The Salem Stimulus4888b71f4afdaaaef1af-0038b2b972b89fde9f6ba7290fae3264.r16.cf2.rackcdn.… · The...

1 The Salem Stimulus Volume XXXXII No. X October 2014 Communications As an action item from the Open Meetings, the Church Council discussed various means to help keep the con- gregation better informed about decisions made, programs initiated, etc. Here is a summary of the decisions that were made at a recent Council meeting: Bulletin a. The bulletin will continue to be used to make announcements with limited detail. No change is anticipated here. Classes a. The administrative structure that Salem is using is called Accountability Leadership. The Staff will develop a class which teaches the benefits of this methodology and how Salem has implemented it. The class will al- so review the Guiding Principles, required for Accountability Leadership, that the Church Council developed. The length of the class will be 1 hour. There will be an opportunity to take this class this coming fall. b. The class described above will be available on the web site. This is not anticipated to be accomplished in the near term. Email a. Staff will continue to use email to communicate with persons that have expressed interest in their program(s). For example, Family Promise volunteers will get emails on Family Promise. b. There will be times when it is advisable to communicate to the entire congregation via an email. Staff emails will be coordinated so that this vehicle will be utilized, at most, once a week. This will not take the place of the staff emails mentioned in a’. Note: Any church member that prefers, can request a hard copy of an email be placed in their church mailbox. Open Meetings a. Open Meetings will be held 3 times a year, (fall, winter, spring). The lead pastor will lead the Open Meetings with representatives from the staff and a representative from Council in attendance. The congregation can ask questions about programs, church direction, etc. The next Open Meeting will be held sometime this fall. Screens In Worship a. We will continue to use the screens to provide communication prior to the start of worship. Not much change is anticipated here. Stimulus a. Council meets once a quarter. A summary of decisions made will be included in the Stimulus. These will primarily involve vision and direction setting. b. The Staff is managing the churchs programs. They will provide details about new programs and changes to existing programs in the Stimulus. Web Site a. Staff will utilize the web site mostly to communicate with non-members. There will be helpful information for members also. But, the emphasis will be towards attracting non-members.

Transcript of The Salem Stimulus4888b71f4afdaaaef1af-0038b2b972b89fde9f6ba7290fae3264.r16.cf2.rackcdn.… · The...


The Salem Stimulus

Volume XXXXII No. X

October 2014


As an action item from the Open Meetings, the Church Council discussed various means to help keep the con-gregation better informed about decisions made, programs initiated, etc. Here is a summary of the decisions that were made at a recent Council meeting:

Bulletin a. The bulletin will continue to be used to make announcements with limited detail. No change is anticipated here.

Classes a. The administrative structure that Salem is using is called Accountability Leadership. The Staff will develop a class which teaches the benefits of this methodology and how Salem has implemented it. The class will al- so review the Guiding Principles, required for Accountability Leadership, that the Church Council developed. The length of the class will be 1 hour. There will be an opportunity to take this class this coming fall. b. The class described above will be available on the web site. This is not anticipated to be accomplished in the near term.

Email a. Staff will continue to use email to communicate with persons that have expressed interest in their program(s). For example, Family Promise volunteers will get emails on Family Promise. b. There will be times when it is advisable to communicate to the entire congregation via an email. Staff emails will be coordinated so that this vehicle will be utilized, at most, once a week. This will not take the place of the staff emails mentioned in ‘a’.

Note: Any church member that prefers, can request a hard copy of an email be placed in their church mailbox.

Open Meetings a. Open Meetings will be held 3 times a year, (fall, winter, spring). The lead pastor will lead the Open Meetings with representatives from the staff and a representative from Council in attendance. The congregation can ask questions about programs, church direction, etc. The next Open Meeting will be held sometime this fall.

Screens In Worship a. We will continue to use the screens to provide communication prior to the start of worship. Not much change is anticipated here.

Stimulus a. Council meets once a quarter. A summary of decisions made will be included in the Stimulus. These will primarily involve vision and direction setting. b. The Staff is managing the church’s programs. They will provide details about new programs and changes to existing programs in the Stimulus.

Web Site a. Staff will utilize the web site mostly to communicate with non-members. There will be helpful information for members also. But, the emphasis will be towards attracting non-members.


