The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1895-10-27 ...Toilet Paper, Small Prices. Clever-«S...

24 THE SAN FRAKCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1895. Wool Eiderdowns. LOOM cunning never evolved a more luxurious weave. How the rich, soft surface mellows the tints. Plenty of welcome colors. Largest assort- ment we ever had. Plain colors, 27 inches wide 9^r» .'.'.*.*.'.*!.*.'.'.'.".*.'.' l!.*.*'.'.'.*'.'.'.'.'.' Yard Plain colors, 36 inches wide, 40c, K()f* ::::::::::::::;::^::;; .'..'.'.'.' Yard CREPON EIDERDOWNS, 27 A^n inches wide ttOO •• '...'.".'. Yard Fancy stripes and plaids, 27 KA/» inches wide O\J\j llir Yard ANGORIA EIDERDOWNS, 27 H(\ inches wide 1 l/U A..;: ..... 11^ Yard CINDERELLA FLANNELS, 1 0l n solid colors, all shades, ; JL&2V heavy, fleecy on both sides.. Yard Big line of EMBROIDERED j FLANNELS, cream ground worked with silk, prices from ' 60c to $2 50 a yard Hale's Kid-Fitting Corsets. Are better values to be found ? HALES KID FITTING COR- SETS," made of heavy black sateen, well boned, silk HKf* stitched top and bottom, spe- tlv cial value Each HALES. KID FITTING COR- . SETS, 5 and 6 hook, long and Q-f AA extra long waist, boned with yJ-.1/l/ horn, sateen covered...' Each HALES KID FITTING COR- SETS, extra long: waist and length, also long waist and (j>l £A short length, 4 hook, well \u25a0*-•'\u25a0) " boned, silk stitched Each HALES KID FITTING COR- SETS, longest waist and best made for the money, closely (jj*£) AA boned, French sateen coy- tp^-.1/l/ ered, silk stitched. Each HALES KID FITTING COR- SETS, lonp; ,and extra long waist,boned with whalebone, Q9 \f\ Italian clotn covered, fancy QO.OXJ silk stitched ' Each MAIL DEPARTMENT. Ifyou can't come' in person order by mail, for the mails make us all neighbors. LU' v samples and catalogues ready for the asking. No catalogues distribu- ted in the city. Prices This Week That will draw San Francisco's shrewdest shoppers the know- ing ones here. Wrappers. In best fall and winter styles. LADIES' CALICO WRAP- PERS, good quality, dark ground, with flowers, large ffi»l AA ruffle over shoulder, full «pl.Ul/ sleeves Each LADIES' CALICO WRAP- PERS, red and black ground, Q-t £)•" with white figures, embroid- t£> l.^r) dered ruffle over shoulder. ... Each LADIES' FLANNELETTE \\ RAPPERS, heavy quality, blue ground with white fig- Q1 O~ nres, large ruffle over shoul- O der, pleated back Each LADIES' FLAN N ELETTE WRAPPERS, best quality, pleated front and back, fancy (J*l H** braided yoke, extra large V-*- # •*^ sleeves Each LADIES' EXTRA FINE FLAN- NELETTE WRAPPERS, Persian pattern, two lanre Oi) AA capes over shoulder with em- v*""'"^ broidery edge, full sleeves. .. Each (INCORPORATED). The offerings this week are clearly ahead of any yet submitted this season. The prices, though excep- tionally small, are backed by un- impeachable values. Dress Trimmings. HERE Are Many Exceedingly Choice Away Below the Market Simply Be- cause We Bought Them Right. It Will Be Worth Your Time to Look This Stock Over if Only to Get Ideas. Art Goods, Elegant and inexpensive CALENDARS in various styles, full assortment of1896, prices from .- -18 c 50c Each. Booklets. Dainty, artistic, rich and appropriate sub- stitutes for costly presents, a tine line, ranging in price from 7c to 50c Each. Photograph Frames. A fullline of white metal PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, assorted styles, prices 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 60c. Just in; very desirable. Celluloid Novelties. The most beautiful effects are produced from celluloid by ribbons and hand-paint- ed decorations. Assortment now com- plete of COLLAR-BOXES, PIN-BOXES, CUFF-BOXES, HANDKERCHIEF-BOXES, WORK-BOXES, GLOVE-BOXES, PHOTO-HOLDERS, TOOTHPICK-HOLDERS, CIGAR-HOLDERS, Etc., Etc. New Novelties in Willow-Ware. Assorted Patterns in Enameled Baskets. 