The Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 provides public … · Copeton Waters State Park. The Rural...

BINGARA Bird Routes UPPER BINGARA 58k round trip Scarlet Honeyeaters. Proceed south 15k, turn left onto Upper Bingara Rd. Note, Serpentine belt (geological formation) 5k along. After 8.5k of scrubby country featuring some Grass Trees more open farming land is encountered for the last 6k to the Fossickers Way intersection left. A favourite camping place for drovers is 5k along the return road to Bingara. 10.5k to Ruby Hill Fossicking area. GRAVESEND / EULOWRIE / PALLAL ROADS Scrub Turkeys. Turn L at intersection of Maitland & Finch streets & proceed along Finch St to T intersection, turn right for .5k. Turn left into Gravesend Rd. Continue 8k to a double iron gate on right enter & after 100m cross creek. Continue 200m to Gwydir River (note Ti Tree,Wattle & River Gums). Proceed 10k on Gravesend Rd to the Eulowrie-Narrabri turnoff & head south for 16k. At the T-junction of Pallal & Eulowrie Roads, turn right for Pallal Creek. Return to Pallal & Eulowrie intersection heading East. For 1.6k the road passes through a Silver Leaved Ironbark woodland. Before entering signed area please phone owner of this unfenced land Austin Mack of “Palal” (67247126). At the Ironbark Woodland sign 600m from the junction the creek to the left may be accessed by foot. After leaving the woodland proceed 10.4k along the Pallal Rd to the Bingara-Narrabri Rd intersection. Turn left for Bingara. This road crosses the Nandewar Range. REFER TO WHITLOW ROAD-MYALL CREEK MEMORIAL 50k round trip Proceed North of Bingara 3k on Warialda Rd. Turn right onto Whitlow Rd. Cross a ramp 2.3k along into Bingara State Forest. Various small birds frequent the creek area. Continue 1.3k to Bobby Whitlow Creek turnoff & follow bush track 0.6k to return to bitumen. Travel 0.3k & cross 2nd ramp. Turn right. Please phone owner Peter Alsop (67241587) prior to entering the scrub through the gate by car or foot. Peter may assist with bird tours. This area is frequented by the Spotted Bower Bird. Over the 2nd ramp 400m to left is a picnic place. Proceed a further 10k to Upper Whitlow Road turnoff. Travel 9k to Myall Creek Memorial. Turn Left onto the Bingara – Delungra Road & travel 23k to Bingara. KEERA ROAD (Bora Creek) – Copeton Dam Road 105k Take Warialda Rd & turn right between the two bridges 0.6 k North from Bingara PO. Proceed along the Copeton Dam Rd for 10k to Bora Creek. Rose Robins & Scarlet Honeyeaters. 28k from Bingara is historic Keera Station. Munro State Forest is to the Left a further 6k. Continue Left to Copeton Waters State Park. The Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 provides public entry to all Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs) and Reserves. Please close gates after you unless they are open. Reports of sightings welcome. WARIALDA Bird Routes CRANKY ROCK NATURE RESERVE Head East from WARIALDA on Gwydir Highway for 5k then Left 3km to reserve. 70 species have been sighted around waterhole & Reedy Creek. Large flocks of Woodswallow, Masked & White-browed. Contact Caretaker 02 67291402 for camping information. KOORILGUR NATURE WALK Begin at Apex Park on Western outskirts of WARIALDA or Rotary Park 2k East of town on Gwydir Highway. This 3.6 k walk can be covered in two stages. The tumbledown gums attract many bird species. Chestnut-rumped Heathwren. ADAMS SCRUB ROAD 54k round trip Begin 15k East of WARIALDA or 7k from Cranky Rock along Gwydir Highway. Turn right at Adam’s Scrub Rd. After 2k pass Reserve Creek Rd This quiet gravel road offers good opportunities for sightings. At main road turn Right for Warialda OR left for Bingara via Fossickers Way OR Gineroi by turning right after 2k onto Oakey Creek Road. This is TSR 37 to Bingara 38k. Continue through open farming country for 8k to the Gineroi Road. Left to Bingara (Right to Warialda 19.5k) at Fossickers Way Road. Right 10k Bingara. GRAGIN PEAK 65k round trip Proceed East along Hope St WARIALDA, cross concrete causeway over Warialda Creek. Turn right at intersection. 