Church Council Selection Process

The Council has developed a method for electing new members to Council. Council terms are 3 years in length. Elected members can choose to serve two consecutive terms. So, each year there may be anywhere from 0 to 4 open positions. Last year, when the initial Council was formed, the 12 members were divided into 3 classes. The class of 2014 served a 1 year term, class of 2015 a 2 year term, and the class of 2016 a full 3 year term. Two members of the class of 2014, (Harry Derrick and Dan Ryerson), have decided to serve a consecutive 3 year term. Class of 2014 members Jo-Ann Seker and Tracey McIntyre have decided not to serve a consecutive 3 year term. We thank them all for their ser-vice. So, there are 2 open Council positions that will join Harry and Dan as the class of 2017. Listed below is the basic procedure that will be used to elect new Council members. A document containing the exact procedure can be obtained from the church office. Parts of this process are reminiscent of how Salem used to nominate lay leaders. We used to use a Nominations Committee, (later renamed to Lay Leadership Committee). The Council now serves that role. Nominees used to be formally elected at a Charge Conference meeting. That hasn’t changed. Council members will also be formally elected at a Charge Conference meeting. 1. Any member of Salem can nominate a member of Salem to be a Council candidate. Suggested qualities of a good Council member includes, but are not limited to: a. Willingness to please God first b. Team player c. Open minded and objective d. Effective communicator There will be a bulletin insert October 5th & 12th allowing up to 2 persons to be nominated. 2. The Council will serve as the Lay Leadership Committee. The Council will use similar logic and evaluation techniques used for years by the Lay Leadership Committee to select those candidates that will be inter- viewed. 3. The pastors, along with 3 Council members, will interview the Council candidates. As part of the interview, each candidate will be asked if they are willing to commit to the following covenant: a. Daily devotions and prayer b. Weekly attendance at Salem Church or another church if out of the area c. Tithing or moving toward tithing d. Participation in at least one hands-on mission of Salem Church each year e. Being part of a small group at Salem Church As a result of these interviews, names of Council candidates will be submitted to Charge Conference. The number of names submitted to Charge Conference will equal the number of open Council positions. 4. The congregation will vote on the slate of candidates as part of Charge Conference. At the beginning of this article, I noted some of the similarities between this process and our former process for electing leaders. Here are some of the differences: * The congregation is now more involved, (candidates are nominated by the congregation)

* More people are involved in evaluating the candidates (the Council has more members than the former Lay Leadership Committee)

* More people are involved in the interview process (a 5 member panel as opposed to one member of the Lay Leadership Committee interviewing a candidate) Submitted by Dave Kline Council Chairperson


What mission projects are small

groups involved in?

What were the results from a

mission project?

In what way is Salem impacting the

community and the world?


Did you know that head lice in children has become a leading cause of

absenteeism from schools?

Although research shows that the prevalence of head lice in households

is not correlated with income, poorer families spend a proportionally high-

er percentage of their income on treatment, due to not having equal ac-

cess to physician-directed care, and miss more time at work in order to

deal with the problem. This results in a greater burden on lower-income


During the month of August, Salem collected $550 to

purchase lice shampoo kits for the school nurses of the

West Shore School District. This translates into 35

kits! Kits are on order and will be delivered to the

schools as soon as they arrive!


Salem volunteers “served beyond the walls” and helped with set-up, assisted

with activities, or hosted a game station at both the Goldsboro and the Roof

Park events. The Fairview Township event (Roof Park) had approximately

2,000 people in attendance and the Goldsboro event was bigger than in pre-

vious years. What a great way for Salem to be involved with the community!



The Ebola outbreak continues to sweep across West Africa. It has spread from Guinea to Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria and Senegal. According to the World Health Organization, 4,000 people are infected with the deadly virus. 2,100 have already died and these numbers are only expected to rise. The outbreak has closed markets and schools, and forced many pub-lic gatherings to be canceled. Due to this, our e-mail communication with our Sister church, J. Hal Smith UMC, has slowed. My last correspond-ence was August 13 and read:

“Thanks for your prayers and thoughts for Sierra Leone. It is truly a mo-ment of grief and sadness especially for those whose loved ones have died. But we continue to be steadfast in the Lord. We lean on His flaw-less records-He never fails. I hope your family is getting on well. Regards to family and church. We are also keeping you on our knees.

