The Saint David's Star September 2011

September 2011 The Rev. Lisa Mason Interim Rector [email protected] Ashley Miles, Head of School [email protected] Sarah Kates Director of Children and Youth Ministries [email protected] Beth Crowley Administrative Officer [email protected] Jerry Kirkpatrick Parish Administrator jerry-kirkpatrick@ Will Kirkpatrick Enews Editor & IT Consultant Suzan Reagor Director of Exceptional Adults Ministry [email protected] Donna Shreve Financial Officer Seasons of Life “There is a time for everything, and season for every activity under heaven….” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, The NIV Study Bible) South Texas fall and winter seasons are subtle, unlike the often dramatic, una- bashed weather in most other parts of the country when the winter solstice emerges full- blown. If one is not attentive to the calendar, fall and winter seasons in our region feel more like spring and summer. Weather during these times of the year pretends to be something different from the seasonal nomenclature that would apply to the days and nights from Octo- ber through March. During these six months, we get a wink at an impending spring that is yet to come into its own. In many ways, South Texas has two climatic seasons: hot and hot- ter. Seasons in human life are quite different. They are fickle in their occurrence and universal. They are mandatory transitions during which there is laughter, wonder, joy, pain, loss and, sometimes, the unexpected triumph over unplanned adversity. We are foolish if we think the paths of life are uniform in dimension or straight as natural engineering phenomenon. Ra- ther, we are wise if we acknowledge that life’s roads are likely circuitous with dead-ends requiring us to circumvent dangerous obstacles and retrace our steps to start anew on an al- ternate course. Whatever stratagems we use to experience victory throughout life’s seasons, we should avoid the enticing temptation to proclaim, as did the Teacher, author of Ecclesias- tes: “Everything is meaningless.” Traversing across the seasons of life takes courage and wisdom. The process can be hum- bling or exhilarating. The task is daunting. We want to know what to expect and when. Each transition can renew the spirit within or defeat the measure of hopefulness that knits one transition to another. Our identity can be refined if we appropriate the conquering atti- tude to which Paul refers in the Roman epistle: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his pur- pose.” (Romans 8: 28, NIV) I choose not to become browbeaten by the vagaries of the sea- sons of life. Rather, I believe, as does the educator, Parker J. Palmer: “Our inner world has a reality and a power that can keep us from being victims of circumstance and compel us to take responsibility for our own lives.” (The Courage to Teach, 2007) Hello, Seasons! St. David’s Roving Reporter Ethel Porter


The September Edition of the St. David's Star Newsletter

Transcript of The Saint David's Star September 2011

Page 1: The Saint David's Star September 2011

September 2011

The Rev. Lisa Mason

Interim Rector

[email protected]

Ashley Miles, Head of


[email protected]

Sarah Kates

Director of Children and

Youth Ministries

[email protected]

Beth Crowley

Administrative Officer

[email protected]

Jerry Kirkpatrick

Parish Administrator


Will Kirkpatrick

Enews Editor & IT Consultant

Suzan Reagor

Director of Exceptional

Adults Ministry

[email protected]

Donna Shreve

Financial Officer

Seasons of Life

“There is a time for everything, and season for every activity under heaven….” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, The NIV Study Bible)

South Texas fall and winter seasons are subtle, unlike the often dramatic, una-

bashed weather in most other parts of the country when the winter solstice emerges full-blown. If one is not attentive to the calendar, fall and winter seasons in our region feel more like spring and summer. Weather during these times of the year pretends to be something different from the seasonal nomenclature that would apply to the days and nights from Octo-ber through March. During these six months, we get a wink at an impending spring that is yet to come into its own. In many ways, South Texas has two climatic seasons: hot and hot-ter. Seasons in human life are quite different. They are fickle in their occurrence and universal. They are mandatory transitions during which there is laughter, wonder, joy, pain, loss and, sometimes, the unexpected triumph over unplanned adversity. We are foolish if we think the paths of life are uniform in dimension or straight as natural engineering phenomenon. Ra-ther, we are wise if we acknowledge that life’s roads are likely circuitous with dead-ends requiring us to circumvent dangerous obstacles and retrace our steps to start anew on an al-ternate course. Whatever stratagems we use to experience victory throughout life’s seasons, we should avoid the enticing temptation to proclaim, as did the Teacher, author of Ecclesias-tes: “Everything is meaningless.” Traversing across the seasons of life takes courage and wisdom. The process can be hum-bling or exhilarating. The task is daunting. We want to know what to expect and when. Each transition can renew the spirit within or defeat the measure of hopefulness that knits one transition to another. Our identity can be refined if we appropriate the conquering atti-tude to which Paul refers in the Roman epistle: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his pur-pose.” (Romans 8: 28, NIV) I choose not to become browbeaten by the vagaries of the sea-sons of life. Rather, I believe, as does the educator, Parker J. Palmer: “Our inner world has a reality and a power that can keep us from being victims of circumstance and compel us to take responsibility for our own lives.” (The Courage to Teach, 2007)

Hello, Seasons!