3k to Murdering Creek. 19k to T-junction North of Gragin Peak (677m). Turn right towards Delungra. 7 k along, cross Warialda/Reedy Creek which is a popular spot for small birds. 11k to Gwydir Highway. MOSQUITO CREEK – PALLAMALLAWA 98k round trip Head North from WARIALDA over bridge & turn left onto Mosquito Creek Rd. Continue 6k to a creek which often contains water & is popular with small birds. Proceed 34k to Pallamallawa. White-winged Fairy Wrens have been seen close to the village. 17k to the Yagobie crossing & camping & fishing site. Turn left for Warialda via Gwydir Highway. CROPPA CREEK via FLAGGY GULLY –round trip via COOLATAI 155k return via Flaggy Gully 125k Proceed North of Warialda19k & turn left at North Star Rd 11k to Flaggy Gully (National Heritage Trust Environmental Work in Progress site). Turn left 1k further along for Stuart State Forest. Back on tar travel 10k then left at Croppa Creek turnoff. Continue 10k to junction, turn left for 2k then Right 2k to Croppa Creek village. Return to junction & turn left for 15k to Yallaroi ( or return to Warialda ).At T turn left and cross bridge then turn right onto gravel road for 31k to Coolatai/Yetman Road (Rural Getaway). Turn right 10k to Coolatai village then 40k to Warialda. TOWN WALK ALONG WARIALDA CREEK Enter East end of Hope St or beside footbridge Plunkett St. West of town, Ponds near Showground. Freckled Duck, Red-winged Parrot, Pale-headed Rosella,Turquoise Parrot, Grey-crowned Babbler, Inland Thornbill, Speckled Warbler, White-winged Fairy-wren, Little Woodswallow, Brown Treecreeper, Black-chinned Honeyeater & Diamond Firetail. DTHINNA DTHINNAWAN NATURE RESERVE YETMAN 90k North of Warialda Cross the Macintyre River North of Yetman, take first left turn & continue 8/9k RHS Nicholls Rd forest entrance at gate on right near a house to Left. 10 threatened species – Squatter Pigeon (2001 survey), Painted Honeyeater, Brown Treecreeper, Diamond Firetail, Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Grey-crowned Babbler, Hooded Robin, Speckled Warbler, Square-tailed Kite & Turquoise Parrot. More than 100 Woodland species that are in decline in NSW & Victoria have been recorded eg White-browed Babbler, Jacky Winter, Crested Shrike-tit, Varied Sitella, Rufous Whistler & Dusky Woodswallow. 5 B 5 6 7 12 A. seed-eaters B. nectar feeders C. hawkers D. small foliage gleaners E. large foliage gleaners F. gleaner of prey from trunk and branches G. flitter H. pouncer I. bird of prey J. ground-forager Redraw from Eucalypt Ecology; courtesy of Birds Australia BARRABA Bird Routes PLUMTHORPE TSR is 16.5km West of town on the Trevallyn Road Enter gate, and easy drive to Manilla River, picnic and barbecue area at the river bank. Bush camping. Parrots and honeyeaters are common. LITTLE CREEK TRAVELLING STOCK RESERVE is 22.5k West of Barraba. Continue on the Trevallyn Road 2k past Horton Falls turn off. There are tables, picnic shed, toilet and camping facilities. Many birds may be seen among Casuarinas along the creek bank. HORTON FALLS BIRD ROUTE. Regular sightings of Turquoise parrots. Many Honeyeaters including Lewin’s and yellow-tufted. A variety of trees and shrubs in blossom at varying times attract flocks of birds. Regent Honeyeaters have been seen at Elembee Fibre Farm, entry by appointment 02 67831414. COBBADAH TO UPPER HORTON BIRD ROUTE begins 17km North of Barraba Sheep Station Creek, 1km South of the Cobbadah Village and Cobbadah Creek 1km to the North. A large open reserve, clumps of native trees. Most of the 18km road to Upper Horton Village from Cobbadah adjoins a wide travelling stock route. Thick patches of white box, ironbark and a stretch of mature ti tree are intersected by creeks. Grey-crowned Babblers.