50c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25 and up. - Something Very New. Silver - plated Mug, "Patented," for cream, condensad mi'k or syrnp a nov- elty for Christmas or any time; quadruple p1ate.. .. ... .... " Price $3 Rose Baskets. A new line, assorted colors, 20c, 25c, 40c, 50c ' Pretty creations. New assortment of Brass Easels for Cup and Saucer 20c Bisque Figures. One of the prettiest assortments in the city ; prices from ..... .55c to $2 50 each Toys crowd their basement home. Bring the children and let them get a glimpse ahead of Santa Claus. The great Doll Army covers every sort dear to childhood, except the bunched rag. Saturday Specials. Price, Quality, Style in Close Communion. A large assortment of VEIL- "1 A~ INGS, plain and dotted, col- x\J\j ors ana black, SATURDAY.. Yard TOILET PERFUMED SOAP, 6 nc p cakes for £i\)\> As follows: Pilgrim, Curly Maple, Brown Windsor, Elcterflower and Glycerine, special prices SAT- URDAY. The genuine standard O BED- OA rt SPREADS, size 75x85 incises, OUO only one day, SATURDAY... Each LADIES' MUSLIN GOWNS, good heavy muslin, embroid- ery Trimmed yoke, neck and Xfln sleeves, value *75c OUU SATURDAY Each HANDKERCHIEFS.coIored bor- der and plain white hem- stitched, great value .. SATURDAY Each GENTS' TECK TIES, new styles, new silks, new pat- 1 f\ n terns, small knot, value 25c. . -LUC/ SATURDAY Each Men's Furnishings. This department has grown into big favor; maybe the prices make the popularity. What do you think? MEN'S ALL-WOOL UNDER- WEAR, heavy quality, color brown, silk bound neck and front, drawers to match, per <tn r\r\ garment....... JpliUU MEN'S ALL-WOOL UNDER- WEAR, extra heavy quality, natural gray and camelshair color, silk bound neck and front, drawers to match, per &\-t rrr\ garment JpjL. QU MEN'S ALL-WOOL UNDER- WEAR, heavy quality, brown ribbed, silk front, drawers to (JjJI H?L match, per garment.... .. $-*-• •** MEN'S HEALTH UNDER- WEAR, of fine Scotch wool, good wei-zht, self-finished, drawers to match, per gar- <S*£) AA ment *§£i.\J\J MEN'S MERINO UNDER- WEAR, good heavy quality, silk bound neck and front on shirt, Drawers to match, ©1 AA brown color, per garment ... «pJL»UI/ STOCKS are now at their best and show the wonder- ful success of our buyers in gleaning from foreign and do- mestic fields this rich harvest to please alleyes and satisfy every want. Not only are the assort- ments unsurpassed, but the prices are adjusted to figures that suit every purse. Fancy Goods. The one house that's always in the market hunting for new things. '.-V. \u25a0\u25a0;!\u25a0;. ' \u25a0 \u25a0 SILK GARTERS for ladies," with fancy metal clasps and bow of ; ribbon, assorted colors, 25c and 50c. SHELL HAIR ORNAMENTS, a very large variety, prices, ; 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. REAL " TORTOISE SHELL HAIK ORNAMENTS, just imported from Japan— "They are beauties," prices, $1 2 5 , $2 25, $2 75, $4, $5, $7 50. Friday Specials, Cotton Going Up And Prices Going Down Here! HAIRPINS in a neat fancy col- C o ored box, extra value JO FRIDAY Box 10-4 BLEACHED SHEETING, lfj- good standard brand . lOC FRIDAY Yard 10-4 BROWN SHEETING, a good 1A n quality FRIDAY -Lt:C Yard LADIES' ECRU COTTON VESTS, heavy fleeced Jersey QKn ribbed, H. N.,"L. S., silk front, uOC were 50c FRIDAY Each Toilet Paper, Small Prices. Clever- «S packages for 10c. A So. 1 7c package. Fast Orange •• 9c package. Florida Tar •• 15c package. Sew York Leader 4c package. It helps materially to go after goods and fetch them over direct— the cause of some of the prices. Underwear. Regular Stock. The Almanac tells you to gat it now---These prices tell you to get it here. LADIES' WHITE MERINO VESTS, H. N., L. 8., and H. N., S. S., Jersey ribbed, fieece lined, fancy front, crochet KAn edge, per garment O\J\j LADIES' WOOL - MIXED VESTS, H. N., L. S., and H. N., S. S., warranted not to shrink, Jersey ribbed, draw- HrLp ers to match, per garment. .. * d\j LADIES' ALL-WOOL VESTS, H. N., L. S., and high neck, short sleeves, Richelieu ribbed, color black, white, pink, extra-tine quality, per CM AA garment tjjjlivl/ LADIES' ALL-WOOL VESTS, heavy quality, H. N., L. S., Jersey ribbed, natural gray and white silk crochet neck, (JtM ff A per garment <jj)x»t)l/ Thia list only begins to tell of the good things here. Hosiery ! Now is the season to select good com- fortable underwear. You are deciding the size of next spring's doctor bill. CHILDREN'S jsLACK WOOL CASHMERE HOSE, heavy O»r^ quality, wide ribbed, merino £*J\j heel and toe Fair BOYS' AND GIRLS' BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, fine quality, narrow and wide QQI/» ribbed, high spliced heels, 00-jlv double knee and toe Pair LADIES' BLACKWOOL HOSE, 9~ p wide ribbed, good heavy £t*J\j quality, merino heel and toe. Pair LADIES' BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, extra-finn quality, light and heavy weight, high spliced heels, double sole and PjO/* toe, every pair worth 75c, O\Jy special value \u0084- Pair