point home. Miss Knapp is the fiancee of Leo J. McCarthy, her wedding being planned for the middle of June. Friday Night club and the Junior bly Will give their February a on the same night tttis dividing the interest of the smart set. Friday evening, also, Miss L,oie Holland will give a bouse dance, making Miss Hazel Laymanre and her fiance, Henry Heilbron, the guests of honor. Mrs. A. K. P. Harmon, who was for- merly Miss Grace Stalder, has been en- tertaining in her southern home her faster in law, Mrs. Joseph Staider. This B ;mm«=-r Mrs. Harmon will be welcomed to Oakland on a visit. A score of friends included in one of the afternoon clubs were entertained this week by Mrs, Frederick Snowden, who provided a game of bridge and tea for her guests. Miss Elizabeth McNear was a dinner hostess of the week, entertaining her guests at the Claremont Country club. Covers were laid for a score of friends. # * * A daughter has made her advent mi the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oliver. Mrs. Oliver, whose .'.wedding was an ; event of a season ago, was formerly Miss Minnie Culver. * .'• * * Forty guests enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Joseph Warner on Friday even- ing-, when she provided military euchre and supper for their diversion. * * * Mr. Clifford Pruett was a hostess of '\u25a0 the week, entertaining 75 guests- at cards and tea. Mrs. Milton Quigley was the honor guest of this first elaborate ' affair which Mrs. Pruett has given since i her marriage of the late summer. Both ; Mrs. Pruett and Mrs. Quigley are brides j of the season. * * * Mrs. Milton Quigley entertained to- day, asking her friends to [ meet Miss j Edith Fern Snow, who recently joined the ranks of the engaged girls. * * * A number of friends will cross the bay Thursday to acept the hospitality of Mrs. Edward Keeffe, who will enter-j tain with an informal bridge party forl Mrs. Edward Hall Lodge. * * * Early in the week Mrs. Edward Engs opened her Piedmont home for luncheon and bridge to a coterie of matrons who are meeting frequently in an informal way. * * * The departure of Dr. Lillian Yardley and Mrs. George Brunton for Australia after a visit of some length as the house guests of Mrs. Mouritz, is a matter of regret to the many friends made in the bay cities by the two English women. Dr. Yardley is a -surgeon of the British government and is stationed in India. Both women have been delightfully feted during their sojourn in this part of the state. Mrs. Mercy Edwards, who entertained the January meeting of the Ladies of the Round Table, made them her guests of honor this week. * * * This evening the first dance of the spring season of the Saturday Night club was a prettily appointed affair,'in which 150 of the younger set took'part. The patronesses of the club are: Mrs. Herbert prettily appointed affair, in 50 of the younger set took part. ixonesses of the club are: hert Br»orJ [Mrs. Ah -•\u25a0\u25a0-• Mrs. Henry M. Ball Mrs. Warren Cheney Mrs. William Halbert [Mr*. William Hums 1 Mrs. James Maclise Mrs. <>. W. Perkins Miss Ida May Bradley is one of the Oakland women who is becoming known as an interpreter of classical literature. Much of her earlier work was done in the local clubs. lira. Churchill Taylor Is giving a series of dinner parties during the lat«T season, in which she is including her closer friends in congenial groups. Be- fore the beginning of Lent she is ar» ranging two affairs, the dates of which have not yet been named. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cole Burnham are spending the winter across the bay. * # * Announcement is made of .the marri- age of Frederick Quandt, son : of Mr. and Mrs. A. Quandt of Piedmont and Miss Cora Sturm. The wedding took place Thursday evening. January IS. In the German Methodist church, and was attended by 200 guests. The bride wore the conventional satin gown, with veil and orange blossoms. Her 1 aunt, Mrs.' Annette Sturm, served as the matron of honor, with Miss Pearl Sturm. :l Miss Lillian Quandt, Miss Hulda Runecker and Miss Katie Anthony as bridesmaids. Hattle Sturm, Esther Sturm, Ula Sturm and Genevieve Sturm were the \ flower girls. The best man was A. Martens. Theodore Quandt, Paul Pflueger, Carl Runecker and Walter Steege were, the ushers. The ceremony was read -by Rev. 11. G. Hobart. Ninety guests were Included in the reception and supper which followed at the home of the bride's parents,; Mr. j and Mrs. C. Sturm, in Berkeley. After j their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Quandt will reside in the bay cities. IMrs. Quandt was a student at the Univer- sity of California. She is gifted-as a musician. = : Quandt Is engaged in busi- ness on this side of the bay. In Berkeley Society ' BERKELEY, Jan. 27.—Berkeley, folk have organized a new : dancing: club, which, under the name of the Thursday Night Cotillon, will -hold dances at Chase hall ,at regular periods. The opening assembly was one of the lead- ing affairs lof the kind given here this i season. Among the guests ;and mem- ' hers who enjoyed the first occasion J were: Mr. ;\u25a0 and Mrs. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Andrews \u25a0 K>li«\v . , Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mr. and Mrs..: W. G. Broich | ApplPton Mr. and Mrs.