1 T HE S ALEM C ONNECTION MAY 2014 Salem Lutheran Church 21276 Archibald Road PO Box 100 Deerwood MN 56444 Phone: 218-534-3309 Email: [email protected] Website: SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Schedule through May 18 Traditional Worship – 8:15 a.m. Sunday School – 9:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship – 10:45 a.m. Coffee/Fellowship time will be held each Sunday morning between Worship services in the Fellowship Hall SUMMER 2014 WORSHIP TIMES (Decided by the Church Council) May 25 – August 31 Traditional Worship – 8:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship – 9:45 a.m. Vacation Bible School June 16-20, 2014 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL “Weird Animals – Where Jesus Love is One-of-a-Kind!” June 16 – 20, 9:00 a.m. – Noon. This awesome experience is for children age 3 to Grade 6. Fifth and sixth graders serve as Assistant Crews Leaders and should register. MANY, MANY hands are needed to help make this a successful program for Salem and community children. Positions available are: Station Leaders and Assistants for Untamed Games, Bible Adventures, Arts & Crafts, and Critter Café, Crew Leaders for Elementary and Preschool Program., Registration Help, Spotlight (Photographer), Decorators, Clean Up Crew (Friday Noon), Support Staff, Skit Helpers. PLEASE pray that God will bless our preparations and make our VBS a success! Pray that everyone who is involved will experience God’s unconditional love for them, in a very real way!

Transcript of THE SALEM CONNECTION MAY 2014 - THE SALEM CONNECTION MAY 2014 Salem Lutheran Church...



Salem Lutheran Church 21276 Archibald Road PO Box 100 Deerwood MN 56444 Phone: 218-534-3309 Email: [email protected] Website:


WORSHIP Schedule through May 18

Traditional Worship – 8:15 a.m. Sunday School – 9:30 a.m.

Contemporary Worship – 10:45 a.m.

Coffee/Fellowship time will be held each Sunday morning between Worship

services in the Fellowship Hall

SUMMER 2014 WORSHIP TIMES (Decided by the Church Council)

May 25 – August 31

Traditional Worship – 8:15 a.m. Contemporary Worship – 9:45 a.m.

Vacation Bible School June 16-20, 2014

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL “Weird Animals – Where

Jesus Love is One-of-a-Kind!” June 16 – 20, 9:00

a.m. – Noon. This awesome experience is for

children age 3 to Grade 6. Fifth and sixth graders

serve as Assistant Crews Leaders and should

register. MANY, MANY hands are needed to help

make this a successful program for Salem and

community children. Positions available are:

Station Leaders and Assistants for Untamed

Games, Bible Adventures, Arts & Crafts, and Critter

Café, Crew Leaders for Elementary and Preschool

Program., Registration Help, Spotlight

(Photographer), Decorators, Clean Up Crew (Friday

Noon), Support Staff, Skit Helpers. PLEASE pray

that God will bless our preparations and make our

VBS a success! Pray that everyone who is involved

will experience God’s unconditional love for them,

in a very real way!



May 4 8:15 Ed & Sherri Godfrey, Tom & Margaret Lunacek

10:45 John & Raye Cragun, Elsa Ray, Ken Schultz May 11 8:15 Randy Holmvig, Marv & Mary Jo Schoenike, Helen Ryan 10:45 Ernie & Mary Erickson, Dean & Pat Sylvester May 18 8:15 Ralph Carlson, Deb Selk, Chuck Lubowitz, Karla Peterson 10:45 Jay, Sue, Jane & Joey Stromberg May 25 8:15 Larry & Mary Birtzer, Clark & Joyce Marshall 9:45 Renee Gilmer, Laurie Ogard, Roger & Marlene Prill


May 4 8:15 Carol Brezina 10:45 Mary Erickson May 11 8:15 Lynn Hansen 10:45 Sue Stromberg May 18 8:15 Barb Schoon 10:45 SS Children May 25 8:15 Eileen Leino 9:45 Shirley Huxford COMMUNION

5/4 8:15 Wayne & Carol Brezina, Steve Haglund 10:45 Ernie & Mary Erickson, Renee Gilmer 5/11 8:15 Lynn Hansen, Ron & Nancy Meyer 10:45 Diane Meyer, Jay & Sue Stromberg 5/18 8:15 Debbie MacKay, Herb & Barb Schoon 10:45 Krista Bordwell, Lisa Slepica, _________ 5/25 8:15 Doris Carlson, Richard & Eileen Leino 9:45 Shirley Huxford, Wilbur & Arlene Radach

ACOLYTES Early Late 5/4 Logan Peterson Katie McGuire 5/11 Kyle Skeim Matt Stangel 5/18 Nate Williams Tyler Wynn 5/25 Michaela Stangel Marlee Zender