Have a blessed one! Rev A.C. Ngaujah


The Wilcox family has recently completed seven years of serving at Una-laska UMC in the Aleu-tian Islands of Alaska and have settled into a new area, home, church and job. Dan is serving as a full—time pastor of Willow UMC. The church hosts a well respected out-reach ministry that works tirelessly to alle-viate some of the af-fects poverty through-out that region of the state.

FAMILY PROMISE— August 17-24

Salem hosted two single moms and their 4 children for the week. One of the families had been living in an abandoned home before they started the Family Promise program. Now that family has their children enrolled in school, mom is employed and they are residing in safe apartment.

SMALL GROUP LEADERS— be sure to keep Laurie Murry

up-to-date on the mission and outreach activities you have

been involved in! Send information to:

[email protected]


“A new place, a new name. I can be remade here. ‘Tris,’ I say firmly.” If you recognize this quote, you may

be a Divergent fan; if not it is a very popular, recent dystopian young adult book. It speaks to our youth be-

cause they long for a place to figure out who they are, to be remade. What joy we have because we know that

place is within the Body of Christ and have the privilege of walking together with them!

It is with high expectations, for this walk together, that I begin this new year of ministry with youth. To tell

you a bit about me- I am married to Phil, our children are Josh, Matt & wife Natalie and Erin. We have

been attending FCSUMC for more than 10 years. As the Director of Youth Ministries, I strive to lead the volun-

teer team in creating dynamic ministries for youth in grades 6 through 12 which help to connect students to

Christ and to one another, help students grow as disciples, to teach them to share their faith, and to serve to

change the world for the glory of God.

As we begin the new year, we will continue to meet Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, for off site activities

and In-church retreats. However, as we focus more closely on becoming disciples who change the world,

there will be some changes for the ministry.

It is with sadness that we have dropped 5th

Quarter from the youth schedule, it was a strong and vital pro-

gram 5-10 years ago and I thank Laurie Murry for her leadership in starting this program, it served our

community very well for a time. We believe God will reveal new, fruitful ways to use the financial, volunteer

and staff resources in this time, please be in prayer for God to show us new ways to reach the youth of the Et-

ters community.

And with joy, we look forward to our new “C-Groups”, short-term small groups for youth who hunger for deep-

er faith and are willing to commit to the challenge for the session. Challenges will involve commitment to

reading, prayer or other ways to dive deeper into God’s love and who He wants us to become.

Also, the pastors and I have been searching for how God wants us to structure confirmation. Our desire is to

move from a confirmation event to a process of discipleship. We do not have a firm plan right now, but

prayerfully hope that we will be sharing the vision of this before the new year.

During The Gathering, we sang the song Hosanna by Hillsong. As I looked at the youth present and heard

these words, “I see a generation rising up to take their place, with selfless faith”, I seemed to hear God re-

minding me that he has big plans for this community of faith!

Please continue to support the volunteers and youth with your prayers. If you feel lead to serve the youth, I

would be glad to talk with you about opportunities to serve. On a normal week, you will find me in the

building Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays; or contact me at 938-1928 x119 or [email protected].

In Christ Alone,

Joan Dean

Director of Youth Ministries

Over the course of the next year we will feature one Fishing

Creek Salem staff member in the monthly Stimulus. Our

hope is that you will learn more about each staff position

and the person that holds that position.

Below is the first submission!


Seats are being saved for you!

at Salem’s fourth annual dinner theater.

Salem Players will present the comedy "Arlene's Beauty World" by Michael Soetaert. Show time is almost here! Buy your tickets NOW! Join the zany characters at Arlene's as they solve an explosive situation!

A delicious 3 course chicken dinner will be served prior to each performance on: Friday, October 17 at 6:30 PM

Saturday, October 18 at 12 Noon

Saturday, October 18 at 6:30 PM

Reserved tickets of $20 are being sold through Oct 10.

Tickets can be purchased in the church office following services or by calling Marsha at 982-1256. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Ticket sales are final.

The dinner theater profits will purchase a generator for our sister church in Sierra Leone and benefit the Making Room for All God’s Children fund.

Join us for a night of delicious food, fellowship, and laughter!