* Blnmhpre ; Mr. and Mrs. Bailpy Dr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Billings Blanck Mr. and Mrs. W. W Dr. Charles W. Brown Bearhboard Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mr. and Mrs. Chase. Dnnscomh " :* Mr.'and Mrs. Fprrin Mr. «nd Mr». John For Dr. and Mrs. fJallaßhPr Mr. and Mrs. O. <; Mr. and Mr*. Hartman Hoffman' -'v-.;.'^ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. .Toss- Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Irn Hill Mr..-and Mrs. H. P. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kni-k- I^andon ' " crt>oirker ; . . I party given at the H. L. Schnoor home In Grove'street last'; Tuesday evening. Progressive whist/ was: played, the prizes being won by Miss Eva Darling and William Geary. The guests were: Mr. and .Mrs. W. Miss Kvs Darling -:<;ear.v , Mr. and Mrs. T. H. i Mr. and «Mrs. H. Mar- Gilbert Jr. , tin Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Gil- ; Mr. and-Mrs. B. Bull I bert . : Mr and Mrs Cliarles Mr. and Mrs. C. T.nwoll Cllbort Mr. M.I Mrs. Strait ; Mr. anil Mr-, Udell Mrs.; Brpwer Mrs. I (arlli g •.,-.\u25a0** Miss Kahns r Miss Harriet Stringhana entertained I this week in honor of Miss Dorothy Boericke, whose marriage early next month; will be an event of San Fran- jcisco society. Miss Stringnam is a daughter of the late Prof. Irving I Stringham. : - Mrs.: James Warren Stitt was hostess lat a- handkerchief .shower given in '' honor of Miss Ellen Downing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Taylor of Claremont next .month -will .give a dancing party for their daughter, Miss Berriice Taylor, a senior in Miss Head's school, who has not yet been formally presented to society. Guests will in- I elude several girls who will be debu- I tantes of the coming seasons. Mrs. F. P. Morehead is planning sev- eral affairs in honor of her guest. Miss Dora Deer of Shelton, Wash. These will take place during Miss Deer's stay of a month at the Morehead home in \u25a0 Addison street. The Week in Alameda ALAMEDA,' Jan. —Mrs. K. E. Johnson of Hawthorne street has gone to Vancouver, B. C, where she will spend three months as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Colin Xicol. ' Kenneth> and Junior Medcraft. were hosts at an informal supper party at their home in Paru street last Sunday evening. Among the guests were Miss Anna \u25a0 Dodge, Miss Dorothy Tisdale, Miss Lorraine Jordan, Miss Ilanalla Moore,, Roger Hayne, Jack Thomas and A. J. Jorgensen. A. Dalton Harrison, with Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Lukens, departed Friday night for New Orleans. From; the southern city the parly will go to the Panama canal, Brazil and Europe v returning to Cali- fornia in six month's. Mrs. George Lamb of Benton street entertained at bridge Thursday; after- noon in honor of Mrs. John H. Walker, who is spending the winter in San Francisco. ' The . guests included Mrs. Lewis Bissell, Mrs. J. Cal Ewing, Mrs. Herbert Page; Mrs. J. 11. Masterson, Mrs. Theodore iPoindexter, Mrs. Oliver Haslet Mrs. Charles C. Hanley, Mrs. .William Van Brunt, Mrs. Charles Kydd, Mrs. Walter R. Hughes, Mrs. T. W. Ley- decker,* Mrs. R. B. Foster and Miss Miller. George H. Mastick entertained a stag party of 12 at dinner at the Mastick home in Pacific avenue Thursday nigh*. Mrs. Franklin Noah Dewey was hostess this week at the meeting of the Wednesday Bridge club. Sue was, as- sisted in receiving and entertaining her guests by Mrs. Edwin Pond James and Mrs. Z. T. George. Mrs. Ellen McXee and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Percy Brown, have returned from "Eureka and are guests of Mrs. Maurice W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. | Mott enter- tained, at a dinner and dance at the Techau tavern in San Francisco :Tues- Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Mr.-and Mrs. V Lucas Lewis ' Mr. and Mrs. 11. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. ' \,'ill M'n.l<Mihall , Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. N'ettlcton MueUor Mr. .in.l Mra. George Mr. and Mrs. John S. Stodilard ; Rom : ' Mr.'and Mrs. Btapletnn Mr. and Mrs. l. Smith Mr." and Mrs. K. ;C. Mr. and Un, Jack ' Struttiors -' S. ;i::on*f-r Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. C. E. SnhaefTer Thomas ' Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Barnes I -Whitaker * The wedding of Miss Beatrice Ilerlitz and William Axford will take place Tuesday evening, : February 6, at the home of Mrs. "C. I". " >Herlitz in Rose street. Miss Ora Scharpin will be the bride's only attendant. Mrs. Fred Sliavely of Woodland was guest of honor at a recent evening given by Mrs. Fred i;. Moulton at the MoultOO home in Hearst avenue. ' Cards were played, and;later a luncheon was served. Those who met Mrs. Shavely included: ' -.!'\u25a0,*/,\u25a0 Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. William Bot.«ford No* - ..-' ;.