The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the ... · PDF filesphere of educational...

Proj et international pour l'ensei gnement technique et professionnel International Project on Technical and Vocational Education The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the Education System of the Russian Federation

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Projet internationalpour l'enseignement technique etprofessionnelInternational Project on Technical and Vocational Education

The Role ofTechnical and Vocational Education

in the Education Systemof the Russian Federation

The International Project on Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC) is a project of the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Its purpose is to contribute to the development and improvement of tech-nical and vocational education in Member States.

UNEVOC works in three programme areas:

Programme Area A deals with the international exchange of experience and the promotion of studies on policy issues. It isdevoted to system development in technical and vocational education.

Programme Area B is devoted to strengthening national research and development capabilities, that is to the development ofinfrastructures.

Programme Area C concerns access to data bases and documentation in its broadest sense, in other words, with informationand communication.

The basic concept behind Programme Area A is to enhance the role and status of technical and vocational education withinnational education systems.

UNESCO held a consultation in 1993 with experts from different regions of the world in order to identify some of the factorswhich determine role and status of technical and vocational education. Based on the findings, a series of case studies hasbeen initiated on the relevance of these factors within given national education systems.

The present study on "The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the Education System of the Russian Federation"has been prepared in this context.

This study was prepared by Prof. I. SMIRNOV, Director, Institute of Development of Vocational Education of Russia, inMarch 1995, in close collaboration with Dr. D. SOLOMAKHIN , Deputy Head, Department for Personnel Training, RussianLeague of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and Dr. E. SEDYKH, Senior research fellow, Institute of Development ofVocational Education of Russia.

This print version has been prepared at theUNEVOC Implementation Unit � Fehrbelliner Platz 3 � 10707 Berlin � Germany

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© UNESCO 1995

Date of this reprint: 25 January 1999

Document Nr. ED/IUG/003

Page 1 The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the Education System of the Russian Federation Page 1

The Role ofTechnical and Vocational Education

in the Education Systemof the Russian Federation

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................3

2 Interdependence between vocational education and labour market ........................32.1 The Labour Market..........................................................................................................................42.2 Employment ....................................................................................................................................4

3 Reform of vocational education....................................................................................63.1 Unemployed Youth...........................................................................................................................93.2 Social Consequences .......................................................................................................................9

4 The State Standard as the basis for a new model of vocational education ........... 11

5 Vocational education as a means of revival of Russian economy .......................... 13

6 Conclusion....................................................................................................................15

References ........................................................................................................................ 16

Annex ................................................................................................................................ 171 Development of Vocational Education 1985-1994 ..........................................................................172 Students ............................................................................................................................................173 Graduates ..........................................................................................................................................184 Personnel ..........................................................................................................................................185 Standard Regulation..........................................................................................................................18

Page 2 The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the Education System of the Russian Federation Page 2

Page 3 The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the Education System of the Russian Federation Page 3

1 Introduction

The Russian experience of transition from thetotalitarian model to democracy has great histori-cal value and importance for many countrieswhich have chosen this uneasy road. That is why itis very useful to analyze both its positive changesand mistakes.

From the question "to be or not to be" concerningthe market economy in Russia the discussionshave turned to the problem of how to transformthe monopolized economy into the market one.The adaptation of enterprises to market relationsand the process of creating various forms of prop-erty, especially private property, are going on.

There have also been deep changes in theeconomic and social spheres.

A free labour market is being established for thefirst time.

It has necessitated fundamental reforms in thewhole system of vocational education. From thesemi-military organization with the strict central-ized control it is turning more and more into thesphere of educational service which is especiallyneeded in the market economy.

The new model of vocational education as anelement of a system of interaction between thestate, employers and trade unions is being set up. Itleads to greater interdependence of vocationalschools and regional educational authorities. Thefunctions of the Federal centre are gradually trans-forming into coordination and attain a scientific-methodological character.

The present document analyses the difficultprocess of development of reforms in the Russianvocational education and its adaptation to themarket economy.

2 Interdependence between vocationaleducation and labour market

The Russian labour market is forming under theinfluence of deep economic transformations. Thedestruction of the State monopoly of property and

rapid growth of joint-stock companies, private andother types of enterprise are based on thesechanges. On January 1, 1995 about 70% of indus-trial enterprises became private, 40 millionRussians became shareholders and more than1 million owned small enterprises. At present over50% of all the employed work in the non-statesector.

The gradual process of the adaptation of enter-prises to the market conditions is under way. Theyhave become more independent and now rely lesson the State.

In spite of the comparatively high rates of privati-zation of property, the efficiency of the nationaleconomy is declining.

In 1994 the gross national product was only 59%of that in 1991 and productivity reduced by 38%(6.30). In fact, the Russian Federation sets anexample of the deepest recession in the economichistory of humanity. According to independentexperts' data, in 1995 the reduction of productionwill continue and might fall by 10% more.

Despite some measures adopted in 1994 for socialprotection of the population, the situation in thesocial-labour sphere is still very difficult.Economic motives and incentives for effectiveperformance have become weaker: labour organi-zation and protection have become worse, thescale of latent unemployment approached a verydangerous level, the retraining of personnel andupgrading of workers' skills at enterprises haspractically stopped. Recession and the necessity tosupport certain industries have reduced financialresources needed for social development andmaintenance of the living standards of sociallyvulnerable population groups. Many large enter-prises have stopped their production or do notwork a full day, which makes the situation worseand leads to higher inflation in Russia.

Negative tendencies in the social-labour spherehave also caused demographic changes. Thenatural decrease of population began at the end of1991. By 1994 it was observed in 68 (out of 89)regions in Russia. The average life expectancy is65.8 years as compared with 69.3 in 1986.

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Public and political forces concerned with suchsituations appeal to the national leadership formore radical economic measures. For example, itwas recommended to declare a state of emergencyin the economy, with a partial return to planning,to enhance the state's role in the process ofeconomic reforms.

Some decrees to improve the economic situationwere issued by President B. Yeltsin in 1994;including those concerning the bankruptcy ofenterprises, and state control over unprofitableenterprises.

It is evident that the Russian economy is approach-ing the climax of its reforms. But everyone can seethat the generally correct orientation towards themarket economy has taken. It determines thesocial development strategy of the labour marketand consequently the new requirements forvocational education.

2.1 The Labour Market

In spite of the contradictory process in economicdevelopment the labour market is beingestablished.

The labour market is a system of relations, includ-ing legal and economic norms providing the re-production and effective use of the labour force.The main components of the labour market are themarket of jobs and the market of unemployedlabour force.