March 30 305 April 6 200 April 13 213 April 20 402


2 Dan Goodwin 3 Jeanne Stangel 4 David Steinke 5 Jim Gabrick, Nancy Schmidt 6 Kathy Minarich, Jim Rude 7 Jonah Jaskowiak 9 Burt Guimont, John Orr 11 Ken Schultz 12 Sean McGuire, Roger Sorben 13 Andy Goble, Jason Holmvig, Rick Johnson 14 Daniel Stirewalt 15 Ken Johnson, Derik Midthun, Kevin Stensrud Jr 16 Elaine Dahlquist, Kirsten Midthun, Ken Nystrom 17 Joey Serfling, Bruce Swanson 18 Kathy Schultz, Jean Shermock 19 Agnes Christensen (104!!) 20 Andrea Bedard, Elizabeth Gavin, Deb Selk 24 Rick Shafer 25 Marian Erickson 27 Tim Coughlin 28 Sadie Anderson, Wendy Christenson, Vi Klungness, Corbin Luke, Alexis Meyer 30 Peter MacKay, Donna Sanderson 31 Raye Cragun, Nancy Johnson, Eldon Reeves


1 Gene & Barb Abelson (1954) 6 Terry & Kris Neff (2000) 7 Chuck & Char Hausker (1988) John & Amy Vukelich (1988) 8 Les & Shirley Taylor (1955) 10 Rich & Eileen Leino (1975) 17 Dick & Lois Hicks (1975) 21 Ralph & Sally Carlson (1966) 25 Rick & Terri Shafer (2001) DeMar & Arlys Wanstrom (1962) 28 Terry & Judy Fields (1960) 29 Claude & Renee Gilmer (1998) Gerald & Jackie Raymond (1954) 31 Jack & Jean Dyste (1947)


Director of Care & Outreach

Greg Meyer

[email protected]

God sure has a sense of humor. The sun comes out

and things warm up and melt, then just as we are

starting to believe that spring is coming, surprise!

Snow and ice and cold and wind and grey and

clouds….a great reminder of who is in charge.

As we come to the end of our Lenten journey for

this year we have been experiencing many

surprises. We are surprised at the cruelty that was

shown to Jesus by others. We are surprised at the

disbelief of His disciples as He faced the cross. We

are surprised at the love and forgiveness Jesus had

for the criminal that hung on the cross beside him

at Golgotha. We are surprised when the women at

the tomb think His body has been stolen. We are

surprised when His disciples don’t recognize Him.

We are surprised that Jesus’ closest friends and

followers struggled to believe. They needed to see

Him, speak to Him, and touch Him to believe.

Aren’t we “them” as well? Don’t we seek proof

just like the disciples did?

Isn’t it awesome that God loves us so much He

wants to surprise us again and again? Isn’t

awesome that He loves us so much that not only

did He send His son to die for our sins, but He also

never gives up on us? His love, forgiveness and

grace are without boundaries. That is no surprise;

as it says in 1 John 4:10, “This is love: not that we

loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as

an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” That is all we

have to know and all we have to believe. It is that

easy, we have all the proof we need, God’s Word.

In this time of transition at Salem, our Lenten

journey has given us the opportunity to engage

many people in worship. It has been a joy and

privilege to be a part the planning team. I am so

grateful, thankful and encouraged by the

willingness of each of you who has stepped up to

share your talents. What a great family of faith we

have at Salem. Thank you!

I extend a huge thank you to Debbi Carlson, Sandy,

Glen and Connie Lou for their extraordinary efforts

to keep everything at Salem running so well. A big

thank you to Deb and Sandy at The Mustard Seed

as well as Pat and Amanda at Salem WEST for

stepping up and handling the extra load in their

ministries. Everyone is doing whatever it takes to

keep the wheels rolling. Longer days, quicker

lunches, shorter breaks…………and doing so with a

smile on their faces and joy in their hearts. We are

so blessed with an awesome staff.

And what about our music team? You simply

cannot sit in the pews without your heart and feet

bouncing to the beat of the music. They too have

joyfully taken on the extra to make each worship

service a wonderful experience. The choir, the

handbells, and the praise team bring God’s Word

to us in such a profound and wonderful way. To

see all the new faces joining to share their musical

talents is such a joy. Thank you.

And most importantly, we are blessed with an

incredible team of volunteers! THANK YOU! We

cannot do it without you. It is so wonderful to

always hear,” yes, I can do that.” That is what a

servant’s heart is all about. We have the greatest

congregation around. You are true Sisters and

Brothers in Christ. What a joy to be a part of this

amazing place called Salem!