- Mr. and- Mrs. Welling- Mr.' and Mrs. Frederick ton Black Kent- - Mr. snd Mrs. Edward Mrs. Helen Sturdy S"olv Miss Blackburn Miss Justine O'Brien Phillip Carrey Dale Wenrieh Several of the university organiza- tions are planning dances for the open- ing of the ! college term, 'among the sororities to lead being the Delta Delta Delta, which' has the Professor Far- rington home in Arch street. There the dance will be given." Hostesses will I include Miss Marguerite - Ogden, Miss Edith Logan, Miss" Gwendolyn Powers, Miss Janet Hood, Miss"Juanita Kyberg and Miss fMildred Drake. Several guests attended the birthday day night in honor of their wedding anniversary.. Covers were laid for guests,: including a number of persons from this:city./'\u25a0'.. "Miss? Edna, Siegfried presided over a bridge party at her.' home in Alameda avenue Wednesday.' afternoon. Fifty, players participated in the tourney. The hostess was assisted in receiving by' Miss Marguerite Carpentier, Miss Mary Bates. Miss Helen Anthony, Miss Lura Sargent, Mrs. R. B. Valleau. Mrs. Bayard Nourse, Mrs. William Schrotn and Mrs. William Ulrichs. The Alameda assembly will give a dance February 9 in Adelphian hall. S. M. Haslett, Dr. W. R. Hughes and Charles Davis constitute the committee of -arrangements.. V \u25a0 Mrs. Wynn red 1til has issued invi- tations; for a bridge party to be held at her home in Union street next Mon- day. ':' . ' *• \u0084 Mr. and Mrs. C. IT. Howard enter- tained at whist Tuesday their home in Walnut street. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. f. I. Peacock. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moody and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker. Mrs. Gerald Brooks, who before her marriage recently was Miss Grace Renner, entertained 10 friends at a sewing bee Wednesday afternoon at her apartments In, Lafayette street. Mrs. John Ten Bosch was hostess at a bridge club meeting at her home In Paru strret Monday afternoon. Thj club members! are Miss Helen Sullivan; Miss Edith Sullivan, Miss Isabelle an* Mi.-s Bess O'Connor, Miss Marguerite Carpentier, Miss Alice Poorman and If!>. Ten Bosch. Popular members of social sets of east bay cities, who take prominent part in round of entertaining. OAKLAND ORDERED TO PUT $45,000 IN ESCROW OAKLAND, Jan. 27.— The Bum of |45,0(K) wiil be deposited by the city of Oakland in escrow to secure the Samuel Merritt Hospital association against possible damages to property owned Ivy the association and condemned by the city for municipal wharf sites. The security was asked in case the city should abandon the property after starting work »n it and disturbing its present condition. THREE POSTMASTERS IN CALIFORNIA APPOINTED [Special Dispatch io The Call] WASHINGTON', D. C, Jan. 27.—The following postmasters have been ap- pointed for California: Brooklane, Santa Cruz county. W. A. Hall, vice J. H. Logan, resigned; San Ardo, Monterey county, T. Winchell, vice F. O. Smith, resigned, and Monolith, Kern county, p C. Hurt, vice 11. A. Marx, re- signed. ENGLISH CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS—Stanford I'nlvtrsity. Jan. 27.—The English club has elected the following- officers: President, F. H. Beach '12: vice president. Miss O. Work- man '12; secretary, Miss B. Crosby '12; treas- urer, M. M.'Fojrel '12. Beach is a member of .. I'M,\u25a0 Beta Kappa scholarship fraternity ami took the -illrig role 1 last semester in the I English club play, "The Compromise." Mln Workman has taken the leading feminine part 'at most; of the recent. dramatic productions. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. SUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1912. 24 Fourth Aye. Court In the Heart ofthe Fourth Aye. District Big Roomy Lots as Low as Building Restrictions $2,000 $15 J2O and $25 a Front Foot and $2,500 Fourth Avenue Court is one of the Fourth Avenue Court lots are all prettiest of all the Fourth Avenue within two or three blocks of the car- properties, line, on a splendid 100-foot macadam- ,, j. . r ized boulevard, and only 15 minutes Many sites have a magnificent view b car from 12lh and Broadway . of the whole sweep of the bay. The prices include— In the hi Bhly im Portant respects of VIEW, PRICE, TERMS and BEAU- —Macadamized str TV OF SITUATION the Fourth Aye- Concrete wai "ue properties of Wickham Havens \u0084r Incorporated are UNQUESTION- —\\ ater mains ABLY SUPERIOR to any properties —and sewers. now on the market. Terms as Low as $70 Down and $7 a Month; No Interest or Taxes Until July Ist HOW TO GET THERE Take the Fourth Avenue Cars—With the Red Star On Broadway and Get Off at Everett Street WICKHAM HAVENS INCORPORATED Entire Top Floor Oakland Bank of Savings Building, Oakland MAKING WAY FOR J^^jL/XEJIiVQiLGQ MAKING WAY FOR PROGRESS C Wri^^—LJitC<l=M.M»R*—^? PROGRESS Twelfth and Washington Sts., Oakland \u25a0' •. ' - ' ' \u25a0 '"'..' -..-•".:': \u25a0'' '.' \u25a0\u25a0".'\u25a0 ..:.'. " . \u25a0 '-\u25a0- \u25a0 .'•>; :\u25a0 \u25a0 ' " '-\u25a0 . \u25a0 ' . - REMOVAL SALE pggggmßHßHl^^MHKMßiHHDßinHnUira mMMUlmriwmmmtnmrmm\u25a0 ....-\u25a0 \u0084...,. .. \u25a0 Our New Home at Clay, Fourteenth and \ Fifteenth Streets will be completed on .-t \u25a0 or prior to March 11th, 1912. . ,f. <fo _T f T { J> \ * Time for Us to Get Ready to Move—Therefore We Announce A Removal Sale Of High Class Merchandise which—for one reason or another—we do not want to take with us Sale Begins Tomorrow Morning, January 29— and Lasts Until the Old Store Closes AH goods entering this sale, and there are many from each department, have been marked at sacrifice prices THRIFTY WOMEN WILL COME EARLY AND OFTEN