The economically active population of Russia is71 million people or 48% of the total population.In 1994 the number of employees decreased by3.9%, with a rather high fluctuation of personnel.During the year about 15 million employeesresigned from their previous jobs for differentreasons (about 21% of the employed population)and 13 million applied for a job at enterprises,offices, organizations (18%).

There are three industries distinguished by thecharacter of changes in the structure of employ-ment:� fuel and energy complex where in spite of the

decrease in output (from 20 to 7%), the numberof employees has gone up (from 7 to 10%);

� engineering, light industry, chemical and petro-chemical industry where with the substantialreduction of output (from 30 to 15%) thenumber of employees has decreased (from 10 to3%).

� ferrous metal industry where with the signifi-cant reduction of production (14-9%) employ-ment has not dramatically changed.

The process of economic changes oriented toservices instead of the industry is going on simul-taneously. The private sector is growing in thesphere of trade, hotel and restaurant business, autoservice, residence and office repair, etc.

The multi-directional dynamics of employment isnot so much connected with output changes butrather with a different level of wages in varioussectors. The growth of employment is observed inbanking, insurance, tax inspection, legal officesand consulting services, i.e. in such brancheswhere wages are higher than the average level inRussia.

2.2 Employment

By some estimates, 20% positions held by workersat Russian enterprises are redundant, i.e., poten-tially unemployed (8.20).

The migration of the labour force is caused notonly by economic factors but also by politicalones: ethnic conflicts and violation of humanrights in some republics of the former USSR. Nowthere are about 3 million refugees and forcedmigrants in Russia.

On April 19, 1991, the Law of Employment wasadopted in Russia. On the basis of the constitu-tional principles of state policy this law determineslegal, economic and organizational conditions andstate guarantees to the right to work for all perma-nent residents of Russia.

The Federal Employment Service and its regionalbureaus were established to help citizens find jobs.

In 1994 the number of such bureaus at all levelsreached 2,400 and their personnel 32,000, or 43%more than the year before.

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According to the Law of Employment, citizensable to work, registered at the employment serviceto seek a suitable job are regarded as unemployed.Citizens below 16 as well as pensioners andinvalids cannot be considered unemployed.Persons who refuse twice to take suitable joboptions within 10 days of the date of notificationby the employment service or those having noprofessions, who refuse twice to take professionaltraining options lose the status of unemployed.

Russian citizens have the right to receive� consultation and information at the employment

service offices,� assistance in choosing a proper job and� legal protection from unjust dismissal.The state also guarantees free vocational trainingand upgrading for the jobless.

Furthermore, the Federal Employment Service isobliged:� to take part in professional rehabilitation of

invalids;� to assist in the professional adaptation of

former servicemen and their return to thecivilian jobs in various branches of the nationaleconomy;

� to promote (through vocational training) thedevelopment of small business;

� to help adolescents to find jobs;� to organize professional consultations for

various groups of the population, includingyoung people;

� to take part in reorganization of enterprises bypromoting professional training and retrainingof their staff.

� to participate in solution of the regional labourmarket problems.

The State Employment Fund was established tofinance these functions. The Fund is organized atthe expense of the obligatory insurance, contribu-tions of the employers, deductions from workers'wages and subsidies from the budgets of theRussian Federation and its subjects.

The present situation on the labour market has itsspecific features. According to the official data, byJanuary 1, 1995, the unemployed constitutedapproximately 2% of persons of employment age.

Taking into consideration the fact that the fall ofindustrial and agricultural production in the lastfew years amounted to nearly 50% of the level of1990, these data do not reflect the reality. It isnoted that only a third of those who lost their jobsare registered in the unemployment service. Con-sequently, actual unemployment is not less than6%.

Besides, unemployment is rising; about 50% of thejobless have not got jobs during the whole year.Simultaneously the number of vacant jobs in theeconomy sharply reduced: from 1 million in 1993to 480,000 in 1994. Additionally there is largescale latent unemployment, which is about 10% ofthe total work force.

Number of Persons in 1000applied to the employment services 2,283got jobs 883received unemployment allowances 550received vocational training 81took part in public works 148granted pension ahead of schedule 91

The main results of theFederal Employment Service's activity in 1994

Independent Russian experts consider that the ice-berg of unemployment together with its invisible"underwater part" is more than 20% of the work-force. No matter where the jobless are: at thelabour exchange or at the plants, which interruptedactivity; no matter what kind of payment theyreceived, whether unemployment allowances orunearned wages - the invisible part of the workforce.

The low level of unemployment in Russia is aresult of the financial policy, growing inflation andartificial creation of thousands of extra (unneces-sary) jobs at enterprises. It is possible to say, thatunemployment in Russia has been exchangedtemporarily for inflation. But when the rates ofinflation declines, thousands of workers willbecome unemployed.

All this should change the old views of unem-ployment as a process of forcing out the workersfrom the enterprises. As a rule, only those workerswhose occupations or skills do not meet the

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requirements of a concrete enterprise and economyas a whole are forced out.

This is also reflected in the distribution ofunemployment by branches of industry.

The highest levels of unemployment are in theIvanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl regions. Theirstrongly developed textile industry is practicallybroken down because of a structural crisis in theeconomy and a disruption of traditional tiesbetween regions. A similar situation can be foundat enterprises of Udmurtia and in some otherregions where the military industrial complex haslost state orders. In these regions about 100 peoplelay claim to each vacant job, while in Russia as awhole the ratio is 3.5 (2.10).

Unemployment has a professional character andthis is its weak point. The unemployed are notlazy, and they need help in professional retrainingor skill upgrading. That is why the unemploymentis not a defect of the market but an indication ofthe slow transformation of Russian vocationalschools.

3 Reform of vocational education

The reform of vocational education reflects theeconomic changes and has also been affected bythe decentralization of state management whichoccurred in the last few years.

The problems of exploring the labour market,developing a new model of vocational schools,training teachers to work there are increasinglybecoming more a part of the regions' competence.Coordination, normative and methodologicalfunctions are being assumed by the Federalauthorities.

The competence of Federal authorities in voca-tional education includes:� designing and pursuing a uniform state policy

in the field of vocational education;� legislative regulation of relations in the field of

vocational education;� research in vocational education;� designing and implementing federal and

international vocational programs;

� designing regulations for various kinds ofvocational schools;

� setting up state standards of vocationaleducation;

� ensuring equivalence between foreign andnational diplomas of vocational education;

� developing standard curricula, textbooks andteaching aids.

� establishing the procedure of teacher certifi-cation;

� creating federal requirements for constructionnorms and regulations of specified standardnumber of training equipment;

� determining the order of inspection for voca-tional schools.