Sign up to help with the Dinner Theater

I am willing to help serve food - Please call Marti Wagner (938-4336) I can be a greeter - Please call Marsha Young (982-1256)

I can help set up on Sunday, October 12 - Please call Jeannie Pelen (579-5164) I can help clean up after one of the shows - Please call Jeannie Pelen (579-5164)

Provide a Dessert - Please call Jo-Ann Howard (938-3216) Advertise the show - Pick up a flyer!

Salem’s 4th

Annual Dinner Theater: Wanted ~ Many Delicious


Over the past 3 years, Salem members have generously donated desserts to help make our fundraiser a success, and we thank you! The desserts are a very important part of the dinner theater, and your donations help to keep costs down and profits up for the church.

We are asking for donations of desserts that can be cut or are made in individual servings: pies, cheesecakes, layer cakes, carrot cake, coconut cake, pumpkin rolls, or other special desserts. Diabetic, sugar-free, and gluten-free se-lections are needed as well. No cookies, brownies, cupcakes, candy or fudge, please. For convenience, please bring desserts in disposable containers.

If you are willing to provide a dessert or need further information, please call Jo-Ann Howard at 938-3216. Sign-up sheets will also be posted closer to the event. Donations are need for three different shows, and we are hoping to provide over 400 servings in all! To properly prepare, donations for all three performances should be delivered to the church kitchen by noon on Friday, October 17th. Thank You, and enjoy the Show!


Mission Central Item of the Month: As seen on TV - You may have seen on local

news that Mission Central is collecting personal protective equipment for the medical

workers trying to battle the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The items needed are

bleach, heavy duty hospital grade latex gloves and hospital grade face masks.

Please place these items in the bin marked "Mission Central Item of the Month" locat-

ed at the end of the hall as you walk toward the Nursery School rooms (rooms 112-

114) toward Valley Road (on the right).



Salem would like to create a devotional booklet consisting of member’s personal stories. These devo-

tions could include a favorite Christmas memory, beloved prayer and any story connected to it, or a

Christmas lesson learned.

Stories should be no more than 400 words. Deadline for entries is October 23. Submission can be

emailed to Susan Ryder ([email protected]) or placed in her church mailbox. Our hope is to print all

submissions, but that is contingent on the number of the submissions we receive.

Scripture lessons for Advent are Isaiah 9:2-7, Luke 2:1-20, and Matthew 2:1-12.These scriptures don’t

need to be included in your submission, but can act as a guide if desired. The stories will be printed,

placed on the web and included in a podcast. Anyone willing to read their submission for the podcast

should include that information with their submission.

The Kitchen Ministry is looking for a

volunteer with the skill to sharpen

kitchen knives.

Sharp knives would make our job

so much easier!

If you have this skill and would be willing to

volunteer your time to sharpen the knives at

Salem Church Kitchen, please call Vicki Inscho


The Kitchen Ministry is again looking for willing volunteers to serve Salem in the kitchen. Our fall schedule includes the following: _____ Saturday, October 4 3:30pm Community service day dinner _____ Friday, October 17 4:00pm Dinner Theater _____ Saturday, October 18 10:00am Dinner Theater _____ Saturday, October 18 4:00pm Dinner Theater _____ Tuesday, November 18 4:00pm Red Land Band Banquet - prep. and serve _____ Tuesday, November 18 6:30pm Red Land Band Banquet - serve and clean-up Please indicate which events(s) you will be able serve and return it to the kitchen mailbox. I am looking forward to working with you. If you have any questions or concerns about Salem’s kitchen, feel free to contact Vicki Inscho by email ([email protected]) or phone (717-418-2010).



For the first part of October we will continue with Adam Hamilton’s Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go. This DVD/study book curriculum shows readers how to receive the freedom that comes with forgiving—even if the person needing to be forgiven is ourself. In his warm, relatable style, Hamilton walks readers through the challenges that come with learning to forgive and ask forgiveness. Freedom, grace, reconciliation, and joy are all promised to those who embrace for-giveness.

On October 19 we will begin Forgotten God by Francis Chan. This study offers a compelling invitation to understand, embrace, and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives. The true source of the church’s power is the Holy Spirit. Sadly, could it be that we’ve forgotten the One who distinguishes us from every religion and cult in the world? Chan contends that we’ve ignored the Spirit for far too long, and that without this Spirit, we operate in our own strength, only accomplishing human-sized results.

Our class meets Sunday mornings at 9:30 in room 213 upstairs. Materials are provided. Visitors are always wel-come!