The 2014 Honduran Mission Trip was filled with blessings. We felt the presence of our church family of Salem each day through the prayers and many gifts you sent for us to share with our new friends in Honduras. Part of the financial gifts we received were used to feed an entire church congregation a warm meal of chicken, rise, fresh vegies, flat bread, and a drink. As we served the meal and looked into their beautiful faces we saw the appreciation they were able to express to the entire mission team and to you – our church family. Laughter, smiles, hugs and music were shared each day by the team and our Honduran family. Bible Study was a very important part of the day for us. Each morning, we were able to thank and praise God for the upcoming day. The evening Bible Study brought about very positive conversations. God anointed this team to serve without ceasing. Oh yes, our day started with a small cup of Honduran coffee that was able to “jolt” us into service. Thank you for your support and we pray that we may continue our service into the future. Barb Schmidt, on behalf of the 2014 Honduran Mission Team

Salem WEST, Thank you for helping me start over. I am truly blessed. Bless you all! This means a lot! B.A. Small

Dear Salem Friends, Thank you for the flowers delivered to my mom, Laverne Larson Swanson, at Heartwood. It brightens her days and also the visits from Social Ministry. Archie & Deanna Olson

A special prayer of thanks to God for all the wonderful volunteers and staff of the Salem family. Also, thanks for visits to lonely peole by the Salem Social Ministry and the Easter Lily and the Salem kids for the wonderful Easter card. Those gestures are truly examples of God working through His Salem people to fill the peoples’ needs. Thank you. Jim Bendorf

SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL the wonderful volunteers who came and worked inside and out at Salem on April 21 & 22. A lot was accomplished in a short amount of time. Thanks to those who provided treats and served lunch, cleaned up in the kitchen, etc., etc. The response was great! Again I thank all who remember me and all the prayers you’ve given my family. The girls are doing very well. The Easter Lily reminds me of our life with Christ. God bless all of you. Kids, keep making the beautiful cards. Lenore McBroom Thank you for the wonderful send-off celebration on March 30th. The Service of Farewell and Godspeed was very meaningful, and the program after the potluck was touching. I felt the love by the people who were there. Your gift of the mantel clock is prominently displayed on a shelf in my office. It is beautiful and practical. Thank you! We shared many good years together, and while being members of the same family of faith has come to an end, we remain brothers and sisters in Christ forever. I said this often during my 17 years with you, and share it again as my final - and hopefully enduring - message: Keep on loving and serving God by loving and serving people.

May the peace of Christ be with you all. Pastor David and Gayle Anderson

Thank you to the Salem kids for the wonderful Easter Card, visit from Greg and Easter Lily. In God we trust, Jerry & Donna Sanderson Dear Members of Salem, Becky and I would like to thank all those who kept our son David and his family in their prayers during his fifth deployment to the Persian Gulf. He returned to his family in Colorado Springs about two months early on April 22nd and was able to surprise his children. Thank you as well for all prayers for our military and their families and their leaders.

Gary & Becky Guida


The Mustard Seed – Deb Selk, Manager

[email protected]

Despite the ups and downs of the weather we have picked up at the store. We just finished our 3rd Annual Easter Bake Sale. I would like to thank everyone who donated to it along with worked at it. It again was a huge success. We took in over $900.00. This is up above last year’s sales of $885.00.

Pat and I will be representing Salem West and the Mustard Seed at Earth Day which is Saturday, 4/26 Habitat ReStore. Hoping to get donations to bring back to Salem West. The Mustard Seed will be handing out coupons to use at the store. The coupon will read $5.00 off your purchase of $25.00 or more when you shop the Mustard Seed.

Upcoming events at the store include, Mother’s Day Apron Extravaganza which will be held May 1-3. Our Spring Fling introducing garden art will be held May 8-10. We will also be filling the store with Summer/Picnic items for the upcoming Memorial Day week-end. I feel again that God has Blessed us with more donations and the gift of volunteers. Blessings to all, Deb

Jesus told them another parable. The Kingdom of

Heaven is like what happens when a farmer plants a

mustard seed in a field. Although it is the smallest of

seeds it grows larger than any other garden plant and

becomes a tree. Birds even come and rest on its branches.

Matthew 13:30-32


There are many things to celebrate during the month of May – spring flowers, Mother’s Day, the fishing opener, Memorial Day – to name a few. The week of May 12-18 is also Children’s Book Week. Stop by the library and have your child check out a book to read, or check out a book to read to your child. This month Salem’s library has several new books: More Holy Humor by Cal and Rose Samra; Extraordinary Answers to Prayer by Guideposts and The Blue Parakeet by Scot McKnight. When you

stop by the library, remember to check out the “Give Away Box” for interesting books. Our next library team meeting is Tuesday, May 13 at 3 p.m. We welcome new members.