The new structure and the content of the Russiansystem of vocational education are being createdsimultaneously (See Annex 1). This system con-sists of the following vocational programs:� Primary vocational education;� Secondary vocational education;� Higher vocational education;� Postgraduate vocational education;� Supplementary vocational education.

Taking into account individual requirements,vocational programs are being worked out for thefollowing forms: educational institutions, familyeducation, self-education, and accelerated studies.

Mixed forms of vocational education are alsopossible.

Primary vocational education is aimed to trainskilled workers for all branches of the economicand social spheres. 1,773,000 students study at4,269 primary vocational schools. Teacher trainingis carried out at 48 industrial-pedagogical collegesand at two vocational-pedagogical higher educa-tional institutes. There are two publications: amonthly journal "Professional" and the informa-tion bulletin "Vocational Education" (see Annexes2 to 4).

Secondary vocational education provides thetraining of mid-level specialists.

There are 2,609 colleges which have about 2million students and 160,000 teachers. Most of the

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graduates are concentrated in industry (32.8%),construction (7.9%), agriculture (7.5%), transportand communications (6.5%). Part of these special-ists are engaged in public health and socialsecurity ( 13.5%), education, culture and art(9.5%), i.e. outside the sphere in production.

Higher vocational education trains and upgradesengineers and other specialists to appropriatelevels. The system has 535 institutes and universi-ties with 2.6 million students.

The institutes of higher education train at present407,000 graduates. About 20 million specialistswork in the Russian economy, and 8.7 million ofthem have higher education, which is more thanthe Russian labour market actually needs. Almost50% of students study at the technical institutesand for every 10 of their graduates (engineers)there are another 14 graduates of other profes-sions. This ratio in most developed countries isstrikingly different. Thus according to the data ofthe International Bank of Reconstruction andDevelopment (The World Bank) in Germany it is10:37, and in the USA - 10:114 (8.67). At thesame time 85% of vacancies in the Russian econ-omy are the jobs for the skilled workers.

Postgraduate vocational education gives citizensthe possibility to continue their education and toimprove their scientific and pedagogical qualifica-tion on the basis of higher vocational education. Itcan be obtained through postgraduate courses atthe higher vocational institutes and at researchcentres. There are two academic degrees whichpostgraduates can obtain: candidate of science anddoctor of science.

Supplementary vocational education includesdifferent kinds of educational programs carried outat:� educational and vocational institutions outside

theirs formal programs;� appropriately licensed special courses, centres

of vocational orientation, music and art schools,centres for development of children's creativeaptitudes;

� through individual pedagogical activity;� various educational institutions which have the

license to provide their graduates with adiploma of corresponding levels of education

and/or qualification in accordance with thelicense. This is an obligatory condition forcontinuing education at state and municipaleducational institutions of the supplementarylevel.

The Russian system of vocational education aswell as the whole Russian economy is undergoinga process of transformation and adaptation to thenew market conditions. Many graduates ofvocational schools are not needed in modernproduction. For example, about 15% of primaryvocational school graduates, 60% of secondaryvocational school graduates and 50% of highervocational institution graduates could not get anyjob last year. Thus, almost 50% of graduates ofvocational institutions of all levels have come tothe labour market. The training of workers on thebasis of agreements with enterprises today in-volves less than 10% of students.

In the last three years the number of students inpost graduate vocational institutions has sharplydeclined: among the heads of the organizationsand specialists of different kinds by over 3 times,among the workers - by 5 times. The number ofworkers who have been trained, retrained orstudied for the first time has been reduced by half.Many enterprises have closed their structuresresponsible for vocational education.

The social and psychological investigations of thestaff at 200 industrial enterprises of various formsof property have revealed:� the administration of enterprises is reluctant to

invest in development of personnel and profes-sional skills upgrading;

� the workers have no motivation to continueeducation (more than 35% do not wish to studyat all), to improve their qualification (more than20%), to change their profession (more than17%).

The analysis of the appeals to regional vocationalorientation centres for psychological support of thepopulation showed that some workers have apsychological fear of the labour market. Up to40% of students leave school without choosingtheir future occupation; 45% of students at voca-tional schools are not sure of their choice, andevery third graduate is not satisfied with his

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speciality. Young people put the value of labour in14th place among the main life priorities (in somecountries youth puts the value of labour on thesecond or third place).

The labour market requires a higher quality oftraining of the national labour force. According tothe Russian Institute of Development of Voca-tional Education the worker should master not lessthan three modern professions to feel well on thelabour market. The Minister of Education of theRussian Federation E.Tkachenko says, "Now, theprimary objective is to meet individual's require-ments in vocational education, taking into consid-eration that the person in future, perhaps, will notbe engaged in the occupation, corresponding to thequalification received. But everyone should beable to find a place on the labour market in linewith one's knowledge." (12.10)

This is mainly connected with the high territorialmobility of the labour force in Russia. Annuallyintensive flows of people change their residence;ethnic migration is growing, many Russians livingin the former Soviet republics are now returning toRussia. They must often change their occupationin new places. Having a second (or third) profes-sion permits them to feel more confident on thelabour market.

Besides, the requirement to have more than oneprofession is enhanced by the character of modernproduction when workers, often have to improvetheir professional skills and expand their profes-sional field of occupation.

The structural reorganization of manufacturingand conversion of a great number of enterprises inthe defence industry lead to the disappearance ofmany previous professions. This process isaccompanied by reduction of some jobs. If aworker is good at more than one profession he canquickly change his occupation.

However, the need to have several professions isnot a specific feature of the period of change inRussia, but it is a general requirement for coun-tries with a stable market economy.

According to the World Bank, at present theworker engaged in modern manufacturing is to

have the technical knowledge of 5-7 professions(8.48). The similar situation is characteristic foragriculture with its seasonal work and oftenchanging occupations. As the graduates of someagricultural vocational schools of Kostroma regionsay, 30.5% of them have two professions, 20.7%three and 8.5% have four or more professions.40.3% - have only one profession (5.37).

That is also characteristic of small and middle-sizeenterprises without a narrow specialization oflabour, where the worker fulfils the wholetechnological cycle using his skills in variousprofessions. And the number of such enterprises isconstantly growing. In this case the scale of thetraining of specialists for small business and self-employment is growing too. They already amountto 20-30% of the total number of students studyingat primary vocational schools. Of course, it islinked with a very rapid development of smallbusiness and emergence of small private cafe,bars, shops and craft workshops. The attraction ofthese professions in primary vocational educationis conditioned by better opportunities to find a job.Thus at the Yaroslavl Lyceum No. 36 where thejoint Russian - German project to train business-men for trade and small enterprises is under way,the competition among young people entering thislyceum is getting stronger. This is mainly due toreal job opportunities for its graduates.