St. David’s

Roving Reporter

Ethel Porter

Page 2: The Saint David's Star September 2011

A New School Year


What do all these things mean? St. David’s Episcopal School is back in session! We are happy to welcome both our new and returning students and families to the 2011-2012 school year. St. David’s School is blessed to have a number of new staff members joining our team. Melissa Pritchard will be teaching pre-k four year olds. Liz Cox, St. David’s Church member, will serve as our Motor Movement teacher. Amy Case and Adrienne Jordan will work with our pre-k three year old students as assis-tant teachers. Frank Schweers, St. David’s Church member, will act as our Safety officer- ensuring our children’s well being. Enrollment for the 2011-2012 school year in our pre-k three year old program was so high it necessitated the addition of an-other class! Marcela Hernandez will serve as the new pre-k three year old teacher. Due to the increased enrollment, the school converted the Motor Movement/ Music classroom into a regular classroom. The busy, happy noise of pre-school children will now fill the halls of the church throughout the morning. McAllister Hall has been divided in half and the Motor Movement and Music class will occupy the back half of the hall. Frank Schweers will help the students with this new arrangement- aiding them with transi-tions coming and going, while also making sure no one has ac-cess to the children without proper identification. It will be a fun filled, busy school year. God has blessed us with the care of these precious children. Please keep St. David’s Episcopal School in your prayers. (See more photos on our website :

Ashley Miles [email protected]

Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday

Chapel for St. David’s teachers and church staff.

First St. David’s School chapel of the year

St. David’s School Open House for students.

Holy Eucharist at Teacherss’ chapel

Lesson plans written… check! Classrooms organized… check!

Lunch bag packed… check! Excitement building…. Check!

Page 3: The Saint David's Star September 2011

St. David’s Youth Enjoy Energetic Summer Success! Success! Success! Thank you God and St. David’s for your generosity! Seeds were sown! The numbers for all of the pro-grams this summer are incredible. St. David’s had over 50 children, youth, college kids, and staff par-ticipate in some form or fashion at Camp Capers. The bishops call Camp Capers the “Cathedral of the Diocese” and this is why: Not only did St. David’s have people connected to this amazing place this summer but over 1,100 children came through the gates from all over the Diocese. Camp Capers has been changing lives for over 64 years and this sum-mer, under the leadership of my husband, Brian Kates, has been one of the best. I proudly toot his horn not only because he is my husband but also be-cause he is a member of St. David’s Episcopal Church. Praise God! Vacation Bible School had over 100 children and volunteers combined. We are blessed upon measure. We took a leap of faith this year and allowed 2-3 year olds to participate and God blessed us. This will be a new tradition. It is amaz-

ing to be one of the only places in San Antonio to offer a program for 2-3 year olds during the summer. Families search far and wide for a safe day-program for their little ones. It makes sense to offer one here because of our school and so many were thankful. The Honduras Mission team took five youth on the trip this summer. There were 14 people total on the team. We can only remotely understand the seeds that

were planted in these youth’s hearts. We hope to take the same number of youth, if not more next summer. Thank you for supporting us in this mission effort. Eight youth and I went to the Good Samaritan Center (GSC) in July to deliver school supplies and volunteer for the morning at their summer day program for children in the neighborhood. The youth and I mingled with the children,

participated in their activities and played with them on the playground. The GSC was very grateful for the amount of school supplies donated. We were told that St. David’s do-nated the most out of any church by a landslide. They were very thankful that we brought them early so they had time to distribute them way before school started. Well done, St. David’s! We had over seven youth participate in the Happening and HIS Love Movement this August in Corpus Christi and much to our delight one of our own seniors, Jon Reed, will be serving as the Rector of the next HIS Love in November in Uvalde, Texas. Hooray!

(See more photos on our website:

Sarah Kates

Director of Children & Youth Ministries [email protected]

Page 4: The Saint David's Star September 2011

Jay Buzzini, Lay Reader

The Hon. Tom Lee

Automatic External Defibrillator Demonstration

Byron Buzzini, head of Wack ‘em and Stack ‘em Team

Page 5: The Saint David's Star September 2011

Petting Zoo and Pony Rides

The Borderline Singers from Del Rio

St. David’s Talented Musicians

Ice Cream Sundays sponsored by St. David’s Youth Group

Page 6: The Saint David's Star September 2011

The Rev. Lisa Mason

[email protected]

On your mark, get set, Go! …….and we are off!