Northeastern Minnesota Synod


Greg Meyer, Mark & Debbi Carlson (voting members), Connie Lou Swanson (visitor), and Beth

Lavan (visitor) will be attending the Synod Assembly in Breezy Point May 2-4. One item of

business at the Assembly is the election of Bishop to our Synod. Candidates for Bishop include

incumbent Thomas Aitken. Please pray for those attending the Assembly.

High School Graduation


The following 2014 high school graduates and their parents will participate in a special blessing at the 10:45 a.m. Worship on May 11: Kristina Anderson, Ben Anderson, Travis Blake, Mitchell D’Ambrogio, Kyle Davis, Joseph Serfling, Joseph Stromberg. Please join in congratulating these young people!

Birthday Open House

Did you know? Agnes Christensen will be 104 years old on May 19th!! Her family will be hosting a Birthday Celebration Open House in Salem’s Fellowship Hall on Sunday, May 18th, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. No gifts, please.

Adopt a Flower Box

THINKING AHEAD TO SPRING: Anyone interested in “Adopting” a flower box, donating money or time to beautify the Columbarium/Memorial Garden area here at church – Please contact Laurie Ogard (218-546-8298). Planting will occur on Wednesday, 5/21 at 1:00 p.m., weather permitting.


Fellowship by Involvement

We met at Salem at 5:00 p.m. on April 14th. We are putting up a bulletin board by the fellowship room, It will be called the FBI board, { Fellowship by Involvement}. We hope to get people to put invitations on recipe cards and place on this board. It will be inviting people to join them in some kind of outing, or activity. You will put the idea on the card with your name and phone number and then someone from the church can give you a call and join with you in what ever activity it is. Examples: You may have extra tickets to a game, a movie, etc and want someone to go with you; Going shopping in Duluth or Cities and want someone to ride along. We will be putting a note in the bulletin, the connection and a notice on the tables in the fellowship hall. We are still encouraging people to mingle on Sunday mornings during coffee, to sit with people you don't know, get to know other people, not just close friends. Wear your name tags, that is helpful for new people,{ and old people.} Greg told us that he has a travel agent working on a fall trip to Branson, and we will help with that when we get the information. At our next meeting we will discuss some other possible day trips. On May 19th Klungness' will host a party at their house for members of our team to identify people who have indicated interest in Salem and invite them for treats and drinks, to meet people from Salem. It will be 6-7:30P.M. Our next meeting is May 12th at 5:00 p.m. at the church, and to go our for fellowship and supper after. At our supper tonight We met two Presbyterian Pastors who were visiting at Clearwater Camp. They were up for an overnight to work on their sermon for Sunday. Met another couple who are building near Placid Lake Road. All who initiated conversation with us were invited to Salem

Summerfest Is Coming!

The first Summerfest Planning meeting of 2014 will be on May 28th at 9:00 a.m. Please plan on attending as we will be designating team leaders for the different areas of the event.

Salem Goes Camping

The Salem 2014 Camping trip will be June 22 to 25, 2014 near Walker Minnesota. There is still an opportunity to join the fun. Please contact Becky Guida at 218-546-5794 or [email protected] for further information of if you have questions about the trip.

Girls Night Out

GIRLS NIGHT OUT is for all women of Salem and friends! Come to Coach’s Corner in Deerwood on Tuesday, May 13th at 5:30 p.m. for dinner and fellowship.

Quilting Ministry

QUILTING takes place on Tuesday mornings in the fellowship hall at 9:00 a.m. and Thursday, May 1, 6:30 p.m. at Heartwood. Quilting WILL NOT be held in June.

Diaper Ministry

Gather in the fellowship hall on Wednesday, May 14th at 9:00 a.m. to help cut t-shirts for Salem’s Diaper Ministry. All are welcome!

Congregation Potluck

We will be celebrating the conclusion of another year of Sunday School with a Potluck for the entire Congregation on Sunday, May 18th in the fellowship hall at Noon. Please bring a dish to share.

Care Center Worship

Salem will be hosting worship at the Care Center in Crosby on Sunday, June 22nd at 1:30 p.m. Residents need assistance getting to and from worship and they are always appreciative of those who stay and worship with them. If you are able to help out, please come to the Care Center around 1:15 p.m.

May Circle Gatherings

SARAH – Thursday, May 8, 9:30 a.m.

NAOMI – Thursday, May 15, 1:30 p.m. at Heartwood




Connie Lou Swanson

[email protected]

Creative Kids – All children in Grades K-6 are

invited to come and create a Whirly-Gig to hang

outside and watch spin in the summer breeze.