The development of craft trade enterprises is animportant step towards restructuring the Russianeconomy. For example, a great demand for crafttrade services to modernize privatized housing canbe observed in Russia. Craftsmen must assumeresponsibility for the work they do, their workmust show technical precision and compliancewith the aesthetic tastes of their customers. This isthe starting point of a pilot project carried out byFederal Institute of Vocational Training(Germany) and the Düsseldorf Chamber of Handi-crafts. In cooperation with the Department ofEducation of the city of Moscow, the Chamberwill convert one of the vocational institutions intoa craftsmen school. The main forms of vocationaltraining which already exist in Russia will bedeveloped to ensure modular training coursesleading to craft trade qualifications correspondingto the German standards of skilled worker and,later on, master craftsman's qualification.

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More and more Russians need advice and psycho-logical help. In 1994 more than one millionstudents appealed to vocational orientation centresfor advice in choosing profession. More than40,000 adults were given necessary consultations.It should be noted that every second person whohad appealed to the centre was in a state ofpsychological stress (4.1).

The Law of Employment allows to direct thosejobless without necessary profession to the courses(from two weeks to one year) to improve skills orget a new profession at the expense of the StateFund of Employment. 30,000 jobless were trainedin new professions at the expense of the Fund in1992, more than 120,000 in 1993, approximately250,000 in 1994. So the number of trained personsincreased by 7 times.

Moreover, part of the jobless was engaged inpublic works. While 50,000 people participated inpublic works in 1992, in 1993 their numberincreased to 150,000, in 1994 to more than200,000.

The State is still for the most part controllingvocational education, and is not transferring itsfunctions to the private sector in spite of thedevelopment of various forms of property. Thereis no ideal and self-regulating market and there isno such market in today's Russia either. If thegovernment reduces its role in determining theeducation policy, we may face the same negativeresult as with the diminished role of the statewhich brought in the collapse of the Russiannational economy and constantly growing infla-tion.

The situation become more complicated after theadoption, on December 12, 1993, of the newRussian Constitution which reduced the minimalrequired educational level from secondary level(12 years of studying) to the general level (9 yearsof studying). This results in the increased numberof young people leaving school after 9 years ofstudying.

In 1993 their number was 200,000, in 1994, morethan 500,000. It sharply increased the load onvocational schools. Moreover many of the gradu-

ates of general educational school at the age of 15-16 have no desire to go to vocational schools. Thefacts already exist when adolescents leave schoolat the age of 9 to 10. For the first time in thiscentury a new child labour market is being formedin Russia.

3.1 Unemployed Youth

Besides, approximately 300,000 of secondaryschool graduates and 150,000 of vocational schoolgraduates do not work and do not study anywhere.In fact 1.7 million young people are outside anykind of employment. "Dead souls" appeared inschools, i.e., those formally registered but notattending school. But the labour market hasresponded to that by increasing the number ofyouths among the jobless: from 16% in 1993 to38% today.

3.2 Social Consequences

This kind of situation leads to the growth of crimeamong the young people, the rate of which in thelast few years increased by 15 times in comparisonwith the adult crime rate. The social problems likethe economic ones have become more acute. TheState has established special vocational schools forjuvenile delinquents.

The expenditures per person in such schools is 12times higher than in ordinary ones (11.7)

The new Russian Constitution has made a stepback from the previous achievements of vocationalschools. The Constitution does not provide thepossibility to obtain the first profession for youngpeople free of charge as the former Constitutiondid, though such provisions are typical for themajority of civilized countries. As a matter of fact,vocational school, which annually trains more than1 million graduates, was thrown into the marketwithout any state support. (It should be noted thatrecently the state authorities have realized thisdanger at last, and measures are being taken toensure the minimal state financing of primaryvocational education.)

Expenses for education in the Federal budget havegone down sharply to the above mentioned reduc-tion of social guarantees. In 1994 it was 1.3% of

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the gross national income. But this sum was notenough to accomplish the tasks declared by theRussian government. The real decline of Russianvocational school level in 1995 will be deeper.

According to the World Bank, in the 1960's and1970's, Russia, for ideological and other reasonschose to work out an ambitious education pro-gram. It is very hard to agree with this conclusion.A strong social policy was one of the formersystem's important achievements and its reformshould not be done at the expense of reducing theState support of education. Current trends in theeducation crisis will have a postponed effect: theslowdown of economic development. Like theUSA of the 1960's, we can say "The nation is indanger!" That is why, in April 1994, while dis-cussing "The primary measures to support educa-tion", the Russian government had to allocatesome money for supporting schools from theFederal Emergency Fund. This decision confirmedthe critical situation in the Russian educationsystem.

The sharp reduction of the budget financing leadsto vocational schools' excessive commerciali-zation. While the educational institutions ofadvanced countries, as a rule, are not involved inbusiness, for the Russian schools now it is themain way to survive and to provide the minimumlevel of instruction.

Wages in the educational sector of Russia con-stantly lag behind and for the last three years havebeen 65-75% of the average wage in industry. Forexample, the level of school teaching staff's wagesstands next to last among 13 socio-economicalsectors in the Kostroma region (5.21). Though in1990, according to the Decree No. 1 of thePresident of Russia it was subjected to progressiveindexation.

Budget financing mainly provides scholarships tothe students and wages to the teaching staff. So,95% of the federal budget allocations was spentlast year for these aims. There is no money to sup-port other elements of school activity. For ex-ample, in 1994 many vocational schools did notreceive the necessary funds to pay for municipalservices and there was no money to print the text-

books previously provided to students free ofcharge.

The wear on the fixed assets has increased. 22% ofthe school buildings need reconstruction, 11%already cannot be used, despite the 6 m² norm perstudent, 50% of vocational schools have even less.The share of modern benches and equipment isonly 26% of the total. Half of courses are notprovided with textbooks; in the last three years novisual teaching materials have been made. Somevocational schools cannot afford free meals for thestudents. It should be noted that even during theSecond World War the Soviet government did notallow that.

During the parliamentary debates in the StateDuma on June 14, 1994, the situation in Russianeducation was characterized as being in a state of avery deep crisis.