Here is our teaching schedule for October:

Forgiveness by Adam Hamilton October 5 Session 3 “Seventy Times Seven” Jo Ann Seker October 12 Session 4 “The Dreamcoat” and “Epilogue” Kathy Alford

Forgotten God by Francis Chan October 19 Kathy Alford October 26 Joe Seker

LIBRARY NEWS By Kathy Alford The Fishing Creek Salem Christian Library recently received a set of the most dar-ling books for young children. The series is entitled My Little Camera Book: True Stories That Teach. Linda Finley-Day wrote the books. Each book teaches about a Biblical hero or hero-ine with a simple text and colorful pictures in a board book style. After a child reads a page there is a pretend camera button to push. Each page asks the child to count down from a certain number before revealing her picture. Children will not only learn about the Bible, but they will also practice their math skills! This unique set has the following titles:

The Very Strong Man (Samson) The Brave Boy and the Giant (David) The Good Sister (Miriam) The Beautiful Queen (Queen of Sheba) These books are currently displayed on the computer table in our library. Please come check them out!


Tucked away in a corner of the church office, an architect’s portfolio was found, tattered and old. When we

opened it, we were amazed to find the original deed to Salem Church Cemetery (graveyard) dated 1852.

It was in many pieces, having been taped in the past, but the tape aged and fell off. Upon conferring with

York County Historical Society, it was suggested a scan of the deed be made and hung for Salem Church

Members to read.

The original document was returned to the church office. The framed scan is adjacent to the Historical

Showcase in the narthex. Notice the names on the deed and the cost of the land.

Salem Church as long and deep roots in the Fishing Creek Valley.

Jacob Brown

Salem Historian



We have chosen our books for the balance of 2014 and beyond. We meet at 7:00 pm on the third Thursday of the month.

All women post-high school and beyond are encouraged and welcome to join.

For more information or questions, please contact Susan Schell at 938-4822 or email: [email protected].

October 16th – Rain Dance by Joy DeKok

November 20th – Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler

Project by Jack Mayer December 18th – A Redbird Christmas by

Fanny Flagg January 15th – One Light Still Shines:

My Life Beyond the Shadow of the Amish Schoolhouse

Shooting by Marie Monville

“BLUE HAIR LADIES” Saturday, October 18th, 12:00pm

We will attend the Saturday matinee performance of Salem’s fourth annual dinner theater. The play this year is “Arlene’s Beauty World” and includes some any characters and an explosive situation! A three course BBQ chicken dinner will be served at noon and the performance will being at 1:00pm Tickets are $20.00. Please sign up as soon as possible on the Women of Light bulletin board so that tickets can be purchased as a group.

Call Marsha at 982-1256 with questions.

“BABY SHOWER FOR MARY” Sunday, November 2nd, 12:00pm

We will meet at noon in the Welcome Center to sort and organize the baby items collected. We will then have lunch and some fun activities in Room 115. Subs will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share. Watch

the weekly bulletin for details on what baby items are needed and what dates they will be collected.

New members are always welcome! If you are a single lady and want to make some new friends, join us!

Contact Linda Wrightstone (774-0901) with any questions.

The Salem Senior Luncheon will be

Thursday, October 16th at the Friendly Farm Restaurant in Upperco, MD.

We will meet at the church at 11:00am to carpool.

Contact Velma Coffman (932-8050 or [email protected]) by October 12th to make reservations.


60th Anniversary Celebration

November 22-23, 2014

* Luncheon Nov. 22nd beginning at 1:00pm (please bring a dish to share)

* Original Worship service Nov. 23rd with cake celebration to follow.


Check out what’s happening on :

Sunday, October 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th: 9:30am-10:30am - Small Groups (Sunday School) - All Youth 11:00am-12:00 noon - “The Gathering” Worship Service - All Youth Noon - 1:00pm - The Gathering 2.0 - High School Juniors & Seniors 5:00pm-8:00pm - Dinner & Generation Change * - All Youth

(*) Registration and attendance at all 9 sessions is recommended, but you have to miss we understand

FYI - “The Gathering 2.0” Is a post-worship service digging deeper gathering to talk about the service (lunch included) for High School Juniors & Seniors and young adults. Hosted by Kris Sledge.