(Check out the sample in the lobby.) We will also

have a snack, and talk about the Holy Spirit.

Family Fun Night follows at 5:30 pm. If you let me

know I would be happy to supervise your child until

you come at 5:30 for the meal.

Quilting – Continues during May at Salem on

Tuesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. and at Heartwood

om May 1st at 6:30 p.m. We will take a break

during the month of June. Thank you to all who

donate fabric, quilt tops, and monetary gifts to help

purchase batting so we can continue to make quilts

for Lutheran World Relief, Honduras Missions, for

children who are baptized at Salem! There is a

group of about 25 different people who come from

time to time to labor together for others. Everyone

is welcome.

Knit/Crochet Group – It is not too late to jump on

board with the group meeting Tuesday afternoons

to knit and/or crochet at 1pm at Salem! Some are

learning how to knit, others are learning new

techniques. Come learn with us!

Sunday School Teacher Appreciation Dinner- May

8 at 6:00 pm Teachers will meet at church for this

Mystery Outing.

Without the dedicated commitment of the following

people, we would not be able to have a Sunday

School at Salem. Sincere thanks to: Dee Dee Frahm,

Jessica Jones, Lindsay Nichols, Jacklin Steege,

Krista Bordwell and Lisa Slepica. I would also like

to thank Marlene Prill, Noreen Steinbrecher and

Beth Lavan for their leadership on Sunday

mornings. A recent addition to our S.S. Openings is

“Scooter and Beth” otherwise known as Debbie and

Peter MacKay, providing a short thematic skit.

THANKS, EVERYONE! Please take the time to

thank people for being involved in Children’s

Ministry and for teaching God’s Word to children!

Family Fun Nights – are set for May 7 and 14, 5:30

– 6:30 pm. Now that Lent is over, Family Fun

Nights will resume. Families are invited for a

simple meal and then recreation at the Deerwood

Auditorium. Thank you to all who have helped to

make these fun nights possible!

Sunday School – On May 18th

Sunday School will

conclude for the school year. Sunday school

children will help lead the 10:45 am worship that

day by ushering, greeting and and sharing some

music. The whole congregation is encouraged to

attend a POTLUCK that day at noon in the

fellowship hall. Come and celebrate the conclusion

of our journey through “The Story!”

If you have a passion for children’s ministry and

love connecting with children, we want to hear from

you! Whether you helped last year or are new to

VBS - fantastic! Together we can make Weird

Animals the best VBS ever! Volunteers may

complete a registration form on the and place it in

the can.

Important Dates:

VBS Orientation Training – Monday, June

2, 6pm. This training is extremely

important. If you are not able to attend,

speak to Connie Lou Swanson regarding

online training.

VBS PREP Work Days - Monday, June 9

and Thursday, June 12 from 9 am to 1 pm.

Come and help prepare for VBS!

Watch the Children’s

Ministry table and

bulletin inserts for more

information, for needed

items to stock help us

stock the shelves at

Critter Cafe and MAKE

TRACKS to Weird



Overview of Mortgage & Building Fund March 2014

Mortgage Principal Balance $ 2,062,232.74 Monthly Mortgage Payment

(Principal & Interest) $ 15,408.00 Additional Principal Pymt $ - Building Fund Beginning balance 03/01/14 $ 286,327.05 Income March 2014

Gifts $ 10,578.00 Interest $ 74.22 Memorial $ 50.00 Extra lights sold from Bldg Project $ 4,200.00 Expense March 2014 Mortgage Payment $ (15,408.00) Additional Principal $ - Ending Balance 03/31/14 $ 285,821.27 If you have questions, please contact Sandy Beyer, Financial Secretary (218)534-3309 Monday & Wednesday 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.; Thursday 8:00-Noon

Trio con Brio, a musical ensemble from Sweden

will present a concert at Salem Lutheran Church on

Sunday, June 22, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the

sanctuary. the trio consists of Carina Cederwall,

flute and vocal, Jan Holmgren, oboe / english horn

and vocal, and Stig Andersson, piano /

arrangements and vocal. They are all educated at

the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm. Their

repertoire goes from classical music to well known

hymns via jazz, musicals and film music.

EVERYONE is welcome to attend!


The Story Schedule

Date Chapt # and Topic Focus Text

5-4 #29 Paul’s Mission Early Church Acts 13-14, 16-20; Romans 1, 3-6, 8, 12-15;

1 Corinthians 1, 3, 5-6, 10, 12-13, 15-26; Galatians

1, 3, 5-6; 1 Thessalonnians 1-5

5-11 #30 Paul’s Final Days Early Church Acts 20-23, 27-28; Ephesians 1-6, 2 Timothy 1-4

5-18 #31 The End of Time A New Beginning Revelation 1-5, 19-22

SALEM LUTHERAN CHURCH Social Ministry Governing Board Meeting April 10, 2014 Present: Debbie MacKay, Lois Hicks, Kevin Edstrom, Tom Lunacek, Carol Brezina, Sandy Kretlow, Greg Meyer Also present: Debbi Carlson (taking minutes) MSC = The motion was seconded and carried The meeting was called to order and devotions were led by Debbie M. SECRETARY’S REPORT

MOTION: to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2014 meeting. MSC.