The main reasons which have led to this crisis inthe vocational education system are:� decentralization of vocational education

management has no legal basis;� constant reduction of financing for education;� lack of social guaranties for the system,

personnel and students;� inferior condition of many school buildings;� threatening health conditions of children;� almost complete feminization of the teaching


On the other hand, we cannot help seeing somepositive aspects in the transformation of voca-tional school in the process of their adaptation tothe new market conditions. There are positivepoints, such as competition-based admission ofstudents to vocational schools and variable contentof education. The federal and regional componentshave appeared in the education content, the orderof school financing has changed and is diversified.After these steps were the introduced, relationsbetween the centre and the regions also changed.

The sphere of paid services in vocational educa-tion has risen 10 times in the last 4 years. While in1990 at the expense of non-budget resources 9,000people were trained in vocational schools, in 1991the number reached 69,000, in 1992 - 98,000, in1993 - 130,000 in and 1994 - more than 200,000.

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It provided a 15% addition to the budget of voca-tional schools.

Entering the difficult conditions of market econo-my has caused the need for principal changes inthe structure of professions being taught. From thesimple method of the labour force reproduction,the vocational system is slowly becoming a sourceof revival and growth of the social groups whichwere almost wiped out during so called "classstruggle". First of all, it concerns the revival ofpeasantry (farmers, communal) and also small andmiddle-size business. So, instead of the facelessworking class and peasants who had no property,no rights and no incentive to work, vocationalschools are starting to form a "middle class" ofpeople who can provide economic and socialstabilization. As a rule, these people are owners orjoint owners and are interested in the effective useof property. These sections of occupation includesome professions such as farmers, businessmen,salesmen, owners of enterprises, of small andfamily business and so on. In a word, the strategicaim of the modern Russian vocational educationsystem is connected with training personnel forsmall business and self-employment. On thisbasis, a new Standard Regulation for institutionsof primary vocational education has been adoptedby the government of the Russian Federation (seeAnnex 5).

The results of public polls in Kostroma regionshow that 88% of agricultural vocational schoolgraduates are satisfied with the quality of theirtraining (fully - 14%, partly - 63.4%). Among theheads of agricultural co-operatives and enterprisesthese figures are higher: 92% (fully - 27%, partly -65%) (5.17-19).

4 The State Standard as the basis for anew model of vocational education

The tendencies towards coordination and closerinteraction between separate regions and the centreare faced with decentralization processes leadingto the disintegration of a uniform educationalsystem without which it is impossible to ensurethe labour force migration and social protection ofthe population. For this purpose the State educa-tional Standard has been designed.

The attitude toward the educational standards isnot similar throughout the world. There are nostandards in some countries, some believe that it isenough to control vocational education through thecustomer. In some countries educational standardsexist as standard curricula and standard testing ofknowledge.

For Russia with its millions of forced migrants andrefugees from the Republics of the former USSRthe State educational Standards are very useful andimportant. The State must help its citizens toaccommodate themselves to competition in thelabour market, protect them by means of a profes-sion of an appropriate level and a diploma whichwould be respected at the new place of their resi-dence. It corresponds to the interstate agreementson the creation of an Economic Union on theterritory of the former USSR. In October 1993 theministers of Education of the CIS signed at theirmeeting in Minsk an agreement on mutualrecognition of qualification documents.

The State Standard of vocational education isconsidered in Russia as a means of competitionnecessary for the labour market and as an incen-tive to raise the employee skills. At the same timeit serves as a social guarantee of Russia's citizens'successful competitiveness on the national andworld labour markets. For this purpose the StateStandard would be suitable for all regions andsubjects of the Federation; it could combineharmoniously the interests of the federal, nationaland regional specifications and rights of educa-tional institutions, rely on the existing resources ofsociety, and be compatible with foreign educa-tional standards.

The State Standard must serve as the basis foroutlining vocational curricula and certification ofvocational institutions. Finally, the State Standardhas to provide mutual recognition of vocationaldiplomas in the whole Russian territory and theiridentity with other countries on the basis ofagreements.

The Law of Education of the Russian Federationdeclares that the State educational Standard is asum of the three components:1) minimum content basic curricula;2) maximum study load of students and

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3) graduate training requirements.

The State Standard's starting point was a new StateList of professions. The Notion of Professionincludes the whole complex of knowledge andskills which can allow the individual to haveenough professional potential, intellectual abilityand legal right to carry out certain operations.

In the process of preparing a new List of profes-sions the specifics and traditions of Russian voca-tional schools and the world experience weretaken into account too.

In April 1994 the Russian government adopted anew List of Professions, reducing their numberfrom 1,200 to 257. But within any profession thedivision of labour creates new occupations withinthe limits of which any person can obtain one orthe other qualification. Thus, side by side with thetraditional notion of 'profession' the List intro-duces the notion of 'speciality' which is consideredas a concrete sphere of labour activity in theframework of profession. There are about 600such specialities in the List.

In the process of outlining the requirements for thecontent of new professions in Russia, the Euro-pean system of five stages of vocational educationwas adopted as its foundation. The new Listincludes professions of the second, third andfourth levels of qualification, which would beregulated by the State.

Professions of the first level are not included in thelist, because their teaching can be conducted byvarious forms of accelerated education.

It is enough to have the general school educationto learn a profession of the second level of qualifi-cation and it is enough to have a secondary educa-tion to learn a profession of the third and fourthlevels. The second and the third levels correspondin this case to primary vocational education. Andthe forth - to secondary or higher vocational edu-cation.

The documents which certify vocational educationwill reflect the levels of vocational qualification inaccordance with the Law of Education.

The education of the forth level of qualification isconfirmed by a diploma, the education of thesecond and the third levels of qualification - by acertificate, that of the first stage - by a specialdocument. The official forms of the documents areapproved by the Ministry of Education of theRussian Federation.

In addition to the new List of professions, theFederal model of curriculum for vocational insti-tutions has been approved and introduced. Itdefines the subjects which are a part of the federalcomponent of the State Standard as well as theminimum teaching time for them.

However the specifics of vocational education donot provide for a universal standard, because thecontent of education for each profession reflectsthe objective division of labour in the economy.Therefore, the vocational standards are worked outin the framework of each profession on a commonmethodological basis.

The State Standard consists of a professionaldescription and the federal component of voca-tional education.

The professional description is a detailed model ofa particular profession; it defines its role in econ-omy, content and conditions of labour, require-ments for vocational training and student contin-gent. The professional description provides infor-mation to define the content of training. Its struc-ture and limits ensure equivalent requirements forthe quality and level of vocational training all overRussia.

The Federal component of vocational educationdetermines the amount of knowledge and skillswhich provide vocational training of an appro-priate level and quality.

The content of professional education of thefederal level is reflected, in detail in standard plansand curricula which are not included in the StateStandard but they are part of is methodologicalprovisions and are worked out by the federalauthorities. The structure and methods of the cur-riculum are oriented towards their use in any formof training of specialists.