Transcript of The San Francisco call (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1912-01-28 [p 24]...Hazel Laymanre and her fiance,...

Page 1: The San Francisco call (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1912-01-28 [p 24]...Hazel Laymanre and her fiance, Henry Heilbron, the guests of honor. Mrs. A. K. P. Harmon, who was for-merly Miss

Colonial Times to Be Revived by Society of East Bay CitiesCOMING MONTH TO

SEE MANY AFFAIRSWashington's Birthday Celebra-

tion Lends Chance for

Costumes Display

OAKLAND, Jan. —The coming

month will witness several delightfulaffairs, the celebration of -Washington's

birthday anniversary lending an op-

portunity for the revival of the colonial

times with the rich loveliness of itsquaint dress and appointments. It isthe custom to observe the day withcharming: informality' at the ClaremontCountry club, out of door sports, with aseries of luncheon and dinner partiesfilling1 in the hours before the ballwlitch round? out the occasion.

The Claremont club, among whosemembership has been formed an assem-bly, has planned a colonial ball forFebruary 22, when all the guests arerequested to wear the costumes of a"century ago.

The appointments of the Friday Night

club of Berkeley, whose next dance willtake place February 23, will be carriedout with the colonial motif. The direc-tors of the Oakland club will enter-tain with a ball and card party in Unity

hall Wednesday evening, February 21,when again the time of George Wash-ington will be reproduced in the deco-rations and. in the gowns of the receiv-ing party.