Since the Board did not meet in March, Carol presented financial reports from February and March, 2014.

Income at The Mustard Seed was down a little bit in February and March. The hope is that it will pick up as the weather improves.

Utility costs were high quite high this winter at both Salem WEST and The Mustard Seed due to the extremely cold weather.

The net income in both February and March was low, but there are operating reserves if need be.

Grant balances are healthy. Grant expenditures were reviewed and explained.

There will be further reporting on March Workers Comp expense at the May meeting.

Carol reviewed expenses which included some technology expenses and vehicle repairs.

Grant monies were received: $1,000 from Mille Lacs Electric and $10,000 from the Bremer Foundation.

Greg has requested $5,000 from the Hallett Foundation for cribs.

Greg also has negotiated phone bills down to a minimum monthly expense.

MOTION: to approve the Financial Reports. MSC. SALEM WEST REPORT

The amount of donations are down in every area, particularly household items and furniture.

Salem WEST is now open on Saturdays to receive donations.

As the weather improves, it is expected that donations will increase.

Greg reported on some sources of donations that can be picked up.

The number of orders being filled at Salem WEST is slightly lower than past years. This is due to the fact that Bridges of Hope is sharing in the responsibility of filling orders.



The committee did not meet in March.

Help is needed with sending greeting cards. The committee feels this is an important part of the ministry and will look for others to help out. The Board agrees that sending the cards should continue.


Donations are picking up a bit, but more are needed.

Annual Bake Sale will be held on Thursday, April 17th.

Overall, things are going very well. GREG’S REPORT

Sandy Archibald started as assistant manager at The Mustard Seed on April 1, 2014.

Elaine Dahlquist is again serving as volunteer at Salem WEST. Elaine will be working on verification of information regarding clients and will arrange deliveries and pick-ups.

CEP Worker, Melissa, has completed her time of employment.

MAP conducted a technology audit on Tuesday, April 2. They will assimilate all information and make recommendations. They will help, at some level, to make necessary changes. This was provided through a grant from MAP for Nonprofits.

It has been decided that the Summer Vista program will not happen at Salem this summer. Because we are in a time of transition, the staff is not equipped to take on anything extra this year.

An appeal to a letter stating that we do not qualify for tax exemption on the Suburban has been filed.

Auction and rummage items for Summerfest are already being set aside.

We are on solid footing in relationship with Bridges of Hope. Communication is the key.

The Board is extremely grateful to all volunteers – especially those who worked hard to carry out all the duties during the winter.

All are encouraged to visit the basement at The Mustard Seed. It is vastly improved with the new floor.

There is a family interested in renting the apartment and the Board agrees that they come highly recommended and would be dependable renters. If it turns out that Salem does not need the apartment for an interim pastor, the Board will consider renting to this family.

The Vision Council from the United Way will visit Salem on April 22. Debbie, Lois and Carol agreed to meet with them and answer questions.

There may be occasions during Greg’s medical leave when the Board will be asked to meet and/or work with staff.


April Cause of the Month – Advocates Against Domestic Abuse

The Jail Ministry volunteers are active again. Nancy Meyer may be asked to address the Board in the future about her experience as a Jail Ministry volunteer.

In May, the Board will discuss Angel Tree Camp for kids.

The Task Force on Volunteerism will be distributing Time & Talent surveys after Easter. Data from this survey will be useful in finding new volunteers for Social Ministry.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, May 8, 2014, 5:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned and closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Carlson


Update from the Council

We interviewed one interim candidate. We didn't feel that he was a good fit for our present needs at Salem. I contacted a potential interim who one of you recommended. He plans to retire when he completes his current interim assignment. We do have an interview scheduled with another candidate on April 29. We would like to have an interim soon but it is important to us that the person we choose is willing and able to support our three year ministry goals.

Our Missionary, John Lunn, will visit Salem this summer when he is back in the US.

The three Ministry Teams (Children Youth and Family, Fellowship, and Volunteerism) are meeting and carrying out plans. If you haven't yet joined one of these teams, please consider doing so. The contact people are Diane Meyer-CYF, Mary Erickson-Fellowship, and Chuck Lubowitz-Volunteerism. The Time and Talent Surveys are coming out. Please consider sharing your talents with your Salem Family. We especially need support in the sound booth.