Transcript of The Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 provides public … · Copeton Waters State Park. The Rural...

Page 1: The Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 provides public … · Copeton Waters State Park. The Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 provides public entry to all Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs)

BINGARA Bird Routes

UPPER BINGARA 58k round trip Scarlet Honeyeaters. Proceed south 15k, turn left onto Upper Bingara Rd. Note, Serpentine belt (geological formation) 5k along. After 8.5k of scrubby country featuring some Grass Trees more open farming land is encountered for the last 6k to the Fossickers Way intersection left. A favourite camping place for drovers is 5k along the return road to Bingara. 10.5k to Ruby Hill Fossicking area.

GRAVESEND / EULOWRIE / PALLAL ROADS Scrub Turkeys. Turn L at intersection of Maitland & Finch streets & proceed along Finch St to T intersection, turn right for .5k. Turn left into Gravesend Rd. Continue 8k to a double iron gate on right enter & after 100m cross creek. Continue 200m

to Gwydir River (note Ti Tree,Wattle & River Gums). Proceed 10k on Gravesend Rd to the Eulowrie-Narrabri turnoff & head south for 16k. At the T-junction of Pallal

& Eulowrie Roads, turn right for Pallal Creek. Return to Pallal & Eulowrie intersection heading East. For 1.6k the

road passes through a Silver Leaved Ironbark woodland. Before entering signed area please phone owner of this

unfenced land Austin Mack of “Palal” (67247126). At the

Ironbark Woodland sign 600m from the junction the creek to the left may be accessed by foot. After leaving the woodland proceed 10.4k along the Pallal Rd to the Bingara-Narrabri Rd intersection. Turn left for Bingara. This road crosses the Nandewar Range.


WHITLOW ROAD-MYALL CREEK MEMORIAL 50k round trip Proceed North of Bingara 3k on Warialda Rd. Turn right onto Whitlow Rd. Cross a ramp 2.3k along into Bingara State Forest. Various small birds frequent the creek area. Continue 1.3k to Bobby Whitlow Creek turnoff & follow bush track 0.6k to return to bitumen. Travel 0.3k & cross 2nd ramp. Turn right. Please phone owner Peter Alsop (67241587) prior to entering the scrub through the gate by car or foot. Peter may assist with bird tours. This area is frequented by the Spotted Bower Bird. Over the 2nd ramp 400m to left is a picnic place. Proceed a further 10k to Upper Whitlow Road turnoff. Travel 9k to Myall Creek Memorial. Turn Left onto the Bingara – Delungra Road & travel 23k to Bingara.

KEERA ROAD (Bora Creek) – Copeton Dam Road 105kTake Warialda Rd & turn right between the two bridges 0.6 k North from Bingara PO. Proceed along the Copeton Dam Rd for 10k to Bora Creek. Rose Robins & Scarlet Honeyeaters. 28k from Bingara is historic Keera Station. Munro State Forest is to the Left a further 6k. Continue Left to Copeton Waters State Park.

The Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 provides public entry to all Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs) and

Reserves. Please close gates after you unless they are open. Reports of sightings welcome.

WARIALDA Bird RoutesCRANKY ROCK NATURE RESERVE Head East from WARIALDA on Gwydir Highway for 5k then Left 3km to reserve. 70 species have been sighted around waterhole & Reedy Creek. Large flocks of Woodswallow, Masked & White-browed. Contact Caretaker 02 67291402 for camping information.

KOORILGUR NATURE WALK Begin at Apex Park on Western outskirts of WARIALDA or Rotary Park 2k East of town on Gwydir Highway. This 3.6 k walk can be covered in two stages. The tumbledown gums attract many bird species. Chestnut-rumped Heathwren.

ADAMS SCRUB ROAD 54k round trip Begin 15k East of WARIALDA or 7k from Cranky Rock along Gwydir Highway. Turn right at Adam’s Scrub Rd. After 2k pass Reserve Creek Rd This quiet gravel road offers good opportunities for sightings. At main road turn Right for Warialda OR left for Bingara via Fossickers Way OR Gineroi

by turning right after 2k onto Oakey Creek Road. This is TSR 37 to Bingara 38k. Continue

through open farming country for 8k to the Gineroi Road. Left to Bingara (Right to Warialda 19.5k) at

Fossickers Way Road. Right 10k Bingara.

GRAGIN PEAK 65k round trip Proceed East along Hope St WARIALDA, cross concrete causeway over

Warialda Creek. Turn right at intersection. 3k to Murdering Creek. 19k to T-junction North of Gragin Peak (677m). Turn

right towards Delungra. 7 k along, cross Warialda/Reedy Creek which is a popular spot for small birds. 11k to Gwydir


MOSQUITO CREEK – PALLAMALLAWA 98k round trip Head North from WARIALDA over bridge & turn left onto Mosquito Creek Rd.

Continue 6k to a creek which often contains water & is popular with small birds. Proceed 34k to Pallamallawa. White-winged Fairy Wrens have

been seen close to the village. 17k to the Yagobie crossing & camping & fishing site. Turn left for Warialda via Gwydir Highway.