Hemmed Cotton Diaper Cloths. Free from all impurities. Non-irritant, antiseptic, absorbent and durable. Size, 18x80 in SOc Dozen Size. 20x40 in Me Dozen Size, 22x44 in. ... $1.10 Dozen Size, 24x4S in. ... $1.25 Dozen Size, 27x54 in. . .. $1.50 Dozen Thursday Specials, Big Trade Tempters. BLACKGROS GRAIN SILK, 20 H^ inches, heavy quality ' 7 THURSDAY Yard BLACK FAILLE, guaranteed H^n all ailk, 20 inches wide I til; THURSDAY Yard BLACK FAILLE, all pure silk, ©1 AA 24 inches wide, extra heavy.. ijP-L.l/vf THURSDAY Yard 10-4 WHITE COTTON BLANK- ?TA p ETS, good value at 75c, one O\JLi day only THURSDAY Pair BLEACHED CREPONETTE OOn^ n TABLE COVERS, size 30x30 inches THURSDAY Each BLEACHED CREPONETTE 1 0l rt TRAY COVERS, sizes 18x24 itL'lKj inches THURSDAY Each Keep this ad for reference. We cive you fair notice to our specials Don't expect them only the day as mentioned. All-Wool Blankets. __ IT ISN'T alone the weight of a Blanket that measures the warmth of it. The fineness of the wool and its cleanness help; so does the manner of weaving. There's nothing bet- ter than your own California manufacture. * White liTWool-lhe Best. 5 lbs. weight, 72x84 in., per pair.. $5.00 6 lbs. weight, 72x84 iv., per pair.. 6.00 7 lbs. weight, 76x84 in., per pair.. 7.00 9 lbs. weight, 76x90jn., per pair.. 9.00 EIDER-DOWN COMFORTS, at prices to quicken change of ownership; fancy iigured, satin covered, $4 50, $5.00, $6.00 Finest quality silk covered, plain- colored, SATEEN LINING, $10, $12 Each Housekeeping Linens. THERE are reasons in the mi- i terest of economy why you should buy your Linens at HALES. Here is one reason in Towels. Fringed and Hemmed Hnck Towels. WOVEN SHLVAtifc. Size, 17x27 in., All Linen 7c Each Size, 15x30 in., Union.. 8c Each Size, 19x36, Union... 10 l-2c Each Size, 20x41, All Linen 14c Each Size, 20x40, Hemmed. 16 2-Bc Each Size, 20x42, Extra Jleavy 25c Each Lace Curtains. ALL THAT IS NEW IN LACE CURTAINS is here. We have never approached this grand array before. No other house ever before approached our prices. We make mention here of only a few Nottinghams of unusual good value. WHITE OR ECRU: v 81-2 yards by 54 inches. sl Bs pair 1 1-2 yards by 60 inches. sl 50 pair 4 yards by 57mches. $175 pair 4 yards by GOjncncs. sl 85 pair ! Tapestry Portieres. One from dozens, 3J4 yards by 50 ©^ Kfk inches, good assortment of<jJ)O.DU colors, they arej^ood ones. .. Pair Chenille Portieres. 3 yards by 40 inches, in full line fl»o a of colorings *p£.O\J \u25a0 '*". Pair Wednesday Specials, Come Eearly to avoid the crowd. BROWN'S CANTON FLANNEL, OOpl p extra quality, heavy nap, reg- O3I; ular 12Hc .... WEDNESDAY Yard BUTTER-COLORED POINT DE VENICE LACE, some with net top from 2to 12 inches HKp wide, 121.,' c to tIL/ '.. . . WEDNESDAY Yard BLACKSILK BOURDON LACE from 3to 12 inches wide, from r? Xn 15c to tOl/ WEDNESDAY Yard LADIES' ALL-WOOL VESTS, H. N. S. S., Swiss ribbed, good weight, colors gray, HXp white, black, were $1 ..... I *-J\j WEDNESDAY Each LADIES' ALL-WOOL UNION SUITS, rine quality, Swiss ribbed, good weight, H. N. L. S., ankle length, color fastCJO AA black, were $3 Q£.\)\J ............. WEDN ESDAY Suit . CHILDREN'S GRAY AND WHITE MERINO UNDER- WEAR, shirts, pants and OXrt drawers, odd sizes £.*J\j ..... .WEDNESDAY Garment -SNS^-O*-*©^ The logic of this house calls for quick turning of all goods in their season. Goods simply MUST go. The enforcing of this rule makes We think more of dollars than we do of goods. We care more for large sales than large profits. We BUY FOR CASH. We go to headquarters for our goods, and take away in largest quantities. WE SELL FOR CASH. We give no discounts, and we every day give the biggest dollar's worth the good people of Sari Francisco ever knew. It's facts— three=quarters of the people in this vicinage know it. We're after the last quarter. Wonderful Silk Values. THIS is a great Silk Store, and we never tire talking about the beauties. In this ad. are many reasons why San Francisco silk-selling centers here, why wise money spenders rally here. 1000 yards of 22-inch wide EX- TRA HEAVY CORDED OS) AA FANCY LACE, effect silk, $£.UU all staple colorings Yard ELEGANT NEW DESIGN'S and COLORINGS, in fan cy Q 1 n& Persian and fish scale effects, V-*-* in stripe silks, 22 inches wide. Yard EXTRA HEAVY 27-INCH ©1 £A BLACK SATIN DUCHESS, tpl.OU best dye and finish. Yard BLACK SATIN DUCHESS, 27- CM HR inch wide, extra heavy qual- ity Yard BLACKS— The stock is rich, new, fashionable and fullcf excellent buy- ing chances, and Blacks are "top notch" this season. BLACK FIGURED TAFFFTA SILK, 21 inches wide, heavy 7K/» quality, small and medium <JC< designs Yard EXTRA HEAVY BLACK GROS-GRAIN FIGURED A*;^ BILK,' 22 inches wide, latest &U(j designs Yard EXTRA HEAVY BLACK PE- KIN STRIPE GROS-ffiM AA GRAIN SILK, 22 inches tpI.UU wide, 5 styles Yard HEAVY BLACK SATIN^I ft" LUXOR, double-faced, per- «jpl.