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The State Standard of vocational education con-tains the following types of study blocks:� vocational block is the foundation for training

specialist and contains a curriculum necessaryfor learning a profession;

� industrial block contains a curriculum whichshows the place and role of an industry branchin the economic system, the perspectives for thedevelopment of the branch and of a profession,including retraining and upgrading;

� special block includes a curriculum necessaryto obtain one of the specialities in the frame-work of a given profession.

This system of blocks incorporates all stages ofworkers training, proceeding from the contents ofa certain profession. Besides, the State Standardincludes the natural science and humanity blocks.

The State Standard must become the main tool inraising the quality of vocational education on thestate level. That is why it includes all essentialcomponents combined within the notion of thequality of vocational education.

The method of four levels is used to estimate thequality of vocational education on the basis of theState Standard. As a rule, the State Standardrequires from the students to master the first level,i.e. the capacity for activity in accordance withinstruction. The second level of mastering meansthe capacity for activity without instruction, bymemory.

The third and the forth levels of mastering meanthe capacity for creative activity.

The assessment of the levels of mastering is themain didactic element. The State Standard cannotexist without it. That is why, the State Standard isworked out simultaneously with the curriculumand test-based supervision of educational quality.Vocational school graduates can receive a Statediploma provided their vocational training is suc-cessful.

An independent council of experts has been cre-ated for the state accreditation of vocationalschools. The representatives of the Russian Leagueof Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, of the TradeUnion, the Federal Employment Service, the

Ministry of Labour and experts in education andscience comprise this organization. By thisCouncil's proposal the Ministry of Educationissues certificates to vocational schools for theireducational activity.

But the Russian government has not allocatedsufficient funding to design the State Standards ofvocational education. The financing covers onlythe first steps of Standards creation. There is nomoney for publishing necessary materials on theStandards, retraining teaching personnel, accredi-tation of educational institutions. This can trans-form the process of creating the State Standardsinto the formal act which will have minimal effect.

5 Vocational education as a means ofrevival of Russian economy

Today the defects of the previous system of voca-tional education are evident. The main defect wasthe lack of correlation between the mass trainingof workers and the changing labour market'srequirement. There is an opinion, that the previoussystem should be immediately changed. However,such a drastic change probably will not be possibleand can cause negative social consequences. Threefactors should be considered here:1. The vocational school is objectively conser-

vative, due to the former practices, profile oftraining, character of its educational and mate-rial basis.

2. The change of the vocational profile requiresthe retraining of teaching staff.

3. It is necessary to accomplish the whole com-plex of research and methodological measuresto provide the training of students in new pro-fessions. That is why the State, which is carry-ing out the policy of transition to marketrelations, has to direct its efforts toward keep-ing the youth in the school framework and to doeverything to seek funds for this purpose. Inthis case the social role of educational institu-tions moves financial and other reasons into thebackground.

Of course, it is necessary to develop the staff'straining through closer contacts with enterprises.At the same time, it is necessary to stimulateeducational institutions whose graduates are indemand on the labour market.

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The World Bank's recommendations about theneed to find new forms of apprenticeship insteadof practical training at enterprises can be very use-ful. It is hardly possible to advance immediately tothe dual system used in Germany. But, it is evidentthat vocational institutions should find new formsof interaction with enterprises to train workers andspecialists for them.

It is necessary to develop a market of private andother non-state forms of vocational training, tostimulate their growth. Finally, all these measuresshould create a saturated labour market where pro-fession determines the major value of a person.

Professionalism is becoming a means for survivalof the national economy and every Russian citizen.Only the level and quality of vocational trainingand no other factor can be an instrument of selec-tion, determine job opportunities and promoteindividual career.

The character of the present reforms in Russiaallows to set the priorities of vocational educa-tion's development. There are 10 priorities in thisarea:1. It is necessary to prove to the parliament and

the government of Russia that there is a needto preserve the state guarantees for the youth toget the first profession free of charge. Other-wise it would be very difficult to ensurenormal competition between citizens on thelabour market and provide free flow of thelabour force.

2. The existence of the system of vocational edu-cation administered only from the centre is notcompatible with the market economy. A newmodel is required to provide a balance offorces, a system of close cooperation betweenthe state, private business, trade unions andeducational institutions. It will help to attractnew investments into vocational education andraise the quality of training.

3. Russia remains one of the few countries wherethe assessment of the quality of vocationaltraining is done by the school itself, not by theend user. Such an approach does not conformto the conditions of market economy. It isnecessary to create a certification system foreducational institutions and for their graduates

involving businessmen, trade unions and otherparties interested in this activity.

4. The necessity to strengthen the Russian state-hood requires to supplement the slogans ofdecentralization of the vocational system withthe search for new mechanisms of coordinationand interaction between the Federal andregional authorities. The State Standardbecomes the main tool providing a uniformvocational system. But its elaboration shouldbe done on the basis of competition and withsubstantial financing. The mechanismproviding the fulfilment of the State Standardrequirements and, first of all, the didacticpotential for the appraisal of the quality ofinstruction and universal methodology oflicensing, accreditation and certification ofeducational institutions is badly needed also.It is necessary to work out the norms anddefine diversified sources to finance vocationaleducation. A Law of Vocational Educationshould provide a motivation for a high qualityof personnel training for enterprises, to guaran-tee the right for everybody to obtain the firstprofession free of charge and provide otherforms necessary to support the youth.

5. It is proposed, in view of the refusal of theState to finance the publishing of research,methodological and teaching materials, toestablish a fund or a bank to finance theseactivities. Otherwise Russia's vocationalschools will have no textbooks next academicyear. It is necessary, along with the free distri-bution of textbooks, to introduce textbooks forstudents that parents can afford. Calculationsshow that about 30% of parents have suchpossibility.

6. It is required that the system of vocationaleducation statistics which is now ruined berestored. Of course, it is not necessary, asbefore to concentrate all data in Moscow andto rule the whole system from there. Theregional authorities themselves are interestedin comparing their situation with that on thenational scale as to the level of development ofschool facilities, qualification of personnel,professional structure of graduates and otherissues.

7. It is required, taking into account the growth ofunemployment, to conduct a profound study ofthe methods of its prevention. Extensive poly-

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technic training which allows one to masternew professions within short terms (two orthree months) is becoming important. That iswhy, it is necessary for Russia to turn to voca-tional education, designed to train studentscorresponding to future demands of themarket, and introduce extensive vocationaltraining.