If your teen is in 9th through 12th grade in the 2014-15 school year, please consider the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit next summer. We will need parents to be involved in preparation and fundraising for this event.

Thank you so much to Debbi, Greg, and our music staff for the wonderful job they have done planning worship. It has been great to have so many volunteers to help with worship services until we have an interim in place. We also have pastors available for pulpit supply if we need that.

We appreciate your prayers and support. Lynn Hansen

Our travel guide There are two ways of traveling on the Continent. In the first, you do everything for yourself. You obtain your ticket, look after your luggage, get your seat in the carriage, ask at least three porters whether you are right, and, if you have an imperfect knowledge of the language, you have perpetually an uneasy sense that perhaps you are wrong. There is another method of foreign travel. You employ a Tourist Agency, which obtains your tickets, sees to your comfort, gives you precise directions, provides you, where necessary, with a conductor, and at every terminus waits to greet you. In this we have an apt illustration of the easier way of traveling to heaven. Be at rest in the indwelling and inworking of the Holy Spirit. Only see that he is not grieved, and he will see to all else. —F.B. Meyer (1847-1929)


SALEM LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING April 24, 2014 MSC = The motion was seconded and carried Present: Lynn Hansen, Eileen Leino, Tom Lunacek, Paul Tesdahl, Rae Jean Anderson, Ken Stebbins, Roger Prill, Rick Shafer Also present: Larry Birtzer, Debbi Carlson The meeting was called to order by President Lynn Hansen who began with prayer. COUNCIL STUDY FOCUS: The Mission Table by Stephen P. Bouman LOOK AT SABBATICAL LEAVE POLICY

Larry Birtzer was present to answer questions in regard to the draft of Salem’s revised sabbatical policy.

Discussion followed and suggestions for tweaking the policy draft were made.

The Council will continue to review this document.

The final draft of the policy will be presented for a congregational vote at its Annual Meeting in December. SECRETARY’S REPORT – submitted by Debbi Carlson

One change is needed: The amount Salem received for the unused sanctuary lighting was $4,200.00 total.

MOTION: Approve the minutes of the March 20, 2014 minutes as corrected. MSC. TREASURER’S REPORT – submitted by Financial Secretary, Sandy Beyer and reviewed by Congregation Treasurer Paul Tesdahl

The most current Debt Reduction report was distributed to the Council. It is very encouraging that currently 91.67% of the Capital Campaign funds have been received.

We received $4,200.00 for lights left over from the building project.

The March Financial Reports were reviewed.

Envelope giving is at 23% after the first quarter of 2014.

Other line items were discussed in detail including the amount spent on utilities. At the end of March, 45.94% of the budgeted amount for 2014 utilities has been spent.

An outside firm will conduct an audit in May.

MOTION: Approve the Financial Reports. MSC. STAFF REPORTS

No report from Greg Meyer as he is currently on medical leave.

A report was given to the Council prior to the meeting by Coordinator of Children’s Ministry, Connie Lou Swanson.


Minutes of the April 10th Social Ministry Governing Board meeting were sent to the Council prior to their meeting.

The income for The Mustard Seed was down a little bit in February and March.

Grant balances are healthy.

The amount of donated items is picking up a bit.

Social Ministry has purchased a 2013 Chevrolet Suburban for the ministry.

The relationship with Bridges of Hope continues to work out well.



Facilities Coordinator Glen Helm and the Facilities Team conducted a work day for the congregation on April 21. Many things were addressed: cleaning wood work in the sanctuary, raking, some patching and painting, bush trimming, etc. Around 15 volunteers were present.

A second work day will be planned soon when the Memorial Garden/Columbarium area will be worked on – staining the bench and picnic table.

It was noted that there are several cracks in the concrete that need to be repaired. FELLOWSHIP BY INVOLVEMENT Task Force – Roger Prill

A new bulletin board for this ministry has been placed in the hallway near the fellowship hall.

Group members will be making informative announcements on Sunday, April 27.

A possible trip to Branson, MO is being planned. NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING

The next National Youth Gathering will be in July of 2015 in Detroit.

Lynn H. has spoken with members of the Children, Youth & Family Task Force about possible leaders and received a list of eligible participants from the church office.

Deadlines for completion of preparatory forms have been placed on the Church calendar. The Next CAPITAL APPEAL CAMPAIGN

Treasurer Paul T. will contact 3 different companies for volunteers to interview.

The Council has decided that we do not have the resources available or the expertise to run our own Capital Campaign.

Ken Stebbins, Tom Lunacek and Rae Jean Anderson will work with Paul on selection of an outside firm. BACCALAUREATE – May 4

Salem completed the mailing to CI High School Seniors encouraging their participation in Baccalaureate.