£.<L> feet dye and finish Yard Black Dress Goods. High-art styles. Thoughts of the wisest thinkers find fullest, very often exclusive, representation here. 44-inch BLACK FIGURED MO- HAIR PIEROLA SUITINGS, ®C) -| £ bright silky finish, latest fad tyu,l.o in fine black novelties Yard 44-inch FANCY MOHAIR LIZ- ARD SUITINGS, a matte- tfM AA lasse effect, covered with me- tJj-L.v" dium and large floral designs. Yard 44-inch BLACK ENGLISH MO- tf»l Q~ HAIRSUITINGS, new fancy $I.^o designs, bright lustrous finish. Yard 46 inches wide, EXTRA HEAVY ©1 X A BLACK FIGURED SUIT- tjpl.OV I INGS, best English make.... Yard Tuesday Specials, The Savings Are Apparent Yours if you want. FLANNELETTES, dark and me- dium colors, 2 to 10 yard lengths, good value 10c til; TUESDAY Yard LADIES' SATIN BELT HOSE- SUPPORTERS, with Lindsey OOpX p clasp, assorted colors and tL*J\j sizes TUESDAY Pair EMBOSSED CARDBOARD PIC- TURE FRAMES, in fancy -j f\n colors, for cabinets, Bxlo J.UC inches TUESDAY Each LADIES' FANCY COTTON HOSE, black boots, opera- colored tops, good quality, IA~ spliced heel and toe, were 250 J.«/l' TUESDAY Pair INFANTS' BLACK COTTON HOSE, narrow ribbed, extra ~i J^p line quality, sizes 4 and A l ',, JLOxj were 25c .. T UESD AY ONLY Pair CHILDREN'S BLACKCOTTON HOSE, narrow ribbed, tine quality, spliced heels and IJf toe, sizes 7, ~% anc * 8, were ±O\j 25c TUESDAY Pair AT HUSTLE PRICES===WILL BE FOUND BELOW. Ready When the Store Opens. Ready all the Week. SILKS. We don't wait until the close of the season to make low prices, but when the people want the goods we want to sell and we sell, don't we? You had to come early in the day last week to reach a silk counter, and this week just as good values better ifpossible. 1600 yards LIGHT-COLORED PRINTED WARP GROS- CM A A GRAIN SILKS, 20 inches $±.vlf wide Yard 800 yards FANCY CREPE SILK, 24 inches wide, just received, CM AA worth $1 60, corves in white, yLUU pink, lignt blue and mais Yard Hundreds of yards of FANCY SILKS in the most elaborate designs, fresh from French Qi C)^ looms, 20 and 21 inche3 wide, bought for this fall's selling. . Yard 1200 yards of a special line of FANCY SILKS, including four styles which have sold (EM OJT this season for $2 and $2 M «jP±»i-D yard, now Yard A great variety of new designs to select from in our 22-INCH fi»l FANCY SILKS, truly art $I.OU work Yard 10,000 yards HEAVY JAP SILK, OfTr. all the popular colors for tuOlj fancy work, 20 inches wide. Yard 600 yards FANCY GASCOGNE SILK, bright colorings, heavy A f\ n quality, splendid for linings, rk\J\j 19 inches wide Yard 6000 yards fancy TAFFETA SILK, in a large variety of Q~ n designs and colorines, all'tbis OOL season 's buying Yard 1250 yards fancy stripe, with cloud-back effects, 10 a 20- aa^ INCH PEAU DE SOIE "UC BILK, special value Yard 4500 yards taffeta, gros-grain and satin effects in FANCY SILKS, 20 and 21 inches CM AA wide, every yard bought this $-L.UU season, only Yard Our silk prices positively cannot be lowered anywhere. Don't take our word alone for it. Shop about, and then come here and buy. Monday Specials. Great Selling Paves the Way to Special Offerings. A NEW LINE of Fancy Silks, two-toned colorings, in new K()n designs, 19 inches wide, guar- O\J\j anteed all silk MONDAY Yard ANEW LINEof Fancy Change- able bilk, large designs in latest colorings, 19 inches R()(* wide, warranted all pure silk \J\jvj MONDAY Yard A SPECIAL LINEof Fine Fancy Silks, 20 to 24 inches wide, QQp have been sold ali the season O«/U ' forsl2sandf;lso..MONDAY Yard PLAIN CRASH, all linen, JTp the heavy unbleached qual- *J\j ity, value" B}£c MONDAY Yard ALL-SILK, SATIN AND GROS- GRAINRIBBON, light colors for fancy work .... MONDAY No. 5 7 9 12 16 22 3 l-3c 6c tT2c 8140 loc 12c" Yard ALL-SILK, SATIN AND GROS- GRAIN RIBBON, black only MONDAY No. 9 12 16 IoT 12T2c Tsc (INCORPORATED). Another Week of Sterling Values. Special Selling for Each Day. Even OUR Customers do not al= ways Have Such an Opportunity. 937, 939, 941 Market Street.