In the midst of this hot, dry weather, the rhythm of our fall season is beating at a fast pace. Tuesday, August 23, our halls were filled with giggles, some tears, excited small voices, and lots of hugs as students entered through the school doors. Opening chapel was filled with energetic and joyful students as some moms gath-ered up in the library to shed some tears at the realiza-tion that their babies were indeed growing up. The back section of McAllister Hall was filled and will continue to be filled with movement and music as classes of chil-dren come and go all morning long from music class and motor movement. The Holy Spirit is alive and well and moving all over the campus of St David’s. On September 11th, during the adult formation hour, we will have a fall parish meeting to review the life of the parish thus far in 2011, go over current financial reports, introduce new fall offerings in the life of our parish, and have some time for ques-tions and answers. (Continued in next column.)

(Continued from previous column.) The following Sunday we will offer two Adult For-mation classes. A class on Foundations for Disciple-ship, which explores such topics as: what is a life of faith?, why is Jesus the focus of our faith?, how does the Holy Spirit animate our life in Christ?, why do we have the church?, why do we pray?, why must Chris-tians exercise discipline?, why read the bible?, and what's all the fuss about eternal life? This class will meet in McAllister (a).

The second class will focus on strengthening your marriage, based on the curriculum, Making Love Last a Lifetime, which will meet in the Conference Room. This class will look at the things

women wished men knew about them and vice versa, when the honeymoon is over, habits of unhealthy mar-riages, and more.

Both the Children’s Chris-tian Formation and Junior High Formation are off and running as well as Chil-dren’s Chapel during the 10:30 service. Youth groups have resumed, both kicking off the year with

pool parties, and the Gap group will meet later this month. The first Wednesdays of the month will continue with the next one meeting September 7th. We will have Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm, dinner at 6 pm followed by a program led by Christian Senior Ser-vices from 6:30-7:00 pm. This organization adminis-ters the Meals on Wheels Program as well as several other opportunities which are vital to senior citizens. This is a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages to learn more about the resources available in our community. Wednesdays in October are right around the corner! We will gather for Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm, dinner, cooked by Bob Bucci and friends, at 6:00 pm, followed by two offerings. We will have an offering around the topic of grief and healing. The Rev Mary Earle will join us for two of the Wednesdays; Diane Thrush will be

with us as well as another grief counselor on the other two Wednesdays. (Continued on next page.)

Fall Parish MeetingFall Parish MeetingFall Parish MeetingFall Parish Meeting

First chapel of the school year

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(Continued from previ-ous page.) Our second offering is a class on Spirituality and Film led by Arturo Vasquez; the work of

God is alive and well through the life and use

of film. We have been and will contin-ue to be blessed by our Interim Director of Music, Dr Edwin Rieke, and we are grateful for his time with us. During the month of September, the choir will practice on Sunday morn-ings from 9:15-10:15 am. Our new Director of Music, Robert Brewer, will join us the week of October 3rd. His first Sunday will be October 9th; please welcome him to the

community and get to know him. We have an abundance of wonderful opportunities for all of us to participate in this fall; come and see God at

work in your life and the life of St David’s Church and School.

Daughters of the King's Invitation to All Women

Catherine Lillibridge, President The St. David's order of the Daughters of the King would like to invite all women to our monthly meetings. We are an order who devote ourselves to prayer, study and evan-gelism and we welcome anyone with an interest in these areas to come. In October we will offer a study to those interested in becoming a member of the Order. Please con-tact Catherine Lillibridge, Barbara Stone, Bettie Schrade or Joyce Rowen with questions regarding the meetings or becoming a member.

Our vision statement: "Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision as Daughters of the King is to know Jesus Christ, to make Jesus known to others, and to become reflections of God's love through-out the world."

Thursday, September 29, 2011 in McAllister Hospitality Hall (A) 11:00 am - Holy Eucharist 11:30 am-12:30 pm - Program "Becoming Who We Al-

ready Are Through Prayer, Service and Evange-lism”

Please bring a salad and a friend.

Star Guild Members faithfully send The

Star to friends and family: Dorothy Brown,

Peggy Henry, Willie Lawley, Amory Oliver, Betty

& Ray Foster, and Jean Bevans. Thanks to our

proofreader, Jean Bevans; and our own special

mail carrier, Victor Mux. Thank you for your

faithful ministry.

Look at the Star on our website: The new digital for-

mat looks just like a magazine, and you

digitally turn the pages. It is really cool!

Venture Scout Crew St. David’s has the opportunity to begin a Venture Scout Crew that will be open to boys and girls ages 14-20. Do you have Scout experience? Would you like to help?

You are invited to join a planning meeting on Wednes-day, September 7 at 9:30 am in the Rector’s office.