\u25a0 .. .. *,

The calendar of the early week isfilled with social dates which will oc-cupy the time of the smart set. perhapsthe most brilliant event of the monthbeing the large reception which Mrs.Frank Watson will give Thursday ather home in Adams point. Mrs. "Wat-son has sent out several hundred cards

Among the hostesses who will enter-tain bridge clubs during the comingfew day? are Mrs. J. Pym Neville, whois planning a southern luncheon forthe members of the Monday dub; Mrs.Mdylan, who will entertain the mem-bers of the Cosmos club at luncheonMonday afternoon, and Mrs. CharlesRodolph, who will open her East Oak-land home Tuesday evening to friends

are meeting- together frequently.Mrs. George Wilhelm will entertain ascore of Piedmont matrons Monday atbridge.

With Mir^s 'Loreua Knapp as herguest of honor. Mrs. Cyrus "WilliamAbbott will entertain two score friendsfit cards Wednesday at her Adams pointhome. Miss Knapp is the fiancee ofLeo J. McCarthy, her wedding beingplanned for the middle of June.

Friday Night club and the Juniorbly Will give their Februarya on the same night tttis

dividing the interest of the smart set.Friday evening, also, Miss L,oie Hollandwill give a bouse dance, making MissHazel Laymanre and her fiance, HenryHeilbron, the guests of honor.

Mrs. A. K. P. Harmon, who was for-merly Miss Grace Stalder, has been en-tertaining in her southern home herfaster in law, Mrs. Joseph Staider. ThisB ;mm«=-r Mrs. Harmon will be welcomedto Oakland on a visit.

A score of friends included in oneof the afternoon clubs were entertainedthis week by Mrs, Frederick Snowden,who provided a game of bridge and teafor her guests.

Miss Elizabeth McNear was a dinnerhostess of the week, entertaining herguests at the Claremont Country club.Covers were laid for a score of friends.

# * *A daughter has made her advent mi

the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oliver.Mrs. Oliver, whose .'.wedding was an ;event of a season ago, was formerly

Miss Minnie Culver.

* .'• * *Forty guests enjoyed the hospitalityof Mrs. Joseph Warner on Friday even-ing-, when she provided military euchreand supper for their diversion.

* * *Mr. Clifford Pruett was a hostess of '\u25a0

the week, entertaining 75 guests- at

cards and tea. Mrs. Milton Quigley was •the honor guest of this first elaborate 'affair which Mrs. Pruett has given since i

her marriage of the late summer. Both ;Mrs. Pruett and Mrs. Quigley are brides jof the season.

* * *Mrs. Milton Quigley entertained to-

day, asking her friends to [ meet Miss jEdith Fern Snow, who recently joinedthe ranks of the engaged girls.

* * *A number of friends will cross thebay Thursday to acept the hospitalityof Mrs. Edward Keeffe, who will enter-jtain with an informal bridge party forlMrs. Edward Hall Lodge.

* * *Early in the week Mrs. Edward Engs

opened her Piedmont home for luncheonand bridge to a coterie of matrons whoare meeting frequently in an informalway.

* * *The departure of Dr. Lillian Yardley

and Mrs. George Brunton for Australiaafter a visit of some length as the houseguests of Mrs. Mouritz, is a matter ofregret to the many friends made in thebay cities by the two English women.Dr. Yardley is a -surgeon of the Britishgovernment and is stationed in India.Both women have been delightfullyfeted during their sojourn in this partof the state. Mrs. Mercy Edwards, whoentertained the January meeting of theLadies of the Round Table, made themher guests of honor this week.

* * *This evening the first dance of thespring season of the Saturday Nightclub was a prettily appointed affair,'inwhich 150 of the younger set took'part.The patronesses of the club are:Mrs. Herbert

prettily appointed affair, in50 of the younger set took part.ixonesses of the club are:hert Br»orJ [Mrs. Ah -•\u25a0\u25a0-•

Mrs. Henry M. Ball Mrs. Warren CheneyMrs. William Halbert [Mr*. William Hums

1 Mrs. James Maclise Mrs. <>. W. Perkins

Miss Ida May Bradley is one of theOakland women who is becomingknown as an interpreter of classicalliterature. Much of her earlier workwas done in the local clubs.

lira. Churchill Taylor Is giving aseries of dinner parties during the lat«Tseason, in which she is including hercloser friends in congenial groups. Be-fore the beginning of Lent she is ar»

ranging two affairs, the dates of whichhave not yet been named.

