The Ruling of Purification by Qamar Uz Zaman Mustafvi

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  • 8/3/2019 The Ruling of Purification by Qamar Uz Zaman Mustafvi



    The purification of the body from impurities before one enters the Salah is obligatory

    according to Quran and Sunnah.

    Allah the A lmighty says:

    If you are in a state of janabah (i.e. impure because of sexual discharge, etc), purify

    yourselves. [Al Quran, Chapter 05, Al Maidah, Verse 06]

    And purify your garments! [Al Quran, Chapter 74, Al Muddaththir, Verse 4]

    The Prophet peace be upon him said:

    Salah is not accepted without purification. [Muslim, Ablution, Necessity of Purificationfor Prayer, Hadith 224]

    Kinds of Purification

    There are two types of purification:

    1-Internal PurificationIntenal purification is to purify the soul from the effects of sins and acts ofdisobedience, purification of the heart from the filth of polytheism, doubt, envy,

    resentment, rancor, treachery, haughtiness, boasting and showing off and this

    purification is achieved through sincerity, certitude, love of goodness, kindness,

    truthfulness and modesty, and the intention to do every righteous deed for the sake

    of Allah.

    2-External PurificationExternal purification is to purify the external parts of body from the impurities. There

    are further two types of External Purification:

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    Taharat-ul-Khabath Taharat-ul-Hadath

    First type of purification is achieved by using pure water to remove filth from the

    worshipers garments, body and from the place of prayer. Second type of purification is

    achieved by performing wudu (ablution), Ghusl (bathing), or Tayammum (wiping of the

    face and the hands to the elbows with pure earth).

    Kinds of Impurity

    There are two states of impurity or uncleanliness:

    1-Major ImpurityMajor impurity is caused by any act or state which necessitates Ghusl (a bath), such

    as sexual intercourse, sexual discharge and at the end of the menses.

    2-Minor ImpurityMinor impurity is caused by any act or state that necessitates Wudu (ablution), such

    as urinating, defecating, passing gas, sleeping etc.

    What Purifies?Purification is attained by two things:

    1-Pure WaterThis is water in its natural, unadulterated state. This includes the water from wells,

    springs, valleys, rivers, melted ice and ocean water.

    Allah the Almighty says:

    And We send down pure water from the sky. [Al Quran, Chapter 25, Al Furqan,

    Verse 48]

    Abu Said Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Prophet peace be

    upon him was asked, Can we make Wudu from Buzaa Well? Buzaa was a well in

    which bad odorous objects were thrown. Buzaa Well was situated so that rain

    water used to drain these objects into the well. The Prophet peace be upon him


    Water is pure (and it has the quality of purifying other things), Nothing makes it

    impure. [Abu Daud, Purification, Chapter: What is said regarding Buzaa Well,

    Hadith 66]

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    The Prophet peace be upon him said:

    River and sea water are purifying and its dead animals are Halal (lawful). [Abu

    Daud, Purification, Chapter: Ablution with the water of the sea, Hadith 83]

    Let none of you urinate in stagnant water, and then use it for washing. [Muslim,

    Purification, Chapter: Prohibition of urinating in stagnant water, Hadith 282]

    Let none of you who is in a state of janabah bathe in stagnant water.

    [Muslim, Purification, Chapter: Prohibition of urinating in stagnant water, Hadith


    2-Pure EarthThis is pure surface of earth, whether dust, sand, stone, or salty earth deposits.

    Earth can be used as a purifier in the event of the lack of water, or the inability to

    use it because of illness or the like.

    Allah the Almighty says:

    And if you find no water, perform Tayammum with clean earth. [Al Quran,

    Chapter 04, An Nisa, Verse 43]

    The Prophet peace be upon him said:

    The earth has been made for me as a place of prayer and a purifier. [Bukhari,

    Tayammum, Chapter: And you find no water (5:6), Hadith 335]

    Once Amr bin Al-Aas may Allah be pleased with him performed Tayammum

    because he was in a state of janabah. He did so because it was a frigid night, and

    out of fear for himself if he were to wash with the cold water. This was approved

    of by Allahs Messenger peace be upon him. [Al Bukhari has mentioned under the

    Chapter 7, Tayammum]

    Prepared by Qamar Uz Zaman Mustafvi

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