CROPPA CREEK via FLAGGY GULLY –round trip via COOLATAI 155k return via Flaggy Gully 125k Proceed North of Warialda19k & turn left at North Star Rd 11k to Flaggy Gully (National Heritage Trust Environmental Work in Progress site). Turn left 1k further along for Stuart State Forest. Back on tar travel 10k then left at Croppa Creek turnoff. Continue 10k to junction, turn left for 2k then Right 2k to Croppa Creek village. Return to junction & turn left for 15k to Yallaroi ( or return to Warialda ).At T turn left and cross bridge then turn right onto gravel road for 31k to Coolatai/Yetman Road (Rural Getaway). Turn right 10k to Coolatai village then 40k to Warialda.

TOWN WALK ALONG WARIALDA CREEK Enter East end of Hope St or beside footbridge Plunkett St.

West of town, Ponds near Showground. Freckled Duck, Red-winged Parrot, Pale-headed Rosella,Turquoise Parrot, Grey-crowned Babbler, Inland Thornbill, Speckled Warbler, White-winged Fairy-wren, Little Woodswallow, Brown Treecreeper, Black-chinned Honeyeater & Diamond Firetail.

DTHINNA DTHINNAWAN NATURE RESERVE YETMAN 90k North of Warialda Cross the Macintyre River North of Yetman, take first left turn

& continue 8/9k RHS Nicholls Rd forest entrance at gate on right near a house to Left. 10 threatened species –

Squatter Pigeon (2001 survey), Painted Honeyeater, Brown Treecreeper, Diamond Firetail, Glossy

Black-Cockatoo, Grey-crowned Babbler, Hooded Robin, Speckled Warbler, Square-tailed Kite &

Turquoise Parrot. More than 100 Woodland species that are in decline in NSW & Victoria have been

recorded eg White-browed Babbler, Jacky Winter, Crested Shrike-tit, Varied Sitella, Rufous

Whistler & Dusky Woodswallow. 5 B





A. seed-eatersB. nectar feedersC. hawkersD. small foliage gleanersE. large foliage gleanersF. gleaner of prey from trunk

and branchesG. flitterH. pouncerI. bird of preyJ. ground-forager

Redraw from Eucalypt Ecology;courtesy of Birds Australia

BARRABA Bird Routes

PLUMTHORPE TSR is 16.5km West of town on the Trevallyn Road Enter gate, and easy drive to Manilla River, picnic and barbecue area at the river bank. Bush camping. Parrots and honeyeaters are common.

LITTLE CREEK TRAVELLING STOCK RESERVE is 22.5k West of Barraba. Continue on the Trevallyn Road 2k past Horton Falls turn off. There are tables, picnic shed, toilet and camping facilities. Many birds may be seen among Casuarinas along the creek bank.

HORTON FALLS BIRD ROUTE. Regular sightings of Turquoise parrots. Many Honeyeaters including Lewin’s and yellow-tufted. A variety of trees and shrubs in blossom at varying times attract flocks of birds. Regent Honeyeaters have been seen at Elembee Fibre Farm, entry by appointment 02 67831414.

COBBADAH TO UPPER HORTON BIRD ROUTE begins 17km North of Barraba Sheep Station Creek, 1km South of the Cobbadah Village and Cobbadah Creek 1km to the North. A large open reserve, clumps of native trees. Most of the 18km road to Upper Horton Village from Cobbadah adjoins a wide travelling stock route. Thick patches of white box, ironbark and a stretch of mature ti tree are intersected by creeks. Grey-crowned Babblers.

Page 2: The Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 provides public … · Copeton Waters State Park. The Rural Lands Protection Act 1989 provides public entry to all Travelling Stock Routes (TSRs)