** * *Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cole Burnham arespending the winter across the bay.

* # *Announcement is made of .the marri-age of Frederick Quandt, son : of Mr.and Mrs. A. Quandt of Piedmont andMiss Cora Sturm. The wedding tookplace Thursday evening. January IS. Inthe German Methodist church, and wasattended by 200 guests. The bride worethe conventional satin gown, with veiland orange blossoms. Her 1 aunt, Mrs.'Annette Sturm, served as the matronof honor, with Miss Pearl Sturm. :lMissLillian Quandt, Miss Hulda Runeckerand Miss Katie Anthony as bridesmaids.Hattle Sturm, Esther Sturm, Ula Sturmand Genevieve Sturm were the \flowergirls. The best man was A. Martens.Theodore Quandt, Paul Pflueger, CarlRunecker and Walter Steege were, theushers. The ceremony was read -byRev. 11. G. Hobart.

Ninety guests were Included in thereception and supper which followed at •

the home of the bride's parents,; Mr. jand Mrs. C. Sturm, in Berkeley. After jtheir honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Quandtwill reside in the bay cities. IMrs.Quandt was a student at the Univer-sity of California. She is gifted-as amusician. = : Quandt Is • engaged in busi-ness on this side of the bay.

In Berkeley Society '

BERKELEY, Jan. 27.—Berkeley, folkhave organized a new : dancing: club,which, under the name of the ThursdayNight Cotillon, will -hold dances atChase hall ,at regular periods. Theopening assembly was one of the lead-

ing affairs lof the kind given here this iseason. Among the guests ;and mem- 'hers who enjoyed the first occasion Jwere:Mr. ;\u25a0 and Mrs. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. W. N.

Andrews \u25a0 K>li«\v . ,

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mr. and Mrs..: W. G.Broich | ApplPton

Mr. and Mrs.*Blnmhpre ; Mr. and Mrs. BailpyDr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. C. A.

Billings BlanckMr. and Mrs. W. W Dr. Charles W. Brown

Bearhboard Mr. and Mrs. C. R.Mr. and Mrs. Chase. Dnnscomh " :*

Mr.'and Mrs. Fprrin Mr. «nd Mr». John ForDr. and Mrs. fJallaßhPr Mr. and Mrs. O. <;

Mr. and Mr*. Hartman Hoffman' -'v-.;.'^Mr. and Mrs. J. S. .Toss- Mr. and Mrs. B. C.

Irn HillMr..-and Mrs. H. P. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kni-k-

I^andon ' " crt>oirker ; . .

I party given at the H. L. Schnoor homeIn Grove'street last'; Tuesday evening.Progressive whist/ was: played, theprizes being won by Miss Eva Darling

and William Geary. The guests were:Mr. and .Mrs. W. Miss Kvs Darling

-:<;ear.v , Mr. and Mrs. T. H.i Mr. and «Mrs. H. Mar- Gilbert Jr. ,

tin Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Gil-; Mr. and-Mrs. B. Bull I bert .: Mr and Mrs Cliarles Mr. and Mrs. C. T.nwollCllbort Mr. M.I Mrs. Strait

; Mr. anil Mr-, Udell Mrs.; BrpwerMrs. I (arlli g •.,-.\u25a0** Miss Kahns r

Miss Harriet Stringhana entertainedI this week in honor of Miss DorothyBoericke, whose marriage early nextmonth; will be an event of San Fran-

jcisco society. Miss Stringnam is adaughter of the late Prof. Irving

I Stringham. : \»- Mrs.: James Warren Stitt was hostess

lat a- handkerchief .shower given in'' honor of Miss Ellen Downing.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Taylor ofClaremont next .month -will .give adancing party for their daughter, MissBerriice Taylor, a senior in Miss Head'sschool, who has not yet been formallypresented to society. Guests will in-

I elude several girls who will be debu-I tantes of the coming seasons.

Mrs. F. P. Morehead is planning sev-eral affairs in honor of her guest. MissDora Deer of Shelton, Wash. These

will take place during Miss Deer's stay

of a month at the Morehead home in\u25a0 Addison street.

The Week in AlamedaALAMEDA,' Jan. —Mrs. K. E.

Johnson of Hawthorne street has goneto Vancouver, B. C, where she willspend three months as the guest of herdaughter, Mrs. Colin Xicol. ' •

Kenneth> and Junior Medcraft. werehosts at an informal supper party attheir home in Paru street last Sundayevening. Among the guests were MissAnna \u25a0 Dodge, Miss Dorothy Tisdale,Miss Lorraine Jordan, Miss IlanallaMoore,, Roger Hayne, Jack Thomas andA. J. Jorgensen.