8. The new model of vocational institutionsshould correspond to the new market condi-tions. The model of the multi-stage andadvanced educational institutions, such astechnical lyceums is flexible, corresponds tothe market demands and is very promising.Nowadays one out of ten vocational schools inRussia has the status of a vocational lyceum.

9. The present system of armed service in Russia,as in some other countries, plays a destructiverole in professional careers of the youth. Theeducational institutions of primary and secon-dary vocational education have no right torespite from the army service. The students areconscripted at the age of 18 regardless of the

year of studies. After serving in the armedforces, about 50% of them do not return totheir schools and change their profession. Amore realistic policy is needed in this area.

10. Russian vocational education needs develop-ment of contacts with foreign partners andintegration into European and world structures.This process has begun, but is going on veryslowly.

6 Conclusion

The attempts just to imitate other countries' expe-rience have not been a success either in the econ-omy or in the social sphere of Russia. Marketculture as well as education cannot be imported.They should develop as a product of traditions andspecific features of Russian society. That is whyRussia is still building its own national system ofvocational education, carefully studying foreignexperience, and using its most valuable aspects.

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1. Russian enterprises: the process of adaptation. The Report of the Expert Institute of the RussianLeague of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Moscow, 1995.

2. Employment of the population in the Russian Federation. The Information Bulletin of the FederalEmployment Service. Moscow, January, 1995.

3. Law of Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation. April 19, 1991(with amendments of July 15, 1992). Moscow, 1993.

4. The Situation in the Social-Labour sphere. (Official Report of Press-Service of the Minister ofLabour of the Russian Federation). Solidarity, 1995, No. 1.

5. Vocational Education and Labour Market. The Results of Sociological Investigations in theKostroma Region. Kostroma, 1994.

6. The dynamics of industrial production in Russia. The Expert Institute of the Russian League ofIndustrialists and Entrepreneurs. Moscow, 1995

7. The Reform of Russian Education. The report by E. Tkachenko, Minister of Education of Russia.Moscow, 1994.

8. The Traditions of Russian Vocational School and its Distraction. Report by C. Castro. -Expert, International Bank of Reconstruction and Development. Washington, 1994.

9. Federal Program of Development of Education. (Adopted by the Government of the RussianFederation. March, 31, 1994.) Moscow, 1994.

10. Life and School: Educational Curricula for Senior students. Informational Bulletin of the FederalInstitute of Sociology of Education. Issue No. 2. Moscow, 1995.

11. Sociology and We.- Digest of Sociological Information of the Federal Institute of Sociology ofEducation. Issue No. 4. Moscow, 1994.

12. The Vocational Orientation and Employment of Youth. Omsk, 1994

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1 Development of Vocational Education 1985-1994

Main indices of development of vocational education 1985-1994

Main indices 1985 1991 1992 1993 1994Number of general educational schools 67,100 67,000 67,891 68,270 68,062Students 18,600,000 20,000,000 20,427,000 20,503,000 20,564,000Number of primary vocational schools 4,196 4,328 4,321 4,269 4,273Students 1,987,000 1,867,000 1,842,000 1,773,000 1,773,000Number of secondary vocational schools 2,566 2,605 2,609 2,609 2,607Students 2,500,000 2,200,000 2,202,000 1.993,000 1,993,000Number of higher vocational schools 509 519 535 548 549Students 3,000,000 2,763,000 2,638,000 2,543,000 2,543,000

2 Students

Number of students entering vocational institutions in 1994

Number of studentsTotal 867,700Term of study:

up to 1 year 225,000over 1 year up to 2 years 173,100over 2 years up to 3 years 433,800over 3 years 35,800with educational level below 9 grades 66,700with educational level of 9 grades 563,500including those who left school this year 427,600with educational level of 11 grades 237,500including those who left school this year 167,000retired from the armed service 17,300having no parents 12,700invalids 6,800

Including from rural areas 275,800

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3 Graduates

Status of graduates of primary vocational institutions in 1992-1994

Graduates that: 1992 1993 1994number % number % number %

� got job 672,040 84.5 561,800 73.9 493,700 66.9� entered higher and secondary vocational

institutions12,710 1.6 14,020 1.8 16,730 2.3

� were conscripted into the armed forces 63,060 7.9 53,800 7.2 66,470 9.0� became self-employed 29,730 3.8 54,840 7.2 45,230 6.6� remained unemployed 17,820 2.2 75,920 9.9 112,480 15.2Graduates (total) 795,360 100.0 760,380 100.0 734,610 100.0

4 Personnel

Personnel at primary vocational institutions in 1994

Level of educationCategory Teaching staff high vocational


general education

N umber % % %

Total 159,069 53.1 37.5 9.4Directors 4,174 97.1 2.7 0.2Deputy directors 10,457 94.4 5.3 0.3Senior instructors 3,713 43.5 54.2 2.3Instructors 82,901 21.6 61.8 16.6Tutors 4,542 52.2 35.3 12.5Teachers 53,282 93.8 5.8 0.4of humanitarian subjects 6,405 97.1 2.3 0.6of general educational subjects 21,837 97.9 1.8 0.3of vocational subjects 18,497 87.7 11.8 0.5of physical culture 6,543 77.0 19.3 3.7

5 Standard Regulation

The Standard Regulation of the Institution ofPrimary Vocational Education

Approved by the government of the RussianFederation, 5 June 1994.(An extract of the main provisions of the"Standard Regulation")

1. General ProvisionsThe institution of primary vocational education ofthe Russian Federation is a state, municipal ornon-state educational institution aimed to trainskilled workers (workers and specialists) in all

main spheres of social activity, according to theList of Professions (specialities), approved by theCouncil of Ministers, the Government of theRussian Federation.

The main task of the institution of primary voca-tional education is to create necessary conditionsto meet individual requirements to obtain primaryvocational education, a concrete profession(speciality) of an appropriate level of qualificationand to give students an opportunity to raise theirgeneral educational level for those without thesecondary education and acquire labour skillsneeded to perform concrete operations.

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The institutions of primary vocational educationinclude:1. Vocational schools (technical, construction,electrotechnical, rural etc.) based on the primaryvocational education curricula. It helps students tomaster a concrete profession at an appropriatelevel of qualification with (or without) a secondaryeducation.

2. Vocational lyceums (technical, construction,commercial, agrolyceums, etc.) in which the inte-gral curriculum of primary and secondary voca-tional education is realized. It provides studentswith a concrete profession of a higher level ofqualification.

3. Training vocational centres, technical schools,evening institutions of vocational education, enter-prises, firms and other organizations where voca-tional training, retraining and upgrading ofworkers (specialists) is carried out.