Transcript of The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1895-10-27 ...Toilet Paper, Small Prices. Clever-«S...

Page 1: The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1895-10-27 ...Toilet Paper, Small Prices. Clever-«S packages for 10c. A So. 1 7c package. Fast Orange • 9c package. Florida Tar ••



LOOM cunning never evolveda more luxurious weave.How the rich, soft surface

mellows the tints. Plenty ofwelcome colors. Largest assort-ment we ever had.Plain colors, 27 inches wide 9^r»

.'.'.*.*.'.*!.*.'.'.'.".*.'.'l!.*.*'.'.'.*'.'.'.'.'.' YardPlain colors, 36 inches wide, 40c, K()f*

::::::::::::::;::^::;; .'..'.'.'.' YardCREPON EIDERDOWNS, 27 A^ninches wide ttOO

••• '...'.".'. YardFancy stripes and plaids, 27 KA/»inches wide O\J\j


inches wide 1l/UA..;: .....11^ Yard

CINDERELLA FLANNELS, 10lnsolid colors, all shades, ; JL&2Vheavy, fleecy on both sides.. Yard

Big line of EMBROIDEREDjFLANNELS, cream groundworked with silk, prices from

'60c to $2 50 a yard

Hale'sKid-Fitting Corsets.Are better values to be found ?HALES KID FITTING COR-

SETS," made of heavy blacksateen, well boned, silk HKf*stitched top and bottom, spe- • tlvcial value Each

HALES. KID FITTING COR- .SETS, 5 and 6 hook, long and Q-f AAextra long waist, boned with yJ-.1/l/horn, sateen covered...' Each

HALES KID FITTING COR-SETS, extra long: waist andlength, also long waist and (j>l £Ashort length, 4 hook, well \u25a0*-•'\u25a0)

"boned, silk stitched Each

HALES KID FITTING COR-SETS, longest waist and bestmade for the money, closely (jj*£) AAboned, French sateen coy- tp^-.1/l/ered, silk stitched. Each

HALES KID FITTING COR-SETS, lonp; ,and extra longwaist,boned with whalebone, Q9 \f\Italian clotn covered, fancy QO.OXJsilk stitched


MAIL DEPARTMENT.Ifyou can't come' in person order

by mail, for the mails make us allneighbors. LU' v

samples and catalogues ready forthe asking. No catalogues distribu-ted inthe city.

Prices This WeekThat willdraw San Francisco'sshrewdest shoppers —

the know-ing ones


Wrappers.In best fall and winter styles.

LADIES' CALICO WRAP-PERS, good quality, darkground, with flowers, large ffi»l AAruffle over shoulder, full «pl.Ul/sleeves Each

LADIES' CALICO WRAP-PERS, red and black ground, Q-t £)•"with white figures, embroid- t£>l.^r)dered ruffle over shoulder. ... Each

LADIES' FLANNELETTE\\ RAPPERS, heavy quality,blue ground with white fig- Q1 O~nres, large ruffle over shoul- Oder, pleated back Each

LADIES' FLANNELETTEWRAPPERS, best quality,pleated frontand back, fancy (J*l H**braided yoke, extra large V-*-# •*^sleeves Each

LADIES'EXTRA FINE FLAN-NELETTE WRAPPERS,Persian pattern, two lanre Oi) AAcapes over shoulder withem- v*""'"^broidery edge, full sleeves. .. Each


The offerings this week are clearly

ahead of any yet submitted this

season. The prices, though excep-

tionally small, are backed by un-

impeachable values.


HERE Are Many ExceedinglyChoice

—Away Below

the Market—

Simply Be-cause We Bought Them Right.It WillBe Worth Your Time toLook This Stock Over if Only toGet Ideas.

Art Goods,Elegant and inexpensive CALENDARS

invarious styles, fullassortment of1896,prices from .-

-18 c 50c Each.

Booklets.Dainty, artistic, rich and appropriate sub-

stitutes for costly presents, a tine line,ranging inprice from

7c to 50c Each.

Photograph Frames.Afullline of white metal PHOTOGRAPH

FRAMES, assorted styles, prices25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 60c.

Just in; very desirable.

Celluloid Novelties.The most beautiful effects are produced

from celluloid by ribbons and hand-paint-ed decorations. Assortment now com-plete of


New Novelties in Willow-Ware.Assorted Patterns in Enameled Baskets.

50c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25 and up.- Something Very New.

Silver -plated Mug, "Patented," forcream, condensad mi'k or syrnp

—a nov-

elty for Christmas or any time; quadruplep1ate.. ......... "

Price $3

Rose Baskets.Anew line, assorted colors, 20c, 25c, 40c, 50c' Pretty creations.New assortment of Brass Easels forCup

and Saucer 20c

Bisque Figures.One of the prettiest assortments in the

city;prices from..... .55c to $2 50 eachToys crowd their basement home.

Bring the children and let them get aglimpse ahead of Santa Claus. Thegreat Doll Army covers every sortdear to childhood, except the bunchedrag.