Other congregations will be encouraged to be responsible for leadership in this area via the Ministerial Association.


Evaluation forms have been downloaded.

Staff evaluations will be done on or close to the anniversary of hire dates. INTERIM PROCESS

The Council will be interviewing a candidate on 4/29/14.

Council members will be updating the congregation with announcements on Sunday, May 4. No SOS forms were received. NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: May 15, 2014. 5:45 p.m. The meeting was adjourned. Closed with The Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Carlson


MAY 2014

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:30 AM Story Study Group 6:30 PM Quilting at Heartwood

2 NE SYNOD ASSEMBLY 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study


4 NE SYNOD ASSEMBLY 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM The Story Study Group 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship

5 12:00 PM Cuyuna Range Women’s Club Luncheon 5:30 PM Girl Scout Meeting 6:00 PM Girl Scout Meeting

6 9:00 AM Quilting 1:00 PM Knit/Crochet Group

7 6:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Story Study Group 3:30 PM Creative Kids 5:30 PM Family Fun Night 6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM FINK NITE 7:00 PM Salem Ringers Rehearsal 8:00 PM Praise Team Rehearsal

8 8:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 9:30 AM Sarah Circle 10:30 AM Story Study Group 5:00 PM Social Ministry Gov Board Meeting 6:00 PM SS Teacher Appreciation

9 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study 6:45 PM Family Movie Night


11 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM The Story Study Group 9:30 AM Salem WEST Committee Meeting 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship/HS Grad Blessing

12 9:00 AM Unlimited Learning Mtg 5:00 PM FBI Team Meeting

13 9:00 AM Quilting 1:00 PM Knit/Crochet Group 3:00 PM Library Team Meeting 5:30 PM Girls Night Out

14 6:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Story Study Group 3:30 PM Creative Kids 5:30 PM Family Fun Night 6:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM FINK NITE 7:00 PM Salem Ringers Rehearsal 8:00 PM Praise Team Rehearsal

15 8:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:30 AM Story Study Group 1:30 PM Naomi Circle @ Heartwood 5:45 PM Council Meeting

16 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study

17 1:00 PM Celebration of Life for Clara Johnson

18 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM The Story Study Group 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship 12:00 PM Congregation Potluck 1:30-3:30 PM Birthday Open House for Agnes Christensen

19 5:30 PM Girl Scout Meeting 6:00 PM Girl Scout Meeting

20 9:00 AM Quilting 1:00 PM Knit/Crochet Group

21 6:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 5:00 PM The Heart of Christmas Team Meeting 6:00 PM Praise Team Rehearsal

22 8:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 5:00 PM Social Ministry Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

23 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study


25 8:15 AM Traditional Worship 9:45 AM Contemporary Worship 1-4PM Kyle Davis Grad Open House (fellowship hall)

26 MEMORIAL DAY Church Office Closed


28 6:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 9:00 AM Summerfest Mtg 10:30 AM Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Praise Team Rehearsal

29 8:30 AM Women’s Bible Study

30 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study

31 1-4PM Ben Anderson Grad Open House (fellowship hall)


SALEM STAFF CHURCH COUNCIL Director of Care & Outreach – Greg Meyer Rae Jean Anderson 218-678-2043 Office Manager – Deborah Carlson Lynn Hansen, President 218-678-2051 Financial Secretary – Sandy Beyer Diane Hein 218-678-2699 Coordinator of Children’s Ministry – Connie Lou Swanson Eileen Leino, Secretary 218-534-3502 Facilities Coordinator – Glen Helm Tom Lunacek 218-678-2926 Organist/Pianist – Becky Klingelhofer Roger Prill, VP 218-764-3383 Choir Director – Scott Ruffing Rick Shafer 218-545-1532 Handbell Choir Director – Kevin Edstrom Ken Stebbins 218-764-2587 Kitchen Coordinator – Kathy Schultz Paul Tesdahl, Treasurer 218-546-5036 Salem WEST Facilitator – Pat Bauer Salem WEST Program Assistant – Amanda Meier The Mustard Seed Manager – Deb Selk EMAIL The Mustard Seed Assistant Manager – Sandy Archibald Office/Debbi Carlson [email protected] Praise Team Directors – Becky Klingelhofer Greg Meyer [email protected]

Noreen Steinbrecher Connie Swanson [email protected] Sandy Beyer [email protected] MINISTRY COORDINATORS Salem WEST [email protected] Wedding Coordinator – Kim Coughlin The Mustard Seed [email protected] Cradle Roll – Jessica Jones Glen Helm [email protected] FINK Manager – Kris Schmidt