Sunday, October 5th - ALL YOUTH & FRIENDS Bishop’s Volleyball Tournament at Mt. Zion UMC, Enola * Noon - 5:00pm * Bring a bag lunch to eat after church prior to leaving for the tournament, or eat at home and be at the church by 12:10pm. * This is a really fund day - you DO NOT need to be a great player to join us, we do this for FUN & FELLOWSHIP!! * Please sign up or email Joan by SEPT. 29th if you plan to attend.

Sunday, October 12th - CROP WALK, All youth and their families are welcome to participate * Watch for details coming from our Director of Serving Ministries, Laurie Murry * Not an organized Youth activity this year due to vacation conflict with Director of Youth Ministry. :(

Tuesday, October 16, 23 & November 6 - All Youth Our First C-Group!!! (small group with a challenge) * 7pm - 8pm * “What Did You Say? I Wasn’t Listening!” * A time for youth who hunger for deeper faith and are willing to commit to the chal-lenge for the session. Challenges will involve commitment to reading, prayer or other ways to dive deeper into God’s love and who He wants us to become. * See youth bulleting board or C-group email for details.

Questions? Contact Joan Dean, Director of Youth Ministries, (717) 938-1928, x119 or [email protected]

Anna Arensdorf 10/17/03 Allison Brown 10/17/97 Cameron Bryson 10/07/04 Ephraim Buzzard 10/22/08 Marissa Duff 10/31/11 Carson Eisenhauer 10/24/00 Zakaria Elabridi 10/31/01 Makayla Elscheid-Murlin 10/02/05 Olivia Frederick 10/04/03 Cael Gibson 10/12/02 Keira Gibson 10/14/07 Sean Graybill 10/20/98 Tyler Kerlin 10/26/05

Klea Lamb 10/12/99 Marley Lamb 10/21/97 Olin Lynch 10/16/05 Marina McKinney 10/09/99 Reilly Meanor 10/30/97 Rowen Meanor 10/17/06 Elijah Musselman 10/05/11 Tyler Rich 10/15/03 Carley Ryerson 10/14/02 Anden Sadler 10/04/06 Bella Sadler 10/26/04 Maxwell Saltzer 10/24/03 Carleigh Schneider 10/04/97 Nathan Stahl 10/08/98 Madison Wert 10/24/04


Please keep in your prayers these people who have had prayer concerns in the last month: Do you have a prayer concern? Please call Salem’s Prayer Chain Coordinator, Fay Brown (938-1190), or contact the church office.

Robyn Adams, Ryan Averalo & family, Matt Beissel & family (death of mother, Ruth Beissel), Georgene Bingman, Scott Binn, Susan Bottomley & family, Jake & Fay Brown, “C” & “J”, Carol, Vincent Cavataio, Frank Chapman, Chris (Mike Lehr’s friend), Chris, Tracy & Jeremy, Christian Relief Workers in the Middle East, College Students, Jean Condon (death of bother sister Dottie Rowland & her first cousin), Chuck Crum (Pam Gladfelter’s brother-in-law), Dani, David & family (Kathie Hoke’s son), Fred DiFlauro, Lucy Diller, Eugene Donnelly & family, Linda Edmondson, James Ellis, Christine Ely, Family of 2 1/2 yr. old child that drowned, Family of Kait, Barb Farrow, Steven Feeney (Judy Novinger’s nephew), Emma Fisher, Bonnie Flickinger (Donna Cassell’s sister), Kayla Fox, Krystell Fox, Fractured families, Anne French, The Gathering Service, Ryan Graeff (Leonard Graeff’s grandson), Teresa Green, Cindy Hammons, Jenette Hanna (Yonette’s twin), Mary & Geraldine Hartman, Hershey family, Annika Horn, Gary Howard, Carol Hutchinson, Jerry, John, Dave Tumolu Johnson, Mark Johnson, Bernice Kemmler (Joy Wilcox’s aunt), Dean Kennedy, Beverly King (Dennis Haring’s sister), Betsy Kline & family, the Lehman family, Sue Lengel & family (death of father, Carl Shirk), Lisa, The Long family, Lou & Melissa Lorello, Sue Lucas’ mom, Cyndy Lyons son & daughter, Pam Mailey, Don Mardis, Patricia Markley, Mary Ann McAllister, Robert F. Miller, Pat Moore, Deb Oakley & family, Mareen Osborne’s nephew, Paul & Eleanor, Jeannette Payne, Karsyn Peifer (Jessie Sander’s granddaughter), Karen Pepperman & siblings (Sharon & Ken), Mark & Cindy Peters, Linda Pomraning, Margaret Rader, the Rader family, Mary Ros-enberry, Shawn Rup & children (Jordan, Kayla, Sophia), Donald Schell, Eric & Alicia Schmiedel (Anita’s son & daughter-in-law), School Children, Micaela May Schroll, Heather Secord, Rob Shank, Ellen Smith, Donna Sozaneck (loss of daughter), Christine Stough, Sarah Stough, Mary Tatem, Teachers & Professors, Bill Thompson, Lynette Tomasetti, Tracy/Jeremy, Mary Faith Van Noy, Mike Wagner, Connie Weigard (death of brother, Al Botts), Gary Welsh (Karon Haring’s brother), Blake Wert, Judy Whealdon, Rebekah Wilcox, Leon Wintermyer, Linda & Ped Young, Salem Cares Ministry, Stephen Ministry, and Salem ’s military.