Saturday Specials.Price, Quality, Stylein CloseCommunion.A large assortment of VEIL- "1 A~

INGS, plain and dotted, col- x\J\jors ana black, SATURDAY.. Yard

TOILET PERFUMED SOAP, 6 nc pcakes for £i\)\>

As follows:Pilgrim, Curly Maple, BrownWindsor, Elcterflower andGlycerine, special prices SAT-URDAY.

The genuine standard O BED- OArtSPREADS, size 75x85 incises, OUOonly one day, SATURDAY... Each

LADIES' MUSLIN GOWNS,good heavy muslin, embroid-ery Trimmed yoke, neck and Xflnsleeves, value *75c OUU


HANDKERCHIEFS.coIored bor-der and plain white hem- C«stitched, great value ..


GENTS' TECK TIES, newstyles, new silks, new pat- 1f\nterns, small knot, value 25c. . -LUC/



This department has grown intobig favor; maybe the prices makethe popularity. What do you think?

MEN'S ALL-WOOL UNDER-WEAR, heavy quality, colorbrown, silk bound neck andfront, drawers to match, per <tn r\r\garment....... JpliUU

MEN'S ALL-WOOL UNDER-WEAR, extra heavy quality,natural gray and camelshaircolor, silk bound neck andfront, drawers to match, per &\-t rrr\garment JpjL. QU

MEN'S ALL-WOOL UNDER-WEAR, heavy quality, brownribbed, silk front, drawers to (JjJI H?Lmatch, per garment.... .. $-*-••**

MEN'S HEALTH UNDER-WEAR, of fine Scotch wool,good wei-zht, self-finished,drawers to match, per gar- <S*£) AAment *§£i.\J\J

MEN'S MERINO UNDER-WEAR, good heavy quality,silk bound neck and front onshirt, Drawers to match, ©1 AAbrown color, per garment ...«pJL»UI/

STOCKS are now at theirbest and show the wonder-ful success of our buyers

ingleaning from foreign and do-mestic fields this rich harvest toplease alleyes and satisfy everywant. Not only are the assort-ments unsurpassed, but theprices are adjusted to figuresthat suit every purse.

Fancy Goods.The one house that's always in

the market hunting for new things.'.-V. \u25a0\u25a0;!\u25a0;. ' \u25a0


SILKGARTERS for ladies," withfancy metal clasps and bow of

; ribbon, assorted colors,25c and 50c.

SHELL HAIR ORNAMENTS,a very large variety, prices,

•; 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c.


TORTOISE SHELLHAIK ORNAMENTS, justimported fromJapan— "Theyare beauties," prices,

$1 25,$2 25, $2 75, $4, $5, $7 50.

Friday Specials,Cotton Going UpAnd PricesGoing Down Here!HAIRPINS ina neat fancy col- Coored box, extra value JO


10-4 BLEACHED SHEETING, lfj-good standard brand . lOC


10-4 BROWN SHEETING, a good 1A nquality FRIDAY -Lt:CYard

LADIES' ECRU COTTONVESTS, heavy fleeced Jersey QKnribbed, H. N.,"L. S., silk front, uOCwere 50c FRIDAY Each

Toilet Paper, Small Prices.Clever- «S packages for 10c.A So. 1 7c package.Fast Orange • • 9c package.Florida Tar •• • 15c package.Sew York Leader 4c package.

It helps materially to go aftergoods and fetch them over direct—the cause of some of the prices.

Underwear.Regular Stock.

The Almanac tells you to gat itnow---These prices tell you to get ithere.

LADIES' WHITE MERINOVESTS, H.N., L. 8., and H.N., S. S., Jersey ribbed, fieecelined, fancy front, crochet KAnedge, per garment O\J\j


MIXEDVESTS, H. N., L.S., and H.N., S. S., warranted not toshrink, Jersey ribbed, draw- HrLpers to match, per garment. .. * d\j

LADIES' ALL-WOOL VESTS,H. N., L. S., and high neck,short sleeves, Richelieuribbed, color black, white,pink, extra-tine quality, per CM AAgarment tjjjlivl/

LADIES' ALL-WOOL VESTS,heavy quality, H. N., L. S.,Jersey ribbed, natural grayand white silk crochet neck, (JtM ffAper garment <jj)x»t)l/

Thia list only begins to tell of the goodthings here.

Hosiery !Now is the season to select good com-

fortable underwear. You are deciding thesize of next spring's doctor bill.

CHILDREN'S jsLACK WOOLCASHMERE HOSE, heavy O»r^quality, wide ribbed, merino £*J\jheel and toe Fair

BOYS' AND GIRLS' BLACKCASHMERE HOSE, finequality, narrow and wide QQI/»ribbed, high spliced heels, 00-jlvdouble knee and toe Pair

LADIES'BLACKWOOL HOSE, 9~pwide ribbed, good heavy £t*J\j

quality, merino heel and toe. Pair

LADIES' BLACK CASHMEREHOSE, extra-finn quality,light and heavy weight, highspliced heels, double sole and PjO/*toe, every pair worth 75c, O\Jyspecial value \u0084- Pair

Hemmed Cotton Diaper Cloths.Free from all impurities. Non-irritant,

antiseptic, absorbent and durable.Size, 18x80 in SOc DozenSize. 20x40 in Me DozenSize, 22x44 in.... $1.10 DozenSize, 24x4S in.... $1.25 DozenSize, 27x54 in.. . . $1.50 Dozen

Thursday Specials,BigTradeTempters.