The institution of primary vocational education, inagreement with the authorities of labour andemployment services, enterprises, offices, firmsand other organizations, can carry out crashcourses of professional training, retraining andupgrading of workers and specialists. They con-duct day-time and evening forms of study, thecombination of these forms and also individual orexternal studies.

The institutions of primary vocational educationmay offer courses for the vocational training ofpersons at their own expense or at the expense ofthe enterprises, offices, firms and other organi-zations, which have sent these persons to study.

The institution of primary vocational education isset up by the initiative of the founder. It is regis-tered according to the legislation of the RussianFederation by the appropriate state authorities andfrom the moment of its registration can provide itsown financial and economic activity, and have itsown balance, bank account, settlement account,current account, etc.

The institution of primary vocational educationhas the right to exercise educational activity andhas some privileges which are given to it at themoment of the receipt the state license. These

include control norms, maximum number ofstudents and term the license.

The institution of primary vocational educationhas the right to issue the diploma of the statemodel to the graduates, to be included in thepattern of centralized state financing, to use thestamp with the National Emblem of the RussianFederation after its state attestation.

The certification of the institution of primaryvocational education is carried out once in fiveyears.

The institution of primary vocational educationcan receive its public accreditation in Russia,foreign and international organizations, withresearch and industrial structures. It should notlead to any additional financial obligations on thepart of the state.

The institution of primary vocational educationelaborates its own Statute on the basis of the Lawof Education of the Russian Federation and this"Standard Regulation".

This "Standard Regulation" is an example thatmay serve for private institution of primary voca-tional education.

2. The Content and Organization of Instruction

Instruction at the institution of primary vocationaleducation is based on age and individual distinc-tions of the students, on the principles of democ-racy and humanism.

The content of instruction and its organization areregulated by the curricula and syllabi worked outon the basis of the state educational standards.

Teaching process includes theoretical and indus-trial instruction and practical training of students.

The instruction load in the institution of theprimary vocational education cannot be more than36 hours a week. During practical training theinstruction cannot be more than a working day fora worker of an appropriate profession. The totalterm of vacation should not be less that 10 weeks ayear.

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The duration of classes is defined by the statute ofthe educational institution and with regard to therecommendations of the health authorities.

The institution of primary vocational education isindependent in choosing levels, forms, order, andfrequency of current control over student perform-ance.

Practical training is carried out at industrial train-ing workshops, laboratories and at enterprises,factories, plants, in fields, on farms, constructionsites, etc.

The order of practical training is defined by abilateral agreement.

The students of the institution of primary voca-tional education are organized in study groupsaccording to their professions (specialities). Thenumber of students in a group at theoretical les-sons should be no less than 25.

Smaller study groups, but not less than of 8-10students are also possible at rural vocational insti-tutions (lyceums) with the permission of an appro-priate department of education.

The composition of groups is not restricted by thenumber of students, neither at the state nor at thenon-state institutions of primary vocational edu-cation when the training and retraining of workersare financed at the expense of the customer.

Practical training in all professions is carried outin groups of 12-15 students; excluding some pro-fessions implying the use of advanced technologyand hazardous operations (8-10 students).

At the theoretical and practical lessons of thespecial (physical culture, etc.) subjects, studygroups can be divided into two subgroups.

The mastering of vocational curricula can becarried out on a step-by-step basis. The number ofstages depends on the concrete conditions and thecustomer's requirements.

Each stage of the teaching process is profes-sionally completed with the obligatory certifi-

cation of students and with issuing an appropriatediploma of primary vocational education.

The admission of students to state and municipalinstitutions of primary vocational education iscarried out on a competitive basis, the order ofwhich is established by the founder and the Statuteof the institution. The conditions of the compe-tition should guarantee the right for vocationaleducation to every citizen.

Instruction process at the institution of primaryvocational education is carried out in the languagedetermined by the founder or the statutes of theinstitution.

The training of skilled workers (specialists),retraining and upgrading at the state institutions ofprimary vocational education are carried out onthe basis of professions (specialities) according tothe State List of Professions.

The institution of primary vocational educationcan realize some additional vocational curriculaand render some additional educational services.

The institutions of primary vocational educationundergoing state accreditation and fulfilling theirvocational and general educational programs,award the graduates with a diploma of the statestandard which shows the level of the educationand qualification in accordance to their profession(speciality). But, the graduates who have passedonly professional certification are issued a diplomawhich shows the level of qualification.

The institutions of primary vocational educationwithout any accreditation issue a diploma of anon-state model which shows the level of qualifi-cation (according to the license) with the stamp ofthis institution. The form of these diplomas isdefined by the educational institution itself.

3. The Students of the Institution of PrimaryVocational Education

The rights and responsibilities of the students ofthe institution of primary vocational education aredefined by statute and the agreements between theinstitution and the student and by the present"Standard Regulation".

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The students have the right to obtain vocationaleducation according to the state educationalstandard through both individual study syllabi andshort-term courses of instruction; to get additionaleducational services including paid study; to par-ticipate in student self-administration; to exercisefreedom of conscience, information and freedomof expression of their own views and convictions.

The students should in no way be forced to takepart in any political organizations, movements orparties.

At the state and municipal institutions of primaryvocational education, young people who obtain thefirst profession study free of charge. Vocationaleducation for children who have no parents iscarried out on the basis of full state maintenance.

4. The Teaching Personnel of the Institution ofPrimary Vocational Education

The relations between the teaching personnel ofthe institution of primary vocational education andthe administration of the institution are regulatedby contracts (labour agreement) concluded for aterm of no more than 5 years in accordance withthe legislation of the Russian Federation.

The teaching staff has the right to a 6-hour work-ing day, and to longer and paid leave.

The teaching staff of the institutions of primaryvocational education receives every month an

additional compensation amounting to 10% of theteacher's salary to provide them with teachingmaterials, books, and periodicals.

5. Management of the Institution of PrimaryVocational Education

The general management of the state or municipalinstitution of primary vocational education iscarried out by the Public Board. The order ofelection of this Board is defined by the statutes ofthis institution.The institution of primary vocational education isresponsible for the fulfilment of functions withinits competence, implementation of curricula andsyllabi, quality of vocational training, and the lifeand health of the pupils.

6. Financing Institutions of Primary VocationalEducation

The financing of institutions of primary vocationaleducation is conducted by the founder on the basisof state or local regulations of financing.

The training, retraining and upgrading of theunemployed is financed from a special fund of theFederal Employment Service or by enterprises,firms and other organizations, and citizens' indi-vidual funds.

The institution of primary vocational educationcan become private only by the decision of thefounder and in line with the legislation of theRussian Federation.

Document Nr. ED/IUG/003