A. Dalton Harrison, with Mr. and Mrs.E.G. Lukens, departed Friday night forNew Orleans. From; the southern city

the parly will go to the Panama canal,

Brazil and Europe v returning to Cali-fornia in six month's.

Mrs. George Lamb of Benton streetentertained at bridge Thursday; after-noon in honor of Mrs. John H. Walker,

who is spending the winter in SanFrancisco. ' The . guests included Mrs.

Lewis Bissell, Mrs. J. Cal Ewing, Mrs.Herbert Page; Mrs. J. 11. Masterson,Mrs. Theodore iPoindexter, Mrs. Oliver

Haslet Mrs. Charles C. Hanley, Mrs.

.William Van Brunt, Mrs. Charles Kydd,

Mrs. Walter R. Hughes, Mrs. T. W. Ley-

decker,* Mrs. R. B. Foster and MissMiller.

George H. Mastick entertained a stagparty of 12 at dinner at the Mastickhome in Pacific avenue Thursday nigh*.

Mrs. Franklin Noah Dewey washostess this week at the meeting of theWednesday Bridge club. Sue was, as-sisted in receiving and entertaining herguests by Mrs. Edwin Pond James andMrs. Z. T. George.

Mrs. Ellen McXee and her daugh-

ter, Mrs. Percy Brown, have returnedfrom "Eureka and are guests of Mrs.Maurice W. Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. | Mott enter-tained, at a dinner and dance at theTechau tavern in San Francisco :Tues-

Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Mr.-and Mrs. V LucasLewis ' Mr. and Mrs. 11. Mc-

Mr. and Mrs. .1. V. ' \,'ill

M'n.l<Mihall , Mr. and Mrs. A. 11.Mr. and Mrs. C. A. N'ettlctonMueUor Mr. .in.l Mra. GeorgeMr. and Mrs. John S. Stodilard ;

Rom : ' Mr.'and Mrs. BtapletnnMr. and Mrs. l. Smith Mr." and Mrs. K. ;C.Mr. and Un, Jack ' Struttiors

-' S. ;i::on*f-r Mr. and Mrs. JamesMr. and Mrs. C. E. SnhaefTer

Thomas ' Mr. and Mrs. ScottMr. and Mrs. Barnes I -Whitaker *

The wedding of Miss Beatrice Ilerlitzand William Axford will take placeTuesday evening, : February 6, at thehome of Mrs. "C. I". ">Herlitz in Rosestreet. Miss Ora Scharpin will be thebride's only attendant.

Mrs. Fred Sliavely of Woodland wasguest of honor at a recent eveninggiven by Mrs. Fred i;. Moulton at theMoultOO home in Hearst avenue. ' Cardswere played, and;later a luncheon wasserved. Those who met Mrs. Shavelyincluded: ' -.!'\u25a0,*/,\u25a0Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. William

Bot.«ford No* - ..-' ;.-

Mr. and- Mrs. Welling- Mr.' and Mrs. Frederickton Black Kent- -

Mr. snd Mrs. Edward Mrs. Helen SturdyS"olv Miss Blackburn

Miss Justine O'Brien Phillip CarreyDale Wenrieh

Several of the university organiza-tions are planning dances for the open-ing of the ! college term, 'among thesororities to lead being the Delta DeltaDelta, which' has the Professor Far-rington home in Arch street. Therethe dance will be given." Hostesseswill I include Miss Marguerite - Ogden,Miss Edith Logan, Miss" GwendolynPowers, Miss Janet Hood, Miss"JuanitaKyberg and Miss fMildred Drake.

Several guests attended the birthday

day night in honor of their wedding

anniversary.. Covers were laid for -»guests,: including a number of personsfrom this:city./'\u25a0'.."Miss? Edna, Siegfried presided over a

bridge party at her.' home in Alamedaavenue Wednesday.' afternoon. Fifty,

players participated in the tourney.

The hostess was assisted in receiving

by'Miss Marguerite Carpentier, MissMary Bates. Miss Helen Anthony, MissLura Sargent, Mrs. R. B. Valleau. Mrs.Bayard Nourse, Mrs. William Schrotnand Mrs. William Ulrichs.

The Alameda assembly will give adance February • 9 in Adelphian hall.S. M. Haslett, Dr. W. R. Hughes andCharles Davis constitute the committeeof -arrangements.. V \u25a0

Mrs. Wynn red 1til has issued invi-tations; for a bridge party to be heldat her home in Union street next Mon-day. ':' . ' *• \u0084

Mr. and Mrs. C. IT. Howard enter-tained at whist Tuesday theirhome in Walnut street. Their guests

included Mr. and Mrs. f. I. Peacock.Mr. and Mrs. Edward Albert, Mr. andMrs. Clifford Bacon, Mr. and Mrs.Charles Moody and Mr. and Mrs. CharlesParker.