BLACKGROS GRAIN SILK,20 H^inches, heavy quality



BLACK FAILLE, guaranteed H^nall ailk, 20 inches wide Itil;


BLACKFAILLE, all pure silk, ©1 AA24 inches wide, extra heavy.. ijP-L.l/vf


10-4 WHITE COTTON BLANK- ?TApETS, good value at 75c, one O\JLiday only THURSDAY Pair



Keep this ad for reference. Wecive you fair notice to our specials

—Don't expect them only the day asmentioned.

All-WoolBlankets. __IT ISN'T alone the weight of a

Blanket that measures thewarmth of it. The fineness

of the wool and its cleannesshelp; so does the manner ofweaving. There's nothing bet-ter than your own Californiamanufacture.

*White liTWool-lhe Best.5 lbs. weight, 72x84 in., per pair.. $5.006 lbs. weight, 72x84 iv.,per pair.. 6.007 lbs. weight, 76x84 in., per pair.. 7.009 lbs. weight, 76x90jn., per pair.. 9.00EIDER-DOWN COMFORTS, at prices

to quicken change of ownership;fancy iigured, satin covered,

$4 50, $5.00, $6.00Finest quality silk covered, plain-

colored, SATEEN LINING,$10, $12 Each

Housekeeping Linens.THERE are reasons in the mi-iterest of economy why you

should buy your Linens atHALES. Here is one reason inTowels.

Fringed and Hemmed Hnck Towels.WOVEN SHLVAtifc.

Size, 17x27 in., All Linen 7c EachSize, 15x30 in., Union.. 8c EachSize, 19x36, Union... 10 l-2c EachSize, 20x41, All Linen 14c EachSize, 20x40, Hemmed. 16 2-Bc EachSize, 20x42, ExtraJleavy 25c Each


CURTAINS is here. Wehave never approached this

grand array before. No otherhouse ever before approached ourprices. We make mention hereof only a few Nottinghams ofunusual good value.

WHITE OR ECRU: v81-2 yards by 54 inches. sl Bs pair

1 1-2 yards by 60 inches. sl 50 pair4 yards by 57mches. $175 pair4 yards by GOjncncs. sl 85 pair!

Tapestry Portieres.One from dozens, 3J4 yards by 50 ©^ Kfkinches, good assortment of<jJ)O.DU

colors, they arej^ood ones. .. Pair

Chenille Portieres.3 yards by 40 inches, in full line fl»o aof colorings *p£.O\J

\u25a0 '*". Pair

Wednesday Specials,Come Eearlyto avoid thecrowd.BROWN'S CANTON FLANNEL, OOplp

extra quality, heavy nap, reg- O3I;ular 12Hc .... WEDNESDAY Yard

BUTTER-COLORED POINT DEVENICE LACE, some withnet top from 2to 12 inches HKpwide, 121.,' c to

• tIL/'.... WEDNESDAY Yard

BLACKSILKBOURDON LACEfrom 3to 12 inches wide, from r? Xn15c to tOl/


LADIES' ALL-WOOL VESTS,H. N. S. S., Swiss ribbed,good weight, colors gray, HXpwhite, black, were $1 ..... I*-J\j


LADIES' ALL-WOOL UNIONSUITS, rine quality, Swissribbed, good weight, H. N.L.S., ankle length, color fastCJO AAblack, were $3 Q£.\)\J............. WEDNESDAY Suit.

CHILDREN'S GRAY ANDWHITE MERINO UNDER-WEAR, shirts, pants and OXrtdrawers, odd sizes £.*J\j..... .WEDNESDAY Garment


The logic of this house calls for quick turning of all goods intheir season. Goods simply MUST go. The enforcing of this rulemakes

We think more of dollars than we do of goods. We care morefor large sales than large profits. We BUY FOR CASH. We go toheadquarters for our goods, and take away in largest quantities.WE SELL FOR CASH. We give no discounts, and we every daygive the biggest dollar's worth the good people of Sari Francisco everknew. It's facts— three=quarters of the people in this vicinage knowit. We're after the last quarter.

WonderfulSilk Values.

THIS is a great SilkStore, andwe never tire talking aboutthe beauties.

In this ad. are many reasonswhy San Francisco silk-sellingcenters here, why wise moneyspenders rally here.

1000 yards of 22-inch wide EX-TRA HEAVY CORDED OS) AAFANCY LACE, effect silk, $£.UUall staple colorings Yard

ELEGANT NEW DESIGN'S andCOLORINGS, in fan cy Q1 n&Persian and fish scale effects, V-*-*

•in stripe silks, 22 inches wide. Yard

EXTRA HEAVY 27-INCH ©1 £ABLACK SATIN DUCHESS, tpl.OUbest dye and finish. Yard

BLACK SATIN DUCHESS, 27- CM HRinch wide, extra heavy qual-ity Yard

BLACKS—The stock is rich, new,fashionable and fullcf excellent buy-ing chances, and Blacks are "topnotch" this season.BLACK FIGURED TAFFFTA

SILK,21 inches wide, heavy 7K/»quality, small and medium•<JC<

designs Yard

EXTRA HEAVY BLACKGROS-GRAIN FIGURED A*;^BILK,'22 inches wide, latest &U(jdesigns Yard


HEAVY BLACK SATIN^I ft"LUXOR, double-faced, per- «jpl.£.<L>feet dye and finish Yard

Black Dress Goods.High-art styles. Thoughts of the

wisest thinkers find fullest, veryoften exclusive, representation here.