Dear Friends in Christ, As the new pastor at Unalaska UMC, I want to say “thank you” for your generous gift in May. At the same time I apologize for my late response. It’s been quite a transi-tion! “Transition” seems to be the key word here. The fishing trade defines much of our local cul-ture leaving everything in flux. In the midst of it, we seek to provide a rooted com-munity in faith as well as a voice to help meet constant change. This stretches our resources to the edge, and so your support is crucial. It is my hope that you will continue to support us in gift and prayer. We send our prayers and thanks as part-ners in our ministry. Grace & Peace, Carl Landerholm

Dear Rev. Heisley-Cato, Rev. Overman, & Member of FCSUMC, Thank you so much for the recent monetary donations. We appreciate them so much. In August we fed 135 families for a total of 444 people. So far this month, we have 130 families. At this rate, Christmas will be very busy. Nina Myers & Deb Trimmer Co Directors of the RL Food Ministry

Dear Fishing Creek Salem, We want to thank Pastor Debbie for her kind words & prayers. We also want to thank our church family for all their prayers, concern and cards on the passing of my sis-ter, Dottie and cousin, Marion. It is very comforting to have such wonderful church friends. In Christian Love, Jean & Les Condon

Friends at Salem Church, Thank you for the cards and prayers following my mothers death. It will e hard to live without her but I know she is in heaven without confusion anymore. We will see her there . Matt & Deb Beissel & Family

Thank you to our Salem Family, Thank you to all our Salem Family for their prayers, cards and well wishes during the last several months. With Fay’s cancer surgery, Jakes two cardio versions and then his pneumonia, it has been a long summer. Your prayers and thoughts have sustained us in times they were much needed. Salem continues to be a caring, supportive con-gregation. God Bless, Fay & Jake

Do you have a prayer concern? Please call the Prayer Chain Coordinator, Fay Brown at 938-1190 or call Salem's Church Office at 938-1928 or email [email protected].


402 Valley Road Etters, PA 17319

Nonprofit Org.


Permit No. 110 Harrisburg, PA



Rev. Dr. Deborah Heisley-Cato, Lead Pastor [email protected] Rev. John Overman, Executive Pastor [email protected] Kris Sledge, Pastoral Assistant [email protected] Bonnie Moody, Adminis-trative Assistant [email protected]

Gina Curtis, Director of Salem Community Nursery School Joan Dean, Director of Youth Ministries Crystal Duff, Child Care Coordinator Donna Garcia, Kid’s Club Coordinator Doug Hostetter, Director of Building & Grounds Vicki Inscho, Kitchen Coordinator Cyndy Lyons, Director of Hospitality Ministries Tracey Michelsen, Director of Children’s Ministries Cliff & Sandy Motter, Church Sextons Laurie Murry, Director of Serving Ministries Alex Peffer, Director of “The Gathering” Worship Susan Ryder, Director of Communications Jennifer Ryerson, Director of Small Group Ministries Derek Sandstrom, Director or Worship Ministries Susan Schell, Director of Informal Worship

Church Phone: (717) 938-1928 Church Website:

Sunday Worship at 8:15, 9:30 and 10:45 AM Sunday School for all ages at 9:30AM; Adult Class at 11:00AM