Mrs. Gerald Brooks, who before hermarriage recently was Miss GraceRenner, entertained 10 friends at asewing bee Wednesday afternoon ather apartments In, Lafayette street.

Mrs. John Ten Bosch was hostess ata bridge club meeting at her home InParu strret Monday afternoon. Thjclub members! are Miss Helen Sullivan;Miss Edith Sullivan, Miss Isabelle an*Mi.-s Bess O'Connor, Miss MargueriteCarpentier, Miss Alice Poorman andIf!>. Ten Bosch.

Popular members of social sets of east bay cities, who take prominent part in round of entertaining.


OAKLAND, Jan. 27.— The Bum of|45,0(K) wiil be deposited by the city ofOakland in escrow to secure the SamuelMerritt Hospital association againstpossible damages to property owned Ivy

the association and condemned by thecity for municipal wharf sites. Thesecurity was asked in case the city

should abandon the property afterstarting work »n it and disturbing itspresent condition.


[Special Dispatch io The Call]WASHINGTON', D. C, Jan. 27.—The

following postmasters have been ap-pointed for California: Brooklane,Santa Cruz county. W. A. Hall, vice J.H. Logan, resigned; San Ardo, Montereycounty, T. Winchell, vice F. O. Smith,resigned, and Monolith, Kern county,

p C. Hurt, vice 11. A. Marx, re-signed.

ENGLISH CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS—StanfordI'nlvtrsity. Jan. 27.—The English club haselected the following- officers: President, F.H. Beach '12: vice president. Miss O. Work-man '12; secretary, Miss B. Crosby '12; treas-urer, M. M.'Fojrel '12. Beach is a member of.. I'M ,\u25a0 Beta Kappa scholarship fraternity amitook the -illrig role 1 last semester in the

I English club play, "The Compromise." MlnWorkman has taken the leading feminine part

'at most; of the recent. dramatic productions.


Fourth Aye. CourtInthe Heart ofthe Fourth Aye. District

Big Roomy Lots as Low as BuildingRestrictions $2,000$15 J2O and $25 a Front Foot and $2,500

Fourth Avenue Court is one of the Fourth Avenue Court lots are allprettiest of all the Fourth Avenue within two or three blocks of the car-properties, line, on a splendid 100-foot macadam-

,, j. . r • ized boulevard, and only 15 minutesMany sites have a magnificent view b car from 12lh and Broadway .of the whole sweep of the bay.

The prices include— In the hiBhly imPortant respects ofVIEW, PRICE, TERMS and BEAU-

—Macadamized str TV OF SITUATION the Fourth Aye-

Concrete wai "ue properties of Wickham Havens\u0084r Incorporated are UNQUESTION-

—\\ ater mains ABLY SUPERIOR to any properties—and sewers. now on the market.

Terms as Low as $70 Down and $7 a Month;No Interest or Taxes Until July Ist

HOW TO GET THERETake the Fourth Avenue Cars—With the Red Star

On Broadway and Get Off at Everett Street


Oakland Bank of Savings Building, Oakland


PROGRESS C Wri^^—LJitC<l=M.M»R*—^? PROGRESSTwelfth and Washington Sts., Oakland

\u25a0' •. ' - ' ' \u25a0 '"'..' -..-•".:': \u25a0'' '.' \u25a0\u25a0".'\u25a0 ..:.'. " . \u25a0 '-\u25a0- \u25a0 .'•>; :\u25a0 \u25a0 ' " '-\u25a0 . \u25a0 ' . -

REMOVAL SALEpggggmßHßHl^^MHKMßiHHDßinHnUira mMMUlmriwmmmtnmrmm\u25a0 ....-\u25a0

\u0084...,. .. \u25a0

Our New Home at Clay, Fourteenth and \Fifteenth Streets will be completed on .-t \u25a0

or prior to March 11th, 1912. . ,f. <fo_TfT { J> \ *

Time for Us to Get Ready to Move—Therefore We Announce

A Removal SaleOf High Class Merchandise which—for one reason or another—we do

not want to take with us

Sale Begins Tomorrow Morning, January 29— andLasts Until the Old Store Closes

AH goods entering this sale, and there are many from each department,have been marked at sacrifice prices