44-inch BLACKFIGURED MO-HAIRPIEROLA SUITINGS, ®C) -| £bright silky finish, latest fad tyu,l.oin fine black novelties Yard

44-inch FANCY MOHAIRLIZ-ARD SUITINGS, a matte- tfM AAlasse effect, covered with me- tJj-L.v"dium and large floral designs. Yard

44-inch BLACK ENGLISH MO- tf»l Q~HAIRSUITINGS, new fancy $I.^odesigns, bright lustrous finish. Yard

46 inches wide, EXTRA HEAVY ©1 XABLACK FIGURED SUIT- tjpl.OV

I INGS, best English make.... Yard

Tuesday Specials,The SavingsAre ApparentYours if you want.FLANNELETTES, dark and me-

dium colors, 2 to 10 yard P«lengths, good value 10c til;


LADIES' SATIN BELT HOSE-SUPPORTERS, withLindsey OOpXpclasp, assorted colors and tL*J\jsizes TUESDAY Pair

EMBOSSED CARDBOARD PIC-TURE FRAMES, in fancy -j f\ncolors, for cabinets, Bxlo J.UCinches TUESDAY Each

LADIES' FANCY COTTONHOSE, black boots, opera-colored tops, good quality, IA~spliced heel and toe, were 250 J.«/l'


INFANTS' BLACK COTTONHOSE, narrow ribbed, extra ~i J^pline quality, sizes 4 and Al',, JLOxj

were 25c .. TUESDAY ONLY Pair

CHILDREN'S BLACKCOTTONHOSE, narrow ribbed, tinequality, spliced heels and IJftoe, sizes 7, ~% anc* 8, were ±O\j25c TUESDAY Pair

AT HUSTLE PRICES===WILL BE FOUND BELOW.Ready When the Store Opens.Ready all the Week.

SILKS. We don't wait untilthe close of the season tomake low prices, but when

the people want the goods wewant to sell

—and we sell, don't

we? You had to come early inthe day last week to reach a silkcounter, and this week just asgood values

—better ifpossible.

1600 yards LIGHT-COLOREDPRINTED WARP GROS- CM AAGRAIN SILKS, 20 inches $±.vlfwide Yard

800 yards FANCY CREPE SILK,24 inches wide, just received, CM AAworth $1 60, corves in white, yLUUpink, lignt blue and mais Yard

Hundreds of yards of FANCYSILKS in the most elaboratedesigns, fresh from French Qi C)^looms, 20 and 21 inche3 wide,bought for this fall's selling. . Yard

1200 yards of a special line ofFANCY SILKS, includingfour styles which have sold (EM OJTthis season for $2 and $2 M«jP±»i-Dyard, now Yard

A great variety of new designs toselect from in our 22-INCH fi»lFANCY SILKS, truly art $I.OUwork Yard

10,000 yards HEAVY JAP SILK, OfTr.all the popular colors for tuOljfancy work, 20 inches wide. Yard

600 yards FANCY GASCOGNESILK,bright colorings, heavy A f\nquality, splendid for linings, rk\J\j19 inches wide Yard

6000 yards fancy TAFFETASILK, in a large variety of Q~ndesigns and colorines, all'tbis OOLseason 's buying Yard

1250 yards fancy stripe, withcloud-back effects, 10 a 20- aa^INCH PEAU DE SOIE "UCBILK,special value Yard

4500 yards taffeta, gros-grain andsatin effects in FANCYSILKS, 20 and 21 inches CM AAwide, every yard bought this $-L.UUseason, only Yard

Our silkprices positively cannot belowered anywhere. Don't take ourword alone for it. Shop about, andthen come here and buy.

Monday Specials.Great SellingPaves the Way toSpecial Offerings.

A NEW LINE of Fancy Silks,two-toned colorings, in new K()ndesigns, 19 inches wide, guar- O\J\j

anteed allsilk MONDAY Yard

ANEW LINEof Fancy Change-able bilk, large designs inlatest colorings, 19 inches R()(*wide, warranted all pure silk \J\jvj


ASPECIALLINEof Fine FancySilks, 20 to 24 inches wide, QQphave been sold ali the season O«/U

' forsl2sandf;lso..MONDAY Yard

PLAIN CRASH, all linen, JTpthe heavy unbleached qual- *J\j

ity,value"B}£c MONDAY Yard

ALL-SILK,SATIN ANDGROS-GRAINRIBBON,light colorsfor fancy work.... MONDAY

No. 5 7 9 12 16 22

3 l-3c 6c tT2c 8140 loc 12c" YardALL-SILK,SATIN AND GROS-


No. 9 12 16

IoT 12T2c Tsc


Another Weekof Sterling Values.

Special Sellingfor Each Day.

Even OUR Customers do not al=ways Have Such an Opportunity.

937, 939, 941 Market Street.