Stubble QuailBrown Quail

Plumed Whistling-DuckBlue-billed Duck

Musk DuckFreckled DuckBlack Swan

Austrailian Wood DuckPacific Black Duck

Australasian ShovelerGrey Teal

Chestnut TealPink-eared Duck


Australasian Grebe Hoary-headed GrebeGreat Crested Grebe

DarterLittle Pied Cormorant

Pied CormorantLittle Black Cormorant

Great CormorantAustralian Pelican

White-faced HeronLittle Egret

White-necked HeronGreat Egret

Intermediate EgretCattle Egret

Nankeen Night HeronGlossy Ibis

Australian White IbisStraw-necked IbisRoyal Spoonbill

Yellow-billed Spoonbill

Pacific BazaBlack-shouldered Kite

Square-tailed Kite

Red-tailed Black-CockatooGlossy Black-Cockatoo

Yellow-tailed Black-CockatooGalah

Little CorellaSulphur-crested Cockatoo

CockatielRainbow Lorikeet

Scaly-breasted LorikeetMusk LorikeetLittle Lorikeet

Australian King ParrotRed-winged ParrotCrimson RosellaEastern Rosella

Pale-headed RosellaAustralian Ringneck

Blue BonnetRed-rumped Parrot

BudgerigarTurquoise Parrot

Pallid CuckooBrush Cuckoo

Fan-tailed CuckooBlack-eared Cuckoo

Horsfield’s Bronze-CuckooShining Bronze-Cuckoo

Common KoelChannel-billed Cuckoo

Barking OwlSouthern Boobook

Barn OwlTawny Frogmouth

White-throated NightjarAustralian Owlet-nightjar

White-throated NeedletailFork-tailed SwiftAzure Kingfisher

Laughing KookaburraRed-backed Kingfisher

Sacred KingfisherRainbow Bee-eater


White-throated TreecreeperBrown Treecreeper

Superb Fairy-wrenVariegated Fairy-wren

White-winged Fairy-wren

Spotted PardaloteStriated Pardalote

White-browed ScrubwrenSpeckled Warbler

WeebillWestern Gerygone

White-throated GerygoneBrown ThornbillInland Thornbill

Chestnut-rumped ThornbillBuff-rumped Thornbill

Yellow-rumped ThornbillYellow Thornbill

Striated ThornbillSouthern Whiteface

Red WattlebirdSpiny-cheeked Honeyeater

Striped HoneyeaterNoisy FriarbirdLittle Friarbird

Regent HoneyeaterBlue-faced Honeyeater

Noisy MinerYellow-throated Miner

Yellow-faced HoneyeaterSinging Honeyeater

White-eared HoneyeaterYellow-tufted Honeyeater

Fuscous HoneyeaterWhite-plumed Honeyeater

Black KiteWhistling Kite

White-bellied Sea-EagleSpotted Harrier Brown Goshawk

Collared SparrowhawkWedge-tailed Eagle

Little EagleBrown Falcon

Australian HobbyBlack Falcon

Peregrine FalconNankeen Kestrel

Lewin’s RailBaillon’s CrakeSpotless Crake

Purple SwamphenDusky Moorhen

Black-tailed Native-henEurasian Coot

Little Button-quailRed-chested Button-quail

Painted Button-quail

Latham’s SnipeCommon SandpiperBlack-winged Stilt

Red-necked AvocetRed-capped DotterelBlack-fronted DotterelRed-kneed Dotterel

Banded LapwingMasked Lapwing

Australian Pratincole

Silver Gull

Rock DoveCommon Bronzewing

Crested PigeonDiamond DovePeaceful Dove

Bar-shouldered Dove

Brown-headed HoneyeaterBlack-chinned Honeyeater

Painted HoneyeaterScarlet Honeyeater

White-fronted ChatJacky WinterScarlet Robin

Red-capped RobinFlame RobinRose Robin

Hooded RobinEastern Yellow Robin

Grey-crowned BabblerWhite-Browed Babbler

Varied SittellaCrested Shrike-titCrested BellbirdGolden WhistlerRufous Whistler

Grey Shrike-thrush

Leaden FlycatcherRestless Flycatcher

Magpie-larkGrey FantailWillie Wagtail

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikeWhite-bellied Cuckoo-shrike

CicadabirdGround Cuckoo-shrike

White-winged Triller

Olive-backed OrioleFigbird

Masked WoodswallowWhite-browed WoodswallowBlack-faced Woodswallow

Dusky WoodswallowLittle Woodswallow

Warialda & DistrictsBird List

Grey ButcherbirdPied Butcherbird

Australian MagpiePied Currawong

Australian RavenLittle Raven

Torresian Crow

White-winged ChoughApostlebird

Spotted Bowerbird

Singing BushlarkRichard’s PipitHouse Sparrow

Zebra FinchDouble-barred FinchPlum-headed FinchRed-browed FinchDiamond Firetail


White-backed SwallowWelcome Swallow

Tree MartinFairy Martin

Clamorous Reed-WarblerLittle Grassbird

Rufous SonglarkBrown Sondlark

Golden-headed Cisticola


Common StarlingCommon Mynah

Cranky Rock Warialda at Sunrise